A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Monday! ha, ha! Well, Wednesday is too soon;
O’ Thursday let it be: o’ Thursday, tell her,
She shall be married to this noble earl.
Will you be ready? do you like this haste?
We’ll keep no great ado; a friend or two;
For, hark you, Tybalt being slain so late,
It may be thought we held him carelessly,
Being our kinsman, if we revel much.
Therefore we’ll have some half a dozen friends,
And there an end. But what say you to Thursday?
We don’t do Shakespeare here GA
I’m not your Starker.
“A bitter heart that bides its time and bites.”
Not Shakespeare but inspired from The Bard.
“Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, and so are you.
but the roses are wilting, and the violets are dead;
the sugar bowl’s empty, just like your head”
“Smoking will kill you… Bacon will kill you… But, smoking bacon will cure it.”
“I’m not saying your perfume is too strong. I’m just saying the canary was alive before you got here.”
“How is it that I always seem to buy the plants without the will to live?”
“My dad died when we couldn’t remember his blood type. As he died, he kept insisting for us to “be positive,” but it’s hard without him.”
Or otherwise
“Rose’s are red
Violet’s are blue.
Violet’s got a problem”
Rose’s are red
Violet’s are blue
Jennifer’s are white with pink polka dots
My wife is so hard to get along with. It seems no matter what I say it upsets her. The other day she was looking in the mirror and said
“Oh my hair’s a mess.”
I said – “No it isn’t” but then she said
“And I’m too fat”
so I said “No you’re not”. Then she turned around again and said
“Oh, I’ve never looked WORSE!”
so I said “Yes you have dear”.
Sixteen sodium atoms walk into a bar followed by Batman.
For a survey, I asked people what soap they use in the shower.
95% of them told me to get out.
Forget Tinder. Log on to Facebook Marketplace and search wedding dresses for sale.
Get recently divorced women filtered by size in your area.
I spent yesterday arvo building a time machine.
That’s four hours of my life I’m getting back.
When I was in the Northern Territory I saw a Boomerang shop with a ‘no returns’ policy.
Have you heard the joke about gaslighting?
Yes you have.
Pretty happy that my booze bus random drug test came back negative.
But my dealer now has some explaining to do.
There’s a new craze going around involving blokes sprinkling glitter on their testicles.
It’s pretty nuts.
And from this “noble earl”
There was a young woman from Exeter
And all of the men threw their sex at her
Just to be rude
She lay in the nude
While her parrott, a pervert, took pecks at her.
Peter Sellers, The Magic Christian (with Ringo Starr).
Alas, poor global warming.
I knew him: a fellow of infinite jest
and uncontrolled fancy…
…many a time and oft global warming
hath shewn me on his homogenized temperature data;
and yet still i was cold…
I say well done Gee Aye for starting the thread with a thought out comment, deserving of a green thumb.
It is now Thursday so this is what I say. Hello Thursday !!
conversation with warmist:
warmist: “the planet is warming, alarmingly”.
skeptic: “prove it”.
warmist: “no, you prove it’s not”.
Well, .for one .i am definitely not allarmed..
..and also my feet and nose are cold !
oh, you obviously haven’t heard: warming causes cooling,
Just as your nose runs and your feet smell. All makes sense.
This just means you were built upside down.
war is peace
freedom is slavery
warming is cooling
The same applies to CO2 because it does not matter if the world is warming. The only reason for all the massive expenditure of $1.5Tn a year is to stop growth of CO2.
Firstly you can prove there is under 3% man released CO2 in the air.
Secondly despite the trillions spent and the demands to stop civilization itself, there is no effect whatsoever on CO2! There is not a single demonstrated connection between ’emissions’ and CO2. Not even massive forest fires show up.
So now we have to stop ’emissions’ which are not only tiny on a planetary scale, they are irrelevant to the massive rapid exchange of CO2 between the atmospshere and the oceans, an exchange so rapid and vast that half of all CO2 enters the ocean in under 5 years.
It’s not a question of whether windmills and solar panels are any good, but whether they reduce CO2 at all. As for being cheaper or even reliable, where?
Good old, “look at the IPCC data”, facebook 3%, probably from an article like this
Of course the claim, whether correct or not, is for spot CO2 and not for the cumulative effect of >100 years. That supposed 3% which is in active exchange with non-atmospheric CO2 or being absorbed into sinks, is being regenerated all the time.
A critique like this will not convince TdeF I fear: . Once you nail your gonads to the mast, there’s no argument that can be erected to free them.
Gee Aye? The level went up from when? Any cumulative effect must have started after about 1950 as the CO2 level was near 310 p.p.m. (it took 55 years to go from 295 to 310) so any warming should have been evident in the 60’s and 70’s but except for 1975 and 1976 in Europe there doesn’t seem to have been any. Then warming from 1980 to 2006?
Of course the trend might show up if years such as 1911 and 1921 hadn’t been ‘adjusted’.
There is no global warming. The Antarctica and Southern Ocean has been cooling since satellites have been monitoring the globe. The Equatorial regions have no trend – a result of open ocean surfaces being unable to sustain a temperature above 30C.
The NH has been warming because solar intensity is increasing following the progression of the precession cycle.!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhFzCATi2JCEkwR8t
If CO2 was a player in the temperature trends, how does it choose to be selective on what it warms, cools or leaves unscathed?
There is no global warming? Better argue that one with TdeF who claims there is warming and it leads to CO2 coming out of the ocean. Argue this with Roy Spencer. If he agrees with you let me know.
Great. But I didn’t do that. Seems a poor basis to withhold this because he is demonised somewhere by someone.
None of that is right.
The second is a different point, that the CO2 released by mankind is too small to warm the planet, which is not my point. Besides, the 50% total increase is too small to warm the planet as whatever tiny effect CO2 has, the extra 50% makes no difference at all. That is Ian Plimer’s point too, that whatever blocking effect CO2 might have in the far infrared, doubling it does nothing.
My real point is that you can absolutely measure the total amount of CO2 release from fossil fuel and there is none.
And I can do my own calculations which are simple enough. I do not need to look at articles.
You can check the Royal Society 1958 for proof that after two world wars and the odd atom bomb, man made CO2 was only 2.03% +/-0.15% not the possible 14%. And we have learned a lot more since then, notably exactly how fast CO2 is exchanged in a massive global equilibrium in which our tiny, tiny ’emissions’ are just irrelevant. That’s how equilibrium works.
Just about everything in the IPCC reports is wrong. They agree the equilibrium exists, but give a standard half life of 80 years without explanation. That’s obvious rubbish. And they scale all other ‘greenhouse’ gases based on this, which just compounds the nonsense. Plus in other places they write ‘thousands of years’ for the exchange, which boggles the mind that fossil fuel CO2 is insoluble. It’s all random statements trying to justify nonsense.
The IPCC is a political group formed on the presumption that the UN could control the world’s climates as ‘Climate Change’. This ridiculous presumption is in the title so they announced it in the year they were formed. Except not a single prediction has come true in 34 years, which should give anyone reason to doubt, but not the faithful. Climate Scientology, nothing less.
Are you referring to the fact that any Down Dwelling radiation from CO2 would be the equivalent of minus 75-80℃?
Or that about half the so-called warming results from heat supplied by the thermonuclear reaction? in the Earth’s core at approx. 6,000℃? I am told (elsewhere) that NASA conceded that point around 2014 but haven’t yet found a link.
Something for you to ponder TdeF. First, the change in isotope ratios with Francey et al 1999 and a bunch of subesquent papers confirming and updating. Read it and tell me why you dispute it.
Second is the measured decline in historic atmospheric [O2] which accords with combustion of fuels to form CO2. If the increase in CO2 was outgassing from the ocean, O2 and N2 would both reduce their partial pressures. Nitrogen doesn’t.
Finally – what do you mean burning fossil fuels releases no CO2? You need to publish now because that information will turn chemistry upside down. And if true how are human producing a constant 3%- opening soft drink bottles?
“for the cumulative effect of >100 years.”
The only measurable and provable effect of the last 50 years of beneficial CO2 rise, has been increased plant density and growth.
Why to self-styled greenies HATE plant life so, so much !
and “factcheck” is a far left political group.. their “fact” checks are very often provably just nonsense.
Gee, a journalist, and a “freedom” writer. 😉
Do either have the slightest clue about science ?
Or do they just regurgitate IPCC based factless mantra ?
You need to make an argument, not try to con.
There is no spot CO2. There is an estimate of 29Gt/year from emissions compared to about 900Gt/year from all sources. That is 3%. Or, after 10 years, that is a cumulative 290Gt/10years of 9000/10 years and still 3%.
“Spot” anything is the measurement at that moment. It says nothing about how whatever it is got there or anything else about the system.
“spot CO2 and not for the cumulative effect of >100 years”
No. The IPCC cumulative effect was proven wrong 64 years ago. The total 2.0% measured in 1958 by Fergusson destroyed the idea that CO2 had a cumulative effect. If CO2 had accumulated he expected a total of 13%. And the result was 2%. I know the paper might seem complicated but it is very clear and the summary damns this crazy idea that highly soluble CO2 stays above the water and piles up. Just read the summary.
But we instinctively know that. Fish breathe in and out too. The exchange has to be very rapid or they drown. And we know from ordinary experience how soluble CO2 is because we use it more than any other gas. Try beer. In fact it is 30x more soluble than Oxygen.
And the release and vanishing of C14 in the Soviet nuclear blasts of the 1960s gave us a global picture as the doubling of C14 showed exactly how fast CO2 reentered the water. It has all vanished and the old 1958 level has reappeared. Fergusson’s conclusions were confirmed in a de facto global experiment. If 1/3 of the CO2 was from fossil fuel, C14 would be 66% of its ancient level, not 97%. That’s simple arithmetic.
Goodness I’d like to see this time traveling scientist.
I would just like you to read the abstract.
What the IPCC was pushing was dreamt up well before 1954.
Please be aware that the current use of fossil fuel is reliable, efficient and cost effective. The generation of CO2 from fossil fuel use has not and cannot effect the Earth’s climate.
My web page at:
reveals that CO2 change occurs after temperature change so it is impossible for it to be the cause of the earlier temperature event. The explanation for this is that the atmospheric temperature determines the rate of generation of CO2 via the multitude of life forms present within and on the Earth’s surface.
Supporting evidence is described in the web page at:
whereby the periodic passage of the Moon around the Earth was detected in the time series for the annual rate of change of the weekly CO2 data due to the monthly, small temperature change as the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth. Remarkably the empirical data contains the 29.5 day synodic period and the 27.2 day draconic period of the Moon’s orbit, the latter being when the Moon passes through the Earth’s elliptic plane. Except for Gee Aye, we can all be certain that the Earth’s atmospheric concentration of CO2 does not cause the Moon to orbit the Earth with this or any other periodicity.
How does this work? The moon isn’t eclipsing every month so I assume that it does nothing. Maybe it shades some of the upper atmospheric atmosphere from getting radiation skimming it?
Or is it the difference from the times of the month when the night sky moon is reflecting energy from the sun to the earth’s surface? A full moon has measurable energy, I’ve even seen this with solar calculators operating when there is no other light. Across the whole planet this could add to a measurable blip.
Gee Aye, please let me know where I have made an error so that I can correct my analysis.
Bevan, B.Sc(Hons – Maths), Post Grad. Dip. Computing, retired geophysicist.
Saw quite a few masked zombies today, including an elderly neighbour across the street who was wearing what looked to be an N95 variant just outside his front door. This might indicate he masks up even inside his own domicile.
As an ex-British army guest on the Delingpole podcast stated last week, COVID-19 was a military grade psyop.
I’m in a rural area of Washington State, east of Seattle, with the largest town under 20,000. Half of those are university students.
I see about 1 in 500 people with a mask (usually cloth). I assume they have a personal health issue. As such, I suppose they should continue wearing a mask for the rest of their life.
I think it has been a year since I’ve seen someone alone in a car wearing a mask.
Nah, just ugly.
Zane, I think I might reside in a similar area of Victoria to yourself. Yes, I have found the same. There is still a percentage of people wearing masks. There was an uptick a few weeks ago when the State Govt were giving N95’s away for free. You know, anything free from the government MUST be good. ( sarcasm). Usually on a Tuesday morning I order my coffee and watch as people file past the coffee shop on their way into the shopping centre. I have been doing a quick count on those days. Yesterday it was down to about 10% masked and no real demographic trend. Some old people, some young people. No difference between male:female. All the germophobes have been triggered big time over the last 2 years and remain triggered. But also, I detected a difference between regional and Melbourne over the last 2 years. In terms of COVID restrictions, funnily enough, I think the regional population are way more compliant. Ordinarily, I would have thought the opposite should have applied.
Ross, at various times over the last 2.5 years I also subjectively observed the regions at various times and agree with your observation of compliance and businesses enforcing rules to a greater extent that the city. I figured it was because they had much lower case numbers and were protecting themselves from incursions from cities (my observational bias is that I would be more likely frequenting businesses that get lots of people passing through from the cities). Possibly also they also had a consciousness of having high proportions of elderly people.
Gee Aye,
Did you subjectively observe any sick people in 2020 at the height of the pandemic? I know we were front line and did not see anyone but frightened people hoarding toilet paper. We did see the ‘violets are blue’ lips, the ‘their breeding like rabbits’ pregnancy testing, shingles, sudden prostate cancer concerns and headaches after the clot shot in 2021 and later that year the younger crowd with clots and chest pain.
Maybe I was just selectively observing?
The sick people were at home and in hospitals which I did not visit, so I never saw them.
In 2020 (not the height of the pandemic where I live by the way) I knew a handful of people who personally told me that they or family members were sick, but no, I didn’t see them as I thought it imprudent. Do you suggest that I should treat these friends and acquaintances with mistrust from now on? Were they lying to me?
Still, I don’t see the relevance of your comment to what Ross and I wrote.
As was the pot banging/clapping on your doorstep ‘for the NHS’. All part of the mind games.
yep. the purpose of which appears to be getting as many people as possible to take an experimental vaxx.
“the purpose of which appears to be”, (apart from delivering whatever is in the DNA modification jab), testing willingness to obey with unquestioning compliance.
Does anybody know what the soaring price of energy means for our desalination plants? I seem to recall that they are very power-intensive, allowing of course for the greenies’ penchant for fudging inconvenient figures. If that’s the case, should they simply be added to the growing list headed ‘Nothing Green Ever Works’?
All our dams are full, so unlikely to seriously operate for at least a decade.
The South Australian one hasn’t seriously operated for a decade.
They do work it a few hours a year (as required by the installer in the contract) using the diesel generators installed. These are occasional run the SA is desperate for electricity.
I suspect they may be working more as I hear on the grapevine that there is a hydrolysis unit nar Adelaide making hydrogen gas (which requires low salt (chloride) water (9 part water one part hydrogen). The hydrogen is/will be mixed at 5% into natural gas and burnt. Again the claim says that 5% won’t have adverse effects for the gas turbines so they will then use 10%.
Thanx G3, they are confident its going to work.
Thank you.
If I were making hydrogen I would be confident about the future with Labor in SA and Federal Governments. Confident that is of continuing money, money etc. Although I note that the then Premier and Minister are now out of a job.
Does anyone know how efficient a Siemens Proton Exchange Membrane electrolyser is?
And does anyone know how it works “using renewable energy” on a dark still night?
Siemens claim 80%…process efficiency..
But its not clear if that includes the energy needed for support services,.. eg heating the electrolyser, producing the RO quality water required, etc
? 20 kg per hour …. a long way to go to be a commercial power source !
The two in WA are trundling along very nicely, and the state is looking at setting up a third plant. But they are being run by cheap energy at the moment. And we don’t have sufficient rivers to dam to obtain more water.
“No more sickness” – Time
From a scientific study by the Altamedica research institute, which will be presented at the congress of the Italian Society of Human Genetics, it emerges that those who have already contracted the virus no longer need a vaccine. “Obviously it can happen that he gets infected again – underlines Professor Claudio Giorlandino, scientific director of the Altamedica Research Institute – but he can never get sick with Covid. This is the same as with any seasonal flu. No subject who has passed the infection has ever ended up in an intensive care unit due to Covid ». The study was performed by researchers from the Altamedica institute with a unique method, flow cytometry on memory B lymphocytes. From this research it emerges that the immunological memory for SARS-CoV-2 persists for a long time, indefinitely.
We also know that the virus is no longer as aggressive as before the Omicron variant and all the variants that followed one another retain the ‘resistance’ to splitting of the cell binding protein, the Spike. In fact, it is known that SARS must undergo a division from the aforementioned spike to infect the lungs. Division that occurs by enzymatic mechanisms (called TMPRESS2) present on lung cells, these variants are not splittable. Since then, in fact, almost all of the deaths reported by the media do not occur due to Covid, but for different causes in subjects who are only positive for the swab. On the basis of this, the execution of a fourth dose of vaccine is totally useless
CATASTROPHIC Israeli cover-up of COVID vaccine harms: Yaffa Shir-Raz, health researcher in Israel, blows the whistle and releases twitter (10 posts) of what she uncovered & what Israel is hiding
The short of the following tweets (I will embed as it will be taken down) is that the COVID gene injections were always fraudulent, dangerous, harmful & ineffective; jail them all, Fauci, Bourla etc.
Totality of Evidence provides the research links to significant events and information leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.
Another vid on the topic I have just finished,
Vaccine Mania.
I guess was the natural after effect of the mass panic.
It’s gonna be a long while before the global public mind comes down from the panic mania high, and we can assess what really happened.
Seems like the psycho pump was primed by Climate Mania.
(The two together have transformed the political, academic, celebrity, corporate, and mandarin classes into some kind of Medieval/Star Wars/V agents of The Empire oppressors of the people stereotype. Check out a photo from Joe Biden’s Gates of Hell speech. Ya’ can’t make this stuff up.)
The self-destructions of virus mania are unfolding around us.
Climate Mania resulted in the self destruction of the energy system.
Virus Mania may be knocking down what’s left.
The true Anthropogenic threat.
The real ‘Pandemic’ is ‘Affluenza’.
Likely only vaccine is loss of affluence.
Looks like the healing has begun.
Thought for the day”
“Knowledge is knowing what to say; wisdom is knowing whether or not to say it, and tact is the ability to make a point without making an enemy.”
Knowledge and wisdom will be restricting my posts for now 🤔
My wife tells me I’m as subtle as a tank rolling down hill (its an Aries thing). I think I need to work on my tact.
I thought knowledge was knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit punch.
And a banana is a herb not a fruit…
A string like that I’ve met ends with
IIRC – Experience = not doing it
Europeans spend up big on heating appliances before winter arrives.
‘The European market has been a major growth engine for China’s home appliance exports. There is surging demand for imported electric heaters, especially in Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain and Germany, while demand for electric blanket imports more than doubled in Greece, Italy, Poland, Germany and the Netherlands.’ (China Daily)
All Chinese, what’s the chance quite a few homes will be burnt down this northern winter.
But will there be enough electricity to get warmth?
Given the increased protests in Europe it will be hard for the EU to survive.
The protests in Europe are of no consequence for now, political agitators are out rabble rousing, but if winter turns nasty the authorities will need a plan B.
How can China ever make all the solar panels and wind turbines needed for Nut Zero when the same nutters are buying electric heaters.
Please be mindful of China’s ability to manufacture crap the west wants while still feeding their billions. tones of coal only does so much. They would need to achieve the productivity of Australian miners to mine more coa in order to manufacture more crap.
Bit annoying really, only just disposed of my miners’ strike era stash of paraffin because the container was breaking down.
The Spanish flu has been resurrected by the same a holes that gave you covid
The scientists appear frustrated by the fact that their reverse-engineered Spanish flu virus – even at the highest doses tested – was not lethal enough to kill the macaque species selected for the experiment. They argue we need to make a more dangerous version of the Spanish flu to be able to make better vaccines for it. This is despite the fact that, until they resurrected it, it no longer existed in nature.
I was told a while back that Spanish Flu was rebranded as influenza type 2. Not the case?
If they can resurrect a virus from 100 years ago they can build a covid 19…..sorry strayed off narrative fir a second
GP- the names are a bit messy but no, type 2 is a different virus.
The UK has been dry of late, but in reality its generally been wetter.
For me only July was dry, July to September as a block is already above normal. The ‘drought’ is a distant memory and the ‘dead’ earth that was lawn is verdant and needing mowing once a week!
I commented on the NTZ article as the data needs to be taken with caution – rain gauge issues historically.
Selleys can’t tell me about toxicity of their product “knead it”.
I tried to do a repair on some plastic but it failed. I then tried to plastic weld it with a soldering iron. The fumes from the knead it were acrid so I immediately ceased.
Today my lungs still don’t feel right. The product data lists no toxicology but there is a chat line so I asked if fumes were toxic and got a one word answer “yes”. When pressed they gave me a 1800 number for emergency services.
Wouldn’t the emergency services rely on data from the manufacturer?
Knead it – not an overly good product.
Soldering iron plastic welding – typically low strength poor results, and it stinks.
Best bet and my “go to” is JB weld.
Hanrahan, Google Sellys safety data sheet on the Knead it Multipurpose product. The ingredients are listed.
Also listed “On burning may emit toxic fumes” which apparently include Hydrogen Sulphide which would explain the acrid smell. “Rotten Egg Odor”.
Those effects are well understood and at least you havent had long term low level exposure. We can smell it at extremely low levels, so you may not have been exposed to a lot. And it will be excreted.
The problem with Hydrogen Sulphide starts when the concentration is so high that you can no longer smell it – then you are in real trouble. Used to work in an environment that had it – would end up with a wonderful effect called pink-eye. Not recommended – one to avoid.
One whiff was enough. Thanks Jo.
Drivers warned EV charging will be 98% more difficult in 2031 than it is today
Within the next 10 years, the ratio of electric vehicles will get worse rather than better, according to a new report released by GoCompare. The study also revealed the best and the worst places to own an EV in the next 10 years.
Experts believe that the number of electric cars will almost double in the near future, but the charging network will not be able to follow suit.
Last year, there were 266 electric vehicles (EVs) to each public charger in the UK, but the insurance comparison site says this will rise to 527 cars per charger by 2031.
This means that charger availability will be almost half of what it was in 2021.
The search for a charger could be particularly difficult in some parts of south England.
Luton, for example, will have only one charger available for every 10,956 cars – the worst projected ratio of EVs per rapid charger in the UK.
Meanwhile in China there’s a popular mountain with dozens of ev chargers in a car park and none of them work…
Australia firing up East Asia gas security fears
China, Japan and South Korea nervously await an Australian government decision that could cap LNG exports
Despite being one of the world’s largest coal and LNG exporters, Australia still faces an energy sector crisis. The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO), responsible for operating the gas and electricity market, made history when it suspended the national electricity market on June 15, 2022.
Australia’s east coast gas market is also in crisis. The Gas Supply Guarantee — the gas industry’s mechanism to ensure that gas supply can meet peak demand in the National Electricity Market — has been activated twice since June this year.
The first activation in June capped the gas prices in the state of Victoria at AU$40 per gigajoule (US$27) to protect gas consumers from rising prices. AEMO then ordered Queensland state suppliers to provide gas to the state of New South Wales instead of overseas on July 19, 2022.
The gas price problem arose after Australia’s east coast started exporting LNG in 2015. This connected domestic markets with international gas markets. By making domestic consumers compete with consumers abroad, the Australian market became subject to international gas prices.
Connection to international markets has contributed to skyrocketing gas prices since 2020. The monthly Japan Korea Marker, a spot price benchmark for gas in East Asia, increased 14-fold in two years.
To protect gas supply security on the east coast, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) recommended that the federal government activate the Australian Domestic Gas Security Mechanism (ADGSM).
Since the ACCC forecasts that the Australian east coast could face a shortfall of 56 petajoules in 2023, the federal government may need to activate the ADGSM and consider export controls.
But given the arduous process of activating the ADGSM and the perceived “sovereign risk” associated with cutting exports, the federal government and LNG exporters have a mutual interest in avoiding its activation.
In an agreement with the Australian government in 2021, east coast LNG exporters committed to offering surplus gas to the domestic market before selling it to the LNG market in Asia.
As a net gas exporter, Australia’s crisis is more a price issue than a lack of supply. At the heart of Australia’s energy crisis is affordability.
But neither the ADGSM nor the gas exporters’ agreement can be expected to reduce the exceptionally high prices being inflicted on Australian consumers.
The government will need to find new tools to solve the affordability problem. One could be the installation of a gas reservation policy on the east coast similar to that in Western Australia. This would reserve 15% of LNG production from each LNG export project for domestic consumption.
But gas reservation policies could have a net negative economic impact on Australia and potentially discourage future investment.
Canberra could also introduce a LNG levy specifically on east coast exports. This would provide a favorable price differential so producers will be incentivized to supply domestic users first.
The government could also redistribute some of the profits from gas producers to customers to protect vulnerable consumers without distorting the gas market.
For those Aussies using gas for heating and smarting at their latest gas bill with the AUD40/GJ cap, have a bit of consideration for those in Europe. The gas spot price there rose to the equivalent of AUD129/GJ in August. Three times HIGHER than the Aussie CAP.
I drove up into the local forest today and loaded about 6GJ of logs in the back of the car. That is 3 to 4 weeks of heating next winter.
Exceeded 15C in Melbourne today. Things are looking up but short lived I am informed.
Anyone in Victoria got a recent bill with the latest retail gas price?
Hope you were using a battery chain saw, charged from your portable solar panel – you do realise that CO2 is harmful to the environment (/s).
last gas bill,(September) whatever this means:
Peak – step 1 $ 0.030800
Peak – step 2 $ 0.026400
That will be in $/MJ. Corresponds to $30.8/GJ and $26.4/GJ. Indicates that the higher wholesale price of gas is not having much impact on retail price yet.
Most times I look at the AEMO data dashboard NSW needs to import between 1 and 2 Gw to keep the lights on. When Liddell shuts that deficit will increase to between 3 and 4 Gw.
How will the lights be kept on? What am I missing.
My lights will be kept on with my generator, fuelled by petrol.
What am I missing?
I understand Liddle will mean the loss of 1 or 1.5 Get (tony from O will.know) anyway I have posed that very question to multiple people and they don’t know either, nor do they seem concerned so perhaps I am asking the wrong people?
But yes what am I missing indeed
Your daily dose of hopium. Here you go:
One Liddell unit out of action this winter was tough to cause the dreaded cap. Wait till next winter when there are no coal units at Liddell but maybe a gas plant, battery, and concentrating solar all in the pipeline.
There really does need to be a serious blackout to question the insanity.
From the time Johny Howard set Australian on the path dabbling with wind and solar about 23 years ago, Australia has managed to make an enormous hole in our bank accounts while contributing roughly 6% of the total energy demand. So half way in time to the Nut Zero target in 2050 but only 6% of the target met. China simply cannot make all the stuff required fast enough.
Yes, a ‘big battery’ to replace a 2000Mw dispatchable generator, I wonder if they know how they are going to charge it.
Let them experience the results of their decisions.
Would they then see sense?
Probably not. They would see the answer as more windmills and solar panels.
Any batteries would run flat during a wind drought at night and the need recharging, so need even more windmills and solar panels.
How would you balance the grid with a flat battery?
Queenstown, New Zealand hosts Five Eyes network gathering amid high secrecy and security
American spies are gathering in Queenstown for a clandestine meeting of the global Five Eyes intelligence network, the Herald understands.
Representatives of Five Eyes – made up of intelligences agencies from New Zealand, Australia, the United States, Canada and Britain – have been quietly jetting into the alpine resort town over the last few days.
It’s understood that Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) operatives have been on the ground for several days.
Plain-clothed Diplomatic Protection Service (DPS) officers and undercover armed police were seen in various unmarked vehicles at the luxurious five-star Millbrook Resort near Arrowtown, outside Queenstown, today.
Post Covid Stage 2 agenda about to kick off…
Forgot NZ
There is in actuality 10 eyes so 5 eyes suggest they all have one eye closed which kind if makes sense as to why the collective intelligence on display lacks any perception of depth
I’m sure Putin knows already…
Monkeypox cases are dropping.
But the Administration keeps expanding the targeted population for the vaccines and trying every which way to jab us
Hands up who can see the next crisis…
We need to get through this crisis before we can cast out gaze upon the next, which in my opinion will he WW3 or some variant of.
Can we get through this crisis first?
My interview for Clintel:
Time to stand up for observable physics over naive extrapolations.
good reads:
– Brownstone Institute July 2022 ‘The Courage to Dissent…From the Left’ :
As the Covid 19 pandemic moves into endemic mode throughout the world, we need serious introspection upon and analysis of the public health response.
Anger over school closures in particular spurned many traditionally Democratic moms to disavow the Democrats and express their political nomad status, often using the #HowTheLeftLostMe hashtag.
on ‘Common Sense’ Bari Weiss:
– Marty Makary M.D., M.P.H. and Tracy Beth Høeg, MD, PhD
‘U.S. Public Health Agencies Aren’t ‘Following the Science,’ Officials Say’, July 2022:
….That doctor is hardly alone.
At the NIH, doctors and scientists complain to us about low morale and lower staffing: The NIH’s Vaccine Research Center has had many of its senior scientists leave over the last year, including the director, deputy director and chief medical officer. “They have no leadership right now. Suddenly there’s an enormous number of jobs opening up at the highest level positions,” one NIH scientist told us. (The people who spoke to us would only agree to be quoted anonymously, citing fear of professional repercussions.)
The CDC has experienced a similar exodus. “There’s been a large amount of turnover. Morale is low,” one high level official at the CDC told us. “Things have become so political, so what are we there for?” Another CDC scientist told us: “I used to be proud to tell people I work at the CDC. Now I’m embarrassed.”
Why are they embarrassed? In short, bad science.
The longer answer: that the heads of their agencies are using weak or flawed data to make critically important public health decisions. That such decisions are being driven by what’s politically palatable to people in Washington or to the Biden administration. And that they have a myopic focus on one virus instead of overall health.
Nowhere has this problem been clearer—or the stakes higher—than on official public health policy regarding children and Covid…..
– Jennifer Sey: ‘Yesterday I Was Levi’s Brand President. I Quit So I Could Be Free.’
– Marty Makary M.D., M.P.H. : ‘Dr. Fauci’s Legacy’
Dr. Marty Makary on the public health risk of putting America’s fate in the hands of one doctor.
On Children:… On Natural Immunity:… On Dissent:… On Science:… On Leadership:…
– Joseph Manson: ‘Why I’m Giving Up Tenure at UCLA’ :
The ideological takeover of my university has ruined academic life for anyone who still believes in
freedom of thought.
– Stacy Lance:’I’m a Public School Teacher. The Kids Aren’t Alright.’
I am proud to be a teacher. I’ve worked in the Canadian public school system for the past 15 years,
mostly at the high school level, teaching morals and ethics.
I don’t claim to be a doctor or an expert in virology. There is a lot I don’t know. But I spend my days
with our youth and they tell me a lot about their lives. And I want to tell you what I’m hearing and what
I’m seeing.
– CJ: Kay S. Hymowitz ‘How Really to Be an Antiracist’ Spring 2022
Teach black kids to read.
That was amusing. Temperature gauge homogenisation is necessary. Back radiation is real. Drive a modern EV, you will never want to use an ICE ever again.
Not sure I could afford the electricity bill
And if the modern EV catches fire while you are in it, you will never want to use an EV ever again.
Way back when there was a series of comment about this which went (IIRC)
“Does it have an ejection seat option?”
“No, but it gives a large DING when the occupants are done”
“Temperature gauge homogenisation is necessary. Back radiation is real”
But not blatant data manipulation to make rural data match heavily urban-affected data.
(should be the other way around, but then the warming would disappear, wouldn’t it… can’t have that.)
Did you know that some 90%+ of USA temperature stations are UNFIT for climate purposes, because they are so heavily contaminated.
Did you know that about half of Australian temperature sites are also unfit for climate purposes.
Did you know that before the 1970, nearly 70% of the Earth’s surface, ie , the oceans was just guesswork.
Sorry, but the only data worth even looking at is the UAH satellite data since 1979., and it shows distinct rises at El Ninos, and absolutely no warming between those El Lino events.
There is absolutely ZERO signature of warming by atmospheric CO2 in the only reliable atmospheric data available.
Come on, tell us how “back radiation” from CO2 is measured.. Remember what frequency it is at.;-)
Went they did use the correct equipment to pick up CO2 radiation, it was shown to be basically impossible for it to have any warming effect whatsoever.
Totally swamped by radiation from H2O.
Science.. try some for once.
Don’t forget to park your EV in your garage at night, preferably attached to the charger.
And do go for long drives outside your leftist urban ghetto, with a load, on a cold night… !
‘Temperature gauge homogenisation is necessary.’
No its not.
Obviously they confused homogenising the data with homogenising the data-gatherer.
No doubt back radiation is real, but at far lower levels than forward radiation. Radiation goes furthest where there is nothing in front of it.
Why would I want a quiet car that doesn’t drive far, weighs twice or thrice my current car, and can’t accelerate at overtaking speeds on the open road?
Really Simon, you say some [Snip]AD
The homogenisation routines, as used by the climate worriers, are designed to make all temperature series into warming series, ..
… especially those that originally showed cooling or were trendless.. Those could not be allowed to stand !
All that averaging, infilling, trend adjustment, pivot points etc etc can only have the effect of totally removing any real information from the data.
The more they manipulate.. the more and more inaccurate andmeaningless the end product becomes.
“Temperature gauge homogenisation is necessary. Back radiation is real”
Mmmmm ok then can you tell us exactly how they do it please.
Kamala Harris On NBC: We’re Only A Legitimate Democracy If Democrats Are In Power
There is no logical end to Kamala and every other Democrat leader’s thought process other than: Only we can run things legitimately.
Democrats and their fangirls in the national media pretend they have this thoughtful, nuanced view about where the country is right now, but it really boils down to: None of America’s institutions or political processes are lawful nor legitimate unless we’re the ones controlling them.
Elections, Supreme Court decisions, legislation signed into law, “norms,” etc. All of it holds meaning so dear to their hearts.*
Except when Republicans are in power, in which case it’s all fraudulent.
That dynamic was reinforced in virtually everything Vice President Kamala Harris said during an interview that aired Sunday with NBC’s Chuck Todd. She said the Senate filibuster rule should be discarded for Democrat priorities, but believed it should be maintained for everything else. Roll the tape…
The American 13% at Work – Pure Animals is the only description
Blake Masters
US Senate candidate, AZ
I wonder if Biden’s DOJ will look into bringing hate crime charges
This is Beaumont, TX. Apparently, the assailant has a juvi record and had recently been released. Abominable. The people filming almost as bad.
The following media includes potentially sensitive content. Change settings – Click View to Watch
try –
Wisdom – Way to solve Problems without Violence
– not Sun Tsu
Very funny.
In the movie Casablanca, Rick shows his generosity by twice suggesting to a couple who desperately need money to escape that they bet on 22 on the roulette wheel and they win twice getting the money they need.
Rick seems to be running a rigged roulette wheel but this doesn’t often get discussed in discourse about the movie.
Why not?
They gambled responsibly as their need was legitimate in some eyes and therefore cancelled out the rigged game – maybe just like a recent history?
Are you for real? It’s Casablanca FFS.
I’m shocked!
You might be pleased to know
“The Conversation: Climate “scepticism is rapidly becoming a topic for historians” ”
Uh-huh.. More like a topic for desperate psychologists and geographers who can’t get papers accepted on real science..
“the authors of this drivel appear to be repeating the same tired anti-capitalist prejudice we see time after time from Australian academia, combined with an intolerance for deviation from the author’s favoured narratives, all thinly dressed up with a few jargon terms.”
Well if you have a policy of deleting any contrary comments and deleting accounts of people that disagree, refuse to debate, refuse to acknowledge, it would seem that there is no skepticism left wouldn’t it! The ironically named conversation is in real denial.
Despite low covid vaccination rates in Africa, covid is essentially over.
Note that a crown was coinage except when –
Hopefully the sort of advice Charles will get as king will be along these lines
“The Queen also toyed with the idea of making the whole of St James’s Park private, and asked her prime minister, Robert Walpole, how much that would cost.
“Only a crown, madam” he replied with a thin smile”
From Bill Bryson “At Home”
Reported on WUWT – The Guardian Downgrades the 1.5C Global Warming Panic
A quote from the Guardian article:
Albo – please take note – the authoritative Guardian has finally worked it out.
You can’t break the laws of physics, but the EU are trying.
In similar vein –
“A pessimist is an optimist with inside information”
And, finally – ‘One sees opportunity in risk, the other sees risk in opportunity’
Gary S
Letter from Klaus Schwab to Malcolm Turnbull.
Why are the WEF getting involved in cyber security?
No doubt the real reason is to position themselves to control the Internet.
Lunar wobble causes mass mangrove die back in Gulf country.
A handy list here.
“Media Can’t Agree on the Number of Climate Tipping Points, Much less When”
MAHA – Make America Hate Again
Brought to you by the Great Divider Hiden Biden
Who’s Extreme?
Like me, you probably have been flabbergasted by Joe Biden’s attempt to paint Republicans as violent extremists. Biden’s attacks reflect an alternate reality that seems to come from some other universe.
This 55 sec video (via InstaPundit) does an excellent job of exposing the insanity of Biden’s worldview:
Supported by Dr? Jill
Jill Biden Thinks It’s Un-American To Oppose Porn in School Libraries
More on that Vitamin I study in Brasil.
“Let me print the conclusion for you:
Non-use of ivermectin was associated with a 12.5-fold increase in mortality rate and a seven-fold increased risk of dying from COVID-19 compared to the regular use of ivermectin. This dose-response efficacy reinforces the prophylactic effects of ivermectin against COVID-19.”
“Indeed. Dose-response is one of the gold-standard markers. Failing to find it is a good indication whatever you think is going on, presuming you don’t hit toxicity limits, is wrong. Finding it is not proof you’re right but its a pretty good indication.
This study was run out of Brazil and, importantly, was prospective; that is, they didn’t try to reverse-evaluate something later on and draw inferences; instead this was an intentionally-designed study, got IRB approval and was monitored both for adverse events and outcomes.
The study itself was completed in December of 2020. Yet here we are, a year and a half later, and only now does it hit the press.
Well, sort of hit the press.
Notice how it hasn’t shown up anywhere in the so-called “mainstream” reporting?
I’ll bet it won’t.
Especially when one considers that the results are wildly better than the jabs, with a much safer side effect profile, particularly given that the dose used did not exceed that for other common but not life-threatening conditions, specifically scabies..”
‘He Was Standing Up For America’: Think Tank Leader Says The Right Still Needs Trump
. Former President Donald Trump’s disposition is at least as important as his actual policies, according to Tom Klingenstein, Claremont Institute chairman.
. Trump’s hostility to the media and to political correctness, along with his unabashed pro-America attitude, have been key to the transformation of the conservative movement and are exactly what the present moment requires, he told the Daily Caller News Foundation.
. “Trump had a particular constellation of assets that fit the moment when we’re in a war. And that’s what prudence is … it’s not about assessing him in a vacuum, it’s about assessing him in the context of the current circumstances,” Klingenstein said.
“What you hear frequently is ‘Gee, I like Trump’s policies but I don’t like the rest of him,’ and my thought is that it’s the rest of him that really inspired the movement,” Klingenstein told the DCNF. “Yes, I agree with many or most of his policies, but what I think was so unusual was his courage. Can you imagine what it would take to stand up to the kind of abuse he was subject to?”
Klingenstein credited Trump with exposing — not creating — the divide in our country, as well as what he characterized as corruption in the media and in intelligence agencies. This perspective has been echoed by others affiliated with the National Conservatism movement: that Trump helped expose challenges facing America and that clear-eyed conservatives need to shift their focus to meet the present moment.
“He showed us that we’re in a war. And he smoked out rats: the media, we now know, is corrupt. We knew it was biased, but now we know it’s absolutely corrupt. We now know that the intelligence agencies — which we thought were biased — we now know that they’re corrupt,” he said.
“This is a period of self-loathing: we teach our children to hate America. So having someone like Trump who’s unreservedly, unabashedly pro-American, is very very important,” he said. “Political correctness is a prohibition on defending America. If you say things like ‘American exceptionalism,’ thats taboo, so when he was standing up against political correctness he was standing up for America.”
“Trump has an absence of white guilt. He never apologizes,” he said. “White guilt is killing us because it’s driving affirmative action and outcome equality, where all groups have to be equal based on their proportion of the population. He’s the antidote to that. Most Republicans have white guilt … that makes it difficult even for those on the right to really defend America, and we on the right are still very, very fearful of being called a racist. Trump is not. “
The world is two degrees warmer since the Dalton Minimum.
The great thing about the internet is that things become permanently engraved. Therefore I claim the following:
Personal pronoun for either monarchy: “Prin”
King or Queen shall be “Kinque”
Personally I think it has a certain ring to it….
Sorry should have been up-and-coming monarchy “prin”
Nominal leader or head with no power – Constitutional Monarchy.