A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Another look at goofiness in the Infaltion Act:
The $4+ billion in home EE rebates is based on measuring the change in energy usage, which is impossible making every project a gamble.
I see no falt in that.
My hope is people will not opt to spend thousands not knowing what the rebate will be, if anything. But that still leaves the easy cheaters, and the free riders who were going to do it anyway, making it pure waste. Time will tell.
If anyone has not seen POTUS’s recent speech declaring MAGA voters a “clear and present danger”, a term that has legal significance, might should look.
Imagine you were designing a movie set representing the Gates of Hell ….
Complete with blood red lighting.
And out hobbles the star of the show.
These things are carefully staged.
See for yourself.
The memes are going nuts over it. There are some real crackers.
I have to ask…..Who advantages from displays like this. It’s certainly not the left. I mean that was Godwin’s law dystopian. You couldn’t plan a worse display for mass formation victims than this.
Found out recently, I posted a link in a previous comment, that Larry Ellison ran fund-raisers for trump. So what……. but when you really consider who Ellison is, and what he may have access to… and that Oracle was originally a cia op…. what on earth could be really going on!
Older tech nerds will have some clue on the potential that comes from the data access Oracle could have. Oracle is behind everything in terms of large databse since forever. Sure it may not be legal. But the intelligence potential would be that there are no secrets whatsoever…. other than HUMINT.
Something is happening…. something big. I love Sci fi, maybe I’m just wishful thinking. But I’m really beginning to believe we are living in a most astonishing period. I’m going to try and stop thinking what may happen, or what something means, because I’m more and more convinced each day my imagination isn’t big enough for what is coming to pass.
roger that.
“roger that.”
Hey HRK I take it your quote is as used in radio speak, not a an English expletive, although both uses are quite appropriate.
Agreed Eddie, and that “something” is not good, it is frightening. While the fact that it is happening is an issue, the bigger issue is just how quickly it is happening.
Eddie >”But I’m really beginning to believe we are living in a most astonishing period”
Agreed. But when I read “Even CNN” in regard to the use of marines in the Hitleresque Gates of Hell speech from Right Left and Centre then it gives me pause. Examples:
That speech style and imagery will be etched in a lot of memories (see next), especially given a background of Biden weaponizing the IRS and so on.
>”That speech style and imagery will be etched in a lot of memories”
Stephen Miller: “Biden Tonight Gave the Speech of a Dictator, In the Style of a Dictator, In the Visual of a Dictator, Using the Words of a Dictator” (VIDEO)
# # #
“Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty.”
This quote has bopped around for quite some time. It is at times attributed to Communists Vladimir Lenin and Karl Marx, National Socialist Joseph Goebbels and sometimes even modern Leftist godfather Saul Alinsky.
Glenn Greenwald foresaw it all in 2020:
Is this the talk? Known as the ‘Red Sermon’.
It can be accessed from the link above.
That’s the one.
In my world I’ve noticed that Democrats are mostly unaware of it, while Republicans can’t stop talking about it.
The article you link identifies the intention and targeted audience correctly.
I’m really looking forward to the memes this week. Sadly though, we all know people who will fall for this.
>”I’m really looking forward to the memes this week”
And satire. Babylon Bee has a ton of material e.g.
After Using FBI To Suppress Son’s Crimes And Raid Political Rival’s Home, Biden Warns Democracy In Danger
# # #
FBI re Hunter – “He’s Joe’s son, he’s OK”
FBI re Connor – “Let’s ransack his bedroom”
apparently #pedohitler is trending on Twitter
The Red Sermon
Posted on September 2, 2022 by Baron Bodissey
It should be noted that the content of the president’s speech is not intended to be meaningful. No one should listen to it or read it for what it says. It is intended to provoke and incite the “Deplorables”, in hopes that some of them might initiate rash armed action against the federal behemoth, thereby justifying a state of emergency, martial law, and a vigorous crackdown before the midterm elections.
tonyb, and many others….
Much as I’d like to believe the hype, i still see no food shortages, and hardly any inflation at all. Example: in mid-May when I first read that famine was coming I rushed out and bought, among other things, 5 Kgs of Woolies’ pasta (10 x 500g packs) and 4 packs of rolled oat (each $1.40 for 750g).
Here we are 4 months later and Woolies’ shelves are still full…and both pasta and oats are the same price as back then. Veggies like Cauliflowers and lettuces; potatoes and sweet potatoes were then sky-high in price (due to flooding in Oz: not due to the WEF) but are now all dirt cheap again.
Unleaded petrol DID get up to about $2.10 (after the 22 cent tax reduction even) but is NOW $1.55 where I live (1200ks from Brisbane; the boonies). Coffee spiked but is now falling rapidly in price etc etc etc. My car insurance premium is lower than last year….
Seriously, when IS the end of the world gonna happen?
BTW: This is a serious question. Answers please. Cheers.
Understand your point.
Have also bought SHTF food, and been on the lookout for shortages that have not materialized.
Of course the world will not end, but the Free World looks seriously wounded.
(Oops forgot, we’re all gonna die from Climate Change. 🙂 )
WEF is undoubtedly a totalitarian movement that has captured the power elite.
Free speech is being abandoned.
Science as an institution has become untrustworthy and the prostitute of anti-human politics.
It could be the lobster phenomenon, everything seems ok ’til a few minutes before dinner.
The war on fertilizer is a bit concerning.
My intellect agrees with you but my gut keeps interrupting .
My President’s Red Gates of Hell performance has me asking myself should I pity and laugh at the pathetic
political posturing or conclude that crazy is dangerous and prep for the worst.
If they are just gaslighting us, to create constant apprehension, brings us to the same place.
Hey Honk…that clenched fist stuff from “Joe Biden” is straight out of Adolf’s 1930s newsreels.
In conjunction with the “V for Vendetta” colour scheme you’d have to wonder who choreographed the whole show. Hunter on crack maybe?
As to Dribbling Joe’s recent Speech –
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
Dribbling Joe doesn’t like the Truth – High and increasing Inflation, Open Southern Border, Economic Decline, High Energy Prices, High Gas Price at the Pump, High Budget Deficit, High (Record) Guv’ment Debt, etc, etc, etc……………………..Oh, and Record Low Popularity as President to boot.
Nice work dribbling Joe.
Not Joe’s writing JR. Look for the speech writers.
Obama’s was Jon Favreau, author of Obama’s inauguation speech:
Biden’s speech writer is Jon Meacham apparently:
Report: Jon Meacham an Architect Behind Biden’s Speech Targeting MAGA Movement
Author of the book The Soul of America: The Battle for Our Better Angels
But it was Abraham Lincoln, in his inauguration address, who appealed to the “better angels of our nature.” The book also does a subtle rewrite of the KKK being an arm of the Democrat Party. Anyone taking umbrage at this might look at the photographs of the KKK at the 1924 Democrat Party convention (e.g. “Klanbake”)
Oilfield Rando @Oilfield_Rando
OldManBeaston @oldmanbeaston
Replying to @Oilfield_Rando
Conservatives React to Biden Calling Them a ‘Threat’ to the Nation: ‘I Go to Work… Pay My Taxes and Don’t Break the Law’
Hurricanes in the North Atlantic Ocean often get their start with winds blowing off the west coast of Africa. It then takes a week or so for the “Easterly Wave” to move westward, form a storm, and impact the lands along the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico.
The USA’s National Hurricane Center [ ]
shows two storms – Danielle & Earl – neither of which will, it seems, become major storms that do much damage, nor get much press coverage.
The update I see is for Sat, 3 Sep 2022 14:41:00 UTC.
Nothing is showing along the African coast nor does the ‘nullschool’ image suggest anything is about to show up. The peak of the season is about a week from now so it appears that will pass without news of a major hurricane.
The caveat is that sometimes a storm can start closer to the Leeward Islands, the Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico and blow up fast. This is the region Earl is expected to impact over the next two days, but it will curve north and maybe rain on Bermuda.
A most astonishing period? What a laugh. EVERY period in human history is ASTONISHING. Ever heard of PARADIGM SHIFTS??
Only in the 80s when it became the phrase du jour at conferences to explain rapid technology changes. Dont hear it used much these days.
It is the small businesses in the UK I feel sorry for as they do not have a price cap. Our local artisan baker intends to open 4 days a week and bake fresh bread on two of them. Artisan bread doesn’t keep and I certainly wouldn’t want to buy any a day or more after baking. Fish and chip shops will also suffer with their need to heat huge vats of oil. Wonder if there is a commercial equivalent to a domestic ‘air fryer.’
And the lack of affordable heat may have unintended consequences in the food industry.
E.g. not cleaning utensils or factory production lines at high enough temperatures leading to harmful pathogens not being killed.
Maybe not “unintended” after all. The leaders of the Left do have a depopulation agenda.
Unfortunately this segment from the satirical book ‘Woke’ says it all about the disturbing trend to cut out views that the woke don’t agree with
“Thankfully Silicon Valley tech giants have a commendable record of banning users who have problematic opinions or engage in ‘satire’.
And it’s not as though there has been a lack of transparency. You tube, Twitter and Facebook have made it explicitly clear which opinions you are allowed to have. if you don’t want to be censored, don’t say the wrong things. it really is that simple.”
It’s no surprise that Germany has refused to pay Poland reparations. In the London Conference in the 1950’s Germany was let off most of its debt and benefited from having new factories built for them by the Americans. In return here in the UK we owed America money as they didn’t supply their ally for free.
It is calculated that the first and second World wars cost the UK £12 trillion for each war. Only Norway paid any thing in return.
Australia “paid” a world war two debt back to Britain.
I was talking about Europe where the vast majority of the money was concentrated
And no doubt some of those on the continent, who were helped by Britain, are now repaying the courtesy by initiating overbearing actions via their EEU.
I was thinking more of bodies when KK made the comment. Rows of memorial trees in country towns and lists of names on Cenotaphs.
It is no surprise that credit card debts are mounting up as people resort to credit rather than pay off the shopping in cash. In America it has climbed 13%
I always pay off my rare credit card purchases before it is due. One of our large stores-by no means unusual-charges 35% for the doubtful privilege of buying from them. My bank charges 26% for purchases made on its credit card. Surely this is a good opportunity to cut peoples outgoings by government taking action to substantially reduce these outrageous rates.
What do you pay in Oz?
Arctic ice expands again
Will I be able to get a tank across on the ice this winter?
Just asking for my mate Pute I met at judo class.
Apply to Charles X of Sweden who marched his army across the ice (cavalry and cannon) in Jan? 1658 into Denmark.
We have turned around the corner.
How is a cooling world meant to survive on random weather-dependent electricity?
I run a credit card as a debit card Tony. Push everything through the card and rack up thousands of frequent flyer points, which I use to upgrade trans-Australian flights to business or occasionally wander around the world, flying business, for around $1000. Takes a bit of effort and organisation, but it’s a nice way to travel and it’s effectively free, as I never pay card interest.
Credit cards rates depend on a lot of things. I have one at 10% which is very low, and one at 21%. I think rates are generally in the twenties. Quite mad if you depend on them and run a balance all the time, but some people dont have a choice.
Biden’s recent speech was highly significant in thst he is upping the ante and trying to set up for a civil war and turn half of America against Trump and his supporters.
It was a war speech.
Some features are that:
-he had the military standing behind him as if to reinforce his points.
-the lighting is war-like red, some say “demonic” and “evil”.
-the colours used were no accident, these events are stage-managed by highly skilled propagandists.
-during the live broadcast CNN digitally altered the colour away from red as it was too much even for most hard core Leftoids.
-Biden and the podium is highly reminiscent of the leader at a National Socialist rally.
-The podium and Biden are also reminiscent of the dictator in “V for Victory” and other fictional dictators.
-Note that when I talk about “Biden” it is for convenience only, we all know he is just a puppet and incapable of independent thought or action.
I strongly recommend the analysis as contained in the following three videos:
JP (27 mins)
Tim Pool (22 mins)
Mr Reagan (32 mins)
On a slightly lesser scale a bit like the press conference after our “labour summit” the flags behind Albo carefully arranged, 2 National flags of Australia on Albos right with the next being the aboriginal flag followed by the Torres Strait islands flag. Nicely balanced with every camera shot slightly angled to Albos left side.
Guess what the broadcast image was. Albo standing in front of the aboriginal flag. Subtle,low key and completely on purpose implying that this is the flag of Australia.
This is whats wrong with the western world today. Politicians that get elected and forget they are there to represent the voters. Instead they simply end up representing the NWO, the globalists, the special interests, no matter what the voters think. Did the German electorate vote for gas end energy shortages? Here is Annalena Baerbock – German foreign minister – speaking about democracy whilst not caring what her voters think:
Here is a video from the Lotus Eaters called “Europoors Dream of Electricity”.
If you don’t watch all of it, at least watch the first 3.5 mins where they review President Trump’s warning to Germany at the UN about energy dependence on Russia and the German delegation laughed.
I have posted that clip of the Germans laughing at President Trump before but in the version that the Lotus Eaters use, there is a warning from the CNBC “fact checkers” thst President Trump’s claim is “highly miskeading”.
That’s how the fake news works.
As usual, President Trump was correct.
In Scotland, the artificial lakes created by hydroelectric dams are all drying up either due to excessive use or lack of precipitation or both.
This is revealing some interesting modern archeology of ruins that were flooded after these dams were built in the 1930’s.
Hydro is great when available, but unlike coal, gas or nuclear, there are still weather-dependent limits to its supply.
It is still just a battery and will run down and have to be ‘charged’.
There is now a copy of The African Queen (1951) on YouTube (Humphrey Bogart, Katharine Hepburn, Robert Morley, Peter Bull, Walter Gotell, Richard Marner and Theodore Bikel).
Just checked, and both African Queen boats (two were used in the movie, one in Africa and the other in Egypt) have been restored. The more genuine one in Africa was originally the Livingstone.
There is an article on the boats here.
Steam boats. Would burn anything flammable for fuel.
Try doing that with an electric boat, LoL.
Yes, that was the article I first looked at. I remembered that the African boat was recovered and restored, but didn’t know there were two.
Have had the opportunity to travel in the cabs of a couple of steam locomotives, one for an 8-hour trip up and down hills on a wet night. The driver certainly knew his stuff – how much power to apply to stop the wheels slipping on the grades. At 20 mph it felt like 100 mph – lots of sideways movement on the country 3’6″ guage.
Jordan Peterson published an apologia for his supposed “mean Tweets” that led to his banning on Twitter.
AN apologia is not the same thing.
(Jordan invites a comparison with the apologia of Socrates see e.g.
Interesting discission of the Bronze Age Collapse approx. 1200BCE.
Was it:
Trade route shut down and shortage of tin for bronze making?
Change in military technology and tactics?
Genuine climate change?
It had something to do with a large volcanic eruption of Mount Hekla in Iceland.
A volcanic Autumn must have impacted other civilisations around 1200 BCE.
There were other factors as well as explained in the video.
I did watch, its about societal collapse, but I prefer natural destruction.
‘General systems collapse theory, pioneered by Joseph Tainter, proposes that societal collapse results from an increase in social complexity beyond a sustainable level, leading people to revert to simpler ways of life.’ (wiki)
1177 B.C.: When Civilization Collapsed | Eric Cline – YouTube
How can we know what to be cautious of? Eric Cline has taken on the mystery. An archaeologist-historian at George Washington University, he is the author of “1177 B.C.: The Year Civilization…….,,,
He consulted “the experts” for the date and when hisbook was published found that this date had been changed (and none of them worked for NASA etc).
He came down to climate change as the probable cause.
Watching your link it struck me that major earthquakes surely also signalled volcanoes/ dust clouds/ lower sunlight etc. and also that the only Empire to survive was Egypt which was (and is) reliant on The Nile for agriculture and that was fed by rainfall far to the south, which may not have been so much effected by what effected the other empires. Assyria and Babylon depended on rainfall in Anatolia flowing down the Tigris and Euphrates.
This was a large eruption and it changed the course of history.
Missing these 2 pictures – sum up Despicable Biden perfectly
I’m surprised that the Leftoids of Twitter have not banned those memes. They don’t want their beloved National Socialists to be offended
Love the headline-
“Nation suffers black ink shortage after release of Trump affidavit”
State of California Asks Residents not Charge Electric Cars to Relieve Stress on Grid
By Madison Hirneisen | The Center Square Sep 1, 2022 Updated Sep 1, 2022
With extreme heat expected to hit California and the West through Labor Day Weekend, California grid operators are calling on residents to voluntarily conserve electricity by avoiding the use of large electronics and even stop charging electric vehicles.
The California Independent System Operator issued a statewide Flex Alert Wednesday, calling on residents to voluntarily conserve energy between 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. to reduce stress on the electrical grid.
The announcement comes days after California air regulators announced that the state will phase out the sale of gas-powered vehicles by 2035, mandating that all new cars sold in the state by 2035 must be zero-emission vehicles or hybrids.
Every single day Biden proves himself to be both demented and evil as he, with increasing difficulty, conveys the messages of those who tell him what to say and do.
Apart from massive election fraud, there were nevertheless still people that cast genuine votes for him.
There is no new revelation about Biden. Everything bad about him was known or knowable before the election, including the Hunter Biden laptop the news of which was censored by the Left and social(ist) media but thinking conservatives still knew about it.
President Trump also stated many uncomfortable truths about Sleepy Joe as he was fond of calling Biddn.
How could Americans be so stupid? It is a sad indictment of American society how dumbed-down so many have become and how much they are controlled by the Leftist Enemedia.
Biden may very well be the person who is theoretically the President that will oversee the engineered downfall of the United States.
(Australians and members of other Western countries are not much different.)
Notice how in Biden’s “civil war speech” Jill escorted him to the podium, presumably so he didn’t wander off and get lost on the way….
She really did lead him to the podium, yes. But I was quite astonished at the lack of mumbling, faff and gaffe by Dark Brandon in this speech. How did they manage it? His doctors should really publish his medication regime, for the benefit of us other elderly folk.
Hyping hope
“NACI now suggests Canadians consider a COVID-19 booster every 90 days”
And why every 90 days? Why not monthly?
And the Australian Government purchased enough doses of the now-obsolete “vaccine” for ten per every Australian aged zero plus. The Australian Government must have the same intentions as well.
Except in Australia’s case we “learn” from the mistakes of others and make them FAR worse. So if Canada thinks 90 days is good, Australian authorities will think 60 or 30 days is even better.
Note that the Booster program is still actively promoted by Government but the number of boosters given is dropping off.
People are making up their own minds.
My wifes favourite counter on Covidlive is the one that estimates the number of days until 80% of people have had their 3rd shot based on current injection rates. Its on this page
Did you know its only 1200+ days (and climbing) until VIC reaches 80% of people having 3 shots. Go us! Its pretty clear many people just did what they needed to do for the certificate and have called it quits.
John Campbell has a recent video expressing puzzle that two different UK agencies have different vaccine policies: one says the new “booster” is ok for pregnant women and those breastfeeding; the other says it is not safe.
Christopher Monckton of Brenchley on the latest UAH.
‘The New Pause has paused. As in July, so in August, there has been a zero trend in global warming for 7 years 11 months according to the UAH satellite lower-troposphere dataset.’
Yes still waiting for UAH to show the cooling which is beginning to show up in other data, such as the Arctic Sea Ice Extent.
There is chatter ….
‘The January eruption of Hunga Tonga in the South Pacific has injected a large amount of water vapor into the stratosphere. That water vapor is now causing significant cooling of the southern stratosphere.’ (Severe Weather)
Some one needs to tell them; Water Vapour is a Green House Gas! It is supposed to cause warming.
That’s tricky :-).
I don’t understand this. There was zilch fallout in the lower atmosphere – a minor dust stream passed over the top of Australia, virtually unknown and unseen. In the past, major eruptions occasionally caused huge fallouts to circle the earth for long periods, so it was understandable that they would influence the weather. But surely not this time.
That was my thinking too, but here they reckon the eruption produced a 10% increase in H20 in the stratosphere.
It’s because so many more people have tattoos!
A general comment: It is reflexive to say that “If prices go up wages go up so everything will be ok.”. It won’t be quite like that. Imagine a 3rd world situation where products such as electronics and mechanics – such as your next laptop – are much more expensive. That changes the whole nature of their purchase and their use. That’s what’s happening.
Our regional Asia Pacific boss had a real thing about people who didnt treat service staff politely. Lack of basic courtesies where a career limiting move I found out after a while. Glad Mum drilled the please and thank you into me.
Australian Data – Lies Damned lies and Statistics
(The phrase was popularized in the United States by Mark Twain (among
others), who attributed it to the British prime minister Benjamin Disraeli.[1] However, the phrase is not found in any of Disraeli’s works and the earliest known appearances were years after his death. Several other people have been listed as originators of the quote, and it is often attributed to Twain himself)
Joe has published a number of articles now which appear to show a serious health problem emerging amongst the population who have been vaccinated against Covid19. These reports are from overseas. What is happening here in Australia?
Victoria (unhelpfully) stopped reporting the vaccination status of people in hospital on 26 Jan 2022 as the numbers of vaccinated started to rise dramatically.
Surprisingly there is some data provided by the NSW Department of Health.
Week ending 13 Aug 2
Four or more doses Hospital 202 ICU 13 Death 54
Three doses Hospital 214 ICU 27 Death 66
Two doses Hospital 133 ICU 15 Death 19
One Dose Hospital 6 ICU 1 Death 3
No dose Hospital 1 ICU 0 Death 22
At first glance it does seem that the chance of hospitalisation and death increase with the number of vaccine doses given. However a deeper dive does require some numbers of the proportion of vaccinated individuals.
Once again the NSW Health Department gives some information.
One dose 7.039.004 91.74% (One dose only 2%)
Two doses 6,853,957 89,32% ( Two dose only 32%)
Boosters 4,350,971 (57%)
No Vacc (8 %)
Figures in brackets are calculated.
The booster program has virtually stalled so I assume that the great majority of those who have taken the boosters have had three doses. A small number of people had only one dose. Presumably they had a bad reaction and decided not to have any more.
So we see that the population who have had one dose only have a moderate rate of hospitalisation, but the numbers rise dramatically with two doses and even worse for those who have had three doses. Assuming that the number who have had four doses is quite small the rate of hospitalisation rises yet again.
Note that the unvaccinated do not go to hospital at all, yet they seem to die in significant numbers. How can that be?
Bad drivers?
Somehow the deaths are caused by Covid in the stats.
“Note that the unvaccinated do not go to hospital at all, yet they seem to die in significant numbers. How can that be?”
They’re over 90 and die much faster?? Hospitals don’t want them? Of the 80 age care residents who died, only about 1/4 died in hospital, the rest died in a nursing home.
They whole thing is a crock, you’d need to know who Covid killed and who died from something else while infected with Covid. That is the major difference that has been wrong from the very start, and these stats are collected on the ‘Covid +ve when died’ basis. So apart from the usual “older people die more often’ picture its hard to sort out what effect the vaccines have.
“The Truth About Carbon-Based Fuels”
“Diversity Is How You FAIL”
Homewood on the record breaking hype.
Have long known NASA knew there were problems with the shuttles.
Did not realise the needless fatalities were bloody well built in.
I made this video seven years ago of a twin Ruston and Hornsby stationary diesel engine from the 1930’s.
It was at the Lake Goldsmith Steam Rally in Victoria, Australia.
Apparently people have been sampling the sound and using it in musical pieces.
This type of engine was used in many places including on oil fields. Supposedly it could burn crude oil, straight out of the ground after filtering out sand.
Some are also said to be still in use today in places like Iraq.
The engine is really cool. What I hear though is Fleet-wood Mac: Tusk
The engine on the pump for our well in India used to go sort of ‘POOP-up POOP-up”. It had a belt from and 18″ wheel that went down the well to a pump that was moved seasonally from 40 to 70’.
No Minister, you cannot have “green” hydrogen to fuel gas fired generators, not now, maybe never in commercially viable supply.
You might recall earlier reports that the Morrison Federal Government had proposed gas fired generators, two in NSW and one each in VIC and QLD.
If NASA can’t get hydrogen refuelling to routinely work , imagine how the local service station will cope!
Good one. Hydrogen IS dangerous.
Producing it will be dicey and expensive and even if you ignore the danger during production, anyone game enough to use it in a home or vehicle will be at big risk.
I had some contact with Paul Broad two decades ago. I thought he was very tuned in to political messages, as well as displaying great intelligence and competence in management. It appears that he will bend to politics, but will not commit to the outright hypocrisy now required.
NSW Hydro Projects, lots of rain now, what about in the future?
you know it the sensible thing to do in one of the driest countries
add it to the list of green elephant initiatives
at least $45mill will keep the consultants feed for a year or so
So next drought, when there is little to no rain to fill the pumped hydro dams… where will the energy to pump water to the dams come from ?
And will the Greens let them build the dams ??
Probably yes, because they are to “save the climate” rather than for human drinking and agricultural usage.
On the other hand …
The Great Reset: Megacompanies Are Quietly, Deceitfully Adding Bugs to Our Foods
Convincing the masses to eat worms, crickets and other bugs, has gone from an obscure “conspiracy theory” to an official project in recent months. But for those who have been paying attention, this push has not happened overnight. Over time, numerous mainstream media outlets have devoted their resources to brainwashing the masses into accepting and believing that eating insects is good for their health and the planet.
The New York Post, for example, recently shared a puff piece for worm “burgers,” arguing that their consumption could lead to a solution for world hunger.
The article cites South Korean scientists who have “cooked mealworms, or beetle larvae, along with sugar to create ‘meat.’” Then aimed to normalize this procedure by assuring readers that the protein alternative “tastes authentic.”
Americans who do not want to eat insects have become increasingly skeptical of the whole initiative. Especially after learning that snack foods are now being made with insects (often without consumer knowledge) as a primary ingredient.
Hamburgers as a solution to world hunger.
Have we reached peak insanity yet?
Make sure lots of sugar is added too for…good health…
Lessee now – they criticise Elon for not spending his money on world hunger rather than Twitter but then they rejoice when the U.S. war machine spends 2x that on war criminal Zelensky and killing people in a needless war!
Global Elites ‘Trialing Insect Diets’ on Hunger-Stricken Africans
Hunger-stricken Africans are being told by global elites to forget about eating meat and get used to eating bugs, cockroaches and insects.
The World Economic Forum has been heavily promoting the idea of insect-based diets for those of us in the Western world. Now it appears they are testing the plan on Africans.
UK-financed aid projects in Zimbabwe and the Democratic Republic of the Congo are encouraging the population of these African countries to introduce bugs, mealworms and insects into their diet, with the agencies currently spending as much as $57,000 in the DRC and $346,000 in Zimbabwe on trialing insect diets on the local citizens.
In the DRC, the initiative is exploring the “benefits” of eating African caterpillars, migratory locusts and black soldier flies. It’s noted that there are some 23 species of insects, including termites and crickets, that are available in the region.
The Catholic Agency for Overseas Development, a UK-based charity, is now pushing the Congolese to begin farming bugs in an industrialized manner in an effort to end starvation problems in the region.
I thought the west was being encouraged to copy the east.
Yum – a plate of freshly cooked (if you have power 😉) black flies and squishy, gut-spurting caterpillars.
I’ll endure my planet-killing climate-alarmist-antagonising yummy meat bbq and a giant middle finger to anyone who objects. 😅
The Renaissanceman is from South Africa to USA via various places
He has tried insects and notes that so have other Africans when they are starving
I have lived in an inner city suburb of Sydney for many years and I have relatives who still live in similar areas where street parking is restricted with or without parking meters and with certain eligible residents issued with street parking permits. But try and find a vacant parking space during business hours or if there are hotels, restaurants, clubs in the area parking spaces are difficult to locate until late at night.
So look at the picture and note the taxpayer expense involved, the thin edge of the wedge for private sector service station business owners, free enterprise principles overboard.
Love the list of suburbs they are doing this is in, mostly well off Teal territory
You’ll be able to run an extension lead BACK inside your house when you can’t afford power!
Financial and real estate market experts are warning that housing prices could crash by at least 20 percent by 2023 .
Financial and real estate market experts are warning that housing prices could crash by at least 20 percent by 2023.
Mark Zandi, the chief economist for financial services firm Moody’s Analytics, is forecasting a massive crash in housing prices. Zandi correctly predicted in May that housing activity in America would plummet through the summer, and prices in the more bubbly markets like Flagstaff, Arizona, Boise, Idaho, Charlotte, North Carolina and Austin, Texas would begin falling.
He further warned that, once the recession fully hits the United States, housing prices in nearly half of the regional housing markets could plummet by at least 20 percent. If the recession doesn’t impact the American economy fully, housing prices are still expected to fall between 10 to 15 percent.
Look at China’s Country Garden – a profit drop of 96% and wiped out 50% of the founder’s wealth, following Evergrande.
US’s property market is melting down.
The EU is going down too just as hard.
Oz markets going down 2-3% but that’ll accelerate a LOT shortly driven by energy & food costs and inflation in general.
As I’ve said over and over – you’d have to be crazy to buy property now unless you don’t need a mortgage.
Oh the pain that’s coming for the ignorant…
We have a problem.
Dr. Ute Kruger is a researcher and senior physician at Lunds University in Sweden. She’s the former Chief of Pathology, a field that she’s worked in for the last 25 years, with a specialty in breast cancer diagnosis for the past 18 years. She’s studied thousands of autopsies and breast cancer samples. She’s extremely familiar with the industry and patient age, tumor size, and malignancy grade are all within her field of expertise and have had a natural rhythm throughout her career. That natural rhythm came to a halt in 2021 once the vaccine rollout began.
Age – The average ages of the samples she received dropped, with a rise in the number of samples from people in their 30’s-50’s.
Size – It used to be unusual for Dr. Kruger to find a tumor 3 cm in size. In this new environment, she’s regularly seeing tumors of 4 cm, 8 cm, 10 cm, and the occasional 12 cm. In a shocking anecdote, 2 weeks ago she found a 16 cm tumor that took up an entire breast.
Multiple Tumors – Dr. Kruger has begun to see more cases of multiple tumors growing in the same patient, sometimes even in both breasts. She had 3 cases within 3 weeks of patients who had tumors growing in multiple organs. One had tumors in his/her breast, pancreas and lungs within months of getting vaccinated.
Recurrence – There has been an uptick in patients who have been in remission from their cancer for many years, suddenly getting an aggressive recurrence of their cancer shortly after vaccination.
…and data out of Canada shows mortality increasing from around 35% to 80% after the 3rd shot.
And Canada is actually proposing boosters every 3 months!
Canada will be devoid of Canadians in a few short years at this rate. Maybe the Moose will take over.
After Using FBI To Suppress Son’s Crimes And Raid Political Rival’s Home, Biden Warns Democracy In Danger.
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Having politically weaponized federal law enforcement for his own political gain, President Biden has now taken to the airwaves to warn that democracy is in real danger.
“Folks, I’m using the feds as best I can to destroy my political opponents, but let me be clear: I’m going to have to break more laws and seize even more power if I’m going to stop fascism,” yelled President Biden, lighted in blood-red and surrounded by soldiers. “I don’t care if that means a federal takeover of elections, an overthrow of the judiciary – heck I don’t care if I have to use F-15s to carpet bomb every single Republican neighborhood in the country. We will forcibly commandeer every lever of power and communication our nation has – to, you know, defeat fascism.”
Follow #PedoHitler today!
In the Telegraph (paywall) on Friday 2nd September, an article by Kevin Donnelly entitled “Woke World is Wobbling – While in Australia radical gender theory activists dominate, internationally it is now a different story” it includes this excerpt.
“In Victoria Chairman Dan has legislated to stop parents, priests and health professionals from counselling young people about the dangers and harmful consequences of taking puberty blockers……… As a result, children are denied the innocence of youth and parents denied the right they have as a child’s primary educator and moral guardian to decide what is best when it comes to such controversial issues.”
Was this legislation passed through at midnight on a Friday? Where was it reported? Who is charged now with the raising of children? Parents, it seems, are being removed from their job and the government is making the decisions. What is going on? Desperate times. ToM
It’s over for Victoria and its children.
Victoria is Australia’s California run by a madman.
Timothée Chalamet’s Sexy Bisexual Cannibal Stuns Venice: ‘Bones and All’ Gets 8.5-Minute Standing Ovation
Timothee Chalamet had all of Venice seeing red on Friday night at the world premiere of “Bones and All.” The actor donned a sparkling backless jumpsuit in a blood-red shade — a cheeky wink to the drama’s central protagonists, two cannibals in love.
The film, which reunites Chalamet with his “Call Me By Your Name” director Luca Guadagnino, lives up to its title with gory attacks and scenes that involve limb-chewing and eating. But despite the uncomfortable subject matter, the audience at the Venice premiere for the movie devoured “Bones and All.” The film received a 8.5-minute standing ovation, the longest and most enthusiastic of the festival so far. (It handily beat the previous record holder “Tar,” a drama starring Cate Blanchett as a tortured composer, which had a 6-minute ovation.)
Cannibals in love..
“Honey, did you like my mother?
No? Just scrape her off your plate then” 😅
Somebody push the big red button. Please!
The people that produce this stuff need a visit to the head shrinkers.
One year ago I built an ecosystem
3.5 MILLION views in 1 week!!
An amazing video. An absolute must watch!!
Not without more information before I waste my valuable life at Youtube!
There’s easily 3.5million completely stupid people in the world…
It was interesting, but as expected, the inevitable over-population occurred, so the developer’s solution was to create another “world”. When this too is eventually over-populated, I’m left wondering what his next solution will be.
“There’s easily 3.5million completely stupid people in the world…”
True but you’re not giving credit there for those on that list who watched more than once
Doubt in high places!
“WSJ: Why the Renewable Energy Transition will Fail”
“Crumbling narratives”
“For over two years we were admonished to listen to the experts. It’s only now that the leftist corporate media is starting to pick up on the fact that there is, in fact, widespread and growing disagreement among the “experts” regarding Covid. The infighting is getting worse as many of the experts are now furiously pedaling their bicycles in reverse.
It’s becoming increasingly clear that the real standard was never evidence or science, but rather the narrative. In the case of Covid, it was all about promoting the most apocalyptic vision possible. Now that the apocalypse failed to arrive, the revolution is eating its children. Dr. Atwal had better grow eyes in the back of his head and soon.”
Narratives are ephemeral now.
They have a machine that pumps them out like tissues.
They are designed to crumble and be Built Back Better.
There is a small number of us that are capable of noticing and remembering the discarded tissue from 6 months ago.
Making us among the ‘clear and present danger(s)’ articulated (perhaps too strong a word), in Joe Biden’s Red Gates speech.
This is why most of us will likely be denied immortality in the Singularity.
Narrative is Eternal Life.
BTW, I always pause and check out your comments.
“We Don’t Need No Flaming Sparky Cars
Chris Martenson: The Fight for Your Mind: Information Battlefield Tactics of the Nudge Units Exposed
Charts at:
It would be reckless to take an experimental drug without previous long-term trials. I’d be embarrassed if I allowed myself to be so reckless. The science behind long-term testing is solid and helps keep the community safe from dangerous new drugs.
Defence #2:
It would be reckless to take an experimental drug without previous long-term trials. I’d be embarrassed if I allowed myself to be so reckless. The science behind long-term testing is solid and helps keep the community safe from dangerous chemicals. I’d be embarrassed if I helped erode safeguards to community well-being.
Things to watch out for
“From Sri Lanka to Salinas”
Memes via SDA
“A suspicious resemblance to that which he most vehemently condemns.”
More Than 1,000 Reports of Adverse Events After COVID-19 Vaccination in Children 5 and Younger, CDC Data Shows
More than 1,000 reports of adverse events have been lodged with U.S. authorities following COVID-19 vaccination in children aged 5 and younger.
As of Aug. 21, 996 non-serious reports have been entered into the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) for children 4 or younger who received a Pfizer vaccine and children 5 or younger who received a Moderna vaccine, Dr. Tom Shimabukuro said on Sept. 1.
Think of the children!
Unless they want to change gender at age 5 that is, in which case go ahead and schedule drugs and surgery.
Are the children in this world just collateral damage?
Do parents care enough to fight government insanity?
Deagle 2025 seems to have seriously underestimated the numbers…
China’s zero covid policy is damaging the Chinese economic and ethos. The permanent threats of lockdowns; entire population PCR tests; and the closing of schools, restaurants, and businesses is turning China into unhappy, sad, police state.
A Chinese independent ‘think’ tank have unusually challenged the viability of that policy and are recommending a change, living with covid. The Chinese covid zero policy in the time of Omicron does not make sense unless there is a hidden agenda, a planned new biological weapon release.
China’s ‘Zero Covid’ Policy Needs Change, Curbs Risk Stalling Economy: Chinese Think Tank
Farmers and others protesting in EUROPE Swedish tomatoes wasted – Greta disease and so on…. but AFAIK, our UK MSM has not mentioned all this in the Broadcast domain:
The Argentina ‘mystery’ pneumonia outbreak is now being blamed on Legionnaires’.
It’s been quite a while since the Legionnaires were around.
But their namesake is looking over your shoulder just waiting for the water temperature to drop
Jacinda is off to the U.N. to re-assure all that NZ is fully supportive of the existing “rules-based (cough) ” international order.
Still , I’m sure that all thinking people know that Jacinda represents anything but the interests of the people of NZ .
A bit like Zelensky in that regard.
Essential reading for TGA et al
“A peer reviewed paper. Note the large sample size.
The Daily Sceptic- Ivermectin Cuts Covid Mortality by 92%, Major Study Finds – Why is it Still Not Approved?”
A thought of just now – with the need for no approved treatment to get the EUA for the “vaccines” in USA – I guess the rest of the world had to be bludgeoned into not giving approval too or questions might have arisen?
As if it was not common knowledge already. !
Facebook and Twitter regularly coordinate with the Biden admin to censor users.
Data For Newly Authorized COVID-19 Boosters Based On Mice, Not Humans
Just 8 of the wee beasties at that!
And IIRC they all got infected
Energy Nooze
‘Investors have stumped up $80m to fund a proposal to turn Babcock & Brown’s former coal power plant in the Hunter Valley into a massive wood-fired generator.’ (Oz)
Perhaps they can use it to help clear some of the huge overgrowth in state forests in the region.
Lower the intensity of future bush fires.
One does have to wonder if local greenie councils will allow the harvesting of that wood, though. !
And if that fails they will generate Green Hydrogen.
Don’t invest anything. This reeks of scam. Leave it up to the NSW and Federal Governments (you will still pay anyway).
20 (Only cost you $990.))
This is an interesting video. Three groups: 1) The Bill Gates foundation which Gates controls, 2) The UK Wellcome Trust, and 3) The NIH which Tony Fauci (81) controls. Fund 2/3 of all of the non-commercial medical research in the world.
Hiding Ivermectin required a worldwide organized criminal ‘conspiracy’. The false narrative that Ivermectin is a horse medicine was started by the US FDA. The US FDA started a lie. The commercial issue is: Emergency use in the US, would not have been granted, for the experimental mRNA vaccines (which we now know are dangerous and not effective in stopping Omicron), if there was an effective covid treatment, using an existing safe drug. Ivermectin is one of the safest and most effective drugs in the world. Ivermectin is very effective in stopping parasites, stopping viruses, and so on, because of its chemical nature.
Ivermectin is also safe to use in the body because of its chemical nature. The medicine interactions with Ivermectin are well known. Ivermectin is off patent and its existence threatened the sale of hundreds of billions of new experimental covid vaccines. Fauci controlled/controls the covid narrative in the US and the world. The US general press (which Pfizer has signed very large advertising and marketing contracts with) stated that it should be a felony to disagree with Fauci when Fauci makes statements about covid and the covid vaccines.
Pfizer pays more on ‘advertising and marketing’ then it does on research. Pfizer forced the US networks to sign a secret contract that required that they push Pfizer’s vaccine and that they do not provide airtime to critics of the RNA vaccines. Every media company has a member who is also a Pfizer board member. Money talks and controls.
The latest instalment from Andy May and Javier, might be best to jump to the comments first.
“The biggest threat to humanity is stupidity…
Of which there have been no shortages due to “supply chain problems”, h3ll, it has survived Covid, the Russian sanctions, government ‘aid’, AND the American ‘edumacational’ system.”
Via Red Power