A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Happy Friday everyone……………………….
You too
Bye bye Liz Truss!
A mere 44 days…
I suspect that she, like Boris, realised she had zero chance of being anything other than a WEF puppet, and didn’t want to be PM when everything goes boom!
Ah, the memes:
The head of lettuce lasted longer:
But she’ll get around $200k AUD/year indexed for life, courtesy of the political gravy train!
Which is why I said previously that pollies should get NOTHING when they leave.
This shows why…
I expect that she ran head on into the problem that so called ‘conservatives’ have become progressives too. Malcolm Turnbull for example. Climate change, the EU, the UN, LGBTI, black lives matter more than any other, mandatory vaccination of infants, abortion for all, apologizing for the Industrial revolution, Unisex Olympics and criminals are just misunderstood.
And as the newspapers collapse from lack of advertising funding, the news is conveyed by the internet and is utterly corrupted. It’s not the world which supported Margaret Thatcher, but a new Teal world where the privileged and the Greens romp and the EU wannabees and farmers are villains and manufacturers evil.
But I would have to say her cabinet and ministers could not have been more progressive multicultural choices and look where it took her! A true conservative has to stick to conservative principles, especially economically. And that was impossible. Green progressive Boris is no better. But he is a survivor and perhaps he can move on from having policy dictated by Green Carrie while the EU wedge him on Northern Ireland.
Heaven forbid that Boris comes back. That would be the end of sanity for the Conservative party. Surely they are not that stupid, but I wouldn’t bet on it. I think Kemi Badenoch would make a good PM but not yet, she has to let all this stupidity play out first.
I think she would be very popular but she would not be very well prepared for the cut and thrust of job. She needs more time yet.
There was a queue of people for Boris’ job and even Liz Truss found everyone wanted her job. Yelling fights with ministers!
It’s a good definition of a rabble. At least Boris made Brexit happen. And somehow through the morass of infighting, there was some semblance of getting things done. And all the great untried PMs still want the job, as you suggest. That is the entire problem, no unity.
Kemi not ready yet? That’s rather less important than her country’s desperate need for sanity in government. I’ll work on the basis that the country is sufficiently shaken that it can now get stirred by the brilliant Kemi. Put her into the prime ministership NOW, and ask the people to protect her from the brain-dead numpties in the Tory party. (I think many of the public would be very happy to help in that task).
Kemi needs at least 5 years more experience in high profile jobs
Nigel Farage explains the globalists take over of Britain.
4+ doses is the magic number if you want to die with Covid.
NSW Health data and the case for negative vaccine effectiveness
Would you look at the risk multiplier on that. People with 4+ doses of Covid vaccination are 2.1 x more likely than the average punter to wind up dead with Covid.
It’s not looking any better for the 4+ dosed in hospitalisations and ICU admissions either.
If the data keep going this way, the public’s relationship with NSW Health is going to get very strained. They keep telling us that Covid vaccines prevent severe illness and death. NSW Secretary Susan Pearce says that the ICU data shows this, irrefutably. I’ve lodged an FOIR for that mystery data because the only publicly available data tells a different story altogether.
As for the unvaccinated – as Joel from Dead Man Talking says, they simply aren’t dying enough.
This is very bad for The Narrative™️.
To get current, deaths with Covid in the most recently reported surveillance week (ending 15 October) were split:
4+ dose 53.3%
3 dose 16.7%
Combined 3 and 4+ dose 70%
2 dose 13.3%
1 dose 0%
0 dose 6.7%
Unknown 10%
The unvaccinated in NSW simply aren’t dying enough.
And they aren’t putting a burden on healthcare either.
Interesting observations on the latest surveillance bulletin from NSW, Australia from Roland Brautigam on Twitter, assuming just 3% unvaccinated and 90% vaccine effectiveness:
There should be 9 unvaccinated deaths but there were only 2.
There should be 5 unvaccinated in ICU. There were none.
They should be 60 in hospital (but not ICU). There were none.
Yeah, but, the vaccinated are more likely to be old and frail. OK, it’s not working then.
Sen. Malcolm Roberts spells it out for those that need the wake up call
Yes! It has been planned for decades…
More Oz specific data here:
Strictly suspicion but I suspect that the pure bloods are, on average, older because they would include fewer with work mandates.
I also suspect that the pure bloods are generally healthier, more confident and thus more likely to take POSITIVE steps for their health without waiting for “expert” advice.
Yes. Anyone visiting an elderly person in care has to be 4+ vaccinated and they themselves are usually elderly. However so do health workers. So a full detailed breakdown is really required. The government and the health authorities lost a huge amount of credibility over this Wu Flu saga.
A liar is a liar, not to be trusted.
They lied to us about masks right from the beginning. Nothing they have said since can be taken at face value.
Gain of Function, Boston University, some key dates, and Fauci in this video.
wow – thats dynamite – must be watched
Ted 1 wrote “Nothing they have said since can be taken at face value.”
Who claimed that a mask affected the value of a face?
I know some people who look better with one on. Geoff S
I found that even when I wore a mask people recognised me. Could it have been the smell??
The weekly report button on the NSW Health website is getting smaller and probably about to go down a memory hole. The PR Team has done a great job fighting a losing battle. They probably believed in the vaccine and had not been clued in like the other State departments.
The Motto of the other Health Departments has been ‘Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Report No Evil’
Where I live in Canada currently only 12% of Covid hospital patients are unvaccinated, 88% are fully vaccinated, and 43% of hospitalized Covid patients have 4 shots.
These statistics are published in the newspaper every week, yet not a single reporter has asked a question about it, and our Public Health officials are still telling everyone to get the jab. Its astounding.
Unfortunately I don’t touch a lot of those statistics either because they aren’t useful as flat numbers unless they are divided by age groups for starters. It is a scandal that public data is not better maintained so we could do meaningful analysis. A lot of time low risk people are unvaccinated and high risk people are vaccinated so it’s hard to compare the groups.
Ok I am so sorry for being passionate in the post that follows.
Ok lesson for today.
I will keep it simple in terminology for all.
Despite what you see in the movies and TV series…
We the first responders, cannot start a heart that has flat lined during an emergency incident.
They have passed.
Often the family members are around us during the incident. Crying, screaming, hitting us, blaming us.
Please understand that we only save approx 4% of heart related incidents.
Too often the patient has not had correct cpr before our arrival.
10 mins unattended and you are gone.
Every minute that passes, is 10% less in your chance of resucitation.
After 3 minutes, damage is done to all organs in your body due to the lack of oxygen supply.
You will have complications if you survive.
So if someone you know has a heart related incident.. please understand.
It takes a first responder 7 to 20 minutes to be on scene. (In a regional area, it could be hours).
Think about that.
That is not our fault, We are not stopping for a coffee before we get there. We are driving as fast as we can.
In this situation.. YOU are the first responder and YOU NEED to keep the patient oxygenated until we arrive.
Don’t hold back in chest compressions. pump hard to the rythym of “Staying Alive” by the Bee Gees.
Pump with force 2 to 3 inches. You need to manually get that heart pushing blood. Don’t worry If you break one or two of their rib bones, that is the least of their worries.
A deoxygenated body will look grey. You will get a pinker look in the body if you are doing the compressions correctly. 2 breaths per 30 compressions… It is hard work.
Hold on till we get there.
Understand that there may or may not be a good outcome. Understand that we are not gods.
An AED can correct an irregular electrical impulse. But it is not a panacea to save everyone.
The media, so called experts, Govs and public have no idea. They believe in the fallacy that we will save you. Do you all understand, I repeat, we only save 4 out of 1 hundred.
In Queensland… if you have a heart related incident in hospital care, they report that you have a 16% survival rate … albiet with complications for the half that survive.
For those that want to get “scientific” on me and argue via aquired knowledge from a recently sourced web page . Understand that as part of a team, I have been doing this for close to 3 decades.
I do not have the luxury of working in a controlled lab or an emergency room….. I work on a dirty street, factory or in someones home.
Now tell me why I have lost colleagues that have taken their lives?
Is it because the gov and public have too high expectations placed on us and live in a dream world?
Is it because we get complaints from those that have lost a loved one?
Fools all, including us.
Last week, I attended another funeral of one that I served with. A Life taken too short.
This is the collateral damage we suffer by what we do.
Understand that we do the best that we can do. When a life is lost, we have the same pain as you….
Don’t blame us.
Enough is enough.
This is the real world.
So what are some techniques that could be used to improve survivability?
Keep the patient hosed down with cold water to reduce oxygen needs and cellular damage?
If I was alone and suffered an attack I’d be doing just that.
Thank you William, God bless and take care.
Thanks for your dedication and appreciate your dose of reality – the BG’s will immediately spring to mind if I’m faced with such a situation in the future.
l have found many Ambo’s to be indifferent or detached when faced with someone passing,
l can see why but l can also see the need for empathy for the loved ones who may see it the way l have seen it
maybe Ambos are not trained for this and there is a need for a trained person to be present at these situations
my daughter became an Ambo during the scamdemic after the mandates were put in place and the experienced Ambos who would not get jabbed were stood down, she has seen many things in her short time as an Ambo she should not have so soon IMHO, very messy suicides ect….
throwing the new unexperienced into the deep end when they should have been eased into it is not what l would call professional, but there is not enough staff that effects all the Ambo’s
l just hope she is not left on her own when one day she decides its not for her anymore,
but she says the money is ridiculous
Right on Target Marksman!
Herein lies the cause of the problem. No Remote administrative state can afford health care at any level. This is why the Ambulances, Hospitals, Aged Care Homes originated from community based volunteer organisations.
For whatever reason singular instances where the efforts of those organisations exhibit failure were used to move their functions into the ‘more efficient’ bureaucratic regulation, funding and administration. This probably showed signs of improvement at a local level when politicians had some loyalty to their community. Unfortunately the representative Politicians copped the same fate and were replaced by publicly funded career politicians. Administration followed the usual path to become bloated, unwieldy and remote. The failures are then blamed on lack of control and the need for better information for the remote administrators (You are here). Let them eat data!
So as William x has highlighted, you are on your own. Like any version of the lovely socialist dream, time to start again and build care for each other from the bottom up again. Take heart that the real science is making an impact for the better at every level. The ambulance officer when they arrive have a wide range of technology to diagnose the injury and administer relief. This technology is cheaper, available and reliable. The Nuns and the St John’s types are still there as are the community minded representatives.
Have faith and serve your community for a better life!
You mean “second responder” … by definition, if you are late you can’t be first on the scene.
Totally agree … the second responders should speak loudly and honestly about not being first responders … words have meanings.
This would avoid dangerous misunderstandings.
How would you suggest the process of easing anyone in would work? they dont get to pick and choose what calls they get. Just wondering how it would be possible. Same for police, fire and SES for that matter , they get exposed to some awfully traumatic events and for many it does their head in.
Excellent stuff. People need to do all they can to not be at the stage William describes. Get yourself checked out thoroughly, even paying for some sort of proper test. In the meantime, very many of us need to lose weight and move more so those are easy starters.
This is a local to us incident when a young person died at a gym. Nothing to do with vaccines and everything to do with a previously undiagnosed condition
I suspect a fortune could be saved, and many lives and distress, if everyone was entitled to a thorough check up every year for over 50’s and every five years for under 50’s
Tony – you cannot say that there was nothing to do with vaccines unless an autopsy was performed and that they did relevant microscopic tissue examinations. The report does not say if they were done. Arrhythmias have always occurred in young healthy people during exercise but suddenly they are much more frequent and they are in vaccinated people. As cardiologist Aseem Malhotra says they must all be treated as vaccine related until proven otherwise.
I had a full medical CT Scan I think it was called a couple of years ago. They found that one of my arteries was around 60% blocked and that my lungs were in tip top condition. Bad news, Good News I guess. Anyway, I was put onto a very good Cardiologist and with medication my situation is now under control. I may need to have a stent procedure done at some point. However, If I had not had the CT Scan I would never have known.
Hang the expense. Just get it done. I previously just relied on good blood test results. However, that was a false sense of security.
Check with Dr Google re stents. I have no direct interest but there is something I sorta remember.
Mrs H’s family has a bad heart history and a couple of her siblings have had stents with no problems. But it costs nothing to read.
Thanks for the reality check william x.
You only mention heart compressions for the first people there (family etc.).
What about pulmonary ventilation?
he did say ” 2 breaths per 30 compressions… It is hard work.”
How many beats per minute for those who have no idea as to who the Bee Gees are or what ‘staying alive’ sounds like? I am not a fan of pop music.
The campaign against sanity, science, and reason continues apace in Cambridge. Paint, slogans, and idiocy here:
The “extinction rebellion” loons have decided that an oilfield service company is responsible for all the worlds problems, and have an open letter which is a mass of lies, falsehoods, and propaganda.
I guess it’s just easier to stay at home in Cambridge than is is to travel to oil company offices in, or very close to London… perhaps their parents wont lend them the car?
The truth is, Schlumberger is getting mixed up in all kinds of business related to Lithium, and geothermal energy because that’s where some money can be made, one way or another.
They also have an inordinate number of “diversity and inclusivity” managers all over the world, while struggling to hire and/or keep field personnel who do the jobs that make money for the company.
Every oilfield service company is the same, but I don’t see that they deserve the slander, vitriol, and paint that the XR loons heap upon them.
So who is the paymaster, Vlad or Xi?
Could it be closer to home?
Friday entertainment: Biden gets lost on podium again
“Now where’s that nuke button…”
The White House should provide a line of young girls to the steps so he can sniff his way…
It is very noticeable how stiff he is, unable to look around without turning his whole body. A fit person would glance to both sides but he had to turn like a robot. And then he tried to move quickly but it was again just bouncing a little, a performance not real acceleration and then came to a stop for the two steps, very carefully. The slow reflexes, the stiff movements, the opening and closing his mouth in frustration, the hand gestures, he looks a frail 80. He should not be allowed on another bicycle let alone in the Oval office. He belongs in his home, where he has been for over half his Presidency.
Besides his age/brain issues, he probably doesn’t want to dislodge the earpieces dictating what he has to say!
More interesting Fetterman didn’t speak at all and his wife
A reporter attempts to ask John Fetterman a question.
Jersey Gisele immediately jumps in and goes “We’re not doing interviews.”
It seems so inappropriate playing “Hail to the Chief” in Biden’s presence.
He is no Chief.
He is barely even there.
And certainly not legitimately elected.
Another Oz cyberattack: EnergyAustralia hit by cyber attack in latest breach
EnergyAustralia is the latest business to be hit by a cyber attack, resulting in customer details being exposed.
The electricity company said the breach involved the customer platform My Account and 323 residential and small business customer accounts were accessed.
These accounts include the customer’s name, address, email address, electricity and gas bills, phone number and the first six and last three digits of credit cards.
And Microsoft just got hacked too and lost over 2 terabytes of customer data.
Remember kiddies – the government’s push to go digital everything is “unsafe & defective”.

I might be slightly protected because for utility bills and local government rates I insist on them mailing out paper invoices. I don’t maintain online accounts for utilities or local government rates (taxes).
I seriously doubt you are protected from anything. Anything you do now collects your data. Facial and fingerprint recognition, your gait, your heart rate, your entire medical history, possibly your DNA and so on. This information no longer has to be placed into folders and archive boxes and shipped to potential uses to be mechanically stored or sorted for retrieval. These processes occur in seconds and no one needs to aware they happened.
The problem with your biological passwords is that when someone has them you are unable to reset.
Have you been to a doctor and used your medicare card, do you use a device with facial recognition to do your Business Activity Statements, do you have a drivers licence or passport? Did you know with public private partnerships health records systems are operated from private venture capital entities located overseas?
You are lucky you are not Donald Trump. There could easily be an FBI report placing him at Albo’s Thai friend’s place eating an ice cream they could prove was stolen from Joe Biden. There could easily be CCTV footage on twitter of the crime and he would be convicted on the irrefutable evidence.
So as they say, ‘no standing in the rides’, we are going in and you are completely unprotected.
Make sure you detach from your computer and leave your house, talk to your neighbour, involve yourself in a local service organisation. Create and enjoy an identity on you neighbourhood ‘LAN’.
Whether one has an online account or not is academic. It’s the business that’s getting hacked. Once hacked it’s a case of privilege escalation until root is achieved.
The only safe place for your data is in a filing cabinet.
Your digital identity will be fine with the Government because they are so competent.
Exactly, just look at their well spent millions on contact tracing apps lol.
Are we missing the true great achievement of our Age?
The flipping of progressive granola, organic gluten free, vegan PETA, give the land back to the indigenous, you be you I’ll be me, birthing person types …
into mask wearing, how dare you question authority, give me more injections, lock me in home or I’ll glue my hand to a Picasso …
worshipers of Big Pharma?
It happened fast.
Get your Pumpkin Spice Lavender Soy Macchiato and Vax Update at the the Starbucks Drive Thru without ever leaving your Tesla. Including the occupant of the child safety seat in the back. Free with a Starbucks/Pfizer coupon.
There has to be Borg Hive Queen somewhere.
Has anyone else noticed that speed limit signs (in Oz) are only advisory these days? You are a mobile chicane if you stick to the limit. Worst offenders are tradies and drivers of dual-cab utes (four door pickups to our northern cousins) who take the Fleetwood Mac song “Go Your Own Way” literally.
I always treated speed limits as advisory when I was young and busy. What’s your problem? Look after yourself and let others do the same.
The closest thing to a serious highway accident I witnessed when one of your types gave way on a one lane bridge when he had right of way. The semi up his bum nearly steamrolled him but the oncoming vehicle obeyed the law and gave way as required. The air was blue with tyre smoke and a truckie swearing.
Just out of “my type” interest H, what is your current drive?
Why is that of interest?
I could overtake road trains on single carriage highways in a 2L rice burner.
And as a friend said of an early Landcruiser diesel
“You know, to pass someone doing 95 (km/h), you need a very long straight and a fair bit of courage”
Hello? Anybody home?
Was it somefink I said?
Sheez. Are you some sort of soy-boy? You ride a pushbike?
Leave the tradies out of it. They’re hammered by massive over-regulation, taxation, union bastartisation and green-left socialist control freaks.
Here’s the drum:
The thing you look for is not the speed limit sign but the white SUV with a flat back window parked on the side of the road under a tree. And, the triple flash of lights from an oncoming vehicle, the driver of which has a heightened level of community (fellow motorist) responsibility, advising you that the tax wankers are just up the road, bludging at your potential expense.
Any more regulation, taxation and unionisation and we’d be a socialist Nirvana. Nobody would make any money and we’d all be on the public teat.
Tradies, always in a hurry but never on time, god bless em.
I owned a coin in the slot business. Does that make me a tradie? I regularly serviced Collinsville, Bowen, Charley’s Trousers and Ingham. Some were long days and as you say, there was always another job somewhere else. Nice to get home in time to keep the customers happy. I wasn’t Coca Cola who could take their own sweet time.
A speeding fine was cost of doing business but I NEVER lost control at speed. The truckie who took out the right hand side of my van did though.
Ahhh… Collinsville, just 6 stubbies from Bowen. Prairie oysters down the pit at crib, blackdamp up to your waist, pit ponies the size of small elephants, pinkeye when you hit the surface and to cool down in the Bowen River, you had to get out of the water. That was the 70’s though…
Can you solve this problem?
Try it before listening to the answer.
HINT One of the answers ends with an insoluble hyperbolic identity.
just add the “when does five equal four?” question…
Up next – Elon’s Arctic teaser…
No I can’t David but suspect it’s a trick question .
Well for b) the answer is zero, as it’s 40m down and 40m up.
For a) i don’t see any short cut or trick but to do the full math ??
The UK’s energy problems are insurmountable in the short run so the political chaos is just beginning. The green dream will die hard.
Only the UK?
Globally. The first step is to replace the green MPs. The US congressional election next month will be interesting. But we have not even had winter so early days.
They will blame it on everyone and anyone other than themselves and their policies.
Then give themselves even more powers to pretend to solve the problems they caused in the first place. Hopefully no one is dumb enough to fall for it, but if you look at ALP talking points they already claim that coal is too expensive and unreliable … and lots of people are dumb enough to fall for it!!
All Green MPs have hidden vulnerabilities.
Generally, they’re hypocrites, on the take. Many have hidden pasts that don’t bear close examination.
Take Lidia Thorpe. Senator in the Australian Senate, for example.
Lidia is Aboriginal – or so she says. She is also a Green. A green Senator in the Australian Parliament.
Aboriginal communities have big problems with criminals running drugs (especially Meths) into Aboriginal communities in outback Australia and elsewhere. The communitoes are extremely dysfunctional because of this single fact.
The outlawed motorcycle gangs (OMGs) have a monopoly on this nefarious trade.
Lidia has been bonking an ex-president of the Rebels outlawed motorcycle gang.
Lidia sat on a Parliamentary Committee that received detailed and confidential intelligence on outlaw motorcycle gangs. Drug running. Standover thuggery. You know the stuff they’re into. Including Lidia. She’s been sleeping with the enemy, as a Senator.
Adam Bandt, the leader of the Greens in the Federal Parliament, is a weak Green commo. Watch what he does about the Lidia story.
Lidia needs to be drummed out. Out of the Senate. Out of the Greens. But Bandt doesn’t have the ticker to do it.
There is much more to this that will come out in the days ahead.
Think. OMG can’t wear their colours legally. Not a problem. They’ll just wear Brown Shirts. And, provide the Green’s muscle. Where did we see that before?
No sign of the green narrative collapsing so far in the UK. Just doubling down, blaming Putin, declaring more/faster renewable installations will solve the cost and supply problem, making it clear fracking is dead (yes the vote won, but no one will invest whilst there is a chance Labour will get in and kill it, and the public are brainwashed and XR types will disrupt relentlessly). By the time any uturn comes, the cost/full economic damage will already be incurred.
Collapse is far off, if ever. But trying to unban fracking was a good direction toward nullifying the scare. It may become a permanent left wing cause, like gun control. Far too soon to make predictions.
I beg to differ. I’d say it’s imminent, like months away.
Economy/society or the climate/energy scam?
‘The green dream will die hard’. True. There is an excess of politics, political guarantees to business, and huge sums invested by Big Business. The politicians will go down fighting as though their lives depended on being green, like their jobs. The huge amount of the national and company invested wealth will simply be blown away and that amounts to small investor wealth in company shares. There is no way this greenness is going down without a big fight, which will be in vain.
I have said, those wind and solar farms are going to be left falling into rack and ruin for a century in salute of just how stupid and unquestioning people of these times were. Too much hubris over the long abnormal period of peace the world has had. That peace is now fragmenting and the West is going to be lucky to survive. It has frittered away its wealth, rejected the scientific method, reverted to Dark Ages witchcraft with all its trappings, traded hugely with its enemies and in the process surrendered its leadership in data and most matters, neglected its defence. All in the name of hubris over the long peace.
When China raps the West for its destructive refusal to any longer tolerate fossil fuels on the basis of a crazy AGW theory just in case it might proven a hundred years or a thousand years and so destroys itself in 2 decades, then one knows just how stupid the West is and just how strong China is to become. The BRICS have no interest in AGW, now or ever.
The Green Energy Profiteering Scam
“Green” Profits Can Only Rise if Citizens’ Freedoms Fall
. When governments limit drilling and mining for hydrocarbons in the ground, they manufacture scarcity.
. When only certain wealthy individuals and companies can afford artificially expensive hydrocarbon energies as regular business costs, then budding entrepreneurs and small firms can no longer compete. Those at the peak of society’s wealth pyramid have a much easier time staying on top when the same natural sources of hydrocarbon energy once used to amass fortunes are now denied to those who would do the same.
. A war on “fossil fuels” is a superb tactic for protecting private market share. It is a profitable ideological cause for fattening government revenues. And it is a constant source of income for environmental “nonprofits” and other special interests….
. Can plastics, heating oil, and most synthetic materials found around a home be magically manufactured without petroleum?
. Can the global population stave off famine and starvation if farmers are forced to overhaul agricultural and livestock production methods in order to abide by “green” laws limiting the use or release of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen, and phosphate — molecules and compounds essential to basic farming and high crop yield fertilizers?
. Ideology hijacks the market’s natural direction toward an objective and transparent “meeting of the minds.” There is an unspoken but unmistakable fraud. Until governments, including hostile adversaries such as Russia and the United States, conspired to limit the use of hydrocarbon energy and “go green,” the idea that anybody could turn a profit from the wind or sun would have seemed as absurd as a vendor selling rocks freely available all around us.
. Are electric vehicles as powerful as their internal combustion engine counterparts? Can wind and solar energies really provide nations with reliable power grids robust enough to avoid rolling blackouts? Can plastics, heating oil, and most synthetic materials found around a home be magically manufactured without petroleum?
A couple of interesting sites
Australian Mapping China’s Tech Giants
This multi-year project maps the overseas expansion of key Chinese technology companies.
Launched in April 2019 and re-launched in June 2021 this website now includes 27 companies and 3800+ entries. Each entry is populated with up to 15 categories of data, totalling 38000+ data points.
About this project
ASPI’s International Cyber Policy Centre has produced a world-first online database, four policy reports and detailed analysis of each of the issues that have emerged from this project in a suite of sharable resources including downloadable data, thematic snapshots, and associated articles.
In June 2021 we re-launched this project with new data points on all 23 existing companies, as well as the addition of four new companies and two major new policy reports. For this relaunch we focused our analysis on what has changed for these companies during Covid-19 and we took a deep dive into China’s global data collection ecosystem and supply chain issues.
Report Announcement – VideoTranscript 08.27.2021
My small research group, Marco Polo, has a copy of the laptop. And we want to write a comprehensive report—
that’s analogous to the Mueller Report—on real foreign collusion.
There’s an amazing Australian think tank [ASPI] that has mapped out every single Chinese entity and their influence across the world in their Belt & Road Initiative. We’re going to be doing the same thing with Hunter. With the EXIF data that’s on these photos, we’re going to be going through and mapping out who he was meeting with and when.
But now a new report from watchdog organization Marco Polo USA outlines, in its 630-pages, a list of 459 “legal violations.”
Hunter Biden’s Laptop Documents At Least 459 Legal Violations, Watchdog Group Says
A year-long exploration of Hunter Biden’s laptop has yielded a 630-page report that its authors say document 459 violations of state and federal laws and regulations by President Joe Biden’s son and his business partners.
Marco Polo, a nonprofit formed by a one-time aide to former President Trump to enable a team of cyber gumshoes to take a deep dive into the laptop that the crack-addled Biden left at a Delaware repair store, claims the report is a road map for local, state, or federal prosecutors to pursue charges. The group also sent its report to each member of Congress.
The timing of the report’s release, coming two weeks before the midterm elections, has a certain symmetry to the laptop’s initial introduction to the public. In 2020, days before the election, the New York Post published news of the laptop’s existence, as well as bombshells from it, but social media suppressed the story after the FBI had warned companies of so-called misinformation
The team put together by Garrett Ziegler, Marco Polo’s 26-year-old founder, has mined the laptop with digital savvy, and produced a thorough report that is anything but vague or superficial, weighing in at 1 gigabyte because of the number of screenshots from the laptop.
“I’ve been focusing on this for 13 months,” Ziegler told The Daily Wire. “It was really a thing of necessity. I recognized how rich the material was. It requires utter focus. It is so hard to write something comprehensive about it and do anything else on the side.”
Hunter is the small fry. The world won’t fall apart if he was found guilty of all charges. After the midterms, Hunter and Joe become relatively irrelevant, even if Joe had to be replaced. The laptop has to do more. If the Democrats win both Federal Houses they are well on the way to permanent governance, again as a protected species by all major US government and civilian forces.
What is required is the exposure of the entire politicolegal system that has run against any anti Democrat governance in the USA since before Trump got elected. The real concern of the Democrats with Trump – or someone like him – becoming President is the extreme left’s position, built over nigh 50years will be destroyed forever if an 8 year Republican term under such individuals, is won.
That requires the laptop to expose Biden and any else in high office or close to him as being legally malfeasant. It requires a Republican takeover of both Houses and those elected showing more courage and interest than Republicans have traditionally shown, to expose the Heads of the DOJ, FBI, CIA, the Democrat Party and Politicians, oligarchs, msm and electronic media and the Heads of the armed Forces to have all been colluding and planning almost a coup of the nation where they could never be rejected from office. Much of the stated aims against SCOTUS and ending of the filibuster sound exactly like this being the end point.
They accuse Trump of attempting a coup over Jan6th. The way the extreme left works is, they tend to create smoke screens against their enemies, accusing them of doing exactly what the Democrats and extreme left are already doing themselves. This deflects public interest from how they themselves are operating. This is reflected best with the Russian collusion affair against Trump.
Australian Bank Begins Linking Customer Transactions to Carbon Footprint
Germany Dismantles Wind Farm to Mine for…wait for it…COAL!
Outstanding news! Let’s hope there’s more of this.
Hard to believe the Greens hold the balance of power in Germany .
Germany Could Run Out of Gas by February, Must Cut Consumption by Up to 30 Per Cent
Living the Green Dream.
Incidentally, “Green Dream” is also the colloquial name for sodium pentobarbital veterinary euthanasiing solution. And it’s also for legally killing humans by execution or euthanasia in some jurisdictions.
There is a better than even chance that the NAO will be negative during February, so freezing conditions should be expected.
The Green Tax: Electric Vehicle Owners Shocked by Battery Replacements Costing $20,000+
“Canadian Electric vehicle (EV) owners have been shocked to find out that battery replacements for their cars, especially older models, tops $20,000.”
It should be no surprise.
They would have known this if they were not blinded by Green ideology.
In any case, electric cars are primarily rich people’s toys. They should be able to afford it.
That raises the question of: Will there be a resale market for these short lived expensive toys? Just think of all that rubbish (politely) to be disposed of but never mentioned. Turbines, solar panels, EVs, Batteries – especially those massive ones with 2 hours community service.
Don’t just think of EVs being a few Teslas etc. The aim is for trucks, tractors, harvesters, seeding and weeding machinery, industrial plants; in fact, everything that now runs on fossil fuels and their ilk. Nobody ever mentions all this.
Eventually, most western nations will have concrete needles pointing to the sky, en masse. In a thousand years they’ll be treated like the stone statues of Easter Island and all be a mystery of the ages, nobody even thinking mankind could be so stupid. They’ll even wonder why huge tracts of land lie idle, great for producing food but now too toxic to use for farming due high concentrations of rare earth minerals. Or perhaps they’ll think we built huge acreages of mirrors because we thought the world might get too hot!
“Researchers in Australia and Europe have found there are not enough lithium-ion reserves to create all the batteries required to power approximately 1.39 billion EVs and renewables – as the Labor government pushes for net zero. ”
8 min video at link.
That’s why the Left want to eliminate private car ownership.
In the following link, this is the policy promoted by the WEF. I have quoted acl WEF link directly but the Leftist “fact checkers” say it’s not true…
I think if your social credit score is ok and you’re rich you will have an EV but the rest of us will be walking .
Copper is now needed more than ever for the transition, but is there enough?
“Almost unattainable” gap between green energy copper demand and mining supply
Plenty of copper still in the ground and new discoveries being found all the time , but I do notice that not all discoveries are being developed . Mine I worked at was closed because of economic factors and a subsidence but still plenty of very high grade ore there .
so why hasn’t some journalist asked Bowen where all the rare earth minerals are going to come from for his “just build more renewables solution”?
Here is a seven minute video discussing people who were ignorant and stupid and promoted extreme covid mandate measures but now see the evidence and are trying not to look stupid.
Note that when the speaker talks about “the tea” he means the vaxx to avoid Leftist YouTube censorship because we all know how the Left hate alternative opinions.
A couple of videos and some discussion by Chiefio
“F.A.&F.O. WEF, Coming Now To Europe”
While exploring this brave new world of EV’s one should realistically not be looking at it in isolation from all the other brave new worlds whose projected infliction is also being talked up at the same time.
A table from a video looking at this gives the following calculation on just copper –
Total metal (Cu here) required to produce 1 generation of
technology units to phase out fossil fuel (tons) 4,575,523,674 tons
Global metal production 2019 24,200,000 tons
Years to produce that total metal 189.1
So the amount going to the EV production stream might be rather restricted.
Figures via Chiefio’s first video, with other metals there also
The electric car history in brief
Part of the Leftist agenda is mass euthanasia.
So in certain countries people can get themselves legally killed just for being depressed or have hearing loss.
It is no surprise that 10,000 people had themselves legally killed last year in Canada.
Biden’s dementia is advancing rapidly. It seems implausible he can last another two years in the Oval Office.
He is likely to “resign” when his handlers put a resignation” letter in front of him and he signs it without knowing what it is like all the other documents he signs. Or he’ll be forcibly removed under the 25th Amendment.
And yet his replacement, Harris is even more hated, obnoxious and incompetent than he is. And then who would be VP?
What do you think will happen?
Tucker Carlson explained it this way: Kamala will be pensioned off ( bought). Obama will be brought in to take the VP’s job. He does not need to be voted in. Joe will be retired. Obama will become president. The precedent has been set by Roosevelt, who was given an extra term during the war. America is currently at war with Russia.
Blocking high pressure has made Sydney wetter than anytime in recorded history.
Saunders doesn’t mention that in his explanation.
I’m glad the Bureau of Meteorology renamed themselves to a more appropriate acronym.
Bureau of Mediocrity.
And do you really believe their rebranding cost “only” $220,000? Nothing a government department does costs so little. That is likely the consulting fee paid to someone like a friend of the Labor Party for 2 hours “work”.
The real cost is probably tens of millions.
The day I heard it the morning Ben Fordham had the figure at $70,000.
By mid-morning Ray Hadley had it up to just over $200,000.
And a whistleblower to Ray Hadley reckoned the consulting on the new name was more like $400,000.
There was also some research on one of the consultants who seemed to have migrated to a job at BOM
I guess managing all required for the change would have been a nice little earner.
BOM = Bury Our Misinformation?
More like ‘Barrel of Monkeys’!! (Apologies to the offended simians).
LOL. More like a cost of Tens of Minions…………………..
So, some trendy, ponytailed spiv was paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to come up with a moniker that they already had? Peak stupid reached.
Even that lefty org apple news is reporting a toxic culture at the Bom .
Joe Biden’s Big Diesel Problem
Drawing down the country’s petroleum reserves isn’t anybody’s idea of a long-term fix, but this latest round does appear to be having some kind of effect, since the average gallon of regular gas in the US costs about 8 cents less than it did last week, according to AAA.
But the shrinking cost at the pump threatens to cloak bigger problems ahead, and those appear to be showing up in the skyrocketing cost of the fuel that plays a leading role in powering the overall economy: diesel.
If you want a peek at the future, look at how the price of New York Harbor diesel fuel is rising. At more than $200 a barrel, that fuel blend, the current standard, is more than double the price of regular gasoline – and that gap is a major reason why so many other goods are getting more expensive.
“These numbers are incredibly high,” said Tom Kloza, global head of energy analysis at Oil Price Information Service. “It’s hard to find something that’s more insidious than high diesel prices, because the way that everything in the country really moves. Whether by rail, by boat, or by truck, it’s diesel-fired.” While it’s still about 50 cents a gallon lower than the all-time peak reached in June, it’s still about 50 percent more expensive than it was a year ago at this time.
The reasons behind this get directly to why there are no easy fixes for this kind of problem. As Javier Blas at Bloomberg points out, diesel stockpiles should be 30 percent higher than they are right now. The banning of Russian oil and gas from much of the Western world is a major reason for that drop, but the whiplash in demand following COVID lockdowns is also still affecting the global supply. The last time there was this little supply, there were about 3.5 billion fewer people on the planet, Kloza pointed out. That doesn’t even get to the vast expansion in infrastructure, and how much more fuel is needed today to send goods around the world in a vastly more globalized economy. Places like Latin America and Asia also depend on it more than the US does.
But the sting will be felt everywhere. It’s not just transportation that relies on diesel: 75 percent of all farm equipment relies on the fuel, meaning that the price of food is going to rise before it ever even gets on a truck.
And it’s not just diesel that’s rising. Kerosene, which is typically used to heat homes in poorer and rural communities in the Northeast, is nearing $7 a gallon — a significant expense for anyone who will need to buy one or two gallons per hour to heat a house in the winter. Jet fuel is about 23 percent more expensive than it was a month ago. With Europe still weening itself off Russian energy, extra demand from the continent could push prices up even higher this winter and into next year.
Biden’s Diesel Fuel Supply Crisis Could Soon Cripple America in Ways Never Before Seen
Diesel doesn’t get as much of the limelight as oil and gas, but it should because diesel fuel is the industrial lifeblood of the United States, and the price of diesel alone probably has a more significant impact on inflation and the prices you’re paying at the grocery store over any other factor. Without ample amounts of diesel, semi-trucks don’t move, farms are shut down, and critical manufacturing sectors are crippled.
As Bloomberg noted this week, “The US has just 25 days of diesel supply, the lowest since 2008, according to the Energy Information Administration. At the same time, the four-week rolling average of distillates supplied, a proxy for demand, rose to its highest seasonal level since 2007.”
The Biden administration has remained strangely silent, probably hoping that the dismal news doesn’t hit the mainstream because it’s a total political timebomb waiting to go off, especially as the midterm elections are so close.
Bloomberg noted:
The diesel crunch comes just weeks ahead of the midterm elections and has the potential to drive up prices for consumers who already view inflation and the economy as a top voting issue. Retail prices have been steadily climbing for more than two weeks. At $5.324 a gallon, they’re 50% higher than this time last year, according to AAA data.
Taking from
“US has just 106 million barrels of diesel stockpiles. Last time inventories were that low in mid-October was in 1951. Inventories should be 30% higher this time of the year.” Fed have another wave of energy-led inflation coming?
Lachlan Murdoch loses opening skirmish in Australia defamation fight against website Crikey
Fyodor Lukyanov: The possibility of Saudi Arabia joining the BRICS shows the world is moving on from Western dominance
Two decades on from its emergence as a marketing ploy, the concept has enjoyed an unlikely upturn
By Fyodor Lukyanov, the editor-in-chief of Russia in Global Affairs, chairman of the Presidium of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy, and research director of the Valdai International Discussion Club.
Will America end Zelenskyy’s dream?
The pro-war consensus seems to be weakening
Makes it to realclearpolitics page for today
Zelensky’s Dream and the Weakening Consensus on Ukraine Thomas Fazi, UnHerd
The Dangers of ‘Catastrophic Consequences’
Sixty years after the Cuban missile crisis, Biden is re-creating nuclear deterrence on the fly.
Any U.S. policy of catastrophic consequences therefore raises several urgent questions. Above all, what is the threshold for risking direct conflict with Russia, military or otherwise? Would it be any Russian use of atomic weapons? Would it require Moscow targeting civilians? What about a nuclear demonstration shot—or a single low-yield weapon on Ukrainian troops or infrastructure? What if Putin uses a nuclear electromagnetic pulse weapon that temporarily paralyzes the Ukrainian government in Kyiv? And what if the Russians target the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, possibly creating a wartime Chernobyl?
By raising the rhetorical bar so high, Washington may be foreclosing options to control nuclear brinkmanship. It may be maneuvering itself, not just Moscow, into a corner. It is comforting to think that a powerful U.S. response to any Russian nuclear use would cap hostilities and so punish Moscow that it forgoes further escalation. The reality may not be so clean-cut.
The Conundrum perfectly summed up by “When Would you Push the Button”
Yes Prime Minister – Salami Tactics and Nuclear Deterrent
Extremely prescient in todays’ Ukraine Situation
The Red Hot Nuclear Button – Yes, Prime Minister – Comedy Greats
perhaps the plan IS to have conflict with Russia.
Flannery hypothesis falsified.
why no mainstream journalist looking for Flannery to ask him about his past predictions in relation to the current floods?
Did he say floods wont happen?
Stacey Abrams Explains You Can Get Your Bills Down To $0 By Killing Yourself
ATHENS, GA – Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams shocked Americans this week when she insisted we need abortion because “having children is why you’re worried about the price of gas.” She later followed up her comments by reminding everyone they can reduce their bills to zero by just killing themselves.
“As it turns out, not being alive anymore solves almost all economic problems,” said Abrams on Morning Joe. “And if there are fewer people alive, that means fewer mouths to feed and fewer problems in general! I’m very compassionate!”
Abrams’ comments have drawn adulation from her supporters, as they are mostly Communists who get very annoyed at the thought of too many people being alive. Some even called for Abrams to add an innovative “bodies-for-gas” proposal to her talking points, with mobile abortion clinics and suicide booths available at all Georgia gas stations for maximum convenience. Other supporters have recommended that Abrams help Georgians struggling with high hospital bills by euthanizing their grandmothers.
“We applaud Stacy Abrams’ unwavering commitment to raging against the creator of the universe by destroying human life in pursuit of material goods,” said local campaign organizer Lucille Wormwood. “These are the kinds of values Georgians want in public office.”
At publishing time, Stacey Abrams had committed to turning Georgia’s economy around by implementing a one-child policy.
She is welcome to go first.
The SMH is facing reality on renewables.
‘Why the renewables revolution may not cut your power bill.
‘Experts say state government plans to drive massive roll-outs of renewable energy deliver on essential reform to the grid, but it comes with a price tag.’
Insufferable J6 Committee Files Political Subpoena for President Trump Testimony as a Midterm Loss Election Shield and Insurance Policy
Yesterday, Politico noted President Trump had enlisted the law firm of Harmeet Dhillon as a proactive measure against a J6 subpoena. “Former President Donald Trump has hired a firm to engage with the Jan. 6 select committee on its forthcoming subpoena of him, POLITICO has learned.” {link} Less than a day later the J6 committee issues the formal subpoena.
Once again, the corrupt DC institutional system, and specific media participation, are identified by the leaks and recipients. The injustice system, DOJ/FBI always use the New York Times and Politico as their advanced public relations firms. The insufferable J6 subpoena details can be FOUND HERE.
The committee is giving President Trump until November 4th to comply with the document request, with a demand for testimony by November 16th.
No president (executive branch) has ever been forced to give testimony to a legislative committee (legislative branch) because the very foundation of the demand violates the separation of powers as established in the constitution. This legal argument will take some time to work itself out, and the (un)likelihood of the subpoena being successful speaks to the political nature of the theatrics in advance of the 2022 midterm election.
That said, having been the recipient of two J6 subpoenas, successfully defeated – in part thanks to your support, I can provide some insight into why President Trump enlisted the Dhillon Law Firm.
At least from my experience, there are only a handful of potential lawyers or law firms who will even take the case of a fight against a J6 committee subpoena because: (1) it is just so fraught with politics, and (2) the entire enterprise is a litigious and financial black hole.
The weaponized J6 committee has a bottomless budget, the J6 targets do not. Ultimately, the financial cost is the root cause of why Lawfare succeeds. It’s just too damned expensive to fight them off, even with great lawyers. I can only imagine how much Steve Bannon has spent, and how much President Trump will have to spend.
Even a simple responsive letter to the committee, depending on scale and scope, starts around $10,000 and goes up from there; that’s just for the initial response. If the initial response isn’t successful, the fight retainer starts around six figures for the next round… and that’s just a single and simple case. The more complex legal arguments are exponentially more costly for the targets. Justice system? Yeah, good luck with that.
Now, given the J6 subpoena against President Trump is likely to fail on constitutional grounds, let’s talk about the motive for why they would do this.
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene
When are you going to subpoena @SpeakerPelosifor refusing to secure the Capitol on January 6th by purposely refusing President Trump’s requests for the National Guard to protect the Capitol?
Nancy Pelosi knew the intelligence reports and wouldn’t bring in the NG.
After the Jan. 6 Committee finishes, maybe a GOP Congress can probe some actual ‘threats to democracy’
By Glenn H. Reynolds
Congressional Democrats have nearly wrapped up the political circus generally known as the Jan. 6 Committee.
That panel was supposed to look into the allegedly democracy-shaking events of Jan. 6, 2021. Though this has been called an “insurrection,” it was closer to a campus mob occupying the dean’s office than a coup d’etat.
The actual violence that day pales in comparison to the bloody and fiery riots that raged across American cities in 2020, with approval, tacit and otherwise, from Democratic politicians and media (who described those riots as “fiery but mostly peaceful”).
Now Americans are more concerned with skyrocketing prices, economic stagnation and the threat of a nuclear war in Europe, after some unwise comments by President Joseph Biden gave Vladmir Putin an apparent green light to invade Ukraine. (The White House staff walked them back, as they so often do with the dodderer-in-chief’s remarks, but the damage was done).
If that happens, the question is what a new Republican congressional majority should do. The answer is lots of things, but I have one suggestion: It’s time for some hearings of their own.
Meanwhile, the Justice Department has been treating Americans with political views it dislikes as domestic terrorists. Attorney General Merrick Garland, at the behest of teachers unions and the White House, sicced federal investigators on parents who spoke up at school-board meetings. Now the FBI is breaking down doors among pro-life activists, even as it turns a blind eye to widespread arson against crisis pregnancy centers. Polls indicate that a majority of Americans now view the FBI as Biden’s personal G@stapo.
How did we get to this state of affairs? Congress should be asking pointed questions, and getting answers under oath.
By which time the Mid Terms will be over especially with lots of Trump delaying tactics which is what I would do if I was him.
Dems Nil and The People One Big One……………………………QED
I know, it’s a null set. But Greg Price (I don’t know who he is, but he is all over Twitter) offers a funny Public Service Announcement for the benefit of “all male Democratic staffers”:
Greg Price
This is a PSA to all male Democrat staffers: If a really hot chick goes on a few dates with you, there’s a 75% chance that she works for James O’Keefe

After getting a not predicted storm and deluge last night in northeast Victoriastan I was checking dam heights etc and amounts of water being released and for the first time ever I see the word “Cumec” instead of gigalitres. Makes me wonder why the change of terminology all of a sudden !
Yes big down pour in my district, north central. As I mentioned lower down ( I should read top down not bottom up ) the reporting of flood heights is as of this morning being reported as height above sea level, much more dramatic that those pesky single figure heights. Water at Echuca expected to peak at 90 metres ABOVE SEA LEVEL.
I also baulked at the “above sea level” usage initially. But then I realised that, especially in our flat country, the measure can be used in conjunction with topographical maps to rapidly estimate the areal extent of the flooding, something which is not possible with the old local “river height” technique.
Will be interesting to see reactions.
Dave B
Another from Willis E on Ceres data
On the latest CDC output
“I remind you that the latest “updated” shot was tested on….. eight mice. Not one human. There is exactly zero evidence that it either works or is safe in human beings. Yes, they’re mice engineered to be “human like” but they’re not human beings and you have to be a special brand of crazy to take anything that has as its “test base” only eight mice — and zero humans.”
“Incidentally if you believe said “mouse testing” is valid then you must square that with two indisputable facts: First, that the “super virus” that was just created in Boston (arguably illegally by the way) is representative — it killed 80% of the mice that it was given to — and so was the wild original strain that killed all of them. We know, of course, the latter is not true as virtually every healthy human was just fine when they got the original strain; they got it, they fought it off and survived. Therefore we know this “mouse model” is nonsense and thus you simply can’t believe what it “tells” you (unless you’d like to take the risk of being dead, of course.)”
“The reason the CDC’s panel did this is nakedly obvious: Only by putting the jab into the childhood schedule do the makers get legal immunity from lawsuits if it kills or injures your child — or your Grandma — once the EUA authorizations expire and they will expire whenever the Covid “emergency” expires. That’s the law — for a “vaccine” to be included in the NCJIA legal immunity it must be in the childhood recommended series. If it isn’t then it’s not covered and all that is left is The PREP Act’s coverage which expires with the relevant EUA.”
And more
True, except in the case of Fraudulent Data, Conspiracy to Defraud, Racketeering in furtherance of Fraud, Bribery of Federal Officials, Collusion to Defraud, Illegal influence, Graft, Corruption of officials, etc.
This is far from over. It could go on for decades. And that, is the problem. Justice ought be swift.
So glad that I left the Rats at the FDA, CDC, Congress, UK Pollies, EU, Big Pharma andTGA here as well the inept Federal/State/Territory Guv’ments to get on with it while I never got jabbed. My BS Detector has been on major alert for many, many years and is still working away to protect me. Far better than any alleged ‘vaccine’.
The AFR View
Chalmers will succeed or fail in his grip on spending
The Treasurer says he wants to restore Labor’s reputation with voters for better economic management. That requires spending restraint.
Jim Chalmers’ first of many tests in next Tuesday’s budget is to get the federal government’s spending under control before another global shockwave makes his job even harder than it is. He’s starting out with another $18 billion in Labor spending promises added during the election campaign for the next four years.
Last week, the government confirmed another blowout in the National Disability Insurance Scheme. So, on Tuesday night, Dr Chalmers must show structural spending cuts beyond the routine efficiency measures if he is to keep things under control.
Dr Chalmers’ political aims are not exactly modest. As the former chief-of-staff to treasurer Wayne Swan told The Australian Financial Review’s Ron Mizen this week, he wants to change the historic narrative in voters’ minds that Labor governments are worse economic managers than the Liberals. His former boss began a decade of deficits that lasted until the Coalition’s Josh Frydenberg balanced the books in 2019. After the pandemic blew up the budget again, deficits now stretch into at least the 2030s. Dr Chalmers’ ambition to revive Labor’s economic reputation rests on making his resolve on spending clear from next Tuesday onwards.
It can’t be about preparing the ground for higher taxes
Bringing home the bacon was what Paul Bleating went on about all those years ago. Yes and Pigs might fly (one day).
As for Swanee, he had NFI and Chalmers will be another Laybore failure.
Can someone please let these ‘Pollies’ know that an Insurance Scheme is one that is funded. The NDIS is not an Insurance Scheme. It is all about robbing Peter to pay Paul. And Paul will always vote to rob Peter.
This will be a Budget Fiasco. More Debt and more Deficits until the Cows come home……………………
Aussie Bank Begins Linking Customer Transactions To Carbon Footprint
In another foretaste of potential future ‘carbon allowance’ limits, a major bank in Australia has introduced a new feature that links purchases to a customer’s carbon footprint and warns them when they are going over the average.
Australia’s Commonwealth Bank (CBA) has partnered with Cogo, a “carbon management solutions” company, to launch the new feature, which is part of CBA’s online banking platform.
The bank gives the customer the option to “pay a fee” to offset their carbon footprint, with the average listed as 1,280 kilograms, a long way from the ‘sustainable’ figure of 200 kilograms.
A person’s carbon footprint is calculated and then an ‘equivalent’ metric is show to make the customer feel guilty about it, such as “8 trees being cut”.
“By combining our rich customer data and CoGo’s industry-leading capability in measuring carbon outputs, we will be able to provide greater transparency for customers so that they can take actionable steps to reduce their environmental footprint,” CommBank Group executive Angus Sullivan said in a statement.
The bank has promised to refine the calculation down to showing how much CO2 individual purchases are responsible for.
While initially presented as a handy way for someone to track their consumption habits and the supposed impact they have on the environment, some fear that such schemes could one day become mandatory and place limits on purchases of customers who exceed their ‘carbon allowance.’
As we previously highlighted, allied with climate lockdowns, technocrats want to exploit hysteria over climate change to increase financial control over individuals.
Such a proposal was presented in the science journal Nature by four environmental “experts” as a means of reducing global carbon emissions.
Everyone would be issued with a ‘carbon allowance card’ “that would entail all adults receiving an equal tradable carbon allowance that reduces over time in line with national [carbon] targets.”
The authors make it clear that the program would be a “national mandatory policy.”
Carbon units would be “deducted from the personal budget with every payment of transport fuel, home-heating fuels and electricity bills,” and anyone going over the limit would be forced to purchase additional units in the personal carbon market from those with excess to sell.”
Of course, the wealthy would be easily able to afford the offsets, and many of them are directly invested in the trading mechanisms that the scheme would be based on.
The proposal makes clear that the means of measuring a person’s uptake of carbon units for travel would function “on the basis of the tracking the user’s movement history.”
The authors note that mass compliance with COVID-19 lockdown regulations has greased the skids for further intrusive tyranny and that, “people may be more prepared to accept the tracking and limitations related to PCAs to achieve a safer climate” as a result.
Saw that O.O. Love the crap about how many tree “equivalents” individuals might have caused too be cut down. I wonder if Combank could refine or define what a “tree” is.
Am I causing 8 100 metre tall mountain ash to be sacrificed or 8 2 metre tall sticks of ti tree?
In my area this a.m. the internet went down for a couple of hours, shock horror, please stay home don’t go to the shop or the petrol station as efpos isn’t working.
Ha Ha good old cash still works once the lights go out.
What do they say if you take you cash out at the ATM?
This is why I like CASH…………………….
I would appreciate a feature to tell me how much CO2 I was generating with a view to maximise my CO2 production. I sometimes worry I am not producing enough but my electricity bills assure me I am producing above average and I drive a 6 litre V8 car…
Man Who Invented Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine Admits He Hasn’t Been Jabbed
Dr Ugur Sahin, the CEO of BioNTech, the biotechnology company that worked with Pfizer to develop the world’s first Covid vaccine, has admitted on camera that he did not get jabbed with a Covid vaccine.
When asked by a reporter from the German DW network why he wasn’t vaccinated, Dr. Sahin became evasive and vaguely claimed that it’s illegal for him to get vaccinated and his company must focus on producing billions of vaccines for others.
The revelation that the man who developed the Pfizer vaccine has not been vaccinated himself recalls claims by Bill Gates’ former doctor that while Gates pushes vaccines on humanity, he does not allow his own family to get vaccinated.
Previously, the fastest vaccine ever developed took more than four years of hard work.
But Dr. Sahin — who founded BioNTech with his wife — made a “rough design over one weekend.”
And this “rough design” received FDA authorization just months later. Moderna’s vaccine also took just two days to design, as Business Insider previously reported.
Pfizer Hiking COVID Vaccine Prices By 400%
Pfizer is planning to quadruple the price of its COVID vaccine as the federal government’s program to purchase the doses comes to a close.
According to a report from Reuters, Pfizer President Angela Lukin announced on Thursday that the pharmaceutical giant will charge between $110 and $130 per dose, although the treatment will be available at no cost to Americans with private or government insurance. “We are confident that the U.S. price point of the COVID-19 vaccine reflects its overall cost effectiveness and ensures the price will not be a barrier for access for patients,” she remarked.
Lukin added that the private sector will not begin handling vaccine purchases until 2023 “at the earliest,” dependent upon the depletion of the current government supply.
The cost of
livingdying just quadrupled…50
Interesting change of language in relation to flood levels in Victoria. Levels were being reported at local measuring stations and described as 7.5 metres or preaking at 9 metres etc. Today, however, on local radio the flood level at Echuca is being reported as reaching 90 metres followed by “above sea level”.
Keep the fear and panic running as long and as dramatically as possible.
During the millennial drought if anyone in government needed praise for saving water they described it in thousands of litres, or hundreds of thousands of litres. When they wanted to hide any losses they talked megalitres, because the numbers looked smaller.
New study shows that pretty much everyone is getting heart damage from the COVID vaccines
A new study out of Switzerland shows that vaccinated people have uniformly higher troponin levels than their unvaccinated peers.
In the graph shown at 6:21, we see that the 777 people who got the booster in this study have uniformly higher troponin levels than their matched unvaccinated peers. That is not supposed to happen. If the vaccines are safe, the troponin levels should be nearly identical between vaccinated and unvaccinated groups.
Here are Professor Prasad’s exact words:
It’s not just the tip of the distribution that has elevated high sensitivity troponin, it’s that the entire distribution is right shifted. Everybody’s having a little bit of elevation in high sensitivity troponin. That’s what this graph would have you infer.
You get a troponin elevation when there is damage to your heart:
Troponin is a type of protein found in the muscles of your heart. Troponin isn’t normally found in the blood. When heart muscles become damaged, troponin is sent into the bloodstream. As heart damage increases, greater amounts of troponin are released in the blood
What the study shows is that nearly everyone is getting a little heart damage when they get the COVID vaccine, some get a lot more damage than others.
Arizona Sec of State Hobbs, Dem governor nominee, showed up to office 19 days in past 6 months
Hobbs’ absences from her state office have lasted weeks
Seems to be an American DemoCrap Theme don’t turn up to Work
Joe Biden as He Prepares to Depart for Another Weekend Vacation in Delaware: Democrats “Have a Great Record” On Crime (VIDEO)
Joe Biden on Friday afternoon departed DC en route to Delaware for another vacation after making a brief stop in Dover.
According to the New York Post, since being installed in January 2021, Joe Biden has spent more than 40% of his presidency on vacation.
There are no visitor logs at Biden’s Delaware compound so the American people have no idea who Biden is meeting with off-the-record.
We have no idea who is visiting Joe Biden every weekend in Delaware.
Doesn’t sound like Joe will have much of a Presidential Library!
CONCLUSIVE: COVID-19 Was Made in a Laboratory – Without a Reckoning, Even More Deadly Pandemics Are in Our Future
A blockbuster scientific article, published on October 20, 2022, analyzed the restriction sites of COVID-19, which are “cutting and pasting” markers for viruses constructed in the laboratory.
According to the authors, COVID-19 “has the restriction site fingerprint that is typical for synthetic viruses.”
That synthetic fingerprint found in COVID-19 is not a feature of naturally-occurring coronaviruses but is common in lab-assembled viruses.
In addition, the type of mutations that differentiate the restriction sites in COVID-19 are characteristic of engineering, and the concentration of these mutations in the restriction sites is extremely unlikely to have arisen by random evolution.
Both the restriction site fingerprint and the pattern of mutations generating them are not characteristics of naturally-occurring coronaviruses but are nearly universal in synthetic viruses.
That is, there is no pathway by which COVID-19 could have evolved from coronaviruses found in nature.
The authors concluded that their findings strongly indicate a laboratory origin of COVID-19.
These recent scientific data, taken together with an abundance of other evidence prove that the COVID-19 pandemic was not caused by a “jump” from animals to humans as claimed by prominent members of the scientific community, prestigious medical journals and government officials.
Yep, knew that 30 months ago. The bloke who supposedly identified the AIDS virus ( still a tad controversial actually) said it was man made. Petrovsky from Adelaide Uni said similar way back in early 2020. Science is slow, but common sense is much quicker. Bat soup…… hilarious. .
Europe and the United States Go Thelma and Louise Over the Ukraine
Sorry to burden you with film references, but this iconic scene (1 min 25 Secs) from Thelma and Louise seems to capture the current zeitgeist infecting Europe and the United States:
I will leave it to you to decide if Europe is Thelma or Louise. In either case, this is a suicide pact that the United States and Europe are jointly executing without taking time to think about the ultimate consequences of their current actions.
Both the United States and Europe have expressed openly their goal of getting rid of Vladimir Putin. Putin, in their juvenile world, is the source of all suffering and all evil. Quite a powerful guy according to Western mythology. Yet–irony alert–it is the leaders in the West that are being toppled. Joe Biden’s party is facing a massive rebuke in the upcoming November election. Italy gave the Prime Minister reins to an outspoken Conservative–a clear rejection of the traditional political hacks that had been in charge in Italy. And the United Kingdom is in the grips of a record setting meltdown of its political order. For the first time since Parliament came into being (we’re talking three hundred years), the Prime Minister was forced to resign after 40 days in office. While the Tories are trying to paint lipstick on this pig of a situation and call it Marilyn Monroe, it is a total clown show. The UK will continue to give lip service to backing Ukraine, but the economic reality will dictate either cutting back support in order to maintain the readiness of the British military or gutting the British military in favor of arming Ukraine. The UK cannot do both.
Notwithstanding the economic turmoil roiling Europe, the political leaders continue to pay lip service to backing Ukraine while their ability to actually send financial and military support fades. Germany is a prime example and is arguing over whether to send tanks. Neocon Anne Appelbaum (wife of former Polish Defense Minister Sidorski) provided a firsthand report of Germany’s schizophrenia on this issue:
Like Thelma and Lousie, the United States and Europe are gunning their engines and tossing equipment willy-nilly into Ukraine. I guess they hope something sticks.
What the USA and Europe don’t really appreciate is that behind Putin there are all of those hard liner Communists from Soviet times. If Putin exits stage left then the hardliners will take over. So what then? Mayhem I would think…………….Putin won’t pull the nuclear trigger but others well might.
I have warned that all my sources, and even the declassified documents from the Clinton administration, clearly show that Putin has been the MODERATE person here. He has come under CONSTANT pressure from the Russian Neocons to get tough on Ukraine, I have said many times that removing Putin will be a disaster for the people behind him who will not lay down, but will use nuclear weapons. Even the former UK spy chief has come out confirming the same thing I have been getting from my sources.
Attacking the power grid shows that the hardliners are winning and Putin must get more aggressive. The West knows that. Their sources cannot be less than mine.
The West simply wants war. They need this as an excuse to justify the collapse of all government debt that is no longer sustainable. They are looking for a new Bretton Woods and new digital currency and they have the press in their pocket. Poland is now amassing troops and the West is not beyond launching its own tactical nuke on Ukraine as a false flag to start this war.
This is all economic and they see this as the only way out. This is why we have a panic in derivative debt. War is created by politicians – never the people. They have done everything they can to paint Putin as evil and a madman and that is to rally the troops to hate all Russians. They did that in Iraq, and they tried it in Syria. It is standard psychological warfare.
All you have to do is look at the arrays of key weeks ahead. You begin to see everything lining up for the same weeks in November. Capital is shifting already. Those who know the plan are moving personal capital already.
If you dare talk of peace, you are a Putin supporter. That by itself clearly shows you that they want war. NOBODY is interested in talking about peace or any compromise. I feel sorry for the Ukrainian people who the West will wash their hands in their blood as collateral damage. They have been played as fools and Zelensky has been paid handsomely for the greatest acting role in his career.
Via Martin A.
Ok, so it WILL ramp up a lot in the next few weeks (my other sources) and by next year, everyone had really better have some serious planning done or pay the price.
This is not an episode of Fantasy Island.
Australia is a cyberattack target rather than a military one. The UK is a primary military target. The less aligned with the USSA you are, the better.
There’s no way out of this mess the USSA neocons have created…
Trudeau freezes handgun sales in Canada ‘from now on’
Canadians can no longer buy, sell or transfer handguns, and cannot bring newly acquired handguns into the country, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced.
The “national handgun freeze” is part of a major gun control law that’s still being debated in Canadian parliament, however Trudeau’s administration is already “taking immediate action” to put the handgun freeze in place.
“Canadians have the right to feel safe in their homes, in their schools, and in their places of worship,” Trudeau stated. “With handgun violence increasing across Canada, it is our duty to take urgent action to remove these deadly weapons from our communities. Today, we’re keeping more guns out of our communities, and keeping our kids safe.”
The same old gun fear and ignorance.
Look at the USA. FBI & DOJ data proves the highest crime occurs in the most gun restricted areas.
But this time your WEF controlled puppet doesn’t want an armed uprising against the NWO, and the NWO is as sick as a 4x jabbed person and getting worse.
There’s Something in the Water in Virginia.
A crucial aquifer is running low, so officials are pumping in treated sewage.
Virginia doesn’t have a megadrought like some parts of the United States, but it has water problems all the same: Homes and businesses in the Hampton Roads region, in the southeastern corner of the state, are drawing groundwater faster than it can be replenished. The situation has gotten so bad that the earth is sinking in some places.
Officials, though, think they might have found a solution in the sewers. Every day, the region’s sanitation system takes a million gallons of treated wastewater and pumps it back into the Potomac Aquifer, a major source of drinking water for the area. And there are plans to increase that to 100 million gallons in the coming years.
Around the country, cities and towns are increasingly turning to treated wastewater to augment their supplies of drinking water. The number of drinking-water reuse projects has quadrupled over the past two decades, according to data collected by the National Alliance for Water Innovation, a research program funded by the United States Department of Energy.
You vill eat ze bugs and ze recycled poo vater…
Liberal funerals 2022:
“He died of a heart attack due to climate change.
We’re grateful he was vaccinated or it could have been so much worse.”
“Children’s Hospitals Overflowing With Respiratory Illness Patients”
Firstly, the COVID vaccine was not safety tested and must not be given to children, none of it, no healthy child. Children have statistical zero risk of severe illness and death from COVID virus and there is no clinical data to support the use of these vaccines in children. None. The mRNA gene vaccine is ineffective and non-neutralizing and driving variants (infectious and likely lethal ones) with Darwinian natural selection pressure, but it also causes grave harm e.g. myocarditis.
Importantly, we have been arguing that the COVID gene injection in children will subvert the innate immune system of children (the training of innate antibody and natural killer cells for this training and education is critical in the young child and the training must happen before any vaccines are given, if they are given) and leave them defenseless to a range of glycosylated pathogen (that share similar sugars and glycans and patterns on their surfaces especially virus infected cells) and to auto-immune disease (inability to distinguish ‘self’ from ‘non-self’ components in the child and recognize self-mimicking cells, self-like and variations in between).
COVID-19 vaccination of children must stop immediately. Not only will the COVID-19 vaccines fully prevent innate antibodies from neutralizing the virus confronted with now e.g. omicron (binding to the antigen and neutralizing), but they will also irreversibly prevent the innate antibodies (in association with the virus) from educating the cell-based innate immune system (e.g., NK cells that are part of the innate immune system). Instead, the vaccinal antibodies will bind to the spike antigen (vaccine antibodies are highly specific and with greater affinity for the virus’s spike antigen) and facilitate and enhance viral infectiousness and enable the virus to breach the innate immune defense, thereby causing severe COVID-19 disease. We know this as antibody-dependent enhancement of infection (ADEI) and of disease (ADED).
This binding by vaccinal antibodies (Abs) and out-competing of the innate Abs will also prevent the child from educating it’s innate immune system in recognizing several other (glycosylated) pathogens ( measles, mumps, rubella, varicella, rotavirus, RSV etc.) while discriminating those from self-antigens (discriminating self from non-self, self-like, self-mimicking etc). This could lead to severe disease caused by several other (glycosylated) pathogens which the child has not been vaccinated against as well as to severe immune pathology e.g. auto-immune disease In addition, it will also no longer be possible to vaccinate children with other live attenuated childhood vaccines once they have received the COVID-19 shot for these vaccines could now cause severe disease. So, in effect, the COVID-19 vaccine could become a death sentence for a young child!
As I said from day 1 – isolate the oldies and let Covid run its course, like the flu. Now we see why.
Shocking Experiment Indicates Our Brains Use Quantum Computation
Scientists believe our brains could use quantum computation after taking a concept developed to prove the existence of quantum gravity and adapting it to explore the human brain and its workings. The discovery may shed light on consciousness, the workings of which remain scientifically difficult to understand and explain. Quantum brain processes could also explain why humans can still outperform supercomputers when it comes to unforeseen circumstances, decision-making, or learning something new.
“If entanglement is the only possible explanation here then that would mean that brain processes must have interacted with the nuclear spins, mediating the entanglement between the nuclear spins. As a result, we can deduce that those brain functions must be quantum.
“Because these brain functions were also correlated to short-term memory performance and conscious awareness, it is likely that those quantum processes are an important part of our cognitive and conscious brain functions.
“Quantum brain processes could explain why we can still outperform supercomputers when it comes to unforeseen circumstances, decision making, or learning something new. Our experiments performed only 50 meters away from the lecture theater, where Schrödinger presented his famous thoughts about life, may shed light on the mysteries of biology, and on consciousness which scientifically is even harder to grasp.”
The amazing brain:
Work ethic or total lack thereof
** Naughy words warning**
Welcome to UBI commie utopia. Bye bye everything.
Starlink signals can be reverse-engineered to work like GPS—whether SpaceX likes it or not
Todd Humphreys’s offer to SpaceX was simple. With a few software tweaks, its rapidly growing Starlink constellation could also offer ultra-precise position, navigation, and timing. The US Army, which funds Humphreys’s work at the University of Texas at Austin, wanted a backup to its venerable, and vulnerable, GPS system. Could Starlink fill that role?
When the idea was first proposed in 2020, executives at SpaceX were open to the idea, says Humphreys. Then word came from on high. “Elon told the leaders we spoke to: every other LEO [low Earth orbit] communications network has gone into bankruptcy,” Humphreys told MIT Technology Review. “And so we [SpaceX] have to focus completely on staying out of bankruptcy. We cannot afford any distractions.”
But Humphreys wouldn’t take no for an answer. For the past two years, his team at UT Austin’s Radionavigation Lab has been reverse-engineering signals sent from thousands of Starlink internet satellites in low Earth orbit to ground-based receivers. Now Humphreys says his team has cracked the problem, and he believes that regular beacon signals from the constellation, designed to help receivers connect with the satellites, could form the basis of a useful navigation system. Crucially, this could be done without any help from SpaceX at all.
Hmmm…should we consider this hacking or exploitation?
Can he sue them for proceeds of crime? Can he charge anyone using the signals a fee? Information is money these days..
If I was to use the USA’s military satellites for the same thing, would they do anything about it?
And Labor party says We are supposed to Vote YES for Voice?
Storm erupts over the sudden closure of popular bushwalk trail as traditional owners claim tourist photos at the spot are ‘culturally inappropriate’
. Decision to close popular walking track that attracts thousands sparked outrage
. Mount Warning hiking trail, in far north NSW, set to be closed to public for good
. Decision has been made out of respect to original Aboriginal custodians of land
A decision to close a popular walking track out of respect to the original Aboriginal custodians and prevent people taking photos of it has sparked a backlash.
The Mount Warning hiking trail in the Tweed Shire, in far north New South Wales, will soon no longer be accessible to visitors.
The Wollumbin Consultative Group (WCG) and NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service have prepared a management plan unveiling plans to close it off for good.
Mount Warning, which is known by traditional owners as Wollumbin, attracts more than 127,000 hikers to its picturesque trail every year.
The WCG has deemed the site to not be ‘culturally appropriate or safe’ for hikers to use or for images to be taken of it for tourism purposes.
News of the decision to close down the site has sparked heated blowback from hiking enthusiasts.
‘The whole of Australia will be deemed cultural land before too long, and we won’t be able to climb any mountain or cross any river. Disgrace,’ one wrote on Facebook.
Another added: ‘My culture says I will climb that mountain whenever I feel like it. Sick of this over regulated country … time to start giving the finger to authority.’
A third person claimed the trail was a ‘great healthy and challenging activity’ to do with friends.
A truly disgusting decision,’ they wrote. ‘And to pass it off as ‘culturally inappropriate’ is a farce.’
The Liberal NSW Government announced the future of the hiking track would be determined by representatives from the WCG.
Liberal Environment Minister James Griffin said use of the track conflicted with Aboriginal cultural values.
‘The Wollumbin Consultative Group’s long-standing view is that public access to the summit is not in line with the cultural values of the area,’ he said.
You can never vote for this voice thingy as there is no voice to vote on. No written down voice or anything to vote on. Just vote NO and that it is it. So these Polly Wallys want the voters to vote on a blank cheque. Just like ‘The Castle’, tell them that they are dreaming………………………….
‘ … tell them that they are dreaming…’
Good line, but will the standup comics use it?
The indigenous voice in parliament would normally be voted down by the electorate, but the outcome of this referendum depends on the propaganda from Aunty.
The general argument for the Yes vote is that the voice has an advisory role only and It cannot block or veto legislation.
“The general argument for the Yes vote is that the voice has an advisory role only and It cannot block or veto legislation.”
haha! Step outside and sober up! Law creep will never stop!
The NZ Govt promised the speed cameras would only target the top 15% of speeders as they caused the accidents. They would have a 10kph leeway and the cameras would be marked… A decade or two later, EVERYONE gets tickets at 6kph over and the cameras are hidden inside wheelie bins!
They will hand control of Australia over to the natives, its a UN thing. The maoris are now demolishing the hiking huts in the Urewera National park, which they demanded (and were given) control over a decade or more back. Aussie is a decade or two behind NZ, but it will happen here! Your acknowledging the native owners everywhere will become demands for compulsory aboriginal language in schools, given a few years.
Law creep is of concern, but equally important is the MSM propaganda able to torture the truth and sway politicians. I’ll be voting no.
Albo was reported as saying ‘It would be a brave government that ignored advice from the indigenous Voice associated with the Parliament.’ That was reported about 3 months ago, I believe in The Australian. It showed just what a furphy is ‘It’s just an advisory body’.
If you read
Keith Windschuttle’s “The Break-up of Australia: the real agenda behind aboriginal recognition”
the plain answer to voting for that voice is “No Bloody Way”
It must be time for a late weekend thread or an early Monday one then………………….
Sat is Jo’s day off…
The Tories are returning like a dog to its own vomit – and we’re all going to have to eat it
The festering, reeking meat hunk that is Boris Johnson is rushing back from the Dominican Republic – and the Tories are licking their lips and preparing to gleefully swallow it down for a second time
They’re beating down a path to the television studios, they’re firing out their little social media memes, #BorisorBust, #BringBackBoris. They’re the same people who, fully seven weeks ago, were saying – with the same certainty with which they speak now – that Liz Truss was the answer to Britain’s prayers. The same people who thought the mini-Budget was a huge success; right up until the moment about an hour after it had finished, when it became glaringly obvious that it wasn’t.
It’s not merely that they’re deluded, which they are. They are a rolling clown car of human deficiencies but the one with its hand on the steering wheel is shamelessness.
But guess what? It doesn’t matter. Because there’s absolutely nothing anyone but them can do about it. It’s up to them, not us – for the fourth time in the last six years.
They just turn up on the TV to have their little contest between themselves; and the rest of us just accept what they decide, time and time again, over and over and over.
It remains scarcely believable that they have reduced national conversation to a place where Sir Graham Brady, the guy whose main job is to keep a running count of how many Tory MPs hate their own leader, has reached such a permanent level of public exposure that you wouldn’t be surprised to see him on next year’s Strictly.
Naturally, Tories are being accused of having already forgotten the events of just three months ago. But they haven’t forgotten, they just don’t care; and are hoping the public don’t care either – or that they will care a bit less in 2025 than they do now.
They don’t care that a parliamentary investigation into whether Johnson knowingly misled the House of Commons is still ongoing, and they don’t care that the evidence that has already been handed over to its investigators is devastating.
There is no way that Boris will be getting a second bite at the cherry. Not after the way he carried on when the Queen did the right thing.
“The Authorities Are Our Enemies”
“Welcome to the New Age, where authority has no authority and does not deserve to act with any authority, but will act as if it does, anyway, and then lie to you about it. Nowhere is this quandary more vivid than in the racketeering operation formerly known as medicine.”
More at*-nation/the-authorities-are-our-enemies/
Meanwhile in the UK’s Guardian we are warned that ‘rogue’ states could interfere with the Tory leadership vote in ways that, according to the Guardian, could not possibly have happened in USA recenty elections…
The MSM have very short memories as do most other liars. Anything online is vulnerable except when the MSM claim it couldn’t possibly have been.
Like everything caused by the Left, the result is more cost and less convenience.
Presumably in response to some of the world’s highest electricity prices in a country that used to have some of the lowest, I noticed that Coles (Australian supermarket chain) are changing their open refrigeration systems for meat to ones with closed doors which just makes browsing so much less convenient.
Of course, the Left are at war against meat for non-Elites in any case, wanting non-Elites to eat insects.
With very, very few exceptions I have zero trust in nearly all Australian politicians and senior public serpents. Even the police can no longer be trusted under their “leadership” given the frightening compliance with “just following orders” resulting in violent, intrusive, unacceptable and un-Australian police behaviour during the Victorian covid lockups.
Australia has ALL the elements for authoritarian rule.
High politics in China
Is he going to a re-education camp? Or worse?
For her 44 days as the Prime Minister of Once Great Britain Liz Truss gets a payment of £115,000 per year for life for the “Public Duty Costs Allowance”.
It’s not just Aussie politicians who have their snouts in the trough.
They should only receive the pension with all conditions in place except the age requirement.
And Pointman highlights another obvious –
Exclusive: Toxic culture has plunged the Bureau of Meteorology into chaos
Bureau of Meteorology staff have been hospitalised because of work conditions, as a loss of senior meteorologists means junior forecasters are trying to deal with natural disasters beyond their expertise. By Rick Morton.
Go woke, go broke!
New Zealand has given Australia an almighty flogging at the cricket. By 89 runs with three overs to spare.
The Kiwis always deliver the goods, but this was a massacre.
That’ll teach them to scorn their sponsors!
Speed cameras continue to disappear in Sweden, with the most recent disappearing along the E16 motorway, writes the widely circulated Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet, noting that the same type of cameras were used by Russians on improvised drones during the war in Ukraine .
Sweden’s intelligence agency (Säpo) says it is aware of the information circulating about the link between thefts along Swedish roads and Russian improvised drones, but cannot comment on its intelligence activities.
The newspaper Aftonbladet writes that a Canon camera, exactly the same as those used in road traffic surveillance systems in Sweden, was found in one of the Russian drones shot down in Ukraine.
The camera was attached to the drone with adhesive tape and the fuel tank was from a plastic bottle.
According to the newspaper, a total of about a hundred cameras have been stolen in recent months.
Electric cars in Germany may fall victim to the energy crisis – Der Spiegel
Internal combustion engines might now be more economical than electric ones
The current energy crisis in Europe could put the brakes on electric mobility in Germany and make e-vehicles unattractive to potential customers, Der Spiegel reported on Friday.
With electricity getting ever more expensive, charging an e-vehicle is sometimes pricier than filling up a petrol or diesel vehicle, the newspaper writes. The combustion engine is more than €30 cheaper per month on average with a mileage of 15,000 kilometers, the publications writes. By the end of next year, an e-car should “clearly be at a disadvantage,” Der Spiegel quotes Ferdinand Dudenhoeffer from the Center for Automotive Research as saying.
The state bonuses for buying electric vehicles were also reduced by 25%. With an almost a year-long wait for an ordered electric car to arrive, the buyer will get a smaller bonus than they were expecting, the outlet writes, adding that there’s no longer any state subsidy for hybrid cars.
In the current climate, consumers may have little desire to buy a new car. The situation was described as a “toxic mixture of energy crisis and inflation” by Sabine Jaskula from ZF, Germany’s second largest car systems supplier. Electric car production will collapse in Europe next year, she predicts, as only 11 million cars could roll off the assembly line across the industry instead of the planned 18 million.
Another ZF representative described the EU plans to stop selling petrol and diesel cars by 2035 as “illusory.”
There’s also a shortage of public charging stations across Germany, according to Der Spiegel. In some metropolitan areas, a single station has to be shared between as many as 60 vehicles, and a large-scale station refurbishment is needed to provide enough charging spaces for everyone.
According to veteran battery car dealer Wolf Warncke, “There is a risk that prospective buyers will turn their backs on e-mobility.”
The EV argument never was, and never will be about cost of fuel or buying price.
Its just a virtue signal for the cashed up anti-carbon evangelists !
So the Kiwis won a Tip and Run cricket match…BIG DEAL.
I thought it was called “hit and giggle”
‘One conclusion of the hypothesis is that the Modern Solar Maximum of 1935-2005 contributed to 20th-century global warming, implying a significant reduction in climate sensitivity to carbon dioxide.’
Javier Vinos (wuwt)
Looks like the EV Cuba effect is beginning to show up in the age of UK cars on the road, currently blaming supply chain issues. Truth is modern cars can do intergalactic mileage, the price of new EVs and the worry of being lumbered with a dud battery in a second hand one, it seriously changes the calculation as to what point an ICE car becomes beyond economic repair.
For the record
“I’ve been saying this ever since I discovered the Optimum Trust (AKA Population Matters AKA David Attenborough) spreadsheet still available here on the Wayback machine”
Links to an XLS sheet. Link is in the comment by Redge at 09:08 AM at
Aunty discusses natural variables.
Matt Stoller on American military procurement. The Americans have already lost before the war starts.
Does anyone know why the port macquarie airport automatic station has seemingly been closed. Even the data from the past seems to have been cleared. It stopped suddenly on Friday night and then disappeared from the summary. I sent a message to bom but have received no reply.
Another complex tome from Javier, he sees a strong connection between solar forcing and polar vortex.
Having its name re-decorated?
Andy May also got a post, I grabbed this quote on the AMO.
‘Comparing the ascending Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation periods from 1920 to 1940 and 1976 to 2005, one gets two impressions. The first is that the ocean cycles have a larger influence than insolation changes, and the second is that the ocean cycles have a stronger influence than CO2 emissions, since the two warming periods are similar even though the CO2 emissions were much higher during the second period.’
That was for #72
Well sure. The entire last three years has been a series of related and overlapping conspiracies. You know that. I don’t expect you to say it. I expect you to know it like you weren’t born yesterday. The main thing is not to be hussled into having to take their radiation drugs, since there is no such thing. Or their shots, since we saw how that goes down. Also those who got the graphene in their shots need to be able to figure out how to get it out of their system. Since its unlikely to be the same process as metal chelation.
Dr Albert Bourla gets awarded the Genesis prize by the Israelis. For he’s a jolly good fellow.
Karma or kismet?
“CDC Director Rochelle Walensky Tests Positive for COVID-19 a Month After Receiving Booster
October 22, 2022 | Sundance | 49 Comments
On September 22nd CVS pharmacy promoted the COVID-19 booster vaccination program by sharing a Tweet showing CDC Director Rochelle Walensky getting her shot at the national pharmacy chain. [pictured below]”