Jacinda Ardern gave a speech to the UN last Friday which has suddenly gone viral in an Ebola kind of way. The new weapon in war she tells us, is misinformation. Since she is the single source of truth (she told us that in July) that means the disinformers are anyone who disagrees with Jacinda. See how easy this is? It’s just another Ministry of Truth plan to save the world from climate change and Covid.
Who needs Free Speech?
Following in the foot-stomps of dictators everywhere Jacinda Ardern lays out the threat of speeches from people more inspiring than her:
The face of war has changed. And with that, the weapons used.
Traditional combat, espionage and the threat of nuclear weapons are now accompanied by cyber-attacks, prolific disinformation and manipulation of whole communities and societies.
After all, a bullet takes a life. A bomb takes out a whole village. A lie online or from a podium does not. But what if that lie, told repeatedly, and across many platforms, prompts, inspires, or motivates others to take up arms? To threaten the security of others. To turn a blind eye to atrocities, or worse, to become complicit in them. What then?
This is no longer a hypothetical.
And surely we can start with violent extremism and terrorist content online.
So that’s alright then, it’s only the violent extremists, right? But look who’s on her list, war-mongers and climate skeptics:
…how do you successfully end a war if people are led to believe the reason for its existence is not only legal but noble? How do you tackle climate change if people do not believe it exists? How do you ensure the human rights of others are upheld, when they are subjected to hateful and dangerous rhetoric and ideology?
And they are evil people for sure those climate skeptics… she can see into their minds:
The weapons may be different but the goals of those who perpetuate them are often the same. To cause chaos and reduce the ability of others to defend themselves. To disband communities. To collapse the collective strength of countries who work together.
What do you do if people don’t believe Climate Change exists Jacinda — how about “persuade them”?
In a free society, our leaders were supposed to explain the benefits. If the science is overwhelming it ought to be easy, right?
Jacinda Ardern’s problem is that she can’t explain how Black is White, Up is Down, and Fertilizer is Pollution, so her only option is to demonize and silence the people who are more convincing than her. In the same speech where she’s wondering what to do with climate skeptics she also happens to talk about mass murderers.
…we have an opportunity here to ensure that these particular [speaking] weapons of war do not become an established part of warfare.
She effectively says internet freedom is a weapon of war and we need more rules.
Like a Travel Agent on the Bus to One World Government Jacinda Ardern’s entire speech was devoted to buffing up The Collective over the Individual. It was not about New Zealand’s needs, it was her job application for the UN.
She mentions the collective six times. But if we look up Bureaucratic Collectivism, for example, we find a theory of class society used to describe the Soviet Union under Stalin. And she certainly wants a collective of bureaucracies. She raves about a new Global Health Instrument, run by the WHO which is also the best friend of the CCP. What could possibly go wrong? She gushes about the WTO as well, as if it were their job and not hers to secure New Zealand’s supply chains.
In RightThink all roads lead to the collective: Apparently the virus taught New Zealand “how interconnected they are” she claims. This is the nation that successfully kept out the virus by rather “un-collectively” shutting its borders, and against the wishes of the same WHO she so admires.
She’s a one-woman advertising campaign for unelectable global rulers
Perhaps she’s eyeing off a job in case she loses the New Zealand election next year, which looks likely given the polls. She certainly seems to be serving global bureaucrats more than the hapless New Zealand voters. Funnily enough, the Australian ABC sees her falling to 33% and wonders if “the PM’s international star power save her?” As if selling out New Zealanders to Geneva will win the election. Only the ABC could ask that.
But it’s all about The Group now:
The next pandemic will not be prevented by one country’s efforts but by all of ours. Climate action will only ever be as successful as the least committed country, as they pull down the ambition of the collective.
See the whole 16 minutes of her speech or read the Transcript of her call to Censorship:
Which automated processes are these I wonder, this is a very carefully crafted sentence? What is she covering up?
This week we launched an initiative alongside companies and non-profits to help improve research and understanding of how a person’s online experiences are curated by automated processes. This will also be important in understanding more about mis and disinformation online. A challenge that we must as leaders address.
Can we get someone to clarify that the NZ government are not shadow-banning, search engine rigging, or using automated robot-commenters?
Lucky she is the single source of truth:
h/t John Connor II, David Maddison, Richard C (NZ)
Her only problem is, who will be the ultimate judge and dispenser of truth? All governments lie either by omission or on purpose! Please don’t make me laugh!
I know. Let’s ask two governments the same question. Since they are the ultimate source of truth, then the answers will obviously be the same.
Example Number 1. Russia, who is winning the war? Ukraine, who is winning the war?
So, if this simple test fails, why should we believe any government? Who can tell when they are trying to lying? Jacinda in no better a source than Putin or Zelenskyy.
If you can’t discuss the story, review the facts or apply some reasoning of your own, then it deems obvious to me that the source is not much good. Welcome to Oz, don’t look behind the curtain.
Wow, a couple of good typos there. Must be early. Wait for tomorrow’s mistakes, after the clocks go funny.
Being 72 and dyslexic (from birth) and having a southern accent (not from birth), I not only make typos, I misspell words and I talk funny. I have always marveled at how someone one can read a technical manual I have written, and hand illustrated (long before computers) in an impossibility short period and time and their only comment (fixation) is, “There are ten typos”, never commenting on the content. Odd. But in spite of my handicap, I made a pretty good mechanical engineer (now retired).
Have a friend who is the same and you just learn to interpret his words. Quite easy as the human brain is clever.
He also is an engineer and worked in important areas for government.
Pretty much every weekly article I do for CFACT has at least one typo. Most people cannot proof read their own writing. I consider it a signature.
Yet I recently got an email saying my article on “How to kill whales with offshore wind” was wrong because it had typos. What a goof! See for yourselves if that makes my science wrong:
Mind you I am sure Ardern would block this but not for its typos, for its truth.
[At #1, we are going off topic. Can people please take typos etc to “unthreaded” threads. Thanks. _ jo]
Penguinite, the problem is solved. I will volunteer to chair the new Global Ministry of Truth! I and my hand-picked team will purge lies and disinformation from all the world. And I will donate my salary to my favorite charity.
One of Jacinta Adern’s more serious problems is that her claim that she and her cohorts are the only source of truth is itself false information, and publicly announcing and planting that assertion in the news media matches the common definition of the term “disinformation”.
And we wind up with tribunals rendering verdicts on what you are allowed to believe… “You are charged with preaching wrongful, pernicious, and misleading doctrine about anthropogenic climate change.”
The teeth of truth bites down on bipolar info. Which end to bite first, north or south. The only good news is that no matter how many bites, information contains truths and lies, never a mono-truth or lie.
Mono-truths always have a lie at the other pole.
“The Teeth of truth”. Well, Jacinta certainly has those, and then some, but I’m not too sure how truthful…
If she is so sure she has the right ‘settled’ view of global warming why won’t she debate the subject with others who have a different view?
Surely she has nothing to lose if she is right!
Ken: That suggestion is an act of violence /s/. Try to politely suggest this to her face, it will draw a shrill rebuke (“shrill” may not be a strong enough term). Asking for debate is a threat to her, fomenting violence, and your mere suggestion must not be seen or read lest violence ensue, caused by you.
Recognize it? It’s an Alinsky thing.
Why, oh why are there SO MANY wannabe dictators in the so-called free world today?
Because there are so many that care about nothing but power and running the serf’s lives and the indoctrinated masses that go right along with it.
Welcome to world of what we are now here in the states (EU also, where that lust overcomes anything else. Hitler, Mao, Stalin and the installed “Leader of the “free” world, Biden and the Obama’s handlers get to put it to us right where it hursts the most (think everyone here knows what it means…).
There is now no way you can now vote your way outta this. That time is long gone. It’s gonna take a whole lot more than going to the polls from here on out.
is there disinformation? yes..is censorship the good answer? no.
disinformation is not the problem, gullible people are.
Ignorant people.
I offer a couple of new words:
Miseducated people.
Diseducated people.
Much of the disinformation comes from the govt.
I would suggest that Jacinta wouldn’t be so eager for this Truth Ministry if the conservatives were in power. After all, if she controls the narrative, then her policy failures can be hidden from the voters.
Disinformation is not the problem, the Left is.
“Disinformation is not the problem, the Left is.”
Aren’t they implicitly linked to each other !?
Implicitly and inextricably.
Ardern assures us she is a “pretty communist”.
She is a graduate of Herr Klaus Schwab’s “Forum of Young Global Leaders” of the World Economic Forum.
These pronouncements are exactly what she has been programmed for.
She is desirable in this role of advocating dictatorship (or the beginning thereof) because she is:
– young and personable and appeals to naive young voters and the uneducated in general (and also the Elites)
– appears to the weak-minded to be “kind and friendly” and not a tyrant
– offers plenty of “free stuff” at NZ taxpayer expense (the voters don’t seem to understand that they’re paying for their own free stuff)
– ticks a “diversity” quota box as female
– has no obvious prior record of evil apart from once being President of the International Union of Socialist Youth — which sadly doesn’t seem to bother many or trigger alarm bells
– I think many of the NZ Sheeple actually believe what she says such as her being their “single source of truth”
– a small, “innocent”, friendly, first world, inconspicuous country like NZ is an ideal platform to initiate the promotion of a global and globalist suppression of free speech and dictatorship AND Australia will not be opposed as we have similar want-to-be tyrants running our governments.
It’s dismaying to admit it but I was born in the same town as she (Jacinder-s ) was: Morrinsville. It’s such a large and important town that it features on every map of the country … not.
Morrinsville is:
-in the North Island of NZ
-in Prime Cow Country — the Depths of the Darkest Waikato (that may be where she gets her eyes from
-almost due East of Hamilton and about 70 miles (if I recollect correctly) as the magpie flies. (yes, there are Australian magpies … see Murry Ball’s “Footrot Flats” cartoon series about the adventures of Wal and Dog … if you can find them …)
“I was born in the same town as she (Jacinder-s ) was: Morrinsville.”

As one who was raised in Manawaru, which lies further to the East , I am totally unimpressed by that admission.
Good for you.
Manawaru: I don’t think I’ve been through it on my many road tours/explores round that part of the North Island. If I have, I sure don’t remember it.
I promise to keep an eye open/out for it next time I’m in/around that area
(It seems to be “one blink and you miss it” territory — is it?)
In 1960 , it boasted a school , three churches , a dairy factory , a butchery , a bakery , two food stores (IGA and 4 Square ) , a hall , an engineer , a garage/service station , a transport operator (Ray Schuler), and about a dozen houses plus the factory hostel.
From Te Aroha , it is reached by turning off Alexandra Road into Stanley Road , and runs through to Turanga-O- Moana and Matamata .
Mostly all gone now , so don’t blink.
Unlike Manawatu, Manawaru didn’t have any Tea shops.
and most important – Controllable
In one sentence; nailed it.
“it was her job application for the UN”.
Than look at the content, “disinformation” and consider the weapons used by the Elites she represents.
In recent times we have been overwhelmed by memes like Man Made Climate Change via CO2, The Gender Reassignment and Trans rights catastrophe, and the CV19 lockdowns, shutdowns and demolition of the life’s work of so many people in tandem with the rushed VaXXines and hidden consequences.
In none of the above scenarios has there been erudite conceptualization of the issue to allow the correct approach to be enacted; all we, the subjugated public, received was a good thrashing and financial and societal ruin.
Given this performance, on the use of the Truth by governments, we might wonder about the integrity of any “disinformation” program that they might introduce.
If we bought a car that didn’t work we would be very annoyed but for some reason we put up with a dysfunctional millstone like the United Bloody Nations around our necks.
So long as it comes with the simultaneous and complete defunding of the superfluous and ruinous nuisance known as the UN, it might be a deal NZ’ers are keen to accept, and quickly.
I could quickly draw up a list of F-Grade Australian “leaders” we might also offer up under the same arrangement for Australia.
This could catch on…
It may have been Keith but did you note the very small audience she spoke to? I think her speaking time was quite late —that suggests the UN elite may not rate her very highly.
Did you listen to her!
Are you O.K. ?
Earth’s various climates have been known to change.
Short of stopping plate tectonics and movements within the solar system, there isn’t anything earthlings can do about.
Accepting the axiom of CO2 caused AGW is a mental health issue, and she should be coached back to health by skeptical researchers.
Reelect her please to keep her off the world stage!
I just checked with Jacinda. She says, “Neigh, you are wrong, an unbeliever, and an apostate.”
So, I guess that takes care of that.
I know that your quote did not mean nay or no.
I have to say I am sick of all the self proclaimed “leaders” and their touting their responsibility for “leading” when they are supposed to be representing their nation or states who elected them. Actual leaders take responsibility which absolutely none of them have world wide, they are globalist puppets, lining their own pockets to the detriment of free peoples the world over.
/rant off
The October issue of Quadrant is out today.
For an hilarious take on the ‘No’ vote go straight to Page 39 for Joanna Hackett’s story “Saving Australia, One Bumper Sticker at a Time”.
It puts Orwill’s “1984” right where it belongs.
What do you do if people DO believe The FDA.
D E B A T E…..Jacinda its called debate, practically, the opposite of everything YOUR west now preaches.
Trudeau Macron Adern it is all so painfully obvious.
I believe another one is Claire O’Neil in our govt. Is she a rising star?
Australian members of WEF Young Global Leaders
Ardern does not like Free Speech for Kiwis.
When 20,000 responded negatively to her Covid Mandates on Facebook the comments were erased.
We live in the Soviet Isles., she was the leader of International Union of Soviet Youth and said “Comrade” 13 times in one of her speeches.
She is the mistress of Doublespeak and Doublethink as is obvious n her UN speech.
As our NZ anthem says “God save NZ”. For good reason.
And like here in Australia, she did not win the popular vote. People who “claim” leadership when clearly the majority, no matter how small, have voted for something else.
The loverly Jacinda in the cot with Winston who, in theory, had a very different view for New Zealanders. Diametricaly opposed politicians that fall into the cold fusion reactor and come out claiming to represent the majority and doing EXACTLY what the majority did not want.
She did the second time because people believed she had saved us from Covid. However she is making radical changes to NZ by handing disproportionate power to Maori elites – without having it in her election manifesto, and as such does not have the mandate of the people. NZ society has never been more divided than it is now and the youth and economically active are moving/looking to move to Australia and elsewhere.
How well are her other achievements she has been lauded for on the international stage going? –
1)Gun ban after the hijab (partially)covered po-face at the ChCh shooting. Today’s Herald (one of her sycophantic newspapers) has this headline “1000-plus Armed Offenders Squads call-outs this year”. Gun crime has sky-rocketed in NZ.
2) Covid success – Deaths per million New Zealand 580 (Australia 549)
Her government has failed in everything from housing to planting trees and yet she keeps on bleating about her successes. The sooner she moves on the better for our country.
… “moving on” can’t happen fast enough, nor soon enough!

Science gets sorted out in debate, hence the Royal Society’s motto, “Nullius en verbe”. Insist on debate between competent scientists. If she insists the debate is over, then it’s clear she has no business judging any scientific topic and ask her to step out of the way which can be easily in the next election. New Zealand is still a democracy isn’t it?
“Nullius in verba”
The Royal Society website states it is
It comes from Quintus Horatius Flaccus.
Nullius addictus judicare in verba magestri
Not compelled to swear to any master’s words.
“Nil Illigitimi Carborundum”………..
Johnny Rotten Latin for – “Don’t Let The B#st#rds Grind You Down”
Excretio tauri pugnat cerebra.
A wiki translation of Bull$hit baffles Brains.
The Sound of Silenced Science – appropriate and sad words – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2LaDrDL4g4
Quote from Dennis Prager:
The Left’s Suppression of Speech
[…] Published on JoNova; “… How do you tackle climate change if people do not believe it exists? […]
Everything achieved by the Enlightenment and we never thought we’d have to fight for again is now under heavy attack from the Left.
A few examples:
-Free speech
-Freedom of thought
-Not to be indoctrinated by the State
-Freedom of association
-Freedom of movement
-Freedom of medical options
-Access to non-poverty foods like real meat, not insects – poverty foods not to be imposed on us by government action
-Ongoing progress of society and knowledge
-Equal treatment under the law for all
-A society based upon science and reason
-A society based upon a core set of moral values as bought down by Western religion
If conservatives and fellow rational thinkers don’t fight for these things the LEFT WILL DESTROY THEM and are doing so at an exponentially increasing rate.
*brought not bought
Jacinda betrayed oppressed islamic women when she donned the hijab in response to the tragic mosque massacre.
She failed to stand up for her countrywomen’s right to dress as they choose in their own country. I found it a weak and fake gesture from someone who is nothing more than a poseur.
‘How do you tackle climate change if people do not believe it exists?’
Actually we believe climate change is happening, but not global warming.
Or: We understand Earth’s numerous, and varied, climates have ALL changed on numerous occasions in the past, therefore and to wit, they will change again. The recent Brief Modern Warm Snap was exactly that: brief (more of a spike than a snap).
The capital, Wellington, where Comrade President Cinders resides, today is suffering a maximum temperature of 11 chilly degrees Celsius (well-below average) but who cares: half of her MPs are overseas on kollective junkets, some in Mexico, some in Europe, some in the Cook Islands… hey, it’s Spring Break after all! Aah, ooh, just don’t mention EFF [Engine Fossil Fuel] or ™carbon footprints™ or blatant hypocrisy, all on our dime of course.
N.B. National, the ‘opposition’, the other half of the One Party State, are no better: think Bank of America shyster John Key, the ‘smiling assassin’, buddy of Peter Thiel and Hillary you-know-who. Doomed I tells ya – we’re doomed!
I’m going fishing…
Or if there is global warming it is not due to CO2,
Or if global warming is partly due to CO2 it is just a little bit and not a problem nor is it urgent.
Free Speech is a basic Human Right along with the Pursuit of Happiness.
So ALL Guv’ments, just get out of the way and go back to that Old Fashioned Notion of representing We the People. That is what Public Service is all about. Not giving us a Great Big Serve every day……………………..
not sure if believing that the global climate is controlled by a giant imaginary CO2 knob that control a poofteenth (my technical measure) of actual CO2 is just massive arrogance, cult behavior or a cover to exert societal control. I leave out stupidity as its too organized, although I think a lot of grass roots support does come from the bottom end of the bell curve who think the MSM provides actual news.
In the transcript, and it is the 4th major point made in this speech these quotes:
…we have an opportunity here to ensure that these particular [speaking] weapons of war do not become an established part of warfare.
This week we launched an initiative alongside companies and non-profits to help improve research and understanding of how a person’s online experiences are curated by automated processes. This will also be important in understanding more about mis and disinformation online. A challenge that we must as leaders address.
directly relates to
“On March 15, 2019, New Zealand experienced a horrific terrorist attack on its Muslim community.
More than 50 people were killed as they prayed. The attack was live-streamed on a popular social media platform in an effort to gain notoriety, and to spread hate.”
in that context is it reasonable to control what is spread online?
or does the livestreaming of innocents being slaughtered the price to be paid for your ‘free speech’?
Depends how you see the unfolding events on that 15th day of March, 2019 –
Was that dis-mis-information too?
Free speech is about protecting all speech, including ugly and highly objectionable speech.
You can always counter bad speech with good speech. Making it illegal just drives it underground and makes it worse
Free speech did not kill those people, a specific deranged Maoist individual did.
I know you will next say “what about falsely crying fire in a theatre”. Such acts were never protected by the purview of free speech as they lead to direct harm and are not disimilar to incitement to violence such as a riot. Neither is the propagation of actual criminal acts such as so-called “snuff movies” or similar. So under that logic, live streaming of the criminal act of multiple murders would not be protected speech.
David >”Free speech did not kill those people, a specific deranged Maoist individual did”
Wrong, and see #17.3 below why you have this wrong. Censorship is to blame.
The attacker was no Maoist. He described himself as several things one being “eco-fascist” i.e. he was doing the planet a favour with some depopulation along with his anti Great Replacement (see the title of his manifesto).
Never once in the media that I saw was he ever reported as an “eco-fascist” – they just did not want to go there.
In his censored and banned manifesto it was mentioned that he respected Mao or something to that effect.
Yes, he was also an eco-fascist.
He was certainly of a Leftist orientation and not of the right as though a lot reported.
I believe the manifesto is banned in Australia as well as NZ.
David >”it was mentioned that he respected Mao or something to that effect”
Modern China’s political and social values, now essentially fascist (and racist) – not Maoist China. Maoist communism is long gone since Deng Xiaoping who Mao said was a capitalist. There’s now 539 billionaires to USA’s 735 (Wiki). I could quote his exact words but that would get me before the court in NZ, such is the heavy handedness here.
That’s a minor aspect though. His major bent was ethno-nationalism eco-fascism and ethnic autonomy for everyone and the preservation of nature and natural order.
In short, in his view, immigration and climate change are the same issue; over population is destroying the environment.
Hence the reticence of the MSM to accurately report his world view.
ChCh shooter >”over population is destroying the environment”
Oddly, that is non-controversial. A DuckDuckGo search turns up:
Overpopulation destroying the environment – GraduateWay
The problem of overpopulation and its effect on the environment – blog
Environmental Impacts of Overpopulation – The Balance Small Business
Population and environment: a global challenge – Curious [science.org.au]
Overpopulation Is An Environmental Issue. Why Aren’t We Talking About It As One? – Brizo Mag
Over-Population: The Most Serious Environmental Problem … – PlanetSave
David >”He was certainly of a Leftist orientation and not of the right as though a lot reported”
“Security expert” Dr Paul Buchanan was pushing
(for his business obviously) “right wing” “white supremacist”. But there was nothing the attacker wrote that identified him as either. He certainly was not a white supremacist because he believed in ethnic autonomy for everyone – in their own place (wherever that was).
He said he could be Left, Right or Socialist
depending on definition (see next comment).
>”Left, Right or Socialist depending on definition”
The distinctions are now blurred. I read a Twitter thread today on exactly that:
British newspaper columnists in unison: If Meloni is such a fascist why do I agree with her about everything?
Of course Pearson and all conservatives were then branded fascist by all the leftys on the thread – because anyone right of Marxist Antifa is fascist.
Elon Musk retweeted a cartoon that illustrates how he went from left to right of centre: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1519735033950470144/photo/1
>”The distinctions are now blurred”
Quoth The Raven
No – i already pointed out that if you allow total free speech, then 50 innocents in NZ had to die.
That is what you want. I don’t
Peter, your petty baseless invention of what “we” want is — like your science — just more litter on the road to nowhere.
You must really hate us to think we want 50 people to die. Must be tough living in your own head, surrounded by conservative killers everywhere in your town and state.
And the assumption that “total free speech” was what killed those people, is as usual, only your own simplistic kindergarten fantasy. It’s more likely that if we had total free speech (which we don’t) extremist murders would be rarer. Give people outlets to express themselves and they don’t need to kill to get their views out.
Tarrant called himself an eco-fascist
I was just quoting what was said in the speech, including the free speech line.
you then confuse the picture by saying
A – It is all in my head
B – and talking about my science, which as I have pointed out, at least provided me with an income in my chosen field, which is more than you could say.
C – you make assertions (not supported by links) on what free speech would be like.
The facts are – someone was radicalised online, due to the free speech doctrine wyou support. That person then killed 50 people.
so are those 50 worth the free speech? no one here wants to answer that.
Attack me all you want, if just shows the intellectual and rational vacuum existing in this post.
“The facts are – someone was radicalised online, due to the free speech doctrine wyou support. “
The facts are that you have you have no “facts”. There’s no cause and effect fact here. You don’t know what radicalized him, much less what would have happened if the sheer stupidity of “eco-fascism” was allowed to be discussed instead of being suppressed. The censorship of skeptics likely fuelled the extremism.
“the intellectual and rational vacuum existing in this post”
Commenting on your own post, hey!
“just quoting what was said in the speech”
You you saying what we all know, that the NZ PM is totally lacking in intelligence, rational thought, and is a moral vacuum.
The linking of censorship of rational scientific discussion, to an eco-wacko murderer, could only come from a deeply twisted mind.
Since this murderer was a eco-fascist, and the call is for the places that radicalised him to be shut down and/or censored…
oops….. there goes the BBC, Guardian, most MSM, every leftist politician.
Peter >”The facts are – someone was radicalised online, due to the free speech doctrine wyou support”
Total BS.
Where did you get your “facts” from?
If you had been able to read his manifesto freely online you would know that he culminated his ideas after extensive European travel (enabled by his inheritance).
Sure his manifesto was littered with on-line cut-and-paste afterwards but his anti Great Replacement idea came to a head previously, as I’ve already stated in this thread, not online but at an Allied military cemetery in France after extensive European travel.
So do you want to ban European travel too?
His thinking while sitting looking at the rows of tombstones was that all those Allied lives were wasted defending a European society that was now being destroyed by ethnic “replacement”.
That’s not being “radicalised online, due to the free speech doctrine wyou support”. That’s being radicalized by his own volition and reasoning at the the end of a travel odyssey when being confronted by tombstones in a military cemetery.
Do you want to ban military cemeteries now?
At the risk of me being thrown in the slammer here in NZ, his thinking at the cemetery as per manifesto, was from memory (and yes it was in caps, double line spaced):
That did’nt happen online Peter. That was out in the big wide world at a cemetery.
>”he culminated his ideas after extensive European travel (enabled by his inheritance)”
Europe was his last trip but his world travel was extensive. Map below from Stuff via 9 News which I think is a screen grab from a court video (blurry):
The Christchurch mosque gunman’s international travel between 2014 and 2018. (Image – Stuff/9 News)
Apparently, travel broadens the mind:
I think this is one instance that gives a lie to “travel broadens the mind” – unless mass shooting is a soulful mind-rich result of lasting travel memories and life lessons.
>”I think this is one instance that gives a lie to “travel broadens the mind” ”
Mark Twain, meet Brenton Tarrant.
Jo >”Tarrant called himself an eco-fascist”
USA TODAY article – good to know. Thanks.
Odd that the far left seem to have freedom to say and do what they like, without repercussion.
AntiFa, BLM etc etc….. plenty vocal.. PLENTY violent !
Peter >”in that context is it reasonable to control what is spread online?”
There is some content that’s objectionable sure, but the subsequent censorship and ignorance gave rise to some absurd situations.
For example: the day following the attack I was reading the attackers manifesto – that was before it was censored. Behind me on TV there was a discussion including “security expert” Paul Buchanan, an American in NZ.
At the exact same time as I was reading where and why the attacker decided to do what he did (he was at an Allied military cemetery in France) which was highlighted by 3 lines of capitals i.e. unmissable, Buchanan was saying “we have to find out where and why he was radicalized”.
I don’t believe the attacker wrote most of the manifesto but it was clear that passage at least was accurate and by his own hand.
So an “expert” was clueless even though the answer was in plain sight but has since been erased by censorship. Now the entire populace is clueless.
“Now the entire populace is clueless.”
That is the way the leftists/globalists and their lackeys want it.
We see them posting comments that prove just how clueless and immoral they really are.. !
I find it totally disgusting that anyone would try to draw parallels of depraved human violence to basic misinformation and discussion.
Then using that parallel to try to condone censorship of societal and political issues.
Yep, its a black mark for Mr Fitzroy, nevertheless its on topic.
A lot of bad things happen and everyone has a camera, is it even possible to censor humanity. China is making a big effort in that direction, but in the West we love our freedoms.
But our leaders do not love our freedoms, evidently.
Politicians feel the need to save us from ourselves.
50 muslims died because of ‘free speech’ The prime minister of NZ is justifiably calling for limits.
Now it is clear from this example and others that this sort of deadly radicalisation can take place where the are no limits on speech (as on the internet).
If you support free speech ergo, you support the situation where death is the outcome.
The 2 are inextricably linked.
Your “inextricable link” is all in your head.
The extremists will still think or say their deadly thoughts somehow, but if free speech is suppressed fewer people will be able to explain why it’s so wrong.
If you support censorship you support mass murder. (According to your “reasoning”)
I think anyone with a conscience or a shred of morality, would agree that attempting to use the actions of this eco-wacko murderer as an excuse to censor science-based discussion on climate, is an extremely vile, despicable, and desperate act.
But its where the far-left currently are.
Peter >”Now it is clear from this example and others that this sort of deadly radicalisation can take place where the are no limits on speech (as on the internet)”
The online free speech aspect was a minor part of his odyssey. There were other major influences:
1) Extensive European travel – do you want to ban European travel too?
2) Rows of tombstones at a military cemetery – do you want to ban military cemeteries?
3) His own internal thinking and rationalizing in toto as he journeyed. Yes that includes online access I presume but he was on his own mission – do you want to ban personal thinking now too?
This last is the logical extension to your argument – Orwell’s 1984-style thought police.
But who is the arbiter of thought?
Yes you can ban free speech but then you usher in totalitarianism – that never ends well.
“do you want to ban personal thinking now too?”
Seems he has already started… with himself.
Did you ever wonder exactly where Jacinda got the idea that misinformation is a “weapon of war”?
Maskirovka is a formal part of Russian military doctrine.
Look it up….
Mrs Ed has excelled herself.
Arguably the most dangerous Parliamentarian in the West Ardern calls for a global collective reminiscent of the Soviet Union under Stalin run by the World Health Organisation group of bureaucratic blunderers.
What a farce! New Zealanders must be nuts to leave her at the helm.
And who would ever have thought this most dangerous individual would have come from tiny NZ…?
As I have said elsewhere, this is what she has been trained for.
To be honest, she is better annoying kiwis than getting her ugly mug on the world stage in the UN.
Meanwhile in Arden Land – Formerly New Zealand
Passengers on Wellington’s new electric ferry were rescued by a police boat after the ferry lost power.
A police spokesperson confirmed to the Herald the Ika Rere had run out of battery in the harbour and all passengers on board were transferred to the police boat.
They were then escorted back to Queen’s Wharf, and the police boat went back out to help tug the ferry back to port.
Harbourmaster Grant Nalder said the boat was on its way back to Queen’s Wharf from Days Bay when the power issue began.
“The skipper got it to a safe spot and put the anchor down.”
Luckily the police were already in the harbour so the operation was a swift one.
“Everyone was safe on board, just a bit of a delay getting into town,” Nalder said.
The ferry was launched in March of this year after lengthy Covid-19 delays. It was originally supposed to launch in the middle of 2020, then in September 2021, however the pandemic delayed the project and subsequent sea trials.
Luckily, I assume, the police didn’t have an electric boat . .
They have one of those peddle-power floaty toy things, with pink balloons flying so you can see them through the rain squalls and sleet…
First there was Izzy Cook, 16-year-old school wagger just back from Fiji; then there was Cindy flying first-class private all around the Globe™ to save sumpfink… now the oil-powered police boat has to (literally) save folk from floundering in free-electric fantasy. D’oh!
>”save folk from floundering in free-electric fantasy”
Let’s all hope Peter Theil’s Regent seagliders don’t suffer the same fate:
Ocean Flyer to launch NZ operations with 25 REGENT seagliders in 2025
Or Richard Chandler’s ‘Alice’:
Electric plane takes maiden flight
That plane looks like it is constructed of a lot of petrochemicals.
“The skipper got it to a safe spot and put the anchor down.”
Kudos also to the skipper for setting off across the harbour with almost ’empty’ battery banks, just to highlight the idiocy of this venture.
Hope it made the 6 o’clock news.
It seems to me that the Western left-wing government’s are all turning into a mish mash of Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, Pootin, Jinping, Castro and all the other “good honest leaders” in history and present. Heil Jacinta! you moron.
Joe Biden and the Sovietization of America
What does it mean that he’s demonized half the country?
Written by: Roger Kimball
I write with the clangorous strains of Joe Biden’s speech at Philadelphia’s Independence Hall still ringing in my ears. By the time you read this, the attendant tinnitus will doubtless have abated. The effects of the speech, however, will be echoing throughout the land for many months if not longer.
The commentator Ben Shapiro was, I believe, correct in judging Biden’s brief speech “the most demagogic, outrageous and divisive speech… ever seen from an American president.” In sum, “Joe Biden essentially declared all those who oppose him and his agenda enemies of the republic. Truly shameful.”
But what has been true of Joe Biden from before his administration began continues to be true. It is not he who was the architect of his performance, from the imperial stage set, of which Albert Speer would have been proud, to his hectoring attack on “Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans [who] represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic.”
“An extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic.” Hold that thought. It has become a leitmotif for Biden. A week earlier, at a speech in Maryland, he explained that the problem was “not just Trump, it’s the entire philosophy that underpins the… semi-fascism” of the MAGA agenda.
Joe Biden is not the architect of this policy. He is merely the mouthpiece, the mannikin, representing it. As I and many others have observed, this has been true since the beginning of his most incongruous basement campaign. Biden’s greatest asset, for the forces standing behind him, is his pliability. He will say whatever he is told to say and espouse whatever doctrines his handlers put before him. Democrats spent two or three years vocally defending rioters and issuing hysterical calls to “defund the police.” But that was before they occupied the White House. Now Biden reads from a new script and tells us he finds it “sickening” that concerned citizens are criticizing the FBI.
The Founders were deeply suspicious of political parties because they foresaw the possibility of the government mutating into a state party representing not the people but themselves. That’s where we are now. How long before other “features” of the Soviet system install themselves in this country?
Should of included sleepy Joe in that list of ” good leaders “.
Joe Biden: The Wanderer (To the song – many clips – supercut by Grabien – 1 Min 42 Secs)
I have never encountered a modern Leftist that wasn’t terrified of free speech or alternative opinions.
Back in the day, when the Left weren’t the dominant force they are today, Leftists actually pretended to believe in free speech.
Well, back in the day in America the left actually controlled the narrative. There was a common narrative given every evening by the likes of Walter Cronkite, Dan Rather, and John Chancellor. Time and Newsweek controlled the monthly political narrative, and NYT and WaPo controlled the weekly political narrative with the help of Meet the Press on Sunday morning and 60 Minutes on Sunday evening. The narrative was the agenda of the Democrat Party. If it wasn’t part of that narrative it was an outlier and wasn’t heard among the general population, although they didn’t axiomatically label recalcitrant people CT like they do today.
Then Reagan got rid of the Fairness Doctrine, which essentially didn’t allow free speech, and Rush Limbaugh went national -breaking the narrative monopoly. There was competition on cable too, and people voted down CNN with their remotes. Fox news and Newsmax have more viewers in ten minutes than CNN and MSNBC do all day. If it wasn’t for airport TV, I think they would have less viewers than a biden rally. Then came the internet, some of it not so good, but some of it bastions of free speech such as certain blogs.
The left, the UN, and academia, have been desperately trying to get back to the days when they controlled the national, and international, common narratives with no contrary voices to contend with. Big tech is trying hard to help them, but they can’t seem to quite put the geni back in the bottle.
This is why people like JA, zhou bai-den’s handlers,….. are so frustrated and angery.
Interesting about the “Fairness Doctrine”. A bit of history I did not know. Ta.
A Cold War construct.
Sounds nice, but like most government policies, had the opposite effect, if not intent.
The left have become the New McCarthyites.
At least Jacinda didn’t angrily pound a stack of blank papers on the lectern claiming it was a list of known Capitalist Free Speech misinformation infiltrators.
So a bit of progress at least.
And the New Black Listers are the formerly Blacklisted.
Just never gets old.
Reagan’s elimination of the “fairness doctrine” was quite out of character, realistically.
I wonder how much pressure was applied to him to do it?
Nonetheless the world today could desperately do with its reinstatement, even with the amount of time left…
You forgot the sarc tag I think. In practice the Fairness Doctrine only allowed the left’s narrative to be heard. In practice it protected the monopoly of the narrative. If it was still in place people like Rush Limbaugh would have remained in obscurity.
This from the prime minister of a country who pays for journalists to ‘fight disinformation’, forgetting history is written by the winning side and most other democracies don’t have a State Censor.
$55m for your troubles: the problem with journalism
Of the Public Interest Journalism Fund:
A government has no business defining ‘Truth’. The way to fight ‘disinformation’ is to provide facts (and not sheep chorus repetition of particular and unsubstantiated viewpoints in turn).
How strange, how really odd! The MSM didn’t bother to publish the story or mention it on radio or TV.
Suppose it had to censored to prevent a terrorist attack!

Ardern was specially chosen and trained by the Elites for her role to promote tyranny.
She may have even been “The chosen one” and trained from a young age.
This is why she received her training as:
-President of the International Union of Socialist Youth
-Klaus Schwabb’s Forum of Young Global Leaders” of the World Economic Forum.
Adhern was said to have attended University on a Freemasonry scholarship. Some see this as red light flashing
JN >”look who’s on her list, war-mongers and climate skeptics”
JA >”a bullet takes a life. A bomb takes out a whole village”
Biden Admin priorities – war vs aid:
War: The Full $16Bn List Of What Biden Has Sent Ukraine
“126 155mm Howitzers and up to 806,000 155mm artillery rounds”
Aid: US to commit more aid to Pacific [$US810 million]
“$US130 million to try to counter climate change”
NZ aligns with Ukraine in the war and also “tries” to counter climate change. Each is foolishness but I have to accept Jacinda’s spin on both – I don’t think so.
Apparently though, the war effort has become tiresome:
New Zealand Calls It Quits On Aiding Ukraine’s Military
“…can no longer keep up with supplying what Ukraine is asking for without depleting its stockpiles”
I’m guessing NZ wont be calling quits on countering climate change though – even in the face of all those weapons of war arrayed against the futility.
Over $US60Billion to Ukraine for weapons to kill Russians. Insane. That amount of money would have bought peace. It’s more than all the wages of all the Ukranians for a year. To not kill anyone. There would be no war.
The people in Western Urkaine want out. For this sort of cash they would stay. A year’s wages in cash. Except that everyone knows it would all go to the criminals in the Ukraine government and Oligachs like Hunter Biden’s boss, which is why the people want out.
Putin could have offered every one of the supposed ethnic-Russian Ukrainians homes and jobs in Russia for less than this war has cost him. He could have opened his border and we would have seen who voted with their feet.
Putin could still be selling gas in huge quantities to Europe, and trading in other commodities to increase the wealth and welbeing of Russians.
His actions show that he is not interested in peace, or the safety and prosperity of Russians. He is, as he has made clear, focused on restoring the “glory” of the Czarist Empire…. with himself as Czar, naturally.
>”“126 155mm Howitzers and up to 806,000 155mm artillery rounds”
NATO Working With Arms Industry To Ramp Up Production Amid Depleting Stockpiles
US has “essentially run out of 155 mm howitzers to transfer to Ukraine.”
On the other hand, she is a bright shining example of gender equality.
Matriarchy produces just as big a crop of equestrian derrieres as Patriarchy.
Winston Peters put ths loser into power. She had less seats than if he chose a party who supported more of his party’s ideology. Why? Interestingly he was able to be a caretaker Prime Minister! Ego is more important to some than integrity.
In recent interviews Winston Peters has expressed his concerns about where Ardern Labour are taking New Zealand politically. He warned Australia not to follow her lead.
Don’t feel sorry for Winston, he had choices.
“reduce the ability of people to defend themselves”
Year right like taking away the guns hypocrite
Former PM Helen Clarke who has been 2nd in charge of the UN is possibly retiring but certainly a very successful role model for Jacinta. Who cares about New Zealand. It’s stolen land anyway like Australia. Even the water is stolen.
Currently Clarke is at least “Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme”. She has been at the top of the 44,000 full time
employees of the UN for a long time.
Julia Gillard wanted Clarke’s cushy all expenses job. She would have played her utterly inappropriate misogyny speech. But it wasn’t enough.
Helen Clarke had actually brought in her Carbon Tax, something Gillard denied to get elected and then tried to do anyway. It’s a natural progression to the UN.
Jacinta’s speech was her UN application. Prime Minister of New Zealand is a small bikkies temporary job and you have to get elected and be accountable. Why bother when you can live all expenses paid in New York as a friend of the CCP and UN and WHO and fight White Christian Imperialism.
Clarke is long gone from the UN. She had a go at the top job and missed out, so she came back to NZ. But I’m sure she is involved in pulling the puppet strings attached to Ardern.
It should remembered the UN did an audit of the part of the UN which Clarke headed, after she had been there 3-4 years. The audit came out with a massive fail for the section’s performance.
Yes, 8 years as administrator of the Development Program. Hard to track. It’s such big organization it’s as if they are making it up.
During her tenure as Labour Prime Minister of New Zealand the City of Wellington was referred to by locals as “Helengrad”.
Far Left Jacinda Ardern must be applying Saul Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals, one of which is accuse the other side of the tactics she is using for subversion of the truth via disinformation. See 2 Peter 2:1-3 about false teachers.
Thank you so much for the scripture quotation. Spot on. I have sent out to some of my friends
Interesting, Jacinda tells NZ the govt is the source of truth and then pushes unknown and not properly tested treatments masquerading as vaxxes on the population. Forcing people and telling them that they were safe and effective.
This is now in tatters (I and many others knew it was false from day one) and Jacinda and her govt were not the source of truth at all, they were the source of lies and falsehoods. And worse still, many New Zealanders, far more than recorded, have died and been injured by these concoctions, and covid spreads like wildfire due to the damage to immune systems. And its odds on, unfortunately, that there is far more damage to come.
So we have an utter failure with disasterous consequences. Why would you believe this serial liar ever again?
But this is the Left is all its glory. Lying cheating and silencing those who would point it out. Then never being honest about the mistakes, and doubling down for more catastrophic damage. This has far further to go unless people never ever vote in Leftists again (and the LNP and Teals are leftists)
Sorry to say this but Jacinda Ardern combines all the most dislikable features in a politician that I know of. My appologies to all you politicians out there . .
Please consider a donation to Tim Ball’s funeral expenses.
One thing she didn’t mention, land rights for gay whales.
Sorry, I’m a cynic.
“Cinders” is really no different from politicians from both sides of the political spectrum these days. All NZ’s COVID policies were just slightly more extreme versions of Scott Morrison, Daniel Andrews or even Gladys B. Or that knob in WA. I have come to the conclusion over the last 10 years at least that Labor/ Greens just do politics better than the other side. Look at Albanese ( current Australian PM), going full woke, upping his social media profile with lots of pics of him with a smiley face. Ardern is promoting a “Ministry of Disinformation”, so same as the US Democrats. In the lead up to the Victorian state election Andrews ( Labor ) wont be doing it, but if he wins again, I’ll bet he’ll be discussing similar things. But, because he is only a state premier he doesn’t get the chance to up his profile with the UN, which is Cinders luxury. Whether it’s COVID or Climate, just keep the populace slightly alarmed, give them government inspired disinformation and gaslight anyone who might protest.
Interesting concept….
Where do people think ALP, NLP, Greens, Teals etc would sit on this circle.
As I noted four years ago, increasing atmospheric global CO2 is causing greater growth not only to plants, but to the teeth of the people born after about 1970. Children now at school really need orthodontic advice to manage this growth.
Jacinda is a showcase full of this teeth effect. Unmanaged for faster growth, her teeth are now so massive that she has trouble speaking properly. This is the case even for those rare events when she says something that people can understand. Geoff S
Jacinta talks about truth and censorship, does she include the likes of Michael Mann of Penn State (he of the Hockey stick ma;feasance) the UEA and it’s Climategate emails, etc, the failure to arrive of the myriad of “tipping points” over the past 30 years that were supposed to turn this planet into a hades like hell.
Nah…it’s only the real “truth”. The climate facts over Millenia, not to mention the last 30 years that Jacinta wants hidden from view.
The Toothy Tyrant.
Not only is Jacinta attempting to create her own Orwellian “Animal Farm” utopia, she managed to steal Boxer’s teeth.
A nation of sheep will start pushing back eventually.
Hopefully before the gate latch clicks shut.
I think there is an off-colour joke in there.
Politicians, eh? The new vicars of our post-christian world. Worshipping all that is good, kind, gentle and forgiving. Always trustworthy, they have shown through their personal sacrifices that they solely have our futures at heart.
And back in the classroom of adult reality, we ask Jacinda Adern a few terse questions:
1. How many global criminals who call themselves billionaires have you let buy bolt holes in New Zealand the past 5 years? You know, that bunch that have been pushing for World War III behind the scenes to depopulate the globe by 7 billion or so??
2. When the Little Ice Age appeared after the Medieval Warm period, did humans cause that? They must have caused the Medieval Warm Period, eh??
3. When the global cabal who call themselves ‘climate scientists’ started removing all the rural temperature records from ‘global data sets’ for the sole reason that they weren’t warming up as fast as the urban stations sited on concrete, were you standing up crying ‘Foul!’ Well, were you??
4. When the Yellow River and the Yangtze killed millions of Chinese in the 19th century floods, was that all due to ‘global warming’??
5. Would you agree that chopping trees down IS a way of causing localised heating, but would you also agree that NASA satellite data shows that the total photosynthetic capacity of the earth’s surface has increased very significantly since 1980??
6. Do you agree that cows crapping in fields helps to return carbon to the soil, since it turns into food for microbials, fungi, worms, plants etc etc. When you have eliminated all the cows, what is going to replace animal manure as a mechanism to retain fertility in topsoils?? Or are you going to rely solely on base chemicals made in carbon-belching factories to produce some kind of non-biological food?? Why do you think that is better for ecological systems which evolved over millennia to be adapted to cow shit??
7. If various nefarious forces of global politics are using weather engineering, do you agree that the whole world should know about it, since they are doing so without our informed consent??
8. When you spout your green mantras, would you document rigorously for all of us the political donations you have received, the political funding you have received from shadowy unelecteed billionaires in Davos and would you tell the whole world what the price for all those donations and funding were?? You don’t think we’re stupid enough to think that you got all that backing to do whatever you wanted, do you??
If Ardern and her regime is “the single source of truth” She and her goons should be held personally responsible for lies such that covid vaccines are effective and safe, there is catastrophic global warming thus causing business and job losses, etc..
This woman is a noisy product of the dumbing down of the education system, in the whole western world. High school science should have been enough to show that the man-made climate change from a bit of CO2 is a ludicrous proposition,but no.
So easy to picture her with a little black moustache and speaking in German. Ein Reich, Ein Volk, Ein Jacinda! Let us hope that New Zealand follows Hungary, Sweden and Italy along the correct path of ejecting the lefties.
Automated fact checking is very possible with today’s technology. Jo’s posts would make a very good training dataset.
Or use the Gruniad, MSM, and leftist politicians and their lackeys, as example of real disinformation.
For my edification – what exactly do you hope to achieve by posting here?
“achieve by posting here?”
He invariably manages to highlight the paucity, ignorance, and general lack of science backing the CO2 climate agenda and basically every other leftist agenda he comments on.
Perhaps that is what he is trying to achieve.?
Blogg clogging.
Thread bombing.
Disruption of the discussion process.
“Jo’s posts would make a very good training dataset.”
You are correct though. (by accident?)
Jo’s posts contain real information, backed by actual data and reality.
The far-left would not be able to use any of it, for that very reason.
GIGO still applies, so it would be/is useless as a truth detector.
A real fact does not require ‘checking’.
Simon >”Automated fact checking is very possible with today’s technology”
But where do the software’s “facts” originate?
People like Adern are completely convinced things like climate change are just as straight forward as gravity, two plus two or the earth being a sphere. So they can’t tolerate people going around saying gravity doesn’t exist, it just seems absurd to them. And with all leftists the reaction is to control and ban things. Then they shoot you if you get further along the scale.
Why not start with your comments ?
In general they are far away from reality.
For Simon No. 44
antithesis of reality.. polar opposite etc
We have always had leaders who were idiots, morons and dullards at times. Sometimes frequently. But the global leaders of today, wef members or not. Are truly next level. Even perfectly intelligent people can be morons. And the vaccinations against covid have shown us.
Is an intelligent idiot even possible however? Contradictions don’t exist. Maybe choices are just choices and choosing to be vaccinated in the face of obvious shenanigans, fear porn and propaganda isn’t necessarily a failure of logic. Just lazy.
But how does one overcome such stupendous idiocy and moronic behaviour amongst leaders and people in positions of power? One can expose their logical fallacies until they are blue in the face. Just to get pounded by ad hominem, non sequitur and appeal to altruism double down.
What does one do?
This comes to mind:
The donkey told the tiger: The grass is blue.
The tiger replied: No, the grass is green.
The discussion became heated, and the two decided to submit the issue to arbitration, and to do so they approached the lion.
Before reaching the clearing in the forest where the lion was sitting on his throne, the donkey started screaming: ′′Your Highness, isn’t it true that the grass is blue?”
The lion replied: “True, the grass is blue”.
The donkey rushed forward and continued: ′′The tiger disagrees with me and contradicts me and annoys me. Please punish him”.
The king then declared: ′′The tiger will be punished with 5 years of silence”.
The donkey jumped with joy and went on his way, content and repeating: ′′The grass is blue”..
The tiger accepted his punishment, but he asked the lion: ′′Your Majesty, why have you punished me, after all, the grass is green?”
The lion replied: ′′In fact, the grass is green”.
The tiger asked: ′′So why do you punish me?”
The lion replied:
That has nothing to do with the question of whether the grass is blue or green. The punishment is because it is not possible for a brave, intelligent creature like you to waste time arguing with a donkey, and on top of that to come and bother me with that question
The worst waste of time is arguing with the fool and fanatic who doesn’t care about truth or reality, but only the victory of his beliefs and illusions. Never waste time on discussions that make no sense… There are people who for all the evidence presented to them, do not have the ability to understand, and others who are blinded by ego, hatred and resentment, and the only thing that they want is to be right even if they aren’t.
When ignorance screams, intelligence shuts up. Your peace and tranquility are worth more.
So for the time being the answer for me is to just go my own way. My peace and tranquility are indeed worth more. Heed the advice…… intelligence shuts up……..But there still seems to be a nagging dissonance in the back of my mind I can’t articulate. But maybe I’m just not patient enough, or not as intelligent as i think. For the idiot is only removed or quietened or killed off by ever increasing suffering of the consequences of their own choices. That is going to take some time.
Is she a Prime Minister for life?
give it time.
The phrase ‘Fact checking’ in new world speech, is code for government/internet company censorship. The ‘fact checkers’ are given a very long list of words and subjects which are not allowed to be discussed regardless of the ‘truth’ of what is tried to be discussed. It is tragic, a pathetic waste, that the power of AI’s is being used to control populations and for mass censorship, rather than to help solve problems.
Censorship is being used to hide solutions, to enable evil agendas. Early treatment with Ivermectin and correcting the general population’s Vit D deficiency, for example, would have ended the covid pandemic without the need for lockdowns or RNA vaccines that create the Wuhan-1 spike in citizens.
China is trying to turn the world, into a 1984 dystopia where citizens have no rights and are forced to work like slaves.
Censored words in China
Some of the keywords censored in China include 政治 (politics), 抵制 (resist), 民主潮 (wave of democracy), and 人权 (human rights). AirTag engravings are limited to four characters and the four number engraving 8964 are censored as they refer to the Tiananmen Square Massacre which occurred on June 4, 1989.
In Hong Kong, censored keywords include 雙普選 (double universal suffrage), 雨伞革命 (Umbrella Revolution), and 新聞自由 (freedom of the press).
Is MAGA still a thing in NZ, or is it just not reported for fear of encouraging dissent against the one true leader and keeper of all knowledge?
“Make Ardern Go Away”
The last horse faced female ruler of Aotearoa went straight to the UN after getting the boot.
Part of this
“UN official at WEF: ‘We own the science & we think that the world should know it’ so ‘we partnered with Google’ to ensure only UN climate results appear”
UN’s Melissa Fleming >‘We own the science’
So they’ll “own” any of its scientific fraud too?
>‘we partnered with Google’
I partnered with DuckDuckGo (but I use Google’s free email – with a backup).
Jacinda is a dyed in the wool liar. What else do you expect from a dyed in the wool communist. Oh dear to the gouleg with you John
A few notable things about this sentence:-
– The move from “global warming” to “climate change”. Yes, the narrative change happened ages ago but worth a mention again.
– The phrase “believe it exists”. Are we talking about fairies? Or a pot of gold and the end of a rainbow?
– The omission of “anthropogenic”. Of late, the narrative is not “anthropogenic global warming” or “anthropogenic climate change”, just “climate change”.
This omission of “anthropogenic” changes the whole topic.
– Does climate change exist? Of course, been happening for billions of years.
– Does “anthropogenic climate change” exist? Of course not, Mother Nature cannot be controlled by arrogant humans, we exist in a minuscule dot along a timeline extending billions of years.
I don’t need to “believe” in climate change, I know the climate changes.
We (humans) cannot “tackle” climate change, it’s not a game of football, and Mother Nature is bigger than all of us.
Finally, a suggestion: Whatever Mrs. Ed Jacinda says or believes in, go with the opposite.
“:She joined the Labour Party at the age of 17. Her aunt, Marie Ardern, a longstanding member of the Labour Party, recruited the teenaged Ardern to help her with campaigning for New Plymouth MP Harry Duynhoven during his re-election campaign at the 1999 general election.
Ardern attended the University of Waikato, graduating in 2001 with a Bachelor of Communication Studies (BCS) in politics and public relations. She took a semester abroad at Arizona State University in 2001. After graduating from university, she spent time working in the offices of Phil Goff and of Helen Clark as a researcher. After a period of time in New York City, US, where she volunteered at a soup kitchen and worked on a workers’ rights campaign, Ardern moved to London, where she became a senior policy adviser in an 80-person policy unit of British prime minister Tony Blair. (She did not meet Blair in London, but later at an event in New Zealand in 2011 she questioned him about the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Ardern was also seconded to the UK Home Office to help with a review of policing in England and Wales.”
“President of International Union of Socialist Youth
On 30 January 2008, at 27, Ardern was elected president of the International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) at their world congress in the Dominican Republic for a two-year term until 2010. The role saw her spend time in several countries, including Hungary, Jordan, Israel, Algeria and China. It was mid-way through her presidency term that Ardern became a list MP for the Labour Party. She then continued to manage both roles for the next 15 months.”
At least we now understand why policing in the UK is the corrupt scandal that it is. Worse than the USA in some respects (think grooming gangs operating with impunity). Trouble is, given recent Commissioners’ performance, we are headed down a similar slippery slope.
Burn the books has become shut down the internet.
I agree with Ardern. Misinformation is truly dangerous. We see it in theorising global warming due to humans induced global warming – but ignore the scientific method as an inconvenience to prove it. Science is now what the elites say it is. That’s the gospel – Marx, Mao, Stalin.
Yes. The first to be put to the misinformation test are the entire worlds of Western Politicians, They no longer accept the inconvenience of truths and proven science and have for forty years been simply driven by hunger for power over the masses. ‘You will own nothing and YOU VILL BE HAPPY!
Anyone watched the latest Putin speech in the Kremlin?
It was a scathing observation of the Western world. He specifically referred to “the Anglo-Saxons”. Of course that is us!
Putin wound up his speech by quoting from the words in the New Testament: “By their fruits you will know them.”
In the Old Testament the corrupt leaders were known by “their fruits of SOUR grapes”.
I can’t imagine a good wine can be made from “sour grapes” – and neither can peace, prosperity and security for a nation, for a people, result from such corrupt and lying leaders as we have today!
Interesting contrast of putting the collective ahead of the individual. My uncle had trouble with the medicare end of treatment a couple of years ago, and despite the new collectivism of the Libs, he got a PHONE CALL from the minister’s office to get to the bottom of the problem. It was discussed, resolved, and a mail out of relevant forms to assist. Same relative, under the new ALP cabal protested that as he was over the benchmark age could not get a knee MRI on medicare, but faced the full $300 or so himself. Not affordable, so no MRI. Letter to the ALP health minister. Not a peep.
BTW could we have the comments ordered with most recent first in the list?
Spoken like a true communist. What else does one expect from the former President of the International Union Socialist Youth? Bringing poverty and destruction to wherever they take hold.
“Unless you hear it from us, it is not the truth.”
That is one of the most chilling things I have ever heard.