A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Tulsi Gabbard, former Democratic POUTUS candidate, responsible for single handedly ending Kamala Harris’s primary run, (only to have Harris installed as VP). has announced she is leaving the Democratic Party, with a simple, precise, factual statement.
Good to see that some Democrats are human. Maybe many more in the next month will turn their backs on the criminals in charge of the Democratic party and either vote for Independents or Republicans. I can’t imagine people like Ms Gabbard feeling comfortable with the likes of Stacey Abrams and Lori Lightfoot.
Here’s one that has got past the google censors so far. It compares sudden deaths in vaccinated and unvaccinated in the UK also references Scotland.
As I said many months ago, the left will wake up, see themselves for what they really are and start turning on each other.
Let the tidal wave build!
Greg Gutfeld! says she will be Trump’s running mate.
No comment.
Nancy Pelosi has got more chance of being Trump’s running mate but we do live in strange times.
Tulsi Gabbard is Right – The Democratic Party is a Cabal of Warmongers
From Armstrong Economics –
“Tulsi Gabbard, former representative for Hawaii’s second district, announced that she is fleeing the Democratic Party in a video that has made waves across the internet. The Democratic Party has radically transformed to “a cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness,” Gabbard said. The party has altered its views to such a far-left point that their ideals are no longer based in democracy.
“I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue and stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms enshrined in our Constitution, are hostile to people of faith and spirituality, demonize the police and protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, are dragging us ever closer to nuclear war.”
The Democratic Party has indeed undermined the entire Constitution with an aim to remove all our freedoms under the guise of “equality,” while the powerful elites who run the nation prosper and are immune from their own laws. The “cowardly wokeness” has certainly racialized every issue in an attempt to DIVIDE us. The Treasury just created a racial equality board, banks have said they would begin issuing special mortgages for people of color, and even Kamala Harris said that whites would be the last to receive aid after Hurricane Ian. The true enemy is not your neighbor but the state.
We are no longer energy independent due to woke climate change policies. There would not be an energy crisis in America had Biden not taken office—illegally. Countless government funds are placed into “climate initiatives” that never see the light of day.
Similar to dictatorships that have abandoned faith, Americans are demonized for their spirituality. They closed our churches during COVID in an attempt to separate the people. The fake Catholic president supports abortion, as does the fake Catholic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Christians are portrayed in the media as closed-minded and ignorant.
The borders are open with more illegals coming in than ever before at the expense of the taxpayer. They are deliberately allowing the borders to remain open as nothing has been done to curb the influx. Criminals are indeed protected above law-abiding citizens. This is why they want to remove the Second Amendment and confiscate our guns, one prohibition at a time. Democratic cities are overrun with homelessness, crime, pollution, and drugs. We have an opiate epidemic that is killing off millions. The police are unable to prevent crimes because Democrats have passed laws prohibiting them from arresting criminals, as law-abiding citizens suffer the consequences.
As a former Army Reserve officer who was deployed in Iraq from 2004 to 2005, and served in Kuwait as an Army Military Police platoon leader from 2008 to 2009, Gabbard has seen the aftermath of warfare firsthand. America has no concern for its own borders, but is willing to risk the lives of millions to protect Ukraine’s border. We now face the prospect of nuclear war due to incompetent politicians who have made massive decisions without the vote of the people. Everyone swore Trump would start World War III, but he actually kept America out of international conflicts. Obama attempted to bring America into the war in Syria, and now his minion Joe is upping the ante.
Gabbard continued:
“I believe in a government that is of the people, by the people, and for the people. Unfortunately, today’s Democratic Party does not. Instead, it stands for a government of, by, and for the powerful elite.
I’m calling on my fellow common sense independent minded Democrats to join me in leaving the Democratic Party. If you can no longer stomach the direction that so-called woke Democratic Party ideologues are taking our country, I invite you to join me.”
Look at what has become of our beautiful nation in less than two years. Biden was handed one of the strongest economies in American history and has since erased all progress. The outlook for America looks bleak. Can anyone honestly say that they are better off under Biden? The two-party system cannot work when each spectrum is pushed further to an extreme. It is time for reform.”
Thanks Honk and Johnny,
Very important statement by Tulsi Gabbard and she made it just in time.
The mid term elections are now here and an urgent handbrake turn in policy is required.
Ronald Reagan changed sides and became a great Republican president. He said:” I didn’t leave the Democrat party. The Democrat party left me.”
I have been saying for over a decade now that the Communists were not defeated with the collapse of the USSR. They just changed the method with which they attacked the West. No guns or bombs but climate change, dividing by race and sex, encouraging victims and identifying oppressors, obliterating our history to be replaced with fake history, destroying our education system. To make it worse very few politicians have had the courage to call it for what it is and to take on the enablers. Even so called conservatives have joined forces with the whiteant brigade and allowed education to be taken over by communistic unions, allowing universities to undermine our country through bad science and woke professors. We conservatives do need to do more and to needle our representatives into action, to openly take issue with the woke that we encounter. From personal experience it is fun to verbally destroy a climate warrior or to stir up those who promote Aboriginal virtues. Thanks to Jo and others in the field for providing so much ammunition.
Florida students protest about having a Republican as university president. Poor snowflakes. Maybe he will make them learn something worthwhile for a change.
What do you get in your country if you Google the equivalent of ‘uk news sudden death’?
I get page after page of fit and young people dropping dead, going to bed and never waking up etc.
Near the top is a full fact check denial that there is a problem linked to the vax – hmmm!
Baader-Meinhof, power of the internet, speed of modern news etc. But it just doesn’t smell right.
In Australia if I Google “uk news sudden death” there is plenty of mentions of sudden death but not not related to the covid has.
The 7th entry is:
The 8th entry is:
“Covid vax” not “covid has”.
The spell checker did it.
In Australia if I Goolag “Australia news sudden death” without quote marks I get a huge number of entries on the first page with no mention of the covid vax.
The sixth entry says:
About 98,000,000 results (0.66 seconds) on Google in UK that’s 98 MILLION But duck duck doesn’t quantify and gives different results too
Molnupiravir ineffective
Well fancy that….
And yet they were extremely eager and fast to ban HCQ and IVM.
In addition, as early as March 2022 The BMJ warned approval was premature.
Plus I believe that Molnupiravir was about $1000 per dose in Australia vs HCQ and IVM which cost almost nothing.
OCTOBER 7 2022
Merck Covid antiviral pill did not cut hospitalisation risk, study finds
UK trial shows ‘no difference’ between taking molnupiravir or placebo in reducing clinical admissions during Omicron wave
Merck’s Covid-19 antiviral pill failed to show it can lower the risks of hospitalisation and death among adults at higher risk from the disease, according to the results of a pivotal clinical trial in the UK.
Molnupiravir’s authorisation was premature
BMJ 2022; 376 doi: (Published 03 March 2022)
Cite this as: BMJ 2022;376:o443
In Australia’s southern fiefdom of Vicdanistan, Australia’s most extreme Nanny State, run by a pyschopathic Marxist dictator, and with the world’s longest covid lockup, and outside of China, the most brutally repressed, the covid pandemic declaration finishes today.
Mmmm… I wonder if it’s to do with the upcoming election?
David I am not fully aware how these things work. Does the end of “pandemic declarations” actually get rid of dear leaders special powers or does this require an official act of parliament?
The concern,of course, is that these extra ordinary powers may be just sitting there waiting to be dragged back into force once an election is secured.
Sambar, I don’t believe the special dictatorial powers have been revoked. They lay in wait, for the next pandemic, real or imagined.
931 days of my life were affected by Victoria’s lockdown. That might be more days than I have left, at my age.
I try to find a lockdown benefit. I fail.
In early 2020 I asked the Chief Health Officer to retract a paper in which he was lead author, for reasons that his science was poor. No answer came. I suspect the CHO is now spending more time with lawyers than scientists. Arrogance does not mix well with hard science. Nor does ignorance.
Let us vote these leftist people out. Geoff S
Pfizer makes damning admission:
“Cinders” Ardern’s latest best effort to torch NZ food production and add to the cost-of-living problem:
Since she is a graduate of Herr Klaus Schwab, that is code for The Great Reset.
The beauty of The Enlightenment, free enterprise, the Industrial Revolution and the Agricultural Revolution is that food became plentiful and cheap for the “proles”.
Like all Leftists, she wants to see a return to pre-Enlightenment times, with hard labour, drudgery, lack of mechanisation or affordable energy (including warmth), few rights, little or no no private property ownership by the proles, and food was mostly poor food, e.g. gruel or even insects ETC..
It’s all part of The Great Reset of the World Economic Forum, e.g. “you will own nothing and be happy”, “Why eating less meat is the best way to tackle climate change” (ref: )
As I call her, Ardern is “The smiling face of fascism”, that’s why the World Economic Forum chose her to promote their agenda, including advocacy of government control of information which she spoke about in the UN the other day. Who’d have thought a major advocate for fascism would come from tiny NZ by an innocent looking woman with a big toothy smile who was appointed on the basis of her gender, not competence or the content of her character.
Don’t rush to react. When we see the details of this proposal it should be possible to thoroughly discredit their whole plan.
These “emissions” by livestock are part of a natural cycle. They are matched by the sequestered carbon in the grass that the animals ate.
The Emissions Trading Scheme which was first proposed in the time of the Howard government refused point blank to allow credits for the sequestration side of that cycle. This was grossly inequitable. They intended to tax agriculture’s recycled emissions on the samqe basis as fossil emissions.
After Barnaby Joyce explained the consequences of that policy agriculture was shunted into the too hard basket. But that inequity was never admitted.
I expect to see it reappear soon.
Personally, I expect the propagandists to simply say that the CH4 produced by the livestock is much more evil than the CO2 consumed by the grass and consider the argument settled in their favour.
Herr Klaus Schwab and his backers must be laughing with glee. How long until NZ farmers drive their tractors and 4x4s onto Parliament grounds to ‘dump their emissions’ on the front lawn (again) … except they can’t as ‘climate activists’ have used their pasty vegan bodies as speed humps on the main road into Wellington today: doof-doof!
0.17% – NZ’s ‘carbon emissions’ of
4% of 0.04% (humanity’s total ‘carbon emissions’) equals
0.00000272% – NZ’s total ‘output’ of CO2.
“We are a world leader” hissed Cinders… in mass su!c!de? Let them eat pine cones.
Maybe she intends to have New Zealanders eat insects?
You have the giant Wētā after all, essentially a huge size cricket.
She might say farmers can move into Wētā farming.
You can already buy edible insects in NZ, as in Australia and many other First World countries where the Elites want non-Elites to eat poverty food.
Just watching this on Sky news , Cinders already has a problem with popularity among NZ voters and this will put an end to her reign of socialism.
I also just seen the stats for Oz for meat production and consumption, seems we are roughly triple the world average in meat eaters .
Did you see the witch with her C.C. Minister, James Shaw of the Greens who LIVES AT HOME WITH HIS TWO MOTHERS, announcing their world-first™ Save The Planet By Killing The People Five-Year Plan because ‘gobull worming’?
Both of the useful idiots were dressed in SYNTHETIC PADDED JACKETS to ward off the bitterly cold, bleak, typical Wellington climate. Greta the Grinch would feel right at home with these alien imposters.
P.S. Wellington police have now removed and arrested the 6 (sux) ‘activists’ from State Highway 1 in the capital this morning.
James Shaw certainly looks like a Soy Boy / Omega male.
“The tipping point is very close,” Susanne said.
A nuclear winter?
Susanne said: Greens’ policies are “sane and urgent”.
Fact-checked by me: FALSE! They are insane and childish and a little bit queer.
BTW has Flim Flammery’s house on the Hawksbury (?) been flooded yet? TheirABC is reporting MORE rain for the dams as well as snow in a few days time. Is Al Gore visiting you lot again?
Don’t worry, with the coming “rewilding” of your beautiful country there will soon be enough Kiwi feathers to make plenty of those Maori cloaks seen in old photos.
Works out at $ 86,000 , annually, for this farm, which has one of the lowest footprints in NZ , using, as it does no nitrogen fertiliser , does no cropping , and uses no agri-chemicals , and is all in permanent grassland , except for the thousands of trees for which no carbon credit is allowed.
That is enough penalty to wipe out any profit.
All part of the plan I’m afraid Mr. Brown, If the land can be retrieved, taken , stolen from private land owners then government can do what it likes with your once productive profit making enterprise and dedicate it back to being “wild”. As such it will not be managed, it may have a small window when it is productive in terms of wildlife then it will fall into decline as feral animals explode in numbers and eat the place into oblivion. End result wild country that struggles to maintain grass or tree cover, dominant species of both plants and animals are the ones least likely to be usefull to anyone.
“All part of the plan I’m afraid Mr. Brown, ”
I am painfully aware of it, with the local city council hell-bent on destroying our property right to the free and undisturbed possession of our title , by proposing a public walkway through our farm . A bio-security nightmare in simple terms.
Aren’t we all, Jo, aren’t we all…
Must be a hunky guy!
This guy is a carbon copy of Albanese
Political cartoons of the day
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Interesting conundrum for Minister for Energy Chris Bowen, he claimed that as Australia changed to renewable energy prices would drop by $300.00 per household and the CEO of Alinta has just announced that energy prices will RISE by 35% next year.
I wonder how this “juggling act” can be made to look like a benefit rather than the disaster that was always going to happen.
“Australia changed to renewable energy prices would drop by $300.00 per household”
AFTER they have risen by $2000 per household.
Yes, a neat marketing trick, huh?
Great marketing trick learned from “Let’s go Brandon.”
Our cost of power graph is beginning to look like a hockey stick – just like the other one attributed to an atmospheric trace gas.
This one has its origins to a new, ineffective power generation technique that has an extreme positive feedback loop on power prices when introduced in trace quantities.
With Chris Bowen, everything is ‘a definite maybe’…………………A Great Example of the Looney Left.
Western Civilisation is declining at an exponentially faster rate.
The latest offering from the climate propaganda sausage machine being repeated on numerous news outlet, based on models fed implausible scenarios.
Lies, damn lies and flawed statistics.
From “The Parasitic Mind” by Dr. Gad Saad:
As Trump Rallies Republicans Across The Country For Midterms, Where’s Joe Biden?
Democrats don’t want Joe Biden anywhere near their candidates, and it’s obvious why.
The midterm elections are just four weeks away, and former President Donald Trump is busily campaigning for Republicans in crucial contests. Joe Biden, on the other hand, is nowhere to be found.
It’s quite odd, given Biden’s past performance as a “road warrior,” traveling the country to support fellow Democrats. Back during the 2018 midterms, for example, the former vice president traveled to roughly two dozen states to attend rallies, fundraisers, and other stops, supporting 65 candidates as one of the best-known Democrats in the nation. In one week, he attended 12 rallies.
This time around, however, Biden seems to be sitting campaign events out (although he’s still traveling, just not for congressional Democrats). His public schedule in the last two weeks shows he attended three fundraising events for Democrats (one for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee at the home of James and Kathryn Murdoch, no less), but nothing directly affiliated with a candidate.
This keep-the-president-at-a-distance approach seems to be congressional Democrats’ strategy as Nov. 8 nears.
Why are Democrats so loath to speak the president’s name and tout his support? One look at his horrendous approval ratings gives a pretty good idea. What with skyrocketing inflation, energy costs, and crime — not to mention flirting with nuclear war with Russia
How surprising that Trump, supposedly the most politically toxic political figure in the history of the United States, is now making his rounds across the country to help Republican candidates in crucial midterm contests. Meanwhile, the sitting president, once the most coveted speaker for Democrats, is being shoved in a closet. Democrats don’t want Biden anywhere near their candidates, so he’s been relegated to fundraiser.
Military Arrests US Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink
US Special Forces on Saturday arrested US Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Ann Brink on charges of treason, after White Hats at Cyber Command discovered she had been clandestinely hand-delivering enormous amounts of cash to Ukrainian officials in the war-torn country known for harboring pedophiles and bioweapon scientists.
Brink’s brief tenure ended abruptly when an unknown number of Special Forces surrounded her family’s 20-acre vacation home in Ferndale, California, a remote coastal community near the mouth of the Eel River. After disabling an intricate security system and using a circular glass cutter to make entry through a dining room window, Special Forces found Brink asleep in bed. Brink, startled awake, shouted, “I have powerful friends,” as Special Forces sealed her mouth with tape, cuffed her, and egressed to a civilian van waiting at the property’s edge.
Bridget Ann Brink was in April 2022 nominated by globalist Joseph R. Biden to be the US Ambassador to Ukraine, and had previously served as the US Ambassador to Slovakia from August 2019 until May 2022. On May 18, 2022, the committee reported her favorably to the Senate floor. Her nomination process was fast-tracked, and she was unanimously confirmed by the entire Senate via voice vote later that day. She presented her credentials on May 30, 2022, and took office during the 2022 Russian conflict with Ukraine.
The White Hat partition of the US military became interested in Brink in July, shortly after she said, “I’ll do anything and everything to protect Ukrainian sovereignty, for as long as it takes,” and the regime announced it had just sent Volodymyr Zelenskyy $250 million in military aid. Around that time, the military received what it considered to be credible intelligence alleging that Biden’s care package for Ukraine was a distraction, an obfuscation aimed at concealing the fact that the criminal regime had already illicitly, and without congressional approval, sent Ukraine a far greater sum of cash, nearly $2.2bn. Brink, JAG sources said, was the frontwoman of the operation.
Superb P@ssTake
Ah yes, Real Raw News was briefly a favourite of mine but one eventually tires of the exiles to gitmo not to mention the hangings.
I want to believe this, but the news site is not much different to The Onion.
Top Endersays:
October 12, 2022 at 7:38 am
We need legal clarity on religious freedom
It is high time the Labor government delivered on its election promise to provide legal protections against religious discrimination.
Though it is a sorry state of affairs that we must go cap in hand to government begging for religious freedom, there is little point crying over spilt milk. That horse bolted when the human rights industry convinced successive governments that feelings should receive legal protection. Elevated into a faux human right, feelings are routinely weaponised to trump and destroy fundamental rights.
Rights such as freedom of expression, freedom of conscience and freedom of religion, so central to living in a free and liberal society, have been emasculated by social engineers who know exactly what they are doing, and facilitated by knaves who should know better.
Last week, when forcing Andrew Thorburn to resign, the board of Essendon Football Club caused their club a world of pain and damaged the fabric of freedom that binds a tolerant, liberal society. Their hasty and foolish decision raises the question: should they be trusted to make considered, prudent decisions in the future?
In the hierarchy of human rights, religious freedom – a central tenet of liberty and our history – should trump feelings. That means, at a minimum, a person should not be effectively sacked because of their faith.
The ABC’s Patricia Karvelas could be counted on to side with feelings, saying that gay Essendon players wouldn’t feel welcome if the chief executive was the leader of an Anglican church. Let’s add a dash of logic. Thorburn was not trying to turn players into Christians, nor was he removing homosexuals from the team. His private faith is just that. Following Karvelas’s feelings argument, it is preferable that a quiet Christian be made to feel unwelcome, and be unemployable too.
To understand how demented the human rights industry has become, and how those running these bureaucracies cannot be trusted with our most fundamental rights, it bears repeating that Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights commissioner Ro Allen sided with Essendon’s religious persecution of a Christian man, applauding the club for “standing to their values”.
This perverse approach to human rights, especially in Victoria, means Anthony Albanese has a chance to do what the former Morrison government failed to do: deliver on an election promise and protect, at the federal level, citizens from being discriminated against because of their private religious faith.
But will he?
Click Link to read further.
Why do you think they are serving insects in 1000 Aussie schools? It’s to normalise it and make this poverty food seem acceptable to kids.
An unambiguous vote for Trump.
It’s frightening how fast Biden’s handlers destroyed the US economy and the US in general.
Quote from Tulsi Gabbard
“Living In A Reality Distortion Bubble”
“The Spectator- The last of the Covidians”
The NHS is gradually making them compulsory again.
Mind you, as the lady on the checkout coughed her guts out into her hand prior to handling every piece of my shopping the other day, I was left yearning for the good old days of masks and locking people up with a sniffle!
The Drift Toward ‘Democratic Despotism’
“Popular tyrannies” seek to outlaw or delegitimize oppositional political parties.
The Biden administration’s excessive use of executive orders, regulatory rulemaking power, and lawfare against state governments and other “intermediary institutions”; its dictatorial pandemic decrees; and its ongoing efforts to delegitimize the Republican Party as an organization of dangerous neo-fascists, lawless election deniers, and insurrectionists are all manifestations of this country’s continuing drift toward “democratic despotism,” which didn’t start with President Joe Biden and will not end with him. The roots of this political phenomenon can be traced to President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal, but, as the political philosopher James Burnham pointed out, democratic despotism fundamentally springs from the “myth” of democracy.
Seventy years ago, in a little-remembered lecture at the Aspen Institute in Colorado, titled “Democracy, Oligarchy and Freedom,” Burnham warned that the United States was drifting toward “democratic despotism,” the key symptoms of which were the centralization of power both in the presidency and in the bureaucracies of the executive branch and the weakening of “intermediary institutions” that stand between the people and the executive. Burnham argued that if we continued down this path, the end result would be Caesarism, where the executive in the name of the “popular will” suffocates liberty.
In 1952, when Burnham delivered the lecture, he was far along on his political/philosophical odyssey from 1930s Marxism (the Trotskyite version) to National Review conservatism.
Scheduled to Die: The Rise of Canada’s Assisted Suicide Program
What do you do when you discover your son has made an appointment for his death?
I Won’t Go To War With Russia For Randi Weingarten
After news broke on Monday that Russia launched missiles at several Ukrainian cities, the president of the second-largest teachers union in America announced she was “heading to the border now to assess the situation.”
“This Russian attempt to frighten civilians & the effect on children (who are learning online today) is why this [Ukraine] trip is so important,” American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten tweeted.
What is the woman infamous for sentencing American children to school on screens doing in Ukraine other than making herself a Franz Ferdinand-like target and possibly violating the Logan Act? Especially since the U.S. Department of State has ordered Americans “not travel to Ukraine due to Russian military invasion.”
According to the AFT, which sponsored the trip, Weingarten’s presence in Ukraine is supposed to “offer solidarity and support in the face of relentless attacks that have forced hundreds of thousands of refugees to flee the country’s east.”
Frankly, that’s not a good enough reason to be gung-ho about celebrities such as Ben Stiller, Angelina Jolie, Sean Penn, Liev Schreiber, Jessica Chastain, and now leftist pawns such as Weingarten making the dangerous pilgrimage East with the hopes that they can “make a difference” in Ukraine. These American civilians have no business traveling to Eastern Europe in the midst of a conflict that is teetering on the edge of nuclear war, even if they are just trying to “do something” beyond putting the performative blue and yellow flag in their Twitter bios.
Already, American warmongers including President Joe Biden have threatened escalation if Russia continues its rampage in the East. The last thing the United States needs after funneling more than $67 billion to the Volodymyr Zelensky regime without any accountability or oversight
Dont recall this outpouring for Tibet. Oh well.
State Department Spokesman Ned Price: Giving Ukraine Billions Is ‘Foreign Policy For The Middle Class’
State Department Spokesman Ned Price defended the Biden administration’s policy of aid for Ukraine as part of a “foreign policy for the middle class” during a press briefing Tuesday.
One reporter asked Price how the administration felt about the fact that the U.S. has given more than double the aid to Ukraine that Europe has, and how the immense spending on weapons and other aid for Ukraine to defend itself against Russia’s invasion comports with President Joe Biden’s campaign promise to implement a “foreign policy for the middle class.”
“The costs of this are not insignificant. In fact, to the contrary, they are significant. The costs of inaction would be far greater,” Price said, without going into specifics about those costs.
Biden, storyteller in chief, spins yarns that often unravel, leading to criticism
WASHINGTON — Standing in front of Floridians who had lost everything during Hurricane Ian, President Biden on Wednesday recalled his own house being nearly destroyed 15 years ago: “We didn’t lose our whole home, but lightning struck and we lost an awful lot of it,” he said.
Biden has mentioned the incident before, once saying he knows what it’s like “having had a house burn down with my wife in it.”
In fact, news reports at the time called it little more than “a small fire that was contained to the kitchen” and quoted the local Delaware fire chief as saying that “the fire was under control in 20 minutes.”
The story is not an isolated example of embellishment.
Comments very interesting
– Much of America believes the 2020 election had serious issues, many due to last-minute voting reg changes charged off to COVID. More and more real problems are surfacing. There was no enthusiasm for Biden and it seemed odd that he won. Like many democrats who believed elections were stolen, Trump believed he should have won. He is entitled to that opinion.
– Biden never lies about the big things? Are you kidding? How about inflation? How about the border? How about saying requiring a voter ID (which the entire rest of the free world requires) is Jim Crow 2.0? How about saying that climate change is an “existential problem”, as though it is going to mean the end of our existence? How about his dealings with his son Hunter and their joint corruption?
– Nice article, but, too late. The media should have been writing articles like this about 3 years ago
– The story leaves out the biggest lie. That his first wife and daughter were the victims in a car accident involving a drunk driver. The driver not only wasn’t drunk, he wasn’t even the cause of the accident. Anyone who would embellish the facts of such a tragic event for political gain, and in the process, destroy the reputation of another family, is seriously troubled.
New York Times Races to Do Damage Control to Defend Biden’s Lies
In the latest installment of “things the mainstream media would never do for conservatives,” The New York Times is again rushing to President Joe Biden’s aid to defend his frequent use of outright lies in his…creative…storytelling.
Headlined “Biden, Storyteller in Chief, Spins Yarns That Often Unravel,” the Times points to Biden’s usual lies used to pander to audiences but characterizes the blatant falsehoods as merely a “habit of embellishing narratives to weave a political identity.”
How nice to be Joe Biden and have the Times around to make your literally unbelievable anecdotes an endearing quality, or whatever.
The Times outlines Biden’s many falsehoods, starting with one of his most recent delivered to the victims of Hurricane Ian in Florida.
“When politicians point the finger at Putin, they’re deflecting from their own failures.”
Flyer calling for Brighton residents to ‘ration’ power use to cater for EV charging
The growing popularity of electric vehicles has sparked a bizarre theory about a blue-ribbon suburb’s bid to go green.
A flyer claiming Brighton EV owners want power rationed in their street so they can charge their cars has sparked furious debate online.
The leaflet explains that four electric vehicle owners in the same street were struggling to “fill up” their cars.
“We have been presented with some challenges in relation to electricity use. In short our infrastructure is from 1822 and our cars are from 2022,” the flyer says.
” In short our infrastructure is from 1822 and our cars are from 2022″ a pretty clear indication that they have no idea what they are talking about. Just more emotive entitled lefty BS.
German children won’t freeze this winter, the government is supplying blankets.
It’s miserable for children or adults to keep warm in a blanket in a cold house.
And not conducive to kids doing their homework either. I guess all the better to achieve the objective of a fully dumbed-down society.
Quote by Dr Ben Carson.
WATCH: Not even MSNBC can ignore the signs that something is very, very wrong with John Fetterman
OK, guys. So at what point can the Democrats of the United States of America just come together and agree that John Fetterman is a terrible political candidate who would make a terrible senator and has absolutely no business whatsoever being anywhere near the levers of American governmental power? Is this the point? Are we there yet?
NBC reporter on her interview with John Fetterman:
“You’ll see he has a screen in front of him that is transcribing my questions as I ask them.”
“Once he can read, he can fully understand what I’m asking.”
And the Journalist says at the end of the 37 Sec Video clip, that in small talk before the formal interview Fetterman had troubles understanding what they were discussing
The London neighbourhoods shoplifters are most likely to steal in have been revealed
The top 10 neighbourhoods in London most likely to be targeted by shoplifters have been revealed
Bloomberg – Retailers Urge UK Police to Prioritize Shoplifting as Costs Rise
. Violence and abuse toward store workers soared in pandemic
. Security labels become more commonplace as prices increase
Retailers including Tesco Plc and J Sainsbury Plc are calling on British police to focus on retail crime as the cost of living weighs heavily on shoppers and leads to theft.
More than 100 retailers have written a joint letter to Police and Crime Commissioners in England and Wales expressing concerns about rising levels of abuse and anti-social behavior toward staff, according to a statement Thursday from the British Retail Consortium, which is coordinating the effort.
The appeal comes as the surging cost of energy, fuel and food leads to more reports of abuse and theft in UK stores. Iceland Foods Managing Director Richard Walker said he receives reports of aggressive behavior every week and that incidents are rising “because people are struggling,” according to comments to Good Morning Britain last month.
Security tags, normally reserved for high-end products like bottles of whiskey, are now found on everyday items including butter, cheese, meat and washing detergents.
Explaining Conservatism
In light of this, I present here, and in subsequent columns, a list of conservatism’s defining characteristics.
We will begin with the most important conservative value — liberty.
Conservatives believe in individual liberty (there is no liberty other than individual liberty). It has been the primary value of the American experiment. While many countries include the word “liberty” in their national mottoes and national anthems, no country has so emphasized liberty as has America.
That is why:
—The French designers of the Statue of Liberty gave the statue to America.
—The iconic symbol of America is the Liberty Bell.
—The one inscription on the Liberty Bell is a verse about liberty from the Book of Leviticus: “And you shall proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants.”
—Americans sing of their country as “the land of the free” and “sweet land of liberty.”
—Until recently, every America schoolchild knew by heart Patrick Henry’s cry, “Give me liberty, or give me death!”
—Chinese young people who protested the Communist takeover of Hong Kong waved the American flag.
And that is why America’s founders were adamant that the state — the national government — be as small, as limited, as possible. The bigger the government, the smaller the liberty. Big government and big liberty are mutually exclusive.
So, the next time a liberal or left-wing friend or relative asks you what conservatives stand for, say “liberty” — especially free speech. And explain that is why you fear and oppose big government — because big government and individual liberty cannot coexist.
Hong Kong stares down US on Russian-owned super yacht
Hong Kong | Hong Kong’s leader John Lee said on Tuesday he would only implement United Nations sanctions, after the US warned the territory’s status as a financial centre could be affected if it acts as a safe haven for sanctioned individuals.
Mr Lee’s statement on Tuesday came days after a luxury yacht connected to Russian tycoon Alexey Mordashov docked in the city.
Hong Kong authorities have said that they do not implement unilateral sanctions imposed by other governments.
“We cannot do anything that has no legal basis,” Mr Lee told reporters. “We will comply with United Nations sanctions, that is our system, that is our rule of law,” he said.
Only 53 Per Cent of Gen Z Britons Are ‘Exclusively Straight’ – Stonewall Research
America under Democrats and Hiden Biden
‘Progressive Policing’ In Action – Criminals in Washington are Calling 911 as They Flee From Police Because the State’s Woke Laws Prevent Officers From Pursuing Them (VIDEO)
From the 911 call:
Suspect: “I have a cop chasing me in violation of house bill 1047”
911 Dispatch: “Ok. Whaere are you?”
Suspect: …”The cop is not allowed to me for driving suspended.”
911: “Ok. What kind of vehicle are you in?”
Suspect: “I am in a Red Toyota Camry, with temporary regisration. Redmond police are pursuing behind me in violation of 1074.”
911: “And, are you able to pull over?”
Suspect: “No, because I am driving suspended. He’s not going to get me.”
If you can even believe it, unfortunately, this petulant suspect ended up driving off on his merry way without so much as a wave from the officer in pursuit, as officers were eventually forced to stand down.
Abrams concludes the story:
“Police say an officer followed the suspect, who called 911… followed him under a freeway, watching him as he sped away.”
Somehow, the 911 call did the trick… absolutely unreal.
Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo Discusses His Decision to Recommend Against COVID-19 Vaccines for Young Adult Males
On October 7, the Office of Florida’s Surgeon General Joseph A. Ladapo, MD, PhD, issued an announcement recommending “against males aged 18 to 39 from receiving mRNA Covid-19 vaccines.” [link] This created quite a stir as his advice goes against the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and numerous other scientific organizations.
Dr. Ladapo cited a Florida health dept study showing an 84% increase in the incidence of cardiac-related death among males 18-39 years old within 28 days following mRNA vaccination. Immediately Dr. Ladapo became a target by federal officials, big tech and defensive media. {Direct Rumble Link} Dr. Ladapo appeared on Tucker Carlson last night to discuss. WATCH: 2 Mins 27 Secs
Treating the COVID-19 vaccine with facts
By Editorial Board – The Washington Times
Not everyone benefits from a one-size-fits-all approach
Beware of the cure more dangerous than the disease. That’s a warning applicable to the regimen of hastily formulated COVID-19 vaccines. It is a caution long ignored that is finally getting deserved attention. Rather than censoring messengers bearing discordant facts, health authorities and media outlets have an obligation to treat their claims with objective consideration. For some Americans — men in particular — it could be a matter of life and death.
On Friday, Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo issued a warning that, given the receding threat of infection as the pandemic winds down, the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines pose an unacceptable risk to men younger than 40. “With a high level of global immunity to COVID-19, the benefit of vaccination is likely outweighed by this abnormally high risk of cardiac-related death among men in this age group,” read the guidance.
Analysis conducted by the Florida Department of Health found that men ages 18 to 38 encountered an 84% increase in cardiac-related death within 28 days of vaccination. Consequently, the surgeon general recommends against the vaccinations for men of that age group. It also advised “particular caution” for individuals with pre-existing cardiac conditions, such as myocarditis and pericarditis.
If Florida’s disturbing findings were a statistical outlier, Americans elsewhere could dismiss it as a stray dark cloud over the Sunshine State. It is not.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System finds that the various COVID-19 vaccines have accounted for a stunning 56% of adverse reactions to all types of vaccines administered since 1990, including nearly 7% of serious reactions. The majority of the adverse reactions involve the original Pfizer-Biontech and Moderna formulas.
Such findings undermine the wisdom of the Biden administration CDC’s ongoing recommendation that “everyone stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccines for their age group,” including children 6 months to 17 and adults 18 and older. The CDC adds a vague caveat for males 12 through 39 years, recommending this particularly vulnerable cohort consult a health care provider about the timing of vaccine doses to “further minimize the rare risk of myocarditis and pericarditis.”
The feds’ monolithic advice has been unfairly shielded from scrutiny by media efforts to censor voices warning the public of emerging information that casts doubt on the one-size-fits-all vaccine policy. Twitter removed a tweet posted Friday by Florida’s surgeon general containing his guidance. When exposed, the social media giant reversed course and republished it.
Moreover, records obtained by Judicial Watch from the Department of Health and Human Services through Freedom of Information filings reveal “extensive media plans for a propaganda campaign to push the COVID-19 vaccine.” The documents, according to the watchdog group, spell out initiatives for engaging with digital media like YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok to promote “funny and/or musical videos” encouraging young people to get vaxxed.
Officialdom’s role in fighting a deadly pandemic is to inform, not propagandize. The media’s job is to facilitate the free flow of relevant facts, including oppositional views, rather than act as government censors. American lives depend on it.
Moderna now has a new jab to fix all those non-existent cardiac jab injuries that totally weren’t anything to do with something or other.
Madness! Serfs become sieves.
Biden Announces U.S. Air Defense System for Ukraine Following Retaliatory Russian Missile Attacks
October 10, 2022 – Sundance
Like the bombing of the Nordstream pipeline, it is highly likely the Kerch Strait bridge targeting was planned by Ukraine and the United States. However, we are not permitted to speak about these coordinated efforts. The bottom line is the U.S. Biden administration going further toward direct engagement with Russia via the proxy state of Ukraine.
BIG PICTURE – The baseline for the global aspect to the Ukraine conflict remains rooted in the economic cleaving underway. Saudi Arabia has expressed their alignment with OPEC+, including Russia, on a coordinated oil supply. The NATO alliance broadly wants to pressure their partners away from oil, coal and natural gas. Thus, today in addition to the phone call with Zelenskyy, Joe Biden called German Chancellor Olaf Scholz:
The western ideologues, politicians, corporations and banks (yellow on map) are trying to force a new global energy system. However, there is opposition from multiple nations (grey on map) who see the effort to shift away from oil, coal and natural gas as economic suicide.
The citizens within the western alliance nations are suffering the consequences of the global economic cleaving. Energy driven inflation, a purposefully created problem, is creating a recession amid the western alliance nations. The monetary policy of U.S., EU, CA, NZ and AU is currently constructed to lower economic activity to support the reduced amount of energy resources available.
Specifically, because the Ukraine conflict is being used as a justification for political economic and monetary policy, there appears to be no limit in what the U.S. will do to widen the ideological war against Russia. Unfortunately, the era of great pretending forbids anyone from talking openly about the true root of the issue.
It seems clear now that NATO, led by the USA, is willing to escalate a European war if that’s what it takes to protect the climate change goals.
We are pretending our way into a war.
Biden: ‘Make America Great Again Are The Three Most Dangerous Words In The World’
U.S. · Oct 11, 2022 ·
Will Germany sink the EU?
Destroying Germany’s economic lifeline
Someone blew up Nord Stream pipelines bringing in cheap, abundant natural gas from Russia to Germany. German economy depended on this resource for nearly 60% of its industrial production. As Zoltan Pozsar suggested, $2 trillion of German value depended on $20 billion of Russian gas.
We can’t be sure who blew up the pipelines,but the most likely suspects are all Germany’s supposed friends and allies: the US, UK, Poland, Sweden and Denmark.
Adding insult to injury
Last month one of the key architects of this catastrophe, Berlin’s hapless Economy minister, Robert Habeck publicly complained about the situation in an interview to German media. Only yesterday, French economy minister Bruno Le Maire chimed in: “We cannot accept that our American partner sells its LNG four times the price at which it sells it to its own industries.” But these lamentations come far too late to mitigate the extreme damage to European economies.
Beseiged from all sides…
Thus, together with Poland’s bold demand for 1.3 trillion Euros in WW2 reparations, Germany has suddenly found itself besieged by its “friends” and “allies” on many fronts
As Hans Peter Wollseifer, president of the Central Association of German Crafts said to the Rheinische post, “Every day, we receive emergency calls from companies that are about to stop production because they can no longer pay the enormously increased energy bills.” The Federation of German Industries (BDI) also warned of a wave of bankruptcies due to energy cost inflation which is now a major challenge for 58% of companies while 34% believe that the crisis jeopardizes their very survival.
Germany has (potentially) one reliable partner
The nation is being pushed to destruction. But while this may note be apparent to the unsuspecting consumers of western corporate media narrative, Germany has found itself in the situation where it may have only one partner to rely upon. If you guessed Russia, you guessed correctly.
German subsidies arms-race could sink the EU
Funding Panic Imminent? Fed Quietly Sends $3.1 Billion To Switzerland Via Swap Line
Fast forward two weeks when there still hasn’t been any formal announcement from the Fed, but every so quietly – and just as we expected – the Fed shuttled $3.1 billion to the Swiss National Bank to cover an emergency dollar shortfall.
The next logical question obviously is: why does Switzerland suddenly have a financial institution needing $3 billion in cheap (3.33%) overnight funding. We don’t know the answer, but have a pretty good idea of who the culprit may be. (Credit Suisse)
Just heard that Australia is concidering sending troops to the U.K. to help train Ukrainian soldiers in Britain. Why is Australia going to these extreme measures to “get involved”. What possible contribution can our defense personell make that could not be made by Germany, Poland, France, and all the “other” locals .
Virtue signaling at yet another level to prove to the woke world that we are good international citizens does nothing other than to help drive the world into a much larger conflict.
It is virtue signalling, standing up for democracy against the beast from the east.
‘Now a 30pc chance Putin will use nuclear weapons’
‘Australia’s former ambassador to the US Joe Hockey backs warnings of a potential nuclear armageddon, revealing details of private conversations that have him fearful of devastating strikes.’ (Oz)
Its an indication that we have the same tyrannical overlords. Its not anything so innocent as virtue signalling. We are under Bolshevik terrorist rule.
As Kissinger said: “To be an enemy of the US is dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal”.
Heinz Kisinger, aka Henry is the mentor of Klaus Schwab
Aussie boots on the ground in Ukraine: Australian considers sending personnel to train Ukrainian soldiers – as Putin bombards Kyiv and major cities with missiles
. Defence Minister Richard Marles said the government is considering the move
. It would see Australian soldiers travel to Europe to train the Ukrainian forces
. Government is also planning another round of additional military equipment
From the Comments
– Toeing the line as a stooge to the yanks and UN/NATO created and choreographed dislocations is an anachoristic ,died in the wool approach that has been exposed as a folly since Vietnam, Indonesia/Malaya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and now Ukraine.
– NO! NO! NO!
– Ukraine, please take our true fighters green and labor voters as they will not be missed when they leave OZ
– Albanese is behaving in a very in-Australian way.
– Has Albansese completely lost his tiny mind…don’t send Australian troops over there..stay out of it ffs!!!
– That wouldn’t be very climate friendly Albo.
– Send army to rebuild flooded areas in NSW. Qld and Vic, instead of wasting them to help a country that has never helped us and never will. Ukis are takers. They never give anything good in return
You have that idea of “suicide by cop”. What we are doing is murdering these Ukrainians. “Murder by Russian.” We pretend to be training them. We are just getting them killed as part of a wider orgy of primitive human sacrifice.
Footy great Jason Akermanis reveals his wife’s shock cancer diagnosis – and questions whether it is linked to the COVID JAB: ‘It happened straight after’
. Akermanis’ wife Megan Legge, 43, underwent a double mastectomy last month
. Akermanis said he wondered if her cancer was related to her recent Covid jab
. AFL star said she was otherwise fit and healthy, and didn’t drink alcohol
. ‘It happened straight after she had the Covid jab, and she felt a lump,’ he said
. Daily Mail Australia does not suggest a link between the Covid jab and breast cancer
Vegetarians have around twice as many depressive episodes as meat-eaters
The study, based on survey data from Brazil, chimes with earlier research that found higher rates of depression among those who forgo meat. However, the new study suggests that this link exists independent of nutritional intake.
Association between meatless diet and depressive episodes: A cross-sectional analysis of baseline data from the longitudinal study of adult health (ELSA-Brasil)

Now for the Good news, although it is based on the Always Wrong BOM Forecast
Say goodbye to a sunny summer: Grim weather forecast warns Aussies are in for another six months of flooding, tropical cyclones and thunderstorms
. Bureau of Meteorology issues grim long-range forecast for the next six months
. More flooding expected after some regions recorded wettest year on record
. Likely chance of at least 11 tropical cyclones before April, first one within weeks
. More torrential rain and flooding for NSW, Victoria and Tasmania in coming days
Harvard Says Babies Know They’re Trans “From The Womb.”
It’s an interesting thought exercise, and it also highlights radical leftist hypocrisy. The radical left says that all abortion is good all the time. Convenient access to abortion must be protected at all costs.
The radical left also says that trans-identifying people, and children especially, are basically the most protected class on the planet right now. Their right to exist as they identify themselves must be protected and their identity affirmed at all costs.
The radical left also says that “a good portion of children do know [that they are transgender] as early as seemingly from the womb.”
If we could somehow identify exactly which unborn children would suffer from gender dysphoria or simply defy gender stereotypes and subsequently be socially labeled as transgender (because children aren’t actually transgender), would the radical left suddenly be against the abortion of these babies? Would they say it’s bigotry and violence and hate to want to abort a baby that would be transgender, and insist that the abortion of transgender babies be banned on the basis of being violent anti-trans bigotry?
The left just cannot be consistent in anything except idiocy…
Transphobic Regime: Biden Regime Still Requires All Trans Women To Register For Draft As Men But Trans Men Are Exempt
Transgender women who are born male are still required to register with the Selective Service System, or draft, under Joe Biden’s administration. Those who identify as male but were born female do not need to register with the draft, American Military News reported.
Although the policy was set in place before Biden took office, it has not been changed under his watch. This transphobic policy is a direct assault on transgender women they pretend to support and protect.
This further shows that the Biden regime still does not recognize transgender women as women and transgender men as men.
The Left’s consistency in being inconsistent…
Camo clothes. Check.
Grenades. Check.
Rambo knife. Check.
Field medkit. Check.
Pink handbag. Check.
Crying booth. Check.
Enbroidered “Everything’s Putin’s fault” arm patch. Check.
How young is too young?
Leftists have discovered that the younger people are, the more susceptible they are to transsexualization. That is why so much emphasis has been placed on exploiting liberal control of education to indoctrinate children with LGBT ideology. Horrifically, the transsexualization goes beyond brainwashing to include chemical castration and even surgical sexual mutilation.
Surely even the most woke understand that at a certain age children must be left to their innocence. Ami Horowitz ventured onto the campus of UCLA to answer the question, how young is too young for a child to be deformed into a grotesque parody of the opposite sex as a sacrifice to the LGBT agenda? Would they do it to a 5-year-old, against the parents’ wishes?
Watch the video:
This is frightening. The sheer level of stupidity and ignorance from average people.
Bunker time. Please end the insanity soon.
Brainwashing children. The social contagion
Back in the day, to suggest that brainwashing children was an essential component of the Left’s program to inculcate their hatred of America, Americans, and capitalism in future generations was to establish oneself in the minds of most as a paranoiac, a lunatic, and/or a conspiracy theorist with an at best tenuous grasp on reality. But those days are long gone; as it turns out, the conspiracy is real, the program is in place and beavering away…and yes, brainwashing our kids is a YUUUGE part of it. Exhibit A:
It’s a very simple graph, but it speaks to a deep sickness in society. Komodo Health Inc. has tracked over five years, from 2017 to 2021, the number of children who identify as “transgender” (that is, in purely medical terms, they suffer from gender dysphoria) has increased so dramatically that it cannot possibly be an organic development. Instead, we are witnessing the brainwashing of America’s youth—something coming from pop culture, their schools, and their peers.
We all know that young people are impressionable. Their minds are little sponges, they’ve been minimally affected by life’s realities, they are more likely to respond to experiences and information with emotions rather than reason, and they are extremely vulnerable to peer pressure.
“I want a tattoo!”
“You’re not old enough! When you’re 16.”
“I want to be a pirate”
“He’s come out!. That’s great, and he’s only six! Let’s book the surgery for a leg amputation and wooden leg fitting, the removal of an eye and a wearable patch, and a parrot for the shoulder!”
But still more!
University Medical Students Must Take Oath To Fight ‘White Supremacy and Gender Binary’
Medical students at the University of Minnesota must now take an oath to “honor all Indigenous ways of healing that have been historically marginalized by Western medicine” and fight “white supremacy, colonialism, [and] the gender binary.”
The University of Minnesota Medical School (UMMS) class of 2026 recited an oath during the white coat ceremony that included pledges to dedicate their careers to activist causes including anti-racism, climate advocacy, and the LGBTQ+ agenda.
Any doctor who agrees to this nonsense shouldn’t be allowed to practise medicine.
After “The great reversal”, these doctors will be saying “do you want fries with that?”
Nope. Not done yet.
Girl Who Was Forced To Take Testosterone Goes Bald
A girl who was put on hormone blockers and received testosterone treatments when she was a teenager says she has now gone bald and regrets that doctors didn’t do more to diagnose her gender confusion as a mental illness.
Miller describes herself as “being androgenized to the point of no return.”
“I really don’t see those being fixable,” she says.
Saying she doesn’t hold her mother responsible for allowing her to transition, Miller said doctors didn’t do enough digging to discover her gender issues were really related to mental illness.
As the medical sector only seems concerned about how much money they’ll make from the trans fad, perhaps it’s time for them to consider money an order of magnitude greater in damages lawsuits!
Swedish Government Tells Citizens To Build “Indoor Blanket Huts” This Winter To Avoid Freezing To Death
The Scandinavian country of Sweden is bracing for an energy disaster this winter as supplies run short amid the crisis in Ukraine.
Following a dry and windless summer, Sweden’s “renewable” energy supplies are dismal. Its nuclear power facilities are also not yet ready to supply energy, which means a lights out scenario is soon possible.
As inflation skyrockets, many Swedes are beginning to wonder if they will make it to 2023 without freezing to death. The government has provided the following advice:
Insulate windows
Gather entire families into a single room to conserve energy
Build a makeshift hut out of blankets
Yes, you read that right – the Swedish government is officially advising citizens to wrap themselves in blanket forts to try to stay warm this winter.
Stupid Swedes. Don’t they know solar panels are their salvation?
“Stupid Swedes. Don’t they know solar panels are their salvation?”
The way to salvation may be to take a few lessons from the Sami people who live just a bit further north. Reindeer skin clothing can keep you warm in Arctic weather, a diet high in meat and animal fat also keeps things ticking.
Sometimes the “good old days” really could be.
Ironically the “good old days” are still here.
Kiddies working down coal mines have been replaced by kiddies working in Lithium mines.
Last one.
Heartbreaking detransition story describes ‘trauma’ caused by gender confusion
‘[I] went all the way as far as one can go and then woke up and realized I made the biggest f*** mistake of my life.’
Jalisa Vine gives a heartbreaking testimony on how gender surgeries ruined her life in a “detransition diary” video series where she talks about how her medical “transition” from female to male permanently damaged her and how she is now trying to detransition and accept herself for who she really is.
The description of Vine’s introduction video reads “Born female, at the age of 18 I began medically transitioning. 8 years later- after hormones, and several surgeries, I am now detransitioning.”
The detransitioner describes how traumatic experiences led to her decision to medically transition. “The majority of my life so far has been a trauma response. My whole identity has been rooted in trauma,” Vine explained. “It’s really hard to look in the mirror and love myself right now.”
“My transition was a trauma response,” Vine concluded.
“It’s like mourning an entire life that should have been mine.
“I don’t know how this happened to me. And I’m just so angry and I’m so sad. I just don’t know how this happened. Like a virus or something, it just like, infected me, that happened so quickly,” she says while sitting on her bed and crying. “Why did I do that? None of this makes any sense. I should have waited to let myself heal. I can’t have kids … ”
“I don’t want to use the word ‘indoctrinated,’ but I was young and I was sad and I was impressionable, and I thought that this would fix everything,” Vine lamented. “I had bottom surgery. There’s no fixing it, there is no getting better. I have to live like this for the rest of my life.”
Yet again…the bolded text days it all.
The Stupid War On Russian Literature
Read Dostoevsky.
“Yes,” says the latest edition of The Economist, “the Russian literary canon is tainted by imperialism.” Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has called into question “not just the value of reading” Russian classics, says the magazine, “but also the morality.” As it happens, I’m a big fan of Russian literature and classical music. For me, the novels of Dostoevsky are still imminently readable — which is more than I can say for The Economist.
In The Times Literary Supplement, Oksana Zabuzhko, a Ukrainian writer, “argued powerfully,” The Economist points out, that Western readers of major Russian authors have ignored their “imperialist attitudes and indulged their drastic moral relativism and sympathy for criminals.” These books, the author claims, are “the camouflage net” for Russian tanks in Ukraine.
This is insanity. Soon after Putin’s invasion, symphonies and opera houses began shutting down Russian artists and performances. Carnegie Hall removed Russian conductor Valery Gergiev, and Metropolitan Opera dropped opera singer Anna Netrebko. The Polish National Opera canceled performances of Mussorgsky’s “Boris Godunov,” and the Cardiff Philharmonic dropped Tchaikovsky’s “1812 Overture” over its bellicosity. The Russification of Ukraine was most intense under Soviet rule, so why allow anyone to play Prokofiev or Shostakovich? Next thing you know Rimsky-Korsakov’s “Scheherazade” will be banned for normalizing cultural appropriation.
The attack on Russian writers is worse. I will admit to knowing little about the “imperialist bent” of the renowned poet and novelist Pushkin, who apparently wrote verse trumpeting Russia’s “might” in the 1830s. Though a critic of the tsars and champion of the downtrodden, a Ukrainian critic points out, the poem “To the Slanderers of Russia” is a broadside against the French-backed Polish uprising against the tsar in 1830. Pushkin was apparently still sore about Napoleon’s invasion of Russia in 1812. (Napoleon promised the Poles, and many other “colonized” ethnic minorities in Europe, self-determination. Colonizer or liberator?)
Leo Tolstoy, notes The Economist, is guilty, as well, for neglecting “the perspectives of the colonised peoples of eastern Europe.”
“Big Pharma to the Rescue”
How do I keep my beer cold with a smartphone?
Sit with the smartphone and beer inside the fridge?
Postmodernism; if it’s your personal truth that your smartphone makes your beer cold, then your beer is indeed cold.
Not working? That’s your fault. You’re not sufficiently deluded.
Did you know Joe and Hunter Biden were both born under the same sign?
What sign?
Joe Biden says Hunter is ‘on the straight and narrow,’ denies alleged gun crime
Comments are quite funny
– Why doesn’t Hunter hang out at Joe Biden’s Million $ beach house?
He doesn’t want to get sand in his CRACK
– Before becoming a highly paid energy expert in Ukraine,
Hunter Biden was trying to get a job in the banking biz.
He told prospective employers he had a lot of experience with WITHDRAWALS
– What does Tr@itor Hunter Biden have in common with other Fentanyl Dealers ?
They both have friends in high places.
-I think Joe been getting high with that stellar son of his!
– Did you hear that Hunter was once addicted to both brake fluid and heroin?
He kept saying to himself that he could stop anytime
– Hunter Biden had a small part in a p@rno movie called “Cocaine”.
He only had one line.
Anyone remember old Basil?
French MP Jean Lassalle who had 4 heart operations after his almost killed him says Mad Macron and most MPs aren’t vaxxed.
No sh1t skip!

Like I said many months ago, I’ll pay for every Oz premier and the PM to have a very public vaxx with my choice of doctor and the chosen doctor to supply the vaxx. The offer still stands. Pretty obviously it’s a safe bet.
Maybe the pollies can make public some blood and organ tests instead to prove they’ve been vaxxed.
Heard this idea that they may conjure up a nuclear exchange. But it will be like the covid and vaccine jab-and-left-hook. As we all should know the population control was not to be achieved by the original pneumonia and hospital practices. Those deaths were sewing the seed. The real death harvest was to be through the vaccines.
Well for their next trick they could have this nuclear exchange, then quickly rush out drugs under the guise of these drugs being for the purpose of treating radiation. So if this happens be ready for it. No drugs can be helpful for radiation. The very idea is ridiculous. The drugs are to be like the needle. And then any problems can be blamed on the radiation. So the same trick played over again. Naturally if you don’t take the poison, you are a danger to the community at large.
Suggesting the use of toilet paper is now a thoughtcrime
According to Anasse Kazib, pointing out that it is customary in France to wipe one’s butt with toilet paper instead of by hand is “Islamophobic”
UPDATE: The event company Lomatec is defamed by “anti-racists” in social networks because of their call for hygiene in its lavatories.
Ah, the
religioncult of peace speaks again…If you don’t want to respect a country’s laws, customs and people then don’t move there. Why try to turn it into the country you just left?!
Poor old France is now a cultural basketcase. Sad.
Geert Vanden Bossche – It is 5 past 12. A final message.
I have been sending out video messages before and this is probably the last one I’m going to do. I will still write articles, I will still do interviews.
But this is my last video message. And the reason why I’m sending out this video message is because I can no longer stand it. For me, it has become unbearable to see how our health authorities, our experts and governments are still trying to make people believe that the COVID-19 vaccines are safe and that they will be able to control the pandemic. In this presentation I made a few PowerPoint slides. I will show you that, as I have already been saying in the past, this is an unbelievable blunder. It is an insult to the science. It is unbelievable how scientists can still support this kind of strategy, whereas there is overwhelming evidence that the mass vaccination and the upcoming or updated omicron vaccination will just make things much, much worse. So, this news is sobering, but I have no choice. I have to share it because we have a passion for the truth and we believe that the truth will prevail.
I know how he feels.
Another physics nobel prize going for quantum voodoo. Oh lord how long?
Europe is at Defcon 2
October 11, 2022 – NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg: “Stoltenberg: “hybrid and cyber attacks can trigger Article 5,” and, “We are closely monitoring every incident that may constitute a hybrid or cyber attack against the NATO Allies and we are ready to take the necessary measures if needed.”
DEFCON 2, or Fast Pace, is a red colored condition level similar to a ‘red alert’ warning level status. Defcon 2 means we are at the next step to war or a nuclear threat. During this alert level the United States Armed Forces are ready and prepared to ship out in 6 hours time or less, hence the name “Fast Pace”.
Defcon 2, or Fast Pace is the second highest condition level in the warning system, with only alert level 1 being higher. The alert status may be changed to this level after intelligence findings indicate a risk for an impending attack, such as the case in the Cuban missile crisis in 1962 when the alert status was changed to Fast Pace for the Strategic Air Command.
Defcon 2, or Fast Pace has been reached only once for the SAC, or strategic air command during the cold war Cuban missile crisis in October 26, 1962 after soviet missile pads were found in Cuba, but changed to alert level 3 after a short time.
When the USSA goes fron Defcon 3 (where they’ve been for a year) to dc 2, it’s bunker time.
I’m full too btw.
Thats the bad news. But the good news is that Russia can still smash these losers. Either one at a time or all of them together. To act this irrationally Nato must be working themselves up to some gigantic and horrific false flag. Stoltenberg got his job as a reward for going along with another false flag involving Norwegian Labour Party kids.
There seems to be some confusion as to how many missiles Russia launched over the last couple of days. But what was great about it is that they were coming through the windows of the Ukrainian intelligence services. Imagine if we had missiles going into the CIA’s Langley Virginia offices? Everyone could be dancing in the streets the world over. So get these Russians sense of style. They bomb the SBU offices. Then they send the message through MI6 that not to worry. Its just a warning. Ha ha ha ha ha. I’m knocked out by their excellence in decision-making.
Bank of America Savings Account Rates for September 2022
Some banks are now offering annual percentage yields as high as 2%, making it a more attractive time to park your money in a savings account. (APY is the compounding interest rate you earn on your savings.) The higher the APY, the more you’ll earn in interest over time. Though APYs have been low for the last couple of years, many banks are boosting their APYs. But other large banks haven’t moved an inch… yet.
Bank of America has just one savings account: Advantage Savings. The base APY is 0.01%, but if you’re eligible and enroll for the Preferred Rewards program, you can earn up to 0.04%.
“Advantage savings”.

Shutup and take my money!
Hell, Venezuela offers 20%…
Well, I for one and disappointed at the lack of excitement expressed in these pages regarding the Tesla Semi going into production with the first delivery in December this year (caveat: an Elon Statement)
Personally I can hardly wait. The prospect of hot charging thousands of kilograms of Lion batteries in a recently arrived truck via one of the new generation Mega Chargers is exciting. I do hope they dont let people load while this is going on.
I am sure this will usher in a new era of road transport.