A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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The row about Paypal charging users $2500 for those who provide disinformation rumbles on.
They have a point and thinking about it, as obviously everything I write is 100% correct, anyone who disagrees with me must be providing misinformation. So I will be fining such people a modest $1000 for each and every time someone disagrees with me on this blog. I would be grateful if people would forward their bank details to me so a system can be set up.
Free Speech should be free in which case feel free to track me down for my bank details and the $1,000. I disagree with you on this Blog……….lol. It is Jo’s Blog after all…………………
don’t forget a % for the boss
…and 10% for the Big Guy…LOL
This is VERY scary! The headline says it all.
Obviously the EU have confused themselves with China. Where will it end as the technology seems capable of whatever degree of surveillance and control our masters see fit to impose?
Line up in an orderly queue for your digital recognition chips. A good place for them would be in the arm you favour for vaccinations.
US was doing it a decade ago. Put your thumb here, look at the camera.
Looking, for example, at the ongoing persecution of individuals that is happening in the US, it is clear that governments will do anything they like, when there is no one with power opposing them. By ‘with power’ I mean courts, the media and oppositions. Other examples include the treatment meted out to pandemic policy dissenters, and the extreme energy policy agenda of governments, which will force many people out of private transport, make holidays unaffordable or inaccessible and push swathes of people below the poverty line. Did you vote for any of this? Did those ‘with power’ ensure that these things became election issues? And who ‘with power’ is stopping governments from over-reaching?
The truth is that 38 years ago in 1984 this would quite rightly have been seen by everybody as Orwellian, which in fact it is but not anymore, why.
How have we come to this?
How have we come to this? It has always been here. Orwell didn’t make this up, he observed society and wrote about it. For me it would be surprising if we didn’t come to this.
Same with The Bible. It’s a story of human nature that has been around for a long time, and some wise people noticed it and wrote about it.
It is not a matter of whether it is true or not, the supernatural, all that stuff, the stories. People get too caught up in that question. It doesn’t matter. It is a warning to those alive, that these pitfalls exist, so watch out. To believe the stories on their face value, to have faith, is a good way to show your belief in the wisdom on the pages. The taller the story the better.
It is often an atheist attack in debate with the theist – why do you believe in fiction? I say there is nothing fictional about good and evil, quite the opposite.
In the local newspaper is the sad tale of a client of Centrelink (Government Social Welfare) who tried to call back and was put on hold until they disconnected the call.
After 2 attempts she abandoned calls, nor could she go to the local office as that had been shut down. Nor was the on-ine “service” of any use. She then got a letter saying her payments had been suspended because she had failed to get in touch.
When she finally did penetrate the maze it turned out that the “task” she did not complete had never been assigned to her – “a system error”.
And Simon Legree got a bad press.
In the local paper is the sad tale of a client of Centrelink (Social Security) who had tried to reply to a (recorded) message and was put on hold until she was disconnected. She tried again with the same result. She couldn’t go to the local office as this had been shut down, nor was the on-line service any use.
She then got a letter saying her payments had been suspended because she had failed to get in touch.
When she finally did penetrate the maze it turned out the “task” she did not complete was never assigned to her. It was a “system error”.
And Simon Legree got a bad press?
This calculation appeared in Conservative Woman yesterday. It applies to the UK. Can anyone confirm if the calculation is broadly correct? If so it might be worth working out similar calculations for OZ and New Zealand, Canada and the US and those other countries who are determined to wreck their economies.
“The concentration of CO2 in the Earth’s atmosphere is currently around 420 parts per million, i.e. about 1 part per 2,400. Approximately 5 per cent of the atmospheric CO2 is anthropogenic, ie 1 part per 48,000. The UK is responsible for 1 per cent of this, ie 1 part per 4,800,000. So if we achieve Net Zero by 2050 we will have reduced the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere by 1 part in 4.8 million. What possible beneficial effect will that have? And at what cost?”
Easiest way to look at it would be to assume the whole yearly increase in atmospheric co2 is anthropogenic and calculate how much of that increase would be saved, so 1% of 2 ppm X 28 years. Atmospheric co2 will be 0.6ppm less in 2050 than it would have been.
But it won’t as we are merely offshoring to China who are less efficient.
Sorry that assumes we stopped dead, not by 2050, but you get the idea! It’s a slightly more complicated calculation to assume how much it ramps down over the 28 years, so difference would be even less, 0.3ppm or whatever.
“Approximately 5 per cent of the atmospheric CO2 is anthropogenic” I thought this was a good upper limit but the most recent C14 data shows a good fit at 3%, not far above the 2.3%+/-0.15% of 1958. While anthropogenic is a made up word for man made, it is clear enough that there is very little of it. And orders of magnitude too small to make a difference.
Two other points, firstly that the numbers are right for the UK if the only system was the atmosphere. But the real amount of CO2 in play is 50x that because the entire CO2 volume dissolved in the ocean is in play. The IPCC says the oceans play no part and on the most fatuous non proven grounds. This it makes the number 1 in 250 million. Imagine the proposition that CO2 does not dissolve in the oceans, 30x more soluble than dissolved O2 which all fish need. You would think fish breathed water. Without huge amounts of O2 going in and out of the ocean, they would drown, like us.
Or more importantly at these tiny numbers, that we humans have no control over and virtually no impact on CO2 levels. Long term absolutely zero. Our current output is barely detectable and the increase is due to surface ocean warming, which the IPCC cannot explain. The NASA explanation that the ‘oceans stole the heat’ makes no thermodynamic sense. Man made warming is about heating the air over the land which radiates the heat back, but the ocean doesn’t. It is never very hot and most of it is covered by water.
So the whole thing is a crock, made up silly science all to create the idea that UN members control the planetary temperature. They don’t. And that the climate is not the weather, but every time there is a major and often very short term weather event, it is called Climate Change.
Do scientists tell lies? But the IPCC summary report is not written by scientists. It is an Inter Governmental Panel of failed politicians. And it is all about the money, their money.
And if anyone suggests humans have any effect at all on CO2 levels, look at the graph of CO2 and find a world event, a bushfire, lockdown, a volcano, anything.
So the promoters of fake carbon (dioxide) taxes just measure (human) ’emissions’ and tax them. Neat eh? Not having to prove the value of the taxes or windmills of solar panels. Just measure something which has no effect on CO2 at all. And tax it.
“Just measure something which has no effect on CO2 at all. And tax it.”
Let’s see now – what would be good to tax ? I know! Food production.
That’ll work.
Then why do scientists consider it to be a problem? Could it be, that like sugar and humans, it is not the amount but the effect that is the issue?
“why do scientists consider it to be a problem?”
They don’t.
Some , who are paid on that very basis , are quite willing to say that they consider it a problem.
Science , on the other hand , has considered the evidence for the existence of said problem, and found it lacking.
See how this works?
Well, I’ve been trying to understand AGW theory. All figures in Watts per Square metre.
In the diagram it shows 161 units being absorbed by the Earth and radiating 396 (along with an extra 97 from evaporation etc) to the atmosphere! But wait the atmosphere is supplying 333 back radiation, so the surface is absorbing a nett gain of 0.9.
At the top of the atmosphere the incoming radiation is 341.3 but the outgoing radiation in 350.5 for a nett gain of 0.8.
Some people believe this?????
Yes its a very strange thesis isn’t it. What we are talking about is a colour. A colour that we can’t see but a colour nonetheless. The colour of CO2. A colour is a filter to light, like putting on sunglasses. So in the first instance we would think that if the extra CO2 mixed higher than the water vapour it would actually act as a tiny net cooler. Thats what you would think but its not a strong enough argument, so we have to look to the empirical evidence. They don’t have it. Or rather they have to continually fake the figures to get it. So that should have been the end of the argument.
a link would help
A links not going to help you Peter. Not after all this time.
The deep state gets what they pay for. Do you think these “scientists” would rather be out there cleaning trucks and trailers?
‘ … it is not the amount but the effect that is the issue?’
In the trade they call that a positive feedback, so point to something in the atmosphere or oceans deliberately linked to CO2?
You can leave out acidification, the oceans hold an abundance of well mixed CO2.
It is possibly true but misleading. Our emitted molecules are replaced by natural ones fairly quickly because an estimated 25% of all the molecules are replaced every year in the huge CO2 flux. The questionable claim is that our molecules are causing 100% of the increase from 280 to 420. The small fraction of our remaining molecules does not address this central AGW issue. My view is we do not know what is causing the increase.
The original level was not 280. This was taken from polar ice, which is uniquely low in CO2. Since the ice forms high above sea level, in a place where there isn’t much in the way of organic activity. The ice cores not only underestimate the CO2 levels, but they also average them out. Ernst Beck showed that CO2 levels could soar and free fall since he had the data from the time of Buonaparte. So why do we see a steady move upwards since the war? They chose a year of very low CO2 to start and they have monopolised the measurements. So we can’t trust the measurements. Or rather we know they are a scam. One supposes its a possibility that the hydrocarbon industry has had a smoothing effect. But thats a wild speculation given that the bad guys control the data.
I am actually quite worried. I suspect a dive in CO2 levels coming down the track. One daydreams that we could get it up to 700 ppm, so that a dive of 100 ppm won’t cause too much trouble. That would be the ideal. I hate the idea of using up so much of our coal and we have been irresponsible with our failure to get ahead on nuclear. But low CO2 levels are amongst the greater catastrophes that we face. We want some wealthy public minded people to break the monopoly on CO2 measurement. The Moana Loma measurements are a scandal. Think of the growing air traffic over Hawaii during that time. Think of how they deliberately parked their measuring station next to the largest active volcano on the planet. Sickening.
The late Sir Patrick Moore (the astronomer, not former Greenpeace leader) once wrote about trying to stop a charging rhinoceros by throwing a marshmallow at it. I like to think of that as a good analogy about things like net zero “carbon” and the attempts to stop the non-problem of global warming by throwing trillions of dollars at it. All they are doing is trying to inflate the size of the marshmallow by a few microns in diameter. It’s still a marshmallow representing the amount of human CO2 and the rhino is still the amount of natural CO2.
Tony’s calculation looks about right.
It would work if the rhinoceros paused to find and eat the marshmellow.
Advice from game ranger to tourist new to Africa.
“When the rhino charges, pick up some dung and throw it in its eyes.”
“But what if there is no dung?”
“There will be.”
Geoff S
True enough Geoff!
I now recall hearing Moore using that phrase in a live telecast to describe the impossibility of the spacecraft Giotto aimed at Halley’s Comet in 1986 from knocking it off its orbit. A number of other spacecraft also visited Halley, but Giotto penetrated the furthest.
Elon Musk Revoking Ukrainian Aid
From Armstrong Economics –
“Don’t bite the hand that feeds you. SpaceX founder Elon Musk came to Ukraine’s rescue when they lost access to the internet. Musk’s sent Ukraine 20,000 Starlink satellite units at the cost of $80 million. After Elon Musk posted a poll regarding allowing the Ukrainian people to vote on the matter of joining Russia and upholding the referendum, Ukrainian diplomat Andri Melnyk publicly tweeted, “F@ck off is my very diplomatic reply to you.”
So now, Elon is considering doing what Melnyk proposed. Musk was concerned about the cost of operations long before Melnyk’s insult. “We are not in a position to further donate terminals to Ukraine, or fund the existing terminals for an indefinite period of time,” SpaceX said in a letter to the White House dated September 8. The company was urging the Pentagon to fund the project, which they estimate will cost $120 million for the remainder of 2022 and $400 million for the next 12 months. Ukrainian General Valeriy Zaluzhnyi, meanwhile, is requesting 8,000 additional Starlink terminals.
Now Musk is considering back peddling and removing his funding to Ukraine. He stated that his company could no longer afford the costs to fund this endless war. When he received negative feedback online, he replied, “We’re just following the recommendation,” and replied directly to Andri Melnyk. This is what happens when you bite the hand that feeds you.”
Old news, Musk’s already confirmed continued support. He’s nothing if not erratic.
I’m sure he came to an arrangement with the Pentagon about funding.. Which is probably all his threat about pulling out was for, he’s a businessman first and foremost.
It won’t stop the problem Ukraine now has of Russia jamming the satellites after their shock and defeat when they were first used. It was a brilliant strategy up around Lyman and Kharkiv.
Now we know why climate protesters avoid targeting China in the UK. Not as soft as UK police are they! Non climate protest whacked.
Another one of those links where the title says it all as Doctor struck off for saying what a few years ago people would have said was obvious.
I was reading in New scientist about a Chinese scientist involved in a project to wrap lithium battery cells in a gel to try to prevent fires. He mentioned there were some 7000 lithium battery fires each year in china.
China is of course larger and has an especially high penetration of lithium batteries but that would still equate to some 350 a year in the UK . A number presumably coming to us soon as the number of lithium batteries increases.That’s a lot of fires.
.increasingly electric car charger points are being placed in underground garages below apartment blocks so that could be a recipe for disaster.
Morano and Monckton set for debate on climate but UK Climate Minister cancels attendance.
Australian Governments and the Left are fanatical followers of the World Economic Forum and its James Bond villian style leader Herr Klaus Schwab.
In this video they call for an end of private car ownership. Obviously for non-Elites only.
The Left aren’t hiding their intentions. Listen to them!
My great-grandfather, having washed a little gold out of Ballarat and Bendigo, sailed on to NZ, bought a horse and cart, and commenced a decades-long career providing ‘transport’ around the young colony’s South Island (or New Munster or the Middle Island, aka the Mainland).
For the past 30 years (on and off) I have driven 1,000s of passengers in all sorts of horsepower* vehicles (Land Rover, Toyota, Mercedes, tour buses,1967 Ford V8 convertibles) and I know which style of horsepower* I prefer. Yet these CCC/UN/WEF disciples plan to not only take us back to the days of horse & cart, they want to send us back to the Stone Age. Wilma!!!
This is an excellent 7 min video of Jordan Peterson talking about Justin Trudeau and his narcissism.
Trudeau is very bad, even compared to the low standards of Australian politics.
You don’t have to have a FB account to watch, the link should work directly.
I suspect that the “new management” in Canberra will be “adopting and implementing” a LOT of Turdeaus policies as soon as they think they can get away with it.
The LSM will be driving it hard when it happens.
Spot on. Just got to get past the Victorian election and then it’s full steam ahead.
“el gato malo- yes, pfizer marketed the vaccines as stopping spread”
“Monday Mirthiness: Mickey Mann Plays The Sorcerer’s Apprentice”
FWIW on the covid scene
“You sons of bitches — every single one of the political, medical and pharmaceutical folks involved in making, distributing and coercing, whether through word or deed and whether actual coercion or simply “advocating” for the use of non-sterilizing, S-only jabs should be indicted, tried, convicted and sentenced for setting the stage for a mass-death event that would never happen if only natural infection was allowed to course through the population.
I have previously documented through multiple published studies that the jabs appear to inhibit, in many people, production of “N” antibodies if you get jabbed before you’re infected. It is not known (to my knowledge in the literature anyway; I might have missed it) whether or not being infected first, then jabbed, impacts your “N” response.”
More at
One way of looking at that—Dd37Hb-1ZIj_cjtksCH9F9smKZLsCXoASvM9gic5UCnOLKTL0FqnTAri4DIQEXySh-f315R7ZeSCb04apidyLv8TTL7cF2TGLVd_fk6B145vt3aN9yxmRRpl7sYZKK2mbTG/w400-h376/Meme%20-%20tinfoil%20hat%20better%20than%20vaccine.png
More at
Re: The Roots of the Conflict in Ukraine.
Just reposting this link — originally posted by ‘another ian’ — because it was a late posting and might have been missed by many readers.
It covers EVERYTHING I thought I knew about the ROOTS of the conflict in Ukraine, AND a lot more. A really insightful read.
Some early coverage of the COP27 hopeful hopeless money:
“Poor nations to demand climate justice, finance at UN summit”
They DEMAND it! Woohoo
Hi Jo
“Site Note and Recovery Update
October 17, 2022 | sundance | 185 Comments”
CTH in the aftermath of Paypal
Unhinged Climate Activist Vandalizes Luxury Car Aston Martin Dealership with Paint to Protest Oil Production
On Sunday, an individual associated with the “Just Stop Oil” activist group spray-painted the Aston Martin car dealership on Park Lane to protest the new fossil fuel licenses in the North Sea.
The whole incident was captured by filmmaker Rich Felgate.
Just Stop Oil is a climate activist group in the UK using civil resistance demanding the UK Government agrees to end all new oil and gas production. It launched on 14 February 2022.
According to the activist group, “New oil and gas will lead to crop failure, food shortages and the collapse of law and order. Human civilization as we know it is on the verge of collapse.”
I watched a video from Jordan Peterson the other day about choking the chicken and he made a reference to a historical lab trial with rats and Cocaine called the Rat Park Experiment.
It showed that rats became Cocaine dependent when isolated and alone. They chased that Dopamine hit. They preferred plain water when in company.
Further searching for studies revealed a Dopamine hit in people engaging in virtue signalling. So perhaps we just have sad, isolated, lonely people with feedback loop addiction to Dopamine who follow that equally sad End-of-days pseudo-prophet Greta purely to get that next hit.
Save the planet! Ooohhh…that feels good…
Another day, another EV Battery Fire
Essay by Eric Worrall
[note…For some reason the video attached to this article did not display in the DISSENTER browser but it did display in Microsoft Edge.]
Marty did a meme the other day about Pfizer releasing a vaccine to drop the body temp by 5C to help cool the planet.
I’d suggest their vaxxes drop the body temp by 37C…😆
John you must live in a colder climate than I do….
I would suggest that the temperature drop would only be to the local ambient temperature
China Halts Resales Of Russian LNG To European Buyers
A month and a half ago, we made a startling discovery: China was aggressively reselling LNG imports from Russia, the country’s fourth-largest supplier of LNG so far in 2022 having surpassed both Indonesia and the US, to Europe and thanks to the continent’s unprecedented desperation for gas, it was charging pretty much whatever markup it wanted.
But maybe not any more.
According to Bloomberg, Chinese state-owned energy giants have been recently told by authorities to stop reselling liquefied natural gas cargoes (certainly those from Russia) to gas-starved Europe, in what could be a blow to the European hopes of continuous high inflows of LNG as the winter approaches.
China’s National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), the country’s top planning body, told the country’s state-held LNG importers including Sinopec, PetroChina, and CNOOC, that they should stop reselling LNG cargoes and keep them to ensure Chinese gas supply this winter, Oilprice reported citing Bloomberg sources.
Poor old EU. Maybe Germany can crank up those nuclear reactors. Did you know they still get their nuclear fuel from Russia despite the sanctions?
Interesting too how Biden just threatened Americans working in China chip manufacturing companies to RESIGN or lose their American citizenship!
China chip manufacturing is now in chaos.
This pushes their desire to invade Taiwan to the front.
November is shaping up to be bad…
Yum! 3D printed steak!
I’ll pass on that and anything remotely like it.
Maybe 3D printed crickets…
I’m reading a new Science Ficton series from the wonderful English author Peter F Hamilton, his latest trilogy called “Salvation’. I’ve just read the first novel in the Series, and in it, food of nearly all types is being ‘printed’.
Incredible how fact is now catching up with Fiction.
Oh, and Hamilton, if you like SF, he’s perhaps one of the best around. Real Science fiction, and not that dross they refer to as Science Fantasy. I’ve now read fourteen of his novels, and I have not been disappointed with any of them.
Not to be confused with the Netflix Salvation scifi, which was quite good.
I prefer films to books as I can get through it all so much faster.😁
I am a scifi fan and have every film and series ever made, going back to Le Voyage dans la Lune (1902) by Georges Méliès, including the “trippy” version!
We need more good films like Automata, Ex Machina, Replicas and Upgrade…
I’m old school myself in that I prefer the novels.
On the off chance, I got hold of the Apple streaming service, to watch For All Mankind, an alternate version of the space race, and technically, Science Fiction.
One of the other series on Apple is Foundation.
I wasn’t particularly interested in it really, because (old school again) those first three Foundation Series novels are, well, classics, in the true sense of that word. I also read all the prequels and sequels he wrote, but they were nowhere near as good as those three original novels.
However, one night I clicked on it to see what it was like, and actually, even as old school as I am, it’s not all that bad really. I’m still early days into the Series, but it looks quite good really, a different treatment of the novels, but still okay, and you can do so much more these days with the CG they have available now, same for Foundation as well, something they could never have done in the early days.
Incidentally I just loved the cover art versions of those original three Asimov novels done by a relatively new guy on the scene at the time, Chris Foss. This link shows an image of the three covers side by side.
Chris Foss did many many covers, notable amongst them the covers for the original seven novel Lensman series by E.E. ‘Doc’ Smith, another classic SF series.
So from that I went and purchased a large coffee table sized hard cover, The Definitive SF Works Of Chris Foss, 240 pages of his wonderful images.
Have you got a copy of Fritz Lang’s Metropolis. I watched the two hour (shortened) version of that back in the mid 90s, a movie he made way back in 1927.
Metropolis fully restored in 1080p
and, Harvard Film Archive’s Complete Fritz Lang
Something I don’t quite get …
so the great NotreallyaVax is being halted in some places for suspicion of being a threat to the cardiac health of younger people that usually have good cardiac health.
But is still recommended for older people … a group that is generally lacking in good cardiac health.
Being one of the older people, I’m a bit nervous about the expert advice being provided.
Take to heart the cartoon at #13.1
How Can Severe Mental Illness be the Deadliest Covid Comorbidity?
Is this the smoking gun that proves hospital neglect and malfeasance, in the midst of a drummed up crisis environment, killed covid patients?
Daniel Horowitz recently interviewed Scott Schara, whose 19-year-old Down syndrome daughter Grace died of “covid” in Ascension’s St. Elizabeth’s Hospital.
In this stunning interview, Scott laid out the real-life horror movie of Grace’s experience in the hospital as a mentally disabled individual, culminating in her being sedated to death by hospital staff. According to him, the cruel indifference of the hospital was at least in part because Grace had Down Syndrome. (Scott created a website that contains all of his meticulously documented evidence and research where you can get all the sordid details for yourself.)
This “anecdote” aligns with the numerous and widely reported instances of the shocking descent of some hospital administrators and healthcare staff into depravity reminiscent of medical war crimes, one of the defining atrocities of the pandemic.
The medical “profession” is approaching the worse examples of history. Time (long overdue actually) for any medical person of integrity to stand up and say NO MORE!
Because when this show reverses fully as it’s well on the way to, I wouldn’t want to be a crime-complicit doctor…
Experts slam Boston lab where scientists have created a new deadly Covid strain with an 80% kill rate
Boston University scientists were today condemned for ‘playing with fire’ after it emerged they had created a lethal new Covid strain in a laboratory. revealed the team had made a hybrid virus — combining Omicron and the original Wuhan strain — that killed 80 per cent of mice in a study.
The revelation exposes how dangerous virus manipulation research continues to go on even in the US, despite fears similar practices may have started the pandemic.
Professor Shmuel Shapira, a leading scientist in the Israeli Government, said: ‘This should be totally forbidden, it’s playing with fire.’
What could possibly go wrong (that already hasn’t).
And now for a dose of reality. This is our immediate future.
I hope your pantry is well stocked.
The coming economic crash.
I’m not looking but if this is like the thousand other imminent catastrophic scenarios shopped on this site, I think I’m safe.
I suppose if you are rich you may be safe. But that doesn’t mean the population at large are safe. The question is whether the activities of individuals can override the measures the deep state are taking to destroy everything. Build back better means destroy everything. Build better could mean improve things but Build BACK better implies destruction. Everywhere we see that these plans are being put into effect.
Everywhere except on your television.
The theory of a ‘deep state’ is seriously flawed.
Pantry stocked.😎
His advice though is amateurish…
“A Hidden Universe of Uncertainty”
“I have written again and again here about how the results of the majority of studies in climate science vastly underestimate the uncertainty of their results. Let me state this as clearly as possible: Any finding that does not honestly include a frank discussion of the uncertainties involved in the study, beginning with the uncertainties of the raw data and then all the way through the uncertainties added by each step of data processing, is not worth the digital ink used to publish it.”
More at
Has any study of a relationship between blood types and vaccine injuries ever been carried out?
I see the BOM is now too precious to be called “The BOM”. Need to be referred to as “The Bureau” now. Nearly sounds like something out of the Soviet Union or China…
It’s a shame the name ‘The Adjustment Bureau’ has already been taken by a film.
A new manager somewhere need to make their mark, and really its just quarter of a mill in taxpayer dollars.
Those interested in the BOM temperatures on which the global warming story sits might note that Tom Berger and I have a post on WUWT 4 days ago.
Uncertainty of Measurement of Routine Temperatures Part Three.
Trying to get this spread around as much as possible. Geoff S
“64-dimensional quantum space” drastically boosts quantum computing
Scientists have demonstrated a powerful technique that will allow quantum computers to store much more information in photons of light. The team managed to encode eight levels of data into photons and read it back easily, representing an exponential leap over previous systems.
Traditional computers store and process information in binary bits, which can hold a value of zero or one. Quantum computers boost this power drastically with their quantum bits, or qubits, which can hold values of zero, one or both at the same time. But an emerging version of qubits, known as qudits, up the game even more. Rather than just two values like qubits, qudits can theoretically contain dozens of different values, greatly increasing the data processing and storage potential. Better yet, qudits are also more resilient against external noise that can disrupt qubits.
But, of course, there’s a catch: it’s hard to measure and read back data stored on qudits. So for the new study, researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Purdue University and EPFL have developed a technique to produce and read qudits more reliably. In their experiments, they generated qudits that could each hold up to eight levels of information, and quantum-entangled them in pairs to generate a 64-dimensional quantum space. This, the team says, is four times larger than in previous studies.
Zardoz gets closer every day.
Groundbreaking Discovery of “Special” Muscle That Can Promote Fat Burning While Sitting
A groundbreaking discovery from the same mind whose research propelled the notion that “sitting too much is not the same as exercising too little” is set to turn a sedentary lifestyle on its ear: Though only 1% of your body weight, the soleus muscle in the calf, if activated correctly, can do big things to significantly enhance the metabolic health in the rest of your body.
And Marc Hamilton, professor of Health and Human Performance at the University of Houston (UH), has discovered such an approach for optimal activation. He is pioneering the “soleus pushup” (SPU) which effectively elevates muscle metabolism for hours, even while sitting. One of 600 muscles in the human body, the soleus is a posterior lower leg muscle that runs from just below the knee to the heel.
“We are unaware of any existing or promising pharmaceuticals that come close to raising and sustaining whole-body oxidative metabolism at this magnitude.” — Marc Hamilton
Well that’s very strange, and interesting!
The main muscle I can exercise whilst sat, is clenching and unclenching my *!#@.
My method is to read the ABC until my guts start churning.
I call it the Far Queue situp … the metabolic effect is huge.
I heard of one bloke whose exercise program consisted of “lifting a prick and a pencil”
Ransomware attack halts circulation of some German newspapers
German newspaper ‘Heilbronn Stimme’ published today’s 28-page issue in e-paper form after a Friday ransomware attack crippled its printing systems.
On Saturday, the newspaper issued an “emergency” six-page edition while all planned obituaries were posted on the website. Phone and email communication remained offline during the weekend.
The regional publication has a circulation of about 75,000 copies, but due to printing issues has temporarily lifted the paywall from its website, which counts approximately 2 million visitors per month.
Here in Oz, we’ve had Optus, Telstra, Medibank and Woollies and the RBA/Osko drama so far.
Keep cash on hand ‘cos…
For auto dealerships, cybersecurity is more essential than ever
Cybercriminals are getting craftier as auto retailers continue to fall victim to well-disguised cyberattacks. According to the second annual dealership cybersecurity study by CDK Global, 15% of dealers have experienced a cybersecurity incident in the past year. Of those impacted, 85% of the occurrences were due to sophisticated phishing attempts concealed as legitimate emails that resulted in data breaches, IT-related business interruptions and loss of revenue.
Toyota got hit recently of course.
Be very careful how your data is stored for that next test drive…
Cyberattacks accelerating in Europe, Moody’s says
The number of cyberattacks in Europe has grown significantly this year, highlighting the urgent need for organizations to develop security strategies to protect operations and financial profile, according to a new report from Moody’s investors Service.
The report noted that Russian invasion of Ukraine is a contributing factor, with around 38% of attacks related to it. But the conflict is not the only reason for the acceleration. Moody’s also found that the number of attacks that are unrelated to the conflict in the first nine months of 2022 is already more than double the number it reported in all last year.
“Increasing digitalization across industries creates a higher number of potential targets as well, and that is unfortunately intensively used by hackers,” Dirk Goedde, VP senior analyst at Moody’s told SC Media in an email.
…and your ever-caring and knowledgeable gubermint wants everyone to go digital. Groan…
Do they even know what metadata is yet? 😂
Tuesday entertainment
432Hz Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven.
Nothing like some good classical music to relax to…
(Or Thunderstruck by AC/DC 😆)
Disney Park Charges Unvaccinated Guests More, Offers Discount to Vaccinated Guests to Boost Vaccinations
As part of an effort to increase vaccination rates in the Land of the Rising Sun, Tokyo Disney Park is providing a special discount on theme park admission to guests who have received their COVID vaccinations.
The woke company now offers a “discount” for guests, both international and domestic, who can prove they are “fully boosted and vaccinated.”
Disney anywhere…are they still in business? 😁
THE BIDEN LEGACY: South Africa Confirms Saudi Arabia Will Join BRICS Alliance With China And Russia And Move Away From US With Explosive Consequences
Saudi Arabia, the largest U.S. export market in the Middle East, invited Chinese President Xi to visit Riyadh in March as relations with the U.S. have faltered since Joe Biden was elected, The Wall Street Journal reported.
According to a report from CNN, U.S. intelligence agencies have assessed that Saudi Arabia is now actively manufacturing its own ballistic missiles with the help of China, a relationship that could lead to domino effects across Middle East countries.
Under Biden, the US leader who suffers from severe dementia is openly mocked on the international stage. U.S. allies are now aligning with China.
Saudi Arabia announced in March it was considering accepting the Chinese yuan instead of the US dollar in future transactions.
EVERYTHING Pedo-Biden and the demonrats do destroys the USSA just that bit more.
Exactly as predicted.
Little wonder states are looking to secede…
Bunker time November. 😎
U.S. Senate expert witness Steve Kirsch testimony states there are 410,000 unexplained deaths in Americans.
SUDDS (SUdden Doctor Death Syndrome) in Canada too!
Another one for the new age JC 2 lexicon.😁
There there. There there. Dry those eyes and put that hanky away. There will always be another war. Remember that the sun never sets on the Russian Federation.
On a more serious note there is a disturbing trend of young Ukrainian girls in military uniform saying that they are heading to the war zone to fight. This is on Tik Tok. The American coup government must be the most heartless people we have seen in a very long time. The State Department and the DNC ought to be listed as terrorist organisations.
Why is US involvement in Ukraine bad, far worse China involvement unmentioned?
Your retarded AI bot like posts are tedious. Trying to stoke up hatred against the West and Ukraine will not cover up for the fact Putin is a psychotic evil madman who has tried for years to destabilise and acquire a neighbouring sovereign country. Your attempts at justification are insulting to the intelligence. Your claims of child kill lists sick, when only Putin is actively targeting and killing children. Please just give it a rest.
Ah, you have a lot to read up on Mr Grim.. Start with the American’s coup that over-turned the elected Govt in Ukraine and turned it into Europe’s most corrupt failed State. The Biden’s can tell you all about it, and how they made their billions there..
Meanwhile, as the Yanks are pressing ahead with their plan to split Russia into pieces via this war, the world is changing. The Saudis showed Biden the door when he asked them to increase oil production and help drop the price, then they dropped production to increase the price! This is unheard of in America’s little poodle! Now they are talking about leaving the Empire and dropping the mighty dollar.. Expect to see a revolution in Saudi Arabia soon..
“Saudi Arabia has expressed interest in joining the BRICS grouping (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa), South African President Cyril Ramaphosa said upon his return from the Kingdom, where he was on an official visit.”
The death throes of the Empire will be interesting, best seen from a long way away!
I am always on the side of those countries least addicted to deception and terrorism. Although since terrorism is false flag terrorism our perception of who that is can change over time. What is more striking is the idea that the countries change. When Richard Perle said that Moscow is a place where people lie all the time he was probably right. Now its the West that are the liars. The West that are the terrorists. A Skeptic won’t believe you if you tell them that ISIS was a Western creation. The gullibility of the skeptics is not important. What is important is that the Russians see themselves as confronted by a West that has now become totally addicted to lies and terrorism.
There is a celebrated case where the UK secret service supported ISIS.
Inside Codex with Scott Tips: New Global Food Diet – Insects, Rats and Dogs
Few people are aware of who creates the global food “standards” and “guidelines,” and even fewer have a seat at the table with a voice to challenge the toxins, ingredients, and processes working their way into the food system. One of those individuals is Scott Tips, President of the National Health Federation, and we need him and his team now more than ever, before insects, dogs, and rats make it to our grocery stores, and indoor growing facilities backed by the globalists wipe out all of the farmers.
Codex Alimentarius just introduced a list of of over 90,000 species of insects and spiders to be included as a new food category for human consumption
• While FAO, WHO, Codex, Hollywood, and investors all tout that 2 billion people in the world eat nutritious bugs, they fail to mention the dangers, such as almost a fifth of fatal reactions to foods in China have been due to insect consumption, or how pesticide-contaminated insects in Thailand have caused food poisoning in people
• 92% of edible insects today are harvested from the pesticide-ridden wild, while farm raised insects could be prone to gene editing
As if insects weren’t bad enough, Codex also recently introduced rats, dogs, opossum, dolphins, whales, and other species as another “meat” food
Dolphin chips, whale burgers and dog pies with Opossum sauce garnished with crickets. Yum!
PETA will be turning cartwheels!😂😂
I saw a short video the other day that’d make this all clear but it’s too graphic to post here. Ewww…
“Well That’s Not Good. Crop Failures”
“The Great Economic Pretending Has Become Absurd, WSJ Economists Ignore Current Reality and Ponder Possibility of Recession in 2023
October 18, 2022 | Sundance | 9 Comments
I do not know how to describe this with the Through The Looking Glass absurdity it deserves.”
To create a narrative of global crop failure when yields are only slightly down is rather dramatic. More factual info here.
A lovely fairy story, Mr GrimNasty. Got any others?
My grandson really loves a good bedtime tale.
Facts not good enough for you?
Let’s start breaking it down?
Record heat drought in the UK, cereal harvest overall perfectly acceptable.
The record heat was good for wheat, barley and canola, a bumper harvest.
Cool wet summers cause crop failures and in the old days a few in a row meant mass famine.
Very well, let’s do that, shall we?
The FAO is a branch of the UN, a group not exactly noted around here for their truthiness.
Far from cutting down on cereal imports, China is currently on a buying spree, including 6 million tonnes from us just last week. That’s on top of buying the entire Durum wheat crop. Not just what’s available, but next year’s as well.
Russia and Ukraine together account for 30% of global broadacre grain crop exports. Russia has put paid to Ukraine’s exports to EU aligned countries, and the rest of the West has snctions against Russia, thereby cutting off their own supply. This is why Saudi Arabia has suddenly put the boot into the USA and their NATO allies and is now joining BRICS.
That’s this year. Russia now produces 85% of the world’s supply of MAP (mono ammonium phosphate) and DAP (mdi ammonium phosphate) the major fertilisers used globally for growing broadacre crops. Supply to Ukraine, the EU and NATO aligned nations has been cut off, and elsewhere prices are six to ten times what they were last year.
How are those FAO “guestimates” looking now?
Did you actually bother to read the opening link, which is about painting a narrative of global crop failure.
No, so you made a fool of yourself and posted a smokescreen of unrelated irrelevant nonsense.
Nothing alters the fact there is no serious global harvest problem this year.
If you don’t like the UN stats then feel free to check numerous other sources that say the same thing.
The article claimed an issue in the UK, clearly not, ergo the article, and you, are wrong.
I was commenting on your first post. Obviously I wasn’t commenting on your follow up post, which you have just posted.
I note that it is UK gov report.
Nuff said.
You’re making no sense whatsoever.
You disputed the fact that I said the narrative of a global crop failure this year was wrong and I have provided evidence to support that fact.
You have provided no sources to support your assertion, merely declaring any data I post as not trustworthy.
Global cereal crop production in 2022 is very marginally down on 2021, and at worst will require a tiny nibble from global reserves to see us through, reserves will still be higher than most recent years.
There’s nothing more to be said.
Actually MemoryVault is making perfect sense. We are forced to have an open verdict since the United Nations cannot be trusted. Is UN trustworthy on climate? On anything? Urea fertiliser exports have been disrupted, along with the gas this production relies on. Two of the biggest grain and urea exporters, Russia and Ukraine, have been disrupted. Russia is saying that they are trying to see to it that the grain and fertiliser will get out to the poorer countries to avert starvation. China has been soaking up a great deal of exports, because while the United States cannot hope to prosecute a ground war on their turf, their sea traffic can easily be disrupted.
Its so hard for people to ignore data when its the only data they have. I’ve noticed this with even very very good scientists. But even if this data turns out to be sound, it doesn’t mean that things will be fine with next years crop. India and China will be okay, because they know who to make friends with. But I think the rest of us are already beginning to see food inflation. The Russians themselves are having terrible food inflation which goes to show their attempts to export.
The last lot of data from the UN I found to be wrong was the projections of Chinese population. The UN had them not falling below one billion people until near the end of the century. Ridiculous projection supposing the Chinese don’t find a cure for the ageing process. It was as though the one child policy never happened. You can see the motive. If we know they are going to bottom out between 400 million and 700 million then the the prescription for us is to be resolute, friendly, but very patient. If they are staying above one billion we can be made to be excessively fearful of them.
Turkey, Egypt and Saudi Arabia will soon join BRICS, that is important.
“Of all the face-meltingly stupid narratives that have been circulated about the US proxy war in Ukraine, the dumbest so far has got to be the increasingly common claim that aggressively escalating nuclear brinkmanship is safety and de-escalation is danger.
We see a prime example of this self-evidently idiotic narrative in a new Business Insider article titled “Putin’s nuclear threats are pushing people like Trump and Elon Musk to press for a Ukraine peace deal. A nuclear expert warns that’s ‘dangerous.'”
“An understandable desire to avoid a nuclear war could actually make the world more dangerous if it means rushing to implement a ‘peace’ in Ukraine that serves Russian interests,” writes reliable empire apologist Charles Davis. “Such a move, which some influential figures have called for, risks setting a precedent that atomic blackmail is the way to win wars and take territory troops can’t otherwise hold, a model that could be copycatted by even the weakest nuclear-armed states, and may only succeed at delaying another war.”
Of course Putin has not blackmailed anyone, or threatened to use nukes. All he said was that Russia will use of the weapons needed if attacked. If NATO drop a nuclear bomb, expect them in return…
Me moom’s got covid.
83 years old, she lives by herself on a rural property. She called her doctor, and his advice was, take Panadol and if you can’t breathe, call 000. Now that’s as good as the health system offers? Compare that we recently had a cat get a white tick and the vet gave me her personal phone, said call me every morning first thing and gladly did a house call on a public holiday on the third day of the saga. Public vs private health?
I do lie, there was one more bit of advice from Doctor. Go to the chemist and get that new antiviral (I assume it is, the one for elderly white people and all aboriginals). So, she called the local chemist whom she knows quite well, and they said they’d run out, but we should have some by the morning (This was 10 am). They said they’d deliver it. Well by next day 11 am no sign so my wife ended up going to the chemist and getting it for her. Apparently, you are supposed to have this stuff within 60 hours, well that had passed by now.
All pretty casual, considering they would once sack you and shoot you with squash balls if you didn’t take the vaxx and stay inside. Makes me laugh anyway.
I said why didn’t you or they call another chemist? I received no explanation, she only said, well there must be a lot of people sicker than me if they’ve run out, poor buggers. Unbelievable.
She’s not doing too well but is hanging in there. Hasn’t called 000 yet. She’s 100 percent Aussie through and through so – how should I put this – she’s not a fan of Chow Mein, so it would be ironic if they took her out with their dirty little bioweapon.
I have a feeling she will pull through. Tough as nails those country Aussie women. The cat did too by the way.
“Riding Electric Transit Is Like, Well… Call A Cab”
“American Inquisition”
Thugs and Goons et al might read and start quaking*-nation/american-inquisition/
Mocking BoM has been fun, but now they demand more respect.
‘Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek says she does not “quite understand” the reasons behind the Bureau of Meteorology’s rebranding exercise, and is seeking urgent advice about the cost of the move.
‘The Bureau on Tuesday declared it no longer wants to be referred to as the BoM, but rather the Bureau of Meteorology in full.
‘Plibersek said the rebranding started under the Morrison government. Having been worked on for approximately 18 months, they were mercilessly mocked on social media.’ (Oz)
To gain respect, you have to earn it. And the Bureau of Mendacity certainly hasn’t done that.
They would be happy if we just called them ‘The Bureau’.
A very insightfull overview about Black Seed (Nigella sativa)
Thymoquinone’s Antiviral Effects: It is Time to be Proven in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era and its Omicron Variant Surge
I’ve been putting the black seeds on everything even ice cream for close to 2 years. Haven’t caught anything and this year no hay fever either.
It’s also part of my private pharmacy 😀
Extension cords across sidewalks: Charging an electric vehicle in Philly is a challenge
Like many urban EV owners without off-street parking, Wong and Berkowitz improvised. They’re retired and say they have more time to charge the Tesla’s battery at public charging stations at such destinations as stores or casinos.
“If we drove the car every day for work, then we might need to charge overnight to keep the car going,” Wong said.
But sometimes they need to charge their car at home. Their solution: Run a cable out the second-floor window of their rowhouse to their car parked in the street. They prop the cable atop a street sign to allow pedestrians to pass underneath. “It’s not really that noticeable, and it’s not in somebody’s way,” Wong said.
It’s also not really legal, nor safe, according to experts. But as electric vehicle sales surge, an increasing number of Philadelphia EV owners appear to be taking similar measures to charge their vehicles at home.
Other countries like Japan are in a similar situation with no at-home parking.
Then there are the looming EV problems like smash repairs. Parts shortages, lack of servicing information, increased crash risk from EV’s much superior acceleration while the drivers’ skill is as bad as ever etc.
EV’s are future liabilities.
Oh, the English language..
“Philip Ingram, a former senior British military intelligence officer,… said-
“It’s morally repugnant, when you get the Prime Minister and Secretary of State calling China the number one threat, it’s morally wrong at every level.””
While I would agree its morally wrong for the PM to call the Chinese the #1 threat, he was actually trying to say the PM is reinforcing the idea that the Chinese are the #1 threat.
In the SMH-
Western countries have made billions of dollars training Asian pilots over decades, now they’re worried about what they’re doing as China has been moved from ‘friend’ to ‘enemy’.
“Lets Review”
“A Sober Evaluation of Covid-19 Vaccines”
…and how bad IS the medical profession? Well, nothing wrong with their stand on Covid and vaccines it seems, but they’re using the same techniques to stamp out dissent about their charges. Shame the media didn’t do the same investigations over the vaccines!
“The AMA and its federal president, Professor Steve Robson, have described a joint investigation into Medicare by The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and the ABC’s 7.30 as an “unjustified slur on the medical profession”, “rubbish”, “a fantasy” and “staggering in its inaccuracies and its nastiness”.
Robson and others have also sought to discredit or dismiss the whistleblowers who have sounded the alarm on the fraud, incorrect payments and errors robbing Medicare and, by extension, taxpayers of billions of dollars each year.
In a book on agricultural consulting to third world countries that I read way back in BC a section mentioned economists with the comment that some of them were useful and, after all. back about 1500 the medical profession came in via the tradesmen’s entrance.
One might wonder if the medical profession is not working hard to regain that status
“EXCLUSIVE: ‘This is playing with fire – it could spark a lab-generated pandemic’: Experts slam Boston lab where scientists have created a new deadly Covid strain with an 80% kill rate”
There is some talk going around that we can’t start up with nuclear power, because it will take too long to implement and we need the coal power now. But this contention is not logically sound. Yes its true we will need at least one more generation of high-tech coal-to-electricity and perhaps two more. So we better start organising this right away. But we have to start the process of saturation nuclear as soon as possible. Others might say that we can get nuclear happening very quickly. But that may mean some off-the-shelf light water reactors and these are pretty much unacceptable. Since any nuclear that we have has to hold up against war, subversion, and once in one thousand year natural disasters.
The deep state always wants to deny us cheap energy. So we have to forget about another enquiry. These enquiries are all about shouting the idea down, and another one will just be the same. The first step is to start scouting out and buying up appropriate locations. If you try and do this very quickly there will be cost overruns.
There is no political will to go nuclear in Australia, realpolitik.
We have 200 years of coal, I’m waiting for new Hele coal fired power stations to be built.
There is such a thing called “leadership.” We have to start, its irresponsible not to. That coal has up to 14 times more energy as fissionable material than it does as coal. That ought to bring grief and hurt to the heart of anyone with ancestry known for thrift. Also coal is not meant to be shipped as coal. Its supposed to have electrical energy, heat and hydrogen mixed with it and sent as diesel in giant supertankers as well as gas piped locally. So while its true it may take 100 years to get there, when it comes to energy economics thats the sort of timelines we have to keep in mind. Its too important to leave up to the deep state, or the whimsical nature of the Australian electorate.
The free enterprise crowd has an impressive body of intellectual thought. But what they don’t take into account is that failure for the government to take the bull by the horns means deep state management. Inherently safe nuclear is too easy to derail not to bring all aspects of government power in its support. Its inherently safe if carpet bombing the plant is not more of a catastrophe then the carpet bombing itself.
A reminder
“Kari Lake Brings Receipts and Destroys Media Efforts to Construct Election Denial Narrative
October 18, 2022 | Sundance | 17 Comments”
Attenborough’s Frozen Planet is a global warming stunt.
Pacific typhoon activity edging down.
This is in accord with a decline in cyclones and hurricanes, clearly its what happens during global warming.
Its beginning to look like buying an electric vehicle is an anti-social act.
Brilliant comprehensive history of the current war by General Bakshi. He doesn’t see the attack on Kiev as a feint. He sees it as a genuine catastrophe.