A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Watched this video last week, very upsetting what hospitals are doing to certain people.
Its called ” A Good Death”. As if my faith in the medical profession wasnt low enough already!
60min but worthwhile to protect your elderly relatives.
The fact is that when a patient is reaching the end of life, maybe in palliative care, it is not unusual for prescriptions to be issued for medication that effectively results in a comfortable passing.
In one example experienced by me the patient was unable to speak or get out of bed unassisted and even assisted it was very difficult and painful.
My experience was the opposite. My friend was subjected to the treatment even though she wanted to live. I wish I had seen this while she was still alive.
I started to watch but it’s the NHS.
When my MIL passed the Qld Health palliative care staff were kind and caring. In spite of MIL being unconscious for the whole time they spoke to her gently and apologised if they may be causing pain. I commented that she would not be feeling any pain and they answered that they were not sure of that. When the doctors wanted to do a painful test the nurse objected and advised us to find our EPA, which we did, and prevented the procedure. Death was inevitable and the procedure unhelpful.
More nurses like this!
Bumped from Thursday Open
Now that’s more like it!
“House cleaning”
“@PaulMitchell_AB Breaking: Alberta Premier Danielle Smith has fired the entire Alberta Health Services (AHS) Board of Directors.”
The CDC’s latest “covid astounder” is #37 on the Thursday thread
Current experience in Australia is different to this. It is not easy to get palliative care specialists but one of the factors that is making it more enjoyable work in Victoria at least is these wards are increasingly used as recovery to take load off intensive care units. This is a change in the last decade as far as I am aware.
My son has just completed 3 weeks locuming in a palliative care ward in a Victorian regional hospital and said he released more than he wrote death certificates for over those three weeks. Sometimes the release is to actually to go home to die at the patient and carer’s choice or move back into a nursing home. But it does make the work less sole destroying to have living patients leave the ward.
Some medicos simply cannot separate themselves from the people they are treating and they are the ones who end up committing suicide when working in palliative care or oncology wards. It takes a level of maturity to recognise and accept when someone has reached the end of their life. My son’s experience in the Covid ward at the Northern Hospital was significant in his outlook and maturity as a hospital physician.
I rushed back to the UK a few years ago, when my 84yo mother had a major stroke and was admitted to hospital. She was alive but unresponsive, though we could elicit a physical response by holding her hand, when she would squeeze gently. She also swallowed sips of water and lubricating gel I would apply to her very dry mouth.
My bother, sister and I took shifts at the hospital. I had to insist on seeing a doctor for a prognosis, which took two days to arrange. Meanwhile, each time I arrived at her bedside, I would notice that her hydrating drip would not be flowing. At first, I asked the nurses to reset it, something they appeared to be reluctant to do. When this happened a few times, I figured out how to adjust it myself by eye and stopwatch. My sometimes heated conversations with ward staff led me to believe they were ‘managing’ my mother’s death, in other words making it happen, because the doctors believed she wouldn’t recover. Jet-lagged, stressed out, anxious and fearful, I did my best to insist on full care but, to this day, I feel guilty that I didn’t do more.
At 6am one morning, as I got ready to head to the hospital, I rec’d a call from the hospital telling me to “hurry”. My brother and I arrived around 7am to be told she had passed away just before we got there. She was stone cold and had, in my opinion, been dead for hours. I believe she had been ‘dehydrated to death’ according to a policy called the ‘Liverpool Care Pathway’ in the UK, supposedly rescinded before my mother’s death, that sanctioned ‘death by medics’ – essentially unauthorised euthanasia.
I feel even more guilty for not pursuing my suspicions, feeling initially that perhaps the medics were right and it was the humane thing to do, but now wondering just how many old people ‘die naturally’ in the same way.
I had previous experience in the treatment of old people, particularly men, when I was hospitalised for a few days (again in the UK) back in the 80s. I observed some quite heartless treatment of seriously ill old men who were ‘neglected to death’. For me, the health system is a pretty awful place to find yourself in as you get older, and I have in recent years started to understand why so many old folks were desperate to avoid being admitted.
Standing up to Doctors and Nurses in the hospital setting can require extraordinarily efforts. My dad, though not palliative at the time, was moved to a back room because he was screaming seemingly randomly as well as when dressings were being done on a wound caused by a melanoma that had invaded his ear. One of my sisters and myself had nursed in wards and knew what was going on. He was not being treated properly for his wound or discomfort but being treated as a disturbance to other patients.
So after a visit to x-Ray, I was taking him into the corridor waiting for an orderly to attend when he started screaming again. Couple of passing staff asked me to take him into a room. I refused and insisted he stay on the trolley in the corridor. The discomfort to the sensibilities of the staff was more important it seemed that addressing his pain issues.
A social worker approached and convinced me she would ensure our family could have our concerns listened to, so back to the ward we went.
In x-Ray I had had a brief conversation with the treating doctor about my dad. Halfway thru my brief polite chat she turned and walked away without uttering a word. When I got back to the ward I approached her at the long desk and asked her to explain why she walked away and if she thought that was appropriate. She didn’t answer me and kept doing her paperwork. The charge nurse tried me to get me to “cease and desist” finally threatening to get security.
Following these confrontations a meeting was got together and action taken. Dad was moved to a room near the nurses station and a psych referral was put in place. It turns out he was suffering from delirium caused by a reaction to opioid medication the ear people were giving him. He settled well.
If I hadn’t been a nurse I doubt I would have taken on the powers in the hospital.
Brenda, there was a scandal with the NHS Liverpool Care Pathway a few years back, it seems only the name has changed.
It’s a tricky area, are people being prevented from a long agonising death when there’s no hope of recovery, or are some people who might have a chance of recovery being shuffled off prematurely?
Obviously the following article from a Lamestream media outlet is biased but none of the employee complaints are surprising. The old Twitter was like a holiday camp for lazy overpaid Leftist agitators funded by woke corporations, political parties and other influencers.
Now it’s time to knuckle down and do some real work.
I can’t find it now but did you see that video from a month or two ago of inside Twitter from an employee’s point of view? There was free food and wine, sleep and meditation pods, you only had to work when you felt like etc.. It was like a socialist utopia funded with other people’s money.
And like all socialists, they have temper tantrums when the “other people’s money” runs out.
I am down Margaret River way for my daughter’s wedding, later today. What lousy weather. Seems like mid-winter weather not late-spring weather.
It must be a really below average, temperature wise, spring this year.
You going to be anywhere near Nassau town?
I can’t wait until “The Bureau” declares it to be “the hottest November eeevvveeerrrr”…
The other way is to get the ABC to publish articles saying that it was not as cold or wet (or it was hotter) as you imagined it to be. Don’t believe your own eyes and experience, just believe us…
This time around they cannot deny that its coming from Antartica and they’ll do a whole article on atmospheric blocking and global cooling. I’m dreaming.
ABC weatherman last year said just because it’s cold and wet doesn’t mean that globull warming isn’t real .
A little exploration of aerosols in “climate science”. Enjoy..
Trump is Back
From Armstrong Economics –
“Donald Trump announced that he is officially running for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. The only president in American history to win re-election after a defeat was Grover Cleveland in 1892. The establishment repeatedly tried to impeach Trump to prevent him from seeking a second term, but he’s back.
Trump wanted to keep America out of war. He threatened to leave NATO and pushed other countries to contribute their fair share. It is safe to say that Trump would likely not be sending billions to Ukraine under his America first policy that branded him as selfish. We talk about energy fears crippling the world, but America was the top producer of oil and natural gas under his presidency.
At this point, no one can honestly say they are better off under Biden. When I attended an event at Mar-a-Lago, I was very impressed by Trump. It was the first time in my entire career that I heard a head of state concerned about the soldiers they sent off to war. He said we needed to face the fact that foreign governments have been fighting over borders in the Middle East for ages, and it was not our place to intervene. He said he never wanted to call another mother and tell her that their child had died in a pointless battle.
He was not afraid to speak to our enemies and even became the first US president to cross the border into North Korea. Our current president can barely speak in general and has put America last. A vote for Trump was a vote against the establishment. Politicians cried that he had no experience in politics, but that is precisely why he won in 2016 — because he is not you.
The establishment will continue its efforts to take down Trump by any means. He has too many supporters for that to be an easy feat, and he’s prepared to enter political guerilla warfare. In all honesty, by the time we reach 2024, there may not even be a presidential election. We must crash and burn.”
Same can be said of Europe, in spades. Any map of Europe needs a date.
Trump is An Honest Liar.
The NSW mosquito plague
“We get pretty used to plagues of bugs after storms and then we looked closer and we looked closer and we saw they were actually mosquitoes — it was crazy,” she said.
“They are so thick you can barely see across the verandah.”
Haven’t seen a single mozzie in years…
Really? Your particular, and I think unique, experience falsifies nothing.
That’s what all the blood suckers say, as they suck away.
Good grief he only made an observation, and straight to the snark
Of course it’s snark.
That’s all that his brain dead and patronizing chiding deserves.
Just remember John –
It’s only the females that bite you and suck your blood.
Funny, it’s the same with mozzies
‘Conspiracy to Defraud the US’: House Republicans Announce Investigation of Joe Biden and Biden Crime Family
Rep. Jame Comer (Oversight Committee Ranking Member) announced “We’re releasing a report today that details what we’ve uncovered. We’re also sending letters to Biden Administration officials and Biden family associates renewing our request for voluntary production of documents relevant to this investigation. This is an investigation of Joe Biden. And why he lied to the American people about knowledge and participation in his family’s international business schemes.”
Life in prison for them all. Bidens, Clintons & Obamas.
I posted the Biden crime list last week.
I don’t think that congress has the power to jail or even prosecute. And in theory congress should only investigate matters which are relevant to legislating. So I wonder where this investigation will lead.
Sundance has an interesting take at
The same is true of the Jan 6 investigation. I wonder if the Republicans will bring it to a close or extend it to include the activities of the FBI and the agents prevocateurs that seem to pop up on so many right wing web sites
Bombshell MIT Study Reveals ‘Earth Can Regulate and Stabilize Its Own Temperature’
The earth is able to regulate and stabilize its temperature across vast timescales, even after dramatic changes in climate, according to new research from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) which debunks claims put forward by prominent climate change alarmists including Bill Gates, Al Gore and Greta Thunberg.
This ‘stabilizing feedback’ is part of the reason Earth has managed to host various lifeforms for the past 3.7 billion years or so, according to the MIT team behind the new research. This feedback has been hypothesized before, but now we have direct evidence too.
The MIT team thinks that silicate weathering is a crucial mechanism in how the earth regulates its temperature: as silicate rocks weather and erode over time, deeper layers of mineral are consistently exposed to the atmosphere. Chemical reactions with the silicates draw carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, trapping it in rock and ocean sediment.
Higher rates of carbon dioxide entering the atmosphere ramp up weathering activity, increasing the amount of exposed silicates that in turn remove more of the greenhouse gas from the atmosphere, limiting future weathering.
Only a “bombshell” for those unfamiliar with basic thermodynamics.
The atmosphere-ocean heat exchange system, like any thermodynamic system, can’t be properly modelled without proper regard to Le Chatelier’s Law:
We’re the Goldilocks planet- not too hot, not too cold. Just right.
Earth also has a large moon which is tidally locked and also keeps the tilt of the earth relatively stable thus keeping the climate reasonably invariant but with constant and predictable seasonal changes. Without the moon the tilt of the earth would vary chaotically giving unpredictable seasonal variations.
As if it was all deliberately created that way.
The gods may have intervened, putting a big moon in place, but the rest came about naturally and fortuitously.
Now all the improbable phiisics on why the Earth isn’t warming as it should.
These carpetbaggers need to get outside. Those big fluffy things up there are mostly solid water. They regulate Earth’s energy balance and control the climate.
I know that to get something published it needs to pay homage to the climate gods and demonise CO2 but give me a break – silicates – turbocharged BS.
Globalism Enshrined: UK ‘Conservatives’ Impose Highest Tax Burden Since World War II, Double Down on WEF Climate Agenda
Britain’s finance minister said that Britons must “face into the storm” as he announced a swath of new taxes and spending cuts, supposedly to shore up the nation’s finances while somehow still stimulating growth, as the country faces the prospect of the longest recession in recorded history.
Jeremy Hunt, the self-styled “Scrooge” Chancellor of the Exchequer, addressed the House of Commons on Thursday morning to announce the plans for his autumn budget, in which he put forward the largest package of tax hikes and spending cuts in over a decade to fill the so-called “black hole” of £55 billion in public finances created in large part during the series of government coronavirus lockdowns, which he personally championed — indeed, he lobbied for harsher measures along the lines of Communist China.
Hunt, an anti-Brexit, pro-China relic of the David Cameron era, who played a key role in the globalist coup that took out former prime minister Liz Truss for her failed plan to cut taxes, announced that he would be implementing £30 billion in spending cuts and £24 billion in tax rises over the next five years.
This is on top of the £32 billion in taxes he raised last month, meaning that the British public now faces the highest tax burden since the Second World War.
Well, I did say to get out if the UK…
I don’t know how to introduce it except I’m leaving Earth next year to seek intelligent life elsewhere.
Maybe – You can never be too careful.
Flipside – There is no limit to stupidity.
R.B. May I join You.
To find an intelligent alien species that doesn’t suffer from the chronic Human diseases of ignorance, ideology, stupidity and delusion, would be a welcome discovery.
I propose that on our voyage of discovery we could transmit these songs (noted below) from our space craft.
Let me know what you think of my choices.
The Carpenters: “Calling occupants of interplanetary Craft”
David Bowie: “Starman”
Elton John: “Rocketman”
To all here, RB and I might be gone for a while.
If you were to join us in our scientific mission, what song would you want broadcasted?
Sorry William your first rocket failed to ignite. “Calling occupants of interplanetary craft” was by Klaatu who were thought to have been the Beatles reformed – helped sell a few more records.
What about adding Bob Geldof’s “This is the World Calling”.
And who knows if “they” are as zany as us they might be attracted by Planet Clair
But the best invitation getter would have to be…..
My, umm, record guy In Newcastle, where I got nearly all my vinyl from while I was stationed at Williamtown with the RAAF, knew my tastes and recommended a new Import that had only just arrived. The album was called Klaatu, and there was nothing else on the album indicating anything. This was just before Christmas in 1976, a year before Richard Carpenter made his absolutely wonderful arrangement of his cover version of ‘Calling Occupants’, and also a year before the American journo speculated his rumour about the legendary lost Beatles Sun album, which the record Company then latched on to to increase sales in 77, cashing in on that and also the Carpenters cover with a new push for album sales.
When I got the album home and played it, it was just a revelation, just really good music.
My favourite song on the album was Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III, and there was an odd quirk about this song. Everywhere you see it, it’s listed as that title I just wrote. However, the liner notes from the LP album itself indicate it as ‘Rubblesby’, while on the vinyl itself it says ‘Rugglesby’. On listening to the track, it is mentioned in the sung lyrics twice, and both times it sounds like ‘Rubblesby’, especially that last time at around the 2.45 mark on the clip below.
The Album artwork was really clever too, and here’s the link to an image of the cover, and this second link is to the back cover. I have purposely made this rear cover larger, and if you click on the image again, it will appear slightly larger again, and you can just make out the song titles showing the wording as Rubblesby. Also, who thought of Mole from Wind In The Willows as you look at this image.
This is just a really good song.
Sir Bodsworth Rubblesby
Apologies William X didn’t realise The Carpenter did a version. You are firing on all rockets after all. Cheers.
Thanks Tony for Carpenter info. So many memories triggered from seeing the LP covers which the new generation and online streaming just dont provide. Cheers
Let’s not forget Monty Python’s Galaxy Song:
‘SafeBlood’ Hardliners Want to Set Up Unvaccinated Blood Banks
“We have had a few requests for vaccine-negative blood and/or directed donations from unvaccinated individuals. We have said no to all of these requests,” Claudia S. Cohn, director of the blood bank laboratory at the University of Minnesota said in an email.
Michael Busch, president of the International Society of Blood Transfusions, said that he had been aware of such requests for more than a year. “It obviously started when the mRNA vaccines rolled out,” he said.
Given what we know now, unvaxxed blood is going to be in high demand.
What is the medical liability for vaxxed blood I wonder, should it injure the recipient…
Awww crap. I hadn’t thought of this. Has any work been done on the presence – or absence – of vaccine nasties (spike proteins etc) persisting in the blood of vaccinated individuals?
I also worry about the plan to vaccinate cattle and sheep with the same poison.
Relevant: the doctor my wife and I USED TO see told her that he wanted the vaccine put in the water supply, just to get it over with. We now see a different GP but don’t know his views on the matter.
I worry that, one way or another, they’re going to get that stuff into me.
Are you in a position to put in a rainwater tank and filters for a house drinking water supply?
I guess so, though it would be very expensive due to the house being on a steeply sloped block of essentially rock. Good thinking, thanks. I would once upon a time laughed such a suggestion of but today I think we have to take even outrageous suggestions like this very seriously.
I am more concerned however about the plan to use mRNA vaccines in livestock, which I believe is a more immediate threat.
This should wake Victoria voters up if they are not already …
A former Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police has slammed the Andrews government as the most “corrupt” he has ever seen.
Speaking to Peta Credlin for Sky News Australia’s ‘Cult of Daniel Andrews’ investigation, former Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police Kel Glare said Victorians deserved better.
This comes just a week after news Victoria’s Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission may be opening an unprecedented fifth investigation into the Andrews government.
“We are entitled to have governments that are ethical, accountable, and competent, and I don’t think we have any of those things at the moment,” Mr Glare said.
“In my 84 years I’ve never seen a government as corrupt – and I make no apology for saying that. I believe there are a whole host of matters where they are seriously wanting in ethical standards.”
The Australian federal government isn’t corrupt, because the Teals said they were bringing integrity back to the parliament.
I for one, have absolute faith in the honesty, integrity, and objectivity of candidates and sitting members funded by a billionaire who runs them like a political party, but refuses to register them as such.
Teals fly.
So do pigs.
Being on Sky means it almost certainly wont be seen by people who need to see it.
Kel Glare was a respected figure in his time , though generations of VICs now wouldn’t know the name with the passing of time.
The linked comments below are from Andrew Bolt about the next Vicdanistan election.
They are quite disturbing.
And you won’t believe what the purpose of the “Sack Dan Andrews” Party is about. It’s not what you might think. Its purpose is to draw conservative votes and then re-preference them to favour Andrews.
Yeah, I agree it’s disgusting, David – but hardly new. It’s exactly what Clive Palmer did – set up the UAP to try and funnel preference votes to the Liberals. Ditto the Teals and other Turnbull Laborites for the other side.
People need to wake up to the fact that the average mainstream party politician would trade his own children for a handful of votes, principles be damned. That includes Liberal, Labor, Nationals, Greens and PHON.
Not quite exactly the same, when the title of the party is deliberately false and a total con.
As the wise old saying about politicians goes, Jay –
“Ignore what they say, look at what they do“.
Same goes for names and titles – forget the BS and look at the intended outcome.
Or are you one of those poor deluded suckers who, despite the travesties of the past three years, still believe the Liberals/Nats are somehow different and better than Labor?
Not necessarily true. We were part of the UAP in WA. We put Liberal second last and Labor last. Our preferences went to othed freedom loving parties, PHON, Lib Dems, etc.
Victoria retains the system that other states have changed to stop the system being manipulated.
Vanuatu: Hackers strand Pacific island government for over a week
Vanuatu’s government has been knocked offline for more than 11 days after a suspected cyber-attack on servers in the country.
The hack has disabled the websites of the Pacific island’s parliament, police and prime minister’s office.
It has also taken down the email system, intranet and online databases of schools, hospitals and other emergency services as well as all government services and departments.
The shutdown has left the nation’s population – about 315,000 people living across several islands – scrambling to carry out basic tasks like paying tax, invoicing bills and getting licences and travel visas.
Essentially anyone with a email or domain has been affected, locals told the BBC.
North Korea’s internet is down and experts suspect a cyberattack
Cybersecurity researcher Junade Ali told Reuters today at least two waves of outages knocked the internet out over a time frame of two-and-a-half hours. The entire internet was unreachable at points, said Ali, who monitors a range of North Korean web and email servers.
Outages began at Ministry of Foreign Affairs
“This isn’t like a single web server is being taken offline,” Ali said. “The network stress is so great their Domain Name System (DNS) servers have been taken and eventually the key routers allowing traffic in and out of the country entirely.
Got cash?
very odd target Vanuatu, unless they are just collateral damage
Dr. Robert Malone Discusses The Covid Vaccines And Digital Health Passports Pushed By G20
Another pro-reason, pro-science video about the Pandemic Amnesty being begged for by guilty parties.
Will you forgive and forget?
I won’t.
Dr John Campbell talks about another study that shows a 33% reduction in covid mortality for people taking Vitamin D3 supplementation and wonders why D3 supplementation isn’t being shouted from the rooftops by medical “authorities”.
NOTE: it takes a while to build up and process D3, you have to be taking it before you get infected. Taking it at the time of infection is too late.
Wonder if you’ve come across this David?
from the Epoch Times:
“A St. Louis chiropractor could face more than $500 billion in civil penalties through a federal lawsuit that alleges that he profited from selling Vitamin D and zinc products in violation of the COVID-19 Consumer Protection Act.
The federal government is suing me for half a trillion dollars … for telling people to take vitamins,’ said Dr. Eric Nepute.
Nepute said his case goes to trial in Missouri federal court in March.”
On the recommendation of the FLCCC and others, I began taking daily VitD3 from early 2021. Recently had a full blood test which (amazingly) included a count for D3 levels. GP was amazed my levels were so high.
I commented that I take daily supplement & she muttered in passing “Don’t stop!” Interesting. She must be aware of the data showing that the majority of Covid cases that require hospitalisation are deficient in Vit D3.
Who are the real deniers?
The curtain will soon come down on the climatariat and their running dogs, NOAA has presented evidence that CO2 is not a temperature control knob.
“AI writes an episode of Top Gear”
Inside a mechanical watch
Thanks Ian. Really enjoyed that. Wonder who dreamed all that up…
Seems there are others
JP talks about the Arizona “election”.
The State election is pointless, as Andrews will win no matter how you vote.
But anyway, vote Liberal as a futile mark of protest.
Futile in more way that one, Grouchy.
Futile insofar as your vote most probably won’t affect the outcome, but also futile in the sense that, if elected, the new ‘Liberal’ government would doubtless be a massive disappointment, more or less duplicating Labor’s leftist, progressive policies.
Tucker Carlson: Investors didn’t notice this red flag in FTX scandal
A new story of a flaming torch that sometimes doubles as a mode of transportation:
Pennsylvania Tesla bursts into flames, photos show unrecognizable metal husk
By Bradford Betz FOXBusiness
John Day’s guest post at The Slog is worthy of a read and review.
“What might be gained through the multipolar-world model is better economic efficiency of fossil fuel use. We can expect the relative decline of the most carbon intensive economies of the collective west, and the growth of poorer economies, such as India and Cambodia, where baseline use of oil per capita is lower. Coal, though dirty and polluting, will probably be used until it is no longer economically accessible. Those societies which burn coal will have an economic advantage over those which do not. Coal is used to produce concrete, steel and electricity.” [ And milk powder. LOL FB]
Paul Joseph Watson gives us a glimpse into our terrifying future – digital identities, global health passports, centrally controlled digital currencies, carbon dioxide allowances – all of which will be used to control, censor, deny and coerce:
(9m 38s video)
Many commentators speak of a Marxist agenda, but, like everything to do with politics, it is all about psychology rather than ideology. Think about that!
And why do ordinary people allow this to happen? Simply because we have been conditioned to accept that we have no control over anything. Once again, Sir Humphrey provides some guidance:
(4m Yes PM video clip)
Here is an edited transcript of the relevant bit:
A Trump win in 2024 is the only way this can be stopped. That’s why the ruling class, including many Republicans, will pull out all stops to defeat him.
“Three Climate Debates, Three Wins”
“Celebrating War as Climate Win Makes Red True Color of “Greens” ”
Regarding the recent collapse of the huge FTX crypto business, this from an economics forum I lurk on:
At the peak of the Ponzi scheme, Bankman-Fried’s net worth reached $26 billion. How did he do it? And how so fast? Bankman-Fried’s father is a Stanford professor who habitually lobbies Congress on behalf of hedge fund interests and drafted tax legislation for Elizabeth Warren. His mother is also a Standford professor who advocates for “distributive justice” and “feminist class politics.” She co-founded the Mind the Gap super PAC, which solicits funds from Silicon Valley executives to fund radically left-wing Democratic political candidates. His aunt is a member of the World Economic Forum.
Bankman-Fried quickly amassed enough cash to exert his own political influence: his $5 million donation to the 2020 Biden campaign was the largest save for Bloomberg’s, and his $40 million donation to the Democrats for the 2022 mid-term elections was second only to Soros.
The Bankman-Fried family, deeply entrenched Democrat party players, were able to entice other network operatives to join. Bankman-Fried lured Sullivan & Cromwell partner Ryne Miller to be general counsel; Miller had been legal counsel to Gary Gensler when he was chairman of the CFTC. Obama’s CFTC Commissioner Mark Wetjen joined FTX as Head of Policy and Regulatory Strategy. Wetjen in turn hired another former CFTC commissioner, Jill Sommers, for the FTX US Derivatives board.
His government contacts and donations allowed him to start bidding on sovereign business: reports indicate that Ukraine deposited a considerable sum of the foreign aid from the U.S. into FTX, which then funneled part of it back to Democratic politicians. His political allies also arranged invitations to appear on Capitol Hill. On February 9, 2022, Bankman-Fried testified in the Senate:
“This patchwork of regulations … reveals gaps in federal market oversight due to the interplay of the CFTC and SEC regimes … [and] there is no clear market oversight for spot trading of (non-security) digital commodities … spot transactions … ensure the safety and soundness of stablecoins … [and] adequately fund the CFTC to ensure resources to protect digital- asset investors.”
It may seem strange that the head of a firm dedicated to housing and trading assets billed as an escape from government-sponsored fiat currency would invite regulation, until one reads last week’s announcement by Congressman Tom Emmer: “Reports to my office allege he [Gary Gensler] was helping SBF and FTX work on legal loopholes to obtain a regulatory monopoly. We’re looking into this.”
Suddenly, the play, the political patronage, the marquee investors, the overnight success, it all makes sense: in addition to his Ponzi, Bankman-Fried was constructing a “regulatory monopoly,” and everyone wanted a piece.
Watched this last night – 1 Hr 10 Min 14 Secs – Excellent
Clarkson + Kaleb: Behind the Scenes on Diddly Squat Farm | Performance People
15 Nov 2022
One of the UK’s most charismatic TV presenters, Jeremy Clarkson has been entertaining the nation for some 40 years with his uncompromising take on the car industry and life in general. At 62 and with no fewer than 10 jobs at the last count, Clarkson is now trying his hand at farming.
Joining Clarkson is Kaleb Cooper, Jeremy’s sidekick from the smash-hit reality TV show, Clarkson’s Farm. On the show, Kaleb is the young man tasked with teaching Clarkson how to farm, earning his ‘break-out star’ status by telling Clarkson what he really thinks about his farming prowess. Alongside his day job on the Diddly Squat Farm, Kaleb has built up his own agricultural business in the Cotswolds, while gathering 1.1 million followers on Instagram.
Together, in a podcast first, they talk about their sometimes confusing master/apprentice dynamic, how David Cameron broke Jeremy’s vintage tractor and why sheep are afflicted with an existential death wish.
This four way conversation was recorded on 25th October 2022 at Diddly Squat Farm.
Thredbo Top Station Tuesday 22 November forecast -6 70% chance of snow in the Morning
Have you seen southern WA temperatures over the past 3 days? More like August, also showery – and Southern Ocean showers too, typical of winter.
There is a Mini Ice Age coming and that is if we are lucky. As for a full Ice Age, well, that means Game Over for the Northern Hemisphere. In Australia, we can just move way further north towards the Equator……………..