A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Surely, I cannot be a first? My pet peeve is and always will be the stupidity of government/public service and the rent seeker train and their understanding of HVAC power generation. They can virtue signal as much as they want provided they leave base and peak load alone. Right now, Victoria is hard pressed to operate heavy industry. The gas plant where I work is putting in three huge gas fired turbines to run off “waste” Bass Straight gas. EPA and the greenies are all for it because it means less surplus gas going up the flare pipe. Very little gas is waste. If there is a customer it is sold down stream. No customer no extra storage so up the flare pipe…what will be the SOP will be these three gensets will run on whatever comes off the train rather than buying electricity off the grid.
Jonesy –
You will forever remain peeved if you continue think this is all due to stupidity and incompetence. What is unfolding is all part of a meticulously planned and timed agenda.
And as the song goes, you ain’t seen nuthin yet.
The state of the universe. Ennui And sadness.
Yes Memoryvault,
Everyone must be made to follow the Plan in a Socialist/ Fascist planned command economy world.
As Trotsky said in 1937,’ Those who do not obey shall not eat.’
Today’s music:
Ram Jam – Black Betty
There are various interpretations of what this song means and what is meant by “Black Betty”.
Some discussion here:
A few years ago Alvin Youngblood Hart educated me on the history of Black Betty. Several years ago the Marshall amp used to record Ram Jam’s version was for sale on ebay.
Some recent work by Alvin who has performed with Mike Campbell (Tom Petty’s guitarist and collaborator) and Gov Mule as well as his own solo career:
OMG! Jason Whitlock speaking to Tucker Carlson Fox News GOES THERE! “Nancy Pelosi Spent Her Money on Pair of Cans and All Her Husband Wants to Do Is Play Hide the Hammer” (VIDEO)
Jason Whitlock empathized with Nancy Pelosi saying Paul Pelosi was playing “hide the hammer” with a Black Lives Matter activist on a Friday night while she was hard at work in Washington DC.
Jason Whitlock: What I have to stand up and defend, I’m outraged for Nancy Pelosi. This woman has taken the hard earned money she’s made from insider trading and invested it on a pair of cans at 82-years-old and comes home to find out her husband’s playing hide the hammer with a Black Lives Matter guy! You talk about disrupting the nuclear family. The black lives matter crew must be ecstatic because this guy’s doing it and so is Paul Pelosi. I’m upset for Nancy on a pair and he’s not interested…
…Are you suggesting that my information that she spent her money on a pair of cans, are you saying that’s bad information? I’ve seen a lot of evidence I’m feel real comfortable. She’s trying to entice her husband but he’s interested in playing hide the hammer on a Friday night with some weirdo!
He really went there!
That’s one segment for the history books.
New Zealand is to introduce Orwellian “language compliance officers”.
It also seeks to make the (originally) unwritten Māori language have more daily use. Presumably scientific, technical and other modern words will need to be invented. And everything written bi-lingually so non-New Zealanders will be able to understand it.
Will be interesting to learn what the equivalent of microwave, plastic, aeroplane or even table cloth will be. Or didn’t these original boat people take these things with them when they landed in New Zealand just 350years before the white fella and forgot they even had them back home where they originally came from?
Time for bilingual cereal packaging, just like Canada.
not so bad, you could have three and a half national languages like Switzerland
I prefer that new cereal Prostituzees – doesn’t go snap crackle or pop just lies there and gives you a big bang.
The thread is “open”… but not quite.;) There is no such thing among human beings on planet Earth; and there cannot be. Each moderates, selects, restricts, and shortens threads that “do not conform to its policy”.
And Jo, citing the right to dispose as he sees fit in his own property, destroyed my comment on this topic:
(as and this one will not be allowed through the moderator sieve)
That’s what we all do, and so do I. Everyone does it, and thinks he’s right, and he has all kinds of arguments.
And simple logic says this: whoever does this falls under the law of interaction between forces. Under the same law are the big players – governments, corporations, trusts and organizations. And the, invoking their right, do the same in their property, which is the world.
He who complains against them must be better and morally superior than they, so that he may have the right to complain. If he is not, and only wants his rights and freedoms, he falls under the law and has to fight them. Let’s see how it works.
I destroyed nothing and gave you thanks, a personalized reply, and polite advice on how to easily get posted (not writing 2,000 word comments is a start). Perhaps you didn’t notice?
If you are trying to impress me, dare I suggest that you don’t clog up the threads with self indulgent complaints, and incorrect predictions?
Those who get on high horses about publishing should first try running their own blog, and learning the legal and social constraints of such.
dear Jo,
You might find this interesting as the basis for an article if you haven’t already come across it – it is the Legal Pleading against the US EPA “Endangerment Finding” on CO2 in the ongoing Court case.
The EPA’s finding is destroyed by simple argument from Richard Lindzen, Ph.D., and Will Happer, Ph.D (UAH Huntsville) supported by research papers – as are the IPCC arguments – whether or not a politicised Court will agree is another matter.
This is a beautiful example of how (I think) free speech should operate.
Jo lets mass hypocrisy have his worthless whinge, then takes him down with a concise reply including the back story.
I had not noticed mass hypocrisy before and I probably won’t notice him again. No point in wasting more time than I already do.
Thanks Jo.
AS the saying goes “Without freedom of speech we wouldn’t know who the idiots are”.
Now, where’s that link to the “what is a woman” video?

As we will likely soon be experiencing regular power failures in Australia, here is a video about making your own emergency oil lamps.
Power failures due to policies based on the requirements of the IPCC seemingly under the influence of the CCCP, supported by corrupted data.
Here from JMA data is proof that Japan has Not Warmed between 1989 and 2022 and that the only “Warming” is after the data-manipulation algorhythms used by NASA to “homogenise” temperatures have “corrected” the raw temperatures. These take the raw data for Hachijojima Island, which shows COOLING between 1987 and 2022, and magically turn this into WARMING.
“Global Warming” is clearly man-made and if they were to be honest the illusionists in NASA, HADCRUT and BOM could explain how they have created it.
Where does the oil come from?
Do we have to go back to killing Whales?
Locally extinct in my area Peter C however I will be able to get a cheap supply of beef tallow for a while when the local council saves the planet by destroying the local beef farmers as the planned “methane emissions requirements” come into force
What We Knew In the Early Days
BY Brownstone Institute NOVEMBER 4, 2022 HISTORY, PUBLIC HEALTH
The claim is now everywhere: we had to lock down because we just didn’t know about this virus. It was all very confusing and we had to play it safe. We had no other option because we just had no clarity about what we were dealing with. The precautionary principle dictated the unprecedented actions.
Actually, the precautionary principle goes both directions. It also dictates that we not enact policies that we know for sure would wreck lives and liberties. They did it anyway, without sufficient knowledge that the measures would achieve any positive good.
We approach the third year and people have forgotten that all the harms of lockdowns were strongly warned about by many voices in many venues. In addition, the virus was much better understood back then and openly discussed. We knew for certain that the panic and fear were being wildly overblown.
Below follows resources assembled by the ‘Robber Baron‘ and many others who write for the Brownstone Institute. These citations from newspapers, magazines, academic journals and interviews, with many respected voices, show that we certainly knew tremendous amounts in the early days. All the warnings and information were readily available to anyone paying attention.
. 2019: WHO Global Influenza Programme recommends against lockdowns and masks
. Sept 2019: Johns Hopkins pandemic preparedness study recommends against lockdowns
. Jan 24: Doctor warns that mass quarantine won’t work and will devastate society
. Jan 30: Obama health adviser says stop panicking
. Feb 5: Fauci says there’s no asymptomatic spread
Links on all references above
How propaganda works. Adelaide researchers track bots on Twitter.
As suspected the Nord Stream pipes were blasted in a technogenic sort of way.
‘”According to preliminary results of the damage site inspection, technogenic craters with a depth of three to five metres were found on the seabed at a distance of about 248 metres from each other,” Nord Steam said.
‘Nord Stream’s use of “technogenic” to describe the craters suggests it believes they were caused by manmade technology.’ (Upstream)
Depth charges? US anti submarine patrol plane over Nordstream on the night. Viewfrom about 10 min in:
There seem to be two alternative narratives at present about the NordStream sabotage.
One originated from Monkeywerx who tracked a US Boeing Poseidon Naval Maritime aircraft from the US to the Baltic Sea. It refueled at night then proceeded over the site of the pipeline sabotage just before the explosion and then returned to the USA without landing. He speculated that the Poseidon aircraft had dropped an air launched torpedo.
The second story has come from Russia who has accused trhe UK of the attack because the then Prime Minister (Liz Truss) apparently sent a message to the US Defence Secretary just of after the attack saying;”It is Done”!
The syntactic compound “technogenic” literally means “pertaining to disco music”. The alternative interpretation has the compound composed of two combining forms: “techno-“ (technique); and “-genic” (causing/producing).
Republican Staff Report(1,050 Pages) Committee on the Judiciary U.S. House of Representatives
Executive Summary
The Federal Bureau of Investigation, under the stewardship of Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland, is broken. The problem lies not with the majority of front-line agents who serve our country, but with the FBI’s politicized bureaucracy. The problem lies, for example, with the FBI hierarchy that spied on President Trump’s campaign and ridiculed conservative Americans. The problem lies with FBI bureaucrats who altered and mischaracterized evidence to federal courts, circumvented safeguards, and exploited weaknesses in policies governing investigations and informants to target politically disfavored subjects and to protect favored ones. The problem lies with the FBI structure that centralizes high-profile cases in D.C., in the hands of politicized actors with politicized incentives. Quite simply, the problem—the rot within the FBI—festers in and proceeds from Washington.
Over the last year, a multitude of whistleblowers have approached Judiciary Committee Republicans with allegations of political bias by the FBI’s senior leadership and misuses of the agency’s federal law-enforcement powers. These whistleblowers have risked their careers out of fidelity to principle and a commitment to restoring public trust in the FBI. This report begins to tell their stories. Even at this early stage, one startling conclusion is clear: the FBI and its parent agency, the Justice Department, have become political institutions.
This report details the problems, as recounted in whistleblower disclosures and other forms, that undermine the FBI’s fundamental law-enforcement mission. Whistleblowers describe the FBI’s Washington hierarchy as“rotted at its core,” maintaining a“systemic culture of unaccountability,”and full of“rampant corruption, manipulation, and abuse.”
Whistleblowers describe how the FBI has abused its law-enforcement authorities for political purposes, and how actions by FBI leadership show a political bias against conservatives.
For example:
Dan Bongino did some interesting stories on that one.
Zero-sum, hostage-taking games: What you need to know about COP27
More than 35,000 delegates are expected to attend the event in Egypt. For a year in which no major decisions are officially expected, it’s a substantial gathering.
World leaders will meet in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, on November 6 for two weeks of climate negotiations as nations struggle to cut greenhouse gas emissions amid a global energy crisis, war in Europe and rising inflation.
Where is COP27?
The meetings are being held at Sharm el-Sheikh, an Egyptian resort town on the Red Sea coast. There are two main sites for the event: the Blue Zone and the Green Zone.
The Blue Zone, based at the Sharm el-Sheikh International Convention Centre just south of the town centre, is where the official negotiations will be held. That space will be managed by the United Nations, and is subject to international law.
Across the road in the Peace Park Botanical Garden will be the Green Zone. That area will be run by the Egyptian government and will be open to the public.
What is COP27?
COP stands for Conference of the Parties, with “parties” referring to the 197 nations that agreed to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in 1992.
The 197 parties, including the United States, ratified the treaty to address “dangerous human interference with the climate system” and stabilise levels of greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere.
New Zealand security agency asks citizens to be dobbers. But wait…
They may not (yet), be knocking at doors but the methods are those of any tyranny or totalitarian regime –
“if you see something, say something”
For those that don’t know, the NZSIS (Security Intelligence Service) are the country’s spooks who spy on you and I while the GCSB (Government Communications Security Bureau) are those that spy on behalf of the Five Eyes.
New Zealand security services launch initiative to help public identify warning signs of violent extremism
A guide from NZ’s security services details dozens of indicators that a friend or family member could be planning a terror attack.
This is their website:
Dear oh dear…that website name…

Dangerously close to the truth
They haven’t got me yet… Please standby, there’s a knock on the door –
Yes, easy to parse for the name of the evil doers they are following the example of.
Dear NZSIS..
There was this self-important, long-faced, marxist female on the news recently….. constantly threatening the NZ way of life.
Please investigate !
Ever heard of mushrooms growing under water?
Someone discovered these and was disbelieved by scientists for 2 years.
Note: not to be blamed on “climate change”.
97% of biological scientists would say that that video is fake !!!
Just kidding, but we all know that 97% of scientists can never be wrong.
Ukrainian Starlink units go dark over funding issues
Some 1,300 Starlink satellite terminals went offline in Ukraine last week due to a failure to pay the military’s internet bills, deepening fears that the country will no longer be able to afford the pricey satellite service, two sources familiar with the situation told CNN on Friday.
The terminals, all part of a block purchased from a British company in March, began to go dark on October 24 for lack of funding, causing a “huge problem” for the military that depended upon them. Aware the bill was coming due and that they would be unable to pay it, the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense asked its UK allies for $3.25 million to cover the monthly cost and rotated the terminals out of use so they wouldn’t wink out at a critical moment. However, their request was turned down.
More and more the west is waking up to the reality and not wanting to back the USSA’s endless warmongering. Germany & Italy are changing tack and saying “no more”. About time.
Maybe Zelensky should dress up as an 8yo girl and go see Biden. Better make it fast though.
Still around 3 weeks left…
One of Zelensky’s minions goes mad at Elon about a tweet, so Elon calls his bluff and stops donating his company resources (he was after all, told to “f*** off”).
I don’t really see a problem here.
I dont condone Russian military action, and hate the fact that people are being killed and displaced, but the anti-Russian, pro-war rhetoric is untenable and insane.
Communist, left-wing Russia is criticised by the left.
Nazi, right-wing Ukrainians are supported by the left.
Go figure.
BTW, Happy Guido Fuchs’ Day (in honour of the only honest man to get into the UK Parliament EVAH!). Happy Guy Fawkes’ Night – boom boom!
Who remembers ‘penny for the guy’?
Me. We used to make a Guy Folks efergy and parade him about the village in a trolley known as a billy cart asking for a penny.
I remember Guy Fawkes Day very well, ‘penny for the guy’ and all. Spuds baked in the bonfire embers and the fireworks were what I enjoyed most of all.
I remember tu-penny bungers.. Before the nanny-state. !
There was many a ‘tale’ behind them – or in front.
Fuchs is German for Fox. Was los?
This is what some of the proponents of the defective lockups and vaccines are now or about to start begging for.
E.g. see
DON’T forgive, don’t forget.
They laughed at and censored pro-science critics of their policies. People should be prosecuted and punished for their incompetence, dishonesty and the millions of lives they caused to be lost.
The government did not approve the vaccines – gave the pharmaceutical companies a free pass – but they did mandate the vaccines. Mandating is tantamount to not only giving approval but also taking on responsibility. As such the government can be sued in place of the pharmaceutical companies for all the complications and deaths due to the vaccines.
To the unelected Prime Minister, the UK People do not recognise this Government as of, by and for the People. We are therefore dissolving Parliament.
All existing parties are now categorised as terrorist organisations, and all sitting MPs are banned from holding office again.
This needs to happen in every WEF controlled country.
Best of luck.
Keep at it, Klaus! I’m stocking up on tar and feathers, as well as tar and feathers futures!
Saturday entertainment
The witch amnesty:
Biden says we’re all going electric by 3035.
At least he got that right!
Who doesn’t love dogs.
Bob Dylan went electric in 1965…
Unfortunately, the rest of us will be ‘unplugged’ soon, like it or not!!
For those interested the link to the full video of Jo’s Great Climate Debate on October 25 in Perth is
Detransitioners Respond: A Letter to Attorney General Garland
We are writing as a group of individuals who formerly identified as transgender. Many of us were young teenagers when we decided, on the direction of medical “experts,” to pursue irreversible hormone treatments and surgeries to bring our bodies into closer alignment with what we thought was our true “gender identity.” Many of us had extensive histories of mental illness. Many of us had experienced significant childhood trauma. But all of this was ignored because we uttered the word “gender.” This utterance placed us on a narrow medical pathway that led us to sacrifice our healthy bodies and future fertility in obeisance to the claim that our suffering was a result of having a “gender identity” that did not “match” our biological sex. In other words, we were “born in the wrong body.”
We didn’t know better; we were young, and we trusted our doctors. Our parents were also misled. They were told the common myth that if they did not “affirm” our new identities, which entailed fully approving our medical transition, then we would likely commit suicide. Given these options, what loving parent wouldn’t choose to transition their child? This is not informed consent, but a decision forced under extreme duress.
Florida surgeon admits teenagers may regret their choices
A Florida surgeon who makes a living removing the healthy breasts of gender-confused teenage girls and markets her services directly to impressionable young people via social media has admitted in a TikTok video that some people may come to regret the type of surgery they chose.
In the video shared on Twitter by Libs of TikTok, Dr. Sidhbh Gallagher, a Miami-based plastic surgeon who regularly promotes her breast amputation service to her large social media following of teenagers using the hashtags “Yeet the Teets” or “Teetus Deletus,” tells her audience that they don’t have to have their nipples put back on after the breast tissue has been removed.
** Graphic content warning **
I was going to do a larger post on the trans disaster but will now only do so if there’s sufficient interest, decided by the number of replies.
Please post. It is a huge issue but the extensive existence of transgender regret is censored by the Left and their platforms.
It represents the mass mutilation and sterilisation of people, especially children to “cure” mental illness.
Surgery for mental illness last became obsolete with the frontal lobotomy.
I thought you’d be in favour but you’re the only one (by way of a reply) that seems to care about the future of humanity – the children.
Quite disheartening.
We’ll see…
I think many care but I have only just seen the comment at a time when I should be sound asleep. I had 2 and 1/2 weeks’ worth of long grass to mow today, on still very damp/wet ground (with some slithering about on the ride-on). We are way behind with garden maintainance after the rain and floods so now, with some drier weather, time is needed outside. Trying to be motivated to do anything while it was so dreary and flooded was just the way things have been.
Don’t assume a lack of comment means not caring about the truly disgusting things being done to vulnerable young people. Far from it.
Post away
UN Wants $4-$6 Trillion A YEAR To Prop Up Its Failing Global Warming Program
The Guardian reports UN finds ‘no credible pathway to 1.5C in place’
The UN environment report analysed the gap between the CO2 cuts pledged by countries and the cuts needed to limit any rise in global temperature to 1.5C, the internationally agreed target. Progress has been “woefully inadequate” it concluded.
Current pledges for action by 2030, if delivered in full, would mean a rise in global heating of about 2.5C and catastrophic extreme weather around the world. A rise of 1C to date has caused climate disasters in countries from Pakistan to Puerto Rico.
If the long-term pledges by countries to hit net zero emissions by 2050 were delivered, global temperature would rise by 1.8C. But the glacial pace of action means meeting even this temperature limit was not credible, the UN report said.
A study published this week found “large consensus” across all published research that new oil and gas fields are “incompatible” with the 1.5C target.
“A global transformation from a heavily fossil fuel- and unsustainable land use-dependent economy to a low-carbon economy is expected to require investments of at least US$4–6 trillion a year,” stated the UN report (page 26 of 132).
Q: US$4–6 trillion a year for how many years?
A: Based on figure ES.6 (lead chart) least eight years.
Q: What Percent of GDP?
A: 4 to 9 percent for developing countries, and 2 to 4 percent for developed countries.
And developing countries will gladly fork over up to 9 percent of GDP every year for eight years.
Lithium fires, I invite you to watch an incident in real time .
I am employed by FRNSW.
This is the official video released by FRNSW regarding an incident attended Tuesday 18th October 2022.
It shows security cam view as the incident unfolds. Note the smoke, steam.
At 2:13 there is an explosion which propels burning material across the site. It starts a fire in an adjoining factory.
The white van has burning material on its roof.
There is no sound until the FRNSW Zone commander Peter Church explains the incident at timing 7:07.
A worker received 20% burns to his body…. He is doing OK as of today.
Link titled:
Further Links re lithium batteries are supplied within the published article.
If you want to view the video on vimeo:
Understand that this a small amount of lithium. It is not the size of a vehicle battery.
Stay safe all.
william x … thanks, good info, the aftermath what seemed like a good idea.
Please excuse a little story.
In the the late 70’s, whilst a half hearted student at Virginia Commonwealth Uni, I was walking down the street only to see a two story row house engulfed in flame.
The upper half of every window of the second floor had intense flame pouring out.
There was no one else in sight. I hear no sirens.
Suddenly a lone fire fighter with Oxy mask and tank appears, walks up the stairs and enters the totally engulfed second floor apartment through, what looked like to me, a wall of flame.
I thought I was watching this guy die.
I’m looking around for help.
There is no one else in sight, not even other fire fighters.
Many very long minutes later he emerges and walks back around out of sight.
Like it was nothing.
The man had to have crawled through every room in the apartment looking for people.
“How was work today, honey?”
I think I was the only witness.
Never forgotten it.
The lack of knowledge by the people “placing the lithium chips in a bucket of water” to oxidise is quite concerning. Sadly they were probably just doing what they were told.
The fact that these chips “had some residual charge” begs the question of every discarded lithium battery, how do you make sure its discharged before it goes in the bin/recycled container etc. It seems that a major disaster is just waiting to happen!
Sambar, Good points you have made above.
What is worrying is that this is a fully credited NSW (Australia) recycling centre.
I have no idea why they have/had this practice in place.
A bucket on the concrete apron in front of the recycling centre..
I ask, Is that “the worlds’ best practice in the process of lithium recycling”?
This incident will go before the NSW coroner.
That takes time. More so for the findings to be reviewed and legislated.
Sadly, I don’t write the rules.
I have read (on the web) that Lithium batteries should be placed in a bucket of water for safe disposal.
Does it make any difference if they are charged or not? Lithium likely explodes on contact with water anyway.
Not all Lithium batteries are equal. For a start, there are lithium single use batteries, and lithium-ion rechargeable batteries, and I guess other variations on a theme.
I would imagine they cant all be treated the same way when it comes to disposal?
William, was it a good idea to park the fire engine about a metre away from the fire source and leave it there?
I wonder if the numpties realised what a Labor vote really meant?
In some ways I hope this comes to pass and those foolish enough to place the “climate agenda” above comfortable survival get to feel the pain of their stupidity.
Before the last election there was a strong anti-LNP feeling on this board with the “patriots” choosing which minor party they would vote for.
How did that work out?
Not suggesting individually these members made the difference but the widespread conservative attitude that “nothing short of perfect is good enough or I’ll vote you out” did. Ever hear a labor voter talk that way?
How did work out? do we know it made any difference at all? seems the minority support is for Labor via the teals. “widespread conservative attitude” really?
The 2022 Brisbane Convoy For Kids made an impressive spectacle as it rumbled its way up the M1 today. Kids and their enthusiastic-by-association parents waved from overpasses asking for the drivers to honk as they passed – which many trucks did. It appears to be a fundraiser for a charity. In previous years the main beneficiary of the charity has been Hummingbird House (Queensland’s first and only hospice for children.)
The sight of big rigs stretching as far up the highway as you could see was somewhat inspirational as a reminder of what can be done when everybody lends their small amount of effort towards a single direction.
A bit of Farmer’s philosophy when talking to the stotts this morning. … Sometimes the seed we sow is contaminated: from something I heard recently and stuck with me: “big noise stands on little legs” . Led me to this but on the way, I was told that one way an enemy can thwart attacks is by getting the object distracted by the noise of other things. something like ‘One of the greatest attacks of the enemy is to make you busy, to make you hurried, to make you noisy’ He who establishes his argument by noise and command shows that his reason is weak. Michel de Montaigne
If the vaxxes were what they pretend to be, my wive were still free of omikron and me too.
Triple vaxxed, dec. 21 the last shot, me no shot at all.
As I was sure to get it too, just a day later at least, I couldt fill up some drugs coming to an end, buy eat and drink for a week.
She started with very strong pain of all bones, only an ibu helped.
Than we started the here well known early treatment, me a day in advance in prevention.
It was only annoying, a nose like Niagara Falls, cophing the third day,fever up to 38°C all days and over. That was it.
The forth day no more symptomes, no fever, the head free again in all directions no more feeling of any illness.
Age 70, smoker, lightly hypertonic.
I am glad you have both recovered.
Thanks a lot,
but a flu for 2 weeks over all, or a strong cold for more then a week is much heavier to support.
British govt is scanning all Internet devices hosted in UK
The United Kingdom’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), the government agency that leads the country’s cyber security mission, is now scanning all Internet-exposed devices hosted in the UK for vulnerabilities.
The goal is to assess UK’s vulnerability to cyber-attacks and to help the owners of Internet-connected systems understand their security posture.
“These activities cover any internet-accessible system that is hosted within the UK and vulnerabilities that are common or particularly important due to their high impact,” the agency said.
“The NCSC uses the data we have collected to create an overview of the UK’s exposure to vulnerabilities following their disclosure, and track their remediation over time.”
NCSC’s scans are performed using tools hosted in a dedicated cloud-hosted environment from and two IP addresses ( and
The agency says that all vulnerability probes are tested within its own environment to detect any issues before scanning the UK Internet.
“We’re not trying to find vulnerabilities in the UK for some other, nefarious purpose,” NCSC technical director Ian Levy explained.
“We’re beginning with simple scans, and will slowly increase the complexity of the scans, explaining what we’re doing (and why we’re doing it).”
Aaawwww…isn’t the UK gubermint so caring for your welfare…just like they were with the plandemic & fake vaxxes…
Like you – I Hae me doots.
There are probably over 100 million internet connected devices in the UK.
#I’m not exactly technophobic – but I have a desktop, a phone, and old versions of both, plus a tablet.
If the UK population between 10 and 70is – I guess – about 45 million, ten ther will be perhaps 200 million internetconnected devices.
Excluding microwave ovens, cars, doorbells etc.
Perhaps a billion. Maybe more – your call. I’m in arm-waving mode
But who – or what – Chinese infested AI? – is monitoring a billion [ish] devices?
A cooool device to get unemployment down to the dozens, I guess ……
They seem to be a) starting at the wrong end of the problem and b) not doing any triage in regard to whats actually important to the economy/national security. The will get lotso data, not much information, appear busy and churn out some lovely reports. Very public service.
Here was I thinking that John was drinking the climate change Kool-Aid, two recent videos seems to show that maybe he spat it out.
A video about why diesel is so expensive, – I’ve skipped to the video to this bit about “green-washing, de-carbonising”
Then he goes on about EV’s – What the?
Better than the movies as far as a biological sci-fi goes…..or is it?
Very well done food for thought on a Saturday night.. Jonathan Couey:
“Office Hours USRTK ON NARRATIVE: Gigaohm Biological High Resistance Low Noise Information Brief”
TECH Published November 4, 2022 2:36pm EDT
First-time EV owner shares ‘cautionary tale’ after it took 15 hours to drive 178 miles
Colorado electric vehicle driver Alan O’Hashi was ‘rudely awakened’ by his car’s slow charging infrastructure
After Colorado resident Alan O’Hashi purchased his all-electric Nissan Leaf — and became a first-time electric vehicle (EV) owner — he thought he was ready to embark on the first leg of a 2,600-mile road trip across Wyoming.
“Fumes never smelled so sweet,” Wolfe thought when filling up her 2008 Volkswagen Jetta with gas after returning home.
But the eager traveler was faced with a harsh truth after a 178-mile route took 15 hours to complete, when normally it would clock in at two-and-a-half hours.
“I was rudely awakened when I determined that the charging wasn’t as rapid as some people would lead you to believe, likely the dealers,” O’Hashi said in an interview on “Varney & Co.” Friday, “and I think people like myself, we go into it a bit blindly.”
O’Hashi blames the road bump on a combination of part user error and part “lack of adequate infrastructure” in the car’s charging capabilities.
“I had done some research. I knew a little bit about electric vehicles, and the charging and potential obstacles, and I did some pre-planning for the trip,” O’Hashi said, “but I didn’t actually have any practical experience with that.”
Similar to O’Hashi, The Wall Street Journal’s Rachel Wolfe thought a drive from New Orleans to Chicago and back in a brand-new Kia EV6 she rented would be “fun.”
“Given our battery range of up to 310 miles, I plotted a meticulous route, splitting our days into four chunks of roughly seven and a half hours each. We’d need to charge once or twice each day and plug in near our hotel overnight,” Wolfe wrote.
But after the four-day trip was over, Wolfe claimed she spent more time charging the vehicle than she did sleeping.
“It turns out not all ‘fast chargers’ live up to the name. The biggest variable, according to State of Charge, is how many kilowatts a unit can churn out in an hour,” Wolfe explained in her op-ed. “To be considered ‘fast,’ a charger must be capable of about 24 kW. The fastest chargers can pump out up to 350. Our charger in Meridian, [Mississippi] claims to meet that standard, but it has trouble cracking 20.”
Neither Wolfe nor O’Hashi sounded dedicated to the idea of taking an electric vehicle on another long-distance trip.
Best and worst electric car charging networks REVEALED: Drivers cast their verdicts on the most reliable operators as BBC finds a quarter of public devices in Scotland are faulty
. Zap-Map has published its survey results for public charging networks with feedback from 4,300 EV drivers
. Fastned and MFG EV Power scored the joint highest customer satisfaction rating in this year’s poll
. At the opposite end of the spectrum, it is bad news for two oil giants with EV networks, BP and Shell
. Operators ranked for 5 criteria: reliability, ease of use, customer support, value and payment options
. Report follows an investigation by the BBC which found that 24% of public chargers in Scotland are faulty
New York Times prediction BUST: 1995 article cited climate ‘experts’ warning ‘most of the beaches on the East Coast of the U.S. could be gone in 25 years’
Early computer culture: The life and times of Clippy
In the ’90s, Microsoft created an annoying paperclip that it quickly retired. Its developers never imagined the virtual assistant would become a cultural icon.
The blank screen was already intimidating enough. Then, out of nowhere, an incorporeal know-it-all popped up to make us feel even worse about the novel notion of word processing in the mid-’90s. “It looks like you’re writing a letter,” a googly-eyed, caterpillar-browed paperclip in Microsoft Word observed when we may or may not have been trying to write a letter. The metallic office supply bounced around the margins of documents and never stopped looking over our shoulders, even as it blinked back at us impatiently. “Would you like help?”
Many users found its polite but presumptuous suggestions invasive, obnoxious, and creepy. Almost immediately, computer geeks and neophytes panned it. Microsoft banished it. Time labeled it one of the 50 worst inventions ever. But nearly three decades after its genesis at the Redmond tech giant, Clippit — better known as Clippy — improbably lives on.
Others stressed that the idea of an assistant was just ahead of the technology. Today the artificial intelligence of Cortana, Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant can constantly get smarter. Clippy was only as bright as the next edition of Office.
Massachusetts’ 1,200 MW Offshore Wind Project ‘no longer viable’ (rough waters ahead?)
From MasterResource
By Robert Bradley Jr. — November 2, 2022
Great to see the old “perfect storm” management speak being trotted out yet again. I am sure this has no bearing on the great Andrews/D’Ambrosio offshore wind project and those silly Americans just didnt do it right like Dan and Lily will. Imagine being discouraged by mere cost blow outs? We have no such constraints.
Censorship and Suppression of Covid-19 Heterodoxy: Tactics and Counter-Tactics
If it happened in medicine, and it DID, it could happen elsewhere – in banking, or robotics, or climate, or …
I am sure most readers here are aware of this, but sadly the rest of the population possibly is not.
Australian Government to Ban All Future Fossil Fuel Projects?
Essay by Eric Worrall
Climate impacts could block fossil fuel projects under Plibersek change
By Mike Foley, Laura Chung and Nick Toscano
Updated November 4, 2022 — 5.43pm
The global warming impact of fossil fuels will, for the first time, be factored into the federal government’s environmental assessments as Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek opens the possibility of coal and gas projects being blocked due to climate change.
Phrases like “lunatics running the asylum” come to mind.
The plan is to replace the [Callide coal] plant’s 1.7GW of dispatchable output with renewable energy.
Australia is that close to grid failure, that an outage at a single coal plant could cause the East Coast grid to collapse – and the people in charge want to throw even more roadblocks in the path of resilience and supply.
I would say that the sooner it all falls apart in a catastrophic way, the better, however it seems that many people really believe that fossil fuels are unreliable and the cause of high electricity prices.
This means that a massive grid failure will be explained away and excused, with no repercussions, rather, a bigger push for batteries and “renewables” – much like the big blackout in SA a few years ago.
Remember this equation?
“This famous Sidney Harris cartoon (below) captures what is wrong – what is deeply unscientific – about far-too-much modern economics. The miracle assumed by the unscientific ‘scientific’ modern economist is that government will act (1) apolitically, (2) without any of the human imperfections, myopia, and psychological quirks that (are assumed to) give rise to the market imperfections that allegedly justify government intervention, and (3) with more information and wisdom than is discovered and used in markets.”
Now think of the road from here to net zero and the stumbling blocks outlined on that road in terms of supply and sheer do-ability.
IMO this can be expressed in a similar manner to that cartoon but with multiple steps where “miracles occur” and “I think you should be more explicit here” applies.
And I doubt that “The Miracle Factory” has the ability to churn out the requirement for those miracles – given the competition for more of them for other bright new ideas.
Australia Bidding to Host the COP31 Climate Conference in 2026
Essay by Eric Worrall
I shouldn’t worry too much about COP 31 if I were you. I doubt very much there will one held at all in 2026, let alone here. As near as I can fathom the Grand Finale is scheduled to start in earnest sometime between late 2024 and mid 2025.
We will all be in semi-permanent lockdown by then, with total electronic monitoring and surveillance, restricted local travel and a centrally controlled, cashless, digital currency system complete with a social credit score.
Everything that has happened over the past three years has merely been a dress rehearsal for what is to come. You will own nothing and you will be happy.
Or else.
Apparently there’s not enough lithium to make us all happy.
(Yes for the pedants, I know it doesn’t make you happy as such, but maybe the future is like the film Equilibrium, another example of predictive programming…. Probably!)
Unfortunately it appears that Net Zero may not come that quickly as recent studies have shown that there are not enough minerals available. Thus the copper for all the motors in those wind turbines, EVs etc. would take just over 189 years (at present mining rates) to get there. The necessary nickel would take 400 years and the lithium for all those batteries over 9,900 years. Pity the poor children in The Congo who will have to slave for another 1733 years mining cobalt.
Further information from Professor Simon Michaux who prepared a report for the Finnish Government on this.
And what of transport? Despite the propaganda when will the Australian trucking fleet be converted to batteries? What happens to the refrigeration on the food transport when the battery is low? I foresee Australian politicians becoming perishables.
Full paper from Michaux.
This paper has now penetrated the bureaucracy. Bowen (vindinctive and illiterate Minister for Energy and Climate Change) has waved his arms around and declared that supply chains for Net Zero will be no problem … so we know for certain that Michaux’s paper has scared these ignorant people.
Geoscientific facts are ignored by most people, including this website, because geoscience is so poorly known or understood. In gentle conversation with normal, nice but ignorant people, I’ve found that most do not grasp that a deposit must first be found and evaluated (exploration) before mining can even be considered.
As it stands, the amount of copper (eg) estimated by Michaux for Net Zero is about 90% more than is currently measured in known copper ore deposits world wide. Even a herculean exploration effort will not guarantee that sufficient ore deposits actually exist. This says, almost outright, that 1) either current technology must change to incorporate that which can be supplied; or 2) much lowered consumption will be enforced, with living standards much regressed.
I’m expecting 2).
NASA have found a lump of rare minerals in space, problem solved.
There’s a lot of copper in older household and commercial water supply systems.
Wouldn’t surprise me if they started eying that off as a source !
More on Emily Oster’s apology idea
“On Unforgiveness, Part 2”
A bit salty in places
This goes with that (IMO)
“If it’s not safe, it doesn’t matter how nice a place may be”
“Addition Subtraction annnd Recession”
The Glenn Beck Podcast: Whitney Webb: How Elites Will Create a New Class of Slaves
ANOTHER Australian cyberattack. Vic premier launches probe into hacking
Investigators are working to determine whether a cyberattack on a tech company used by the Victorian government has affect thousands of families.
PNORS Technology Group, which works with several state departments including the department of Education and Training, was targeted by hackers on Saturday.
The breach might have exposed medical record and answers for The School Entrant Health Questionnaire (SEHQ), which is completed by nearly all families in the state.
Premier Daniel Andrews said it was unclear whether any personal data had been compromised.
“It’s not determined yet, it’s not definitive but there’s the potential for a breach,” Mr Andrews told reporters on Sunday.
Maybe I’ll do a special post on how to protect your pc’s and data…
Neil Oliver Responds to the Request for COVID Amnesty, “You want WHAT”?
“First, the pandemic madness needs to stop. Then the perpetrators need to admit the totality of their brutal conduct. Then an apology. Then there needs to be visible and public requests for forgiveness. Then there needs to be a reckoning, which includes the need for consequential punishment. After the punishment as a deterrent, there needs to be a global vow never to repeat the behaviors.”
“Julia Hartley-Brewer Rips into Policy Researcher over Climate Change”
“Here is latest, on Nitrous Oxide (and fertilizer): ”
another Ian:
A NASA researcher recently posted a paper on their Science News about methanes short life in the atmosphere (approx. 6 years).
This was due to OH (hydroxyl ions) generated by UV from the sun. BUT also noted that nitrogen oxides could regenerate the OH ions.
So banning fertilizer as a source of nitrogen oxides might be counter productive for Climate Camelot by increasing the effect of methane emissions from elephants and termites (to name 2) might not help – unless they can persuade them to sign the Paris Accord.
After accusations of cheating from both sides after the last two presidential elections, surely these American mid-term elections should be supervised by the UN
There will be a large contingent of international observers and they are fully versed in the vagaries of US politics.
‘We note that a recent YouGov poll indicated that a quarter of Americans had no confidence that the 2020 presidential election was held fairly, and that heading into the midterms, nearly a third of Americans overall lack trust that the vote will be free and fair.’ (The Hill)
Startling case of NOAA’s maladjustment of data.
Hachijojima.. an island in the Philippine Sea, close to Japan….
What do they “homogenise” it against to get that much “maladjustment”??
On wonder it does “feel” like there has been any warming in my lifetime ! Its mostly FAKE !!
NIWA meteorologist Ben Noll predicts a hot summer in NZ, associated with a marine heatwave.
“And if we compare to what occurred this time in 2017, we’re warmer right across the board. So we have a higher jumping point than those two historical events.
“The 2017-2018 summer has gone down in record as the hottest we’ve ever had and we could be on track for something even more severe this year.” (NZHerald)