A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Jingiwallah. (G’day mate in Bunjalung)
Professor Ian Plimer calls it the biggest public policy disaster in a lifetime
He says
“No one has ever proven that human emissions of carbon dioxide drive global warming.
For more than two decades I have been asking scientists for this proof. “
His problem is that he asks for proof and can get none. So he is in limbo and can only allege there is none.
My problem is simpler
“No one has ever proven that human emissions of carbon dioxide actually increase CO2.” They do not even bother to prove it.
But unlike Ian, I can prove human emissions do NOT increase CO2 because I can measure how much old
CO2 is in the air. And there are many other absolute proofs. And I can easily explain increased CO2 because
warming oceans increases CO2.
CO2 is in rapid equilibrium with the vast oceans which contain 98% of all CO2. And CO2 is 30x as soluble as O2 and all fish live on O2, so if O2 can enter so quickly and in such quantity, CO2 is 30x faster. Then heat the ocean even a little and CO2 comes out. No one has explained how CO2 warms the oceans, despite claiming it. But it is pretty clear why CO2 goes up when the oceans warm.
As for the bolting on of instant laboratory CO2 measurements to ages old CO2 residue in ice cores, it’s a question of loss of time resolution. It is science nonsense, illegal. Improper. Another Michael Mann trick, another hockey stick. All you see in old ice cores is the long term average, not the peaks. When you are studying a piece of frozen ice which spans a thousand years,
of course you cannot see rapid changes. My point is that CO2 and temperature go up and down, but averaged you see nothing.
There is no man made CO2, under a tiny 3%. And we could not control CO2 if we tried. The Biosphere is quite tiny and irrelevant. So whether CO2 produces global heating is a moot point as we do not control CO2 levels. And each year ten times as much CO2 comes and goes in exchange with the oceans as produced in the entire biosphere, including humans. So more CO2 and you get more trees, as NASA indirectly admits. Plus the vast blooms in the ocean after the last bushfires because CO2 went up. More CO2, more life.
As for nett zero, 14% of UK power coming from US wood pellets or keeping Victoria’s brown coal in the ground forever, growing trees to reduce CO2. It is all fantasy and crippling us. But that is the idea. The UN/EU and China all benefit from the undermining of the economies of free democratic countries. Manufacturing is basically using electricity to make stuff. And if we cannot even afford to heat our homes, we have to buy from China. It’s pretty obvious.
All true, TdeF, but not new.
All covered in my book “The Greenhoax Effect”, first published in January 1990, with 70,000 copies sold in 18 months. In turn, the book was just an expansion of articles that appeared in “The Inside News” in 1988 and 1989.
Apart from the very first edition of The Inside News in September 1987, all of this material was available online in “The Trove” section of The National Library (NLA). Then in October 2020, at exactly the same time that the scamdemic morphed into a need for climate change, The Greenhoax Effect mysteriously disappeared.
I contacted the NLA about this, but they no longer reply to my emails.
Put it on the internet as a free download please. We wil all read it!
Looks to have disappeared, so unless Peter has a copy…
That’s precisely what I thought I did when I gave the NLA permission to put it in “The Trove”, Brenda. Make it freely available online to everybody. And it’s what I would still do now if I had a copy.
Which is why I’m sh*tty that they won’t reply to my emails. I have always had a great respect for the NLA and thought they were above politics. Seems I was wrong.
Not to worry. TdeF is doing a sterling spreading the word, and his info is up to date. My efforts are over 30 years old and much has been learned since then.
I did put a long a blog site, long ago now, nearly a decade. And I could write many papers on this. But my real concern is that there are thousands of people who know this stuff who are silent. Physicist Prof Peter Ridd lost all his savings and near retirement, was fired and they even stripped his superannuation. And he was proven completely right but to what end?
It’s not about science or this would never have been started. Fergusson proved it was fake in 1958 when what was expected to be 14% man made CO2 ended up 2.02%. There is absolutely no truth in any of this man made CO2 let alone warming from CO2.
So why are the great universities saying nothing? Why are so many top people who know it is fake saying nothing? Why are only retired scientists speaking up?
But when it is estimated that man made CO2 driven tipping point Global Warming is generating $1,500Billion in cash a year, who is going to stop it?
I expect though it will come to a head this year. A cold winter is coming in Europe and the US. And they do not have the energy to keep themselves warm and will run out of food and blame the disruption from the Chinese made Flu, but it is part of a great shutting down which seems quite intentional, supported by most politicians.
It is going to be very hard to argue Global Warming when the world is freezing, again. You can blame Wu Flu and Russia (never China) but people soon will have had enough. What is planned then is not known, but it is heading to a critical point. And a paper or two will make no difference. The UN knows it’s all fake. As does the EU. And the Greens. Adolph was a Green National Socialist Vegetarian. It didn’t make him a nice caring person and today’s Green political leaders are of the same ilk.
“So why are the great universities saying nothing?
Why are so many top people who know it is fake saying nothing?”
You answered it yourself – they are all “part of a great shutting down which seems quite intentional, . . ”
The prior corruption of academia was at least as important to the cause as the dumbing down of “education”.
They are saying nothing because they are possessed from within,
Have you tried to ring them up? Should get some sort of responce
What’s true since then is
a. that NASA agree the world has greened 14%, an area the size of Brazil, since CO2 increased 14% since satellite meansurement started around 1990. That proves that not only do trees not decrease CO2, but that the biosphere is so small that tree population and crops/grasses grow with more CO2.
b. we have seen the collapse of the doubling of C14 released in the bomb blasts in 1965, so we now can give a precise figure to the half life of CO2 at 6 years, as estimated by Fergusson in his 1958 paper with the Royal Society.
c. as we know the limit for CO2 is the amount released each year (1-e-kt) and we have k, we know CO2 is self limiting at around 3%. What that means is that at around 3%, the amount of new fossil fuel CO2 being released is precisely matched with fossil fuel disappearing into the ocean. In 1958 it was 2.03%+/-0.15% but it has increased to under 3% with 8 billion people on the planet now.
d. we know that the C14 has gone back to the old near horizontal asymptote, just 3% dilution by fossil fuels, the original Suess effect before the name was corrupted by warmists. Otherwise the asymptote would be at 66% if the additional 50% was fossil fuel free of C14.
e. we can see the asymptote is a straight horizontal line, confirming the whole explanation
f. we can see from the perfect fit of the e-kt in the bomb graph of C14 that there is only one sink for CO2, the oceans. A multiple sink explanation using the Biosphere would look very different.
It all fits perfectly. We know why CO2 has gone up. And it has nothing to do with fossil fuels. So what’s the problem. Warming? What warming? That all stopped a decade ago and the last 250 years are perfectly explained by two cycles, the 250 year solar De Vries cycle and the AMO/PDO ocean oscillations around 65 years, although the world knows only the most famous as El Nino/La Nina. Right now world temperatures will plummet by up to 5C.
And society is still handing over cash for growing trees(carbon credits) and for chopping them down (wood pellets). It’s all fantasy, but a very profitable one for China. And a source of political power for the UN and EU.
If political power once came out of the barrel of a gun. It now comes from a power station. And power stations are being closed down and the people are told to wait on windmills and solar panels and eat insects.
And all those turbines and solar panels currently being sought to cover 20% of the Australian landscape come from China, and when they need replacing. they will still come from China. What could go wrong? Once governments have blown up those fossil fuel powered generators, China can stop the entire process dead in its tracks. anytime and forever. No invasion nor attack necessary. No defence from submarines, nuclear or otherwise, nor from Treaties. Give China cheek and go without replacements and suffer energy starvation for a cold winter or hot summer.
And there are lots of ways to publish your book now which bypass the traditional publishers and libraries.
As I said above, TdeF. Your info is much advanced on what I did, so I have an alternative suggestion.
Write out what you know broken into segments like chapters. I have paid, empty web space available with an offshore host. I will build your material into a website for you and post it online for you, with you credited as the author.
You don’t need to write everything at once. Just a start and an overview. We can add pages as time goes by.
Great idea – go for it fellas!
I have a copy of The Greenhoax Effect.
Then the author would love a scanned copy of his own work!
I helped a PhD neighbour who wrote many books on his life and religion and travels but had lost the originals. But I found my Brother printer/scanner could also do OCR and very soon I had the books back! They are now on Kindle. The days of losing originals is gone. I remember well the Blackadder version where he accidentally burnt Dr. Johnson’s dictionary. Many people have lost original manuscripts.
That’s hot stuff, tdf, have you presented it for peer review ?.
See # Peer review? This is all free information, if you understand it.
I found myself on the Royal Society site the other night and read this absolute tripe about man made CO2 from fossil fuels in the air. So I filled out their comment and asked why they didn’t read their own published information from 64 years ago which proved it was all rubbish.
So the problem is not that we need more peer reviewed science. There are no secrets in what I have written. NASA has reported the Greening of the planet, which contradicts nett zero completely. (How can trees go up 14% and CO2 goes up by 14%, not down?) But their public statements are written by Climate Change crazies unconnected to real science and facts.
And that’s the problem. China didn’t shut down the world with a military virus, but they did. China isn’t profiteering from solar panels and windmills, but they are. And everyone believes in man made CO2 driven Global Warming except the world isn’t warming and their only response is that it hasn’t cooled either.
In other words, the UN/EU/China media are still cranking it up and people are throwing baked beans on Van Gogh’s painting and glueing themselves to the road and even Grumpy Greta has now declared that Marxism/Communism is the only way out to a kinder nicer world. And no one criticises the new Joan of Electric Arc.
So I am disinclined to produce a peer reviewed paper which no one would publish and which would vanish. And wondering what will happen in Taiwan, North Korea and Ukraine in the next six weeks.
So, science has ignored you because you fail at step 1, the scientific method is alive and well, try providing some evidence.
Btw, the Hitler = greens schtick shouldn’t be included in any paper you might submit.
And the other problem which is less than obvious, is that science papers are about entirely new information or novel analysis which would benefit from peer review. All I have written is existing fact or self evident, no research involved. A few calculations at best which many can do. But I keep adding this information here to make a public record of it over the years and it has been years. On the one hand it is to a group which is keen for the truth but the real question is how to make this very obvious science available to everyone, but it never gets in the mainstream news.
That was true of Prof Peter Ridd who dared to say that the R&D at James Cook University was cooked. And he has been crucified but proven absolutely right. Meanwhile the Turnbulls have made off with $400Million (7.5 tons of Gold) to fix problems which do not exist and given without application or plan to friends of theirs who had no idea what to do with the money? Where is it? Have they given the money back? It’s the biggest robbery in Australian history.
So these rivers of Climate Gold just keep flowing. And who is really going to question the narrative. It would be like saying Cardinal Pell was innocent and the evidence against him did not exist and what he was accused of doing was factually impossible , completely unacceptable. But the ABC journalist gets to keep her Golden Quill for reporting. Global warming and Climate Chagne is embedded in every news report in the world. The weather has ceased to exist. Any notable weather is proof of Climate Change and the begging bowls are out in Egypt right now. Who would dare say that 400 private plane loads were full of climatebaggers?
Climate news is the same. No facts. Completely wrong conclusions. The evidence is to the total contrary. But it continues.
The book problem. It has been pointed out, most people of science with flesh in this climate game would know the truth of these matters. Therefore, either they support the transition in political powers the current movement gives, ie the West becomes controlled by internationally powerful bodies eg UN, World Bank, even the unelected EU Commission and can get driven down the wealth scale by the forces available to those bodies. There is no secret about a great reset anymore. Alternatively, those scientists have families to rear and feed and for most, the threat to remove the ability to do so is enough to compel aversion to stirring the pot. As no governments in the West resist these disastrous climate movements, even seeing the disastrous effects on their people they swear an oath to defend, one has to presume politicians of today salivate over a chance to become part of this movement, achieving greater personal power and wealth. Sadly, there are now few politicians the people should take at face value. Mr Bowen seems to fit the bill. No pretence there!
The consequence for the book is, such information it contains is known. It is impossible to spread the information because those that should do that job, be it Universities, investigative journalists, social leaders already accept the false narrative, what it brings to the world, or their current wealth comes from playing that game. Or, they could be destroyed financially by upsetting the most powerful but wrong people ie Big Businesses making guaranteed profits, governments that composed the game. For media, that’s advertising profits. The current censorship controlling information flows revolves around destroying personally, the reputation and business of any messenger that feels so inclined to upset the applecart.
As has been said, look at Ridd. Or go to the extreme and look at what they are doing to Trump. Trump called out the ruinous effects of the climate change lobby on the USA. The powers behind the throne of the Climate movement knew he would. That is why they are still trying to destroy him after 8 years. Look at the power of the Institutions the Democrats have been able to throw at Trump. IMO, the effort against Trump was more an attempted coup than anything that Jan6th might muster (which only got up because the investigative committee was entirely Democrat controlled).
Bottom line. To change the narrative you have to get to the people, most of whom don’t have the education nor the will to read and understand the tale. They are coerced by fear to believe the worst and accept condemnation of the ‘Skeptic’. Even after Ridd’s successes at revelations about the GBR, few powerful voices are raised against that GBR fable of the activists. Nations of people will only listen to an alternate view when desperation comes. Freezing to death of many, sweltering to death of elderly ones or having food shortages nigh on starvation. The other event that may help is current forced costs on personal mobility vis EV’s, fuel and coming added government costs. Only deep pain is going to overturn the climate narrative – or war where it would be forgotten.
Arne, “ peer review” is a failed concept of relavence to only a few who already know how irrelavent it is !
Until the general population can see how they are being misinformed and manipulated by the so called “scientific experts “ and climate advisors, then there is little point in publishing any papers that few get to read.
All we need is more popular media to point out the flaws in the official information , and direct the public to sources of genuine information.
Western New York State is buried in the first of two atmospheric rivers of snow, aka lake-effect snow.
People have known this was coming for about 5 days. There seems to be an “I want a Darwin Award” feeling among the populace.
Apparently its all the fault of the North Atlantic Warm Hole (NAWH).
They call it a warm hole but its actually a cool blob, supposedly caused by fresh meltwater from Greenland.
Any suggestion that the AMOC is at a tipping point is simply untrue.
So much for our new subs:
Imagine swarms of these being sent out to hunt down enemy subs.
Re. Drone subs:
I have yet to hear how one communicates with a submarine in real time. Radio waves do not penetrate far under water. Some contact is possible in the ultra low freq. band but at such low freqs. data can only be sent in characters per minute. Some attempts have been made at 40 – 80Hz. How often can one vary that freq. or amplitude [AM or FM] per second?
That was the original function of pine gap.
If I recall correctly hanrahan, submarine communications are handled by the Harold E Holt Naval Communication Station at Exmouth WA.
I left myself some wriggle room when I said “original” and I still think it may have been so but a recent GEarth search doesn’t show any antennae now.
The point remains that a massive antenna is needed, both transmitting and receiving. A half wave dipole @ 1kHz is 71 km. On land there are many tricks to condense that but if trailing a wire from a sub it becomes harder.
One of the original proposed submarine ELF comms systems was extremely ambitious.
Had never heard of that, thanks, but it doesn’t contradict anything I have said. It is clearly inadequate for command and control of a rubber ducky.
If you believe in the LAWS of physics, as I do, you cannot believe that an underwater vehicle can be remotely controlled more than a couple of m deep.
The energy put out by the sub comms station at Exmouth was substantial. Some communications receivers in WA were wiped out because their Intermediate Frequency (IF) amplifier sections used the same frequency- think it was 85khz. I believe energy at those lower frequencies travels a long way.
Typical. For a man Harold Holt who drowned while Prime Minister, we now have a Naval base to add to a Swimming pool in Melbourne. It’s almost as bad as the monument to famous explorers from Melbourne who died from thirst while looking for an inland sea, the Burke and Wills fountain.
I would suspect that they would be autonomous, perhaps sticking an antenna up at predetermined times. In Red Storm Rising, I think it was, Tom Clancy described the technology currently used by subs to communicate with their base – namely, sticking up an antenna and firing off a milliseconds-length high-frequency burst.
Once autonomous subs become widely used and their capability becomes known, navies will probably find it impossible to recruit people to crew them.
… to crew
themconventional subs.40
Again we have the problem of how much data can be sent. To be able to fit useful data on it, it would need to be ultra super high freq. which is 100% line of sight so could not bend over the horizon so would need an aircraft overhead at all time. Shoot down the plane, disable the sub.
which is 100% line of sight
Aimed at a satellite.
Mid November and I am draining water out of my tanks to a street culvert. Actual overflow capacity is insufficient for inflow in heavy rain so the tanks gush and add to new swamp at the back of the block, so I am making some head room. Usually at this time of year I would be happy to have full tanks for summer.
I need to talk with a BOM expert to see if this is the “new normal”
Latest Pointman
On the radio I noticed propaganda ads from the Australian Federal Government for a new and invigorated terror campaign for the latest new and supposedly deadly covid strains.
They just have to keep the fear going.
Naturally, there was no mention of correcting vitamin D deficiency to reduce covid mortality or decriminalising doctors prescribing safe, effective and inexpensive antivirals like HCQ and IVM.
Treat the new Covid strain with caution – daughter and family contracted it in Melbourne last week and their symptoms were “the worst 2-day headache I have ever experienced”. Non-prescription pain relief useless.
Just curious Rowjay, did your relatives have pre-existing natural immunity from prior covid infection? Or had they never been infected with covid of any variety?
Two of the four have had previous milder Covid experiences – it didn’t do them any good with the new strain.
Had they been vaccinated?
My husband and I are both unvaccinated. He contracted a mild dose of Covid about 6 months ago – but I failed to be infected. However, I have just contracted this new strain, but he remains uninfected.
““the worst 2-day headache I have ever experienced””
Are you sure they hadn’t been listening to a Dan Andrews speech ??
““the worst 2-day headache I have ever experienced”.”
That doesn’t sound like “significant mortality amongst the majority ” aka a pandemic.
Now that Donald Trump has declared his candidacy for President, the Left (including RINOs) have initiated a new Lawfare campaign against him which will drain his resources and possibly even disqualify him from running (depending upon what they do).
The Deep State and Establishment certainly must be terrified.
Leftist voters must be terrified of conservatives. Why else would they allow themselves to be used and abused by their substandard “leaders” just to be protected from us?
Quote from Rupert Darwall:
See his book: Green Tyranny: Exposing the Totalitarian Roots of the Climate Industrial Complex by Rupert Darwall (I don’t recall if that quote was in the book or not but it was used in a podcast.)
Question for Green Labor voters. Who do you think is going to pay for all the “free stuff” you demand?
GNP glaciers failed to disappear on time, perish the thought.
‘The loss of glaciers from Glacier National Park is one of the most visible manifestations of climate change in the U.S. Signs were posted all around the park, proclaiming that the glaciers would be gone by 2020. In 2017, the Park started taking these signs down. What happened, beyond the obvious fact that the glaciers hadn’t disappeared by 2020?’ (Judith Curry/ Climate Etc)
Who wrote it?
Do you know when that was written and by whom?
And how about:
And who wrote the article: “The Activity of Man as a Climate Factor”?
All of the above was written by the National Socialists in the 1930’s and early 1940’s.
There’s something out there waiting for us, and it ain’t no man.
A new guaranteed income program for transgender residents of San Francisco includes 97 gender options on its application, plus 19 sexual orientations — including several anti-gay slurs — and 18 options for pronouns.
Within the gender category, options include: “Cis-gender woman, Woman, Transgender Woman, Woman of Trans experience, Woman with a history of gender transition, Trans feminine, Feminine-of-center, MTF (male-to-female), Demigirl, T-girl, Transgirl, Sistergirl, Cis-gender man, Man, Transgender man, Man of Trans experience, Man with a history of gender transition, Trans masculine, Masculine-of-center, FTM (female-to-male), Demiboy, T-boy, Transguy, Brotherboy, Trans, Transgender, Transsexual, Non-binary, Genderqueer, Agender, Xenogender, Fem, Femme, Butch, Boi, Stud, Aggressive (AG), Androgyne, Tomboy, Gender outlaw, Gender non-conforming, Gender variant, Gender fluid, Genderf#ck, Bi-gender, Multi-gender, Pangender, Gender creative, Gender expansive, Third gender, Neutrois, Omnigender, Polygender, Graygender, Intergender, Maverique, Novigender, Two-spirit, Hijra, Kathoey, Muxe, Khanith/Xanith, X-gender, MTX, FTX, Bakla, Mahu, Fa’afafine, Waria, Palao’ana, Ashtime, Mashoga, Mangaiko, Chibados, Tida wena, Bixa’ah, Alyha, Hwame, Lhamana, Nadleehi, Dilbaa, Winkte, Ninauposkitzipxpe, Machi-embra, Quariwarmi, Chuckchi, Whakawahine, Fakaleiti, Calabai, Calalai, Bissu, Acault, Travesti, Questioning, I don’t use labels, Declined, Not Listed.” Applicants are invited to check all that apply, or to describe their own gender under “not listed.”
The possible pronouns listed include “ae/aer/aers,” and its sexual orientations include “fagg#t” and “dyke.”
(I think I censored all the naughty words)
Gone are the days or men and women plus the occasional non-conforming cases for whom I bear no ill will.
The above list shows the unbelievable nonsense in the trans cult.
What exactly is a Muxe Chibados Nutrois with xyrs & pers pronouns???
I have no effin’ idea or even want to know!😆
“What exactly is a Muxe Chibados Nutrois” ? Could it be one of those new (fashionable) dog breeds?
It’d sure make more sense if it was!
Maybe that’s what they’re working towards..
While I’m here – browsing in the local Kiwanis book shop I was surprised to see a sudden increase in David Attenborough books in the Science section. Near 10 volumes. Did an avid collector dump them?
Then on-line looking at “latest DVD releases” was surprised to see that the number of his had reduced and were no longer prominently displayed, but buried in the back. Has the fad gone out? Or has the BBC (and local TV channels) done this to death?
I used to like Attenborough too, until he went full climate-tard…
l was so upset when l found out that Attenborough was scamming the people who looked up to him as a good person wanting the best for us all, Attenborough LIED to us
And the emotional lies about starving polar bears continue to this day. Just two months ago the Daily Mail ran an item under this headline which is split to highlight the dishonesty:
Harrowing moment starving polar bear is found in a ditch barely able to move…
There would be plenty of traumatised (as Greta herself reported) people well indoctrinated by the constant starving polar bear propoganda who probably recoiled immediately and didn’t read the whole headline or any of the actual story which they would have seen as too depressing and instead went to their safe space to try and get over the further proof that polar bears are dying and mankind is responsible.
The complete headline, and the story told a different story:
“Harrowing moment starving polar bear is found in a ditch barely able to move with multiple gunshot wounds in remote Russian Arctic”
Not quite climate change effect after all. Further proof Bob Hawke can’t swim.
But surely you understand that, in nature, animals NEVER become sick and emancipated.
It’s all YOUR fault.
We’ve several from before going off him. They’ve been kept only for the photography in them.
Biological Male Takes First Place In Girls’ Track Meet After Placing 72nd In The Boys Competition
A trans athlete, that couldn’t make it anywhere near the podium on the boy’s track team, not only broke a Seattle high school’s 5000-meter girls’ record, but ended up on the winner’s block in a recent competition.
Libs of TikTok covers the story of Aspen Hoffman, who magically went from 72nd place on the team boys’ team to first place on the girls’ team. Hoffman’s efforts on the team qualified Seattle Academy High School girls’ cross-country team for the state championship.
If only the (real) girls/women would just say NO to this nonsense.
Refuse to play your sport if it indulges this woke fraud.
Make it stop!
Can I identify as an Apache AH-64 attack helicopter?
People would have to address me, for example, thusly:
I think Apache AH-64 attack helicopter made a very good point.
My favorite is “Not Listed”.
And what exactly is gender fluid?
And I suppose they can all compete in women’s sports as women? My view is that you only need a third gender, ‘confused’. And they can fight for their own competition as women have had to do over the centuries. Or compete with men.
It is that stuff that comes out of all people and for men is coloured iether yellow or white. The reason for the colour difference is to ensure that men can easily identify whether they are coming or going and thereby still feel as if they are in control of their circumstances.
Some of those names would work well as planet or character names in a sci fi novel or screenplay.
There is now further proof of how Vitamin D3 significantly reduces covid mortality if Vitamin D3 is taken long enough in advance of infection. (Apart from all the other pre-existing evidence.)
Dr John Campbell discusses:
The silence from medical “authorities” and government is alarming.
And yet Their ABC keeps up garbage like this:
And then you read that the toxicity relates to someone that took 400 times the recommended dose per day for a month.
I had very low Vitamin D during COVID and my Doctor prescribed 50,000 units of dose for 2 days, well above the 1,000 of a supplement.
What does a too high a dose mean? Still haven’t caught COVID
Depends on your weight but 1,000 units is lower than most here would be taking. Myself 3 or 4,000 units a day with Vitamin K2.
I know one bloke who has been taking 10,000 a day for over 5 years and is in good health.
My GP amazingly requested a VitD3 appraisal in the blood count she ordered. When it emerged that my levels were exceptionally high – I explained that I took supplements. She quietly observed , “Don’t stop”. I conclude that she is aware of the statistics showing the advantage of high D3 levels if you contract Covid.
On the other hand, my husband was roundly criticised by the ward doctor when he was recently hospitalised for remarking that he took vitamin supplements. “A waste of money” he exclaimed.
Didn’t say much, however, when told he took no regular medication for any endemic problem. .
The Alarming Rise of Epidemiological Mass Surveillance
In Australia, a team from the university of NSW (UNSW) has developed an AI-driven early warning detection system for epidemics, called EpiWatch. The system curates, prioritises and filters incoming global data to capture and detect early epidemic signals – essentially a risk analytic tool, which will help governments prioritise responses and stop early spread.
The UNSW EpiWatch team anticipates “many more pandemics will emerge, and are striving to provide an end-to-end solution that will help prevent the next pandemic and ensure health security for all”.
The recent pandemic which started in 2020 witnessed in many countries the fast mobilisation of a raft of Government responses that included social distancing, fines, lockdowns, imprisonment, mask wearing, contact tracing and PCR testing. We must also not forget the relentless and heavy-handed campaign to take a provisionally approved experimental mRNA therapy, mandates and proof of vaccine certificates in order to work, have surgery, see loved ones, marry, bury loved ones, study, shop, worship, play or travel.
While an early detection system may be a useful innovation, the omnipotent view that it will “ensure health security for all” is concerning. The epidemic system is one thing, what is more important to know is how and for what reasons politicians, global organisations such as the WHO, profit seeking companies, foundations, NGOs and powerful bureaucrats will use this information. Another vital component not factored into this equation is an individual’s health and human rights. In Australia many liberties were breached over the past three years and continues to be breached by government and business to this day. Case in point: there are thousands of healthy doctors and nurses willing to work, but cannot because vaccine mandates are still in force.
An “AI” driven early warning system.
My advance warnings are better. 😉
The Australian Government already mass surveils us through numerous means, financial, car registration plate, phone tracking and even through the SEWERS via The National Wastewater Drug Monitoring Program (the Program), commenced in August 2016 for licit and illicit drugs plus now covid and other pandemic agents and who knows what else?
Australians might even be more surveilled than North Koreans. Do you think Kim Jong-un has his goons monitor your sewerage like the Australian Government does?
Certainly sewage in the UK appears to be monitored.
That was the source of the recent ‘panic’ over Polio, a ‘live’ virus was detected, in sewage, hypothesized to have been from someone vaccinated abroad with a live [though attenuated] virus.
Anyway, London decided to offer vaccination to children – especially those who had not hitherto been vaccinated.
All based on sewage monitoring.
Do they really expect us to believe that they can find a single virus from one individual in a virtual sea of effluent? A bit like detecting a rise in sea level of a fraction of a millimetre via observation from a rapidly orbiting, extremely high altitude satellite which is measuring a turbulent, constantly changing ocean surface. Blind belief is folly.
Hmm.. if they are expecting more pandemics, I wonder why? We have survived the ones in the past, and those that stand out only occur every few hundred years.
Is there something they are not telling us?
Scientists ‘grow black hole in lab’ – and it starts to behave strangely
SCIENTISTS have created a black hole in a laboratory to test a decades-old Stephen Hawking theory.
In a new study, researchers were able to recreate the conditions of a black hole in a lab.
In the study, a team of scientists used a single-file chain of atoms to simulate the event horizon of a black hole.
What came next is something known as ‘Hawking Radiation’ – a theory proposed by the late physicist Stephen Hawking.
Quick – gather up all the polly-tics, health experts etc and kick ’em through! 🤣
Prolly not as good as the black hole in SBS’s season 3 War of the worlds.
Quite good. Worth watching if you liked S1 & S2.
Micro or mini black holes are not a problem. They will not grow to swallow the whole earth.
There is even a theory that the suspected Planet 9 is a small black hole the size of a grapefruit with a mass 5 to 10 times that of the earth.
They don’t need to. Even a small black hole would consume the Earth piece by piece, reducing each “bite” to its constituent atoms, consuming the Earth one bite at a time.
Nom nom…
‘Asleep at the wheel’: Shareholders vent fury at Medibank board over hack
Medibank retail shareholders have vented their frustration at the private health insurer’s board at its annual general meeting, as the company continues to reel from a damaging cyberattack that has compromised the data of more than 10 million current and former customers.
Shareholder Johnny Hua was not satisfied by chairman Mike Wilkins’ response to his questions at the meeting. “I thought it was very poor,” he said.
“The chairman said [the breach] was unprecedented; that’s bullshit. Absolute BS. Every day there are security breaches, and Medibank contains a lot of serious, sensitive data. Prevention is what you need to do. The attitude they have right now, to me, it’s not satisfactory.
“Post event, I think they’re doing everything they could. But before, somebody didn’t take it seriously.”
Sydney pair Marie Fuller and Ron Strauss travelled to Melbourne for the meeting and were disappointed with how the company addressed the hacking scandal.
MOAR ridiculous bonuses for management. That’ll fix it.
Australia’s Hack-Back Plan Against Cyberattackers Raises Familiar Concerns
How far can its government — or any government or private company — go to proactively disrupt cyber threats without causing collateral damage?
The Australian government’s defiant proclamation recently that it would hack back against hackers that sought to target organizations in the country represents a break from the usual cautious manner in which nations have approached international cyber threats.
How effective the country’s newly announced “joint standing operation against cybercriminal syndicates” will be remains an open question, as does the issue of whether other nations will follow suit. Also unclear is how far exactly law enforcement is willing to go to neutralize infrastructure that it perceives as being used in cyberattacks against Australian entities.
Pressure for Hack-Back Legislation May Be Mounting
“As it becomes more obvious that the majority of organizations are poorly prepared to defend themselves, I think it is justifiable for well-resourced governments to step in,” says Richard Stiennon, chief research analyst at IT-Harvest. “I fully expect hack-back legislation to pass in response to some devastating attack that is visible to lots of voters. But I do not expect it to have teeth or change the landscape much.”
We’d better hope that the newly formed cyber defense team has way more real-world competencies and awareness of the consequences of actions than our laughable “medical experts” (and here we go again – more masks/lockdowns..)
Attacks on governments, energy and infrastructure are happening and will increase…
Chinese hackers use Google Drive to drop malware on govt networks
State-backed Chinese hackers launched a spearphishing campaign to deliver custom malware stored in Google Drive to government, research, and academic organizations worldwide.
The attacks have been observed between March and October 2022 and researchers attributed it to the cyber espionage group Mustang Panda (Bronze President, TA416).
According to Trend Micro researchers, the threat group targeted mostly organizations in Australia, Japan, Taiwan, Myanmar, and the Philippines.
In a report today, Trend Micro researchers say that the hackers used messages with geopolitical subjects and that most of them (84%) targeted government/legal organizations.
To bypass security mechanisms, the embedded link points to a Google Drive or Dropbox folder, both legitimate platforms with good reputation that are typically less suspicious.
These links lead to downloading compressed files (RAR, ZIP, JAR) with custom malware strains such as ToneShell, ToneIns, and PubLoad.
Dell Delivers Cyber Recovery Guarantee
According to the 2022 Global Data Protection Index Snapshot research (GDPI), nearly half of organizations reported suffering a cyberattack or other cyber incident that prevented access to their data in the last 12 months, resulting in financial losses that averaged $660k per incident. Not surprisingly, 63 percent of these same organizations lack the confidence they can reliably recover all business-critical data in the event of a cyberattack.
That is why Dell is announcing a Cyber Recovery Guarantee*, which states that Dell will provide up to $10M to assist in recovery of your data from ransomware and qualifying cyber events in the event that recovery of stored data is not possible.
This new Cyber Recovery Guarantee expands the Dell Technologies Future-Proof Program, which already includes the Data Protection Deduplication Guarantee.** The new Cyber Recovery Guarantee, combined with the Data Protection Deduplication Guarantee, delivers something all businesses want and need: confidence their data will be protected, available AND with significant storage efficiency, representing real cost savings.
PowerProtect appliances can help protect data in your production backup environment by making your backup copies immutable. This means a would-be attacker cannot overwrite, encrypt or delete the data residing in the backup storage repository on your production backup appliance.
How nice.
Dell? No thanks. I don’t like proprietary lock-in hardware for one.
I’ve had immutable backup image protection for 3 years, with a protected driver running in Ring-0 kernel, and that’s as good as it gets.
Well, the Yanks have been hacking other countries for years, the Chinese too, we seem to have endless money to throw around so we might as well join in the war…
methinks they are just know talking about what they are doing , and have been doing, because its expedient to be seen to be “doing something”
Since there is no liability for manufacturers of covid “vaccines” they tend to be tested on only a few or no animals.
For example, Pfizer’s BA.4 and BA.5 vaccine was tested on a whopping eight mice. Ref:
Can they at least be tested on the only lower species than an animal, politicians?
You are inviting a dangerous response from PETA.
People Eating Tasty Animals.
So test them publicly on pollies and health experts instead.
It’s a no-lose situation…
After all, they insist they are ‘safe and effective’!
Covid new wave crashing ashore. Lockdowns and masks for the festive season? Maybe Christmas crackers will have masks in them this year. Probably no better than pulling one of those silly hats down over your face.
I’ve noticed discounted flights, booked well in advance, between Sydney and Melbourne, have gone from a typical price of $99 each way to well over $350 each way.
It’s all part of locking us down and restricting mobility via artificial shortages of fuel. However, I don’t think the increased fuel price can possibly account for all of the increased ticket price.
They are gouging, its the ugly face of the free enterprise system.
More likely incompetence. QANTAS, particularly, pocked the millions of aid made available but gutted the workforce anyway. They now have problems. QANTAS has blown its credibility.
So it’s a combination of gauging and incompetence I guess.
Plus many pilots and other airline staff were sacked (fired) because they refused compulsory experimental “vaccines”.
el g,
It is really annoying to see comments like yours cluttering the airways. It is free of new information, it is unreferenced, it is probably wrong, it is as valid as a word salad like “Yair, no, g’day mate”. Why expend the effort to post?
If you have ever toiled in a free enterprise system, you will be aware that a study of a corporate financial report, including those little subscripted notes in fine print, is needed to discern if there is gouging, which IMO is rare. There is also little evidence that many free enterprise systems axiomatically have an ugly face.
A nice property of free enterprise is that you are free to join in or not. If your target takes your assets against your will, that is not free enterprise. So why bother to knee jerk about a system designed to minimise harm to you should you volunteer to join in.
Now go pull the wings off a few more flies before they die. Geoff S
So the one-way ticket out of Vicdanistan has jumped 3.5x?
Still very much worth it.
How much does a U-Haul trailer cost extra?
Can it be attributed to the coercion of the bus and train operators?
Try fares of $1000 return Adelaide to Hobart on Jetstar which I just flew this last week. The alternative was ADL-MEL-HOB return on Virgin who wanted $1300. Its obscene.
The way victoriastan is going, I’m surprised that flights into vic are not free, and one-way flights out of vic (to anywhere) probably should cost thousands.
More FTS
And rushing to more regulation
Qatar pulls the plug on beer at the World cup, two days out.
Who’d a thunk it.
I notice no Leftoids are complaining about Qatar’s treatment of women or gays either.
Saturday entertainment
Al Gore trying to destroy evidence.
Boys in girls sports get what they deserve.
I don’t know what it is, but I’m not turning my back to it!
Still not as hot as the Chillis I eat.
That last one is a bit ahead of leading car bodywork!
Word “Brownie” Struck From Newspeak Dictionary
As we work toward utopia, the Newspeak Dictionary grows ever thinner, with the eventual objective of reducing human language to inarticulate grunts so that no one can say anything offensive. Canada leads the way by abolishing the term “Brownie.”
Background on Canadian Brownies:
Girl Guides of Canada is a founding member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts and was founded in 1910. The Brownie is a branch of Girl Guides that teaches outdoor safety and other life skills to girls ages 7-8.
Jill Zelmanovits, CEO of Girl Guides of Canada, explains why Brownies must no longer be called “Brownies”:
“Our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion at Girl Guides calls on us to listen to the lived experiences of racialized girls and take action to safeguard these commitments.”
Zelmanovits says that calling Brownies “Brownies” has “caused them personal harm.”
So let’s just ban all “offensive” colours: black, white, brown, yellow etc.
Let’s use CMYK or Pantone values instead.
“A person of Pantone value 504 was arrested for participating in a mostly peaceful incident today.. ” 😆
There are so many stupidities assailing us. I was an aspiring Brownie, just about to be enrolled, when we had to move because of a military posting. Later on I became a Girl Guide.
So “Earning Brownie points” is hate speech today.
Silly me, I thought it was an a thoughtful act.
So we cannot say black. Black tea. Black coffee. Black bread.
Now we cannot say Brown?
How many more colours will be stolen by racist snowflakes? When Peter Ustinov landed in New York on his first trip, he put down his colour as Pink. It was not funny then to the police as in pinko, and even less funny now. Except that it is funny.
A few decades ago, comedian Ugly Dave Grey in a bar routine in Melbourne was asked to stop telling Irish jokes by his sensitive audience who claimed Irish heritage. So he started again. Two Indians walk into a bar. Paddy and Mick.
There are no spaces safe enough for snowflakes. They need to live apart from real people.
I bet he couldn’t quote a single instance of that ever happening.
And why didn’t anyone in the Legacy media ask the question?
Never say to a Leftoid “how stupid can you get”. They see it as a challenge.
That is interfering with Australian tradition!
As in (from “not Clancy of the Overflow”)
“And when you eat the babbler’s brownie
Then you’d better close your eyes
‘Cause it’s hard to tell the difference
‘Tween the currants and the flies”
Can you see Elbow riding to the rescue?
An authentic brownie recipe from Tom Cole’s “Hell, West and Crooked”
“Brownie is the bushman’s version of cake, a concoction of flour, baking powder, whatever dried fruit is available, but usually sultanas – currants as well in a good season – and of course sugar. Baked in a camp oven or, if at the homestead, an oven it is very good. especially if you haven’t tasted real cake for a long time.”
Stop the world, I want to get off.
Norwegian Health Institute is now saying that using hand sanitizers had almost no effect in stopping the spread of covid.
Really? I’m shocked. Shocked I say!
Seeing the behaviour of so many people at the time, I’m not surprised. Many didn’t bother with the sanitiser and were using grubby handkerchiefs, rubbing their noses, licking their fingers to open veggie bags, etc. etc.
When buying fresh produce I always pick the ones highest up and at the back of the shelves where the “grubby stumpies” can’t reach and touch it.
Technically it’s illegal to handle fresh produce then return it to the shelf…
you would have a lower risk of “grubby stumpies’ John but there is still the people involved in arranging the produce as well as the cashier who handles the produce, unless it is bagged but still handles the bag as it goes through the shielded cashier at the checkout
really that argument is not plausible anymore
although l agree that l went through that thought process at the start of the plandemic to the point that my wife would wash our goods at home on the floor with hand sanitizer before we were allowed to put it away
just crazy
One can always choose NOT to live life in a bubble.
When did you last sanitise your keyboard? I am sure you never pick your nose or your bum but germs haf vays!
Irritant Contact Dermatitis Caused by Hand Sanitizer Use and Handwashing During the COVID-19 Pandemic
“Knock It Off – Get up, Get Back on Your Feet, YOU are the ONE They Can’t Beat, and YOU Know It….
November 18, 2022 | Sundance | 27 Comments”
CNN eats a sandwich
India, AFAIK, has no oil pipeline across the Himalayas so any Ru oil they buy is seaborne, therefore limited by the number of tankers.
Also, AFAIK, Ru oil cannot pass through Suez so must round the cape.
This is no big deal. India is entitled look after their own interests.
Excess Deaths are Result of ‘Climate Change’ says HSA Chief
The Health Security Agency boss, who was one of the zealots constantly demanding lockdowns, mandates and vaccines throughout the last two years now claims that the huge excess death rate that we are seeing is not only nothing to do with those demanded but caused by… climate change.
Jenny Harries, when questioned about the 2,800 excess deaths that had occurred last month, claimed that the excess deaths were caused by periods of hot British weather in the summer and appears to borrow from Just Stop Oil’s oft repeated lie that ‘thousands of Britons died from the hot weather in Britain this year.
Just for clarity, there were three deaths in England and Wales that were attributed to the hot weather: All were teenage boys who drowned whilst swimming in rivers during the two hot days that Harries now claims was a ‘summer’.
Harries said: “If several aeroplanes all exploded and we’d lost that many people it would be frontpage news in health protection terms.” going on to claim the “climate emergency” would bring wide-reaching health impacts, “with food security, flooding and mosquito-borne diseases posing threats”.
Harries was part of a governing elite that trashed the British economy and will have caused an estimated 260,000 deaths over the next five years. The same group who are now attacking us again by banning reliable and cheap fuel. Harries argues that the threat to health should be considered as part of the U.K.’s broader climate policy, but the biggest threat to health is her and her friends. Make no mistake, they are the real danger to every single person in Britain today.
We need more idiots to glue themselves to floors in protest…
More FTX
An able bodied Norwegian man now identifies as a disabled woman.
Candace Owens discusses.
Why are so many organisations so spineless that they can’t call BS. We’re in an Emperor with no clothes kind of situation, surely, where one person with spine can collapse the whole thing. Aren’t we??
And the CO2 claims by COPout
The being featured in this video wants to be surgically altered to have the appearance of both types of genitalia.
Wasn’t there a limerick along those lines?
It just wants to be able to **** itself !
NINETY-THREE Dead Doctors after vaccine rollout. Ontario is telling doctors to consider psychiatric drugs for those who won’t take the vaccine
In his latest interview with Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson, Dr. William Makis talks about the above-mentioned ‘suggestion’ by the Ontario College of Physicians, NINETY-THREE suddenly dead Canadian doctors, and the corruption in the Canadian medical establishment.
Yes, you’re mentally ill for refusing the vaxx, but a 4yo who likes the colour pink needs gender reassignment surgery. Poor little dear with such misguided and ignorant parents..
Well, this is interesting:
General Motors newest business? Repairing Teslas
By Gary Gastelu FOXBusiness
General Motors dealership garages have been busy lately … fixing Teslas.
Company President Mark Reuss revealed during the automaker’s Investor Day presentation in New York on Thursday that GM service centers performed repairs on more than 11,000 Tesla vehicles since 2021.
“So that’s a growing business for us,” Reuss told analysts.
More than 11,000 Teslas were repaired at GM dealers since 2021.
Reuss didn’t elaborate on the type of work being done on the vehicles, and GM has not responded to a request from FOX Business for more details.
John Stossel:
Electric Cars: Inconvenient Facts, Part One (4m 58s video)
Electric Cars: Inconvenient Facts, Part 2 (6m 5s video)
“We Don’t Need No Stinking Giant Fans”
An interesting chart presentation there!
“Methane: Much Ado About Nothing”
“The Twitter Paradox”
“Oh my Ghod, Musk fired half of Twitter’s employees and half of the remainder quit! It’s apocalypse now!
Uh…… Twitter is running.
What does this tell you about so-called “ESG” and “employees” who make six-figure salaries yet don’t make the company anything?
Quite a bit, if you have a brain. And by the way, you don’t happen to think this sort of “staffing without return on investment” happens all over the place, right? Including the 9 out of 10 medical “workers” over the last couple of decades who never see a single patient or provide a single thing to a single person who is ill?
PS: All of that is very inflationary, you know.”
He missed education there IMO.
And I was reminded –
“Big Government”
“A Smoldering Fuse”
“This is going to be a clusterf* for the ages, and will propel the USA into a depression with no visible horizon.”*-nation/a-smoldering-fuse/
“Bizarro bald ranger rant” at soccer world cup
As per Kipling’s “La Nuit Blanche” just imagine what he might have drunk the night before?
Robin Dunbar (2010). “How Many Friends Does One Person Need? Dunbar’s number and other evolutionary quirks”. Faber and Faber. P214.
On Education.
“But my real concern is this. An education is not just a technical training in the arcane knowledge of a discipline (whether that be history, politics or a science). It is training in how to think and evaluate, how to marshal evidence for and against a position, how to approach a problem critically without falling prey to prejudice and preconception. Those are skills that everyone from bank manager to politician, journalist to local government functionary, needs every working day. But to train those skills, it is necessary to excite an interest. And somewhere along the line between primary school and university, we are managing to stamp out that sense of excitement and enquiry. We will rue the day we lost sight of that.”
(My bold)
An interesting book IMO.
“I bet @EmmanuelMacron now regrets to have picked a fight with @GiorgiaMeloni”