A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Cyber officials from 37 countries, 13 companies to meet on ransomware
The White House will host officials from 37 countries and 13 global companies in Washington this week to address the growing threat of ransomware and other cyber crime, including the illicit use of cryptocurrencies, a senior US official said.
The in-person meeting follows last year’s virtual inaugural meeting of the informal Counter-Ransomware Initiative, adding seven more countries and bringing in a diverse group of private sector players for the first time.
The White House hopes the meeting will allow participating countries to “institute a set of cyber norms that are recognized across the globe to counter criminal ransomware threats and hold malicious actors accountable,” the official said.
Participants plan to issue a joint statement at the end of the meeting on Tuesday, including a pledge to redouble efforts to bring pressure on Russia and other countries that harbor ransomware attackers, the official said.
A meeting to find ways to blame Russia for all cyberattacks and discuss how to herd the sheeple into a digital future given the risks that have gone public so far.
I’ve used Kaspersky for many years mainly as US vendors have government backdoors…
APA, Viterra caught up in Frontier ransomware attack
Two more companies, infrastructure operator APA Group and agribusiness Viterra, have identified themselves as victims of the Frontier Software data breach.
The breach was first disclosed last year after a ransomware attack impacted Frontier’s CHRIS21 payroll software.
In both cases, data of employees and former employees, not customers or suppliers, is potentially involved.
APA, which recently acquired Basslink, said around 460 former and 130 current employees may be impacted.
“Frontier informed APA this data included name, date of birth, some salary information and tax file numbers,” APA’s notification states.
Viterra did not disclose the number of affected staff: the Frontier breach, it said, “has impacted a limited subset of data relating to a number of current and former employees in 2006 of Viterra”.
“Name, address, date of birth, tax file number, BSB number, financial account number, superannuation membership details, salary information and/or position within Viterra” may have been exposed.
Free IDCARE support is available to affected individuals of both organisations, and the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner, the Australian Cyber Security Centre, the Australian Tax Office and the Australian Federal Police have all been notified.
Other organisations caught up in the breach included Tasmanian casino operator Federal Group, South Australian government employees, and in September, the Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation and Workskill Australia.
Australia’s Data Breach Wave: Workaday Cybercrime
Is Australia’s data breach wave a coincidence, bad luck or intentional targeting? Maybe all three. But the security weaknesses that have led to the incidents are not exotic. Here’s an analysis.
None of intrusions are the result of indefensible exploits. The culprits are the usual suspects: an insecure API, compromised credentials, a failure to quickly patch, everyday account takeovers and bad development practices. And the people behind these attacks are most likely workaday cybercriminals, not top-level nation-state attackers.
Medibank Private
Energy Australia
The worry for Australia should be that nation-state actors aren’t going to be as obnoxious and public about their intrusions. And post-Optus, they may very well see Australia as a soft target. If the workaday cybercriminals are having so much success now, Australia may be in for a rough run.
State actors are already in.
They don’t advertise their successes, and take vastly more care to avoid detection. Ransomware-artists are the opposite.
CSIRO and Universities are completely compromised, and a direct conduit of all data back to China is running 24hrs/day.
Plenty of “new” Australian citizens of Iranian and Chink birth-origin are given baseline security clearances, because it would be racist not to.
Definitely worth a repost from Monday
November 2, 2022 at 7:50 am · Reply
Cassie of Sydneysays:
November 2, 2022 at 8:20 am
From The Oz..
Journalist’s speech to women lawyers ends in tears
If one were in search of evidence of the way in which sections of the legal profession are damaging their own profession and our society, it was recently handed to us by the Women Lawyers Association in the ACT.
For its recent gala dinner to celebrate the contribution of female lawyers to the law, this group chose ABC journalist Louise Milligan as its keynote speaker. The event, held on October 21 at the National Museum of Australia, turned into a public humiliation for many lawyers.
Some women at the gala dinner were in tears, many more were hurt and upset, as they sat through an address they say shamed female barristers and lawyers who defend people accused of sexual crimes. Female defence lawyers who attended that evening, from senior members of the profession to more junior ones, claimed to The Australian they felt under attack by Milligan’s address. They spoke of the public humiliation they felt as other female lawyers applauded Milligan’s attacks on their work as criminal lawyers.
Lawyers present at the gala dinner have claimed to The Australian that Milligan railed against the incompetence of prosecutors and criminal defence lawyers, citing suicide by complainants and claiming that the way victims were treated in court caused long-term trauma worse than the actual sexual assault they suffered.
Milligan, say these lawyers, claimed that women would not lie about sexual violence and that they should be called victim survivors, not complainants.
After the address, many lawyers present wondered whether, on the Milligan measure, we needed a justice system at all. Should we simply go from allegation to jail?
Verdict first trial following in the land down the rabbit-hole
and now in the land
Your somewhere between the Wizard of OZ and Alice in Wonderland!
You have entered…the twilight zone.
” ends in tears” … what a joke. One could assume that those offended were support officers or paper pushers. Being “LAWYERS”, if they were not able to publicly defend an opinion in a forum, then they haven’t got much going for them in the Court scene.
I assume the doors weren’t locked and these lawyers had the same option the rest of us do with Their ABC – opt out – walk out.
Lawyers, of all people, should be able to stand up for their rights. If they can’t: learn to drive a truck. They will be treated fairly on a big mine site. [True]
Is it .?
Why any more “worth a repost” , than many other threads ?
Dont forget to repost it again tomorrow then ! 🙄🙄
Here we are at November the 2nd. Just home from taking the hound for a run in the snow . Well over 150mm deep on the local mountain and snowing hard when we arrived. It was about 6 weeks ago that the off lead runs through the scrub were curtailed due to the snakes starting to appear. Dog reckons today was as good as it gets. The late septuagnarian that took him up wasn’t quite so enamoured. Somehow no matter how hard I frolic the toes stay cold.
Well, I watch a load of weather webcams around the world which helps me in my “denial” of AGW. Actually makes one hopping mad that others don’t see it! …. and then one hears / sees the rubbish in t he media from “educated” persons about this issue. Rhoddies blooming this now ( ONE ) Hedgehogs frollicking in the sun instead of hibernating. Like naughty bairns they’re not sleeping. FFS if the weather’s mild, isn’t it great thatthey can still forage and build up more reserves for an unknown winter. I would too, just thatthere ain’t much to forage this year – it’s been so cold! Cold nights was the killer since a warm early start to spring but a lot of the blossoms got killed off. THen it was dry and dull, so tomatoes haven’t ripened , apples still stuck on the trees, Plums likewise and then with the rain came the moulds on what little survived on the s heltered parts of the trees …. and so on it goes. No snakes but Midgeeez and Mosquitoes with the odd horsefly. and gutters now – not much rain but the little that has arrived seems to remain in the top layers -surely soil can’t be full already? So the dogs don’t like it, the Cattle standing around for their daily bales of straw, all just makes a gutter. No autumnal gales to dry things up or blow the leaf fall away, and too wet to tidy the lawn for the winter. and as I write, although we’d had a frost many weeks ago ( early) it’s manage to reach down to + 2 POINT 6 C ! – that all important POINT 6. aye, and we have a later than never Rhoddie in bloom now too – huh, no big cluster, just 2 little flowers – but at least it shows thatthe plant is still alive. First of only a few sweetcorn cobs this year was OK and have taken delight in getting sometea plants to join our miserable coffe plants. But heh, we have Grapes! still in leaf and were still flowering 4 weeks ago. usually struggle to flower at all, but the fruits are pea sized. All gors to show how this year everything has been much later and out of synch. but we’ve seen it before and accepted it then …. only that now the city bairns have woke up and telling us what we’ve already experienced , but BLAMING us for the the warm autumn. Who’s not to like.
” not much rain but the little that has arrived seems to remain in the top layers -”
Rain that falls during ascending moon phase tends to do that ; it can evaporate quickly too.
That’s why peasants like to bale hay during ascending moon ; it’s easier to keep the grass up off the ground , and it dries out quickly.
Farmers in Godzone have been bitching about the wet , but it’s the same story – deep moisture is scarce, because there has been little rain during descending moon , when it soaks in better.
The same pattern looks likely for November ; descending moon now , and we’re getting nothing .
A better chance of rain in the second half of November (according to Eye of Newt Almanac) , but it will be ascending moon, so little chance of adding to soil moisture.
Damn! I wrote that especially for . . ., and I didn’t even get a bite .
Just a red thumb.
Not fair!
Better luck next time.
Here’s the diagram anyway . The moon’s orbital plane , which is inclined at 5.14deg to the ecliptic, is above the ecliptic for half the tropical month, and below for the other half.
The argument would be that it makes no difference to the attractive force between the moon and terrestrial water.
” didn’t even get a bite” ….. didn’t you know that it’s the same with the Heron at our Garden Pool – NO Fish. Same as the WindNills locally – no wind. but the Midges and Mosquitoes are still out despite some quite low overnight temps: making the most of the strong sunshine and in sheltered spots, quite high temps. Sure to get bitten!.
As for the Moon’s phases, thanks for confirming what many others tell me. Should maybe be told in the weather reports when there’s so much run-off aka flooding ?
” in the weather reports when there’s so much run-off aka flooding ?”
It can be critical in agriculture , especially when farmers are complaining of the wet when 6″ down it’s dry.
It also makes a huge difference to traction ; slippery top layer over hard clay is like a skating rink for a tractor and heavy trailer.
“You Murderous Hypocrites”: Outrage Ensues After The Atlantic Suggests ‘Amnesty’ For Pandemic Authoritarians
The Atlantic has come under fire for suggesting that all the terrible pandemic-era decisions over lockdowns, school closures, masking, and punishing an entire class of people who questioned the efficacy and wisdom of taking a rushed, experimental vaccine – for a virus with a 99% survival rate in most, should all be water under the bridge.
“We need to forgive one another for what we did and said when we were in the dark about COVID,” writes Brown Professor Emily Oster – a huge lockdown proponent, who now pleads from mercy from the once-shunned.
“Let’s acknowledge that we made complicated choices in the face of deep uncertainty, and then try to work together to build back and move forward,” she continues.
Except, they weren’t “in the dark” about Covid. There were numerous sources pointing out the actual science that ran contrary to the mandate claims, and they were deliberately silenced by a vast media campaign. Evidence suggests that media platforms worked in tandem with Big Tech, the CDC and the Biden Administration. It was not a simple matter of overreaction, there was collusion to remove all counter-information.
Nice try, Emily.
Fear, hatred, discrimination, alienation, isolation, destroyed jobs, businesses & futures, divorces, mental & physical trauma & abuse, substance abuse, unsafe & ineffective vaxxes, uncounted injuries/deaths etc etc.
Bring on the global prosecutions of every last one of them.
No sympathy.
This is my favourite response so far.
This one is good too.
From the comments of this post:
Comment link:
Doesn’t sound like an idea whose time has arrived –
“Amnesty? Absolutely NOT”
“COVID Science is getting faker?”
We didn’t forgive and forget the nazis nor the bushido who carried out atrocities in the Pacific, with the notable exception of The Emperor himself. Morally hard to justify at the time but Japan’s rejection of samurai to that of a display “sport” justifies MacArthur’s plea to allow The Emperor to remain, weak chin and all.
Not even MacArthur who pleaded leniency in the Pacific or Patten who tried to have local Burghers reinstated in spite of any nazi leanings could/would make this case for leniency.
Let the war crime trials begin. [snip.]
New Hybrid Virus Discovered as Flu And RSV Fuse Into Single Pathogen
Researchers have witnessed two viruses – influenza A and respiratory syncytial virus – fuse together to form a single, hybrid virus.
While competition between viruses has been researched in some detail, this new finding provides researchers with an unusual example of one virus coopting another for its own benefits.
“This kind of hybrid virus has never been described before,” virologist and senior author Pablo Murcia told The Guardian. “We are talking about viruses from two completely different families combining together with the genomes and the external proteins of both viruses. It is a new type of virus pathogen.”
The hybrid virus looks like a gecko’s foot under the microscope, with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) forming the legs and influenza A virus forming the toes.
It was discovered during a lab-based experiment designed to analyze interactions between viruses during infection to better understand clinical outcomes, pathogen behavior, and transmission.
Human lung cells were exposed to both viruses, as well as each virus individually as a control group. An assortment of microscopy techniques then revealed filamentous structures consistent with a hybrid of both virus particles.
When these two viruses join forces, influenza A appears to infect a higher number and broader range of human cells. The influenza A particles were found to evade the immune system by displaying the RSV surface proteins, giving the virus a survival advantage.
The hybrid also spread into cells that lacked influenza receptors, which could allow influenza A to move further down the respiratory tract into the lungs and lead to more severe infections.
Orange County declares health emergency due to flu, RSV cases
A health emergency has been declared in Orange County due to rapidly spreading virus infections.
The county health officer issued the declaration Monday due to record numbers of pediatric hospitalizations and daily emergency room visits, the O.C. Health Care Agency said in a press release.
“Additionally, a Proclamation of Local Emergency has been declared, which allows the County to access State and Federal resources to address the situation and seek mutual aid from surrounding counties,” the statement said.
Pediatric beds at 90% capacity.
Over 70% of pediatric hospital beds in US full amid surge of respiratory illnesses
As the surge in children’s respiratory illnesses, including rhinovirus and enterovirus, continues across the country, one children’s hospital is considering installing a field tent to deal with the influx of patients.
Connecticut Children’s Medical Center in Hartford confirmed to ABC News it is considering working with the National Guard and the Federal Emergency Management Association as it explores the possibility of setting up a tent on the hospital’s lawn.
The hospital currently has more than one dozen pediatric patients who are waiting for beds.
“We’re thinking of other alternatives as well as adding space, such as a mobile hospital out here on the front lawn,” Dr. John Brancanto, division head of emergency medicine at Connecticut Children’s Medical Center, told ABC News’ Erielle Reshef. “We are seeing a very high number of patients and very high acuity.”
Another hospital in the state, Yale New Haven Children’s Hospital, said overall RSV cases seen in the emergency department jumped from 57 last week to 106 currently.
While the hospital currently has one to three children admitted with COVID-19, there are 30 admitted with RSV, according to Dr. Thomas Murray, associate medical director for infection prevention at Yale New Haven Children’s Hospital.
I’m seeing major upticks in RSV pediatric cases…
I wonder how hard it was for them to engineer that?
“I wonder how hard it was for them to engineer that?”
Exactly! No sign of it in real life, so they have to make it in the lab. Now they’ll grow samples and mail them around the world to different labs to fart around with until it gets out, the usual plan.
I’ve read a few SF books where the scientists are all strung up for their inventions, probably just after the politicians..
In a way we already do, and have done ever since Little Johnny Howard gave us “retrospective legislation” as Treasurer, way back in the early 1980’s.
That, and effectively disarming the civilian population, is why he is the second most odious, obnoxious, dangerous politician we have ever had.
Second only to the recently departed Scott Morrison, who effectively and deliberately bankrupted and destroyed Australia’s middle class.
Sorry – that should have been a reply to Old Ozzie at #2 above.
“effectively disarming the civilian population” really?
what are all the rifle and pistol clubs and hunters using? slingshots?
I cannot own an air rifle “just because”.
I am disarmed.
No your not, you have made your own choice to disarm yourself.
you’re (doing one on of my own pet peeves)
I’m baaaack! Miss me?
Government orders poultry farms lockdown over ‘UK’s largest ever bird flu outbreak’
All captive birds and poultry will be placed in lockdown across England because of the continued rise in bird flu cases.
The measures have been announced by the the UK’s chief veterinary officer which are designed to protect the birds from the deadly disease.
Owners have one week to prepare for the new measures – with the new rules coming into force at one minute past midnight on Monday, November 7.
Since late October 2021 – there have been more than 200 cases of avian influenza confirmed across the UK.
The national risk of bird flu in wild birds was raised to ‘very high’ two weeks ago and the whole of Great Britain was made a bird flu prevention zone.
Christine Middlemiss, the chief veterinary officer, said: ‘We are now facing this year, the largest ever outbreak of bird flu and are seeing rapid escalation in the number of cases on commercial farms and in backyard birds across England.
‘The risk of kept birds being exposed to disease has reached a point where it is now necessary for all birds to be housed until further notice.
Iowa egg facility reports bird flu outbreak that will require killing 1.1 million hens
DES MOINES, Iowa — Wright County, Iowa, reported its first bird flu case this year, hitting a commercial egg-laying facility that will result in 1.1 million chickens being destroyed to contain the highly contagious and deadly virus, the Iowa Department of Agriculture reported Monday.
Enjoy your KFC while you can.
Cricket burgers coming soon.
Protesters please note that there will be a shortage of eggs for throwing at politicians.
” a shortage of eggs”? Nah!, just get them from the non domestic birds …. ??? think about it!
Now They Want a Pandemic ‘Amnesty’
The school shutdown lobby now want voters to forgive them. Not so fast.
By The WSJ Editorial Board
Nov. 1, 2022
Believe it or not, American Federation of Teachers chief Randi Weingarten on Monday tacitly acknowledged that keeping schools closed during the pandemic was a mistake. Miracles happen, apparently.
But she also now wants parents—especially if they’re voters next week—to forgive her and her political allies without seeking an apology or holding them accountable. Sorry, that lets them off way too easy.
“I agree,” Ms. Weingarten tweeted a link to a piece in The Atlantic by Emily Oster, “Let’s Declare a Pandemic Amnesty.” The article argues that Americans should forgive experts and government leaders for their mistakes during the pandemic.
Ms. Oster cites school closures as one example: “There is an emerging (if not universal) consensus that schools in the U.S. were closed for too long: The health risks of in-school spread were relatively low, whereas the costs to students’ well-being and educational progress were high.”
However, she adds, “in spring and summer 2020, we had only glimmers of information. Reasonable people—people who cared about children and teachers—advocated on both sides of the reopening debate.”
That’s awfully generous to Team Shutdown, which included all of the progressive great and good and nearly all of the media. Yet it was clear by summer 2020 that children were at extremely low risk for severe illness. They were also struggling with remote learning, as were their parents. All efforts should have been made to reopen schools, as Florida did in August 2020, and to keep them open.
But the teachers’ unions lobbied hard to keep them closed and succeeded in far too many places where they dominate local and state politics. Many big city school districts didn’t reopen until spring 2021. Chicago didn’t offer full in-person learning until last fall. The results in lost learning have been catastrophic.
Ms. Oster pardons Ms. Weingarten because “on every topic, someone was eventually proved right, and someone else was proved wrong” and “in some instances, the right people were right for the wrong reasons.” You can guess who the right people are.
This plea for forgiveness would be more plausible if the shutdown lobby had shown more willingness during the pandemic to listen to other arguments that proved to be right. Instead they dismissed and tried to discredit the authors of the Great Barrington Declaration who argued for focused protection of the most vulnerable while opening schools. Tech platforms censored them.
Ms. Oster says “most errors were made by people who were working in earnest for the good of society.” But the teachers unions intentionally misled the public by hyping the virus risks for children. They did this to extort more money from Congress to “safely reopen” and compensate for learning losses from the shutdowns. Democrats gave them $122 billion last March, only about 15% of which was spent during the 2021-22 school year.
“Getting something wrong wasn’t a moral failing,” Ms. Oster writes. But in Ms. Weingarten’s case, it was.
One certainty: The left will never forgive the shutdown dissenters, notably Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, for being right.
Quantum Entanglement Has Now Been Directly Observed at The Macroscopic Scale
Quantum entanglement is the binding together of two particles or objects, even though they may be far apart – their respective properties are linked in a way that’s not possible under the rules of classical physics.
It’s a weird phenomenon that Einstein described as “spooky action at a distance”, but its weirdness is what makes it so fascinating to scientists. In a 2021 study, quantum entanglement was directly observed and recorded at the macroscopic scale – a scale much bigger than the subatomic particles normally associated with entanglement.
The dimensions involved are still very small from our perspective – the experiments involved two tiny aluminum drums one-fifth the width of a human hair – but in the realm of quantum physics they’re absolutely huge.
While there’s nothing to say that quantum entanglement can’t happen with macroscopic objects, before this it was thought that the effects weren’t noticeable at larger scales – or perhaps that the macroscopic scale was governed by another set of rules.
Now for quantum entanglement & consciousness.
Is the leafy one around? 😎
Here, kitty. Here kitty, kitty, kitty. I’ve got a nice box for you. . . .
Pelosi Home Had Live CCTV Security Feed, Capitol Police Were Not Watching During Attack But There is a Recording
November 1, 2022 – Sundance
Apparently, the San Francisco home of Paul and Nancy Pelosi has real time CCTV security remotely monitored by the Capitol Hill Police.
However, as the story is told, during the attack on Paul Pelosi, no one was watching the CCTV monitors. But it does appear there is a recording.
(Fox News) – Officers from the U.S. Capitol Police have live video surveillance outside the Pelosi’s San Francisco residence, but weren’t watching it when David DePape, 42, allegedly attacked Paul Pelosi, the husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, sources tell Fox News.
The officers were monitoring a live-feed of many cameras, which include surveillance of the capitol complex, but also monitor some points away from the capitol, which include the Pelosi residence.
According to sources, an officer was monitoring the feeds and saw police lights on a dark street outside the Pelosi’s residence. When going through surveillance footage, the officer saw the alleged attack on Oct. 28, when DePape allegedly struck Paul Pelosi, people briefed on the incident said, according to the report. (read more)
Eddie, remains suspicious….
From the Comments
– Figures. Just realize that capital police evidence is not accessible under FOIA. This is why significant camera footage from J6 has not been made available to defense attorney’s for J6 victims.
So it appears capital police can pick and choose what evidence they want to be made available. Will be interesting to see where this goes. Capital police will be protecting Pelosi.
– SFPD video, SFPD bodycam video, SFPD report
The FBI report is idiotic. Let’s see the SFPD report – you know, the responding agency. Yeah let’s see that.
– You know who else was under surveillance but no one was really watching? Epstein.
Funny how crimes can happen under the watchful eye. Almost like someone allowed it to happen.
The Speaker of the House and her husband were entitled to Secret Service protection, and it would be extraordinary if that protection was not provided at a time when insurrection was believed to be afoot.
And his hippie assailant is now identified as a Democrat preferred illegal immigrant, in a Democrat Sanctuary City. It’s all a Republican plot.
The security agencies involved will also be protecting themselves.
Very likely Paul Pelosi was expecting David DePape and the latter was allowed to pass through at least three layers of security, and escorted into the house by a security officer.
DePape and Pelosi were then allowed an inappropriate degree of privacy.
Pelosi subsequently realised that he was endangered by his guest but was not in a position to alert his personal security. He was able to call 911 and that call indirectly notified Pelosi’s security that their charge was in trouble.
Mass demonstrations in Germany demanding an end to Russia sanctions
Mass demonstrations took place in several cities across Germany on October 30, 2022. The people on the streets are demanding an end to sanctions on Russia which causes the destruction of their economy and inflation.
While mass media outlets again report just a couple of hundred people attending the protests, there were tens of thousands of people protesting on the streets of Europe’s largest economy yesterday.
Some of the protesters said their so-called leaders had enough time to make positive decisions but they refused to make them.
There’s something ultimately powerful when such huge masses of people come together with one unified goal.
Clashes with police during massive anti-government protests in Chisinau, Moldova
Massive anti-government protests are again taking place in Chisinau, the capital and largest city of the Republic of Moldova.
Some reports mention more than 65 000 people took to the streets of the capital on October 30, calling for the resignation of President Sandu and the normalization of relations with Russia.
The protesters clashed with the police, resulting in the detention of several opposition politicians.
May as well add France, Brazil, Czechoslovakia etc to the list.
The predicted 2023 global unrest and chaos is building.
Politicians, short of going to Mars, have nowhere to hide.
I think the proverbial poo is going to hit the revolving blade sometime over the next month for a lot of European countries caught in energy poverty. It’s one month until true Winter. My guess is some Peace negotiation brokered by Germany between Ukraine and Russia. December 1 all the gas turned back on for ze Germans.
What’s Going on With Joe Biden’s Hand?
Similar pictures of Putin circulating along with the cancer/steroid/painkiller rumours.
It’s almost as if…….?
who did he have it on this time?
Average to above average TC forecast for this summer
‘Sea Surface Temperatures are well above average for this time of year, particularly off the NT and Qld coasts, with some parts as much as 3.5ºC above normal. This makes an earlier start to the tropical season more likely and makes severe tropical cyclones a higher chance.’ (Weatherzone)
Meanwhile it’s still snowing in NSW. Forecast to continue for another week or two.
And that’s skiable snow 25 to 30 cm a day.
They are modelling the SST to the north of Australia and suspect the TC season will open early.,-9.42,1057/loc=146.916,-15.497
Again? Seriously? We haven’t even been getting “normal” monsoons for a few years now.
Its doubly weird because they are using data from a previous season to forecast 2022-23.
‘Long-term average number of tropical cyclones, using data from the 1969–70 season to this ( 2022 ) season.’ (BoM)
They are focussed on a repeat of the 1969-70 season, when 14 cyclones were recorded.
Voodoo modelling? Or perhaps their supercomputer knows more than us?
Monsoon disruption is not generally discussed, so I’ll put my hand up, its a global cooling signal.
As the TC numbers have been trending down over recent years, I confidently predict a below average TC season.
Facing an electoral wipeout next week, but seeing the White House circling the wagons already with reasons why the election disaster can’t be blamed on President Biden, the coordinated campaign to force Biden to step aside in 2024 mooted here several months ago appears to be getting an early re-start a week ahead of the election.
Behold the New York Times tonight, channeling Power Line:
MIAMI GARDENS, Fla. — President Biden verbally fumbled during a campaign swing in Florida on Tuesday, confusing the American war in Iraq with the Russian war in Ukraine, and then he fumbled again while he tried to correct himself, misstating how his son Beau died in 2015.
In defending his record on inflation, Mr. Biden was trying to blame rising costs on President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia for his invasion of Ukraine, which has roiled international energy markets. It’s a point that he makes regularly in public speeches, but this time he mixed up his geography and history.
“Inflation is a worldwide problem right now because of a war in Iraq and the impact on oil and what Russia is doing,” Mr. Biden told a crowd during a speech at O.B. Johnson Park in Hallandale Beach, Fla., before heading to Miami Gardens for an evening campaign rally with Democratic candidates. He quickly caught his own mistake. “Excuse me,” he said, “the war in Ukraine.”
But as he tried to explain how he mixed up the two wars, he told the audience, “I think of Iraq because that’s where my son died.” In fact, Beau Biden, a military lawyer in the Delaware Army National Guard, served for a year in Iraq. He returned home in 2009 and died of brain cancer in the United States in 2015. . .
Mr. Biden, who at 79 is the oldest president in American history, has a long record of gaffes dating back to when he was a young man. But his misstatements have become more pronounced, and more noticed, now that he has the spotlight of the presidency constantly on him. While Mr. Biden has said he intends to run for a second term, his age ranked at the top of the list for Democratic voters who told pollsters that they want the party to find an alternative, according to a survey by New York Times and Siena College this summer.
The New York Times printing a headline like this is a flashing beacon to the rest of the media that they should get ready to produce their own drumbeat of stories on this theme, which isn’t exactly news. Maybe the Times new Biden-era motto will be, “All the news that’s fit to print about our unfit president.” Better late than never.
They need to get the preferred person in Harris’s VP spot before they can move Biden. When I see Harris resign or get Arkancided I will beleive somethings happening.
The AMO index shows a very positive spike, which is clearly anomalous.
Good sign for a mild European winter
At the moment the SH seems to be suffering accelerated global cooling, the NH the usual global warming, so whatever’s happening, it isn’t really global!
yes it is, on average everything is normal
‘ … it isn’t really global!’
The hemispheres dance to different tunes, but the oceans make us one world. The cooling Southern Ocean takes time to impact the NH directly, but its fingerprint can be detected in this triple La Nina.
The AMO spike is fairly unique, but not unprecedented, on a par with 1878 and 1937.
Can we please have a list of Australian politicians & officials who have attended the last 10 WEF meetings.
In preparation for upcoming WEF meetings as well as the COP 27 meeting in Egypt could someone with the information start preparing the names of Australian politicians & officials who will be attending.
This will give an idea of who is responsible for the chaos about to be unleashed in our once proud country. I guarantee there will not be on patriotic politician or official among them.
We need to know the enemies within.
I have an inkling of at least one attendee, being that moron that identifies as the Energy Minister!
No need for Aussie politicians to attend – though many of them will.
Ms Julie Inman Grant is running Australia now. She attends all such meetings on our behalf, is usually one of the speakers, and gives our pollies their marching orders when she gets back.
Ms Grant’s role is that of eSafety Commissioner. Emphasis on Cyber attacks & cyber security. No mention of WEF involvement. Care to swap your research ???
Fair Shakesays:
November 2, 2022 at 5:25 pm
I work in automotive industry where we are going electric by choice or force. Anywho I have been in some meetings lately reviewing capacity for dealers to handle the expected volume of EVs. The direct chargers themselves are quite expensive all the way up to super fast chargers by some German brands in the order of $0.5m to $1.0m. But they really are fast chargers….with issues for another day.
we do know that some dealers do not have enough power from the grid getting to their site. So now they are up for substation upgrade costs. Think $250k and upward. Maybe the whole area needs an upgrade into the $millions which you may be able to share with neighbouring dealers.
Now we are hearing the grid suppliers and saying no to new applications for substation upgrades cos ….as has been pointed out by others here at the Cat…..the infrastructure cannot handle it. We really have not thought this through.
Wanna bet?
The Plan is to make ICE vehicles too expensive to run and seriously limit the supply of electricity to recharge EV’s. The overall intent is to limit travel by us proles to local public transport – buses and trains.
Permit required for transport outside a designated zone, of course…
Buy a horse NOW , whilst they are still available !
Unintended consequences?
Cost of food going up even more?
” limit travel by us proles to local public transport – buses and trains. “.
That’s only for the essential people.
The 75+% of the NZ population who are non-essential during an “emergency” will stay at home and have their food delivered by electric bicycle couriers.
Remember the push bikes with the small front wheel and the big basket on the front?
I think they are called “Trade” bikes ?
Similar bikes still being made but with kiddy ( and even adult !) carriers on the front.
Even if all of that infrastructure was installed and upgraded, we would then need to dependent on intermittent generation to run it all. I don’t think any of the people in charge have both oars in the water.
“the people in charge have both oars in the water.”
They know exactly what they are doing ; they know it’s not possible.
That’s the whole point ; reduce your footprint . . .compulsorily.
Generally the left destroys before they have and solid working replacement for what was a working system.
A solid working replacement is impossible to obtain, and they know it.
Rushing the green energy transition will be painful
In fossil-fuel-rich Australia, the energy transition will be a massive economic adjustment, and very expensive.
John KehoeEconomics editor
As energy-rich Australia confronts an energy crisis, Germany could be the canary in the coal mine providing a reality check on the great energy transition.
Germany has invested record amounts in renewable energy and has been at the international forefront of decarbonisation to address climate change.
But Germany is turning back to coal-fired power plants to keep the lights on and to save energy-intensive manufacturing businesses from collapse. It has also postponed the phase-out of nuclear power plants.
Germany has unveiled an energy “defence shield” rescue package costing taxpayers up to €200 billion ($310 billion).
The catalyst has been the war in Ukraine and Russia shutting off gas supply to Germany.
The German experience shows that even after huge investments in renewable energy, Europe’s largest economy has nowhere near enough renewable capacity to keep the lights on and businesses alive.
The events in Germany are a reality check for politicians and activists breezily promoting cleaner, cheaper and more reliable renewable energy.
Economies and societies cannot function without reliable, affordable energy. Hopefully, one day clean renewables will be capable of delivering sufficient energy reliably and affordably. But currently there is no major economy in the world that is close to achieving it.
A lack of storage capability for renewables raises huge questions about rushing an energy transition before a new system is capable of delivering. Germany demonstrates the huge economic risks of prematurely shutting down reliable energy sources such as coal, gas and nuclear. Europe is facing a long, dark winter.
In fossil-fuel-rich Australia, the energy transition will be a massive economic adjustment, and very expensive. Large-scale electrification of transport and industrial processes will require several multiples of the existing generation capacity.
To reach net zero emissions by 2050 and shut off all coal-fired power, Australia will need to build the equivalent of 50 Snowy Hydro schemes, according to the Energy Security Board. Or seven times the capacity of the National Electricity Market that has been built over the past 24 years.
Is this realistically possible?
Just to reach the 43 per cent emissions reduction target by 2030, which Australia is already halfway to achieving, Energy Minister Chris Bowen says Australia will need to build 40 seven-megawatt wind turbines every month, or almost 4000 in total.
At the same time, more than 220,000 500-watt solar panels will need to be installed every day, and a total of 60 million by the end of the decade.
The claim that we can have cleaner energy, more reliable power and cheaper bills sounds too good to be true. Renewables may indeed be the cheapest marginal cost of energy when the sun is shining and the wind is blowing. But that ignores the total system costs of the supportive energy system infrastructure required to provide reliable, on-demand power when renewables are not available.
The dilemma is that intermittent renewables are making fossil fuels, particularly coal, less economic or unprofitable to run. Hence, coal-fired power plants are shutting early, eliminating historically reliable and cheap forms of power from the grid.
Paradoxically, the lack of a sensible economy-wide carbon price has overburdened the energy sector in reducing emissions and denied certainty to invest in baseload power.
Now, the journey we are embarking on – with governments picking technology winners, and blunt regulations such as banning coal and nuclear – will be a monumental disruption to the economy, business and households. The path will be bumpy and unpredictable.
Tim Ball “Human Caused Global Warming – the biggest deception in history. The why, What, Where, When and How it was achieved”
Recommended reading (IMO)
The late Mr. Ball’s articles were always looked forward to. Miss him already.
Excellent video from Paul Joseph Watson discussing how Leftists are starting to position themselves not to take blame for the C19 disaster.
9 mins
Snap! David.
I was just about to paste the same YouTube clip.
Interview with a man who has been a carnivore for his life from 14-54yrs.
He is in excellent health, as would be expected by anyone who understands the low or zero carbs keto dietary practice.
“The essential role of meat and dairy in healthy diets”
And to add a bit of history –
Toss this into that mix
“How Ancel Keys Brainwashed the Masses Into Fearing Meat (He’s Wrong)”
Russell Brand explains CBDC’s. Ably assisted by Rashid Sunaki.
Would be hilarious if it wasn’t for the fact that it’s actually happening.
13 minutes.
Central Bank Digital Currencies.
Pink Floyd on much the same subject, 40 years ago.
Fortunately, my education was not like that, at least as far as I remember.
Among the numerous things that are banned in Egypt where COP27 is taking place are binoculars and drones. Must be a fun place. It is completely compatible with the kind of dictatorship COP27 attendees aspire to.
But how would those high wattage minaret speakers got to be without fossil fuel?
Do you think insects will be on the banquet menus at COP27?
Filet de taxpayer.
We’re mere insects to them.
Please, let’s not be literal on this.
Farcebook is adding supposed “fact checks” to Professor Plimer’s work critical of claims of anthropogenic global warming fraudsters and yet we have this:
It was tax deductable because he was doing another Democrat campaign?
No one owns yachts or private jets paid for with “post tax” dollars.
I was about to correct that to “super yachts” but there are a lot of pre-tax yachts in your local marina [for Alice Springs say: aircraft].
Not all of course, there are enthusiasts everywhere, and some aircraft are justified commercially, a Cessna can earn its keep. I don’t want to sound like a greenie.
“In 28 trips between August 20 and October 15, Zuckerberg’s plane released more than 253 metric tons of carbon, data Fox News reported, citing data compiled using flight tracking software ADS-B Exchange and shared by Jack Sweeney, who runs a number of Twitter accounts dedicated to tracking the movements of the private jets of billionaires.
By comparison, the average American has an annual carbon footprint of 14.7 metric tons, according to data from the World Bank”
What if not all CO2 emission are created equal? Perhaps the CO2 emissions from the average American are emitted at close to ground level and are, soon after emission are used by plants, dissolved in the ocean etc thereby having no further effect on the atmosphere. On the other hand perhaps the CO2 emissions from a private jet, are emitted high in the atmosphere and therefore not available to use until they fall to the earth’s surface. If CO2 emissions in the atmosphere are as dangerous as we are told, the CO2 emissions from a private jet would be way more dangerous than those produced by at surface level.
This is the “fact check” that Farcebook adds to Professor Plimer’s work.
Fact Checkers are a menace and seek to sow confusion where ever they can. In this case Lachlan Cody does not check any facts.
He contests opinions with counter opinions
Proof Only Occurs in Pure Mathematics says Professor Steven Sherwood!
I would agree.
Then Professor Sherwood says (from the referenced article); “Prof Sherwood said “no reasonable analyst would assign any doubt” to the theory given the overwhelming evidence (see here, here, here, here, here and here).
He added: “We know beyond any reasonable doubt that CO2 is driving the warming we are seeing. We know this because (1) we can measure the impact of CO2 on the planetary energy balance, (2) we know from the laws of physics that this leads to warming, and (3) we observe the expected warming.”
I think he is wrong on every level.
And you would be right.
In science there are things outside of mathematics that have been “proved”.
The four LAWS of thermodynamics and the eight Gas LAWS come readily to mind.
Has Professor Sherwood not heard of Henry’s (Gas) LAW which ultimately dictates that atmospheric CO2 levels are a function of ocean temperatures?
And that one.
I wonder what drove the warming phase from 1910 – 1940 and then drove the cooling phase from then to the mid-70s (when CO2 was increasing).
Also the Holocene Optimum. Minoan Warming. Roman Warming Dark Ages, Mediterranean Warming, Little Ice Age come to mind when CO2 levels were low.
It used to be attributed to natural causes which scientists have now claimed no longer exists in this ‘warming’ period.
Climate is cyclical and ultimately caused by fluctuations in solar output. There are roughly thirty year cycles of warming and cooling creating roughly 150 year cycles of warming and cooling.
Hence it was cold from around 1400 to 1550, warmer from 1550 to 1700, cold from 1700 to 1850, and warming from 1850 to 2000. Now we are cooling again.
In the last cycle it warmed from 1850 to 1880, coooled a bit from 1880 to 1910, warmed from 1910 to 1940, cooled from 1940 to 1970, and finally warmed from 1970 until recently.
Yes, my point exactly, MV. But scientists are claiming natural and cyclical causes are no longer evident in this cycle – it’s all CO2 driven. What a lot of drivel!
‘Now we are cooling again.’
Its clear that the Southern Hemisphere is cooling, but the Northern Hemisphere is recalcitrant. The problem appears to be a wallowing AMO.
Its the first time I’ve heard of the 150 year cycle, if we break that down it might be possible to squeeze in a 60 year cycle and the Centennial Gleissberg.
Does anyone have the Cattlemax (Pour-On for beef and dairy cattle) conversion rate for Covid treatment, to use as a preventative and to treat long covid and spike proteins? If so I would really appreciate it. Other information would also be very welcome! I had it saved somewhere but I have sadly misplaced it!
Don’t recall that pour on treatments were ever recommended as a go to. Might have something to do with either/or conc. rate or carrier component. You might consider Equimec horse paste, straight without extra additives. Base dose rate same for different species, has an easy to regulate graduated application plunger. Would be worth checking FLCCC website to become informed on suggested dose rate which may be different for long Covid treatment
Injectable formulation is the cleanest . It is taken orally.
This might help
Links to MDS which shows the carrier is largely isopropyl alcohol so not for internal use and
The label where page 2 gives dose rate.
Toss up $100 and buy the kits from India. They sell Prof Borody’s treatment by the box of 6, and amazingly enough the boxes I ordered were delivered. I figured that if it never made it across the border I could afford to write it off.
‘Voters want gambling not fossil fuels banned from sports sponsorship: poll.
‘Only 27 per cent of Australians want to ban coal, oil and gas companies from sports sponsorship despite the stance taken by stars like Pat Cummins.’
On the Trump phenomenon.
I was remembering this AM, lo these 5 psychedelic years ago, clicking on ‘The Hill’ on-line news site, and noticing that EVERY headline had the word TRUMP in it.
I thought, “what the H…”.
At the time I considered the fellow a game show host and fringe vanity candidate with zero chance of surviving the primaries.
But yet the inside DC culture seemed suddenly and mysteriously obsessed with him (and still are).
Now it’s double “what the H…”.
There seems this ultimate historical convergence of Climate/Trump/Pandemic.
So “what the H… “?
Against my rational child of the Space Age self, I keep feeling as though this convergence has exposed the long hidden, seemingly Biblical, ages old struggle between the Forces of Darkness and Light.
And that one such as Trump turns out to be carrying the great Torch of Light is the stuff of myth.
Of course to many, he is the Orange Devil.
So there ‘ya go.
And we have lost the luxury of detached observation.
Has not the institutions of Science and Medicine abandoned detached observation?
Like a Christian/Pagan dichotomy.
Like when Cortez meets Montezuma.
Human sacrifice versus Sacrificed Human.
The “Climate Crisis’ has certainly spawned a scary form of anti-human ideology.
With religious fanaticism.
Rising to the point of desecrating the most revered art works of the Mind of Man.
Blow up Buddha.
Throw food at Van Gogh.
Maybe this darkness has set in because we got comfortable and stopped believing in darkness.
“Maybe this darkness has set in because we got comfortable and stopped believing in darkness.”
Gotta be a song for that :-
Take it away Leon . . .
Thanks, had not heard that one before.
Thomas Sowell on ‘climate change’.
4m12s video:
WOW.. Now we are going to get more rainbows !
Maybe this is where from. !
UN COP27 — It’s a gas, gas, gas
By David Wojick
The beginning: “Who would have guessed that a UN COP would turn into a promotion point for fossil fuel development? COP27 is looking that way, thanks to the energy crisis and Africa’s determination to develop itself. After all, these are developing countries, right? In this case some of them want to develop, use and sell their abundant natural gas resources. Imagine the green horror! Poor countries actually making money from fossil fuels.
How, or even if, this rapidly emerging issue will get on the COP 27 table remains to be seen, but it is certainly a lively topic of discussion on the side. Europe needs gas and Africa has it; green agenda be damned.”
Lots more in the article. Please share it.
Go Africa!
BRICS is the emerging centre of global financial power. South Africa is already part of BRICS and the rest of Africa will follow, as will Saudi Arabia and the other OPEC countries. The international currency of trade will be a gold-backed Yuan, replacing the fiat-based USD.
The Western (US and NATO aligned) wet dream of a CBDC is dead in the water, but the corpse is still writhing and will do so for a while yet.
Sharp as ever MV.
Hello farmerbraun.
How goes it with you? You must be up around my vintage.
Yep , still playing a valve Hammond – L100P. Solid state Leslie though. 🙂
If I make New Years Eve that will be the three score and ten.
Amusing them having their ashes & sackcloth meeting in Egypt- Libya is going to build new oil pipelines… to Egypt and Greece! They’ll need it in Cairo to refuel all those private jets!
“He also said that these pipelines will operate in parallel with the existing one to Italy and did not rule out the possibility that his country would request to join the Eastern Mediterranean Natural Gas Forum (EMGF), in which the countries of the region participate (Egypt, Greece, Cyprus, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Palestine are the founding members) except Turkey.”
The place is still a mess since the Yanks bombed it back to the stone age, the civil war still on-going.
Once again Hillary Clinton has declared that US voters are not smart enough to vote Democrat. No more than the elites expect from dumb deplorables.
More Hillary
Dr John Campbell talks about ongoing mysterious excess deaths.
The Lamestream media doesn’t see fit to report them. Nothing to see here!
Minimum of 15% extra deaths worldwide.
Cause: Cardiovascular disease of various kind in particular as well as other diseases.
When are people going to wake up?
Some of the perpetrators of the covid vaccine disaster are already panicking as discussed by Paul Joseph Watson:
The excess deaths in all age groups are surely going to cause a noticeable reduction in population?
Exactly what certain Leftists Elites have always wanted.
Won’t make a dent at the current rate.
Don’t be so sure.
Winter is coming.
Global deaths would have to double just to offset births.
Then there’s the rest of the 8 billion people to deal with.
Does depopulation still sound likely?
You are assuming no change in the birth rate ?
Not necessarily. Deaths are uncommon in the younger age groups so 15% extra does not amount to much. Conversely deaths are common in the old but 15% extra may not amount to many months of life lost.
I believe the excess deaths are across all age groups.
As Dr John Campbell says; “there is something pretty horrible going on”.
We need financial damages and gaol (jail) time for the guilty.
THEY were never following the science or best available information.
Look at the following PATHETIC article. Some of the perpetrators now know they were wrong. Very wrong.
“when we were in the dark”
Forgiveness will follow emergence from the dark i.e. enlightenment. Not a lot of it about at the moment.
The information about how they were wrong was always available.
They mocked rational pro-science people.
THEY refused to listen.
What they did was deliberate.
There can be no excusing of the horrible crimes and deaths that resulted in their decisions.
“The information about how they were wrong was always available.”
I scratch my head at the performance of the medical profession ; I guess we’ve found out where their allegiance lies.
But I know for a fact that they were told absolutely nothing by way of guidance . . . . .nothing. Still haven’t been informed.
They were just told “lockdown”.
The two biggest scientific frauds of all time are:
-The anthropogenic global warming fraud.
-The covid mismanagement fraud.
It’s difficult to judge who’s is the worst.
They are both threads of the same intent, David.
To kill off most of the world’s population.
AGW was to prevent the provision of reliable baseload power to deal with the coming cold.
Covid was to prepare us for the coming semi-permanent state of lockdown to control us as we starve and freeze to death in our homes.
There are others, David. Among them is the great cholesterol scare (ongoing), the great ‘Statins to the rescue’ lie (ongoing).
They’ve been at this for longer than my meager 74 years on this earth, and they’ll never stop on their own.
Other than that, IMO, you’re right on the money.
As I scroll up, I see that “another ian” (#22 & 22.1) has already hit those buttons, with links! 👍
The American Left talk about “right wing violence” despite the lack of any evidence whatsoever.
They even tried to call Paul Pelosi’s hookup-gone-bad “right wing violence” when obviously it wasn’t. Where is Paul’s “pride” in what he is?
Here are some figures I saw elsewhere:
The climate ‘crisis’ isn’t what it used to be
Posted on November 2, 2022
by Judith Curry
We don’t need no stinkin’ climate crisis ; the pandemic “crisis ” will do the job , with a little help from some “market manipulation”.
Another from Willis E –
“Theres a lot of misingleading information out there these days about the oil industry and the high cost of oil. So I thought I’d provide a basic overview of the oil industry for context and understanding.
How do I know anything about the oil industry? Well, it’s because of following my motto, “Retire Early And Often”, the origin of which I discussed in a post called “It’s Not About Me”.
So c’mon in, sit down, it’s a sea-tale of business adventure.”
” So … here’s the moral of this story:
NEVER let go of the old, or harm it in any way, until the new is well and truly in hand.”
Thats a good article, and a fine life story..but.!..
Whilst i agree that dosy Joe is fundamentally responsible for the oil crisis , there is still a huge disparity between the actual price of crude oil, and the end cost at the pump to the consumers.
Back in 2011/2012 oil was also at crazy highs ..$100+ /bl, as it is now,..but pump prices never reached the rediculous leveles we are seeing.
Somewhere along the “money pipe” there is a massive leak ,(or tap off to a profit account ?)
Just another comment on the COVID lab leak.
Not withstanding the beautiful paper Jo recently analyzed, showing how likely it was that the virus was made in a lab and leaked from there, that is all just a red herring to distract from their ultimate goal of getting us to submit to their control.
World domination is their goal, and pandemics and climate disruptions and mismanaged regional conflicts and economic disasters, etc., etc., are just tools they use to advance their agenda.
Don’t lose the plot.
Keep your eye on the ball, Covid leaked from the Wuhan Lab through the behaviour of a lone wolf. Or it was accidentally released by a hazmat worker who had become infected.
All this stuff about ‘world domination is their goal’ isn’t credible.
It’s completely credible, just incorrect.
The goal is extermination of most of the world’s population, not control.
But there’s no need to argue about it – as far as the northern hemisphere (NH) “western world” is concerned it is beyond the point of no return. The dying begins in earnest this NH winter and will be even worse in the next.
‘The goal is extermination of most of the world’s population, not control.’
That is crazy, who will buy the goods and services on offer to make the elites even wealthier. It may have skipped your notice, populations around the western world are in decline by choice.
They won’t need you to buy anything. They’ll just take tour money, and there’ll be nothing you can do about it.
To stop the rot we need a revolution.
@ el+gordo
China makes no secret that that’s what it wants, and China is their model. It’s not just credible, it’s blinking obvious.
Premier Xi’s vision is for a world without wars, where the deprived masses are uplifted. The idea is to move away from this warring states period and create a brave new world.
Socialism with American characteristics is within reach, its as Marx imagined.
Gee, I’m making my presence known here on this thread.
I wonder if it is just we two who frequent this blog and follow JJC. Your periodic comments re his musings never attracts much notable response.
I haven’t finished watching his latest / greatest?, so am unsure what turns up in the latter half of it. However, I don’t think that ascertaining reason has been a direct objective of his.
There obviously has to be a reason, but whether it will ever be found or disclosed is another matter. I’m thinking that perhaps there is a simple explanation, and onto which a lot of different, self-interested parties have piggy-backed along for the ride.
The “MAD” doctor is about to retire. For at least the past 20 years he has worked toward the objective of using the simple, relatively safe corona virus, to become a virile carrier of good or bad luggage depending on the objective.
What we are experiencing with this C19 episode, is the culmination of his work, onto which the political, military/defence, financial, pharmaceutical and ideological interests are all in unison to advance their individual well being and hang the expense.
I think he’d agree with what you write.
“I’m thinking that perhaps there is a simple explanation, and onto which a lot of different, self-interested parties have piggy-backed along for the ride.” – PTR
Most likely, I think. But i’m also of the opinion that some very influential bad actors are taking advantage of a confluence of events that they think will benefit them, and that they can control.
November minimums break a few records.
Ed Husic is planning for government intervention into the free market.
‘The federal industry minister has launched a blistering attack on gas companies, accusing them of failing to take a price crisis seriously.
The budget has forecast a 44 per cent rise in gas prices in the next 20 months.
The industry minister says despite more supply, gas companies have increased their prices.
The Coalition says it will closely examine any market intervention Labor proposes.
‘Ed Husic, who in recent days has accused gas companies of being tone deaf, told the ABC supply was being used to hide corporate greed.’ (ABC)
..and in other news-
“The most serious crisis since 1950 is on the Korean Peninsula with North Korea launched 23 missiles (so far) in one day and firing 100 artillery rounds in violation of all agreements with South Korea…. prompting Seoul to launch three surface-to-air missiles in the direction of of North Korean territorial waters”
..except they were all into the sea near the marine border between the two. The reason may have something to do with-
“Seoul and Washington have been conducting the largest joint air drills in their history since Monday, an exercise dubbed Vigilant Storm, with the participation of hundreds of fighters and bombers from the two countries.”
..and just as interesting-
“Serbia and Kosovo are again on the brink of conflict with the Serbian Armed Forces … shooting down an enemy drone that entered the Serbian EAC from Kosovo and was filming military installations. ..this is not the first invasion of an enemy drone in the airspace of Serbia. This has been happening massively for the past three days. It seems that some in NATO are very concerned about the movements of the Serbian Army.
In September, NATO brought reserve troops assigned to its peacekeeping mission KFOR to Kosovo for training, one of the mission’s commanders said, according to Reuters. Some 3,700 NATO peacekeepers are still stationed in the former Serb province to prevent violence between Albanians and Serbs”
Also in there you’ll find Rishi Sunak is digging in with the populace by saying he will-
“”overhaul the Equality Act to make it clear that gender means – only – biological sex”.
This would mean that people born male (‘biological males’) would not be able to compete in women’s sports, be in associated facilities such as locker rooms, while women’s shelters would be protected. It would also mean clarifying that self-identification for transgender people has no legal force, meaning that trans women have no legal right to access women-only facilities.”
People will forgive him a lot of other things if he pushes that through.
…and ANOTHER data breach in Oz. Real estate agency Harcourts reveals names, addresses possibly compromised in cyber attack
A leading Australian real estate agency has suffered a cyber attack, with tenant’s names, addresses, phone numbers and photo identification potentially exposed.
The Melbourne City branch of Harcourts Real Estate sent an internal email to its customers confirming a third party had accessed its rental property database last month.
The agency reassured tenants the networks were now all secure and services were continuing as normal.
Harcourts’ Melbourne City and Victoria Corporate Office were both contacted for comment.
It is not known how many people were impacted by the breach.
UAH monthly data for October is just out.
The lower troposphere anomaly temperature over Australia has now shown no linear warming trend since August 2012.
That is 10 years and 4 months without global warming.
I tell the newspapers, but nothing results.
Geoff S
Apart from the Antipodes, world temperature remains stubbornly warm for a La Nina year.
2m surface temperature South America, central spine of Africa, Australia all cool, entire SH is -0.5C. East Asia, Greenland, Canada, large chunk of USA all cool.
Media only mentions Europe is unseasonally warm!
This gives us a start, the Peru Current has been strong.
‘Current observations suggest SSTs just off the coast of Peru are between 1.5 and 3.5C colder than normal and they have been cooler than normal since last autumn. The presence of cooler water has an often moderating impact on temperatures in South America but can have wider-ranging impacts on global weather patterns too.’ (Guardian)
Gas outage during a cold snap.
‘About 20,000 customers in the central tablelands of NSW are without gas to heat their showers, homes and cook following a major gas outage.
‘Residents from Bathurst, Lithgow, Oberon, and Wallerawang are impacted by the outage.
‘A spokesman for gas supplier Jemena said the outage is a result of an incident on the Young Lithgow Pipeline which is owned and operated by natural gas and electricity infrastructure company, APA.’ (
Safe and reliable they said!
I Bought a $115,000 GMC Hummer EV and It IMMEDIATELY Left Me Stranded!”