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Former head of Australian Medical Association suffered devastating vaccine effects: says Doctors are being silenced

By Jo Nova

A turning point maybe?

One of the top doctors in Australia Dr Kerryn Phelps — a familiar face on the news here, has come out saying that she has suffered “devastating” side effects from the Covid vaccines herself. She also says that her doctors are seeing ” ‘a lot’ of patients in a similar situation, but they are afraid to talk about it for fear of being de-registered and losing their career.

Phelps is also a bit of a darling of the left, a successful woman, married to another woman, who ran for Parliament and briefly served with a pro-climate-change agenda in a wealthy seat. It’s possible her words will give a voice to those on the other half of the political spectrum who may have said nothing or not even realized the symptoms they suffer are an adverse reaction to the vaccine. Lights may be switching on. Will it spark a wave of discussion among the left leaning? There has always been a core group of people suspicious of vaccination on the left. What if the left and right ends of the spectrum met in the middle, and realized that the real battle is The People versus Corrupt Government Agencies?

If that happens, it would strike fear into the hearts of those who signed away our rights and told us the vaccines were “safe and effective”. The idea of the left and right uniting in one joint protest is a nuclear event in politics.

Naturally, the legacy press is working hard to stop that — see the Sydney Morning Herald’s headline: “Not anti-vaxxers: Dr Kerryn Phelps says she suffered COVID vaccine injury, calls for more research.So left leaning people who waited 18 months to talk about vaccine reactions are “people”, but those who bravely said the same things months ago are just “anti-vaxxers”.

As it happens, sadly, her wife Jackie Stricker-Phelps also suffered a bad vaccine reaction and it’s another scandal altogether that we have no idea of how many other people suffered side effects too. Any Minister of Health or Head of the TGA who cared about the health of Australians would have set up active surveillance programs and encouraged doctors to speak freely.

It’s good that she is risking her reputation to speak out now, but where was she a year ago? Lives have been lost because influential people said nothing.

Dr Kerryn Phelps reveals ‘devastating’ Covid vaccine injury, says doctors have been ‘censored’

Frank Chung, News.com

Former federal MP Dr Kerryn Phelps has revealed she and her wife both suffered serious and ongoing injures from Covid vaccines, while suggesting the true rate of adverse events is far higher than acknowledged due to underreporting and “threats” from medical regulators.

In an explosive submission to Parliament’s Long Covid inquiry, the former Australian Medical Association (AMA) president has broken her silence about the “devastating” experience — emerging as the most prominent public health figure in the country to speak up about the taboo subject.

“I continue to observe the devastating effects a year-and-a-half later with the addition of fatigue and additional neurological symptoms including nerve pains, altered sense of smell, visual disturbance and musculoskeletal inflammation. The diagnosis and causation has been confirmed by several specialists who have told me that they have seen ‘a lot’ of patients in a similar situation.”

“In my case the injury resulted in dysautonomia with intermittent fevers and cardiovascular implications including breathlessness, inappropriate sinus tachycardia and blood pressure fluctuations.”

Why do we have a TGA?

Dr Phelps said both reactions were reported to the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) “but never followed up”. She revealed she had spoken with other doctors “who have themselves experienced a serious and persistent adverse event” but that “vaccine injury is a subject that few in the medical profession have wanted to talk about”.

Is the TGA protecting Australians or the Pharmaceutical industry?

Phelps speculates that 1 in 3000 adult Australians may have had a serious reaction to each Covid vaccine, so after 3 doses, that’s 1 in 1000 and rising with every booster.

Earlier this year, Dr Rado Faletic — who previously spoke out about his battle with the TGA — launched Australian advocacy group Coverse to provide support and collect testimony from those suffering vaccine injuries.

Well, they would say that:

AHPRA said in a statement that the regulator had “been clear in all of our guidance about Covid-19 vaccinations that we expect medical practitioners to use their professional judgement and the best available evidence in their practice”.

Which is patently ridiculous. I personally know at least one doctor that was forced out of a long career due to AHPRA. Then there are stories like Dr Mark Hobart and Dr Paul Osterhuis. It only takes a few deregistrations to silence 99.9% of doctors.

As Flat White at The Spectator says, it’s all there in writing: Doctors are gagged

The medical system in Australia has been fundamentally broken by the introduction of changes to the Health Practitioner National Law – first by the Queensland Labor Party and soon to be copied everywhere – to effectively gag doctors and medical professionals, threatening them with deregistration if they question the official government health advice. In addition, the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency also warned that doctors caught ‘undermining’ Covid vaccines or the government rollout at the beginning of the pandemic would ‘face consequences’.

This is not an exaggeration. AHPRA’s statement to the profession in March of 2021 – which still stands – reads:

There is no place for anti-vaccination messages in professional health practice and any promotion of anti-vaccination claims including on social media, and advertising may be subject to regulatory action.

‘Any promotion of anti-vaccination statements or health advice which contradicts the best available scientific evidence or seeks to actively undermine the national immunisation campaign (including via social media) is not supported by National Boards and may be in breach of the codes of conduct. This includes the Medical Board’s code of conduct, Good Medical Practice, which advises doctors to consider the effect of their public comments and actions outside of work, including online, related to medical and clinical issues.

‘The position statement warns health practitioners who breach this provision may be subject to investigation and possible regulatory action and advises that health practitioners must also make sure that their social media activity is consistent with the regulatory framework for their profession and does not contradict or counter public health campaigns or messaging, such as the Australian COVID-19 Vaccination Policy.

‘The position statement reminds doctors and other health practitioners that it is an offence under the National Law to advertise a regulated health service (including via social media) in a way that is false, misleading or deceptive. Advertising that includes false, misleading or deceptive claims about COVID-19, including anti-vaccination material, may result in prosecution by Ahpra. Indeed, Ahpra suspended a doctor last year for anti-vaccination claims made on his social media.

How false, misleading or deceptive were the claims that this medical treatment was “safe and effective” and rigorously tested?

Phelps said she “did her homework” but seemed to believe what she was told in early 2021:

‘We did a lot of homework before having the vaccine, particularly about choice of vaccine at the time. In asking about adverse side effects, we were told that “the worst thing that could happen would be anaphylaxis” and that severe reactions such as myocarditis and pericarditis were “rare”.’

Of course, those who refused the vaccine because ‘they did their own research’ were relentlessly mocked and ridiculed by government officials, health authorities, and the press.

A month after Kerryn Phelps suffered a bad reaction to her second dose she was still pushing for children to get vaccinated on Twitter. Did she think her and her wife’s reactions were freakishly unusual at this point? Is that why she said nothing, or was it fear?

‘How could we possibly reach 80% of population vaccinated or approach herd immunity until children can be vaccinated? — Kerryn Phelps on Twitter.

– read it all at The Spectator

If Kerryn Phelps had started a conversation in August or September 2021, perhaps other doctors would have spoken up then too. Fear kept many people silent. Censorship is a life and death thing.

h/t Matthew L

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