A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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My big 4k OLED tv is on fire!
Perfect for those shivering in cold snowy spots…
I was so expecting to see your TV on actual fire, almost got you a disappointment downvote…
You’ve never watched any Scotty Kilmer car vids on youtube then.đ
You have to stop talking back to your tele….
It was the worst of times – it was the stupidest of times!
1. Labor, under Bowen’s suggestion, thinks that power supply pressures will be alleviated by further subsidizing existing renewables – to be recouped by an ‘extra ordinary profit tax’ from power providers…
2. Labor are still pursuing price caps on fossil fuels, despite needing to tax any ‘extraordinary profit’ to subsides renewables & reduce supply pressures…
3. Wind Farm in Tasmanian gets approval to operate for 1/2 the year…
4. BOM to eliminate meteorologists from reporting the weather – in favor of ‘Community information officers’ (you vill be told vat to zink)…
5. The ABC seems to think the 2022 wet was driven by the IOD and La Nina rather than the impact of the Tonga volcanic explosion upon the SAM…
6-Year-Old Canadian Girl Dies Suddenly After Suffering âMassive Strokeâ â Doctor Diagnosed her with âMyocarditis due to the Fluâ
JC2 – no extract – best read it for yourselves
FDA Approves Bivalent Vaccine for Babies in TWO DAYS
Pfizer Can Get Anything Approved “At the Speed of
ScienceFraud”The warp-speed approvals of anything that Pfizer asks the FDA to approve continue. On December 5, Pfizer asked the FDA to allow bivalent shots for babies six months and up. Today, on December 8, the application was approved.
Not counting the day of submission and the day of approval, it took the FDA just two days to consider this application.
How many trials were done on infants and young kids with the bivalent vaccine? Zero.
So now, a recently-born child could have received:
Three Covid-19 vaccines while in utero
Another set of three Covid-19 vaccines upon reaching six months of age
All six doses would be given within about one calendar year!
The Pfizer announcement is as ridiculous as it could get:
On top of a persistent stream of COVID-19 cases, surging seasonal respiratory illnesses in young children are straining health systems across the U.S., with many states reporting more than 90% of their pediatric hospital beds are occupied.iii Updated COVID-19 vaccines may improve protection against severe illness and hospitalization caused by SARS-CoV-2 in this age group.
…and I believe in the Easter Bunny too…
How long now before the tidal wave of the inevitable, crushing the health system happens?
Will people finally add 1+1 and get 2 not “referee whistles” or “climate change”?
Maybe the calls for investigations into excess deaths and injuries will go somewhere, assuming there’s any point at such a late stage.
The average solar power available on Earth is close to constant over an annual cycle but it varies significantly from month to month and over the respective hemispheres.
This charts the variation in summer solar power over a few thousand years for the senate hemispheres:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhHieWnyMp-0S_uP9?e=aAu4LX
So right now the June peak in the northern hemisphere is a couple of thousand years past the minimum of 460W/m^2 while the SH is a few centuries past the its last peak of 480W/m^2.
We can already see the response to the increasing solar intensity in the NH. By contrast, only the very southern region of the SH is so far showing a downward trend but the whole hemisphere is just past the end of a 10,000 year rising trend and the high thermal inertia will guarantee it will take time before that big ship turns.
The NH has much faster response to solar forcing because it has much less ocean surface.
‘ … but it varies significantly from month to month and over the respective hemispheres.’
And It makes no difference if there is a lot of cloud about?
Your hypothesis is flawed because it doesn’t include what happens when the sun goes quiet.
Update: Nigeria Limits Cash Withdrawals To $45 To Usher In WEF-Approved âCashless Societyâ
Nigeria will soon begin restricting cash machine withdrawals to just $45 per day as part of a push to usher in a cashless society as approved by the World Economic Forum.
The policy to eliminate cash transactions â which has long been a testing ground of the New World Order â follows the launch of the West African nationâs newly designed currency notes to strictly control the money supply.
The Central Bank of Nigeria limited weekly over-the-counter cash withdrawals to 100,000 naira ($225) for individuals and 500,000 naira ($1,124) for corporations, with a processing fee required to access more.
Apparently the $225/day is for OTC withdrawals not for ATMs, as posted the other day, so it’s actually worse!
Nigeria has a huge problem with counterfeit money and also the withdrawal of cash to pay for ransoms/kidnapping.
Jo Bells, just so you know””
Flo Travel is unavailable.
My info is that the distributor visited all pharmacies with stocks, withdrew stocks (citing use by dates).
Nothing survives with a Carrageenan ingredient.
However, it may linger on, known under a different name.
Yes, a year or so ago I bought a bottle of Bonningtons Irish Moss – which has Carrageenan – I think it was the last bottle in Australia!
That is unfortunate.
I have a part full bottle left and one empty one.
I am trying to re-purpose the spray bottle to use dilute Betadine (1.25%). The nasal spray apparatus is perfect. Unfortunately the top does not unscrew. I think it is a press on fit.
Not sure how I will do it yet
Thanks lyntonio. That is news to me. đ I saw it only a couple of weeks ago (I think) but you are right. It is “sold out” everywhere. Your info sounds ominous?
Peter, you can buy nasal spray bottles with screw tops on Ebay. I managed to find carageenan in bulk as a food additive a year ago — but I’m not sure what preservative etc to use in a DIY version. We certainly wouldnt want to spray a contaminated solution.
Run the plastic cap under hot water for a couple of minutes, will soften it enough to prise off .
Trust them to make changes to the Constitution and leave the details to them?
Prime Minister Albanese commented recently that in his view the Constitution is “archaic”.
“All it would take is for some socialist influence to infiltrate the Voice⌠Then weâll have socialist rulings on anything that may affect Aboriginal people â or can be construed as affecting them.
The Voice could very easily result in the takeover of the country by deception. The Communist Partyâs website has already made a connection between Aboriginal rights and parliamentary control.
Because the Voice will be in the Constitution, the High Court would necessarily rule in its favour.”
Who else worries like I do that we are being cornered and the inevitability of gradualness is fast reaching it’s time?
It is only the heresy of non-believers that causes the gradualness of the inevitable.
JC2 hack of the day – copying unselectable text
I discovered this trick by accident recently and it’s invaluable for those limited sites that block text selection.
All you need to do is translate the page into English (either by an existing translate option or by url or translate popup) which it probably is already, but the “translated text” will now be selectable.
* Methods will vary depending on you O/S, browser etc.
In my case on Android, I select the text (which it *appears* to do but can’t be pasted anywhere, then choose “translate selected” and then copy the outputted text instead.
A very easy way to copy a page is to use a screen print app.
(Sometimes just the key ‘Print Screen’, or Spectacle in Linux.)
The resultant file is in jpg format which is easy to trim but is not easily edited, so yes of limited use.
JCII’s method is ingenious. I will try it.
There are utilities to slurp (very technical term) the text out of an image.
There’s other quicker ways to get at the text in the source page, as ever, just a Google away.
And now for something completely different – an eBay handheld 9 million mAh (9kA) battery pack!
That’s 32 kilowatts!
How is this possible?
(JC2 – He got his calc wrong saying MW not kW.)
It goes to show the garbage bring sold and the false claims being made.
As per usual, eBay, Amazon etc do nothing…
There are some wonderful claims for solar panels.
You see a lot of comments on reviews after people have purchased a claimed 200W solar panel for less than $100 and find that it gets 80W under full sunshine.
I had a very pleasant surprise with a Renogy panel from Amazon. It claimed 100W rating but was only 1093mm by 582mm flexible panel. On the performance test, I got 110W out of it. It is the first panel I have tested that exceeded its rating.
Many or most solar panels on EBay are over rated. I bought a panel which was rated double what it really was. It’s easy to test power rating two ways.
1) In full sun measure current by putting an ammeter across output and measure short circuit current and then measure open circuit voltage and multiply to get power in Watts.
2) The sun delivers about 1kW per square meter peak and panels are about 15-20% efficient so a 1sqm panel will produce about 150-200W. Check dimensions of panel and check against claimed power rating even before buying it.
Note, that’s not the exact way to rate a solar panel but it’s good enough to make sure you’re getting what’s claimed.
Shouldn’t you measure the output (volts and amps) into some sort of load, eg a light bulb.
“The sun delivers about 1kW per square meter peak and panels are about 15-20% efficient so a 1sqm panel will produce about 150-200W. Check dimensions of panel and check against claimed power rating even before buying it.”
the trouble is that our UK politicians believes that occurs here even during the long winter nights. Similarly wind turbines apparently work at full capacity even when there’s no wind. I think it called ‘New physics’ or it could just be naive stupidity of course
This so-called “capacity mechanism” cannot possibly work, can it? Or is it a very long-term plan that involves a massive dam-building program? Or is it a clever piece of word engineering designed to evade comprehension. With salient words like “biomass”, or “offsets” or perhaps even “diesel” carefully left out. Whatever the case may be, the Liberals need to be ready with a good policy for retrieving the situation when the blackouts start.
Hong Kong Government presents its own data showing that almost all severe cases and deaths are in the unvaccinated
Hong Kong is again pushing additional booster doses as cases and death rise. All-cause mortality, August data, is sitting at 5.89% and seems to be rising! The vaccines are working however they work!
While the Australian Government which has recommended against a 5th dose for their population, the Hong Kong government has just announced that Hong Kong citizens can avail a 5th dose of Covid-19 Vaccine by next Friday. Residents may choose from Pfizer BioNTech, Sinovac or the new BioNTech Bivalent.
The article goes on to explain that 83% of Hong Kong residents have already received a 3rd booster, but less than 10% have received a 4th dose. Given that the QR code system in Hong Kong requires 3 doses to enable access to restaurants and public spaces, many people in Hong Kong really feel they have no choice but to accept the jabs.
Average age of deceased in 5th wave – 86.
Must be due to being unvaxxed…
Sounds like phooey, Hong Kong Phooey.
New power cut fears as wind drops and cold bites: Freezing fog blanketing UK after ‘coldest December night in a decade’ leaves supplies on a knife-edge
We have just driven over Dartmoor during a glorious sunny gin clear winter day. The temperature back home in our garden has dropped to 0.4C at 5pm with the sky remaining clear. Could be a very cold night but the nearby ocean normally mitigates it.
JC2 xmas tips!
I saved a lot on xmas this year by discussing politics and vaxxes last Easter.
Tip: wrap empty boxes and put them under the tree. Every time a child acts up throw one in the fireplace. (* that’s a box, not a kid)
âChristmas is a time when kids tell Santa what they want and adults pay for it. Deficits are when adults tell the government what they want and their kids pay for it.â
– Richard Lamm
If you canât wrap Christmas presents well, at least make it look like they put up a good fight.
I left Santa gluten-free cookies and organic soy milk and he put a solar panel in my stocking.
So ,if you’re a cyclist in the UK, your life is about to get harder. From 01/01/23 the law around riding cycles will change. All cyclists within the UK will be required to obtain a proficiency licence, retested annually. All cycles will require insurance, a MOT pass & contribute to maintain roads. All cycles used on roads/public spaces will be required to have a Cycle Unique Number Registration. (CUNR) Cyclists will be required to use a helmet & hi vis clothing for their safety. Cycling without a licence, CUNR, helmet or hi vis clothing will see the cycle seized & destroyed. Which makes you ask – who is going to enforce all these rules? The bike police?
Why do you think UK authorities might want to get cyclists off their bikes and into electric cars?
Scrub that story- seems its from a satire account. Compliments to Deej, for the correction. Now, that’s a real fact- checker!!
Wouldn’t worry Aus school kids. I live <1 km from a school and never see a kid on a bike.
I covered a lot of miles on mine.
First I’ve heard of it Ross, then I saw you had been spoofed
Hmm ?⌠a moments second thoughts, and a small amount of common sense, might have made you hesitate to believe it. !
Dr. McHonk-honk. Why so many deaths?
Baffled I say. đ đ
Don’t fret – Petition Rejected.
Sorry, the relevant link didn’t appear in my post:
Actually, that story would be appear to be from a satire account – “Sanford Police”. Just goes to show, you should never believe first up what you read on social media. Sounds like a good thing that petition was successful.
‘A pipeline to connect the Narrabri Gas Project to the Hunter Gas Pipeline has been declared critical infrastructure by the New South Wales government, which opponents say will fast-track the planning approval process and limit debate.’ (ABC)
Climate psycho games.
It was 81 years ago this week that MAGA Republicans bombed Pearl Harbor.
It was worse than Watergate.
The action against 25 “revoluzzer” declared as terrorists against German democracy seems to have been more a PR action than a anti terror one.
The so called “secrete operation” was announced 2 before to journalists (TV, Radio, Newspaper) so that they could report live about the arrestations etc.
The arrested people are mostly retired people…
In the case it wasn’t posted here:
New Study: Observational Data Affirm 95% Of Post-1970s Warming Is Not Linked To CO2 Increases
This showed up in my YT suggestions and I thought “Great” ’til I saw it was 9 mths old.
It may well have been covered here at the time but that’s not the point, which is that in nine months another simple, cheap, well known drug is swept aside, unwanted, unloved.
It’s Your Taxpayer Money and Answers are Deserved
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
December 10, 2022 at 9:53 am
From the Oz. Iâve posted the whole article.
Crucial questions arising from Higginsâ civil claim
Brittany Higginsâ civil claim for close to $3m against the commonwealth will likely be paid without ever reaching a courtroom. But taxpayers deserve answers.
By Janet Albrechtsen
From Inquirer
December 10, 2022
Brittany Higginsâ civil claim for close to $3m against the commonwealth deserves close scrutiny. The Weekend Australian understands that this claim, set down for mediation next Tuesday, will likely be settled by the Department of Finance and paid for by taxpayers. In other words, it may never reach a courtroom.
Taxpayers are entitled to assurances from the public servants involved that the department is looking after taxpayersâ interests on at least two fronts. One goes to the processes that will be used to test claims before payments with public money are made. If claims are not tested, taxpayers are entitled to wonder whether integrity standards within the department are open to question.
The second issue goes to politics. The Department of Finance will know that Finance Minister Katy Gallagher was central in Âpursuing the Brittany Higgins saga against the former Morrison government when she was in Âopposition. What has the department done to deal with political conflicts, both real and perceived, before it begins mediation on ÂDecember 13?
Before looking at the process and the politics in this matter in more detail, it is worth reiterating that there is nothing simple, or settled, about the Higgins saga. The criminal court case to test her allegation of rape against fellow staffer Bruce Lehrmann came to an abrupt end after misconduct by a jury member, before the jury could deliver a verdict. Before the misÂtrial, Higginsâ version of events was contested, and contradicted, in court. Higginsâ claims about her treatment by Linda Reynolds and Michaelia Cash, for whom she worked, were also contested and contradicted in court. The Director of Public Prosecutions has chosen not to pursue Lehrmann.
On behalf of taxpayers, who are invariably left with the bill, may I ask some questions of the department â and the Albanese government â to satisfy ourselves that robust processes are in place before potentially millions of dollars are paid as part of a settlement.
7 Questions asked.
Turning to the politics of this saga, here are further questions for the department, and for the Albanese government:
4 Questions asked.
Higgins is a self-centered, publicity seeking piece of garbage. And us taxpayers have to fund this woman. Doesn’t say much for the future…except of course for the lawyers.