A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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first up.
This whole vaccine thing is going to be a big story for years a lot political ramification
Nope. You will be lucky to be alive and have Nufink’. Head for the Hills and you may well make sumfink’ of your Life. Don’t take the Jab like wot’ I haven’t.
Covid-19 virus or Spartan virus?×720/c6uSaw_O0RCCDcsh.mp4
X-files nailed it…
Friday strangeness – back pain treatment
I’ll pass…
Good one John I have back problems maybe I should give it a go.
Try an internet search for “Chiropractic Y strap”
I’ve suffered from a torn L5S1 and chronic thoracic degeneration for over 20 years now. Sometimes getting hammered helps.
Not much different to what some chiropractors do , no thanks.
Big difference between a good chiropractor and a bad one. I have been to chiropractors that weren’t that good. But a good one is priceless.
Doctors and Physiotherapists hate them. I put it down to bigotry.
I had serious neck pain that would make a normal person wilt and head to Canada to be put down. I tried physios out on medical advice, and I was better off putting my $90 per visit in the fire. They were all useless. Not diagnosing the issue and giving you some ridiculous little exercise to do.
Finally I found on recommendation an excellent chiropractor who set me back to normality and I owe my life to him as far as I’m concerned. None of that quackery you are seeing there.
Not all doctors.
This one feels good chiropractors are much better than average doctors, and there are plenty of those around.
The horse dewormer strikes again
Ivermectin converts cold tumors hot and synergizes with immune checkpoint blockade for treatment of breast cancer
I knew it, I’ve said for years horses don’t get breast cancer and they just thought I was joking.
You best Google that.
Sorry Ross, I thought you was just horsing around
Why the long face?
Another case of “The King has no clothes”.
Our Governments, our businesses and many in the population want ‘Net Zero’ for Christmas. When are they going to realise that the Earth has always had CO2 as part of its atmosphere and that it has not caused global warming during the 4.5 Billion years of the Earth’s existence because it does not generate any heat which is what is needed to make the Earth warmer.
Is anyone awake out there?
“Many in the population want ‘Net Zero’ for Christmas.”
Yes Bevan, I agree, you are absolutely right!
My fully woke family members and I are catching up over christmas and most are craving for “Net Zero”.
They want it, don’t have it and it is driving them crazy.
It seems like a great present to give.
So can someone tell me what it is, where I can buy it and how much it will cost?
You need to buy them books as Christmas presents that describe life before the widespread use of fossil fuels and the advent of the industrial revolution. Perhaps they don’t like living at the peak of human civilisation and want to revert to the miserable short unhealthy cold lives of our ancestors?
If they want NET ZERO amble up to the meter box & flip the main switch. That’s exactly what net zero will bring them. That is the ultimate goal. If they’re well behaved little citizens they may have privileges & benefits in the form of energy for two or three hours per day!!
That’s how the Soviets govern & the Chinese run a social credit system. ALP will be aiming for a hybrid form of social credits probably within climate lockdown parameters!
It’s salad and a fruit platter for Christmas then ..perhaps a plate of olives and sun-dried tomatoes ….drowned with water or perhaps freshly squeezed juice?
My opinion leans to ” save us !!!” . Listen to the “experts ” and your politicians as they no best. Surely. There are about 10 percent who are impervious to bull….. Propaganda and can function and determine by themselves. The rest are abject to more or less of a degree.
In the last few days the media here in the UK have had items decrying the new coal mine in cumbria to be used for steel making, because of co2 output
They claim that steel and aluminium can be made using greener methods and renewable energy. I have never seen anything that said renewables can replace the density of coal for these hugely energy intensive steel and aluminium furnaces.
Has anyone come across anything, other than expensive and failed experiments, that show steel or alumium can realistically be made with green processes?
I have heard that 6 virgins in white robes mixing fairy dust with unicorn farts can do the trick. Of course that means you can’t perform this trick in Sydney.
Tell ’em all they should stop breathing.
It’s for the greater good and all that.
If that fails you could try the wuflu Vax catchphrase – “if it saves just one life“.
At least cut back to only breathing every second breath …..
Net Zero+/- the cost of a Coal Powered* Charge :-
” Oh, the Humanity ”
* in non Scandinavian Countries without any apparently clean green Hydro Power…
Tackle the growing army of diversity staff, ministers told
Nearly 8,000 public sector workers are focused solely on equality, diversity and inclusion initiatives, an analysis supported by 40 Tory MPs has found.
The report by Conservative Way Forward, based on responses to Freedom of Information requests, found that £427 million a year is being spent on the positions. It claimed that one million working days are being spent on training.
The Tory MPs, who include Sir Iain Duncan Smith, Sir Jake Berry and David Davis, said that at a time when the government is bringing the tax burden to the highest level since the Second World War it has a duty to “end this sort of waste”.
The report states that the NHS has 800 staff who “exclusively” work on equality, diversity and inclusion, while there are a further 794 in local authorities and 724 in universities. The University of Oxford said it had 40 full-time equality and diversity roles. There are 250 such staff in the police.
It highlights several examples, including the provision of African drumming sessions for staff at one local authority and NHS England spending £219,000 to “support the rollout of the NHS rainbow badge” scheme. The scheme assesses the work of trusts in supporting LGBT+ patients.
“Waste” – that’s what all this fake-gender-my-life-sucks is.
Shut it all down and spend the money on your starving, freezing population.
I think that African drumming, often used at protests, are crimes against humanity outside of their proper context. Still, it’s only money and the west obviously have so much spare cash we need to spend it on something.
” the west obviously have so much spare cash we need to spend it on something.”
Actually Tonyb, this is the hub of the whole modern civilisation… If you look hard enough you’ll find many examples of how we have spent money on completely unnecessary things once we past the peak of achievement late last century.
Since then we have just been inventing new ways to make the money go round and employ people just to keep them busy. I watch the automotive industry, where cars had everything they needed before 2000, they were fast, handled well, braked well, roomy & quiet. Since then everything that has been added is just fluff and bullshit to take the necessity of driving away from the driver and allow them more entertainment.
Actually, I’d say that has been the West’s drive for 30years, less effort and risk, much more entertainment. Asia will run right over us.
Strep A crisis hits US: At least two children have died from bacterial infection and five states say they’re seeing up to FOUR TIMES more cases than usual – after deadly outbreak in UK
A deadly wave of Strep A infections in children looks set to take off in the US — weeks after the UK was hit by a spate of deaths.
At least two children have died in Colorado after suffering the normally-mild illness, and pediatric hospitals in five states — Arizona, Colorado, Texas, Washington and West Virginia — are reporting much higher levels of admissions than usual.
At the country’s largest pediatric hospital in Texas, doctors are already handling four times more Strep A patients than last year.
One of the leading theories for the outbreak is that lockdowns, mask mandates and social curbs robbed children of exposure to vital germs that protect against the bacterial infection.
There have been 19 Strep A-related deaths involving children in the UK, where officials are seeing unseasonably high levels of severe illness. Other European countries — including France, Spain and Ireland — have also reported spikes.
Experts have told the US is particularly vulnerable to a Strep A crisis because of a national shortage of the frontline antibiotic amoxicillin. America is also in the midst of a tripledemic of flu, Covid and RSV — which all raise the risk of a post-viral Strep A infection.
MSM hype – not a “crisis”.
There are reports worldwide from gubermints warning about medicines shortages.
Nothing much has changed since my post months ago on the disease front.
Dengue going gangbusters as predicted and about to set new records in cases, avian flu doing the same.
Nothing major developing in the wild/zoonotic front, but that’s not where the concern lies…
IMF Warns 5% To 20% Drops In Asian Property Prices Could Be On The Horizon
A new report from the International Monetary Fund predicts a sharp drop in property prices across Asia.
The report points out that home prices are “flattening” across the continent coming out of the pandemic boom that the region experienced. With rates rising, risks of “significant corrections in a number of markets” are profound, according to Nikkei.
The report set out “to highlight challenges in Asian housing markets linked to fast price rises especially in the advanced economies since COVID, and more broadly including many EMs in the period leading up to COVID,” per the IMF.
It also aimed “to draw policy lessons on how to manage stability aspects through macroprudential and other policies and how to support affordability through structural policies and targeted government support.”
The report notes concerns about affordability due to the spike in prices during the pandemic. South Korea, for example, saw a rise in inflation-adjusted prices of about 20% in 2021. Places like Japan and Singapore saw prices rise about 10% while Thailand saw price spikes of about 5%.
A bit late with their analysis.
Anyone noticed that the “Eldersweather” or Farmonlineweather” 28 day rain forecast is now only a 7 day forecast? (not talking weather forecast, just rainfall. Used to be daily chance of rain rating of either Nil, low, medium, or high.) I think they use information from Weatherzone and BOM.
They still have a 28 day chart but only 7 days filled in.
Ok, ok, what’s the point of a 28 day forecast when they can’t even get tomorrow correct? I agree. But given the 28 day rain forecast has been around for years I’m wondering if anyone knows why the change.
Just checked Central Vic on the Elders site and seems AOK. Has some rain for 21:22/12, and the rest up to 13/1/23 forecasting no rain.
Yes, has the 28 day calendar showing up to 13/1, but shows no rain after 22/12.
This has been a pattern on the 28 day rain forecast for a while. No rain beyond 7 days.
I’ve concluded they’re only doing 7 day forecasts on the 28 day calendar. Or, their no rain forecast for the last 21 days of the calendar has been grossly inaccurate over recent months.
Then again weatherzone says the reason for the cold weather in the SE is due to High pressure too far south. The STR establishes itself in the bight at this time of year anyway. Really, I think they look up events and mechanisms on Wiki when in doubt because they have no understanding about weather systems. Too young and too preoccupied with things that don’t matter.
“High pressure too far south. ”
A quick look at Ventusky confirms that , but what is the proximate cause? ITCZ?
Nigel Farage asks NZW Policy Director, Harry Wilkinson about the state of the UK’s energy supply
I wondered what interest Farage had in New Zealand, but then discovered that NZW means:
……………… … Net Zero Watch.
Great video.
Dave B
Next, you won’t be able to eat fish – Biden administration proposal
“This would be the greatest regulatory overreach in American maritime law” — that’s how Frank Hugelmeyer describes a proposal by the Biden administration to limit the speed of all motorboats over 35 feet from Florida to Massachusetts. “Not only are they creating a serious safety issue, they are creating a massive negative economic impact.”
The far-reaching regulation would restrict speed to 10 knots or 11.5 miles per hour for all boats over 35 feet — for up to seven months out of the year and up to 100 miles out at sea for most of the East Coast.
“This overreach is going to basically all but halt fishing off the East Coast of the United States,” said Glenn Hughes, the president of the American Sportfishing Association. “It will just keep people from fishing.”
He points out there are 9 million anglers who fish the Eastern coastline.
“Instead of getting to a [fishing] destination in an hour, you’re talking about something that’s going to take three to four hours both ways,” he said.
A day trip, he added, would become “impossible.”
Insert cricket sounds here…
I would imagine regulating the speed of cars would have a far greater safety impact.
Has there been mass protests about speeding boats?
AOC Climate Change Documentary BOMBS at the Box Office!!!
Bombs? It took a magnificent $81 per theatre so seems to have been a roaring success. We all look forward to the next film in the series
A week ago there was a disturbance at the Chinese Embassy in the UK, after the incident Beijing brought all the staff home.
Did diplomatic staff flee the country before being interviewed by the police over the affray, having been captured on CCTV pummelling the intruder with excessive force. This is the story from the Beijing Ministry of Propaganda, they call it a riot.
The staff dragged the protestor who was outside the gates, into the grounds of the embassy. He was rescued by the police and those held responsible told to leave the country.
We have switched over the last year from a disturbing over friendliness with china to outright hostility, and not before time.
In the U.S they are allowed to let them in , and then shoot them , provided they are of the right.
Thanks el+gordo for your post,
So we have had a disturbance at the UK Chinese Embassy. Reported 16th December 2022 by the China Daily.
I humbly ask:
Why couldn’t the Embassy just use the Chinese police stations in the UK for help?
Apparently they are there in place.
Ok…this is a link to the hansard from the UK parliament dated Tuesday 1 November 2022.
Question asked to the UK Home Secretary:
To ask the Home Secretary if she will make a statement on the legal status of overseas Chinese police stations operating in the UK.
Read her answer it is political gobbleygook.
You supposedly have two such stations in Oz. they are of course merely useful centres of information and reference for Chinese citizens according to the embassies, so that alright then.
Just received my latest copy of the Australian Journal of General Practice (I don’t subscribe, I just get sent it).
On the front cover is an ad for Paxlovid. No conflict of interest there.
The editorial is by the Commonwealth deputy CMO, stating how wonderful Australia’s GP’s have been in giving vaccinations, and maintaining the pro-jab message, when ” anti-vaccination messaging was rife”. He then congratulates GP’s on prescribing the “potentially life-saving” antiviral agents (see front cover ad).
Another article on “long Covid “.
This is what passes for “The Science” in modern medicine!
My message- live a healthy life and avoid the medical system if at all possible.
So if your assignment is a brief history of Europe in 10,000 words or less, here is something the give you a few ideas
Viewers Boycott Countryfile Show, Rip BBC For ‘Ultra Woke’ Just Stop Oil Report
Countryfile viewers were left raging at an “ultra woke” Just Stop Oil report on the show – as they boycott the program.
As the BBC show made a return to screens it faced a backlash from viewers on Sunday night.
The episode saw host Ellie visit a community warm space in the Ogwen Valley where locals were reducing their fuel bills through communal dining and shared transport. [emphasis, links added]
Rural households are more vulnerable to the current energy crisis and fuel poverty due to lower wages, poorly insulated buildings, and a heavy reliance on cars.
The episode showed how some communities were finding ways to take power into their own hands – literally.
But viewers at home were not happy and slammed the BBC for airing an “ultra woke” Just Stop Oil report, with some saying “that’s the last time I’ll be watching.”
I’ve watched a few uselesstube vids in the past few days where people have hooked up diesel heaters to their houses in the UK.
Typically the units you’d see on motorhomes, but with some tweaking you can use them domestically to heat one decent room at least.
Running costs are 30p/hour so pretty cheap, especially if you use bio diesel, either home brew or ex-garage waste.
Not legal to do so in the UK without pricey permits, which are just tax grabs as waste oils are burned anyway.
Motor homes are extremely well insulated these days, as you can see from the number that flock to ski resorts. As they are mini homes I would have thought people would be best to live in them for a few days when the cold is intense rather than use them to try to heat their home
The very cold weather is supposed to end here on Sunday as heavy rain and westerly gales sweep in. Temperatures are expected to rise to roughly 12 c or 54f at last then drop down to a more normal temperature in the high forties. That will hopefully see the last of the overnight frosts which in braemar were as low as minus 18 centigrade. Here in coastal south Devon I recorded minus 3 centigrade overnight. It is brilliantly sunny though so hope to be able to sit in my sun room in a few hours.
Countryfile was going downhill many years ago. Before we returned to Australia nine years ago, the only decent presenter left was Adam Henson. He was usually on near the end so we’d try to switch on in time for that. Chris P in particular was very pc and very irritating.
Our grandchildren enjoyed visiting his farm in the Cotswolds a couple of times while staying with us for the summer holidays.
The grandchildren visited Adam’s farm, I mean. He had a variety of rare breeds there, originally set up by his father.
Memorise this for your Xmas gatherings, just in case.
‘El Niño and La Niña events act together as a chaotic, naturally occurring, sunlight-fueled, recharge-discharge oscillator, with El Niño events acting as the discharge phase and La Niña events acting as the recharge phase.’ (Bob Tisdale/wuwt)
No thanks.
Geez, I’ve already been disinvited for years for simply understanding the fact that CO2 is a trace gas and a necessary component of photosynthesis.
Not to mention the heresy of mentioning the definition of Organic Chemistry in polite company.
BTW, this predates my MAGA Santa hat.
You must not say that here ; it raises the blood pressure of one or two.
There was a strong difference of opinion between Willis and Bob in Willis’ WUWT on ENSO. The comments are interesting.
It was most interesting because Bob showed the influence of start- point on outcome.
But the basics did not change ; el Nino = heat discharge to the atmosphere – la Nina = heat accumulation in the oceans .
The world is rapidly descending into the Abyss.
How many of you watch the horrors of Ukraine and say “Glad that is not us” and then carry on as if nothing out of the ordinary happened?
What use is NATO?
What use is the UN?
Let us all agree that Russia is evil!
Evil to left of me, evil to to the right …
thanks for the guidance.
Curious, I learnt they were evil because they were Communists, but I guess they are evil because they are Russian.
” evil because they are Russian.”
Papists hold that it is because they are Orthodox Christian .
“Let us all agree that Russia is evil!”
Looks like the only ray of light at the moment .
Unless fascism is your thing, in which case Russia is very bad news.
Yes, anyone thinking Russia is evil and just invaded because Putin is a mad dictator has no idea of how the world runs at all. If America stayed inside their borders the situation in Ukraine would not have happened.
Watch Kosovo now, the Yanks are trying to get them into NATO and the EU to take the country off Serbia, in contravention of the trumped-up UN resolutions after America bombed Serbia into submission. That will become the next hot point to distract Russia.
The Albanians have moved into the Serbian areas and taken over the civic administration and Police, Serbia demands the agreement of 1999 where they are allowed to place several thousand troops and Police in there to protect the Serbs who live there.
An ESG Roasting
“Holy C^%@, Authoritarian Evil of ESG Emerges at Texas Hearing”
Welcome to Texas. . .
The trouble might be that you’re doing that to those fleeing California without insisting on full repentance before entry.
Remember how well “Don’t Californicate Colorado” went?
I was hopeful that GA or Peter Fitzroy might pop in today to give us some of their wonderful insights on the rationality and clear thinking of the green/left.
I was hoping to get an explanation for this dilemma:
You might be misconstruing GA , but in respect of our troll , I suggest “wondrous ” is the appropriate epithet.
Known as
“What I said yesterday has no bearing on what I say today nor will it influence what I say tomorrow”
The Night the Lights Went Out in Europe
A continent transforms into a third-world banana republic
“Europe has gone all-in on wind and solar power, and the experiment has failed miserably. These fringe energy sources don’t work and aren’t scalable for industrial economies. And the more it doesn’t work, the more it requires police state interventions with fascistic controls over the economy and personal behavior”
I don’t know what you think is happening in the UK but our lights are on, Christmas illuminations are beaming out, we have been to a Christmas market, had lunch out in a well lit and warm dartmoor pub, done our shopping in our bustling local shops, Christmas carol concerts are going on, our parcels ordered online are being delivered next day Everywhere is very busy and no doubt some are suffering but there are many that are carrying on as normal
Tonyb,The article is about Germany, France, and Switzerland. If you’d read it, you’d know that.
Neither I nor the article mentioned the UK.
That said, UK is in for a shock later this week and into next. Temps will be some -10 to -18 C with wind chills of -25C. Let’s see how the UK grid holds up. Get back to us next Friday.
Take the UK press with a pinch of salt, we’re not all in a Scottish Highland glen, and the cold spell is now ending, switching to super mild for the time of year.
Much more wind and much milder weather the next week should keep the lights on. Here in south Devon we haven’t seen any snow worth talking about although there was a thin layer on dartmoor yesterday. That mild weather will camouflage the reality that we have long spells during the winter when it is cold, windless and sunless and we shouldn’t rely on renewables unless so e brilliant new storage system comes along.
Mind you, energy consumption is sharply down despite the cold weather because people are cutting back. . I wonder if the lights would have stayed on during this very cold and largely windless past week if energy consumption had been normal.
Lance, they talked about Europe and the continent which includes the UK so it is not unreasonable to point out that the article did not relate to the UK.
We have had the worst of the cold weather. Our current 4c in the west country is supposed to soar to 14c by Sunday and then remain at 11 or 12 for the foreseeable future and frosts will be a rarity. So the expected snow on Saturday will be a short lived thing and only likely to stay around in a few places
Fortunately, useless wind will become less useless next week as having gone largely missing for the last week it is supposed to roar back from Sunday, so that will likely save the governments bacon.
Mind you, I hope people have noticed that it has often been windless during the very cold spell and solar makes no contribution at this time of the year so the only thing that has kept the lights on are good old and much vilified fossil fuel plus interconnectors. Relying on importing our electricty is a foolish thing as the continent, as your article points out, is likely to need all it can generate for itself and is unlikely to want to supply brexit Britain.
The trouble is as mr grim says, margins are getting tighter. As renwables increase and fossil fuel plants are shuttered the gap gets ever wider. An extended windless cold spell even next year might see a different result to the one seen so far this year.
“We have had the worst of the cold weather.”
As the days lengthen , the cold strengthens, right?
Of course , Venus , Saturn , Pluto and the Sun in Capricorn in January, plus Mars in Taurus , it won’t be warm .
You’re welcome.
Sorry, I meant with this current spell of cold weather. It’s still early days and no doubt we will have more but that seems unlikely this side of christmas
Yep, the planets say warmish through till mid -January.
Nice if there’s a correlation .
Tony, there is a big high centred over Germany. Only off-shore mills will be turning. And there was a Brexit, iirc.,6.439,5,i:pressure
By the skin of our teeth this time, with coal, with people paid to turn off, and unusually for a cold spell it was Arctic not continental cold, so the wind did deliver something a lot of the time. France is bringing shut nuclear online soon so the interconnector tug of war will hopefully end and ease the situation. But every year forwards the margins will get tighter and tighter.
“France is bringing shut nuclear online ”
No-one worried about this? Rushing or ignoring maintenance problems to get electricity in a desperate situation.. no chance of a Chernobyl?
” there are many that are carrying on as normal”
All the better to shock them into a blind panic , just around the corner.
The Masters of the Universe are counting on the sheeple being sheeple , all the way to the killing box.
Here’s the money quote _ “going forward ” .
Here’s Michael Every pointing out that Australia does not have a single OZ -flagged petroleum carrier .
” the only way to get more supply of reliable key goods is for a protectionist shield for the private sector to operate behind; and state spending to jump start it; and central-bank rate hikes to choke off bubble alternatives. ”
On the the slightly positive side , OZ, unlike Godzone , has yet to close its refineries , ban oil and gas exploration , and stop selling coal.
farmerbraun is thinking hard about putting a Nissan leaf motor and battery onto some of his Leyland /Nuffield tractors, and planting quite a bit of sunflower or rape for biodiesel.
How virtuous.
Bitcoin explained (Via Coffee and Covid newsletter)
Has a good look at that ultra reliable method of judgement known as “peer review” (/s) too
In most of history, it was necessary to be invaded by barbarians for nations to suffer this level of damage.
Can we call this “progress” then?
Does that mean you imply that builders of large solar power farms are barbarians?
The US government gave hospitals a 20% bonus for using the deadly and ineffective drug Remdesivir.
The US government gave bonuses to hospitals that put people on ventilators which did not work.
The US government gave hospitals bonuses if people died of covid. This ensured that comorbidity deaths were marked as a covid death.
MD Paul Marik: “In my hospital… they wanted me to use Remdesivir — it increases your risk of kidney failure 20 fold & increases your risk of dying by about 4%… The federal gov’t will give hospitals a 20% bonus if you prescribe this toxic medication.”
After SARA the DoD started a research project to determine the best defense against a future outbreak of a corona virus. US defense research found in 2015 that Ivermectin was the best therapeutic defense against corona viruses. The DoD forwarded their research and recommendation to the CDC.
They knew that Ivermectin & Hydroxychloroquine worked, in 2015 based on US department of defense research.
“WAYNE ROOT: Confronting Evil: Here’s My Simple Challenge to Dr. Fauci, the CDC, FDA, Big Pharma & Democrats”
We could make a list for Oz
Thanks a i,
I like it. Beautifully simple and comprehensive.
I’ve forwarded the link to my state and federal members.
Dave B
“Wake up folks.
Physics and Chemistry are not the 10 Suggestions, everything in the Universe is predicated on those two things and both are deterministic in every case, if you think something you’re observing isn’t deterministic the reason is that you don’t understand what you claim to be an expert in and in fact you’re guessing and those who claim to have some back-fit mathematical model that will predict outcomes in the future are nearly always full of crap.”
More at
Imagine trying to translate that for “Elbow and Co”
A program for your review –
“A military Twelve Days of Christmas”
Can anyone from the UK here give me a reality check on electricity or energy prices there at the moment. Is it a serious cost increase or one that people just whine about?
I’m coming from the perspective of, I know that in Australia, middle class people could afford probably say a 10 times increase in electricity for the household and still be able to pay it given that middle class earn a lot of money in Australia. But for the poor, electricity bills are becoming quite a serious cost. I know, Ive been poor all my life and I could never remember having any trouble paying an electricity bill, never took any notice of them. Not so today, Im really starting to fear those bills.
We heard in the UK summer that the coming winter was going to be hard due to huge increases in energy costs. Is that playing out? Or are the middle class just paying for it and carrying on. From here, I don’t hear of any one destitute or any complaining of bills in the UK.
“middle class earn a lot of money in Australia”
Maybe that’s true in OZ . In NZ it is the private middle class who are being taxed out of existence , and a lot of that money is going to the “poor”, who own nothing , but live reasonably comfortably, by world standards , their only income being welfare benefits.
The only protected “middle class” here are the government employees, most of whom are just a huge drag on the economy.
I’d be surprised if it is any different in Australia.
It is different here. In Aus most people I know are earning at least $100K. That pulls pretty good money even after tax. Two incomes per household and if you own your house which many do by middle age, you’re living pretty good. And many earn more than that.
Good film recommendation.
I don’t like movies much, but I rented off google play, DAS BOOT, German made, of the perilous life on a ww2 u-boat. The director’s cut, 3.5 hours that felt like one. All filmed in one room basically, it takes a good script to make that work.
And one thing I really liked was that though from a German perspective, it portrayed the British navy as the bees knees, greatly feared, run by professionals who “really know what they are doing up there” as the Captain said. I shall give no spoilers, but seeing a British destroyer appear in the telescope was not a good sign, put it that way. In a time where the great British Empire is much derided, it was uplifting to hear such objective praise. I could imagine Prince Philip on board dropping depth chargers. That British Navy did extraordinary things.
Fantastic film! I’m tempted to watch it again. Beautifully made and shot also, if you’re a movie buff. My wife is, and though she hates war films she loved it.