A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Cobalt mining, the dirty secrets of the battery industry.
One could also say:
Mining, the dirty secret of the green dream, the whole charade and fallacy that renewables are carbon neutral.
Or that human output of CO2, even plant output of CO2 is of any consequence at all, not least to CO2 levels. They are not connected.
Total fossil fuel CO2 in the air from coal, oil, gas is under 3% of total aerial CO2 . A provable fact. Being 30x as soluble as O2, all CO2 is rapidly absorbed by the water oceans which covers 75% of the planet counting Antarctica. Strangely no one disputes that.
Spokespeople for various groups like the Royal Society, NASA, IPCC, CSIRO, Climate Council and the usual opportunists keep repeating that mankind is responsible for the 50% increase since 1850. Without any proof at all. It’s not true.
Lithium also has its dirty secrets. In West Australia, where most Australian deposits are located, where there’s lithium there’s also asbestos. According to son who works in WA mining, it’s widely known in mining circles but little spoken of, as lithium is one of the necessary materials in the great energy transition.
I’m one of few lone voices who like to get out information on just how coal fired power has been so good for those Countries who do have it, and have had it over the last many many years, and you can easily see just how access to huge amounts of coal fired power provided the ‘engine’ for the World economies that helped to make them great.
I have a Post I first wrote about this in 2016, and Updated in 2021 for those who want to read just how beneficial coal fired power really has been.
The Benefits That Coal Fired Power Gave Us
In these times, it’s worthwhile to just ponder on this, and perhaps even be thankful for it.
Maybe, just maybe, the worm is turning now, and we might actually become aware of just how much we need coal fired power.
Contrary to popular belief, it is not becoming a stranded asset, and in fact, it has a long and very bright future.
We may have missed the boat now by around fifteen or so years, but it’ll make a comeback.
King Coal will always be King Coal until the next ‘King Coal’ comes along.
Good Morning Tony,
just looked up the NEM live watch website: Coal 40%, Wind only 5% of our power supply. We are looking at a bleak future without a reliable energy source.
Have a Happy New year.
I recently read an article about the minerals needed to produce the batteries if we were to electrify the combined vehicle fleet is all vehicles were to be replaced by electric vehicles.
Now as you read this Table required, be aware that this is to produce the batteries for just ….. THE VERY FIRST GENERATION of batteries for these vehicles, so just one set of batteries for all the cars.
The source for the table is The Geological Survey Of Finland.
Look at those last four minerals there and the number of years of production, and that’s just for the first set of batteries in the cars.
Electric Vehicles will be a niche market for woke virtue signallers, and even they will soon tire of them, especially when they find out how much a replacement battery unit will cost, or even if they can get one at all. Imagine the, umm, trade in value of the car if it’s even remotely close to battery replacement time.
Now go out on ANY road near you and look at the cars, and imagine telling the owners that if there is a move to electric vehicles, every one of those cars will be totally worthless, and in fact, the dealers will not even take them off your hands. It’ll be up to the owner to find a way of disposing of them, and to also bear that cost as well.
Oh, and who’s going to be the politician who tells them that. Umm, no, you can’t tell them that. There’ll be rioting in the streets.
LiPo chemistry works well for cars, it’s cheaper and longer lasting than NMC and is already used in most/all Tesla Standard range cars, eliminating Cobalt and Nickel currently used for highest energy density batteries
Lithium supply growth will be more of a limiting factor for the foreseeable future – but high prices are going to push the economics of expanding production Aggressively. With the increased investment and R&D in lithium extraction supply will ramp up quickly.
And then there is CATL’s recent sodium ion innovations that looks like it will become a majority of EV batteries for lower performance town cars at least, with battery prices perhaps half of lithium and ranges up to about 500km.
What is the story with Sodium Ion batteries ? I saw a youtube clip that explained it is all over for lithium as these things are just as good with modern manufacturing. More hype or not?
Sodium/Sulphur batteries are definitely hype. Someone did some laboratory chemistry, under lab conditions, and said “Bah, the rest is engineering”
They tout low (25%) cost compared to Lithium, due to being able to extract Sodium from seawater…But if Aluminium is solidified electricity, the energy cost of extracting Sodium and Sulphur will be something else.
As for fire risk, Sodium is a whole other proposition…makes Lithium look positively benign.
Totally ignoring the fact that Sulphur itself creates some nasty combustion byproducts.
You oh so don’t want to be downwind of these on fire
Oh Look WW1 chemical warfare in a handy container….!
I wonder whether the firemen trying to put out a NaS fire would die first from the toxic hydrogen sulfide or from the hydrogen explosion.
Give me the 1967 Ford Mustang any day. A Lead/Acid battery with no chance of blowing up. It go flat though………………
Them thar things in the boot are called jumper leads… bzzzzzt!
Drove a ’67 Ford V8 convertible pearl-sprayed lefthand-drive beast for weddings pre-Covert; put a smile on many brides, bridegrooms, and bridesmaids’ faces over the years. I love going to other people’s weddings.
There ias an overhead from the side of a car like that doing the rounds with the caption –
“If the covid vaccine was a seat belt”
The seat belts are around the necks of driver and passenger.
This also assumes that these metals arent needed for anything else but producing batteries
Unless I’m wrong, those numbers were only for EV batteries. What about the materials required for the storage batteries?
I’ll soon be old enough that if I buy one it will last me until I check out. Then, someone could park it in a certain part of town, and it would disappear.
Whether or not a replacement battery will be available in 6 or 8 years is a topic I haven’t seen addressed. The technology does not seem to have stabilized the way starter batteries have.
I wonder if EVs will be insurable given their propensity to catch fire, and the temptation to park somewhere with the keys nearby when the battery loses a fair few % of range.
its a toss up between catching fore when parked vs having the parking station collapse as the % EVs reaches the catastrophic, unprecedented, tipping point for car park vehicle weight Armageddon. I wonder if they factored in the weight of chargers and cabling to each parking space?
Plus compare the weight of electric cars versus weight on a 1980s car. Park these heavy cars in a 1980s car garage. Factor in the affect of aging on the car garage. Will the car garage be able to take the doubling of more of weight load? Some people think this might be an issue.
10 cm of reinforced concrete should be enough….
Us country types would just see the dirt compact a bit more
Merry Christmas! You have cancer!
It was a stressful Christmas for patients at a medical practice in the UK after they accidentally received a text telling them they had aggressive lung cancer.
The intended text the practice meant to send was a Merry Christmas message.
The group which runs the surgery said nobody was available for comment. The centre has almost 8,000 patients.
The first text told recipients they had “aggressive lung cancer with metastases”, a type of secondary malignant growth.
It directed patients to fill out a DS1500 form, which allows people with terminal diseases to claim certain benefits.
However, about an hour later people received a second text telling them it was an error and it was meant to wish them a merry Christmas instead.
Ms Hargreaves said after she received the original text while she was out shopping, she “felt sick to my teeth and broke down”.
She added: “I had just had a mole removed and was awaiting a result from a biopsy and I had been to hospital as my smear test came back abnormal, so yes, I was very worried.”
How many sudden heart attacks for that one…
The two messages in order were
You have aggressive cancer which has metastasized and then Merry Christmas.
For those waiting for their colon test results, it must have been devastating.
2022There Are Only Two Genders: Switzerland Rejects Gender Ideology in New Ruling
The government of Switzerland rejected attempts to impose a third-gender option or no-gender option for official records last week, distinguishing itself from other European nations that have already adopted the politics of gender identity.
The Swiss Federal Council responded to two proposals from the nation’s parliament saying “the binary gender model is still strongly anchored in Swiss society,” according to The Associated Press.
The Swiss Government said, “The social preconditions for the introduction of a third gender or for a general waiver of the gender entry in the civil registry currently are not there.”
Applause, applause!
Recall those unwoke times when we could learn that an identity was something that remained the same under varying conditions or aspects; gender often referred to a reproductive role classification at birth based on an individual’s observed sex role physical attributes; and gender, gene and genesis were cognates?
My favourite movie “The Final Countdown “ is on tonight on SBS , for lovers of sci-fi .
This ‘dystopian’ new spy technology should terrify you
Frightening new technology in the hands of government intelligence agencies has the ability to commandeer any smart camera and even “alter feeds” to manipulate both its audio and visuals — including past recordings, Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported.
The Big Brother-like software — used by the nation’s intelligence agency Mossad — has been brokered since 2018 to global states by a former Israeli defense force cyber chief’s company, Toka.
But only recently has the true power of this superior hacking tool been revealed.
Its top secret clients have the “previously out-of-reach capabilities” to locate all security and web cameras in a given perimeter with the abilities to tap into the feeds to watch, hack or even doctor them — including previous footage — at their discretion, the paper reported.
Specifically, it can “transform untapped [Internet of things] sensors into intelligence sources” in the interest of “intelligence and operational needs,” according to 2021 internal company documents Haaretz obtained.
Additionally, these tools facilitate users to “discover and access security and smart cameras” that aid in assessing a “targeted area.” There is another piece of “access” tech known as “car forensics and intelligence” which can “wirelessly” geolocate vehicles as well.
The spy service — which has its pieces bundled together as a package deal — also boasts its capabilities to wipe or change footage in real time, referring to the practice as “masking of on-site activities” for “covert operations.”
🎶 First, we take Manhattan,
Then we take Berlin…
And London and Rome,
Baghdad and Jerusalem,
Tokyo and Sydney…
I single-finger-salute as many CCTV cameras as possible – or poke my tongue out at ’em – hey, it’s a free country innit? My [twisted] sense of humour is still operating… unlike many Jabberwocky Zombies. Happy New Year for tomorrow, woohoo! We made it
your welcome to all the “car forensics” you want from the Yarpos fleet, if you reckon you are good enough.
I suspect and sincerely hope that is just an internet beat up based on the TV movie “Captured” the storyline of which was based on evil manipulation of surveilance and Media camera footage.
Good series, but all fiction ?
The New Normal
‘The tendency of southward pulses of polar vortex events into North America (vs. Eurasia) is related to the semi-permanent upper-level high-pressure ridge areas located over vast warmer than normal ocean regions (referred to as “warm blobs”) in the Northeast Pacific and western North Atlantic.’ (Climate Impact Company)
SMH published this story on line this morning, paywalled:
January 6 committee wraps up, withdraws Trump subpoena
This sounds huge, but I can’t copy the full story. Just two pars:
” New York: The US House select committee investigating the January 6 attack on the Capitol has withdrawn the subpoena it had issued to former president Donald Trump, conceding Congress members had run out of time to obtain his documents or testimony. ”
” On Thursday (AEDT), Democrat Bennie Thompson, the chair of the committee, made that official, writing to Trump’s legal team and informing them he was withdrawing the panel’s subpoena. ”
A search found this link, which is at least close to the SMH version:
Dave B
the so called referrals to the DOJ also carry no legal weight. What a BS waste of time and money that process has been. The said part is that people are in jail because of that dysfunctional swill.
It was an attempt to smear Trump and his MAGA movement. And it worked. The DemolishCrats with Wuhan flu, open borders, rocketing inflation, rocketing airfares, collapse of law and order only had Trump and free abortion for all, men included. Though in Biden’s case it is far too late.
Yet it was headline news in our Trump hating MSM, as if it was a fait accompli that he would go to jail. How the talking heads gloated. Not one mention of The House January 6 select committee consisting of mainly Democrats and 2 RINOS.
New York: The US House select committee investigating the January 6 attack on the Capitol has withdrawn the subpoena it had issued to former president Donald Trump, conceding Congress members had run out of time to obtain his documents or testimony.
The committee is set to dissolve January 3 when representatives elected at the midterms in November will take their posts. It waited until October to issue a subpoena to Trump, who promptly sued the panel to try to block it.
The panel had directed Trump to produce an extensive list of documents and communications – including phone calls, texts, encrypted messages and emails – related to nearly every aspect of his effort to invalidate the 2020 election between November 3, 2020, and January 6, 2021. But Trump’s suit made it highly unlikely that he would ever testify, given the committee’s end date.
On Thursday (AEDT), Democrat Bennie Thompson, the chair of the committee, made that official, writing to Trump’s legal team and informing them he was withdrawing the panel’s subpoena.
“As you may know, the select committee has concluded its hearings, released its final report and will very soon reach its end,” Thompson wrote. “In light of the imminent end of our investigation, the select committee can no longer pursue the specific information covered by the subpoena.”
Harmeet Dhillon, one of Trump’s lawyers, celebrated the development on Twitter.
“After my firm filed suit on separation of powers grounds to block January 6 House Select Committee’s illegitimate subpoena to President Trump over his activities while president — the committee waved the white flag & withdrew subpoena,” she wrote.
A committee spokesperson declined to comment.
Thompson is sending similar letters to other witnesses as the panel wraps up its work.
A nearly identical letter was sent to Doug Mastriano, the Republican nominee for Pennsylvania governor, whom the panel had sought to question. Mastriano had been a central figure in Trump’s efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election in Pennsylvania.
“I hereby formally withdraw the subpoena issued to Mr Mastriano, and notify you that he is no longer obligated to comply or produce records in response to said subpoena,” Thompson wrote to Mastriano’s lawyer.
Before releasing its final report last week, the committee referred Trump to the Justice Department for prosecution on four key criminal offences: inciting or assisting an insurrection; obstruction of an official proceeding; conspiracy to defraud the United States; and conspiracy to make a false statement.
I lost count of the number of attempts to incriminate the President!! Probably 30 or more since 2016 and the Democrats have never been able to scratch together any evidence of criminality or misdemeanour!!
Charges include treason by collusion with Russia, insurrection on 6th Jan 2020, tax irregularities, involvement with prostitution in Moscow, then that porn star thingy ( don’t even remember her name ).
Looks like it’s “ back to dirt digging “ for the Democrats.
“ The Donald “ will run for President again in 2024. The weeping, wailing & gnashing of teeth will by the Democrats & their lackeys will be music to my ears.
And incriminate the Russians. Russian Disinformation for example for Hunter Biden. Russians under the bed. Not a thing said about China, unless Biden went off script and openly supporte Taiwan, which the White House quickly reversed.
It was fascinating to hear even Biden complain in his angry old man way that if he expressed an opinion, it was reversed by his staff. Who is running the show? Obama, Clinton, Rice or all three? The only thing we know for sure it that it is not geriatric Joe or cackling Kamala.
Certainly not the chap who can’t tell the difference between “an election protection program” used to protect the result of an election after the fact and “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics” used to predetermine the outcome.
They are now going after his tax, but I don’t expect anything out of order.
According to the New York Times, “The Apprentice” alone earned Trump $200 million between 2005 and 2018.
That Committee is a Kangaroo Court and has no power to do very much at all. Except pontificate as pompous windbags.
“That Committee is a Kangaroo Court and has no power to do very much at all. ”
Just another propaganda outlet, they are running them everywhere to blanket the masses with the opinions they need to have. If you throw enough mud, some will stick.
FWIW Things covid
Possible EDTA chelation therapy
Chiefio has some doubt flags
It’s appearing that a significant fraction, perhaps the majority of the early covid deaths were due to the use of new errant medical protocols. For example, elderly which had pneumonia symptoms were denied anti-biotics because of the rationale that anti-biotics don’t work on viruses like covid.
“Ignoring the elephant in the living-room…”
Newspaper headlines trying to explain Sudden Death Syndrome”
From there't%20dying.png
And the Ed Dowd video at the end
FERC considers constraining renewables
By David Wojick
The beginning: “The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC, rhymes with jerk) is taking comments on a proposed order that might actually constrain the destructive impact of renewables on America’s grid. FERC would order the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC, also rhymes with jerk) to do something about the growing adverse impact of renewables. NERC is a private corporation endowed with federal authority to keep America’s lights on. NERC makes and enforces the regulations governing grid reliability in America. The looming threat of numerous blackouts is their fault. They have obviously failed to maintain reliability, which is their sole mission.
I pointed NERC’s obvious failure out recently in a CFACT article titled “Save America’s grid!”. See
NERC issues reliability standards which the electric power industry is supposed to follow. These federal standards are supposed to be enforced by NERC’s regional subsidiaries. Clearly this process has not worked or we would not be facing widespread blackouts. In fact none of NERC’s 93 reliability standards addresses renewables.
NERC works for FERC, who is now proposing to order NERC to develop new reliability standards that specifically address renewables. That is the good news. The bad news is that FERC’s detailed proposal does not cover the basic problem, which is the intermittent, weather dependent nature of wind and solar power generation. As proposed, the new reliability standards would only address what is called grid stability. This is the sudden fluctuation of power that wind and solar are prone to. The deeper issue of intermittency also needs to be covered by NERC reliability standards.
The FERC proposed order is here:
Unfortunately FERC does not take comments there, but they explain how comments can be filed.”
Lots more in the article. Please share it.
Renewables require reliability.
My little true FERC story.
At dinner party with anachronistic binary couple, both FERC lawyers, in the years when ENRON and heterosexual relationships were still a thing inside the Beltway.
Being a conspiracy theorist, I had heard rumblings about ENRON.
I asked them, “so what’s up with ENRON?”
“Oh, they are doing magnificent things, innovating the energy markets. Great company.”
I think it was about six weeks after this that herstory unfolded.
FERC, excellent performance record in developing regulatory standards.
‘Surrender Dorothy’ … obscure inside the Beltway historical reference.
– Loretta
I think I’m being oppressed.
Yes and FERC has loved renewables as they loved ENRON. But now they admit there is a reliability problem. This is a big step in our direction.
Andrew Tate posting pizza box video
Controversial social media personality Andrew Tate arrested in Romania on human trafficking, rape charges after posting pizza box video
What I am interested to know too is what are the possible consequences if any of the vaxx mix they where offering in the beginning, first shot Astra, second Pfizer, third Moderna etc and other mixes.
There has been some chaos…
That question is too hard for me K G. I’ll stick my private mantra of “No jab, no problem” thanks.
Dave B
As I’m not jabbed too, nevertheless the question rises…
I’m not concerned, but interested…
I wondered if that might be your situation. I’m sort of similar except my curiosity is towards “Long Covid”, but I’ve not gained much clarity there either.
Dave B
Have seen a comment that long covid is fixed with antihistamines, as well as ivermectin.
“Vaccine Salesman of the Year: WHO Chief Says COVID Boosters “Are Used by Countries to Kill Children” – Fake Fact-Checkers Freak Out”
He’s making the sensible comment that the risk/benefit ratio doesn’t warrant vaccinating children as more will be harmed than saved. Not that countries are intentionally using the vaccine to kill kids! His English isn’t perfect so it came out a bit wrong.
Why Britain’s electric dream is driving so many of us to distraction: As Tesla owners are forced to queue for hours to charge their cars, one disillusioned motorist who’s just faced a nightmare Christmas journey reveals how
The figure which amazed me was for the UK power sources
Coal 0%
Burning American wood pellets 14%, mainly in the DRAX plant (wasn’t he the villain in Diamonds are Forever?)
So imported wood pellets from America are produce better CO2 levels than your own (free) coal? How does that work? I would love to hear a scientific explanation.
Fast growing pine trees need to grow 25 to 30 years to be old enough to be harvested for their wood and sometimes 50 years, but I suspect like chickens, they harvest earlier. (I just checked, 10-20 years). But the pellets come from old growth forest, so what is the difference with coal again?
So the half life of Carbon Dioxide before the absorption by the ocean has to be much longer than that for it to make sense. Which is why the IPCC claim it is 80 years, without any evidence. Too bad it is only 6 years.
And more CO2 means more trees, as admitted by NASA and the CSIRO. So the biosphere is irrelevant, the bit we are in.
What part of Nett Zero is actually true? None of it. Humans have no control at all over CO2 levels. Nor do the trees. Because 98% of all gaseous CO2 is in the ocean and comes out with a little surface warming. But I admit that’s actual real science, not Climate Science.
From Friends of the earth
“It says around 60% of this wood pellet feedstock is from sawmill residues, “thinnings” (small trees removed), branches, tops, and bark. More than one-third of the wood it burns is from large whole trees. (so 30-60 year old)
So again, what is the difference with English coal, except being far more expensive? How does burning old trees differ from burning old coal?
And are the trees replaced and how long before the new trees are as big as the old ones, 20-30 years? And is the 1/3 figure right or is someone cheating and cutting down old growth forests or even new (10-30 year) plantations?
It’s all a money game, not science. Feel good fantasy because coal is black and pine wood is white. Tree racism.
I am surprised you do not know the green argument, which is that trees are part of the natural carbon cycle, while coal is not. Burning trees just returns CO2 they removed in growing. It does not change the mass in the cycle. Burning coal increases that mass. That is the claim.
Thanks but that’s not an actual fact based science argument. It’s an ignorant emotional one. So decomposed trees and leaves are ‘unnatural’ carbon but 50 year old trees are natural carbon? That’s absurd. Carbon dioxide is a molecule of three atoms, nothing more. It’s origin is irrelevant.
The only statement I have read is that the 50% increase in CO2 in the air is man made. It’s not true.
In 1954 absolutely identifiable and measurable fossil fuel CO2 was 2.03% +/-0.15% from the one in a trillion atoms which contain C14. And today using the same radio carbon dating technique we can say absolutely that CO2 from ancient rotted plants is still less than 3% not the 33% stated.
So apart from being wrong factually, the claim that there is a significant ‘natural cycle’ of CO2 is also wrong. Biological CO2 is a very tiny fraction of natural CO2 exchange of the planet. Life on earth barely qualifies as pond scum. The idea of human control of the climate of the planet is beyond absurd, megalomania, Chicken Little logic from the UN as part of their attempt to be a world government and fight CO2 on our behalf.
The only natural cycle involved is the very rapid equilibrium of aerial CO2 with the 98% of CO2 in the ocean. A slight increase in surface temperature increases aerial CO2. More CO2 warms nothing. Warmth releases more CO2.
If we stopped burning fossil fuels, within 6 years man made CO2 would be 1.5%. And in 32 years 0.03%. Man has no control at all on physical chemistry.
A lot of good things have come from the lunacy. Led lights are far better then halogens which were better than incandescents.
16% hybrid cars can double oil reserves.
Energy efficient houses, appliances, devices help reduce waste which was avoidable.
Insulation reduces the cost of energy for everyone.
Solar power is good and cheap albeit useless for anything serious like smelting, but it can power the toasters if you have thousands of
them and the wind blows at breakfast time.
Recycling is a great idea let down only by the fact that no one actually does it, except the electric arc smelters which now recycle 85% of steel. The rest is dumped in the ocean or buried, as always. No one sorts and no one cares, but makes garbos very rich. And the people who make plastic rubbish sorting bins, sometimes five to a household. They get buried in the same hole. And a lot of the plastic bottle which wash up on Atlantic coast are dated this year from China.
And the demise of old electric cars will provide a huge resource which might eliminate lithium mining for batteries which run everything.
I just wonder where Telsa is going to source all the car tyres for these 2.6-3.6 tonne monsters posing as family cars which I expect would chew through tyres at that weight.
And wonder when Governments are going to penalty taxes on electric cars for all the charging stations and trasmission lines and support services they require and demand above independent petrol cars and trucks. I don’t remember any government building petrol stations.
FYI…. Aluminium is a close second to steel in the recyclling stream at +- 80%.
Beer/beverage cans, Al window frames, car wheels, and components, aircraft, even solar panel frames !
There is a +ve cost advantage to recycling vs virgin metal.
A bit of fun:
Blackouts for Christmas, a sick grid gift
By David Wojick
The beginning: “Many people got a blackout for Christmas. Or for Christmas Eve Day. Or even worse the Night Before Christmas, when it was zero at my place. But I was lucky as my 8 hour blackout was Friday, so all I lost for Christmas was phone and Internet. But I had already received the four day blackout the Thursday-Sunday a week before. Geez!
Oh but I also got an actual Christmas gift. An email from my power company (if you can still call them that) with this holiday request: “Please Conserve Energy During the Extreme Cold”.
How much I wondered? No Christmas dinner? No holiday lights? Apparently so, for this is (part of) what they said:
“Here are some simple ways you can reduce energy use:
–Turn off non-essential appliances, equipment and electric lights – including HOLIDAY LIGHTS – that you do not need or are not using.
— Postpone using major electric household appliances, such as STOVES, dishwashers and clothes dryers.”
No lights, no stove, no Christmas.”
Lots more in the articles. Please share it.
Replacing reliable power with unreliable power makes power unreliable.
That is zero F by the way, not a balmy zero C.
I meant green, sorry.
Anton Petrov has been poking fun at “Science”-themed stock photos that don’t seem to be very scientific.
Some hilarious ones in the mix. [duration 8:06s]
The woman holding the hot end of the soldering iron was pretty good, but now tending to think the best was the spacey-chick with opaque Geordi-style visor injecting yellow liquid into a corn cob.
COVID-19: New antibodies on the trail
The known study they refer to
BBC bias infesting output and warping Britain.
What, someone just noticed!
IgG4 and cancer – a mechanism of action for cancer relapse and onset
In this video there is possibly contained therein, rather a lot of gaslighting, and so might not be suitable for fact checking purposes IMO :)The IgG4 cat was only let out of the bag a few days ago. There is plenty of opinion yet to come as the IgG4 story is still new and too early to resort to any kind of gaslighting.
From youtube:14,804 views Streamed live 10 hours ago
3rd Pfizer Vaccine Shot Increases Non-inflammatory IgG4
This study has created a lot of buzz. The word of mouth has become that this study proves that our immune system becomes unable to handle an infection after vaccination. Let’s see if the study shows this phenomenon.
…excellent find Krishna…WoW Jessica Rose has looked at this before and is therefore seasoned and knowledgeable in this area.
Looks like she is on fire.
Plenty of fact checking in her recent article for me to undertake with a critical mind.
What on Earth is Jikkyleaks?
Is Julian Assange gettin’ jikky with it?
“the relationship between IgG4 and cancer.”
Its a shame that wasn’t addressed by the mRNA vaccine fanboys in your previous article in comment #22.
“This also means that the effectiveness of the vaccination is still guaranteed and offers very good protection against severe courses of the disease, as has been clearly demonstrated in clinical studies. Moreover, there is no evidence of any impairment of the clinical course of a SARS-CoV-2 infection after repeated mRNA vaccination.
Enormous potential of mRNA vaccines against infections as well as tumour and autoimmune diseases”
Even if IgG4 is forgotten for a moment and is ‘passe’, then why is the perfectly good virus neutralizer “IgG3” disappearing after the third transfection/vaccine/shot/injection?
Lots of questions yet to be answered at warp speed, the speed of science.
The economic/energy/material unconventional war has started and will ‘heat’ up in 2023 when the world goes into recession.
The EU green/zero carbon emission ‘plan’ made energy, in the EU and UK, super expensive and destroyed local sources of energy, metals, and materials. The ‘plan’ to subsidize imported energy, subsidize companies and citizens that cannot afford super expensive energy, and that cannot pay interest on loans, will not work. There is no time or possibility of a political solution. Countries will need to solve their economic and social problems by accepting emergency wartime governments.
This YouTube video explains the crisis for ordinary people, in the UK. The second video discusses the sudden discovery, of a massive unsolvable debt crisis.
(Too sad to watch. Recommend skimming through).
Broke: Britain’s Debt Emergency
In the UK, one in four people have recently been forced to borrow money to pay their electrical, natural gas, and food bills. The UK is currently experiencing the largest drop in living standards on record. It is expected that one in five people in the UK will fall into poverty in 2023. These people will need social assistance to live.
The banks and companies are also in trouble (See the next video) There are US 700 billion dollars of corporate loans which are currently at risk of default. The companies cannot pay the interest on the loans. What comes next is loan defaults, layoffs, and company/bank closures caused by super high energy costs and the step rise in borrowing costs.
Skim. Too boring/sad to watch. Obvious consequences after a decade of the lowest interest rates in history that allowed out of control government spending and idiotic GDP killing legislation, followed by thoughtless covid spending.
Why Banks & Investors Face Massive Losses as Distressed Debt Skyrockets and Credit Markets Break
China has prepared for the unconventional economic war which they pushed Russia to start. China signed long term natural gas contracts with Qatar, just prior to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. China and Russia have purchased hundreds of billion dollars of gold and have set up exchanges to enable their currencies to be converted to gold.
‘China has prepared for the unconventional economic war which they pushed Russia to start.’
I don’t believe that is an accurate account of what happened.
Premier Xi told Putin its a dodgy venture, but BRICS members don’t criticise each other publicly.
‘Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke Friday with Chinese leader Xi Jinping amid signs of Beijing’s impatience over the wider political and economic impact of Russia’s struggling invasion of Ukraine.’ (Japan Times)
Sudden cardiac arrest: ICMR to probe Covid link. Times of India
“Safe and Effective®”
“Andrew Bridgen- Now the BMJ’s Journal of Medical Ethics confirm vaccine causes more harm than benefit to younger people. The roll out must be suspended and children must not be put at risk through these experimental mRNA treatments.”
A bit late, isn’t it ?
It was all known so much earlier…
“Verily, the mind doth boggle!!!”
Verily indeed!
More boggling
“Nearly 50% of participants in ‘Monkeypox in women’ study were biological men”
Maybe we need a term like “Post-Heath-Robinson”?
“As I always say, the first rule of trusting the gov’t is to never trust the gov’t.”
From a comment at SDA
“The Federalist Staff’s 2022 Winners And Losers Of The Year”
USA but hints there for making your own list
One category there
Winner: Covid ‘Conspiracy Theorists’
Yesterday’s “misinformation” is today’s conventional wisdom, and all those Covid dissenters who were smeared as conspiracy theorists and grandma killers for doubting the Faucian gospel rose to victory as 2022’s real winners.
So-called experts finally admitted cloth masks were nothing more than pure political theater. The lab leak theory went from tinfoil-hat status to the most probable scenario. And with vaccinated Americans still getting and spreading Covid, no end in sight to ‘rona boosters, and more and more of the vaxxed public reporting heart inflammation and other apparent jab injuries, free-thinking Americans who refused to swallow the left’s Covid propaganda came out on top (though the media and Mr. Science himself will never admit it).
It took too many years to be vindicated, but principled Americans who defied unelected bureacrats’ unlawful mask mandates and refused to inject themselves with an experimental vaccine were right to do so — despite personal and professional cost. Here’s hoping 2023 will be a year of restitution.”
Jordan Peterson: Alex Epstein: The Great Climate Con