A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Monday, monday, so good to be………………………All the Christmas Shopping now done.
If you don’t buy anything for anybody – – does that count as being done?
In my World. YES……………
Ukraine: Russia to deploy musicians to front to boost morale
Sounds like what they did in World War 1. Just in time for Christmas.
If I see one totally fake western news story about Russia losing, I’ll…… the truth.🤣
Should be: “If I see one MORE totally fake”
By the look of this you’ll be busy!
As a farm management advisor here observed – (IIRC)
“Having no business plan and not observing what is happening means that failure comes as a complete suprise”.
Sounds a lot like Bowens approach to energy , and the imminent outcome
Just as fake as the next article on the BBC there-
“Canada’s polar-bear capital Churchill warms too fast for bears”
Last I read there are more bears than ever before…
They’re coming to marvel at the global warming chasing
tourists“tourons” as a friend from a scenic area of USA calls them?20
an acquaintance whose daughter goes to JCU (which he says with pride rather than embarrassment) tells me that I should rush to the GBR because “in a few years” it wont be there because warming/bleaching/acidic oceans. Gets annoyed when I say if its survived the last few thousand years I doubt there is any great urgency.
The latest idea seems to be that Russia sends ‘dummy’ missile out first and Ukraine does its best to shoot them down then once Russia has tagged the anti-missile launch site they send down anti-radar missiles and then launch the REAL missiles they wanted to.
So they might launch 150 missiles and Ukraine shoots down 90 of them, but the effects are not that simple.
We’ll see how the patriot missiles go with their American crews, Chiefio reckons a hundred staff to run the system.. Can they be run remotely via satellite from the Pentagon?
This is a great weapon testing ground for all the advanced countries, I’m surprised Zelenski doesn’t charge them a fee.
I think there’s a multi-$B retainer agreement.
I know it’s true I saw it on RT, confirmed by Tass.
Yes they do send missiles in swarms but that’s not a Russian secret.
And antiradar missiles are launched from aircraft. The RADAR MUST be active. The Nth Vietnamese knew not to leave their RADAR on a minute more than necessary. Search on Wild Weasel. Russia has no aircraft over Uk because of these missiles.
Conscripts, they just don’t know it yet.
Ed Sheeran?
IIRC David Oistrakh was regularly entertaining soviet troops in WW2 and this required frequent front line trips.
He was under direct orders not to play any German music. However, on his trip to the Stalingrad front just before Xmas 1942, the state of the city, the intensity of the war there and the numerous bodies still present made him more aware, and so, he stayed longer than usual and exhausted his, by then, pat sequence of “tunes”. Realizing that no commissar would be anywhere near him on the front line (despite books and movies stating otherwise) he played an entire Bach sonata/partita (no idea which one) and incredibly the firing stopped on both sides. When he finished applause was heard from both sides and a German voice called out in bad Russki: “please keep playing. We promise we will not shoot”. So, he did and silence reigned over Stalingrad. I cannot recall if he escaped sanction for his anti-Soviet crime (there is always one who will inform), but I think he did.
How true? Well, I heard it from one source: a German who was there and read it in two books: one Soviet and one German on that battle. I have never looked it up on the IT to find out and will not. So, any sceptics BMG!
Wondering if OZ has anything like the USA “Wellness Visit” for older folks.
This is the 1st of two appointments. The purpose is to establish that the patient is still sane and mobile. One part is to remember three words for about 3 minutes and repeat them back to the Nurse. Drawing a clock is part two. Last December my mind was somewhere unknown. This year both of these exercises proved that my mind had returned – perfect mental health, or something.
The nature of the questions does suggest that the medical professionals have to deal with some odd and maybe nasty situations.
One site explains, in general terms:
First, your primary care doctor will ask you to fill out a questionnaire called a Health Risk Assessment that evaluates your health status, frailty and physical functioning.
It also assesses other aspects of your health, such as:
Psychosocial risks (e.g., depression/life satisfaction, stress, anger, loneliness/social isolation, pain, and fatigue)
Behavioral risks (e.g., tobacco use, physical activity, nutrition and oral health, alcohol consumption, sexual health, motor vehicle safety and home safety)
Activities of daily living (e.g., dressing, feeding, toileting, bathing, grooming, physical ambulation including balance and your risk of falls)
Sort of. I can only comment second hand but I do know that some people have visits from authority and questions are asked to see if they are cognitive and coping . One two part question is “can you name the months of the year” once completed the second part is “now can you say the months of the year backwards”. I don’t know how far these questions go or what is allowed to be asked here in Oz. I am of the personal opinion that I have as little to do with “authority” as possible. I don’t want hand outs or assistance if it is at all avoidable. Some people try and suck the system for what ever they can get, little realising that they are handing their life decisions to some one who “will have their best interests at heart”.
First you have to log on to your MyGov identity and fill out the application forms.
Should you be able to complete the application, you:
(1) Do not have dementia
(2) Are financially well off
(3) Will be placed on the list and will receive a visit to assess your eligibility should a suitably qualified officer be available in your area.
(4) Will receive the actual assessment when funds are available in the next budget cycle.
In short. Yes but No
That is in part a simple cognition test I do every year for my licence*. Don’t laugh, they are meaningful, Joe from Scranton couldn’t pass one.
*I’ve got a piece of paper to prove I’m sane.
The usual Courier Mail issues that I buy are on days of medical appointments. I know I won’t get any news but you get three crosswords for @2.50 currently. The next contenders have only one and cost more.
Why? It helps kill the waiting time and
Particularly for driver’s license days you get a good start in the cognition test if you go in displaying a partly completed crossword. Or up the ante a bit and start on the easy ones and you might have two done to show by then.
In times agone it was
“*I’ve got a piece of paper to prove I’
m saneve got a fast car.”20
“*I’ve got a piece of paper to prove I
’m saneve got a fast car.”Sounds like a licence with CANCELLED stamped across it.
I don’t think they put the number you were exceeding by on them?
Got ’em in NZ. Mum has had two come each day for 6months or more now, just to make sure she’s still OK and they’re meant to give her a hand with any chores. She’s 97 and living at home by herself, but generally has Sambar’s outlook and she hates having to let them in.
She has learned that if you tell a doctor what you really feel or think, they can detain you until you die with the stroke of a pen, so she is very careful with what she says.
yes its very similar here, at least in my State. In my mother in laws case the GP arranges an initial assessment and the extent of home care (if any ) is made. One a visiting nurse is on the ground she can assess the person and the home and tweak arrangements as needed. In here case it was more about getting her in the system and known, so she can be monitored over time. We set up her house pretty well during the build and it only needed a couple of changes, and her health although bad is stable for now.
I think outcomes may vary a lot depending how engaged the GP is in the whole patient rather than turning quick consultations (and of course how much the patient wants the care)
Yes, after a fashion, but with a nurse at the annual check up. We usually have a good laugh as I spell ‘world’ backwards and scrawl a diagram of a pentagon or somesuch polygon, having already recited my name, birthdate, the current month, etc.
“Mothers” explain why they brought their children to see drag queens in Texas
**Adult content warning. Ages 6 and up only please. 🙄 **
Thry’re not fit to be parents, they really aren’t.
The Myth of Pandemic Preparedness
The pandemic preparedness concept is based on fantasy; it is a dangerous money grab for a new biodefense industry. It bought:
· Many more high-containment BSL-3 and BSL-4 labs,
· 15,000 new scientists trained to research biowarfare pathogens,
· Poorly tested drugs and vaccines for which the manufacturers had no liability
· More corruption and pork for politicians to distribute.
· Nathan Wolfe’s company: biolabs in Ukraine, squire to Ghislaine Maxwell, funding by Hunter Biden’s investment group
· Peter Daszak’s ‘nonprofit’ that collected dangerous viruses from over 30 countries to bring to the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DOD’s DTRA) for further investigation
· Extremely dangerous anthrax, smallpox and COVID vaccines
· The COVID drug paxlovid, which led to relapses of COVID in President Biden, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky and NIAID Director and Presidential COVID adviser Anthony Fauci and millions of Americans, presumably prolonging their infectiousness and causing more cases of COVID
· Expensive new federal agencies (ASPR, BARDA in DHHS, and subagencies within DHS and within DOD) and new funding streams to the NIH
· An excuse to censor alternate medical/scientific views
It depends in what the definition of ‘prepare’ is is. (Bill Clinton reference 🙂 )
Anyway, they already have a name ‘SEERS’ …
S evere
E pidemic (we are back to epi and not pan)
E nterovirus (never heard that one before)
R espiratory (wear 3 masks even when sleeping)
S yndrome
Catchy, don’t ‘ya think?
(Don’t need a Seer to see.)
UK’s ‘Social Credit System’ will Include Social Media and CCTV Data Reveals Government Documents
The UK government love China’s system so much they plan one of their own.
The UK government has drawn-up plans for its own Social Credit System, based on the Chinese Communist Party’s model, Government Documents reveal. In the document Patrick Vallance, Chief Science officer to the UK Government and one of the architects of Lockdown, raves about the CCP model and how a similar system would work in Britain.
The Document lists: Social Media posts; Police Records; CCTV data, Local authority records; education records, health records, and even online purchases as being included in the system. These elements combined, that are referred to as ‘Citizen data’, amount to all of your personal data, effectively robbing you of all privacy.
What the document describes as ‘Citizen Data’ means every scrap of information about you that the government can find. NOTHING is off limits, if the data exists, now or in the future, the UK government believe they have the right to use that data for whatever they want.
They list:
Date of Birth
Medical Records
ID Documents
Biometric Data
Phone Activity
Social Media Data
Financial Data and Bank Records
Internet of Things Devices (Gadgets and Appliances etc)
Utility Usage
Tracking Cookies
Census Data
Advertising Profiles
So they want to track the iOT? Das Pom Gubermint wants to spy on your fridge.🤣🤣
Get out of the UK.🙄
Far South America is good…
Aren’t a person’s Medical Data and Census Date supposed to be private? Let alone a few others that are listed there. And what is Metadata?. Where is the Law when you need it?
1. It is private – only das gubermint knows (unless it’s hacked).
2. Metadata – 2nd level data that accompanies and defines characteristics of 1st level data.
3. Das gubermint IS the law!
Metadata is data about data
simple huh?
Simply setting up the system for the future ‘One World Government’ which the compliant Main Stream Media will be telling voters is necessary for their own well-being.
I see that there articles in the media highlighting the fact that it is 100 years since the Piltdown Man fraud was perpetrated. Care to guess which current-day fraud will be in the news 100 years from now?
Says a lot about the media. It started in 1912.
Charles Dawson (the ‘discoverer’ and strongest candidate as the fraudster) died in 1916 and there were no more ‘finds’.
Hockey-Stick Man?
Climate Change science full of missing links- records found to have been filed down.
“Care to guess which current-day fraud will be in the news 100 years from now?
No need to wait. Already known.
Global Warming
Renewable energy
Martin, Brown, Floyd
Trump Russia collusion
Pandemic vaccine sales initiative
Laptop Disinformation
2020 US election
2020 Midterms
(all, and more, packaged and delivered by corrupt Media)
The pertinent, more more manageable question, is what isn’t fraudulent.
Vax Injured Man Goes On Epic Rant Against Doctors Hiding The Truth From Their Patients
It’s well and truly time for the medical profession to stand up to the BS. If you don’t want to uphold the Hippocratic Oath
then quit!
High court injunction to stop the “vaccination” of children in Ireland
The peasants are revolting!
Alarming antibody evasion properties of rising SARS-CoV-2 BQ and XBB subvariants
It is clear that there is original antigenic sin at play (immune fixation or imprinting to the first prime or exposure), viral immune escape, and thus there will be antibody-dependent enhancement of infection and disease.
Warning, the concern is not only about a highly infectious sub-variant emerging (driven by the sub-optimal mounting immune pressure) and subsequent sub-variants, but a more virulent lethal sub-variant emerging. Yes, this COVID gene therapy can drive the emergence of a lethal sub-variant that could threaten humanity. I have argued that this pandemic will never end for 100 more years once you keep these COVID gene injections going, these sub-optimal non-neutralizing ‘mismatched’ so called ‘vaccines’. IMO, designed to fail, the entire set up, it can never work. Those behind this, the vaccine makers e.g. Bourla and Bancel, CDC, NIH, FDA, Fauci, Francis Collins, Walensky etc. knew and know this vaccine program can never work. You need to ask yourself then, why are they pushing this still when it is clear it has failed. Why the boosters? Are the boosters meant to continue driving re-infections so that emergency powers can remain in place? Is this the grand design?
It is key you understand that the interplay between the infectious pressure of the virus (constant circulating virus) and the immune pressure that the population is putting, the interplay is not understood. This interplay is critical to understand and we are underestimating the evolutionary capacity of the virus to evolve to the immune pressure being placed on it, that is sub-optimal via these COVID gene injections. We have disturbed this balanced viral-host ecosystem. The pandemic is not waning, it is actually expanding with these COVID gene injections. The infectious pressure is remaining extremely high and thus you never ever end this pandemic and will never get to herd immunity if you do not cut the chain of transmission and these COVID gene injections do not stop transmission. Infectious pressure from virus and immune pressure from the mounting population immunity (feeding back onto each other) are critically intertwined and interlinked. One must be reduced. The more pressure we place on the virus, the more susceptible the population becomes for more infection as the vaccinal antibodies are driving increased infectiousness to the vaccinee.
Now say after me: “it’s not Covid you have to worry about but what comes after it”.
Interesting theory. I still think it will go away though. People will stop taking injections soon. They see no further point to it. All people I know at least are not taking shots anymore. They all did.
An essay by Alan Longhurst is going the rounds.
‘One conclusion is unavoidable from this simple exploration of the surface air temperature archive: as used today by the IPCC and the climate change science community the instrumental record is not fit for purpose: it is contaminated by data obtained from that tiny fraction of Earth’s surface where most of us spend our brief span of years indoors.’ (Climate Etc)
“SENIOR climate scientists have revealed that no evidence whatsoever exists to support wild claims of a pending global crisis.
A peer-reviewed study published earlier this year in The European Physical Journal Plus has found that not a single physical metric can be found – outside of computer modelling – that suggests a global climate emergency.
By having forty years of dumbing down our education system, they think they can get away with saying anything – and that’s what the climate alarmists are doing…
Prof Ian Plimer
Geologist & Earth Scientist
Study concludes, on the basis of observational data, that no climate crisis is evident.
Researchers pour cold water on the IPCC’s extremist claims.
No scientific indication of a clear positive trend of extreme weather events.
Authored by scholars from the universities of Milan, Verona and Padua in Italy, their report concludes “the climate crisis that, according to many sources, we are experiencing today, is not yet evident”.
The study was led by Prof Gianluca Alimonti from the University of Milan.”
Yes, but the argument was not just that there is a ‘climate emergency’ but that we humans caused it by increasing CO2 by 50%.
But the graph of Co2 vs time shows no evidence at all of human CO2, like for example the dramatic growth of China to output more CO2 than everyone else combined. It is almost a dead straight line.
And recently direct measurements of CO2 show the expected seasonal variations, which are shown on the graph. So as expected, the reason more CO2 comes out of the ocean is slight warming, modified by the seasons and completely independent of tiny human activity.
It’s all a gigantic hoax. And every real scientist knows it. No evidence at all. And a torturous piece of logic to show a minor increase in a tiny gas has any effect at all on the climate.
The final absurdity is that we are told climate is not the weather, it is a somehow different science which excludes meteorologists from Climate Science. But every time there is a major weather event, that is Climate Change. And every time something is wrong with a Climate prediction, that is El Nino or La Nina, which no one can predict. However we are asked to believe in man made weather, regardless of the facts.
So living at 7 metres above sea level for decades now of rapid sea level rise, I am waiting and nothing has happened in a lifetime. But it’s an emergency! Who says?
“And a torturous piece of logic ”
Wouldn’t that be “Ill-logic”?
Elon Musk to stand down as head of Twitter
Do I smell a bot-detection ploy? 😎
What will Labour ,Greens and Teals say if they ever discover this news?
… not one little bit !
The bisphenol A part has to become soluble before the body can absorb it. Bisphenol A is a part of the epoxy resin which is further reacted (by heat) during blade manufacture. You are more likely to get Bisphenol A from a polycarbonate bottle or vessel.
Also epoxy-phenolic coatings were used to line ‘tin’ cans since at least 1950. You might as well blame Joe Biden’s problems on them.
They still won’t care. They could cause cancer they wouldn’t care. They are way beyond that.
Neil Oliver: “Agenda 2030 – Net Zero – is a second Titanic – and this time the whole world’s being herded aboard like cattle.”
Direct link:×720/DkDNe3boduzoesnP.mp4
From an essay by David Whitehouse.
‘A new study published in the Journal of Climate suggests the effect of carbon dioxide this century might be small if not undetectable when compared to natural climate variability. The researchers contend that recent temperature trends might indicate that there is no detectable increase in global temperature due to greenhouse gas emissions.’ (ICECAP)
Can you link to the article in the journal? It does not list any contribution by mr Whitehouse
Could you list the reference of a paper that proves scientifically, that human released CO2 causes any warming at all, please.
“there is no detectable increase in global temperature due to greenhouse gas emissions”
Yep, warming by human released CO2 has NEVER been detected by measurement.
It exists only in an assumption driven fantasy world.
United States Readers:
If you live in the central third of the USA or are traveling, please see:
Make sure friends and relatives are aware!
I lived in that area for 7 years.
It is a nice place to be from! 🤣
Hiding the decline caused by oceanic oscillations because it doesn’t fit the script.
‘A new global dataset of Surface Solar Radiation (SSR) published by Yuan et al. (2021) shows a large decrease in the average solar flux reaching Earth’s land masses between 1960 and the present. This prompted a reassessment of the known climate-change pattern during the 20th Century.
‘The analysis of globally averaged SSR data revealed a 22-year long steep cooling episode between 1962 and early 1980s that is absent from current institutional global temperature records, but was a topic of intense public discussions during the 1970s.’
(Nikolov / Tallbloke’s Talkshop)
In this sad video a former resident of San Bernardino, California, visits it and goes for a drive. He finds the place destroyed like a war zone. Not surprisingly, San Bernardino is under Democrat “governance”.
Why the US will Collapse under Civil Unrest
I have been asked about our computer forecast regarding civil unrest that would turn upward from 2014, become critical in 2023, and escalate into 2032. There is the economic breakdown that is being deliberately created by those in the Biden Administration under the misguided vision of Climate Change and how they must end fossil fuels ASAP. The convenient announcement of suddenly the impossible, cold fusion, is highly dubious and even if true, it would be decades away. Nevertheless, it is already being touted as See! Let’s end fossil fuels now! We have an alternative.
But the other factor is the division of society into groups. The teaching of Critical Race Theory is being pushed because of White Supremacy and the solution is to demonize white children in schools. This is just as bad as judging someone inferior simply because they are not white.
This division has come into play hidden behind the headlines. Suddenly, Critical Race Theory surfaced in 2022 and this is the 8.6-year interval from 2014. The next really bad period will be 2032 and from 2023 into that period, we are looking at society coming unglued. We will see our nation divide as will be the case in Europe – the EU will crumble to dust. There will be a great financial upheaval going into 2028
Oohhh…he’s mentioned 2028 again.😎
Ask ye not for I shall not say…
Multiculturalism will always bring civil unrest and CRT. It is inevitable, it is all it can do. To solve it is to pull oneself up by the bootstraps.
As front page in the Australian today, we’ve now decided as a country that we will have neither coal nor gas! What genius thought that was a good idea/ NO base load at all?
Of course the South Australian government has massive diesel generators on standby for their own electricity. Hypocrites. It’s not as if the politicians do not know the truth about wind and solar.
The Greens are demanding blackouts with no energy at all except wind and solar. Now another $180Million on batteries which will power the country for 3 minutes? Don’t ask why because they do not have an answer. It is just what they want. A shut down of society.
And the Green answer is more windmills? How does that solve the problem. 1000×0 is still 0.
I am hoping that this all blows up in the Northern Hemisphere winter, as Australian politicians do not have the political will to oppose the UN dictates. Why?
Science has been hijacked. And the Liberal party with the except of Matt Canavan is entirely clueless. Labor under Albanese is leading the country on a path to destruction. Nothing in this irrational hatred of carbon, the sixth element in the Periodic Table makes any scientific sense. Appallingly and perpetually wrong Top Scientist Professor Tim Flannery is still being followed like a prophet. Climate Change is a destructive religion. And environmentalism is now a war on humanity.
“Of course the South Australian governments has massive
diesel generators‘sabotage targets’ on standby for their own electricity. “50
Here is a Pakistani video showing an extreme truck repair.
Such an extensively damaged truck would be considered an insurance write-off in any Western country but this repair shows what can be done with large amounts of cheap skilled labour.
For those who are concerned with using heat to straighten the frame rails and the softening of the metal this would cause, note that they manufacture doublers which were hot riveted along most of the length of the rails. The resulting structure would likely be stronger than the original although heavier.
La Nina is coming to a close now that the Peru Current has been intercepted.,-35.00,265
Just looked at the latest OSPO map. No sign of any weakening in the cool water pattern emanating from South America – looks the same as it has for months.
There is a feeling that La Nina is weakening.
An ABC article on long Covid.
A rather long article, maybe too long. But well into it I found this:
” We now know that autoimmune diseases disproportionately affect women.”
And later, this:
” Lau says because the autonomic nervous system isn’t properly taught in medical school, many people with dysautonomia are misdiagnosed or neglected, often they’re told nothing is wrong with them. ”
Later still:
” None of the tablets that we use are known to directly impact on the autonomic nervous system, right,” Lau says. ”
Two things missing:
1. Vaxxine status; and
2. Vitamin D.
Why has there been no discussion about the moderator role of vitamin D in the effective action of our immune system?
Dave B
Because the official position of Their ABC is that vitamin D is useless and dangerous…
No doubt the Australian Government holds a similar position as no Australian health authority has said anything whatsoever about vitamin D.
many readily available drugs and supplements are toxic if taken in high doses
just a thought but , maybe, just don’t take them in high doses. This stuff is knowable.
So is water
G’day David,
Your second link is to a rather typical ABC snow job. The sick patient had been taking a cocktail of 20 supplements including vitamin D, and the story ignored the others. But then there’s this statement, which I’ve not been able to interpret in any reliably useful way:
” Studies have shown that taking between 40,000 to 100,000 IU (1,000-2,500 micrograms) each day for several months can cause vitamin D toxicity. ”
Quite a range.
I’ve recently reduced my intake from 12,000 IU per day to 8,000 after (over-) reaching my target blood level of 200 nmol/L.
Dave B
Eating this blue-green algae instead of beef will turbo charge your health — and Earth’s too
If you want a delicious and sustainable dinner, consider swapping your red meat with Spirulina. New research from Israel suggests a daily diet that includes the blue-green algae can boost your health and slow down climate change.
Spirulina algae is considered a superfood for its rich protein, iron, and essential fatty acid content. Compared to beef, spirulina is a far superior healthy food choice and would serve as a sustainable meat substitute. Spirulina is cultivated in Iceland, where the study authors say it has the potential to be the site for future food production.
Beyond the nutritional quality of Spirulina, it also leaves a smaller ecological footprint on the planet than meat. Raising cattle requires vast amounts of land for food and grazing. As cows chew on grass and plants, their burps and farts release methane—a dangerous greenhouse gas. One kilogram of beef is estimated to cost 1,450 liters of water and 340 square meters of fertile land. Additionally, creating one kilogram of beef meat releases another 100 kilograms of methane. As demand for meat goes up, so does the timeline toward a warmer and uninhabitable planet.
The study authors suggest Spirulina as an appropriate substitute for meat. In a state-of-the-art facility in Iceland, spirulina is cultivated in closed, controlled systems where they are exposed to specific wavelengths and away from the cold Icelandic temperatures. The biotechnology is resilient to changes in environmental and climatic conditions and can be usable in other parts of the world.
Well, that’s pushing it.
Definitely not a meat substitute!
It appears to have good health benefits but looks, smells and tastes like green, fetid pond muck. It’s hard to mix it with anything to mask the taste. It’s also commercially produced up in Darwin for those interested.
By coincidence, just at the start of the Maunder Minimum there was a huge volcanic eruption in Peru.
Who ‘da thunk it?
Anyone checked the movement of the magnetic poles, lately. They DO move, Check the “magnetic deviation” tables on REAL maps), and they DO “flip”, from time to time. The “record is set in Basalt in the ocean floors. Discovered by the uS Navy in the late 1950’s.
WHEN they flip, you would want to be deep in the ocean on a boomer, for a few months, at least.
WHEN it happens, again, forget “global weirding”, that is kids stuff.
South Australian Government Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Act webinar, 14 December 2022
A video where various people from the government tell everyone how awesome renewable energy is.
The sound is very very quiet to start with, it gets louder eventually.
Near the start, they mention $20billion of investments to build 14 gigawatts of “renewable” energy….
Dont even get me started on the “500%” renewables target…
James Murphy:
We have a small hydrogen plant in Adelaide using “cheap renewable energy” to produce minor amounts. Most is apparently fed into the local suburb’s piped gas supply at 5%. I have seen claims that this could be raised to 10%. Nothing I could find on the cost of the plant, the cost of the hydrogen nor how they would ever get some transported to Whyalla for use in “steel making”. Another Green fantasy.
The plant was started by the previous Liberal government who got dumped after one term by a landslide.
O/T the process is supposedly 67% efficient in use of electricity, but there are then the costs of compressing the gas, cooling it or even condensing it. I am sure readers would remember when they were young that there was always some fool who went too far.
JEREMY CLARKSON One day, Harold the glove puppet will tell the truth about A Woman Talking B*****ks
Jeremy Clarkson
WE all know in our heart of hearts that Harold Markle is a slightly dim but fun-loving chin who flew Apache helicopter gunships in Afghanistan and cavorted around Las Vegas hotel rooms with naked hookers.
But then along came Meghan, who obviously used some vivid bedroom promises to turn him into a warrior of woke.
And now it seems that she has her arm so far up his bottom, she can use her fingers to alter his facial expressions.
I actually feel rather sorry for him because today he’s just a glove puppet with no more control over what he says or does than Basil Brush.
That makes me even angrier. Can’t they see everything that’s happening is so very obviously pre-planned.
Leave the UK. Blame the royals. Do an interview with Oprah.
Get Basil Brush to write a book. Do a Netflix series — which should have been called A Woman, Talking Bollocks.
I can see it clearly. The studied pauses. The mock incredulity.
And the B-movie, soap-actress, quivery-voiced, more-in-sorrow-than-anger stories that are so obviously claptrap.
Do you really think she would have entertained a move to New Zealand? That’s 13 hours away from everything.
And I can tell you, with absolute certainty, what’s coming next.
Harold’s Spare book will be released.
Then she’ll do one called I Think I May Be God. And then she’ll have exhausted the whole royal thing — so will be off.
We will see Diana-style photographs of her, all on her own, outside the Taj Mahal.
And then she will be pictured gazing into the middle distance, on the back of a playboy’s superyacht and will marry a tech billionaire and they’ll have a child called something vomitty like Peace. Or Truth.
Or Love.
Harold, meanwhile, will be stuck in California with no friends, either there or here, no family to support him and an army of young girls who’ll believe Meghan’s story that the marriage break-up was all his fault because he’s, like, you know, sooooo a man.
And the Royal Family?
She’s going to damage them — be in no doubt about that.
Because one day soon, my generation will all be dead, and we will be replaced by a new bunch who are growing up believing that Charles and William and Co are bullies who are waited on hand and foot by slaves, eunuchs and spin doctors.
Unless, of course, when Meghan takes her hand out of the ginger glove puppet, he remembers who he is and gives us “the” truth.
Not hers.
EU may suffer more shortages and protests, Russia is doing better than Europe despite sanctions – Ex-Austrian Vice Chancellor
Former Austrian vice Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache argues that Russia is doing better than Europe despite the anti-Russia sanctions.
Former Austrian Vice Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache has warned of an impending shortage of raw resources in the EU as a result of the bloc’s draconian sanctions against Russia.
Strache, who also served as leader of the Freedom Party of Austria (FPO), said that “the sanctions have increased the foreign trade turnover of raw materials in Russia from $100 billion to $220 billion, while in Europe, prices for energy supplies, raw materials, electricity, and food are rising significantly.”
“Inflation hits industry, businesses, citizens, and households amid record levels of bankruptcies and massive unemployment. More people are fighting poverty, and the economy can afford less production in the face of an inevitable shortage of raw materials,” the ex-Austrian vice chancellor said.
Many EU companies, he continued, “are no longer internationally competitive as a result of production costs that have escalated and their products’ increasing costs.”
The previous head of the FPO advised that Austria should similarly purchase energy resources from Hungary. He stated that the government should put “the interests of its people, who should not be tormented by unemployment and poverty,” first and foremost.
According to Strache, the foreign minister of Hungary Peter Szijjarto spoke by phone earlier this week with Alexander Novak, the deputy prime minister of Russia, and the two officials agreed to discuss the possibility of changing long-term gas purchase agreements between Hungary and Russia in response to the introduction of a potential price cap on Russian blue fuel.
Sanctions damage the Europeans themselves
“People don’t want to be out of work, they don’t want to be cold as they watch arms deliveries instead of peace proposals,” Strache stressed, referencing Western countries providing Kiev with weapons for the war.
“This is all a contradiction that is becoming more and more obvious to citizens of Europe,” he said.
The sanctions imposed by the EU on Russia, in Strache’s words, “obviously damage the Europeans themselves” and are “rejected by an increasing number of citizens” of the EU member states.
Thousands have been protesting across Europe against skyrocketing energy prices, inflation, and arms deliveries to Ukraine.
Strache argued that there is a possibility of reaching a peace treaty if “this proxy war in Ukraine is slowed down by background major players such as the US and its NATO allies in Europe,” and also “if the supply of arms to Ukraine will be stopped.”
It is worth noting that two United States officials and a senior administration official revealed that Pentagon is finalizing plans to send the Patriot missile defense system to Ukraine, which could be announced as soon as this week, US media outlets reported on Tuesday.
Rosatom has signed an agreement with Hungary to build 2 nuclear plants to start operating in 2027.
That’s 5 years time almost enough for our politicians to learn how to spell nuclear.
Be very careful who you quote OO, Russia has massive problems, not least of which is the loss of working aged men, dead, injured, laying low or fled the country.
Remember the term “brain drain”? Without Shell and Haliburton their much vaunted oil industry will fail, at least in the permafrost.
Experts from Shell & Haliburton? From the country that had to ask Russia to send its astronauts up to the ISS after its shuttles all gave up. Lucky for America that Musk went there from South Africa..
The Russians may be rough, but they manage. America’s young men don’t even speak english, that country will be unrecognisable in 20years.
I think very, very few Australian politicians have the required intelligence, moral decency or general knowledge which ought to be prerequisites for the job.
I’ve had a gutful of nearly the majority of our politicians. The sooner the Summer break comes around, parliament is in recess, the better. I certainly don’t want any politician, government official or even my local council wishing me a Happy Xmas etc. The last 3 years, collectively they have made most our lives worse off, not better.
It would help if
youwe supported those who were there for the right reasons.The way liberals allowed the assassination of Tony Abbot still riles me.
And why can’t we preselect promising members? Pauline is now a centrist.
Cartoon via email – caption
“If Merry Christmas Offends You Then “Merry Christmas” ”
“The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get jabbed is like sending “Wish you were here” postcards from the Titanic”
This also fits
Goes with that Merry Xmas
What do the subsidy harvesters propose to use “green” hydrogen for apart from diluting natural gas with 5-10% of it?
I know the other fantasy is “green steel” but that is an absurd fantasy.
Hydrogen as a transport fuel is completely out of the question either as LH2 (too dangerous), metal hydrides (too heavy) or in the form of ammonia (too toxic). Hydrogen is a nightmare even for NASA to handle. It is absolutely not suitable as a mass transport fuel.
And a lot of “green hydrogen” will be made from coal, not electrolysis, and there is a CO2 by product which will have to be collected, liquefied and buried forever. Good luck with that.
It’s too bad the people promoting all this lack scientific knowledge and technical expertise of any kind, or alternatively, they do know, but will provide any opinion they are paid (a lot) to give.
A Physicist Came Up With Math That Shows ‘Paradox-Free’ Time Travel Is Plausible
No one has yet managed to travel through time – at least to our knowledge – but the question of whether or not such a feat would be theoretically possible continues to fascinate scientists.
As movies such as The Terminator, Donnie Darko, Back to the Future and many others show, moving around in time creates a lot of problems for the fundamental rules of the Universe: if you go back in time and stop your parents from meeting, for instance, how can you possibly exist in order to go back in time in the first place?
It’s a monumental head-scratcher known as the ‘grandfather paradox’, but a few years ago physics student Germain Tobar, from the University of Queensland in Australia, worked out how to “square the numbers” to make time travel viable without the paradoxes.
“Classical dynamics says if you know the state of a system at a particular time, this can tell us the entire history of the system,” said Tobar.
“However, Einstein’s theory of general relativity predicts the existence of time loops or time travel – where an event can be both in the past and future of itself – theoretically turning the study of dynamics on its head.”
What the calculations show is that space-time can potentially adapt itself to avoid paradoxes.
To use a topical example, imagine a time traveler journeying into the past to stop a disease from spreading – if the mission was successful, the time traveler would have no disease to go back in time to defeat.
Tobar’s work suggested that the disease would still escape some other way, through a different route or by a different method, removing the paradox. Whatever the time traveler did, the disease wouldn’t be stopped.
Tobar’s work isn’t easy for non-mathematicians to dig into, but it looks at the influence of deterministic processes (without any randomness) on an arbitrary number of regions in the space-time continuum, and demonstrates how both closed time-like curves (as predicted by Einstein) can fit in with the rules of free will and classical physics.
“The maths checks out – and the results are the stuff of science fiction,” said physicist Fabio Costa from the University of Queensland, who supervised the research.
It’s not really time travel if the timeline self adjusts to ensure the same outcome now is it!
It’s simple enough as I said months ago – one would need to travel in a parallel time stream to avoid the paradoxes which would otherwise reverse your aging to the point of your non-existence, assuming you could avoid the inevitable infinite time loop at initiation.
Now, how to create a parallel time stream…
As I understand post-Einstein time (not much) an object can travel through time at varying rates but it can never get back to where it started before it left. ie, clocks can go at varying speeds but they all go forwards. So, for example, I could set off on a massive time-travel and get back to meet my great-great-great grandchildren, some of whom could be older than me. But I could never get back to meet someone who died before I left. So I couldn’t go into the past to stop a disease from spreading. The idea that “the disease would still escape some other way, through a different route or by a different method” has to be nonsense, because the disease doesn’t know that the person stopping it has come from the future, ie. the disease has no notion that it has to try something different. Or to use a simpler example, if I go back in time and succeed in killing an ancestor, that ancestor then has no way of travelling back from the future to stop me killing them, because once they are dead they have no future unless they had already travelled into the future before I killed them – and I seriously doubt that William the Conqueror, for example, had the technology that would enable him to embark on time travel, or that he would know that he needed to get away into the future because someone might come back and kill him, or that he could motivate himself to do it while he was so busy subduing Britain.
Space / Time is not curved!
It’s BENT!!
How does a green energy zealot stay cool while working in the fields?
They walk among us…
Time to compile lists of humans for the sacrifice to start. I have a feeling that the bad weather would cease before the sacrificial event even started!!
It would probably take a while to work through the “permit system”. By the time you got council approval to start you would need an environmental review, planning permit, waste management license, constraints on what landscaping could be needed, food provision area, public toilets for the spectators, a traffic management plan. The list is quite endless.
That was meant to be this one
Does anyone have any recommendations for personal weather stations that can be connected online for crowd sourced weather data?
We can no longer rely on official channels like the Bureau of Meterology in Australia as we know they alter recorded data by the undocumented secret process of “homogenisation”.
I have had an online weather station for years but it has stopped working and I need a new one.
How to survive the future
White people are set to live in their countries of the future as a hated minority, in all states available to them. To change this course is impossible against this headwind. To think it is, is foolish optimism.
But the future is still bright. It has probably never been brighter. For too long western people have existed without struggle and as a consequence you forget about survival. The coming struggle will re-focus people to it. It is probably just what we need.
However, this is a new bourdon. You must now educate your children well so as they can survive well. The days of goofing off for children within the public schooling system is over. Throwing them in and see what happens is a fool’s game. You must now be fit to survive, it is not a given in a society that despises you and has rules to affect it.
I would take children out of the school system altogether, completely, and private tuition would be provided as to the child’s talents. Poetry class is a complete waste of time if the skill is mathematics. I am not talking about home schooling where a parent fumbles along, but specialised private tuition, which delivers superior results far more efficiently. The child would be supremely educated in a much shorter time span. Education is not confined to academic pursuit. There is no reason a child of 13 could not be extremely competent in plumbing and welding or trading stocks, or running a business.
Contrary to the idea of breeding more, having large amounts of children is not a good idea. You will not outbreed the new majority and your efforts will leave many children much more vulnerable to it.
A good life and freedom from any system of governance, is provided by sound wealth – and knowing how to manage it. Inheritance of wealth is now extremely important. The protestant ethic of starting from nothing and making it on your own is worthy and has achieved great things but is outdated for the future. Dividing the wealth too far among many children is not advantageous. Nor is having children too early. The closer than parent is to death the better. Both of these options fits well to modern lifestyle desires, and your children and theirs will live long productive happy lives.
I was nearly cleaned up by a maniac in a stolen car today.
I was last car in line waiting at the lights when this car charged up inside, in the bike lane, before speeding off. The cops had only spiked one tyre so he was still driving on three. Only a glancing blow would have me rear-ending the car in front at the speed he was doing.
This year I let my insurance lapse so I suspect I would have been the bunny. I doubt the ins company of the stolen car would see me good so I nearly had the car written off with no one to claim on.
Is my assumption correct?
Pretty sure you’re right .
If you had banked the money you have saved on premiums , you could afford another car easily; not a new one though.
“Who’da thunk it”
“Weight of electric vehicles could cause ‘catastrophic’ damage and ‘lead to car parks collapsing’: Engineers warn Britain’s parking facilities were not designed for hulking battery cars”
A Tesla model Y weighs close to 2000kg, as does my ICE car with a 6 litre V8 but I guess the average British car is smaller and lighter. But it wouldn’t be a huge amount less in weight. I would think a typical British car would be more akin to a Toyota Corolla in size which are roughly 1400-1500kg. But a British car park should be also able to tolerate the weight of luxury cars like Rolls Royces. One variant of a Rolls Royce Phantom weighs 2745kg.
I don’t think weight would be a problem, it’s the fire hazard.
British cars got lighter as material was removed but heavier again in recent years due to more safety features. They have also got larger as SUVs are very popular so I think weight would be a problem in due course when Ev’s become a significant percentage of the cars parking. However I agree that it is the fire hazard that needs greater consideration
So… how many carparks were built in the 1980s, when my Corolla weighed in under 1000kg? New carparks might be good for the average 1500-2000kg of SUVs, but cars were significantly lighter before the turn of the century.
“Data shows there’s no climate catastrophe looming – climatologist Dr J Christy debunks the narrative”
“Urban Night Lighting Observations Demonstrate The Land Surface Temperature Dataset is ‘not fit for purpose’ ”
Gosh, anyone noticed this?? Surely not!
“today I read of a study of over 15,000 citizens, conducted in 21 countries across the world showing that people who have received COVID-19 vaccines “express discriminatory attitudes toward unvaccinated people.” “Individuals who comply with the advice of health authorities morally condemn the unvaccinated for violating a social contract in the midst of a crisis,” two Denmark-based scientists wrote in their paper, published Thursday in Nature.
Across six countries—Germany, India, Indonesia, Morocco, South Africa, and the United Kingdom—the unvaccinated were found to be disliked among vaccinated people as much as people with drug addiction, and significantly more so than people who had been in prison, or people with mental illness.”
Joke of the day courtesy of that hotbed of radical green thinkers at the UNSW , forget climate change causing droughts because it’s now causing floods and into the future our dams won’t cope .
So, are they saying we should build some new dams. 😉
Of course one way to avoid these predicted catastrophes would be to plan for the future. The Goulburn river was planned to have a second dam in the Trawool area but this was abandoned years ago, without doubt an additional retaining basin would have significantly affected flood flow rates all the way to the sea. It seems that we cannot “have our cake and eat it”. Like the slow motion train wreck, we can see problems happening, we can see ways to avoid or mitigate them, then governments of all persuasions just sit back and let them happen. A couple of grand schemes that may not have the right pay back rates but would have major impacts spring to mind. 1/ The Bradfield scheme to divert water from the east to the west of the divide. 2/ The proposed pipeline from the Murray River to the sea to divert heavily salinated water away from the agricultural lands. These days though no one seems to talk about salinity levels in the Goulburn valley at all. Funny how it has fallen out of fashion. .
FWIW re Bradfield
They got off to a good start with the salinity problem with mitchell grass soils
The other COP. The noose tightens, the elites create more reasons/ways to seize land assets money power freedoms from the rest of us.
What a terrible piece of reporting. No insight at all.
I’m talking about the BBC article, and not your comment.
The UNSW “thinkers” are a contradiction in terms. They don’t think, they are just indoctrinated zombies, courtesy of the Temple of Flannery.
JoAnne, you look ill in,-with-dr.-ian-plimer-and-joanne-nova.html.
Take care of yourself.
Now for the Extended forecast in DFW, Texas.
Thursday night – -13 C, winds of 50 kms to 75 kms.
Friday high – -6 C, winds down to 40-50 Kms.
Sat high – -1 C
We can’t let Oz be colder than we are. . .
red edwards:
Nasty temps for you I presume.
While forecast for the Yukon of Canada is -50C.
It’s Globull Worming I tell ya.
This is generally overlooked. While the press go crazy with a single hot day, as in the UK in summer where they finally cracked 40C near an airport, that is not where you expect man made Global Warming to have an effect. Rather you could expect that hot days are hardly changed but that winters are not as cold. It is the minima which should show global warming, CO2 like water stopping the rapid loss of daytime heat into the night sky, say in the desert.
But it is quite obvious that minimum temperatures are not rising at all let alone dramatically. So now after 34 years of alleged rapid man made CO2 driven Global Warming and a total failure to warm the planet especially in winter, it is all obviously nonsense. I expect the coming mini ice age will be blamed on carbon based fuels. The dinosaurs were warned but they kept on burning fossil fuel. I blame the diplodocus because while it had two brains, it made poor life choices.
Isn’t that Streeeeetching it a bit? Stegosaurus had two brains as well, and it made certain the other dinosaurs got the “Point” (all 4 of them. . . .)
Or, just get a mobile log-chipper.
A Far-go for the guilty?
Please let me know what you think of my report
Not quite the Polar Vortex in Texas from 2021, but not that far away.
Global Snowing: Bank Of America Sees Surge In Snow Cover Across Top US Winter Resorts
Lots of rubbish. After many years not seeing any at all, we have dragon flies and damsel flies in great abundance. Maybe they have been on an endangered list.
We have lots of damsel flies atm. We usually see a few and a few dragonflies each year but the numbers are definitely up. I think the flooded ground aaround us bred up their favourite foods. Likewise, the little swallow-types are back in large numbers and the mossie population is gradually reducing, thank goodness.
Covid “Stories You Won’t Find In The Canadian Media”
UN convention co-hosted by Canada and China; two countries geo politically light years apart.
So how does that work?
China effectively OWNS Kanuckistan; starting with vast swathes of primary production and vertically integrated upwards.
Then, there are the “pollie-muppet ” and churnalists.
Their presence in Mexico has been studiously under-reported.
They also OWN the US pResident and many of its associates, and it owns port of San Diego of and the Panama Canal.
Anyone else see what has been going on?
UN convention co-hosted by Canada and China; two countries geo politically light years apart.
So how does that work?
Interesting little point… If Greece gets patriot missiles from the Yanks they will send their SAM-300s to Ukraine to be used against the Russians. Sounds straightforward, even if it completely breaks the agreement of purchase that they would not send them to a 3rd party without Russia’s permission. Same with NZ selling the Skyhawks when that bitch dismembered the Air Force, America blocked their sale to Malaysia.
However the Greeks don’t buy the Patriots, like modern computerised systems they are allowed to ‘hire’ them, not own them-
“Mr. Panagiotopoulos admitted that the government is ready to send the S-300 system from Crete to Ukraine in exchange for Patriot, saying that it is not a purchase, but an installation, which means that the missile system will be under the control of the Americans.”
Love it!
‘Do what we say or we will change the “friend or foe” identification to Greek aircraft..’ or ‘Yes, we know you’re now at war with Turkey, but the Patriot that shot down their President just had a technical error…’
A subtle way to be invaded and ruled by the Americans, as per most of Europe.
You have yet to explain WHY America wants to invade Europe. Have a go.
America wants to keep Europe under their thumb, they are a major economy in the world and one that is easiest to keep subjugated. Hence America pushes NATO everywhere, which is generally runs to make sure it has American troops in every country.
They invaded the Middle East to lock in their control over the oil supplies of the world, and hence their control of the world’s finances by printing dollars and exchanging them for real money that the rest of the world had to work for. Those who oppose were the world’s baddies, mainly Communist countries who didn’t kowtow when America told them too. They were invaded or had sudden uprisings that removed the leader and installed one far more American-friendly, followed by a Reserve Banking system that tied them into the Yankee Dollar.
Russia has always resisted, and being easier to understand than the Chinese, it was Russia to go down first. Move NATO right up to the border, then threaten Russia or cause enough discontent to break it up. The Yanks want a handful of weak but resource-rich areas to exploit. Once Russia is in pieces, they will turn to China.
However it has run its course.. China is strong enough to resist yet trade with the world, as is Russia. The BRICS have formed an economic bloc that doesn’t need the Yanks, and to have the Saudis join it is just horrifying for the Deep State. The big question is, who will the Americans take down with them in their death throes.
You’ve lived though it all Hanrahan, maybe you couldn’t see it, or maybe it was easier to close one eye and just accept the lower standard of living it meant so the Americans could be richer on the backs of all of us. Sadly, ‘we’ are not the good guys in the world.
Only politically and financially.
Try Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick “The untold history of the United States”
Dr Kerryn Phelps reveals ‘devastating’ Covid vaccine injury, says doctors have been ‘censored’
Dr Kerryn Phelps has broken her silence about a “devastating” Covid vaccine injury, slamming regulators for “censoring” public discussion with “threats” to doctors.
Former federal MP Dr Kerryn Phelps has revealed she and her wife both suffered serious and ongoing injures from Covid vaccines, while suggesting the true rate of adverse events is far higher than acknowledged due to underreporting and “threats” from medical regulators.
In an explosive submission to Parliament’s Long Covid inquiry, the former Australian Medical Association (AMA) president has broken her silence about the “devastating” experience — emerging as the most prominent public health figure in the country to speak up about the taboo subject.
“This is an issue that I have witnessed first-hand with my wife who suffered a severe neurological reaction to her first Pfizer vaccine within minutes, including burning face and gums, paraesethesiae, and numb hands and feet, while under observation by myself, another doctor and a registered nurse at the time of immunisation,” the 65-year-old said.
“I continue to observe the devastating effects a year-and-a-half later with the addition of fatigue and additional neurological symptoms including nerve pains, altered sense of smell, visual disturbance and musculoskeletal inflammation. The diagnosis and causation has been confirmed by several specialists who have told me that they have seen ‘a lot’ of patients in a similar situation.”
“We did a lot of homework before having the vaccine, particularly about choice of vaccine at the time. In asking about adverse side effects, we were told that ‘the worst thing that could happen would be anaphylaxis’ and that severe reactions such as myocarditis and pericarditis were ‘rare’.”
Dr Phelps revealed she was also diagnosed with a vaccine injury from her second dose of Pfizer in July 2021, “with the diagnosis and causation confirmed by specialist colleagues”.
“I have had CT pulmonary angiogram, ECG, blood tests, cardiac echogram, transthoracic cardiac stress echo, Holter monitor, blood pressure monitoring and autonomic testing,” she wrote.
“In my case the injury resulted in dysautonomia with intermittent fevers and cardiovascular implications including breathlessness, inappropriate sinus tachycardia and blood pressure fluctuations.”
Dr Phelps said both reactions were reported to the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) “but never followed up”.
She revealed she had spoken with other doctors “who have themselves experienced a serious and persistent adverse event” but that “vaccine injury is a subject that few in the medical profession have wanted to talk about”.
“Regulators of the medical profession have censored public discussion about adverse events following immunisation, with threats to doctors not to make any public statements about anything that ‘might undermine the government’s vaccine rollout’ or risk suspension or loss of their registration,” she wrote.
Prominent doctor accuses NSW Premier of ‘SURRENDERING to Covid’ with ‘appalling’ decision to drop masks and QR codes days before Christmas – but another says 25,000 cases a day is a ‘gross overestimation’ – 16 Dec 21
. Former independent MP has blasted NSW Government over its Covid handling
. Dr Kerryn Phelps said axing restrictions as case numbers soar was unfathomable
. She branded politicians as ‘clueless, reckless or negligent’ in their response
. And she warned virus will rip families apart: ‘This is not freedom. This is denial.’
Covid ‘frightbat’ Kerryn Phelps urges Australians to wear masks – 17 Mar 22
Dr Kerryn Phelps tells Australians they CAN’T move back to ‘normal times’ and demands the return of TWO hated Covid restrictions High profile GP and ex-AMA boss says Australia’s Covid pandemic far from over
. Dr Kerryn Phelps encouraged everyone to wear masks amid rise in cases
. Urged people to avoid crowds to protect themselves and medically vulnerable
. Her comments on 2GB on Thursday sparked a furious response from listener
‘It’s a difficult one’: Sylvia Jeffreys shares vaccine concerns as doubt swirls around pregnant women – 2 years ago
Former Federal MP Dr Kerryn Phelps told Today that pregnant women should be cautious about getting vaccinated.
“The point is vaccines haven’t been tested on pregnant women at this stage. If somebody is not with contraceptive cover, likely to get pregnant, they would need to be careful at this stage,” she said.
Dr Phelps advises anyone having doubts to seek the advice of their GP.
“Speak to your GP, get the reassurances you need, find out the facts from reliable sources,” she said.
“One of the worst things you can do is go to one of the conspiracy theory Facebook pages and be scared away from being vaccinated based on misinformation.
“Dr Phelps advises anyone having doubts to seek the advice of their GP.”
..and if you don’t get the answers you want, try another GP..
“find out the facts from reliable sources,”
..and that would be a waste of time, for most people it would be something fact-checked by Reuters that just repeated Govt propaganda.
““One of the worst things you can do is go to one of the conspiracy theory Facebook pages and be scared away from being vaccinated based on misinformation.”
..while the best thing you could do would be to go to one of the conspiracy theory Facebook pages and be scared away from being vaccinated based on the side-effect data that gets presented.
If the girlfriend is the “wife”, is Kerryn the husband? Asking for a friend. 😉
Not sure who is the giver & who is the receiver? – then again not sure if you are allowed to use who in this day and age of Binary/Non Binary?
In enginering terms is that “two layers of shim”?
memorable articles:
– On ‘Free Press’, formely ‘Common Sense’ :
‘U.S. Public Health Agencies Aren’t ‘Following the Science,’ Officials Say
‘People are getting bad advice and we can’t say anything.’ ‘
By Marty Makary M.D., M.P.H. Tracy Beth Heøg, MD, PhD 14/07/2022
“It’s like a horror movie I’m being forced to watch and I can’t close my eyes,” one senior FDA official lamented. “People are getting bad advice and we can’t say anything.”
– from 8 Dec 2020
Department of Pediatrics
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee
RE: Notice of Meeting; Establishment of a Public Docket; Request for Comments related to
consideration of vaccines against SARS-CoV-2
Dear Colleagues,
I am a pediatric specialist caring for children with the multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C). I am concerned about the possibility that the new vaccines aimed at creating immunity against the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein (including the mRNA vaccines of Moderna and Pfizer) have the potential to cause microvascular injury to the brain, heart, liver, and kidneys in a way that is not currently being assessed in safety trials of these potential drugs.
(I would like to know what the response was…)
Bloomberg Law:
‘Why a Judge Ordered FDA to Release Covid-19 Vaccine Data Pronto’ Jan, 2022
A group of scientists and medical researchers sued the FDA under FOIA to force release of hundreds of thousands of documents related to licensing of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine. Plaintiff’s attorney Aaron Siri, who is representing the group, explains the fight that led a federal court to order expedited release of documents the agency claimed it would take decades to process.
In response to a Freedom of Information Act request, the Food and Drug Administration asked a federal judge for permission to make the public wait until the year 2096 to disclose all of the data it relied upon to license Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine.
That is not a typo. The FDA wanted court approval to have up to 75 years to publicly disclose this information.
In its attempts to build public support for Covid-19 vaccinations, the FDA repeatedly promised “full transparency,” and reaffirmed its “commitment to transparency” when licensing Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine.
U.S. District Judge Mark T. Pittman, Northern District of Texas, expressed dismay at the FDA’s proposed rate of production. He found the duration requested by the FDA unreasonable, comparing it to the actions of totalitarian nations. As such, the judge on Jan. 6 ordered the FDA to produce at least 55,000 pages per month.
3.1.1. General Overview
It is estimated that approximately (b)(4) doses of BNT162b2 were shipped worldwide
from the receipt of the first temporary authorisation for emergency supply on 01 December
2020 through 28 February 2021.
fatal= 1223
(b)(4): Exemption (b)(4) of FOIA permits agencies, as a matter of discretion, to withhold trade secrets…
– ‘Business Wire’ Pfizer Reports Fourth-Quarter and Full year 2021 results:
Risks Related to Our Business, Industry and Operations, and Business Development:
….including the possibility of unfavorable new pre-clinical, clinical or safety data and further analyses of existing pre-clinical, clinical or safety data or further information regarding the quality of pre-clinical, clinical or safety data, including by audit or inspection;..
– on jonova:
‘ Dr Andrew Hill; How many people died because you helped deny them Ivermectin?’
– ‘Nature’ :
in 2017: ‘Ivermectin: enigmatic multifaceted ‘wonder’ drug continues to surprise and exceed expectations/ The journal of Antibiotics.’
But it is the new opportunities with respect to ivermectin usage, or re-purposing it to control a completely new range of diseases, that is generating interest and excitement in the scientific and global health research communities.
… and a couple of years later, Ivermectin is reduced to horsepaste….
– The very long period of ‘denial’ that there were people who got injuried or died from these mRNA
on YouTube: John Campbell
‘Kyle’s vaccine complication
– City Journal:
‘Radical Gender Lessons for Young Children’
Evanston–Skokie School District 65 has adopted a radical gender curriculum that teaches pre-kindergarten through third-grade students to celebrate the transgender flag, break the “gender binary” established by white “colonizers,” and experiment with neo-pronouns such as “ze,” “zir,” and “tree.”
In third grade, Evanston–Skokie students are told that white European “colonizers” imposed their “Western and Christian ideological framework” on racial minorities and “forced two-spirit people to conform to the gender binary.”
The teacher tells students that “many people feel like they aren’t really a boy or a girl” and that they should “call people by the gender they have in their heart.” Students are encouraged to “break the binary,” reject the system of “whiteness,” and study photographs of black men in dresses and a man wearing lipstick and long earrings.
“It is a myth that gender is binary,” the lesson explains. “Even though we are all given a sex assigned at birth, you are NOT given your gender. Only you can know your gender and how you feel inside.” At the end of the lesson, students are instructed to write a letter to the future on how they can change society. “Society right now is very unfair,” reads a sample letter. “I see a lot of marches on the T.V and I even went to a march last summer.”
‘Snacks containing bugs have been introduced to 1000 school canteens across the country’
“… and a couple of years later, Ivermectin is reduced to horsepaste….”
Only in the minds of those suffering from not taking it!
‘Nature’: ‘Personal carbon allowances revisited’ Nature Sustainability August 2021
In particular, during the COVID-19 pandemic, restrictions on individuals for the sake of public health, and forms of individual accountability and responsibility that were unthinkable only one year before, have been adopted by millions of people.
People may be more prepared to accept the tracking and limitations related to PCAs to achieve a safer climate and the many other benefits (for example, reduced air pollution and improved public health) associated with addressing the climate crisis.
Other lessons that could be drawn relate to the public acceptance in some countries of additional surveillance and control in exchange for greater safety.
For instance, in many countries, mobile apps designed for COVID-19 infection tracking and tracing played an important part in limiting the spread of the pandemic. The deployment and testing of such apps provide technology advances and insights for the design of future apps for tracking personal emissions.
ooohh..So good!
What buying the legacy media really means.