A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Very interesting article by Lomborg and Peterson in The Australian today, about the need to focus on real issues, such as poverty, hunger and disease, where we can make a difference, rather than global warming, where all the money being invested won’t change anything. And this money could have been used to tackle these other major world issues.
You mean the proxy war in Ukraine isn’t #1 priority!?
The Biden administration’s #1 priority appears to be to ensure the Russian economy becomes dependent on China.
Australia doesn’t need to buy Russian oil, gas, coal or cereals. Our #1 priority should be to avoid becoming more dependent on Europe, China and the USA in any respect (but particularly defence).
“The Biden administration’s #1 priority appears to be to ensure the Russian economy becomes dependent on China.”
The The Biden administration’s #1 priority is to ensure the war keeps going as long as possible to keep the US military industrial complex happy, and also to keep the Biden corruption in Ukraine under wraps”. Consequences like Russia becoming more dependent on China be damned…
The Biden administration is playing a dangerous game in Ukraine. It wants the war to continue, but at a slower pace. Even the Wall Street Journal has reported that the push to arm Ukraine has drawn resources and funding from Taiwan.
It misjudged the EU response to the Nordstream sabotage, and its own NATO allies are accusing the US of profiting from the war at Europe’s expense.
Concealing Biden’s corruption is very obviously a very low priority. There is open speculation that the US President is a Chinese “asset”.
The US hopes to undermine the Russian arms export industry. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was planning to expand US investment in Ukraine’s arms export industry post-war, particularly for sales to China.
Given the apparent state of Chinese military hardware and production capacity, I doubt China needs to “buy” anything from Ukraine.
They seem to be angling for more PORTS, having already stitched up San Diego, Capetown, Darwin, and several others having considerable value to a blue-water navy intent on “heavy” diplomacy.
China already has a major presence in Iran, which may also include an “offshore” facility very akin to that “secial” on in Wuhan. Anyone else remember the “test-firing” of ‘Silkworm” missiles, years ago?
Russia is all too aware of the Chinese way of business and politics, do an “alliance” would be an expedient arrangement to cover a LOT of two-way espionage; about as risky a move for the Russians as it could get.
Yet China does buy military equipment from Ukraine. Ukraine has been a significant exporter of sophisticated arms, particularly to terrorist groups.
The Ukrainian state company Ukrspetsexport has a joint venture with Turkey’s Baykar Defense to make high-precision weapons and aerospace technology.
Biden wants to keep the war going as long as possible he and Chuck Schumer have both implied this in their comments.
The globalists want to weaken Russia and install a puppet government,of course the military complex is happy to assist.
The other “hot topic” in The Australian this morning is that the Federal Govt cannot understand why the environmental authority limited the proposed use of the Robbins Island wind farm to only 5 hours operation, to avoid destroying the endangered orange bellied parrot. No, it’s not a Norwegian Blue.
Generating great mirth by many commentators.
Five months I think you meant Graeme
Thanks for the correction Gerry.
For your amusement below is a comment I posted at WUWT that seemed to be well liked …..
Stop Press:
Climate Scientists will become extinct by 2037 if current trends continue.
A small modelling exercise by amateur scientists shows that if the current growth in Climate Scepticism contines to increase at the same rate as the last 4 years there will be insufficient public belief in Net-Zero politicians and Climate Scientists for them to survive.
** No Polar Bears were harmed in this study.
Natural climatic change had been reduced to random noise.
Will rolling on the floor laughing count?
You won’t pass climate science 101 with that amusing answer.
I’m surprised any intelligent person would even start “Climate 101” these days.
Dave B
Define natural- how do you model it, do you have hindcasts? Near term projections? Is it falsifiable? Is it supported by Q?
PF’s comment is the first to actually discuss the issue raised by el+gordo.
However, one needs to define “random noise”, because the noise might be white, red, gray, purple ..
So, establish which it is we are dealing with. 😁
No Black Noise?
And no Green Noise – obviously not Woke. Therefore shadow banned …
Oh, yes, /Sarc. Just a teeny-weeny bit …
Didya guess?
“Green noise” has its own +ve feedback mechanisms… just keeps getting shriller and shriller. !
One tantrum leads to another .. ad infinitum.
“Define natural- how do you model it?”
Wow! That’s the most intelligent thing you’ve said to date. O.K. I’m exaggerating just a little.
BUT , it is the very fact that natural climate variation has so far not been satisfactorily modelled, to the point where we can predict climate, that prevents any provisional proof of the existence /non-existence of AGW .
Because, as you obviously know , the absence of the Unified General Theory of Climate Regulation, means that we cannot falsify the Null Hypothesis ; we don’t know all the causative factors of climate change that must be ruled out of contention , in order to prove that it must be CO2 what done it.
Hiding your light under a bushel , all this time.
Shame on you.
Such modesty!
So, still absolutely ZERO evidence that the slight but highly beneficial warming since the coldest period in 10,000 years…
A climate that is changeable has been the NATURAL state of climate for billions of years.
No temperature, rainfall or any other facet of climate is outside known NATURAL bounds.
There is no need to “INVENT” any other cause, except for some petty UN control ideology.
And yes, Willie Soon and others has modeled “the NATURAL climate” and shown that it is only influenced by ocean and cloud effects, none of which humans control.
Again.. you are asked to present any real science you have that human released CO2 causes warming
So far you have FAILED utterly and completely.
‘Define natural- how do you model it, do you have hindcasts?
What you see is what you get, CO2 doesn’t cause global warming and there are handcasts back to the time of christ to support the hypothesis.
‘Near term projections? Is it falsifiable?’
Good question, a Modoki El Nino will appear late next year and the world will continue to cool. It is potentially falsifiable.
Let us begin with hindcasting back to the middle of last century.
Natural climate change is chaotic, but the oceanic oscillations are major drivers and predictable.
This is a bit old, but Scafetta is still on track.
Electric Vehicle Charging in Oslo, Norway is Now More than Twice as Expensive as Filling Gas-Powered Vehicle
It is now more than twice as expensive to charge an electric vehicle in Norway’s capital, Oslo, than to fill up a gas-powered vehicle.
It was reported in the local newspaper Avisa Oslo that the price of Oslo’s municipal electric car chargers rose dramatically after the city’s budget was approved last week.
As of 2019, the local government began charging citizens for charging their electric vehicles. The prices ranged from 5 to 15 kroner per hour ($2) based on the charger’s output in kilowatts and the time of day, according to The Local.
The charges for the normal late-night and overnight charging have increased by seven times in less than four years.
Now, the Oslo government increased the charging of electric vehicles from NOK 28 to NOK 49 (USD 2.80-4.90) an hour for “normal” recharging during the day and NOK 13 to NOK 39 (USD 1.31-3.94) at night.
Below is the updated pricing:
As a result of the price increase, Norsk elbilforening, the Norwegian Electric Vehicle Association, stated that it could no longer support the purchase of an electric vehicle, according to News in English.
“In some cases, it can be twice as expensive to charge an electric car as to fill up with polluting (fossil) fuel,” Christina Bu, secretary general of the el-car organization, told newspaper Finansavisen. She went on to call the rate hike that was imposed literally overnight by the Oslo city government (ironically led by the Greens and Labour parties) as “idiotic.”
Reap what you sow until the (energy) fields are bare. Then what?
Ummm…hi Russia. We’re sorry – we made a mistake. Can we have amnesty? 😁
“no longer support the purchase of an electric vehicle,”
So , private vehicle use is a thing of the past?
Gosh! Didn’t see that coming!
Yes folks , that lock -down was just a dress rehearsal .
But seriously , you didn’t think that you were going to be allowed to own something, did you?
Meanwhile in Australia the Albanese Labor Government wants to increase the rate of installation of wind turbines and solar to achieve 8 something per cent baseload electricity from unreliable intermittent sources by 2030.
One of the most recent announcements by Minister for nodding and hand waving Bowen is a many batteries approach to store electricity for consumers as needed.
And to remove domestic gas supply and appliances and install electric only appliances.
And at the same time Electric Vehicles transition subsidised.
The thought bubble planning process involves getting rid of coal fired power stations that now generator more than seventy per cent of electricity and while limiting the number of gas fired generators convert them to unobtainable in the foreseeable future “green hydrogen” fuel.
The authors have no engineering or cost accountancy qualifications, or experience managing a business for profit.
If there’s one comment I could make about Chris Bowen, it’s that here’s a man so hopelessly out of his depth when it comes to power generation.
If I was in his position, I would SURROUND myself with people who actually had some knowledge about power generation, not just renewables urgers who will push their own agenda, but people who KNOW about power generation.
Chris Bowen just opens his mouth ….. and out it comes.
His constant spruiking about how renewables will be taking over really soon, wind plants, solar plants, and batteries is giving the people a false impression.
(Hint – The general populace have positively no f*****g idea whatsoever about power generation, hence he thinks he can say whatever he wants)
What he is saying is that Four Hundred Thousand Million Billion Trillion Megawatts of renewable Power will be actually on line and delivering power
by the end of next month, sorry,before the next election, sorry,before the next Budget, sorry,before 2030, sorry,before your next power bill comes in, sorry, before we close down all those EVIL profit mongering greedy barons who own coal fired power plants can shut them down, forced upon them by US of the Labor Party.Again, what he is not telling you, is that no matter what, there’s at the very, very least, and if all the ducks line up first time around, there’s a seven year lead time for the construction of ….. ANY power plant, no matter what type at all. Just because it’s the preferred renewable of choice makes no difference whatsoever.
Substitute Pixie Anne Wheatley for Chris Bowen.
I went and had an appointment with the physiotherapist yesterday, with the express idea of now prolonging my life as much as I can with exercise, so I can be around to say the most $tup1d, and 1di0t1c thing I can think of.
“I told you all of this fifteen years ago.”
But even I am 100% aware that anything I said was not even seen, let alone considered.
At least I will know.
And hey, it’s (all of it) posted on the Internet now.
My corpse will have the widest smile on its face.
I think your friends should lean your corpse against a juke box, with a drink in your hand.
Joe Diffie – Prop Me Up Beside the Jukebox (If I Die)
“Substitute Pixie Anne Wheatley for Chris Bowen.”
And get an immediate 5 fold increase in IQ level !
Blackout Bowen, Prince of Darkness.
I was in Norway recently. Petrol was over 3 (Australian) dollars per litre. So if electric is more expensive than that, it is very expensive indeed.
I got the impression that even in Oslo, petrol still outnumbered electric. In the countryside, more so.
As electric vehicles get bigger and faster, they also get more dangerous
EVs are getting quick—but maybe too quick for their weight class.
The 2022 Hummer EV’s electric motors generate 1,000 horsepower and 1,200 pound-feet of torque—that’s enough power to propel the 9,100-pound vehicle from zero to 60 MPH in just three seconds. Consequently, a Lamborghini Aventador LP 780-4 Ultimae takes around 2.8 seconds at just over one-third of the weight. In either case, that’s a lot of speed very quickly, but in the event of a crash, the Hummer generates more than 2.5 times the force at 60 MPH than the Aventador.
A prime example is YouTuber Edmond Mondi. Several weeks ago, Mondi posted a video to Instagram showing the Hummer EV’s supercar-like acceleration from a standstill launch. The video generated a bit of controversy given that it was filmed from the driver’s seat while the Hummer was barreling towards multiple lanes of cars in stopped traffic. Weeks later, we reported that Mondi totaled his Hummer EV just hours after picking it up from the dealership, as revealed in a later-published YouTube video.
WGO: “Anti-vaccine activism, which I actually call anti-science aggression, has now become a major killing force globally.”
Huge difference.
Just as much fun in there-
“I empathize with Elon Musk’s concerns about flight tracking, which is why I am calling on Congress to ban private jets. The best way for us to keep billionaires safe is if they simply travel on a commercial flight surrounded by security and air marshals.”
AOC’s Flop – More Spent on Fossil Fuels than the Movie Took In
From Armstrong Economics –
COMMENT: “Regarding AOC and the FLOP climate change documentary. How much fossil fuel was used for this flop of a project. Sounds contradictory to the proposed agenda the are preaching. Almost as ironic as the elite jet setting with their private jets while we should all ride bicycles to work.
MA, Thank you for being a voice of reason in these truly uncertain time.
Be well and keep doing what you do.”
Regards, CRW
REPLY: I know. This is so insane. I’m sure she spent far more in fossil fuels to make this flop than the $10,000 it raked in. I have been in my fair share of movie productions. The number of people running around you can’t even count on two hands for a small film. They were even filming a movie on the beach in front of the house next door I think for the Hallmark Channel. They even had a COVID enforcer who came running up when some of the girls on the film crew just wanted to pet my dog. She came running over and said no – they could not even touch any animal. How much did it cost to fly her around?”
“How much did it cost to fly her around?””
Mostly depends on what she weighed.
“Innovative New Process Converts Plants Into Meat By Feeding Them To Cows”
And 60% of the fodder that the cow eats comes out the back as the finest organic fertiliser that a pasture could wish for.
You wouldn’t read about it.
Just one cow to the acre (or 6-8 ewes) will keep that pasture growing.
It’s a blooming miracle.
We should head down on to the savannah and start a civilisation.
If you feeling happy Wagu tails.
Carbon Dioxide doesn’t cause global warming.
‘Per the IPCC’s own gold-standard for temperature measurements, the globe has been cooling since August 2014. The world’s tropical oceans are cooling since September 2012 (also confirmed by the UAH satellite dataset).
‘Regardless of the actual scientific empirical evidence, legacy media, politicians and corrupted science will continue to claim that the world is warming at a rapid pace due to human CO2 emissions.’ (C3 Headlines)
And as ocean temps go down more CO2 will be dissolved, and atmospheric CO2 levels will drop, and crop yields will fall accordingly.
Can you say “global starvation” children?
I knew you could.
“more CO2 will be dissolved, and atmospheric CO2 levels will drop, and crop yields will fall ”
Sorry MV , that sounds far too slow ; saving the planet for the exclusive use of the elite will require more drastic measures.
I suggest banning nitrogen fertilisers; prohibiting the use of coal , oil and gas; restricting access to sunlight and Vit D by locking people down (this will also help to spread disease); and compulsory administration of some immune system -destroying “medications” , to give disease a fighting chance.
You got any better ideas?
“Will require more drastic measures” and a hand wringing “Why?” when SFA happens in reduction of CO2 levels
“Will require more drastic measures”
Eureka !
I’ve got it.
Why don’t we print money like crazy, to counter the effect of the lockdowns; use the money to inflate various bubbles; then wreck the supply chains, thus shrinking
economies , and then crank up the interest rates to deal with the inflation we’ve created; and with a little crash here and there start a recession
That’s more like it!
Right on all counts, Farmerbraun.
What a truly amazing coincidence that all these things are happening at the same time.
They can achieve starvation a lot quicker … just declare war on farmers.
Which is already underway.
CO2 does zip. However heat still rises to the top:
Greenland is warming fastest in winter. The minimum temperature up almost 10C from -30C to -20C. This is what “global” warming looks like.
Even NASA are now coming out suggesting that global warming does not necessarily mean all places are warming at the same rate.
No one told the climate modellers any of this. The models warm everywhere at close to the same rate.
The IPCC and the bunch of clowns producing climate models are now a laughing stock. Very hard to convince people that Greenland is about to melt into the oceans when it is gaining altitude.
We are at the crossroad for human civilisation. Termination of the modern interglacial is in progress and peak stupid is close to peaking.
Doesn’t seem to have affected the ice in Greenland.
Their argument has always been that the coldest areas will warm the fastest. Massive fail, Antartica is cooling.
Michael Mann said the LIA started in a regional way, it makes sense when you add volcanism, but oceanic oscillations are still implicated.
The second half of the 19th century shows that Modoki El Nino were common place, along with La Nina.
The LIA didn’t end in the Southern Hemisphere until around 1900 and there were large icebergs in the Southern Ocean shipping routes during that time. Do you see a connection?
‘Temperatures might rise 5 degrees in one region and drop 2 degrees in another.’
That is only weather, as noticed in Australia recently, we should consider long term trends.
Tasmania has it’s coldest December day in 50 years.
Summer is still 5-6 weeks away, says local happy little debunker.
The tipping point of no return is not far into the future, again.
Heat Shock Therapy: Why Saunas Are So Good for You
(One for Jo)
Today, scientists understand the mechanism behind the therapeutic benefits of heat immersion. When the body is exposed to temperatures of 102.2 degrees Fahrenheit and above, heat shock proteins are released.
Heat shock proteins are a type of stress protein — molecules that regulate the body in response to external stressors like extreme temperatures. As soon as your body is exposed to heat, the production of these proteins skyrockets. The way weightlifting stresses your muscles and requires them to rebuild stronger, heat shock proteins strengthen cells and make them more resilient to stress. They play a role in maintaining homeostasis for the immune system, nervous system, and more.
Here are the benefits heat shock proteins provide:
1. Better Brain Health
Heat exposure has been linked with enhanced mitochondrial function in cells. Mitochondria are responsible for generating energy in almost all cells, including brain and nerve cells. Research on mice with Alzheimer’s disease found that heat exposure reduced neurodegeneration by reversing mitochondria dysfunction. In a study involving over 2,000 healthy middle-aged adults, sauna therapy at least twice a week was shown to reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
2. Helps Your Heart
Researchers believe heat therapy also improves brain health in older adults and people with heart disease by improving the flow of blood to the brain. In patients with peripheral arterial disease, regular heat therapy lowered blood pressure in just 12 weeks.
In a study on obese women, 30 hot tub sessions over the course of nine weeks lowered cardiovascular risk factors. While hot water immersion didn’t cause weight loss, it did improve heart health in statistically significant ways by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, as well as by improving artery dilation.
3. Speedier Muscle Recovery from Workouts
Heat shock proteins are activated not just by heat exposure but also by exercise. When you boost the flow of heat shock proteins with a heating pad or a sauna after your workout, you can reap even more benefits. Heat shock proteins stimulate the production of new proteins required to build new muscle tissue after exercise and ensure these proteins fold in the correct shape. They also help direct glucose and amino acids to the sites of muscle damage to promote speedier recovery.
By boosting blood flow, heat exposure can speed up the movement of lactic acid build-up away from muscle tissues, reducing post-workout soreness.
4. Immune Support
Your immune system is continually reacting to your environment, detecting and neutralizing foreign invaders in order to keep vital organs in homeostasis. White blood cells are responsible for analyzing threats and producing the antibodies that destroy them. Heat shock proteins boost white blood cell production, leading to an increase in T cells, dendritic cells, and microphages. The result is bolstered immune function, which could potentially reduce the frequency and severity of viral infections like common colds.
I wonder if there are cold shock proteins too…
Alternating Hydro Therapy – had been doing this for yonks, when at hot pools, every now-and-then jump under a COLD shower or into a cooler pool, then back into the hot (42 C is my preference) and keep repeating, hot/cold hot/cold: finally found it has a name as well as a beneficial effect, similar to saunas. It’ll probably be banned soon.
Here is my variation on Alternating Hydro Therapy: Some friends and I go skiing at Holiday Valley in New York state. They have an indoor/outdoor swimming pool and an outdoor hot tub. The therapy consists of entering the swimming pool on the indoor side, swimming through the plastic separator to the outdoor portion of the swimming pool, then climb the pool ladder, run across about 2 meters of cement dripping wet in the cold air to get into the hot tub. After spending some time in the Hot Tub, reverse the procedure to end up back in the indoor portion of the swimming pool. Repeat as necessary.
Benefits of ice swimming are controversial stands in this article .
We Finns believe firmly that ice swimming is good for your health. Even more so if you combine it with sauna. But you should consult your doctor first if you have problems with your heart. Sitting in hot sauna first and after that dip in icy water is quite a burden to your heart and circulatory system.
For a person with heart issues ice swimming even without sauna may be too risky.
I used to swim year-round but not anymore. Every winter new exchange students appeared to sauna where I used visit. It was always fun to watch these students when they tried to force themselves to ice cold water. Lots of screaming and laughing.
The first reaction you have when you get to cold water is that your body wants get out of there as soon as possible. I guess it’s a animal-thing of some sort. It takes some time to learn how to remain calm, that you don’t rush out of water instantly.
After that learning period you can start to enjoy. Being in icy water hurts but afterwards feeling is great.
What the heck?
Saturday funnies
The power of water:
Global supply chain problems caused by one man:
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
December 17, 2022 at 10:22 am
From the Oz – I’ve posted the whole article.
Question of integrity: latest chapter in Brittany Higgins saga needs scrutiny Janet Albrechtsen
12:00AM December 17, 2022
In the latest chapter of the Brittany Higgins saga, we return to where it started, deep in the Canberra swamp. The Australian newspaper revealed on Thursday that the Albanese government muzzled former minister Linda Reynolds, instructing her not to attend Tuesday’s mediation of Higgins’s civil claims about her alleged mistreatment at work by Reynolds and fellow former minister Michaelia Cash, in exchange for the commonwealth picking up the tab for her legal bills.
The Australian understands Cash was similarly silenced.
This meant the federal government could reach a multimillion-dollar settlement with Higgins in a single day, despite the government’s political conflicts in this matter, and without testing the veracity of Higgins’s claims. There had not even been a formal statement of claim filed in court, let alone detailed particulars of such a claim.
It is ironic, given that we are often lectured to by #MeToo champions about the sins of confidential settlements, that Higgins has chosen to keep this part of her saga secret.
That secrecy notwithstanding, this latest chapter in the Higgins saga deserves as much careful scrutiny as every other part of this tawdry tale.
For a government that talks a great deal about integrity, this settlement raises very serious integrity issues. The Prime Minister, the Attorney-General and the Finance Minister will understand that a scandal that started life as a ticking bomb to bring down the Morrison government may be morphing into a slow-release poison that damages not just federal Labor but the ACT Labor government, too.
Here’s why. First, it stinks to high heaven for the Attorney-General to bully Reynolds into not telling her side of this story, with her silence being bought by a promise to pay her legal bills.
Reynolds had a story to tell. In correspondence seen by The Australian, Reynolds indicated to the government and the department that she wanted to contest Higgins’s claims against her.
Indeed, many of Higgins’s claims in this civil claim had been strongly challenged by Reynolds, and others, in the course of the criminal trial. Freely available transcripts demonstrate significant conflict about the facts, which needed to be resolved.
Why on earth then did bureaucrats in the Department of Finance, in charge of taxpayer money, ignore the fact that those who have been accused of wrongdoing by Higgins have a different story to tell?
A one-day “mediation” makes a mockery of the Legal Services Directions that require the commonwealth to behave as a model litigant.
These directions state that: “A settlement on the basis of legal principle and practice requires the existence of at least a meaningful prospect of liability being established. In particular, settlement is not to be effected merely because of the cost of defending what is clearly a spurious claim.”
What legal principle or practice did the Department of Finance, and Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus rely on to justify a multimillion-dollar settlement reached in one day that does not check the veracity of Higgins claims?
It is clear Labor applies its “believe-all-women” mantra only to women who make allegations against Coalition MPs, not to statements by Coalition MPs. Given the Attorney-General forbade Reynolds from telling her side, in return for paying her legal fees, was the department pressured into not checking the veracity of Higgins’s claims?
The department knew from the criminal trial that Higgins’s version of relevant facts was dramatically different from the versions given by Reynolds, by Cash and by other witnesses such as Fiona Brown, Reynolds’s chief of staff.
During the trial Higgins was attended by Labor apparatchiks.
She got a $3.7 million payday from her untested allegations & a well paying job courtesy of Julia ‘I will not be lectured by that man’ Gillard.
Not a bad outcome from getting really drunk and wearing no knickers on a night out with ‘the boys’.
The accused fella is gonna carry the stink with him for the rest of his life … something these people were happy to sacrifice.
Literally is making me feel ill in disgust and contempt.
Where is the plan to get Australia to say 50% renewables?
In the National Electricity Market, Open NEM reports renewables are delivering 34.7% of demand on average, consisting of solar 14.3% or 3,400 MW, wind 12.4% or 3,000 MW, and hydro 8.0% (or 7.3% after deducting pumps, so total renewables actually 34.0%). Average total demand is 24,000 MW.
To get to 50% renewables assuming no increase in hydro will require solar and wind to increase from a combined 26.7% to 42.7%.
Assume that is made up of solar 22% and wind 20.7%.
But as solar already supplies over 50% of demand during the day, most of the extra generation will have to go into storage, either pumped hydro or some very big batteries (currently the “big” batteries supply just 0.1% of demand on average). So let’s assume 12,000 MW of additional solar needs to be stored for 10 hours, that’s 120,000 MWhr of storage.
And if wind is to deliver 20.7% of demand, i.e. 5,000 MW on average, that will require a nameplate capacity of 16,000 MW (currently 10,000 MW).
But wind output will vary from near zero to 10,000 MW, so again massive storage will be required in order to normalise output. Assume 5,000 MW needs to be stored for 48 hours, that’s 240,000 MWhr.
Snowy 2.0 will reportedly provide approximately 350,000 megawatt hours of large-scale storage, so able to store and then deliver 2,000 MW for about 7 days.
But that’s nowhere near enough output to cover the 10,000 MW shortfall when the sun isn’t shining and the wind isn’t blowing. So gas generators will need to be retained on standby to deliver electricity on demand.
Is that a feasible plan? At what cost?
And that’s just to get to 50% renewables, what’s the plan for net zero?
Watching Football: Something Weird Is Going On
My wife and I have become avid fans of American football. The Canadian game left us cold. Three-down football is a bore, the larger field resembles a soccer pitch, and the caliber of players is necessarily weaker than that of their American counterparts. Four-down football is far more interesting, eliminating the need for constant punt exchanges and allowing us to examine and enjoy the complexity of strategy, play adjustments, lots of audibles, and the evolution of play formation in general.
Recently, though, we have grown alarmed at the high volume of injuries among the teams, rosters increasingly decimated, offensive and defensive lines spackled with substitutes, quarterbacks going down like proverbial ninepins, and outcomes determined to a large extent by who remained on the field. In a recent game between the New England Patriots and the Arizona Cardinals, five players were assisted off the field before the first quarter was half-done, including a potentially career-ending injury to Cardinal signal caller Kyler Murray.
Something was going on, but what? Our anecdotal impression was confirmed by a longitudinal analysis conducted by the National Library of Medicine, which concluded that “The rate of injury in NFL players during weeks 1-4 of the 2020-2021 regular seasons was significantly higher than during 3 recent past NFL preseasons and regular seasons.” The first mRNA vaccine mandate came on the market in December 2020. The regular 2021 season began in early September, by which time most of the players would likely have been vaccinated. It was bad last year and clearly worse in 2022. Stamina and resilience, muscle and bone, have clearly been impacted.
Apart from mentioning the names of the injured and the nature of their injuries, none of the sportscasters and commenters seem willing to address the elephant in the locker room. It is known that practically all the players are vaxxed, with only rare exceptions like Aaron Rodgers. It is known that a soaring number of adverse effects have followed upon the introduction of the vaccines and booster shots, including the spiraling prominence of what is called SADS, or Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, people popping off in record numbers, with no prior warning, to heart attacks, brain clots, and cancer. No one in authority, not even families who have lost “loved ones,” will mention this unprecedented medical anomaly, which is certainly not the result of COVID-19 — the “19” is long past. Autopsies have plainly shown that the vaccines are implicated, as does the timeline. Yet omerta prevails.
SLAY Magazine reports that recent data from Germany, based on insurance tables, show that “unexpected deaths have been skyrocketing since the end of 2020… jumping from about 6000 per quarter to 14,000 currently.” Similarly, the Australian Bureau of Statistics reveals a 13% rise in deaths during 2022.
A recent article in The Epoch Times compiles a large number of studies and clinical investigations dealing with the adverse effects of the vaccines. According to direct evidence published by medical pathologists at Heidelberg University Hospital, mRNA vaccines cause myocarditis via fibrillation or ventricular tachycardia. Vaccinated patients suffered from autoimmune attacks on their own heart cells.
The findings, published on Nov. 27, 2022, established “the histological phenotype of lethal vaccination-associated myocarditis.” Other original studies come to the same conclusion. Epidemiological guidelines codified by the Bradford Hill criteria indicate that the relation between mRNA vaccine and injury is causative rather than correlational. Colleen Huber’s study of the nine elements comprising these criteria in her 2022 book Neither Safe Nor Effective posits a relation between “the vaccines and human health events, including higher rates of death from all causes.”
Interestingly, pushback is growing against the pharmaceutical cartels. Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida is now threatening “to hold these manufacturers accountable for this mRNA vaccine.” Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo is looking into the increased instances of cardiac arrest, the mounting number of stillbirths and miscarriages, and the failure of the medical profession to allow for informed consent among their patients with respect to the jabs. The Florida administration is to be commended for taking up the challenge against a secretive and venal pharmaceutical industry and its medical and political hoplites, though I don’t know if that will help Tua Tagovailoa regain his form or revive the Brady bunch on the field of play at this time.
One need not consult the hundreds of meticulous and authentic reports and studies to arrive at similar conclusions.
One need only spend a few months watching football to detect that something weird is happening. Players have become increasingly vulnerable, far more prone to injuries than in recent memory, and the carnage on the field consorts with the introduction of the vaccines.
I have certainly noticed an increase in joint, tendon and nerve inflammation in the highly jabbed.
Likely an underlying cause.
While your clinical experience is more relevant, I have noted, like many others, friends complaining of joint pain. Many have had MRIs or CAT scans which don’t seem to turn up anything conclusive.
Where the money is…
“The Ukrainian Embassy hosted a reception last week in honor of the 31st anniversary of the country’s armed services. Events like this are part of the social calendar of Washington’s smart set, with hobnobbing diplomats, think tankers, journalists, and US officials. Guests took photos with the Ukrainian ambassador. Even Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley showed up…
The logos of military contractors Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, Pratt & Whitney, and Lockheed Martin were emblazoned on the invitation as the event’s sponsors, below the official Ukrainian emblems and elegant blue script that said the Ukrainian ambassador and defense attaché “request the pleasure of your company.”
No wonder they won’t let Zelensky negotiate a peace deal!
..and if you think the price of petrol is bad just now- Demand hasn’t taken off from Covid yet, never mind what happens when the Ukraine war finishes & the global economy expands, and supply is already unable to keep up!
“Brent crude is currently well-behaved at $US80 as the global economy flirts with recession. The picture will look very different once China fully reopens and global aviation recovers.
Martijn Rats from Morgan Stanley said global jet fuel consumption is still down by 2 million barrels per day (mb/d), and China is 1 million barrels per day below its pre-pandemic level. It is therefore all the more remarkable that global spare capacity in the oil industry has fallen to 1.6 per cent, half its historical level.
Joe Biden has been running down the US strategic petroleum reserve at an effective rate of 0.8 mb/d since March… this has distorted the global market and disguised the underlying lack of supply. It has also depleted the strategic reserve to its lowest level in forty years.
US shale cannot come to the rescue this time. In previous cycles it grew at 1 mb/d a year, enough to break the OPEC stranglehold on the global market. This year it struggled to reach half that level. The best seams in the Permian and Bakken have been exploited. Morgan Stanley said the “expected ultimate recovery” of wells has dropped this year for the first in the history of modern fracking. Road, rail, and air passenger travel in China is still 50-70 per cent below normal levels..
..there are not enough new fields coming on stream to replace declining wells. Capex investment in oil and gas has fallen from $US1.3 trillion ($1.9 trillion) to $US700 billion since 2014. There will be one last structural supply crunch before electrification prevails in the 2030s.”
So, we will have electric cars or no cars, and without coal the only energy available WILL be solar & wind, or the dreaded nuclear!
I’m shocked – tongue firmly in cheek – wheelie wheelie shocked! Jabcinder’s State RadioNZ website has an article about the ‘possible’ 4th death, by Pf!zzer-induced myocarditis, of a NZer who rolled up their sleeve (and switched off their brain) for the good of everyone else.
The person gasped their last breath back in March this year: a review was held in April… another review in November… then in the week before Christmas a small press release states the (non)vaccine ‘possibly’ could be linked to the ‘fourth death’ – a ‘very rare’ side eff-blahblah. Surely our Government Of Wellbeing™ will act on this disturbing – nay, shocking! – news pronto. Oh wait, they’re on holiday for the next two months: how will the faithfool survive…
A petition asking for government to enshrine the use of cash in law.
ooohh…. a tough one! Is it just a fishing expedition by the ATO to gather people to investigate? Will it become one if its not one at the moment?
But if we don’t sign the Govt will say “Only a few thousand people want to retain cash, they’re all criminals and conspiracy theorists, we’ll get rid of it.”
Will it be completely irrelevant and the Govt will get rid of cash when they planned to anyway?
Thx gregg…’this eliminates our ability to transact in a fully anonymous manner.’
Cash is a vital aspect of human liberty. Remember how the Montreal truckie protesters had their finances
withheld by Trudeaus’ guvuhmint? When govt is able to decide that if you don’t obey, you may not eat, that’s Orwellian
And on ABC news today, tens of thousands predicted to sell their overpriced homes in 2023 to escape their crippling mortgages.
Who’d have seen the bleeding obvious coming a year ago.😎
Truth And Consequences
From https://cluster(you know what)-nation/truth-and-consequences/
Even if NBC, CBS, CNN, The New York Times, The WashPo, and the rest of the Big News Media mafia ignore the Twitter Files story, the revolution at Twitter is going to shake their windows and rattle their walls. There will be free debate in 2023 on this social media platform. News and ideas will be set loose across the landscape, and, for the first time in years, reality will have a chance to compete with the bad faith narratives of a regime at war against its own people.
We’ll have to see how long this window remains open before the Intel Community tries to shut Twitter down, ramp up a campaign to defame it, or blow it up as a viable business. Or make a move to, shall we say, neutralize the person behind the revolution there. The more that free speech is actually permitted on Twitter, the more every other platform will look like a lame organ of propaganda, especially when it comes to issues that really matter such as the deadly consequences of the mRNA “vaccines,” the shady doings around recent US elections, the actual condition of the US economy, the perilous folly of “Joe Biden’s” war in Ukraine (and the family grifting operation that prompted it), and the evil machinations of the Intel Community itself.
In about three weeks, the Party of Chaos will be swept out of power in the US House of Representatives. Their opponents will take control of all the House committee chairs, with subpoena power to compel the testimony of public figures who have managed to avoid answering questions for years. The Big News Media may not be able to avoid reporting on it, especially with Twitter loosened up, and their lying attempts to spin events are going to look pathetic when instantly contrasted with free analysis and informed debate in the public arena.
You can’t overstate what an advantage the insidious takeover of social media gave to forces seeking to wreck the country, though the effects have barely been explored yet. The people remain bamboozled over the Covid-19 operation especially. The pandemic certainly wasn’t some random act by Mother Nature, not with US public health agencies supporting gain-of-function research on coronaviruses from Ukraine to North Carolina to Wuhan, China. And the subsequent damage caused by the government’s response to the outbreak was either an epic fiasco of inept officialdom, or something that smells like mass murder.
Dr. Anthony Fauci’s little trick so far to avoid answering questions about these matters was simply to not use the term “gain-of-function” in his correspondence arranging grants for it — especially after President Barack Obama banned that type of research by its name in 2014. So when asked about gain-of-function, he could just lie with abandon. After that simple ruse is exposed, the patent and royalty benefits enjoyed by Dr. Fauci — who doubled his net worth after 2019 — will be dragged into the light of day.
Tons of GREAT memes right here..
Long one from Sundance. . 6th Twitter release. Lots of acronyms to wade thru. Especially for you Aussies. But bear with it. Even if you don’t know what they all are. You will get the big picture…
New York BANS Pet Sales as Part of WEF Agenda To End Pet Ownership
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul signed Senate Bill S1130/Assembly Bill A4283 into law on Thursday. The legislation will prohibit pet stores from selling dogs, cats and rabbits from 2024 onwards.
The move comes just days after the World Economic Forum declared that millions of cats and dogs should be slaughtered in an effort to reduce the “carbon pawprint” they produce as a result of eating meat.
Let’s BAN the WEF and politicians instead.😆
Lots of city folk around here end their pet ownership every Xmas , just before going on holiday. They just dump Felix in the nearest rural area .
In the New Year they start again with another unfortunate moggie.
R . Soles.
The latest edition of This Week In Pictures is out.
COVID Vaccine Hesitancy and Risk of a Traffic Crash
My take: this is a joke, right? Right?
Review of paper by Dr. John Campbell
Dr. John Campbell: Full analysis of “COVID Vaccine Hesitancy and Risk of a Traffic Crash” paper
The Biden Maladministration celebrity “non-binary” (sic) thing that uses they/them pronouns has left its job at the US Department of Energy due to it being charged with two criminal offences. It’s not known if it resigned or was fired. It may have been given a chance to resign or else it would have been fired anyway.
It was an important “diversity” hire for Biden to prove how “woke” the Maladministration was and just how far they were prepared to go in employing weird humanoid things so I waa surprised they let it go, especially as the Maladministration has no concern about crime abd lawlessness anyway.
Moved from yesterday as I posted too late..
Cheap coal was the entire basis of the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century in England. It is now illegal.
I have come to two conclusions
First that man controlled CO2 levels is anti science, completely fake. Not a shred of truth. Look at the government published rubbish and look at the graph. See if you can spot say the world wide lock down of the Wuhan flu or even the spectacular growth of China which now produces over half of all CO2. It’s not there. Nothing is there. CO2 just measures average sea surface temperature and the ripples on the graph are just summer and winter, not jet travel or car use.
The reason the press push ’emissions’ and Nett Zero is that there is absolutely no point measuring actual CO2 where we have no effect regardless of Nett zero or any other human activity.
More CO2 naturally goes into and out of the ocean in a few weeks naturally than human output in a year. There is virtually no man made CO2 in the air. The CO2 molecule is like water highly polar and super soluble and compressible. Thus all CO2 is in the ocean, 98%. And what is in the air is what is released by warmer water, so slight warming releases CO2. By comparison most free oxygen and nitrogen is in the air, not the water. This is simple physical chemistry, very old science. CO2 producing warming is nonsense, a reversal of the truth.
Second that Green parties are completely fake power hungry marxists and anarchists who are anti humanity. To them humans are a cancer on the planet to be enslaved and starved and wiped out. It is underway in Europe, say in Holland. The Socialist Fascists in the 1930s also posed as caring Greens and it was not just violent conquest they launched but whole societies were wiped out or reduced to starved slaves to serve the all powerful state. Exactly as under Stalin. Green are identical.
So we get to the fake cost of electricity, countries like Australia and the UK could drop the price of electricity in a day by just repealing the Acts which hide massive cash theft from our electricity bills. Coal is free and plentiful, which was their problem. In Australia the Renewable Energy(Electricity) 2000 Act was so effective in strangling coal and funding windmills that it was copied in the UK. Albanese talks of saving families $250 a year but repealing the one Act would save them $2000 a year and open all the coal mines and prices would plummet. And exports would soar. Because raw materials are a state exclusive and so coal and gas electricity, wind power is really about moving electrical power, all power literally totally to Canberra. And then to the United Nations.
Only Western democracies are playing the self destruction electricity game. Australia and the UK and Germany are joining the energy poor even though they have abundant coal. In the UK, officially 0% of their electricity is now from coal but 14% from imported US wood pellets. These are the same Greens who protested against wood chipping in Tasmania!
Officially they are saving the planet except no one believes a word of it. Because it is so obviously not true. For politicians it is literally a power play like the response to the Wuhan flu. Absolute power. Supported by a fifth column in the Press undermining Western democracies. It started with the universities and Post Modernism, an anti science, anti democracy movement, Marxism metastasized. And in the new world electrical power is political power, which must be controlled by the UN. Which is why the IPCC exists.
“officially 0% of their electricity is now from coal but 14% from imported US wood pellets”. Unlikely, they have 3 (older) coal-fired plants running and the 2 Drax units that were shut down (as uneconomic) have been put on standby – and given the chaos of their planning it is likely they will be fired up soon.
And speaking of chaos In June 22 Germany gave orders for 27 coal-fired plants to restart (until March 2024). Their usage was up 13.3% year on year despite a slight decline in electricity usage (0.5%). The IEA says 19%. They now get 36.5% of their electricity from coal a against 31.9% in 2021.
Austria, Italy, Netherlands and France have all increased coal use. Was it last year that I saw headlines about France becoming coal free? Anyway they hope to have 2 nuclear plants back on line by Christmas and the other 20? That might help the UK which has been exporting electricity to Europe for months (in what I think is the naive belief that the Europeans will help them out this winter when the UK needs some). EU coal imports jumped 35% between Jan & August this year (15 million tons) and this figure is expected to be 43% by next year. IEA says global consumption rose to over 8 billion tons this year. Australia exported 171 million tons – I make that 2.1% of total usage, but we have people who want to “save the World” from that. I wonder how many bureaucratic jobs those exports pay for?
In Australia the government claims the inflation rate is 7.3% but I believe this is a lie.
I doubt whether any mainstream politician ever does their own shopping so they would have no idea anyway.
I often ask people what they think the REAL rate is as experienced by them and most seem to think it is around 25%-30%.
One example is in the price of home brewing –
From the end of September till a week ago the price I paid for ingredients went from about $130 to about $140. I doubt that was the doing of the local store.
For a longer range look – when I started about the mid-1990s a tin of makings was about $10 and remained about there for quite a time. Now about $24.
Not only would repealing the Renweable Energy Act (2000) and its successors instantly remove the legislated theft, the price of coal electricity would drop instantly. And wind and solar as well.
This is because if electricity retailers who buy carbon electricity, have to give cash to the windmill owners via compulsory government controlled large scale certificates. That not only pushes up coal prices massively but also allows wind generators to set their prices just under this fake higher price. And they also get paid in certificates whether their electricity is used or not as they earn cash certificates for just production, not sale. Who cares if it is all wasted? So we the public not only pay too much, we pay for what is not even used.
This massive carbon tax has been going on for 22 years. End the insanity. There is no climate change science, no nett zero. Even NASA and the CSIRO agree that more CO2 means more trees, more crops in direct proportion. Everything we are told is the reverse of the truth, pushed out by the United Nations who want to be the world government.
Would the owners of windmills, panels and Big Batteries be able to sue (and who) because this legalised theft is the ONLY reason they can remain in business.
It’s a great business. You buy the windmills with public money, get paid twice for everything you output and depreciate the publicly funded asset so you do not pay tax. Printing gifted money tax free. Bonanza!
And no risk as you are the compulsorily preferred supplier. Plus as coal vanishes, prices go up and you have no price competition. And no responsibility and certainly no blame at all when the wind does not blow and the system generates no power. The routine and inane government answer is that the country needs a lot more windmills despite the fact that no amount of money creates wind or sunshine.
No wonder AGL wants to blow up all the coal power stations.
And with a lot more windmills there will be occasions when they generate too much electricity, so will they get paid to shut down?
A rare case but if we installed 3 times the capacity in windmills to meet Bowen’s desire that would occur about 0.8% of the time (about 70 hours in a year).
I was also forced this week by the Australian government to get a company director’s number. This is solely because the United Nations demands it!
Having crippled our electricity, forced us to spend massively on ‘saving’ the Great Barrier Reef which is as big in area as Germany, we now are being told that we have to obey the dictates of our masters in the UN. Their tentacles are slowly spreading over the world, starting with compliant Western democracies and their sovereignty. What’s next? Race and religion?
What starts as a request becomes a threat becomes a demand and the voluntary and vague UN Paris Accord is being now enforced in Australia as real law by activist judges who are bypassing parliament.
I still have not.
My argument is that I was never asked for it. ASIC send me an annual return every year, if they are that capable, surely they could have sent me a request to get a director id ? ATO hammered me for months re. STP
My read of the relevant legislation was that it needs to be requested. MInd you, that’s only my interpretation
You should of got advice on that, as the advice I got was it could not be forced on exsisting companies, new ones, yes. Something about moving the goal posts.
I disolved my company anyway.
Also be wary if you have a self managed superannuation fund (SMSF)
It’s not only the Australian Government that routinely lies, the US Government does as well.
The number of US jobs has been overstated by 1.1 million.
Comments about the “15 min city”.
Starting in Oxford and Canterbury, UK, but soon coming to a UN compliant country and city near you, and that would include all of Australia.
If you don’t believe me that this is coming to the former independent country but now UN ruled Australia, Goolag “15 minute city Australia”, also sometimes referred to as the “20 minute city”. 6 min 20 sec
I think Australia’s obsession with the UN and being a fanatical follower of all its decrees started with the Hawke regime in 1983 with Fabian Marxist Gareth Evans as the Attorney General and the Tasmania Dams Case and testing the External Affairs powers under Section 51(xxix) of the Australian Constitution which gave confirmed to the Feds whatever powers they needed to implement global government decrees, no matter how detrimental they were to Australians.
Today, Australia is one of the UN’s most obedient and compliant and unquestioning followers whether with the anthropogenic global warming fraud or the gross mismanagement of covid.
There seems to be a need to discuss RSV vaxxes
Helion fusion finally doing a big reveal – detailed half hour video by excellent and extremely popular “Real Engineering” youtube channel showing why they are different – and expecting to demonstrate true fusion break even in 2 years in a relatively simple and cheap machine.
Your Xmas gift from “You Know Who”
““How Close Are We to Something Awful?” – Tucker Carlson Explains that US Patriot Missiles Sent to Ukraine Will Require US Troops to Run Them”
Goes with that
Latest Pointman
Chiefio suggests that the Russians might be looking forward to further demonstrations of those hypersonics
‘The Department of Defense has analyzed ‘hundreds’ of UFO reports from its service members since last year, some of objects flying in ways they don’t yet understand, and some in space and underwater, officials revealed.’ (UK Mail)
AEMO enters politics…
“Power bill shocks will remain a threat unless Australia quickly “decouples” from global coal and gas markets by ramping up renewables, the head of the east coast electricity grid has warned… “The sooner we integrate higher levels of firmed renewables with transmission into the energy system, the sooner we can decouple domestic energy prices from these international shocks, meet our emissions targets and reduce stress on Australian families and businesses.”
“The sooner we integrate higher levels of firmed renewables with transmission into the energy system, the sooner we can decouple domestic energy prices from these international shocks, meet our emissions targets and reduce stress on Australian families and businesses.”
Calling for a bigger, better, far richer… AEMO! Full of lies & half-truths as usual.
Remember that in internet jargon SMH = “Shaking My Head”
Judith Curry has a new post up at Climate Etc. and this caught my eye.
‘Hindcasting climate states is not easy: a recent synthesis of tree-ring data from the Yamal peninsula rashly states that in Siberia the ‘industrial era warming is unprecedented…. elevated summer temperatures above those…for the past seven millennia‘. However, documents and observations show that this is one generalisation too far.
‘In summer 1846, as recorded by H.H. Lamb, warming across the arctic extended from Archangel to eastern Siberia, where the captain of a Russian survey ship noted that the River Lena was hard to locate in a vast, flooded landscape and could be followed only by the ‘rushing of the stream’ which ‘rolled trees, moss and large masses of peat’ against his ship, that secured from the flood ‘an elephant’s head’.