A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Just watching this.
Why do I feel like a climate denying dinosaur when such eloquent, intelligent folks think there is such a thing as “climate change” caused by humans? I just can’t bring myself to believe!!!
Just watching the 6.00 pm news and there was a report about cliff erosions causing significant collapses along the great ocean road in Victoria. Guess what the cause was.
Climate Change. Totally ignoring the geological features along this coast that all appeared before “Climate Change” tm, the twelve apostle’s, the former London Bridge etc etc. All the product of millennia of natural erosion, but no, these latest collapses are all the fault of nasty humans. Apparently cliffs never change, collapse or erode and they are just there.
Another airline pilot dies while on duty, endangering the plane and all its passengers.
The pilot ( aged in his 30s) collapsed about 30 seconds after take off.
He could not be recuscitated.
The copilot returned and landed
Post vaccination death is suspected.
Thankyou Peter,
Your post and supplied link makes a mockery of this idea being currently promoted (published 11th Nov 2022):
“Airlines want you to get comfortable with flying without a co-pilot.”
Tony Lucas, an Airbus SE A330 captain for Qantas Airways Ltd. and president of the Australian & International Pilots Association, is concerned that a lone pilot might be overwhelmed by an emergency before anyone else has time to reach the cockpit to help.
“The people going down this route aren’t the people who fly jets every day,” Lucas said. “When things go awry, they go awry fairly quickly.”
CASA and FAA should mandate one pure blood in the cockpit for all flights.
Yes but too late for that.
Too many pilots have been vaccinated already. I don’t want a 15 year old aircraft captain either.
As William x says above, we need two competent pilots in the cockpit (as a minimum).
Too important to be left on Friday Thread – It’s Your Taxpayer Money and Answers are Deserved
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
December 10, 2022 at 9:53 am
From the Oz. I’ve posted the whole article.
Crucial questions arising from Higgins’ civil claim
Brittany Higgins’ civil claim for close to $3m against the commonwealth will likely be paid without ever reaching a courtroom. But taxpayers deserve answers.
By Janet Albrechtsen
From Inquirer
December 10, 2022
Brittany Higgins’ civil claim for close to $3m against the commonwealth deserves close scrutiny. The Weekend Australian understands that this claim, set down for mediation next Tuesday, will likely be settled by the Department of Finance and paid for by taxpayers. In other words, it may never reach a courtroom.
Taxpayers are entitled to assurances from the public servants involved that the department is looking after taxpayers’ interests on at least two fronts. One goes to the processes that will be used to test claims before payments with public money are made. If claims are not tested, taxpayers are entitled to wonder whether integrity standards within the department are open to question.
The second issue goes to politics. The Department of Finance will know that Finance Minister Katy Gallagher was central in pursuing the Brittany Higgins saga against the former Morrison government when she was in opposition. What has the department done to deal with political conflicts, both real and perceived, before it begins mediation on December 13?
Before looking at the process and the politics in this matter in more detail, it is worth reiterating that there is nothing simple, or settled, about the Higgins saga. The criminal court case to test her allegation of rape against fellow staffer Bruce Lehrmann came to an abrupt end after misconduct by a jury member, before the jury could deliver a verdict. Before the mistrial, Higgins’ version of events was contested, and contradicted, in court. Higgins’ claims about her treatment by Linda Reynolds and Michaelia Cash, for whom she worked, were also contested and contradicted in court. The Director of Public Prosecutions has chosen not to pursue Lehrmann.
On behalf of taxpayers, who are invariably left with the bill, may I ask some questions of the department – and the Albanese government – to satisfy ourselves that robust processes are in place before potentially millions of dollars are paid as part of a settlement.
7 Questions asked.
Turning to the politics of this saga, here are further questions for the department, and for the Albanese government:
4 Questions asked.
Of course the question should be asked – but it won’t be. Even if it is, it will be ignored and no mainstream media outlet will so much as acknowledge it was asked unless it can be cast as some sort of misogynist atrocity.
You all wanted a feminist run society I’m sure. Well here it is. Like it?
Saturday weirdness – Turkey and gravy soda
Think it’s fake?
‘Murica 🙄
Gobble it up!
Glimpsing Armageddon in Dutch cow culling
A bureaucratic scheme to eliminate some 3,000 small farms in the Netherlands foreshadows increasing efforts by technocrats and global food interests to dominate food production at the expense of local culture, local economies, and family cows.
In the name of “saving the planet,” such grand delusions will doubtless destroy it, and humans in the bargain. Perhaps that is the plan.
If so, the Netherlands is the best place to start. The rationale is chiefly that the region is home to numerous fragile ecosystems that must be protected, notwithstanding that the Dutch government has for decades encouraged farms to increase production. “Closing farms” does not entail relocating their bovine denizens to idyllic preserves, but to abattoirs – they are to be slaughtered by the thousands to terminate their flatulence and enteric fermentation (burping).
But why Dutch cows? Because Dutch cows must be slaughtered to rescue insects for the diet of wild birds. Farms there produce 60% of the nitrogen deposits in conservation areas:
This rash rush to ration ruminants is spurious. Once destroyed, Dutch agricultural economies and systems cannot be reclaimed, and there is no plan to replace either the lost income to the Netherlands, or the lost food supplies to the humans that “feed on them.”
Dutch farmers are some of the most productive – and efficient – in the world. Indeed, the tiny land of windmills is the second largest exporter of agriculture products (especially dairy products and meat) on the planet. Ag products constitute fully one-seventh of Dutch national exports.
Dutch farms are a target because they have the highest animal concentration on earth – 115 million animals in a country half the size of Massachusetts.
21st Century Robber Barons: the WEF
In the 1870s, the term “robber baron” was first used to describe an exploitative class of industrialists who utilized their wealth to create monopolies of resources and amass control in the fledgling United States. The name describes an illegitimate aristocracy of unelected plutocrats. John D. Rockefeller, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Andrew Carnegie; all American industrial royalty whose names line the streets of America and the pages of our history books. One hundred fifty years later, we face a new global class of robber barons.
Once a year, the world’s richest and most influential people meet behind closed doors in Davos, Switzerland, to discuss the future direction of the globe. Known as the World Economic Forum, they were originally founded in 1971 by German engineer Klaus Schwab. Look at any major global policy push in recent history, and you’ll likely find the fingerprints of the World Economic Forum. From climate alarmism to ESG investing to our obsession with sustainability and population control or a push for centralized and authoritarian government, we find the handiwork of the World Economic Forum.
Earlier this year, a video surfaced of Mr. Schwab in 2017, openly bragging about infiltrating the cabinets of major governments worldwide by grooming a class of Young Global Leaders, including Angela Merkel of Germany, Justin Trudeau of Canada, and even Vladimir Putin. The World Economic Forum describes its Young Global Leaders program as “an accelerator for a dynamic community of exceptional people with the vision, courage, and influence to drive positive change in the world.” It is doubtful that their vision for positive change aligns with that of the plebian class, but they aren’t too concerned with that. In 2016, they told us in Forbes magazine that soon we would own nothing, have no privacy, and we would learn to like it.
The World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders collective is a veritable who’s-who of politicians, tech titans, corporate executives, philanthropists, celebrities, and financiers worldwide. You don’t have to look far to find their influence.
The Climate Alarmists Are Deeply Disturbed People
I & I Editorial Board
December 9, 2022
“Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past.” — The Independent, March, 20, 2000
“Northern Hemisphere Snow Cover At 56-Year High.” — ZeroHedge, Nov. 24, 2022
We feel confident in saying that not a single prediction of global warming catastrophe has occurred. The alarmists know their forecasts of doom have been comically wrong. But rather than admit their errors, they point to natural events as evidence that they’re not wrong and keep warning us that the end is near.
There must be something wrong with them.
It was David Viner, a senior research scientist at the University of East Anglia’s climatic research unit, who told the Independent in 2000 that within just a few years, winter snow was going to become “a very rare and exciting event.”
“Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,” he said, 22 years before snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere reached a record high.
Retired meteorologist Anthony Watts called Viner’s foolish statement “likely one of the most cited articles ever that illustrates the chutzpah and sheer hubris on display from a climate scientist who was so certain he could predict the future with certainty.”
Viner is of course only one of many climate doomsday prophets who have made forecasts that seemed more like the rantings of a mental hospital patient. Their miserable record has been covered by esteemed columnists, reputable think tanks, and occasionally the media. There’s even a Facebook page dedicated to climate change predictions.
At this point it’s fair to ask: What is the difference, if any, between the climate alarmists and the religious cults that predict the end of the world, and rather than humbly rethink their premises after their predictions fail, claim that they just got the day wrong and double down on the loco?
We’re not saying the climate alarmists are insane. But we feel it is our duty to point out that they do say the same things over and over and expect that this time they’ll get it right.
The Earth is estimated to be 4.5 billion years old. The earliest geological era is named the Hadean era after Hades due to the extensive volcanic activity creating sheets of molten lava across the surface. How could the temperature have fallen to the present comfortable level if the ever present atmospheric CO2 warms the Earth?
Every minute of every hour of every day the atmospheric CO2 absorbs and re-radiates heat from the Sun and the Earth’s surface and has been doing so for more than 4 billion years. If this caused warming of the Earth’s surface then surely at least all of the oceans would have evaporated. It is simply ridiculous to claim that such warming is taking place and causing catastrophic conditions in the near future. Why wasn’t it evident long ago? It is merely a conduit for the passage of heat energy from hot bodies to colder bodies as part of the normal process of achieving equilibrium.
The fictitious warming claim promoted by the UN IPCC and the World Economic Forum is simply untenable. It is an attempt to instill fear into the population at large via economic collapse so that they can claim that a ‘One World Government’ is necessary, run by them, of course.
What were the prehistoric levels of CO2 in the atmosphere?
It is all conjecture but I have read that CO2 might have been the most prevelant gas eg 80%. Most of it has been sequestered now.
This is a list of who’s who in the zoo.
“numerous fragile ecosystems that must be protected, ”
Spurious claims that cannot be proven and are somewhat pointless. Eco systems change all the time. Are eco systems “fragile” how is this defined. Maybe the way eco systems change means that they are “robust”. So many people believe that the way they see things is the way they have always been. Specifically in the Netherlands about a third of their land is reclaimed from the North Sea. Now there is an “eco system” change that really did alter the state of Holland. Maybe they plan to blow up all the dikes and just flood the place again.
How many & who in the two major political parties in Australia are products of or acolytes of the WEF??
We need to know! Someone out there knows exactly how many and who the products of the WEF philosophies are. Where are the whistle blowers when you need a couple?? Probably they do exist but are too scared to talk!
Once identified the electorate will hopefully take care of them!!
the electorate is asleep Richard. And if not asleep, obsessed by self loathing. It is the most extraordinary thing I have ever seen.
Have been getting extreme UV level warnings broadcast on the mobile phone recently so had a look at the NASA site for ozone levels. Must say that they are a bit amateurish compared to the output from the European Copernicus site as follows:
The 3d rendered animation for 2022 is truly fascinating, showing an ozone hole “breakout” wafting over the southern tips of the African, South American and perhaps southern continental Australia – hard to tell because of the presentation perspective.
The graph showing Southern Hemisphere ozone hole area also shows that over the last 3 years, the ozone hole is actually getting significantly bigger and hanging around longer when compared to the 1979-2019 average.
Once again, just for the record, there is no such thing physically as an “ozone layer”. It is simply a mathematical computation of the total amount of ozone in a column of air from sea level to the outer recaches of the atmosphere.
It is measured in Dobson Units, on a Dobson Ozone Photospectrometer. Both were invented by Professor Gordon Dobson to establish the existence and directional flow of polar vortex air currents, for which he was awarded the title of “international Geophysical Man of the Year” in 1957.
Far from being some kind of magical layer of something that protects us from anything, atmospheric ozone is the result of ordinary oxygen molecules (O2) rising from the earth’s surface, meeting energy from the sun and being elevated to the higher energy state of ozone (O3). The effect is temporary – the higher energy state only lasts about half an hour – then the O3 molecules lose the energy and revert back to to O2.
The whole “ozone layer” myth was created by Edgar Bronfman, then principal shareholder in DuPont Chemicals, in order to get CFC’s banned and replaced by refrigerants that Bronfman held the patents for. To this end he sponsored the conference at which the so-called “Montreal Protocol” was adopted, which led to the banning of CFC’s and made Bronfman billions.
Yep, and when there is no sun over the Antarctic in our SH winter, there can be no Ozone produced. So, there is always a depletion in the amount of ozone over that area during that time. There is no “hole” as such, it’s always there and varies from year to year. But, really good story about Dupont and Edgar Bronfman- not heard that.
Just as a matter of interest, did either you Ross or MV actually view the 3D animation? The “hole” looks a hell of a lot like the eye of a hurricane – fascinating graphics though.
And the charlatan Maurice Strong, one of two responsible for the creation of the UN organisation that became IPCC, was also involved in the development of the Montreal Protocol.
NSW – no unvaccinated in hospitals
Faced with its own count of zero unvaccinated people in hospital with Covid (again), New South Wales Health argues the base rate fallacy.
“With such high vaccination coverage in the community, a high proportion of people admitted to hospital or intensive care unit (IC) with COVID-19 are now vaccinated with two or three doses. However, people who are not vaccinated remain more likely to suffer severe COVID-19.”
They argue it more than once. More than 1 million people in NSW have not have not had a Covid vaccine. They are “significantly overrepresented” in hospital by the number zero, says NSW Health.
I hear a rumble in the distance, probably that vaxxed tidal wave…
Just to ram the message home:
Remember: China emits more CO2 in just 2 weeks than Australia does in a year … So remind me again how “net zero” will save the planet? ToM
And nearby in Orange, forecast overnight temperatures for next Thursday to Saturday are 2,1 and 2 degrees, with maxima between 13 and 16.
Just before the summer solstice.
And we’re destroying Western civilisation to try and make it colder.
Which any fool would know we can’t do.
Yet 90% of the population seems to think this is reasonable.
What am I missing here?
The intellectual rape of our educational system for three generations now. Teachers who were taught this global warming garbage as gospel truth twenty years ago are teaching the same crap to today’s students. Their parents do not question it, because it’s the same crap they were indoctrinated with at school.
True and fundamentally depressing.
In my professional career, I meet many young doctors with very high IQ’s, who cannot find a single neuron to question the propaganda.
Friends and family turn on me like rabid dogs when I confess my heresy, CO2 being a harmless trace gas. They are all certifiable.
There is hope that this bizarre weather will stifle their angst, its the only opportunity we have to turn things around.
The education system and politics have been corrupted by propaganda of the most abysmal kind, but global cooling should set things straight. Watching climate change in the modern era is exhilarating.
This is excellent and disturbing.
It is an interview with a UK funeral director and the extremely disturbing observations he made during the pandemic.
Part 2
Part 3
One of the things John Looney says early on is that there was no increase in the death rate during the Covid pandemic before the vaccines came along.
That is quite remarkable and seems to contradict some other sources such as Dr John Campbell.
Here is another excellent video from Avi Yemeni of Rebel News Australia.
He is suing Facebook “fact” checkers at RMIT University.
Well done, Avi.
How much is he claiming in damages and aggravated damages?
The WEF Wants Your House to Be Worth ZERO, to Achieve “Net Zero” Carbon
Most Homes and Buildings will Become “Stranded Assets”
Was your home (single family or multifamily) NOT built to the WEF’s 10 Green Building Principles published in 2021? Does your house NOT look like a “net zero structure of the future?
If so, be aware that the WEF thinks your house or commercial building is overpriced due to an imagined “carbon bubble” and should be worth ZERO. If the WEF gets its way, your building could become a “stranded asset” — that is, abandoned due to changes in regulations — unless you perform an expensive and often impossible retrofit — at your expense, of course!
An important agenda article referring to WEF-endorsed “pricing risk management guidelines” and “green building principles” explains:
The ULI warns of a possible ‘carbon bubble’ where the continued lack of pricing this transition risk keeps asset values artificially high and further perpetuates the chance that they ultimately become too costly to retrofit, resulting in widespread stranding of assets.
Artificially and ridiculously overvalued properties with mortgagees on the brink.
Where will people go?
Those planned mega cities maybe.
You don’t need to accomodate everyone, just those left in 5-10 years…
These exclusive satellite images show that Saudi Arabia’s sci-fi megacity is well underway
In early 2021, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia announced The Line: a “civilizational revolution” that would house up to 9 million people in a zero-carbon megacity, 170 kilometers long and half a kilometer high but just 200 meters wide. Within its mirrored, car-free walls, residents would be whisked around in underground trains and electric air taxis.
Satellite images of the $500 billion project obtained exclusively by MIT Technology Review show that the Line’s vast linear building site is already taking shape, running as straight as an arrow across the deserts and through the mountains of northern Saudi Arabia. The site, tens of meters deep in places, is teeming with many hundreds of construction vehicles and likely thousands of workers, themselves housed in sprawling bases nearby.
Analysis of the satellite images by Soar Earth, an Australian startup that aggregates satellite imagery and crowdsourced maps into an online digital atlas, suggests that the workers have already excavated around 26 million cubic meters of earth and rock—78 times the volume of the world’s tallest building, the Burj Khalifa.
I wonder how many foreign worker lives this marvel will cost?
So… no steel, no concrete, no plastics.. buildings of a wooden frame covered with hessian and wool, maybe thatch. Pass me a match!
Wood can only be obtained if removing a forest to install solar panels or wind turbines.
Wool is animal exploitation
Hessian and thatch at scale would require farming, and indeed processing, in the case of hessian, and that’s bad too, somehow.
How dare you!
I’m sure this is the level of response one would receive from the zealots.
I can’t work out what the Federal Labor Government and the respective State Governments of every persuasion are going to say when power generation turns to the cr@p that is now inevitable, because what they have done in the last couple of days is to set it up to fail, and fail it will.
I wonder who wrote this line for the talking head to say to camera.
I want you to look at this image and I’ll point out what you are looking at.
Yearly Average Power Generation/Consumption
The image shows power generation from the full 12 months (so, all four Seasons for an accurate representation of the year) from 1Sep2021 till 31Aug 2022, so barely three and a half Months old. I had to find the average for every indicator on the page, and then find the one day across those 365 days where all the indicators were as close as possible to the average for that indicator.
Now while power is IMPORTANT across the whole day, it is absolutely at its most critical point for the day (every day of the year) at the evening Peak, and that is always around that time of 6.35PM in the evening. On that image note the Peak (and that’s the average of EVERY day of the year at that time, so I took 365 readings, both for the overall Peak, and the Four Renewables) and then note what the four renewables deliver at that same time, and you can se the difference, and that’s 19,600MW.
Okay then, here is that critical point when power is most needed, and that would be the time these know it all politicians have said that we can increase electricity supply at a moment’s notice.
They have specifically left out coal fired power and gas fired power from this ….. “We will pay you to do this” statement.
So that means renewables.
6.35PM ….. Both versions of solar power are back at zero, and the Sun has effectively gone for the day. Okay wind, I can see now the politicians telling them to get on the phone and increase wind generation. (very politely here ….. WTF)
So that leave just Hydro.
Here’s that same graph for Hydro at this link, and here, note that difference, almost 24000MW. Hydro delivers around 8% of all power generation across the year, and, as you can see, around 15% at the evening Peak, and most of that Hydro is in Tasmania already, running at its highest for the day in that State.
Now, and I say this with the conviction of actually KNOWING.
What these politicians are relying on, hand on heart, is that coal fired power, and natural gas fired power will do what they ….. ALWAYS have done, ramp up at that evening Peak to COVER that Peak, every evening, every evening.
However, the only one who gets paid will be hydro, and because (if Hydro ever does ramp up at all) it will move by so small an amount that the money they pay will be a virtual pittance.
Coal fired power will do what it always does ….. SAVE the power grid ….. EVERY SINGLE NIGHT.
Those graphs don’t lie, but who cares, no one even knows about them, or for that fact cares about explaining them.
G’day Tony,
Thanks for all that work and the resulting graphic. Tells the story extremely well.
On the other hand this ABC story reveals the vague, misguided hopes of our very own energy minister who doesn’t refer to the workings of the AEMO at all, let alone how (in?)significant is the cost of coal in the whole retail price calculation:
Dave B
..these cost caps will enable Bowen/Albo to “claim” that they have met their promiss to reduce electricity bills by $275 next year….
…..even though there is no way of proving it, and power bills will continue to increase dramatically anyway !
It is all just a financial illusion to keep the voters deluded and the media off their back for failing to meet pre election promisses.
Next week will be the first test of the European electricity grid this winter:
Prices should make interesting moves next week and the prospect for rationing getting close to inevitable.
It is interesting times.
UK are hoping that their efforts to help Europe fill its gas storage has bought some good will with the French. Can you imagine Macron saying the French will ration electricity to ensure the lights stay on in the UK?
The UK are hoping for the Goldilocks of wind next week. If that happens then they could avoid electricity rationing.
Its been a cold week, even here in Devon. We live 200 yards from the sea and the -1C temperatures over the last few nights and 4C day temperatures we only expect to see rarely and not until January when the sea starts to cool down. Its been windless and for some reason the solar panels haven’t been working overnight. The result is that no power at all came from weather dependent renewables for the last 12 cold hours.
Now you know that we get no power when the wind doesn’t blow and the sun doesn’t shine, and I know that. So why don’t the politicians appear to know that?
Some brisk winds expected from Tuesday onwards here in the South West and enerally over much of the country
“enerally over much of the country”
Were you hinting at a hope there with
enerallyeternally over much of the country”and spell check did its thing again?
Yes, eternally and at just the right speed and direction so we can achieve our governments ambition of being the Saudi Arabia of Wind. What with eternal wind and perpetual sun we shall have so much power it will probably be free
My son and family live in Letchworth Garden City and he said they may get enough sunlight today to get rid of the frost of the grass.
UK is fortunate to be surrounded by water that does not freeze. Same latitudes inland in Europe are will be colder and snow rather than a mix of snow and rain.
It’s true, it’s true, Parliament has made it clear
The climate must be perfect all the year
July and August must be hot
And there’s a legal limit to the snow here in Camelot
The winter is forbidden in December
And exits March the second on the dot
By order, summer lingers through September in Camelot
Camelot: Camelot
I know it gives a person pause
But in Camelot: Camelot
Those are the legal laws
Blocking high pressure over the Arctic is bringing cold weather to Europe.
cold week ahead in Paris too, max 1-2 degC, minimums around -4degC.
I expect rolling power cuts.
Maybe you should just buy an ICE?
Or, if you are rich, have 2 vehicles labeled “Summer” and “Winter”?
LOL one of the points of advise was to keep it plugged in and another was to keep it in the garage. Housing insurance may have something to say to that.
But, but, but wasn’t it that children of the future, who are now parents perhaps grand parents in some cases (think about that), would not experience snow?
When I worked in Europe quite a few of my colleagues had summer and winter cars. The registration system allowed you to just unclip the plates from one cae and put it on the other, as it was based around insurances and road taxes not a specific vehicles registration
Electric Cars Are Futile As A Solution To The So-Called ‘Climate Crisis’
The Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory recently released a study titled, “Assessment of Light-Duty Plug-in Electric Vehicles in the United States, 2010 – 2021,” which shows that in 2021, privately-owned plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) and electric vehicles (EVs) “saved about 690 million gallons of gasoline.”
However, that is a huge exaggeration because fossil fuels provide 61 percent of the electricity in the United States.
This means we have to include the inefficiency of burning coal or natural gas to make electricity (around 45 percent), transmission losses (about 5 percent), and losses in the inverter to charge the battery (another 5 percent).
Considering those losses, less than 33 percent of that apparent savings is a real reduction in fossil fuel use, the equivalent of roughly 230 million gallons of gasoline.
The Argonne study also says that from 2010 to 2021, EVs saved 2.1 billion gallons of gas. So, using the guideline of 61 percent from above, let’s be generous and say that over 11 years, EVs have saved about a third of that, the equivalent of about 750 million gallons of gasoline.
Although 750 million gallons of gasoline sounds like a huge amount, when you put into perspective the larger picture of gasoline use, that savings is actually a drop in the bucket.
According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), “In 2021, about 134.83 billion gallons (or about 3.21 billion barrels) of finished motor gasoline were consumed in the United States, an average of about 369 million gallons per day (or about 8.80 million barrels per day).”
Using simple arithmetic, dividing those 750 million gallons of gasoline saved from 2010 to 2021 according to the Argonne Lab study, by the daily U.S. consumption of gasoline, we get 750/369 = 2.03 days.
Willis E had a go at that –
“The Mirage of Electric Vehicles”
“So to date, we’re spending TWENTY-THREE DOLLARS for each gallon of gasoline saved … economic suicide.”
Willis makes the mistake of including hybrids among EVs. Not so, they are ICEs with regenerative breaking. Plug-in hybrids are different again.
Some interesting graphs/stats that explain why renewables are such poor value.
“The Continuing Propaganda on the Ukraine War”
If what Russia is doing is “winning” they must be glad they ain’t losing.
They’re in no rush H. Poland is getting the lions share of the 700 armored vehicles the USA is sending over, a mix of tanks, APCs, armored cars etc, the rest going to Romania. French tanks are being sent as well.
Poland already has its military fighting in Ukraine and is waiting for Russia to get exhausted so it can make a ‘peace-keeping’ mission to take over Western Ukraine.
Russia is waiting for Europe to get exhausted from propping up Zelenky’s Govt with their billions and for America to stop propping up the Ukie military with weapons.
Both sides are happy to just grind on some more, fighting to the last Ukrainian.
I need some advice. Who are the good guys here? I don’t see any but I’m supposed to think the way you do anyway.
Ukraine is deeply corrupt, corrupted by the equally corrupt neocons in USA and oligarchs in Russia. They are welcome to do NATO’s dirty work, I don’t mind.
Zelensky is a crook supported by many countries with zero ties to Ukraine.
Putin is a crook.
The USA gave a highly skilled arms dealer back to Russia.
The wrong people want this war to continue ad nauseam.
In this video, posted by Tony Heller, Jabcinda’s Storm troopers in New Zealandistan, kidnap a baby from its parents because they only want it to receive a blood transfusion from someone who hasn’t had the experimental covid “vaccine”.
I don’t see how what they are proposing is in any way putting the child in danger and so warrant removing the child. What they want would have been normal 3 years ago.
They perceive a risk that can be avoided at a cost they will pay. Sadly this challenges the egos and dogma of the political and medical classes and cannot be allowed. Personally I don’t know how they can live easily with these sorts of decisions. Their sense of superiority and self righteousness must be epic.
Well how unsurprising is that !!
“Who are we missing?”
Well how about
Elon’s Twitter Is Still Infiltrated with Former FBI and CIA Agents – These Agents Are Frantically Scrubbing Their LinkedIn Accounts, Read the List Here
Former FBI official and now-fired Twitter lawyer Jim Baker isn’t the only former FBI agent lurking on the inside of Twitter.
A discovery on LinkedIn has revealed there are over 14 former FBI and CIA agents currently employed by Twitter.
The revelation was made by an anonymous Twitter user who goes by the Twitter handle @NameRedacted247.
The Twitter user compiled a 17 tweet thread which revealed every former FBI agent and CIA agent currently still working with Twitter.
“Why Everyone Must Get Sicker for the Good of Pfizer
Pfizer can identify illnesses they think will bring in billions of dollars in profit, create drugs to manage (not cure) them, and then sell them to a public already conditioned to take them.”
“Gerard Rennick, Liberal Senator from the State of Queensland lays out his fellow lawmakers and step by step indicts all aspects of Covid crisis and government actions.” 10 min video.
This bloke must have balls of steel.Hope his insurance is paid up.
Vaccine Induced Myocarditis from German pathology photographs, Clinical Cardiology. 14 minutes. Dr. John Campbell
Autopsy-based histopathological characterization of myocarditis after anti-SARS-CoV-2-vaccination
NATO pushing for war against Russia while saying they aren’t..
“NATO secretary general Jens Stoltenberg expressed worry that the fighting in Ukraine could spin out of control and become a war between Russia and NATO. “If things go wrong, they can go horribly wrong,””
True, true.. But-
“We are working on that every day to avoid that.” is an absolute lie! I’m not sure if this-
“Washington was sending a $US275 million ($404.5 million) package of aid to Ukraine”
is part of the $700,000,000 in the latest arms shipment this year, or extra.
The scenario: Russia uses a TNW in Ukraine. NATO responds with CWs attacking Russian nuclear forces – nuclear bombers etc. Then what?!!!
As each day passes Russia is less likely to use any type of nuke. It has become an empty threat.
did the ever make that threat or was it just the media contorting Putins talk?
it would be a very dumb move to think he bluffs about much of anything
Let’s rephrase that:
NATO itching to crush Russia once and for all.
It’s easy, down under, to understate the constant threat of Russia*. They have always chosen the aggressive branch in the road and their now parlous demographic reflects that.
*Until Feb this year I also believed Sting’s song Russians.
H that’s because they’ve been under constant attack from the Yanks since WW2. NOTHING is allowed to threaten the American’s view that they own the world, and they are always quick and willing to go to war to prove that.
However far more warfare gets conducted off the battlefield and they have been busy busy busy all my lifetime changing leaders in any country that doesn’t lick their boots. If Ukraine hadn’t been the usual cluster-fk that The Empire makes when it forms a new country, you wouldn’t have Poles and Russians jammed into a country that calls itself Ukraine.
Putin said that if Russia was attacked he would use all weapons at his disposal, and for what its worth Russia has a policy of not using nukes unless attacked, unlike America.
If it wasn’t Russia, America would be goading Taiwan to destabilise China and start a war there, and then South Korea with North Korea, anyone with Iran… They are most warlike nation on the planet. They will stoke wars anywhere so long as its not on American soil. Our turn will come, we will become more useful as an expendable target for a war with China than as a dependable lapdog to them.
Perhaps the every-breeding Muslims will take over the world before the politics of America kill us all, considering all Western countries share Russia’s falling population. The medicines we take? The food we eat? The final triumph of those who wish to ‘de-sex’ the whole of society and not have women breeding? Who knows, but something is causing us to commit societal suicide. Other countries are not joining us, and they are ‘The Enemy’.
I don’t hate America, I don’t blame them for EVERYTHING. That’s where we differ.
I’m working my way through Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick. “The untold history of the United States”, which explores “the darker side of US history”
Introduction starts from about 1800 (with lamentations of the lack of knowledge of their own history by US citizens) and up to about Pearl Harbour (1941) takes about 134 pages (where I am now).
Pearl Harbour (1941) to 2012 is covered in pages 101 – 615.
Looks like a bodacious amount of darker side coming up!
So you haven’t got to the Berlin airlift. What a dark passage of US history.
Starving hundreds of thousands of Germans in concentration camps after 1944.. Don’t let the propaganda make you think they are heroes H, they are ruthlessly dark.
How about more on that?
You Will Remember This Winter
and from Excitable Michael: Blackrock: Get Ready For A Recession Unlike Anything You Have Ever Seen!
Is that from their dawning realisation that ESG might be a cudgel and not a cash cow?
A Centrelink tip from the horses mouth –
To get directly to an operator don’t answer when “The Voice” poses you a question that needs a spoken response.
I haven’t tried it to see as yet
Also try repeatedly pressing the # key – that often bounces the caller up to the operator.
Lately any transgressions seem to be bouncing you to the “Goodbye” message.
“Neil Oliver, It’s Remarkable How Many New Ways the Elite Have Concocted for Us to Die, Justified by Climate Change…
December 10, 2022 | sundance | 140 Comments”
And “The Panty Bandit” strikes again!
On the 21 Jan 2021 Biden signed a pledge:
Like everything else, a hollow promise.
So these guys have a conventional EV with 10sqM of solar cells on it. That’s gives them a range of 70Km per sunny day, which is fine for the 15minute city.
Which means there is no need to charge cars at all in the new cities, it fits in with the WEF ideas of you don’t own a car, you call it to pick you up & it arrives driverless.
What news from Fremantle? Heard that Queen Elizabeth cruise liner docked with 170 Covid passengers aboard. Had they all been vaccinated to get on board in the first place?