A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Is xmas over yet?
It’s interfering with my power equipment gardening.😁
A few days more, celebrating Advent.
Blessings continue.
I am recovering from the dust storm I created riding my lawnmower around the patchwork of grass, weeds and dry sections of my property, it’s amazing how quickly the flooding rains have disappeared and the ground is drying out, despite the chilly nights and not too warm days prevailing.
I was speaking with the old bloke that runs the garden centre in town. He is a bah humbug about Christmas and had his Christmas day set up to do some small engine maintenance on his lawnmower and bike.
In the space of a couple of hours he gets asked to be at a sons place at 7AM to be part of the kids present opening (in a town 30kms away) then back at another sons place at 10AM and then his brothers at 2PM. Ho, ho f’n ho ho ho, the mower will have to wait. He even looks a bit like Santa 🙂
Happy Christmas to you all.
I did not write this but with due consideration for our woke world maybe you will enjoy this as I do;
Hello there,
I wanted to send some sort of holiday greeting to my friends and colleagues, but it is difficult in today’s world to know exactly what to say without offending someone. So I met with my lawyer yesterday, and on advice I wish to say the following :
Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low stress , non addictive, gender neutral celebration of the summer solstice holiday practiced with the most enjoyable traditions of religious persuasion or secular practices of your choice with respect for the religious / secular persuasions and / or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all .
I also wish you a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2023, but not without due respect for the calendar of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make our country great ( not to imply that Australia is necessarily greater than any other country ) and without regard to the race, creed, colour, age, physical ability, religious faith or sexual preference of the wishee .
By accepting this greeting, you are accepting these terms :
This greeting is subject to clarification or withdrawal. It is freely transferable with no alteration to the original greeting. It implies no promise by the wisher to actually implement any of the wishes for her / him or others and is void where prohibited by law, and is revocable at the sole discretion of the wisher. The wish is warranted to perform as expected within the usual application of good tidings for a period of one year or until the issuance of a new wish at the sole discretion of the wisher .
Best Regards ( without prejudice )
Name withheld ( Privacy Act ).
I’m offended! 🤣
Are you off-ended if you get clipped?
“I’m offended!”
Never took you for an ultra-woke far-leftist 😉
Money is not everything, you know. A good chunk of the population will be lucky to stay within sight of the poverty line with no chance of being “fiscally successful”. You might have meant well but your fascist upbringing blinds you to the suffering and different aspirations of others.
Otherwise, Merry Christmas to you.
Merryish Xmas
As the saying goes: “a truly rich man is not one who has the most, but one who needs the least”
Remember when you didn’t have a word processor to do that?
There was always “The Word Processor for the Woke”
AKA a pencil
… of a winter solstice holiday celebrated elsewhere.
“without regard to the race, creed, colour, age, physical ability, religious faith or sexual preference of the wishee“.
SO GENDER IS NOT INCLUDED IN YOUR INTERSECTIONALITY !!!! ……please forgive me while I rush off to get the smelling salts …I’m feeling quite faint !
Don’t ever presume you have all the bases covered in dealing with the woke world …..there’s got to be a catch all phrase or sentence to cover any unforeseen lapses into “the unwoke unconscious”.
Cherry Mistmas…..hic, hic, hic…………….
Things that I trust more than the government:
Emails from Nigerian princes.
Investment opportunities from Chopper Read.
Petrol station food.
Popup ads for hot hookups 2 km from me.
Calls from Microsoft saying my pc has a virus.
Any dog.
In 1948 a man wore 12kg 3-toed lead shoes and stomped around a Florida beach at night.
The footprints led people to believe that a 5m high penguin was roaming the area.
He kept up the prank for 10 years, visiting various beaches. The scam wasn’t revealed until 40 years later.
And a reminder to get your safe&effective shot or booster.😎
You didn’t add “Any cat”.
So I know you’re serious.
Xmas reminder: A lot of medications don’t mix well with alcohol, so put the pills away over xmas.
Follow me for more medical advice.😆
How to relax with your dog.
I’d like to give you 10 green thumbs for that one, but they won’t let me. Nothing like relaxing with one’s dog. Wonderful. ToM
The “relxing with your dog” video reminds me of the CNN reporters covering the BLM riots and saying everything was peaceful and that the building fire in the background was nothing. More or less just a few people keeping warm.
An amazing adjustable wrench!
Relevant: It is unhealthy to have too much blood in your alcohol system.
Alcohol: I don’t drink any more. But then, I don’t drink any less, either.
All we need for Christmas are some real electricity generator units.
The present that would keep on giving.
I have decided that my New Year resolution will be not to try my last New Year resolution this time, to give up smoking, to give up alcohol, to give us sex.
Because it was that hardest week of my adult life.
By the way, do you know how the fairy got on top of the Christmas Tree?
Following a very busy number of months preparing for the Christmas Eve deliveries Santa was relaxing in his home and a fairy entered with a Christmas Tree and asked Santa where to put it.
Poor old Santa was suffering some discomfort from his rear quarters. Went to the doctor who asked him to bend over. Doctor pronounced he ( Santa, not the doctor) had a small mince pie stuck up his rear quarters. OMG, said santa. Doctor replied, “dont worry, I can give you some cream for that”.
I saw this the other day
“Christmas has just been cancelled this year”
“Santa heard you tell him you had been good. He had a heart attack and died laughing”
At least he didn’t die suddenly.
Happy summer solstice / longest day to all true southerners – life’s a beach at this time of year… Roll on 2023!
North America heading for a serious dose of “global warming” into Christmas:
Most global warming is occurring in the NH is winter when it is freezing. NASA data confirms that:
Greenland and Hudson Bay red hot. If you are looking at snow, you are looking at the major cause of measured “global warming”. If you feel you have been duped into thinking that CO2 can cause warming then you are not alone. They vast majority of people actually believe this carp.
by IAN PLIMER – I DON’T have opinions. I have facts. They are repeatable and validated.
Fact #1: No one has ever proven that human emissions of carbon dioxide drive global warming. For more than two decades I have been asking scientists for this proof. If proven, it would also have to be shown that natural carbon dioxide emissions, 97 per cent of the annual total, don’t drive global warming. This also has never been done.
Decision making must be based on the least chance of being incorrect. This often means stepping back and looking from a macro perspective to a place where you can identify undisputed facts. This is what Ian Plimer does basically. So you can be certain his management decisions will carry a high confidence interval.
Climate science at the molecular level says we have a theory and you had better put everything on it, like all in at poker on a whim.
Global warming has stopped.
‘The uptrend channel 0.8°C wide to 2015 is well defined with the orange upper and lower boundaries absolutely parallel and rising at 0.011°C per annum. Since the 2016 El Nino the trend is now down in a tighter, steeper trend channel that is 0.5°C wide and falling three times as fast at 0.036°C per annum.
‘From this downtrend, can we say that the Modern Warm Period is over, that global warming is definitely over, dead and buried, when the current downtrend regime takes us below the lower bound of the previous uptrend channel?’ (David Archibald / wuwt)
All the snow now falling in North America is proof that the planet is still warming up on average. But mostly the NH in winter when the temperature is below freezing. That is due to increased heat advection from warm ocean surface to cooler atmosphere over land. When the snow formed at an average temperature of -33 it was radiating at that temperature. Much lower heat loss than would occur if the sky was clear so it kept the surface warmer than it would otherwise be.
The intensity of the winter storms will also increase as the atmosphere works harder to get more ocean heat to land:
There are short term solar influences related to sun spots but what is being observed globally is the shifting distribution of solar energy due to orbital precession. It is in an 8,000 year trend and has only just begun. If fact, not all the SH is cooling yet despite the heat being turned down about 1000 years ago. Very high thermal inertia in the oceans of the SH; a big ship to turn but the rate of rise is slowing and, on average, south of 55S is cooling..
‘in fact, not all the SH is cooling …’
Yeah, only the Pacific sector is cooling.
‘ … despite the heat being turned down about 1000 years ago.’
At the beginning of the MWP?
A rancher in Montana just now
“Temperature -23F, feels like -53F”
I guess that bloke’s good news is that he doesn’t appear to have a prostate problem
Looks Russian to me
This is what global warming mostly looks like. When the snow was forming, it reduced heat loss from the surface. More snow is the key indicator of what has become known as “global warming”.
Greenland January temperature has risen 10C in the past 70 years – truly massive. That is serious warming but the real perspective is that it has gone up from -30C to -20C.
This is how people are being duped. Most of the warming is occurring in winter under freezing conditions.
Mr. Will,
I think CAGW is entirely a political/cultural construct.
Quickly morphing into a new religion, complete with apocalyptic ends times mythology, ‘we only have 1028 , days left … REPENT!’ … well I guess it’s down to 1025 or so at this point.
I mean, there is no non-‘anthropogenic’ reality, just as there is no non-sinful world.
Science becomes the new Priesthood.
“This is how people are being duped. Most of the warming is occurring in winter under freezing conditions.”
I am a mid-wit, so be gentle with me, is this sarcasm?
You seem to indicate this is NASA’s new logic.
I believe you posted your treatise on this but have not dived into it.
It strikes me as absolutely hysterical.
One of my new favorites.
Can’t wait to use it in polite conversation … “did you know that most Global Warming is occurring under freezing conditions?”
This phrase used strategically could rehabilitate me socially.
Perfect for the Age of multiple gender identities and ‘words are violence’.
I’m feeling the inexplicble urge to dye what’s left of my hair blue and get a body part pierced,
Up is the New Down.
Warm is the New Cold.
Men are the New Women.
I suspect imminent magnetic pole shift.
Wait, sorry … that should be ‘Cold is New Warm’.
Science demands precise language.
That’s why I am ‘decarbonizing’.
Seems to be starting in my knees.
NASA reports temperature anomalies.
Greenland plateau is warming more than anywhere else on Earth because the January temperature has risen 10C. You have to agree that is a big increase in 70 years of recording. But laballing it global warming is a stretch because the January average has moved from just above -30C to just below -20C; almost 10C increase. The summer temperature cannot change because it is a block of ice 2000m thick and the surface air temperature gets to about 3C over that block of ice. So if you take the average you end up with an annual average anomaly of about 5C.
So the globe is ended warming on average. But it is mostly occurring due to increasing snowfall. Snow fall warms land by reducing OLR to around 185W/m^2 compared with say 280W/m^2 over freezing land. So a massive reduction in energy loss and hence warming.
This is how glaciation starts. Northern oceans will continue to warm because they will get brighter sunlight for the next 1000 years. The ocean temperature hits its peak in September just as the land starts to cool and by late October on through February all the moisture in the atmosphere will manifest as snow over land north of 40N.
I am not being sarcastic when I point out that more snow is the essence of “global warming”. Just the the label is not accurate. We are witnessing termination of the modern interglacial. It is a truly historic climate change for human civilisation. But the big changes are still centuries away.
While I’ve got the gist of it Richard, I think a pictorial representation of the two hemispheres would simplify it a lot.
Overall global stories are not useful when the ratios of ocean to land are so different.
The first chart in the attached note gives a good view of how the various regions of the globe respond under present sunlight:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhHtudMEW7WbCojm3?e=7iYTli
It has hemispherical splits and the three classic zones, tropical, temperate and polar for land and water. During December, the oceans in the temperate zone of the Southern Hemisphere are exposed to 34% of earth’s total solar EMR. The four fold increase in the solar EMR over an annual cycle moves the temperature just 4.3C.
‘Northern oceans will continue to warm …’
Probably through the mechanism of marine heatwaves.
‘Parts of the Pacific and North Atlantic have been anywhere from 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) to 5 degrees C (9 degrees F) warmer than average at times, conditions that have not been observed since record keeping began roughly six decades ago.
“It’s been very extreme — some of the hottest temperatures we’ve seen on record — and they’ve hung around for several months,” Amaya said. (NBCNews)
After spending 2 days trying to get to Montreal from Vancouver, we came home yesterday. Christmas with the family is cancelled.
And Christmas was cancelled because you had to be vaccinated to fly on the previous two. Couldn’t even go to other relatives closer because of vaccination status.
Quoted from elsewhere:
But the average pleb isn’t part of the science club. They are to be patronized or placated with the approved science expression du jour.
There’s some tough competition, but who do you think Australia’s worst politician is?
Scott Morrison has done the most harm. He could have buried Net-Zero but he embraced the silly idea.
Boris and Morrison deserve their fate. Neither provided the certainty that leadership requires. Morrison proved himself a hypocrit by one day showing up with a lump of coal to point out the virtue of the energy source but not long after embraced Net-Zero because he thought it would win votes.
Matt Keane.
I’ll say Dan Andrews … no one comes close I’d say
Currently sitting
State (stick to my own) Dan Andrews
Federal Lydia Thorp
On a positive note I have a lot of regard for Gerard Rennick, Jacinta Price and Malcom Roberts. The talent in the Reps evades me atm.
Current: Andrews
All time: Turnbull
Interesting video of what life was like in Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia, Christmas 1963.
How slim almost everyone was at that time!
This would be prior to the pseudo-science which demonised healthy fats , and promoted carbohydrates, which was a principal cause of the obesity epidemic.
“Honey, I Finished The Coffee Grinder”
A lament on how things were made in the link
We have a 32yo Kelvinator fridge that refuses to die. I replaced the seal maybe a decade ago because the rubber had cracked and no longer sealed well. Now has a bit of rust on a bottom corner but it will not be replaced until it dies.
One son still drives his Morther’s Mazda 323 wagon handed down to him in 2006. It has clocked up 240,000km and has turned 24. My son tells me it will become a classic next year. This car has had one problem though its life. It has two ignition coils and both have been replaced at different times. It is still drivable with just two cylinders firing but only enough to get home and in a gear or two lower than when on all four.
I still have my original electric drill. I think it was 13 pound pre decimal currency. I also have my first welder that is now 57yo. It can run off 15A power point but just two windings rather than variable current. It is HEAVY though. I have a much lighter unit now. I think both were around the $100 mark but one 40 years older than the other.
The surfaces generally rust before the working motor/refrigerant stuff fails.
I still have my first electric drill bought in 1975. It a Bosch item, made in Switzerland. Still feels like a smooth bit of machinery when I occasionally fire it up. Cordless stuff does most of the hackwork these days.
Also still have mother’s old fridge as my wine fridge. Just cranked the temperature up a bit. Most wines now have screw tops, so no problems with the low humidity. Keeps running forever.
We have one that was old when we bought a place in Marysville back in 1993. We used it for some years before we fitted a new thermostat after it moved with us to our present location. While we were in England our daughter kept it in the carport of the old house. With the rebuild of our house we moved it to the old workshop as a beer ‘fridge, where it is still performing very well. We’ve no idea of its actual age and its outside is covered with rust and dust. It must be at least the age of yours!
Our present car is a VS Holden Statesman built in Jan 1999, the option with the 3.8 litre supercharged V6. About 230,000 km on the clock.
It is a lovely car to drive, especially longer distances. Several Melbourne to Sydney trips. Sadly, road speed limits to 110 kph max in most of Aust have taken much of the fun and challenge out of driving. Earlier Statesman cars we owned did Kalgoorlie GPO to Perth GPO, 600 km, 5 hours 0 min and Jabiru to Darwin 256 km in 2 hrs flat, including after school traffic on the last leg. Those were the days. Geoff S
I did the run from Dampier to Brisbane or back a few times in four days. Our aim was 1600km a day. That was in a Passat TS. Not really suited to Australian conditions – no air-conditioner in those days for us either. In a tail wind going from Onslo to Dampier I have had the windows down and heater on full to increase engine cooling because the tailwind reduced normal engine cooling. Radiator far too smaller Australia.
My Simpson washing machine from 1978 is still going strong.. Only had to replace the timer mechanism once.
Survived through a mice plague when we lived out bush.
Maybe some would like a music video with standard Christmas tunes.
Australian brothers Joel and Luke Smallbone moved to the US at a young age and eventually settled on the band name:
for King and Country
This is a 2016 one hour Christmas concert in Phoenix AZ
Official music video of Little Drummer Boy
Absolutely loved their version when I first heard it , there is a few different live videos of this song from them and one they use twice the lighting effects . Never knew they were from Oz.
One of the electronics retail chains I miss that is no longer with us due to poor management is Radio Shack or as it was known in Australia, Tandy.
My first job out of Uni was a geophysical engineer at Geophysical Services International (a subsidiary of Texas Instruments, or was it the other way round), St. Leonards, Sydney. About 1967 I think. Dick Smith was up the road on the Pacific Highway. Signs everywhere outside which the councils wouldn’t allow today. He did well from those beginnings.
Right opposite the then Nth Sydney Tech College, well positioned I thought.
Jaycar is a good source for most things electronic. They have a wide range of consumer stuff these days but still good stocks of parts.
As one who regularly buys electronic components (a few times each week) for museum projects, Altronics, Jaycar, Banggood, eBay, Amazon, AliExpress and RS online provide more than adequate supplies.
Jaycar are brilliant. I’ve picked up a lot of electronic gismos from them. The stuff that Dick Smith/Tandy once sold.
I think very, very few Australian politicians have the required intelligence, moral decency or general knowledge required to do the job.
Yes. I laugh at our local state and federal MPs. They are quite clearly not thinking people. Both Nationals.
The US Congress is about to send another $44 billion to Boeing, Raytheon and the CIA “for the war in Ukraine.”
That’s a total of $100 billion sent by the US in 10 months.
The entire Russian military budget for the year is $65 billion.
..and Ukraine is the one losing massively..
Is it this Hannity
That featured in this blog more than a dozen times 2 years ago?
Thoughts are free
Kind & Caring™ Ms Jacinda Arrrrrdern has signed-off a billion dollar deal with some of the above Warmingers Inc. to monitor & surveil this country’s ‘public transport’ system by 2026. ‘Saving The Planet’ sure does takes some odd, crooked routes.
So how is that 2 week special military operation going then…..
It seems that $US 100 billion was necessarily spent, to ensure that it took a bit longer .
Cheap , at the price , wouldn’t you say?
The MIC want this war to keep on going. Pelosi and the rest of the swamp must be reaping in the cash through their shareholdings. No wonder that they had to get rid of Trump. Obnoxious he may have been, but he was a threat to them.
Are we taking bets on when the Belarus border will be crossed by invading forces?
Putin only had to assassinate one foreign minister and suggest a similar plot against Lukashenko to get his cooperation. By all accounts Belarus troops are even more of a shambles that the Russian conscripts.
It would appear that the Russians are going to move south into the Ukraine from Belarus with maybe Belarus troops as well as moving north from southern Ukraine near the Crimea. This will be to the west of Kiev and cut the Ukraine in two. This will likely occur early next year in the Spring.
Winter time in that part of the World is for keeping warm, relaxing and drinking vodka.
Don’t just stop at the photo – read the article!
“Are Universities Doomed?”
Just in, in ABC’s “Just In”
Dave B
Record cold temperatures in Canada and maybe 300 oil platform workers will be stuck in the North Sea over Christmas.
Meanwhile,Tony Heller is glad he has fossil fuels to keep him warm this Christmas.
ABC News Journalist Breaks Her Silence, Reveals She Developed Heart Condition Due to Covid Vaccine
A reporter for ABC News Australia has broken her silence after suffering a heart condition following receiving the COVID vaccination.
Eleni Roussos, a journalist in the Darwin ABC newsroom and also the presenter of ABC’s flagship 7 PM News in the Northern Territory, revealed that she developed pericarditis after receiving her first dose of Pfizer Covid vaccine, describing it as “a living hell.”
Koulla Roussos, Eleni’s sister, posted on Facebook last year to explain that Eleni had been hospitalized and diagnosed with pericarditis (inflammation of the outer lining of the heart) and hence was unable to attend the NT Media awards ceremony.
Eleni Roussos said that former AMA President Kerryn Phelps’ decision to go public with her own personal suffering had encouraged her to do the same.
“Inspired by [Dr. Kerryn Phelps] today I want to say I too have been in a living hell with pericarditis because of the Covid vaccine,” Roussos wrote on her Twitter account.
“Vaccine injuries are real and serious and I sincerely hope more people will speak up,” she continued.
Dr. Phelps responded to Roussos’ tweet, “I hoped my submission to the parliamentary inquiry would spark the conversations we need to have about long covid and vaccine injury. I hope we can find answers leading to recovery for you and others.”
The busload of people rocking up to the Govt Dept building where they all got out wearing sunglasses and carrying white canes were obviously the investigative team for the AMA/TGA..
“‘We keep looking for them’: the expert hunt for vaccine side effects”….“So many people are looking in so many different ways to really affirm and continue to affirm the good safety protocol of vaccines, because we are all about preventing disease rather than causing harm,”……
..and more lies, except the last sentence-
““We’ll be using COVID vaccines, I expect, for decades. And those studies will be ongoing,” she said.”
One interesting point is that this figure is considered ‘rare’, –
“These adverse events are rare and are reported at a rate of roughly two in every 1000 doses.”
SO if you had 3 injections you have a 1 in 300 chance of a ‘rare’ side effect.
However the article states-
“The best estimates we have is they’ve saved at least 20 million lives globally,”
..and that is out of what, 6billion people? 20 saved in 6thousand or 2/600 or 1 in 300.. But wait! That’s the same chance as getting rare side effect, so we are injuring people at the same rate we are protecting them!
Even their own fudged figures condemn them!
Dammit! 3 injections means 6 chances in every 1000, I skimmed over the ‘2 in 1000’. Worse than I thought!
I highly recommend Edward Dowd’s book: ‘Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths’. It is available as a Kindle download for US $5.
Dowd was a senior manager at Black Rock. It is interesting that professionals in the finance industry are expecting an immanent currency/debt collapse.
Dowd left his job when he found out the governments in every country are hiding and lying to cover up the Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in every country, that coincide with the RNA vaccinations. Dowd presents publicly available data from independent sources, to support that assertion.
The following are short excerpts from an interview with Edward Dowd.
You may have raised an eyebrow at the fire that ripped through the New York Police evidence warehouse, destroying hundreds if not thousands of Court cases. I figured someone high up was in trouble from something in there until I read-
” Fortunately, no rape kits were stored at the warehouse, which held hundreds of e-bikes, “notorious for causing damaging fires.””
So its actually a problem of global warming.
Pointman on Disney
Reading the Radalaide advertiser and someone has provided an explanation to AGW in the letters to the editor.
I comes complete with glass panels that trap heat and floating clouds of carbon.
Is there any excuse to still have absolutely no idea how the atmosphere works after 30+ years, or at some point do you think the onus is on the individual to actually check whether reality matches their personal theories?
Biology students have a scientific bent and are critical of AGW scaremongering.
‘University biology textbooks published in the United States in the 2010s contained less climate-change content than did those in the 2000s, despite the increasing urgency of the climate crisis1.’ (WUWT)
This graph was put up by Javier Vinos at wuwt.
He argues quite convincingly that the approaching cool spell won’t be a rerun of the 1950s thru to the mid 1970s.
An interesting paper by John Constable and GWPF.
Europe’s Green Experiment: A Costly Failure in Unilateral Climate Policy
“Writing off the malinvestments made in wind and solar, many now owned by European pension funds, will be painful in itself, but providing resources to support the required remedial investment in conventional fossil fuels and advanced nuclear will also require considerable sacrifices in Eu- ropean standards of living. There is much lost ground to be made up. Consequently, there is no easy path out of the difficulties, and the future for the European peoples is arduous whichever course, wise or foolish, is taken.”
PDF, 90 pages. Worth a read.
X-Mas wish for a lot of US citizens:
Some Global Warming