A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Since it’s Christmas, here’s the original, and imho the best, flashmob song.
First posted here over a decade ago.
Wonderful MV. Thank you.
Thank you Annie.
But thanks really belong to whoever posted here all those years ago.
Sadly, I’ve forgotten their name.
I forwarded the link all round the family.
I reckon Ravel had flash mobs in mind when he wrote Bolero.
Flash mob and Bolero. I thought you had posted a video of Bo Derek.
I always think of that wonderful skating dance of Torvill and Dean when I hear Bolero.
Memorable and then some more. Thank you.
And here is one that I enjoy sharing though maybe last year was its last year.
Oh Dear!
Thanks MV, just love it. It helps if you believe it too.
More classic hallelujah singing.
Still my favourite Christmas song .
that was great, thanks.
It just occurred to me though, considering the WEF types, I’m starting to get a bit nervous about the Reigning Forever part.
I suppose the wef types think they’ll reign forever!
The human spirit, alive and glorious.
This is the very thing “THEY” want to kill in us.
Thank you Memoryvault, I was feeling so despairing and shiteful and that just made my day.
Not a sign of “Permission-To-Sing-In-Public-Passports” to be seen either!
Advent: Joy-full season!
The virus was a fizzer so they made the vaccine which did not live up to the hype so now they are channelling their inner Lenin to depopulate the planet
The virus was a fizzer so they made the vaccine which did not live up to the hype so now they are channelling their inner Lenin to… the planet
Far from being a fizzer, the “virus” accomplished exactly what it was meant to do, Crakar. This is a multi-stage plan that began with the signing of the UKUSA Pact in the 1950’s.
So far it has gone through four major developments:
1) Echelon – the monitoring of govt records
2) PRISM – the inclusion of internet
3) Five Eyes – the inclusion of smartphone tracking
4) Xxxxx? – the inclusion of voice recognition.
The next step will include some form of semi-permanent restriction on movement, introduction of a CBDC, a UBI and social credit score.
5) enlisting memoryvault to scare people by spreading 1-4.
“spreading 1-4.”
We can’t have the far-left plans brought to notice, now, can we !
Which of those 4 is NOT occurring !
Seems MV is right on target…
my thinking here is the vax was merely a litmus test to see just how easy it would ne to get people to volunteer to take part in a world wide experiment, the results are in and apparently it was very easy.
Next up is power and food rationing with “here this cricket, its good for you and the environment” and you know what GA people ar esoooo stupid they will eat the cricket
Wow… a world wide experiment. That’s plausible.
if you havent been living under a rock, yes it probably is
“if you haven’t been living under a rock,”
Certain species tend to do that. !
At the risk of compromising my argument due to a misapplication of Godwin’s law, it was essentially a large-scale field test of Goering’s statement at the Nuremberg trial.
Exchange “infected” for “attacked”, “critical thinkers” for “pacifists” and “protecting grandma” for “patriotism” and you’ve got the entire worldwide big government covid response in a nutshell.
Is propaganda really that difficult to spot through the fog of leftism?
Odd thing, here in a America ‘patriot’ is now a slur.
Traditional patriotic symbols, including the American flag (if displayed by suspicious persons, like drivers of pick-up trucks)) have officially been declared by POTUS as possible identifiers of “enemies of Our Democracy” and “semi-fascists”.
Calling oneself a ‘patriot’ in public is to invite scrutiny by the alphabet.
There are somewhere in the neighborhood of 17 alphabets.
They are running out of letters.
FYI, I identify as a parrot, and often misunderstood, due to my Southern accent, which is a another possible identifier of enemies of Our Democracy.
But again, I am just a parrot.
Its called the WORLD Economic Forum.
So you think its NOT trying to be global….
Your cognitive is malfunctioning.. again. !
Here’s yer world wide experiment. Smirk and sarc at that, along with the rest of your miserable anti-science comrades.
I bet the LNP are already planning to have Rennick placed in an unwinnable position on the Senate ticket at the next election.
That I understand was a tip 2 years ago from someone in the stable.
Quite possibly, Broadie.
If so, I hope he goes down fighting. I’m sure there’s bags of dirt tucked away that needs to come out. Lots of opportunity to hunt (pun intended) for brown paper bags full of crisp laundered greenies, masked from the declaration requirements, methinks.
Like for example, the Greens taking donations from a “johnny come lately” who wants to inhibit holders of oil and gas exploration rights in the Beetaloo Basin, from access those rights.
Hey Gee, serious question.
What I perceive as your general POV, is almost completely the prevailing official POV of almost all Western governments.
It is the POV of all the Tech corporations, not withstanding, the current pushback by Elon.
(I wouldn’t worry, I think the Trump model character assassination campaign will get him too.)
Even the hydrocarbon industry promotes the Decarbonization narrative
Net Zero and Renewable Energy are a done deal.
Do you require scorched earth total victory?
Would you prefer to see opposing viewpoints like JoNova removed from the public discourse?
We are Anti-Science, no?
Conspiracy minded?
Your camp often states that none are safe until opposing voices (the official definition of ‘hate’) are silenced.
What say you?
Neo-Liberalism is the current woke incarnation of Fascism proper
HRS… can you distill that into a question that makes sense. Maybe remove your multiple assumptions (my camp? POV? etc) so I don’t have to waste time.
I mean wtf does this refer to? Do you require scorched earth total victory?
GA, trying to DENY what your masters have said, loud and clear, does not help what little cause you have left. !
Again… you seem to be suffering a complete lack of understanding or awareness…
… like you have about evidence of warming by atmospheric CO2.
Sort of like a world wide web. Yeah na, never happen.
“a world wide experiment. That’s plausible.”
Assuming that you were being ironic , which aspect is implausible ?
You have three choices – world ; wide ; and experiment.
Take your time.
I’ll take all three. But you know it is now Wednesday.
Australia already has a national facial recognition database under development or in operation.
In fact, there is another that relates to drivers licenses but is no doubt used by whatever agencies want to use the data.
In the above article it says.
Wearing a few NIR LEDs and a battery will take care of those cameras.
Sounds like an invasion of privacy to me.
This was a problem with the original Australia Card, when it was found that two govt depts had already illegally shared citizen information.
Deakin telephone exchange later renamed the national computer centre, capable of daily printouts on anyone’s activity.
The defeat of the Australia card wasn’t possible without Memoryvault.
Why did he post a picture of an exchange that is not in Deakin?
Ha ha – been doing this a while have we?

The first issue of “The Inside News” was published in September, 1987. It was about a building in Canberra that was being passed off as a local telephone exchange, but wasn’t. It was the home of a vast (for the time) computing system where all state and federal information on individuals was being gathered, correlated, cross-referenced and monitored.
I did not have a name for this system at the time, but it eventually became known as Echelon. I believe that article was the first ever exposure of Echelon anywhere in the world.
After the dust settled, around 1994, the building was openly renamed “The National Computer Centre” and had a sign at the entrance to that effect. Today it is simply labeled on Google Maps as “Defence Installation”
Hopefully, here is a streetview of this “local telephone exchange”.
your kidding arent you? Defence has so many facilities you know about and dont know about , why on Gods Earth would they bother putting something out in an exposed location doing so called important work?
No doubt it was repurposed like most telephone exchanges were in an IP telephony world. The big one behind the Gabba in Brisvegas is apartments now. One of few city apartments I would by as it about 500% over designed for residential use.
No Yarpos, I’m not kidding. I don’t have to. It was admitted to as “The National Computer Centre” and not a telephone exchange six months after I exposed it. Both “A Current Affair” and “Sixty Minutes” did programs trying to whitewash it, but they didn’t go over too well with Joe Public.
There is a great deal more to the story but it is old news and it is far too late now to do anything about what is coming in the next eighteen months or so. As Tel pointed out below, it is part of a clandestine system in which the five nations swap info on each other’s citizens that they could not legally gather themselves.
The complete system as it exists today with voice recognition and smartphone tracking means Big Brother knows who you are, what you are doing, who you are doing it with, and where you are going.
Oh well, if a current affair says so I guess it must be right.
Peter is it OK for you to post a link showing the Canberra ‘ ring tunnel’ ?
Not quite right MV … Five Eyes pre-dates smart phones by a long shot … goes back to the early Cold War days in the late 1940’s and 1950’s. The trick is how to convert military surveilance (only spy on foreigners) into domestic surveilance (spy on your own people). Doesn’t matter exactly how you do the data collection … Australian government requsts the British and US military to spy on Australians (i.e. spy on foreigners) while USA requests the others to spy on Americans. Collective workaround for laws that prevent military operating in their home country.
“Five Eyes” refers to the five nations of the UKUSA Pact signed in the 1950’s – The UK, the USA, Canada, New Zealand and Australia. As such it has always been “Five Eyes”.
However, it was not used to name the actual system (then) currently in use until it took over from PRISM. Once the name is publicly known and used, such as in reporting, as Five Eyes is now, you can be assured the system has been replaced by a later iteration with a new, major feature.
I have no idea what that may be, either name, or capability.
The five eyes nations also top the list of the most stupid countries in the western world.
And, you can pretty much put them in whatever order you like.
The blind leading the blind.
2 nearby neighbours have done up their houses with enough xmas lights to drain the grid.
Pity they didn’t spend the money on the less fortunate, but I guess they only watch the ABC…
nah, they’ll all be solar powered, for sure.
and offsets of course
First, “fake pandemic” lockdowns, then climate lockdowns , now…curfews!!
Philadelphia City Council approves permanent 10 p.m. curfew as crime rises.
If cities won’t put violent criminals behind bars, law-abiding citizens end up losing some of their freedoms. Philadelphia is moving to make permanent its curfew banning minors from being outside after 10 pm, as violent crime keeps rising. Innocent young people are paying the price for the city’s refusal to put most violent criminals behind bars.
Philadelphia’s City Council has voted to make permanent the 10 pm curfew that was in place this summer for almost everyone under the age of 18
Because all Antifa/BLM members are juveniles, not…
And on the other hand they’re let violent and sex offenders out of jail en masse and trying to normalise pedophilia.
You can easily tell the future if you understand human nature and history…
Dont quite get the point of a curfew.
If the alleged offenders are breaking laws and committing violent crime and getting processed by a revolving door “justice” system, what magic is required for them to ignore a curfew? if caught will they not go through the same revolving door? Its a lot like toughening gun laws and thinking it makes any difference to people who ignore the existing laws.
It’s the inevitable, predictable and shortsighted response to a problem in the absence of a real solution and the lack of time and desire to find out.
Dr Peter McCullough : People who are declining the vaccine are the ones that have the most critical thinking..the strongest minds & bodies..the unvaccinated look great in all the analysis..the lowest all cause mortality..the unvaccinated are the envy of the world right now.
JC2 blood now available for $1k/litre.
Average 14% proof.
Pfizer: “The exact immunologic mechanism that confers protection against SARS-CoV-2 is unknown.”
So…”safe and effective”, “trust the science” etc and “we don’t know how our product works”
Like McCullough said…
Pfizer: “The exact immunologic mechanism that confers protection against SARS-CoV-2 is unknown.”
i would have thought it was just non existent.
JC2 put me down for 5L. The only catch I will only take it all at once!
Humans Keep Growing an Extra Artery in Their Arms, And This Is Why
I have my own theory about this, and it doesn’t revolve around the prevalence of “clean and jerk” weightlifting in the community.
Sorry. This was meant to be a new post not a reply to JCII’s post.
Mr. Connor: “Average 14% proof” Even Nick Stokes would find that “averaging” misleading! And he loves averages. Sometimes.
“No Covid Amnesty … Until Sincere Mea Culpas are issued!”
“Some of the usual suspects are shouting a little too loudly that the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario didn’t suggest that unvaccinated people are mentally ill and in need of psychiatric medication. Maybe they did, maybe they didn’t, but what is clear is that over the past 2.5 years, medical associations across the Western World have destroyed their credibility with misleading statements, and outright lies, and their friends in the media, such as Politifact and the Associated Press, have done the same.
Once all of these organizations admit that they have been wrong about most everything around Covid and agree that their actions have helped to hurt, and even kill, millions of people around the world, then we can start a real dialogue. Until then, EVERYTHING they say must be judged through a skeptical lens of Stupid or Liar.
If you’d like some reliable information, from a medical professional whose judgement has proven to be correct more often than not, then listen to what Dr. Jay Bhattacharya has to say.”
Let me show you something here, and apologies that this is so long.
Three new wind plants were added to the wind Inventory here in Australia in the last few days, and two of them are in Central Western Victoria, and if you add in South East South Australia, in that area alone there is now more than two thirds of all wind generation in Australia, in that same area where those huge High Pressure weather systems hover over draining nearly all wind power away to almost nothing, and seriously, you would think someone would actually check something like this eh!
This now takes the total Nameplate for wind generation in Australia up to 10277MW.
Now, back when I started all of this in early 2008, there was more research for me than I thought I had in me. 25 years of working and teaching the electrical trade did not mean I knew all this, as in the first couple of years I learned a quantum level more about power generation than in those 25 earlier years. Research, well, mainly because I wanted what I wrote to be correct. The only benefit of those 25 years was that I knew what I was reading and could understand it.
One of those very early things I found out about was Capacity Factor, especially when it came to wind power. I saw an article that mentioned wind power only operated at around 38%, and that spurred me to research that fact, as I just thought (even being an electrician and all) that most forms of power generation were (sort of) similar, and I was surprised wind generation was so low. I then found that wind was operating at between 30 and 35% in general across the World, and I found that Germany was only operating at 25%. Even then I didn’t want to commit, because I had an idea that as soon as I did, I would be found out, and that would be the end of me. But nowhere was wind actually operating on the large scale at that figure of 38%, just perhaps an occasional wind plant here and there, but they were in fact few and far between, and power generation data in 2008 was nowhere near the scale it is now in 2022.
So, the research for wind generation CF, and this took me a couple of weeks actually, searching for around six or more hours each day.
Way down on a search engine after many different word structures for the search, I found a very dry and very boring, and very long piece of work on wind generation, hundreds of pages in fact, and (this was back in 2008 remember) I later learned that this was called ….. ‘modelling’.
There was some really really complex maths, so many equations, so much work, so much in depth research written there, all of it sponsored by the wind turbine manufacturers, the Spanish Company Acciona in particular. What it did give me was the definitive equation for working out Capacity Factor.
The upshot was that wind generation was (proved by all this modelling) CERTAIN to deliver at a Capacity Factor of 38%.
So then, what I did next was to look at wind generation in detail. I had a huge database in the U.S. EIA, (Energy Information Administration) and at that time, (2008) wind was operating at around 32% in the U.S. and it’s still around that same 32% now. However, what I did find was that nearly every single wind plant I could find based their power delivery on that modelled figure of 38%, and it was rare to find one lower, and the lowest I did find was 35%, still higher than what ALL wind generation, everywhere was delivering at.
Here in Australia, it’s currently operating at 30%, and that is based on my own daily wind data collection and detailing, now up at 218 weeks, so more than four years.
Okay, what am I going to show you?
One of those new wind plants in Victoria is the Mortlake South Wind Plant, and it has a Nameplate of 158MW. This is the link to their current newsletter. (and it’s a pdf document) Even at their website, they don’t quote the Capacity Factor, and now, very very few, if any, ever do quote the direct Capacity Factor. It’s always hidden away in engineering speak that hardly anyone knows.
Okay then, at that link, (and note whose name is at the top of the page) under the red title at the top in the second paragraph, it says that ….. The project will produce 530Gwh…..
That’s the (hoped for) yearly power output from the plant.
Here’s the formula for CF as it applies to this new plant.
(Nameplate X 24 (hours in a day) X 365.25 (days in a year) and divided by 1000 to give total generated power (in GWH) at 100%
Quoted Power divided by the result of the formula, and multiplied by 100 to give a percentage.)
158 X 24 X 365.25 divided by 1000 = 1385GWH
530 GWH divided by 1385GWH X 100 = (wait for it) ….. 38%
Huh! Not that it really matters, as the total wind generation in that area is only managing 30% anyway.
Oh, and you know Macarthur Wind Plant, that LARGEST wind plant in the Southern Hemisphere, (now surpassed) well, it is only operating at a lifetime CF of just 24%, and for the most recent 12 Months, it is only operating at 16.3%. And that’s an equivalent of 68MW.
$1.2 Billion for what is basically just a 68MW power plant.
But wind power is just soooooo cheap eh!
Try for European wind capacity factors. They at least try to be truthful, as opposed to Australia. Prior to being called WindEurope they were European Wind Energy Association. I accessed their previous website a few years ago and at the time they claimed 28% for onshore and 41% for offshore, long term averages.. Those figures were actually on the first page viewed on the website – it seemed brutally honest. But new website that figure is hidden or has been completely erased. A lot of the dodgy figures we are now getting from CSIRO and Fed/ State govts on future wind production assumes off-shore will be a greater component. That, I think, may be erroneous.
It’s amazing how the mind works, and sometimes in ways you just cannot comprehend.
I originally set up the recording of all my wind data for Australia to actually get a ‘definitive’ Capacity Factor. I had been using that 30% CF figure for Australian wind generation since early 2009, and it got me into a fair bit of bother.
Once upon a time, I could actually contribute at ….. The Conversation. I used that 30% figure for CF for all Australian wind, and almost every time I did, I was mercilessly ‘flamed’, and the response was always 38% and higher, and one time a PHD (Economics) actually quoted wind CF as approaching 60%, and likely to improve to 75% within a year or so. In the end I was moderated to the point my Comments disappeared, and I stopped commenting.
Even so, every time I used that 30% I was corrected.
So, what I wanted was to have something to back me up, so I started doing the data on that daily basis. I already had one full year’s worth of data from when I did my daily data for ALL power generation, so that gave me the first year’s data, already compiled.
So, I had the idea of two long term averages, one for the full period of time, and a second one for the most recent 52 weeks.
Every time the Nameplate changed, I then had to re-jig the calculations from that point forward, so it entailed manual record taking, using a note pad, and a calculator.
Take the 25 hourly readings (both Midnights) for wind across the full day, divide by 25 to give an average, and calculate the CF using current Nameplate. (and I now have 42 pages of notes with four weeks to a page, so almost 1200 days now, to add to the earlier 52 weeks of initial daily records) and a daily Post at my Home Site for each day’s data.
In that time, there has been ten occasions where the total Nameplate has changed, and it has almost doubled, just in those last four years.
Now, the ‘stroke of luck’ of how the mind works.
As I mentioned, I used two long term averages for CF, one the full term, and the second, the most recent 52 weeks ….. hence as new wind plants get added over time.
As I wrote above, I still get flamed for using such a ….. ‘low’ CF figure. On one recent case, I pointed out that I now have four years worth of data that gives me that definitive 30% CF figure. The comment was that ….. yeah, they’re your figures and you would bias them how you want to. So, I directed the commenter to a green site where he could do his own calculation over the last full year for CF. The number he came up with was in fact ….. lower than mine, naturally, because in that previous 12 Months there had been two Nameplate changes, and as I said, I re-jig the CF with those Nameplate changes, hence MY figure is the more accurate, as his preferred green site does not take Nameplate change into consideration, hence his lower figure.
Okay, so the next response from him was grudging in a way, saying that it really does not matter, as my figures are over a longer time, hence very little change. So, that would not reflect that the existing wind plants are old tech, and as the newer more high tech turbines come on line, then that CF will increase markedly, and in fact, will increase very quickly, and by a large amount.
‘Stroke of luck’ comes into play right here.
Two long term CF figures, the second being for the most recent 52 weeks ….. in other words, as those newer tech Turbines come on line.
And, hmm! who would have guessed. The most recent CF figure is either the same, or as is more often the case ….. LOWER THAN the full long term CF figure, so as those newer tech turbines at the most recent wind plants come on line, then they are making ZERO difference at all.
What a fluke to think of that in the first place, or was a subliminal part of the brain telling me ….. go on, it might even come in handy one day.
Ten Nameplate increases, almost doubling the Nameplate, and those two CF figures are almost in lock step, and have hardly varied much across all four years and those ten Nameplate changes.
Now it’s got to the stage I have to keep it going.
Also, along the way, I ended up also correlating those High Pressure Weather Systems into the collapse of wind generation.
And hey, If I can do that, as a lowly old nobody, and find what I did, (to unknowingly back up Paul Miskelly from all those years ago) then surely someone in a position of knowledge can see the exact same thing ….. but they just keep putting new wind plants in that same area.
Oh, and taking 25 hourly readings across the day. I experimented with 49 readings (every half hour) and then one time, every five minute recording period. The difference in the final average was within a tenth of one percent on every occasion. I even used that green site to ‘check’ my figures I was taking from the Aneroid site, and again, my figures were within that same tenth of one percent.
Years ago (and sorry I don’t have the references) I saw a claim that German ON-shore wind turbines had averaged 18% CF that year. And another that mentioned that UK on-shore wind farms had averaged between 21 and 27% CF (annual average) over some years depending n the weather.
No wonder they became keen on OFF-shore wind farms (supposedly giving double that, but in practice German off-shore wind farms averaged 40.2% in 2018 (‘lifetime’ average 39.2%). Belgium off-shore averaged 35.1% CF and UK farms 36.2% CF. And that with more modern turbines.
And that was a good year. 2021 yields were down by 18% (UK) and 20% (Germany). Still the subsidies are good.
Tony, your figure of 30% is now being used by many commentators to The Australian, so please stick at it – we need good researchers such as yourself to provide real, accurate data.
FWIW, the EIA quoted 35% for the U.S., and this figure found its way into the CSIRO GenCost, without any justification as to why 35% was chosen.
Tony, I don’t recall having seen it mentioned, and I confess that I only know what I think I know; I think that time of the day is a factor that need be considered in regard to the effectiveness of wind turbine output. Just as the output from most domestic (at least?) solar panels, drops off toward evening as power demand increases, often where I live in Gippsland, Vic., near the coast, and in fairly close proximity where the large Bass Strait wind turbine field is proposed, toward evening, wind velocity drops, often to naught. If this is a general concept, then it must surely have a negative impact on their C.F. Or at least useful C.F. without storage capacity.
Morning PTR,
I’ve observed the same thing, but without any reliable measurement.
I often wake up to zero wind, get a moderate breeze by lunchtime, and still again by evening.
My guess is that the CO2 colludes with the sun and wind gods to produce the most power when we humans least need it.
Dave B
Is it really so difficult to get a yearly total production of a wind farm?
A FYI on green hydrogen
“Energy Storage Report: Hydrogen as An Alternative to Batteries”
“The Mirage of Electric Vehicles”
Matt Ridley has been writing about Wind power for a long time ( as you probably know). I picked this up from one of his articles. “Do not take refuge in the idea that wind turbines could become more efficient. There is a limit to how much energy you can extract from a moving fluid, the Betz limit, and wind turbines are already close to it. Their effectiveness (the load factor, to use the engineering term) is determined by the wind that is available, and that varies at its own sweet will from second to second, day to day, year to year.” This limiting factor confirms your observation about new turbines not actually improving the CF’s. They cant, it’s physics :-). The only way to improve CF’s is to have more wind, which is why eg. Vic govt/ Dan Andrews is now turning to off- shore.
Ross, that one’s a fail, in the context of the discussion, I suggest a miserable fail. The basic assertion you make is claimed to be based on “it’s physics”, with it’s intended rub-off implied to relate to the last sentence.
I have followed this blog for a long time, and there are continually comments made about the Bass Strait islands still using diesel to produce most of their electrical power. As advised, I only know what I think that I know, and as well as my own local knowledge, I have just stated the other source of my knowledge in this case. If you know otherwise, and in particular relating to the location and timing in particular, please advise.
Not sure what you are saying there PTR? What I know is that socialist republic of Victoria (led by Dan) is proposing to festoon the Gippsland coast with wind turbines. Why? I suspect because there will be less opposition ( as opposed to on- shore) and because they have this belief that off- shore will produce more power. I’m not saying that is a good thing, very much the opposite.
Ross, I’m not long in and going back out until dark, will respond later tonight
Ah Ross I owe an apology. Prior to making the response mentioned earlier, I checked, the sequence numbers of the posts. Is something I failed to do earlier. Whereas I took your post to be a response to mine, there was only one of those, and not from you. You were just making a contribution to the general discussion.
I’m guessing that all the best sites have been taken and that contributes to the “new, more efficient gear” not showing up as so?
I read a report about UK windmills on the East coast, and the CF taken over several years averaged at 27%, and that is a mighty windy place.
about a month ago l was having a discussion with local farmers from the Cobden area close to Mortlake that were telling me that the windfarms in the area were just for show because they kept blowing up transformers or something to that effect so the wind turbines could not be used apparently
the information they were giving me was pretty cloudy as we were enjoying a few sherbets at a birthday spit/bbq but apparently they think it is true as well as the same for a windfarm at or near the Princetown area
l’m unsure of the sincerity of the story but these guys think it is something the government is hiding
lets just say that these farmers are not happy about windfarms
There is apparently a huge demand for “pure blood” blood for transfusion. I.e. blood from people who haven’t had the experimental covid “vaccines”.
In response to Elon Musk’s free speech policies on Twitter a Leftoid wrote:
Unbelievable! Most people here would know the history, but if you don’t, look up Operation Paperclip. Musk hasn’t hired a single National Socialist but guess who did?
The list of “operations” is long but here’s a few for DM…
And you can absolutely trust them over Covid and vaxxes..
Secretary Levine tells MD’s they need to be activists for medical transgender care in minors.
“I believe in our role as truth-tellers. And the truth that we need to confront now is that medicine and science are being politically perverted.”
Well, he/she/it sure got that statement right!
Any doctor supporting this nonsense needs to be struck off.
Matt Shelton, a Covid Hero of New Zealand.
Matt Lost Everything — But Fulfilled his Duty to Warn His Patients
Matt Shelton is a New Zealand doctor who warned his 600 patients about the Covid vaccine. He lost everything – his license, his practice, his income, his savings – except for his conscience and his sense of purpose.
I admire his integrity, and a medical practice some distance from me closed down rather than comply with the Covid BS, but I wish I could say the same for all the other doctors here in Oz.
At least he can sleep at night knowing he upheld the hippocratic oath…
C’mon Aussie doctors – unify and say NO to this if you have the integrity of Matt.
Matt should think about some go fund me style support. He might be surprised.
Claim: We Must Allow More Inflation to Address Climate Change
Essay by Eric Worrall
Funny how those least impacted by inflation usually seem to think its a necessary inconvenience.
Just in time for Xmas, it’s “holiday heart syndrome”
Another week, another non-vaccine reason your heart might explode. This time it’s “holiday heart syndrome”.
Apparently cold weather, stress, alcohol consumption and dehydration can all coalesce into heart problems.
So if you or a loved one keel over soon, that’s why. It was not the vaccines, it was holiday heart syndrome.
That or the stress of high energy bills. Or you made your bed too vigorously. Or those evil anti-vaxxers stressed you into it.
Pick one. Pick several if you want. Just don’t use “the V word”.
At least HHS – unlike “post-pandemic stress disorder” – has the benefit of having supposedly existed since before the vaccine roll-out (the term was apparently coined in 1978).
Still, though, it is pretty weird how much they talk about heart attacks these days.
MIT Climate Scientist Dr. Richard Lindzen Rejects ‘Climate Change’ As ‘A Quasi-Religious Movement Predicated on An Absurd ‘Scientific’ Narrative’
By: Admin – Climate Depot
As I always write, CO2 levels are not man made anyway. CO2 existed before fossil fuels. It’s just a chemical, the third most common gas on the planet.
Under 3% of all CO2 is from fossil fuel. Science fact. So whether CO2 has a ‘causal role’ in global warming or whether there is any global warming is irrelevant. Mankind does not and cannot control CO2. A simple look a the CO2 graph will show you that.
Shutting down most transport for two years world wide in lockdown made no detectable difference to CO2. Nor bushfires. Nothing. We are irrelevant.
It is all so self evidently untrue, utter nonsense, a new religion based on the fear of hell fire. Especially when fire and warmth have been our constant friends through many ice ages. We will be afraid of our own shadows next with a shadow tax.
He and Wiliam Happer are some of the true climate “scientists” we should ever listen to. I would add Judith Curry to that list as well.
Tuesday funny – Canada has big mozzies!
I thought that was Darwin…
As Comrade Dictator Dan in Vicdanistan settles in for at least another 8 to 12 years of rule; and he may even appoint himself for life with the cooperation of parliament, judiciary and police who are totally under his control; I expect some new, horrific and not-yet-imagined taxes from the regime.
Ha ha. 2023 will sort out him and his kind, everywhere…
I will not have any negative comments about our glorious leader for life , I can’t afford the social credits !
Nine news nonsense.
Anyone notice how Nine news PREVIEWS are classed as “alerts”?
An alert is an major event or events warranting public concern. Run of the mill news is just a preview event.
A shallow attempt by the MSM to instill a heightened sense of fear in the masses.
Kirstie Alley has just passed away.
That’s news but not an alert!!
Yes, it has always grated, Recently I switched to Channel Seven, but I only watch the first few minutes and record the Weather for later.
Nothing to see here folks.
The Liberals lost in SA mainly due to relentless propaganda ads from the ambulance union, using a problem far from the horrors of what Anwhats got away with in Victoria.
Music video:
Status Quo, Roll Over Lay Down.
The pause at 1:45 is awesome.
DM, This is how the the ABC/BBC would report the pause, in this song, in 2022:
Reported by Agenda Clone, Tuesday 2022
Headline act suffers catastrophic and unprecedented fossil fueled power shortage!
Staus Quo one of the worlds premier rock acts became a victim of intermittent fossil fueled power.
The United Nations and World Leading Experts agree that a coal power plant tripped and went off line at 1:45 during their performance.
Thankfully the delay in sound was only temporary, as power from reliable solar and wind power generation managed to restabilise the grid.
The band were able to complete their performance.
That has not satisfied most fans though, as they seethe with rightful anger.
Derek W. Hinge has lodged a claim with the Human Rights Commission.
“It is not fair that fossil fuels destroy my concert experience. No One Deserves to have suffered like this! I Want reparations!”
This reporter has asked the band for comment.
Dereck Smalls, a roadie, replied that: “In these times it seems that this is the Status Quo”.
Very good, William.
Mrs Y was telling about an ABC news item about the plight of single mums in a time of high inflation. So they decide to run with an example and its an inner suburban mum, earning $98k in banking, with ex still on the scene sharing raising of their two kids. Yes, very indicative of the struggles people face.
If you watch the pool of people the ABC choose to use (in Melbourne at least) in their stories, they rarely seem to venture much out of the leafy inner suburbs. Must be as far as their bubble reaches. No wonder there was culture shock when they started talking about moving ABC Sydney HQ units out to Parramatta from Ultimo. The Westies , oh the horror.
Gold star today to Yarpos for watching the ABC. He has bravely endured the pain, to spare the rest of us from that burden.
Read the first line Ross
Gold star to the Yarpos family…..
wants to avoid crowds.
He wants to avoid crowds.
Climate change has become a quasi religious movement.
Thw worlds has gone crazy
Babylon Bee’s man of the year supports the genital mutilation of our children
And not to be outdone one of the most overrated director of all time has stated,
These people really are completely clueless
Your overated Director seems to have been very successful in minimising his testosterone.
Spicing Up Your Meals Could Be One Simple Way to Build a Healthier Gut
A handful of peanuts and a few pinches of herbs and spices could possibly give your gut a healthy boost, according to two separate studies from Penn State University in the US.
There are trillions of individual microorganisms living in the human stomach and intestines, comprising hundreds to thousands of species of bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Collectively, they are known as the gut microbiome, and their importance is so great to our health, scientists think of it as a supporting organ.
Diet, exercise, and medication are just some of the factors that can influence the makeup of a person’s gut, which means each individual’s gut community is unique.
If your gut microbiome isn’t fed and appropriately nurtured, harmful microbes can proliferate, while symbiotic ones have more trouble with tasks such as dealing with our immune system and breaking down our food.
I add peanut butter to every beef and chicken stirfry dish, along with chilli…
Scientists Discover a Unique Gut Bacteria That May Cause Arthritis
Researchers at the University of Colorado School of Medicine have found that a unique bacteria found in the gut may be responsible for causing rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in patients who are already predisposed to the autoimmune disease.
The CU researchers, with assistance from a team at Stanford University headed by Bill Robinson, MD, Ph.D., collected immune cells from people whose blood markers indicated they were at risk for the disease and mixed them with the at-risk people’s feces to discover the bacteria that were tagged by the antibodies.
The researchers employed animal models to host the newly found bacteria in order to explore their theory further. These tests revealed that the bacteria not only caused the animal models to develop the blood markers observed in people who are at risk for RA but that some of the models also developed full-blown RA.
More fibre, peanuts and chilli!!
Remind me why government paid research hides behind paywalls?
Is it connected to the science is settled business…
When Corals Sleep For The Winter, Their Microbiome Restructures Itself
Like so many animals, the northern star coral (Astrangia poculata) spends its winter in a state of hibernation.
Don’t let the downtime fool you, though. There’s a lot of house cleaning going on around those resting polyps.
According to a new study led by a researchers from the University of California, Davis, the microbial communities that live on the coral are shuffled about during its annual rest break, preparing it for the next season.
The discovery could give us a better idea of how corals might respond to climate change. As our ocean’s waters warm, protecting the microbiome of corals is going to be essential – and these findings could provide experts with valuable information on how best to keep the corals in a healthy state.
“Dormancy, at its most basic, is a response to an environmental stressor – in this case, cold stress,” says University of California, Davis, community ecologist Anya Brown, previously a researcher with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
“If we understand more about this recovery period, it might help us understand what microbes may be responsible for recovering coral in warmer tropical systems.”
The norther star coral lives in the Atlantic Ocean, its range extending from the Gulf of Mexico to Massachusetts. When the water temperature drops, the coral goes into a deep sleep: it retracts its tentacles, stops eating, and ignores physical touch.
“This study shows that microbes respond to stress and recover in a predictable pattern,” says marine microbial ecologist Amy Apprill, from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts. “It’s foundational knowledge that may help us develop probiotics or other microbial treatments for stressed tropical corals.”
It’s the first time that a persistent microbial community shift has been recorded in a marine animal during a period of dormancy, although it has been noticed in other wildlife: there’s a shift in the microbiome of ground squirrels, for example, that increases nitrogen recycling rates during hibernation.
Freshwater lakes are now a CO2 causing problem
A new study has revealed that small lakes on Earth have expanded considerably over the last four decades – a worrying development, considering the amount of greenhouse gases freshwater reservoirs emit.
Between 1984 and 2019, global lake surfaces increased in size by more than 46,000 square kilometers (17,761 square miles), researchers say. That’s slightly more than the area covered by Denmark.
Carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and other gasses are constantly produced from lakes, because of the bacteria and fungi feeding at the bottom of the water, snacking on dead plants and animals that have drifted down to the lake floor.
In total, this lake spread equates to an annual increase of carbon emissions in the region of 4.8 teragrams (or trillion grams) of CO2 – which to continue the country comparisons equals the increase in CO2 emitted by the whole of the UK in 2012.
“There have been major and rapid changes with lakes in recent decades that affect greenhouse gas accounts, as well as ecosystems and access to water resources,” says terrestrial ecologist Jing Tang, from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark.
“Among other things, our newfound knowledge of the extent and dynamics of lakes allows us to better calculate their potential carbon emissions.”
The researchers used a combination of satellite imagery and deep learning algorithms to make their assessments on lake coverage. A total of 3.4 million lakes were logged in total.
Ban fresh water?
Or drain the lake/swamp….?
FFS, is there is anything that isn’t caused by “climate change”?
IIRC John Brignell started his list of things caused under the illusion that it was a fad that would pass.
Some years ago he gave up at around 900 as keeping track was taking too much time
Isnt this why we are supposed to hate dams and therefore hydro and why they can never have the coveted “renewables” tag?
Battery prices have fallen 88 percent over the last decade
This doesn’t look right to me. AFAIK EV batteries are as expensive now as ever. Certainly there are no bargains for hand tool batteries.
Fact checking the government!!!
Via Chiefio
Never let those who are destroying our energy supply and, indeed, our civilisation, due to a fake “climate emergency” say “they didn’t know”.
Well I guess that the truth is that “they didn’t know” but they didn’t know that at the time and were pushing “Unknown knowns”?
No Joke, Climate Change Professionals Now Provide Goals and Individual Allowances for Transportation, Food, and Clothing
December 5, 2022 | Sundance
For many years the carbon allowances for individuals were esoteric goals as presented by those who assemble at various global COP meetings, Davos and the World Economic Forum. However, with rapid advances in the energy control process, a result of the pandemic and Build Back Better exit, the control officers are now quantifying the specifics for the individual citizen. [pdf Here]
In short, we are now getting down to the brass tacks. Your resource allocation is part of the “consumption intervention” consideration, where the amount of carbon emission your consumption drives is what determines the goal for your future allocation.
As you can see above, the goal is to remove meat and dairy products completely.
In the next chart, you can see your allocation for “net clothing and textiles“:
You will be permitted 3 new clothing items each year.
– In the Transporation sector, the ambitious goal is to remove all private vehicles, and the target lifetime of vehicles is 50 years.
– For airline travel, citizens will be permitted one flight less than 1,500km (930 miles) every three years.
ARUP – The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World – 68 Page PDF
New ways of measuring cities’ climate footprints show that C40 cities consumption-based emissions contribute to 10% of global greenhouse gases.
This report explores how cities consumption-based emissions need to reduce to avoid a climate breakdown and focuses on six sectors – food, construction, clothing, vehicles, aviation and electronics – where leaders, businesses and the public can take action to change consumption habits, significantly cutting greenhouse gas emissions.
The research sets out science-based targets for cities for GHG emissions reduction that are consistent with the 2015 Paris Agreement ambitions, and identifies key previously untapped opportunities for cities to address the impact of urban consumption whilst delivering multiple other benefits for their citizens. It also maps how urban stakeholders can work together to deliver these changes.
The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5C World has been co-created and co-delivered by C40, Arup and University of Leeds with funding from Arup, University of Leeds and Citi Foundation.
The six sectors discussed in the report also have ‘in focus’ individual reports:
But I guess it’s as good as the “CO2 is bad” “research”
Dave B
Oppressive regimes such as is gradually being imposed on us in Australia usually make some sort of intoxicant available to the masses to keep them somewhat placid and prevent them rioting over a shortage of food, fuel or electricity, for example. Or they do as the Romans did and provide panem et circenses (bread and circuses).
Given Australia already has some of the world’s highest alcohol taxes, what do you think the Government’s approach to this issue will be? Will they lower alcohol taxes or provide more bread and circuses?
not a chance
having crushed tobacco, alcohol is next, then sugar, then whatever will keep miserable paternalistic cottage industry afloat.
The draconian tax on tobacco is obviously the road map ahead, but they’ll be wary of overtaxing alcohol because so many industries are involved, unlike tobacco.
Next cab off the rank will be a tax on processed food, but they will wait until inflation comes down.
‘ … make some sort of intoxicant available to the masses …’
Soma medicinal cannabis is available from the local chemist and all good citizens are encouraged to get involved. Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World is apt.
Vitamin I and HCQ with taxed availability?
Re Biden: you see stories along the line of “if you were really trying to destroy the place , what would you have done differently” this is one:
I have the horrible feeling that 3 years down the track we will be looking at the Albanese PM period in much the same light.
Excellent and yet tragic article.
The site is a bit doom pornish , but Victor Davis Hanson can string his thoughts together pretty well.
It’s all happening because it HAS to happen to mask the fundamentally flawed, insurmountable debt collapsing economy and have control over the masses by the time it all goes boom to avoid them dragging the pollies out into the street and hanging them. Yes, it will be the same in every western economy.
No, China will go too.
So far Elbow has not done much wrong, but he hasn’t done much, period. He is in a time warp where he thinks he is still in opposition and is still knocking the other side.
He does look to be girding his loins [he is known for that] for an assault on IR and CC. Maybe he is too lazy to get around to them this term. We could be so lucky.
The maximum height water can be pumped under conditions of suction at sea level is 10.3m. That’s a hard physical limit.
Yea. OK. That’s why you use a submersible pump on deep bores. I hope you aren’t linking this to pumped hydro?
Not linking to hydro, just sayin’.
The rate of respiratory infection among German children is now approaching 25%, as lockdown harms continue
Without regular exposure to common pathogens, mothers can no longer confer crucial early immunity to their infants through breast milk.
The German fever gauge, Grippe Web, suggests that nearly one in four German children under 15 are currently suffering some kind of respiratory infection.
This isn’t the vaccines (almost no children under 5 have been vaccinated), and it’s not just a coincidence or a bad year for RSV either. It’s a direct consequence of mass containment. While lockdowns didn’t do much about SARS-2, they appear to have reduced the incidence of other, slower-moving viruses considerably. Young women in particular have been underexposed to RSV for three years now, with the result that their breast milk confers far less passive immunity against common viruses than it did in the pre-pandemic era.
So much for the experts.
As I’ve said and repeated since the beginning, isolate the vulnerable and let the virus run its course.
Germs are good for you because without them your immune system is a coach potato.
“Think of the children!” is the hackneyed catchcry, so when are we going to start?
Now we see and reap the consequences…
Over the years there have been a few paediatricians recommend allowing your kids to get dirty. I spent some boyhood years tramping around in black mangrove mud, swimming in the creeks. Never had a day off school.
We used to swim in a large cow trough on the neighbour’s place .
Subsequently showed resistance to TB . How does that work ?
My dear old Mum was one that believed us kids should play in the dirt, and get mucky.
No molly-coddling from my Mum !!
Philippines DOH Determined to Jab as Many Children as Possible During 3-Day Drive From 5 to 7 December 2022.
DOH will not relent until all eligible Filipino children are jabbed! 5.3 million children, 48.9% of the 10.8 million 5 – 11 yo target children have been jabbed to date. 10 million adolescents aged 12 to 17, 112% of the 8.9 million targeted have received 2 doses, mostly of the Pfizer product. A further 1.08 million of these adolescents have been given 1st boosters.
Never mind that children currently have effectively ZERO risk from Covid-19. Ioannidis recently updated his analysis to show persons 0-19 years old have a 0.0003% risk of death.
Never mind that nearly everyone living in the Philippines has already caught and recovered from Covid-19 as of early 2022. Almost all children will have natural immunity, which is far superior to anything the jabs can offer. Jabs destroy natural immunity.
Never mind that many of these jabs have expired and have had their shelf-life extended more than once (Senior MD friend told me yesterday that many of the jabs expired last March 2022 and have already been extended twice, which is one of the reasons why health workers don’t want any more!). Standard prior medical practice was that nearly expired would be given away free for immediate use, and expired meds cannot be used / would be destroyed!
Never mind that Pharma is immune from prosecution (this is under question, because immunity did not cover criminal conduct or criminal negligence).
Never mind that these jabs were developed for the 2019 Wuhan variant, which is long-since extinct. This is an obsolete product. 3 x over OBSOLETE! We are at the end of 2022 now!
The bolded sentence above raises an interesting point…
“No Joke, Climate Change Professionals Now Provide Goals and Individual Allowances for Transportation, Food, and Clothing
December 5, 2022 | Sundance | 152 Comments”
Check your ration and then compare
Then compare
Peak stupidity? We’re no where near it!
“When bureaucrats defy logic and reason”
Irony has been declared many times in this pandemic but now, from Covid-riddled Germany comes the final proof: you can’t kill yourself now unless you’ve been vaccinated. As European countries battle to limit the spread of the virus, Verein Sterbehilfe – the German Euthanasia Association – has issued a new directive, declaring it will now only help those who have been vaccinated or recovered from the disease. In a statement, the association said”
More at
Strep A child fatalities in UK, clearly more dangerous than covid, being blamed on lack of mixing due to covid. I couldn’t quickly find what the average number of child deaths long term is, obviously infection is common.
My suspicion would be the large influx of children from abroad is more likely the cause.
Here’s your unvaxxed blood supply!
” Swiss naturopathic physician George Della Pietra believes people worldwide should be free to choose whether to get a COVID-19 vaccine injection or not. He believes the same should hold for those receiving transfusions with “vaccinated” blood. “The problem is right now we have no choice,” said Della Pietra, founder of the nonprofit Safe Blood Donation service in 2021, matching unvaccinated blood recipients with donors in 65 countries.
Della Pietra said that, to his knowledge, Safe Blood Donation, based in Switzerland, is the first unvaccinated blood donation service of its kind.”
I haven’t seen what happened to the baby in NZ that needed a transfusion & the mother wanted unvaxxed blood. She had unvaxxed donors willing to supply, but ol’ Horseface wanted to use her Govt Goons to seize the child and force it onto the operating table.
I thought this was interesting …
WHO and other ‘covidocracy’ agencies working toward 2024 World Pandemic Treaty deadline
It’s happening right now…
Third meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) for a WHO instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response
And our Parliament already passed the 1st (Liberals) and 2nd (Labor) stages of AUS Treaty legislation…;orderBy=date-eFirst;page=0;query=%22pandemic%20prevention%22%20%22preparedness%20and%20response%22;resCount=Default
About 20 m (65 feet) of foreshore disappears during a swarm of earthquakes at Taupo volcano, New Zealand
About 20 m (65.6 feet) of foreshore in Wharewaka, Lake Taupo, New Zealand disappeared after a strong and shallow M5.6 earthquake and numerous aftershocks at Taupō volcano at the end of November 2022.
As a result, the Taupō District Council is urging residents and visitors to keep away well back from the edge until they organize a temporary fence.1
“One of the most visible signs is the damage to the beach area at Wharewaka Point. While we know people are interested in having a look at what’s going on, we have serious concerns about the land stability there.
“We estimate we’ve lost around 20 m of foreshore. Other agencies are investigating the cause, but it may be a result of land slumping with a resultant wave on the lake, rather than a wave alone.
Just wait until Jan 2023…
Yes when Taupo blows making 3 islands it will become known as Ao, Tea and Roa. Better than New New Zealand I suppose.
Stewart Island, like Tasmania will continue to be largely overlooked.
” largely overlooked.”
Rakiura , the island formerly known as Stewart island.
Thanks for the heads up was not aware. It is amazing how within 300 odd years of arriving in New Zealand the indigenous Polynesians explored and populated the length and breadth of all the islands. Cheers
” arriving in New Zealand the indigenous Polynesians ”
Right , so not indigenous to NZ. You’re on to it.
As far as is known , there are no indigenous NZers
“As far as is known , there are no indigenous NZers”
Yes since the supposed myth that the Moriori were the first in NZ who were “driven out” by the Maori and settled on the Chatham Islands has been re-written over the years it seems the indigenous Polynesians who arrived found an uninhabited land.
But then the latest discovery of pottery in Papua New Guinea raises the interesting exploits of the Lapita people who some 3000 years ago moved throughout the Pacific. Seems despite being able to navigate over very great distances the Lapita showed no interest in either Australia or New Zealand.
Would be interesting to know if the Lapita were small of stature given the tales of Aboriginal tribes that were small of stature a la Mungo man (5ft5in/1.7m). In fact a great chunk of Maori folklore includes stories of elusive small beings that lived in the mists of NZ forests.
The current wisdom is that the indigenous Polynesians arrived in uninhabited NZ then some 200 years later in 1500AD/CE some of what had become Maori decided to move on to the Chatham Islands (climate change?). Once on the Chathams they developed their own culture and own distinctive language “over several centuries” (wiki comment).
Seems the Chathams are a bit like the conflicting views held between the Turks and the Greeks when it comes to what “belongs” to whom. This site gives the emotive historical view:
“The third group to settle here after invading and claiming the islands in 1835 are Maori that whakapapa to Ngati Mutunga o Wharekauri”.
“wait until Jan 2023…”
C’mon , whatcha got?
You don’t know?
Re covid – some links on treatment with light therapy starting here
And a report on life in Florida
I read too, that UV light is a good therapeutic way to kill viruses etc…
Meanwhile “Life (or the lack of it) in Canada”
“Universal Death-Care”
“From consent to coercion to coverup: Even after seeing many shocking facts & revelations on the MAiD issue over the past 2 months, it came as a jolt to me that the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario has made a draft policy to the effect that the death certificate of MAiD recipients in the province will NOT show MAiD as the cause of their death…”
“The attacks on transformers in North Carolina reveal a major danger”
I guess you only need cruise missiles if you can’t get closer
UAH Global Temperature Update for November, 2022: +0.17 deg. C
Nov 2022 Australia, 39th warmest Nov out of 44 in the UAH data !
“39th warmest Nov out of 44 ”
Would that , perchance , be the fifth coldest?
I’ve got a rainbow lorikeet sitting in my washing machine. I did hear something bang into the glass door so obviously it was him.
He is standing up, perched on a rib of the drum looking OK but in no hurry to go anywhere. I think he will be OK.
If he karcs it , I’ve got a couple of dozen I could send over if you’re short.
Oh nos. Some “conspiracy-theorising anti -vaxxer climate- denier ” in Godzone has had the temerity to suggest we should continue to refine diesel here , so that the hospital generators can run when the power is down .
How did the NZBC let that slip through? Were the BBC minders asleep?
Oh dear.. a log in the spokes of the Australian “Green Energy” cart..
What a pity