A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Happy Christmas All
Seeing as how it’s a few days away . . .
Gleðilig jól!
Of course , it’s not Yuletide in the Southern Hemisphere, it’s mid-Summer.
Accordingly ,
Gleðilig Jóansøka !
..and a happy xmas to all too, except pollies, health experts and Fauci.
My doctor said I need to burn some fat, so roll on xmas day and lots of succulent MEAT on the bbq.
Likewise to you and yours Annie..
Hopefully 2023 is a better year..
The Canadians are sending a wave of very cold air into the United States. They shouldn’t create more cold air than they want. If I want cold air, I have an air conditioner or I can just open the refrigerator door.
This site shows me temperature in ‘F’ :
My aunt in Helena MT tells me the predicted low there for Wednesday night is -36F.
Will she be disappointed if it only hits -36C?
Not terribly. But what if it hit -52C (-61F) which it has in the past in that area of Montana in the early 1970’s?
If it gets to -40, it won’t matter if it’s C or F
Its the wind chill from a polar vortex.
As Climate Change has only one cause, CO2, surely what the world should be measuring is CO2 which is a single number, not emissions? And there is no connection between CO2 levels and human activity or ’emissions’ which are much harder to measure. There is no sign in the CO2 record of the explosive growth of China, windmills, solar panels, volcanoes, storms, fires, none at all. Or even the massive greening of the planet, an area the size of Brazil. Humans and their tiny ’emissions’ are completely irrelevant.
The real scam then is to chase ’emissions’ as if they have anything to do with CO2 levels. And the growth of a massive new green Brazil has done nothing to bring down CO2 levels in the last 30 years.
And yet Governments are legislating reductions in Emissions, banning fertilizers and cows and crops and farming and cars to ‘reduce emissions’ and ‘nett zero’. But another Brazil in size has not reduced CO2 at all or impacted CO2.
This UN science is completely lacking in science. Basically CO2 is highly soluble and all that is left is the partial pressure of dissolved CO2 as determined by Henry’s law. 98% of CO2 dissolved in the ocean.
So we have signed up to something, nett zero, which has no basis in science at all. What really annoys me is that no university says so, not in Australia or overseas. And they know all about dissolved CO2 and partial pressure. The silence of institutions is quite amazing. Is everyone terrified of being fired for speaking the truth? No need to answer that.
As for the CSIRO, I have always known it as a retirement home, a sheltered science workshop where people dream of superannuation and golf or owning vineyards or being consultants and morning tea is the biggest event of the day. Who would dare speak publicly and risk all that?
And the chief scientist says it will all make no actual difference to temperature. What he does not say is that none of it is true, but the safer thing to say is that we are doing out bit but it is actually a complete waste of time and money, all those windmills and solar panels and giant batteries and culling herds and punishing farmers. That way you go on the permanent record as being right without actually saying it is all a lie. That’s true ‘political science’
Why don’t we cut to the chase. “Climate Change” is not about CO2, methane or any other alleged greenhouse gas. It’s about governmental control & the destruction of our way of life.
The Climate Change project is all about the transfer of wealth, resources and power, from the plebs, to the elites. Most recently, this includes locking up land for “conservation”, which is another way of saying it will only be forbidden for ANYBODY to enter (whisper this bit: unless you have a ‘special permit’).
So we’re heading toward a future where literally everything will either be rationed or made entirely off limits to ordinary citizens. This includes national parks, energy, meat, flying, well-paid jobs, how far you may wander from your front door – even access to unadulterated information.
Yes, but it only works because scientists say nothing. People in vast numbers actually think that man made Global Warming is real, despite the fact that they have never seen it in their lifetimes. Possibly because most of the world’s people were born after man made Global Warming was invented in 1988 by the newly formed IPCC. They believe that rapid sea level rise is real, just a bit slower than expected. And that 50,000 species go extinct every second. Because two generations of teachers told them it was all true, from the UN down.
The ‘Pandemic’ has shown us clearly what to expect from science.
Those of us following the ‘Climate Change’ issue have known about the corruption of ‘Science’ for many years but we still had faith that logic, reason, and data would ultimately prevail.
The last three years have made clear that ‘scientist’ is social/political class distinction, not a practitioner of a process.
The Academies are lost.
We watched it happen.
We couldn’t believe it.
Now ‘Science is settled’.
6 Feet of snow in Boston is caused by Global Warming.
Questioning ‘Science’ is now heresy.
Ask Andrews, Fauci, Ardern, Trudeau, or Google, YouTube, Facebook, CDC, WHO, or any random college student.
Questioning ‘Medical Science’ is against the law in California.
More to come.
In QLD its also now passed that the primary goal of the Health Dept is to protect the bureaucracy.
Our Premier is a total idiot and delighted in texting messages about how much she hates the unvaxxed. Honestly, anybody I know could do a better job than this utter incompetent.
Sorry TdeF,
Volcanic activity is reflected in the Mauna Loa CO2 data as shown on my web page at:
The major eruptions in 1963, Mt Agung, and 1991, Mt Pinatubo, are both apparent.
Of greater interest is the fact that temperature change due to the period of rotation of the Moon is also reflected in the data leading to my conclusion that the temperature level determines the rate of generation of CO2, not the opposite. Thus CO2 has not caused global warming or we would have a feed-back loop with continuing warming by the ever-present atmospheric CO2 causing ever-increasing CO2 concentration over the 4.5 billion years of the Earth’s existence and we would have all been suffocated long ago.
Web page is:
Interesting. Thanks. The disruption of the baseline is a discontinuity in the baseline is visible but absolutely no impact on the pattern.
However I am very puzzled firstly that it is not a huge spike. The Mt. Pinaturbo eruption lasted only 9 hours. And at 15N it is directly East of Mauna Loa at 19N, so the spike would have been seen, not diluted in time by having to cross the equator. So where’s the spike?
The second problem with this proposition is that CO2 actually dropped around these dates. The discontinuity is down, not up.
I would be intrigued to see CO2 levels in NZ after the Australian bush fires. There was a huge algal bloom in the South Pacific immediately afterward. The news was that ‘nutrients’ has caused, but the only two things phytoplankton need are CO2 and water, so just CO2. CO2 is not a fertilizer. It is food, the only food for plants.
So while I am puzzled by the drop in the base line which might be a relatively cool period for surface water around those years, the graph does not correspond to a huge and sudden release of CO2.
I don’t think you and Bevan are too far apart in your ideas. My theory is that large eruptions cause shading which causes cooling which causes a drop in CO2 growth in the atmosphere. I have an hypothesis.
i.e. temperature change has more to do with atmospheric CO2 growth than emissions.
Here is a dropbox link that I think you might appreciate. It shows the lack of relationship between change in emissions and change in CO2 growth.
Compare this to change in temperature vs change in CO2 growth.
Thanks John,
Quote: “As Climate Change has only one cause, CO2”
Sure! While the Sun and its position in the galactic merry-go-round have nothing to do with Earth’s climate despite known “hot(see “cold”) spots in both. IIRC Sol is approaching an area in that circuit where insurance premiums are known to be higher(facetious).
Welcome to the error of synthetic reality
I am not Morgan Freeman, but a deep fake.
Can you tell?
If not, how can you trust what you see?
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow
Snow piling up at an unprecedented pace, Japan.
Heavy sea-effect snow and the coldest air mass of the season started affecting Japan last week, forcing authorities to issue blizzard warnings for many parts of the country.1
Sukayu in Aomori Prefecture, known as the snowiest place in Japan, accumulated 145 cm (57 inches) of snow on the ground by December 15 — representing 132% of normal.
On the same day, Shumarinai recorded 127 cm (50 inches) of snow on the ground — 117% of normal, and Hijiori 97 cm (38.2 inches) — 146% of normal.
In 48 hours to December 17, Hijiori registered 134 cm (52.7 inches), surpassing the previous December record of 107 cm (42.1 inches).
During the same period, Obanazawa recorded 104 cm (40.9 inches) — also setting a new December record, while Shinjo recorded 89 cm (35 inches), making it an all-time record and 390% of normal.
Damn you, global warming!
Al Gore on standby to explain it.
The North East Coast America – The 1978 Blizzard from Hell
I was Stuck 5 days in an Office on Route 1 just off Route 128
My Son messaged me this
17 Dec
The latest ECMWF for next Friday and the blizzard of 1978 upper level pattern.
Nearly identical.
A major storm is brewing folks.
#snow #winter
The site link for your Clarkson item in Monday thread is now blocked.
The Sun has now removed Clarkson’s comment piece from its website. “In light of Jeremy Clarkson’s tweet he has asked us to take last week’s column down,” the page now reads.
This is how it starts. As the Northern Hemisphere warms up in summer, there is more water in the atmosphere by September when the sunlight goes low in the NH. The atmosphere works hard to equalise temperature between ocean and land by transferring ocean heat to be released over land.
The ice formed in the atmosphere as the water vapour solidifies emits at 240K. So land is not releasing heat to space at the warmer surface temperature. Hence heat loss is reduced and temperature higher than what it would be otherwise.
Despite it being labelled “global warming” and thought to be caused by CO2, this is how the modern interglacial terminates. It has happened under similar conditions four times in the last 500k years.
New snow records will be a feature of climate reporting for the next 8,000 years. It has only just started. Northern Hemisphere is getting 1w/m^2 in summer than it was at the minimum 2000 years ago. It is just beginning to accelerate and will go another 9W/m^2 before it levels off and starts to decline.
Meanwhile the SH is cooling below 55S and will eventually cool from Equator south:
On the micro level we can see a lag.
‘ … while the longest days in Australia happen in late December, the hottest days outside the tropics usually happen in January, when the days are still long, and the oceans are a bit warmer.
‘ … the hottest days of the year in Sydney and Hobart occur in the weeks following the summer solstice.’ (weatherzone)
I don’t know if this has been previously posted. One of Australia’s best known media GPs – Dr Kerryn Phelps – has revealed that she and her partner suffered severe adverse reactions to the Covid vaccine, and is still suffering from them. She recently addressed a parliamentary committee on what happened to her, and how her concerns and injury were sidelined by the medical authorities. This is the first time Australians have been privy to Phelps’ injury and is interesting if this will be reported in the MSM.
Vicki, yes today on Monday Thread
December 20, 2022 at 10:15 am · Reply
Dr Kerryn Phelps reveals ‘devastating’ Covid vaccine injury, says doctors have been ‘censored’
Dr Kerryn Phelps has broken her silence about a “devastating” Covid vaccine injury, slamming regulators for “censoring” public discussion with “threats” to doctors.
Former federal MP Dr Kerryn Phelps has revealed she and her wife both suffered serious and ongoing injures from Covid vaccines, while suggesting the true rate of adverse events is far higher than acknowledged due to underreporting and “threats” from medical regulators.
In an explosive submission to Parliament’s Long Covid inquiry, the former Australian Medical Association (AMA) president has broken her silence about the “devastating” experience — emerging as the most prominent public health figure in the country to speak up about the taboo subject.
“This is an issue that I have witnessed first-hand with my wife who suffered a severe neurological reaction to her first Pfizer vaccine within minutes, including burning face and gums, paraesethesiae, and numb hands and feet, while under observation by myself, another doctor and a registered nurse at the time of immunisation,” the 65-year-old said.
“I continue to observe the devastating effects a year-and-a-half later with the addition of fatigue and additional neurological symptoms including nerve pains, altered sense of smell, visual disturbance and musculoskeletal inflammation. The diagnosis and causation has been confirmed by several specialists who have told me that they have seen ‘a lot’ of patients in a similar situation.”
“We did a lot of homework before having the vaccine, particularly about choice of vaccine at the time. In asking about adverse side effects, we were told that ‘the worst thing that could happen would be anaphylaxis’ and that severe reactions such as myocarditis and pericarditis were ‘rare’.”
Dr Phelps revealed she was also diagnosed with a vaccine injury from her second dose of Pfizer in July 2021, “with the diagnosis and causation confirmed by specialist colleagues”.
“I have had CT pulmonary angiogram, ECG, blood tests, cardiac echogram, transthoracic cardiac stress echo, Holter monitor, blood pressure monitoring and autonomic testing,” she wrote.
“In my case the injury resulted in dysautonomia with intermittent fevers and cardiovascular implications including breathlessness, inappropriate sinus tachycardia and blood pressure fluctuations.”
Dr Phelps said both reactions were reported to the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) “but never followed up”.
She revealed she had spoken with other doctors “who have themselves experienced a serious and persistent adverse event” but that “vaccine injury is a subject that few in the medical profession have wanted to talk about”.
“Regulators of the medical profession have censored public discussion about adverse events following immunisation, with threats to doctors not to make any public statements about anything that ‘might undermine the government’s vaccine rollout’ or risk suspension or loss of their registration,” she wrote.
December 20, 2022 at 10:49 am · Reply
Prominent doctor accuses NSW Premier of ‘SURRENDERING to Covid’ with ‘appalling’ decision to drop masks and QR codes days before Christmas – but another says 25,000 cases a day is a ‘gross overestimation’ – 16 Dec 21
. Former independent MP has blasted NSW Government over its Covid handling
. Dr Kerryn Phelps said axing restrictions as case numbers soar was unfathomable
. She branded politicians as ‘clueless, reckless or negligent’ in their response
. And she warned virus will rip families apart: ‘This is not freedom. This is denial.’
Covid ‘frightbat’ Kerryn Phelps urges Australians to wear masks – 17 Mar 22
Dr Kerryn Phelps tells Australians they CAN’T move back to ‘normal times’ and demands the return of TWO hated Covid restrictions High profile GP and ex-AMA boss says Australia’s Covid pandemic far from over
. Dr Kerryn Phelps encouraged everyone to wear masks amid rise in cases
. Urged people to avoid crowds to protect themselves and medically vulnerable
. Her comments on 2GB on Thursday sparked a furious response from listener
‘It’s a difficult one’: Sylvia Jeffreys shares vaccine concerns as doubt swirls around pregnant women – 2 years ago
Former Federal MP Dr Kerryn Phelps told Today that pregnant women should be cautious about getting vaccinated.
“The point is vaccines haven’t been tested on pregnant women at this stage. If somebody is not with contraceptive cover, likely to get pregnant, they would need to be careful at this stage,” she said.
Dr Phelps advises anyone having doubts to seek the advice of their GP.
“Speak to your GP, get the reassurances you need, find out the facts from reliable sources,” she said.
“One of the worst things you can do is go to one of the conspiracy theory Facebook pages and be scared away from being vaccinated based on misinformation.
Now Made it to the Daily Mail today
Top doctor reveals both she AND her wife suffered ‘devastating’ Covid vaccine injuries – and slams ‘censorship of public discussion’ about adverse jab effects
. Dr Kerryn Phelps says she and her wife suffered ‘devastating’ vaccine injuries
. She claims medical authorities failed to follow up and have censored discussion
. Former premier Campbell Newman called the testimony a ‘watershed moment’
. A DJ previously claimed doctors were scared to go public over vaccine injuries
Dr Phelps has previously been an advocate of the vaccines.
‘There is definitely a highly significant reduction in death rates and severe acute disease if you have had three or four vaccines,’ she wrote in July.
She has also been outspoken throughout the pandemic about the importance of avoiding the virus.
In August, she wrote an article titled ‘dropping COVID safeguards is just a bad idea’ and has consistently warned about long Covid as a result of ‘even mild’ infections.
Dr Phelps became very high-profile president of the Australian Medical Association in 2000 making headlines by frequently clashing with then Howard Liberal government.
In 2018 she succeeded the retiring Liberal prime minister Malcolm Turnbull by winning a by-election to become the member for Wentworth, the electorate covering Sydney’s wealthy eastern suburbs, which she lost in the 2019 federal poll.
In July award-winning DJ Tyson Illingworth claimed five doctors told him ‘privately’ that he was suffering serious health problems caused by an adverse reaction to two doses of Moderna – but they couldn’t say so publicly or they would be deregistered.
The DJ, who goes by the name tyDi, went through a lengthy rehab after waking up partially paralysed just weeks after he was administered his first Moderna shot on October 1 last year.
Illingworth claimed five doctors suggested a correlation between his Moderna vaccinations and his paralysis but refused to go on the record out of fear of backlash or deregistration from the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra).
‘I went from doctor to doctor to have them tell to me in private I would like to tell you what is happening to you, but I would be deregistered,’ Tyson told Daily Mail Australia.
In March 2021, doctors were advised by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) and national medical boards to not ‘undermine’ the national vaccine rollout.
KERRYN PHELPS: NSW school return plan exposes children to heightened COVID risk
By Kerryn Phelps | 27 January 2022
The start of the school year is always exciting. But this year is different, writes Professor Kerryn Phelps.
PARENTS ARE WORRIED, really worried about the risks their children and their families will confront as schools return to face to face learning this week as COVID 19 case numbers, hospitalisations and ICU admissions in the eastern states are still dangerously high.
OzSAGE argued some weeks ago that the start of school should be delayed until case numbers dropped and appropriate mitigation measures were in place.
NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet has defiantly and unfathomably made the decision to send children and teachers back to the classroom before those measures have been implemented.
Just repeating the mantra “schools are safe” over and over in press conferences does not make it true.
Bring on the Royal Commission!
And make sure that it sweeps nothing under the carpet.
Lysander says:
December 20, 2022 at 4:54 pm
For those who haven’t read the WA Public Health Act (in light of Phelps’ admission):
“the force that an authorised officer or police officer or person assisting may use includes any force that it is reasonably necessary to use in the circumstances to overcome any resistance to the enforcement of compliance with a requirement or direction (including enabling a medical examination or medical treatment to be carried out or a vaccination to be given)…”
Long CoVax syndrome?
VAERS Shows a 4070% Increase in Miscarriages and Stillbirths Since mRNA Roll-out
The vaccine is “safe and effective” according to our very own CDC, FDA and Federal government.
Nothing to see here. Pay no attention to the 4,070% increase in miscarriages and stillbirths, as reported by the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). The VAERS system is the federal government’s method of monitoring vaccine injuries through real-time reporting. As reported through
Pfizer, the maker of one of the notorious mRNA “vaccines”, has recently come out and acknowledged that the vaccine may cause blood clots. As reported on by The Gateway Pundit yesterday, Pfizer’s President of International Developed Markets Janine Small admitted that the vaccine had never been tested on whether or not it prevented transmission of the disease before it entered the market.
The known effects of myocarditis and other cardiac injuries has not only been well documented in the public, it is now being acknowledged by the vaccine manufacturer and the FDA themselves. And now that Twitter allows “free speech” (kind of), the message is beginning to disseminate throughout the mainstream.
Is there a link ?
Report on the news tonight of a Melbourne woman with multiple blood clots in her heart, apparently leading to her subsequent rapid fire multiple heart attacks, and “Pfizer, the maker of one of the notorious mRNA “vaccines”, has recently come out and acknowledged that the vaccine may cause blood clots.”
Now at 750 Comments
Good news in the sense that Phelps is extremely Leftist and woke so they might listen to it* whilst they continue to ignore rational people and call them “conspiracy theorists” etc. for daring to even say that the vaccines aren’t as safe as claimed.
Its* wife also got injured from the vaccine.
*Sorry, I don’t know Phelps’ pronouns.
G’day Vicki,
The SMH has published an article about it on line. Could be in tomorrow’s paper. This version is paywalled:
Dave B
Thanks David! Don’t read SMH these days, but will purchase it tomorrow just to read this article if it is there. Good to see that it at least reached the online version.
December 20, 2022 at 9:12 pm
SMH – ‘Not anti-vaxxers’: Dr Kerryn Phelps says she suffered COVID vaccine injury, calls for more research
By Rachel Clun – Updated December 20, 2022 — 6.40pm first published at 6.28pm
Former federal MP Dr Kerryn Phelps says she and her partner experienced vaccine injury, calling for tests for long COVID and vaccine injuries as well as more research on the long-term harms of the coronavirus and immunisation side effects.
Phelps said that until there were vaccines that prevented transmission, stronger public health messaging and measures were imperative to protect the vulnerable – including those with existing health conditions and people who could not have the vaccine.
In a submission to an ongoing parliamentary inquiry on long COVID Phelps said she and her wife had both been injured after receiving COVID vaccinations.
She said her wife, Jackie Stricker-Phelps, suffered long-term symptoms including ongoing nerve pain and fatigue following her first injection, while Phelps herself experienced symptoms including breathlessness and irregular blood pressure following her second shot.
In an interview, the former Australian Medical Association president and medical practitioner said more research was vital to understanding both the disease and vaccine injury as the pandemic continues.
“People who have vaccine injuries are not anti-vaxxers, because they have turned up to have vaccines. They’re wanting to protect themselves against the serious consequences of COVID,” she said.
More than 64 million vaccine doses have been administered across the country, as of November 16, and since December 2021 people injured by one have been able to make a claim for compensation through the vaccine claims scheme.
A Services Australia spokesperson said as of November 23, the department has received 3100 applications, and 79 have been approved for claims totalling $3.9 million.
“The assessment process can be complex, and claims may also be reviewed independently by medical and other appropriately qualified experts,” the spokesperson said.
Phelps’ submission was number 510 of 531 to the parliamentary health committee’s inquiry into long COVID and repeated COVID infections, chaired by Labor’s Dr Mike Freelander.
Phelps said the inquiry was a “real opportunity” for an informed conversation about planning for the future with the coronavirus.
Vicki, click on link above to read SMH Article
Morning Vicki,
It didn’t make today’s paper. And nothing (so far?) from the ABC.
Dave B
But there was an interview with Phelps this morning on Ch 9 Breakfast. At least that’s something. Don’t know how that got through.
Indolent says:
December 21, 2022 at 9:07 am
There’s a link to a Gateway Pundit story in this tweet. I linked the tweet rather than going directly to the story because Catturd has over a million followers worldwide. It is certainly getting out there.
Catturd ™
Imagine that.
Top Australian Doctor Who Advocated for COVID Vaccine Finally Breaks Her Silence – Says Doctors are Censored – Reveals She and Her Wife Both Suffer Serious COVID Shot Injuries
So she must have been vaxed early? So why did she go on saying nothing, and pushing for people to get vaxed. It’s vexing.
She is part of the problem: no sympathy for those who join the Maquis only when they see which way the war is going and for whatever supposed reason (not my words but those of my spouse). Next, we will have Health department officials saying “The
(fake)”vaccine” I received, made my “haemorrhoids etc.” worse, so I am now against it”.
The Gatewaypundit Link
Top Australian Doctor Who Advocated for COVID Vaccine Finally Breaks Her Silence – Says Doctors are Censored – Reveals She and Her Wife Both Suffer Serious COVID Shot Injuries
Therac-25: Medical history’s worst software error
Oh no, it can’t be wrong or our fault.
I’m sure everyone will see the parallels to today.
Add to the growing list.
The Sobering Truth About 5G
The United States and China are at war. This war, however, is a little different from previous wars. It’s a tech war: drones, artificial intelligence, cyber operations, the list goes on.
A major factor driving the war is 5G; this has been the case for at least four years. As I write this, both countries are actively embracing the new technology, which, as the piece demonstrates, will dramatically change the world of tomorrow—not necessarily for the better.
For the uninitiated, 5G is the latest iteration of cellular technology, designed to increase the speed, capacity, and responsiveness of wireless networks. According to analysts at Boston Consulting Group (BCG), over the next decade, 5G could create as many as 1 million new jobs and contribute roughly half a billion dollars to U.S. GDP. Last year, the global 5G market reached $2.25 billion; five years from now, it’s expected to be worth $14.57 billion.
There are growing concerns in the United States and beyond that 5G networks could interfere with airplanes’ altimeters. These instruments are critical in measuring height during takeoff and landing operations.
Which begs the question: Why are the people who question the safety of fifth-generation networks so often met with ridicule and scorn, even when we have no reason to believe that 5G is safe?
5G networks produce radio-frequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs), which are used to transmit information. In 2018, more than 240 highly-respected scientists signed the International EMF Scientist Appeal, warning that a number of “recent scientific publications have shown that EMF affects living organisms at levels well below most international and national guidelines.”
Such effects “include increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damages, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general well-being in humans.” EMFs are not just damaging to the human race, they are also harmful to “both plant and animal life,” they added.
Moreover, as the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) previously warned, exposure to radiofrequency radiation (RFR) is “possibly carcinogenic to humans.” 5G and RFR are inextricably linked. The National Toxicology Program (NTP), an inter-agency program run by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, found a clear link between exposure to RFR and increased cancer risk.
Besides the health risks associated with the technology, 5G networks are extremely hackable. As IEEE Spectrum first reported, a hacker at a conference held in the Netherlands last July told those in attendance that he and his team had managed to breach 5G networks. The hackers had full control of the network as well as access to sensitive data.
Maybe they’ll hide the data for 75 years…
Oh for gawd’s sake. If somebody is concerned about RF emissions, then buy a field strength meter (they are cheap), measure the actual signal strengths, and report back to us.
If folks are worried about these emissions, then for a start, stop putting a mobile phone against your head. That would emit far more RF into parts of the susceptible human body than any other RF source, other than standing beside the antenna of an airport radar.
As one who has had to measure actual RF levels and meet RF emission level standards, I call BS on these types of discussions.
“measure the actual signal strengths, and report back to us”
Signal strength can’t be very high – about 5W for a phone? Even the local repeaters are only about 25W, otherwise they would clash with each other. None of these produce a blip on an EMF meter. I got a minor reading at the base of one repeater, then realised that was from the adjacent very large (and old) substation. On the other hand, if I turn the meter on under the 275KW power line in front of the local shopping centre, the alarm goes off big time.
You were measuring very close to the energy source, but as you move further away, the energy reduces significantly, as it uses the formula for the surface area of a sphere, or 4 pi r^2. So if we measure the surface area at say 2 metres,, it’s 50.26sqm. But double the radius to 4m and the surface area increases 4 times to 201sqm. So energy radiated from a point source decreases very quickly to zilch. In fact, it’s a wonder that a receiver can pickup anything at all out of the background noise, with typical signal strengths down in the microvolt range.
Should have also added that if you were measuring 50Hz energy under the transmission line, most likely you were within its magnetic field, which normally extends to 10% of its wavelength. Most RF transmission systems work on capacitive coupling, the one main exception being smart card systems.
way less for a 4G phone, less than a watt if expressing it that way
its highly variable anyway, depending on usage and location
As a young trainee I had an instructor who used to brag about briefly warming himself in front of a radar antennae while in the Navy. It was mildly ironic that he was missing one leg, one eye and wore an eye patch. The only thing missing was the parrot on the shoulder.
In recent years, discussion of the potential dangers of wireless radiation and, more specifically, 5G, has sometimes met with scorn from the corporate media. Citing online speculation that the COVID-19 epidemic was caused by the rollout of 5G, CNN titled a 2020 article “Why conspiracy theorists think 5G is bad for your health and why experts say not to worry.”
Asked about the possibility of industry pressure, a spokesperson for the Environmental Health Trust directed The Epoch Times to a 2021 review, “Lost opportunities for cancer prevention.”
“This eloquent review gives insight into missed opportunities for cancer prevention exemplified by asbestos, tobacco, certain pesticides and now RF radiation. The authors highlight how economic considerations were favored instead of cancer prevention. ‘A strategy to sow doubt on cancer risks was established decades ago and is now adopted and implemented in a more sophisticated way by the telecom industry regarding RF-EMF risks to human beings and the environment. Industry has the economic power, access to politicians and media, whereas concerned people are unheard,’” the spokesperson said.
Research paper pt 1:
Pt 2:
Pt 3 by request:
You’ll need more than an RF meter.
In fighting the climate alarmists, one approach is to stick to facts and data, not emotion. I could refer you to the international standards for RF emissions where humans are involved, and how different frequencies can cause different effects. But I will always challenge folks who come up with these assertions to show the actual levels of radiation being experienced, and why they believe that they cause problems. I’m not sure if you realise that as RF radiates outwards from a point source, it rapidly drops in energy levels, based on the cube law.
As with global warming, it’s imperative that we stick to facts and avoid the trap of emotive beliefs.
That will be comforting to the city folks that end up with one outside their apartment window. Most will be more worried about their view.
I’m sure they will be both safe and effective
“There are growing concerns in the United States and beyond that 5G networks could interfere with airplanes’ altimeters. These instruments are critical in measuring height during takeoff and landing operations.”
Highly unlikely if you know how an altimeter works. They are a pressure instrument…however, modern avionics convert that pressure information into digital information that perhpas/maybe/could be intererfered with by 5G, but I have yet to see any accurate information proving that aircraft avionics are influenced by 5G. All the wiring and systemns are inside an aluminium or composite tube.
That article is drawing a long bow.
I think John was referring to the possibility of 5G phone transmissions interfering with radio altimeters, and this is a possibility, since radio altimeters work on a similar frequency band to 5G networks. However, the modern mobile phone has five different wireless networks, all happily co-existing together in a small package without interfering with each other, which is very clever design.
“Why china’s 5G is garbage.”
The European Union just introduced the first step of a personal carbon credit system.
Every citizen will have to start paying for their carbon emissions in an effort to cut emissions by 55% by 2030.
Do you see now why banks & airlines etc were already tracking it?
The measures are part of a package of climate laws. CO2 emissions must decrease by 55 percent by 2030. European industry, which already has to do this in part, will have to deal with higher emission costs, and companies from outside Europe will pay at the border for their emissions. The money that is collected with this can be spent on climate plans.
Citizens and companies have to pay for the CO2 from the exhaust and the chimney. This is done via energy companies and pumping stations. They have to pay for emission allowances and then pass on the costs to the customer who comes to refuel or turns on the gas heater.
Emissions in the ETS sectors must be cut by 62% by 2030, compared to 2005, which is one percentage point more than proposed by the Commission. In order to reach this reduction, there will be a one-off reduction to the EU-wide quantity of allowances of 90 Mt Co2 equivalents in 2024 and 27 Mt in 2026 in combination with an annual reduction of allowances by 4.3% from 2024-27 and 4.4% from 2028-30.
The ETS currently caps the emissions of around 10,000 factories and power plants, allowing those with surplus credits to make a profit by selling CO2 permits on the market.
The scheme is now being extended to cover more sectors of the economy in order to align with the EU’s 2030 climate goal – a commitment to reduce net emissions by 55% before they are eventually brought down to zero by 2050.
“This deal will provide a huge contribution towards fighting climate change,” said Peter Liese, a German lawmaker who steered negotiations on behalf of the European Parliament.
The reformed scheme “provides a clear signal to European industry that it pays off to invest in green technologies,” he added, saying the reformed EU carbon market now “covers almost all the sectors of the economy” after a decision was made to extend the scheme to maritime emissions and waste incineration.
Under today’s agreement, sectors covered by the ETS will have to cut their emissions 62% below 2005 levels by 2030 – a significant increase on the current 43% target.
“The carbon market reform is a major part of the Green Deal,” said Pascal Canfin, a French lawmaker who chairs the Parliament’s environment committee. “Thanks to the agreement reached this weekend, we will increase our industry’s climate objectives by almost 50%,” he said.
A separate carbon market is also being created for buildings and road transport. This second ETS will start applying as of 2027 and will be accompanied by a social climate fund to compensate households for the extra costs this will create. And if energy prices are exceptionally high, the new scheme will be delayed by a year, until 2028.
Ooohhh, more references to 2028.
Oh ok, it’s not the date of an event but the end date of a plan…
Journalists Warn Of Frightening Trend Where Rules Apply To Them
Journalists have become increasingly concerned about a rising trend of journalists having to follow the same rules as everyone else.
“It’s not fair that we’re being treated the same as other people,” sobbed Washington Post reporter Taylor Lorenz. “I’m literally shaking with rage.”
The troubling trend came to a head this past week as several journalists who had endangered a man’s life were then made to endure a Twitter suspension, just like any other person. “It is absolutely unacceptable to silence the press like this,” said Taylor Lorenz, still sobbing. “We journalists are supposed to be able to invade other people’s privacy and put their lives at risk, while no one is allowed to do the same thing to us. I am deeply troubled by the sudden expectation for the press to follow the same rules as any common citizen.”
While journalists have repeatedly expressed concern over their loss of recognition as a source of truth, having to now suffer the consequences of their own actions has confirmed their deepest fears. “This is exactly like the Kristallnaacht, the opening salvo of the Holocaust,” cried Taylor Lorenz, grabbing a third box of tissues. “The government, led by Elon Musk, has handed me a one-week Twitter suspension merely for stalking people like prey. He might as well be firing up the gas chambers.”
The corrupt msm by way of their complicity are just sentencing themselves, family, friends etc to the consequences of all the lies, as indeed we’re already seeing.
Let me guess:
“We didn’t know (or care or bother to investigate and find out). We’re sorry.
Mistakes were made on both sides.”
And a happy Nakatomi Plaza xmas shout out to Hans Gruber
I suspect he’ll “drop in” shortly…
Trying to find answer to one of Australias biggest secrets !!
Well, it seems that it is a heavily garded piece of information that no one will reveal ?
I have been searching and asking if Albo’s cunning mmaster plan of capping coal and Gas prices applies to LPG prices also…since it is a vital energy source for heating and cooking to many folks wo do not live in a town or city with mains gas supply.
Currenly bulk LPG costs about $2.0 per litre, which equates to $80 per gJ
Whilst LPG on portable bottles is even more expensive , and even “pump” lpg at the servo for taxis etc, is relatively cheap at $1.10/ ltr ($35 per gJ)
If Albo’s $12/gJ cap does apply it might actually mean something to lots of folk.
But why do i suspect it will not happen ?
..maybe that is the secret ?.. another weasle cop out from Labour .
Isnt Albo talking about natural gas? Not LPG. They are different things.
Sure, but the whole point of Albo’s anouncement was to reduce the cost of energy for consumers.
LPG is a large source of domestic heating and cooking outside the urban areas, but i am sure it has been deliberately left out of the price cap, because it would be too costly
I guess but I am still paying 91c a litre for LPG and $29 for 9kg tank swap. I guess will will see where it goes.
After counting the mail-in votes, Elon Musk will be staying as CEO of Twitter.
Good. Musk appears to be one of those middle of the road people like the old Democrats and Republicans. The more extreme the modern Democrats become and Labor for that matter, the more extreme the other side has to be. While Musk is no fan of Trump he sees the need for honesty in electronic reporting for a democratic country which has lost interest in newspapers.
Unfortunately in Australia, the Liberals are to the left of Labor on most issues. And the rest of society is going animist, worshipping the planet and the frogs, which makes them perfect prey for the extreme left like Adolph, now positioned as the extreme right which he never was. Militarism and racism was never the province of only the extreme right. Ask Stalin or Mussolini.
What I find amazing is that the new extreme left pretend to be anti racist, anti Fascist, anti slavery. And no one says anything. At least Jeremy Corbyn was open about it all.
David, do you have the link?
I think your humour may have evaded some
Here’s a song for today, Ruby Tuesday by the Stones.
I recall an Australian send-up of this song in the late 60s but cannot find anything about it.
Could have been by Garry McDonald pre-Norman Gunston.
Albanese Government gives America a smack in the mouth – Ambassador Rudd
Tuesday, 20 December 2022
What did the US do to deserve this?
I thought we were allies.
Well, KR is a keen observer of *rf interference.
* not related to radio frequency matters
They gave us Caroline Kennedy, we gave them KR. Friends don’t do that to friends.
Dr. Kevin Rudd has a PhD in Philosophy bestowed by Oxford University for him writing a 460 page “Paper” on Chinese leader Xi Jinping. Wow,
The Biden mal-administration DESERVES Kevin Rudd.
NZ punished the Irish by sending the far- quitted Trevor Mallard as ambassador.
Apparently , even Jacinda found him to be an embarrassment.
Oh Dear!
Fifteen years ago, I started doing what it is I do, and the original idea was to see what effect complying with the Kyoto Protocol would have on the generation of electrical power, seeing as the intent was to lower CO2 emissions, and the largest of them was from coal fired power.
So, I wrote what I expected to be a short series, maybe six to eight Posts tops, and cough cough, that would be the end of me.
However, the more I looked the more I found, and the more unrealistic it became for renewables to replace coal fired power, something it will patently ….. NEVER do, and that series morphed into more than 50+ separate Posts, and that just started me off on this journey
So, I canvassed options, every one I could find.
So, here’s the link to Part 21 in that Series.
The sub-title under that is ….. Serious Options Please.
You can read it all if you wish but just scroll down a little to the heading Orbital Solar.
Read it, and it’s only 20 lines.
Okay, here’s the article from the ABC News site this morning – Space-based solar power: How it works, and why it’s being considered now
Almost a carbon copy of what I wrote. A few minor differences, but basically the same.
Oh, now look at the date of my own Post, ….. 5th May 2008.
Why why why when they propose renewable power ideas do they go for the singularly most expensive and totally improbable ideas, and then couch them in terms of ….. hey, this is doable!
Read that ABC piece and just be astonished at how they simplify something so utterly unobtainable.
And there’ll be people saying, yeah that sounds okay, Why not.
Give me strength!
Heard of Dr Nakamats?
The inventor of the floppy disk and over 3,000 patents to his name.
Dr. Nakamats House, completed in 2005, represents the love the inventor has for the earth. With its distinctive floppy-disk-shaped front door, the four-story concrete building is powered, Nakamats claims, by “cosmic energy,” whose source is charged particles (such as the nuclei of atoms) arriving from outer space in rays at roughly the speed of light. A black “antenna” that covers most of one exterior wall collects this energy and distributes it to a converter that then produces enough electricity to power the entire facility and its roughly 30 guest rooms, which Nakamats says are used by scientific luminaries from around the world who congregate to share new ideas. Nakamats even boasts that his system is so prolific that he actually winds up selling excess electricity to Tokyo Electric Power Co.
Now, I wonder why this never went anywhere.
“Now, I wonder why this never went anywhere”
Probably because spinning straw into gold didn’t catch on, either.
ah jeez, I didnt know that was a thing. I’ve been buying mine.
Maybe because the guy is a kook:
Hi Tony.
Thought i would pass this under your radar as something i have tried and tested for over 6 years resulting in slashing my electricity use for heating by an incredible amount.
Well then, like most truly brilliant ideas
, they are simple although there are certain conditions which need to be met when using my technology, but first, a brief description of how it works and why. My idea/solution would work well in places where power generation is being slashed. Thank you for your patience so far.
It was decided by me long ago that lighting a fire or heating the house with a split system heater was a ridiculous idea in my home because it is insulated. I have a thermal imaging camera and the temperature differential of the carpentry is easily contrasted with respect to the empty cavities behind the walls. Heating or cooling the house using traditional methods is just too expensive and decadent and if i may say a bit incongruous.
My solution in the winter is a hair-dryer, although a heat-gun with a good temperature regulation would also do. Of course, i was once a hairdresser so i was well qualified to carry out such experimentation and research without any risk to my well being and safety.
The hair dryer/heat gun nozzle is normally aimed under a jacket. It is also a good practice to wear at least two T shirts so that the hot air is directed between the outside layer of the T shirts and the inside layer of the jacket being worn. Wearing only one T shirt can result in temperature extremes whilst wearing two or more lyers of clothing under the jacket behaves like a buffer zone where heat is moderated and also stored.
In effect, the method is somewhat like a hot air balloon. The effect is relatively instant and satisfies the need for warmth very well indeed. The warmth last for some time and as an example, when the ambient temperature is 10 degrees celsius in my office, a heat gun recharge lasts a good 20 minutes before i need to recharge heat under my jacket. Recharging with heat under my jacket takes about 10 seconds max.
The system i have devised works because the heat is targeted.
Slightly tangential to the subject of heat guns/hair dryers is this dubious scenario………..This heating system would work well with digital identity and global governance by bankers and so on since when combined with a digital identity, a poor slave in this system would be able to go to a friends house for example, if allowed by the artificial intelligence algorithm biometrick recognition system and plug in his/other heat gun and use his/other social carbon credits anywhere at all where there is a smart meter to register its use so that the electricity account is portable. It is easy and unimaginative to anticipate there will be power outlets on park benches ready so that the digital slave class or whatever they end up being called, will simply be able to stay warm there with very little power and cheaply for the slave owners.
Of course heat guns will need to be licensed to ensure they are used safely. Hairdressers and barbers would be exempt from having to provide a heat gun license
OOps…went off on a tangent a bit there sorry Tony
Typo:…ridiculous idea in my home because it is uninsulated
I kid you not!!!
“University of Chicago Professor Martha C. Nussbaum wants to save the world by preventing animals from eating each other in the wild. David Gordon (after pulling himself off the floor) comments on her proposal. | David Gordon”
Her likely fate in limerick
Martha would have been right on board with the people that wanted to “rehome” mice during the last biblical mouse plague in NSW
Don’t know what it is like at your place, but at mine on the mid north coast of NSW it is and has been cold. We almost lit a fire the other night. I can’t recall a Christmas like this ever.
“a Christmas like this ever.”
We’ve had the occasional one in N.Z.
Spent the day , between milkings , in front of the fire.
Up on the Central Tablelands its a year without a summer, but the local AGW zealots aren’t talking about it. Hell could freeze over before friends and family realise they have been duped.
Two days out from mid-summer in NZ , and there’s no sign of it. Rain every day or night.
But the question is – why are the anticyclones so far South this year?
After interminable rain and grey skies, Christmas is turning out to be pretty normal in VIC. Mostly blue skies and high 20s and some low 30s coming.
Monkton doing a long talk on everything climate change, the whole gambit, from science to international spies. Astonishing speaking skills. Never ceases, all off the top of his head. 2 1/2 hours plus.
In fact the whole Tom Nelson series on youtube is good viewing if you have time to kill over the summer. Cricket seems a waste of time. It’s a very good summary of many on the scene.
Expert Says 60% Of China May Get Infected In 3 Months
One of Beijing’s designated crematoria for Covid-19 patients has been flooded with dead bodies in recent days, reported the Wall Street Journal.
Beijing : After the easing of Covid-19 restrictions, China is experiencing a massive surge in coronavirus cases. Hospitals are completely overwhelmed in China, reported Eric Feigl-Ding, an epidemiologist and health economist.
The epidemiologist estimates that more than 60 per cent of China and 10 per cent of Earth’s population are likely to be infected over the next 90 days with deaths likely in the millions.
One of Beijing’s designated crematoria for Covid-19 patients has been flooded with dead bodies in recent days as the virus sweeps through the Chinese capital, offering an early hint at the human cost of the country’s abrupt loosening of pandemic restrictions, reported Wall Street Journal (WSJ)
According to Feigl-Ding, the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) goal is “let whoever needs to be infected, infected, let whoever needs to die, die. Early infections, early deaths, early peak, early resumption of production.”
That’s the way. Let’s get it over with and production of crapola going again…
Ya gotta believe it. The experts have been spot on for the last three years.
If the UK set up one or two crematoria to deal with all the covid positive bodies, they would be inundated, despite a minor proportion actually dying of it, and other causes of death making up the vast majority.
about 11 million people die each year in China
I guess as usual the real number to watch is excess deaths
The Other Lab in Wuhan: The German-Chinese “Laboratory for Virus Research”
The “lab-leak” theory is enjoying a strong revival at the moment, thanks in part to Elon Musk having obliquely endorsed it in a Tweet while clearly point the finger at Anthony Fauci: “As for Fauci, he lied to Congress and funded gain-of-function research that killed millions of people.”
This despite the fact that an article in Science appeared to have already put the theory to rest over a year ago by showing that the initial cluster of Covid-19 cases in Wuhan was located on the opposite (left) bank of the Yangtze River from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which is commonly supposed to be the pandemic’s epicenter according to the “lab-leak” theory.
But unbeknownst to most observers, there was in fact another infectious diseases lab in Wuhan, the German-Chinese Joint Laboratory of Infection and Immunity, and it is located on the same side of the river in the cluster.
A photo of Chancellor Merkel being welcomed by nurses at the hospital reception can be seen here. The accompanying article in the German newspaper Die Süddeutsche Zeitung notes another highly intriguing fact: the Essen University Hospital is not the only German teaching hospital with which Tongji has a “close partnership.”
It also has a partnership with the Charité Hospital in Berlin of Germany’s “state virologist” Christian Drosten! Drosten is the chair of the virology department at the Charité.
Now, it was none other than Christian Drosten who in mid-January 2020 – just a couple of weeks after the initial outbreak of Covid-19 just a stone’s throw from Tongji Hospital – devised the notoriously oversensitive PCR test that would become the “gold standard” for detecting the virus. Since Drosten’s PCR would also and especially be used to test people with no symptoms of the illness, it thus paved the way for the outbreak to obtain pandemic status.
Before the PCR test was adopted by the WHO, Drosten’s paper on it would be rushed through the peer-review process of the EU-funded journal Eurosurveillance in record time: going from submission to acceptance in anywhere from three-and-a-half hours to 27-and-a-half hours per the calculations of Simon Goddek.
According to accompanying tweets and Gettr posts in German, a photo that circulated on the two platforms earlier this year is supposed to show Drosten at a Tongji Medical College (or perhaps joint Tongji-Charité?) event. “What a coincidence,” some of the posts note ironically.
Big old can of worms…
Timeline: The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2
I didn’t realise we were in such exulted company.
The Qld Police union wants the Darling Downs property where the two young police were gunned down to be bought to prevent it falling into “wrong hands”.
I’m shocked, shocked to find that
gambling is going on in herethat police are prejudging a large part of the community as domestic terrorists.51
Just another Psyop.
Possessing a copy of the Brenton Tarrant “manifesto” is a crime in Godzone.
Currently there are a couple of people before the courts here , for sharing .
Mr Leavers seems to have some warped ideology of his own. Common police mentality of grouping the public generally as “the enemy”
Name something more unlikely –
OK, so how is 50% + 1 democracy different? Both pick the pockets of the less organised.
Net zero — The pursuit of the impossible
“So, a combined total of 2.78 billion tonnes of lithium would be needed to solve the problem of intermittency. That represents five times global nickel reserves, 11 times 2018 global cobalt reserves and four times global lithium reserves.”
Albo chips in for poles and wires in NSW.
More covid
“This Was In The Data. Now Its Admitted”
Thanks a i,
I don’t think I’ve seen these words previously:
” The evidence is that getitng jabbed for Covid destroys your existing immunity if you had been previously infected. That is, if you got Covid and recovered then got jabbed the odds were much higher than you’d get it again than if you did not get jabbed following infection. ”
Dave B
Restoring salt water wetlands in Qld is a big win for commonsense.
The dam wall is about to break, let the law suits begin!!
Mass dolphin standings linked to Alzheimer and not global warming.
‘Some mass strandings have been linked to increasing anthropogenic noise in the oceans, but Alzheimer’s-like signs in the brain could support a “sick leader” theory, whereby mostly healthy cetaceans are stranded because they follow a group leader that has become confused or lost.’ (guardian)
Same as the Australian people following Albo who has become confused and lost
Nothing to do with the weakening of the earths magnetic field of course
Nothing to do with offshore wind turbine arrays either of course.
There is a USAF Gulfstream flying from Ramstein, Germany, down the east coast of the US, destination unstated, being tracked by 2,000 people on Flightradar24.
They must think Zelensky is on board, on his way to address congress.
If he has half a brain , he’ll do a runner , I’m thinking.
Does anyone else find it puzzling that, in SSM, people happily use the terms ‘husband’ and ‘wife’ whereas in normal marriage the terms are strongly discouraged?
Annie (Wife and Mother, Grandmother, Greatgrandmother).
Mrs H worked in a large [for a provincial centre] accounting office and she was adamant that her card said Mrs. not Ms. She was the mother of three after all.
The “non binary” lot are doomed to extinction. Procreation requires XX and XY, not fantasies.
One may imagine anything. But Nature gets a vote. And, I do too. Not interested in oddities.