A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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This is my note on the termination of the modern interglacial:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhHtudMEW7WbCojm3?e=5r9GvP
Eemian’s End
‘The last interglacial interval was terminated by the inception of a long, progressive glaciation that is attributed to astronomically influenced changes in the seasonal distribution of sunlight over the earth.’ (Mokeddem et al 2014)
Thankyou Rick, that was most interesting! I will pass it on to my long-term weather man too.
Well done RickWill,
Good to see some intelligent analysis instead of the scare-mongering we get from the MSM and our intellectually-challenged politicians.
No more predictions of catastrophic global warming causing us to burn in Hades although, considering the corruption evident in the world today, perhaps that is where we are inevitably heading, CO2 or no CO2.
Thanks Rick.
I can read it from here without Office but I
If I send the link to someone else it requires Office login. Is there a way you can make it accessible from outside this blog without requiring Office login?
If you can access then download it and email. It is about 2Mb so easy enough to email.
I did not know it required an office login. I access it through safari on my Mac, which does not have office.
Thanks Rick, read the first few paragraphs and it’s shaping up to be very interesting and well laid out.
Curious that as Global Warming catastrophic predictions fail to materialize and Renewal Energy simply fails …
the Climate Change/Renewal Energy narrative has completely consumed the Western World, consuming the Western World.
Considering conditions in my locale, Dubai sounds nice.
‘If climate models were useful predictive tools they could be wound back 500,000 years and reproduce four cycles of glaciation.’
More on the end of the Eemian.
There is the hypothesis of “instantaneous glacierization” and rapid fall of sea level by −70 m below present at 115,000 BP.
Cosmic impact or large volcanic eruptions?
Hi Rick, are you able to provide a simplified version please?
Socialist Morning Herald doing a hit piece on the Bretheren… Dangerous cult.. Rich pricks with giant houses… They’re different, and stick together, just got to be something wrong with them.. They’re not allowed to wear shorts or have TV..
I work for a few of them, and its a shame they don’t run Australia.
Wednesday funny: xmas wishes for all the cats
From all the dogs. 🤣
Wednesday funny: saving on power costs
Not remotely obvious to the meter reader…
The old spoon bypass trick.
They are read wirelessly… no one looks at them
Too much Christmas fare methinks………….
Criminally Prosecuting Trump?
From Armstrong Economics –
“There was NEVER a question that the Democrats began their January 6th investigation with the intent to charge Trump criminally with an insurrection all to prevent him from running for office again in 2024. They have “recommended” that former President Trump should be prosecuted for his role in the Jan. 6 Capitol attacks. This was probably the worst possible thing the Democrats could ever have done to the country. They are solidifying their weaponizing of the rule of law for political gain. They have succeeded in reducing the integrity of the United States to nothing better than a banana republic where they routinely imprison political opponents for political objectives.
Now what? The Republicans get to impeach Biden for the real criminal conduct of taking bribes and using the power of the office to threaten Ukraine to fire a prosecutor investigating the very company his son was hired to put on their board. What about Hunter who is on film with cocaine? If he were Black, he would go to jail for at least 5 years. The Democrats are also now rushing through to reduce the penalty for cocaine. Obviously, they are doing that for Huner. What about all the people in prison for the same thing for decades?
This is all part of the collapse of the United States. Washington is disgusting. It is all about war and they must defeat their opponent regardless if it is good for the country. Perhaps now as we enter 2023, this political corruption is just going to boil to the surface. Even Mitch McConnel, a career politician who hated Trump because he wanted to drain the swamp, joined in to condemn Trump.
People laugh at Donald Trump for questioning the results of the 2020 US Presidential Election, where Joe Biden secured more votes than any other president in American history. How quickly they forget that the entire DNC rejected Trump’s appointment for the duration of his presidency. Remember – “He Ain’t My President!“The Democrats have denied previous elections for every political tier, and some refused to concede. They said Trump incited the January 6 protest by questioning the election results, as if they have never questioned the authenticity of an election.
EVERY election is always rigged! The only question is did it actually affect the outcome? Nobody will dare to actually launch a real investigation into that. When a Grand Jury in 1908 investigated elections in Chicago, they concluded that there was probably NEVER a fair election. It does not matter which side, for they all are in the game.
The Democrats rushed to get this out before the end of the year because the Republics have retaken the House.
The Democrats have totally undermined the integrity of the House. They unanimously agreed to refer Trump for prosecution for multiple offenses including insurrection, which Rep. Jamie Raskin said would disqualify him from holding office, if convicted, which was the whole objective of the investigation. Why was it Unanimous? Because the four Republicans were voted out of the office or decided not to run.
Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo.
Rep. Stephanie Murphy, D-Fla.
Rep. Elaine Luria, D-Va.
Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill.
Not one of these people will be returning to their office. These four Republicans illustrate why Trump was played for as a fool.
Chickenpox and shingles virus lying dormant in your neurons can reactivate and increase your risk of stroke
Over 90% of the world population has the virus that causes chickenpox lying dormant in their nervous system. Most people contract the varicella zoster virus, or VZV, when they get chickenpox as children. For around a third of these people, this same virus will reactivate years later and cause shingles, also called herpes zoster.
While most people are familiar with the painful rash that VZV causes for shingles, a wide spectrum of other complications can also occur even without visible skin symptoms. Among the most severe is stroke, in particular ischemic stroke, which occurs when the blood supply to the brain is restricted by narrowing arteries or blocked by a clot.
People with shingles have an approximately 80% higher risk of stroke than those without the disease, and this risk stays elevated for up to a year after the rash has resolved. Stroke risk is nearly doubled for those with the rash on their face, and tripled for those under the age of 40.
We wanted to see whether shingles patients develop exosomes that carry proteins involved in blood clotting, increasing their risk of stroke. So we isolated exosomes from the blood of 13 patients at time of shingles rash and compared them to exosomes isolated from healthy donors.
When we analyzed the contents of these exosomes, we found that shingles patients had nine times higher levels of clotting proteins than healthy patients. Moreover, we found the exosomes of shingles patients still had elevated levels of these proteins three months after their initial rash.
To functionally confirm that the contents of these exosomes can induce clotting, we exposed platelets – cell fragments involved in blood clotting – of healthy people to exosomes from either shingles patients or healthy people. We found that exposing platelets to shingles exosomes triggered them to clump together and form aggregates with other types of blood cells, as they would in forming a blood clot.
These findings suggest that exosomes may be a potential mechanism for how the varicella zoster virus increases stroke risk for shingles patients.
Reactivation you say? Now what could cause that…
Yes, and go talk to you doctor about shingles and be prepared. That’s what all the ads say. But they’e not “drug” ads, they’e not allowed. They are “awareness” ads, sometimes paid by government like the COVID early anti-virals. Oh look…there’s some new drugs that you can take. Amazing timing that. It’s almost as if they premeditated it.
Are you suggesting that the Shingles vaccine does the “reactivating”?
There are at least 2 shingles vaccines
There are many varieties of herpes vaccines.
I would contend that at least one of the vaccines did “aggravate” at least one of the quiescent herpes viruses.
Cambridge Dictionary Changes Definition Of ‘Man’ And ‘Woman’
Cambridge Dictionary is being blasted by critics online for revising the definition of “man” and “woman” to include people who do not identify with the sex they were at birth.
“Man” is now includes the definition “an adult who lives and identifies as a male though they may have been said to have a different sex at birth.”
In the same vein, the updated definition of “woman” reads “an adult who lives and identifies as female though they may have been said to have a different sex at birth.”
“Cambridge Dictionary is only the latest. If we don’t stop them from erasing women our civilization is [not going to make it],” she claimed.
Dan McLaughin, a senior writer at National Review, viewed the revision as dystopian as opposed to progressive.
“1984 wasn’t supposed to be a how-to manual,” he tweeted.
Still, some social media users pushed back on the backlash, labeling critics transphobic and celebrating the changes as more inclusive.
“Guess what transphobes are upset about now? You guessed the dictionary, didn’t you,” Evan Urquhart of Assigned Media tweeted.
“[Trans-exclusionary radical feminists] ganna [sp] blow a gasket,” sculptor Daniel Lismore shared. “Trans people deserve to be recognized for who they are.”
Have no doubt – I fully recognise you trans-fad-followers for what you are.😎
Because of that (traditional and very old) wokeness of Cambridge I prefer to use Oxford dictionaries. And, of course, American Heritage and Webster’s.
Dr. Peter McCullough: Prepandemic myocarditis 4 cases/million/yr.
Now with administered products 25,000 cases/million on shot 2 or 3.
No doubt the experts are baffled. Probably permanently.
United Nations Preparing their One World Government
The resolution “Towards a New International Economic Order,” reaffirmed the United Nation’s need for power to continue working towards a new international economic order based on the principles of equity, sovereign equality, interdependence, common interest, cooperation, and solidarity among all States. It passed from 123 to 50.
All this represents is a drastic turn to a world of authoritarianism as they do what Karl Marx tried and failed – ELIMINATE the Business Cycle. Our ECM Model on the United Nations’ next turning point comes up to March 18/19th, 2023. This is leading into the chaos between January and May of 2023, which is also 31.4 years from the fall of the USSR.
Mother nature will no doubt add some excitement to the mix…
Here we go again.
A new resolution has been passed.
“The UN’s need for power to continue working towards a new international economic order.”
The UN uses the words equity, equality, interdependence, common interest, cooperation, and solidarity.
All good words alone, yet when placed together, one can see the intent.
They may as well say: Wealth distribution, control, oversight, coercion and submission.
The UN need to be smarter and not just cut and paste from the marxist agenda.
Even a simple fool like me can see what is happening.
As heat shock proteins were mentioned recently in relation to saunas. HSP’s can be good and bad, playing a role in autoimmunity and cytokine production.
‘HSPs and autoimmunity. Bacterial HSPs, particularly Hsp60 and Hsp70, are highly immunogenic capable of inducing antibody production and T cell activation. The antibodies and T cells against bacterial Hsp60 and Hsp70 also recognize mammalian Hsp60 and Hsp70 respectively, as a result of cross reactivity. These anti-Hsp60 and anti-Hsp70 antibodies and T cells injure tissues and cause inflammatory reactions. Thus, Hsp60 and Hsp70 have been implicated in
the pathogenesis of a number of autoimmune diseases and inflammatory conditions such as Type-1 diabetes, Crohn’s disease , atherosclerosis, and juvenile chronic arthritis.’
A sauna may be anti-inflammatory for healthy people but may worsen autoimmunity in some.
gregg said:
Is that with or without the icewater dunk when jumping in?
I’d say ‘pity the poor Kiwis’, but it is likely similar anti-citizen activities are planned for us in Australia too. If not already in place! Is YOUR neighbour/dad/colleague an extremist?
Absolutely! All countries that are America’s lapdogs will be doing it, they know their time is nearly up.
Terrorist- Conducts training in survivalist tactics for no legitimate reason… I’d say these days learning survivalist tactics should be on everyone’s ‘to-do’ list, there is no illegitimate reason for learning skills like that!
..and people USING A VPN..! Definite terrorists if they won’t let the Gov into every tiny detail of their life!
I’m sure those behind it believe in it passionately, its their bum on a seat in a good job, but I find it sickening.
I expect the Qld shootings will be the excuse for it to come in here, just watch what happens while everyone is on holiday.
When you want to be an ass, at least identify USA rather than “America” so that the right people hear you.
The rest of your comment is pretty odd.
Under the definitions listed on page 8….
…. Jacinda Ardern comes under the “Violent Extremist” category.
Definitely – a successful violent extremist, unfortunately.
America’s Favorite Engineer Takes His Final Revenge On Package Thieves With GlitterBomb 5.0
Mark Rober mastered a level of punishment that leftist counties won’t get with reduced police budgets and district attorneys who refuse to lock up criminals.
America’s favorite engineer is back and ready to take his final revenge on San Francisco’s plethora of package thieves with a new and improved GlitterBomb.
Armed with mini autonomous glitter-carrying drones, a 360 camera, and 50 times more f@rt spray than in previous years, Mark Rober’s GlitterBomb 5.0 is intricately designed to teach California’s thieves a lesson about stealing from porches and parked vehicles.
The YouTuber, famous for his backyard squirrel obstacle courses and outside-the-box experiments like dropping an egg from space, first started the GlitterBomb series in 2018 after two porch pirates pilfered a $6 package from his front door. Rober tried to turn the not-so-sneaky thieves over to law enforcement using video evidence, but when the police did nothing, he took matters into his own hands.
Rober didn’t just want to stop criminals from stealing his valuables, he wanted to give them a taste of their own medicine. With a GlitterBomb contraption disguised as eye-catching technology, Rober took to the streets of California to go what he calls “full ‘Home Alone’” on the scummy people who steal Christmas gifts and other expensive possessions to resell for a profit online.
Anyone who successfully snatches the packages strategically planted by Rober and crew is suddenly and unknowingly transformed from a perpetrator into a victim. Once the thieves think they are safely back in their own homes or cars with the new treasure in tow, Rober remotely tasks the armed box with doing its worst.
Women, men, and even children involved in stealing the special parcel are met with an assault of the world’s finest glitter from sky-bound drones and a stinky spray that Rober confirmed takes days to air out of fabric such as carpet and chairs. A loud beeping, countdown, and soundbites from police radio recordings further confuse the criminals who frantically try to dispose of the obnoxious-smelling, noisy device by any means necessary.
Where Soft-on-Crime Counties Fail, Rober’s GlitterBomb Succeeds
I liked them all! Shocking how righteous the criminals and their kids were about it being ‘a scam’!
After Premier Glady’s sold NSW poles and wires to the free market, so she could build tunnels, the world has moved on. Now Albo and the Premier are going in with bags of money to build a bigger system, this enterprise is government owned and run.
They should put it under ground whenever possible and damn the cost.
“They should put it under ground whenever possible and damn the cost.”
I agree completely, how long would the return be, not to mention the lack of disruption to users.
Much of USA is heading for a lot of global warming and I am not being sarcastic.:
This is where “global warming” is having most impact. On land north of 40Nin WINTER. Snow is a visible indication of heat advection from ocean to land. Atmospheric ice emits at around 240K (based on 800m average land elevation). That is colder than what the radiating temperature would be if the skies were clear. So ice cloud is warming land that has next to no sunshine this time of year. That warming is reflected in snowfall.
Yes, just as the Tim Flanneries of the world forecast.
I must have misunderstood what they meant when they said that the children of today won’t know what snow is.
This BS is busted so can you peddle their crap elsewhere.
[I think you misunderstand RickWill. He’s a skeptic. – Jo]
There has been no global warming for a decade, due to oceanic oscillations.
Antartica and Southern Ocean have been cooling for 40 years, a trend no less, does this fit your hypothesis?
It is not my hypothesis. I am just showing the obvious.
If you read the note linked at #1 above, you would see that I highlight the lack of rapidly rising trend in the SH, which is consistent with declining peak solar intensity.
The average temperature below 55S has no trend. The SH will progressively cool from south to north as the peak intensity moves northward.
I cannot understand how the idea of CO2 altering the energy balance has got so much traction. Once you understand it cannot alter the energy balance then you open your mind to what is causing the changes.
The NH will continue to warm until the ice begins to accumulate. That is only happening in Greenland and Iceland.
We are at least decades away from an overall cooling trend.
‘We are at least decades away from an overall cooling trend.’
Strongly disagree, a mini ice age has begun and we are only waiting for a large volcanic eruption.
“warming is occurring in freezing conditions”
Science is not my first language, so I’m a bit confused.
– Loretta R Smith
I shall cite the Prophecies …
BTW … we only 1028 have days left.
The computer modeling has gotten really precise.
I suggest on day 1027 we drink the Kool Aid, lie in bed, and await ascension to The Mothership.
(I hope it’s the Nordics and not those Reptilian things.)
Most people are confused on this point because they have been blinded by the use of anomalies. Greenland plateau is one of the fastest warming places on Earth. The minimum temperature has risen almost 10C in the last 70 years. But when you look at that rise you see it is from -30C to -20C. That is how everyone is being duped. Warming is not global and it is mostly occurring in freezing conditions.
Notice how Greenland is mostly red. That is greater than 4C increase in average temperature. You do not get an ice block much warmer than 0C so all that warming on Greenland is below freezing.
When snow is forming, it is reducing heat loss so is warming – more snow means more warming.
Anyone looking at the NASA anomaly image with an ounce of skepticism would know NASA are conning people. It is a sad joke that they are having on civilisation.
‘Warming is not global and it is mostly occurring in freezing conditions.’
Except Antartica, its a bipolar world.
Rick said:
conningcunningFixed for you.
Here in in Northeastern Ohio, US, we are expecting extreme global warming over the next few days:
Thursday: High 43F ( 6.1c), Low 13F (-10.5c)
Friday: High 20F ( -6.6c), Low 3F (-16.1c)
Saturday: High 11F (-11.6c), Low 9F (-12.7c)
Christmas: High 15F ( -9.4c), Low 9F (-12.7c)
Leftoids are generally useless and destructive but it’s good that Kerryn Phelps and its* wife have broken the Leftoid code of silence and admitted to personal, severe, covid vaccine injury.
Maybe our Leftoid government will take notice that it’s now not just members of the thinking community who are concerned about the dangers of this almost untested experimental product.
*Sorry, don’t know its pronouns.
Maybe we will slowly find out who in Govt got the vax and who got saline…
Interesting video about “The Deadliest Virus on Earth”, Rabies lyssavirus in cartoon form.
I wonder if Fauci has been sponsoring the Chicomms to do “gain of function” research on it?
I got immunised for rabies (three injections) a few years ago when I went to Tibet and Nepal for treks in the Himalayas although some of it was at altitudes where there were few or no visible life forms, just rocks.
Coincidentally I watched this last week.
Rabies is no threat if caught early enough.
Didn’t help Old Yeller!
Practical immunology
A friend was a vet student in US. That was monitoring their rabies titre and keeping it up to scratch.
Germany: Excess deaths are up 19%
Parliament Vice President Calls For Investigation into Covid ‘Vaccine’ Deaths and Damages
Another call for investigation.
How long before doctors and others “just following orders” start changing their tune en-masse in an effort to save themselves?
A change of opinion on the COVID-19 vaccines by London-based Professor Angus Dalgleish:
Video: A very angry retired US Marine comments on the disastrous surgery of “celebrity” transgender child Jazz Jennings, now an adult. Very sad and confronting. Needless to say, woke parents and woke transgender “surgeon”.
Stop attempting to treat mental illness with surgery! That went out with the frontal lobotomy and was appropriately discredited.
Another awakening
“It took awhile but eventually Tim Robbins came to realize that something was awry with the Covid narrative.”
From there
“If you happen to recall what fueled your skepticism of The Narrative™, please do share.”
let me share: When diagnosed with pericardial effusion (the young cousin of myocarditis)
“A Christmas Parable
“The powerful are panicking, and so they should. Their secrets are leaking.” —Miranda Devine, The New York Post”
” Of course, the professional and managerial class also happens to be the most stalwart group of vaccine champions in the land and thus the most psychologically invested in thinking they did the right thing taking all those shots — while forcing as many others to submit, whether they consented or not. The psychology of previous investment is a prime generator of self-delusion. It looks like that class of people will be proven incorrect the hard way. It turns out, after all, that the mRNA “vaccines” were very effective — but only at being deadly. The excess mortality has already kicked in. It’s 18 percent above normal, for instance, in Australia right now, because they’re keeping track. Our officials don’t want to keep track. They don’t want to know, and they certainly don’t want you to know. This is what you get when you make war against truth and reality.”*-nation/a-christmas-parable/
Sounds like one could start a book on which of our notables will be the first
“Diversity, a one-way street”
File under “Ridiculii”
In NZ the fightback against the outright lies of Jacinda Ardern is well under way.
Is the same thing happening in OZ, or does the ascendancy of Albanese indicate that OZ media are still gutless?
The media were responsible for putting”always sleasy”in the top job.Only 32%voted for this idiot.
Socialist Morning Herald ran a hit piece on the spinach farm this morning, I wondered why they bought up a court case form 2018 when the only link was the other side’s lawyer saying the farm had poor weed control. They didn’t know the details of the outcome, just that obviously the farm was the Bad Guy..
“The Age and Herald are not suggesting that this legal dispute is linked to the recent batch of contaminated spinach, only that concerns were raised about its handling of crops as far back as 2018.”
As a vegetable grower I can see that “applying the herbicides, its carrot and corn crops had been slow to mature and stunted in size, while the carrots also “experienced bleaching or burning”.” is not going to be caused by weeds. The farm sued the chemical companies for contamination in their herbicides.
Then I came to the line that explained it all…
“Riviera Farms is directed by Nelson Cox, a respected local elder of the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church” So they’re still giving the Brethren a hard time.
More “Power and Glory”
“Alberta electrical grid alert second time in less than 24 hours, fourth time this month”
“Tuesday in Alberta – frigid cold, wind turbines produce squat, so does solar, and power demand goes through the roof”
“Did I forget to mention that price spiked at its maximum $1,000 per megawatt, again? And the province is shutting down its last exclusively coal units in a few weeks? The net result is Alberta, one of the most energy-rich places on the planet, just had its third ‘grid alert’ this month, asking people to reduce their power usage at supper last night.”
And now
Getting them used to the “real thing”?
I’m a little skeptical of a return to summer in 2023.
‘The first few weeks of December have been unusually cold over large areas of southern and southeastern Australia. Amid a series late-season cold fronts, Melbourne endured its coldest first half of December since 2001 and Victoria registered its lowest summer temperature on record.
‘However, this run of cold weather is coming to an end and summer heat is about to hit back across the nation’s south.’ (Weatherzone)
It’s interesting that the BOM, and subsequently the MSM, never report the unusually long cold spells, but go to town the moment we have a hot day.
I had lunch yesterday with some friends including an 82 years old male who commented on the particularly cold nights we are experiencing and then without me prompting said that global warming is nonsense and in his opinion cooler and maybe colder years are what we must learn to live with.
Not another climate emergency and hottest day since ………?
More ChatGPT
“I’d solve this with a pen, paper, closed classroom and a time limit, but that’s just me.: AI poses dangers the calculator never did. Calculators only gave students objective numbers. ChatGPT offers students a bottomless stew of prepackaged political beliefs, opinions presented as scientific facts, and outright errors.”
Hi Jo
Relaying a compliment
I was just told “what a ray of sanity it is to read this blog”
Not if you happen to be a Green or Labor supporter, they believe people who read this blog are insane.
She is a teacher so meets a lot of them. But is fully capable of doing her own thinking.
Humboldt Current Turned Off
‘In a development likely related to ENSO, the cold Humboldt Current off the West Coast of South America appears to be weakening and possibly shutting down. The past 30 days have produced much warmer ocean surface temperatures in this region (Fig. 3). Also implied is weakening of the La Nina pattern’ (Climate Impact Company).