A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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The past eight years have been the warmest eight years on record. 2022 was nominally ranked as the 5th warmest year in the Berkeley Earth data set, and in the ERA5 and JRA-55 reanalysis. It was ranked as the 6th warmest year in the HadCRUT5, NOAAGlobalTemp and NASAGISTEMP data sets.,all%20datasets%20compiled%20by%20WMO.
ExxonMobil correctly forecast projected warming of 0.20° ± 0.04°C per decade in the late 1970’s.
Which record? This record has it warming since 1660 AD.
Not so surprising to have warming when the world has been warming since the Little Ice Age
Simply Simon, we should expect warmer years as a warming world warms.
(A small warning about the hockey stick in Wikipedia ‘Mike’s Nature Trick’. The Team should have continued their proxy data and not spliced on the adjusted instrumental records.)
Gidday Simon – all those temperature timeseries you are quoting feature stations lists riddled with most major urban heat islands on Planet Earth.
They also include thousands of smaller population centres like typical Aussie country towns where the UHI could be increasing faster than in big cities.
They also include thousands of stations that have moved to airports – airports are often centres for urbanization and collections of businesses that want to be near the transport hub. And these stations are shown to be increasingly UHI contaminated too artificialy warming the timeseries you are quoting.
Now looking at thermometers from micro urban centres with populations of hundreds to a few thousand that rarely make it into the station lists of the big UN IPCC compliant Orgs like GISS, NASA, NOAA, CRU etc.
BoM people did research into western Victorian sites over 20 years ago now.
showing easily detectable UHI in small & v small Vic townships.
I think it is game set & match Simon.
And their “algore-rhythms” spread that urban warming over huge areas, creating a totally bogus set of unrepresentative non-data.
Your theory doesn’t explain why sparsely populated boreal regions are warming at twice the rate as the global average.,the%20global%20average%20(1).
‘ … our analysis suggests that it becomes less resilient in the sense that it may more easily shift into a sparse woodland or treeless state.’
That can only happen with a drop in temperature. Off the top of my head, the Younger Dryas would be a good test bed to test the theory.
Where are the temperature stations in these “sparsely populated boreal regions” ?
They say “Together with tundra, it is warming more rapidly than other biomes—approximately twice as fast as the global average ”
But where is the temperature data ?
And yes, we know EVERYWHERE is warming twice as fast as everywhere else. ! 😉
And yes, we KNOW that increased atmospheric CO2 enhances plant growth, making it more resilient to both heat and cold.
Seems Simon was unable to find the relevant raw temperature data… that was not in the paper…
So unusual 😉
Poor Simon, conned by the mantra, yet again.
“are warming at twice the rate as the global average”
Since the “global average” has been COOLING since the 2015/16 El Nino, and was not warming at all from 2001-2015…
… their comment is totally and absolutely meaningless. !
The Arctic is warming four times faster than the global average.
Europe is hotting up more than twice the global average
The Middle East region is heating up twice as fast as rest of globe.
Africa is warming faster than rest of world:
China warming up faster than rest of the world:
Countries in the eastern Mediterranean and West Asia are warming twice as fast as the global average. Pakistan:warming twice as fast as the rest of the world
Singapore is heating up twice as fast as the rest of the world“.
The Atlantic Ocean is warming the fastest.
Over the past 50 years, the U.S. has warmed 68 percent faster than the planet as a whole.
All the above global warming headlines were published in 2022.
The UK has recorded an average annual temperature of more than 10℃ for the first time, the Met Office has said, but that applies only to the last 24 years – the long hot summer of 1976 doesn’t count.
And Australia had a cool year and Antarctica (the main bit, not that over the undersea volcanoes) hasn’t warmed in 70 years.
And call me eccentric but I am unable to see how the Greenland ice cap warming up from minus 40℃ to minus 20℃ (if it did) will result in ice melting and sea levels rising.
During the Younger Dryas there was a replacement of forest in Scandinavia with glacial tundra (which is the habitat of the plant Dryas octopetala)’ (wiki)
22 years ago Simon I published –
USSR High Magnitude Climate Warming Anomalies 1901-1996
Describing chapter & verse how warming trends from grid cells containing UHI dominated USSR city data were being smeared into adjacent rural grid cells.
Global warming was significantly boosted by USSR warming.
Perfectly describes the emergence from the LIA and then being in the warm phase of the AMO. Simon, you are going to have to do better than that. Your adherence to the consensus narrative is the lowest form of logic and reason possible.
“Your adherence to the consensus narrative is the lowest form of logic and reason possible.”
We expect nothing more from they/them.
Hadcrud5 warming is almost totally dues to “adjustments”
NOAA, NASAGISS are known to be maladjusted nonsense due to continual data tampering.
And sorry, but the human record length is too small to be relevant to anything, especially as the planet IS BARELY A DEGREE OR SO ABOVE THE COLDEST PERIOD IN 10,000 YEARS
And even if there has been some highly beneficial warming out of that dreadful cold period…
… There is absolutely ZERO EVIDENCE that any of it is caused by human released CO2.
You have proven that fact many times.
The only reasonably stable, well-spaced and hence reliable measurement of atmospheric temperatures, UAH, has 2022 as 13th warmest out of 44 years
This is not surprising seeing the strong solar forcing into the oceans over the last 70 or so years.
The effect of El Nino energy released is clearly evident as the ONLY warming in the whole satellite data.
Between those El Ninos, there was no atmospheric warming.. no CO2 warming signal whatsoever.
Here is a chart of the 30 year trailing TSI average, showing very clearly why it has been somewhat less cold over the last few decades.
“on record.”
Since satellite records started 40years ago… providing they don’t ‘adjust’ those too. Oh wait..
“After correcting for problems caused by the decaying orbit of satellites, as well as other factors, they have produced a new record showing 36% faster warming since 1979 and nearly 140% faster (i.e. 2.4 times larger) warming since 1998. ”
No-one with a brain would believe the current ground thermometer records.
According to NOAA the past eight years have been trending dow.
Odd, seems to me that the precipice of cold is a lot closer and worrisome than the precipice of warm.
Fudging those figures is really paying off.
Some of you are arguing that the temperature records are wrong because they are homogenised whereas the rest are arguing they are wrong because they are not homogenised to account for the urban heat island effect. Which is it?
Consider how it can be six distinctly different temperature records and methodologies can result in almost identical time series.
Many of you also still don’t yet seem to understand that satellites measure irradiance which is calibrated with radiosondes to estimate tropospheric temperature. We live on the planet’s surface, not 2km up in the atmosphere.
But IPCC says the troposphere warming the surface by back radiation, so if it isn’t getting warmer how can it be increasing surface temperature.?
??? The troposphere is warming.
UAH shows warming is ONLY at NON-CO2 force El Ninos. !
(ignore RSS, they adjust using “climate models”.. how farcical is that !)
The 30 year trailing TSI graph shows why its been less cold since the LIA.. Thank goodness !!!
And as you keep showing us, there is absolutely ZERO scientific evidence that the highly beneficial warming since the LIA has anything to do with human released CO2
You don’t seem to understand how ENSO works. El Niño does not magically create heat from nowhere. It comes from the ocean which absorbs more heat in La Niña years due to upwelling in the Eastern Pacific ocean.
“El Niño does not magically create heat from nowhere.”
OMG.. that’s why I showed you the TSI data.
Accusing me of not understanding ? That’s funny.
You are the one thinking that CO2 causes magical, fantasy warming
And where is that scientific evidence of CO2 warming…
The evidence that you continue to bat negative on !
Not only has TSI been high for several decades, (see graph elsewhere)…
… but the cloud cover over the tropical oceans has decreased during that period.
Absolutely nothing to do with humans or human CO2
LOL, you really are confused, aren’t you.
The fact is, that NOAA, GISS etc are KNOWN to be based on a majority of URBAN or AIRPORT affected data.
The adjustment made via their FAKE homogenisation should be COOLING THE PRESENT. but instead, they cool the past. Totally wrong.
Homogenisation is used ostensibly as a totally bogus method of creating FAKE WARMING.
The surface data is measured in Urban ares.. it is NOT in any way, representative of global temperatures.
The ONLY pristine, non-urban-affected data, USCRN, trend-matches the satellite data over the US very closely, showing that the satellite data is actually a very good indicator of global surface temperatures trends.
The surface data fabrications, on the other hand, are certainly NOT representative of global temperatures trends.
I didn’t realise you were an expert on temperature homogenisation. What is your preferred methodology for deriving station cross-correlation matrices?
Poor Simon, continues to be clueless on everything.
Yes, I know how the homogenisation routines are used.
And it is totally the wrong way.. it is fakery from start to finish.
Why not use the actual REAL data, and stop fudging it. Stop pretending stations 1500km apart should have the same trend.. its nonsense.
And somehow, if you really need to create a fantasy “global” number, make proper allowance for the few degrees of Urban warming that occur at practically every site.
But we no longer need to use the hugely corrupted surface stations..
We have a much more stable and realistic method using satellites. (Trend-matches the only pristine surface data available, also trend matched balloons etc
And those satellite show NO WARMING for some 39 out of the 44 years. Just solar forced El Nino events.
There is absolutely ZERO CO2 warming signal in the satellite data.
There is a clear warming trend:
Just as predicted by Exxon scientists in the 1970’s:
A monkey can be taught to use a ruler.
But that doesn’t mean it comprehends or understands what it is doing..
The ONLY warming in the UAH data is at El Ninos.. PERIOD.
RSS V4 has made themselves irrelevant by their methodology.
A couple of Exxon scientists assumed the fallacy of CO2 warming.. so what !.
They also knew the sun was having what is described as a “Grand Solar Maximum” as shown by the graph you either deliberately ignore or cannot comprehend,.
They DID NOT predict that warming would only come at El Nino events.
Now, I’ll ask yet again..
Where is your scientific evidence for warming by human released CO2.
You just keep prancing around making nonsense statements.
And please not a nebulous load of mantra drivel propaganda again..
Provide something with some actual scientific relevance… if you can find a clue what that is. !
“Consider how it can be six distinctly different temperature records and methodologies can result in almost identical time series.”
Its called “COLLABORATION” !
BEST uses all the WORST data they can find.. says urban effects don’t matter… their whole aim is to match the other urban surface data sets..
All the others use the same sparsely space, erratic, urban and airport data.. and the same homogenisation fabrication methods.
Often that data is also pre-adjusted by NCDC and others such as BoM.
Even as a measure of URBAN surface temperatures, it is highly adjusted to show more warming.. It is basically NONSENSE.
Hi Simon,
Put simply, it is a case of where you draw your baseline to compare against. At NASA states “Part of what makes Earth so amenable is its natural greenhouse effect, which keeps the planet at a friendly 15 °C (59 °F) on average. But in the last century or so, humans have been interfering with the planet’s energy balance, mainly through the burning of fossil fuels that add carbon dioxide to the air. The level of carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere has been rising consistently for decades and traps extra heat near Earth’s surface, causing temperatures to rise.” Clearly NASA is stating that the global average surface temperature should be 15 °C without man’s interference. At “Averaged across land and ocean, the 2021 surface temperature was 1.51 °F (0.84 °Celsius) warmer than the twentieth-century average of 57.0 °F (13.9 °C) and 1.87 ˚F (1.04 ˚C) warmer than the pre-industrial period (1880-1900).” In other words, according to NASA we should be 15 °C and according to NOAA, during 2021 we were 14.74 °C. If, as NASA clearly state, Earth should be 15 °C, then it is obvious that temperatures should rise towards this climate optimum, especially if we deliberately pick a starting point that is much lower in the first place. It is irrelevant that the last 8 years are the warmest on record if your baseline is bogus, particularly as we are not yet at the climate optimum – according to NASA.
January the first was the hottest day of the year so far!
Maybe that should read on January the first it was the hottest day all year but the next day was half a degree hotter which was unprecedented!
In total contrast to what Simon is saying, Grasham Lloyd, in the morning’s The Weekend Australian, clearly shows that Australia is NOT experiencing any of what Simon claims.
Graham points out that 2022 is likely to be the eigth-warmest globally, wth Australia experiencing the 22nd-warmest since 1910. And despite the floods, 2022 was the ninth-wettest year. Also multi-year rainfall deficiences have been almost entirely removed from the eastern states. And consecutive La Ninas are relatively common, having occurred about half of all past events since 1900. Geaham emphasis that this is all natural variability.
THe comments today will be very interesting…
Thanks; sated of Simon’s antics I’d bypassed straight to #2 and idly spotted your counter claim.
“with Australia experiencing the 22nd-warmest since 1910”
UAH Australia shows 2022 as 18th warmest out of 44 years
And of course let’s not forget all this REALLY WARM years before 1910 that BoM conveniently “forgets” 😉
_on record_ says it all. He who controls the records controls the future.
He that controls YOUR records controls YOUR future.
Future is a funny word.
Controlling where you go, what you purchase, tracking your associations, and what you say, is way better for THEY/THEM.
A future and a life may be two different things.
As for me, I chose a life over a future about 1969.
Not for everybody.
It’s the choice we need to preserve.
Never Surrender Dorothy.
Curious, but consistent.
And affirming.
[Just the autofilter]AD
From the WSJ: “The vehicle Ms. Boonyopakorn settled on was an electric subcompact called the Ora Good Cat from China’s Great Wall Motor. It cost her 763,000 baht, equivalent to about $22,000, with the help of around $4,000 in government subsidies. That made it less expensive than a gas-powered Toyota Corolla or Honda Civic.”
In other news: Population of Russia & China -down
Population of India – up
As a follow-on from the Fitzroy Thurs discussion, the photos of road trains crossing the flood plain was I believe taken on the Port Hedland to Broome road, where the water was up to 300 mm deep over the road. A barge was loaded with trailers of food and sent from Port Hedland to Broome, but before it arrived in Broome, the trucks had already got through. There was also a photo of a LNG road train crossing the flood plain, as Broome derives its power from an LNG power station, with diesel as backups. The gas is compressed down in Karratha and sent north by road trains.
At least we now know that the entire territory where the Sun Cable solar panels were to go is fine and dandy with regards to environmental concerns. No rare bats or frogs in that bit of turf. Good spot for a nuclear reactor perhaps or an open-cut mine.
You can be certain that if someone wants to build a mine or nuclear reactor on that site of the formerly proposed 120 sq km of solar panels, that there will be the sudden discovery of rare and endangered species or sacred Aboriginal sites.
I recall many decades ago seeing an elaborate cartoon that was a snakes and ladders game describing how to get a mining project to production.
One of the snakes that set you back was “discover mandatory sacred site”
We went from Monday Open Thread to Friday Open Thread.
Has there been a temporal anomaly?
CERN up again?
Mandela effect?
Thank dawg it’s Friday effect?
The Gee Aye effect ! They/them never knows what day it is.
Friday 13th strikes again.
Indeed, some gremlins at work. Obviously the Monday Open thread had to go…
Virginia bill would recognize a fetus as a carpool lane passenger
Lawmakers say she’s driving for two.
A fetus would be recognized as a “passenger” in carpool lanes and toll booths on Virginia expressways, according to a new state bill.
Under the legislation, sponsored by Delegate Nicholas Freitas (R-Orange County), a woman must provide “proof of pregnancy” to the state’s Transportation Department to get the privileged driving status.
So now the unborn as recognised as people eh…
What if someone identifies as a baby, like a liberal? 😁
The cognitive dissonance forces them to regress . How long before the trans community strapon pregnancy prosthesis and demand equality ?
I believe they already have them along with the buttbaby etc.
P.S. It’s a bad idea to search for “trans strapon”. 😆😆😆😆
Imagine a game of Top Trumps where the players (all lefties) decide between them the relative score of the cards as they were playing, and can change at any time.
That’s the world we’re living in now, because those very same type of people are calling the shots.
Jeez, I would gladly chip in to fund a move to a platform where commenters can edit their posts, at least for a few minutes.
Meanwhile, gooder gramma spoked here and typos are grate.
Perhaps someone can find a Plugin with a good reputation that allows for comment edits for self managed wordpress sites?
Maybe like this comment edit plugin?
I try and use the preview button before posting a comment , which helps but if I’m in a hurry it’s easy to make a typo .
Meanwhile, a third repository of highly classified documents have been unearthed at Joe’s home, garage and former think-tank. The mainstream media is pundit-splaining how this is the antithesis of the Trump case. I expect that we’ll next be ‘splained how Democrat degrees-celsius/fahrenheit are SO different from their Republican counterparts, and Republican gravity is racist/much worse than the Democrat variety!
It was a Republican that proposed the legislation rrecognising the fetus as a person.
Democrats don’t recognise feti as persons.
Harvard Medical School Endorses LGBTQIA+ Infants
Harvard Medical School students can learn about how to provide healthcare to “infants” who are LGBTQIA+, according to a course catalog description.
“Caring for Patients with Diverse Sexual Orientations, Gender Identities, and Sex Development,” a regularly available med school course, promises to give students a chance to work with “patients [who] identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex or asexual.”
The course description explicitly includes infants — i.e., babies less than 1 year old.
Prelingual babies would not be able to share the details of their perverse sexual proclivities even if they had any. But this doesn’t matter, because the LGBTism comes from woke parents, until kids are old enough for schools to provide indoctrination in progressive sexual ideology.
How does a baby identify as anything, let alone comprehend such choices or have the capacity to verbalise them?
Oh Harvard…you have sunk to Mariana Trench level haven’t you…
At first I thought this had to be from the Babylon Bee, but its for real…
However, it is unclear whether a foetus in the driver’s seat may be in breach.
Unfortunately any accident would be foetal.
Especially if the breach involved a delivery van
You guys are on fire!
Like a Lithium Battery charging in the sun!
Like a copper cable chewed by a rat in your roof!
Fake Western Blots Submitted by Pfizer to Several Regulatory Agencies.
Top EMA officials were clearly in on the scam, so were the FDA and TGA.
This is about Pfizer’s Chemistry Manufacturing and Controls (CMC) documentation submitted to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in Australia. I read the tweet with great interest. The part about “fragments” relates to the now well known, documented and never resolved issue of broken RNA pieces floating in the vats (batches) of Pfizer and Moderna and other defense contractors’ toxic concoctions of “medical countermeasures”. RNA is fragile and breaks easily especially when exposed to water, and while modifications have been made to make it more stable, mRNA still breaks into pieces of unpredictable length, some smaller some larger. For example, the EMA reviewers freaked out about this issue (rightly!), called it a genetic impurity (correctly!), and brought it up as a Major Objection (formal regulatory red flag) at the end of 2020, immediately before the deployment of these biological agents on the global population.
Pfizer was asked by the regulators to characterize the proteins that are being expressed by their injection. This is not only a reasonable request, it is a regulatory must-have. The manufacturer is obligated to fully elucidate the claimed mechanism of action of their product. In fact, as Phillip Altman, a highly experienced regulatory consultant from Australia points out, since Pfizer’s (and Moderna’s) products do not deliver the therapeutic/prophylactic substance directly, and make your own body produce it – these “countermeasures” are in regulatory terms “pro-drugs”. This puts an even more stringent requirement for demonstrating conclusively that the pro-drug is making the correct drug upon injection.
“Correct” means that everything declared by the manufacturer matches products of the experimental testing, every time, under a range of conditions, from every batch or vial or dose, and in everybody subjected to this. In case of the protein, the first thing would be to visualize and size them (Western blotting), but to fully understand what proteins are there, the sequences must be also analyzed.
Pfizer never provided full characterization of the protein(s) expressed by the shots. This requirement was added to the list of conditions of the Conditional Market Approval in Europe by EMA, and simply shrugged off by the FDA in the US as a “theoretical concern”. The CMA condition was never fulfilled, and the requirement was ultimately abandoned by the EMA in 2022. Maria Gutschi made a great presentation covering this and other issues with Pfizer’s documentation.
To summarize: the images in Pfizer’s documents submitted to EMA and TGA are fake. Not only they are fake, they are so obviously fake that there is no possibility that the regulatory professionals, experienced PhDs familiar with these lab techniques (and simulation software) would make the mistake of thinking Pfizer’s images were the real deal. It’s like accepting fake Monopoly money when you sell your house. In fake rubles.
At least three global regulatory agencies – FDA, EMA and TGA, all accepted fake Western blot images as if they didn’t know any better. Of course they did. They did know. Nobody made a mistake. These documents were “props” in a theatrical performance.
Can’t wait for the TGA to respond on this one!
Especially after Sen. Rennick hears about it.
Now, about those other coding factors…
“We know they are lying.
They know they are lying.
They know that we know they are lying.
We know that they know that we know they are lying.
And still they continue to lie.”
-Alexander Solzhenitsyn
The quote is apparently from a 2010 book (A Mountain of Crumbs) by Russian Elena Gorokova who by that time had been living in the US for 40 years.
Just a thought: We know they are lying, but more worrying may be those things they haven’t yet lied about.
That’s pretty much my reaction whenever I hear, as I did recently, of another ‘commission’ looking into Democrat lawbreaking in America, i.e. “Why bother?” Like the one commencing soon to look into how the Biden Laptop scandal was buried, which will undoubtedly receive little in the way of honest and fair reporting, and no sanctions will result.
Same here with Royal Commissions. They are so one-sided as to be undemocratic, with only those seeking to undermine and/or punish conservatives getting any real coverage in the media. Exhibit 1: the RC that uncovered Shorten’s outrageous behaviour when he was head of a union. Didn’t hurt him one little bit.
Ah, they followed the Alzheimers Faked Western Blot protocol did they..
There’s no science like fake science!
Friday funny: meanwhile at the Biden’s house…
Double, double, toil and trouble,
Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.
What is puzzling is that this did not happen. So they don’t want Biden to run again.
I like this related cartoon – How can anyone be so irresponsible:
Younger, healthy people don’t need another Covid booster, vaccine expert says
Protecting against Covid infection with the current mRNA technology is unrealistic, a vaccine expert said in a paper published in a major medical journal.
The evidence for the new versions of the vaccines for the omicron variant of the coronavirus, which the FDA authorized in August, is “underwhelming” and fails to show they are much better than the original shots, Dr. Paul Offit, a pediatrician who is a leading vaccine and infectious diseases expert, wrote Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Protecting people against Covid infection with the current mRNA technology may be a pipe dream, especially as new coronavirus strains emerge every few months, Offit, the director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, told NBC News.
If only we could harness the unlimited energy from endless backflips…
Friday entertainment. Well, that’s a unique marketing tool!
Update study: Immune Tolerance: IgG4 Class Switch Starts with Even Two Doses of mRNA Vaccines
This is bad news – and a very interesting new study.
That previous post was based on a study that reported levels of IgG4 (causing deadly immune tolerance to Sars-Cov-2) rising after a booster dose of mRNA vaccines and especially after breakthrough infections.
Unfortunately, another piece of bad news came out yesterday. A study analyzing antibody classes in vaccinated people was just published. It has many findings and is worth several separate posts.
The main finding and the bad news is that mRNA vaccines induce immune tolerance, evidenced by IgG4 antibodies, even after two doses (initial “fully vaccinated” series).
It shows that for previously uninfected people, as time passes after mRNA vaccinations (purple for Moderna and blue for Pfizer):
● the quantity of good, disease-fighting IgG3 antibodies declines
● the quantity of bad, disease-ignoring IgG4 antibodies rises
This leads to “immune tolerance,” causing multiple problems explained in my previous post.
Interestingly, the same problem does not appear after inoculation with AstraZeneca, which is viral-vector based and has no mRNA.
Thus, the problem of immune tolerance and rising IgG4 only applies to mRNA vaccines. That’s good news for people who had their adenovirus vector vaccination only.
Another good news is that for people who had previous Covid-19 infection (before vaccination), IgG4 also does NOT rise, even after mRNA injections.
Astrazenica uses DNA inside the viral shell which your body converts to mRNA inside your cells.
It’s still a genetic product.
Another sudden cardiac arrest….hm I wonder what caused it?
We posted at nearly the same time….
We have to beware of ‘baiting’ here. It has become clear to me that the pro-vax media have employed a tactic of spinning stories in a way designed specifically to generate anti-vax responses, while withholding or diminishing facts about the death that are in fact material and suggest that the death is most likely NOT related to vaccination. This sets up those vaccine sceptics to easy rebuttal and ridicule when the full facts are published, such as this poor woman’s drug problems.
Just wait to see what the full facts are. Maybe the vax is the cause, but maybe not. We’ll see.
“sadness and pain”
She experienced more mental pain than I can imagine.
Lisa Marie Presley, daughter of Elvis Presley, passed away, age 54.
Tragically, another case of unexpected death at a relatively young age.
Yes, but Elvis died at 42 of a heart attack. His mother died at 46 of a heart attack. His daughter made it to 54 and died of a heart attack. She outlived her father and grandmother.
“Tucker Carlson Asks Why are Biden People Telling the DOJ About Biden Classified Documents?
January 13, 2023 | sundance | 59 Comments
Fox News host Tucker Carlson asks the obvious question, why are Joe Biden people telling the DOJ about Biden having classified documents? Under normal corrupt and easy to handle circumstances the documents would be destroyed, hidden and never revealed; yet here they are being exposed by people in the Biden orbit.”
Carlson suggests that Biden’s controllers felt this was the best time to interdict Joe’s run for re-election.
The interesting part, apparently, is they were transferred from the VP office in the WH to the new Biden Centre which didn’t open until after Trump came to office…
“American Airlines Ceases Multiple Routes: “Our Pilots Are Dropping Dead From COVID Jabs” ”
Lisa Presley has dropped dead.
Stratosphere warming to impact China.
Ex-Bank of England Governor Mark Carney’s Glasgow Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ) controls 130 trillion US dollars which it pledges not to invest in fossil fuels, and which is available to influence other interests not to invest in fossil fuels.
In the UK, Liz Truss lasted 45 days as Prime Minister after announcing that she would permit fracking in England. “The markets” bet against her fiscal policies in the markets for UK government bonds (gilts) and forced her resignation. Did GFANZ trigger this bout of hostile betting? And are they behind the U-turn by her successor Rishi Sunak, who had announced about fracking while campaigning to replace Boris Johnson as Prime Minister that he was “supportive of it… ’cause if we can get it to work it’s good for our long-term energy security” (Sky News, 4th August 2022)? Once PM, Sunak wasted no time in restoring Johnson’s moratorium on fracking.
Truss is still doing damage, a report she commissioned (with no chance of it being balanced) on netzero just landed.
Who knows why she commissioned it? She wanted the UK to begin fracking. Energy policy will dominate the next UK General Election.
Mega-rich businessmen want unvaxxed crew for their private jets..
The all time record, for where I live, is 339 days below a temp of 30C. Set in 1883.
That was 140 years ago.
Today the temp was again below 30C.
It is now 326 days as of 13th Jan 2023, that the max temp has not reached 30C.
(It is the 2nd longest run ever recorded for my location)
To give one an idea how significant this is.
Here is the historical record of max temps for my location.
Jan: 45.8
Dec: 42.2
Nov: 41.8
Oct: 38.2
Sep: 34.6
Aug: 31.3
Jul: 26.5
Jun: 26.9
May: 30.0
Apr: 35.4
Mar: 39.8
Feb: 42.1
All data sourced from BOM.
Another country passing laws to regulate ‘supplements’, otherwise known as ordinary food ingredients.
So, USA doing it, NZ doing it, Aussie can’t be far behind.. Just appoint a Mandarin to pass regulations as he sees fit, and the pharmaceutical companies are happy.
“the Bill appoints a new, as yet, unnamed regulator who is being empowered to do whatever he thinks fit to control the manufacture and availability of supplements. He could, and is in fact very likely to publish a list of banned herbal ingredients soon after his appointment.”
They don’t like us staying well without their mRNA poisons, I expect they will declare the supplement/alternative medicine industry un-needed in modern society.
What our (German) Greens say about supplements:
With a well balanced diet noone needs supplements….
What they don’t say is, who really is able to follow a well balanced diet every day….
The people who stopped us eating eggs are telling us what we need ….what is their definition of “need” ? And on what criteria do they determine our “need”?
..and just to REALLY make your day-
“The International Health Regulations Review Committee (IHRRC) of the World Health Organization (WHO) is planning to meet in secret from Monday, January 9, 2023 to Friday January 13, 2023. The IHRRC will be working to finalize what is now a 46 page document that includes proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR).
The proposed amendments would:
1. Change the overall nature of the World Health Organization from an advisory organization that merely makes recommendations to a governing body whose proclamations would be legally-binding. (Article 1)
2. Greatly expand the scope of the International Health Regulations to include scenarios that merely have a “potential to impact public health.”
3. Seek to remove “respect for dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of people.” (Article 3)
4. Give the Director General of the WHO control over the means of production through an “allocation plan for health products” to require developed states parties to supply pandemic response products as directed. (Article 13A)
5. Give the WHO the authority to require medical examinations, proof of prophylaxis, proof of vaccine and to implement contact tracing, quarantine and TREATMENT. (Article 18)
6. Institute a system of global health certificates in digital or paper format, including test certificates, vaccine certificates, prophylaxis certificates, recovery certificates, passenger locator forms and a traveler’s health declaration. (Articles 18, 23, 24, 27, 28, 31, 35, 36 and 44 and Annexes 6, 7 and 8)
7. Redirect unspecified billions of dollars to the Pharmaceutical Hospital Emergency Industrial Complex with no accountability. (Article 44A)
8. Allow the disclosure of personal health data. (Article 45)
9. Greatly expand the World Health Organization’s capacity to censor what they consider to be misinformation and disinformation. (Annex 1, page 36)
10. Create an obligation to build, provide and maintain IHR infrastructure at points of entry. (Annex 10)
Shout out to Jo who got a positive mention in a piece by Maurice Newman in the Daily Telegraph today. Great article, “Keeping us out in the cold on warming data”. I couldn’t be stuffed posting a link due to paywalls. I read it in the old fashioned, carbon sequestering tabloid.
Apologies if already discussed
What a beautiful night. The house is quiet and Mrs H has settled, I’m watching a stupid movie with the rain falling on the tin roof. Is listening to rain on a tin roof a strictly Qld. thing? It can’t be the same with tiles.
Once one accepts that summer in the tropics ain’t never cold no reasonable person here could complain, it has been a benign summer.
Don’t let the whingers tell you that there is anything wrong.
Not sure why you think tin roofs are a QLD thing H. Its the only type of roof in my little VIC town. Colorbond has been pretty popular longtime now. Tis a nice sound, less so if it hails.
It’s 50 yrs since I was south of the border long enough to notice the roofs. There was a lot of tile then. 🙂
It’s 50 yrs since I was south of the border long enough to notice the roofs. There was a lot of tile then. 🙂
Of you can hear the rain on the colorbond roof, you likely need to add more ceiling insulation.
We always hear it on the veranda roof – which is only a layer of colorbond.
Quite a lot of insulation was put in when we built the house; cathedral style ceilings so no more room for extra.
Another QLDer here. If it starts raining early evening, that’s my cue to head up to bed with a good book, open the window so that I can hear the rain properly, and chill.
I also like the sound of light rain on a tent, which is equally relaxing, but less so if it continues into the *bleep* day you have to *bleep* take the *bleep* tent down and *bleep” pack everything away *bleep bleep bleeeeep*.
I like the sound of rain on our Colorbond roof, unless it becomes really heavy and deafening. The dog hates it.
Gentle rain reminds me of rainy days in our caravan in England, reading and drinking coffee or playing Uno with our offspring. The worst thing was packing up the awning if the rain didn’t stop in time for it to dry out. That was especially the case in a couple of our favourite places in Worcestershire near the Malvern Hills as a lot of the grass was left quite long!
US official warns of risks posed by heavy electric vehicles
Tesla Y – 2000Kg
67 Chev Corvette 1450KG.
I guess Joe is aware of the weight thing, eh!
I wonder how soon he’ll be trading his Vette in on an EV!!
“Coincidence Theorists
from a comment there:
You can help even more people by distinguishing between #Myocoinciditis & #Pericoinciditis.”
Via Chiefio
I thought this may raise a smile at a site that frequently where correlation/causation if often discussed
I couldn’t find if it was measured when you were thinking about washing the dishes that night and hence the 4″, or thinking about driving your new Corvette & ready for action, hence the 7″. There’s a big difference…
“Red Alert: Pharma Plots to Inject Livestock With mRNA ‘Vaccines,’ Likely to End up in Food Supply”
“What is increasingly non-debatable is that, whatever the root cause of their hatred for life on Earth and nature itself (as a proxy for God), they won’t stop until they a.) are neutralized with irresistible force (ideally through legal means) or b.) have irreversibly infected the entire animal, plant, bacteria, and fungi genome with their Frankenstein genetic material.”
Oz gets a mention
“Academics and the grid. Part II: Are they studying the right things?”
“Influential academics as a body are encouraging an energy transition to renewables, discussing remote hopes and ignoring huge obstacles and greater costs, which will worsen reliability and eventually result in unbearable blackouts.”
More at
In comments there
Rud Istvan
“To repeat a comment to Part1:
It is a good thing that global warming is a mostly imaginary problem, because renewables are a mostly non viable solution.”
As a follow-on from the Sun Cable debacle, it now turns out that Forrest was aware of at least some of the technical issues, and didn’t want to export energy to Singapore, instead use the huge solar farm to make green hydrogen. And there are three large-scale solar farms in the NT sitting idle, unable to be connected to the NT grid.
More on WA’s gas and solar.. They want to ban exports of gas so they can burn it to cover renewable’s hopeless generation.
““We also need those Perth Basin projects to come on as soon as possible, and for no more domestic gas projects to be allowed to export,” he said….. Harris said the gas was needed for feedstock for chemical production, mineral processing and power generation to firm up renewable energy.”
Devil Creek only supplied 11% of WA’s so wasn’t a major player. It appears that their gas wasn’t used for export, only for WA use. The main concern will be if the new large-scale gas field developments don’t go ahead, due to the federal govt’s recent actions.
A new definition of perpetual motion: The panel cleaner of 120km2 of the solar farm.
For the “ephemeral energy” record
“The Impact of Dust on Solar Panel Efficiency ”
Renewing your faith in
“Safe and Effective®”
“A safety monitoring system flagged that U.S. drugmaker Pfizer Inc and German partner BioNTech’s updated COVID-19 shot could be linked to a type of brain stroke in older adults, according to preliminary data analyzed by U.S. health authorities.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said on Friday that a CDC vaccine database had uncovered a possible safety issue in which people 65 and older were more likely to have an ischemic stroke 21 days after receiving the Pfizer/BioNTech bivalent shot, compared with days 22-44.
An ischemic stroke, also known as brain ischemia, is caused by blockages in arteries that carry blood to the brain.”
Looks like these products are on the way to causing more things than CAGW + Trump (/s)
A reminder
“The same is true for intermittent-use medications; for example, Ivermectin is known to be extremely safe in that sort of use because it has been used for forty years on an intermittent basis to control parasitic infections, typically taken once every few months.
In this sort of use pattern four billion human doses have been administered and the serious adverse event risk has been found to occur roughly once in every 600,000 people it is given to.
To put this in perspective both aspirin and acetaminophen, which are both intermittently used by millions of Americans, have a serious adverse event risk over ten times higher that Ivermectin.”
(My bold).
“Two Health-Related Nasties”
More than that there
Today I learned that Scotland has a 75% CO2 reduction target by 2030 , today I also learned that the Unicorn is Scotlands national animal !