A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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The Global Emissions Experiment: A 33-Year Audit
By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley
For the past half century the public have been deceived by the UN and WEF with their claim that atmospheric CO2 is causing global warming. Scientists, academics, business leaders, journalists and politicians have glibly accepted the falsehood and set about taking futile actions to reverse the fictitious effect without determining the veracity of the claim.
This is in spite of there being no climate catastrophe during the estimated 4.5 billion years of the Earth’s existence when the CO2 concentration fluctuated between hundreds and thousands of parts per million and the evolution of life on Earth continued unabated commencing with the simplest of life forms and creating the highly complex beings today, able to contemplate the origin of the life and the Universe but unable to understand what causes warming.
The fact is that 99% of the radiation absorbed by atmospheric CO2 is in the 15 micron wavelength band, a micron being 1 millionth of a metre in length. This equates to the lower end of the cold Far infrared spectrum with a frequency of 20.02 Tera Hz and a photon energy of 1.33×10^-20 Joules. It coincides with the peak radiation from a source at -80 deg. C, the minimum temperature occasionally reached in Antarctica.
The Earth has an estimated average temperature of 15.5 deg. C for which the Planck spectrum maximum is at a wavelength of 10.045 microns, frequency 29.845 Tera Hertz and photon energy of 1.978×10^-20 Joules, being within the Thermal infrared range. Observe that the wavelength is shorter, frequency and photon energy larger, a necessary condition for a warmer source.
Consequently further warming the Earth’s surface means causing it to radiate at a shorter wavelength, higher frequency with greater photon energy. This can only be achieved by receiving energy from a hotter source, e.g. the Sun, not the cold radiation from CO2 whose low frequency and smaller photon energy cannot generate the higher frequencies or greater energy necessary to make the molecules in the Earth’s surface vibrate at a higher frequency and consequently radiate at a higher temperature.
Every cook knows that to heat a pot requires heat from a source that is hotter than the pot. Certainly nothing in the kitchen can be heated by radiation from a source at -80 deg. C. Perhaps it is time for a few of our politicians to be put to work in a kitchen.
It’s not you, it’s not CO2, it’s the Sun…
Bevan , That is exactly the conclusion that I have come to but expressed better than I could have .
I am not a scientist so I had to do some study to assure myself that the transfer of energy ( heat ) by electromagnetic radiation in the LWIR band does have to comply with the basic laws of thermodynamics just as it does when via thermal conduction . So I conclude that anybody that puts forward a hypothesis that violates the basic laws of thermodynamics is talking rubbish !
As far as I am concerned CO2 plays NO PART in the temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere .
Reading Ian Plimer’s book “ Heaven + Earth “ confirms that . I highly recommend that book !
Ian points out that in the past the CO2 levels have been many times the current record low levels without any sign of thermal run-away the catastrophists’ computer models predict .
As Rupert below says , it’s the Sun ! . The multitude of cycles running concurrently but with different time periods that effect the sun , it’s position in the center of the solar system and our position WRT the Sun plus our movement through the edge of the Milky Way and , I think , ocean currents are where we should be looking to understand what may happen with the climate .
I like the though experiment with the pot in the kitchen . Here is my version :
Take an ordinary house brick and heat it in the oven until it is heated through to about 80 degrees C . Get a bucket and fill it with water from the cold tap ( assume a temp between 10 & 20 deg C ) . Now , using your best oven mittens , take the brick out of the oven and place it in the bucket of water . In the next 5 minutes , what do you think will happen to the temperature of the brick and the temperature of the water ? The answer is pretty obvious I think ! NOW try to think of any way that energy from the water could make the brick hotter ( without external intervention ) .
Not gunna happen is it ? Yet that is exactly what the spruikers and the MSM want you to believe is happening .
Based on that nonsense the clown show in Canberra is about to introduce a $75/ton carbon tax . The only tangible effect of that will be the destruction of our energy grid and what is left of manufacturing in Australia . No wonder the Chinese Communist Party is lavishing praise on the Elbow government .
Yes Another Delcon,
Those pushing the CO2 demon are simply trying to wreck the Australian economy so that the UN/WEF can “save us” by introducing their “One World Government”, presumably the socialist government that will make us all happy even if we own nothing and have no say in our future lifestyle. If that does not work, there is always another pandemic.
Show me the Money and then show me the proof………………….Lol
Thought for the day:
Isn’t it interesting that with around 200 fake genders, the only choices in reassignment surgery are male and female.
I mean, consuming too much silver turns your skin blue permanently. Surgically attach a unicorn horn (pretend it’s one, shhh…) and they’re away! 🤣
Thought for the day:
If ignorance is bliss, why are liberals so upset and angry? 🤣
JC2 tip of the day.
If you have a question about something, post it online then log into a different account and reply to it with a stupid answer.
People don’t care about helping others but LOVE correcting others. Works 100% of the time. 😁
“Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.” – Alan Dundes
“If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in the dark with a mosquito.” – Betty Reese
“You’re not forty, you’re eighteen with twenty-two years experience.” – Unknown
Sorry we don’t serve faster than light particles here. A tachyon walks into a bar.
How do you make a greeny angry?
Show him the world isn’t dying.
Thursday funny. Always go for non-shedding dogs
Don’t get a German Shepherd if you don’t like dog hair everywhere.
Border Collies are messy too.
Brush them.
Still messy.
Well worth the inconvenience though. Pugs don’t shed, but would you walk one in your neighbourhood?
Don’t get a double coated dog. On the other hand they are impervious to Canberra winters.
We have a Dobermann x Hungarian Vizla. Doesn’t shed, doesn’t stink and mud doesn’t stick. One of his nicknames is Teflon.
I have a GSP, none of that applies and she is their slightly smaller relation
Vizla for the win then 🙂
On the subject of dogs, why haven’t breeders bred out the prolific drooling characteristics of certain breeds? Surely this can be characterised as a defect as much as hip dysplasia?
E.g. the drooling of the Dogue de Bordeaux in the movie Turner and Hooch (1989) was disgusting.
Well they have bred it out. The drooling breeds that don’t drool are no longer the drooling breed.
Kip Hansen has a go at sloppy journalism.
‘The New York Times’ authors, Henry Fountain and Mira Rojanasakul, simply do not mention the positive story that the last eight years have a trend of minus 0.87°C/century.
‘So, the good news story that could have been written based on the same facts – the same data – is that NOAA’s calculated Global Land and Ocean January-December Temperature Anomalies have been sharply down-trending since 2015.’ (WUWT)
Distaval. Safe and effective. Protects your children.
Your child’s life depends on the safety of Distaval.
Thank dawg it’s safe and effective! 😎
Moderna CEO Announces New mRNA Shot for Heart Failure Patients to Help “Grow Back New Blood Vessels”
Stéphane Bancel, CEO of Moderna, announced the development of a new mRNA shot to treat patients suffering from heart failure.
In a statement released on Monday, the pharmaceutical company said it currently has 48 programs in development, including 36 programs that are currently being tested in clinical trials.
These programs include mRNA infectious disease vaccines and mRNA therapeutics that span seven different modalities.
“We enter 2023 in a great position, with significant momentum across our clinical pipeline, a highly energized team and a strong balance sheet of over $18 billion of cash and cash equivalents,” said Stéphane Bancel, Chief Executive Officer of Moderna.
They create the problem so they can sell you the solution…
Moderna CEO: 400% price hike on COVID vaccine “consistent with the value”
Jason Alden
Moderna is considering raising the price of its COVID-19 vaccine by over 400 percent—from $26 per dose to between $110 and $130 per dose—according to a report by The Wall Street Journal.
Ars has reached out to Moderna for comment but has not yet received a response. The plan, if realized, would match the previously announced price hike for Pfizer-BioNTech’s rival COVID-19 vaccine.
The Journal spoke with Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel at the JP Morgan Healthcare Conference in San Francisco Monday, who said of the 400 percent price hike: “I would think this type of pricing is consistent with the value.”
Until now, the mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech have been purchased by the government and offered to Americans for free. In the latest federal contract from July, Moderna’s updated booster shot cost the government $26 per dose, up from $15–$16 per dose in earlier supply contracts, the Journal notes. Similarly, the government paid a little over $30 per dose for Pfizer-BioNTech’s vaccine this past summer, up from $19.50 per dose in contracts from 2020.
Consistent with its value?
How about Moderna pays its customers to take this stuff. Say a few million $ equal to a lifetime of lost income, quality of life and injuries…
There have been quite a few drownings in Australia due to medical episodes, in the past two summers.
“They create the problem so they can sell you the solution.”
*USA historical note …
Gambling was once the province of Ethnic American Social organizations.
They even made movies.
Then, somehow Native (indigenous) Americans were included.
Now gambling is run by government and has become a major tax base in many US states.
(Huge in my very Blue US State … and it all it goes to the schools … for the children 🙂 . They literally run ads for the lottery followed by PSAs informing us that state funded gambling addiction therapy is available.)
I am curios about the chain of social, historical, and political events that led to this turnabout.
The G men used to chase the mobsters.
Now we have just G men.
That ended up occupying themselves with the MAGA Orange Menace to Our Democracy.
Democrat/Labour MO.
I wonder if it also grows new blood vessels in tumours.
Things are a bit chilly in China
Its a cold air outbreak.
‘The National Meteorological Center has forecast that from Wednesday through Sunday, strong cold air will hit most parts of China and keep chilling the nation for the rest of January.
‘The weather process will bring about heavy snow, rain, fog and sandstorms, and will affect transportation, energy supply and public health, the center said.’ (China Daily)
Ah so, a “cold air outbreak” makes the air cold. I see.
Its a little more complex.
‘ … weak stratospheric polar vortex conditions increase the risk of severe cold air outbreaks in mid-latitude East Asia by 100%, in contrast to only 40% for moderate cold air outbreaks.’ (Huang et al 2021)
Sudden Stratospheric Warming
‘Stratospheric warming is forecast to develop and expand in the polar region, the last third of January. In 16 days, the GFS indicates a powerful warming event taking place mostly on the Eurasia side of the North Pole.’ (Climate Impact Company)
The Brazil uprising will spill over to the rest of the world
The uprising in Brazil is greater than anything the nation has ever seen, and it is a significant sign of what is happening in our world.
The game of the criminal elites, who run the show of governments behind the scenes, is being uncovered in a way that is unheard of, since the dawn of time. And this is by no means an exaggeration.
The uprising in Brazil is so powerful, that it has Deep State actors around the world in a panic. Biden, Obama, the President of Poland Andrzej Duda, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba, and many others run to Twitter to frantically condemn this protest of the people against a stolen election.
They understand how this threatens their worldwide imperium of fraud and deception, and frenetically try to tell the world how “bad” these people are, who reject the fraudulent positioning of Lula, a World Economic Forum puppet.
With an apparent tone of deep concern, Obama wrote on Twitter: “The entire world has a stake in the success of Brazil’s democracy…”
He knows that what is going on in Brazil, will spill over to other nations… Naturally he accuses the people who stand up against a stolen election of “attacking democracy”. Hypocrisy is the name of their game. Claiming to defend democracy, they are the ones who rig elections. Claiming to defend human rights, they trample them all day long. Claiming to improve the world, they destroy it. Claiming to be honest, they lie without winking. Claiming to heal you, they poison you. And so on.
Ahhh…the great red-pill awakening…
Hopefully, there will be no spontaneous proletariat gatherings utilizing pre-industrial night vision devices and renewable energy (muscle) powered pronged hay distribution implements.
Or Semi trucks with horns.
Or aggressive American flag waving whilst wearing a red hat.
Permits should be required and gatherings restricted to areas out of camera range of government funded media.
Language on signs should contain no harsh language and no micro-aggression towards government servants of the people.
As Justin Trudeau said “the use of protesting to demand policy change is worrisome.”
obama isn’t wrong, but his version of democracy is the antithesis of anything even approaching actual democracy
Fitzroy River Flood
The Fitzroy river is having a flood which has washed away the bridge.
I am told it is the worst flood ever, exceeding the previous flood level by 3m.
Does anyone have information about that?
Yes. My Ummagumma peoples told me of this before we had a proper time scale…………….Before white/pink/off white peoples.
Pink Floyd
No, the Ummagumma’s are Floyds of Colour
Good question. I found a history of the gorge. And you have to assume gorges are formed by rivers and at regular intervals eroded by major floods.
“In 1935, the Fitzroy got its first bridge. A low-level concrete structure, it was built up into a wider structure in 1958. This bridge could be closed for several months at a time during the wet weather and travellers were then forced to use a flying fox, which operated about 200 m south of the crossing.”
“1968: Willare Bridge
The Willare (390 m long) and Minnie (200 m) bridges opened in June 1968. Costing about $700,000, the bridges were placed 2.1 m higher than the
highest known flood level. The single-lane bridges were designed to handle more extensive flooding, with the water flowing over them if necessary.”
“In 1974, a new bridge was built south of the crossing, shifting the town centre.”
So the battle between the cost of the bridge and the height of the regular floods has been a long one.
And prior to the mining boom I doubt there would be much in the way of records and that people accepted flooding as normal, it is unlikely to be even a one in a hundred year event. People just used fording places and didn’t cross when there were floods. Besides these events are not climate, they are just weather. And flooding is a regular event.
And relevant to the 1968 downstream Willare Bridge built 2.1 metres above the highest known flood level..
“Main Roads has issued a stern public warning for people not to attempt to walk bridges or roads in flood affected parts of the Kimberley.
The warning follows reports of people walking onto the deck of the damaged Fitzroy River Bridge at Fitzroy Crossing and again at the Willare Bridge where flood water is slightly below the deck and rising, and on the Roebuck Plains where flood levels are unpredictable.”
So at Willare it is just below the deck, 2.1 metres higher than what was in 1968 the highest known flood level and still rising, but the level is dropping at the Fitzroy bridge.
I want more information too. The Fitzroy river is 700km long. I searched for flood markers, and for photos of those, and it’s difficult to find.
Siliggy and Ken Stewart found a list of flood levels posted by the Fitzroy Crossing Tourist Bureau — showing the river commonly gets to 19 – 22m — but not exactly where those numbers are recorded.
The BOM says the previous record was was 13.95m in 2002. This year’s record is 15.3m.
The numbers presumably come from different sites. But which sites?
Youtube videos show road trains driving through deep water across ? perhaps the same bridge, and commenters there say things like how they remember the flood of xyz (94/95?) where the bridge was underwater.
Anyone with any info? Surely there are photos of those flood markers and maps of their locations?
But yes, the river is legendary, and long ago it was understood the road would get cut off in the wet season when the monsoons hit. And sometimes it was cut off for many weeks.
Been over these bridges many times the photos are unbelievable to me to think it got that high , there has been a push to Dam the Fitzroy river upstream of Halls creek and maybe now they might have a chance to get it built . Derby and Broome have a takeaway alcohol ban in force for at least one week which I think is getting talked about more than the floods .
Broome locals are discussing the rainfall on Facebook and one is claiming in 1917 that 1700mm of rain fell in 24 hours at Roebuck plain , which the guy said was the third highest recording ever taken in Oz .
The Wilare bridge, built to replace the Langi Crossing that was destroyed in the 1967 flood, has seen higher water levels than this time. All flood doom and gloom, claiming that this was the worst flood ever, then strange silence. The story is that the flood peak didn’t get to the levels they said it would, but it seems nobody wants to talk about this now. The Wilare Bridge, normally over 15 metres from the river, has gone under a few times in the past. One time the 30 kms of embankments were washed away, so they built another two bridges across the flood plain.
Everything was normal when I travelled across it a few times in mid-1968, but the remains of the last flood could be seen. The locals told me that a wall of water, about 2 metres high, bowling drums and logs at its front, rushed down the flood plain, taking everything in its path.
I believe that the Minnie Bridge was built later on the embankments to the Wilare Bridge. In 1968, there was only the Wilare. Also the existing bridge at Fitzroy Crossing was built in 1976.
Try here..
Thanks that puts it into perspective nicely .
Thanks for that info. The Australian and the local Perth TV news went suddenly silent on this, so suspected it wasn’t as bad. The Fitzroy flooded six times before 1903 from the start of record-keeping, and will continue to do so unless a dam is put in the gorge.
Thanks everyone for the responses.
The argument is settled, especially by the response from Leabrae.
To recap; I was told by several people that the flood on the Fitzroy river had exceed the previous record by a massive 3m and that the bridge was completely washed away.
I thought that the story needed some investigation, not least because the flooding was caused by ex cyclone Ellie, which was little more than a tropical low by the time it crossed the coast near Darwin last week. Ex cyclone Ellie dropped a lot of rain into the Fitzroy river catchment but not an unprecedented amount by any means.
The major problem this time is the damage to the bridge. It did not ‘wash away’. The bridge is heavy concrete and it is still there. The foundations under one span were eroded and the span collapsed. It may take a while to fix.
The ABC meantime indulged in their usual dodgy and uninformed reporting by creating a Climate Change Catastrophe story. To Quote:‘Flooding inundates homes in Fitzroy Crossing, central Kimberley as river hits highest level on record’….’The Fitzroy River reached its highest level on record at Fitzroy Crossing Tuesday morning, hitting 15.09 metres at 10am — well above the previous record of 13.95m in 2002.’
This is not remotely true. Well the only true bit is likely that the flood level peaked at 15.09m.
In reality the Fitzroy river floods frequently and to much higher levels. The true facts are here (by the Fitzroy Crossing Tourism).
Laebrae gives the same reference above.
Jennifer Marohasy has a longer story about rainfall in Australia generally. Again the recent rains are not unprecedented.
Interesting comments there from Silligy and indirectly from Mantaray Yunupingu.
REVEALED: World Economic Forum Partner Behind Sudden Push to Ban Gas Stoves
The abrupt push by Democrats led by the Biden Regime to ban gas stoves has enraged and confused Americans across the country. The good news is we may have found the primary culprit behind the push and it’s connected to the World Economic Forum., which first broke this story, points out prominent Democrats and liberals never demonstrated an iota of concern over gas stoves before. Not even noted low-IQ Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who made an utter fool of herself by claiming a study shows gas stoves are dangerous to brain health.
“The company behind the study is called “Carbon-Free Buildings.” That company is a partner of the World Economic Forum and has a true-believer CEO who wants to rid the world of all carbon emissions (which is impossible and would lead to mass extinction).”
Plus, gas stoves cause heart attacks. 😎
They should have banned gas stoves in WW2 and a lot more people would have lived……………………
Only if you try to lift it and move it while the supply pipes are still attached.
Health Warning for Global Catastrophe** believers.
**Is that the latest buzz phrase? I don’t keep up with them.
Marine heatwave is having an impact on New Zealand’s south island.
One might be able to take a swim in NZ one of these days without having to don a wetsuit. Isn’t global warming great!
But , but ,but more rain on the South Island in summer is the best thing that can happen .
And the heat wave is in the ocean ; the South Island is not actually in the ocean.
Dr. Robert Malone: mRNA Vaccines in Livestock and Companion Animals are here now.
Before we can discus mRNA vaccines for livestock, pets and wildlife, we must first address the elephant in the room. That is, how come the public is able to access human clinical trial information, but is not able to do the same for clinical trials involving animal health?
During the early days of the AIDS epidemic, the AIDS community demanded public access to clinical trials. In 1988, the U.S. Congress passed the Health Omnibus Programs Extension Act of 1988 (Public Law 100-607) which mandated the development of a database of AIDS Clinical Trials Information Services. This Congressional Act motivated other non-profit disease related groups to demand access also.
The Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act of 1997 amended the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act and the Public Health Service Act to require that the NIH create a publicly available clinical trials database. This eventually led to the development of the website This allowed tracking of drug efficacy studies resulting from approved Investigational New Drugs (including vaccines).
The searchable website was made available to the public via the internet on February 29, 2000. makes searching for human clinical trials easy. For instance, a quick search reveals that there are over 50 clinical trials for mRNA vaccines in progress and over 200 registered.
With animals, there is no such database. mRNA vaccines in the “animal health” or veterinary markets are difficult to track until the company or the USDA is ready to release information on that product’s development or release. The USDA and/or the NIH have no mechanism for tracking potential new vaccines, drugs or biologics for the animal market.
Therefore, one must rely on press releases, the occasional peer reviewed paper, conference notes, USDA grant and contract notifications, university websites and company profiles for discovery of such new products. Not adequate, in my opinion, and most definitely not transparent. By federal law, the public should have open access to the results of this type of federally funded research.
Animal data would no doubt be devastating…
One way or another…
HB 6522 – Philippines CDC Bill. Serious Concerns with Clauses in this Document. The Public Need to Be Informed and to Lobby Their Representatives to Reject Approval of This Bill as it Currently Stands
This bill pushes Philippines towards compliance with a one world government, obedience to WHO and IHR dictates, and a surveillance state. Citizens who refuse to comply can be detained on suspicion.
Last 12 December 2022 the Philippines House of Representatives unanimously 255-0 approved HB6522 on its 3rd reading. It will now be passed to the senate for their approval, and then enactment.
There are serious concerns with this bill, including its impacts on national sovereignty, and the freedoms and rights of Filipinos which are enshrined under the Philippines Constitution.
The Philippines CDC will be under DOH. It will be headed by a Director General who will directly advise the President.
The bill appears to grant nearly unlimited, liability free, powers to the DOH under very broadly defined public health emergency conditions, which are not limited to natural events / infectious agents or pathogens, but also include toxins, radiation, and manmade events or declarations.
Under this bill, the DOH is answerable to and mandated to work with WHO and to follow and implement the WHO’s International Health Regulations (IHR) for the Philippines. Provision for penalties on (non) compliance and (non) implementation are included.
The DOH may compel the police and NBI to carry out their instructions, including finding and placing into detention persons suspected of being a health risk, or persons who do not comply with health instructions.
Telecommunication companies can be compelled to track and trace suspect persons.
Commodities (vaccines, medicines, devices) may be fast tracked, bypassing typical testing and regulatory requirements under declared health emergencies and can be used with full freedom from liability for all involved in their development and administration to the population.
There is no provision for independent oversight.
Every country will do the same soon enough.
Time to do something before it becomes Gulag-world …
[*Email coming John. – Jo]
A couple of days ago the US airlines shut down for an hour or so, or at least departures were halted. This was because the NOTAMs system was down.
Now you may think that NOTAM stands for Notices To AirMen, but you are wrong. Mayor Pete thought that unacceptably sexist and it is now Notices To Air Missions.
Pete, that’s not your core job. How many millions spent on the change?
I thought that was a joke, but like so much from the Left it’s no joke, it’s true.
Jeff Beck has passed ; what a loss .
Sad, so sad.
Rock guitar history right there.
Guitar is just for ‘Rock’.
Then there’s this:
Nessum Dorma – Jeff Beck
At dawn, I will win. I will win . I will win.
Even Puccini applauded this.
That’s amazing Tony thanks .
I never got Beck, Clapton too. Every other big name rock guitarist in history has amazed and inspired me at some time or another, but those 2, coma inducing. Sorry!
I still remember when I first heart Heartbreak Hotel.
Rock was to dance to.
Beck was a player’s player. Huge influence on other guitar players but too arcane for the general public. Eric enjoys much wider appeal, probably because he also sings and sings pop songs as well as blues, so it’s less arcane, but Eric is certainly the most copied guitarist by other guitarists; guitar lick for guitar lick across all genres, especially blues based music. Established blues guitarists changed their sound to copy Eric’s. That sound was based mainly on overdriving a tube amplifier with extreme volume. Beck played loud too, but his licks were was uncopyable, though many tried.
In Beck’s later years I think he got to using the whammy bar too much, which made it even more arcane. He played a lot of passing tones, and leading tones using the whammy bar which were not quite on pitch for the western chromatic scale. Nonetheless, Beck’s influence is often uncredited. For Example, the riff on Stevie Wonder’s Superstition is a Jeff Beck riff. Same with the song Fame by David Bowie. Also, Jeff’s experiemental R&B bands during the early 70’s set the standard for R&B guitar playing in a groove to this day.
Beck was a major player in the the jazz/rock fusion genre.
The excellent bass guitar player on this gig is Tal Wilkenfeld, an Australian. It kind of highlights Jeff’s over use of the whammy bar, though.
This cover may be more accessible.
LOL, Green Socialists cause collapse of German economy..
… so redefine “prosperity”.
Do they seriously think they will fool anyone.. even the most ignorant greenie must see the joke !
Prosperity definition by a politician unable to understand
the meaning of “insolvent”
What the MSM won’t tell you……
I don’t know why. It may not not suit their narrative.
So here it is: Breaking News!
– 323 days and counting.
Sydney is on the verge of recording its longest spell of days below 30 degrees Celsius (86F) in 140 years, since 1883.
The all-time record is 339 days set in 1883.
Since the 21st February 2022, not one day has reached 30C.
Jan 2023 highest temp recorded to date: 28.1 degrees Celcius.
Dec 2022 htr: 29.7
Nov 2022 htr: 28.3
Oct 2022 htr: 29.0
Sep 2022 htr: 24.8
Aug 2022 htr: 24.7
Jul 2022 htr: 21.3
Jun 2022 htr: 21.8
May 2022 htr: 26.8
Apr 2022 htr: 29.0
Mar 2022 htr: 28.6
Feb 2022 htr: 31.9 (31.6 recorded on 21st February 2022)
All Data can be found here on the BOM website.
The temp forecast for Sydney over the next few days is below 30.0 which will take the total to 327 consecutive days.
Unlike the MSM, I will be watching and giving you all the latest info and updates as this “unexpected” event unfolds.
On they mention this unusual run of days below 30c. Just in case no one actually reads the blurb attatched to the head lines, has coveniently provided a weather map of Australia in lovely warm yellows and hot orange colours. So the fact that it is unusually cool may be missed by the people who only look at the pictures for their daily information, after all dont we all associate the yellow orange colours as leading to that very dangerous RED.
Half your luck in that little nook of Australia. For much of the continent, this is becoming a reasonably unpleasant (hot) summer.
Speak for yourself, up here on the tropical coast the summer has been very pleasant, thank you.
Even Townsville is Greensville not Brownsville.
I’ve just now used the aircon more than the heater this summer !
The language of panic is being used once again on the local radio. Today the temperature is about 36 c and was forecast as a “heatwave”. Now I don’t know if common sense prevailed somewhere but a couple of “hot” days in a very cool summer just isn’t considered a heat wave by anyone I know. Sooo today the local forecast is for a “MODERATE” heatwave progressing to an EXTREME heat wave by Saturday. A cool change is forecast for Sunday. Wow so a couple of standard summer days in January becomes a moderate heat wave and then EXTREME on Saturday where the temp may get up to 40c. We really are creating a nation of chicken littles. Ideally every day should be the same as yesterday, we all know the weather was just perfect “yesterday”
I agree; your description is a lot like Adelaide’s forecast (before a nice cool change Wed, it’s 37,38,29, 37, 39) and this summer is proving to be a nasty shock after the last 2. However, it’s nothing compared with some past summers yet MSM carries on as if it’s Armageddon.
This is a ‘beatup’, there is nothing in the synoptic chart to support the forecast.
Are you suffering from a medical coincidence?
The silly giant scale of US offshore wind development
By David Wojick
Rushing to build a big bunch of incredibly expensive giant wind arrays that are far bigger than anything built in the world to date is bad engineering and worse environmental policy.
The beginning: “The world’s biggest offshore wind array is Hornsea 2, which is 1,386 MW with a turbine size of 8.4 MW. Operational in 2022 it is the state of the OSW art. See But Virginia’s phase 1 array is a whopping 2,600 MW, with huge 15 MW turbines. Clearly it is a giant, far bigger than anything that has ever been built. The cost is estimated as $10 billion to build. Moreover there are a dozen or more comparable giant arrays proposed to be built at the same time, lining the Atlantic coast. Last I heard the combined proposals topped a gigantic 40,000 MW.
From an engineering point of view this is nuts. No one has ever done anything like this so let’s do a hundred billion dollars worth and see how it goes, right? Work up to it? Start small then scale up, learning as we go? None of that.
This giant offshore wind stampede is climate insanity personified.”
Lots more in the article. Please share it. The environmental assessment is truly stupid.
These certifiable zealots are not just anti-petrol, but also anti-petrel.
Now the Sun Cable project has failed, I guess the next failed megaproject will be “green” hydrogen
and after they’ve blown a few billion taxpayer dollars on that it will be “green” steel.
The “How DO They Do It” program this morning, repeated in the afternoon, had the lead segment on one of the Facebook servers in America. To demonstrate their commitment to green renewable energy in the event of a power failure they showed the lineup of 14 3Gw backup power supplies.Cue Trumpets….. 14 3Gw DIESEL generators!!!!!!!!
“Many think social media companies only censored “vaccine misinformation.” But a recently-released email shows Facebook reassuring the White House that they were censoring “often-true content” that “does not contain actionable misinformation” but was “discouraging vaccines.””
“What Caused the Political Hysteria?
Karma, Nemesis, payback . . . and all that stuff.”
Victor Davis Hanson
So, Soledar has fallen, along with the salt mines 125km of tunnels full of military equipment from back in the cold war. The Russians will start grinding Bakhmut now.
NATO has the Poles pushing their Leopard tanks over the border into Ukraine, and the Poles are expecting the UK and USA to follow suit. This makes an invasion of the Western Ukrainian border by Russia via Belarus more likely, they can cut the supply of tanks off at the source. This article re-stated that the lack of time to train Ukie crews to handle the current very complex tanks means they will be crewed by NATO crews. Lining gas turbine powered fully electronic Abrams up beside old T75 Soviet tanks is not going to work..
Russia has appointed a new Commander in Chief to make sure all branches are coordinating well as they step up to a greater war footing.
from the WEF site(as posted before):
‘3 futurists share their visions of how technology will change our world.’ June, 2021
1.Our devices will now when we need them:
We can’t realistically have 15 smart speakers everywhere we go.
2.Machines will perform all the physical and repetitive mental tasks.
3.Rewriting the code of live:
This could enhance every aspect of our existence, from human health to materials, fashion and the zero
waste economy.
We are talking about improving biology and redesigning organism for beneficial purposes. It is going to
allow us to not just edit genomes, but also and importantly, write a new code for life. We’ll have
write-level permissions. We are already start to see some of that this year.
Covid-19 vaccines, they make use of engineered code in the form of messenger RNA.
4.Diminished reality:
Technology will cut out unwanted sounds and sights.
—–> WEF: “How do you imagine the world will have changed 20 years from now on?”
While ethical considerations have always troubled thoughtful scientists, the fact of the matter is that if something can be done, somebody usually does it.
Klaus Schwab-Charlie Rose interview 2015
I’m not sure what he means with this:
Klaus Schwab: And you see the difference of the fourth industrial revolution is it doesn’t change what you are doing, it changes you. If you take genetic editing just as an example, it’s you who are changed. And of course, this has a big impact on your identity.
Charlie Rose: And all of a sudden, all kinds of possibilities that have to be careful about, you know, when you began to do that kind of gene editing, some people worry that you’re changing what it means to be human.
Klaus Schwab: That’s the problem
Charlie Rose: Yes
Klaus Schwab: Of course. The new industrial revolution offers us many opportunities that raises manifold the questions on the ethical but even legal implications, and we have to be prepared for it. And that’s what you want to do in Davis next year.
Charlie Rose: You get productivity from Machines.
Klaus Schwab: Exactly, and it replaces maybe the workforce or shops faster so that we can replace them with the new shops. Not everybody can be a robot(INAUDIBLE) but I think the question for governments and business alike and society will be how to rescale and upscale people to keep pace with what is going on in terms of technology for us.
Klaus Schwab is so proud of the fact that ‘he’ “penetrates the cabinets”
He admires the Chinese system of state control authoritarianism.
from the EMA/ European Medicine Agency, Comirnaty, November 2021
EMA/ European Medicine Agency
‘Comirnaty, INN-COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine(nucleoside;modified) (’ November 2021
-Missing Information: Interaction with other vaccines
Risk-benefit impact:
COVID-19 mRNA vaccine will be used in individuals who also may receive other vaccines.
Studies to determine if co-administration of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine with other vaccines may affect the
efficacy or safety of either vaccine have not been performed.
One protocol study (C4591030 – Co-administration study with seasonal influenza vaccine) is planned.
-Pharmacy times:
‘mRNA Vaccines for RSV, Flu, COVID-19 Could Change Immunizations Landscape’
August 20, 2022
‘Moderna is banking on a combined COVID, flu and RSV vaccine. Will it work?’
Moderna is actively promoting a combined COVID-19, flu and RSV vaccine, something that aims to target three of the most serious respiratory illnesses circulating each year in a single shot.
The pharmaceutical company hasn’t released data to support the vaccine’s safety or efficacy.
WEF: “mRNA vaccines differ from other approaches – teaching our cells to become autonomous vaccine production plants – and offering benefits of speed of production and the ability to keep up with new variants.”
(Probably this is a silly question: ‘teaching our cells to become autonomous vaccine production plants’…… I just wonder if there is a limit before there is ‘chaos’…. What about the interaction between all these vaccines, now and future vaccines … )
The Conversation:
”We may one day grow babies outside the womb, but there are many things to consider first’
November 11, 2019
‘In The Future, You Could Be Pregnant Outside Your Body’ June 2018
Carlo Bulletti, associate professor at Yale University’s department of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive science, believes a fully functioning artificial womb could be created within a decade with the right investment.
However, as with any new technology, ectogenesis is likely to start out as an expensive luxury. And when almost one in 11 people have no health insurance coverage, it seems likely that—at least at first—it would only be wealthy couples who could outsource the job of gestation.
Will the artificial womb just be like a mechanical version of surrogacy? And could pregnancy become a class signifier in the same vein as claiming welfare, or living in public housing?
Roe and ensuing rulings say states can’t impose limits on abortion before fetal viability. But if the fetus could survive outside the mother’s womb at any point during gestation, where does that leave a woman’s ability to terminate a pregnancy?
Radical Gender Theory Comes to the Heartland, CJ
A Missouri school district promotes the idea that “gender is a universe” Christopher F. Rufo August 2022
Springfield Public Schools, the largest public school district in Missouri, has adopted a radical gender-theory training program that encourages teachers to believe that “gender is a universe” and to affirm sexual identities such as “non-binary,” “pansexual,” and “polyamorous.”
Next, Springfield Public Schools told administrators and teachers that they must understand their “privileges” and identify their position within the “cycles of oppression.” In a “matching game,” the district provides a basic glossary for critical theory, explaining that some groups—i.e., straight, white, cisgender men—have “power” and “privilege” over others based on the categories of “race,” “gender,” “identity,” and “sexual orientation.”
Teachers are then asked to classify themselves on a “social identities” wheel and account for their race, sex, gender, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status.
” Not everybody can be a robot(INAUDIBLE) but I think the question for governments and business alike and society will be how to rescale and upscale people to keep pace with what is going on in terms of technology for us.”
I’m sure that ‘inaudible’ was ‘robot-drone’… He’s aiming to make us plebs into part-robots so we can work faster and longer for less.
Dr Suneel Dhand looks at the alarming rise in sudden unexpected deaths in athletes.
Gosh, what could it be? (7 mins)
Dupe duped.
According to the Australian Government ivermectin might kill you or turn you into a horse, (or you might be a “right wing conspiracy theorist”), but in the real world, yet another study proves its efficacy in treating or preventing covid 19.
JANUARY 5, 2023
MedinCell Announces Positive Results for the SAIVE Clinical Study in Prevention of Covid-19 Infection in a Contact-Based Population
January 05, 2023 03:10 PM Eastern Standard Time
MONTPELLIER, France–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Regulatory News:
MedinCell (Paris:MEDCL):
The study conducted in 399 participants met its primary efficacy endpoint with a reduction of 72% of COVID-19 infection in the group treated with daily oral administration of ivermectin compared to the placebo group
Ivermectin administered for 28 days demonstrated acceptable safety and tolerability without any unexpected safety signals
The SAIVE study was conducted to support mdc-TTG program, whose objective is to provide prevention of Covid-19 infection for weeks or months with a single injection of a long-acting formulation of ivermectin based on MedinCell’s proprietary technology, BEPO®
Note: this publication is not a recommendation to use ivermectin against Covid-19.
The SAIVE Trial (NCT 05305560) is a Phase 2, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group clinical study, evaluating the safety and efficacy of ivermectin tablets taken orally for 28 days, under the oversight of a U.S. based independent Data Monitoring Committee. The study was conducted in Bulgaria between March and November 2022.
All participants were unvaccinated adults and had been exposed to the virus within 5 days of screening after documented close contact with a person who had a PCR-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Participants randomized to ivermectin group showed a highly statistically significant reduction (72%) of laboratory-confirmed infections between baseline and Day 28 (30/200) versus placebo (105/199), the study’s primary endpoint, with p<0,0001.
No safety signals related to daily intake of ivermectin, 200 microgram/kg on Day 1 then 100 microgram/kg daily from Day 2 to Day 28 were identified during the study.
The company plans to share the final analysis of the study in a peer-reviewed publication at a later date.
“The SAIVE study provides encouraging data demonstrating efficacy and safety of ivermectin in prevention of Covid-19 infection in a post-exposure situation. It supports the development of a long-acting injectable, said Christophe Douat, CEO of MedinCell. Such a long-acting injectable would provide a complementary tool against Covid-19. Several candidate formulations of ivermectin are ready for clinical batch manufacturing to start regulatory preclinical and clinical development. We will be reviewing the strategy for this asset based on this top line result and the upcoming comprehensive analysis of the study.”
Rishi did a broadcast for the UK last night.
He plunged to a whole new level of dire, stilted, insulting. He really was like a dystopian mesmerising WEF computer generated talking head.
I’m struggling to find a copy, probably because they realise it was so bad, so Farage comment will have to do unless someone else can find it.
Rishi reminds me of Michael Rimmer in “The Rise and Rise of Michael Rimmer”.
I’ve always wondered why that movie took so long to become available on DVD.
Initially I thought it had to wait until Tony Blair faded away.
Worse than I remembered!
A neuroscience image sleuth finds signs of fabrication in scores of Alzheimer’s articles, threatening a reigning theory of the disease
“Some Alzheimer’s experts now suspect Lesné’s studies have misdirected Alzheimer’s research for 16 years.”
Open Borders Ireland: Green Govt Minister Says Migrants Fleeing Climate Change Must Be Let In
AOC dragged for claiming gas stoves are linked to brain damage
(Canadian) Federal electric vehicle rebates went 153% over budget
apparently not
How long does a temperature have to be maintained to be officially recorded as the highest for the day? Our Bom office is located between a large industrial suburb and a large airstrip that hosts commercial aircraft and jet fighters and bombers.