A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Happy Australia Day .
Not Australian – try one of these:
Jan 25th
St. Dwynwen’s Welsh equivalent to Valentine’s Day
Burns Night honors the Scottish poet
Tatiana Day celebrates the hearthplace of creativity Russia
Jan 26th
National Peanut Brittle Day
Dental Drill Appreciation Day
Toad Hollow Day of Encouragement
Would have thought Dental Drill Appreciation Day would follow Peanut Brittle Day.
It does – by 12 months
Not an Aussie?
Aussie food explained:
Warning: politically incorrect but hilarious.
ie true blue Aussie content. 😁
(Part 2 of 8)
Yum, lambington – needs vegemite though!
Boarding school slang for the coconut was “dandruff”
Now that’s funny .
I do wonder what they mean by “Australia”.. Are we celebrating the land, although there is land all over the world… or is it the Govt, the face of Australia politically, hurrah for the Labor Party, yeah right.. Celebrating the fools we hate every other day of the year!
Is it the people, the Brits who made this society and the Greeks & Lebanese who joined it, and the changes the Asians are bringing.. or is it just an excuse to get on the beers?
To me it’s about recognising the work millions have put in to develop and defend the values we have of taking people at face value, giving the other guy a fair go and lending a hand to help others less fortunate. Some people in Australia don’t care about these values but most, I’d say, do. The loud and arrogant in the elites battle for their standing amongst their peers, but the rest of us want to get along with each other, enjoy the good life we have and share our good fortune with others.
That easy going nature can have pitfalls at times and our expectations of inherent goodwill amongst the politician and powerbrokers is often misplaced. However, we should still celebrate our wish and hopes and endeavours to make living in Australia a great experience for all.
Since the 2022 Federal election there are eleven indigenous Australians serving in our parliament. As far Is I can determine, none of them is afflicted with terminal laryngitis. This means that each has a voice with which to communicate ideas to their parliamentary colleagues, including our Prime Minister. Then there are other knowledgeable Aborigines like Warren Mundine, to name but one of many.
Jacinta Nampijinpa Price and Marion Scrymgour both stressed the issues facing the Northern Territory, and Alice Springs, in their inaugural addresses to parliament. They come from both sides of the aisle. Did any of those present listen? A quick fly-in by the Prime Minister to Alice Springs, with no intent to observe, first-hand, what occurs there virtually every night, is not going to address, much less solve, the problems.
Suppose that the French had arrived before, rather than just after, the First Fleet. Would the aborigines have fared better under French administration? But what if the “invaders” had been Indonesian, or Chinese, German or American? What then?
What is it to be Australian?
A reminder for those who may having doubts.
Australia Day is a traditional holiday and may it always remain.
Its worth dispelling the myth that it was an invasion, the small contingent only signed on to keep the prisoners in order. This only came about because Banks told the Admiralty that the indigenous population was timid, unlike the Maori across the gap.
Don’t forget that they also repelled a French invasion
Get on the Beers
Fire up those barbies, get the real meat out of the fridge, add suds and raise the middle finger to those who would seek to destroy our culture.😎
Boy, your meat must be really dirty (if you’ll excuse the expression)
January the 26th is also listed as string appreciation day if your a Pastafarian ! (Church of the giant spaghetti monster ) .
There was a comment yesterday about a woman living in Alaska who bought an EV.(Chevy Bolt)
It came under a fire risk recall and was told it would take 4 years to fix with a new battery.
Why would anyone in Alaska – a very cold climate – even think about buying an EV anyway? They don’t perform at all well in cold conditions and can’t be charged if the battery is below freezing.
Sitka is on the coast north of Seattle. Elevation is sea level to just over 100 feet. It should have a cool marine environment.
Also, there are only local streets, and any trip is likely under 3 miles.
If any trip is only 3 mi how much can you save on petrol?
A week or so back I tried to recall the words to advance Australia fair. I found that I felt very uncomfortable with those words which once rang true.
Then someone posted a new version that was appropriate;
Something like;
Australians all let us regret, that we’re no longer free. ,, etc
Will I ever feel like singing it again?
We attended an Australia Day event in country Victoria. It was quite well attended and there seemed to be a good, friendly atmosphere but the singing of the National Anthem was pathetic. This might have been partly because we were fairly spread out in the open air but there was obviously no sense of pride or gusto in the signing.
Perhaps this is a sign that those who are trying to undermine our country are having an effect? I hope not, but there is no doubt that activist naysayers and virtue signalling CEOs are not helping when it comes to promoting pride in our country.
“the singing of the National Anthem was pathetic.”
To this day it appears that the general populace simply dont know the words. Back in the day, at school Monday morning, Raise the flag, salute the flag sing the national anthem ( God save the Queen).
Today our schools DO NOT celebrate or respect any Anglo traditions. Kids dont sing the anthem nor salute the flag, they are just taught whinging and self loathing.
P.S, Ask your friends and see how many actually know that the anthem has a second verse
To be fair to the local school, after Remembrance Day, the headteacher came up to me and said that perhaps next Remembrance Day the school could lead the singing of the National Anthem because they sing it every day. I must say I like the headteacher.
I think we have the wrong song …we should have “I am Australian”
At the anti-vax mandate rally in Perth that I attended in 2021, the Australian national anthem was sung. The words were loud and clear.
(Jo, family, and many more were there)
Keith, the following may be of interest to you.
This is a version of the Australian anthem that was re-written by my nephews teacher. 2018
The class was made to sing it.
My nephew is left of left, as I was at his age. Even he was dismayed enough to show it to me.
How would one feel about being peer pressured into singing this as an alternative anthem?
“Australians let us all rejoice
Our golden soil with solar farms
Is our new industry.
Our land abounds in wind turbines,
their blades a sight to see
In history’s page we’ll realise
Green energy is free.
In joyfull tones repeat this line
Green energy is free!”
OHHH where do I start with the above lyrics?
What is that? Indoctrination?
An anthem should be non political, one that unites, not divides.
If one needs to see inclusion, diversity and unity then this is it.
I present:
A performance of ‘I Am Australian’ by the students of Broome Primary School. (Western Australia)
Ross Clark: The National Grid is falling apart thanks to Net Zero
By Paul Homewood
Net Zero makes the national grid a notional grid.
Babylon Bee: Pfizer Introduces New Mascot ‘Clotty’
Project Veritas is reporting that Pfizer is exploring the development of a Directed Evolution strain of SARS-CoV-2 in line with the established precedent of preemptively developed new vaccines for anticipated virus epidemics.
Pfizer will need to improve their marketing though, SARS-CoV-2 even sounds like some kind of weapon of mass destruction. My suggestion- a moniker that has more appeal to the kids- CashCow-2 Sarsparilla perhaps.
The little Aussie dollar is on a tear, up 15% V US$ in three months. That’s a big change within “stable” currencies. This looks more like weakening of the greenback than strengthening of the A%.
Fundamentally we have a bright future if our pollies could stop the sabotage though.
Whoah there Hanrahan – ‘sabotage’ is OUR word, it’s ex-PM Cinders’ middle name after all. I think your lot of crooks are known as ‘underhand’ or ‘back-stabber’. Anyway, Happy Australia Day, for what’s left of it. 🇦🇺
And yet diesel is still $2.20 / litre
$2.07 in northeast Victoriastan Sambar .
Fuel pricing, almost as confusing as quantum physics. Last week in Melbourne filled up at $1.98 got to Healsville $2.18 then as you say ( I’m guessing Wang )$2.07.
How does it get cheaper the further you are from the capital cities? Are you game enough to fill a couple of jerry cans or take the risk and hope it drops a little further by Monday. No hope it will go down over the unofficial long week end.
Mansfield tomorrow, generally the dearest place to buy fuel by a reasoable margin maybe they milk the tourists.
The Indian Rupee has also strengthened against the US dollar, while the Yuan weakens.
‘The Chinese yuan against the US dollar fell more than 13 percent in eight months – from 6.3 in March to 7.3 in November.’ (Global Times)
Of passing interest, the Russians are buying yuan in preference to US dollars.
The INR/USD has gone from 82.7 in Oct2022 to about 81.4 currently
Whereas the AUD/USD in the same period has gone from 0.622 to .712
Pity the ones whose pensions come from the USA??
Why? Abt 70c is the long term Xrate.
Three months ago I spoke of the Pacific Peso here. ‘Tis swings and roundabouts.
Don’t worry.
POTUS Biden is not going to let the Republicans wreck the economy.
Nut Zero is the endless gift for miners of all commodities.
Even to make a tiny impact in the race to oblivion would require mining to increase 4-fold over present level. However it is limited by China’s ability to mine enough coal to keep the wheels turning in its manufacturing powerhouse.
235 year ago a permanent western civilization on the lands of Australia. In that relatively small period of time I think we have achieved quite a lot.
However, based on Gross Private Produce, Australia seems to have peaked around 1955. After that the government has grown so big that each generation is poorer, which is masked by the forward progression of technology.
Our growth in output is less than the population grows at, which really means, on per person basis, we have been in continual recession. We see this everywhere with the price of anything even remotely regulated or controlled by government having exploded. Everything from health to childcare to education to policing, all of it grows every year way beyond the growth in the private sector.
Over 50% of the population is now funded directly or indirectly by government, so any hope of political reform is a ship that’s sailed by long ago.
We have a terrible federal/state tax system, in which blanket taxes and regulation apply across the country and all form of competition between the states has been removed. This neuters all growth out side of the major original colonies. Just look at the census – most of Australia is either stagnent or dieing off – the only exception is the major traditional CBD metro areas. If you go to a remote area you get hit with the same tax and regulation as if you were running on the banks of Sydney cove itself.
Is there much hope? Maybe. I think the RBA will hold interest rates too low, and we will have 10%+ inflation for many years, the purpose of which will be to inflate the federal debt away and relieve the burden of public sector employees by inflating away there wages. The private sector has the real power – as we have seen with energy and food supplies.
The public sector will scream and hold their breath until they go blue in the face, as they demand pay rises “to combat inflation”. And our politicians will give them that.
The only way to reduce public sector strangulation of the economy is to reduce the numbers that have to be paid.
Our PS must be the highest paid in the west and we have Gough to thank for that. He couldn’t influence private sector wages directly so he bumped up the PS wages so industry had to follow.
Experimenting with socialists can not simply be reversed by occasionally electing the libs who are hardly better anyway.
Have you heard of a mixed economy?
‘The private sector tends to make up a larger share of the economy in free market, capitalist based societies. Private sector businesses can also collaborate with government run agencies in arrangements called public-private partnerships.’ (Investopedia)
Ah yes, the corruption corps… Private enterprise gets easy money and monopolies from the Govt, politicians get rid of difficult and embarrassing portfolios. Kickbacks to both sides abound.
Private Public Partnerships would be good if the books were public, if anyone could see where the money went. Otherwise they are just cash cows for capitalist rent-seekers.
Yes, except that Private Public Partnerships are never good,
they are the essence of fscm.
You are mixing politics with economics, understandable, but partnership can be productive.
The NSW government has been building West Connex and on completion has sold it to a consortium which rakes in the money.
Its the free enterprise model, not a fascist in sight.
Bill Gates at the Lowy Institute: mRNA shots aren’t actually useful
Microsoft founder Bill Gates, who served as one of the architects of Covid hysteria and had more of an impact than any other individual on the disastrous global pandemic policies, has finally acknowledged that the mRNA shots he’s been promoting for two years are nothing more than expired pharma junk.
In flying his private jet to attend an in person conversation with the Lowry Institute in Australia this week, the supposedly carbon conscious Gates admitted that the shots serve virtually no benefit to anyone, especially the most vulnerable population.
“We also need to fix the three problems of [mRNA] vaccines,” Gates started. “The current vaccines are not infection blocking. They’re not broad, so when new variants come up you lose protection, and they have very short duration, particularly in the people who matter, which are old people.”
You can find the relevant segment at 54:30
Restore Scientific Integrity. Declaration by 17,000 Physicians and Medical Scientists
A Joint Statement, representing 17,000 Physicians and Medical Scientists to end the National Emergency, Restore Scientific Integrity, and Address Crimes Against Humanity.
We, the physicians and medical scientists of the world, united through our loyalty to the Hippocratic Oath, recognize that the disastrous COVID-19 public health policies imposed on doctors and our patients are the culmination of a corrupt medical alliance of pharmaceutical, insurance, and healthcare institutions, along with the financial trusts which control them. They have infiltrated our medical system at every level, and are protected and supported by a parallel alliance of big tech, media, academics and government agencies who profited from this orchestrated catastrophe.
This corrupt alliance has compromised the integrity of our most prestigious medical societies to which we belong, generating an illusion of scientific consensus by substituting truth with propaganda. This alliance continues to advance unscientific claims by censoring data, and intimidating and firing doctors and scientists for simply publishing actual clinical results or treating their patients with proven, life-saving medicine. These catastrophic decisions came at the expense of the innocent, who are forced to suffer health damage and death caused by intentionally withholding critical and time-sensitive treatments, or as a result of coerced genetic therapy injections, which are neither safe nor effective.
The medical community has denied patients the fundamental human right to provide true informed consent for the experimental COVID-19 injections.
Well Australian doctors, what will you do?
The mainstream media IGNORED this!
Massive covid conference in Stockholm
If you have only been reading the mainstream media, you would not have heard about what just happened in Stockholm this weekend.
There was a massive conference in Sweden with top doctors from around the world giving lectures on the dangers and failures of the mRNA vaccines.
Doctors including Dr. Aseem Malhotra, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Jessica Rose, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Richard Urso and many more held fantastic speeches exposing the truth about the vaccines.
And the conference hall was completely packed with about 1000 people in attendance. It was a massive conference.
The message was very clear from the doctors, the unvaccinated are the ones that will fare the best. One thing that was talked about a lot was concerns about the future of humanity and how the mRNA vaccines are affecting fertility.
We have seen dramatic drops in the birthrates this year, and the so called experts in the media don’t seem to know why or even want to talk about it. Meanwhile we are seeing sky high excess mortality.
* The video will be available shortly.
Pfizer Exposed For Exploring “Mutating” COVID-19 Virus For New Vaccines Via ‘Directed Evolution’
Oh, you silly little scientists…
Thursday awesomeness: wood carving par excellence!
I’ve seen some impressive work before, but this…
chainsaw, will get artistic?
Skynet and T2 just moved a step closer: Researchers reveal shapeshifting humanoid robots that can turn themselves into liquid
Researchers have created humanoid, miniature robots that can shapeshift and turn into liquid.
The breakthrough could allow for the creation of more robots that can shift between liquid and solid, allowing them to be used in a variety of situations.
Researchers demonstrated the capability by having one of the robots turn liquid so that it could escape from a small prison that had been held in.
In other demonstrations, the robots were able to jump over moats, climb walls, and split in half so that the two pieces could work together to move objects – before coalescing together again.
They are also magnetic and can be used to conduct electricity, which in turn allows them to be controlled.
FBI Announces North Korea-Associated Hackers Responsible For $100 Million Virtual Robbery
On Monday, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) announced that a North Korea-associated hacking group had carried out a robbery of $100 million in cryptocurrency last year.
Harmony’s Horizon Bridge operates cryptocurrency movements between Harmony and other systems. On June 24, 2022, Harmony’s bridge was hacked and $100 million of virtual funds were taken.
The FBI noted that some of its offices, working with other groups, are still finding and interrupting North Korea’s acts of stealing and money laundering of cryptocurrency. It said the criminal actions are utilized in order to prop up North Korea’s Weapons of Mass Destruction and ballistic missile projects.
KFC parent Yum! shuts 300 restaurants after cyber attack
KFC and Pizza Hut-parent Yum! Brands has been forced to close around 300 outlets across the UK after it was hit with a ransomware attack earlier this week.
The fast food company said it initiated planned response protocols, including containment measures such as taking specific systems offline, as soon as the attack was detected. It also implemented enhanced monitoring technology in the immediate aftermath.
In an online statement the operator also said it has begun an investigation into the attack, which, according to sources, was carried out by a group that remains, as-yet, unspecified.
Yum also explained that it has notified cyber security and forensic professionals as well as US law enforcement.
Over 50% of cyberattacks target oceania but only 10% target the EU, so stay protected!
“(FBI) announced that a North Korea-associated hacking group had carried out a robbery of $100 million in cryptocurrency last year.”
haha! The FBI seized/stole $100mil and needed to launder it somehow…
Rock-doctpring and Climatology:
There is a connection.
Start at 49:49.
Biden ‘Dietary Expert’ Claims Willpower Doesn’t Exist And Obesity Is A ‘Brain Disease’
Here are the highlights of Stanford’s remarkably detached-from-reality obesity religion masquerading as science:
“[Obesity] is a brain disease.”
“Throw [willpower] out the window.”
“The number one cause of obesity is genetics. That means if you were born to parents that have obesity, you have a 50-85% likelihood of having the disease yourself even with optimal diet, exercise, sleep management, stress management, so when people see families that have obesity, the assumption is, ‘Ugh. What are they feeding those kids? They’re doing something wrong.’”
“Doctors do not understand obesity.”
To summarize the tenets of the faith, fat children (who are getting fatter by the year) of fat parents are fat because of genetics, not because the whole family eats the same GMO-processed slop.
Doctors have biases against obese people, and they also don’t understand obesity.
Loving and liberal tolerance is not about tolerance but about enabling destructive behaviors that weaken society and, as a result, any potential resistance to the power structure.
Fat people are probably too depressed and downtrodden and wheezy to put up a fight.
What a load of bollox!
Where does the Biden admin gets these chronically ignorant clowns from?
Are they bred specially in labs for roles in the admin?
Willpower is the #1 reason for success or failure. If you want it enough you can do it. If you’re half-hearted you’ll fail.
The mind-body connection is an amazing thing, once you reach the level where you can exploit it to your advantage.
I speak from considerable practical experience in the field.😎
It’s all part of the “body positivity movement” or “fact acceptance movenent”.
They blame it on a “disease” but obesity is about over-consumption of the wrong types of foods, mostly sugar and other types of carbohydrates in particular and not enough animal fats, grass fed animal protein and monosaturated fats from plant sources (olive oil etc.).
My great grandmother had simple sayings that reflected the wisdom of her 80 plus years.
Regarding obese people and their excuses she would say –
“It can’t go on your hips until it’s been passed your lips.”
The Biden administration, and most likely the Democrat party, is more or less owned by Big Pharma. As such, expect this person to support more and more dubious and expensive weight loss medications in place of exercise etc.
Being open thread here. Does anybody have information on the longevity of the electric motors going into the EV’s? I ask because alternators and starter motors in vehicles have a history of failing after some years of use. Then there are failures eventually of refrigerator and dishwasher motors over time such that most of these conveniences only come with a similar life expectancy of the lithium battery packs in EV’s. Wonder what the cost of replacement of the motors in EV’s would be if they follow the same path, or does one toss the entire vehicle out like an old fridge?
Each manufacturer guarantees a different rate of possible mileage. For example, the Tesla electric car motor life expectancy reaches 1 million miles, and its battery can last up to 500,000 miles without replacement. At the same time, manufacturers say that the battery capacity is reduced by 20% after only 200,000. It is also interesting that some electric car manufacturers are willing to cover battery packs when the battery capacity drops to 60-70%.
Electric cars were introduced to the market not long ago and are constantly improving. Every year, batteries become more powerful and long-term. Therefore, at this point, it is difficult to say exactly how long your electric car will last. The average electric car motor life expectancy is 15-20 years. But the performance of the motor is affected by various factors.
Other sources are in line with these figures.
” … the Tesla electric car motor life expectancy reaches 1 million miles, and its battery can last up to 500,000 miles without replacement.”
And how is ‘end of life’ determined with the battery? When it dies completely? Any mention of dwindling capacity? If it dropped to 20%, is that battery still considered to be functioning?
That would be like being told by a dealer that they believe your car, which once put out 200bhp but now makes just 40bhp, is working fine.
The starter is a DC motor so needs a commutator and brushes so they have inherent unreliability. Buy a hybrid and no more starter problems. 😀
The alternator is an AC generator with the only mechanical component being the bearings, a little extra effort and they can last “forever”. The other problem is when a diode [there are 6 of them] fails. Again a little extra effort by the manufacturer and they too can last “forever”.
Crank handle for the ICE?
The story, as I heard it, is that a good Samaritan helped a lady driver crank her car, got injured and died.
A friend said there had to be a better way and thus invented the starter. I’d rather the problematic starter than a problematic hand, even with antibiotics.
And then they invented the impulse magneto
No such thing as forever. The windings on the motors go through repeated force transitions that will eventually fatigue them and the insulation . As this happens the motors will become noisier and eventually fail. The sealed anti friction bearings also have a limited life as do the gearbox’s, wheel bearings, electronics etc. I doubt the life expectancy is any longer than an ICE equivalent except that in 20years (probably 10) you will no longer be able to buy a battery as the one required will be considered ancient technology. And no longer manufactured.
Please God, save me from pedants.
Are you taking over from Leaf?
“Buy a hybrid and no more starter problems. 😀” and buy a world of complexity that seems great until it isnt
You speak from ignorance.
Ask any taxi driver if his Prius has been a pain in the bum..My 12 yr old hybrid has just last year had one replacement 12 V battery BECAUSE it doesn’t crank the motor. Nothing else. I won’t even need to change the timing belt.
I just replaced an alternator in an 18 year old Honda. Two diodes were gone and it would not charge the battery to capacity. Alternators spin faster than the engine so bearings need to be designed for high speed operation.
Most electric motors are limited by bearing life. Good design to avoid contamination and suitably sized bearings would give very long life. One issue is that the motor magnetic field attracts metal shavings, which can migrate into bearings if sealing is not good. Also there is potential for stray currents to erode bearing surfaces but good design should avoid these issues.
Give someone a motor that puts out massive torque from launch, advertise stunning 0-60mph times and you can bet a lot of people will try it. Electric motors and batteries don’t last long like that.
EVs will last just long enough to drive personal vehicle ownership to extinction.
Haven’t we been here before with wind and solar?
“The technology and infrastructure is not there yet but necessity of invention will produce if we just commit.”
“Not only that it will be cheap”.
How has that worked out?
All this is about something else.
Thank you everyone for a very informative series of replies
‘Smoking Gun’ Disability Data Reveals Alarming Health Crisis of the Employed
“If you’re wondering why there are ‘help wanted’ signs, this is it.”
Three million more unfortunate souls are now among the U.S. disabled population than two years ago. What were 29.85 million people within this cohort in January 2021 soared to 32.87 million in December 2022.
What’s interesting is that the trend was overall heading downward in 2020. It wasn’t until 2021 that the disability numbers took a significant turn for the worse — increasing by 10%.
You took the shot to keep your job, and now you get to be sick and unemployed…
I thought TdeF’s comment on the previous thread was interesting and worth repeating.
“In case of rain, revolution will take place indoors.”
Yesterday’s article moaning about why the unvaxxed didn’t do enough to warn the vaxxed has been listed a fake by Reuters.
“. Alessandro Siani, associate head of the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Portsmouth in Britain, told Reuters that he .. did author an article published by The Conversation on Jan. 6, 2023, which features identical illustration, but whose real headline reads: “COVID: unvaccinated people may be seen as ‘free riders’ and face discrimination” (here).”
Zerohedge has a go at the Aussie medical establishment.. baffled by the massive increase in heart problems, no idea of why, every reason except the vax.
Pretty tricky.. They can map the people in a house by sending in WiFi signals from outside and using the returns like radar..
Ukraine is currently Staring Annihilation in the Face