A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Update: Oxford city approves climate lockdown plans
WEF Declares People Have No Right To Own Their Own Cars: ‘You Can Walk or Share’
Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum has declared that people have no right to own their own car and can instead “walk or share.” According to the WEF, far too many people own their own vehicles and this situation must be corrected by pricing them out of the market.
The global elites in Geneva, Switzerland, are now instructing their Young Global Leaders embedded in governments around the world that far too many people own private vehicles and they must be priced out of the market with massive gas price hikes.
The end of private ownership is essential, according to the WEF, and can be applied to everything from cars to private homes and even city-wide design principles.
“A design process that focuses on fulfilling the underlying need instead of designing for product purchasing is fundamental to this transition,” the WEF sets out. “This is the mindset needed to redesign cities to reduce private vehicles and other usages.”
Ahhh, how it all ties together.
No point owning caravans, rv’s, holiday shacks etc any more.
WEF corporatists long to return to the good old days when slaves could be owned but not own.
I’m just dying to know how slave time-sharing might work.
Ask someone who works more than one job.😎
BIG BROTHER WILL WATCH YOU DRIVE: Disgusting Infrastructure Bill Installs KILL SWITCHES in All New Vehicles, Turns America into a POLICE STATE
Maybe something like 1,500 private jets take attendees to each Davos WEF conference, or maybe as WEF claims the number is a lot lower than that. Either way, it is a strong endorsement of the idea that people must not use private cars. (A jet is not a car).
Have you people realised yet that the Davos WEF mob have declared war
on the rest of the world?
It must be time for us to declare war back on them.
But 97% of the people would not have a clue about any of this.
You only have to see the ones still wearing face nappies.
I have a feeling that retribution is not far away.
Lock the gate at Oxford.
Retribution by who against who? if 97% are unaware will they feel any need for retribution?
I love the idea of a kill switch on those Private jets, or maybe they are compliant knowing what engine monitoring systems already exists
There you have it, in black and white.
I recall in one of the Dune books Frank Herbert comments on how it’s easier to rule a non mobile population. I think this is the real reason the WEF wants to deny us personal transport.
Germans call cars “freedom machines”. It is true. They are.
John Connor, ‘WEF Declares People Have No Right To Own Their Own Cars: ‘You Can Walk or Share’
‘Meanwhile… we have the right to our own private jets.’
John Connor, ‘WEF Declares People Have No Right To Own Their Own Cars: ‘You Can Walk or Share’
‘Meanwhile… we have the right to our own private jets.’
Sorry for duplicate comment but it’s worth repeating. 🙁
The arrogance of these unelected bossy-boots seems to know no bounds.
Lockdown doesn’t sound sinister enough, as is the intent of the word.
They should be called lockups.
Melbourne’s fluctuating temperatures causing “gene changes” and illnesses.
DM – oh FFS! 😁
There’s more on that here.
It seems that to get research funds these days all you have to do is propose some supposedly disastrous change if the weather gets hotter or colder.
And is it at all surprising that there might be epigenetic changes due to temperature (if true) and so what? No organism lives under conditions of static temperature anyway.
So the nub of the problem is right in front of them-
” people who … won’t switch the air-con on because they can’t afford it. ”
Cheap electricity Dr Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick, chief investigator at the Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes, is all you need. You’d better get those new coal and nuclear power stations built!
European Union Regulators Warn That Frequent COVID Booster Shots Could Adversely Affect The Immune System
Repeat booster doses every four months could eventually weaken the immune response and tire out people, according to the European Medicines Agency. Instead, countries should leave more time between booster programs and tie them to the onset of the cold season in each hemisphere, following the blueprint set out by influenza vaccination strategies, the agency said.
The advice comes as some countries consider the possibility of offering people second booster shots in a bid to provide further protection against surging omicron infections. Earlier this month Israel became the first nation to start administering a second booster, or fourth shot, to those over 60. The U.K. has said that boosters are providing good levels of protection and there is no need for a second booster shot at the moment, but will review data as it evolves.
“Eventually”, like right now?
Yet another ‘conspiracy theory’ comes true – Vaccines fuelling variants and causing sickness
gods, surely they can’t be making things worse…like the conspiracy theorists said?
Allysia Finley, who wrote the article, begins by describing panic over the new Omicron variant – XBB. It is rapidly spreading across the U.S and whilst it is unlikely to be any more lethal, its mutations are evading antibodies. According to Ms. Finley, growing evidence also suggests that repeated vaccinations may make people more susceptible to XBB and fuelling it’s rapid evolution.
Who would have thought!? Certainly not the ‘conspiracy theorists’ who warned from the very beginning that training the immune system on a specific spike protein was not a clever idea. Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) and/or Original Antigenic Sin (OAS) were always a concern but apparently not to the big-brained scientists who know better than everyone else.
I’ve modified the “conspiracy theorist” insult.
I now call it “ConsPiracy Realist” for I am a realist who sees the government cons and how they’re plundering global wealth for themselves. 😁
Japan Launches Official Investigation Into Millions of COVID Vaccine Deaths
Japan has launched an official investigation into the unprecedented numbers of people dying after receiving the Covid-19 vaccination.
According to reports, Japanese researchers have been instructed to investigate the mechanisms by which experimental mRNA jabs could be causing deaths and severe adverse reactions.
Hiroshima University School of Medicine Prof. Masataka Nagao highlighted how the bodies of vaccinated persons he performed autopsies on were abnormally warm, with upwards of 100 degree F body temperatures.
Nagao says “temperatures were very high at the time of death. Their body temperatures were above the normal temperature, more like over 40 degrees celsius (104ºF).”
Graphing the data, Nagao’s research team found there were significant changes to the genetic makeup of vaccinated autopsied patients’ immune systems.
The research has led Nagao to conclude the vaccine causes immune system abnormalities that prompt inflammation throughout the body, which is likely the cause of the high body temperatures at the time of autopsy.
Oh, 2023 is going to a bad year for the vaxxed.😎
“Oh, 2023 is going to a bad year for the vaxxed.”
Which ought to be cause for some nice indulgence in schadenfreude bar the horrible fact that so many innocent people were forced into taking multiple jabs to keep their jobs, or to stay enrolled at Uni, as is the case with all 3 of my kids. This is the biggest crime any of us has ever been near; the most infuriating aspect is that the very many guilty shall not suffer – for example, that nice WEF chap Mr Hunt has already disappeared.
USA flu figures 2912-2021
Of course, we all know what’s happening…
I’d rather they delayed the autopsy until I was definitely dead.
“The advice comes as some countries consider the possibility of offering people second booster shots…”
Only two? Here in Northeastern Ohio, US, a friend of mine and his wife both got their third booster shot a couple of months ago (5 total shots). A couple of weeks later, the wife got Covid then apparently passed it on to her husband (neither required hospitalization though the wife did have brain fog and now thinks she may have long Covid), so the Covid vaccines were certainly effective in preventing them from catching then spreading Covid.
but you just know they will be saying it was much less severe than it would have been, and how thankful they are for the vaccine. Yesterday we were talking with some friends and they were bemoaning how difficult it was to get the government tracking app to record their four shots. We just move on to another topic these days.
If they accurately track who is vaccinated they cant jigger the numbers.
German Govt To Remotely Control Heating, Charging Of EVs
A government agency in Germany announced plans to remotely limit home heating and charging of electric cars under a new scheme
Germany’s Federal Network Agency, a watchdog that regulates electricity and gas in the country, said the plan would allow the power grid operators to remotely limit people’s use of heat pumps and electric car chargers next winter without the user’s consent.
The plans, set to be in place by January 2024, will give energy grid operators the power to artificially curb electricity demand if consumption outstrips supply.
Die Welt reported that the plans had been drawn up in the wake of the German energy grid being put under more strain due to the increasing use of electric car chargers and people using supposed ‘environmentally friendly’ electricity-intense heat pumps in their homes.
The increased demand cannot be caught up with increased supply, meaning the government believes that remote consumption restrictions are the only solution.
The agency reportedly says that the public would require an “acceptance of necessary comfort restrictions” to implement remote-controlled energy grid operations.
Although there is currently no evidence that such devices could be remotely switched off completely, the Federal Network Agency aims to make it mandatory that such devices can be remotely limited to as low as 3.7 kilowatts to enable what they call “peak smoothing.”
Resistance is not futile.
They will fail.
They already have the infrastructure to do that in Australia.
It is in most a/c units and various other appliances.
Currently participation is optional.
It’s called DRED, very appropriate.
Demand Response Enable Device.
I wrote an article about in in April 2017.
Willing to bet that some clever folks could bypass these systems.
David, you and I both know what can be done with a few heavy gauge clip leads….the LKeft are not real bright.
I wonder if that could be why ours isn’t working.
It hasn’t been working for some time, but we haven’t needed it.
I always thought the German people were smart . .
They have been and are being pulled down like every other western nation, arguably faster under Merkel who attacked them on multiple fronts.
Some have decided to extend a coal mine. Others object.
Dave B
Ooops again,
Another unintentional duplication. I think it was carelessness and/or impatience…
Dave B
[All good David]AD
Australia: Vaxx batches, TGA FOI’s and contaminants
Interesting. Will follow and see how it develops.
Historic winter warm spell engulfs Europe, breaking thousands of temperature records
Weather gods have been very kind to Europe so far this winter. Instead of normally very cold December and January, the weather turned to be unusually warm, breaking thousands of temperature records across much of the continent.
From Span and France to western Russia, temperatures across much of Europe are 10 to 20 °C (18 to 36 °F) above normal at the start of 2023, with thousands of temperature records broken from December 31 to January 2, 2023.
“We just observed the warmest January day on record for many countries in Europe,” Scottish meteorologist Scott Duncan said. “Truly unprecedented in modern records.”
“[There are] far too many individual station records to even count,” Duncan said. “Thousands.”
On January 1, at least seven countries saw their warmest January weather on record, climatologist Maximiliano Herrera reports.
Lucky for them, so far…
From Span and France to western Russia
Oh yes the restaurants along the Costa del Sol in southern Span where we feasted on lunches of spaim. lol.
We went on a skiing holiday to Austria over Christmas 1971, early New Year 1972. There was a shortage of good snow then iirc!
USA inflation for 2022 was 32%
Our Independent Inflation model has calculated that the combined rate for everything from food to transportation came in at 32% for 2022. That is a far cry from the official number. This is simply calculated by Socrates from an unbiased perspective. Thank you, COVID & the Russian Sanctions. What a new wonderful world the Biden Administration has created.
The “official” figure was 8%.
A slight difference…
Armstrong Economics must be smoking something, and that may be 32% higher than a year ago.
I think this concept is difficult. For example, grocery stores have sales, but to advertise that a good is sold at 15% off, it has to have recently sold at the higher price. Thus, if one “cherry picks” from a sales price to the highest price, it might be possible to arrive at 32%.
The Armstrong site claims “Our Independent Inflation model has calculated …”
Let’s just say I don’t trust that model!
Whilst it is possible that the 32% is not accurate…,
It is CERTAIN that the 8% is not accurate !
Australia’s official inflation rate is 7.3% but most people I speak to agree it’s more like 25 or 30 percent.
John obviously doesn’t do the shopping, David. A 30% rise over the past twelve months would be a conservative estimate.
But it’s hardly surprising. In the same period the AUD against the USD has fallen from 76 cents to 66 cents. It’s what happens when your govt prints an extra $2 Billion + a week for nearly three years to create the impression everything is hunky dory, when in fact the country is bankrupt.
The “official” figure – 7.3% – is a fairy tale.
Wife just returned from shopping – no frozen chips ALDI or Woolies
3 Pack Kitchen Paper Roll gone from AUD $2.95 to AUD $5.00 from last week
I would call that a 69.5% increase
Cadbury Chocolate down from 250g to 200g and now 180g
Good point Old Ozzie.
Some of the inflation is hidden by downsizing the products. When is a block of chocolate not a block of chocolate?
When it is only is only 72% of a block of chocolate.
You still get a glass and half in the Cadbury Choc Bar, however, the glasses are smaller and they move the camera closer to make the glasses look bigger.
they move the camera closer to make the glasses look bigger…
When I worked in retail the downsizing of product, particularly in convectionary lines, always involved an accompanying memo directing staff to ensure that the new blocks/pack were not combined with existing shelf stock and either were held back till all the old stock cleared or the old stock was moved away to a different display and marked down to sell off asap. Despite the set procedure being to put perishables in date order ie fill from the back of the shelf pulling existing stock to the front the care level of some nightfill casuals was zero so still had cases of customers noting the downsize when old stock made it to the front of the shelf days/weeks later.
Every year it seems easter eggs get slightly smaller and thinner. I like a bit of chocolate so I notice this. I remember fielding in junior cricket behind the Ringwood cadbury factory and my mouth watering most of the day if the wind was blowing the ‘wrong’ way.
Some beer brands cheat a bit too. Great Northern stubbies hold 330ml while tinnies (cans) hold 375ml, most clubs sell these at the same price. So if you can handle the taste of GN beer from a tinnie, you get more for your money. 375ml was the volume most beers held in both stubbies and tinnies for a long, long time, so quite a sneaky move.
Some beer brands cheat a bit too
In younger years I went through the stage of keeping my rum in the freezer as it seemed to make it a bit syrupy and I thought it tasted better. Stopped doing that for a few years then gave it a go with a certain brand and instead of syrupy I discovered all these shardes of ice in the rum when I poured it. Only conclusion I could come to was that in the intervening years a bit more water was being added to the mix.
Thats the club cheating not the brand. If you buy boxes they are different prices, and the last time I bothered to work it out the lower priced bottles were slightly better value per unit of content(different volume, different no of items per box, different cost)
The clubs probably just want simplicity of pricing as much as anything. It is the most expensive way to drink so there is not much point sooking.
Here is the ABS data: 1st number is Sept qtr, 2nd is full year to Sept 30.
The big increases have been in food, housing, services and transport, ones people notice every month.
All groups CPI 1.8 7.3
Food and non-alcoholic beverages 3.2 9.0
Alcohol and tobacco 1.2 4.0
Clothing and footwear -0.2 5.3
Housing 3.2 10.5
Furnishings, household equipment and services 2.8 7.7
Health 0.3 2.7
Transport -0.4 9.2
Communication 1.4 2.0
Recreation and culture 1.3 5.0
Education 0.0 4.6
Insurance and financial services 1.3 4.2
Consider too how often supermarkets have 1/2 price sales, which is constantly.
That of course means they have profit margins of over 100%, and I know that extends up to 300%.
But at least you get you self-checkout. /sarc
The thing with supermarkets and their profit margins that I cant get is the rewards/flybuy arrangements. The fresh food (ff) people are the more concerning because they seem to be throwing massive points opportunities to the market and I’m sure it will blow up in their faces if they don’t take corrective actions. In fact the ffpeople are already going down that road and offering a “better” reward card arrangement that you can pay for on a yearly or monthly basis.
My main wonderment/concern is on the accounting side when it comes to Christmas in so far as you can lock your points away until December and cash in then. Thing is Christmas is always in a new financial year so 6 months of points accumulation hits their sales in the month of Dec or spills over into Jan sales which would be even more profit destroying.
I know that initially phone cards didnt have an expiry date and were thought to be a great money spinner for telecom companies until someone realised that the collectors were keeping them unused and provision had to be made going forward incase one day people did start using them. The fix of course was putting an expiry date on the card. FFpeople have some 6million rewards users so if the average points value by 30 June 2023 is just $50 per card then that is a $300m “debt” they are carrying forward into the next financial year.
Rewards Programmes, the ultimate in self indulgent stupidity. Apparently a lot of people believe that the supermarkets give you these points “for free”. Well what about not giving points away and reducing the price of the goods instead.
Every product is priced to include ” free points” customer returns, pilferage, damage etc.NOTHING IS FREE. In some areas the supermarkets blatantly double dip by automatically deducting “damages” from the suppliers invoice as well as charging the customers . Supermarkets are the ultimate in ways to make money at other peoples expense. Specials are funded by the suppliers by both paying the supermarket to run a certain product as a “special”and copping the reduced profit margin so the supermarket still maintain their full mark up.
If you spend a certain amount you can get a discount on certain fuel purchases. These fuel outlets are always the dearest fuel suppliers even with your “discount” receipt and yet people keep thinking they are being looked after. Ignorance I can tolerate, the general stupidity of a great number of the populace is difficult for me to view calmly.
What Sambar said! You earn extra points.
WA has the government fuel watch site. Turns out locally the BP usually has the least expensive 98 grade fuel. And an agreement with Qantas for points.
As for grocery points, I am quite happy to read the promotional emails and collect the bonus points when the prices are the same and selectively shop when one has a better discount.
Depends on your point of view Sambar. If the benefit is there why not take it? its being paid for anyway by all customers and if you need to shop at that outlet why not? Its like some here who take solar rebates. Over the course of a year it provided $100 extra to spend on Christmas/NY which seem more productive that complaining about it.
Your generalized assertion that the discount fuel is “always” the dearest isnt always true. Next time you go to Seymour look at the price on the BP going in, the Safeway/Ampol on the other side and the Liberty next door. Its normally highest, mid, lowest just on sign prices.
Always use Petrol Spy or State equivalent to buy BP U98
PS Seymour VIC 3660 –
I suppose I am just cantankerous Yarpos. I hate the concept of being offered “rewards” for doing what is nessecary. I am not “Loyal” to a retailer and will often shop elsewhere at a slightly higher price if I perceive a better personal benefit such as customer service or a friendly attitude by staff. Rewards are what the dog gets, if the big chain marketing gurus want to treat people like trained pets good on them, if the trained people want to behave like pets good on them.
Damn, its true, I really am a G.O.B. ( grumpy old ? )
I’m a grumpy old woman Sambar; I feel much the same.
Average IQ was increasing generation by generation all the 20th century… Since then it has dropped, for the first time in measurement.
I think I might be a COOB – Cautiously Optimistic Old B…d.
But don’t ask me to justify the first O.
Dave B
I can do a good catankerous also 🙂 most of those programs are a sunk cost we all pay for these days. If it suits your situation you may as well us it.
For those who missed it on the previous thread.
2022 was the first year in recorded history, back to 1859, that Sydney Observatory Hill did not record a single temperature over 32ºC during the whole year !
I grew up in The Shire (Sutherland Shire 30km south of Sydney) and I remember plenty of days 35ºC, 38ºC.. even the occasional 40ºC in the 50s, 60s, 70s etc
Playing cricket on Tonkin Oval (the one below Cronulla station) in 38ºC heat with an incoming tide ie close to 100% humidity rising from the playing area….
.. I remember not being a lot of fun… unless you bowled medium pace swing. 😉 !
Similar situation here in North Central Vic. Hottest day of 2022 was 36 degrees about the 20th of December. Not a single really hot day in the January February period when we generally have several 40 + days. Couple of warm days so far this Jan but no stinkers in the out look.
From memory I think there was only two total fire ban days in 2022. So far this summer we have struggled to get to “moderate” fire danger warnings ( a good thing) but maybe the government could have saved a lot of money on all those new “Extreme” fire indicator signs through out the state.
I am from the shire b.nice, grew up there.
Played cricket on Tonkin oval. (Not very well).
Do you remember this? 1974.
The beach was destroyed during a storm. The hill between North Cronulla and Elouera beach was totally washed away, gone.
The link shows photos from 48 years ago.
Total devastation.
Today my nieces and nephews scream climate change whenever a storm takes the sand away at Cronulla. They live there. They are 25-32 years of age
It is unprecedented they cry, the planet is dying.. We need to stop climate change!!!….
Seriously, chicken little couldn’t do it better job than they do.
I sit sit calmly and quietly ask “Then how do you explain this?”
I show them the photos from 48 years ago.
They are blind to it.
It seems that they have blinkers on. You cannot reason with them.
They have the infallable belief that it is worse today.
It seems Chicken little (My nephews and nieces) will always run around saying the sky is falling.
Totally brainwashed as are so many others thanks to their I phone info etc. i believe that alot of people have lost or never had the ability to question authority.
In Casino, NSW, there has been only 8 days of +35C in the past two years and not one over the old 100F. Normally there should be 30 days of +35C.
In Lismore only 3 days over 35C for 2021/2 and normally 20 (though data missing from March to July 2022).
Tuesday funny. Spot the alcoholic.×900
10/10 for inventiveness!
In the old days, a drop of whisky on the dummy certainly helped ‘pacify’ the child.
Zardoz (1974) was set in 2293.
Do you have any comments on the movie?
Apparently Zardoz now has a cult following although few people understood what it meant when it was released. That’s not to say it did have any deep and significant meaning although it may have.
Wikipedia has a good analysis.
A recent look at Zardoz.
Some now consider it John Bormann’s most under rated film.
A fairly obscure scifi Sean Connery classic, and as you say, under-rated.
The original did have some serious audio quality problems that spoiled it, but I found a fixed one a while back.😁
The concept of an optical storage computer was brilliant, and indeed moving forward right now.
The film also highlighted the intellectual social schism and technological stagnation resulting from their “advanced” evolution, particularly significant in view of the WEF objectives in transhumanism.
The people that want immortality are the same ones who don’t know what to do on a rainy Sunday…
Yes the similarities to our present situation with the WEF who seek to control us and turn us into slaves of the Elites are more relevant now than before, as indeed are the Morlocks and Eloi from The Time Machine.
Apparently a lot of younger people are unable to tell the time on an analogue watch or clock face.
Or do basic mental arithmetic such as working out change due (on the rare occasions cash is used).
Nor can they do comprehensible cursive handwriting, if they can write at all.
Actually the last one is a problem for me too. Luckily I can read it. I blame learning to type when I was eight
and handing in typed work at primary school. And remain appalled at grown men who cannot type after fifty years.
But I suppose they cannot knit either. It can be a bit like knowing how to use a slide rule.
Being innumerate like Paul Keating or Tim Flannery or Al Gore is quite a different matter. Then you become a leftie and rail at the failure of the education system. Or a French Philosopher and deride the need to remembering dates in history or facts in science. Then you can invent your own science, whether Scientology or Climate Science, totally fact free, except for General Zod and those Thetans like Tom Cruise.
A millenial job interview.
Satire but truthful.
Children leave School at 16 years not being able to read, write and do basic sums. Probably can’t do joined up handwriting too. No wonder they can’t get jobs.
In the early 1970’s there was at least one school district in US where it was possible to graduate from high school without having made the formal acquaintance of English as a language.
As we are hell bent on catching up to the standards of the USA – – –
“Apparently a lot of younger people are unable to tell the time on an analogue watch or clock face.”
I have a niece, a university graduate no less ( arts, so probably says it all ) who cannot read an analogue clock. I tried to explain how easy it is if you just listen.
No hope it was “just to hard uncle” anyway I look at my phone.. We taught our grand daughters when they were about 3 or 4 years old, funny how pre kinder kids “got it” but its to hard for a graduate
One of the difficulties getting staff at Aldi. The registers don’t do the change calculation for you.
This is how the Polar Vortex spun off a cold air outbreak.
Collective noun for stingrays.
Collective noun for wizards is an argument.
Jordan Peterson and Bjørn Lomborg Explain What Climate Activists Get Wrong
A friend sent me this for Jo Novians to discuss.
Is either case relevant if CO2 doesn’t actually trap heat for more than 1/10,000th of a second? 😎
Beat me to it John. Prof. Happer does an excellent job of explaining this. CO2 would absorb and re-radiate energy in the lab, but in the lower atmosphere, the constant collisions with other majority gases rob the CO2 molecule of energy by kinetic collisions. So before the CO2 molecule has a chance to re-radiate, it has lost most of its acquired energy from the collisions, around 99.9999999% of the time.
And at the 15 micron wavelength, there is also a significant amount of water vapour that does most of the absorption. (The 3 and 6 micron wavelengths of CO2 don’t have to compete with water vapour, but there isn’t much CO2 absorption happening there.)
I think that this is too general to answer. It seems to have come from the claim that the absorption peak (of CO2 around 15 microns) broadens with a rise in concentration. This was a claim in the 1980’s. The problem is that the absorption peak is very sharp and is often portrayed using arithmetic not logarithmic scales. Yes, a very little extra might be absorbed by a higher concentration but the overall effect is below 1% extra at any meaningful concentration. Others point out that those farmers in Europe injecting CO2 into greenhouses at 1,000 – 1200 p.p.m. don’t save a cent on heating.
Another point is that CO2 DOES NOT TRAP HEAT. It absorbs and re-radiates extremely rapidly (as proven by Tyndall in 1861). So if there was more absorption there would be more radiation.
And finally, at the ‘top of the atmosphere’ extra CO2 would be radiating more into space. So with a constant input from the sun the result would be slight cooling there, increasing atmospheric circulation.
The question they ask is really a waste of time in tha the effect of CO2 is minor. I refer you to Ian Plimer’s comparison between Mt. Isa and Townsville. Same latitude (approx. so the same solar exposure and the same CO2 level) yet Mt. Isa is hotter during the day and colder at night.
The difference is the level of water vapour (lower in Mt. Isa) so more heat reaches the ground and more heat can radiate at night. In Townsville the water vapour may absorb incoming infrared and reduce its passage at night.
I haven’t saved the link given by Peter Fitzroy about a week or two ago (a NASA graphic incorporated in an IPCC report about 2010 I think) in which the ground is shown as getting X amount of solar radiation of which 60+% was lost by thermal and evaporation, and another 232% lost by radiation. The difference was supposedly supplied by ‘back radiation’ from the atmosphere. I suspect that believers have never had any acquaintance with elementary Thermodynamics, but believe in magical Unicorns.
CO2 might trap and re-radiate at TOA, but it’s not going to be able to do that at lower atmospheres, and these lower levels are the ones that are supposed to re-radiate back to earth. At TOA, most of the re-radiated energy would head back out to space.
I would like to subject politicians to a general knowledge test with particular emphasis on science, economics and ideas of liberty.
Any refusal to do the test would be considered a fail.
What do you think?
The only real solution:
Save the plants. Eat more meat so animals don’t eat them. LoL.
Or as someone said “Kale is so versatile. It fits any size rubbish bin.”
Tuesday “Crackpot with a degree”
Oohhh, an astrologist with a 169 IQ.
It shows, with posts like:
“Climate change will destroy all of humanity. It is our duty as citizens to gather as much resources and wealth for the most genetically & intellectually superior of our species (like the Clintons), so that they can survive to procreate & save the human race from extinction.”
“My worst fear is being covered head to toe in jellyfish stings while on fire and the only way to stop it is for an unvaxed person to urinate on me.”
No comment.🤣
Line ’em up.😁
Dr. Natalia.
Her future career involves fries…
Re – Dr. Natalia
I don’t think this thought pattern is as unusual as we would like to think.
I know people who think like this.
Most of the Western educated classes are religiously anti-human.
The decline of traditional religion simply created a void for this new cultish manifestation.
A trifecta of social thought tumors developed as result of modern affluence.
Climate Change/Trump (an attempt by the political immune system to fight the tumors)/Pandemic.
It is an intersection of hysteria.
Neo totalitarians wearing progressive disguise have taken great advantage of this historic confluence.
No offense but Oz, Canada, and NZ prove this.
In the last century intellectual utopians attempted to build their dream world with mass genocide.
Clear ulterior motives were ignored because they were too horrible and outlandish for polite society to contemplate.
The Great Leap Forward is ignored and unknown to most that complain about Western colonialism.*
People like Natalia this are likely the progenitors of pogroms.
At the brink their self hatred is turned on the other.
*(Convenient as that is where the dirty factory is hidden of sight so John Kerry can LARP anti- carbon environmentalist.)
I’d be more than happy to step forward and put them out of their misery. Welcome to your nightmare, freak!
I’ll volunteer for this persons last wish.
Surely a Tatiana McGrath wannabe?
I thought her words were all ironic until I came to the cast iron frypan she thinks is non-stick…
Maybe she forgot the decimal point in her IQ. Either way she’s dead right to be scared to be on fire and being unable to find someone to piss on her!
Tuesday funny: Journalists keyboards in 2023
Brief Respite
‘Europe is coming out of a remarkable midwinter heat wave that shattered thousands of temperature records across the continent.
‘The term “heat wave” is relative in the winter, of course, but temperature anomalies coming in 15-20+ degrees above normal are extreme no matter the season.’ (The Weather Network)
After a very cold first 2 weeks in December it has been quite mild here in the Uk but nothing exceptional so obviously this so called warming CO2 seems to be intermittently effective
The unseasonal warmth is directly related to the North Atlantic Oscillation.
If you don’t understand it, don’t vote for it; if you do understand it, you’d never vote for it!
Another player cardiac arrest at a sporting event.
This time American Football. 24 years old and straightlined after a play.
to my knowledge, this has never occurred in 60 years.
In this case it was clearly due to the blow to his chest he received a second before, it’s incredibly unlucky but a heavy blow to the chest can stop/disrupt/damage the heart.
yep, saw this happen once as a 20 something. Heavy chest blow damaged and permanently stopped a guys heart.
UAH 2022 was ranked 7th of 44 years.
CO2 emissions are unstoppable, but temps remain subdued.
It is wednesday now and UAH have released satellite temperatures for December 2022.
Here is one outcome, for the air over Australia.
Geoff S
The BOM will fix this, by adding more temperature measuring sites in the hottest parts of Australia.
I heard on 2UE today that this day in 2020 was the hottest ever day in Canberra and in Penrith suburb of Western Sydney, however I remember the questions raised by Dr Jennifer Marohasy at the time regarding the BoM recording of the weather station temperature and her own or colleagues recording.
KP yesterday
““Russian military bloggers, whose information has largely been reliable during the war, said …” ”
Seems to be a cite without a source but looks like there are some – maybe
That was in the Sydney Morning Herald Ian, sorry- It was just amazing that they mentioned it.
That Feedspot site ranks like this-
“The best Russian Military blogs from thousands of blogs on the web and ranked by traffic, social media followers, domain authority & freshness.”
But sadly no rankings for information or accuracy.
I still use the Greek site-
and a couple of reporters-
a couple of open sites-
and some Russian Telegram sites that need translating.
I braved a couple. Seems that things are hotting up.
And that the Russians have a passive detector system for locating artillery with a very quick response time – and no detectable traces
Does anyone know of the moringa tree in Australia? It sounds awesome.
Grows readily here in Queensland . Known locally as the drum stick tree. verry pretty flowers followed by long drum stick like seed pods. Has wonderful nutritional value when leave used in cooking and salads. Seeds are available from the Moringa Shop Sherrington St. Cairns
“The Most Politically Incorrect, Unwokeist Article You Will Ever Read”
Via a comment at Chiefio
I’d Like to Report a Squatter
Rep Matt Gaetz Asks Congress Why Kevin McCarthy Has Moved into House Speakers Office, Because He’s Not Speaker
January 3, 2023 Sundance
Apparently, California Representative Kevin McCarthy has already moved his personal effects and furniture into the House Speaker’s Office despite not winning enough votes to be considered Speaker of the House.
Republican House member Matt Gaetz, a strong opponent of Mr McCarthy, sends a letter of inquiry asking how is this possible?
“The Pied Piper Has No Clothes”
“I recently noted that the New York Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Climate Act) Scoping Plan framework for the net-zero by 2050 transition plan was approved by the Climate Action Council on December 19, 2022. In the last article I quoted a portion of Dr. Robert Howarth’s statement in which he more or less claimed credit for the Climate Act. This post uses two children’s tales to illustrate my concerns about his claimed basis for the Act.”
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