A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Sea Level Update from Noosa National Park, Queensland Australia
From Jennifer Marohasy’s Blog
I am repeating myself, sorry, but 70 years ago the king tides would nearly flood our yard. It DID cover some low streets. Still the same today, the suburb hasn’t been abandoned.
So, no change in infrastructure in those 70 years?
No, no dykes or levees have been built.
Give me a hint about what might change the peak tide half a km from open ocean.
Why is a Vanuatu elder grifting for a handout more believable than I?
Here are a couple of ideas- I’ve seen them both in operation
So it wasn’t built because of rising sea level.
‘The Thames Barrier has been closed 205 times since it became operational in 1982 (correct as of February 2022). Of these closures, 114 were to protect against tidal flooding and 91 were to protect against combined tidal/fluvial flooding.’
True. It was low land with high tidal and fluvial flood risk. See a big chunk of the Netherlands and many places in eastern England for more fun examples (including the two I linked).
Try again, no barriers. I would be aware, that’s where I walk my dog.
BTW There is never litter on the beach, not even a plastic straw;
I wasn’t “trying” anything.
Here is the river and my suburb is on the left. The bridge is high enough to allow boats to navigate at high water so cannot affect water levels.
GA is still PETRIFIED by sea level rise of less than 2mm/year !
Hilarious !
I was looking at some Brisbane tide data.. The range of the high tide level was some 80cm.. (max was in 2013)
A rise in sea level of less than 2mm/year over 40 years is less than 8cm, 1/10 of the range of the high tide.
I doubt anyone alive has ever actually noticed any sea level rise anywhere!
The climate worriers really need to GET A GRIP on reality !
Or sea level.
And then there are the seal level measurements from Fort Denison over the last 140 years. Not much change as I understand it.
High tide at Fort Denison is rising at some 0.75mm/year
Current high tide is still pretty much in the same range as it was 100 years ago
There was a peak king tide around 1975 which current levels don’t get within cooee of.
Another link to Fort Denison’s sea levels.
Jan 1915 – max 2.080
Jan 2022- max 2.061
Not much change really.
I remember a NSW public servant publicly saying that FD sea levels were not rising at the rate stated by the Dept. He was sacked.
The Ross-Lempriere tidal mark at Point Puer, Port Arthur, is even older, having been cut into the rock in 1841. And it’s still visible.
With the loss of the weight of the original inhabitants and the Tasmanian tigers, the island, as a result floats higher in the ocean. Hence the sea levels appears to have declined, even though the ocean is deeper. (Sarc)
Hunter Coleman and Pugh (2003) estimate seal level rise at .8 mm per year +/- .2 mm per year, which factors include isostatic rebound.
Time to panic…
Is there still confusion about exactly what the engraved levels actually represent.
There was an attempt by a Tasmanian university to discredit this mark, and a very good detailed rebuttal:
No idea why anyone would pretend sea-levels are rising…..or going to rise anytime soon.Most expensive properties in Oz….as always….are direct waterfront = there is no such thing as rising sea-levels.
What next? Meat’s on the way out, while cattle properties triple in price?
F’wits gotta display f’wittery at every turn, eh what?
AGW is causing the ice to melt …
and flow into the oceans which are now ‘boiling’ because you like hamburger and think only women get pregnant.
The boiling causes the rising to go down.
Still AGW.
Still Science.
Come on guys, try to keep up. 🙂
And get your booster boosted.
To everyone who believes in the Science of climate change caused by CO2 ponder this bit of science .
In 1978 astrophysicist Brian May along with F Mercury opined that it was women with large posteriors that made the earth revolve , to this day it has neither been refuted or challenged by any scientist so I therefore suggest this be entered into the science books as settled science !
The gulf stream is linked to the earths rotation so does that mean that the FBGs are making warm liquids flow north?
Thats a bit racy for you GA
Not in comparison to the original.
Don’t know I’m not an astrophysicist!
How did Mr Mercury know they were girls – he wasn’t a biologist.
“he wasn’t a biologist.”
… or a psychologist which is what is required nowadays to tell which gender someone might be.
Fat bottomed girls make the rocking world go round!
KK could stop the world by herself
KK ?
Kristeenah ?
Is this the beginning of the end ?
If there is any criminality big Pharma is toast as well as the bureaucrats.
Thanks A M,
I just hope the US Justice system is still sufficiently robust to handle it. And quickly.
Dave B
Thanks for that Alistair. But at the risk of my comment being deleted again by Jo, the reality is there will be no trials of those resposible. We are in a state of war and there are now only two outcomes –
The perpetrators will win, untold millions will die, and survivors will live in a state of permanent martial law imposed serfdom, or
Angry mobs will take to the streets seeking out anybody they perceive as responsible, including politicians, bureaucrats, medical and media staff, anybody they consider responsible for the deaths of their loved ones.
In that case justice, trials, and prison sentences will be the last things on their minds. Vengeance exercised with a noose from the nearest lamppost will be the order of the day.
Sorry Jo, it’s got nothing to do with how I might feel about it. It’s human nature.
(You are running too far ahead of yourself here it is just news of a possible lawsuit development) CTS
There will be no successful lawsuit because the law itself is now corrupt.
We passed the point of no return some time ago.
I think you need to go read a little history, Moderator.
MV, and those who prophesy 100% doom may be right, it is believable, and the law is corrupt too, but they are also helping the enemy by pouring scorn on those brave enough to see the same possible doom coming but who are doing something about it.
The doom-mongers on the side of freedom could be accused of projecting doom so they feel OK about “doing nothing” themselves. It’s easier to throw rocks from the sidelines that to stand up against the odds and imagine a path to win.
Some may take comfort in making excuses to give up now, while they unwittingly sabotage and demotivate volunteers around them, but those people will not get any comfort or joy on this blog from me.
There is a fine line between wisely warning us of how badly things could go, and undermining volunteers with doomer talk.
I will forgive you being weary after your long battles but you know which side of the line you need to be on.
Jo Churchill
Corrupt political and social cultures usually change with upheaval.
Because a growing segment of the population is pushed to an unacceptable limit.
Either that or a hysterical leadership decides a culling is in order.
No volunteers, just folk left without choices.
The volunteers are the ones that sounded the alarm but are ignored until it is too late.
We now have a ruling elite, that is amazingly skilled at playing this edge.
Likely assisted with AI.
For example, if the recent you know what was a bioweapon, it was masterfully engineered to not be obvious.
Time fused.
Here in the US two election cycles were ‘fortified’, but those fortifications were well camouflaged so that most of the public don’t see it. Keeping the lid on tight.
You can see the master razor edge walkers engineering the exit of Joe Biden as we speak.
I keep waiting for the wave form to collapse.
Hopefully it will be civil.
I think one of the WEFers said the same about bringing human population to a ‘sustainable’ level.
I think the current edge state continues for a while.
The political status quo artfully sustained.
Hard to guess the mod trigger there.
I’ll rephrase.
There is a fine line between wisely warning us of how badly things could go, and sabotaging action with prophesies of certain doom.
Do you want to be a motivator or a saboteur?
Nobody was prophesising certain doom, Jo.
Stating the blunt truth of the two and only two possible inevitable outcomes from where we are now, is not a prophecy, it is a reminder of history.
It’s not as if this is the first time people have been in this position – in fact human history is largely the ongoing struggle between enforced abject slavery of the many by the few, and the violent resistance of the many to the few. To believe otherwise is childish.
I am not a doomsayer. I honestly and earnestly believe that the many will prevail over the few – eventually. If I didn’t I wouldn’t have spent the last nearly 40 years working towards that end.
I’m just not naive enough to believe that it can now be accomplished without bloodshed. I once did, but the last three years have proved that belief was wrong.
If the death of millions or bloodthirsty mobs rampaging the streets in lawless violence is not doom. What is?
What is true doom for humanity?
It was best said long ago –
“if you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever,”
That is what is planned for us.
MV asks; What is true doom for humanity?
It’s a worrying thing that very few can see the extent of the damage that’s already been done to society via the CV19 Lockdowns.
Many of us near the coal face have seen the devastation wrought by the CV19 “restrictions” which crushed small businesses and ruined families.
The borrowing of huge amounts of cash from the future to lessen the immediate impact by spraying Jobbykeeper cash over the fire fooled nearly all taxpayers.
Australia is not in a good place.
Glad to see that you weren’t fooled; there’s a lot of pain out there.
Then there’s the issue of how CV19 was “treated” and the “unexpected side effects” of that treatment.
Still, perceptions can be confusing as I discovered a month or two back when I was injured in an incident that I could not have imagined.
It put me off posting here for quite a while, but all O.K. now.
Neither, just a wave dancer.
Plus way aged out.
I want eggs.
Can’t find ‘em here in the US.
I’ve reached the stage in life of diminishing wants.
I’m the maid in the retirement home that sees the gardener on TV in ‘Being There’.
Might be a recycle
This was last year
Dont you just love living in 1984.
If you do a google search for “the expose.UK” you get all manner of returns about main stream COVID vaccine news but not the website, they do this in order to pretend the website does not exist and therefore thwart the curious amongst us to gather alternative information, I bet they think they are clever.
Unfortunately there is a WIKI return off to the right which states:
So to sum up WIKI acknowledges the web site exists but the google algorithm wont allow you to see it.
Welcome to the WEF vision for humanity………….I hope Winston Smith was correct when he said the human spirit will survive though I doubt it will
DuckDuckGo took me straight to it.
Dave B
Google is evil, yet if I search “joannenova keyword” on every topic I get better results on Google than DDG. Maybe it’s just me? Maybe Google is serving me up something unique to my IP?
But this site has disappeared off organic searches. Sometimes now even with joannenova in the search terms, I can only find the pirate copies on little sites with no traffic or some kind of junk ambush “broken” links.
I hope Elon builds a search engine.
Meanwhile, store up your bookmarks, share them around.
Shore up those lines of communication. We’re in an information war.
My DDG search on jonova brings up three jonova links and the wikipedia entry in the first five – there is always an ebay link first.
My COOGLE search for jonova brings up a jonova link first, the wikipedia entry second with no other jonova links on the first page. There is a Desmog link.
Just tested that and it brings up plenty of Nova.
Maybe they have my IP too?
Joanne mentions this:
Why would anyone store their bookmarks?
I keep wondering to myself why I actually did that right from the start.
So many times now, I have needed something really old that I remembered from somewhere in my past about electrical power generation.
I now have, umm, 521 bookmarks in stand alone, folders, sub folders, and sub sub folders.
It’s like a damned library.
But there’s not much I can’t chase down.
Brave brings up the web site
Thanks for the feedback. I have also tried Presearch, IXquick, and have the Brave browser. I swap regularly, but often end up on the evil Google. For years I have also searched images on google,and sometimes it was the only way to find a post I remembered, but lately that’s not so good either. 🙁
Perhaps try a meta search engine. They search multiple search engines at once, remove duplicates, and return aggregate results.
I always search jo nova and you web address comes up 1st on Safari, Google Chrome both DuckDuckGo & Google, as well as on Firefox
Typing in joanne nova australian blogger in
Joanne Nova is a well-known Australian blogger and climate change skeptic. She runs a blog called “Joanne Nova: The Skeptics Handbook” and is a regular contributor to various media outlets on the topic of climate change. Nova argues that the science behind human-caused climate change is flawed and that the policies being proposed to address the issue will have negative economic consequences. Her views are not widely accepted within the scientific community, and many of her claims have been debunked by mainstream climate scientists.
Thanks Lance and Old Ozzie. I have much to try.
The problem I suspect with the metasearches and ChatGPT is that they have been trained only on “permitted” sites. I did look up David and I on ChatGPT — only because I know exactly what I’ve posted, and I wanted to see if ChatGPT was even aware of what I’ve said, but it was clear that ChatGPT had at that point (dec 26) never been allowed out of the “approved zone”. Everything it knew came from secondary sites and critics.
Right-O gentlemen, pick your propaganda.. The Russians took back this island in the middle of the river after they gave Kherson back to the Ukrainians.
“Ukrainian servicemen have told Russian security forces that snipers from the United States and the United Kingdom have been sent to Potemkin Island near Kherson to kill civilians in order to pass them off as victims of the Russian Armed Forces, a Russian law enforcement source told Sputnik.
“According to information received from sources in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, an American-British group of mercenaries, mostly snipers, drove to Bolshoy Potemkin Island in the Kherson region in order to terrorize the Russian-speaking population,” the source said.
“The victims of the mercenaries’ murders are supposed to be passed off as those killed by the Russian army.”
In early January, a video started circulating on Ukrainian websites showing how Ukrainian militants allegedly raised the Ukrainian flag on Potemkin Island, controlled by Russian troops. Subsequently, the footage was reported to have been filmed in a “gray zone.”
..and, the Yanks must be regretting their push to get Turkey into NATO, those damm Ottomans don’t do what they’re told!
“It seems the weekend Quran burning controversy in Stockholm was the straw that broke the camel’s back. According to one translation, Erdogan addressed Sweden, saying that if it “does not respect the religion” of Turkey or Muslims, “then you will not receive any support from us on NATO.””
On Saturday anti-Turkey demonstrations in the Swedish capital included an incident where a copy of the Quran was burned in front of the Turkish embassy. The Quran-burning has enraged Turkish officials, especially coming off of another protest less than two weeks ago wherein a Kurdish group hanged an effigy of President Erdogan and tweeted out images.
Surrounded by police, Paludan set fire to the holy book with a lighter following a long diatribe of almost an hour, in which he attacked Islam and immigration in Sweden. “If you don’t think there should be freedom of expression, you have to live somewhere else,” he said.
To get into NATO all current members must agree on your entry, so they must all agree on Sweden & Finland joining.
Not to forget that little attempt at a coup back in 2016.
A bit of cold air is expected to head south from the Arctic region and chill the area of the Canadian and US border. Stay tuned this coming Sunday or Saturday for the NZ and OZ folks.
Looking for -24°C along the Montana – Albert border.
[ -11°F ]
A river of ice in Germany
Looks a tad cold there.
What would Al Gore say?
He must be not far away 😀
Earth’s Inner Core May Right Now Be in The Process of Changing Direction
Geoscientists, though, are a little more clued into the dynamics of Earth’s guts, and have just discovered that Earth’s solid inner iron core – which usually spins within a near-frictionless molten outer envelope – appears to have slowed to a grinding halt.
Before anybody panics and searches for a copy of a terrible 20-year-old science fiction movie predicting such an event in hopes of inspiring a solution, it’s not the first time record of such an event. It’s not even the first in recent history.
“We show surprising observations that indicate the inner core has nearly ceased its rotation in the recent decade and may be experiencing a turning-back in a multidecadal oscillation, with another turning point in the early 1970s,” geophysicists Yi Yang and Xiaodong Song of Peking University in Beijing write in their published paper.
We’ve only known for a few short decades that Earth’s inner core rotates in relation to the mantle above it, since it was confirmed in 1996 by Song and fellow seismologist Paul Richards at Colombia University. Before their work, the idea that Earth’s inner core rotates separately from the rest of the planet was an unproven theory, predicted by an unproven model of Earth’s magnetic field.
Deep core expedition and nukes on standby.
Good catch John, LOD is related to climate change.
China Is Using QR Codes On Kitchen Knifes In Order To Track Them
Since 2017, China has been tracking kitchen knives by putting QR Codes on them.
Knives are predominantly tracked in the Xinjiang region which mostly consists of the Uighur ethnic group.
A knife salesman in the city of Aksu, who was interviewed by the Wall Street Journal, stated he has spent thousands of dollars on mechanical machines that puts a customer’s photo, ethnicity, ID Number and address into a QR code which is then placed on the blade of the knife.
The CCP claims they place the QR codes on knives in order to track a knife back to its owner if it’s used for a crime.
And you’re legally required to chain them up.
Jeez ours just come in the mail. I do like a nice knife.
Woke Medical Journal Says Humans Are No More Valuable Than Animals, Calls For Shift Away From Human-Centered Health Care
Individuals within scientific community have taken a decidedly woke worldview for years, from encouraging obesity to discriminating against white individuals. The Lancet becomes the latest entrant into this crusade by repeating PETA talking points and declaring them science.
The so-called medical journal argues that this means we must completely change our relationship with animals and proposes adopting a vegan diet as one way to accomplish this. The Lancet says without evidence this will benefit both human and animal health.
The once-prestigious UK Lancet medical journal urges a “revolutionary shift of perspective” away from human-centered health care in favor of “ecological equity” attributing equal value to all life.
In its advocacy for “One Health,” the Lancet proposes an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals, and ecosystems,” asserting that “the health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants, and the wider environment (including ecosystems) are closely linked and inter-dependent.”
You’re all just paddock animals, being wiped out and those left fed on crickets.
I love it when THE plan comes together.😉
With thanks to wikipedia
[quote]In Jain theology, it does not matter how correct or defensible the violence may be, one must not kill or harm any being, and non-violence is the highest religious duty
Was there a recent change to the Lancet review board?
That’s very interesting, knife control.
About a decade ago there was a random mass stabbing terror attack at a railway station in Western China. This was by Uighur separatists as reported presumably by the Chinese government. This was part of an independence movement by Uighurs in the far Western (Musli*) area. And it clearly led to repression by Beijing and we read nothing of that. We also read of the local violent wars in Western (Musli*) Thailand and deadly battles between the Buddhists and Musli*s. Little of these ethnic independence civil wars is reported. Or the ten years of such battles and shelling of civilians in Western Ukraine by the Ukraine military, except when the Malaysian Airlines plane was shot down, so that the attack by Russia is painted as totally unprovoked instead of a long conflict by Russian separatists. These civil wars have been of no interest to the Australian press except when they result in something which directly affects us.
But in Western China very sharp knives are weapons available to everyone. You get an echo of that in the US where the number of deaths from knives exceed those from rifles including automatic weapons which fact is amazing in itself but knives are impossible to control.
Number of assaults in the United States in 2021, by weapon used
Weapon used Number of assaults
Handgun 137,473
Knife/Cutting Instrument 88,092
Firearm 81,892
And you are starting to see it in the UK and Northern Europe and even Australia with gangs of young men with machetes in civil disturbances from Melbourne to Alice Springs. And in Stockholm, hundreds of exploded hand grenades although authorities have seized only five in total. Weapons are an industry.
So the idea of tracking expensive very sharp commercial knives like guns has merit if gun control has merit. But the miscreants simply change to easily manufactured machetes, but they are hard to conceal. The idea that you can or should control sharp stabbing knives as well as guns makes sense. It has another application in the US as well. Where bullet and casing and gun barrel tracing is now National in the US, knives are a very popular and deadly weapon. I was appalled in London where I had read under their activist mayor, carrying a knife is no longer treated as an offence or evidence of intent for young men at night. But according to the internet, this is not the case and carrying a blade longer than 3″ is a serious offence. I expect that it is searching for weapons is now prohibited by the Mayor as racial profiling, which raises the question of the point of laws against (hidden) bladed weapons if you cannot search for them.
“In London there were 78,034 knife crime offences in the period between January 2017 and October 2022, according to Metropolitan Police data, with a monthly average of 1,115 in that period. In October 2022, there were 1,379 knife crime offences”
While everyone focuses on gun control, knives remain the weapon of choice especially in urban conflict. And tracking of anonymous knives used in crimes is as important as gun evidence.
And the crime statistics in London are amazingly high if you can believe what is on the internet
“Which is the most violent area in London?
The 10 Dangerous London Boroughs
Westminster. 203.6 crimes per 1000 people. …
Kensington And Chelsea. 115 crimes per 1000 people”
And Westminster is likely the most popular tourist area.
As some wag asked John Dillinger in the 1930’s,’why do you rob banks Mr Dillinger’, he replied ‘because that’s where the money is’.
Why would a would-be criminal use their own knife, like why would a bank robber roll up in his own personal car.
Brisbane had a stabbing death early last Sunday AM where the police nabbed the perp before they had reports of the body being found, the perps girlfriend also made herself known to the cops by bitching about them nabbing him, so they arrested her as well.
The clown was carrying a 45cm knife, sort of a small machete.
Commendable coppering.
The better do something about the eleventy thousand videos on Youtube about how to make knives I guess. Oh lordy what about the screwdrivers and chisels?
Can a cow lay bricks, can a horse perform heart surgery, until they find one that can, humans are still waaaaay more valuable, to us anyway.
The Good News Nuclear War Will Save the Planet
From Armstrong Economics –
“Most of these people like Al Gore, Kerry, the mainstream media, Rhinos, democrats, and Bill Gates seem to actually believe in climate change for they are displaying the most stupid form of analysis invented by the lowest possible intelligence level of society. Hey, it’s warmer today than when I was a kid so we must be causing it. There has been ZERO research into climate on any of their parts to even test their theory. They all project that we are headed toward an environmental Armageddon if mankind does not immediately end fossil fuels. Not a single one has bothered to even consider that switching to electricity curiously makes society extremely vulnerable. If I were China looking to take down the West, I would be pushing this agenda at light speed. The first thing you do is take down the power grid and society will crumble in less than 72 hours. Using digital currency would mean you could not buy anything. Without an electric car you would be forced to walk to a store that then could not sell you anything without electricity and no new supply of anything would be able to move so there goes the supply chain – again.
The GOOD NEWS is you can then just nuke your opponent and actually save the planet all at the same time. Without electricity, your opponent could not even make a phone call to launch a response. But if we look at Chornobyl, the nuclear disaster restored the region which became a sanctuary for animals void of humans.
Bikini Atoll 70 years after nuclear tests is thriving. On July 24, 1946, Baker Test shrouded its formidable height over the U.S. Navy’s test fleet. The United States dropped 23 nuclear bombs on the island, including a device in 1954 that was 1,100 times larger than the Hiroshima atom bomb. Now a team of scientists from Stanford University has been stunned. They discovered an abundance of marine life apparently thriving in the crater of Bikini Atoll, which was declared a nuclear wasteland after the bombings.
Strangely enough, the same has been found at Chernobyl in Ukraine. It is starting to emerge that even setting off every nuclear bomb will not destroy the planet or turn Earth into space rocks. We can alter our environment by doing so and ridding the planet of humanity as the dominant species, but Earth will heal itself and life will adapt exactly as scientists have discovered in Ukraine at the site of Chernobyl. Wildlife has thrived because it sent humans running.
This new evidence emerging from Chernobyl and Bikini Atoll is demonstrating that we just may not be as smart as we think we are no less all-powerful. Obviously, the WEF and world leaders who are all pushing for World War III, are obvious far smarter than we are. They are really trying to save the planet from us. Exterminate humanity and we can save the bugs and crickets from becoming our next food source.”
In WA, fishing tours are available to the Monte Bello Islands, now regarded as one of the best fishing spots in the NW. And tours are also available in Maralinga.
Look how Hiroshima and Nagasaki were rebuilt, why weren’t they fenced off for 1000 years, mustn’t be much of a problem then.
“Viagra Linked to Much Lower Risk of Death in Men, But Questions Remain”
Obviously, men who still have the urge are healthier than those that lost it at 50. Similarly, those who are still able to exercise are healthier than those whose arthritis keeps them inactive.
Today’s PEAK-TIME POWER OFF Will Become Mandatory if Not Enough People Volunteer for Blackouts
Switching off your appliances at peak-time today could earn you £20 as energy companies soft-sell the idea of tea-time blackouts.
As the National Grid fails to cope with the NET ZERO agenda, today’s voluntary blackout may well become mandatory. The Grid said it would be activating its (DFS) this evening with 26 major energy suppliers such as British Gas, EDF, Eon and Octopus Energy signed up.
Households could receive payments of up to £20 back if they don’t use ovens, washing machines, tumble dryers, dishwashers, games consoles or decide not to charge their cars during the peak tonight. The scheme relies on users having a smart meter, a device which automatically transmits your energy usage to your provider via the internet.
The scheme which some are describing as a voluntary blackout has been devised as Britain’s power grid cannot cope with increased demand for electric cars, and heat pumps coupled with the closure of coal-fired power stations to satisfy the Net Zero agenda.
What a life in the UK eh.
Power remotely cut, sitting in the dark, freezing, and eating crickets, but at least you’ll be happy if you make it to 2030…
Again the solution is very simple. All power cuts will disappear when the net zero agenda & plans are put thru through the shredder.
Simultaneously give Rolls Royce a call with an order number to to equip the coal power generators with modular nuclear steam generation.
Sack all the pro net zero morons that identify as Tory politicians. That includes Johnson & all of his ilk. WEF Sunak included.
With this decision the economy will also self heal!!
The rest of the western economies will follow that path within 18 months!
Tuesday funny: happily married for 43 years, your honour
Boy oh boy.🤣
Interesting 2020 story on a paper on sun orbiting the barycentre being retracted from Science:
This is earlier work on sun orbit that the Zharkova paper was based on:
And then the original work, DE102, from NASA’s JPL before it found the gift that keeps giving – CO2 induced climate change.…125..150N
I am getting good results from a simplified model of the sun movement for producing the 11 year cycle observed in good temperature trends. Way better results than linking to sunspots or cosmic rays.
‘The next such segment will occur from AD 2240 to 2610.’
This can be tested.
‘Moving along the disordered orbit to 2035 AD. which is similar to that of the second half of the nineteenth century, the Sun should develop lower solar cycles (Rmax from 65 to 140) of very variable length (from 9.6 to 12.3 years). The initial development of the cycle 23, now in its third year, con®rms this for the present cycle.’
The second half of the 19th century was dominated by a positive AMO, is there a solar connection?
Evidence says offshore wind development is killing lots of whales
By David Wojick
The beginning: “The recent deaths of seven whales off New Jersey, mostly humpbacks, got a lot of attention. The federal NOAA Fisheries agency is responsible for whales. An outrageous statement by their spokesperson got me to do some research on humpback whale deaths.
The results are appalling. The evidence seems clear that offshore wind development is killing whales by the hundreds.”
Much more in the article including links to key data.
One look at NZ
I believe the Doomsday Clock has been moved forward by ten seconds from 100 seconds to midnight to 90 seconds to midnight.
Said to be because of the War in Ukraine.
As winter approached the Italians imported large numbers of electric blankets, finally they’ll get a chance to use them.
Hmmm ….
‘Pat Cummins doesn’t plan to stop speaking out on climate change and has described as “complete rubbish” claims his views cost Cricket Australia a $40 million deal.’ (SMH)
“Shot and a Chaser”
Links to two Dr Campbell videos
“Dr. John Campbell- Vaccines and Viral Variants
and the end result…
Dr. John Campbell- European Excess Deaths, Official Data”
“Elite” update:
“Do as I say, NOT as I do, PEASANTS!”
Is anyone running a book on when the folks pointing out the “nakedness of the emperors” will start being marched into camps or bulldozed into trenches?
Xbox to Create ‘Carbon Aware’ Game Downloads to Regulate Energy Use
For the record
Reply to
Gunga Din
January 24, 2023 12:47 pm
I wonder what the ratio of copper in a 100MW coal power plant versus a 100MW of wind mills or 100MWs of solar panels? (Don’t forget the copper necessary to wire the mills or panels together, as well as the copper needed by the electronics necessary to connect those fields to the grid.
Reply to
January 24, 2023 1:06 pm
Mark, I have summarised some of the issues at Cliscep:
In comments at
And from there –
THE GRAND PLAN – adapted
In a related vein.
The (Government) Plan… Where ENERGY is concerned
In the beginning was The Plan (NET ZERO).
And then came the assumptions (WIND, SOLAR)
And the assumptions were without form. (NOT RATIONAL)
And the plan was without substance. (AS IS ALWAYS THE CASE)
And darkness came upon the face of the workers (NO ELECTRICITY).
And they spoke amongst themselves saying:
“It is a crock, and it stinketh mightily.” (BUT WE WILL BE OUT OF A JOB IF WE TELL THEM THE TRUTH ABOUT IT).
And the workers went unto their Supervisors and said,
“It is a pail of dung, and none may abide the odor therefore.”
And the Supervisors went unto their Managers saying,
“It is a container of excrement, and it is very strong,
And the Managers went unto their Directors saying,
“It is a vessel for fertilizer, and none can abide by its strength.”
And the Directors spoke amongst themselves, saying to one another,
“It contains that which aids plant growth, and is very strong.”
And the Directors went unto the Vice Presidents saying,
“It promotes growth, and it is very powerful.”
And the Vice Presidents went unto the President saying unto him,
“This new plan will actively promote the growth and vigor
of the company, with very powerful effects.”
And JUSTIN looked upon The Plan and saw that it was good.
And the Plan became Policy (even though it was crazy and could not work).
In comments at
Linda Burney, the minister for Indigenous affairs says the NT government has admitted “they got it wrong”.
‘I think that the NT government admitted that they got it wrong yesterday, which is why there’s this immediate response to additional alcohol restrictions here in Alice Springs starting today.’
European excess deaths, official data