- JoNova - https://141765.qwpa.asia -

UK electric cars sales fall — people can’t afford to run them on wind and solar grid

The UK set to ban sales of new petrol and diesel cars by 2030, but awkwardly, the average cost of charging an electric car has jumped by 58 per cent since last May, so sales are falling, not rising. The UK can’t afford to make them either, with BMW sending their UK electric mini factory to China. President Xi will be happy. The West thought the Glasgow commitments was a climate plan, but really it was trade deal.

h/t Notalotofpeopleknowthat

Electric car makers put the brakes on UK production because many drivers think the vehicles are too expensive

Calum Muirhead, Daily Mail

It is now expected that the UK will produce 280,000 fully electric cars and vans in 2025, down from previous estimates of 360,000.

The forecast means only a quarter of car output will be electric within the next two years, lower than prior forecasts of more than a third.

The command-economy of gas meets the command-economy of cars and pretty soon we’ll be riding horses:

In its latest report, the Advanced Propulsion Centre, which provides taxpayer funding to makers of zero-emissions vehicles, said the ‘uncertain economy’ was expected to push drivers towards cheaper car models for a longer period.

So much for that theory.

Green fantasies are a luxury item. It takes a lot of money to be this stupid. If only they had built nuclear plants or allowed cheap gas fracking…

If only they could do maths.

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