A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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While I have seen (southern WA) a couple of days of “traditional summer weather” the average temperatures over the last three months have been seriously below the long term averages.
Is this the start of a new climate change trend?
I will ask BoM to model that question for you.
Was warm, weather changes, unlike old headlines.
We had a rare ice day on the south coast of UK yesterday, didn’t get above 0C, woke up to feather ice crystals on all the windows this morning.
The images of green lower European ski slopes a few days back are gone.
Meant to reply #1.2
you heard about La nina?
On the other hand Europe is warm
I think GeeAye is suggesting that their are mechanisms other than CO2 that influence the weather and hence the climate… nah, that can’t be right?🤔
WOW, Europe isn’t frozen solid in winter for a change.. how LUCKY for them.
The WEATHER has saved the whole region from freezing cold with low gas supplies…
.. and still the complaining continues !
Strong blocking high pressure centred over the Southern Ocean has kept temperatures within reason.
The warm weather in Europe is because the North Atlantic Oscillation is very positive. I think its a replay of last winter, the new normal.
Gone cold again already!
Yes, I have read about La-Nina it is simply the absence of El-Nino a distinction you and others fail.
umm, yeah OK.
Climate is cyclical. After around 30 years of the upwards (warming) cycle, we are now in the downwards (cooling) phase of the cycle which started around 2004. It is hardly “new”.
Or we would be if they hadn’t began ‘adjusting’ the temps around 2010.
I got this a few years ago, and for those interested in cycles:
The Unified Cycle Theory – How Cycles Dominate the Structure of the Universe and Influence Life on Earth
Without a doubt, The Unified Cycle Theory publication emerges as the most authoritative book ever written about cycles. The author gathered hundreds of data series’ from a variety of academic areas. The areas include star formation rates, various geological data, global temperatures (from geology, ocean sediments, and ice cores), evolutionary data, extinction data, civilization chronologies, commodity prices, stock market prices, and economic data.
The book then shows how all of these seemingly unrelated areas actually link themselves quite closely to one or more of the following four primary classifications of cycles:
1) Milankovitch Cycles – Gravitational cycles related to eccentricity, obliquity, and precession.
2) Solar Cycles – Magnetic cycles primarily consisting of frequencies of 27 days, 11 years (Schwabe cycle), 88 years (Gleissberg cycle), and 208 years (Suess cycle).
3) Geomagnetic Cycles – Primarily modulated by solar cycles; however, a semi-annual cycle, a cycle related to eclipses, and a lunar cycle also play minor roles in geomagnetic oscillations.
4) A 4th set of mysterious cycles, linked precisely by a factor of 3, dominate all areas of the universe. These cycles affect Earth and the universe throughout all timescales.
Click “GET” at top of page.
Format: PDF
Yes, lovely cool mornings, no hot easterlies in the mornings. Very nice. But Perth’s summer weather changed noticeably about three years ago, with the regular morning hot easterlies being partially replaced by cooler moist air from the south east. I wouldn’t be planning to install evaporative air conditioning in Perth right now.
Last year was quite hot all summer, but this year has been very nice.
The shift in climate to a cooling world was predicted to occur in 2016 and the prediction has proven to be correct
La Nina. Long winters the last 3 years. Strong southerly wind in summer the last 2 years. Temperatures definitely down. The heat is not getting into the ground. Am wearing a jumper (which is crazy).
Perhaps a result of Tongan Volcano ?
~10m video of Nigel Farage interviewing Bob Ward of the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at the London School of Economics.
There are two main points to take from this. The first concern’s Nigel’s statement that most ‘conservative’ politicians are on board with net zero. Transcript follows:
Across the world it is the same: ‘conservative’ politicians are not only NOT pushing back against net zero but are mostly on board with it.
The second point to note is that the video demonstrates that debates are a complete and utter waste of time as the protagonists usually end up talking ‘at’ each other and nothing is ever settled. Cliches and slogans achieve nothing, but facts mean little too, because, as we all know only too well, they end up being ‘adjusted’ to suit the narrative.
Australians at Davos
It’s all made to sound so innocent isn’t it?
They are discussing our future right now and what they have planned is NOT for the greater good.
All those distinguished people with our best interests foremost in their thoughts.
I feel better already. We have nothing to worry about.
We can only thank God (read John Kerry) that these great people have shown up to support the global effort to save the planet.
It is heart warming to see Australian mining so thoroughly ensconced in this plight. Mining has to up its game by a factor of at least FOUR if there is any hope at all of the current developed nations meeting NutZero targets. I have grave reservations that China will be able to find enough coal fast enough to convert all the newly mined stuff to the stuff needed to produce the big energy extractors; maybe Africa can help.
One stumbling block is that many local governments are not encouraging new mines so that throws a spanner in the works for opening up new ground. Anyone for ocean mining? Governments have to get serious about access to new resources if they have any hope of littering the country with wind and solar farms and big batteries.
Germany has gas storage to burn (90% yesterday) so unlikely to fall off its perch this year. I foresee NSW as the next big exposure after April when Liddell shuts down 3 off 500MW units.
Wheels within wheels.
And more locally, the product of this influence on our nation is on show on the shores of Newcastle Harbour adding insult to injury.
The vacant site once occupied by our Steelmaking giant, BHP, has been home for some months now to the parts and components for several Wind turbines.
Massive blades and tower parts are laid out ready for something.
Is there a plan for a new erection soon?
If the voters could understand what it’s costing them to have these things, presumably paid for, sitting there doing nothing they might be shocked. But then again, it might actually be cheaper not to put them into service.
I don’t recall any of these leaches being on any how to vote cards or them even standing for election. Yet here they are making decisions about the economic future of Australia.
Airbus Albo is always sounding of about the threat Democracy, yet this unelected mob appear to be planning our economic future & our “ leader “ says nothing!!
‘Musk took to Twitter to express his dissatisfaction with Schwab’s comments, saying, “‘Master the Future’ doesn’t sound ominous at all. How is WEF/Davos even a thing? Are they trying to be the boss of Earth!?”‘
I am hearing that Soros and Schwab aren’t coming . They may already be in the fuhrer bunker………
A Note of Optimism
I will add here that I listened to a rather heartening podcast yesterday by James Delingpole with Tom Luongo.
Tom Luongo is a chartist/analayst who looks at geopolitical movements and tries to relate them to the stock markets.
The interesting part was that he sees a schism between the major US banks (and hence the US Federal Bank) and the WEF.
The US Govt has appointed Jerome Powell as the new Head of the Fed. Jerome Powell seems to be pushing back against WEF and EU Policies on Climate Change and Renewable energy.
As Tom explains it, the Fed was happy to go along with the madness as long as they were making money (and the made a lot of it). But now the game is changing. Maybe the US major banks do not want to burn the whole house down (actually they do not give a fig for the whole house, only their house).
Tom also says that the EU is bankrupt and so are the pension funds (world wide). Also the the lefty narcissists do not under stand about backing down. They can only double down. I have seen a lot of doubling down so I can see his point there. That must lead to a crisis. I think we are almost there.
Here is an excellent video.
Ross McKitrick talks about big problems with paleoclimate data and land temperature records.
Interviewed by Tom Nelson.
Here is an excellent video.
Which is great but it takes over an hour. Since you have watched it could you give a summary?
Germany orders forced injection of experimental vaccine into Holocaust survivor.
The Holocaust implemented by the Germans is the very reason the Nuremberg code was established, part of which prevents experimentation on humans.
David Kurten from UK Heritage Party discusses.
61 poll on Voice to Parliament showing 72% against and only 19% in favour. Be prepared for a huge lot of late night vote drops come referendum time.
The “ voice ” is a blue print for minority rule. Think about it…..long & hard!!
Fantastic. Could you give a link?
David Kurten from UK Heritage Party discusses 1000 private jets at Davos.
As per my post yesterday or the day before the WEF claimed 500 because they supposedly had been asking participants to share their private jets. Not likely they would share. They are some of the world’s most selfish and evil people!
I saw a report where the WEF were pumping up the virtue of carless cities (sections of Zurich as an example. Klaus thinks the world can look like Zurich)
I wonder how they would feel about private jetless cities?
Of course that would not include ski resort jet-aways like Davos.
Well the problem here is that the flight from the US to Davos is 6 hours. And you have to share the tiny cabin with your PA (with whom you might like a bit of private time) and there are not a lot of spare seats.
Also you were hoping to do a bit of work on the way, which at your rate of pay comes to a lot of money (even if you are watching a podcast or something).
And the guest might need entertaining. All OK if they are worth it. But who wants to take Fauci to Davos?
The Renewable Energy Problem That No One Talks About
An obvious barrier to adopting wind and solar power for electricity supply is their intermittency – when the wind isn’t blowing, and the sun isn’t shining, substitute sources are required. This issue is given much attention by conservative media, as it should.
Yet one of the less well-known roadblocks for these renewable technologies is frequency control, even though it becomes a critical concern much sooner.
Since the 1890s, electricity networks and devices all around the globe have used alternating current (AC) systems, which means that the flow of electricity in the system is repeatedly changing direction.
In Australia, it alternates 50 times a second, that is, at a frequency of 50 Hertz (in the USA, it is 60 Hertz).
Supplying electricity at a consistent frequency is very important because appliances and electronics on the network are designed for a specific frequency/voltage input. Therefore, they can be damaged by the wrong electricity supply.
As a rule, networks would rather supply no electricity than bad electricity. Automated controls through the electricity system will disconnect the supply if the frequency or voltage is “off-spec.”
South Australians will not soon forget when this happened to the entire state network in 2016. The state-wide blackout started late in the afternoon during some poor weather conditions, and thousands of people had to drive out of the city without any streetlights or traffic signals.
There were a range of contributing causes, including gusty winds taking down some transmission lines and a lightning strike on a power station.
After those physical causes, automated protection systems took over. Wind turbines disconnected themselves from the network. The system naturally started drawing more load from all remaining supplies, which maxed out the capacity of the interconnector to the rest of the East Coast network, which consequently disconnected.
From that point, the shutdowns cascaded throughout the whole network. This all happened in less than a second.
The potential for a cascading shutdown can never be entirely eliminated; automated protection systems must make decisions at a speed that prevents any human involvement.
Nevertheless, the vulnerability of the whole system can vary, and increasing intermittent renewables contribute to decreasing the system’s stability.
Traditional vs Renewable Generators
Traditional generators use turbines—steam turbines, open-cycle turbines, and water turbines (hydroelectricity). This equipment is called “synchronous” because the frequency of the electricity they produce is directly linked to the speed that the shafts of the turbines rotate.
Because these machines are large and heavy, it takes time and energy to speed them up or slow them down, which means that the frequency of the electricity cannot change too quickly. This is called “inertia.”
As you may imagine, solar panels, having no moving parts, do not provide inertia. They match whatever frequency is already in the system; they do not help stabilise it.
Wind turbines, though they do have large spinning components, change speed all the time merely due to wind conditions. Hence they are not designed to synchronise with the AC network. So they do not provide inertia either.
If a system does not have inertia, then instead of gently responding to a change in load, the frequency can flail about like a cyclist getting speed wobbles (any engine can have the same problem if it doesn’t have a sufficiently heavy flywheel).
After the 2016 blackout, energy security gained its rightful place as the highest priority for a few glorious and brief weeks.
Click Link for rest of Article
Lack of inertia is a problem with asynchronous or low inertia generators but it is easily solved with synchronous condensers. South Australia has already installed a couple of these and no longer needs to idle gas plant to provide the inertia.
Synchronous condensers are just one of the many unforeseen additional costs of making a reliable grid based on weather dependent generators.
My official job title was electronics tech [in the days of steam driven electronics and when I wasn’t a mechanic] so I know exactly what a capacitor is and the term synchronous capacitor had me stumped. I would describe it as a phase correcting motor which operates in in a lagging mode thus appearing to be a capacitor.
That sound easy. Ar they expensive?
A mere snippet at $40 million each (plus running costs)>
and yet another load on the grid which has marginal reliable capacity.
Jacinda Ardern Vows to BAN Immune-Boosting Supplements: ‘Only Big Pharma Can Be Trusted’
Young Global Leader Jacinda Ardern has vowed to ban all immune-boosting natural supplements in New Zealand that haven’t been approved by Big Pharma.
New Zealand’s Labour Party introduced a new Therapeutic Products Bill that prohibits the use of herbal products that people use to stay healthy. Some of the targeted substances are basic foods and spices. Others are natural treatments for coronavirus and flu infections.
More than half of people in New Zealand now use natural products and herbal medicines to support a healthy immune system. As more people figure out how to self-medicate and treat infections from home, the medical cartel must intervene and restrict their availability.
This will be the job of a newly appointed regulator who will be given fraudulent new powers to control the availability of herbal medicines and natural products. This new regulator will be able to make unilateral decisions about specific herbal products. The government has already compiled a list of 300 natural products that they hope to restrict and eliminate from the country. These include effective treatments for covid-19.
Just before Christmas, our Government introduced the Therapeutic Products Bill for its first reading. Public consultation is being rushed through the summer holidays here in the southern hemisphere and closes on February 15th. The Bill contains 423 pages of dense provisions with countless cross references.
If a Natural Health Product is found to benefit a serious illness (such as lemons which benefit scurvy), according to the Bill it should be classed as a medicine. Consequently, according to the letter of the new law, only doctors will be allowed to prescribe lemons. Joking apart, most foods benefit serious illness. You might think there is no need to pass a law classifying them as medicines, but according to the government you would be wrong.
Introduction of the therapeutic products bill:
Humble OTC products like Cinnamon, Aloe Vera, Eggplant, Jasmine, Mustard, Almond, Quinine, Tea leaf, Coconut etc will be affected.
We can’t have natural disease fighting products that take profits away from big pharma now can we.
Best stock up a few years worth of everything you want because we’ll be next.
What does our own Crime Minister have in the works I wonder…
When is the next NZ general election?
It will make no difference, the sheeple will vote labour or national as you well know, and the Nats will not rescind the legislation if they get power.
Bluntly, a democracy deserves the Govt it elects, good and hard! Get rid of the democratic system we use and we might have a future.
Where will it end, and what qualifies as “natural”?
What about Vit D?
Klaus is very proud of his puppet, Jabcinda.
And when will the same garbage happen in Australia since our politicians and senior public serpents are fanatical followers of the WEF, WHO and other globalist individuals and entities?
WE will tell you who you can trust.
H/T BIG Pharma.
Is the Kiwi budget in such disrepair that they must kill off the populace before they can draw the pension?
To be effective they would need Canada’s euthanasia laws or the hospital system will break them first.
Breaking news.
Jacinda has resigned.
What excuse did them/they give ?
Even bigger question…
.. can they find anyone with the fortitude to repair all the damage they/them has done to NZ society ?
Wednesday super cuteness
A Maremma sheepdog and his new best friend.
I have a friend with a Maremma.
They are a huge animal and big enough to take on a wolf, which is what they are bred for. They are known as “wolf slayers”.
They are not suitable as a house pet unless you are prepared to give them enormous amounts of activities.
The FAA has very quietly tacitly admitted that the EKGs of pilots are no longer normal. We should be concerned. Very concerned.
After the vaccine rolled out, the FAA secretly widened the EKG parameter range for pilots so they wouldn’t be grounded. It looks like the vax gave at least 50M Americans heart damage.
The FAA just telegraphed the fact that a substantial number of airline pilots have had serious heart damage from the COVID vaccine by widening the ECG parameters for pilots.
In the October 2022 version of the FAA Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners, the FAA quietly widened the EKG parameters beyond the normal range (from a PR max of .2 to unlimited). And they didn’t widen the range by a little. They widened it by a lot. It was done after the vaccine rollout.
This is extraordinary. They did it hoping nobody would notice. It worked for a while. Nobody caught it.
But you can’t hide these things for long.
This is a tacit admission from the US government that the COVID vaccine has damaged the hearts of our pilots. Not just a few pilots. A lot of pilots and a lot of damage.
The cardiac harm of course is not limited to pilots.
My best guess right now is that over 50M Americans sustained some amount of heart damage from the shot.
Hence the unvaxxed pilots for DAVOS.
We wouldn’t want all those altruistic caring world leaders involved in flaming plane crashes now would we…
Do we have a new trans identity in Poland?
Meanwhile the transies in Italy are cooking plastic bags!
Somebody make it stop, or give them more vaxxes and boosters.😁
Trans-species is a thing, you know.
Echidnas Blow Bubbles of Snot to Stay Cool in The Australian Outback
On a hot day in the Australian outback, a koala hugs the cool branches of a eucalypt, while a wombat hides underground in its burrow, and a kangaroo spits on its wrists to chill its blood vessels. Nearer the coast, a fur seal on the rocks pees on its flippers.
The echidna is different. It doesn’t sweat, pant, lick, or urinate on itself to cool down. But what it can do is blow wet bubbles of snot out of its nose. And that skill has been seriously under-appreciated.
Researchers at Curtin University in Australia have shown this spiny monotreme uses booger-y exhalations to bring down its body temperature. The findings are based on the short-beaked echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus), but there’s a chance the cooling technique is used by other echidna species, too.
“Echidnas blow bubbles from their nose, which burst over the nose tip and wet it,” explains ecophysiologist Christine Cooper from Curtin University in Australia.
At some times of the year and in some parts of Western Australia, the authors measured ground temperatures as high as 47°C. But the body temperature of the echidnas that were studied stayed consistently below 30°C.
The ears were usually the hottest part of the monotreme’s body. The tip of their beak (or nose), the coolest.
Based on echidna physiology, researchers know that just underneath the surface of the beak tip lies a sinus filled with blood vessels. Similar to what happens when a kangaroo licks its wrists, the echidna essentially expels excess body heat in its blood by evaporating the moisture on its nose.
“We identify the beak tip of short-beaked echidnas as a unique type of evaporative window,” researchers at Curtin conclude.
“At high [temperatures] echidnas blow mucus bubbles, adding moisture to the beak tip.”
Well, that’s some science I could do without knowing! 🤣
Have seen a few Strine cricketers blowing snot and belly flopping – thought it was a national trait, along with underarm bowling…
/ouch! from a non-cricketer 😃
Only when we bowl underarm to batsmen from the east islands.
just be grateful you weren’t sandpapered
the train wreck of all train wrecks just keeps getting better, Billions of people stuck with a broken immune system
In short once you have your second jab your immune response shifts from IGg3 to IGg4, the problem with this is IGg4 is used against allergies. IGg4 attaches to the pollen etc to stop the immune system attaching it (anti-inflammatory).
Now IGg4 attaches to covid or more simply corona viruses and your immune system now ignores it
This is why everyone catching covid and or in hospital is double/triple jabbed. Thats why “they” say get your shot because it reduces the systems….well yes becaus eyour body is ignoring the virus.
Good luck
[Found in the bin. No idea why. – LVA]
Sydney eclipses 30 degrees, a first in 331 days, before ‘dangerous’ storms arrive
Sydney has passed 30 degrees for the first time in 331 days, but a dangerous storm is expected to arrive in the evening and send temperatures plummeting.
Maximum temperatures have stayed below 30 degrees in the city since February 21 last year – a streak only bested by a 339-day record set in 1883.
Sydney’s Observatory Hill recorded 30.1 degrees at 2.30pm on Wednesday and was expected to reach its peak before 4pm.
Both Adelaide & Melbourne ‘plunged’ after their one-day heatwave™ (a change of wind can do that). Note that Vic’s Mt Hotham is expected to drop to 0 C (zero, freezing) overnight: how come CO2 doesn’t ‘work’ when the sun goes down…
Greg, stop asking tough questions- you just don’t understand the magic/science like the warmistas.
However, once the data is homogenised, 2022 will be Sydney’s hottest year ever.
I have a blog out on this as reported by Weatherzone.
Sydney enjoys 323 days under 30 degrees in our largest UHI
FYI, Breaking News
Sydney (Australia),
Todays’ max temp just scraped over 30C at 30.2C. (18th Jan 2023, Observatory hill)
So the final total for Sydney is 331 consecutive days below 30 degrees Celcius.
This is the 2nd longest consecutive run since records have been kept.
The all time record was set in 1883. A total of 339 consecutive days. 140 YEARS AGO.
Cooler weather is forecast for Sydney for the rest of the week.
We pretend that old data doesn’t exist … so this is the longest cold run evahhhhh!
Sorry for the double post with OldOzzie.. we were 4 minutes apart.
Ok, If one looks at what was happening with the Bom, it seems that Wednesday in Sydney was always going to be over 30C.
The media were told 6 days before that it would happen, a temp of 30C. The media have reported it constantly till today, ad nausea
Now, the above comment is just my observation of reported “facts”.
So why should I be concerned?
This link was available just a week ago:
This was the historical record to 2020 of max temps per month/day from 1859.
Now you and I can’t access it. Why?
You could previously view the data and now in the middle of Jan 2023 you can’t.
Is it because Sydney was approaching an all time record? I don’t know.
Well unless you downloaded the pdf, you wouldn’t even know that this event was happening, backed up by historical data.
Thank god we have people like these:
Here is Dr Jennifer Marohasy interviewed on sky news. January 16th 2023;
Re the Bom. Watch at 7 mins 44 seconds, Dr Marohasy states she will attend the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, Feb 3rd 2023.
“Trying to get access to the parallel data which will give us an idea of what the historical data looks like”
“Without any adjustment”
““Trying to get access to the parallel data which will give us an idea of what the historical data looks like” “Without any adjustment””
That’ll be gone! Either they didn’t have room to store it, or someone unknown made a mistake & sadly deleted it, or they just didn’t need it after they homogenised it, re-baselined it and adjusted it by internal secret methods.
Code Z28.310 just for the unvaxxed
A set of international codes are used by the medical industry for billing purposes under Medicare-Medicaid and the private insurance companies, but it’s not just about billing.
These codes are part of the International Classification of Disease (ICD) system set forth by the United Nations World Health Organization and they’re about to get far more invasive.
What is this new code? It’s Code Number Z28.310. This is the code for a very peculiar “diagnosis” since it’s not a diagnosis at all, but an invasion of privacy and likely to be used against many people in the future. This is the code your doctor will log into the computer system that is accessed by government and private health insurers informing them of your Covid vaccine status.
These are internationally recognized codes for very specific medical conditions for insurance and government purposes. They are accessible worldwide should you be overseas and have a health issue that needs to be treated.
I recently interviewed a fully licensed M.D., a physician who practices in a Midwestern state and has full hospital privileges. This doctor’s name will remain anonymous because if it were to get out, he could end up losing his job. On January 12, he informed me that Code Z28.310 went live in his state.
“Yesterday (January 11) it showed up for the first time in any kind of hospital paperwork I’d seen,” the doctor told me.
If diagnostics aren’t entered properly, a doctor may not get reimbursed. Now that this new code is officially required by government and private insurance providers, doctors will likely now be “incentivized” to ask about your vax status, he said. That means they get financial payouts whenever the government decides there’s a “meaningful use” for this data.
I had no idea that doctors were being bought off in this way.
“It’s non-specific,” the doctor explained. “But with Covid they added the 1 after the 3 (Z28.31), so Covid is the only vaccine they’re specific for. Then they added a second digit if you’re partially vaccinated and didn’t get any of the boosters.”
These codes could continue to get more specific to the point that they also log in codes for why you refuse Big Pharma’s ineffective and unsafe — but very profitable — injections.
World’s oldest known person, French nun who remembered World War I, dies aged 118
Randon, known as Sister Andre, was born in southern France on February 11, 1904, when World War I was still a decade away.
In 2021 she survived COVID-19, which infected 81 residents of her nursing home.
She died in her sleep at her nursing home in Toulon, spokesman David Tavella said.
“There is great sadness but… it was her desire to join her beloved brother. For her, it’s a liberation,” Tavella, of the Sainte-Catherine-Laboure nursing home, told AFP.
The sister was long feted as the oldest European, before the death of Japan’s Kane Tanaka aged 119 last year left her the longest-lived person on Earth.
“Unsettled: Climate and Science | Dr. Steven Koonin”
“Man Plugs His $115k Electric Hummer in to Charge on Sunday, Finds Out It Won’t Be Done Until Friday”
The schedule has been released for next year’s Bledisloe Cup
At 6pm players will enter the field and line up either side of halfway. There will be a Welcome to Country and then they will take a knee for 1 minute.
A “smoking ceremony” will then take place. All past and present elders will be honoured.
After that there will be a minute’s silence for everybody who has died.
Indigenous people will then be recognised as the traditional owners of this country. White people will be acknowledged as invading colonialists.
A formal apology on behalf of all heterosexual white males will be made by Kevin Rudd to all females in history who have been harassed or not being given equal pay.
Both teams will then sing the National Anthems in Maori, Aboriginal and English. Only the “white players” are expected to sing the anthems in English (for the Wallabies that will only be about 2 or 3).
They will then go to the middle of the ground where the All Blacks will perform the haka. After that players will go into their religious groups to sing and pay homage to their friends in the sky.
Atheists will go into their own group to talk about what they have done to combat climate change.
Both teams will then come together in the middle of the field and hold hands while putting rainbow tape on each other’s arms.
The Wallabies will be wearing their new strip designed by Lisa Wilkinson. It will have aboriginal artwork along with black , blue , white , red , pink and brown ribbons printed on the front of the jumper. The jumper will have a large Z on the front for the team’s new sponsor, clean energy billionaire Zali Steggall.
The Wallabies will be captained by Bill Smith as Joe Bloggs is still serving a 10 game suspension after it was discovered his great uncle made a feminist remark to a barmaid in 1965.
The game will also have 2 minute time-outs after a try is scored so mental coaches can enter the field and talk to the players who have just been scored against, to discuss their emotions.
Purple cards will also be used in the match for players to be sent from the field for 15 minutes if they say anything mean. The game should finish around 2am the next day.
Brilliant! Got at halfway through this before I realised it was a joke. Nothing surprises me these days.
So much to choose from but I’ll pick this one:
But will they accept the apology?
Not if they are called Meghan.
at the cricket they are having barefoot circles at the smoking “ceremony” and didgeridoo music on the PA. Perhaps they could pick that up also.
“Davos Needs Whores: Klaus Schwab’s Blofeldian World-Domination Conference in Switzerland Is Importing So Many Prostitutes from the Hinterlands That CENTCOM Analysts Fear a “Fartclam Gap” ”
Now you know why they don’t use Zoom
It doesn’t surprise me in the least.
“I wonder how much Klaus will own when I own nothing…”
An update on the “Doings of Davos” via Covid and Coffee
“It’s not just politicians and billionaires gathered in Davos this week for the WEF’s annual meeting. The Daily Mail UK ran a titillating story yesterday headlined, “Tricks Of The Trade: $2,500-A-Night Prostitute Reveals How Business Rockets At This Week’s Davos Summit – And Why She Wears Business Clothes To Blend In And Never Gossips About Elite Clients.”
“According to the “professionals” interviewed by the Mail’s diligent reporter, going rates for “consultations” during the gala political event are $760 per hour, or $2,500 per night at a bulk discount.
Between appointments, the 600 CEO’s and 50 heads of state allegedly attended sessions yesterday on issues including gender parity, the return of manufacturing, the green transition, efforts to end tuberculosis, and the intersection of food, water and energy, whatever that is, some sessions featuring actor Idris Elba.
An ACTOR. Of course. What else?”
Windfall profits tax too?
Apparently Zelensky used his address at the WEF today to formally ask for Ukraine to become a member of NATO.
Somebody please correct me if I’m wrong, and I hope I am, but if this were to happen, given that Russia currently has an occupying army in Ukraine, wouldn’t this automatically invoke a state of war between NATO and Russia?
I have a very bad feeling about this.
I think that’s the plan…
…but the NATO rules say anyone at war already cannot join.
Rules have the same value in Modern Western Woke World as reality. Net Zero.
Yes although by proxy NATO has “sheep dipped” 70% of troops fighting along with Ukraine’s young teenage boys and “old” men. Ukraine conscription is desperate, oh and despicable.
Officially Poland WILL move militarily into there ancestral lands in Ukraine. Russia is well aware they can easily crush a full scale NATO assault THEY KNOW IT ALSO.
Analysts postulate that the insane the ” cosmopolitan ” leadership in Europe are “hell bent” on starting WW111.
SHTF! You Have to Hear What This Farming Insider said to Me! Prep Now! Wait for it then ROFL! 😊️
It is called planting through stubble and is an environmentally sound practice.
1/ As said you don’t plough the field so all that diesel is saved.
2/ By not ploughing no plough pan develops which requires a dozer with ripper tines to break.
3/ The stubble remains as cover so there is less rain erosion and the soil has longer to absorb the rain. I have seen a pic by a Liverpool Plains farmer of two fields, one that had stubble left on it and the other bare. After the rain there was abt 50mm difference in the soil level. The extra was all absorbed water. He has deeep topsoil.
4/ He did worm counts and they did far better. Only boys believe that if you cut a worm in half you get two worms. You actually get one dead one.
5/ Glyphosate has been investigated for decades.
6/ “Roundup ready” seeds cost ya, but all good farmers buy certified seed and they cost too.
Yeomans “Water For Every Farm” – The Keyline Plan.
Written in the 1950’s.
Constituencies of the Absurd
San Francisco proposes to pay African American citizens 5 million dollars each for reparations.
Some believe this to be a a ploy by Gavin Newsome to deflect the hard left and clear his path to the White House.
The assumption being that absurdity will neutralize the absurd.
I fear this to be a dangerous assumption.
Few hearing this will say “that’s crazy, completely impractical.”
We have recent precedent.
Most will say “sure I’ll voluntarily lock myself inside 23 hours a day, it’s for my own good.”
“People should be punished for sitting alone in a park and not wearing a mask.”
Just a new constituency demanding the absurd.
We already have quite a few.
Net Zero.
Men are birthing persons too.
Words are violence.
Math is a form of cultural indoctrination.
Spelling and punctuation are forms of microaggression.
Likely comes down to the assault on masculinity, which ends up an erosion of leadership.
No one left with the stones to just say no.
Again foreshadowed in The Prophecies …
What a horror show, the each way Albo’s interview on Sky with Chris Kenny last night. I could have said, sad & disappointing, but no unmitigated horror. This is our Prime Minister for the next 3 years attempting to answer questions that must surely be on a big proportion of Australians citizens minds. I might be wrong but i think i heard him say that the YES vote to the VOICE referendum WILL NOT FAIL! Is this code for saying that the Voice is going to be invoked regardless of the citizens vote? The arrogance of this bloke & his lakey labour stalwarts.
Same same response on the Ben Fordam radio show this morning!
Its like the response to the question of the failure to deliver a pre-election promise to deliver an average reduction in household electricity bills by $275. Wait for it….. “wholly because of the war in Ukraine”. Again total conceit to the intelligence of the Australian voting public.
Never felt so frustrated with the current modus operandi of rhe democratic ‘process’. Its a sad joke or indeed a horror show. Where Australia is headed is indeed ugly.
“Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has not ruled out legislating the Voice to Parliament should Australians vote to reject enshrining the body in the Constitution- Albanese side-stepped questions on whether he intended to legislate the Voice if the referendum was lost, saying instead that he was not contemplating failure as he was pressed on the option in two interviews.”
As to how confused he is about it all-
“But he rejected the assertion that he would be ignoring the will of voters if the government proceeded to legislate the body in the wake of a failed national vote, suggesting the two outcomes were separate, likening the scenario to “confusing rugby league and rugby union”.”
He’s getting like a younger Biden!
Maybe old news to some but I think this is nifty weather monitoring tool. Lots of info in one place.;136.9;3&l=temperature-2m
This is obviously the reason that the moron who identifies as the energy minister has taken advice & concluded that instead of a synchronous system getting the “ wobbles “ he’ll build a totally different / alternate grid involving 28,000 km of new transmission lines. So doubling the the grid, according to the moron, will HALVE the price of electricity.???
Wow, we’re really lucky to have such an intellectually astute moron identifying as an energy minister!!
How long until Aussie sees the same-
“Every year it happens with textbook repetition: Washington politicians procrastinate in releasing a colossal expense prospectus for the following year which unfailingly runs thousands of pages, requests billions of dollars, and is granted mere hours of scrutiny before being thrust to a congressional vote. The process is riddled with partisan intimidations and shrewd slandering. Democratic politicians trot out folksy pleas about supporting struggling Americans, to which, naturally, passing the bill is postured to achieve. Most Republicans cave to its smothering inevitability; a minority bitterly protest.”
They don’t bother to read it, we know they don’t read it, they know we know they don’t even read it, and they just don’t care! Talk about throwing shit in our faces and laughing.. THIS is democracy at its best!
Alexander Mercouris
The VERY interesting part (IMO) is after about 45 minutes where he quotes Bloomberg as now discovering that Russian oil exports are back to last April levels. And where he raises the point that the penny is dropping in some places but hasn’t dropped in political US/EU that the Ukraine conflict is existential for the US also, He weaves more ifs and buts into that .
The US has driven Russian oil and gas and trade in general East, and is destroying its petrodollar via its own incompetence. The existential crisis is in Washington not Ukraine.
“Russian economy collapse narrative makes a comeback”
Brings to mind as suitable theme music
So the aid that the USA has given to Ukraine to fight Russia already totals more than the military budget of most countries- They’ve handed over roughly $115billion, while India’s budget is $75billion, UK is $70billion, Russia $65billion and France $55billion… They expect the other NATO countries to deplete their military equipment stock and hand it to Ukraine to be destroyed.
Meanwhile America just keeps printing dollars and spending it on arms. Their own military budget totals more than the next nine top countries in the world, which is quite astounding for a country that talks about peace and democracy and ‘the American-rules based order’.. Just add together China, India, UK, Russia, France, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Japan and South Korea, and yet America spends more on their military than all those combined. They are a nation who’s main export is war and death, all over the world. ‘We’ are NOT the good guys!
Ukraine is all about breaking Russia up so there is no competition for the Yanks, and if Ukraine doesn’t win they will keep inventing new ways of making Europe go to war with Russia until they succeed. We’ll just ride along on their coat tails until a war comes along that is bigger than we can stomach. When America collapses we are trashed.
The US lives in your head rent free.
The muddle-headed wombat (Chris Bowen) does energy policy.
The path to a 43 per cent emission reduction by 2030 appears achievable and economists believe Bowen’s price signal for the industrial sector will help businesses achieve this in a cost-efficient way.
What’s your thoughts on the pending Liddell closure Rafe?
1. Will it actually go ahead?
2. If it does go ahead, the most likely energy scenario.
3. If it goes ahead, will they demolish it?
I hear that it’s currently derated to only 1400, down from 2000, due to turbine issues.
Swiss Green Party politician Bastien Girod at Davos explaining why people won’t need cars.
Two minutes.
[Found in the bin. No idea why. – LVA]
Surely that should be a plural.
You have to be there and have local knowledge, last night on Sky television the Mayor of Mackay in North Queensland was interviewed about the present heavy rainfall and flooding in that area, he quoted an older local resident who told him it was a good start to the wet season.
While acknowledging the roads cut by floodwaters and damaged roads the Mayor was not prepared to make too much out of the situation, not unusual.
A metre of rain at Proserpine is not unprecedented™ and our dam is topping.
I believe that this rainfall is totally unprecedented, I also believe that Tully Gorge and Barron Gorge were created by the Rainbow serpent trying to wriggle up the mountains to escape the rising sea levels
Yes, the Rainbow serpent should have a voice.
It appears that Biden has / is creating the North American Technate:-
Patrick Wood was on the money…
“Klaus Schwab’s Father Ran ‘National Socialist Model Company’, Exploited Nazi Slave Labor”
Contains some lessons in sanitising
Full details on Eugene Schwab and his involvement in WWII, the raising of his son, Klaus, Henry Kissinger’s role in Klauses development, and Kissinger’s part in the formation and development of the WEF.
Another push to broaden Govt censorship of the internet in today’s SMH- How terrible it is that people have all sorts of different opinions up on social media.
“Social media posts are not subject to regulation, meaning content creators can present any experience or opinion as fact as long as it abides by the platform’s community guidelines.”
This is wrapped around an article about misinformation in sexual matters like contraception & genital plastic surgery.
We may see health as the battering ram for Govt’s internet censorship.
The only propaganda you will be allowed to be exposed to will be government propaganda.
I suspect there is another hypothesis that explains strep A increase in other countries as well
Jacinta quits!
“Tremor in Dark Force – While Davos Ongoing, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern Announces She’s Quitting – Before Getting Crushed in Election”
NZ PPM Jabcinda Ardern announces her retirement effective early February – personal reasons.
“MUST SEE: CNBC Host Congratulates Moderna CEO for Developing COVID Vaccine Before the Disease Even Hit America’s Shores”
And for the double!
“Ezra Makes a Friend”
CEO of Pfizzer asked 29 questions and couldn’t answer any