What an honor. I am just so humbled to win the Dauntless Award of 2023. I mean apart from the towering giants of the Climate Skeptic world who have already won it, to be on the same page as Walt Cunningham, one of the three Apollo 7 astronauts, who risked their lives for science, is a career highlight. Walt Cunningham helped make NASA what it is, and he could have said nothing, but he became an outspoken skeptic of the way NASA was abusing the trust of the public, and abusing science. He was a fighter pilot and a physicist who flew on the first manned launch after the tragic fire that killed all three astronauts on Apollo 1. Sadly the world lost Walt only weeks ago.
Other Dauntless winners include Dr Jay Lehr (who helped set up the US EPA fifty years ago and then spent decades working to undo that) and legends like Marc Morano (Climate Depot), Professor Fred Singer, and Christopher Monckton. People who I have learnt so much from.
Craig Rucker announces the award from 25.20. From 28 minutes Heartland and CFACT went to so much trouble to make a mini documentary of yours truly. From 33 minutes I accept live from Perth Australia, the other side of the world. Isn’t technology great?
Redpill the world — The NASA heroes the media buries
In 2013 I wrote about Walter Cunningham and pointed out four Apollo Astronauts then were outspoken climate skeptics, yet the ABC, BBC and mass media would not even pick up the phone to call them and ask “why?” This is a great RedPill moment to share with people who still think journalists are still journalists, instead of obedient propaganda hacks and weak minions of the powers that be. Where were the real reporters who interviewed Buzz Aldrin or Harrison Schmidt (2 of the 12 men who walked on the moon), or Phil Chapman (Apollo 14) and Walter Cunningham (Apollo 7)?
I asked Walt Cunningham then about journalism. He replied:

Donn F. Eisele, Walter M. Schirra, Jr. and Walter Cunningham.
No one in the media has ever asked if I was a “skeptic,” although it has always been rather obvious. I have been writing and speaking on the climate and environment since about 2000. The frequent reaction to my writings is: “What can he know about climate science? He’s just an astronaut.”
Check the comments on Larry’s article on our interview.
I was a founder of an environmental concern organization back in 1970. I also spent 5 years on the board of NREL.
Don’t miss the first ten minutes of the video above — a tribute to the excellent men we’ve lost in the last year, not just Walt but also Jay Lehr, Tom Wysmuller, Pat Michaels, and Tim Ball.
I was booked to do a podcast with Jay Lehr in May this year, sadly he too died a week or so after Walt Cunningham in January. I will do one with Tom Nelson soon instead, details coming.
CFACT generously offered to fly me to Florida to accept the award, which I would have been delighted to do, however the US still requires full vaccination for entry. Hard to believe, but true.
Subscribe to the Youtube channels for Heartland and CFACT.
PS: Special thanks to Stan in the Netherlands who sent a card with a heartwarming message but no return address. Message received. 🙂 Bedankt.
My post box is: PO Box 1931, Malaga, Western Australia 6944.
Well deserved. Now can I please get some handbooks? Thank you.
Will do!
Outstanding Jo!
Congratulations, Jo, you deserve every accolade, you champion.
You are so worthy of recognition.
Congratulations Joanne.
Joanne mentioned a former winner, Dr. Jay Lehr, and sadly he passed away on January 17th, barely seven weeks ago now.
There is one certain outcome from this award; Chris Bowen will not be asking for any advice from you.
Windmills off Newcastle. Really! Might be more than a speed-bump for the whales along Humpback Highway.
Absolutely Awesome! Three cheers from here.
Congratulations Jo. Very well deserved.
Dauntless is a very good word for your work Jo. Congratulations!
Fabulous, Jo. We on this site (with perhaps a couple if exceptions) know that this award is not only deserved but a long time in coming.
Your blog is such an important source of information for those of us, whether science trained or not, who do not have the resources, ability or knowledge to mine all the information sources out there ourselves.
In the ten years, or more, that I have been following you I have learnt so much, and over so many issues not just climate change, that I am now able to counter, with confidence, those who try to tell me that man made climate change is real, or mRNA vaccines are safe and so on.
Award deserved, so are more chocolates, so come on fellow bloggers, show Jo we appreciate her.
Well said Peter. Marvellous work JoNova DCPT. Thank you so much.
Thanks Jo.
The dedication and drive required to keep this blog up and running deserves more recognition.
You will be rich Jo-at least in warmists minds- as no doubt they believe the award comes with huge Big Oil sponsored financing.
This award is well deserved for your tireless work in a Blog that has blossomed over the last few years and now covers many more topics than just climate change in an interesting and forthright manner. Many congratulations
CONGRATS! Bloody good job!
Jo congratulations. Well deserved.
I forward your posts to warmist friends or those not so sure – very handy. An excellent resource and keep up the great work.
You deserve this Jo, not just for working so hard at being truthful, but for being one of few on the conservative side of politics who matches the left for just being relentless. I don’t know how you do it but I’m grateful that you do!
“CFACT generously offered to fly me to Florida to accept the award, which I would have been delighted to do, however the US still requires full vaccination for entry. Hard to believe, but true.”
Not that hard to believe I’m afraid. I think it’s pretty clear that the majority of unvaccinated sit on the conservative side of the political spectrum, so it’s easy to see why a Democrat government might continue border controls keeping the unvaxxed out, way past the point where other nations rescinded such nonsense.
America truly is on the verge of massive social unrest.
Are all the muppets coming over the southern border vaxxed, no I thought not.
The restriction applies only to visitors to the USA. Citizens returning and migrants (both legal and opportunistic) are allowed entry without proof of vaccination.
It is frustrating and incomprehensible from a Covid control point of view.
I am hoping the restriction will be lifted soon because I would like to pay a visit.
I have a formal exemption from further vaccination. Somehow, I doubt it’s worth the electrons it’s printed on. Would it really get me into the USA?? In fact, I may well qualify as fully-vaccinated anyway (I haven’t checked the exact rules recently), but would it be ethical to use that fact in order to get into the USA when I have a later-dated exemption?
I think I won’t try to get into the USA. Yes, I’m a wimp.
Kudos Jo,
As somebody who has followed your blog since the beginning you have given me unassailable weapons of truth to wage war against the climate brainwashed.
Unfortunately i have found that the brainwashed are impervious to evidence and prefer to stay in the cult.
We Australians certainly punch above our weight in the truth categories.
Congratulations & above all you are recognised for telling the truth backed by science, as opposed to the morons who identify as someone they’ll never be as a result of their devious,
Immoral lies unsubstantiated by even a single thread of science data or truth.
I wonder if they’ll ever get the drift!!
You’re doing great work, Jo. Your blog is a valuable connection to reality.
I’m not religious but Amen! Or in your case Jo, Awoman! A-for-Awesome ✔️
Congrats Jo – so well deserved!
Congratulations Joanne!
Congratulations on your well deserved award Jo. It is wonderful to have a flow of information from Down Under to give me news our legacy media won’t mention just as the likes of ABC don’t in Australia.
Tears in my eyes, Jo bells.
Well done Jo.
Your relentless effort to uncover the truth will continue to be rewarded.
Congratulations Jo! Your blog has been a wonderful source of fascinating information over many years now. I’ve really appreciated it and much admired your hard work.
I can’t quite remember the date I started to read your blog but it was fairly early on. I first discovered WUWT through reading Christopher Booker’s articles in the UK Daily Telegraph and from there I found a link to here and have remained an enthusiastic reader ever since.
Very many thanks, Jo, for all you have given us through this blog.
Similar with me Annie.
And me
I think I meant The Sunday Telegraph.
Congratulations Jo.
So very, very well deserved.
That’s not a bad accolade considering the competition and it’s probably a personal sense of satisfaction to silence critics.
As PeterP says above, more chocolate;
Congratulations, Joanne. Your site is one of the few remaining pieces of terra firma, as the rising level of BS generally is swallowing up our world.
Congrats Jo! 👍
Heartfelt congratulations Jo! Your blog has been a reference point for open and rational minds. Very grateful for your ongoing sharing of opinions and sceptical reasoning.
Congratulations Jo.
Congratulations Jo, I think I have read your blog every day since early 2010 except when travelling before 2017. I like the way many contributors have a knack of simplifying complex issues, which is what I need.
“… the US still requires full vaccination for entry.”
Just come in over the border with all the illegals and you won’t have anyone pester you about proof of vaccination to anything.
Despite being headhunted by an Australian company back in ’99, I had to jump through all the hoops required in order to obtain permanent residency, then citizenship. My wife dealt with much of the horrendous officialdom in terms of obtaining tax file numbers etc. At one point, it all got too hard for her and she had a bit of a breakdown during one such visit to government offices in Canberra. The lady dealing with it expressed her sympathy and said, “The problem is that you came though the official channels, not on a leaky boat from Indonesia.”
A well deserved honor.
Congrats Jo, guess we will see this announced on somebodies ABC News ( cough cough)
‘Their ABC’, I believe ….
Yes Michael, but who are they in the “their ABC”?
Congrats from another early adapter.
Geoff S
Congratulations Jo – well deserved! Thank you for all your work over the years.
Congratulations Joanne!
Congratulations Jo, the award is well deserved. Some “chocolates” are headed your way as a thank you for all that you do.
Thank you Ric! Much appreciated.
Congratulations Joanne. Well deserved! As someone schooled by Australian Jesuits (in India) I used to have a very high regard for Australia and Australians. But in recent years that regard has diminished, what with their embrace of anti-science and anti-rational policies regarding CO2,energy, and COVID, but you give me hope that Australia is not totally lost to the woke anti-science and anti-rational mob.
Bravo, Jo!
Keep doing what you’re doing!
This pale blue dot we call home, needs you.
There is no ‘climate truth’.
There is only truth.
Which Jo purveys dauntlessly.
In spite of the Oz government, so far.
Congrats and thanks for operating my fav among the dwindling portals to reality.
Jo, you shine all the way to us in the US; we are proud of you from a distance!
Anyone want to go this and heckle?
Probably not my cup of tea!
I’ll pass on that too!
But! But! Professor Michael E. Mann is ‘an expert’ isn’t he? didn’t he win a Nobel Prize and a court case in Canada?
Clearly someone to be admired! Oh look! There was pink pig flying past ….
Mickey Mann has done more damage to the word “science” than basically anyone except, maybe, Al Gore or Greta.!
Not to mention ‘The Science’ himself. You know who.
And well done, Jo. All that is required for evil to prevail, is for good men (and women) to do nothing.
Congratulation Jo! Thoroughly deserved! Here’s another “bombshell” that your readers have known for the last 3 years. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/26/us/politics/china-lab-leak-coronavirus-pandemic.html Who could have guessed!
Chocolate sent. Do you happen to have any “Emergency Champagne” we can purchase (wink, wink)?
Great recognition for a truth warrior. Congratulations Jo!
Congratulations Jo, your recognition and award was well earned though many years of dedicated service.
We all hope there are many more years and many more awards.
PS: Did you get a mention on the ABC??
Don’t you mean “Their ABC”?
Congratulations and well deserved recognition for what you do .
Again congratulations Jo and long may you pester the clueless pollies and the ignorant Woke mobs and the MSM.
You deserve this award more than anyone in Australia and I don’t know what we’d do without your blog.
Fantastic achievement Jo. Well deserved.
Recognition of your efforts deserves a tinkle in the tip jar for that bottle of champagne.
Hi Jo,
What a thrilling moment for you. 🙂
You are so worthy to receive this award and I’m so happy for you.
Keep up the good fight and continue to hold the “true believers” to account at all times.
Sincere congratulations and cheers,
Congrats of course, but now we’ll have to take it to another level.
Congratulations Jo! Keep up the good work.
Well done, Jo Nova, Dauntless Climate Truth Purveyor!
Well deserved recognition Jo! Go ahead and add it to the side margin of the blog too.
You and David help keep me sane.
Well as much sane as a clown can be…….
Congratulations, richly deserved.
Jo, you do invaluable work, especially in the promotion of truth, freedom, the Scientific Method and the values of Western Civilisation, all of which are under heavy attack by the Left in Australia and throughout the West.
A great speech Jo, and a reward richly deserved. Please continue with your great efforts.
Well done Jo, you’ve earned it.
Congratulations Jo – You are a Shining Light in the Global Green Darkness
The book Green Darkness by Anya Seton is an interesting book but I hope the phenomenon described in the book doesn’t become global.
Congratulations – What you are doing is mostly thankless and I bet you get some “interesting” mail . Thanks for having the courage to tell the truth which at the moment is a revolutionary act . I hope you can continue until reality returns.
As Jo mentioned, visitors to the US still require compulsory vaccination. Unbelievable but true, not even Extreme Nanny State Australia requires that any more, they even allowed Novak Djokovic to come this year, but not last.
In the US, the compulsory vax requirements are not so much for illegals who just walk across the border from Mexico.
May I suggest to Americans on this blog that they contact their Congress-things about this outrage?
I told our Australian Senator Rennick one of the less than handful of Aussie politicians who understands or cares, who may pass it on to US diplomats at some point, hopefully.
BTW, it was only rarely recently that the requirement for Australians to have exit visas to leave the country was dropped. You could only get an exit visa if you were vaxxed. That was ONLY changed after pressure from a certain Senator whose name I don’t recall and can’t find with a quick Goolag search.
Great idea. Jo could fly to Mexico and just stroll in to accept her award. If questioned, just call the questioner a racist and she’d be fine.
Jo, you are intelligent, diplomatic and a beautiful person. In the long game, you will be seen as the champion of science. With metta.
Well done, congratulations
Congratulations, Jo. Well deserved.
The planet got lucky when all those years ago you realised that climate science was devoid of evidence.
So many of us here have had that same life changing and mind altering moment in our lives, when we have realised what is actually going on.
Well done Joanne Nova.
Kudos and congratulations to you.
Jo, you join a long list of scientific heretics whose ideas were later proven correct.
It only took the Catholic Church 359 years to apologise to Galileo.
A short list of other notable scientific heretics:
Michael Servetus- that blood flows from the heart to the lungs. 1545
Giordano Bruno – that the sun is a star, one of millions. 1592
Alfred Wegener- continental drift. 1912
Francis Rouse – viruses can cause cancer. 1911
Wright Bros – human flight is possible. 1903
Louis Pasteur – infections spread by invisible germs. 1862
William Harvey- blood flow. 1628
Barry Marshall- bacteria causes peptic ulcers. 1982
John Baird – radio waves can create a visual broadcast 1925
Many more heretics at https://www.informationisbeautiful.net/visualizations/mavericks-and-heretics/
Also worth mentioning is a heretic is someone who thinks for themselves rather than believes dogma. It is NOT a bad thing at all!
Congratulations Jo!!!
Well deserved and a big thanks to all that help you run the blog.
I’ll second that.
Thanks Jo
What an amazing body of work in support of sane science. An inspiration. We need better governance. The price of liberty, eternal vigilance.
Erl, your grip of the scientific situation is outstanding, and your wine has long been of my favorites. Thank you.
You have science people then you have science communicators. The latter are very rare because they need to get their point across very quickly without boring the majority of the population witless. As a sceptic you are very often replying to some outrageous claims on subjects made by alarmists. I first heard Jo speak on the Andrew Bolt show years ago and was very impressed by her presentation style. Short, concise and with humour is how we battle the science “narratives”. Jo does all that in spades. Congratulations on your award and I expect there will be a story on all the ABC shows and The Project tonight. (sarc button)
I think that you mean “Their ABC” …..
Surely, it’s “sour ABC” …
[…] Good News! Jo Nova wins the Dauntless Purveyor of Climate Truth Award 2023 […]
Congrats Jo well deserved for the great work you do, always look forward to your comments.
We need more people like you!!!!
Why can’t I access elctroverse.net? Search engine says nothing found.
https://electroverse.co/ works for me.
Maybe you left out an “e” ?
cheers. .co, not .net.
Looking at today’s Electroverse front page it looks like global cooling is the new global warming.
We all know heat causes cold.
Watch the hypocritical Left (a tautology) seamlessly shift gears and change the narrative to cooling and no one (Sheeple) will even notice.
Congratulations Jo.
Time to let the PR experts who run desmog blog that your entry needs to be updated. They seem to enjoy posting your videos as well, so an excerpt of your presentation will probably go down a treat!
DeSmog Blog? Isn’t that one of the founts of wisdom consulted by real experts like Timothy?
Yes! “Even the rain that falls ….”
No more than you deserve.
Thank god you have the energy to keep going.
Chocs sent, with our highest regards.
So why cannot Joanne Nova and those mentioned get included in the mainstream media? are they scared of the advertising dollars?
Chocs sent.
Jo, for future historians documenting the decline and fall of Western Civilisation, assuming our technological civilisation survives, you may want to have this site archived on places like the Wayback Machine, although I don’t know what the precise technical details of doing this are, especially automatically and the entire site, especially as it’s constantly changing.
Congratulations Jo. Well deserved.
Great prize. Great speech. Great work and well deserved.
I was unaware of the Green history, a path trodden by Dr. Patrick Moore and so many others. A heart felt Green ideal perverted by outside cold calculating opportunists. I think everyone is a Green, but Green has to be based on science, not fantasy.
And reality, not what is pretty.
As so often Monty Python said it all
And apart from the complete lack of evidence of CO2 made global warming, there is not even evidence of man influenced CO2. Quite the reverse. Coincidence is proof of nothing. Most people would expect warming to increase CO2, not the reverse. They are right.
Congratulations again.
A great song! It explains perfectly what is going on with our political scene right now ….
Thank goodness for people like Joanne!
Congratulations! Well deserved.
I often forward your posts to my Dad.
Congrats Jo. 🙂
Also mentioned in email from SaltbushClub
If anyone has Viv’s email ad. ask if the date 27th Jan should be 27 February.
Accolades and Congratulations for a well earned Award.
Why, I can see that Nova from Virginia. 🙂
Sorry to be late to the party, but time zones and such.
Chocolate en route. 🙂
Congrats Jo, you are a very deserving recipient!!
All the very best Mrs Evans for your most well-deserved accolade! Congratulations!
But wait! Didn’t Albert Gore gain great Nobel Prize recognition? And what about the most honourable Professor Michael E. Mann? Didn’t he also get a Nobel Prize, to say nothing of the accolade of winning the court case with that dreadful ‘climate denier’ the Late Dr Tim Ball?
OH! Now I must go and feed my pet flying pig …..
No Simon and Peter Fitzroy in this thread?
Not even the Leaf either!
true that
To misquote a movie…
“They can’t handle the “climate” truth” !
Hi Jo – A wonderful tribute. Congratulations – Keep up the good work.
Well earned Jo !
This site is a solid anchor to sanity in a world going mad .
God help us if the only source of information was the ABC and the sold-out MSM .
The next battleground will be the CBDC which will allow authoritarian governments complete control over every minute detail of our lives .
And it is time to declare the WEF an international terrorist organization .
Congrats, Jo. The world is a better place for articulate, fact based debate. I’m hoping to hear more character assassination aimed at you, because that’s the barometer of how far under the skin of ignorant propaganda elites you’re penetrated with information they want ignored.
Yes, well done Jo, this bar is a little spot of sanity for those of us who would otherwise think we are the only heretics left…
We will know you are winning when the blog vanishes without trace!
well, at least we now know how to keep the flies (trolls) away. Just write something celebrating a well deserved success for our Jo.
Congratulations Jo, how exciting to read this news today :-))
No flash in the pan, in fact a supernova.
Hi Jo,
Belated, heartiest congratulations.
Very well deserved.
Very best regards,
Paul Miskelly
Best wishes Jo you are a light in the darkness . .
Candle, candle, burning bright
In the forest of the night!
Kudos. You probably didn’t need any validation to continue your work but a gong like this certainly can’t be denied a spot on the mantelpiece
Well done Jo, I let my local member of parliament know the good news
I wonder if Jo has ever called anyone a climate denier in her earlier incarnation?
I never have. I used to call them “they”, “they just don’t want to believe science”.
I don’t think I did. But I should have seen “climate denier” as the red flag it was long before I did.
We must teach the children…
Well deserved, Jo. You are a true advocate for the true scientific method, which remains the sole reason we do not still live the Hobbesian nasty, brutish and short lives of our ancestors.
Without people such as yourself, the now ever-present thugs of Orwell’s imagination would go unchallenged, and many of us (your fellow travellers) would have long since lost heart and given up (and perhaps given in).
Congrats, and keep fighting the good fight!
[…] https://joannenova.com.au/2023/02/jo-nova-wins-the-dauntless-purveyor-of-climate-truth-award-2023/ […]
You know that hint of a tear you get in your eye through the feeling of “you’re home” after a long absence?
Thanks Jo ….. immeasurably ….
Well done Jo!
Great for your efforts to be recognised and hopefully brought to a wider audience.
[…] Image: Good News! Jo Nova wins the Dauntless Purveyor of Climate Truth Award 2023 […]
CFACT posted a glowing review of Jo’s contributions. Very nice.
Got to this post late, but was thrilled to see your award. Best news evah and best site evah. Hearty congratulations you wonderful purveyor you. Suck on that Greens. ToM
Congratulations Jo.
A well deserved award.
Thank you Jo.
Without you, Ian Plimer,Peter. Ridd, Garth Paltridge and others who keep the rational candle alight in this oncoming dark age my despair would be complete.
Congratulations Ms Nova on your well deserved award for tirelessly communicating scientific truth for so many years.
Your work has been greatly appreciated here on the North American continent, and I thank you for all you have done.
Congratulations, Jo, and thanks! You have earned it!
Our darkest nights are eased when you shine so brightly. So sadly we
have so called leaders in Canberra that press the darkness upon us. Battle on gal. You are a LEADER. Our entire family congratulates you.
Thanks Chip, great to see so many people commenting here that do not usually comment. Cheers. Jo
Congratulations Jo.
As you regard yourself to be a ‘science educator’, I await your rejection of the Gregorian Calendar, in favour of the Earth/Solar Orbital Calendar.
The Earth Year equals One 360 degree orbit of the Sun.
The Earth orbits through One Degree of distance each Day/Night interval
12 X 30 Day/Night Intervals,(Months) per Earth Year, (360 Day/Night Intervals.)
The documented evidence of a Solar-induced Orbital Dry Cycle Hierarchy set out in Alex S Gaddes’ work, ‘Tomorrow’s Weather'(1990) and the subsequent review ‘Tomorrow’s Weather’– 30 years on….proves Pythagoras, Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo and others, were correct. David Evans’ work on the ‘X Factor’ also appears to confirm this. As patrons of the Galileo Society, you and David would seem obliged to acknowledge the fabrication and falsehood of the Gregorian Calendar – and all that such exposure entails.