A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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It seems of late, that Governments do a great deal more for themselves and specific industries/companies than for the people they purport to represent and for the lawful charges they were elected to perform?
Just saying.
I’m not blind, deaf or stupid just yet.
“fascism” I believe, Lance.
The only time the three major parties have any interest in us mere voters at all is when an election is in the offing. For the rest of the time they exist to serve Big Banks, Big Business, Big Bureaucracy (including academia) and Big Unions.
That, and getting their “team” – Liberal/Nats or Labor – elected/reelected.
It’s a big club, and we aren’t in it.
I dont think they even have interest in is at election time any more. I think worldwide elections are rigged, or voting systems are rigged. I am sure ours are after the last election. In places like Brazil where the “wrong” person gets in the powers that be just swap them for one they want. Like Britian also. That lady “they” put in didnt act the way they wanted her so they just chucked her out and put in a more obedient pet. The elections that were dodgy I can think of are USA, France, Nz, Oz, Brazil, Canada, UK. There are probably plenty more but I dont know of them.
And what the actual hell is this? What is it for? Were we asked if we wanted one? How to ruin a country in one stupid move.
Check the CRAZY eyes.
Down my neck of the woods it’s the unions that get the favours and companies are carefully selected to sit down at the feast…
The marriage of global government to global corporations is very bad indeed. So many get all their news from NPR, BBC, etc. If you red pill one subject like climate change, you can open a mind to a host of subjects. This overall post was written just for that purpose, and I have found it very successful for friends of mine that lean hard left, but are sincere.
Opinion from the Wall Street Journal
Why Vaccine Skepticism Is Growing on the Right
Public-health officials imposed mandates and kept news of potential side effects under wraps.
By Allysia Finley
Marion Gruber, then director of the FDA’s vaccine research office, warned Acting Commissioner Janet Woodcock in a July 21, 2021, email that the “hyper-accelerated” review would “undermine confidence in the vaccine (and, indeed, in FDA’s credibility).”
And much more.
Country Pop ‘million %vax cases death cases/million deaths/million
Haiti 11.54 3.5 34076 860 2952 74
Senegal 17.2 11.9 88902 1971 5168 114
Cameroon 27.22 13.5 123993 1965 4555 72
Algeria 44.62 17.6 271395 6881 6082 154
Syria 18.28 17.6 57453 3164 3142 173
Madagascar 28.43 7.7 67842 1420 2386 49
Yemen 30.49 3.3 11945 2159 391 70
Burundi 12.26 0.3 53492 38 4363 3
mali 20.86 16.8 32798 743 1572 35
comgo B 5.66 12.3 25375 388 4483 68
Congo K 92.38 9.9 95585 1463 1034 15
Angola 33.93 44.4 105184 1931 3100 56
Australia 25.79 86.5 11312904 18828 438654 730
Portugal 10.17 96.2 5564925 26052 547190 2561
Canada 38.07 91.3 4573997 50799 120147 1334
New Zealand 5.13 83.9 2198982 2504 428651 488
Cambodia 16.95 90 138698 3056 8182 180
Brazil 213.99 88.4 36887991 697533 172381 3259
Thailand 69.95 81.5 4727236 33882 67580 484
Taiwan 23.86 91.6 9708863 16795 406909 703
Singapore 5.45 94.6 220062 1722 40378 315
Argentina 45.61 90.9 10040329 130437 220134 2859
Malaysia 32.78 85.8 5038354 36946 153702 1127
Indonesia 276.36 73.7 6731696 160847 24358 582
Just a selection of countries that confirms that the more the Jabbed the WORSE the outcomes.
It just jumps right out at you.
… like the little black ant brigade organising on the kitchen workbench.
Using the figures for Australia as an example could you please break down exactly what the figures mean. Your first line is a little confusing “Country Pop ‘million %vax cases death cases/million deaths/million” Thanks ToM
A reference to where the numbers come from too. Otherwise they are meaningless.
GeeAye you crack me up demanding to see where these numbers come from. Bet you’ve never asked anyone to validate where “97% of scientists” or “net zero” came from. Always side over principle, eh?
How do you know what I have never done. Get back in your hole.
Country/Population in million/% population Jabbed/ Number of cases recorded/ Number of deaths/ Cases per million/ Deaths per million
There’s a big difference in median age between countries.
Also, in countries like Yemen there has been famine and also chollera so anyone weak probably died before C19 and hardly any of those survivors were overweight. Sad, but disaster in one year makes deaths in the following years appear to be a lot less worse.
You should also include some countries in Eastern Europe because they had terrible C19 deaths regardless on vax status … suggesting other factors might have been happining. Asia on the whole got off lightly in comparison.
Easy enough to replace space with comma, save as .csv and pull up in Excel, Calc etc.
Sources would be useful, along with Tel’s caveats.
I have a number of contacts who might be relieved of their misconceptions if I can access these stats.
Another source I am looking for is the record of countries using iver…… to save lives. One count was about 26, including Japan, who do so while assuring that they are using the jabs. Medical reports are suspect here in Oz for obvious reasons, but the usual suspects so cannot easily corrupt actuary studies, such as the ones showing excess death records and the problem of running out of jabbed airline pilots.
You might be able to clean up the formatting of this data with the following online tool.
Bad, that the (table) tag isn’t implemented.
Why didn’t you just format the text in question ?
That data looks like this.
Sure, but there’s over 190 countries in the world, so what does the data for all countries look like? Not just the subset that you selected which “confirms” your conclusion.
I’m sure other statisticians have examined this question more carefully, such as producing an “age-adjusted” mortality which addresses one of Tel’s concerns above.
Thanks for posting Simon. I just copied and pasted in a spreadsheet – no worries. But source?
I don’t know how to post images on this blog.
If tidying up the tabulation is too much effort, maybe just don’t post.
It is a shocker- but I was always know to be messy (much to my teachers annoyance)
OK Not having an edit function doesn’t help. 🙂
If ya think my tabulation is shocking, wait till you hear my Jazz Piano!
We need another table showing the countries you have played in, the number of tomatoes thrown and any casualties in the ensuing riots.
At least being a lousy musician means you save on your food bill 🤣
Australia and Fiji, 0 and 0. Known to play theatre organ, electronic organ and Pipe Organ (even Adelaide Town Hall!) but I really need to busk with a Piano Accordian (agree to stop playing if I am given a coin)
Just please clarify it Simon, or else it’s useless.
Hmmm. You seem to have missed the “Reply” button.
I’d be interested to know what Simon Thompson could have done to “tidy up the tabulation”. HTML “table” tags don’t work here and, just for fun, I tried loading the data into R and formatting it in neat fixed width columns. Post that here in “code” tags and it still strips out the formatting. So I don’t know how you expected him to sort it out for you.
The point is that it was easy to load into R (would have been easier if there hadn’t been spaces in the country names) and maybe you should apply a bit of time learning R rather than demanding to be spoon-fed. Either that, or maybe just take your own advice.
He could have parenthesised the numerical data and delimited each datapoint with a comma and space; and aligned each start of parenthesis.
As for missing the “Reply” button, the reply often defaults to the standard “leave a reply” button if the page hasn’t been recently refreshed.
I agree with some of that, to make it easier to cut and paste and load into Excel or R, not that it was hard. Have you actually tried to align things in this forum? I have tried and failed in the past, so would be interested if there is a way
E.g. taking his first two lines:
Haiti 11.54 3.5 34076 860 2952 74
Senegal 17.2 11.9 88902 1971 5168 114
If I simply line up the decimal points and units I get
Haiti 11.54 3.5 34076 860 2952 74
Senegal 17.2 11.9 88902 1971 5168 114
Didn’t help much, did it? Looks neat in the editor, but it’s all lost when I hit the Preview button.
This online editor may be able to do the job.
I did indeed miss the reply button.
But I wouldn’t have posted that. You, of course, are free to post as you will.
R is what I like to call the pirate language – just because when someone uses ‘R’ a few times in a conversation, it sounds like they will soon have a parrot on their shoulder.
With an Australian accent, it’s more like you’re having a doctor examining your throat. “Is it COVID”, “Nah, just an URTI”.
Sen Malcolm Roberts: World Health Organisation’s Dictator style power grab
Time for a total purge of the corrupt/”bought & paid for” pollies, because if this plan goes through YOU WILL be arrested, quarantined and forcefully injected.
Game over.
The Jo Nova party? Jo for PM? 😉
So saith the man who, together with Pauline Hanson, voted in favour of placing control of free speech in this county into the hands of a Microsoft/Amazon/Twitter multi-millionaire. In her own words –
Biden: If you try anything to raise the cost of frisizhnjubs I will veto it.
WTF are frisizhnjubs?
Someone give him a real booster…😎
Trump really tried to lower the cost of frisizhnjubs* but got no thanks for it. Passing strange.
* prescription drugs
Let’s hope it doesn’t become like the Castilian lisp.
Everyone starts talking like a dementia patient.
(The apparitions in the media already talk like mental patients.)
I noticed many people after George Bush the Younger started saying nuke-you-ler.
I think Globalan Warnking as an figurement in the hats of academacians.
Australia’s new ambassador for “gender equality”
Eek! 😁
oops, sorry John, didn’t see your post, did my own eek in reply to Lance’s unrepresentative gov post. They (no pronouns in her bio – YET) is damn scary though, and worth a double yelp of horror.
A bio of it may be found in the following article.
I will use “it” out of respect for its position and not wishing to misgender this being, a serious social crime these days.
It grew up in Alaska and spent a long time in PNG.
The article uses “she” for a pronoun but I can’t find it’s official pronouns or identity. The article might be misgendering it for all we know.
How can “The Australian Ambassador for Gender Equality” not tell us its pronouns and gender identity?
An ambassador for women and girls and transgender people (eg trans athletes? ) …….good luck with that ….
May be of interest to both the technically inclined and also lovers of free speech
This will go down about as well as Bitcoin with our global leaders
Read it earlier.
It will be interesting to follow and see it mature into a viable platform, which may well be the (only)future of free press.
Australian banks struck by outage: ‘We apologise for the inconvenience’
Online banking, ATMs, card transactions and OSKO payments were all impacted.
Several Australian banks have reported online outages, with some customers saying they have been unable to access their funds since 2pm on Tuesday.
Bendigo Bank confirmed it is aware its “e-banking is experiencing intermittent issues as a result of an outage with a third-party provider”.
“ATMs, card transactions and OSKO payments are still not working,” it said in an update as of 6.25pm.
Online customers reported outages with a number of different banks, including CommBank, Up Bank and Westpac.
“The CommBank payment just reversed and said system error,” one user tweeted. “I tried it again and it went through the second time.”
However, a CommBank person confirmed on Twitter that “everything is functional from our end” and PayID systems were operational as of 5.30pm.
In response to a customer enquiry about the outage, an Up Bank spokesperson said it was reporting “app issues”.
“We’re seeing delays on payments and some errors on card use,” the spokesperson said.
The bank said Osko/PayID payments, card purchases, ATM withdrawals and in-app card services were affected and it was trying to resolve the issue as a “top priority”.
Major outages for platforms, apps, sites being reported worldwide.
You know what I’m going to say…😎
Sunspots? ball lightning?
Sounds like liver transplant jobs.
The Left accused conservatives and fellow rational thinkers of being “tin foil hat conspiracy theorists” for claiming Western Governments were moving toward a fully digital currency where every transaction you make will be fully traced and tracked…
The fifth “jab” is about to be rolled out / forced out in Australia, supposedly omicron specific and bivalent.
Do you think it will be more harmful or less harmful than the already appalling record of the first covid vax releases?
I mean, I know it’s been thoroughly tested on eight mice and all…
Eight mice reference: SEE the tiny print at the bottom of the last two of the “back up slides”, the very last slides of the presentation.
I guess we should be thankful they bothered to attempt to test it all…
Back in the day hundreds or thousands of animals of different strains were used for tests of new drugs.
That was for drugs. Now they test “countermeasures”. I’m unsure whether that’s a countermeasure against a virus or against us.
How reassuring that a handful of Mr Bagg’s albino humanised lab mice have been inconvenienced before dehumanising tests on billions of humans.
I don’t see any reference to them using a BALB/c mouse with a humanised immune system. Wouldn’t that be specified if that were the case?
So, it would seem the US blew up the Nordstream pipeline according to Seymour Hersh , investigative journalist of the old breed. Is anyone really surprised? To me, it’s like did COVID escape from the Wuhan lab? To which the dumb answers to both questions are 1) The Russians blew up their own pipeline 2) COVID came from bat soup. Both, which the US administration would like you to believe.
Tends to confirm Swedish suspicions that the botched attempt to “blow up” Nordstream 1 in 2014 was also conducted by US forces without congressional approval.
Who initiated the order? Hunter Biden?
I thought only the President (or the Vice-President on the President being incapacitated) could give the Military orders. Any order from any other source would be an illegal order. Any officer accepting an order from outside the chain of command is an offence.
Is Biden regarded as incapacitated?
By many, for sure! (lots of laughing in my house at your question)
It would seem that the CIA was involved and only the US Navy, so that bypasses any congressional oversight. But, even then you still need US President to approve the operation. Which obviously Sleepy Joe did to ensure the Germans did not side with the Russians. Those damn Russkies again! They even blew up their own pipeline!! Because everyone knows they rigged the 2016 US election. I mean the media said so, so it must’ve. ( intense sarc)
I am unaware that Sweden has let their suspicions be known.
Got a link?
The Swedes claimed to have identified the likely military power responsible for the ROV but declined to publicly identify that party until they had verification. The have never reported that verification, which led to speculation in Sweden that a NATO “ally” was being protected.
The ROV was described as a dispensable drone used routinely for mine clearing. It was a recent device and found in a patrolled area regularly used by the US Navy in NATO BALTOPS exercises- which included simulated mine clearing operations without live explosives.
The Left are in meltdown over Donald Trump’s statement that there are only two genders and minors should not be permitted to (superficially) change gender (which of course is a biological impossibility).
Great news!
Apparently in Australia, that apart from hospitals, there are still companies that are forcing staff to keep “up to date” with covid injections.
Is that even legal?
Clear breach of the Nuremberg Code, which Australia signed. So many genocidal maniacs around.
Get woke, go broke!
That comment was meant to be in relation to Fortescue below.
I’d say that is yet to be determined. Is anybody taking it to court?
There is at least one case that has been ongoing for over 18months and has reached a delicate stage of backroom talks/suggestions. The judge retired months ago to consider his verdict and with his deliberations ongoing there is no sign of when he might come back with a finding. Meantime because the body involved has dropped the mandate the backroom talks/suggestions centre on a view that the original challenge should be modified – almost like the other media hype from certain quarters on how the unvaxed should let bygones be bygones – which to my mind would weaken a positive finding and be more in line with a bygones be bygones get over it rather than set a precedent that might wake up other people denied employment and galvanise them into their own challenge.
No specifics for obvious reasons but take some comfort that a fight is still ongoing however in a country/world that has a legal system rather than a justice (for all) system do not hold your breath.
The Oz 1 hour ago:
“The mining giant (Fortescue) to slash up to 1,000 jobs across head office and green energy arm.”
Could this be the beginning of the end for the Green Energy arm? And all the other green energy arms?
I see cause for hope. The engineers may have prevailed.
Will Liddell close on schedule?
Or will it be forced to close because its coal supply has been terminated?
Brandon said yesterday that coal is needed for another 10 years!
Get woke, go broke.
Indo-Pacific News – Geo-Politics & Military News
#China is trolling the #US with this #ChineseSpyBallon vs F-22 dogfight with “Mission Impossible” music. 58 Secs
China surely turned the #balloon story into a propaganda coup.
The persistent stupidity of a renewables revolution is terrifying. I could only last a couple of minutes while other half tuned in to the drum on someone else’s ABC.
The topic was “price gouging” by fossil-fuel producers. What don’t these “expert commentators” understand about supply and demand? The f-f cohort have been pilloried, blocked from future development, vilified on national media and told that they are no longer wanted when in reality they are still the backbone of the world economy.
It’s the classic new shoe/old shoe argument – western Governments have mandated against the continued use of old shoes before the new shoes have been proven to fit properly, leading to a spiraling in cost for the remaining old shoes! What don’t they understand?
This is NOT stupid. This is clever and by design.
The meme can now be changed to .
They have been doing that for years. And they believe it, because they never learned to count.
The greenies are into mining now – well, the academic professory sort. This article by the ABC seems to indicate a bit of a quandary when it comes to lithium in Australia. They ask if we should manufacture evs but don’t we need reliable power to have that kind of industry? So many questions.
Marine heatwaves caused by geothermal heat, not high pressure.
At last! That massive source of heat has been ignored by all the global warming fanatics.
Yeah, but before we jump up and down on the same spot, we have to disprove the current thinking on marine heatwaves.
‘For MHW, the teleconnection process that play a dominant role are atmospheric blocking/subsidence, jet-stream position, oceanic kelvin waves, regional wind stress, warm surface air temperature, and seasonal climate oscillations.’ (wiki)
When in doubt there is a tendency to include different theories.
‘During austral winter and spring 2016, combination of advected warm waters coming from the extratropical South Pacific Ocean and persisting high pressure inducing reduced winds have together diminished the heat transfer from the ocean to the atmosphere, creating optimal condition for a long-lasting MHW.
‘That MHW hit Patagonia during 5 months, from May to October 2016, and was the longest MHW recorded over the 1982-2020 period. In addition, a global context of positive phases of El Niño Southern Oscillation and Southern Annular Mode contributed to the MHW formation.’ (Pujol et al 2022)
The balloon saga thickens
‘China’s suspected ‘spy balloon’ that unnerved millions of Americans across the country last week is seemingly part of a larger global surveillance plot by Beijing’s authoritarian government, a new report claimed on Wednesday.
‘Citing three US intelligence sources, the New York Times reports that last week’s diplomatic incident is part of a world-wide campaign of Chinese spying.’ (UK Mail)
Didn’t you get the memo? It’s a weather balloon and anyone who says different is a racist conspiracy theorist.
This saga just keeps getting better and better.
I wrote yesterday it could well make a Monty Python skit.
The above headline from that bastion of informed, unbiased comment, the NYT, quoting not one, not two, but THREE “US (unnamed) intelligence sources . . .” confirms yesterday’s comment.
Monty Python on telling the truth.
Why would they need balloons, they’ve got TikTok?
They are fully briefed on the twerking skills of every teenage girl in America.
Hunter is a partner.
The Big Guy is taken care of.
We paid them to do GOF research.
I’m sorry, Directed Evolution.
Canadians will do any surveillance if asked.
Oh and I forgot, Biden reopened their duty free importing partnerships with the Mexican cartels.
So balloons?
Tik Tok can’t detect radiation signatures.
Rep. Lauren Boebert “goes nuclear” on former Twitter (pre-Musk) employees over their censorship policies.
5.5 mins
Chinese secirity surveillance cameras to be removed from Australian Government sites due to possible security “back doors”.
I don’t know why this is news now or why the government has these cameras. They were meant to be removed years ago, as far back as 2018. See
So why does any State or Federal Government department use them today?
Who’s asleep at the wheel?
Why have IP camera systems that even offer the possibility of malicious command injection in a government web server?
Because they are darn good cameras and they are cheap. They are used everywhere these days.
“Viktor Orban: The West’s Lone Anti-War Prophet
Hungarian PM is the only leader capable of seeing the Russia-Ukraine conflict through the lens of Realpolitik — which is why he’s pushing for peace”
Bolt tonight headlined a report by ANOO which showed a slow constant sea level rise coming out of the ice age, with no kink after WWII.
The forecast was for about 7 cm by the end of the century.
I did a search but can only find where they say a foot by 2050.
OMG! Sea levels predicted to rise three inches in the next 75 years!
A whole inch every quarter century!
We’ll all be caught by surprise and drowned sleeping in our beds.
“Rex Murphy: The CBC is boring and preachy and that is why there is ‘CBC bashing’ ”
Sounds like a hints list for “Their ABC”
Elbow’s speech writer unmasked?
“The Mess of an Address
Joe Biden misinforms, ignores, and attacks—and then calls for “unity,” as the country collectively slides into ruin.”
There is a significant connection between J6 and the attack on Paul Pelosi. Both involve a serious dereliction of duty by Nancy Pelosi in failing to maintain the security of a house where she was the individual with the authority and responsibility for that security.
The whole world is watching Switzerland and Thailand!
Justice may be done at last
Justice may be done at last in those two small (and very different) countries. What will the New Axis do to shut them down, and change the subject?
1. Thailand Convening War Crime Tribunals to Nullify Pfizer Contracts.
2. Swiss President/Minister of Health Under Investigation, Indictment, & Prosecution by AG for Covid-Crimes Involving Lying about Vaxx Safety & Effectiveness.
Here’s hoping. But the Aussie press is so controlling of any truth and it will be hidden.
International Chinese Communist Conspiracy – Monty Python
I watched this with my cousin when we were just kids. The Flying Circus was new to us and we were like ‘WTF is this’ and we laughed until it started to hurt.
With regards to sea levels, I have not encountered a plethora of idiotic predictions in my life. Some “experts” can’t even use a calculator properly. Predictions range from 10cm increase by 2100AD, to 2.5m increase in the same time period. Who to believe? I’ve given up on this.
Best to assume that it will stay roughly the same , as it has done for a very long time, as shown by the tidal gauges.
‘Who to believe?’
The most conservative estimate.
Germany: ‘Last Generation’ climate protesters miss court date because they flew to Bali
Two climate activists who blocked traffic in the German city of Stuttgart earlier this year missed their court date because they flew to Bali and Indonesia, for a round trip of 23,000 kilometers producing 7.9 tons of CO2 emissions.
In September 2022, Yannick S. and his girlfriend Luisa S., both members of the Last Generation activist group, blocked commuter traffic in Stuttgart. The two were cited by police, but when their court date arrived, it was revealed that neither could attend because they were on the other side of the planet on vacation…
-108°F Wind Chill at Mount Washington, NH!
Unique weather conditions
Extreme cold in the USA
A rare event has occurred on a mountain in the USA. The stratosphere, inaccessible under normal circumstances, descended to the summit. As a result, a new record was also set.
Even we meteorologists don’t see something like this every day: the stratosphere sank just below the summit of Mount Washington in the U.S. state of New Hampshire. To understand what’s so special about it, we need to look at how our atmosphere is structured.
The lowest layer in the atmosphere is the troposphere, which is also where our weather takes place. It usually extends from the ground to an altitude of 7 to 17 kilometers. Above this lies the stratosphere.
The boundary between the stratosphere and the troposphere is located at the poles at an altitude of about 5 to 7 kilometers, which is significantly lower than at the equator. Put simply, this is due to the fact that cold air contracts while warm air expands.
The German source
Another, Youtube source
Right , the boundary is lower (5-7 km) at the poles, than in the tropics , because cold air sinks.
Why did the boundary fall to 2km at Mt. Washington ?
Because it was colder, causing the boundary to sink?
Why did the colder polar air get displaced to the vicinity of Mt Washington?
Not only sinks, but contract, as mentioned in the text and is, despite that, well known.
Some interesting graphics on the EV mineral requirements topics. Demand, shortages, sources and quality issues.
FWIW – Vitamin I
Leftist UChicago student groups host BIPOC-centered ‘climate anxiety’ event
The University of Chicago’s (UChicago) Environmental Justice Task Force (EJTF) recently hosted a race-focused climate change event centered on “climate anxiety.”
According to a flyer posted on the group’s Instagram account, the EJTF, along with seven other campus groups, hosted “a teach-in for BIPOC [Black, Indigenous, and People of Color] students” about “mobilizing your climate anxiety” on Jan. 20.
At the event, BIPOC students were taught how to “[f]ind personal connections to environmental justice,” “[m]ove through climate anxiety in community and solidarity,” and “[g]et activated about divestment.” …
“Fauci KNEW The Jabs Were Unlikely To Work”
“Let’s get to the punchline: Fauci had every reason to believe Covid, being a beta coronavirus, could not be controlled by vaccination. He knew why too; it was not, by any stretch of the imagination, expected to work. To the contrary he never expected it to work.
As such he knew that that the CDC’s and Biden’s statements that you won’t get Covid if you get vaccinated were almost-certainly false and yet he said nothing. The CDC knew everything he did so all the CDC’s statements were intentionally false and fraudulent.
Let’s go through it, because while the other folks who have written on this have made hay about it I want to highlight the actual reasons that he knew, which are laid out in this paper.”
More at
I sent that to a couple of politicians known to be active on that front and added
“Copies to various health ministers, TGA, AMA et al?”
One reply back says
“They won’t listen to just us Ian. You need to email this to other MP’s as well.”
“Oh Dear: ChatGPT Ethical Bypass Hack Zero Day”
And more
Pediatric office.. sports for students sign.
Boisoi had small brains, but they still managed to fashion tools.
As I had COV-19 last oct,beeing not vacced, but followed a early treatment protocol, no IVM, I asked for an antibody blood test a month later with a positve result not very strong.
What I willl say is, COV-19 virus doesn’t stay in the respiratory mucosa for all time but spread more or less trough the whole body. Often people with CO’V-19 have strong bone pain, proving the spread,not me. but my wive had (3 shots, lates dec 19). As I knew, my wive has COV-19, we started both the early treatment, me 2 days before first symptoms.
Was an answer to “another Ian #36