A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Wait, what? No posts… Govt censorship has started!
I am first #1.1.
My latest on the Sun:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhQHfhEvZ9by-Ffq0?e=k90cNQ
Hello R-W
Fascinating stuff – I became interested a few decades ago after reading the Fairbridge and Shirly 1987 paper linked below on how the sun was dragged off its barycentre by the other objects in our solar system.
How easy is it to run your Fig 2 analysis back to Solar Cycle 1?
I have the planets reasonably aligned at 1900. I just have to reverse the orbits to get back to a new start date then run the model forward.
However I am currently making the more stable model with higher time resolution. It is not as easy as it should be so still working on that.
I think the momentum exchange between radial and rotational components in response to the forcing has a natural frequency that I am having trouble keeping stable.
There has been another request to go back in time but I would like to have a stable model for that that behaves like reality..
Thanks Rick,
It takes a bit of concentration to read your paper, especially on a small mobile phone, which I was doing.
Would your analysis benefit from increased computing power?
It is my reasoning power that is lacking. It may not be possible to resolve as a free body because the combined planetary pull on the sun is like a flee on an elephant. So I am trying to determine how the 333,000Earths responds to the combined pull of the 446Earths mass of all the planets.
I may have to produce a deterministic model that equilibrates each time interval than just integrating. This may have been an issue that Newhall did not want to face with his point mass model. The point mass model will do a good job for the planets and he had a large matrix to work with. Once he got the planet ephemeris he should have gone back and looked at what the sun was actually doing.
My single column atmospheric model is very close to reality and it is deterministic at altitude intervals by arriving at the temperature for successive altitudes working up the column from the set ground conditions.
Did you see
Oh, done it again, more by accident than design.
Greetings on this beautiful mid 20s windy day. Just off out to trim the hedge.
Ah, no, second instead!
I’m only 2.2nd
Dr Jordan B Peterson and Dr. Judith Curry discuss climate change, the major error in current models and future predictions, academic fraud, and the need for dissenting opinions.
Dr. Judith Curry is an American climatologist with a Bachelor’s degree in geography from Northern Illinois University, and a geophysical sciences Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. Curry is the professor Emerita and former Chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology. She has had an accomplished career, working with NASA, the US Government, and numerous academic institutions in the field of climate change. Curry advocates for a non-alarmist approach, acknowledging Earth’s rising temperature with a grain of salt—in-field research, and a refusal to shut the doors of science to those with opposing views and findings. In 2017 Dr. Curry retired from her position at the Georgia Institute of Technology, citing “the poisonous nature of the scientific discussion around man-made climate change” as a key factor. Curry co-founded and acts as president of the Climate Forecast Applications Network (CFAN), which seeks to translate cutting-edge weather and climate research into tenable forecast products.
Sensible woman and scientist but “Curry was among the “climate doubters” most frequently quoted by the press ”
There is a whole swathe of people who are very skeptical but roughly accepting of the idea that man made CO2 has an effect. She has a non alarmist approach, which is why she is quoted as much as vilified.
But she is basically a geographer scientist, logical and careful like Petersen. However if a physicist or physical chemist stood up and said that there was demonstrably less than 3% fossil fuel CO2 in the air, it would all be over. That happened in 1958 and nothing has changed.
So Global Warming is nothing to get worried about because we can do nothing about CO2 levels anyway, which was the ONLY issue.
Say we could control the weather. What would people want? And could countries agree on anything? It’s all a UN fantasy and a way to control countries using of all things, the weather and fear of hell fire. That’s a very old story. Chicken Little also said the sky was falling. And the gullible suffered.
Perhaps hydrogen will save us? (And burying the CO2 in the ground) Dr Andrew Forrest says so. And he now has a PhD in Marine Ecology. I wonder how much science and mathematics and chemistry is in Marine Ecology?
She also knows a lot about the atmosphere.
I recently sent Judith Curry my observation that sunspots are linked to torsional acceleration of the sun (probably through the coupling between angular velocity and radial velocity with the latter inducing Coriolis accelerations causing eruptions)). She responded quickly commenting it was an interesting observation but it was not her field.
I thought it a bit odd that someone studying Earth’s climate did not have much idea about the sun.
Since that correspondence I have found that the long established ephemeris of the sun that shows the sun doing an almost random walk cannot be correct. It is based on the sun being a point mass devoid of rotating moment of inertia. So there is really no one who knows anything useful about the sun with regard Earth’s climate.
However she did reply quickly to my email with a positive response. Better than I have ever had from the CSIRO when I point out their models are unrelated to observations.
I have since but my observations on the sun into a new technical note:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhQHfhEvZ9by-Ffq0?e=k90cNQ
Nice work, what happened during the Maunder Minimum?
Which Barycentre are we talking about? Eric Idle published at about the same time as your NASA source in a paper called ‘The Galaxy Song’
Meant as light relief to el+gordo’s mention of the The Maunder Minimum. There are so many variables.
Rick is working on a hindcast and I’m trying to ascertain the mechanism behind a quiet sun. Why did the sunspots disappear?
Sing it for us Broadie!
British comedy at its very best.
Low sunspot activity corresponds with steadier pull; either high or low.
The sort of circumstances that could create it are the alignment of the slow moving planets because they take a long time to move out of alignment although Uranus does not contribute much and Neptune even less. Add Earth and Mars orbiting near opposition for a few years.
It takes Venus 1.99 years to lap Earth. And it takes 2.1 years for Earth to lap Mars. So they have a slow moving harmonic that could result in mostly negating Saturns pull.
I aligned my model to conditions at 1900 and have run it forward. I will have a look at what the planets were doing in the later part of the 1600s.
If you want to read about things like angular momentum etc look for a site like “beyond Landscheidt” or Landscheidts own work before.
Landscheidt was the one having predicted some El Niños caused by sun / planet constellations.
Landscheidt has very early predicted the actual solar minimum at least 30 before, that’s why several scienists will call it Landscheidt Minimum.
Her response was correct for a person with great interest such things but really no idea as to cause. I have no idea or read what causes sunspots but while all we see is the surface, the presumption that it is a surface effect is unlikely. And I would think the movement of the sun’s centre would be relatively minor compared with the 3% eccentricity of the orbit given that the sun is 1000x heavier than the biggest planets, so 0.01%
My point is that the argument is not about the heating of the planet but the importance of fossil fuel CO2 and the idea that 33% of the CO2 in the air is fossil fuel. This is not correct so debate about atmospheric effects, variations in orbits and all the other factors does not address the basic idea of man made Global Warming caused by CO2.
Rick, in case you are not familiar with Rhodes Fairbridge work on the solar inertia motion and the sun’s motion about the barycentre, a paper by Richard Mackay titled:
“Rhodes Fairbridge and the idea that the solar system regulates the Earth’s climate” is available as a PDF here:
I should have kept reading past 1.1 before jumping in….
Link to the original Fairbridge and Shirly (1987) paper:
An update by James Shirley in 2009 can be downloaded from ResearchGate here.
Interesting stuff indeed – do planetary orbits affect both the sunspot count and the duration of the solar cycle?
In my technical note, I recreated the point mass orbit. It is an unlikely proposition. The sun is far from a point mass given that its actual radius sometimes encompasses the barycentre. So its rotational inertia has to have a large bearing on its kinetic energy.
Once rotational inertia is taken into account, I determine that the orbit is close to a circle. The variation in pull ranges by up to 50% from the average but it is usually not in direct opposition at the extremes. That results in a change in orbital range from 3.6E-3AU to 8E-3AU for the extremes. The sun never approaches the barycentre to the degree that the point mass model produces.
The regular orbit produces a pronounced 11 year beat to the solar intensity reaching Earth. The sunspot cycle is just over 10 years as they primarily result from the conjunction and opposition of Jupiter and Saturn that occurs every 9.9 years. Jupiter orbits at 11.8 years. But Venus, Earth and Mercury also have significant pull so the direction of the pull and magnitude are constantly changing.
The angular velocity of the Sun is inversely proportional to the orbital radius so the Sun’s opposition to Jupiter is not constant.
My aim is to make a stable free body model that responds well to the forcing. That is proving more difficult than I expected. But I know the current orbital ephemeris for the sun is rubbish. It does not follow that chaotic path.
The key result so far is the the beat in the intensity results in a wider range in solar intensity than any climate model envisages. If you want to get meaningful output, you have to start with meaningful input to a model that replicates reality. And it all starts with the sun. Something else that is wrong.
Tidal forces were still in play during the Maunder.
‘Smythe and Eddy in 1977 reconstructed the tidal forces due to the planets on the Sun during the Maunder Minimum (1645 – 1715) when the sunspot cycle appears to have virtually disappeared. They found that the tidal forces however, did not disappear, and were essentially the same as they are now. This is another piece of evidence that makes it difficult to believe that the planets do in fact have anything to do with causing the sunspot cycle.’ (Space Academy)
So if you have trouble with a trace gas in the Atmosphere TdeF, why not go for the big one. The gas that absorbs reflected radiation in the same spectrum as carbon dioxide.
Many have tried to organize against water vapour and there have been many successful petitions. The Cancun COP16 sting by CFACT was one.
May I suggest you find a way to get that most powerful greenhouse gas to fall out of the sky. There is money in that technology, though we may no longer be called the Blue Planet if you succeed.
I do not follow. The only alleged villain is CO2. And control of CO2 is the only issue. My observations are that CO2 is highly soluble and in rapid equilibrium with the oceans and that we could not control the level of CO2 if we tried. Why introduce water vapour or methane or anything else?
The predominant greenhouse gas in the atmosphere is water vapour including clouds. Varies between 500 parts per million at poles and 50.000 parts per million say the equator averaging about 12.000 parts per million overall.
CO2 is approx 417 parts per million of which nature produces 97%.
Man made CO2 is about 3% or 13 parts per million.
Australias CO2 emissions are about 1.2% of the 3%
Ie about 1.2 parts per 10 million of the atmosphere.
Australia produces effectively nothing in regards to greenhouse gases , global warming or climate change.
Why are these facts not made public in the media.
Why are we destroying our electricity grid for zero environmental benefit at ridiculous costs.
Why are we destroying the Australian economy for virtue signalling and to satisfy stupid beauracrats in the UN.
We have entered the age of insanity where we are run by stupid uneducated politicians driven by mainstream media and tat leftist propaganda mouthpiece, their ABC.
Preaching to the choir here Mal !!
Yes, it needs to be said and repeated.
The significance is that as the increase in CO2 is not man made, carbon credits, carbon dioxide sequestration and other attempts to reduce CO2 say by half a million windmills are scientific rubbish. Which is why I write on this site. CO2 is extremely soluble and even the 3% is in rapid transit. It would drop to 1.5% in 5 years.
And those lies by the United Nations are why the Australian government is legislating Nett Zero which will destroy Australia. Planting trees is science rubbish. So are electric cars. The whole world is in fact greening in direct proportion to the natural increase in CO2. 14% since satellite observations began, which matches CO2 growth. Trees depend on CO2. CO2 does not depend on trees. That is self evident.
None of our scientific bodies (CSIRO, BOM, ANSTO, dozens of Universities) tell the truth. It is a conspiracy of silence, as shown by the firing and demolition of Dr. Peter Ridd, Head Professor of Physics of James Cooke University. He was crucified for saying the reef was fine and suggesting that others were producing fake data.
Because the organizations are all run by extreme activist WOKE career administrators who are not scientists and who will crucify anyone else who dared. In some US Ivy League universities, the number of ‘administrators’ now exceeds the number of students and staff.
And UNESCO is still telling the world that the Great Barrier Reef is in danger and we are poor custodians of a reef system which is as big as West Germany.
‘ … it needs to be said and repeated.’
Agreed, but how to do that in a way which can be understood.
Reading through the comments at Climate Etc I grabbed this quote from James Wills, but its still too complex.
‘In that incredibly thin atmosphere, CO2 is a trace gas – 0.04%. Second, 97% is from nature; only 3% is man-made, and of that 3%, the US accounts for 14%. You do the math: 0.000168 percent of the atmosphere is CO2 from the U.S. and theoretically available for “reduction.” Sheer lunacy.’
So, honest historical accuracy is now considered “over the top” here at Jo Nova.
Or, given that all the actual FACTS mentioned above apart from her departure from Georgia Tech were also discussed here at the time, is “truth” now a matter of convenient prevailing consensus of opinion here?
You know, like “climate science” has become elsewhere.
And that, folks, is why we keep losing and will go on losing.
Welcome to Schwab’s Fourth Reich. At least for a short time.
Then we will all be dead or serfs. For that is the REAL plan.
And you and Jo’s “forgive and forget” attitude is one reason why it is succeeding.
Judith was a willing contributor to all Marc Morano’s doco’s/films regarding the absurdity of the theory of man-made climate change. She’s one of the good ones and now seems a little more vocal because I don’t think she is restrained by university/institutional funding any more. She has “escape velocity” – a term I heard recently applied to various experts who start speaking the truth about their chosen professions after gaining financial independence. Same thing happens when people retire – all of a sudden you start hearing the true stories. Not just the narrative they were forced to abide by.
I think because she is now 70. Most of the outspoken people are white haired and retired and cannot be fired. So they are silenced in other ways. In a true communist society, they would threaten the immediate families. We are not there yet.
We are still at the phase where the families are admitted to secure positions within the ‘Temple of Thieves’. They are not running Fish and Chip shops. If you are looking for the children of our Politicians may I suggest New York or London. I admit I do not have research to support this possibility I am simply suggesting this may be the case.
This a great article worth reading as he brings up a badly needed discussion about an expected global cooling coming on
Tom Nelson Interviews Javier Vinós
Full transcript in the link with many charts and links within.
‘As solar activity is low and the AMO is about to start decreasing, we should expect little warming or even slight cooling until at least 2035.’
I’ll pay that.
Governments’ responses to the covid epidemic represent the worst public policy disaster of our time. The were an economic, social, health and educational fiasco.
It may have been possible to devise worse policies than the shutdowns that upended America, but it wouldn’t have been easy.
Now, researchers at USC have tried to put a price tag on covid shutdowns:
U.S. GDP fell during the pandemic due to COVID-19 lockdowns and resulted in trillions of dollars in losses in these past years, a consequence mainly driven by mandatory business closure policies, according to a study by researchers from the University of Southern California (USC).
By the end of 2022, the pandemic had cut $12.2 trillion from U.S. GDP, the study published in Economic Modelling journal estimates. Researchers expect total losses to hit $14 trillion by the end of 2023.
The study blamed involuntary business closures as the “leading cause” for the massive decline in America’s GDP during this period.
“I’m still amazed at how powerful a negative impact COVID is projected to have on the U.S. economy compared to previous man-made and natural disasters,” said study co-author Adam Rose, a research professor at the USC Price School and senior research fellow at the USC Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Threats and Emergencies (CREATE)…
“COVID’s impact on GDP is estimated to be nearly 100 times more than the previous largest disaster of the 21st century—the September 11, 2001, World Trade Center attacks.”
That sounds about right. What we did to ourselves, mostly at the behest of the Democratic Party, was vastly worse than what any terrorists could do. This is key:
The study blamed three factors for America’s economic decline during the pandemic: deaths and illnesses, mandatory business closures, and voluntary avoidance of activities that stimulate the economy but prevent infection.
Of these three, the study found mandatory business closures had the “greatest impact” on the U.S. economy.
Is there a logic to your use of bold and italics? And why not plain text?
Probably the vaccines and banning of safe anti-virals killed far more people.
And in the long run, the bigger disaster on lives and GDP was the suppression of the evidence about Vitamin D (and other nutrients). Death, disease, cancer, asthma, MS, dementia, etc etc increased respiratory disease, and a fall in productivity in school and work has been going on for decades.
The UK media is still rubbishing the ‘conspiracy theorists’. 8 times more likely to be killed by an asteroid than the vaccine they say. Only 75 deaths. Although it sounds like the claim should be 8 times more likely to have it on your death certificate – and we all know why that is!
Is there a logic to inject an un-tested substance to vaccinate against a single strand RNA respiratory virus?
Thanks for the free kick GA!
A lot, but you are unable, as usual, to realise it 😀
True. Hence the question.
I reckon squeezing out small businesses and allowing the biggies to continue trading was a feature, not a bug.
For those of you who are subscribers to Fox Nation, you may wish to take in a new documentary that dropped today, “American Requiem.” Here’s the one-minute trailer for the film, where you may just see a familiar face (actually several familiar faces):
And if you aren’t a Fox Nation subscriber, here’s a two-minute highlight reel of a certain familiar face from the film:
To TdeF and others, I posted some of this in the previous thread after this one started so no one is likely to see it.
TdeF mentioned various street names in the Balaclava area of Melbourne named after the Crimean War.
TdeF mentioned Balaclava Rd, Crimea St, Sebastopol St, Cardigan St, Alma Rd, Carlisle St, Inkerman St.
A lot of those place names are in the adjoining suburbs of St Kilda East and Caulfield as well. Balaclava as a suburb name is rarely used except for the name of the train station. It is a real suburb but within the St Kilda East precinct.
Balaclava was named after the Battle of Balaclava of 25th October 1854.
Other local street names after the Crimean war apart from ones TdeF named:
Blenheim Street after the battle ship HMS Blenheim.
Malakoff Street after the Battle of Malakoff in 1855.
Nightingale Street after Nurse Florence Nightingale who served in the Crimean War.
Odessa St after the city.
Pakington Street (in St Kilda) after Sir John Pakington who was British secretary of state for war.
Raglan St after Lord Raglan, commander of British forces.
Redan St after the Battle of the Great Redan.
Westbury Grove and Westbury St after Frank Atha Westbury who served in Crimea and emigrated to Melbourne in 1866.
The City of Caulfield was established in 1873 and St Kilda East in the 1850’s but presumably not all the streets were named or some got renamed. Crimean War was 1853-1856.
At least someone appreciated history, back in the day.
Thanks. I had no idea of the connection with Westbury. A lot of early settlers clearly had a connection.
I had travelled by train and car around these sites in the Crimea so it was fascinating to see the names again in Crimea and St.Kilda East. And that was after visiting Byelgorod and Prokorovka to see the site of the battle of Kursk. About four years ago we travelled by ferry down the Volga to Stalingrad and onto Astrakhan near the Caspian. No one was at war then, but the war in Crimea has been going for years before the Western powers decided to intervene, notably Biden.
One of the great stories was the visit by Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt to Yalta. At the time the British Generals were thinking they were visiting the historic site of the Charge of the Light Brigade from Balaklava up the valley which they were but in fact the Russians were showing them the site of tank battles with the Germans only weeks before. So many Russians died to resist and then drive out the Germans and now the same France and Britain are telling them it should not be Russian territory. Again!
Gorbachev was imprisoned in his house near Yalta when Yeltsin stormed the Russian Parliament with tanks. It is unbelievable that so many are ignorant of important Russian history. And so outrageous that the same Great Powers are still trying to break up Russia, which is how anyone would see it. If Finland or Ukraine joins NATO or the EU, it will be game on, as before. We will not survive the consequences.
See also my comment on the previous subject timeline.
There was an article last week claiming 2,800 Canadians died from CoVid due to misinformation (quoting from a research paper).
Here is the rebuttal from one of our few remaining sources of Jounalism, The National Post. Mr. Sarkonak shreds the claim to pieces. *Note, the data is all pre-omicron.
Jamie Sarkonak: Liberal-funded ‘misinformation’ study itself full of misinformation
For those interested in a look at the research paper (it’s a whopping 260 pages!) it’s here:
Fault Lines
I urge you take a browse, just the headings, figures and boxes even. It might be a blueprint of the future.
Good interview with JC today.
Note: has commercials and of course a content warning from Utube.
That was well worth the 1.5 hours, particularly the last 20-30 mins. If you don’t want to sit down and listen to this discussion in its entirety, at least listen to the last bit.
“Tom Jefferson, senior associate tutor at the University of Oxford, is the lead author of a recent Cochrane review that has ‘gone viral’ on social media and re-ignited one of the most divisive debates during the pandemic – face masks.
The updated review titled “Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of acute respiratory viruses” found that wearing masks in the community probably makes little or no difference to influenza-like or covid-19-like illness transmission.”
More at
It is a meta study that includes studies using masks that are not designed to stop viruses, and mixes studies done in different settings.
Rebutted here
I remain unimpressed with any one-nil conclusion on complex phenomenon.
I know it’s fun politically, but scientifically the details matter.
In a biotech war, even a 10% reduction in Ro may be worth a lot. Which material, how much training, what kind of fit, which variant, what conditions, how much humidity, what electrostatic effect, clustering Ro, size and charge of virus, alternate entry routes, etc x 100?
Engineers would be screaming if I reduced whole fields to singular “yes” “No” bumper stickers.
It’s the question how these meta studies are designed. If you look fir fruits, a comparision of apples with oranges is okay 😀
What I will say is, if you are aware of the differences and take care of them, than a metastudy is absolutely ok.
Krishna Gans,
Metastudies make too many assumptions about external variables between the different trials. Experiments should be designed a priori. Lashing together the results of a dozen inconclusive studies just creates a Frankenstein’s monster. You can play silly buggers with weightings and the like to swing whatever result you want. I don’t rate this masks study just like I didn’t rate the Cochrane collaboration on statins. All just silly number games.
It’s Rutherford again: if your experiment needs statistics you ought to have done a better experiment.
That via
You don’t need no study, just the evidence of your own eyes. It doesn’t matter what studies show about possible droplet reductions or possible reductions in transmission rates etc. In terms of the Covid epidemic and the types of masks and the way they were used in the real world, it clearly made no worthwhile difference.
Good news. People really are done with Covid.
The Fast-Spreading New COVID-19 Subvariant XBB Is Part of a ‘New Class’ of Omicron
Don’t bother with the article, just look at the votes: up: 163 down: 2,000+
Translated into plain english
“Quick, rush out and get your third booster”
Their ABC is banging on about super conductors, they are doing this because the penny has finally dropped that their stupid wind and solar plants are so far away from civilisation that a lot of power is lost in heat in tx wires. So now super conductors will keep the belief system alive, just like giant batteries/green hydrogen/blue hydrogen/CCS/electric cars/electric charging stations/ fast charging stations/load shedding/reduction in manufacturing was supposed to.
Why is this not an issue for all energy sources? There was a lot of cable pre- wind and solar.
btw what is the average distance that energy travels in wind and solar vs other energy sources? How much extra cable exists because of it?
Early power stations were close to town. I used to swim in the coolant outlet of one, just a mile from the town centre. It was the “new” station, the earlier one was in the suburbs.
The pre-collapse grid had an existing strong artery feeding reduced capacity “capillaries” out to the boondocks – now the boondocks need a bucketload of arteries to feed back into the existing well-planned grid.
Trouble is, the variables are now feeding directly into the capillaries which are having trouble coping with said variability. Mains voltage varies from 235V on dull, cloudy days to 245V on sunny days in my neck of the woods.
Good analogy.
Gold star award to crakar24 today for listening to the ABC. Fending off the pain, so that the rest of us can thankfully go without.
[Gold award to Crakar24 by popular demand it is then.]AD
He was chained and could not reach the bolt cutters. Do not worry I will report the incident to the RSPCA.
No not the RSPCA you say!
Damn it they have already been captured by Gramski’s useful idiots. Far from being kind to dumb animals they preach wind turbines, solar panels and insist on them being jabbed.
Yes, thank you crakar24 for listening to Their ABC so that others don’t have to.
The ABC and the media generally behind the 8 ball. Oh, we didn’t see that coming.
Story line from an “no link” cartoon on the Chinese balloon –
Montana raises Ukrainian flag so US will defend their air space”
Montana residents might not really have wanted their defence forces to attack a balloon carrying a payload likely including a radioisotope thermoelectric generator and explosives intended to destroy the payload under certain conditions.
As I pointed out before, in international law, the balloon was never in THEIR airspace.
“Chicken Egg Yolk Antibodies (IgYs) block the binding of multiple SARS-CoV-2 spike protein variants to human ACE2”
Yeah but aren’t eggs one of the main causes of sudden deaths according to the speed of science scientists?
And ANOTHER chicken farm/barn was burned down 2 days ago… seems to be a LOT of them getting torched lately.
Dozens of giant turbines at Scots windfarms powered by diesel generators
Dozens of giant turbines on Scotland’s windfarms have been powered by diesel generators, the Sunday Mail can reveal. Scottish Power admitted 71 of its windmills were hooked up to the fossil fuel supply after a fault developed on the grid.
The firm said it was forced to act in order to keep the turbines warm during very cold weather in December. But a whistleblower has told the Sunday Mail the incident is among a number of environmental and health and safety failings.
The worker, who asked to remain anonymous, said: “The Scottish Government wants to make our country attractive to foreign investors as 40 per cent of the wind that blows across Europe blows across Scotland. However, that should not mean we put up with our waterways and nature being polluted with carbon from diesel generators and hydraulic oil.
Keep them warm?
What’s next – electric blankets?
Developing – a new cottage industry –
Knitting snoods for wind turbines
A nice bonnet for the nacelle, and some knitted arms for the blades.
Already posted on it.
A reminder to all.
“John William Abbot versus Director of Meteorology” recommenced in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, Brisbane, today, Tuesday 7th February 2023.
The proceedings are being held in private.
Jen Marohasy stated this on her website (4th Feb 2023):
“While it was to be a public hearing, and I was to be the expert witness, before I could present my evidence, the case was taken back into mediation and the public asked to leave.”
From the Administrative Appeals Tribunal website:
“In most cases, we use alternative dispute resolution to help the parties to a review – you and the department or organisation that made the decision you want reviewed – try to reach agreement about how the case should be resolved.
Many cases are resolved at this stage.
Alternative dispute resolution processes (conferences, conciliation, mediation, case appraisal and neutral evaluation) are held in private – only the parties and their representatives usually attend.”
My comment: I don’t know which party applied for mediation.
Imho, this private review shouldn’t take too long if The BoM can simply supply the data.
Injuries from the COVID-19 Vaccine Are Now Being Publicly Displayed in Canada Using Trucks Driving Down the Street
The YANA, “You Are Not Alone ” campaign has launched in Ontario, Canada to spread awareness about the danger of the COVID-19 vaccines.
“Our first truck, showcasing Meredith, rolled onto the streets in Ontario on Thursday, January 19, 2023,” an entry on its website reads.
“There are many of us who understand what you’re going through—we’ve grown into a very supportive community. Stay strong—share your stories—we’ll heal together,” said Meredith.
Be a part of getting more trucks on the road — each featuring a brave Canadian who has been injured by the COVID-19 inoculation.
For truckers: If you’re a trucker who wants to participate in this campaign, please fill out the YANA Campaign Trucker Application on this page. Let us know in the message area at the bottom of the form, what your communication preference is (email, phone/text). Click here.
For sponsors: If you want to sponsor a truck, let us know if you prefer to be anonymous or if you want us to include your name/logo (12″ x 12″) on the decal.
Angry Citizens Post Thousands of Notes for Every COVID Vaccine Death in the Netherlands’ Largest News Agency
The headquarter of NOS, the largest news agency in the Netherlands, was covered in thousands of post-it notes on Saturday morning, each one representing an excess death linked to the Covid vaccine.
Protesters gathered outside the NOS building, holding slogans that read “NOS = fakenews, honest research into excess mortality, and others, Nine for News reported.
“The post-its included texts such as ‘sudden death’, ‘heart failure after injection’, ‘suddenly the new normal’ and ‘Pfizer report’. In addition, names were mentioned: ‘Jonathan, 42 years old’, ‘René is dead’. Between the post-its there were also A4s that read: ‘media = virus’, ‘media stop lying’ and ‘bought journalists,’ according to the outlet.
Previously, the UK’s BBC.
Who’s next?
ABC Australia?
What to do next week while staying 20mins south west of Hobart, other than shiver through the predicted 21C? There’s the Wooden Boat Festival, which sounds nice. Anything else suitable for 66yolds? We enjoy walking, but not mountain climbing.
Fears of worsening egg shortage in New Zealand as fire kills 50,000 hens at farm
A fire at New Zealand’s largest egg producer has killed about 50,000 hens, sparking fears that a national egg shortage could worsen.
The fire at a Zeagold farm broke out on Monday morning and had “taken better part of the day to contain”, a spokesperson for the company said. Twelve workers who were on site were “unharmed but very distressed”, the spokesperson said. Work was under way to assess how many hens had died, but Zeagold estimated it to be about 75,000. The company later revised that number down to 50,000.
The fire may have ripple effects beyond the immediate demise of the hens, with concerns it may worsen a national scarcity of eggs.
WEF Vows to BAN ‘Dangerous’ Eggs After Study Finds They Cure COVID Naturally
Eggs are suddenly more dangerous than crack or heroin, according to the global elite who say they want to ban people from consuming them for their own good.
Scientists are now warning the public that consuming eggs could cause blood clots, strokes and heart attacks.
In what appears to be another example of the global elite attempting to distract the public from the real cause of the surge in heart problems since the jab rollout, scientists now want us to believe that a nutrient found in eggs increases the risk of blood clotting.
The idea that eggs, which are a highly nutritious protein source and a staple in people’s diets around the world, could be the source of the spike in sudden cardiac arrests and strokes is ridiculous enough to be dismissed without prejudice. But when you dig a little deeper into what the scientists wants us to believe, it gets even more ridiculous.
The study conducted by the Cleveland Clinic, suggested that choline makes the blood more prone to clotting and you should stop eating eggs immediately. There is just one problem. Eggs have been consumed by almost every culture for thousands of years and nobody has noticed this before. Actually, there is another problem. Choline is sold in over-the-counter dietary supplements and is deemed an essential nutrient that is widely recommended for optimal health.
Curious how so many egg factories are going up in flames…
100,000 hens can produce 600,000 to 700,000 eggs per week.
In 2021, China had about 5,118,300,000 (5.1 Billion) chickens.
Indonesia has 3,478,150,000 chickens.
Pakistan has 1,578,000,000 chickens.
Brazil has 1,530,000,000 chickens.
The United States has 1,522,000,000 chickens.
The Islamic Republic of Iran, India, Mexico, Vietnam, and the Russian Federation, raise a collective of 3,441,940,000 chickens.
Interesting to see where/if another fire breaks out.
JCII I am reminded of the French Dame who lived to 116 who ate 3 eggs a day for 100 years (one raw- two cooked).
Eggstraordinary. But it may be a yoke.
From June 22, fires involving US food plants including chicken farms
EU insect additives update
Indeed, only last week, the European Union passed regulation 2023/5. It allows partially defatted powder of the house cricket (Acheta domesticus) into the food chain for human consumption.
From this month, the regulation makes clear that cricket powder can be added to the following:
“multigrain bread and rolls, crackers and breadsticks, cereal bars, dry pre-mixes for baked products, biscuits, dry stuffed and non-stuffed pasta-based products, sauces, processed potato products, legume- and vegetable- based dishes, pizza, pasta-based products, whey powder, meat analogues, soups and soup concentrates or powders, maize flour-based snacks, beer-like beverages, chocolate confectionary, nuts and oilseeds, snacks other than chips, and meat preparations, intended for the general population”.
The first thing to note is that at a European Union level, regulation can be passed without being ratified by any of the twenty seven national parliaments remaining in the benighted organisation.
Regulations are imposed (not debated) by the European Commission. In this case, the powdered bug was imposed into the food chain of around half a billion people without debate.
Of course there would have been some discussions but these would have taken place behind closed doors, between regulators, lobby groups, eco-warriors bent on stripping Man of his meat-eating habit, and bureaucrats, ever ready to test the boundaries of their unaccountable power.
There was however no open debate in parliaments about whether full-fat or even partially defatted vermin powder was what the peoples of such a varied continent really wanted to find in their daily consumables.
That would have required a Directive, thereby granting every parliament the ability to discuss and pass laws applicable within their national territory on the issue of “Bugs on the Menu”.
Which elected government would have dared pass such a law?
Few who had any ambition to re-election.
This new European Union regulation notes that there are risks to eating cricket powder. It might cause “cases of primary sensitisation” and its scientific paper notes a risk of anaphylactic shock, defined by the National Cancer Institute as “a severe and sometimes life-threatening immune system reaction to an antigen”.
But the “Commission considers that no specific labelling requirements concerning the potential of Acheta domesticus to cause primary sensitization should be included in the Union list of authorised novel foods”. In short, no warning needed for the common European Citizens.
Graciously, the European Commission does accept that you, as a consumer, ought to be told that you are eating powdered bugs so it recommends that products need to be “appropriately labelled”.
What does “appropriately” mean in this case? European Union citizens will just have to find out in due course.
Look forward to the labelling information.
They are trying to get insects into the entire food chain.
And I bet vegans and vegetarians, who are mostly Leftists will not complain. They will eat insects to “save the planet”. Even if some of them happily sacrifice themselves to anaphylaxis from chitin in the cricket “flour”.
Hopefully all bread etc. where they try to sneak in insect dust will be clearly labelled not suitable for vegans, and that will be the easiest way for the rest of us to avoid it.
My latest research
FERC’s role in the offshore wind stampede
By David Wojick
The beginning: “I am looking at a fat study titled “The Benefit and Urgency of Planned Offshore Transmission: Reducing the Costs of and Barriers to Achieving U.S. Clean Energy Goals”. The term FERC occurs a whopping 92 times. See
Not surprisingly the 103 page report is mistitled. It is actually about the onshore transmission of offshore wind power, not offshore transmission. The urgency is that the present power system cannot handle all that offshore juice coming ashore. FERC is in the crosshairs because they are in charge of the grid. Technically it is the independent system operators or ISOs, which are also repeatedly mentioned, but they answer to FERC.
This study is welcome in its way because it recognizes a deep problem that is not much discussed. The present power system is not set up to handle huge new incoming flows at places that happen to be convenient to offshore wind. As it is it cannot be done.”
Lots more in the article. Please share it.
Something like $200 billion in offshore wind capacity is in the pipeline with no way to use the juice.
“What it means to give 100%”
” This comes from 2 math teachers with a combined total of 70 yrs. experience.
It has indisputable mathematical logic.
It also made me Laugh Out Loud.
This is a strictly ….. mathematical viewpoint… and it goes like this:
What Makes 100% ?
What does it mean to give MORE than 100%?
Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%? We have all been to those meetings where someone wants you to give over 100%.
How about achieving 103%?
What makes up 100% in life?
Here’s a little mathematical formula that might help you answer these questions:
Is represented as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.
8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%
11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%
But ,
1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%
2+21+12+12+19+8+9+20 = 103%
AND, look how far ass kissing will take you.
1+19+19+11+9+19+19+9+14+7 = 118%
So, one can conclude , with mathematical certainty, that while Hard work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will get you there. Its the Bullshit and Ass Kissing that will put you over the top.
Now you know why Politicians are where they are!
Have you ever seen a better explanation than this formula…………
…………………how true it is….. “
What do I get for XENOPHOBIA?
Harvard “Medical” School will now have “climate change” as the main focus, not medicine.
What could possibly go wrong?
One wonders how you might fit it into anatomy.
Wonder not David as the Anatomy Labs are a thing of the past for many of the providers of ‘Tears, Smears’ & the odd Jab. Then again, when you think about it those anatomy texts were the product of Latex injections into the untermensch
At least now we crave the injection that clots our circulatory systems.
I thought Harvard was a good university.
Or am I wrong in even thinking there is such a thing?
To get into medicine in US you have to first do a pre-med degree. Which includes organic chemistry. You would hope a lot of it.
It was reported a while back that, at one of their big med schools, the pre med organic chemistry course was being taught by one of the big names in that field for free.
A class survey rated his exams as “too hard”, he is now sacked and seems it becomes a tick and flick.
Which doctor? Witchdoctor40
“A Pair of Colossal Media Failures”
Re visiting USA
A fellow blogger from NZ just confirmed that us aliens have to be double vaxed to get into US.
How about that Chinese balloon?
Illegal Mexican border crossers don’t need to be vaxxed as of May 11. Even before, it was still possible for unvaxxed illegals to stay under certain circumstances.
Not sarc.
“Wind Turbines out Northwest”
Ephemerals and Wyoming
Mark Steyn cancelled by GB News.
Did anyone notice the carnage in PNG?
9 Million people, only 4% got the Covid vaccines.
Outcome: 46670 cases and 670 Deaths so far.
Cf Aust 26 million 80%+ Jab Jab and
11.3 million cases; 18828 deaths.
Even accounting for not as assiduous testing, and adjusting for population
PNG Had 83 times less cases and 9.7 times less deaths.
Oh, and filariasis is a thing in PNG so the use Ivermectin and other anti-helmitics.
And malaria so HCQ as well?
So like Dr Campbell and Uganda?
Like many of these tropical nations the deaths occurred in 2021 and 2022. My attention was drawn to the John Hopkins database by #iamjohncullen who claims to be the ‘Map’s Daddy’.
John’s comment was that Fauci et al should have been on a plane to these places as when the New Yorkers were dying under treatment with Remdesivir, High Flow oxygen and intubation, there was an absence of deaths in Vietnam, Laos etc. Vietnam caught my attention as Chinese travelling to escape Wuhan were undertaking their 2 weeks isolation there on there way to Australia.
So yes well noted, just not for discussion as were the 5 deaths in Queensland in 2020, recorded as ‘with Covid’ though from significant underlying other causes. Maybe like Queensland the system wasn’t corrupted or influenced enough at the time to crank the PCR tests up to 50 cycles or like many modern ‘dancing nurses hospitals’, record every death with a wheeze on a new section of the death certificate as a Covid19 death.
Move over Agent Orange!
Just noticed the Nations I mentioned had escaped the pandemic have just been carpet bombed with about 4 million doses of vaccinations in about a day during January. According to my reading of the John Hopkins map for Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. This should be an interesting experiment.
Here is a catalogue of companies that are ‘partners’ of the World Economic Forum, published the the WEF.
I wonder if it is a good idea to buy from a company that actively endorses and promotes its customers’ enslavement?
Here is a list of companies that many people deal with regularly and/or are well-known Australian companies:
AstraZeneca (of course!)
Conde Nast
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Coca Cola HBC, The Coca-Cola Company
Fortescue Metals Group
Honda Motor
Johnson & Johnson
Meta (you know who)
Microsoft (natch)
PayPal (oh look, they’ll ‘fine’ me for this post!)
Pfizer (say no more)
RioTinto (that’s a shame – aren’t miners supposed to be libertarian?)
Sony Group
SpyCloud (I haven’t heard of these, but a perfectly appropriate company name for the WEF list)
The Estée Lauder Companies
The LEGO Brand Group (the next Lego release will be a concentration camp for the unvaxxed, complete with scripts with which children can denounce their parents)
Tony Blair Institute for Global Change
Uber Technologies
Vale (another perfectly appropriate name, in its latin sense)
Volkswagon Group (now who was it who gave that company its first design?)
Volvo Group
Apparently, they want you to own nothing.
I am happy to select one or two of these companies and not own/use their products. Which bank?
The full list includes over one thousand companies. At
“they want you to own nothing.”
Which doesn’t make sense, because if you are not allowed to OWN something, they can’t SELL you anything !
Most of these companies exist purely on the desire of people to own things.
Some basics:
1. If you SELL something, you only get to make money on one payment.
2. If the buyer OWNs something, they do not need to pay for it ever again.
The AIM is to force everyone to RENT. RENTs are better, can be raised at any time and are forever.
The future is a corporation boot smashing into your face and you better like or they will raise your rent on everything.
Questioning climate models
Strong cloud–circulation coupling explains weak trade cumulus feedback
Just reinforces that IPCC climate models don’t model clouds very well.
‘Our observational analyses render models with large positive feedbacks implausible …’
I’ll second the motion.
Great news folks! Just in on the ABC –
Australian adults will be able to get fifth dose of COVID-19 vaccine later this month
For some reason I thought of Ogden Nash:
The door of a bigoted mind opens outwards, so that the pressure of facts upon it is to close it more snugly.
Here’s hoping ATAGI et al will be personally held accountable for their push of these poisonous concoctions.
Oh whoopee! I just can’t wait.
Nigel Farage shows just how much ChatGPT is a just another massively biased far-left propaganda tool.
“Former Aussie PM Tony Abbott Joins the London Based Global Warming Policy Foundation”
FWIW – Masks
“Now the punchline: This is not new news. In fact it was known in 1981 and all of the trial participants were trained medical professionals. No person in the common public can be expected to do as well as a trained doctor or nurse in this regard, yet even among them they were unable to demonstrate benefit.
I pointed this out — that masks are mere performative theater, much like the common white coat a doctor wears, and have zero to do with infection transmission. We’ve known this factually for FORTY YEARS.
Those who insist otherwise in the medical or any other field need to be destroyed.
It’s time to be done with the lies when it comes to this sort of crap. Three years on is three years too many.
Anyone attempting another mask mandate deserves everything they get.”
One could say that Tucker punctures several balloons here –
“About that Chinese “weather” balloon…”
And one might say “Dressed appropriately for the State of the Union” performance
“Mischief is important”
BoM appears to be on the money, but a Modoki still lurks.
‘Regarding ENSO, the latest monthly multivariate ENSO index is -1.1 which indicates a moderate-strength La Nina remains in-place. However, as La Nina enters a 4th year, the MEI observations are following the analog of 3 previous lengthy La Nina episodes and slowly weakening on the way toward El Nino by mid-year. (Climate Impact Company)
Definitely “slowly weakening “.
From something I saw on the blog, but was too late to put in an answer- very good source of second hand books – Abebooks – worldwide coverage, and cheap postage if sourced from England.
Just a thought – climate deniers vs weather deniers. Is it that simple?
Thanks – added to the list
Abbott joins GWPF board.
Never ever seen anything like the cold that is encompassing all of europe, Italy in its entirety and the cold hampering rescue efforts in turkey syria….,38.61,919/loc=34.982,38.513
Rich and powerful elites divide our nation, at least that is what the people think.
‘The annual Edelman Trust Barometer report found that almost half of Australians surveyed (45 per cent) believed the nation was more divided today than in the past.
‘The “rich and powerful” were identified as the major force in dividing society, ahead of hostile foreign governments.’ (ABC)
The World Meteorological Organisation and IPCC have been shifting the goal posts.
‘ … the global mean temperature time series – and only for the global mean series – a reference period of 1850-1900 is used. This is the baseline used in the recent IPCC reports as a reference period for pre-industrial conditions and is relevant for understanding progress in the context of the Paris Agreement..’ (WMO)
Is Russia The ‘Greenest’ Country In The World?
According to the United Nations (UN), forests cover 31% of the world’s land surface. They absorb roughly 15.6 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO₂) every year.
As Visual Capitalist’s Freny Fernandes details below, more than half of this green cover is spread across the boreal forests of Russia and Canada, the Amazon in South America, and China’s coniferous and broad-leaved forests. These carbon-sequestering forests purify the air, filter water, prevent soil erosion, and act as an important buffer against climate change.
Wokism is simply everywhere, so it was only a matter of time before Bill got a yellow card.
‘Shakespeare’s play A Midsummer Night’s Dream now comes with a ‘misogyny and racism’ warning for theatregoers at the historic Globe replica in London.
‘The comedy is set to run from April as part of the venue’s summer programme.’ (UK Mail)
Bill Bryson wrote his Shakespeare about 2007
At that stage the management of The Globe theatre was in the camp of “Bill didn’t write Shakespeare” so that seems to follow