Strange things are happening in the calm before the storm…
This week the financial world balances on the edge, and all the old rules have broken. Joe Biden is signing off on an oil drilling program on US soil which he said he’d never do — and it’s one of the largest ever — like building “66 new coal plants”. At the same time the Bank of England is apparently cutting the sacred climate change spending, and has leaked this news to the world.
As someone said on Twitter, “last week was a different country”.
After all these years, climate change has fallen out of the Weekly Hit Parade of Panic.

Bank of England Headquarters, London, photo by Елена Пехчевска
Bank of England Will Cut Spending for its Work on Climate Change
By Ellen Milligan and Philip Aldrick, Bloomberg
Climate programs will slip lower on the central bank’s agenda so officials can focus more on the core operations such as financial stability…
As Dr Benny Peiser of NetZeroWatch says “the risk of costly climate and Net Zero policies have become a bigger threat to the UK’s economy and financial stability than climate change.”
It’s not all good news though. One of the Bank’s new core operations is “a digital currency” — which is the ultimate social credit score and even more invasive than a carbon tax. Either climate change is being crushed under the weight of financial reality, or else it’s become irrelevant as newer, more potent scares appear. Sorry to be a cynic. The only thing that has materially changed about reality in the last week are bad loans rattling the stockmarkets.
A major turning point?
The Bank of England has been pumping climate fear for years, and like the chief Octopus — it has been organizing other central bankers:
The move marks a sharp break from the emphasis Mark Carney put on climate during his term as BOE governor from 2013 to 2020.
Rishi Sunak, during his term as chancellor of the exchequer in 2021, updated the BOE’s monetary policy remit to “reflect the government’s economic strategy for growth that is environmentally sustainable and consistent with the transition to a net zero economy.”
BOE officials led by Carney have been among the most vocal in speaking about the climate-related risks facing the global economy in the coming decades. They helped build the Network for Greening the Financial System, a group of almost all the world’s top central banks coordinating best practice on oversight.
The Bloomberg reporters also mention that Michael Bloomberg, the owner, “backed Mark Carneys work on the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures”. It’s all so cosy isn’t it? Presumably Bloomberg himself could easily confirm this story or bury it if he wanted too. Something has changed…
Giant, huge, US carbon monster drilling oil project: all OK now?
Black is White, Up is down. And after Biden did everything to avoid approving oil drilling on US soil, even being nice to Venezuela, he’s just done exactly that:
Joe Biden signs off oil drilling equivalent to 66 coal plants in ‘climate catastrophe’
by David Millward, TheTelegraph
His administration gave the green light to the Willow Project on Alaska’s North Slope, effectively reversing a policy pledge he made during the 2020 presidential election.
Having entered office vowing “no more drilling on federal lands, period”, Mr Biden’s hand has been forced by soaring energy prices, which have fuelled inflation.
The Willow Project, which has been led by oil behemoth ConocoPhillips, could produce more than 600 million barrels of crude oil over the next 30 years.
Does carbon dioxide matter, or doesn’t it?
Obviously, this week is a convenient week for announcing major backflips and hoping people won’t notice.
Why is 600 million barrels in 30 years considered ‘big’?
That’s 20 million barrels a year.
The US uses 20 million barrels of oil a DAY.
Is 0.2% of usage now ‘big’?
CBS News
“The project could produce up to 180,000 barrels of oil a day, according to the company — about 1.5% of total U.S. oil production”
It’s big to a government that said it wouldn’t do it at all. And it’s big to an Australian. (Our total oil production is 370,000 barrels a day.)
The new field could supply one third of our oil, just like that. But we’re going to spend a hundred billion converting our cars and our grids to “EV” to reduce our oil consumption instead.
Jo – Just because one may be able to apply for permits doesn’t mean they will be approved any time soon, or ever. Remember the Keystone Pipeline? IMO, this will likely be a talking point for Biden that he doesn’t reflexively oppose US energy independence, “but the courts won’t let them proceed,” followed by crocodile tears. This is Standard Operating Principle for environmentalists.
Well, this is all Trump’s fault.
A bank focusing on financial stability?
Totally right wing.
Probably r@cist.
Worse than Watergate.
Being highly conscientious, I don’t like making unsupported assertions.
POTUS says it was Orange Man Bad.
And … Michele Obama explaining how Orange is deadly.
Such sincerity is a true marker of accuracy and sincerity.
misspelled “Michael” HOnk
Mr. Thompson: NOt so sure, methinks Michelle O’s preferred pronouns are “I” and “me”.
The proposal to extract oil from Victorian brown coal is for a 36.3 Billion barrels proven resource with 1,754 Billion barrels inferred. 600 million barrels is tiny.
Australia sits on multiple mammoth energy sources but continues to be ruled by stupid.
It is awfully hard to fix stupid. Somehow they seem to be so good at it.
There is no such thing as proven resources. Resources only have to have some economic potential and are not subject to any sort of prefeasibility or feasibility study. Given the large amount of uncertainty most geologists will never go to 3 or 4 significant figures when reporting resources, particularly inferred.
You can have proven reserves, prepared by engineers using appropriate modifying factors which explicitly means economic under current prices.
Why don’t they burn the brown coal in Boilers to produce steam that would drive
turbines connected to alternators to produce electricity directly?
Cut out the middle man.
I suppose that would be too logical.
Can do many sensible things that make money and are good for green minds. Extract the oil, oxidize the carbon, split the water. Zero net emissions. The oil is 18-21% phenols. They are soluble. The n-anes and n-enes would go down the existing oil pipeline to the Geelong refinery.
All the pilot work has been done by multiple entities across 30 years using multiple processes.
No-one wants to risk capital in Danistan (the liberals have matching green policies). Even for $Trillions.
Trust in Government is gone. Trust drives long-term investment.
Who can we trust? We cannot trust government , we cannot trust scientists (except our local unpaid types), we now know we cannot trust the TGA, we certainly cannot trust the MSM. We can only trust ourselves and forums such as this where people get to state their opinions and the wise state the facts. It will be media such as this that unravels the woke and false prophets.
I think the ultimate objectives of the Elites have not changed.
The anthropogenic global warming fraud and the plandemic were just to get the support of the army of useful idiots of the Left.
The real objective is totalitarian control of the West and the West’s ultimate destruction. Its replacement will be somewhat like serfdom and we will see a return to the darkness of pre-Enlightenment values.
The expectations of a decent standard of living have already been crushed by expensive and unreliable “green” (sic) energy. As well, people now have lower or even no expectations of freedom which were removed under plandemic laws and most were never and will never be repealed. Most younger people are unable to think critically and do not value freedom in any case.
“Green” (sic) energy no longer matters and the present plandemic is over but a new one may be released at any time just to remind us who’s in charge.
The next logical step is a digital currency with total tracing and tracking for all transactions. This, of course will be connected with a social credit score, that is the objective. Our traitorous politicians of the West look to China for inspiration in this regard. It is a totalitarian’s dream country. Many of our politicians are more loyal to China than they are to Australia or other countries of their residence.
It won’t end well.
And connected with all of the above is Jabcinda Ardern’s likely new job. I knew she would move on to a new and far more sinister role.
It’s supposedly to combat “online extremism” internationally but we all know that’s code to silence any free thinking individual who’s politically to the right of Pol Pot.
You see, it’s all part of a comprehensive plan.
– Biden laptop.
– Covid vaccine harm.
– Pandemic from Wuhan lab, virus genetically modified.
– Lockdowns don’t work.
– Ivermectin works.
– HCQ works.
– Face masks close to useless.
– Twitter censorship.
– Epstein island activities.
– Etc..
She got “the Call”…
At the same time, her ‘replacement’ PM of Noo Zooland Inc. has – coincidence I’m sure – dropped ALL Cinders’ *climate emergency* plans to send us back to the Stone Age: just like that (!) concern for the voters is paramount (it’s an election year after all).
Yet on the same day (have sent Jo an email link) NIWA’s numpties have discovered, for the first time, climate now causes weather, or sumpfink™:
The “scientists could find no plausible explanation other than human-caused warming for the observed increase in heavy rainfall.”
Guess those incessant, snow-bearing, freezing-cold fronts sweeping up the country every week after the warm rain drifted down from the north were mere noise, inconsequential, random, weather… y’know, natural… in summer?
If it’s “observed” rain then it’s just ‘weather’, surely? We’re told this every time we have a cold or wet spell: “Weather isn’t climate!”
That was yesterday though, and climate change definitions are set in stone until superseded without notice.
Their use of ‘observed’ was indeed intriguing, possibly a first! for kiddies brought up on computer games & models & mights/maybes. Most of the population observed the heavy rainfall for themselves as woefully ill-designed and under-maintained drainage systems sent the runoff back into garages, lounges, kitchens, bedrooms…
All because of our 0.00000272% contribution. In my cynical moments I pray there IS a ‘hell’, apart from the one we are living in.
I lived in NZ for a year and a half, near Rottenrua. I recall mentioning more than once to my wife how risky it was to build new houses on what was obviously flood plain – extended very flat areas adjacent to rivers. It happens here in Oz, too.
Won’t end well?
It’ll start with genocide.
Always remember that the only reason all of this is happening is that ‘conservative’ governments (all of them way back to Fraser, in Australia’s case) have done nothing to stop it. For example, how many of the current crop in federal parliament have come out against digital currencies?
It has been the same with governments throughout the rest of the Anglosphere, with the exception of the all too brief four years of the Trump presidency, when, for the first time in living memory, that US had an administration that governed FOR the people.
We are certainly on that tram David but people like you and me can get off. The alternative media came along just in time. I heard a fellow, was it Friedman? recently who stated the US goes through a 50 year cycle and we are at the end of such a cycle that began with the election of Ronald Reagan and Star Wars. That led to the collapse of the USSR. The previous cycle began with the great depression and the cheap motor car which led to an increase in mobility and freedom. The one before that began in the aftermath of the Civil War. Each cycle begins with optimism and a quantum change. It progresses with rapid growth and increased personal wealth. It then moves into a complacent and apathetic stage where socialism takes hold and restrictions apply. Next comes the breakout and the start of another 50 year cycle. This cycle has already started with the advent of alternative media. The MSM are no longer in control. How do politicians get their message out when no one trusts the MSM? The smart politicians use the alternative media.
My point David is that all is not lost. A new beginning is underway. By the time this cycle ends you and I will be well acquainted with the afterlife.
You have to start somewhere and this is a good start. Now to get that pipeline from Canada to the USA built and for Australia to search for more Oil and and Gas. That needs a change of President and Australian Government though.
Bloomberg is part of the Covering Climate Now coalition to hype global warming and suppress contrary views:
Another reason to be sure that the news today is no accident. The Bank of England and Bloomberg want people to know it is backing off on climate…
Perhaps they just want “cover” if the crash happens and people were going to blame them for worrying about the climate instead of the monetary system.
What do they know?
Well, I never! The Bank Of England says:
“the risk of costly climate and Net Zero policies have become a bigger threat to the UK’s economy and financial stability than climate change.”
And JoBi drills for oil in Alaska
Will AU Labor take the hint? Especially since they have just spent 380 billion $$$ on submarines. Is this the forerunner to nuclear power in Australia? Will Dan Andrews allow gas prospecting in victoria?
[Sorry, Dr Benny Peiser works for NetZeroWatch (GWPF), not the BoE and I’ve now made that clearer in the post. I assumed people knew who he was. – Jo]
$380 billion for subs. That’s even worse value than the previous outrageous Turnbull submarine contract. The Americans only pay between US$2.8 billion and US$3.45 billion per unit for a Virginia Class submarine (A$4.2-A$5.1 billion).
As usual, those who spend our hard-earned taxes have no clue.
My understanding is that the $380b is the total cost over three decades, not just the upfront cost.
Each Virginia Class submarine will cost about AU$5 billion which is what the US pays. The total cost includes the wages and training for the crew which is estimated based on Collins and the additional skills required to operate the finest piece of machinery ever built. A crewman runs about $180000 per annum and the commander about $300000 per annum. A crew of 135 and 20 years of operation multiplied by 8 boats and it soon adds up. Then there are the shore facilities, repair and maintenance (even if the reactor is fueled for 33 years the many other systems require maintenance and updating just as with aircraft. Then there is the training and victualing. Many of these expenditures would be made regardless of the type of submarine or naval vessel. We could just have thousands of missiles located all over the country to keep them from enemy eyes with well trained men as operators. But missiles require updates and maintenance too. The beauty of the subs is that the enemy do not know where they are and they will be carrying long range (1600 km) precision guided missiles. We saw them in Iraq being targeted through doorways. Recently a smaller weapon was used to kill a terrorist leader and it was flown through his French doors and killed him without destroying the building or killing his family. Maybe they should use one on Chi and save us all a headache.
“The beauty of the subs is that the enemy do not know where they are ”….
Maybe not now,…
…… But in 10 years time who knows what technology may be developed ??
Strange things are happening alright. And here in Oz too. Suddenly, with a big switcheroo, subs powered by nuclear reactors are OK and we’re soon getting some on loan whilst others are being built here. What next?. Judging by the MSM coverage and the kudossy ear to ear smile on our PM, maybe our military deterrent capabilities are in for a big injection of funds. But then again, as the cliché goes, maybe its too little too late.
Jo asks is their CC suddenly irrelevant?
Well Willis Eschenbach checks out Aussie SLR using the oldest tide gauges and still finds little to worry about.
And we also know that Aussie SLs were much higher during the earlier Holocene optimum temps 8 to 4 thousand years ago.
And much higher SLs during the much higher temps during the Eemian interglacial from approx 134 K to about 115 K years BP.
When will they stop WASTING money and WAKE UP?
“They” will stop wasting money when “we” stop paying them.
Or when they run out of other people’s money as Margaret Thatcher might have said.
To me, there’s something odd about that Bloomberg story that Net Zero Watch picked up.
I tried to find the source BoE material but drew a blank.
This seems the nearest but I’m not sure it says what the Bloomberg journos claim?:
Whilst I was there, I did pick up this CBDC consultation link – open until 7 June 2023:
Chris, Bloomberg got it from unnamed sources. But that’s my point — the ties between Bloomberg and the BoE are strong. If the BoE didn’t want this known, if it didn’t serve them, the story would have been pulled.
It marks a big shift in priorities. Suddenly NOT looking like a slave to “climate change” is a higher priority than the usual groupie adherence to the single permitted line.
It may be that the wokesters have been looking for a way out for some time and the financial hiccup in the US was a good opportunity to change tack. The elites know they have screwed up, they know that we know and they may be worried that we the people will react badly.
Germany is also going back to Fossil Fuels for electricity.
“Citing the Federal Statistical Office, in 2022, one third (33.3 percent) of the electricity fed into the grid in Germany came from coal-fired power plants, a rise of 8.4 percent. Wind energy, despite having a high level of installed capacity, supplied just 24.1 percent, followed by solar with 10.6 percent. Nuclear power’s share halved in 2022, accounting for only 6.4 percent of the electricity fed into the grid.”
hmmm.. I must have made a typo with my html codes..
Bold was only meant to be on “a rise of 8.4 percent” (for coal in Germany in 2022.)
Thanks b.nice and coal is the king once again, and the stats for wind is just 24.1%
solar 10.6%
nuclear just 6.4%
BUT Coal is now 33.3%
AGAIN who doesn’t understand the DATA?
And if not why not? DUH?
“In a nutshell: there’s no way to eliminate coal”
“Citing the Federal Statistical Office, in 2022, one third (33.3 percent) of the electricity fed into the grid in Germany came from coal-fired power plants, a rise of 8.4 percent. Wind energy, despite having a high level of installed capacity, supplied just 24.1 percent, followed by solar with 10.6 percent. Nuclear power’s share halved in 2022, accounting for only 6.4 percent of the electricity fed into the grid”.
Will I get away with saying … from the words of Maurice Chevalier, ‘ thank putin for little oils ‘
Was said before, and he is so mal-aligned, but I ‘d say he has done the West a great favour on this stupid climate crusade.
Re: Alaska – perhaps something is coming up for which Biden needs Alaska Senator Murkowsi’s support?
There has to be a reason to stun the entire anti CO2 coalition of leftists, anarchists, communists and the main recipient of the trillions, China with a major (oil) development in Alaska.
What was the point of cancelling the XL pipeline as the first move of the new administration?
Then humiliating the administration by pleading and fist bumping with Saudi Arabia which is now working with Iran against Israel and America?
And trying to get oil from the communist dictator of Venezuela? And forcing the world to buy Chinese windmills and solar panels. And running down the strategic reserve built up by Trump? For what?
The question is what is the sudden overwhelming need and in Alaska?
Fighting Carbon Dioxide has been the silliest, biggest, most unscientific enterprise in world history. But suddenly there is something more important? What? Don’t tell the world it’s energy security.
Or is it that CO2 saving, energy supplying fracking is starting to run dry, exposing the utter fragility of the US energy supply? Wasn’t it the whole idea to cripple US energy supplies? And given the price of gasoline, quite successful. For which Biden blames the war in Ukraine, which happened later.
Maybe Biden’s puppet masters just want more balloon spotters in Alaska.
That makes more sense to me!! Good thought BB.
NOAA Balloons and Amateur Radio Balloons!
Where there’s any oil-drilling, there’s hope,
Soon to open on Alaska’s North Slope,
While washing his hands,
Of drilling federal lands,
Biden’s ‘yeah’ has replaced Biden’s ‘nope’.
How dare you!
Not Aussie though. Chris Bowen and Matt Keane won’t be swayed so easily. They’re packing the TNT as we speak.
I bet the next proper power station, Liddell, to be blown up will be an invitation-only “spectacular” event for their favourite media sycophants.
When the wind stops and the power stops, you have to build more windmills. Why does anyone believe that?
Don’t forget TdeF that their Solar delusions also work better at night. SARC.
I think that when push comes to shove, no NSW Coal Fired Power Station will be shut down unless there is another brand new Coal or Gas Fired Power Station to replace it/them has been built.
AGL has advised Liddell is scheduled for shutdown on April 28 and the demolition crew has already been hired:
They might not blow it up. Could the building fit their new purpose?
There are some massive steel columns in that building. If they try to blow it up they might be disappointed. It might join Florence as unfinished business.
FWIW – if true might shift concentration to “a different field with a change of climate”
“BIDEN CRISIS: Moody’s Downgrades Banking Segment to “Negative”, Assets in US Banks Are $2 Trillion LESS than Their Balances”
AGAIN check out life expectancy since the IND REV for all the continents and the world and of course Oceania or Aussies lead the way.
Note no down tick for us since 2020.
BUT also NOTE the incredible improvement for poor Africa while they carry another 1 billion people since 1970 ( 1400 + billion today) and also suffered 90% of GLOBAL malaria deaths and 90% of GLOBAL deaths from HIV AIDS. THINK and WAKE UP.
IOW our CLIMATE TODAY is the best for Humans over the last 200,000 + years.
“The country-by-country estimates for 1800 come with a considerable uncertainty and to not give a false sense of certainty I have not added these estimates into the map, but the estimates for life expectancies are considerably lower than 40 years – as is also shown for the regional and global estimates so that it is safe to assume that showing a life expectancy of less than 40 years on the map is correct. The few European countries with a life expectancy close to 40 years have more accurate data for this time period so that it seems unlikely that the life expectancy there was over 40 years, or at best it was only barely over 40 years.”
While I do agree that we live in the best of times, I find a life expectancy of 40 to be most unlikely! The usual explanation was they were averaging in the high percentage of children who died in the first 5 years, and deaths due to famine, disease and war.. 40 is hardly time to mature enough to reproduce, have 8 children at 2year gaps, and then become grandparents. On top of this is plenty of historical writing taking of famous people who lived to be over 60.
Average life-expectancy isn’t what everyone gets. In fact, if there is high child mortality then its survivors average more than 40, and there is plenty of scope for some 60+s.
The 30-year scheme aims to produce up to 180,000 barrels of oil a day — about 1.5 percent of total US oil production. Willow is currently the largest proposed oil project on US public land.
So far this year, about 498,000 barrels of oil a day have flowed through the trans-Alaska pipeline, well below the late-1980s’ peak of 2.1 million barrels. ConocoPhillips Alaska proposed five drilling sites as part of the project. The US Bureau of Land Management approved three.
AGAIN check out the inequalities for life expectancy between citizens within countries and NOTE only Russia increased inequalities over the last 50 + years or since 1967.
Poor India is higher than the other countries but they are dropping over time.
So much for their delusional EXISTENTIAL THREAT for Humans and of course is just so much more BS and nonsense.
The only thing that will truly slow down the AGW supertanker is another enormous scam being invented, because it was only ever about money for those at the top. If governments around the world decided tomorrow that trillions of dollars is available for the prevention of volcano eruption, AGW would vanish off the front pages.
Looks to me like Biden White House and their media spokesperson- whatshername, can spin this both ways. Complaints from the AGW luvvies and they can say it’s only a very small gas field- nothing to see here. To those worried about SPR etc, they can say we’re trying to shore up future energy supplies.
“the risk of costly climate and Net Zero policies have become a bigger threat to the UK’s economy and financial stability than climate change.”
Um, the smart people have been saying this for decades, so it’s bit ironic that the dumb people running the show have only just worked it out after the ship is half submerged and going under at a rapid rate.
The latest realisations and policy changes are probably driven by the current state of the USA, Europe and the west. All have enormous debt, limited productive capacity to defend themselves, have become reliant on China and Russia for energy and essential goods, banking systems teetering on the edge, rapidly rising inflation and unemployment and China and Russia unifying together and on the march towards global ascendancy.
The recent Chinese balloon incursion and US drone being shot down by Russia are the start of the active phase and the west is completely asleep at the wheel and stuck on climate de-industrialisation, shutting down energy and food production, reparations and treaties for dark skinned people, changing the gender of infants, killing unborn babies, placing people into important social positions and job roles based on race, gender and sexual preference – rather than merit, and governments running up debt at a massive rate in the name of equity, where the money ultimately goes to their mates and themselves at the expense of everyone else.
This latest Russian strike on a US drone is very intentional and it won’t be long before the war starts in earnest. China will invade Taiwan and the west will lose access to components needed for their own defense systems. China will use their huge navy to overtake the Pacific and defend Taiwan. Australia and New Zealand will be isolated and we could be forced to surrender if the USA can’t send ships here and our 4 weeks of oil reserves dry up and people start starving to death en masse. The USA will probably survive but downunder could easily become part of China and we can be 100% sure than no one left alive down here will have a voice in the next CCP parliament.
“but downunder could easily become part of China ”
EastAsia instead of Oceania you mean? I figure that’s a very slim chance, there is Korea, Vietnam, Burma, Cambodia, Thailand, the Philippines, Malaysia & Indonesia who might all have their own opinions first.
..and I hope you’ve noticed that having a ‘voice’ in choosing our Parliament has not helped at all! There is no difference between the two parties, they are united against the population in the love of power!
My idea of an assault rifle behind every front door won’t get off the ground, apparently there are no primers for cartridges now, and I’m sure both parties, like all politicians, fear having an armed populace because we might actually end up in control and not them! So yes, if the Chinese did arrive the best thing we could do would be to surrender immediately.
China would either take over SE Asia or do a peace deal with countries that are not specifically a threat and have limited value, such as Indonesia. Australia has enormous untapped oil reserves, plus uranium, coal, gas and farm lands. We’re definitely the target as evidenced by the hostile trade actions and rhetoric, with the CCP looking to change public perceptions over there to justify an attack. The GBR would be covered by oil rigs in a short space of time and any screaming greenies would be silenced and vanished.
“Australia has enormous untapped oil reserves, plus uranium, coal, gas and farm lands.” -As do those other countries in SE Asia, but they have never been fully explored. Maybe we’ve got uranium that they don’t have, but that will become less used with new nuclear systems.
“We’re definitely the target as evidenced by the hostile trade actions and rhetoric,” because we are America’s number one lapdog and hence an enemy of China! If we had an independent foreign policy we would be trading with China and not worrying about their internal morals & politics.
No-one is mentioning the number of Russians in Aussie that don’t support the Govt over Ukraine, the Chinese in fast-growing numbers that will side with their homeland, and of course the Muslims who have no reason to help Australia go to war with America. Those people are our future, not the non-reproducing trannies/gays/career-centered women with white faces!
The Chinese can trade with us, buy us out, then take over through the ballot box, they don’t need to go to war with us.
“the Muslims who have no reason to help Australia go to war with America.”
Maybe “alongside America” expresses it better!
If an independent country of 27m was trading with a 1,300m nation and happy to buy slave made goods and their drugs, phones and security cameras we would be as good as a vassal state.
I think Australia is the only country in the world that is still actively destroying proper power stations.
Watch Australia again make a fool of itself on the world stage when it blows up or otherwise destroys Liddell.
Even by the appallingly low (or absent) standards of politicians and senior public serpents, Australia is particularly badly served.
There’s no doubt that their delusional so called Climate change mitigation idiocy is the greatest threat we’ve ever faced.
Here’s the wonderful data for child mortality since the IND REV and also a huge drop since 1950 and 1970.
AGAIN, when will they WAKE UP?
Just wait and see. They don’t reverse their way of thinking by mistake.
The Big Guy will likely be pushing up daises before any oil flows from Monday’s announcement.
Conservation groups said Tuesday they have filed a lawsuit in federal court to stop approval of the massive Willow oil project on Alaska’s North Slope ..
Spending tracing and money control, in conservative hands, would disallow the purchase of any petroleum products to anyone who has been a part of any so-called “conservation” that wants to stop the drilling for oil. 🙂
You can be absolutely sure that any protesters that appear in the region, will have got there using FOSSIL FUELS !
Don’t forget that OECD countries BELIEVE that we Humans face a looming EXISTENTIAL Threat and we must REPENT or we’ll face boiling oceans or perhaps Sodom and Gommorrah.
But the wonderful data since 1990 shows that globally child mortality has dropped by 55% over the last 33 years.
AGAIN where is their so called EXISTENTIAL THREAT? And how can OECD countries fix it by WASTING endless TRILLIONs of $ down the drain?
Strangeness everywhere.
Congress voting unanimously to investigate China and Covid, WHILE unelected president Biden gets kickbacks from the CCP AND while he asks for $900B to wage war with…CHINA!
Go figure.
Next we see a major banking meltdown starting and small banks being abandoned as everyone transfers their accounts to those high-integrity bloated too-big-to-fail megabanks, thereby consolidating public money, ready for the next step.😉
600 million barrels of oil over, cough, cough, the next 30 years?
Global oil consumption is around 90 million barrels a DAY.
Bear in mind that if the financial system is to undergo a (selective) great reset, then whatever you do and how much money you spend/waste is irrelevant.
It’s all reminiscent of the Covid fiasco in the UK, where BoJo and all the ruling class partied away and made merry whilst the plebs were locked up, segregated, muzzled literally and figuratively. They knew it was all theatre, for a purpose.
So now we have Biden, after proudly boasting his apparently deeply held beliefs and cast-iron promises on ‘fighting climate change’, u-turning on a sixpence when circumstances show the reality was untenable all along; like the Covid measures, all theatre for a purpose. Before the last election he needed to virtue signal; now the consequences are apparent, he needs, before the next election, to placate all those whose lives he has immiserated.
As Groucho Marx said: “Those are my principles and if you don’t like them… well, I have others.”
Interesting. But, where is this drop in the bucket going after it’s dug out of the ground? I would bet against to the us of a. More likely to the same that got the other oil delivery’s. The one trying to take over the south china sea production, away from the Vietnamese and Philippines. I Wonder who that could be.
I saw on the noon news that green groups have already filed law suites