A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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The Norse god after whom Friday is named was very much associated with fertility, especially male fertility, erect phalluses etc. So what exactly are you thanking God for?
Who else followed the discovery phase of the Dominion vs Fox case? Hint- don’t look for reporting of it on Fox. Or here for that matter.
You think I have any reason to keep “those emails” a secret? Do you think they are like little Windows of Truth or something? As if Rupert is a soothsayer when he agrees with you but an evil dude when he doesn’t?
I mean, I’m curious — The Fox guys who talked about the very real issues with the election often got sacked (Lou Dobbs). I wondered why Tucker was essentially so slow and useless on the topic, was it fear, or was it because he’s not a numbers-guy, not someone used to analyzing data. Now we know.
Those of us who do analyze data of course, couldn’t care less what someone’s opinion was in an email…

When John Ossof (D)and David Perdue(R) were in a runoff for the Georgia senate set in 2020, Perdue was 115,000 votes ahead after 92% of the votes counted. Shoo in, I thought.
Then suddenly, with 94% of the vote counted, Perdue was only 1000 or so votes in front. He lost to Ossof 50.6% to 49.4%. What happened there you might ask?
(Originally in the first round, Perdue won but didn’t quite achieve the 50% needed -only 49.7%.)
Face it leaf you have been brainwashed, what gets me is you can actually think for yourself on some things but mainstream you’re all in without reason or fact just ideology!
I have. Fox News knew full well that Powell and Giuliani were spouting ‘stolen election’ nonsense but they amplified it anyway to pander to their viewers.
I’m picking there will be a negotiated settlement with the details kept secret and a public apology to Dominion Voting Systems.
Here’s Murdoch’s disposition if you’re interested.
Eric Worrall over at WUWT.
‘Future historians will wonder, will struggle to understand how so many of the teachers of our time could bring themselves to stand in classrooms day after day spreading misery and fear, crushing the hope and optimism from the hearts of the children in their care with relentless climate brainwashing, while somehow deluding themselves into thinking they are serving the best interests of the kids.’
And that includes Critical Race Theory which is a crushing of hope because racism is the great oppressor. There is a negativity on the left of politics which has become endemic. Give up hope, do not have children, the world is doomed. And it’s all the fault of the white oppressor. Say the Irish.
Now they do deserve a Treaty, so what about a Voice too in multicultural Australia?
So do the Irish, the Scots and the Torres Strait people and the Vietnamese. And just about everyone else.
I would love to know how ‘deserve’ works too. It has never worked in the history of mankind.
I fact I think I need a treaty myself. Especially if there’s a bob in it.
Yes, I expected as much. So I continued in the theme. Treaties, a voice, Sorry.
As I have written many times, there was no invasion, no conquest and the aborigines had less than nothing, naked stone age people with a few killing weapons and no predators, so no reason to change, form groups bigger than hunting families and certainly no agriculture.
The aboriginal ‘sorry’ industry runs at tens of billions a year and being cash, it just wrecks aborigines who have no ability to metabolize alcohol and preserves so many in total poverty. And it funds a huge academic industry pumping out ridiculous stories of sophistication when they were not even neolithic.
I am so sick of saying thank you. For nothing. And the welcome to country is a bit late.
Anyone who knows you Dennis would know it was sarcasm.
What schools are teaching crt?
In America there is a problem, but Australia has avoided CRT.
The June 2021 Mick Psikas article implies that racism is not an ideology but a set of practices which contribute to a set of social constructs which collectively defines a “white race” and maintains a system of privilege for people based on a rating of white identity.
What nonsense- racism is an ideology. It is a belief system that plays on elements of human behaviour involving group behaviour, an innate tendency to tribal identity and status within a tribe and between tribes.
Racism is not a tendency restricted to people of one particular tribe or race (however one interprets the meaning of race).
“Racism is not a tendency restricted to people of one particular tribe or race”
Yes, talk to a Fijian about Indians.. or a Zulu about Indians..
In the decade I spent hitch-hiking around the world it was a common factor.
It is my understanding that CRT is implicit in all class room ideology in Aus. While it may not be spelled out as in the US, it was already through much of the university by 2010 when I left and implicit in all the children had learned before they got to uni. The children know they have to submit to all the cultural marxist ideology or fail their exams.
In Australia we have the Cross-Curriculum Priorities.
These aren’t any subject … but they have decided to sneak propaganda into other subjects. It isn’t exactly CRT … but when you thumb through you see things like “social justice” turning up so you can be sure it’s political.
Took about 30 seconds to find that, presumably you put in no effort whatsoever.
What schools aren’t ?
What’s wrong with teaching about the role that racism has played in a country’s evolution? In the USA, it has been huge and some of it was covered up, e.g. the 1921 Tulsa Massacre.
What’s wrong with teaching the three “R’s” and how to think not what to think ?
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with teaching a country’s history, warts and all. But that’s not the point, is it Simon, and well you know it.
The objection is teaching today’s teenagers to feel guilty about something that happened over a century ago, before even their grandparents were born. For THAT is what your “critical race theory” is all about.
And that, Simon, is not “teaching”, it is indoctrination.
Fear ‘n guilt have too oft been a strong strand in the upbringing of children-
(and by governments’ controlling the serfs. It’s a feature of down-ward control. )
P.O.E.T.S. Day again.
Solar sale in SA today. At 1.30pm, solar was generating 94% of electricity demand, wind 1.8%, gas 4% (did they have to switch off the windmills?). Was the Vic interconnector not available? Spot price negative $55/MWhr. Similar story in Vic negative $58, although coal still providing 39% of demand.
Yet SA average price for 2022/23 ytd is $130/MWhr.
Not a lot of wind where I live, nor much sunshine until the afternoon.
A bit of earth shattering and amazing good news – their ABC has done some research!! Not only that, but its new!! And they’ve announced it today, just after they discovered it.
The Chinese are building new coal fired power plants!!
I guess Jo and Tony didn’t really mention this a few years back. And perhaps I didn’t read about it here. Was it 5, or even 10 years ago?
But now the big question: Will Kean, Bowen and Albo also discover this new research?
Dave B
You have to love the way the apologists say but they also have windmills. At 56% of all CO2 generation and increasing by more than Australia’s total every year, there is no shortage of people who think this is fine. While still wanting to shut down Australia. Why?
And nice Green IRELAND
Renewables 15.1%
Imports (Net) 15.8%
Coal 7.7%
Gas 58.4%
Other (peat?) 3%
Ireland is a crazy place economically. The massive success of the Celtic Tiger in the 1990s based on tax avoidance and expatriate Americans and IT talent and language followed by the collapse of the economy in 2007 with the financial crisis in the US.
Then recently the gigantic GDP per person, just behind Switzerland (ignoring tiny places) and growing at 25% a year! It seems it was all fake because Apple parked trillions there to avoid taxes.
A country where everyone is rich on paper but without energy, gas or banking. A country where house prices have boomed but people cannot afford houses. A leaf in the economic wind between Europe and America. As for energy, gas is the politically correct solution.
But you wonder if the Green world has fled to gas to escape (dirty) coal and peat only to find the Greens are coming for their gas. And concrete and farms.
More things that masks can do –
“The Foegen Effect”
Interesting link in there Ian, extreme low earth orbit cubesats with sunlight driven drives to hold them there while they intercept more radio signals and take better quality photos than the Chinese spy balloon! All in a shoebox that radar will struggle to see.
One step forward,m two steps backwards –
“Florida Republican Bill Would Require Bloggers to Register with the State in Order to Criticize State Government Officials, Including Ron DeSantis
March 2, 2023 | Sundance | 127 Comments”
There is the Global DS.
And there is DJT.
The other that irks the GDS is that Vlad guy.
Not making a judgement. (Russia Russia Russia Bad Very Bad)
Just an observation.
(Orange Man Bad Too)
One day ‘we’ may achieve the dream of ‘our’ great unified non-binary, fully vaccinated Global Democracy, eliminating hate, mean words, negative vibes, racism, physical money, and the glaciers and oceans will stand still forever.
And we will be happy.
(‘Cause the climate, which is not weather, will be perfect and unchanging.)
If you are deemed unhappy, MIAD will be req … I mean, provided for free by an empathetic and compassionate government employee.
Science will reign unquestioned.
Ya mean they are gonna take away my favourite bit of the day “Two minutes of hate”?
Negative ST,
progressive love is hating the correct things.
A list will be provided.
2 minutes?
I’m not sure you are sufficiently committed to the revolution.
“Failing at deterrence”?
The US and Russia have been playing a game of escalating retaliation since the beginning of the Cold War- proxy conflicts returning evil for evil. Ukraine is just the latest setting and Biden the latest US leader to continue the “game”.
Deterrence uses threats or limited force to convince an adversary to refrain from starting or escalating an aggressive action. Blowing up the Nordstream pipelines wasn’t a case of “failing at deterrence” through weakness- it wasn’t deterrence at all.
Mr deSantos apparently thinks there was insufficient force in that. Sad.
The US and NATO have been funding the expansion of the Armed Forces of the Ukraine for a decade- to the point where Ukraine had 700,000 personnel and a million reservists. Neither was that genuine deterrence.
In New Zealand
The platform and Ian Wishart trash the met service
playing similar tricks to the BOM
Sean Plunket? The true believer in CCC™? He who calls non-believers all sorts of ‘D’ words? He who is probably on his 6th shot & I’m not talking tequila! Ian Wishart has ‘shown him the light’? Miracles will never cease… next thing you know Stabcinda Ardern will apologise – OK, that’s a bridge too too too far: ‘I toadally reject that’.
and more a forcaster weights in
“WATCH: Renowned Harvard Professor Of Medicine Trolls Woke “Vaccine Fanatics” During House Roundtable On COVID Policies”
Love it!
…It wasn’t until I came here today that I found out infection-acquired immunity was a new concept…
Kulldorff: “Yeah, I guess we knew about it since 430 BC, the Athenian plague, until 2020. And we didn’t know about it for three years. And now we know about it again.”
“Gaslighting: “Conspiracy Theories” Already Proven True In 2023″
‘Unexpected error – try later’. Gosh darn, I really enjoy ‘c’ theory validations. Maybe tomorrow…
Evening Greg,
It opened for me. Sounds like your censors are more active than ours!?
Hope things improve under your new leader. Any sign of that?
Dave B
Morning David,
tried again today and voila! it opened for a microsecond then flick! ‘Unexpected Error’. Reminds me of that tune from the 80s: ‘I always feel like, somebody’s watching me’.
As for Cindy’s stand-in PM, in a word, no. During his 5 years as minister of Education, then Police, then Roading (?) and Health (?), then all things Covert-19, everything he touches collapses as if in a controlled demolition… the shoah must go on. Apart from that, the weather’s fine – summer’s finally arrived as has the swell from Judy & Kevin – perfect!
“Well, maybe they’re not going to outright ban gas stoves. . . but the Department of Energy is proposing new efficiency standards that will make approximately half the gas stoves on the market no longer available. So, technically this isn’t a ban, but regulating gas stoves out of existence has the exact same effect.”
They’re talking about replacing gas stoves with electric… When I needed a new hot water cyl a decade back I found a very cheap electric one they were trying to get rid of because everyone was going gas at the time, fully pushed by the Govt.
These days, ban gas, go electric.. Never trust a Govt for stability!
From John Hopkins University today, Dr. Marty Makary, M.D., M.P.H.. Chief, Islet Transplant Surgery & Professor of Surgery, shoots down the many COVID myths generated by the US government and CDC:
Skip to 1:25:00 point in the video. Dr Makary debunks five of the most common COVID myths, telling viewers that top health officials “gave us bad guidance from the start.”
First, that natural immunity offered little protection compared to vaccines.
Second, that masks prevented the virus’ transmission.
Third, that school closures reduced transmission.
Fourth, that myocarditis from the vaccine was less common than from the virus.
Fifth, that the risk-benefit of young adults getting the jab was not positive.
Dr Makary said the data is becoming “overwhelming” on the CDC and other agencies’ incorrect claims. “The data has caught up with all the lies,” he said.
Dr Makary is getting lots of air time on some media channels:
‘Bad Guidance’
Just a little made up story with higher purpose.
We were ‘guiding’ but made a few little errors.
That’s it.
Recall how the Australian Government absolved Big Pharma of responsibility for their defective and dangerous covid “vaccines”?
Well, apparently they didn’t absolve medical doctors of such responsibility.
If a doctor administered a vaccine without “informed consent”, then the doctor can be held responsible for any vaccine injury or death.
It’s difficult to imagine how anyone could give informed consent anyway because doctors were not allowed to say the vaccines were defective or dangerous and we now know that Big Pharma lied about the facts anyway.
It’s going to be a legal nightmare.
Informed consent? Are you kidding- we are in fantasy La La Land.
I would rather trust a Steamworks glory hole than believe the “ATAGI” mafioso consigliere.
Even the Far Left, fully woke, AMA recognised that GPs needed indemnity for injecting the poison they promoted, as far back as April 2021.
Apparently it was never granted, either by design or incompetence, I’m not sure.
Even totalitarians ultimately need someone to blame for when their plans go bad.
No reason to remember something that never happened. The Commonwealth has only the powers listed in the Australian Constitution and none of them include the power to make laws that erase Common Law liability. Even if they did have that power, it would require an Act of Parliament and if such a thing existed you would be able to name the Act.
What actually happened is a secret deal was signed, which may or may not contain an unenforcable indemnity clause.
“Just Another Day Battling A Government Agency”
And to amplify your faith in some current government proposals –
I realize that few have engaged in the to and fro that began last Tuesday and touched on the core mechanism used by the UNIPCCC to misrepresent CO2 as a dangerous gas.
This is an attempt to clarify it a bit.
“Hi Jo, You say;
” So can we at least agree that IF photons exist, greenhouse gases absorb and emit them,
Nobody has ever said that photons don’t exist and nobody has said that greenhouse gases don’t absorb and emit.
To say that is a misrepresentation because I have commented on this to confirm it.
The issue that I and several others have is when and how these things occur.
The PW-IR emitted from ground level may be taken up by the CO2 in the first 30 metres above ground. From then on the gas laws rule and the energy taken in will only be released under the right trigger.
As Will Janoschka put it, there are various potentials at work which may tempt the photon to leave its home atom but that event will not occur until the lower potential exceeds the orbital energy of the electron in the CO2 atom.
I think that a low temperature of about minus 30°C is needed.
Once the electron falls back the orbital energy (photon) is drawn towards the lower trigger potential.
It moves towards deep space, not ground because the energy can only move down the energy gradient.
That’s why true scientists like those who have commented here say that the Unmentionable Construct is false. It’s an IPCCCCC fake concept.
Some might say “why bother with this”.
The obvious reason is that it is what the UNIPCCC and other bottom feeders use to justify the climate control and theft that they exert over us.
To understand this is to know that the global warming thing is totally baseless.
“It moves towards deep space, not ground because the energy can only move down the energy gradient.”.
This appears to be about photons leaving a CO2 molecule. If so, then it is incorrect. Photons leave in all directions. They must, because they can’t see anything a distance away. Once travelling, a photon goes pretty much in a straight line. Then, whatever it hits, it hits, even if what it hits is a warmer object than the one (the CO2 molecule) that it left. It couldn’t avoid that object, because it couldn’t see it.
Note that the 2nd law of thermodynamics is intact here: more photons leave the warmer object towards the cooler object than leave the cooler object towards the warmer object. That’s simply because the warmer object is warmer. So the net flow of photons is from the warmer object to the cooler object. And the 2nd law is about the net flow.
Thank you Mike. Ditto.
So in layman’s terms does that mean that there is no radiative warming of earths temp from CO2 AS per the IPCCs greenhouse gas theory.
That’s correct Ross.
Mike. Will Janoschka was a highly aware scientist who spent a lot of time dealing with the propagation of ratio waves post WW11. He discussed the pulling potential.
In early discussion about this, years ago, I followed the IF principle and allowed that maybe photons spewed out 360 around the CO2 molecule but absolutely qualified that by saying that any such movement would be Immediately redirected into one direction towards the lower level of the energy incline, i.e. Deep space.
The release of energy must be triggered by a change in potential and the energy let out will move to the direction of that potential, Not Towards Earth.
Any claimed “measurement” of this downwelling radiation is simply reflection of energy from the cloud base. Sunlight can reflect from oceans to cloud base and the may even be other sources from below.
And that’s just the mechanism which years ago I didn’t bother commenting on because human origin CO2 was so small that from a thermodynamic point of view it was quantitatively irrelevant.
2 8 8 18
Are familiar with this material?
10 has 2, 6, 10, 14; repectfully may I suggest perhaps you should repopulate your memory of this material.
Thanks, I haven’t touched that stuff in 50 years’
It may have been regendered.
Mike, on another tack, here’s Will and Konrad going off, possibly CO2 can’t “load up” anyhow, so spitting back to earth; no ammunition.
“Photons leave in all directions. They must,”
Got proof? Do rockets leave for earth orbit in all directions? Its nice to think that photons leave in any direction, that the outside of the atom is a smooth directionless sphere, but its just as likely that some orientations may be more favoured.
I figure there is still a lot we don’t know about what happens at that scale. We used to believe all the electron orbits were nice S spheres too, until the P and D shapes were accepted.
Does it affect radiation transfer… not likely..
When photons are fired at matter, the scatter pattern is NOT omnidirectional. It heavily favours the region opposite where the photon came from.
In the atmosphere, assuming the photon comes from the surface, that means UPWARDS. !
Read an article today about Willoughby Council stopping the extension of a concrete footpath because of “climate and environmental concerns”. Some complainants even mentioned that the extra concrete would increase the UHI effect. Of course, where is Willoughby? Right in the heart of Teal/Green territory. Don’t worry about the elderly or people in wheelchairs trying to move over grass and dirt, just to get to the shops. Yet another act of madness that is sadly becoming all too common.
London’s Labour mayor says people who disagree with his ULEZ expansion are ‘far right’
Every time you hear “far right” you are listening to propaganda. The ABC uses it a lot. I have to admit that the ABC uses the words “climate change” more often, but then, that’s propaganda too.
Far Right translates to Centre Right. The Left’s Moderate translates to far left
For clowns like Sadiq Khan, “far-right” could mean anyone to the right of Mao or Karl !
If this happens, a lot of countries will wish they still had a solid reliable electricity supply grid.
Thanks for posting b.nice.
I’ve been looking for that video linked within the article for a long time.
I think the original was deleted plus YouTube is shadow banning it making it hard to find.
When cooling gets worse, I want all Leftists to go off-grid to give more energy to the thinking community. Because we all know they’ll acknowledge their “mistake”. (/sarc)
Yes, that is the opinion of most meteorologists and analysts. Rapid Global Cooling. We had a peak in 2010 and now it’s a rapid downward slide. That’s behind the switch from Climate Change to Global Warming to Climate Change to Extreme Events. The scare has to keep up with the data. All caused by carbon dioxide, which is invisible but very, very dirty.
“Dr. Peter McCullough On “The Holy Grail Of COVID-19 Vaccine Detoxification” ”
Jim Chalmers, the inventor of the incredible new concept in taxation other countries would call theft.
“How do we build this more inclusive and resilient economy, increasingly powered by cleaner and cheaper energy?”
So find a single truthful fact in his sentence.
As for his tax, you have to wonder if it is even legal under the constitution being possibly the first time the Federal government has attempted to tax savings in an account. So it’s not an income tax.
People presume governments can pass any law they like because they are all powerful, but in a Federal system, the rights of the Federation are very limited, basically to national cooperation on defence, customs, immigration. But not education, police, health and everything else. The States retain control on everything.
But the invention of a Federal income tax was a watershed in Australia as incomes soared and it became the biggest tax. Such areas as education are funded as gifts under a single clause in the Constitution. Even the GST had to be approved by the States.
So does this Federal body have the power to take cash from people’s savings and call it a tax under its existing tax laws. It would take an expert reading of the powers delegated by the states but it seems to violate a general principle of taxation when profits are realised. In fact the Federal government will have to come up with a way to define the ‘profits’ of various super funds and individuals to be taxed, which should be a lot of fun for the lawyers in the Labor party.
The last time this was tried was possibly the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2001 which is likely illegal but successful running at billions a year in outright theft. In it electricity retailers are forced to buy worthless electronic certificates (no paper trail) from ‘clean’ energy producers if the retailers have to buy ‘unapproved’ electrons. This means ‘clean’ electrons are bought twice. Whoopee!
And you get paid even if you do not sell your electrons, for the mere act of generating them. It is not a tax and it’s not about carbon. But it’s not legal either under any power the Federal government has, to force companies to pay third parties for nothing at all. That was outlawed under Magna Carta. But most politicians have no idea anyway.
So an extremely greedy closet Marxist Labor government under lifelong communist Albanese is once again hitting the ‘wealthy’ as part of their eternal war on hard work. Like the Aesop fable of the ants and the caterpillar, Marxism takes the food from the hard working ants and gives it to the wastrel caterpillar and calls it justice.
You wonder though about the law of unintended consequences as the very successful of the modern inner city Labor party (which has nothing to do with the deplorable workers) find themselves paying big too. I can see this government in real trouble electorally, already with a lower primary vote than Shorten’s failed attempt. But are the opposition any different?
None of the current Labor party senior players has even had a job. Money grows on windmills.
February is up.
I always wonder what they do with Antarctica and the ‘Global Lower Atmosphere’ as it has an average height of 2500 metres with peaks up to 5,000 metres and is a big continent, as big as South America or two Australias. Of course it is far colder than the Arctic, another -25C. This whole global temperature is a construct which provides a measure but of what exactly is not obvious. Still if you stick to Europe, there is at least one near perfect fit of temperature for the last 250 years, and it does not involve CO2.
This is our chance, as temps bounce along the line, to prove that ENSO is the temperature control knob and not CO2.
“I always wonder what they do with Antarctica “
I think you will find that UAH only goes to 80ºS (and 85ºN)
ps, at a rough estimate, this is only about 1% of the globe not included in UAH anomaly calculations.
Australia still negative, despite having a few “summer-like” days locally.