A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Here is Austen Tayshus’ (Sandy Gutman) 1983 hit “spoken word comedy” (as it’s described) that is so full of Australian puns that it is incomprehensible to non-Australians, and probably most younger Australians.
For overseas readers you’ll find an explanation of the puns here:
“EU Central Bank Raises Rates Again Despite Weakened Banking Concerns – Supporting Climate Change and Assisting Central Bank Digital Currency Creation Most Important
March 16, 2023 | Sundance | 47 Comments
The European Central Bank (ECB) raised interest rates again today, while simultaneously promising to support further bank bailouts that might come as an outcome of raising the rates again. In the bigger picture there are two dynamics supported by the ECB playing out.”
More at
And in USA
“Kevin O’Leary Discusses How Small and Regional Banks Will Disappear With New Biden/Yellen Policy…
March 16, 2023 | Sundance | 4 Comments”
The size of the bank won’t determine whether it survives or not. What will matter is (a) whether it aligns itself with the Democrat party or not and (b) what size fund it manages (and therefore what ‘donations’ it can make).
I have been following the talks by J J Couey and must say that it looks as though he now offers a vastly more parsimonious explanation for the nature of the alleged pandemic.
Not being satisfied with the narratives and ‘science’ disseminated has been ongoing to a greater or lesser degree and the inkling something was missing, or an important detail was missing or just simply a suspicion that there is more to corona biology/virology/epidemiology/evolutionary biology and more during the past 2 plus years
In my opinion, Jonathan Couey is really onto something in his recent breakthroughs in his understanding and revision of his previous understanding and new insights and the precepts supporting this with significant receipts
Maybe it should be called the JERICHO virus.
Science, Government, and Academia* paraded around blowing horns of their own making and their own walls came tumbling down.
Once upon a time this was the face of ‘Science’.
Now it’s this.
Or this …
*Guess I should have included the Financial/Banking system.
I like the pic celebrating the invention of the carbon neutral wheel 🙂
Canadian Cancer Society: ‘Trans Women’ Should Consider Screenings for ‘Neo-Cervix’ Cancer
The Canadian Cancer Society is advising men it describes as “trans women” who have had “bottom surgery” to discuss cervical cancer screenings with their doctors while acknowledging that men do not have cervixes.
The Canadian Cancer Society also advises women it describes as “trans men” to get cancer screenings for breast cancer, which it refers to as “chest cancer.” The organization explained its decision to use the term “chest cancer” in a section titled “Words matter.”
Hopefully these “doctors” will be blacklisted by everyone when the wheel of reality does a 180.
They should start practising “do you want fries with that?” now.
That’s insane. And the fake “pouch” these men get is only likely to be susceptible to skin cancer since that is what it’s made of (or in some cases intestinal tissues and cancers associated with that).
Surgery for mental illness became unacceptable when the prefrontal lobotomy went out of favour or was banned.
I see transgender surgeries going the same way, and in any case, they should be absolutely banned for children, along with puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones.
As for the term “chest cancer”, it is medically meaningless and absurd. A cancer is either in a particular organ, or a general location such as the thoracic cavity or on the chest wall itself.
What a huge waste of medical resources and tax dollars screening men for conditions they can’t possibly get.
And potentially delaying treatment of women with actual concerns
Update from Israel – a new DNA & medical information database was launched in “The Laboratory of The World” – what does it mean.
A possible roadmap based on the dramatic developments in Israel – Israel has turned its citizens into “resource” – and is now moving to establish a combined genetic database with comprehensive medical information of its citizens – for trade, research and who knows what else.
“The Mosaic Project” (PSIFAS)
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, who signed the #IsraelPfizerDeal – the medical information research deal with Pfizer (that was later implemented and promoted by his political “opponents” as well) is now establishing and promoting – a national DNA pool that will combine the Israeli DNA and medical information into a huge database.
This new National DNA bank is called: “PSIFAS” or – “The Mosaic Project” (PSIFAS means mosaic in hebrew) – it was formally launched only 3 days ago (March 8,2023), but was apparently planned for a long time, at least since 2016 and was finally registered as a corporate during the Covid “chaos”, in 2021.
PSIFAS “will include genetic information of donors, combined with the clinical information about them from the healthcare insurance funds and hospitals, and is expected to put Israel on the leading edge of global innovation in the field of medicine”.
The DNA database in combination with the medical information on each and every individual – integrate well with other global planes that we know are already in motion:
Digital ID plan,
Digital passports plan,
Digital currency control plan
Global joint plans – Digital ID, Climate control , AI and more.
Together- this all promotes a clear goal of increasing centralized control over the individual, the robbery of freedoms and above all – a lot of money to those who hold and control this information, OUR INFORMATION- and humans as their new “commodity”, one that has already defined as the new “gold mine”.
What did they do with those Covid swabs they took from you?
Yes. The DNA was potentially kept and sequenced. Too bad if you a close match to a millionaire that needs an organ transplant!
“Too bad if you a close match to a millionaire that needs an organ transplant!”
Good point! Its risky enough being a healthy young male with good genes if you happen to let the medical system find out.. That blood is worth a lot now!
Microsoft Scraps AI Ethics Team As It Rolls Out ChatGPT
Microsoft’s commitment to AI ethics has been called into question after the software giant laid off a team dedicated to guiding AI innovation in a manner that respects privacy, transparency, and security. The company’s decision to ditch its AI ethics team is especially questionable given its rapid expansion of ChatGPT-powered AI in its software products.
TechCrunch reports that Microsoft’s commitment to ethical and responsible AI practices has come under scrutiny after reports emerged that the company has disbanded its team dedicated to guiding ethical AI innovation. According to Platformer, the elimination of the ethics and society team is a result of a recent round of layoffs that affected 10,000 workers throughout the company.
Microsoft’s Office of Responsible AI (ORA), which sets rules for responsible AI development through governance and public policy work, still remains. However, the ethics and society team that was responsible for ensuring Microsoft’s responsible AI principles were reflected in the design of products has been laid off. The group had recently been focusing on identifying dangers brought on by Microsoft’s adoption of OpenAI technology across a range of its products.
I for one am unimpressed by ChatGPT and see it as a transient public fad and absolutely not true AI, just like all the others. Nonetheless it has potential for misuse and fraud, especially when coupled with deep fakes.
On yesterday’s post, the poll that most people think CC is a religion. It is a religion most certainly. but does it translate to if people have the faith? You coudl still have the faith but answer yes to that question.
By the limitations of my survey – I always bring the topic up with various crowds, anyone I run into basically – I find most people certainly do have “the faith”. And it often shocks me who does. And it’s not uncommon for people that I would expect to reject it, don’t. The amount of rural farmer connected people I know of who actually have the faith or are at least agnostic, shocks me in particular. The mythology the weather is always getting worse has a default existence in the farming mind set, so they are kind of suckers for the faith in a way.
And then there are many people that don’t like talking about it at all. They don’t like the controversial nature of the topic.
And then there are those who just don’t care about it all, genuinely. They literally never think about it or agree with it or disagree with it. They’re quite numerous in the working class workplace.
People who outright reject the faith with passion are far fewer, to the point of rarity. And when I meet one it is a relief and we have a good whine, laying “the proofs’ down one after another, until we recognise the topic is overdone.
I believe that there is no such thing as Artificial Intelligence (AI) we have search engines such as CHAT GTP which have massive databases from which to draw information. The early days of Yahoo and Google were of great use to draw on a vast database of knowledge that could be retrieved. However results were only available from posted data.
I am happy to be proven wrong, but many years of experience in the IT world says I am right.
You’re so wrong Ian 1946!, the proof of AI existing is there for all to see.
Surely you’ve heard of or been to Canberra!
Something quite different: The World’s First 3D-printed Superyacht Is Practically “Invisible” Carbon foot printS and all that an a’ that. …
“Forakis focused both on design and environmental impact.”
Haha..nice try, but there is nothing sustainable about tons and tone of carbon fibre and plastic all made from oil! It like these supercars (now ‘hypercars’) as million dollar toys for billionaires being touted as green because they’re electric..
My new storage study is out:
Which bank is a World Economic Forum partner?
Would you leave your title deeds with an organisation whose ambition it is you own nothing?
I believe that Climate Change is happening four times every year. It is known as Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter.
And when all four occur in one 24-hour period, you know you’re in Vicdanistan.
Tuesday 21 March is our Autumn Equinox and SNOW & FREEZING temps are on the menu; the same day is Spring Equinox up north & Mt Everest is in for SNOW & FREEZING temps: therefore, the more things change, the more they stay the same. May I have my grant money now please? $444 million should do nicely thanks.
The more I dug into @GretaThunberg’s story, the more I realized that something stinks here.
Very old news now, I had to dig deep to find my old posts/links!
“Tagged in Rentzhog’s [first Greta] “lonely girl” tweet were five twitter accounts: Greta Thunberg, Zero Hour (youth movement), Jamie Margolin (the teenage founder of Zero Hour), Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project, and the People’s Climate Strike twitter account (in the identical font and aesthetics as
Rentzhog is the founder of Laika (a prominent Swedish communications consultancy firm providing services to the financial industry, recently acquired by FundByMe). He was appointed as chair of the think tank Global Utmaning (Global Challenge in English) on May 24, 2018, and serves on the board of FundedByMe. Rentzhog is a member of Al Gore’s Climate Reality Organization Leaders, where he is part of the European Climate Policy Task Force. He received his training in March 2017 by former US Vice President Al Gore in Denver, USA, and again in June 2018, in Berlin.
Founded in 2006, Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project is a partner of We Don’t Have Time.”
Extensive investigation here:
We discussed Au and Ag y’day. They have had a big night – up a few %, but the A$ rose nearly 1c taking a little of the gloss for us.
I have noticed for years now that the A$ trends with the gold price in the short term.
“The Galician genocide: How Russian identity was wiped out in what is now Western Ukraine”
Server not found
Works for me-
“People fell victim to the rage of the Austrian authorities over trifling matters – like possessing Russian literature, being a member of a Russian society, having a Russian education, or just sympathizing with Saint Petersburg. In some cases, people were arrested just for calling themselves Russians. Prisons were full of “enemies of the state” and “dangerous Moscow agents”, and the streets were lined with gallows.”
All about the Galicia region, Western Ukraine before Ukraine existed, its ties to Austria, its opposition to Russia and it is the area where AZOV and the Nazi battalions originated. We’re now looking at the sharp end of Communism versus Fascism.
Thanks !
So Stalin was a misunderstood good guy as is Putin but the ex comedian from Ukraine is a bad guy who has committed unspeakable crimes against humanity ? Got it .
Another steal:
“In an effort to literally keep the lights on, the Saskatchewan First Act passed by provincial government”
“Australian renewable energy transition. Part 3”
“Countdown To New York’s Rendezvous With Energy Impossibility”
Proverbial in fan?
“It Looks as if Trump Will Be Arrested Next Week, and That’s Not Even the Worst of It”
“More on Possible Trump Indictment: Fox News Reports Final Preparations Being Made to Arrest Trump Next Week… He will “Be Fingerprinted and Processed” ”
“Trump To Be Arrested Next Week?”
And in the meantime: ?
The O’Bidens walk away untroubled by their deep past.
One of the Golden Gate Bridge pylons, then and now. Note the high tide mark as indicated by marine growth. I challenged the Farcebook “fact checkers” with this image and unlike other similar images, they have not yet censored this one. E.g. they typically do with the Fort Denison, Sydney one.