Ed Dowd is the former BlackRock executive, who has been drawing attention to the excess death data. As a Wall Street trader he likes to find and arbitrage the realities that aren’t well known so he can bet against the realities that aren’t real. And so he found himself last year looking at death trends that were off the charts. At this point the trader turned into a human trying to warn hundreds of CEO’s of insurance companies (among others) but they did not want to know…
Of the 3.2 million newly disabled in the USA, it’s remarkable (though sad) that 1.7 million came from the employed sector. Normally working people are the healthiest group — but since February 2021 their disability rate is up 31%. That compares to a rise of just 9% across the “general population”. And in a complete turnaround — those who quit or got fired — normally the sickest ones — their disability rate rose only 4%.
So something changed. What could it be, we wonder, that took place in 2021 and caused more of those who stayed in their jobs to become disabled. Why was quitting work or being fired a seeming benefit to your health… unless it was medical experiments mandated by bosses?
His interview with Tucker Carlson is well worth watching. It’s food for the soul to see good men solving problems. And that’s even though they’re discussing death, corruption and fraud. There’s something hopeful about this that suggests that honest smart players are finding their feet.
Tucker and Dowd also discuss the effect this era has had on them, how he deals with fear, why this is the third time in his life he has gone against the flow, and he called it right the last two times. (The BlackRock fund he managed made billions.)
As he says: We’ve never seen these kinds of excess deaths and yet we’re not even talking about it.
During Covid we had ticker tallies of daily deaths, but not any more. It’s very telling that they stopped counting.
The official statistics on disability:
Disability in the general population has been gradually rising (2009 – 2023)

General population with a disability (BLS Data)
Something drastic happens to the rate of disabilities among people who were employed during 2021:

Employed with a disability (BLS Data)
Graphs from the St Louis Fed Reserve, via Ed Dowd who says:
Don’t need a PhD or Wall Street background to see something changed here or to see from eyeballing these 2 charts that the employed disabilities are rising faster than the general population due to vaccine mandates.
This is a sick joke at this point. Institutions will be razed.
UPDATE Unemployed with a disability
Wow that trend is not like the other ones.
Thanks to Strop who says: “This chart of unemployment figures shows the number of unemployed people with a disability is now only at about the same level as it was at Jan 2020. This indicates that the big increase in the number of people employed with a disability hasn’t come from the unemployed with a disability pool. Otherwise this chart would show a reduction in unemployment similar to the increase in employment in the chart ”
h/t William Astley, Another Ian, Tim. Scott of the Pacific, and Stephen Neil.
Legal action must be taken.
I know I’ve said it before but the thinking community must not forgive and must not forget what was done by the proponents of the dangerous and ineffective covid “vaccines” and the lies told about the supposed dangers and ineffectivenes of the existing safe and effective anti-virals, HCQ and IVM (taken according to correct protocols), the first of which was banned even before the vaccines were even available and there was no other effective treatment.
Don’t let the Left rewrite history as they always do. (It was overwhelmingly the Left that forced vaccination and lockups, conservatives wanted freedom of choice, by and large.)
Don’t give them the “pandemic annesty” they seek (SEE https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/10/covid-response-forgiveness/671879/ )
Sue aggressively wherever possible.
Don’t forget what really happened and what was previously known. It’s all documented in this very award-winning blog.
Unfortunately it is difficult or impossible in Australia to sue a politician or public serpent for their incompetence or lies but find targets that can be sued. And Government absolved pharma companies of liability on the basis of data they provided, but that data was either wrong or outright fraudulent. There might be an angle there. Plus media organisations were told the truth but wilfully withheld it. Social(ist) media also banned prominent scientists trying to promote the truth.
The time is right for legal action if even the Far Left New York Times and other Leftist outlets are questioning The Narrative. (But don’t forgive them for their past lies.)
I would give them a month long infusion of escalating concentration spike protein and sit back and watch what happens. I would construct an LD 50 curve from this. The very least they can do for “Science”
But why can’t it be Covid itself that is a cause of at least some of this mortality?
I mean, why would it ONLY be the vax?
Honest question, and I know that Jo has both honesty and integrity.
Why wouldn’t there be room for both as possible causes?
Why the VAX and not COVID itself? COVID is essentially a respiratory disease – entering through the mouth and nose. Its primary damage was to the lungs where the original spike protein caused inflammation and what was pretty much an allergic reaction. Hence successful treatment with steroids and antihistamines.
Very little spike protein gets into the rest of the body. Later versions of covid do not have the original and dangerous spike protein, so much less inflammation and clotting.
By direct contrast, major production of the original spike protein continues with each dose of the current vaccines, and they are distributed all around the body.
In the case of mRNA types, there is no control over the amount or duration the bodies own cells are producing this dangerous spike.
Hence auto-immune effects against your own cells [the disease could not do this] and micro clotting and inflammation effects in various organs – particularly heart, brain and reproductive.
Understanding the processes at work leads very directly to which is the most likely cause.
And this is backed up by comparison with issues arising during COVID when there were no vaccines, and post vaccine issues. Also by comparison with lightly vaccinated countries.
Not quite Brian. Covid is a vascular disease, not just a respiratory disease and is widespread. It causes both clotting and bleeding disorders, and inflammation of blood vessels. Covid has something like 13 different entry points to our cells. It has extensive tissue trophism, and is known to infect neural tissues, cause liver damage. The virus enters the brain.
Lungs, heart, liver brain, kidneys, intestines and testicles all express ACE 2.
Covid affects the gut biome. It appears to be able to establish long lived resevoirs in some people causing persistent spike protein in the blood. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/long-covid-viral-reservoir-of-spike-protein-may-explain-long-term-symptoms.
During the worst Covid waves we saw peaks of covid deaths in excess of known deaths, but we are talking about a 15% higher death rate than what was known due to covid. And only in the same places and weeks as extreme covid peak waves. The unexplained deaths in 2021 are far higher than this and continue for months. They match the timing of the vaccines to the week vaccines peaked in certain ages. See my post on Neil and Fenton et al Dec 2021.
I have yet to see any data indicating that the unvaccinated who contracted Covid have experienced Long Covid – in the same proportions (if at all) – to the vaccinated.
Anecdotally – I am acquainted with many unvaccinated through a community group of unvaccinated – and I know only one who has experienced repeated Covid infection(s) and no one who has experienced Long Covid.
BTW I don’t think it is impossible for an unvaccinated person who has contracted Covid to go on to experience Long Covid. After all, Long Covid is clearly a form of Post Viral Syndrome. Such syndromes periodically affect those who have contracted a virus.
And yes – that damn spike is a pathogen that inflammatory responses. Although Dr. Shankara Chetty was ridiculed for his conviction that the response was a type of allergic reaction, his prescription of aspirin and anti-histamines did seem to reduce this response, as did the steroids prescribed by others.
When the PCR “tests” showed I had covid, it was like a bad flu for a week or so… but I did have a persistent cough for several weeks afterwards..
Doctor referred to it as a “post viral cough” … not long Covid.
b.nice, you can mock Long Covid, but read the tweets from people who say they have it. Watch the videos of how they struggle to walk normally, were formerly fitness freaks, or successful ambitious people and now live a shadow of their former lives.
Why are all vaccine side effects legitimate without question, but when the same spike comes in a potential-bioweapon virus, it’s nothing?
PS: I suspect the medical world don’t really want to define long covid because then they will have actual case counts and they won’t be anywhere near enough to explain the true excess deaths and suffering.
Too many people dying haven’t had covid. Countries that didn’t jab as much (mainly 3rd world) don’t have such problems.
I expect Covid might have some bad effects, the spike protein they grafted into it attacks parts of the body other coronavirus don’t. However the junk they inject you with bears no resemblance to a viral invasion- the spike protein is encapsulated in a synthetic coating that aggravates the body, it doesn’t bind to an ACE receptor to get into a cell so it enters through a window, not the door, and it doesn’t have any chaperoning proteins to guide the RNA correctly. In other words the chances for the vaccine to screw up cellular processes are much higher than just a coronavirus cold.
No no no, don’t trust your eyes or your [not so] common sense: those upward ‘spikes’ are a sure sign of Wellbeing™ and the F-icaciousness of the injections®. All is well, all is good, that ‘pain’ is all in your head. MOM will take care of you, MOM knows best, MOM loves you.
Signed: Ministry Of Misinformation (MOM).
Love the acronym. MOM is telling you what to do and Big Brother is watching to make sure you do it. One big happy family.
It is so important that this information is given to the public but I am afraid it will be very slow in getting out. Like the epidemiologist who is vaxxed six times and always wears a mask has just came down with Covid should tell us all that the vaxxes are just as useless as the masks and to continue with either or both is insane. BTW Dr. Deepti Gurdasani, who vigorously promoted the lock downs and masking mandates along with vaxx mandates is blaming everyone else for her malaise. Unfortunately people have been so brainwashed and some are so gullible that they still drive around alone in their cars wearing masks.
It is time that governments came clean because they surely are aware by now that vaccine mandates are possibly a crime yet use the excuse that you are better off dying from the vaccine than the virus. Surely there are some very big class actions coming. I can’t see it happening in the US where it seems the entire judiciary has been bought and paid for by the deep state. It will have to be in other jurisdictions where justice still has a chance.
I doubt there will be serious consequences for those thought to be credited with the “Greatest Crime Scene” (in quotes, ’cause I vote the global warming fraud tops Covid).
I think the main result will be resistance to draconian measures when major issues appear.
Hearings and reports will be published that will alert voters and sensitize elected and non-elected bureaucrats to be more cautious.
Those that advocate for Nuremberg-style trials will be disappointed.
“Those that advocate for Nuremberg-style trials will be disappointed.”
Nuremberg-style trials are instigated by governments after wars, by governments, and against those who the winning side define as war criminals.
There is increasing evidence suggesting that the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the novel vaccines were developed as bio-warfare agents by government agencies, including US government agencies associated with the defence and pharmaceutical industries.
The behaviour of governments throughout the pandemic suggests that the bio-warfare agents were intended to cause harm to general populations and not to a conventional military adversary, and the on-going behaviour of those governments suggests an intent to maximise harm to those populations.
I suggest that those governments are more likely to put on trial those who advocate for such trials, than those in government responsible for warfare against their own countrymen.
Your ranking may be right. And it might not. Time will tell.
There is a connection. Public ignorance of science.
Always keep in mind, too, their pilot run with The Hole in the Ozone Layer.
Incidentally, in the following just-released video, data from Australia’s TGA, the FDA and the EU regulator are analysed and an important safety signal which was hereto missed or more likely ignored is discussed.
Apparently, and feel free to critique, the incidence of adverse events in females (46, XX karyotype) is about 3 times that of males (46, XY).
(I only mentioned the karyotype because there seems to be some confusion these days about what constitutes a male or female.)
I would like to see the above disability data of the main article re-presented for rates per genetic males and females.
Video at:
My neighbour, who is her late 50s and has worked from home since 2020, suffered a brain haomorage just before Christmas. She was unconscious for 24 hours before her son was alerted when she failed to show for a dinner appointment. He drove over the following morning when he could not get on her the phone. He found her unconscious. She was in a coma for two weeks and returned home after 6 weeks. Her prognosis appears better than anyone would expect. Whether she is permanently disabled and cannot work is yet to be seen.
She was vaccinated before a trip overseas in late 2021 to help her sister through medical issues and contracted Covid while overseas. So impossible to isolate the root cause as being associated with vaccine. Before the recent episode, she was in good health; walked daily for exercise and loves dancing so keeps in good shape.
She is now requiring some home care. One of her sons has moved back home for a while and a carer visits a few times a week. Only time will tell if she will require permanent assistance. If Australia is experiencing the same trend in disability as the USA, then the NDIS budget will become a serious drain while businesses fail through lack of staff so taxes will fall.
I saw an article yesterday on the Alfred Hospital intensive care being in permanent overload. So my neighbour may not be an isolated case.
“the NDIS budget will become a serious drain while businesses fail through lack of staff so taxes will fall. ”
I think its already happening Rick- There seems to be a serious shortage of workers in every industry, yet the economy doesn’t seem buoyant or the population optimistic. They’re talking of a recession in Aussie, so where are all the unemployed? The NDIS was always going to be a massive hole to throw money into, certainly Covid & Vaxxes have made it worse.
Govts all over are desperate for taxes, hence the super argument currently. I figure they will give up on picking winners and losers and just whack GST up like NZ did.
Google just about any affliction and you will be told it “mostly affects women”.
Does anyone have stats for the other 59 genders?
I just worked out you can get your formatting back the old-fashioned way.
Testing bold. Testing not bold.
The comment formatting buttons have gone blank for me. I guess this means they have for you too. I assumed was just me because others were still commenting with formatting.
What’s the old fashioned way you’re referring to?
go to https://newcatallaxy.blog and use B I LINK QUOTE to see what is wrapped around the selected text – that is the old fashioned way
just create it on https://newcatallaxy.blog using Bold, Italics , Links etc then copy and paste to Jo’s blog
Likely causes: ageing population, reduction in health care quality, introduction of a novel virus into the population. There are likely many other reasons but new vaccines are unlikely to be up there.
Don’t beg for forgiveness, Simon. You and your comrades won’t be getting any from me.
Nor me.
Simon has to be a paid troll.
Has he/she/it ever questioned a government policy?
No independent thinker could be that consistently naive.
It’s just a provocateur, here to rile up people it doesn’t like.
The Tucker Carlson interview contains everything the left hates; inconvenient truths. There is no concrete evidence that the vaccine caused the excess deaths but the facts remain that there were/are 40% more excess deaths in 2021 and 2022 following the rollout of the vaccines plus more excess deaths in those who were mandated to get the vaccine over those who chose to quit work rather than have the vaccine.
The same people who are advocating more vaccines regardless of that information say that correlation is not causation are also telling us that rising CO2 emissions are causing the slight rise in temperature based on correlation even though they cannot prove causation. Double standards surround the left and data is their enemy which explains why they despise those who present facts that disprove their pet theories.
Simon, you have passed from Simple to Stupid.
You could buy the book but I doubt your ability to read.
Yes Simon, as usual you are right when you give me a plausible explanation for the starting time of all your reason coincident with the vacc.-start.
You can’t ?? I don’t wonder, because your proposition is stupid, from beginning to the end.
That was a superfluous comment of your side, a waste of words.
Everything but the experimental serums lol. Don’t forget globull warming…
The serum whose official statistics in large databases like VAERS and European Medicines Agency, show deaths and injuries to be off the chart compared to traditional vaccines. Covid faux vaxx events are estimated to be underreported by a factor of 40-49x.
Likely causes:/
You did not list the elephant in the room literally. It was one aspect that Ed Dowd touched on – obesity.
A rare sight is an old, fat man or woman.
When the governments offer substantial reward for people to stay locked up in their house it is not all that surprising that obesity increases. The latest data available for 2021 is 33% of US adult population are obese. It rose to that value from 31.4% in 2019. But then it could be just the trend rather than Covid influenced.
The item on your list of ageing population is not a factor because the median age in USA is close to constant at 38 years for at least 5 years while life expectancy in the USA has been declining for a while. Life expectancy in USA of 76.1 years is now behind China’s 77.5 years.
“33% of US adult population are obese”
Its so bad the American military are lowering their standards of acceptance again. It makes me laugh when their Pentagon trolls bang on about how they would cream Russia in a war.. It certainly wouldn’t be with their soldiers!
“A rare sight is an old, fat man or woman.” Rick is that because old people don’t get fat or because fat people don’t get old?
So, a vaxxine that tampers with every part of the immune system..
.. leaving heart muscles, veins, nervous sytem etc all slightly damaged..
Couldn’t possibly be to blame !
Seriously. !!
Your mind must be living in a padded basement, with zero interaction with reality !
Let’s not forget that if you feel a bit sad or confused it’s considered a disability these days. The NDIS started around 2009 did it not? Welfare on steroids.
1st By 2013 and it’s been massively rorted ever since.
For non-Australians:
a fraudulent or dishonest act or practice.
“a tax rort”
NDIS = National Disability Insurance Scheme.
1t was meant to read 1st July 2013.
Wow, thats the most revealing presentation of Covid vaccine adverse reaction data i’ve seen. Perhaps i relate more to the data presented by Ed, a no nonsense conspiracist used to thinking ahead of the pack. Absolutely astounding factual reality that continues to be hushed, cancelled covered up etc. The non-covid related deaths from ‘unknown causes’ are and are to be in excess of any historical World Wars!
I was self employed during the Pandemic but have family in WA so had to have 3 jabs to enter that state. Spending my time now attempting to de-toxify my metabolism via regular exercise, diet & health supplements. Try not to think about potential of dire medium- longer term health outcomes for myself and fellow vaccinated. As they say in AA/NA….live one day at a time. Perhaps use a quote from Saint Greta, ‘How dare they’.
Focus on your diet, for example pineapples.
In that case I wake up disabled every Saturday morning. Friday night whiskey and blues are merely a temporal coincidence that can be disregarded outright.
So disabled people are getting more job opportunities.
That’s certainly is one possible explanation unless there is employment data and disability data showing the number of unemployed people with a disability didn’t go down by a similar amount in that period.
But without that data, why would it coincide with the rollout of the vaccine? Possibly because people left the workforce refusing to get vaccinated and the only available replacements were disabled people previously overlooked.
Maybe these things are answered in the interview. Haven’t watched it yet.
Occam’s razor. It coincides with reemployment after layoffs.
Note the big decline in employed disabled people at the start of the pandemic. They were seen as a liability. Discrimination in action.
Occam’s razor also suggests the massive surge in excess deaths since the jabs, spiking with each booster rollout, is a direct result of the experimental gene therapy shots.
that is far from the simplest explanation and requires a whole lot of suppositions.
Note the rest of the graph with wiggly ups and downs. Each up and down does not mean that the work existing work force is getting disabled or for that matter disabled people getting magically enabled.
Need to disagree Gee, when an event coincides directly with another event that is a possible (and well documented) result of the first event, in the absence of another simply explained causation, then Occam’s razor applies. It is the explanation with the least suppositions.
The event being viral infections?
Yes, there is that initial decline. But there wasn’t just a bounce back to reverse that initial decline which could be expected with reemployment. The numbers went much further upward and exceed reemployment by at least 150%
So your comment “note the big decline in employed disabled people at the start of the pandemic” is even less relevant than you think my # comment is.
See # below which has the unemployment figures for those with a disability. It shows the overall increase in numbers of employed with a disability is not due to more job opportunities.
They are being re-employed at a faster rate. Why?
Faster rate than what?
Not seeing what prompts that observation and question.
The charts are of total numbers of employed and unemployed.
The number of unemployed with a disability spiked up at the start of covid as those with a disability lost their job. Since that spike the total number of unemployed has gradually come back to the number to where it was at Jan 2020. There is now roughly the same number of unemployed people with a disability as before covid.
The chart of the number of people employed with a disability had the initial spike down after Jan 2020 which matches the spike up in unemployed. But since then the number of employed with a disability has greatly outstripped the reduction in unemployment.
The two charts should be inverse of each other unless there has been an big increase in disabilities occurring. The increase in employment hasn’t come from the pool of the unemployed. Therefore it negates your suggestion of increased opportunities.
A possibility that remains open is that people employed have developed disabilities.
If your suggestion was correct then the increase in employment would have come from the unemployed pool.
The charts are of total numbers so rate doesn’t come into it. Except maybe the rate at which people are acquiring a disability which coincides with vaccination. Coincidence isn’t proof but needs looking at.
Found the unemployment figures for those with a disability 16 years and over.
You can see the spike in unemployment in early 2020. Matches the reduction in employment for those with disability you referred to above. But the subsequent reduction in unemployment for that same group only recovers to the same level at Jan 2023 as it was before the Feb-Apr 2020 layoffs.
This suggests that the big increase in the numbers of people with a disability in the workforce, extra to the recovery in disability employment numbers, is most likely newly acquired or newly discovered disabilities arriving amongst the already employed through the vaccine period.
It shows the majority of the increase in employment of people with a disability is not from greater opportunities. If it was, the unemployment numbers amongst those with a disability would have reduced to a much lower level than at Jan 2020. It has not.
Please tell us all that you are totally up to date with your jabs !
If you are, and have read the facts, it is no wonder you are self-rationalising in a vain attempt to ease your anxiety. !
It seems very likely. Canberra has the highest vaccination rate in the whole country. Uni’s had vaccine mandates.
There were no mandates in Canberra. The universities did require staff to be vaccinated for period to return to campus but no one was sacked as a result. The ACT human rights commissioner made a ruling that mandates could not negatively affect earning capacity.
“The ACT human rights commissioner made a ruling that mandates could not negatively affect earning capacity.”
Well done to the ACT HRC. So what were all the other state, territory, or federal HRC’s doing?
I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you how to get the answer to your question. In the meantime the subject of this particular sub thread is canberra. Whatabout…
Actually, it looks like the subject of this particular sub thread is how many jabs has Gee Aye had.
If it can change to Canberra after that then it can change again …. if that’s what my comment was doing.
Given the timestamp on your comment I know you’ve seen the reply at
Interested in a genuine response as to whether you think my reasoning is valid or flawed. If the latter then how/why.
We need an inquiry into COVID vaccines but governments worldwide wont do it, because it will implicate a whole bunch of incompetent public health officials and politicians. We have an incredible excess mortality statistic in Australia which appears significant and cant all be blamed on COVID infection. Yet it is all being ignored as far as I can see. I watched Prof Skerritt (TGA Australia) defend his statement re. Moderna vaccine efficacy. His original statement was all on video. He claimed > 90% efficacy and effective for 6 months in a press conference. When asked about retracting his statement during a Senate estimates session he flatly refused. Hence, TGA are not going to publicly admit their wrongdoing any time soon.
I don’t doubt the man’s numbers. But they likely have more than a simple meaning. Know some ‘Long Covid’ Disabled folks. They are encumbered, and there is considerable incentive to make this encumbrance a formal finding of disability and continue it. Feeling bad for some weeks after an illness is not unique to Covid. In a social milieu where depression is common and reportedly reinforced for many by social media, for weeks of bad feeling to spiral out of control is reasonable.
Vaccines are probably the cause of the increase in death and disability without necessarily being the sole cause. The authoritarians will argue that because it’s not the sole cause it’s not likely the cause at all. And they’ll doubletalk and bluster their way to another public acquittal; avoiding responsibility seems to be what these folks do best.
I thought that if the truth escaped that it would lead to justice. The trouble is that since it escaped camp media they are still pretending its misinformation . To a degree its Darwinian as the people who are delusional are its biggest victims. It seems it will be the sceptical and not the meek who will inherit the world ….
If we’re going to get biblical, Old Goat, keep in mind that the Bible warns us three times that a third of the world’s population will be killed by “sorceries”. However, that English translation was at a time when sorcery covered anything unexplained.
The original Greek word translated to sorcery was pharmacopeia, which literally meant “drug” or “medicine”. Think about it in the light of recent events.
Paul Joseph Watson has a new video:
“The conspiracy theorists were right.”
Conspiracy theories are now just spoiler alerts.
“At this point the trader turned into a human”
Nice one Jo.
Everyone here on this blog should have been primed by “Climate Change” to know what was really happening in 2019.
Ed Dowd handed the insurance companies a live grenade with the pin missing and said “lookout” . He expected “thanks” but got “shut up”.
It looks like he no longer has anything to lose by blowing the whistle . He did a cost/benefit analysis and realised it was time to get ahead of the wave . Nice call Jo , this ones very interesting.
I can foresee a rerun of Germany after WW2 with large numbers of Government officials and their useful idiot Sheeple claiming “they didn’t know” of the atrocities being committed by the National Socialists when quite clearly they did or were deliberately not wanting to know.
There will be no trial, nor even a credible, large-scale investigation. You see, the only people in position to create such an investigation are the very same people who should be in the dock under questioning. I think the very most that could happen is some poor mid-level schmucks will be scapegoated and sent to gaol, where they will shoot themselves in the head – three times.
motivated, individual “executive action” is a whole different thing…
If it starts, the “Dan Andrews on ‘rods” reaction will get out of control and an even more interesting “blowback” may occur.
However, the bulk of the Oz populace seems all to willing to appear to accept the lies and the tyranny, just so the beer and footy continue.
Unless maybe if we vote in somebody (One Nation) who have said they will carry out these investigations.
Not going to happen though, is it? The Lab/Lib duopoly, a.k.a. ‘The Establishment’ won’t let it happen. I was appalled and puzzled how few votes One Nation got last time.
” puzzled how few votes One Nation got last time”
I will help you out. The answer is that not many people voted for them.
And is that a good thing or a bad thing that the media barely even discuss One Nations policies in the last election? Do you prefer a Uniparty system where voters only hear about the two identical parties with big donors and the ABC’s personal favorite activist party (that campaigns for bigger ABC salaries)?
Is that the corrupt world that suits you Gee Aye?
Basically a corporate Pamnopticon.
What unalloyed JOY! Not.
You are quite correct, David, but there is one major addition.
If you go right back to the beginning of this covid scam, in nearly every announcement by every politician, starting with the PM and including every state Premier, they have quoted, or deferred to, the “advice” of their Chief Medical or Health Officer”.
At the time we wondered how these nonentities that we had never heard of before could suddenly wield so much power. Well now we know. They were being set up as the fall guys, the scapegoats, for when the excrement hits the oscillator.
When that time comes, and it will, the politicians will just say they were acting on the best “expert” advice available to them, and leave these hapless fools holding the bag.
So much of the covid disaster could have been avoided even with simple non-prescription measures such as correcting Vitamin D deficiency which much of the population has, even in sunny places such as Australia.
And even though it has been proven that people who are Vit D deficient are much more susceptible to death from covid or severe outcomes, not a word was said by authorities to promote its use.
In fact, the authorities and their tax payer funded propagandists and “fact checkers” (sic) claim to this day that their is no evidence for its efficacy.
I had my vitamin D level tested last year at 75 n mol/L. I have been taking 1000 units (25 microgram) per day and now test at 99 n mol/L, plus I take a vitamin K2 every second day. I have seen recommendations for 120 n mol/L to give protection from Covid 19 so could double my dose (if the response is linear) but do not plan to do so at this time.
I had two shots of Astra Zeneca in mid 2021 and no shots since (nor will there be any more). I am 74 and have not had Covid.
In my experience (self testing?) the relationship is linear.
So if taking 1,000 IU per day raises 25 nmol/L
from 75 to 100,
then a total of 2,000 IU will put you at about 125nmol/L
To confirm, there are some calculators on the net, you will need your weight, your starting dose and level, and you target.
” their is no evidence for its efficacy.”
Correct, because it has not been studied appropriately,
so medical folks can’t tell you it is.
Take it anyway. Only rocks and stumps disagree.
Thanks to Jo, I started in March 2020 with 5,000 units a day.
Now I take 4,000; plus Zinc etc.
Grassroots health https://www.grassrootshealth.net/ publishes research on Vit. D. which might interest readers.
“… not a word was said by authorities to promote its use.”
My family recently arranged for my mother to have a residential respite stay while her house was being repaired. She has had gastric bypass, is treated for severe osteoporosis and has vitamin D levels regularly tested. Her doctor prescription to the hostel’s pharmacy included vitamin D3 at 3000IU per day.
The pharmacy would only dispense the vitamin D at 1000IU per day.
Thank you Jo Nova. I watched the entire video. I also knew about some of this late last year when I was made aware of the excess deaths and some ‘Wall Street Analyst’ doing a book as well as the statements coming out of the US Life Insurance sector.
They say ‘follow the money’, however, now it should be ‘follow the numbers/data’. And that goes for the Climate Alarmists as well.
“Correct, because it has not been studied appropriately,
so medical folks can’t tell you it is.”.
I disagree. There has been evidence for a long time that Vitamin D may be beneficial re Covid-19. Plenty of examples, eg:
“Vitamin D can be effective on the prevention of COVID-19 complications: A narrative review on molecular aspects” (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32811354/)
“Study suggests high vitamin D levels may protect against COVID-19, especially for Black people” (https://www.uchicagomedicine.org/forefront/coronavirus-disease-covid-19/vitamin-d-covid-study)
Not that any studies were needed for it to be blindingly obvious that Vitamin D was worth trying.
In the circumstances that prevailed early in the pandemic (and later on as well), it was criminally negligent to ignore (or worse, suppress) anything with a reasonable possibility of benefit, especially if it was already known to be safe. The argument that there was no absolute proof of efficacy is just ridiculous. People’s lives were deliberately left at risk.
I do want prosecutions and sackings for these sociopaths. It has long gone past the time when the mistakes might have been honest ones.
[“Sociopath”? I think that’s accurate by definition: a person who is completely unable or unwilling to behave in a way that is acceptable to society (Cambridge dictionary).
That was meant to be a reply to John Hultquist #18.
The greatest crime scene has to be propped up with the greatest lies. Alexander Solzhenitsyn said: “You can resolve to live your life with integrity. Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me.”
I’d certainly like to pin it all on the vaccines, but I think it’s also important to look at the effects of the lockdowns. How many people resorted to way more alcohol and drug use to get through those times? How many are opioid/Fentanyl overdoses? Stress and fear also have an extraordinary impact on health. Work places that remained open could’ve seen reductions in the work force and thus much higher levels of stress for the people who did show up for work. Plus, there would’ve been the fear that you were going to get Covid from a co-worker. Although, that would’ve been happening mostly through 2020, before the vaccines were rolled out. I’m sure there was a huge placebo effect, at first, from the vaccines. But still, there may be many after effects from the lockdowns.
I, for one, lost about half of my friends, because I was, from the beginning, trying to counter the MSM narrative. And the nasty backlash that I got from both friends and family members had me thinking suicidally at times, early on.
The lockdowns, ok but what estimates are there for an increase in opioid/fentanyl use? Such estimates may be significant in the US but nowhere else.
Yes, stress and fear are contenders for a higher death rate.
But look at the figures to be explained, 20,30, or 40 percent.
The best explanation that fits the data is the rate of jabs.
It is bad about friends as well as family, they come and go. What is integrity worth?
Here is a US data source:
To me that means that 43% of all deaths cannot be explained by saying ‘normal, to be expected’.
Dr Jessica Rose in the US has done some excellent work here as well, showing the disabilities correlation in her work.
More deaths, more disabilities, more cancers…
These vaxxes need to be stopped immediately.
I listened to him on the Delingpod on 1/22/23 but I didn’t know of a way to send a message directly to JoNova to hear it.
Here is the link to said podcast.