Welcome to Futility Island
Australia’s role as the Global Renewables Crash Test Dummy continues.
Having installed more renewables per capita than anywhere on Earth, our PM declared that the decade of doing nothing was over. It was time to crash faster, or something.
So, the revamped Australian carbon tax called the Safeguard Mechanism does everything it isn’t supposed to. Gas and electricity prices will rise, climate targets will be harder to reach, the grid will get more unstable, and investors will run a mile now that new gas fields have to be “net zero” — meaning presumably they will have to buy carbon credits before they sell their first cubic meter of gas. The field of ineptitude even reaches overseas — with less gas for sale — our trading partners will just buy more coal.
Australia will spend even more billions to win a fashion contest at UN dinner parties and cool the world by 0.0 degrees C.
The Australian Electricity market melted down last winter, and stopped trading, because we didn’t have enough gas for the artificial “transition”. Even the hard-left AEMO — our climate activist electricity grid manager — says we need to unlock more gas fields. Instead, the government ignored the experts, and has just locked more gas fields away.
Australia was the world’s fifth largest gas producer and the world’s largest LNG exporter in 2021. All our competitors will be happy. Russia says “thank you” Anthony Albanese. (Australia’s PM)

Click to enlarge Source Statista
Caved to the Greens:
The Labor government boasted that they did not give in to the Greens’ demands to ban new gas and coal projects. But they effectively banned many of them anyway with the rule that all new gas entrants will be required to have net-zero carbon emissions from the first day of operation.
Without cheap gas to keep the lights on, grids will have to keep coal plants running longer and slow the “roll out” of unreliable generators. And the new rule applies to export gas fields too. Without export income and royalties from new gas fields, soon the government will run out of cash to buy batteries, build 10,000km transmission lines to solar white elephants, and dig out drill rigs stuck in Snowy Hydro tunnels to nowhere.
It’s like we just put a tariff on our own exports?
Other nations put tariffs on imports to help their own industry. Australia adds costs on our exporters…
By blocking gas exports we may speed up the brain drain
The free market, such as it exists, will find another way. Presumably Australian oil and gas experts will be more likely to explore overseas, register their companies in the Caribbean and sell direct to Tokyo, Seoul and Beijing without all the carbon frappery.
The greens are making Anthony Albanese look silly
Our PM is claiming he hasn’t banned old and gas, but the Greens are claiming they have. Who is running the country?
Our genius PM found a tricky word-salad so he could comply with the Greens while pretending not to:
Safeguard mechanism deal threatens power prices, says oil and gas industry
Jess Malcolm, and Geoff Chambers, The Australian
“You will note that the demands that were placed on us of ruling out future projects are ones that we said we wouldn’t agree with, and we haven’t.” — [The Prime Minister said].
“We have had discussions … not just with people in this building, but people outside this building, whether it be the manufacturing sector or whether it be the gas industry,” the Prime Minister said.
While the PM spoke to people “outside the building” it didn’t include most of the gas industry who are not happy:
The peak oil and gas lobby group attacked the Labor-Greens deal…
The gas industry on Monday warned that the Prime Minister’s signature climate policy, forcing 215 big-emitters to slash emissions by nearly 5 per cent each year out to 2030, could drive up costs for households and businesses if new gas supply is restricted.
What looks, smells, and acts like fascism…
The “Safeguard Mechanism” is not about reducing CO2, — if that was the point, Labor and the Greens would build nuclear power plants. Instead, apparently, it’s about targeting particular industries, giving them an impossible task, and then making them dependent on government handouts or “special treatment”.
See how this works:
Nuts and bolts of new safeguard mechanism
Jess Malcolm, The Australian
Labor struck a deal with the Greens to amend the safeguard mechanism and impose a “hard cap” in the scheme targeting coal and gas projects.
What happens if emissions rise?
In the event that real emissions do rise above the cap, the government will work with facilities to help them reduce emissions by either reducing their baseline rates or through more funding from Labor’s Powering the Regions fund, or amend the cap.
Amid concern that hard-to-abate industries will struggle under the scheme, Labor committed $1bn in funding for manufacturing and trade-exposed industries to decarbonise, which included an extra $400m for critical industries such as steel, cement and aluminium.
So the government will give a special loophole for friends and donors. Or taxpayers will pay for the gas industry to achieve the impossible, but the costs will be laundered through general government coffers — effectively making the gas industry partly “owned” by the government gatekeepers. What gas corporate will dare speak out against unfashionable policies lest the government take away their “support” to meet the impossible target.
And of course, consumers will pay through higher bills, and then the government will give them some of their own money back, or their childrens money and call it a rebate. Vote for us!
Now the gas industry says they want “science”?
To some extent the gas industry got what it deserved — for years they played along with the climate game, assuming the greens were after the coal and oil industries and the “cleaner” gas industry would benefit. It’s a bit late now to cry “science”: Woodside, after all, wouldn’t even let me speak at a Christmas event for geologists — presumably worried I might lead vulnerable 50 year old drilling experts astray with “misinformation”.
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association chief executive Samantha McCulloch – representing gas giants including Santos, Shell and Woodside – said: “We can’t let politics and ideology get in the way of sensible, evidence-based climate and energy policy.”
Where’s she been for the last thirty years? The sensible policy in 1993 would have been to get the science right, not to throw half a billion years of geology on the rocks and let parasitic, unaudited foreign committees and 16 year old girls design your energy policy.
Increasing carbon emissions and actual pollution overseas
The Green-Labor plan will damage other nations carbon targets too as they will increasingly forced to buy coal and gas off nations with longer transport lines, and lower quality coal. Our PM might get some calls from the leaders of Japan, South Korea, China and India, the people who need our gas and coal. He should ask them if they would prefer to be a thousandth of a degree cooler sometime after they die, or would they rather get cheaper gas now?
I mean, should we export cheap gas to help fertilize the fields of Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, or take a punt on slowing their storms in 2100 instead?
Labor kept telling us we needed certainty, but as soon as we got it, energy shares fell:
Energy shares were the worst sector performer, falling 2.3 per cent.
The “Safeguard Mechanism” reform legislation, set to take effect on July 1, is key to the Labor government’s pledge to lower emissions 43 per cent by 2030. Under the revised legislation, projects such as the Browse field that Woodside Energy wants to develop would have to include carbon capture and storage to achieve net zero.
Woodside shares fell 3.4 per cent to $31.47, setting them on course for a slump of more than 12 per cent in March, the biggest monthly decline since 2020.
Tamboran Resources, which is looking to develop a project in the Beetaloo, plunged 6.7 per cent to 21¢. Beach Energy receded 3 per cent to $1.285 and Santos shed 1.6 per cent to $6.74.
It’s all about power and money…
Jo your first line could read Australia’s role as the Global Renewables “Cash Test Dummies” continues. If they can do it here they can do it anywhere!
I disagree Penguinite.
Few countries are as fanatically committed to the anthropogenic global warming fraud as Australia is.
In fact, I think its fair to say that Australia leads the world with this insanity. Perhaps it’s slightly less noticeable here because we don’t have the extreme cold of parts of Europe and North America and energy poverty and death from cold is less obvious. We have heat, but people tend to die of cold, not heat. People are just miserable from cold and heat in Australia, it doesn’t usually kill them.
And even countries like Germany thought to mothball coal power stations rather than destroy them as Australia did and does.
It’s a living standard thing – The higher the average living standard the greater the guilt/disconnect with reality.
When all of your NEEDS are met you have to find something/anything to worry about.
There’s always death to worry about…
Death is their unspoken craving. Well sometimes it’s spoken, when it concerns others.
After the Australian hydrocarbon industry is destroyed, as is the plan, it will be almost impossible to revive it.
Why would people/companies want to invest in hydrocarbon fuels in Australia when there are places that would actually welcome the investment, places that don’t fanatically subscribe to the anthropogenic global warming fraud like Australia does?
We have a real unsolvable problem!
Votes won’t fix it because the Labor / Green Coalition share the religious zeal equally and The Liberal / National Coalition numbers are more than 50% committed to the same religious belief!
The LNP / National Coalition leadership won’t make any difference as it’s the Party Room calling the shots. Of course as with all political leaders they would never resign or even threaten it. Guess it harks back to the “ job’s worth “ ideology of 99% of civil servants.
Where to now???
“Where to now???”
South America I think. Their living standard is not far below ours and we will soon sink down past them. All the West is following the UN/WEF line, so the place to be will have to be outside that. Africa is too insane, SE Asia too crowded. Peru & Argentina were great when we were there, although it means giving up political stability for energy stability.
That mean language will always be a problem, but Spanish is easier than some.
Like Saudi Arabia and China, they are not stupid enough to walk away from cheap reliable energy.
From last topic, but very relevant
Possibly the simplest, cheapest way to end the scientific fraud which is man made CO2 driven Global Warming is to show there is no man made CO2 in the air. What is needed is a documented measure of the total fossil fuel CO2 in the air. Something which can be seen around the world. And let people debate it, try to discredit it, but it is the one figure which destroys the idea that CO2 is piling up in the air, destroys nett zero, ends the fraud. A web site like http://www.CO2.gov.au. Something which says the Government of Australia is making a stand with its public service scientists. It would be famous/notorious overnight.
Australia’s 215 ‘biggest polluters’, miners, smelters, glass makers, train operators like V-Line now face an existential threat and Australia’s economic well being with it.
They need to fund a fightback with facts against fraud. It is what the CSIRO should be doing, but it’s been a long time since they did anything. Or perhaps the BOM? At least half of this science group do not believe the nonsense. Both have been captured by extremists and it would be great to have their people and resources pulling the fraud apart. Funding and prestige would do it.
The evidence exists that fossil fuel CO2 in the air was 2.05% in 1958 and has now reached the trivial figure of 3.0% after 250 years of ‘pollution’. This alone would destroy Green credibility, nett zero, the massive RET tax buried in your electricity bills and the appalling concept of the Clean Energy Regulator.
Otherwise while the general agreement in this science education blog that Australia is going to hell in a handbasket is now certain with the ascension of the Greens and Teals to control through the senate. Even the unions whose jobs are to go are more interested in running superannuation funds than representing their members. Something needs to be done.
Looks like it’s up to us TdeF.
There’s a lot of distilled wisdom and info in these pages, a lot of wise heads, and you’re one of our wisest contributors.
With your knowledge, network, expertise, personal gravitas, and compelling charm I’m sure you’d be able to spearhead a movement with enough momentum to bring that body, website, and government acknowledgement into existence.
Yes, but the question is how? Australia needs a solution, a bipartisan strategy.
The Australian newspaper is front page full of Government enforced devastation for Australian energy prices, Australian jobs, Australian self sufficiency. We are being torn apart by Green schemes and now even the pretend measures like offsets are being outlawed. Why? According to Dr. Patrick Moore, one of the founders of Greenpeace, “[Greenpeace] is now an enemy of the State, an enemy of humanity and, indeed, an enemy of all species on Earth.
However it is also clear that the triumphant Greens/Greenpeace may have overplayed their hand. They are now the common political enemy of both Labor and the Liberals who together have the numbers to fix the problem. Liberals because it will devastate the 215 biggest business in this country and many more. Labor because the same businesses are the biggest employers of their blue collar Union members.
A bipartisan law enabling such or direction to the meteorologists of the BOM or the CSIRO or even ANSTO to form a CO2 working group not against the prevailing orthodoxy that CO2 is excessive and boiling the planet, but to determine exactly how much fossil fuel is in the air. And publish it world wide through the internet as established fact.
We have the people to do this within these groups. It would be a huge service to the planet, struggling with the greatest scientific fraud in history, in my opinion driven by the CCP who are laughing all the way to the bank. Our Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews is there solo at the moment, getting his instructions from his bosses.
That would give the 215 ‘biggest polluters’ a chance to have these laws repealed or at least examined in the High Court. But the impact internationally would be incredible and the fame of Australia. Nothing beats illogic like facts. And one fact alone would destroy the house of cards which is man made Global Warming.
You see it does not matter how much CO2 is in the air, but whether we did it. If the entire planet contribution to CO2 is only 3%, we can do nothing about the 40% increase, good or bad. And the very small CO2 increase has done great good as far as anyone can tell. There has not been a single bad effect of supposedly excess CO2 anywhere! And the CSIRO/NASA and others admit the world is greening quickly, 14% since 1988, a formerly desert area the size of Australia. And the Greens want this stopped?
Our efforts can go back into dealing with reality of a warming or cooling planet as we do every year, not playing King Cnut with inanity like the ‘Safeguard Mechanism’ which is nothing of the sort. And the greatest need to deal with temperature change is to have abundant energy, something now under massive threat.
And this non political bipartisan supported working science group should have
1. Qualified scientists, not politicians. Perhaps seconded from the CSIRO, BOM, private industry, universities, department of the Chief scientist.
2. A single task, to determine absolutely the % of CO2 which is fossil fuel
3. The authority to publish the result and maintain the computation indefinitely
a. on the internet on http://www.co2.gov.au as single critical figure. (Currently around 3.0% by my calculation)
b. Presumably with all the evidence.
c. to write papers for publication in science journals
4. from bureaucrats who would shut down any result they do not like. Otherwise it becomes another political panel like the IPCC.
5. Immunity. A guarantee that such scientists would not be fired for disagreeing with their politically oriented bosses.
Such a group would become world famous and their work and single result would be published world wide, changing policies throughout many countries. Potentially even ending the war in Ukraine, which is about energy among other things. Many countries like America could go back to being energy self sufficient. Half a dozen people could save the planet from mad Green science.
And the money being wasted trying to solve a non existent problem (say Snowy II) could be spent solving the problem when fossil fuels finally run out.
We Australians cannot make a difference with our CO2. 56% of all CO2 comes from China and that is climbing by more than our entire output every year. But we Australians can save the planet by demonstrating to the common voter that it is a scam.
And the way to do that is to prove there is no fossil fuel CO2 in the air. We can write papers on why, but basically all the CO2 is in the ocean and the only bit in the air comes from outgassing set by Henry’s Law. It would be nice for politicians to talk facts for once, but they are easily intimidated by Green Science, which is fake science, Climate Scientology.
Actually, why not load it with known sceptics. That’s what politicians do.
There are thousands who toe the UN/EU party line. But there are those who don’t.
In Australia notably.
Prof Ian Plimer, Geologist
Prof Murry Selby, Atmospheric Scientist who was fired for telling the truth
Prof Ian Ridd, Physicist
and a few more.
The more important part is to get authority, as with http://www.co2.gov.au, something which could pass around the planet very quickly.
It would be under immediate attack because it threatens the multi trillion industry, but the subject could not be assailed easily. The result should be absolutely factual, not inferred like so much, correlation being causation, coincidence being proof etc.
The fact is that this is already well established in the scientific press since 1954 and earlier. It just needs attention.
If Gillard can form a Climate Commission, Labor and Liberals can form a CO2 Commission and drive a carbon fibre nail through the heart of this monster which is now eating Australia.
It can be done.
Remember, “The Climate Commission” was an independent body established in 2011 by the Government of Australia to communicate “reliable and authoritative information” about climate change in Australia. The commission was projected to cost $5.4 million over four years.
Perhaps “The CO2 Commission” a non political bipartisan scientific body established in 2023 by the Government of Australia to communicate “reliable and authoritative information” about CO2 in Australia.
Then there are many Government bodies.
This one is new to me.
The Department of Climate Change, Energy, The Environment and Water.
“Driving climate action, science and innovation so we are ready for the future.”
How many thousands of public servants have their jobs dependent on (man made) Climate Change?
DCCEEW. Who we are
We are the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. We are part of the Australian Government.
Our department formed on 1 July, 2022.
The new department has been established to deliver on the Government’s climate change and energy agenda and protect Australia’s environment and water resources.
And headed by Chris Bowen and Tanya Plibersek. Which is why a CO2 Commission needs to be independent. This group is founded on the principle of man made Climate Change. It’s not going to find that there is no such thing.
Albo removed Planning from what was DELWP, and turned the rest into a taxpayer-funded activist Government Department founded like the IPCC on the unsubstantiated premise, (now unchallengeable holy dogma), that CO2 global warming and climate change are evil and must be abolished by government decree, propaganda, and the irresponsible squandering of lots of taxpayer’s money.
Sadly, we lost Murry Salby last year. 🙁
I urge you to not panic just yet. Some things may swing in favour of our argument.
How much power is Liddell generating at the moment? I don’t know how to look it up.
When Liddell closes next month where will the power come from to replace it?
What and where are the “Carbon Credits” that “215 Big Polluters” are going to have to purchase to stay in business?
What will the price of these carbon credits be? If the Law of Supply and Demand is at play it may rise far above anything that their scholars have imagined. If it is not in play, i.e. if the government sets the price, the Law of Unintended Consequences will come into play. Note there that the price cap on coal and gas has already killed the repairs to the Callide power station, with the company reportedly going onto receivership.
No doubt to the great glee of the Greens. There should be a criminal investigation into the Callide breakdown. Was it sabotage?
How much load shedding has been going on? Is it reported when it happens? If not it should be reported in real time, as it happens.
I would not trust one government “scientist”. The BoM and CSIRO “scientists” have been shown to be complicit in the global warming scare and have forfeited their rights to be taken seriously. They are in fact scum, no better than Adam Bandt. The only way to restore sanity and to encourage the opposition to grow some courage is for nature to give us a two to three week wind drought in winter. With Liddell gone there should be panic in the halls of power. All the subsidies in the world cannot generate electricity when the generators are not working or not available. Let the fools suffer. In the meantime make sure you have fuel for your car and for your generator. And gas for the BBQ.
We all know what their standard reply to the non believers will be!!!
The science is settled!!
If they come out with that statement it proves they don’t have a clue about what is going on. Science is never settled unless they are members of the UN Church of Climatology which never uses real science for anything.
Hi TdeF,
Might be harder than you think.
I posted at NTZ with your comments on CO2 here https://notrickszone.com/2023/03/23/new-study-atmospheric-co2-residence-time-is-only-5-years-too-short-to-affect-the-climate/#comment-1333583
Excuse the insert of C14 in the deep ocean as I did that before your response.
Ignore Richard Green’s response as he flip flops all over the place depending upon which site he posts at.
Have a look at Ferdinand Engelbeen’s response https://notrickszone.com/2023/03/23/new-study-atmospheric-co2-residence-time-is-only-5-years-too-short-to-affect-the-climate/#comment-1333599
Ferdinand is adamant that it is the C12/C13 ratio that is key, not C14. The rest is assumptions about sources and sinks.
Everyone that pushes this seems to believe that sources and sinks are matched until we came along, therefore any increase in CO2 must be us.
I have replied with this.
The C12/C13 stuff is rubbish. They even stole the original name, the Suess effect! And thereafter sought to confuse the story. Possibly as the C14 results absolutely contradict the 33% fossil fuel CO2 story, but I am going down the conspiracy path here.
Dr Suess had nothing to do with C13 as far as I know. C13 is a slightly (13/12) heavier isotope of C12 and not radioactive, so it tell us nothing as much as radioactive C14 and has nothing to do with radio Carbon dating.
About 1% of Carbon are C13.
However a relatively new idea was that plants can tell the difference because although C12 and C13 are chemically identical, one is slightly heavier and people have come up with differential intake. While that’s interesting, it is not clear what you can do with it.
Some then postulated that this is somehow indicative of fossil CO2 and managed to come to a conclusion that the varying differential uptake supported that a lot of fossil fuel carbon in the air. I forget the exact piece of tortured logic, but having some plants prefer C13 over C12 is not a proof of anything. It is an observation. Some plants may prefer C12 and some may prefer C13. It certainly complicates the whole story which is far from conclusive.
The C14 analysis is absolute and irrefutable, an absolute proof. The C12/C13 story is unrelated conjecture and the fact that it is argued to contradict the C14 story means it is wrong, not Dr Suess.
Thanks TdeF,
I think you have to give up on trying to prove your point with science since we know the science has been totally ignored for the past 30 years. We could refer to failed predictions as a commenter here suggested but we know that the left have no sense of remorse for making stupid statements. For example has the ABC ever asked Tim Flannery about the rivers that would not fill or Viner about the end of snow. Never. So it is a waste of time trying to educate the willfully ignorant. It will only be when the lights go out and their food goes bad that the penny will start to drop. Let’s hope that happens sooner rather than later. The disappearance of new gas and the cap on current gas should push up prices so the pain flows in the city where these crap policies are so readily accepted. Maybe then the MSM will begin to do their job.
The site http://www.CO2.gov.au does not exist? Is there an error in the address you gave?
I postulated a fake address but it appeared as a clickable link. Sorry. What I was suggesting was a .gov which gives it authority.
Most government departments are desperate to support man made Global Warming by CO2, so at present it is just an idea.
G’day TdeF,
Before I discovered Jo’s site I also thought that the whole CO2 scam could be demolished by a single scientific paper, and further thought that works of Plimer and Monkton alone were enough to remove that card from the stack. But that hasn’t worked. And that, I suggest, is because of the existence of the huge (biggest?) propaganda operation since WW II, associated with censorship on a world wide scale, demonisation of dissenting authors and lawfare (think Ridd).
That the IPCC charter specifically excludes any research into natural causes of any climate change, coupled with the fact that IPCC is composed of non-science political appointees explains the scam quite clearly.
Further, it seems to me that whatever could be produced by your group would be treated identically with the support officialdom provided for the use of HCQ and IVM against Covid.
So, what to do?
Maybe a Ghandi-like set of peaceful demonstrations in support of individual public figures who have challenged the CO2 madness, rather than attacking its supporters.
Dave B
It didn’t work out too well for any of the Ghandis.
The whole world wide CAGW/Climate Change scam swung on Al Gore’s persuasion of Clive Palmer to thwart the Abbott government’s landslide mandate.
I see a real chance that over the next five or six months their calculations will go so far awry that heads should roll. But it will be a tough winter, with lots of damage in the meantime.
I think I can nearly see the summit of Peak Stupid. There’s a bit of cloud blocking my view but I’m pretty sure it’s there, because I spotted some Green and Teal flags.
In have this image of Zali Steggall, Monique Ryan and their ilk roped to Adam Bandt as they struggle up the slopes of Peak Stupidity.
Sorry!!! Should be “I have”.
“The greens are making Anthony Albanese look silly”
He really didn’t need any help with that.
No, but he still doesn’t like it. And he would like a strategy to decrease the growing Green power in the Senate by making them look stupid.
A lot of the problem relates to less than a handful of Australian politicians having any scientific or engineering training, or even interest.
But they are meant to have professional advisors.
However, despite the Australian Government spending vast amounts of money on what they call “science”, including the CSIRO, virtually all Australian Government decisions are made without any objective scientific opinions whatsoever.
The only scientific opinions they get are what “scientists” in government (tax payer) funded organisations expect the government wants to hear. I.e. woke, and following the narrative or “consensus opinion”.
Have you talked to many young engineers? I’ve unfortunately found that the few I know are virulent supporters of the green nonsense. I don’t know what they are being taught these days, certaintly they don’t learn to ask even basic questions. I really hope I’m wrong and the sample I’ve talked to are just outliers.
“We can’t let politics and ideology get in the way of sensible, evidence-based climate and energy policy.”
I would like to take a moment from the real world to restate this utterance to sync with said real world.
“We must start immediately to remove the giant stinking mess that has been created by political ideology (in just about everything), just to have half a chance to return to ‘evidence based policy’ (in just about everything) …
by 2030.”
Sad part is, this includes the alleged gatherers of alleged ‘evidence’.
The reputation of ‘evidence’ may never recover.
Climate Policy … please.
The ‘climate’ ain’t gonna read the memo.
Spot on!
Senator Rennick is one of the very few politicians who has a clue about the anthropogenic global warming fraud or covid and the only one in the Liberal Party*.
I’m genuinely surprised that they haven’t expelled him.
* (Technically he’s not in the Liberal Party but the Liberal National Party of Queensland but he sits and votes with them Federally.)
I just wrote to Senator Gerard Rennick on your suggestion. I have proposed a BIPARTISAN commission reputable scientists in a CO2 Commission whose sole task is to determine and publish on http://www.co2.gov.au the % of fossil fuel CO2 in the air.
This I know to be 3%. And it would be a full frontal world wide assault on the Green/Teal movement.
It might even make the big end of town sit up, Dr. Twiggy Forrest, Simon Holmes a Court, frustrated miner Clive Palmer, Mike Cannon-Brookes. No one likes to look a fool.
And it would have the tacit support overnight of the 215 Biggest Polluters. Except this time it would be the absolute truth. And knock the stuffing out of the Greens and the cash out of the Teals.
Well done TdeF.
He has written back and called it all “Junk science”.
But I will have to wait to see if the core idea of a CO2 Commission has legs.
Remove one card of man made CO2 and the whole Climate house of cards would come down. It’s time for Liberals/NP and Labour to join forces to stop the legislated compulsory destruction of Australia.
It was the Libls in nsw who Privatised the electricity of our state.
They’re in the moni game up to their lyin eyes.
All over the West.. It was that or put up taxes, so they sold the family jewels. When they ran out of that money it was time for zero interest rates and incredible Govt borrowing.
Next?? A wartime reset?
Memory tells me that a very dirty deal was rammed through by the ALP in the last ditch before they lost the election. Was it generators or poles and wires?
TdeF, did he mean the climate scam was junk science or the info you gave him?
That’s the way! Magnificent! You’re off to a good start! We’re right behind you cheering you on and ready to lend support in whatever way we can.
If it’s clearly defined and outlined in plain writing then I’m imagining a petition and some explanatory videos might be part of the development.
TDeF, you have some good ideas mate and are on the right track in querying the human emissions% of atmospheric CO2. I have read estimates of 3%-5% and up to 14% from scientists calculating known total CO2 output from industry against the standard annual measurements from Mauna Loa in % increase or gigatons of CO2. Of course, if human sourced CO2 is this low, then we cannot be causing any significant warming by the IPCC’s AGW theory.
However, it has yet to be proven that the so-called greenhouse effect, has any real validity in modern times due to the LogRhythmic scale of CO2 saturation in absorption of infrared energy exiting the planet’s surface. Atmospheric physics suggests CO2 has very little warming effect and is decreasing, whilst dominant water vapour is controlling or moderating any greenhouse effect in the troposphere by clouds through the Hydrological cycle.
Due to the increased solar energy in the tropics, most of this activity occurs there, but according to AGW theory this should cause a hot spot in the middle atmosphere. Since this spot hasn’t been found over the past 20 years of intense satellite or balloon measurements, one must infer that the AGW process is insignificant, and cannot cause any climate emergency.
So the known observations have already discounted AGW, why are we still worried about this false or insignificant phenomena?
In Australia we can directly blame our peak scientific institutions CSIRO and BoM for the present parlous state of climate science discussion, because they have been captured by the ideological environmental elite that wants to use this AGW nonsense to drive their Green agenda, to some mythical dreamtime halcyon age where we are powerless but happy! If the majority are stupid enough to believe them, then we deserve all that’s coming to us in our coming impoverishment. However, as an optimist I can hope the clouds clear and we finally see the foolishness of our current situation and we will step back from Net Zero. If we once again generate adequate cheap power to keep us a prosperous nation, then we may keep out of the clutches of the marauding newly rich Chinese, who have played this climate game to perfection.
Labor now ruling all the mainland things are not going to get better anytime soon. However maybe a speedy decline is what is needed to realise the folly of this approach and start to turn things around? Possibly a bit naive on my end…
Would it be any different under the Liberals (pretend conservatives)?
In the last Vicdanistan election the Liberals tried to out-green both Greens and Labor.
And Matt Kean, technically a Liberal, from New South Wales-stan is an extreme Green by any standard.
The end result would unlikely be any different, but the time taken to get there would be longer. I am hoping a quicker journey to the peak insanity would in the end be a better option!
If we can get it in six months.
The only way back from here is Dutton, if he has the backbone.
And how sound is he, really?
I think there is an opportunity for a bipartisan action here, as above. Albanese does not want to be remembered as the Prime Minister who wrecked the joint and according to the Australian, that is exactly what he has done although he claims otherwise.
I have proposed a solution above and we have all the scientists we need for world credibility. We can knock the stumps out from under this Global fraud. Most scientists do not believe the carbon nonsense, certainly not the meteorologists. But they care for their jobs, of course and dare not say anything until they are retired.
For Albanese and Dutton, it’s a why not if the can cripple the Greens and the Teals and restore the status quo!
Even a working party would do and the ability to post a government site to publicise the one figure which would destroy the story, the % of man made CO2 in the air. http://www.co2.gov.au. Like a world clock. And supported by all the proof which is endless and the benefits of CO2, the opposite of pollution, the gas which gives life, the foundation of photosynthesis and which powers all living things with internal combustion.
The approach of Malificent Malcolm Turnbull was to secretly align with the Greens and destroy both the Liberal party and Labor as political forces, making Turnbull’s Green Liberals the one party of Australia. But he was betrayed by the Greens at the last minute when the how to vote cards were changed and he just scraped in by one seat, having destroyed Abbott’s commanding lead.
If we can spent $12Bn on Turnbull’s mad scheme which so far has buried a 2500 tonne drill in the side of a mountain, we can spend a little to determine how much man made CO2 is really in the air. And it would have world wide repercussions.
“And it would have world wide repercussions.”.. which is why it won’t happen..
The UN would pay a visit and suddenly both parties would fall into line. Global warming is much bigger than Australia, and although we’ve wriggled on the line, we are still hooked and reeled in by the UN.
Dutton has been disappointing…like most of the so-called Liberals.
Until they grow a backbone AND use some common sense regarding the gerbil warming scam and unreliables I cannot think of ever voting Liberal again.
The Green strategy is working, shutting down all voices of dissent, like Prof Peter Ridd. He won his case but they spent another million or two taking him to the High Court. But like Labor, Dutton would love to see the Greens out of the picture and get back to defence, wages, government not carbon dioxide which neither he nor anyone else understands. They have been blindsided by fake UN science.
The likes of Adam Bandt freely peddle their fifth column treachery in Australia the ‘patsy’ country. We allow this to happen largely because we are too comfortable and too complacent to acknowledge what’s going down. We are patsy’s because we are naively giving permission to to be treated as such. Imagine, if you will, Adam Bandt pushing Green anti coal, nuclear and gas in China. It would be Adam Bandt taking “a huge hit”. He’d be arrested for treason and end up on his knees pleading to be sent to a re-education labour camp rather than something worse.
“We are patsy’s because we are naively giving permission to to be treated as such.”
A Nation of sheep results in a government of wolves.
The media has successfully locked in Mr Dutton into a single agenda discussion. Will he say “yes” or “no” to the Voice. Only he can break that mold. Break it by standing for an optimistic future for all Australians. Wide ranging tax reforms, nuclear power in the energy mix, an education system that prioritises reading, writing, science, with critical thinking replacing group think climate propaganda.
The CSIRO said the transition to renewables could cost up to one trillion dollars. Lithium battery prices have tripled. There are no environmentally safe methods to dispose of used solar panels, lithium batteries, or wind turbines.
For heavens sake, Mr Dutton, stand for something! Call out the BS. There is no climate emergency, this latest socialist government plan is a transition to poverty.
Thank Gaia (and Adam Bandt) that there are no CO2 emissions involved in the manufacture, transportation and installation of wind turbines, solar panels, batteries, transmission towers and powerlines, or tunnel-boring machines and their operation. Or building electric vehicles, and their charging stations, for deluded Climate Change and Energy ministers!
Australia is facing an existential crisis assuming the desire is to remain an advanced, industrial, democratic, somewhat free country.
On the other hand, apart from an extreme minority such as most people who post here, a vast majority of the Sheeple don’t want any of the above. At least, they’re not cognisant of what we already have, and won’t care about losing it, especially a vast majority of the younger generations.
Yes, but it also is a chance to act for change. There is no point writing on blogs about how it is all wrong. This move is indeed an existential crisis also for the Labor party and the Liberal party. We have to use that fact.
A single number would destroy the whole CO2 is pollution movement. It it would have the greatest credibility if it came from a bipartisan government appointed group with authority to publish just one number, the proportion of fossil fuel CO2 in the air.
The whole world would be grateful. The Dutch, the Slovakians whose tractors are driving today, the Italians, the Canadians and most of America. It’s hitting them at the gas pump and killing their industries and even their food supply. The Germans are baulking at closing their entire car industry which underpins their government. And the Russians have a huge oversupply of energy which they are being forced to sell to China at rock bottom prices.
The world is ready for this Green house of cards to collapse. Wouldn’t it be great if Australia could do this, not just strangle ourselves on the orders of the UN and the CCP.
It doesn’t matter how much CO2 is in the air because whether it causes warming is a moot point if we aren’t responsible and could not change it if we wanted.
And while there is no reason to believe an increase of 40% in 250 years is an imminent catastrophe, it’s perfectly natural and there has been no catastrophe in 35 years. It’s time to put this to bed.
The appalling attack on our 215 biggest companies including food, transport and manufacturing will cost Albanese his job and more importantly his reputation. The sooner Albanese and Dutton see they need to join forces to defeat the Greens, the better.
I don’t agree TdeF.
After a decades-long assault on the education system by the Left, the majority of the Sheeple wouldn’t understand or care and the Left dominate the media, and indeed everything. The Sheeple will never even find out why Australia has collapsed.
German communist Rudi Dutschke’s 1967 plan, der lange Marsch durch die Institutionen (long march through the institutions) worked.
The Left won. The thinking community lost. Unless a miracle happens and the Sheeple wake up, it’s game over.
America had Donald Trump, and look how that ended for him….Australia has nobody in a position to take leadership.
Albanese likes being PM. He will be a one shot wonder at this rate! Pleasing no one.
If he wants to keep the job, he has to shut down the Greens. Unless he is on their side, which is possible.
But this move threatens hundreds of thousands of voters jobs, driving the blue collar vote further away, as happened in the UK.
It’s not ended for him until he gives up fighting against the globalist organised crime cartel.
That’s right. Almost all the positions are captured. However there are good men and women in the wings.
We just need to widely and fearlessly expose what’s actually going on, and those now in positions will fall.
“And the Russians have a huge oversupply of energy which they are being forced to sell to China at rock bottom prices”
Well, we’re getting prepared for war with China, so to make it hard for China we should stop sanctioning Russia! Why should the Chinese pay their 80c/L when we’re paying $1.70?
Do politicians grease their shoes to turn both ways in an instant?
A suggested experiment: Build a non-leaking cylindrical enclosure whose base is one metre in diameter, and whose height is two metres. Half-fill it (for greenies and Teals, the bottom half) with water from the oceans surrounding Australia. Let it sit for a while, record the water temperature, and measure the CO2 content of the air above the seawater column. Now, start heating the water gradually. Take measurements of the water temperature, and CO2 content of the air column, at regular intervals. Observe any CO2 increase. After sufficient readings have been recorded, cease heating the seawater, and let it cool to its original temperature, recording the CO2 content and water temperature at the same regular intervals. Postulate a theory of what heating and cooling did to the CO2 content of the air column during your experiment. Send your results to the Minister for Climate Change and Energy.
Jo, you hit the nail on the head with your last sentence; It’s all about power and money.
I read an observation years ago that the corporate gangsters at the Big End of town spend their efforts accruing money which they then convert into power, and then the power back into money, and so on indefinitely.
It’s a sad fact that once you accumulate enough money, it becomes meaningless, so the only challenge then becomes turning it into power in order to garner the “respect” the ultra wealthy feel they deserve. It just becomes a great big game, and they don’t care who they hurt or kill, or how much misery is involved for other people, so long as they can play their money/power games.
Of course for politicians it’s the reverse; they get power, then convert that into money. Good on ya Albo, you’re going to die rich.
I’m afraid the future prognosis is not good. I went to a teacher’s store yesterday to get resources for a physics lesson. None of the stores had decent 10g to 1kg weights, which must be bought online from England these days it seems, but the “Australian Geographic Understanding Climate Change” resource was displayed prominently with other climate change resources.
There are several online education supply stores – abacus, mta etc – with weights in stock.
That’s helpful.
In stock in Australia means little delay.
Yes, I buy a lot from the internet, preferably from Australian companies. Not sure about the delay though. Sometimes it comes faster from China. They all seem to use the slowest and cheapest method of shipping which evens it out. China is only a flight away.
Panda — I don’t know if this helps but I bought an accurate scale and calibration weights from the CYOS group late last year when it had a big sale.
Years ago I had bought copies of the AWS one on Ebay much cheaper, but the quality was questionable and they became uncalibrateable. They worked for a year or two. It feels better to own the original American one with a ten year warrantee. https://cyos.online/products/all-products/?_sfm__price=0+2420&_sft_product_collection=tools
They are out of stock, but mostly do wholesale arrangements not retail now. They’re in Perth, and honest brokers. You could call them up and ask. If they order scales they could also order weights if you need bulk supplies.
What about Gold Prospecting Shops in Perth?
Even better check out:
Both in Midland or near.
Hi thanks for that! Yes the big stores had fairly useless weights actually, really lower primary type things, not suitable for doing proper science even with grade 4-6’s. One store only had one 10g weight left…!
As it turns out I went to my Dads place – he’s in his seventies and has a workshop out the back. He had a great set of mechanical scales from Shanghai that he bought by post 20-30 years ago, with 5g,10g, 20g, 50g weights in it, which I borrowed.
He also had metal knick-knacks, things like seatbelt connectors, heavy bolts, funny shaped bits of metal etc.
It was a great lesson – the kids enjoyed weighing the metal bits using the scales. We then verified the weights on digital scales. Next week we will be timing the pendulums with different weights and different lengths of string. The kids wrote down their hypotheses – most said making the weight bigger would slow the pendulum down, but of course the length of the string is the only thing that will make a difference, as Galileo discovered.
Thanks for the Links though – they will be extremely useful however as it is a homeschooling group I’m tutoring for and proper weights and scales will be something I will requesting for their resources. The gold ones especially are very reasonably priced.
Hard to buy a set of real weights (masses) for physical measurements but easy to buy a plurality of “gender resource packs” or climate alarmist propaganda. Some of the gender material at the following link is legitimate, other is just Leftist or LGBT propaganda.
And yes, this site does cater to Australian teachers.
Apart from the fact that weights are not hard to buy – what is your point?
It’s not hard to grasp, GI.
His point was clearly stated.
In contrast to the scarce availability of hard, empirical, factual educational resources, it’s:
At that shop. So what?
I did an internet search of local educational stores, went to three big stores and rang around. It took all morning and was completely fruitless until I went to my Dad’s place! .
However one of the stores had National Geographic climate change packs prominently displayed, which I know are unscientific because climate change is essentially a non-event; see https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2016/carbon-dioxide-fertilization-greening-earth/ . One of the stores has a great 500g weight holding down the pen, but when I asked about whether they sell these they said they no longer stock them.
Kids need to learn how to make a hypothesis, how to collect data in the real world and how to look for patterns, then how to form a theory that accounts for the facts. Physical, mechanical aids are great because there’s nothing like seeing a set of scales balance when the weight is the same to get the concept of mass as something real, not some number on a screen.
It was an education shop, not a science shop. Go online and stop whining.
Oh. So in your world educators don’t teach science, then?
You are grumpy today.
Dear Woodside,
Told You So!
Time for Tasmania to cut the Basslink cord…
Also, unfortunately most people who believe these official lies are not actually amenable to rational argument or data. If you tell them the truth about their cherished lies they actually just think you’re stupid. They become deaf and will not listen or consider an alternate view. I’ve had this experience with people in my extended circle of friends: they will not consider evidence, if it contradicts their tightly grasped world view; and the higher up they are in government, particularly in Labor, the more closed minded they become.
It’s actually a form of spiritual and mental blindness – the propaganda and manipulation from big media and big tech is so ubiquitous now that people are emotionally incapable of seeing the truth.
You can’t reason someone out of a position they didn’t reason themselves into.
“Woodside went down by 3.4% today” (27/3/2023)
Woodside currently up by 4.31% today (28/3/2023}
That’s a total of 7.71%.
Sorry Annie, it’s 0.91%.
I am very surprised by your reply as it seems the at least on the face of it. that you are not too familiar with share market. The percentage change is calculated from the price it closed at on the previous day
Perhaps some actual share prices will help
At close of business 24/3/2023 Woodside shares were $32.56
At close of business 27/3/2023 Woodside shares were $31.47
That’s a fall of $1. 09 which if divided by $32.56 gives a fall of 3.347% which rounds up to 3.4%
Today Woodside shares which opened at $31.47, are currently at $32.96 which is a rise of 4.73%
Frippery (pretentious, trivial, non-ezzential) perhaps?
Maybe fapping, which is no doubt the most appropriate choice, typically done in a circle.😆
Reference Ronald Reagan’s favorite story. (short version)
A child was digging through a large pile of horse manure.
When asked why, the child said
“There’s got to be a pony in there somewhere.”
I have come to the conclusion after many years of the AGW/ climate change debate, that once politics overtook the subject it just became a huge wealth transfer mechanism. As you complicate a simple market system with caps, subsidies, tariffs and taxes all it will produce is a mess that gets gamed by the bigger, smarter operators. Hence, the law of unintended consequences will probably apply and the big oil and gas companies will actually benefit. I suspect they will benefit by simply harvesting either government subsidies or compensation. Or maybe some dodgy carbon credits scheme will be set up in Australia, but again the big end of town will be the main winners. All smoke and mirrors and all the real science will just be ignored.
Or as Ronald Reagan once quipped on govt policy, quoting Rob Simmons –
“If it moves, tax it.
If it keeps moving, regulate it.
If it stops moving, subsidise it”.
Another study from the co2 Coalition scientists offers new optimism for the future of our planet and our descendants. There’s an interesting comparison of 2 warming periods from 1895 to 1946 and 1957 to 2008 and they are almost identical, see FIG 2. Of course very low levels of co2 in the earlier period.
Here’s their conclusions, followed by many pages of references.
“Conclusion, Empirical data on global warming and carbon dioxide lead to an optimistic outlook for the Earth and its inhabitants. People everywhere can look forward to a greener, lusher, slightly warmer planet. More food can be grown while using less land to do so. Longer growing seasons are likely, and insecurity about hunger will decline. Hundreds of millions of desperately poor people stand on the cusp of benefitting from the same advances in prosperity that affl uent nations have already achieved. Moral and economic justificat ions intersect to argue that the available, reliable, and inexpensive sources of energy be used to foster development and modernise across the globe. Yes, there will be mild climate change, and it will benefit the world.”
Club of Rome has just released an opinion as to where the number of inhabitants is headed (reported by Breitbart)
Not much different to the 1973 prediction ‘World One’.
Both predict a rapid decline in Population. The 1973 version had pollution largely causing decline in 2020. The latest pushes the prediction out and includes an input from the choices humans are making.
““By 2050, greenhouse gas emissions are about 90% lower than they were in 2020 and are still falling,” according to the report. ”
“Paul Ehrlich was also a pioneer of the junk science movement, which used flimsy research and sensationalistic hypotheses to stampede public policy changes.”
I had trouble reconciling the two to start with, but realised the first is an example of the second!
Here’s a link to the new FEB 2023 Dr Lindzen and Dr Happer study challenging the clueless net ZERO BS and FRAUD.
You can click on the full study at the link below.
These two scientists are Atmospheric Physicists with many decades of research and experience.
A week ago Dr Lindzen told Andrew Bolt we should do nothing about their so called dangerous climate change.
IOW save your money and tell the loonies to wake up.
I was picking up on this vibe a few days ago, and wrote:-
Imbibing the after election vibe. What can be done? Reading the passage on this thread, about socialism just being about power, reminds me where the focus should be. Dont get sucked into climate change, transgenderism, eating bugs, pregnant men, safe and effective: these memes are just to destroy rational thought. Once people acquis to these ideas, sht for brains can be made to do anything! The important thing is not the words written in chalk on the board, it’s the hand writing them, that needs to be exposed! Somehow the spotlight has to be put on university staff. They are the root – the scholars and theoreticians, who are certain they know best, and are willing to destroy the West, in order to build their perfect socialist paradise. Is it possible to flush these people out into the light?! It might be the only way of stopping the rot – have them publicly state their ideas, rather than just have to await the inevitable consequences. (which might be fun! Just standing in wonder at people’s stupidity.)
Good luck.
The spectrum of human desire – greed at one end, and power at the other, and the fight is over the 80% in the middle. Feudalism vs communism. You’re responsible for your life, vs you’re a victim. It’s pretty clear who is on top at the moment, thanks to 4 decades of brainwashing. Welcome to Humanity.
Boomers have lived in a unique golden age, and it might be pretty much over?
Roane Dean rails, ‘we have to have a Royal commission’. Come on, who is going to bring it about, who is going to be the judge, it’s going to take 5 years, and it’s 600 recommendations will be ignored.
HR RULES! I might get a t shirt.
This comment from a blog at Sky News from Sascha is interesting and based on the subject here worth considering?
“In 1990, Federal Politician Kim Beasley made a statement in response to Senator Button’s question in the Australian Federal Parliament about whether there should be a republic.
Kim Beasley reply was:
“The United Nations has given the Federal Government a mandate of ownership for housing, farms, property and business to government control once the REPUBLIC has been proclaimed.”
The United Nations is the NWO in waiting for a one world government.
The push by the Labor Party for the ‘Voice’ referendum is the single most important part of their plan, which is to include the ‘ORIGINAL’ Men, Women and children of this Country (Indigenous people) into the Commonwealth Constitution because, at the moment they have ‘NO CONTRACT’ with the ‘ORIGINAL’ Men, Women and children of this Country.
As there is ‘No Contract’ with the Indigenous people of Australia, a republic would not be achieved because the ‘ORIGINAL’ Men, Women and children of this country are the lawful land owners and the government would be unable to take control over ownership of housing, farms, property and business, thus thwarting its secretive push for a totalitarian republic where you would own nothing and be happy.
This plan was underway in 1990.
Say ‘NO’ to the Voice and say ‘NO’ to a totalitarian republic they have planned for us Australians.
Every State in Australia has already sold off the Lands and Title Office, your original titles have been destroyed, the value of your property is in the TITLE.
All properties certificate of title has been digitised and this is not a lawful proof of historical ownership.”
It’s tragic Dennis. We are basically at the point of collapse.
Oh, and total government debt (federal, state and local) is now:
$1.681 trillion and rising at an alarming rate.
Over $64,000 for every man, woman and child. Or given that only, I estimate about 20% of the population are net wealth producers, $320,000 per wealth producer.
And that’s not taking into account vast amounts of personal and other government debt cleverly hidden from accounts like future pension liabilities for public serpents.
And apart from the non-Leftists on this blog, almost no one knows, understands or cares.
Since May 2022 when the gross Federal debt was about $900 billion ($1 trillion Labor talks about is Forward Estimate of future debt) Albanese Labor have added $200 billion in 9 months ended February 2023.
“Albanese Labor have added $200 billion in 9 months ended February 2023.”
Seriously !!
What have they spent it on, that helps Australia and Australians ???
I think this is just a simple carbon tax on Australian industry imposed as a sop to the Chinese. We might have said that we will build submarines (sometime in the distant future) but we will compensate China by making their exports more competitive in the Australian market. What’s not to like about that?
The solution to all your ,Australia’s, problems is simple.
You really should have listened to your mother..
Eat Your Greens.
You will be amazed how much life improves..
Just to your north I believe there is still some elders alive,who know best how to prepare your vegetables for consumption.
For the idiots abound,both you and I are being delivered into a world of want,by the combined idiocy of the Parasitic Overload.
These overly “Schooled” nitwits know so much that ain’t so and have cultivated their internal arrogance to a level incomprehensible to normal persons.
Their Delusions of Adequacy are so strong,that they know they can manage everyone else’s lives..
“If they command,it must be so”.
Don’t hold your breath waiting for a popular revolt against this insanity because, while this was happening, millions of Australians voted in yet another Labor government, in New South Wales. Look at it from Labor’s POV; the more of this they do, the more elections they win. Heck, they can even shoot at and teargas their own peaceful citizens and get re-elected. Australia is now wall-to-wall Labor and Greens. Only Tasmania is holding out – for now.
Democracy is broken.
Don’t despair either. You’re being hoodwinked into giving up.
No. 68% of voters voted AGAINST Albo. Labor’s primary vote in 2022 is the lowest since 1903 when it was 31 per cent.
These Leftists only appear to be winning because they’re totally unscrupulous and prepared to cheat.
This is supposed to be a democracy, but the ALP won government not by majority vote, but because of preference deals.
“Preference whisperer”, Glenn Druery openly bragged in publicly available recordings that he could put either major party in government by manipulating the preferences. And he did. He even bragged about his fees for organising an election win.
They’re cheating to try and convince us we’re weak.
In the face of corruption, honesty seems weak, until it exposes the corruption and dishonesty.
just another wrecking ball aimed at bringing the western nation to their knees.
What a joke – a climate safeguard mechanism? Guaranteed to drive more business closures, made in Australia will become imported to Australia. A clean energy super power? More like a second rate country with high energy costs and a huge bureaucracy, and massive debts, only surviving at present because of mineral exports.
” More like a second rate country with high energy costs and a huge bureaucracy, and massive debts, only surviving at present because of mineral exports.”
Ah, another Spain.. Once the most powerful & richest country in the world, now ranks per capita GDP in about 40th place, while Aussie is 20th. Shouldn’t take us long to fall down there!
I figure you’re right, America survives by printing dollars for its military, the UK by being a financial hub, China is the factory, we are the raw material source for the world.
I think we’ve ALL missed something with ppm talk. OldBrew over at the Talkshop https://tallbloke.wordpress.com/2023/03/27/surprise-effect-methane-cools-even-as-it-heats-say-researchers/#comments put it succinctly ( in this case about Methane CH4) ‘anyone want a blanket covering 2 parts per million of the bed?’
Meanwhile at https://www.noaa.gov/news-release/increase-in-atmospheric-methane-set-another-record-during-2021 NOAA’s preliminary analysis showed the annual increase in atmospheric methane during 2021 was 17 parts per billion (ppb), the largest annual increase recorded since systematic measurements began in 1983. The increase during 2020 was 15.3 ppb. Atmospheric methane levels averaged 1,895.7 ppb during 2021, or around 162% greater than pre-industrial levels. From NOAA’s observations, scientists estimate global methane emissions in 2021 are 15% higher than the 1984-2006 period. ; levels of carbon dioxide also continue to increase at historically high rates. The global surface average for carbon dioxide during 2021 was 414.7 parts per million (ppm), which is an increase of 2.66 ppm over the 2020 average. This marks the 10th consecutive year that carbon dioxide increased by more than 2 parts per million, which represents the fastest sustained rate of increase in the 63 years since monitoring began.
NOT ONLY ppMILLION but ppBILLION being used to confuse the illiterate (m ass es). Anyway who wants any kind of blanket like that on a bed?
The atmosphere is a funny sort of blanket…
… that COOLS you when you get too warm. 🙂
Well, said NASA and the UN, maybe you’re right and CO2 is not the problem.. But lets put that aside.. Methane definitely is an existential emergency! We need to shut down the world to control methane! Its a pollutant and its all people’s fault!…
“Woodside dives 3.4% today…“.
That ‘today’ is now yesterday.
Woodside went up 4.77% today.
When today is yesterday again, goodness knows what Woodside will do because it’s not a good idea to base opinions on a single market day. The reality is that “Woodside has the potential to become the most LNG-leveraged company globally” (analysts Morningstar), and global gas demand looks like increasing no matter what Gang Green do.
Disclosure: My SMSF owns shares in Woodside.
John Droz Jnr’s latest ‘Media Balance Newsletter’ features a brilliant compilation/picture that really explains what’s behind it all. Do look: https://election-integrity.info/Newsletter/2023/Media_Balance_Newsletter-3-27-23.pdf
And John, like Joanne, is waging an ongoing war against the climate fraud by presenting nasty facts.
Unfortunately though: The typical result of continuously-received propaganda is that the victims thereof have no idea that they are victims, and thus refuse point-blank to look at nasty, real facts.
“How dare you!” (To quote Sancta Dr Greta ….)
Gota feeling that Chalmers belled the cat. Looking for a new way for capitalism to run. Remember his call ‘Government – Big business together running/developing industries.
It would seem the that the government isn’t going to block fossil fuel industries (or any other) put together with the effective blockade demanding net zero emissions from the outset of new ventures, is exactly in line with that policy thought bubble he came out with a couple of months ago about government – industry ‘partnerships’. The inference is, such partnerships might get the go ahead, forgetting net zero as the bait for a bit of shared profit. The government pockets half the profits for doing -literally – absolutely nothing.
What is Labor forgetting (none of them have run anything of note)? How about no company is willing to put its head in that noose of taking all the risk and its profit is whatever the government decides. This is the most marxist group of fools we have ever had in government. Worse than Whitlam by miles. They spend like costs are nothing while they destroy Australia’s economy by scorched earth power and mining policies and think businesses will rush to continue Australian develop for a pittance in returns. It’s a history book of failures enclosed in a pamphlet.
Then add the Voice for total capitulation to a position of Constitutionally based impossibility for proper governance, even Defence and perpetual waiting for the High Court to decide what the nation is allowed to do. Good luck! Never thought a three year governing term would possibly bring a formerly prosperous and intelligent nation to its knees. Years to build. Moments to perish!
When are we going to realise that science and logic have never had anything to do with this issue, or any of the public pogroms that we are subjected to? This is socialism in action, Western style. The very aim of this policy is to destroy and it has been enormously successful, so they will keep at it. Bandt openly admits it in his comments. They have always been open about it, I’ll give them that. They want us either dead or enslaved and AGW, like Covid hysteria, is a clever tool to get us to go willingly. That’s all there is to it.