A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Cold and snow continue in the U. S. western mountains.
The Governor has issued a State of Emergency because of the snow cover.
Gotta wonder how that earned a thumbs down eh Gordo.
Maybe not intentional and you can’t undo a mishit on a thumb.
Or, the person hates govt declaring a state of emergency because of the extra powers of control that come with it. Scarred from covid controls.
I have my blogosphere enemies, zealots of one sort or another.
Ah yes, but you don’t know who we are…oops.
This is where the swap from Global warming to Climate Change pays off. Literally any weather event can be blamed on CO2, like extreme, anomalous weather never happened before, right?
Can anyone tell me how many total fireban days there were this summer in Victoriastan ? I keep getting zero !
Big grass fires coming. Expect conflagrations of CATACYSMIC proportions soon! A ridging high pressure in the Tasman Sea will see Climate Change in action with “unprecedented” consequeces for those in thrall to the latest MSM news grab. Led by the national carrier.of course.
We have had 2 large grass fires in our region during the last two weeks.
We have had one yotal fire ban day that I can recall, but that was just our fire district not statewide.
Summer has passed. Hang on a bit longer Robert.
The green saboteurs are drying out their matches and tinder as I type, and waiting for a nice hot and dry Nor-wester to come down out of the desert. As soon as that frigging out-of-season snow buggers off there’ll be the remnants of Redheads all over the joint.
“any weather event can be blamed on CO2,”
CO2 in the atmosphere does more good than harm.
“CO2 in the atmosphere does more good than harm.”
CO2 at any possible whole of atmosphere concentration DOES NO HARM WHATSOEVER. (except if it drops too low.)
See the graph(s) here:
PPM CO2 of between 800 to 1400 seems to be the sweet range.
G’day John,
Interesting article, but no mention of the equilibrium with the oceans:
” Variation in CO2 concentration depends upon the time of day, season, number of CO2-producing industries, composting, combustion and number of CO2-absorbing sources like plants and water bodies nearby. ”
Dave B
Here is the latest weekly video report from the NSW Health Department for “NSW respiratory surveillance reports – COVID-19 and influenza”.
The speaker is still pushing The Narrative.
Also see:
Trust us! We’re from Government and all knowing Health bureaucracy and we are here to help. Sanitised pulp from the usual drones; question for discerning minds. Can ypu trust anything they sat.
Where I live our public health officials report that during the past year over 90% of our Covid deaths are people with two or more shots. And they continue to encourage us to get more shots, and our citizens comply.
They report this every week and no one says anything. It’s beyond belief.
It’s the weekend and that means sport.
So how about five minutes of light-hearted entertainment from a game of soccer.
[Gold award from me MV .]AD
I don’t think that’s what the expression ‘saving face’ really means.
The last “save” made by the goalie was unbelievable!
Nice one MV.
EXCLUSIVE: Alexander Vindman Secretly Pitching Ukrainian Military for Millions in Defense Contracts
Documents recently obtained by Human Events show that Alexander Vindman has been pitching the government of Ukraine to obtain lucrative defense contracts. In August 2022, Vindman, operating as CEO of Trident Support, pitched a deck on a Ukraine Weapons Systems Sustainment Center to address problems with Ukraine’s weapons management, namely readiness, repair, and maintenance.
Vindman proposed that for $12 million in initial funding, his company Trident Support would bring support closer to the front lines by providing a logistical midpoint from which equipment could be distributed.
The idea behind the proposal is that Trident Support would be a middle-man between NATO weapons and Ukrainian forces, teaching the latter how to operate and repair the equipment, while taking an exorbitant fee from Ukraine to do it.
Personnel who would be employed under the plan would be those who are “highly experienced former soldiers or contractors in Iraq and/or Afghanistan.”
Vindman testified before the House in November 2019 as part of the first impeachment inquiry into then-President Donald Trump. Vindman, who was an officer in the US Army, told the House that he listened to a call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in which Trump asked for clarification and information about the way the firing of a prosecutor was handled during the Obama administration.
Vice President Joe Biden had spoken at length about threatening Ukraine with withholding US funds unless a prosecutor, who had been looking into energy giant Burisma on whose Board of Directors his son Hunter sat. Biden bragged about the move, and later, Trump had questions about it that he wanted answered by Zelensky.
Vindman said it was “improper” of Trump to ask this, because he was asking a foreign nation to investigate a US leader, though Trump, who has said it was a “perfect” phone call, has stated that he wanted to know the extent of Biden’s involvement in Ukraine’s affairs.
Vindman wrote about overhearing the phone call at length in The Atlantic, complaining that Trump had withheld the money in the weeks prior to the call. “…the White House had abruptly put a hold on nearly $400 million in US security aid that Congress had earmarked for Ukraine. This was money that Ukraine badly needed to fend off the continuous threat of Russian aggression. The abrupt, unexplained White House hold was baffling. Not only was it a 180-degree turn from the stated policy the entire US government supported, but it was also contrary to US national-security interests in the region,” he wrote.
“We feared that on a whim, the president might send out a barely coherent tweet or make an offhand public remark or an impulsive decision that could throw carefully crafted policy—official policy of the United States—into total disarray,” Vindman wrote at the time.
Now, of course, it’s the Biden administration that has overseen an escalation of tensions in the region and a solidifying of US interests.
Now, as Russian aggression is well underway, Vindman is seeking to access some of the more than $200 billion promised to Ukraine by the Biden administration for his own. It was Joe and Hunter Biden’s involvement in Ukraine that Trump was attempting to get to the bottom of by asking Zelensky about the circumstances surrounding the prosecutor’s firing under VP Biden’s watch.
See the whole deck from Trident Support here:
For Ukraine, maps and money tell a story
I continue to wonder what the purpose and rationale are behind our magnanimity towards Ukraine. Perhaps it’s Biden’s payback for Ukraine’s “support” for his family over the years (or maybe a response to blackmail, although so much of his pay-for-play has been exposed with no penalty, what more could there be)?
Granted, our war equipment manufacturers and those big corporations that rebuild after such devastation will maybe be “winners” after the fact if there’s a country left to rebuild—and the war fits the Trump/Russia narrative like OJ’s glove. Worse, our war output decimates our country’s readiness for self-defense, giving short shrift to our needy citizenry. I’m sure the Chinese are loving what’s happening, along with being granted carte blanche to get close to the Russians.
It’s apparent when you look at cold, hard facts that we’ve gone a bit…overboard…with our warmongering. It appears the sky’s the limit to our largesse, there have been no (and I mean zero) attempts at peacemaking, and now everyone’s talking about WWIII and nuclear annihilation.
When you look at reality, none of it makes sense! Think about this:
The continental US spans about 3,536,000 square miles, while Ukraine covers 230,000 square miles. It’s less than half the size of Alaska, which comes in at 586,000 square miles, and smaller than Texas’s 261,000.
Our US military budget for 2021 was $800.67 Billion. Our total aid to Ukraine from January 24, 2022, to January 15, 2023, is $76.8 billion. Yes, you read that right—$76.8 billion total. $46.6 billion was for military purposes. In the year before the war, our aid to Ukraine was $284 million, so we’ve increased aid to that country by a staggering 26,942%. What we’ve given this year dwarfs all other military aid to the rest of the world.
For a little more perspective, we’ve also contributed two-and-a-half times the total aid that all the EU/NATO nations combined gave Ukraine.
Ukraine’s tax revenue from its citizens in 2022 was around $48.7 billion in US dollars. In one year, our citizens have given Ukraine $76.8 billion, which is almost 60% more than the Ukraine government collected from its own people—and Zelenskyy assumes more to come.
Perhaps someone can explain to me why we’re spending nearly 10% of the amount budgeted for our own military for a year on a country so far away, and so ultimately without redeeming value to ourselves?
Please feel free to point out the value Ukraine gives to our country and its people.
The Russians are fascists and as long as nobody uses weapons of mass destruction its a good opportunity to test standard weaponry.
Nyet Elgordo, they are nationalists. Against the grain somewhat, but Russia stands against the rot that has invested the so-called goodies. The nation state and its security of its morality are paramount. Lacking here.
Russsia’s population is declining. Not a sign of a happy people.
Thats hardly unique to Russia
So is Japan’s, however, they seem happy enough.
Putin is a thug and bully boy, the Russian people are unhappy that they have no democracy or free speech.
The West are the ‘so called goodies’, quite capable of commercial sabotage, but it was Putin who started the war.
Do you think Russia should be on the Security Council?
Sorry EG,but I reckon Russia had more freedom during its Covid19 event than say Victoria- or Australia as a whole. Russians are not repressed according to friends in Crimea and have liberty at travel and association. Supermarkets are fully stocked and fuel prices low unlike here. Just saying.
Realistically, its an old fashion dictatorship along the lines of Hitler.
Dan may have been over the top during Covid, the people will decide at the next election. That is essentially the beauty of a democracy.
They already decided. Bad choice.
Even western polling agencies show that Putin has a popularity of around 80 percent. I speak with Russians regularly about the situation there, and most are in support of the Special Military Operation (war)!
pfft! Doesn’t he realise Ukraine has nothing to do with it.. America said “Lets use this country XXXX to try and weaken Russia. We’ll print a few billion dollars to throw at them, providing they spend it on American arms and goods, and get those useless Europeans to help. Just so long as it costs Russia money it is fine”
If it wasn’t Ukraine it would be Georgia, or one of the ‘Stans, or Poland, or Belarus.. They don’t care, they will soon walk away just like everywhere from VietNam to Afganistan, and hang Zelensky out to dry.
Meanwhile, Bakhmut is toast, the Commander has left and the Ukrainian regular forces are walking out. There is one road out left, which the Russians have fire control over if they want to use it. The first time a sovereign army, even supported by the whole Western world, has been beaten by a private military contractor.
Overall it has made America & the West less popular- 20 countries want to join the BRICS.
“This example demonstrates why 20 major regional countries around the world have expressed their interest in becoming members of BRICS and the SCO. Ordinarily, one would assume that Russia and South Africa have little in common, but their shared memberships in BRICS puts them in a partnership where they have mutual interests in defending their own sovereignty from Western pressure.
BRICS will decide this year on whether to admit new member states into the bloc, which will surely see a name change since the current one is abbreviated from the current member states – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. It is likely that a mechanism for new members will be made, especially as there is great interest for an alternative political-economic force to American unipolarity, whose own influence is declining on the world stage.
BRICS members are characterised as industrialised developing countries with large and emerging economies, in addition to accounting for over half of the world’s population. The five-member bloc has a combined gross domestic product equivalent to $13.6 trillion and their total foreign exchange reserves are $4 trillion.”
Spot on, KP. And if we had any political brains at all, Australia would be clamouring for some kind of economic association with BRICS as well.
Trouble is, after decades of delinquent and/or corrupt political mismanagement we are totally bereft of any meaningful capacity to defend ourselves, and rely completely on the Yanks to come save us. I doubt they would look kindly on us joining RICS.
The trouble with BRICS is that members must not criticise each other, no matter what they do.
Russia has invaded a smaller country, should the West back off and let them take Ukraine?
What nonsense. Read some history – like the Minsk Agreements for starters. Russia doesn’t have a Yeltsin now. Some perspective is needed.
This story is a little old, but it might help to realise that the Minsk Agreements failed.
It seems Putin has been stirring trouble in the Donbas for at least a decade, he is after the rare earths under foot.
The most likely out outcome, stalemate and exhaustion on both sides should see an end to the conflict.
A long post had disappeared, note says “web page unavailable”.
It woz fotons wot dun it.
Yes but were they incoming or outgoing?
And upcoming and downgoing as well.
Plus, of course, sidewinding when the mood takes them.
Those dastardly, sneaky photons.
We seek them here, we seek them there.
We seek those photons everywhere.
To be or not to be?
A hypothetical chat comment may be considered simultaneously both existent and non-existent, while it is unobserved in a comment pane, as a result of its fate being linked to a canonical complementary computational event that may or may not occur.
Schrodinger’s chat paradox.
Is it something you typed, KK? Did you try the back button when that happened? When what I’m typing starts to get really long I copy it.
That”s what I should have done.
the rewrite is in the Sin bin.
[I will go dumpster diving KK .]AD
You spoked words wot shalt not be spoked?
[Im so stealing this .]AD
I always type replies or comments in Word and save to my JoNova folder, then copy and paste.
I can then post to other blogs without retyping.
Funny thing is when I look back after some months/years, I ask myself, why did I post that.
The answer is usually: It seemed like a good idea at the time and I have something to say on the topic.
Enjoy your Sunday everyone.
Over the last week there’s been a renewed attempt to examine and come to a definitive assessment of the key mechanism that props up the CO2 Induced Global Warming Juggernaut.
The whole proposition of human origin Global Warming is based on the concept that our production of CO2 is the problem because of a mysterious heat retention and redistribution mechanism.
World wide there’s enough nous to clearly define and resolve the issue and even on this blog I believe we have the skills needed.
What has been disappointing is that over the last week there has been a lot of to-ing and fro-ing that has done little more than create hurt feeling amongst contributors.
The answer is there but we seem to lack the capacity to discard learned irrelevances put out by politicians and the UNIPCCC and get to the core of it. Thats not an accident.
Skills needed are: knowledge of atomic physics, molecular physics, thermodynamics, atmospheric physics and radiation concepts.
The UN wont do it, the CSIRO wont do it and the Universities wont because they’re shut down on the matter.
Can we lead the war?
The long discussion of 2010 was drawn out and unable to agree on things: is there a way to get to the nitty gritty of this and hence say: CO2 does not cause global warming.
The key mechanism that props up Global Warming is politically produced propagandistic fear mongering.
Perpetuated by the indoctrination of CHILDREN.
John Kerry is ‘Climate Czar’.
(What does that mean? Of America? Of the World? I thought Czar was a Russian moniker and Russians are Bad.)
My point is Mr. Czar wouldn’t last a minute in a debate with you, or me for that matter, and I have a fraction of the science acumen that you do.
The Science of Climate Change is not about physics, it is the science of politics and religion.
If not, beach front mansions would be cheap.
Have you seen this?
No ‘official’ in the UK government gave squat about ‘science’, or ‘public health’.
They dumped on school children just to placate Nicola Sturgeon.
I don’t know how much nakeder the Emperor can get.
Again, it’s an abusive relationship, they lie and beat us, sober up, confess and apologize, and here we are waiting for the next pummeling.
I’m guessing alien invasion.
They’re down to their last squirrel.
Mentioning facts in a debate with rusted on climate change believers is like farting in a crowded room – they call you names and move away…
My knowledge of that science doesn’t extend far beyond what was taught in schools 60+ years ago, but I can still sort fact from fiction to some degree. And I can still remember what people said and did in the past. When I see a retired schoolmaster debunking the work of government scientists using their own data, and I know that all that was needed to do this was competence in the science of statistics, an all too rare commodity, and competence in Microsoft Excel, I know that I should follow the schoolmaster, not the government scientists.
I am feeling fairly feeble, and worrying that all the effort I have put into securing my family’s welfare may be about to be cast on the wind. So, while I am conscious of something noticeable about last week that seems to be worrying you I can’t remember what it was. But right now the feeling is that we are behind the eight ball.
The world lost this argument when Al Gore persuaded Clive Palmer to thwart the Abbott government’s landslide electoral mandate. For those who do not know, a quirky protest vote which had been cast on the furthest right of Australian politics got, through Al’s mysterious efforts, to be harvested by the extreme left. This negated the election result.
Up until that point the whole AGW scam was hanging in the balance. The election result should have brought it crashing down, but Al managed to tip the scales the other way, right here in Australia. And only I and JoNova noticed.
That was nine years ago. An awful lot of money has been cast in Al’s direction in those nine years, and now the villains are in charge. But I haven’t quite given up. Last year the closure of one generator at Liddell caused much turmoil. I don’t know how many generators are still running, but the impending closure of remaining generation might wake them up.
I drove past Liddell six months ago.
The idea that it could be closed and dynamited without a functional replacement makes me fume.
Heard on their ABCCCC an hour ago that Liddell will be turned off, dynamited, on the 28th April.
Not good.
Trying to turn around the CO2 demon will be difficult. It matters not that CO2 is relatively insignificant compared to WaterVapour. When greenhouse gases are mentioned no one talks H2O.
Even ignoring the mechanism aspect there’s another view point that is a good downer on the human origin CO2 is evil thing.
Simple quantitative analysis shows it to be irrelevant.
Mary F.
Of course it’s possible to do a higher level thermodynamic analysis which would show that water is the big activist in the atmosphere.
What are Reuters publishing in 2023?
Interesting that thirty years ago the core secret was being discussed like that.
That’s what I thought. So, what next? And when? ? ? ?
After that, the money factor hit and they were forced to dissemble about the science.
Starting the breakdown.
First we should assess the solar energy that traverses space to arrive at our home.
Is that radiation changed on impact with Earth’s atmospheric barriers.
Mainly UV gets to warm up plants, dirt and oceans.
What then?
Second segment.
So, the high energy mainly UV has done it’s part and now we get to the nitty gritty.
Some of the degraded radiation comes from Earth’s surface and heads skyward. PW IR.
What’s its frequency composition and how and when does it interact with the atmosphere above it.
A good thread in Monday’s comments by Peter C, TdeF and RickWill getting stuck in to the detail.
How do we account for day and night, oceans, ice and land surfaces plus the qualified observation from Antarctica which state that no Back radiation was observed. What about over oceans and land?
If there’s anywhere that CO2 could be teased into popping a few photons down it’s Antarctica.
We’re moving.
An unusual way of emphasising the importance of temperature difference in the initiation of backradiation.
The “hidden” point is that the atmosphere is arranged in such a way that backrad don’t happen.
Keith, We are really struggling here. Like we are having two different conversations. Maybe speaking a different language.
Can you tell me what you mean when you say “backradiation”. For me it’s a photon pointed at Earth from the atmosphere. What does it mean for you?
I went back to the link to Collins comment and found another good comment by bobl
Some way below that is a comment from Will J. and he mentions “optical depth”.
The fact that these comments were made and that they sounded logical from a thermodynamic point of view was encouraging for me at the time.
The complexity inherent in this claim of energy doing things unknown in thermodynamics is what has allowed the IPCCCCC to get away with this global warming thing for so long.
Good people going around in circles.
Keith, I’ve just read through a lot of that subthread, but I can’t see how it relates, including Bobl and WillJ’s comments, to backradiation or thermodynamics? Please tell me what you mean when you say the word “backradiation”.
The term “Back Radiation” is a concept used by the Climate Change Cartel.
It is supposedly energy released from CO2 molecules at altitude back towards Earth and is supposed to heat up our planet’s surface.
As far as I know the only trigger point for the release of this energy would be a temperature of 243 K .
When triggered to release at 10,000 metres altitude the “photon” may initially “pop” out of the molecule looking for somewhere to go.
It will, however, be redirected by the emf of the radiation coming from Earths surface and be washed towards deep space.
Hence those popped CO2 photons can’t be measured or identified by the IR expert mentioned by TdeF and Gai.
Crikey. Thank you. So that’s a big concept, a multilayered effect rolled into one word that can’t be described in a single sentence. No wonder we are struggling, we are speaking a different language.
For me backradiation means any photon emitted from a molecule pointed towards Earth.
There is no requirement it goes all the way to the surface in order to exist. It can simply be absorbed by the molecule below it.
Where does the 243K concept comes from? You obviously have something in mind there.
At 10,000m I think you are describing what is called the emission height, but do you realize this is a different height for every single wavelength and it varies from the surface of Earth up to the Stratosphere? And it depends on the molecules present and the temperature?
ENSO remains an enigma.
‘Last year at this time, El Nino was forecast although not as mightily as this year. Last year’s El Nino forecast failed as La Nina returned. So, the jury is out on El Nino 2023 ahead.’ (Climate Impact Company)
This year is shaping up like 2019 or even 2014. The East Pacific near Panama is getting close to 30C and the the 30+C warm pool south of the equator is already northeast of NZ. The equatorial current is meandering around the equator rather than steadily westward. These are signs that the trade winds will reverse in a few months as the Gulf of Mexico warms up.,-17.28,392/loc=-86.321,6.625
Southern Australia certainly got dryer in February. The convective potential inland and down the east coast is non existent. This is complete contrast to last year.,-16.06,392/loc=151.527,-21.235
The convective potential is further east over New Caledonia and Fiji. They could be in for some wild weather.
So already signs that the biggest convective towers are moving eastward.
Did anyone ever watch Blake’s Seven, the BBC TV series, 1978-81? There are a number of episodes on YT. It was an excellent series.
Blake’s 7 is available on
Don’t forget to have an adblocker running.
Yes, I watched Blake’s Seven, perhaps one of the better SF series on TV, and now streaming on Britbox, perhaps one of the best of the streaming services available here in Australia, and one I recently started watching again.
WRT Television though, I had an awakening one Saturday morning.
In 2004, our daughter visited us, with our very young granddaughter in tow, and I was watching the Cricket.
Daughter needed some serious mother daughter time it seems, so they disappeared into the bedroom, (never did find out what that was about) and I was asked to look after the very young four and half year old granddaughter, as you do, using TV as the overall baby sitter.
There was grumbling and a general annoying of ‘Poppy’ to stop watching what was alien to a girl child, the chess game of Test Cricket.
I changed the channel and there was an ad break, The next ad to come on was the 2004 Victorian tourism ad, starring the instantly recognisable Rod Mullinar, that absolutely amazingly incredible ‘Run Rabbit Run’ theme. (link – Young Savannah IMMEDIATELY stopped pestering Poppy and watched the screen, gently moving to the music. Every time the ad came on, and it was regular at that time, she instantly stopped and watched the screen. (A Couple of years later, I made her a 200 page photo album of images through the ages of her, her Mother, her Grandmother, and me, through the ages from baby to current, so she had a record, and I did this while I could do it, because later in life you forget stuff like this. I also included a full five generational comprehensive family tree, and a stylised page with the lyrics to this song, which is a favourite of hers to this day, and that photo album is a prized thing of hers, referred to as much by our daughter as our granddaughter, and it took me many Months to compile let me tell you, just finding all the images.)
And then, immediately following that ad the cartoon show started back up again.
It was umm, Ren and Stimpy.
She was immediately silent as she watched this cartoon show for what was almost the next half hour. She had no concept whatsoever of the ‘content’ of the cartoon, just that it was cartoon characters. She laughed constantly at the televised antics, but the spoken words were so far over her head. I debated turning it off, aware myself of the content, but then realising that it was indeed out of the comprehension of a four year old. So, I watched it to the end.
I wondered to myself just what tiniest fraction (if any at all) of parents had even the slightest inkling of what their children were watching while looking at Ren and Stimpy.
No matter to me, because every Saturday morning from that day on, I religiously watched perhaps one of the better TV cartoons. Another one I have located on a streaming service, Paramount Plus.
Talking of Britbox …
What is the future on television? I have been pondering this for some time. The current FTA business model simply cannot survive, but subscription ‘streaming’ services seems to me to be wholly captured by the young, progressive Left. I no longer even bother looking to see what’s on – the foregone conclusion being ‘rubbish’.
But the publicised travails of Channel 10 and the rest seems to indicate that they’re getting it wrong, despite the wall-to-wall reality sh1te they seem to believe we want to see.
Is TV dead? Will 7, 9 and 10 really persist with this rubbish till they die a natural death?
There used to be an old meme ….. 52 channels and there’s nothing on.
I have seven streaming services and what surprised me was how cheap they actually are.
Now, there is NOTHING I cannot find that I can actually watch, and in fact, it’s got to the point where there actually is ….. choice!
And of course, Firefly and Farscape, were also fun sci-fi series.
“Did anyone ever watch Blake’s Seven”
Only a few times. 🙂
Have it on DVD
Yes, Blakes 7 was, and is an excellent series in its own way. I have what I think is all of it sequestered on a hard drive. When it was shown in Australia the first time, I was too young to understand or care about the wider story arc about being on the run from a totalitarian government, but I did like the fact it was all about spaceships and aliens, etc.
Video. Testing the limits of ChatGPT.
Sergei Lavrov lies like a pig in mud.
“The war, which we are trying to stop, which was launched against us, using…” he said as the crowd’s laughter cut him off.
“Using Ukrainian people,” he tried to go on, as the laughter continued and a voice interjected, “come on.” (ABC)
“Here Lavrov” said another CIA plant, “Have a glass of Koolade”…
Actually, there’s some double-strength stuff on this page, as potent as any propaganda about the vaccines.
Good meaty stuff and I think this quote adequately tells the story.
‘Experts widely agree that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the invasion of Ukraine out of a desire to restore Russia as an imperial power. Putin, who once described the collapse of the Soviet Union as the “greatest geopolitical catastrophe” of the 20th century, has likened himself to Peter the Great while defending Russia’s assault on Ukraine.’
And as reported in the Australian today “Nigel Farage slams Australia a ‘wokest place in the world’ in US speech”.
He’s not wrong. Even the corporations hate themselves. And all the political parties are greener than a watered lawn, except perhaps One Nation. I suppose we will all have to go home, where ever that is. Or start paying board to live in our own houses.
That would be One Nation that voted in support of the Online Safety Act 2021, giving American multi-millionaire Microsoft Executive and WEF affiliate, Julie Inman Grant, the power to close down “disinformation” sites like this one.
That One Nation?
If they are our “saviours” then we are well and truly copulated.
In summary, the Act seeks to prevent online harm, including cyber-bullying against an Australian child. Furthermore, it addresses:
cyber-abuse against an Australian adult;
the non-consensual sharing of intimate images; and
broader material that depicts ‘abhorrent violent conduct’.
I really don’t think it is reasonable to attack One Nation for supporting it. If the Act itself has been misused by the woke brigade, then attack the Woke brigade.
The Libs may just possibly be starting to wake up. but in the meantime One Nation is the only party speaking sense on many of the major controversial issues.
So, in summary, in four hours you read and researched the full ramifications of the second longest and most complex piece of legislation passed in my lifetime. All 184 pages, 300 plus Parts, and over 3,000 Sections.
Yeah, and pigs might fly, too. It took me over a month to fully work through the lot, and I’ve 30 years practice dissecting legislation.
Having accomplished such a feat, tell me, what did you think of its companion Act, the Online Safety (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Bill 2021. That’s less than fifty pages so should have been a doddle to you. Nifty the way they un-repealed the Sales Tax legislation, don’t you think?
And wasn’t it clever how they managed to second most of the 400 plus staff in ACMA over to the eSafety Commission without anybody noticing?
Enough of this. Go on regurgitating the “fact sheet” handed to empty headed politicians too lazy to bother reading the laws they pass if you want to, Mike. Personally I’ll stick with Ms Inan Grant’s own assessment at the WEF conference at Davos –
Oh, did I mention that Ms Inman Grant is a trusted member of Klaus Schwab’s inner circle at the WEF? Or that she was also Senior Advisor to Barak Obama’s inner circle in the White House for his first term?
Or that she was the person behind the scenes that transformed Twitter from a one man show with 60,000 subscribers, into a multi-billion dollar enterprise that just happened to acquire most of the companies leading research and development in AI along the way?
Or that she was a Senior Executive at Microsoft up until 2008 when she went to work with Obama? Or that she has returned to Microsoft three times during her adventures since 2008 and is still on their payroll? Or that she has been paid tens of millions of dollars in stock options in Microsoft, Amazon, and Twitter?
And you actually believe she is here working for $200,000 a year, protecting kids from online bullying?
I didn’t even suggest that One Nation were ‘saviours’ but they are the least woke, especially with Mark Latham. And the misguided bill you mention I would suggest was not their creation and they certainly didn’t pass it on their own. That’s parliament at work.
IMO this fits about here
“Brilliant column from Gemma Tognini”
Yes, the aspirational Australians are being pummelled. We live only to serve our masters. We are happy to hand over our savings for whatever reason they want them. It’s unfair for anyone to outperform anyone else and save much more than others.
My question is whether Chalmers understands law as badly as he does economics. His concept of taxing unrealised gains in the value of savings as stored in superannuation funds is a new idea in taxation. He will have to invent a way of calculating capital gains. And people will have to sell their houses to pay his tax without having the money to pay it. He may not have thought this through practically let alone legally. Theft is still illegal in Australia, even for a government.
And when the cash flees superannuation in the hundreds of billions because it is no longer safe, his Union buddies will have a word to say. It is what pays their inflated wages too. I wonder how much Paul Keating has stacked away in super?
By proposing that these super changes will not have the $3m limit indexed and for them not to come into force until mid 2025, the ALP are signing their own death warrant at the next Federal Election in 2025. Over time, there will be millions of superannuation Members who will hit the $3m limit.
A strange way to go about getting re-elected IMHO. In any case, I can’t see this proposal getting through Parliament. And another broken Election promise, being not to make changes to superannuation. It’s that TRUST thingy again.
Why would he have to invent a way of calculating capital gains? its a pretty old concept and the funds have quite detailed info on your inputs, investments and results. The only odd thing would be doing it annually (presumably) and not on realization.
I expect the outflow of funds to greener pastures is well underway already.
Does this mean the government will pay when the share markets tanks and returns are negative? mmmm maybe a credit then?
They will not give any refunds just as they are doing with franking credits .
This goes with that IMO
And also as reported in the Australian, the new oppressor of women is that of men identifying as women. So the fight for womens’ rights has changed to be men’s rights to be women which trumps women’s rights to be women.
After all, given there is no such thing as woman, so how can women have any rights? You could not imagine this insanity even a decade ago.
The recent highlight must have been the woman candidate to be a US Supreme Court judge not able to answer the question of what is a woman because she was not a biologist. So it’s no longer self evident. Even though we now can identify two X chromosones. This makes a fine mess of all of human history, except that also is being wiped out. Looks like the chest feeders have lost again to the non chest feeders.
I love it when the Left start eating each other.
There is now a TERF. TERF is an acronym for trans-exclusionary radical feminist.
I was making an informed reply to a post about TERF.
Did you even bother looking up anything about TERF?
No, I didn’t think so.
I did.
Given that there are no ‘women’as such,’
a serf wonders how come there are so many peeple on our planet?
Where did they come from? Mebbe a process of spontaneous generation!
Your failure to understand the courtly ways of ‘science’ may be the reason you are a serf.
And the reason that both of us are on this blog.
It is there in the Prophecies.
Women float.
Therefore anything that floats is a woman.
Women produce humans and therefore humans are anthropogenic.
Climate Change is anthropogenic.
Only a fully vaccinated non-binary hive cube can save us.
As a serf you should make no attempt to do your own research.
OKay… 🙂
There being no such thing as a woman is a problem for the DemocRATs and Harris because Harris and its party can’t claim the first female US Vice Presidency because neither believe in gender.
However the incessant insane giggling is a clue. Biden is bad, but at least they have chosen a VP who is unimaginable as President. We have two years in suspense as Biden tries to move the Oval Office to his basement at home.
Lets not forget that most of the world is not entwined in this BS.
Just posted by Steve Kirsh- “What killed over 24 people at the BSL-Clifton Hill facility in Melbourne, Australia in <12 months?" Hes really starting to look into Australia's dark Covid history as no Australian MSM have done.
Stephen Duckett is/was a prominent public health academic/public servant
I noticed that too.
He was the architect of Medicare.
My 91 year father entered aged care early 2020 (so just as COVID started). The last 18 months of his life were horrid due to the crazy COVID lockdowns and policy. Inhumane. As the vaccine program was starting in early 2021 I was actually allowed to visit, in person. I casually asked the centre manager if she was relieved the COVID vaxx program had begun. She turned to me with a rather sad face and then explained how during the whole of 2020 they didn’t “lose” a resident. Then, within a month of the vax program they lost 4 residents in quick succession. If you looked at the stats of nearly all aged care early 2021 I expect you would find a similar trend. To me it was vaccine induced euthanasia.
Very good DarkHorse video from 3 days ago talking about how covid “vaccines” cause autoimmune reactions in body. They are very dangerous substances.
Excellent explanation of the mechanism of injury. I think I can use this to explain to unbelievers. Thanks DM.
It was always my concern not about innoculation itself but repeated innoculation keeping the body on full alert for a long period of time. The chance it triggers auto immune diseases is huge.
UAH satellite temperatures are out for February 2023. Australia’s lower troposphere continues cooling, with no positive linear trend from May 2012.
That is akin to saying that there has been no global warming over Australia for 10 years and 10 months now. Geoff S
My web hosting continues to play up and I cannot easily show the graph.
Are you typing using the pinky on your left hand while squinting with your right eye?
You’d be surprised at what can rile our Moderator.
Well, at least this comment didn’t get TERFed out.
It’s cooling folks!
‘It’s cooling folks!’
Thanks to three consecutive La Nina world temperatures have dipped, but a strong El Nino would stop the slide.
Well why not, Beth?
Anti-matter is the opposite of matter, and apparently photons are making us warmer.
So if it is cooling as you say (and it is), maybe it’s being caused by anti-photons.
The S-B equation could be used calculate the influence of the antiphotons.
Klimate crazies are big on chanting antiphons dissing Schweppes.
EV ‘Emissions’ and AM Radio
reminds me of a comedy track in the 70s , probably Cheech and Chong, two stoners in converstaion ” ….buts it AM mannnn!! I mean, who listens to AM?”
I still think a good comedy sketch could be made out of “Dave ain’t here man!” with HAL trying to keep Dave out of spacecraft.
Some context for those who had a different misspent youth to mine
Excellent video:
The Secret Chinese Company that owns Everything.
South Australia gets noticed again
“Australian renewables integration: Part 1”
By far, the best summary of the ongoing east coast grid debacle I have seen in one item. Has history and context while also touching on core technical issues so they are at least exposed/included in the story.
That via
“Y2Kyoto: Blunder Down Under”
Australia is the laughing stock of the world – again!
Great article.
The silence from people who should know, such as professional engineers and the CSIRO is deafening.
It won’t end well.
As with covid, don’t forgive the guilty parties.
The Matt Hancock leaked lockdown messages have revealed a lot. Mainly that the UK gov. was not following ‘the science’, it was largely making policy on the hoof, based on their careers, public perception and polling, and political expediency – for instance pointlessly making school kids wear face masks so as not to be outdone by Nicola Sturgeon. The latest revelation was that Hancock wanted to unleash a new variant (scare story only I hope, not an actual virus!) to project fear us into a third lockdown.
This is very interesting, a study which suggests chicken pox vaccine caused shingles and the shingles vaccines causing chicken pox.
Eggs are a wonderful food and I love them.
I guess therefore that the Left will soon be upping their war against this wonderful food.
If you do a Goolag search for “eggs are bad for you” without quote marks, you will see many bad opinions of eggs.
Also, in the US many chicken farms have mysteriously burned downs and the price of eggs skyrocketed although apparently have come down recently.
“Intermittent variable renewable energy (IVREs) are inherently unreliable. One cannot demand that the wind blow or the sun shine. Industrial wind power and on-grid solar is not cheap but expensive, duplicative, and parasitic.”
Nailed it.
Yes, everyone knows that. But the official story is that they are ‘clean’ and cheaper and able to do the job, which are all blatant lies. And those lies as accepted and promoted across Australia at a corporate level and by all politicians. In the public sphere you are treated as a pariah, a denier, a danger to society if you even suggest otherwise.
Like JK Rowling who as a surviving single mother who survived the depths of depression is told that men are women too and she says it is not true. So she is pilloried even by Harry Potter, Weasley and Grainger. Even more strange is that Malfoy quietly supports her even he dares say nothing. Typical for the son of death eaters.
We live in a Post Modernist world where when something is obviously wrong, it is right if the majority says so. And you will be punished if you disagree with the mob.
Meanwhile politicians promise to rapidly bring down the price of electricity when they are the sole reason it is so high.
I like the description of “renewables” as parasitic.
When the wind blows or when the sun shines I will provide you with some electricity.
But providing reliable dispatchable supplies to keep the lights on I leave to others without regard for the fact that using a reliable electricity generator on an intermittent basis becomes increasingly uneconomic.
For example, NSW coal generators deliver just 4 GW in the middle of the day, but delivering up to 8 GW in the evening, average 5.2 GW, from a nameplate capacity of 9.7 GW.
No wonder Liddell’s three remaining generators are closing in April.
And for outrageous, a British drag Queen show for 1 and 2 year old babies?
“Organisers of the controversial British-based “CABA-BABA-RAVE” bondage-themed drag queen show for one and two-year-old babies and their mothers have cancelled an upcoming show after intense public backlash.”
This is the new world for children, near naked men dressed as women to educate babies and their mothers. Who thought that was a great idea?
It makes the logic behind man made Climate Change just the thin edge of the iceberg of fact free Post Modernism propaganda. And takes give me a baby when they are young to new depths.
Matt Walsh comments. His comments on this particular show are about half way through.
Why is the Left obsessed with exposing children to this adult “entertainment”?
Thanks for that clip, David.
I hope everybody takes ten minutes to watch it. Two comments –
First, Marilyn and I had an ongoing involvement with the Gay community for our entire 42 years together. In fact when I first met her I was known in Perth as “the bodyguard to the bent”. I can state without reservation that the r soles responsible for the show depicted in the video are in no way representative of the Gay community generally, who find such behaviour in front of children as abhorrent as the rest of us do.
Second, I am glad Matt Walsh included the mothers sitting around with their toddlers, laughing and giggling at the porn show, in his admonition. Such women are guilty of the worst kind of child abuse, and should be treated as such.
I do not know what would possess a parent to want to expose their child to this lunacy. What possible benefit is there to a child? Just more of the children as a virtue signaling accessory thing.
When a bear attacks, don’t ‘push a slower friend down,’ National Park Service says
By Jon Brown, Fox News
March 1, 2023 | 7:09pm
The National Park Service advised parkgoers facing a bear attack not to “push a slower friend down,” prompting a humorous back-and-forth with social media users with jokes of their own.
“If you come across a bear, never push a slower friend down… even if you feel the friendship has run its course,” the service tweeted on Tuesday.
“Seeing a bear in the wild is a special treat for any visitor to a national park. While it is an exciting moment, it is important to remember that bears in national parks are wild and can be dangerous,” the NPS added.
World’s top climate scientists told to ‘cover up’ the fact that the Earth’s temperature hasn’t risen for the last 15 years
By Tamara Cohen, Political Correspondent
20:40 19 Sep 2013
Leaked United Nations report reveals the world’s temperature hasn’t risen for the last 15 years
Politicians have raised concerns about the final draft
Fears that the findings will encourage deniers of man-made climate change
Scientists working on the most authoritative study on climate change were urged to cover up the fact that the world’s temperature hasn’t risen for the last 15 years, it is claimed.
A leaked copy of a United Nations report, compiled by hundreds of scientists, shows politicians in Belgium, Germany, Hungary and the United States raised concerns about the final draft.
Published next week, it is expected to address the fact that 1998 was the hottest year on record and world temperatures have not yet exceeded it, which scientists have so far struggled to explain.
The report is the result of six years’ work by UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which is seen as the world authority on the extent of climate change and what is causing it – on which governments including Britain’s base their green policies.
Hence they fixed the data in time for the Paris COP, the infamous Karl et al ‘pause buster’ paper.
The Russian propaganda today says they have Bakhmut, the Ukies are blowing up the bridges and leaving on the last road out.
The West’s propaganda today says the Russians are horrible and its much nicer being a homosexual in the Ukie army-
However I do note they both have a liberal use of gorgeous young women in full army gear with full makeup on in their photographs. At least they agree on something!
There are more as incidentals in the pro-Russian sites I look over, but a web search pulls up 90% of how wonderful the Ukrainian women solders are, and 10% of Russia holding a beauty contest for its female soldiers, and nothing of the women in action that I have seen. Not that there’s any bias in our search engines of course..
“Fauci Gets Fact-Checked: DC Diner Gives Dr. Tony Fauci Much-Needed Feedback”
“States Can Break Through Pharma’s Liability Shield”
Wow, massive figures! In 2020 Pfizer spent $9billion on R&D, but $12billion on advertising! J&J spent $12billion on research & $22billion on advertising.. So much for the image of hard-working scientists in white coats!
The industry spent $1billion on buying politicians over ’21-’22, making sure those mandates stayed in place! But if Pfizer is making $100billion in 2022, they can toss half a billion at politicians and not even notice!
Talk about the biggest scam in history!
Excellent articles.