A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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I would just like to take the opportunity to write.
Well, go ahead then. You have the floor.
I have seen this kind of floor before. The floor is made of dried pilchards and it clicks together.
They call it ‘Click Bait’
A floor so cunningly laid that wherever you step it is always under your feet.
Greta Thunberg is protesting in Norway calling for the removal of wind farms on environmental grounds. There is no greater proof that the radical left socialist extremists true objective is to destroy western civilisations by using energy as a weapon.
Greta Thunberg said a transition to green energy should not come at the expense of Indigenous rights.
Does this mean that the upcoming Australian referendum vote for the “Voice” if successful, could place Australia’s energy control in 2nd place below Indigenous rights?
A “Voice” that decides Australia’s energy future?
In the not too distant future the same radical activists will demand that solar panels and their Mega Watt batteries can no longer be used because of their environmental effects on the ecosystem.
When energy is unavailable and unaffordable, we end up being mere peasants owning nothing, because everything around us is made from energy.
No, look to NZ as Aussie follows… The voice will end up meaning aborigines control the solar and wind farms, selling the power to the rest of us as they see fit.
Its a UN thing, happening all over the Empire.
As goes Kanaduh, so go the Shaky Islands and the Penal Colony of Botany Bay.
Jo. That previous posted blog article was absolutely brilliant. I have forwarded the Ed Dowd – Tucker Carlson video to everyone that I know who cares…………………..
I should send it to all the ‘Pollies’ that I don’t know as well.
I agree, a fantastic interview with Tucker Carlson and Ed Dowd. As he states that he is now fearless (Ed) he could well be a force to be reckoned with. ToM
Green hydrogen, give generously, solar project no longer viable.
I will just let Twiggy lose all of his money on Green Hydrogen.
My tip is that he is not that silly. He dropped the world’s biggest solar farm. Hydrogen should be not far behind.
How do you drop hydrogen?
Maybe he will figure out that WA needs more nitrogen fertilizer?
Inexpensive and not imported?
don’t forget “gold” hydrogen, i.e.; naturally occurring Hydrogen. I don’t doubt that H2 can be found naturally, but I do not believe that it’s even remotely economic to produce it, even in Mali, where the most work has been done on this concept – by a company that also keeps changing its name…
An Australian based company now has Alexander Downer on the board, so it’s either a tax dodge, or subsidy farming at its finest, or perhaps both.
They will drill at least 1 well on the Yorke Peninsula later this year, which, as it’s for Hydrogen, will be considered a wonderfully environmentally friendly project by the media and others, whereas if it was for gas or oil, using exactly the same rig and technology, it’d be environmental vandalism.
Is that the Alexander Downer who participated in the ‘Russia Gate’ sting on Trump?
I hear that fishnet stockings are not just “back in fashion”, but compulsory, these days.
Downer and Flim-Flam need to get it together.
Fishnet stockings and hot rocks could be all the go in South Australia, the mendicant state.
Two bodies in the same barrel. It’s enough to make Snowtown look like David Viner was right.
Nothing to see there.
“There are hot rocks in South Australia that potentially have enough embedded energy in them to run Australia’s economy for the best part of a century.”
Fools. All of them.
Apparently hydrogen comes in a variety of colours now.
You just can’t make this stuff up.
Gold or white hydrogen – natural hydrogen from geological sources.
Green hydrogen – electrolysis of water with no GHG emissions.
Blue hydrogen – steam reforming to separate hydrogen from natural gas with Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS).
Grey hydrogen – as above but no CCS.
Brown and black hydrogen – made from coal gasification (if there’s CCS = blue hydrogen).
Turquoise hydrogen – pyrolysis of natural gas produces solid carbon.
Yellow hydrogen – direct water splitting.
Purple/pink hydrogen – nuclear power.
The only one which interests me is fusion of hydrogen, diamond hydrogen. Then you can forget everything else with the power of the sun at home. And actually no emissions. But I suppose Greens consider diamonds are dirty because they are dirty carbon.
Was there any mention of the gender of this hydrogen of many colours?
Rainbow Hydrogen.
The 21st Century’s pot of gold at the end of their rainbow.
I’d be extremely surprised if there was any natural source of free gaseous hydrogen reseevoirs in sufficient quantities that it is worth drilling for. Hydrogen is quite reactive and wouldn’t survive as pure hydrogen over geological periods like natural gas does, for example.
Whatever they’re drilling for, it’s almost certainly not hydrogen. It’s more likely taxpayer subsidies.
But this “natural hydrogen” seems to be the latest thing on all the Leftist websites. They will spend billions of tax dollars drilling for something that almost certainly doesn’t exist in commercially usable or recoverable quantities.
Net Zero Madness
Here’s a bizarre article from the Far Left ABC Australia attempting to say that Vitamin D is toxic.
Yes, at a ridiculous multiple of the recommended daily dose and only after months.
The ABC contributed to killing people by this pathetic attempt to demonise this hormome which has been proven to reduce covid mortality and severity of outcome in the deficient.
I think that the two biggest covid-related killers may have been vitamin D deficiency which was completely failed to be addressed and the “vaccines” themselves.
Plus banning of the safe antivirals, taken according to appropriate protocols.
Please see data referred to in #3 above. The actuaries did not see the event in 2020 you have a cure for. They are seeing an event in 2021 where the cure may be honesty and not something tipped into a cement mixer somewhere and pressed into a pill shape. These products are often not tested as they are classed as food not drugs.
But yet D3 + K2 + HCQ + Zn work.
So what’s your point?
‘So what’s your point?’
A couple of points really. Happy to be corrected as though I speak from a position of experience and expertise, I am always happy to learn.
(1) 2020 data – plenty of positive – PCRs very few sick people.
(2) Have you seen how these substances are manufactured?
(3) Where are the ingredients sourced from?
(4) What testing is done.
I have no doubt theses vitamins and trace elements are required for your health and I understand there is a potential benefit from HCQ, yet how do you test these effects on a population where, say in Queensland the pandemic was running rampant in 2020 and there were 5 recorded deaths of people ‘with Covid’. These people are recorded by Queensland Health as having significant other serious health issues.
Then in 2021 how do you separate out the benefits when those taking these precautions are less likely to have had the ‘clot shot’ and those being diagnosed with the illness are likely within 21 days of having been jabbed, were tested as they arrived in Queensland and were locked up, possibly given Remdesivir and possibly intubated.
These are what I call fairly substantial points. I would suggest rather than locking yourself in the study surrounded by potions, get out and about, eat a balanced diet with friends and family and more importantly interact with your fellow human beings. May I suggest some sort of hobby, sporting or service club, even a place of worship helping its community. God knows people are going to need help as the Gubmint services collapse.
In rare cases a large dose is given for a week (?) and then a dose of under 5,000 is continued.
Not having read that article, I know not what it says.
Overdosing on water can cause water toxicity, otherwise known as ‘drowning’.
During the worst of COVID I developed Diabetes II and my Vit D went down to 17, which is very low. My doctor prescribed 50000 units for 2 days as an emergency measure then reduced that over time. Still haven’t caught covid despite many around me catching it. Hard to fathom
Dear Brian,
How many rabbit holes do you want to go down?
My advice to you is eat, drink, hug & kiss, go for a walk and build bridges engineered for a fair chance of being ‘safe and effective’.
And continue to take your D3 + K2 + Zn.
‘And continue to take your D3 + K2 + Zn.’
Yep! Ricketts, osteoporosis, uncontrolled bleeding, impotence, ugly nails and loss of taste and smell should be avoided at all costs.
“A major problem with vitamins and supplements is they are not regulated in the same way as over-the-counter and prescription medications, Dr Moses said.”
The the whole reason for the article, a push to get severe regulation of the supplements industry. We are not allowed to make our own minds up.
So taking ten times the maximum recommended daily intake for months eventually got him to seven times the average blood level. ..and if the safe daily limit is 4000iu and the toxicity level is 40,000, what happens in between??
Same scaremongering here-
” calcium supplements can cause constipation, bloating and kidney stones, and may increase the risk of heart attack….there is evidence that very high levels of vitamin D can increase the risk of falls and fractures.” “For people with fair skin, five to 15 minutes in the sunshine most days a week should do it if your face and arms are exposed.”
‘a push to get severe regulation of the supplements industry’
Probably the opposite would be to have less regulation, so we can have more local manufacturers with competing control and research laboratories cross checking each others claims.
Tipping buckets of white powder from overseas into a pill hopper does not in my opinion form the basis for adequate testing of a hypothesis even if as Graeme No.3 (below?) finds solace in, ‘I was hesitant about toxicity until I was told by a friend that he had been taking 10,000iu daily for (approx) 10 years. And he is still going and I wish I was as healthy as him.’
When I started taking Vitamin D3 ( 3,000 iu daily) I was hesitant about toxicity until I was told by a friend that he had been taking 10,000iu daily for (approx) 10 years. And he is still going and I wish I was as healthy as him.
I used the Vitamin D3 + K2-7, zinc and quercetin approach and (despite no jabs) didn’t get Covid, not even a symptom, not ‘flu or even a cold.
If I may blow my horn in The Australian comments one chap (I suspect not a member of the Labor Party) suggested we send Albo to India.
I quickly pointed out that it was unwise as they already had very good spinners. (Got a 100 favourable v 0 disagreeing). But the problem remains “where the hell can we send him?”
Albo could bat; I’ve always seen him as a Number 2
Bob Hawke reckoned he could bat too:
“Everyone has a plan till they get punched in the mouth.” #miketyson #vintagetyson
I remember reading somewhere that a heavy weight boxer who fought for the title developed MS after losing. Apparently today he is on 150,000 units per day and it keeps his MS in check. Cosuming large doses of D3 didn’t phase him at all. I think he also took k2 as well to counter too much calcium in the body.
Boxer’s name is Zoran Vujicic,
Finally, fertiliser is making a comeback in Sri Lanka.
‘The International Finance Corporation (IFC), the World Bank’s investment arm, said it will provide Sri Lanka a $400 million cross-currency swap facility to help fund essential imports.
‘Three private banks, which together deal with over 30% of Sri Lanka’s remittances and exports, will receive the facility to fund essential imports, including medicine, food and fertiliser, the IFC said in a statement on Monday.’ (Reuters)
They’ve allowed fertiliser to grow crops.
Fancy that.
They won’t need to starve now.
The Green/Left will be most displeased.
…off to Russia.. “Please, I hear you have a lot of urea you can’t sell. We’ve got these $US/Euros to get rid of..”
The Tropical Twins, Judy & Kevin, now ‘shooting the gap’ between New Caledonia & Vanuatu on their way to oblivion down in the Roaring Forties. Am waiting for hex-spurts to claim CCC™ is now TWICE as bad as before, creating mutant double-whammy tropical cyclones (which look to be short-lived yet their ensuing swell will keep many of us ‘seaweeds’ happy).
I am soooooo over the Cult of Climate.
Severe Judy is going from nowhere to oblivion.
This mob don’t mention CC.
He’s one of the rare meteorologists who, a) knows what he’s talking about and, b) doesn’t spin BS like Brandolino (NIWA), Renwick (‘climate scientist’ on the taxpayers’ teat), Shaw (Green Minister for CCC) and a host of hexpurt churnalists ($) who know nuffink™.
He’s also the ONLY ONE who, correctly, referred to “ex-tropical cyclone Gabrielle” as soon as Fiji Met downgraded it to a low, Sunday 12 Feb: yet govt/media/fools continue to use the non-scientific canard whilst claiming they’re following The Science®.
NB. On your BoM pdf, the massive low underneath NZ (ten-times bigger than Judy or Kevin) is not only pushing up 6-8m swells, it’s going to drop snow on Mt Hutt – again – this weekend, yet one-eyed hexpurts can’t see it for the trees, ie. Carbon Calamity Cash.
Caitlin Johnson giving the Americans a lesson in geography.. The US ambassador to China says ‘We’re the leader in the Indo-Pacific region’..
The billions living between Darwin and Russia may have other ideas!
While the rest of the world row the NutZero money stream from government, China is taking over the world in key areas of technological development.
The simple test of technology leadership is how much coal is burnt as coal underpins all technology development:
USA 545Mt
China 4,200Mt
China is leading by a massive margin.
They want to be a world leader in AI.
Wouldn’t be hard to improve on the ‘Murican versions so far…
Australia is doing alright in medical technology and cheap drones.
‘Flat-pack drones: Our cardboard killers take fight to Putin.
‘Australian drones made of cardboard and rubber bands are helping Ukrainian troops fight off the Russians.’ (Oz)
Babylon Bee maybe? 😃
Americans and geography? Jay Leno has many of these.
And his quiz on 4th grade science also helps explain why people believe man made Global Warming. I wonder how many people know what carbon dioxide is? It explains why they can be believe coal power is dirty. Or as they would say, carbon is black. Right?
TdeF says:
“carbon is black. Right?”
Black is only black if you’ve been subjected to a racist, colonialist, and white supremacist’s education system.
Actually, Carbon is rainbow coloured. Your eyes. Your choice.
I reckon it’s “round brilliant”.
Easy – I learnt this in high school in one of the Organic Chemistry lessons on combustion
Carbon Dioxide is one of the pollutants from combustion of hydrocarbons:
What else would you like to know?
Only hydrogen burns without pollution.
Nonsense. Chemistry doesn’t have a concept of “good” and “bad” reactions. Sometimes you *want* pure “poison”.
Coal carbon is ‘black’…
Diamond carbon is ‘pure’…
All I know is they are BOTH expensive.
Tell a wealthy urban Greenie they have to live in a Diamond-Zero world and, step back and enjoy that pained look on their face…
There is continuing criticism of the US firm Pfizer, manufacturer of one the the main Covid jabs.
Why, then, do we see frequent TV commercials with Ita Buttrose, Chairman of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation ABC, flogging Pfizer antivirals on commercial TV?
Are there not grounds for conflict of interest? Surely the ABC Chair should voluntarily recuse rather than endorse when the prospect of very big Court actions loom. Geoff S
Particularly when the presenter of a garden show on the ABC, is not allowed to say the name of a garden product because it is considered advertising.
Just for conversation, Channel 9 TV recently examined the 1988 disappearance of the beautiful steel yacht Patanela on ferry from Fremantle to the Whitsundays.
The captain was Ken Jones, who was Chief pilot for one of our companies Austirex, set up to fly aerial surveys over a large part of Persia under the Shah in 1978. We bought a couple of Aussie N-22 Nomads for the job. I was relieving manager for a short time in Tehran and saw Ken in action as a very competent pilot, navigator, radio communicator. The contract called for a terrain clearance of 80 metres for hour after hour, difficult for any pilot. Our opposition company lost a DC3.
Anyone here involved or interested? Mineral exploration geoscientists get into all sorts of interests. Geoff S
As a kid I would pore over my Dad’s atlases and ancient Persia would always draw me in… what a contorted & intriguing landscape it was, and still is. As an adult (open to conjecture) I’ve always wanted to sip on a bottle of Shiraz in Shiraz… or go snowboarding on Demavend in the Alborz… such a wild and varied terrain, sadly to remain in my imagination only.
Have met numerous geologists on my travels and have yet to meet one who is, a) a fool, and b) a believer in Cuckoo Change. Go the Rock People! 😃
BlackRock’s tyrannical ESG agenda
A very interesting read.
Three arrested after activists deface mammoth at Royal B.C. Museum
The washable pink paint was tossed at the tusks of the mammoth to protest what thegroup called the federal government’s ‘criminal’ inaction on climate
Justin will give them a medal.
Quote lifted from last Monday post.
“Alas, it appears the “backradiation” debate is really a debate about whether photons exist or not, ”
Not really.
Photons are real; “back radiation” is not.
Hi KK,
I have always thought of the lower atmosphere as like a giant Jenga set but in reverse. The more dense the atmosphere the more collisions to pass energy to the next available molecule, which is why the humid tropics stay warm overnight. Collisions are far more likely to occur as energy transport than re radiation particularly in the lower atmosphere.
We see this effect in normally dry climates when they become unusually humid see Melbourne for example.
With convection as the driving force upwards and away from the surface energy transport up, is far more likely than downwards.
We only need to look at the dry deserts to see what happens when there is low water levels heat disappears rapidly overnight. No back radiation happening there either or so insignificant so as not to warm those deserts at night.
There was a very interesting post over at the site Oculaer from 2017 showing the difference between outgoing OLR between humid and dry atmospheres. Congo versus the Sahara-Sahel both equal distance from the equator but very different top of atmosphere OLR results.
Hi Scott,
that’s a long interesting link that does look at the macro picture with assessment of so many factors.
It can make us dizzy :-).
One thing that adds confusion is the use of average temperatures when the two areas under comparison are so different physically. The Congo has a carpet of vegetation whereas the Sahara sands would be super hot through the day and very cold at night.
The link also makes a point about the influence of convection in the movement and relocation of thermal energy.
So many intersecting factors and that’s why it’s best to look for the answer through analysis of the atomic physics.
In general we can see that the global warming “science” has caused a lot of debate with many different approaches to it’s analysis.
About ten years ago Lord Christopher Monckton visited our city and spoke to a group of maybe forty who were keen to hear from him. I even got a photograph with him. His approach is to assess the UNIPCCC models and demolish them with his own specialized skills.
The core issue, I believe, is obviously there in the simple, known atomic physics, thermodynamics and atmospheric physics of the situation.
Sadly it cannot be discussed by suitably qualified people in universities for fear of cancellation and job loss.
The answer is there but money keeps it hidden.
The notion of “photon” is poorly understood is more to the point rather than existence or not.
Backradiation is a silly construct that gives silly results like the notion of “cool” radiation. This is Mishchenko’s proof that it does not exist at any point in time or space:
Mishchenko is no longer with us but he must have giggled at the srtupidity of NASA’s radiation budget diagram that adorns IPCC reports. The fact that those diagrams are still available is testament to the political nature of Climate Science – just religion/politics not science.
Mishchenko’s work on the fundamental physics of radiative transfer in Earth’s atmosphere is the basis for a good deal of current remote sensing hardware.
Thanks Rick.
Another blast from the past, about reflection.
The unmentionable is not always what it seems.
New Study Shows Taking Vitamin D Supplements Could Help Prevent Dementia
In the study, published in Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring, the team found that taking vitamin D was associated with living dementia-free for longer, and they also found 40 percent fewer dementia diagnoses in the group who took supplements.
Interesting article, but its highest recommended intake is 600 IU per day. With no mention of any target, or achieved, blood level.
Also no mention of cofactors etc.
Dave B
Highest dosage recommended was 800 IU for those 71 and over.
The full paper at:
shows all the co-factors considered. age, gender, ethnicity, pre-existing alzheimer’s was excluded, etc. methodologies and such.
Might be informative stuff in the full paper.
Australian renewables integration: Part 1
Forty years ago, Australia had an electricity system delivering cheap, reliable power. That is no longer the case. Development and change have been driven by politics and dogma, not engineering and economics. Things that work are being replaced by that which looks good to virtue signallers, especially to those that don’t understand the issue. Prices have risen a lot faster than inflation.
Australia used to be referred to as the lucky country. That may no longer be the case.
mmmm it does take a high degree of stupidity and ineptitude to overcome the many natural advantages Australia has. However a succession of governments does appear to have risen to that challenge. Norway we are not.
Quotes by Ayn Rand
“The difference between a welfare state and a totalitarian state is a matter of time.”
“A businessman cannot force you to buy his product; if he makes a mistake, he suffers the consequences; if he fails, he takes the loss. If a bureaucrat makes a mistake, you suffer the consequences; if he fails, he passes the loss on to you.”
“There’s no way to rule innocent men. The only power government has is the power to crack down on criminals. When there aren’t enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws.”
With NZ’s ‘members’ of Parliament, the number of laws goes up in accordance with the never-ceasing self-indulgent pay increases they offer themselves.
I wonder if our lot has a duplicate slide set?
“The Decline And Fall Of The American Empire”
“Now we know how the Romans felt under Caligula.
The RealClear Defense article cites official U.S. Army training PowerPoint slides, which were originally uncovered by the Wall Street Journal, and notes that they cover various “vignettes,” such as what Commanders should do if “a ‘female to male’ soldier announc[es] a pregnancy.” RealClear Defense also explains that the PowerPoint slides cover a scenario where a “male to female” soldier, who successfully transitioned and is officially recognized as such despite not having gender reassignment surgery, “wants to use female-designated showers.” “Another scenario describes a female soldier who is experiencing tension with a ‘transgender female’ roommate.”
Though to be fair, even Caligula knew a horse from an ass.”
This bloke gets mentioned as a better comparison in comments
Plus other injteresting reading.
Another “Note that the WHO and FDA have both listed this substance as “approved” for more than 20 years. ”
“erythritol, an artificial sweetener used as a “cutting agent” for other artificial sweeteners (because it has the texture and bulk of sugar, but is less sweet — thus its use with Stevia and others) may be linked to heart attacks and strokes, particularly occlusive strokes.”
“Until proved otherwise this substance should be immediately banned from human consumption products; a direct mechanism of harm has been discovered and said concentrations are routinely reached in human beings who use it in a non-abusive fashion. That’s enough to say “no effing way can you put that in something being sold for deliberate human ingestion.”
More at
“People should stop pretending that Democrats are the party of science. Science has nothing to do with their policies. All they want is power.”
Hey, they’ve been preaching that here for years – ever since The End Of Snow was announced 23 years ago in March 2020. How else can they cover their assets…
Greenland flourished two million years ago and CO2 was lower than today.
There is a far bit of aerial activity in our nearby town due to a nearby bushfire. The town serves as a refuel point for the helicopter part of the fleet. I heard a different heavier beat as one passed over on descent and went out to have a look. It was a Chinook. I haven’t seen one of those beasties in the air for a vey long time. Impressive as ever 🙂
I heard it yesterday too; it’s a different sound from the single rotor types. I went and told my husband that I could hear a Chinook but couldn’t see it. We guessed it was here because of the fire up towards Bonnie Doon.
Many years ago now my family and I used to watch the Rotadyne (sp?) flying over our part of Reading. Needless to say, the technology ended up being further developed in the good’ol US of A rather than in the UK. Presumably, the Chinook was a development of the Rotadyne? Others here might know more about it.
The up coming NSW election has Labor planning to stop the tunnel project under the sandstone curtain. It illustrates the difference between the majors.
Somebody posted a link to the Liz Gunn letter a few days ago.
The content is extraordinary, brave and inspiring, worth a look. › v2bdxai-liz-gunn-letter-to-…
lizz gunn letter to jacinda from
18 hours ago · One year on from the invasion of Freedom
Hope the link works