A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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I think there is a good chance that March in Canberra will be warmer than one or both of January and February.
If so, then they will pick March as the somethingth warmest of the last (pick a number) years.
sure will
Sure, there’s been some very early winter-patters fronts and westerlies – hence warm in the extreme east of Australia and very cool on the southern seaboard. Despite BoM ALWAYS saying the SAM is neutral or positive, it has been negative for a few weeks now – which is conducive to polar fronts heading north.
Why do you think “that there is a good chance that March in Canberra will be warmer than one or both of January and February”. ????.
He might mean warmer than the average for Autumn.
The Canberra monthly mean temperatures over the past 50 years for January, February and March only differ by several degree Celsius, but the variance of the mean for each month over that time is probably something like 10 degree Celsius. The January 2023 mean maximum temperature for Canberra was 2.6 degree C below the long term mean, February was close to normal.
I should point out that I meant the average of the daily maximum. The total temperature profile for March is cooler. Today for instance we are going from 5 overnight to 27. In January we rarely got over 25 but night would be 10 or more.
With La Nina easing off and SAM going negative I think more likely March will be right on average.
A prediction of political turmoil?
January and February were pretty cool…. well below average…
Is that what you are saying ?!
Don’t know what part of Canberra you’re from but in my part of Woden I still have an extra blanket and we’re already a 3rd of the way through the month. Yesterday I was wearing a jumper at home.
Good on you. I meant daily maximums. I know there is a big north south schism here but it temperatures don’t vary that much.
Canberra around 25ºC at the moment. Very pleasant weather.
Went down to 4.5ºC overnight! No wonder blankets were needed ! (not CO2 ones… they don’t work)
Seems WB is correct…
Average temp for March so far in Canberra is 26.1ºC, vs Jan 27.6ºC and Feb 27.7ºC
Data making a fool of GA… yet again !
Australian renewables integration. Part 2
by Planning Engineer (Russ Schussler) and Chris Morris
Part 1 is here:
Please get this out to as many people as possible. We need full public awareness so that this advance does not get buried by big pharma. I have posted this before but it is worth repeating. A few years ago AUT in Auckland New Zealand developed AGI 134. This is a synthetic alpha gal. Galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose (alpha gal) is present in the cell walls of all mammals with the exception of old world monkeys and man. As such, we have a very strong immune response to its presence. The product is designed to be injected in to solid cancer tumors and the action is described as “AGI-134 is designed to label cancer cells with alpha-Gal via intra-tumoral administration, thereby targeting the body’s pre-existing, highly abundant anti-alpha-Gal (anti-Gal) antibodies and redirecting them to treated tumors. Binding of anti-Gal antibodies to the treated tumors results in activation of the complement cascade, which destroys the tumor cells and creates a pro-inflammatory tumor microenvironment that also induces a systemic, specific anti-tumor (vaccine) response to the patient’s own tumor neo-antigens.” In other words, the immune system takes out the tumor and, as it also acts as a vaccine, it stops any metastasized cells and makes certain that type of tumor cannot come back. For more information visit
From the information I have, the clinical trials are progressing really well, but big pharma such as Pfizer, Merck, Astra Zeneca and the like will not be happy about losing a big chunk of their lucrative chemotherapy markets. They must not be allowed to bury this. Get the information out to as many people as possible. This is looking like the real “silver bullet” for solid tumors and the corrupt a***holes in big pharma must not be allowed to sideline this amazing innovation.
There is some prospect of sodium-ion battery making BEV town cars economic propositions.
The largest global battery nmanufacturer CATL now has batteries in vehicle testing programs. One example here:
A specialist Sodium-ion battery maker has also got batteries into car testing:
The ready availability of sodium means the cost for these batteries will come in much lower than lithium and also take pressure off lithium prices. Sodium batteries do not tend to burn so easily and are safe to leave with zero charge.
The prospect of an economic town car now appears realistic.
Sodium batteries should displace lithium in stationary applications very quickly if the anticipated prices materialise.
Sodium batteries have 300 recharges lifespan at 100% discharge and 1000 recharges at 80% discharge.
This does not excite me much-What is the cost of replacing a battery every 2-3 years? BTW The footage of a scooter battery destroying a city building with a 5 alarm fire was impressive.
Let the marketplace decide.
There is no actual NEED to do it. We still have plenty of hydrocarbon fuels and modern emission controls take care of city pollution.
I have no problem with people buying electric shopping trolleys if they so choose (voluntarily).
“I have no problem with people buying electric shopping trolleys if they so choose (voluntarily).”
Me neither. What I strongly oppose however, is subsiding THEIR choice through MY taxes.
RW are you sure they are safe if they get wet?
That “endless drought” will fix that problem.
(/s in case)
I just wonder if we could end the paranoid normie “Climate change” and divert our efforts into cleaning our back yard. I have witnessed Aboriginal living conditions personally and professionally. It is a huge problem that is made worse by paying out the grievance industry. I am skeptical that the Govt will ever “Close the Gap”- too many PS salaries depend on it!
Adding more voices to the long list of already appointed voices, plus members of parliament, state and federal who claim to be indigenous, would solve nothing for the 20 per cent of 3.7 per cent of the multicultural population claiming to be indigenous Australians and who are genuinely disadvantaged, and nearly all in country area communities.
The living conditions of many indigenous people does indeed look tragic, but aren’t there enough examples of housing being provided for them, which they have subsequently wrecked?
Once again, just tossing money at the problem doesn’t work, especially as most of it never leaves the city limits. What is needed is a profound cultural change on the part of the tribes, which can only happen when the professional agitators, who have hijacked indigenous affairs for their own enrichment, allow those people to move into the modern world. Currently, they are being told that to do so means abandoning their history and joining the white fellas. It doesn’t have to be one or the other, but harmony is the very last thing those activists want, because it maintains their gravy train and power.
Not a topic we are likely to see in MSM anytime soon
which they have subsequently wrecked?
Many years ago, while working for a major pest management company, we were called in by a NSW country city council to examine an aboriginal village on the outskirts of the town whose occupants were complaining that their council provided house were collapsing because of termite damage. What we found was that the villagers did not want to use the gas cooking stoves provided in each house, but preferred to cook over wood fires in the common village square.
The timber they used for their cooking was from the wall studs in their houses. They stripped off the wall linings, progressively pulling out studs until the top wall plate succumbed and the roof caved in.
When we reported this to the council, they just built a new village and moved the occupants into it.
double brick housing seems to have solved “that problem” in WA
A cabinet minister just returned from visiting a country community to see new houses provided by a state government told me he was appalled to see the older houses in terrible condition, and so many people choosing to live and sleep outside on the ground.
That is an example of a cultural choice.
When a federal minister visited an NT community elders asked for more houses, he, an indigenous Australian, told them to clean up what they have first and the elders responded angrily with abuse.
Indeed it is.
Why should we impose our housing standards on them when clearly they don’t want to live like that?
Why waste money on houses when they just destroy them and use them for firewood.
We should not impose Western housing and cultural standards on them if that’s not how they want to live.
Here is a short video showing conditions and treatment inside one of the taxpayer supplied houses, not entirely destroyed yet.
Years ago friends had a house in Neath, not far from Cessnock in the NSW Hunter Valley and opposite was a rental property with an indigenous Australian family renting it.
First the paling fences disappeared, next front verandah floor boards and so on and so on.
My wife and I worked and lived in remote aboriginal communities in the late 1980’s, when rivers of money was being funnelled into the aboriginal industry. There was never any attempt to educate the recipients of this money, about how to get the best value out of it. The activists had one agenda, to create a solid voting bloc, and to ensure that tribal culture never changed, and it has never changed. As for aboriginal youth crime – aboriginals parents do not have the bond of a judeo christian society – no “This man and this women are joined in holy matrimony, until death do us part”. Aboriginal children are allowed, even encouraged to do exactly as they please, without any punishment, or correction, or guidance, or discipline, or education in the difference between right and wrong, consequently aboriginal children believe it is their right to destroy property, assault others, steal vehicles, break into homes, and of course the modern Justice and Police systems condone this behaviour, and NOTHING WILL CHANGE WITH A “VOICE” to Parliament – the “Fox” has complete control in the “Henhouse”. Until aboriginal culture is changed to bring them into modern society, and a modern world, where parents teach their children respect, responsibility, self discipline, guide them with education until they become useful members of society, chaos and anarchy will continue, and the Marxists will have won!
Great point Steve.
We cannot turn the clock back to pre-colonization, and pretend Aboriginals and Islanders can continue to live traditional lifestyles whilst the rest of Australia and the developed world enjoys abundant lifestyle choices and a general high standard of living using modern technology and ‘cheap’ electricity-our engine for economic growth.
The Aboriginal industry of city-based bureaucrats and academics funded by us, that is supposed to look after their bush brothers or ‘country cousins’ is doing a terrible job; but is looking after themselves very well.
No wonder Pauline Hansen’s One Nation gets 3-5% of the Federal vote. She and many other commentators say the Voice will do nothing to change rural aboriginal disadvantage, I agree, and will vote No to force the ‘Industry’ to change its ways and bring their poor cousins into the 21st Century as equal and deserving, and participating members of our multicultural society, not disreputable outsiders or fringe dwellers living off welfare.
The ‘Voice’, if it gets into the constitution, will put yet another self-serving band (or as Steve of Cornubia puts it: professional agitators, who have hijacked indigenous affairs for their own enrichment) between aborigines and their actual needs. It is surely guaranteed to make the situation a whole lot worse, and if it is in the constitution it will be worse for ever.
It would be so easy to try out the ‘Voice’ first. Just set one up and see how it goes. Putting it into the constitution as a first step is astonishingly dangerous and quite simply nuts.
I wonder if claimed to be “300-plus First Nations countries” here will order nuclear submarines and other defence assets?
Must read: Daily Telegraph, Tuesday March 7, 2023: “Do the referendum the right way … or no way.
One enlightening gem: “Consent (should be given before referendum held) is an internationally agreed minimum standard of engagement in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)”.
Newly discovered enzyme that turns air into electricity, providing a new clean source of energy
Australian scientists have discovered an enzyme that converts air into energy. The finding, published today in the journal Nature, reveals that this enzyme uses the low amounts of the hydrogen in the atmosphere to create an electrical current. This finding opens the way to create devices that literally make energy from thin air.
The research team, led by Dr. Rhys Grinter, Ph.D. student Ashleigh Kropp, and Professor Chris Greening from the Monash University Biomedicine Discovery Institute in Melbourne, Australia, produced and analyzed a hydrogen-consuming enzyme from a common soil bacterium.
Laboratory work performed by Kropp shows that it is possible to store purified Huc for long periods. “It is astonishingly stable. It is possible to freeze the enzyme or heat it to 80 degrees celsius, and it retains its power to generate energy,” Kropp said. “This reflects that this enzyme helps bacteria to survive in the most extreme environments. ”
The dreaded Hydrogen again.
Geez JCII, I thought it was 1/4/23 already.
“The average hydrogen content of air at ground level is 0.6 parts per million.”
How much power do you think they’ll make?
Is it of any practical use?
And how much energy to manufacture the enzyme?
Do I detect “green” “research” funding, courtesy of the taxpayer?
No, no, David.
They will make hydrogen from water using electrolysis..
Then make “green” energy from that hydrogen using the bacteria.
There is already electrical energy in the air. Each meter up has a voltage difference of 100 volts from the ground, right up to around 52,000 meters. Unfortunately it is only very weak Amps.
The motors that take advantage of this are commonly called Electrostatic Motors.
“Once we produce Huc in sufficient quantities, the sky is quite literally the limit for using it to produce clean energy”
DM – maybe Monash should spend their money on gender equality issues instead?
I know, I know
I’ve looked into this for years hoping to make it viable but it didn’t happen, despite anecdotal claims…
yeah, you wont get any usable current out of that. if you can get the ionosphere, then you are in business.
easy way, but not really a viable commercial product is leeching off RF. plenty of RF around these days that will give you enough for small devices, but of course you are creating a bit a black hole for that frequency around/past you.
ah, the tech that has come and gone, old crystal sets didnt need a power source.
With you there, so begs the question why would they chase and even weaker source of power??
There is a good explanation of atmospheric electricity here:
saw that on the news, and because in the story they say “Once we produce Huc in sufficient quantities, the sky is quite literally the limit for using it to produce clean energy.” the people at the news desk overstate its value. they did however interview someone for a short time who explained that it could be used for watches, small chips etc. so, it will be useful for very low current devices probably linked with a supercap or something like that.
This was on nz breakfast tv yesterday.
They don’t seem to understand the problem of low density e energy.
“Bureaucracies Utterly Incapable of Making Reasonable Tradeoffs”
“Often I focus on bureaucratic regulation of energy because the ability to restrict use of energy is the ultimate societal control. Once they have obtained the ability to restrict use of energy, bureaucrats could, if they choose, take away most of our freedom to enjoy life and return us to the income levels of the Stone Age. Will they stop before going that far, making reasonable tradeoffs to enable the people to flourish economically? Or will they instead pursue environmental purity without concern for the well-being of the populace?”
More at
“America’s Suppression of Fossil Fuels Is Courting a National Security Disaster”
“The capacity of a modern economy to produce food and products for its citizens, and weapons and fuels for its military to project power, are the undeniable twin pillars of global power. Both depend on reasonably priced and readily available products made from the oil derivatives manufactured from crude oil. In other words, American literally runs and fights on products from fossil fuels.
The renewables of wind and solar only generate occasional electricity, but manufacture nothing for society.
Take for example the medical industry that did not exist just a few hundred years ago, that is now maintaining the health and well-being of the 8 billion now on this planet. Today, as an exercise in energy literacy, try to identify something, anything, in your doctor’s office, or the hospital, or the pharmacy, which was not made from the oil derivatives manufactured from crude oil.”
More at
I guess running both those subjects at the same time might be called a “double string fuster”?
How ‘HIV/AIDS’ Foretold The ‘COVID’ Crisis
As Dr. Fauci engineered his lethal “HIV/AIDS” scam—laying the groundwork for the “COVID” horror to come—Celia Farber was there covering it; and now her book about that episode is back in print
On March 23, Chelsea Green will publish Celia Farber’s Serious Adverse Events: An Uncensored History of AIDS.
This is certainly great news for all those who’ve been clamoring for a new edition of that book—which, first published in 2006 did not get the attention it deserved (to put it mildly), as it came out at the start of a ferocious propaganda drive against all those intrepid souls who called themselves “AIDS dissidents,” and who were slimed (preposterously) as “AIDS deniers.” (Sound familiar?)
In a Ugandan village overrun by heavily funded Western AIDS-fighters, Farber learned that the people there now called all deaths—from malaria or any other illness—“AIDS deaths.” (AIDS “is a formula for everything here,” one villager said wearily.)
That African phenomenon foretold the global plague of bogus diagnoses, whereby deaths caused by flu, pneumonia, heart attack, and even motorcycle accidents were written up as “COVID deaths”—as were countless others who had “tested positive” but clearly died of other comorbidities.
You hardly ever hear about people getting HIV/AIDS any more, either in Western countries or Africa. But people, especially the prone groups, are more promiscuous than ever before.
According to ABS statistics, the number of Australians who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander is increasing dramatically.
2006 517,000
2011 669,900
2016 798,400
2021 984,000
That’s a 4.38% growth rate per year 2006-2021 compared to the overall rate for Australia of about 1.73% for the same period (20.4m to 26.4m).
Of course, it could also be that I have heard a lot of people decide to identify as such because racist employment policies such as for “diversity and equity” (sic) mean you are more likely to get employed as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander so the employer can fulfil a quota. It’s just so they can tick a box, it has nothing to do with competence or suitability for the job, and everyone knows it. You can also get better medical treatment, apparently.
That was meant to be a reply for #4.
For the last 80 years or so the Left have heavily promoted the view that National Socialism was not real socialism, despite the name and despite the ideological philosopher of Fascism being Giovanni Gentile, a Hegelian Marxist. They try to claim it was a form of capitalism. It is an important element of the Leftist narrative and a key component of their war against the free enterprise system.
This video looks at the claims of the Left and debunks them, determining that National Socialism was most definitely socialism, although not quite the same as Soviet socialism.
A bit of info on past sea levels.
While sea levels over the world do change differently, the attached link is relevant to Australia’s east of.
The point is that this progression is well documented and when taken in context shows that current ocean levels have extremely stable.
Woke up this morning to check emails and social media. Also, catch up with news. Robert Redfield testimony at Congressional Inquiry into COVID origins – he definitely thought COVID originated from the WIV, basically called Fauci a lier. So, already knew that 3 years ago. Next, Hancock in the UK with all the WhatsApp messages re COVID lockdowns etc. Basically, he inflamed the whole UK COVID response on some ego trip. Little science involved, all politics. Next story – Daniel Andrews and voter polling during COVID indicated again – all politics, little science applied during COVID for the State of Victoria. So huge sense of dejavu there. Finally, a sub stack article by Dr Robert Malone interviewing Prof Robert Brighthope (Australian) regarding the Pfizer evidence given to our own TGA. Evidence which shows the transmission of Lipid nanoparticles to all major organs of the body, post jab. They sat on this info and did nothing, not even a query. It all looks like it’s unravelling, and all the scepticism and doubt I had regarding everything to do with COVID at the time is now being confirmed. A lot of people lost their humanity during the last 3 years and most of them were the supposed leaders of society.
Yes it is unraveelling but still no apologies from any of the main players. Instead we are getting a rewriting of history, finger pointing and arse covering as per Scomo’s efforts the other night.
Here is a video of the talk GP (medical doctor) Dr Melissa McCann (QLD) gave at the United Australia Party covid conference.
Thanks David,
What a powerful speech.
I strongly recommend it.
31 mins.
Dave B
Off label prescribing of medications used to be common and acceptable before covid when such prescriptions for HCQ and IVM were banned for covid treatment or prophylaxis. To satisfy Big Pharma and Big Government anti-scientists and other assorted parasites.
Do you think they’ll ever be removed from the prohibited list?
And what about other off label prescriptions for other things? Will they be banned too? E.g. thalidomide to treat leprosy or the many uses of aspirin that keep being discovered even though it is not currently a prescription drug.
Never stand between a warehouse of pallets stacked with $100 Benjamins and Pfizer David!
You’ll be pleased to know that the Australian Government “scientific” agency CSIRO is seeking “First Nation’s” input into the planned insect-based human food supply.
But which First Nation? Australia only had nationhood from 1st January 1901.
Before that it was individual colonies.
And before that, 500 or so disparate native tribes with no concept of nationhood.
Whoever gets asked, you can bet “average” people won’t be asked if they want to eat cockroaches, crickets etc..
It will be forced upon non-Elites by some mechanism such as a prohibitive tax or banning of real meat.
What’s coming up for Australia?
“While he was Education Minister, NZ’s new Prime Minister Chris Hipkins was responsible for a radical overhaul of the education system to “honour” the Treaty of Waitangi. Introducing New Zealand History into the school curriculum was a key initiative. As the only compulsory subject, Chris Hipkins obviously considers it more important than English, Maths or Science.
What we now know is that the compulsory lessons present doctored accounts of New Zealand history, designed to advance the cause of radical separatists who are attempting to take control of the country’s resources and governance. For the tribal elite driving this coup, indoctrinating children with their false narratives is a key part of their takeover strategy.
With the new history curriculum being introduced this year, a number of primary schools are already showing their students a taxpayer-funded propaganda video, the Hahana Kids’ “The BIG Problem with the Treaty of Waitangi” by Blackout Media.
Presented by children, the narrative explains there are two versions of the Treaty – the English version and its Maori translation: “In the Maori version we were promised sovereignty of our lands, our people and culture, basically meaning that we would be in charge of everything that’s important to our people and our country. This is the version that our Maori chiefs signed and agreed to. But in the English version it said that the British people would have sovereignty meaning that they would be in charge of everything. And this began many wars because Maori people were promised something but that’s not what the British did – they stole our land, killed a lot of our people, they even banned our language from schools, our medicines, our practices and tried to break our spirit.”
The comparison between the original meaning of the Treaty, as described by Sir Apirana Ngata in the days before activists began reinterpreting it, and what is now being taught to our children, is stark. It represents a shocking indictment of Chris Hipkins for allowing blatant Treaty propaganda and lies to be taught to our children.”
Yep, The Voice is just the first step on the road for the UN’s removal of democracy & white people.
Add to that we have plummeting attendance, literacy and numeracy rates.
The “First Nation” people hunted kangaroo and other animals with the use of spears etc.
You don’t need a spear to hunt wichety grubs !
No, but how many witchety grubs can you find?
how many witchety grubs = the food/nutrition weight of one kangaroo !
Can you catch a kangaroo?
Give me a rifle or bow and arrow. !
Enjoy your witchety grubs !
Tuckering down under?
“‘No Vaccine Mandates?’ – Pull the other one.”
“This week, former Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, in the jargon of the media, sat down with Sky News journalist, Sharri Markson. Though the interview covered a range of subjects, there was only one area that interested me: vaccine mandates.
In the interview, Morrison asserted that he and his Government never supported widespread vaccine mandates. Neither, he said, did National Cabinet’s expert advisory panel – the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee, (which is the standing committee of all State and Territory Chief Health Officers, with the Australian CMO as Chair). In fact, apart from “aged care and sensitive health settings,” which were mandated by the Commonwealth, Morrison claimed that it was the State Governments who forced vaccine mandates on to Australians.”
More at
Or “Doing a Farci”?
So, the Chief Medical Officer and each state’s Chief Health Officer all individually, and very stridently, insisted on vaxxine mandates, but when sitting all together on a committee none of us had ever previously heard of (the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee), they recommended the exact opposite?
Yeah, and pigs might fly, too.
And PM Morrison and the federal govt had nothing to do with demanding proof of vaxxine to leave the country – that is, vaxxine passports?
Morrison couldn’t lie straight in bed.
And it was each individual state’s Health Department that banned the use of HCQ and Ivermectin as alternative treatments for Covid? Not the federal govt?
As I said before, Morrison couldn’t lie straight in bed.
But don’t hold your breath waiting for our current Labor govt to raise any of this in parliament. Mainstream party politicians – corrupt liars, cheats and scoundrels, every one of them, regardless of party affiliation.
It was WEF graduate, the Federal “Health” Minister Hunt who was responsible for banning HCQ and IVM.
I wrote to him with peer reviewed evidence of efficacy of HCQ (taken according to appropriate protocols) before vaccines were even available and one of the drones in his department just responded with lies saying how “dangerous HCQ was, without evidence.
Fun post by William M. Briggs.
Having a ‘Minister of Climate Change’ ensures there will be a perpetual ‘climate emergency’, even if the weather is forever placid.
“Having a ‘Minister of Climate Change’ ensures there will be a perpetual ‘climate emergency’, even if the weather is forever placid.”
Mencken’s “bloke whose salary depends” extended to minister, department and future ambitions for both
Caught a little snippet of Czar Lerch testifying in Congress.
He said that “scientists” had determined that 350 is the only “safe” level.
He claimed current 406 (his number) is the highest since 800,000 ago years when there were no humans.
So we have been on the precipice of climate collapse for 800,000 years.
Who knew?
So once Net Zero is achieved (which will be never), the anti-carbon mafia will perpetuate itself with carbon scrubbing.
Unless nature intervenes with something unanticipated by ‘science’.
(But science is settled so that can’t happen.)
He also answered difficult questions with “this is not a serious conversation”.
The only “serious” conversations are the ones that capitulate to the status quo narrative.
Czar Lerch and his narrative ninnies have reduced us to mockery.
Well, me at least.
Nothing better than total commitment to solving problems that don’t exist.
Give government your money, your freedom, your car, and your food … or grandmas, trans children, and puppies will die.
– Loretta
Forgot to mention, he also complained about the private jet parking at Dulles.
He demanded government money be allocated immediately to increase private jet space at Dulles.
With subsidized charging stations for E jets.
He cited the precipitous and positive increase in the billionaire population since the EU and the WEF, Bruce Springsteen, and Bono have been compassionately helping The Poors.
I apologize.
That should have been ‘grandbirthingpersons’ and ‘non-binary puppies’.
The Black Child Slaves Helping a Local Council “Do Good”
Oxford City Council declared a climate emergency in 2019, resolving to make the city Net Zero by 2030. Soon after the emergency was declared council officials began the purchase of a fleet of shiny new electric vehicles, each one adorned with the slogan “DOING GOOD” on it.
The council state that they have spent £41m on ‘doing good’, creating what they describe as an ‘energy superhub’ and purchasing 40 electric vehicles, including an electric refuse collection truck, a street sweeper, an excavator, and mix of different sized vans.
According to the UN: An estimated 40,000 Children, some as young as four, are being forced to slave for 12 hours a day, in the most extreme conditions, extracting cobalt for use in the manufacture of Lithium batteries. For this they receive just ten cents per day and are constantly threatened with violence. The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is the world’s largest cobalt producer and produces over 60% of the world’s supply of the mineral.
But it’s ok: Oxford City Council have a modern slavery statement which states:
‘Oxford City Council is committed to eliminating and preventing acts of Modern Slavery and human trafficking within its business and supply chains, sub-contractors and partners.
Oxford council WEF useful-idiots strike again.
What IS IT , then, about the fowk of OXFORD (and Cambridgeshire, too – U of EA ) that they behave like that ? and / but the disease is spreading. Net Zero & air pollution: L@@K how bad it is here then ( sarc) :
1. Here at home :
2. Darn Sarth where they are:
3.Industrial europe with Metal robotic Heorns for power :
4. Healthy Scandinavia:
5. Check out your own.
So, Like the MetOffice weather stations, I find the results more than intriguing.
“Liberty once lost is lost forever. When the People once surrender their share in the Legislature, and their Right of defending the Limitations upon the Government, and of resisting every Encroachment upon them, they can never regain it.”
John Adams, 1775.
History would say mostly right.
After enough time there might be a retrieval but the freedoms will be less and the limitations more (IMO)
Another win for bureaucracy (/s)
“Green and Gold? Nah, Red, Green and Black.”
LET a little mak a muckle we said in Aberdeen(shire) and from : You need at least 10 times the number of roof top solar panels, and charge during the day (not at night) to charge your car in a reasonable time from : there’ll be plenty for everybody.
Interesting to NOTE that NOBODY talks of either LIMITING or REDUCING the E-Motor size: do we need to consume electric power so quickly? 200 – 300kW motors, etc, what was wrong with 75kW motors or even 50kW. Not so long ago, “Engines” were only 20 to 50hp. and we got there. Do we have to pollute with rubber and brake dust nowadays. IF the max speed is being limited to 100, doesn’t leave much space for high power consumption UNLESS you want to pollute the environment around you. “BECAUSE YOU CAN” is a poor elitist excuse.
SO smaller motors will run for longer on the same battery and charge.
What hellish air quality on the planet, isn’t there? …. newspeak in here somewhere. Isn’t it kool ?
As Joe B may say, it’s the only Planet you got whilst some dogooders are making a mountain out of a molehill
“Children just aren’t going to know what snow is”
Oh, wait! …
“Snow and ice as UK records coldest March night since 2010”
You have to go almost to the end to notice this part:
“Yesterday the National Grid used its reserve coal power units for the first time ever, so extra electricity was available between 16:30 and 20:30 GMT. Two coal units at West Burton were sync’d into the National Grid during the afternoon and remained online until the evening. Now, this wasn’t the first time reserve coal power was ready to go, but it was the first time it had needed to be used.”
Prof. Carl-Otto Weiss, using solar cycles Fourier analysis, is predicting temperatures will continue to decline until c.2050
Despite the headline coldest temperature – just a result of a clear sky over highland snow cover – a lot of the snow has been rain and very wet, the cold has not been that bad, it will be very short lived, and it never even reached us on the south coast.
In contrast March 2013 was much more severe and prolonged with long lasting snow cover in southern England, and spring was postponed well into April.
Just a wee kwikkie. Now was it 2010 or 2013? – I should, but I can’t remember that far back ( in detail ) without looking in Diary to see why and what I did then …. Oh and I have fotos, now come to think of it , but I just couldn’t be bothered any more this year …. too much else to concern my wee wee brain.
-6C here past 2 nights but last nighrt had much RH and so felt a lot colder remaining belo Zeor until at least 3 hrs after sunrise unlike yesterday when temps bottomed out 1/2 hr before Sunrise. NO snow but Permafrost returned to the fields – 2″ heavy mud underfoot. Cows and tractor doesn’t like it…. soon have a 6″ surface dressing on the local public road. Ever tried brushing off frozen mud in amongst the road shaded by trees?
Ooooh ohoh …… something coming now as I write – sky greying out, 1 hr before sunset. Boots on and out again for another job in case of real snow..
It was December 2010 that was exceptional, no one alive has experienced a colder December, one of a handful in 360+ years with a subzero mean temperature in the CET.
In the UK obviously, not globally, a lot of other countries would laugh at what the UK considers very cold.
La Nina was a major player, with a teleconnection to the UK.
‘The 2010–2012 La Niña event was one of the strongest on record. It caused Australia to experience its wettest September on record in 2010, and its second-wettest year on record in 2010.’ (wiki)
We were living in North Yorkshire in Spring 2013. I used to walk to the local shop every morning to pick up our Daily Telegraph and there were mornings well into May when I was walking through snow flurries.
New Study Blames ‘Climate Change’ For Gun Violence. Morano Responds.
Renewables Aren’t Renewable
Why key facts are dismissed by America’s elites is a story of corruption, collusion, megalomania, greed, cowardice, intellectual negligence, and delusional mass psychosis.
Good link. The way they win is to complexify everything.
The article sets it out well but it’s a long read.
A good point to argue is the table showing relative amounts of material required to produce a given amount of electricity.
The table image link is:
Jacob Chansley is the face painted, horned hat Jan 6 protestor known as the ‘QAnnon Shaman’.
He was sentenced to 4 years in prison after (and perhaps currently) being held in solitary confinement.
His lawyer has publicly asserted that possible exculpatory video evidence, recently shown by Tucker Carlson, was not disclosed to him by the government.
So, Gee Aye’s recent unsupported assertion that Jan 6 defendants had access to all video evidence is proving false.
And it ain’t even been a week.
And my highly informed and insightful prediction that the government was hiding stuff is proving accurate.
(Actually, it wasn’t hard and did not require rocket science training.)
Yay me.
There is a suggestion that early hominins such as Neanderthals may have been able to hibernate during periods of real climate change such as glaciation.
Hibernation in hominins from Atapuerca, Spain half a million years ago
I meant to say earlier hominins, not early.
Terrified of Discovery: Massive Implications in Pfizer Whistleblower Case
“Right now, they’re begging the court not to allow any discovery to occur in this case. They argue that no court process should be allowed and that no jury should be allowed to hear the case. They made this argument explicitly. In fact, what they said is, ‘once the FDA says something, judge, you judge, have no more power to say a single thing about this. You, the jury has no more power to say a single thing about this.’ [Which is] directly contrary to the False Claims Act.
And the key is if this fraud is exposed, that opens the door for them to be held accountable across the board.”
Don’t forgive.
Don’t forget.
Don’t let them get away with it, the “vaccines” have harmed and killed too many people, as has the prohibition of safe anti-virals like HCQ and IVM taken according to appropriate protocols.
325 ppm to 420 ppm. That’s less than a 1 in 10,000 increase. Surely that level of increase over 100 years is not apoplectic.
Are you medically trained? The concentration of orally administered drugs in your blood is way lower than that and the consequences of increasing it by 33% is, in many cases, highly detrimental.
Possibly an atmospheric scientist?
Not a terribly bright one.
Mind how you go.
There is absolutely ZERO evidence that the increase in atmospheric CO2 has had any harmful effects whatsoever.
The scientific evidence is that it has been totally and absolutely beneficial.
Your pathetic analogy is gormless and meaningless, at best!
Mike, do those figures relate to CO2
Seriously… why ask this?
So it is CO2.
We breathe in 400 ppm currently and exhale about 40,000.
That’s a 100:1 ratio with a lot of room to inhale higher concentrations of CO2.
If you need a bit more oxygen, just breathe a bit faster.
People in submarines have no problems working in 8,000 ppm environment but they may be at an elevated pressure for hull safety. Does anybody know?
Military jet pacing an SR-71 when the SR-71 decides to go full throttle.
Bye Bye.
make sure to click the sound button.
How do the SR-71 engines work?
See video.
A magnificent feat of engineering, from the time when people had a “can do” attitude and deep knowledge about the subject matter. And mostly designed using pencils and slide rules or only very primitive computers.
Tucker fires back
“Tucker Carlson Defends Himself Against DC Attacks – “We are learning who the liars are”…
March 9, 2023 | Sundance | 579 Comments”
Rumble link in there
Jeremy Boreing from the Daily Wire recently announced the sale of Chocolates (real chocolates not the other kind) in response to woke stupidity coming from the famous (in the US) Hershey’s company.
He has called them She/Her and He/Him. One of the has nuts, and if you have to ask which one he invites you to go buy Hersheys. A couple hundred thousand orders in the first 24hrs. He pulled a similar stunt with Jeremy’s Razors after the Gillete debacle, which apparently is still going strong.
I saw a bit of Babylon Bee style humour yesterday, with a picture of hime sitting at a desk in a tyre warehouse. The caption read Jeremy Boreing waiting for Goodyear to say something stupid. Seems to like to stir the pot.
Here is the ad. 48s.
NB: Trigger warning for Leftists who melt down if the hear an alternative opinion and/or think “men” can get pregnant.
For the thinking community – ENJOY!
I have not heard this. What are the other chocolates?
“The 100+ Year Old History Of Death By Arrogance”
“”Iatrogenic” is a pleasant name for caused by the physician or medical “treatment.”
Why don’t we just call it manslaughter or negligent wounding?
It is.
Let’s cut the crap — the evidence is overwhelming that every single Covid death was in fact iatrogenic. All of them. Why? Because the virus was man-made, not a fluke of nature and this was known within days after it supposedly showed up, which was also a lie as to the “date it appeared.” We now know this to be factual and in fact knew it pretty early on because blood donations made in the latter part of 2019 had antibodies to Covid-19 in them, an impossibility unless the virus existed and was circulating in people prior to the claimed “appearance” in early 2020.”
More at
Top three items here today of interest IMO
Thanks for that, Ian. Spot on, as usual.
Now consider the following excerpt from Tucker’s statement –
“Well, sociopaths do and in this case, the sociopaths turned out to be both Democrats and Republicans. The commitment to lying in Washington is far deeper and more bipartisan even than we realize”
Substitute Liberals and Labor for Democrats and Republicans, and Canberra for Washington, and he could just as well be describing Australia.
FWIW – the importance of aspiration
“Along the lines of what Dr. John Campbell has been saying regarding the importance of aspiration when administering vaccines, medical researcher Marc Girardot has developed a hypothesis about what might happen when the vaccine is injected into a vein instead of a muscle. His hypothesis goes a long way to explaining the variety of reactions to the vaccine ranging from none at all to sudden death.”
“Just a little poke”
I guess that is the line that has put Harvey Weinstein in the pen?
And maybe will get the “Princes of the Peking Pox”?
“PM2.5: Mass Killer or Mass Fraud?”