A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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It’s time somebody told them that CO2 in the atmosphere does more good than harm.
I’ll do it now.
If CO2 bothers you that much leaf stop breathing it out you’re only adding to your imaginary problem!
Thanks GA.
they said that they already knew that
They still need to be told.
Its time to tell EVERYONE that increased atmospheric CO2 does no harm whatsoever.
It is totally beneficial to basically every living organism.
It is the LIFE SOURCE of the whole planet !
I can’t remember who said it, but this comment is unforgettable:
“Carbon dioxide is the cradle of our intelligence.”
What harm? 40% increase in Green coverage largely in arid areas since 1980 obvously driven by the CO2 increase. A huge new green area the size of the US/Brazil/Australia. Which means that if you want a Greener planet, you need more CO2 not less. So where is the harm? And if you want warmer or cooler or climate change, just drive 100km or up a hill. But if you stay at home for 100 years it might be 1C warmer or cooler. Live in fear.
And incidentally it is clearly not low water in the desert holding green back but CO2. And further that Green things, things with leaves do not reduce CO2. The surest sign that nett zero is nuts and growing trees is a waste of real estate and money. The planet will grow more trees if you can increase CO2. And those trees do not reduce CO2 on a global scale because they are irrelevant, dependent not controlling things.
By the way, CO2 is not a fertilizer, a trace element which encourages growth. It is the tree. Which is why trees burn. And in fact all living things burn. CO2 is the important half of carbohydrate which means literally, hydrated Carbon dioxide, the results of photosynthesis. Of course it is evil because humans are evil and the enemies of the planet. Apparently.
So when carbohydrate is used and becomes plants and animals, it will eventually become hydrocarbon.
Oil, gas, coal are all FREE. And 100% natural. And have almost no impact on the environment. And cheap to harvest.
As the CO2 haters have proven, coal power stations can be dismantled as if they never existed, unlike thousands of offshore windmills and power lines.
The ONLY argument against fossil fuel CO2 is that it is special, industrial polution and quite unlike the CO2 you are breathing out now. According to the IPCC, fossil fuel CO2 cannot be absorbed by the oceans.
The IPCC quote an 80 year time for even half of CO2 to be absorbed. It is their declared reference figure. Insoluble CO2.
Except it’s a lie. The actual figure is 5 years. So all this growing of trees and carbon credits is complete nonsense.
And who heard of a Greenhouse without a roof?
Fossil fuel CO2 is exactly the same as any CO2. Entirely natural, Green, very cheap and in complete harmony with the environment.
And their computer models cannot explain the past let alone predict the future. It’s all a scam.
Cover the entire of Victoria in solar panels and you still could not power Victoria.We want our cheap, reliable power back.
Stop the useless windmills and the even more useless solar panels.
CO2 is free and amazing. The money being spent on useless Replaceables should be directed to Fusion. After 35 years we would have it by now.
Who thinks “Big Mike” will have a crack at the POTUS? I reckon a M->F , black , Gay President should keep DEI happy.
I don’t know Mike’s pronouns but that carbon-based humanoid lifeform certainly ticks all the boxes.
I think Ron has been a great Governor in Florida, but Fox News doing the full-on promotion for a presidential push makes him seem dodgy. The little poll taken in this Florida restaurant seems to have elicited an unexpected result for Fox’s Brian Kilmeade!
FOX is lukewarm at best for Trump.
That’s the underminer former Speaker Paul Ryan who detests Trump and made sure to defeat everything Trump tried to do while the Republicans controlled both houses. He is now on the board of Fox News! That will not end well. And Mitt Romney who attacks Trump at every opportunity. These two ran for VP and President in 2012 and failed so there is no way they want Trump to succeed. Again. A bit like Malcolm Turnbull and Tony Abbott. Real jealousy.
Everything is crazy now. You can’t rely on one single news outlet to be truthful about anything. Including Fox, GB News, Sky News Australia to lump in with all the usual other corporate media. Fox certainly appeared happy to contribute to badmouthing Trump during the 2020 election. After all he achieved.
Were they all bought off? I have no idea, but I find I have no use for the ordinary news from any of them any more; instead give me blogs with interesting, informative commentators having at it, or independent podcasters and substackers saying their piece.
They don’t know why it has been a cool summer.
‘Parts of eastern and central Australia have just recorded their coolest summer in more than a decade, but La Niña’s loosened grip meant rainfall was well below recent years.
‘The low temperatures were abnormal as climate change now ensures the vast majority of seasons are warmer than past years, even when the cooling influence of La Niña is present.’ (ABC)
You can always rely on the ABC to come up with total nonsense.
The only thing that has caused any warming this century in Australia is the position and maintenance of the temperature sites, and the adjustments made by BoM.
Classic El Gordo. Sentence 2 contradicts sentence one, but is necessary to acknowledge dogma. Remember lack of logical consistency and cognitive dissonance is the way brains are washed by the lefties.
Similar to last night’s Perth TV statement that while Perth summer never reached 40C this time, which is very unusual for Perth, it was still claimed to be “the 10th hottest summer”.
Perhaps the ABC might like to explain why we have had three consecutive cool summers here in Nth Central Vic? The last two summers never reached 40C and this one had such a brief spike to 40C that I missed it while out of the room. It was 39C for quite a long time, so I was watching in case we reached the dreaded 40C.
Remembering too that there were days of well into the 40s in 2009 and we always had a few 40+ every summer until recently.
Adelaide reached a “record high” temperature (over 46℃) a few years ago (January 25, 2019 if I recall). This was hyped for days before as coming so I was watching the 10 minute up-dates. I missed the record because in “occurred” 6 minutes after one update and had disappeared 4 minutes later. A sudden jump in temperature followed by rapid cooling which didn’t occur either North or South of the City nor at Adelaide airport gauge (about 4 kms. west of the ‘official’ site).
So you see, blink and you miss it.
If I remember right that Adelaide record came a hundred years after the previous record.
A local bloke was RAAF in WW2 and stationed in Victoria. He had relatives there and the answer to his bitching on Victorian weather was “Wait till spring comes”.
The punchline to the story was
“One afternoon I had a sleep and w2hen I woke up they told me spring had been and gone”
Michael Flanders, of Flanders and Swan, made a remark to the effect that he had missed summer one year; he was in the bathroom!
ABC are believing their own propaganda maybe without realising it is propaganda.
As I have pointed out for a while now, the BoM homogenisers are going to need to work a lot harder than their counterparts in the NH.
The confusion is widespread, so they are using forensic analysis to explain the anomaly, which is not in the script.
‘The full stats for the 2022/23 summer are in, and Australia as a whole was marginally warmer than usual, while summer was slightly warmer than the long-term average in four states and slightly cooler in the other three.’ (Weatherzone)
Aus summer mean was 0.07C above average.
Interestingly, Melbourne has had below average monthly means for each month this summer but shows up on the map as above average. Go figure.
Just scroll down to temperature maps in the climate summary.
Then this gooblygook from BoM for January.
‘The national mean temperature for January was exactly equal to the 1961–1990 average.
Area-average mean maximum temperature for January was 0.30 °C below average nationally, while the mean minimum temperature was 0.28 °C above average.’
Wouldn’t that constitute an 0.1C below average?
Truth or Fiction?
Resurrecting The Reef
Since the 1990s, the world has lost almost a third of its coral reefs. Without reefs, half of the world’s marine and coastal species would be doomed to extinction.
Sounds like pot!
If you use the Goolag search term “how much of the world’s coral reefs have been lost” without quotes, you can find just about any number you want.
For those that missed my previous comment, even the Far Left New York Times now allows the publication of an opinion that mask mandates were pointless.
The Narrative is unravelling.
But don’t forgive, don’t forget. That’s what the Left wants. Everything the thinking community says now was known and easily knowable two years ago. Promoters of the lie that covid vaccines were “safe and effective” and safe antivirals were not safe or effective, must be investigated and punished.
My comment was at:
to be more precise, Covid Vaccines were neither vaccines, unsafe and ineffective ( unless you want to marvel at how the DOD monetised dangerous GMO jabs!).
Yesterday reprinted a Washington Post story written by Professor Marty Makary ( Prof John Hopkins School of Medicine) titled ” 10 myths told by Covid experts — now debunked”. It falls short of saying COVID vaccines neither safe nor effective, but certainly creates lots of doubt regarding all COVID policies. Not sure if it made it to the newsprint versions.
The ‘Off Guardian’ refer to this technique as a ‘Limited Hang Out’. When the sting becomes obvious to a large majority, best to cook up a partial confession so the mob puts the pitchforks away and returns home believing someone will do something. The only problem is those that could and should act are just that paid actors.
Like the U-Boat in ‘The Enemy Below’, whoever is running this show continues to return to its original bearing as there is no where else it can go.
Apparently Gen Z can’t work out how to use photocopiers or scanners.
“Steve Bench runs workshops on generational differences in the corporate world. “I joke in my sessions that my Gen Z intern didn’t know how to mail a letter,” he said. “They asked me where the sticker went. I said, ‘Do you mean the stamp?’”
Oh, lol lol lol 🙂
Even worse is they’re useless at programming too. A kid next door here is totally addicted to gaming, I couldn’t imagine any higher level of addiction is possible. His parents saw a course for game programming for kids, and thought he is so into gaming that surely he’d want to attend, but apparently he couldn’t have been less interested. His parents were a little shocked I think, but I said relax, it’s not as if he’s Asian or anything.
Seems to me that being an old one can be a big advantage.
It was a joy to copy on an old Xerox copy machine in the early 70ies.
Please David, do not expect a spreadsheet from our computer literate, thumb twiddling tictok viewers.
All you will get is a diatribe as to how useless such a concept is.
“DeSantis Floats Digital Bill of Rights in Big Tech Fight”.
It’s about time Australians had free speech protection and child protection muscle like this. The BBC and Big Tech generated Trusted News Initiative (TNI) manipulation of the truth would also lose their power to massage the truth to suit their globalist agendas. (
Senator Antic has set up a whistle blower website for teachers who have been asked to indoctrinate children with LGBTXYZ propaganda and other inappropriate ideological issues.
Story here:
Website here:
I recently saw the TAFE English course book for year 10 kids who failed school but want to make amends. The level of propaganda in there was astonishing. The messaging wasn’t subtle at all.
The tga has banned some cough suryps because a chemical in them can potentially cause analphalaxis.
They say there was 59 cases in one year with one death.
Well done tga for protecting the public but if you can see such a small signal with cough medicine why can’t you see the rather all arge signal with mRNA vaccines?
This exemplifies the bifurcated reality that has developed. (LHC?)
I have close personal associates that I have to be very cautious with.
No doubt that within TGA and CDC, to question the narrative is career suicide.
The Left/Right alternate realities aren’t really left vs. right as we once knew them.
Ex. the Left is now anti-free speech, dropping a core fundamental value.
(Oddly, this polar shift happened very quickly with the Trump/Floyd/COVID concurrence.)
I don’t know what to think.
Perhaps the Left/Right dichotomy was always just theatrics, and the power structures just change costumes when politics collapse the wave form.
Looks like to get to the 22nd century, we have to replay the 16th first.
Mongo only pawn in game of life.
“I don’t know what to think.”
I think that could soon change. And it doesn’t bear thinking about.
Lots of the world food supply is consumed in locations distant from where it is produced. The main movers in food trading are the grains. Corn (Maize), rice, wheat, barley, canola &c.
As a wheat farmer in Australia I was ever conscious of the state of grain production in the northern hemisphere, because that would bear on the price we got for our wheat. We had something of a luxury in that when we were planting the North was approaching harvest, and reasonably good production forecasts were available. So we had the option if one commodity appeared to be approaching a glut we could switch to planting another.
Mainly due to weather events, but sometimes due to diseases, total world production used to vary quite a lot, all around the world. I recall one event where we were facing a world wide glut of wheat, and we were fearing that the price would not recoup our costs. But a disease in US corn crops cut production by 80+ million tonnes, a staggering figure, more than double Australia’s entire grain production. So corn consumers had to replace that loss with wheat, the price stayed up and we had a good year.
Right now we are facing a situation that we have not seen since Europe recovered from the devastation of WWII.
Months ago we saw reports that China and Russia had banned fertiliser exports. Holland is banning the use of fertilisers. and the war in Ukraine is surely causing production cuts in both Ukraine and Russia, both major grain producers.
It is hard to see that we are not facing substantial cuts in the food supply, sufficient to cause political upheaval. I don’t think we will have to think about it for long. It’ll soon be on us.
James Bond novels are now being rewritten by the Left.
If they don’t like them, don’t read them. Simple!
You misunderstand they don’t want you to read them, as they don’t quite have that power yet they have to rewrite what they can’t stop you from reading.
Simple really
James Bland…. double O zero !
Licensed to be woke, effeminate, LGBQWERTY non-entity. !
Woke James Bond.
There’s a comedy I might pay to see.
James is conflicted about being James.
Goldfinger refuses to use James’s new pronouns.
Dr. No refuses to to get vaccinated.
Lots of scantily glad gender indeterminate face pierced hotties.
That lounge on the beach with James as they sensually, mutually, apply copious amounts of SBF 100 sunscreen per WHO guidelines.
Klaus Schwab could play M.
Mr. Bond will have a Kombucha shaken not stirred.
And a man bun.
Lots of EV car chases that end in fiery crashes the burn for a week.
James empathizes with Dr. No and he becomes Dr. Yes.
The possibilities are endless.
Excellent, Honk.
Many years ago as a teenager I regularly visited 2nd hand book stores. On one visit I found a late 1800s edition of “Swiss Family Robinson”. The detailed “how to” explanations of the family’s endeavors had disappeared in the 1970s versions. And the level of English used in current versions is even more basic with major parts of the story line simplified (or missing)
have never watched a movie through. i did read one book more than 50 years ago, can’t remember the title, but the character with the title that caught was Oddjob.
I am attending the Australian International Air Show this week and the CSIRO has a big stand there but I won’t be visiting them because I no longer regard them as a premium scientific organisation.
They had the capability to do a proper analysis of whether the world was warming or not and they failed to do so, they just accepted the “consensus” which of course is contrary to the Scientific Method.
Now they spend vast taxpayer resources under the false presumption that the world is in melt-down.
‘C’ommonwealth ‘S’cience ‘I’nstitutions now a ‘R’eal estate ‘O’pportunity.
Their research facilities were sold off a long time ago and the only remaining research animal left was the Fog-Horn Leg-Horn.
Big noise no eggs!
They’ll be looking around the whole time wondering when David will show up.
David, it is my fervent hope that the CSIRO is not wholly corrupt.
Its Climate Change department is a new (less than 40 yo) creation, and was created for this purpose.
It is true that in December 1986 the Hawke government put their own brand of “social scientists” in charge of the real scientists, but I still hope that good things can come from there.
Matt Hancock lockdown files.
The author of his book has gone rogue and released his messages.
Already attempting damage limitation, claims that they have been doctored, only show one side of ongoing discussions, not how most of the business was done etc.
This is worth watching in full.
The Great Climate Con | Alex Epstein | EP 312>
Estimating the risk reduction of isolation on COVID-19 nonhousehold transmission and severe/critical illness in nonimmune individuals: September to November 2021
There is growing scientific interest in immunity mandates/passports (IMP) for viral diseases in light of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic. IMP isolate those who remain nonimmune from various settings to reduce nonhousehold transmissions from the nonimmune and reduce severe/critical illness among the nonimmune. A major limitation in the scientific literature is that there are currently no methods to quantify how many nonimmune individuals need to be isolated to achieve these purported benefits. This paper develops a procedure for estimating the benefits of IMP using a novel variant of the number needed to treat which we call the number needed to isolate (NNI). We use data from the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic to demonstrate the properties and utility of the NNI and to inform the debate about IMP. We focus on data from the European Union, United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Australia, and Israel during the fall 2021 when the Delta (B.1.617.2) variant predominated.
What next.
I think it might be very efficacious for people to stop blowing their noses to avoid transmission of nasal orifice organisms to the mouth area and hence the gastrointestinal tract.
Nose blowing machines can be designed and installed in homes and public places where you could poke your nose to have the ejecta removed, neutralized and disposed of.
30 Priceless Quotes from the Great Thomas Sowell
“The first lesson of economics is scarcity: There is never enough of anything to satisfy all those who want it. The first lesson of politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics.”
“When people get used to preferential treatment, equal treatment seems like discrimination.”
🙂 🙂
Don’t take your eye off the ball.
‘Climate models are increasingly agreeable of a 2023 ENSO transition from La Nina to El Nino.
‘Model consensus suggests El Nino onset by late northern hemisphere meteorological spring and moderate El Nino by August with additional strengthening late in the year.’ (Climate Impact Company)
someone needs to look up the definition of “agreeable”
They mean in agreement.
Poor English usage on the part of the person you quote EG,
Maybe mine wasn’t so good! I should have said ‘That is poor…’.
I’m sitting outside with my coffee, seeing off some very rowdy cockatoos. They are dead keen to get into the apples. They fly low overhead, screeching at me in annoyance. They can certainly add insult to injury with their racket.
Stirring in Florida
“Prepare yourself for a good laugh. Yesterday, Newsweek ran a story headlined, “Florida Lawmaker Introduces Bill to ‘Cancel’ State’s Democratic Party.” What on Earth, you are probably asking yourself. Well, get ready.
Yesterday, Florida Republican State Senator Blaise Ingoglia filed SB 1248, titled “Political Parties (The Ultimate Cancel Act).” If passed, the law would immediately de-certify any political party that previously advocated for slavery or involuntary servitude in their party platform. Any registered voters affected by this de-certification would automatically become “non-party affiliated” (NPA) voters.
Guess what? Coincidentally, the Democrat Party has adopted pro-slavery positions into its platform, not once, but FOUR TIMES: during the conventions of 1840, 1844, 1856, 1860, and 1864. Democrats kept on doing it right up until Republican President Abraham Lincoln made slavery illegal.”
Today’s Covid and Coffee newsletter
Winter trend in Japan on the cool side.
The Murray Darling Basin is awash and ‘buybacks’ continue.
Biden administration (USA) obsession with “diversity” creates self-inflicted toxic spill on itself
The saddest story I have read about Biden
For those following the saga of the Pioneer-Burdekin pumped hydro scheme (the one that will flood Netherdale) I wonder how many people in the area are aware of the dam near Finch Hatton that has been surveyed ,mapped, seismic surveyed and more, in the mid 70s. There is a map in existence showing all the details of the lake boundaries etc which could be viewed at the Mackay office of the Water commission .I was looking for land in the area at the time and there was no objection to my viewing this map. . (GSQ RECORD 1975/04:FINCH HATTON)
A prophetess hath some more honour in her own country –
“Congratulations Jo Nova – winner of the Dauntless Purveyor of Climate Truth Award 2023”
“I Wonder – what this will do to crop production?”
“A valid question, I think. Seems to me like it might be a bit risky.
The UN Discusses Darkening The Skies to Combat Climate Change”
“California fleeing”