A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Climate Fact Check: February 2023 Edition
From JunkScience
Steve Milloy
Ten pieces of climate propaganda from February 2023 exposed and debunked.
And how many people have told us the world is going to end in 8,9,10,12 years over the last 35 years? It would be fun to make a list. Prince Charles is a repeat offender.
In 2009 we had 100 months. So that expired 5 years ago.
In 2022 “The climate crisis really is a genuine emergency,” Prince Charles during a visit to Cornwall
That would redefine emergency.
You probably pay little attention to Charlie so you missed some (as I’m sure I did).
2010 Prince Charles urges the World to follow the Islamic ‘spiritual principles’ to protect the environment.
2015: Prince Charles says only 35 years to save the planet
2017: Only 4 years to save the Planet
2019: Prince Charles says next 18 months to keep climate change to survivable levels
2020: (February) Prince Charles says humans have just ten years left to save the planet.
2020: (November) Prince Charles says ‘we are literally at the last hour’
He has his hands full at the moment. The coronation oil has been blessed in Jerusalem. The workload must be incredible.
I actually like Charles, but is he the shiniest coin in the till? No. But the system works better than in most countries and the tourist value is immeasurable. Palaces are not half the fun if no one lives there. But Charles talks to the plants because he is on their level.
Charles talks to plants to give them more CO2. It is not a silly statement of his.
” But Charles talks to the plants because he is on their level.”
You are being a bit rough on the plants TdeF.
“But Charles talks to the plants because he is on their level.”
I wonder if he realises how much of a CO2 boost he gives them by talking up close and personal with them ! 🙂
He isn’t That aware.
I’m astounded at how crude the propaganda is in the lamestream media for war with China. It is horrifying that half the population will be echoing it and keen to send the Army off to die so the Americans can get rich off us.
So much for equality, racism, multiculturism, non-violence and all the other social constructs that have been pushed on us in the last two decades, all thrown away so we can revert back to Gooks and Slopes from the Vietnam War era.
We should quit the American Alliance immediately.
There is no evidence that China wants a war. As with all countries the consequences are unthinkable and prohibitive. The only country with the economy and military interests is the US. Their military/ industrial base dictates; they can’t remain dormant. I like the US and it’s foundations and noble intents, but certain administrations can be a pain.
We don’t have to give up our friendship, we are cousins and have a lot in common, but the Americans should stop their adventurism.
China aims to uplift the world through commercial endeavour, capitalism in its purest form.
The site is playing up like a second hand mower ATM. I made a reply which didn’t show, reposting I’m told it is a duplicate but the original still isn’t showing.
AND I only have seven blank boxes where the functions should be. I’ve seen where others have experienced this. 🙂
[Happens when you accidentally hit post twice , just refresh your screen and it should fix the problem.]AD
[As for the blank boxes the host is working on it.]AD
Jo’s knowledge stops at blog configuration?
Time to get an expert in…
[This blog is run and maintained by the hosts long hours and any donations the blog gets John , we do what we do voluntarily and any expert IT work has to be paid for when funds allow .]AD
Yes, blank squares for the functions across the top. Not a problem really..
Its only on these far-right conspiracy theorist anti-science nut-job prepper patriot sites, the socialist blogs work fine I’m sure!
No conspiracy. Sorry I tried to add a button last week, which I used to be able to do. The plugin broke. I need to figure out how to fix it.
Such issues don’t even put a dent in you glow. 😘
Is the button to insert images?
Coal to Hydrogen?
Japanese consortium sets out plan to commercialise Latrobe Valley coal-to-hydrogen project
How does that work?
“How does that work?”
Badly in every way.
Agreed. If you use hydrogen as your barbecue fuel, you may wind up with Hindenburgers!
heat coal and water and you get hydrogen, CO2 and carbon monoxide mixture (the old Town Gas). Requires heat – the old process used 2 ‘ovens’ with banks of coal. One was fired with air intake until the coal was red hot. The air was then shut off and replaced with steam, generating town gas (or water gas) which was diverted into a gasometer. When that coal bed cooled down it was switched back to air intake and reheated.
Obviously a lot of coal was used up.
The cunning (or technological) Germans worked the process twice. The first change was to convert the (toxic) monoxide to dioxide and more hydrogen using steam. The second was the Fischer-Tropf reaction to convert the mixture to more useful products i.e. various chemicals and a crude diesel fuel. Used in WW2 and by the South Africans from around 1970. After the price of oil dropped they switched to other chemicals such as waxes. I don’t know if they still do.
Brown coal is very cheap and contains a deal of water. “Carbon Capture” is a waste of money except where the pumped gas can help get more oil out of depleted fields. If we had politicians with slightly more brains than a raspberry seed we would have a domestic chemical industry, making things like detergents, fertiliser and with an on-shore source of diesel. Perhaps when the $A collapses in value under the load of debt we might have to do this.
When? the Australian dollar collapses?
You mean there’s still more to go?
Only a couple of years ago the Aussie peaked at 1.05.
Yesterday it dribbled down to 0.659.
Considering the absolute chaos in the USA our fall is made to look even worse.
With Albo and state president pirouette and his keen partner pushing hard we’re doomed to fall off the cliff soon.
$A still has a way to go, KK. We were working in US/Canada for a while in early ’90s, $US was 2:1 the Aussie, thereabouts. During the banana republic “recession we had to have.”
Time space continuum problems there KK. AUD hasnt been above USD for a decade. It seems like yesterday because it was such fun.
Amazing, you’re right, that was 10 years ago.
It was 1:03 US for every 1 Australian dollar in 2013. I bought a house that year, and the deposit came from Australian investments. A good time to buy a house with Australian dollars.
I was in US at the height of “The Gough Spree”.
The best I got was $A 1.00 = $US 1.49.
Said a the time that, while it was cutting my cost of living at the time, I would likely be paying for it for the rest of my life.
Thanks Graeme3, I had forgotten those old gasometers and town gas production. Back to the future?
In Newcastle we could hear the pumping that filled up the towngas tank. When needed the weight of the raised metal would push down and send the gas to our homes. That was before electric cook tops.
Yes. Over 15 years ago now, a small technical group (I was one of them) did a DD for a German enterprise on the suitability of LaTrobe brown coals for H2 production. This included both suitability for the potential industrial chemical processes and the long term available economic volumes and characteristics of the seams.
Nothing came of it. We were told in the end that the CO2 capture/storage issue alone was sufficient to make the process hopelessly uneconomic. Maybe that was true …
Notice that the NSW politicians, both LNP and ALP, are now backtracking over closing Eraring in a few years. The ALP bloke, Minns, is waffling about buying it back so it can be “available”. Bigmouth Kean is squabbling with Perrottet about it, with Kean now wanting to keep it open and Perro babe wanting to close it.
My best guess is that final closure of Liddell next month will again be postponed, as it has been successively for the last 4 years. And Schott is still braying about pumping hydro and running big batteries, with not a single metric to heard from her on deploying these Mickey Mouse boggle_ops.
These people are not stupid, they are corrupt. Corrupted by powerlust and vanity. People will die from this hopeless mess and no accountability will be enforced.
“People will die from this hopeless mess and no accountability will be enforced.”
Oh, I think it will, Ian. But in a way that Jo would not approve of me mentioning.
One day in the future there’s going to be a lot of angry fathers, sons, husbands, wives, mothers and daughters out there, looking for vengeance.
Not justice, vengeance.
As Long as it’s Japanese money, ’tis OK with me.
“As Long as it’s Japanese money”
Gen Woke will have to pay it back ! 🙂
Heat coal you get coal gas, mainly Hydrogen methane and carbon monoxide. That’s what used to be piped around our cities for domestic consumption. The by product is coke. Heat coke and water and you get producer gas, mainly hydrogen, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. Used to have industrial uses.
In 1995, 14 wolves were introduced into Yellowstone national park. Guess what happened.
The stones are now yellow again?
That’s been around for years. Is it fact or fantasy?
It’s called a graphic cascade.
And yes, they really did it.
Here is a 4.5min video about it.
Sorry, unauthorised spelling change there.
That was meant to read trophic cascade.
And here is the video.
If you say so but it looks too neat, too Disney.
Perhaps I could do with a wolf pack at home?
I always wonder what Australia’s natural environment would be like if Aboriginals hadn’t introduced the dingo (wild dog); substantially contributed to rendering megafauna extinct; and hadn’t constantly burned the entire continent. Australia was probably the most ecologically destroyed place in the world before Europeans arrived.
Published: 20 January 2017
Humans rather than climate the primary cause of Pleistocene megafaunal extinction in Australia
Europeans brought nouns such as “aborigine” with its plural “aborigines”.
Do we always believe “Nature” David?
This paper started with the assumption that aborigines were here around 45,000 years ago and didn’t look for any other explanation for the extinction.
The Bradshaw rock paintings a.k.a. Gwion Gwion paintings, were originally said to be at least 40,000 years old in line with that assumption.
Dating analyses now suggest between 17,000 to 21,000. More importantly when first studied the local aborigines knew nothing about what they meant, but that changed when they realised there might be some money in it.
A 2021 Science paper discusses an abrupt forced change to the earth’s geomagnetic field that occurred 41,000 years ago, the Laschamp failed geomagnetic reversal.
At that time the geomagnetic field strength dropped to less than 20% and for a period of 100 years dropped to 0 to 6% and the Neanderthals went extinct as well as 31 other species. And large marsupials in Australia?
How racist you are to suggest that the Australian aborigines were anything other than noble, brilliant, cultured people who took the greatest care of the environment using advanced technologies. The rest of us are simply too stupid to understand why they took more than 50,000 years to invent the boomerang, while other civilisations were inventing writing, buildings, roads, medicines, transport, weaponry, systems of government … you know, all those things you’d expect of an actual nation.
“were anything other than noble, brilliant, cultured people who took the greatest care of the environment “
Alice Springs being their shining beacon of evidence !
Perhaps they were the original conservatives or reactionaries.
And then another hundred years to work out it was useless until Aussie souvenir shops became popular.
I’m guessing those were previously sequestered wolves, re-released into the environment unnaturally by some naturalists.
The changes to the park in that video are anthropogenic.
We must return to Net Zero Wolves immediately.
Stop the exploitation of nature. (Since nature is pure and non-exploitive.)
We only have 5 years.
Children must never know Little Red Riding Hood again.
Except possibly as a non-binary POC.
Vertically Challenged Hood of Color.
Visits Grand Birthing Person’s house.
And is consumed by a historically marginalized species unfairly coerced into binary predator/prey identification by colonialist social constructs.
Wolves change national park by killing deer and coyotes = wow, how fantastic!!
Humans propose culling deer and coyotes = that’s disgraceful!!!
The post was to demonstrate the role and importance of apex predators in an ecosystem for balance and stability which you can x-ref with my post a while back on the home grown ecosystem.
From Friends Of Science
How Those U.K. Rainfall Projections Turned Out
Paul Homewood compared the U.K.’s Met Office 2009 projection of rainfall over the United Kingdom to the actual measured rainfall. The Met Office projected in 2009 that by 2020s, the average summer precipitation change in SW England were expected to be down by 7% compared to the 1961-1990 baseline. Homewood wrote “It turns out that the clowns could not even get the sign right! Average summer rainfall is actually 10% higher than the 1961-90 baseline, and it is also at a similar level to the mid-20th C, showing little signs of a long-term decline.”
And another one bites the dust
“ExxonMobil Cans Algae (greenwash failure)”
Yeah, this bit…
“But the company’s new division, Low Carbon Solutions (think Exxon Enterprises of the 1970s), soldiers on with government subsidies in tow:”
Chop the subsidies and the big businesses walk away. Renewables all over…
Its almost unprecedented.
It was all very exciting until I read-
“Freddy is currently sitting at around 21 days as a named tropical cyclone/tropical storm, which is classified as wind speeds above 34 knots.”
..and here I was imagining winds at 120kph plus! We’d go weekend sailing in winds over 30knots in Cape Town harbour.
A cat 1 TC begins at 63Kmph (=34Knots). Once upon a time a Cat 1 started at 90kmph (ie 48 Knots).
If the weather won’t reflect the meme, then change the parameters until it does.
Julia Hartley-Brewer interviews Michael Gove On Lockdown Policy
Video is 5.5m in total but starts at 56s.
“The REAL Insurrection of Jan. 6! RFK Jr. for PRESIDENT? Trudeau Put Canada for Sale! Tasco Tuesday!”
Yes, it’s unbelievable that a man has been jailed for four years when he hurt no one, was unarmed and was chaperoned and even led around by police. What was his crime?
I live in a US Democrat city.
Murderers often get less time than that.
How do we know?
‘Cause they usually murder again and that makes the News.
Most of them have been arrested multiple times and released before adulthood.
Charged as juveniles.
The progressives are now saying adulthood doesn’t occur until 25.
And voting should be allowed at 16.
Remember… logical consistency is a colonialist oppressive social construct.
We don’t have gangs.
We have “street organizations”.
Consisting of young men that are subject to getting pregnant before marriage,.
“What was his crime?” being a Trump supporter.
He put his foot on Nancy’s desk
“Climate Fact Check: February 2023 Edition”
“Jacob Anthony Chansley, a.k.a. Jake Angeli, of Arizona, was charged with
knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority,
and with violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds.
It is alleged that Chansley was identified as the man seen in media coverage who entered the Capitol building dressed in horns, a bearskin headdress, red, white and blue face paint, shirtless, and tan pants. This individual carried a spear, approximately 6
feet in length, with an American flag tied just below the blade.”
I expect that if any of the police thought that this veteran was proposing to use the spear as a weapon, he would have been disarmed. Perhaps the American flag was a giveaway?
At least he was not executed by firing squad. Lucky.
So while AntiFA get away with m*rder but veterans legitimately protesting are shot or locked up for years.
Vievafrei link at #10 goes through his charge sheet.
And tears various others of the “cast of that kangaroo court”
Singer Van Morrison posted on twitter, 18 questions for far-Lefty Billy Bragg, on the COVID pandemic. Reading between the lines, I don’t think they see eye-to-eye — I think Morrison is better informed.
Morrison asked him about:
1. the Lockdowns,
2. the World Economic Forum. (Yes, Bragg had heard of them but he didn’t elaborate)
3. Shwobb’s book, COVID19 The Great Reset. (No, Bragg was unaware of this great tome.)
4. the SAGE panel’s advice,
N.B. I didn’t know Rishi Sunak had said musicians should retrain and get another job! That must’ve been his tip for surviving lockdown — nice to know our politicians are so practical and caring 🙂 … See, that’s why he got elevated to Prime Minister — couldn’t have been a ‘soft coup’ or anything … /sarc
Do you have a link to Van Morrions questions ?
Van Morrison is a legend, likes a drink too (or used to), one of my favourites.
Those 18 questions were probably “wonderful remarks”. I don’t blame him because it probably “stoned him” that during that time while he was saying “no more lockdowns” he couldn’t be happy “cleaning windows”.
But has he “told you lately” that if we “keep it simple”, on a “wild night” soon the “domino’s” will fall and that will be a “sweet thing”. With “nobody in charge” there will be a “transformation” and the evil elites may as well go an do a “moondance”, and I’d say “that’s entertainment”.
I’ve always thought he’s a great “songwriter”, maybe because I was on the same “wavelength”. As my daughter was growing up, I played her quality music, and I’m so glad that my beautiful “brown eyed girl” also loves the great Van Morrison. I put that “down to joy”.
Still have an LP of his, Astral Weeks, which I bought in the late 60s. Great singer.
“Gloria” – a product of the “Them”, another great Irish band. Chuck in Rory Gallagher as well….
Further to my post about William creek going totally solar on Tuesday unthread ,
Just talking with a friend who is wanting solar and one very well known company has given a quote that claims $50,000 plus savings over the life of the system , I’m tempted to send the quote to the ACCC but we all know it will get no where .
so they are powering a Pub on solar panels. Is there anything else in that town?
Not really no although there is a caravan park of sorts .
Would you believe?
“Science Yields Surprises! Island Nations Growing… “Atoll, Island Stability Is Global Trend”! ”
Nevertheless, it’s still an extremely bad idea to build a country on a coral atoll.
They didn’t choose to be born there any more than I chose to be born in Aus. Growing up there I assume they like it.
Can I ask readers to use the original links when possible? This is a NoTricksZone story, so I always like to give the original content creators the link and the credit, rather than the copies.
Pierre runs a great site, does a lot of work, and I saw this coming in late last night. It’s a great find.
The skeptic world is much stronger with a network of independent blogs. Getting the traffic direct helps get them sponsorship and keeps them in the game.
Yes the French used to nuke them.
The only surprise is that they believe to have found something new.
An open statement EG. We share similar values I guess but do we need to be wed to them in all foreign policy decisions made by them . Weapons of mass destruction we knew it was a lie. Blick was used by the US and told to find non-existent weapons. Casus Bellum. We are expected to believe American lies but not Russian lies. We hope diplomacy and détente works for all nations.
“Renewables Aren’t Renewable
Why key facts are dismissed by America’s elites is a story of corruption, collusion, megalomania, greed, cowardice, intellectual negligence, and delusional mass psychosis.”
A list there that Elbow and Bowen could take to their next consultations?
Yes they are Another Ian, every approximately twenty years they have to be renewed.
“America’s $100 Billion Climate Change Flop”
“America’s $100 Billion Climate Change Flop” Yes pumped out all that CO2 and still couldn’t change the climate.
Trust, Truth and Consequences
Obviously not taught history about Archimedes and the Eureka moment
History may be incorrect. I think it was his wife who told Archimedes to take that bath. She said Eureka.
I assume the mint used tiny amounts of copper and silver to increase hardness and perhaps prevent losses from handling. It clearly is not a money making exercise. Copper and silver are added at 9% for coins. However if people are buying pure gold, this extra material should not be counted as in gold coins. You should charge on the weight of gold.
However if you really want to cheat, use Tungsten.
And Archimedes doesn’t work if you use Tungsten
1. Gold is 19.32
2. Tungsten is 19.22 almost identical
3. Gold coins to be handled are 22K which is 91% gold, so specific gravity of 17.18 to 17.2!
So if you are buying coins you will get 9% less than pure gold. It depends on how they are sold as to whether there is any deceit.
“Krugerrands gold coins are designed to be durable. The gold is alloyed with copper to add hardness – the gold purity is 22k or 91.67%. However, each coin is marked with its net gold weight of 1/2 troy oz.
There is a great scam in fake Krueger Rand as they can be just gold plated Tungsten, almost worthless.
To tell the difference, solid gold pings. Tungsten does not, like lead. So you need to ping your coins
Gold has a very low EMF resistance. There are machines (rather expensive) that can tell the difference quite readily, even to the point of being able to see what is in the alloy, if there is an alloy.
Too generalized TdeF, there are plenty of 99.99 gold coins about if people want them. Never see the point myself as the cost more per ounce and have no added at value at sale, unless they are perceived collectable.
This story is a beat-up, and isn’t even new.
Although it revolves around the SGE, the driving force behind the scenes is our own federal government. About five years ago now they woke up to the fact that McGowan was all set up to introduce his own gold-backed currency if the other states went belly up financially, or didn’t stop screwing WA blind over the GST.
The vehicle for such a currency will be the Perth Mint Goldpass, which is why I keep advising people to open one and stick at least a few hundred dollars in it.
How interesting. Hard to believe McGowan was that smart re the currency?
And yes, David also thinks it is a beat up about the Mint.
Not exactly on a par with Henry VIII’s great debasement is it!
I buy that Chinese bacon… OMG, are you mad?
I buy my medicines from India.. OMG, how could you even think its safe?
I buy my gold from Australia… OMG..
“I buy my gold from Australia… OMG..”
Buy a kilo of it and you may find it contains the weight equivalent in silver of half a grain of rice.
Our solar panels, windmills and an increasing number of cars (EV & ICE) come from China, as well. So your new Volvo, or, BMW might be made in China.
This is incredible. John Kerry (at 1.50) asking for money, money, money to ‘fix’ the Climate. A mere 2 1/2 to 4 Trillion dollars a year for 30 years!
Steve Forbes, Chairman of Forbes Media wants to know who is getting the money?
Sounds like another “They actually published it” celebration!
“Give up Beef and Dairy or the Global Climate Gets It”
“The abstract of the study;
Published: 06 March 2023
Future warming from global food consumption
Catherine C. Ivanovich, Tianyi Sun, Doria R. Gordon & Ilissa B. Ocko
Nature Climate Change (2023)Cite this article”
On the deflation of “credentials”
“My advice was consistently the same: Credentialism is a thing you tolerate but it is not the same as learning, nor is it the same as the capacity to perform deductive reasoning. A credential is only as good as the organization that issues it and the rigor with which it is issued; if anyone can obtain such a credential without actually demonstrating the alleged capacities it denotes all of them are worthless and thus nobody should pay anything for any of them.”
More at
We’re getting softened up for another war to make America rich-
“The panel also proposes two controversial ideas for Australia to consider.
One is national service, which could take both civil and military forms. France and Sweden are among the countries reintroducing some form of national service. In France’s case, it is initially voluntary, but by 2026 will be mandatory for people aged 16 to 25. Sweden is introducing conscription of civilians for its emergency services. “It need not be limited to young people,” the Red Alert panel says..”
“History has shown that if you have a nuclear weapons capability, you are less likely to be subject to authoritarian pressure by nuclear states,” It would involve basing US long-range missiles armed with nuclear weapons on Australian territory ”
Their argument for nuclear weapons hasn’t done much for Ukraine.. Sent to fight one nuclear power by another nuclear power, I figure that is exactly what will happen to Australia. We are being set up as the next Ukraine against China.
The article has lots of crap about really really expensive American toys we should buy, and absolutely nothing about an assault rifle behind every front door, which is the real deterrent to invasion.
Even if you could change back the laws to allow more guns and the ability to defend yourselves, too many Australians think along the lines of “let them take what they want, it’s only possessions and not lives”. The Chinese know this. It’ll be pretty easy for them to take over, by force, a population that doesn’t fight back.
“It’ll be pretty easy for them to take over, by force, a population that doesn’t fight back.”
True, Wendy, but why would they bother?
They would only be interested in our iron ore, which is located in a remote, sparsely populated area in the north of WA, and our coking coal, which is largely located in a remote, sparsely populated area in the north, central area of QLD.
Why would they want to take control of / responsibility for 25 million “useless eaters”?
As KP quite rightly points out above, it shouldn’t and need not have been that way, but thanks to 50 years of corrupt politicians, it is.
Glen Beck and Tucker
“Throughout most of the pandemic, were not treatments like this considered to be the province of lunatic fringe, tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists? ”
And the comments there might remind you of something
Some of the aftermath of Tucker –
“They Lied To The Public!” – Reaction To Tucker Carlson Leaking January 6 Footage”
Thanks for that, Ian.
Blunt and to the point – the way I like it.
I have noticed that you are active on a number of blogs and are constantly amazed at what you are able to acquire in the way of footage and quotations on a wide selection of subjects . Salute !!