A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Climate change protester who blocked traffic on the Sydney Harbour Bridge avoids jail after her sentence was overturned
That will certainly encourage future law braking by extremists. And it was indeed widely reported at the time that emergency vehicles had been held up although the judge said that was false. Regardless, that doesn’t alter the illegality of the act of blocking the bridge. The claim of blocking emergency vehicles is basically irrelevant to the fundamental illegality of what they did, a although in addition, blocking an emergency vehicle can certainly cost lives and the mere possibility of doing that should have earned a harsher sentence.
Breaking not braking.
Naughty girl, go home and be gooder.
How dare they.
She is a literal economic terrorist. Imagine the combined cost, even at minimum wage, that was lost that day because of her actions.
Anyway it seems to have worked because the clowns who do these stunts seem to have toned it way down. At one point they were ‘threatening’ to block an intersection every day.
ABC radio (I only listen in the car, just to see what the enemy is thinking) this morning featured a BoM forecaster for 30 minutes of the usual warmist propaganda plus 15-20 min of questions. An old bloke rang in claiming Adelaide is cloudier now than in decades past as he recalls, especially in summer. BoM man in classic diversionary manner spoke only of the La Nina’s of the last 3 years meaning more cloud – but of course, it was still getting hotter and drier. Those La Ninas have virtually zero impact this far west, certainly in terms of cloud and rainfall, plus the bloke was enquiring about the past way beyond 3 years. Trust the BoM? No thanks.
Dr Jennifer Marohasy and colleagues investigations and auditing of BoM releases revealed what Bom management responded later in reply to their Minister’s questions based on a letter in 2014 he received from Dr Marohasy, “errors and omissions, wont happen again, sorry”.
Maths is such a wonderful thing, like art really, and you can see why no one understands it.
I have the usual nyah nyah nyah crowd who tell me that wind technology is improving rapidly, and while the CF (Capacity Factor) for wind is so low at only 35% to 38%, it will improve rapidly as newer and better technology plants come on line with CF of 42% + to the point that with just the addition of a few more large plants then the overall fleet CF will be up around 42%, or so the blurb goes.
(You just CANNOT tell these people that the current CF is only 30%, and as those newer tech plants are indeed coming on line, that overall CF is falling ever so marginally. They just WILL NOT believe it.)
So then, I sat down with a spare 15 minutes and actually did the Maths for it all, and I think most of you will know that what I say here is in fact correct.
Okay then, and here, I’ll give them the benefit of a very large doubt, and use their hoped for bigger CF figure, and in fact even, I’ll GO LARGE and use a totally unrealistic figure of a CF of 45%, and no wind plant can actually deliver that percentage in real life….. so FORTY FIVE PERCENT.
Let’s then double the wind plant fleet here in Australia ….. from the current 10,277MW to 20,554MW and just imagine how long something like that might take, and consider that a large Industrial Wind Plant is 400MW, so here we are looking at an additional 26 of these HUGE new wind plants, considering that there are only THREE of them of that size here in Australia, so finding the money for one new plant of that size would be problematic, let alone 26 of them.
Okay then, they, all of them, have the best available technology (so, umm, not the usual lowest bidder, eh!) and every one of these 26 new wind plants are so good, they deliver their power at a CF of ….. 45%. Oh, wow!
Okay, so the CF would absolutely skyrocket eh, and what they say that a few new plants will increase the CF overall to 42%+ in no time at all.
Back to reality, eh! And I’m sure that most of you knowing the way I do things, then I wouldn’t even be mentioning this if there was no ….. kick in the tail, eh!
Well, I did the maths.
The existing fleet at 30%. A whole new compete fleet at 45%.
The new CF for that now doubled fleet.
And that’s using a CF for the new ones of a totally unrealistic 45%, that will not be achieved.
So, the upshot of all this is this.
You can install new wind plants with the best technology available, and the CF will not increase by much at all.
You just gotta love maths. It can tell you so much
Apply it to the power generation sector, and idealists heads will just expl0de right off their shoulders.
Some of you might even see the simple solution to this whole thing. I started out looking at just that, and then wondered at points in between as well.
If I have doubled the total Nameplate as I did.
The existing CF is 30% and the new plant CF is 45%.
Then it stands to mathematical reasoning that the resultant CF is ….. half of that difference between 30 and 45 or 7.5%.
And so the new resultant CF is 37.5%.
Can you see now that for what could be a really complex thing, there is even a simple mathematical solution.
I did the maths for three points in between as well, and the results were eye opening, the upshot being as I mentioned, that you can install newer better tech wind generators and not make very much difference at all.
Tony, it’s worse than you thought. What happens when those whizbang windmills operate for a time at 70% CF and at other times at 20% CF?
If we get say 12,000 MW at midday from wind at 60% CF and solar delivers 13,000 MW, that’s the entire demand covered. That forces the shutdown of all other power supplies.
Yet come the evening peak, with zero solar and wind say 4,000 MW, hydro 4,000 MW, that leaves about 18,000 MWW to be provided by coal and gas.
“I have the usual nyah nyah nyah crowd who tell me that wind technology is improving rapidly,”
How can it be improving rapidly? It is a mature technology with the main gains being purely via taller structures and surely they have passed the point of diminishing returns by now. How high can you go?
I am not saying that there are no more gains, I am constantly surprised at the gains still being made in ICEs and super, ultra, magic coal fired generators.
” I am constantly surprised at the gains still being made in ICEs and super, ultra, magic coal fired generators.”
H, I am no engineer or chemist, but the gains in ICE and coal power, I would guess, come from knowing how much fuel you start with and what energy it contains.
Wind and solar on the other hand are hugely variable in the energy they contain at any point in time and can vary literally by the second.
From carburettors to fuel injectors, from lumps of coal to atomised dust, the technology is in getting the energy from the KNOWN quanity of fuel. Wind and solar on the other hand can only convert their “fuel” in random grabs. Doen’t matter how efficient the solar panel is or the wind mill, the constantly changing “fuel inputs” are, and always will be controlled by the vagaries of nature.
they are pee-ing into the wind, if you pardon the pun
why argue about marginal CF’s when there is no viable grid scale storage
Yes and what good are improvements when there is no wind? When hydrocarbon power is inadequate, you can add another generator, another engine. When there is no wind or no sun, building more windmills or solar farms is not a solution.
And that TdeF, is what the general public just don’t understand. Oh we need more power, can someone ramp up the wind or the sun. You can’t just turn renewables on according to demand like you can coal, gas and oil, oh and renewables can turn themselves off when you really need them, wheres the sun gone, what happened to the wind? Can someone ramp up the sun and the wind,we need more power, someone, anyone?
I have a much simpler way of increasing the capacity factor of wind, and I suspect there is a non-NEM registered installation in Vic that has done just that.
Let’s install 6 turbines and tell everyone that they are 3 MW units, but (nudge-nudge wink-wink) they are actually 4 MW units.
Simple really.
I have been writing to an engineer who questions my outright denial of man made Global Warming.
The basis of my denial is not whether we produce lots of CO2 but whether there is any of it left in the air at all. Under 3% of aerial CO2 is man made.
CO2 is a gas given off by the vast oceans like H2O itself. And the amount in the air is controlled by Henry’s Law, not politicians.
And like so many I have realised that he does not understand my proof that substantial man made CO2 in the atmosphere is a lie. Viv Forbes founder of the Salt Bush Club also wrote that not one person in a thousand will understand it. I wonder how many do? Or do they think it all too complex somehow?
See how you go with my explanation.
– – – – – – – – – – –
Constant cosmic rays create C14 in the upper atmosphere all the time. This is a rare unstable radioactive form/isotope of Carbon, but chemically identical but a bit heavier by 10%. It exists as CO2.
Half of this radioactive carbon decays into Nitrogen over 5400 years. And over a very long time it is all gone, but also over millions of years the amount in the air has become a constant as it has built up to the precise point where the new C14 being created exactly matches the ones vanishing by radioactive decay. This discovery of constant C14 was the basis of Radio Carbon dating. It is always about 1 in a trillion CO2 atoms.
This is how carbon dating works. In the air C14 is continually being replenished. But if say you put air in a bottle, the replenishment stops. So after 5400 years in that bottle the amount of original C14 would be half. That’s it. That’s all there is.
Now you can measure the age of trapped CO2 say in the bottle or plants or bones. If C14 is down 10%, the wood is about 540 years old. A simple ratio tells you how old air is or carbon in a bit of wood. We now have a single measurement to give the age of any old object containing carbon.
– – – – – – – – – – –
Is that really complex? You can measure the age of anything made from CO2 by measuring C14 remaining as a proportion of all Carbon.
With the advent of internal combustion, we have pumped billions of tons of CO2 into the air.
So the $20 Trillion question is, has that increased CO2 in the air?
Fossil fuel has no C14, being about 150 million years old and stored underground. So if the 50% increase in CO2 was due to fossil fuel as alleged, C14 in the atmosphere should be down 33% by simple dilution. It isn’t. In 1958 the dilution was measured at 2.05% +/-0.15% so there was very little fossil fuel CO2 in the air after two world wars and past half way through the 20th century.
That’s it. All the extra CO2 has vanished into the ocean. 98% of it at least, leaving a tiny amount.
Does anyone have a question? What is hard to understand?
By the way, the original paper I found in the Royal Society by New Zealander G.J.Fergusson is here.
There is a fascinating follow on story which confirms Fergusson’s results as he suggested at the time.
Things became very interesting with the French Atmospheric testing which doubled atmospheric C14 in the years 1965 to 1971. It meant the CO2 in the air had twice the % of C14 as CO2 in the ocean. The IPCC claims it take 80 years for even half the CO2 in the air to enter the water. So what happened? Who was right?
In 70 years it has all vanished! Not half but all of it. We are back to the ancient levels nearly where we were in 1958. Where did it all go? If it had gone into plants, they would have died and the CO2 released in rotting. You cannot destroy C14. There is only one place where it can escape, the vast oceans where 98% of all CO2 lives. So all CO2 is in rapid exchange between the ocean and the air, like water. So Fergusson was right and the IPCC is wrong.
So we now have a single parameter to measure the amount of fossil fuel CO2 in the air. And that tells us that it is just under 3%, not the 33% which is the fundamental claim of man made CO2 and thus man made Global Warming and man made Climate Change.
And that is the fate of all man made CO2, to be swept up in the vast exchange of CO2 between air and sea which is comparable to the exchange of water between air and sea. The amount of any gas, CO2 or H2O in their air is determined by Henry’s law. Some always escapes but it goes back in quickly enough.
We are more familiar with with water evaporation. Water as a gas is invisible like CO2 and roughly 1% of what you are breathing today, unless you are in the tropics in which case it can be as high as 4%. When it turns to water, it appears as clouds you can see.
By the way, for those who realise the decay curve is exponential and not linear, the decay of C14 after 1971 shows a single e-kt drop, which wipes out the Bern model of the ‘biosphere’ only. That alone means there is only one huge rapid sink for CO2, which is no surprise. The oceans are vastly bigger than the trees and plants. The cosy theory of a closed smaller system of only the top layer of the ocean has been busted.
Further, a curve fit comes up with a half life of 6 years. Everything fits.
Not the 80 years which the IPCC uses to rank ALL Greenhouse gases.
And I have to add that others in the IPCC claim fossil fuel CO2 stays in the atmosphere for ‘thousands of years’.
What is typical in the IPCC reports is that these claims are never substantiated.
Whats the carbon cycle within the ocean. Thanks.
All life started in the oceans with masses of CO2 and sunlight, the first photosynthesis, the first capture of solar energy to power
biochemistry. I have read the first chlorophyll was close to Vitamin A.
And what is in the ocean is mirrored on the land. But lungs were a new device. Phytoplankton do the heavy lifting and it is estimated that 50% of all new oxygen is by photosynthesis by these tiny animals. Much more than the rainforest of Brazil or the huge forests of Russia.
Phytoplankton are in turn eaten by krill which then supports even whales but the whole carnivore chain, passing on energy inn the form of hydrocarbon combinations. This is all on the vast surface though, as most of the ocean is 3.4km deep and there is no light after 100 metres, so unless it grows on the surface, it does not grow. Which is why coral has to try to stay near the surface and risk exposure and bleaching in a low tide. Bleaching is the risk coral takes in setting up a new home. And it is not our fault.
When animals first crawled out of the ocean, they had primitive lungs, not gills to extract the oxygen from the water. And some went back, whales, dolphins, seals, manatees. You can see it in all these as the two legs became a tail which is horizontal where fish have a vertical tail.
Anyway the carbon cycles of photosynthesis, carbohydrate, sugars, plants, animals/fish, death and decay to CO2, CH4 is precisely the same. And we animals carry lungs with an amazing 100 square metres of very thin wet tissue in where we continuously exchange CO2 for O2 with the air over the water/air wet interface, just as the oceans does. We rely on the plants and phytoplankton to convert CO2 back to O2 or we would eventually run out.
The ocean truly breathes, which is why fish can breathe and the CO2 is largely sequestered. If CO2 and O2 did not quickly move between air and water, the fish would drown or suffocate. It is interesting that the salty serum/water in our blood has a salt content which matches the saline concentration of the oceans from when we left it, so we can date it. And amazingly the early human embryonic development shows gills and a tail.
It is a simple story, but one of energy from the sun, hydrated carbon dioxide and all living things being made out of CO2. Which is why all living things burn. If trees were made from the earth, they would not burn. And everything returns to dust and CO2, as you are reminded at Easter.
And if you had to choose the most important gases on the planet, you would choose CO2 and H2O from which all life came. The existence of highly reactive oxygen which powers all life is entirely a result of the conversion of CO2 into Oxygen and Carbohydrates in photosynthesis. And the power which drives your heart, muscles and brain right now is from the recombination of carbohydrates and of oxygen back into carbon dioxide, releasing the original solar energy.
Carbon Dioxide is truly the gas of life! And it is now officially pollution? What a travesty! The Greens once banned Chlroine. Now they are waging war on Carbon, elements of the Periodic table. And all things green are made from hydrocarbons.
Coal, oil, gas are just rotted plant matter but now they are the most evil molecules in the world. This is not real science. It is Climate Scientology and utterly fake. But we Australians are being tortured by the appalling Clean Energy Regulator tasked legally with eliminating carbon dioxide from our lives? It’s insane.
The oldest extant oilfields are in 150-200 million year old Omani siltstones. But oil exists in strata that is much younger- even in recent Quaternary Cenozoic deposits.
Anything older than 10 half lives or 1/2^10 or 1/1024 has only 0.1% of C14 left. And 10 half lives is 10×5400 years or 54,000 years.
“Quaternary, in the geologic history of Earth, a unit of time within the Cenozoic Era, beginning 2,588,000 years ago and continuing to the present day.”
So unless the oil/gas/coal is younger than 54,000 years it have less than 0.1% of the original C14 left. Peat for example.
The IPCC is not consistent on the atmospheric “half-life” of anthropogenic CO2.
The mean residence time of a CO2 molecule in the atmosphere has been estimated by techniques comparing carbon isotopes- as you have suggested.
But those methods are not straightforward. There is a significant daily 2-way exchange of CO2 between the atmosphere and the oceanic well-mixed layer (through the marine boundary layer).
As the ocean/air interface covers 72% of the world, there are large variations. Henry’s Law makes a direct connection to surface temperature. Warmer means faster molecules so more CO2 leaves the water than enters. Cooler means more CO2 enters the water than leaves. That’s how beer works. Warm beer goes flat as CO2 leaves. Much slower if the beer is cold.
But as no gas except Helium can reach escape velocity, the CO2 and H2O are destined to reenter the water. Nothing leaves, so it is a question of how long the process takes. 5 years or 80 years to swap out half? As an aside, as Helium escapes we would have no Helium on Earth except for radioactive decay because alpha particles are in fact Helium and it gets trapped underground, principally in the USA. Along with Radon.
So the colder latitudes mean the ocean absorbs more CO2 and warmer water means more leaves. The question is what is the nett result. You can actually see the process in the graph of CO2 vs time which shows no human events but does clearly show the impact of the seasons.
The question of the average time for even half the CO2 to exchange was a topic. The estimate in 1958 was 5 years. And what the decay of C14 type CO2 showed us was that the exact result for the planet is 6 years. Not 80 years. It is what people called a silver lining to the atmospheric bomb tests, a world size experiment which was quite accidentally conducted on the entire atmosphere of the planet. And the speculation is over.
It is beyond belief that the IPCC could ignore all this. And hardly accidental. And the half life is also confirmed from the age of the CO2 at the bottom of the ocean. It is only 350 years old. Which means that 350 years ago it was in the atmosphere. And as only 2% of CO2 is in the atmosphere at any time, the average exchange time is 350/50 or 7 years.
It is a little more complicated than that.
1. Some oil, gas and even coal can have minor amounts of C14.
2. The amount of C14 generated depends on (the inverse) of solar activity.**
3. Some “renewables” e.g. wood will contain C14 and given the enthusiasm for burning wood in Europe (& the UK) that must affect the analysis.
**C14 data is rarely able to pin dates to a single year but a range (often about 100 years). The solar wind from a more active sun is said to reduce the impact of cosmic rays which are usually assumed to generate C14 (and Be10) .
Japanese physicist Fusa Miyake discovered a spike in the radiocarbon content of tree rings from 774 AD. It was so big that several ordinary years’ worth of cosmic rays must have arrived all at once. Tree ring evidence has been uncovered of further “Miyake events”: from 993 AD and 663 BC, and prehistoric events in 5259 BC, 5410 BC, and 7176 BC.
Good points.
1 As above, any exposure to air will increase C14 from zero. And measurement is quite easy for extremely small amounts of radioactive material. You would need vast amounts to increase C14 substantially. For example you could mix ethane with air and get 0.5 the C14 content of air.
2 The amount of C14 is actually dependent on cosmic rays from vast distances, not solar radiation. So the rate of production is not dependent on solar cycles.
3 Wood is very recent by definition, compared to the half life of 5400 years. A tree can grow for a hundred years, be chopped down and burned and not affect CO2 or C14O2. The time it was trapped would produce a reduction in C14 of 100/5400 or about 1.8%.
4.Miyake events are by their nature short lived, like the atom bomb blasts over 5 years. But this only affects the air which contains a mere 2% of all CO2. The CO2 in the ocean is untouched certainly as neutrons are stopped by water, so within a few decades it is all back to normal.
And yes, my explanation lacks an enormous amount of fine detail as experts chase resolution improvements from variations. And it is only good for dates from the present back about 20,000 to 40,000 years.
That is why I have a real problem with the CO2 from Ice Cores data which can go back hundreds of thousands of years but could not see detail such as the recent increase in CO2 of 50% in a geologically tiny 250 years.
It is a basic law of science that you cannot take data from two types of measurement and bolt them together (without confirming substantial overlap), as Michael Mann did with his infamous Hockey stock, bolting and scaling tree ring data onto modern thermometer data. And then projecting them into the future as if he had an justification at all!
In my opinion, tree ring data is among the least trustworthy data.
“It is a basic law of science that you cannot take data from two types of measurement and bolt them together (without confirming substantial overlap), as Michael Mann did with his infamous Hockey sto(i)ck”
Yeah, and claim it to be accurate within a single degree for the whole planet.
(They know the average schmoe will not notice the vertical axis is tiny and the horizontal is huge. Lieing with graphic mis-representation.)
Lack the science background to judge if you are right.
I do know the other side is hysterical and fibs constantly.
Mike’s nature trick.
Children will never know snow.
Because the oceans are boiling.
And the IPCC is a political organization just like the WHO and CDC.
And establishment science and medicine have jumped the shark.
You would be surprised to learn how much detectable C14 there is in fossil fuels.
There would be detectable C14 in everything, only if exposed to the air. It is a testament to the sensitivity of detection of radiation.
Thanks TdF. I recall from your earlier post that you decided not to do a study on this because you found the G.J.Fergusson paper. I downloaded that and found that yes I could just about follow it, but it is typical of (even genuine) academic papers and theses, that reading it is painful, and for the rest of us, a “cruel and unusual punishment”.
Maybe you could reconsider? Do something like Feynman’s “QED”?
Good idea. I can appreciate that, which is why I have tried to compress the story. It’s not anything like Quantum Mechanics in complexity. First year physics maybe. One measurement to prove the whole man made CO2 story wrong. The air is not old enough to have any fossil fuel.
But my feeling is that a lone voice in the wilderness with a proof or paper gets ignored. Christopher Monckton wanted to write a paper but I think putting what is obvious in a paper is silly. There is no new information, as Fergusson in 1958 makes clear.
Worse, big wind and solar get someone to concoct a truly complicated paper which purports to destroy the argument. There have already been amazing attempts with Carbon 13 and a fatuous argument about differential uptake by stomata between C13 and C12. They have stolen the very idea of the Suess effect and twisted it around to unrecognizable. There is just a huge amount of money and fame in Climate Change.
However I do have a desire to get a reputable authority to publish the % of man made in the CO2 as a sort of clock. I will keep going with that. A university perhaps. Or the CSIRO. But they have all too scared. People are so vested in man made Global Warming that they are scared to touch it. It would cost them their careers. Dr Peter Ridd’s crucifixion was a warning to other scientists not to step out of line. Telling lies is big business.
Then once the idea sinks in that we could burn all the fossil fuel in the world and the CO2 would not change, reality might sink in. We saw this in the Exxon Valdez oil spill where the beaches which were not cleaned up were clean enough without being touched. To a large extent this huge planet is self cleaning, especially with very desirable carbon products like hydrocarbons. There is always something which will eat them. They contain a great deal of energy.
In Australia individual companies have already been forced to buy $15Million of carbon credits by the Clean Energy AUthority. And starting July 1, 215 companies (biggest polluters) have to decrease their CO2 output by 5% per year. Which means shutting down or buying fake science ‘carbon credits’.
It is staggering that CO2 is now considered terrible pollution, a total corruption of the genuine anti pollution campaigns of the 20th century. Mercury, uranium, phosphorous, cadmium, radioactive waste and more. We saw it turned into a weapon with the banning of DDT which was not dangerous practically but the banning killed millions with malaria. Recently we saw it with the banning of ivermectin which could have saved millions of lives, a drug taken safely by the armed forces for decades but suddenly dangerous, horse medicine.
The Australian companies named as ‘big polluters’ are all the metal smelters, iron to steel, lead, zinc, aluminium, gas distrubutors. All the glass and concrete makers. An in Victoria V-Line has a real problem as a ‘major polluter’ because it uses diesel trains. It will cripple the country. I can only conclude that someone thinks crippling Western democracies is a great idea. No one cares what the Chinese do and how much CO2 they generate.
The Chinese are building more coal power plants each year than our entire output. So what is going on? Why isn’t Greta thundering at the Chinese? Why is no one criticizing when the ‘biggest polluter’ in the world by far is not punished? And if CO2 is ‘pollution’ then all life on earth is polluting. Insects, birds, fish, animals, people, amoebae, fungi, even plants. Polluters all. Plus now 8 billion people breathing, walking, swimming, working, eating. Top polluters.
I cannot believe any of this. China produces more CO2 than all other countries combined but we are strangling our power, our factories, our farmers to death. And we will have to import all our metal, glass and concrete from China. So perhaps that’s the idea? There is no way Australia will make a difference to world CO2. Or anyone else. Cui Bono?
Regardless of the barriers, this needs to be published, if not publicised! Otherwise, excellent work and explanation credit to you, TdeF!
40 Do I sense a pattern?
You are indeed noticing RayS
A bit shorthand DD,.
” Judge Williams rejected the Crown’s suggestion Ms Coco was a “danger to the community” and had “no insight into her offending.
He set aside the jail sentence and placed Ms Coco on a 12-month conditional release order. ”
Dave B
When does the Dan Andrews edition hit the big screens ?
Could this be right, I read this morning that a major factor in the collapse of the huge solar electricity project in North-West Australia to supply Singapore was that when the sun was shining here it was night in Singapore and the electricity was not needed?
Singapore and Perth seem to be in the same time zone?
Same as Vietnam. Didn’t have to change the watches when we came back to Perth.
Dennis, I think that’s just spin. No sound engineer or country would want to rely on intermittent solar power at the end of a 4,200km cable that could easily be damaged by natural, accidental or hostile forces.
As was pointed out on previous comments here, the Singaporeans were just being polite and pretending to show limited interest and were curious what these stupid Australians were up to.
Singaporeans make well considered, evidence-based decisions, they don’t follow the fantasies of woke virtue signaling subsidy harvesters. The promoters of this insane scheme should have known that.
The promoters made fools of themselves and fools of Australians. Again, Australia was the laughing stock of Asia and the world.
“The promoters of this insane scheme should have known that.”
Of course they did. How much govt subsidy money do you reckon Twiggy Forrest managed to hoover up in “feasibility Studies” before he pulled the plug?
Twiggy is a graduate of the Richard Branson School of govt money milking.
Twiggy probably thought the Singapore Government would be stupid enough to subsidise the project. They’re not.
The Australian Government IS stupid enough to subsidise such a project with tax payer money but in this one instance inexplicably didn’t.
I recall that the NT Government donated $11 million of tax payer money towards it. I posted the link here once before.
That’s the first time I’ve seen any data on the actual value of the NT subsidy. Thanks David.
Sun Cable forgot to update their website. They pretend it’s still a going concern.
They should put up a for sale sign but who would be stupid enough to buy it?
And why would they want a solar farm in Australia when they had their very own floating solar farm and have had since 2021? Plus they could presumably build more nearby, not 4200km away in Australia.
Not one of the promotors knew this?
July 15, 20211:16 AM GMT+10
Last Updated 2 years ago
Singapore unveils one of the world’s biggest floating solar panel farms
By Chen Lin
Origin of expression “Get woke, go broke”.
On April 17th, 2018, the Milo Yiannopoulos-run news site Dangerous[2] published an article about sci-fi author John Ringo, which quoted Ringo using the phrase “get woke, go broke” in the context of organizations that cave “to SJW pressure.”
Speaking of WOKE, a Sleep physician has basically murdered his wife with Cocaine OD/ Dodgy emergency airway surgery according to the Coroner’s court 3 years ago yet is still able to practice supervised? The Dr called emergency services hours after she died.
I guess he can’t murder his wife again unless he remarries.
Did the ivermectin ban cost lives?
Kara Thomas and Andrew McIntyre
14 March 2023
It appears that we live in a reality where doctors are censored and early treatments such as ivermectin are banned, apparently to ensure public confidence in the government’s vaccine rollout is not undermined.
AHPRA and National Boards threatened doctors with regulatory action on March 9, 2021 if they made any statements that ‘undermined public confidence in the vaccination rollout’. The TGA also banned ivermectin’s use for the prevention or treatment of Covid in September 2021 because, according to the TGA, if people had access to it they may not get vaccinated. Are we seeing a trend?
In whose interests are decisions really being made? Ivermectin is safe, cheap, fully approved, and has been shown effective in the prevention and treatment of Covid, as will be demonstrated. As repeatedly outlined in Senate estimates by Martin Fletcher, CEO of AHPRA, doctors can use their clinical judgment and the best available evidence to treat their patients – except they can’t in this country because of excessive government overreach. These decisions do not seem to make any medical sense, let alone resemble public protection. Is it possible that the TGA, being 96 per cent funded by the pharmaceutical industry, is influencing restrictions and approvals? Some in the medical industry have asked the question now, and in the past, including a ‘scathing review’ from the BMJ in July of 2022. The TGA has always maintained that their decisions are made independent of financial attachment. Even so, a Goldman Sachs analyst suggested in a 2018 report, ‘Is curing patients a sustainable business model? These questions arise when trying to explain the banning of ivermectin as a safe, Nobel prize-winning, WHO essential medicine which showed a strong signal of benefit, under the banner of sudden safety concerns.
The Australian Medical Professionals’ Society made a public submission to the TGA Consultation on September 29, 2022 arguing that the Poison Scheduling for ivermectin was inappropriate, not evidence-based, and not in the best interests of medicine in Australia. Our submission reviewed extensive evidence showing ivermectin use was associated with statistically significant reductions in mortality, time to clinical recovery, and time to viral clearance for Covid. It can be argued and indeed it is, in fact, being argued here that denying Australians access to ivermectin poses a threat to public health and the secretary’s other matters were not used appropriately to protect the public.
The TGA on February 3, 2023 following a review of multiple extensively-referenced submissions decided not to amend the current Poisons Standard in relation to ivermectin, ‘for your safety’, of course. This decision continues the ban on doctors’ ability to prescribe ivermectin either in isolation or as part of a multi-drug protocol for the prevention or treatment of Covid.
Dr Melissa McCann (qv) seems to have nailed the TGA. I was spooked when I saw what she had done, expecting her to lose her licence to practice, but they have coughed up the documents she demanded, and the wheels of a legal action are starting to turn.
You can see Dr McCann’s talk to the United Australia Party covid conference here:
Only without an existing good and safe drug against Cov-19 the vaccines had a chance to get the wanted approval.
Oceans heating at an alarming rate.
Surely the prelude to an el Nino , when that heat will be discharged to the atmosphere, and so on.
Tisdale considers that there is no neutral phase ; the heat is still actually going into the ocean.
Where else could it go when there is no el Nino?
Pull the other one.
Yes sir but how do we explain this?
‘ … global sea surface temperatures are currently at their warmest level on record for this time of year. The only other year that is on par with the current warmth was 2016, which was Earth’s warmest year on record for ocean temperatures. However, it is important to note that 2016 was an El Niño year and El Niño is known to enhance global ocean temperatures.
‘This year has already been able to rival the oceanic warmth of 2016, despite being under the cooling influence of a waning La Niña.’
“Yes sir but how do we explain this?”
Haha! A bigger solar panel reflector of course! ..and then a few new colours to show normal temperatures as hot! If you still need more fake evidence just delete a few buoys and average the reading from the tropics to the lower 40s..
Once you have been found lying you will never be believed, and NOAA is just as big a cheat as BOM!
A conspiracy of gigantic proportions.
Anthony Watts has a sticky post on temps.
‘One of the most frightening aspects of global warming, aka “climate change” is the graphs produced from temperature data for public consumption and trumpeted by an unquestioning and compliant media. When it comes to measuring climate, in order to actually see any temperature differences over the last century, they must be highly magnified using the temperature anomaly method.’
Millions in biggest ever protest in France
2 – 5,000,000+ Protesting in Over 200 areas…France is one step away from civil war. Macron’s police beat women and the elderly.
The peasants are revolting!
Had enough at last eh..
That’s exactly what Dictator Dan of Vicdanistan’s paramilitary police did during the covid lockups. Such brave “men” (and despite woke “diversity” it was the police who identified as men who did most of the violence).
Apart from that, he had them use copius amounts of capsaicin spray which is actually prohibited in warfare under the Chemical Weapons Convention (section I.5).
Both sets of police forces must be under WEF control.
Paul Joseph Watson: Femoids
These “women” are just ignorant, egocentric, clueless damaged goods and are totally undesirable..
It’s great not to be 20 something
How lava lamps are used in cryptography
Randomness is extremely important for secure encryption. Each new key that a computer uses to encrypt data must be truly random, so that an attacker won’t be able to figure out the key and decrypt the data. However, computers are designed to provide predictable, logical outputs based on a given input. They aren’t designed to produce the random data needed for creating unpredictable encryption keys.
To produce the unpredictable, chaotic data necessary for strong encryption, a computer must have a source of random data. The “real world” turns out to be a great source for randomness, because events in the physical world are unpredictable.
As one might expect, lava lamps are consistently random. The “lava” in a lava lamp never takes the same shape twice, and as a result, observing a group of lava lamps is a great source for random data.
Unusual use of bogan artifacts but truly random…
Puzzling. All that is true. But the real challenge is decryption. You would need a photo of the lava lamp at the other end.
Most computers contain an Avalanche Diode for the purpose of generating a random stream, and it’s smaller and more convenient than a lava lamp … admittedly less attractive.
There’s also various inputs, such as mouse movement, network timing, disk seek time, etc … things that contain some real world randomness and can contribute sufficient unpredictability to prevent someone guessing your keys.
Intel processors have an on-chip hardware entropy-seeded random number generator that can be called by the instruction RDRAND but not everyone trusts it and Intel have not stated how it works. Some think it might have an NSA backdoor.
Completely stupid… you can literally buy random number generators:
They work by shining light at a mirror, some photons reflect, some pass through, and its random by quantum theory.
I am surprised cloudflare publish such nonsense.
“The “lava” in a lava lamp never takes the same shape twice”
That’s from the grid voltage variation due to increasing renewables being used.
Old king coal makes a comeback in Germany.
‘As Germany continues to move ahead and shut down its nuclear power plants, leaders are realizing that coal as an energy source for electricity is unavoidable and without alternative.’ (Notrickszone)
All true, Gordi.
But unlike Australia Germany did not blow up all of its coal fired power stations once they were decommissioned. It’s a pity we no longer have a specific crime of treason.
Jacinda and co, filled the pipes of NZ’s only refinery with concrete.
A cunning stunt.
In comments at
“Old ‘Helmet Head’s’ epitaph should read ..’Always in ERROR, but never in DOUBT’!”
Seems to me that there is a long line qualified for that!
There’s no point in blaming Bowen or the current govt for our skyrocketing power prices. Or the previous federal coalition govt.
The blame for the existing disaster lies fairly and squarely with long gone state govts of both political flavours who decided it would be a ripper of a good idea to “privatise” an essential utility like electricity.
The end result was both predictable and inevitable.
But if the chain isn’t yanked on someone it will keep on going
Like all young, ABC listeners at the time I hated Premier Joh. Maturity has shown me the error of my ways, I now believe he may have been the best Premier in my life time.
He set up our mining industry, built the rail lines to haul the coal and ensured an electricity grid fit for purpose. Labor have held government most of the time since and they have sold off the family silver and allowed industry to atrophy.
Come back Joh, all is forgiven. lol
Time to feed the chooks..
Are you from the ABC?.. 😀
Please reread and note I said both “young” and “at the time”.
If you need something to help you convince someone out of committing to M->F transgender surgery you might want to show them the following video with a person who had it and woke up from surgery to realise what a huge mistake they had made.
You won’t see many of these stories because of huge Leftist censorship of the large number of regret stories. I’m surprised this hasn’t been censored on YouTube (yet). This brave person is now an anti-trans-surgery activist.
And needless to say, changing gender is a biological impossibility.
It was pointed out somewhere recently that, from an anthropologists point of analysis, your skeleton has either an angle of the bottom of your pelvic bones of 120 degrees or 90 degrees
Through history there have been men living as women and women living as men. Successfully. Without surgery. Caitlyn Jenner for example. No surgery.
Why such radical surgery is now promoted as a solution to anything can only be driven by opportunism and profit and against the Hippocratic oath. Do no harm. This surgery is completely unnecessary.
I think it is criminal, leaving often really young and female victims truly dysfunctional. In most US states you are not allowed drink alcohol until 18. But children can elect to have serious and disabling and permanent disfigurement by doctors without parental approval. Even President Biden is in favor of it. WHy?
Why is this allowed, let alone encouraged and promoted and recommended. How many tens of thousands of victims will have their lives irreparably damaged?
At least the castrati of the Vatican and the Chinese Imperial city and the Ottoman Empire had a very desirable job for life in a time when employment was a life and death matter and an Imperial career a real opportunity. And so the support of their parents and families.
Now young children who really need counselling and support are fed into the hands of surgeons to become permanently distressed and disabled and often in pain for a miserable life. It is extreme grooming of innocent victims, children often with State support and funding, grooming which in days past would have resulted in extreme punishment for groomers and pedophiles.
When you add it to the 100,000 young people a year dying from Chinese Fentanyl, the attack on Western society at every level is obvious.
Wuhan Flu, Woke crippling of society, the war against merit, race wars, EGS, Transgender surgery, fentanyl, Nett zero, Ukraine, carbon credits, no borders with unrestricted migration undermining jobs and destorying homogeneous societies, all promoted or accepted only in Western democracies to undermine them. And all funded by Chinese money. It all fits. WWIII has already started. In a nuclear weapons age, an undermining of all democratic societies and even the election process itself and every committee in the UN.
Meta, parent of Farcebook, Instagram and WhatsApp is laying off 10,000 employees.
People are sick of far Left bias and censorship of conservatives.
Dr Steve Turley discusses:
Welcome to your own Country –
Not working for me, Johnny.
Beddy bbye time – so time for a lullaby.
A little something so you can have sweet dreams.
And so it begins . . . part 2
It appears European banks have decided to join the party started by SVB.
Credit Suisse in the headlines again
Trivia for Today.
15 Mar is the “Ides of March”.
On this day in 44 BC, Julius Caesar was assassinated by Brutus.
“The Romans did not number each day of a month from the first to the last day. Instead, they counted back from three fixed points of the month: the Nones (the 5th or 7th, 8 days before the Ides), the Ides (the 13th for most months, but the 15th in March, May, July, and October), and the Kalends (1st of the following month).”
Nothing like keeping it simple is there!
Very simple
“Brutus was an honourable man . . .”
“‘The World That We Will Live and Die In’
Sen. J.D. Vance talks foreign policy in an exclusive interview.”
Red Alert
‘Sydney’s Observatory Hill weather station is forecast to reach 30ºC or higher each day between Thursday and Sunday. This would be the first time in 165 years of records Sydney has seen four consecutive days at or above 30ºC in autumn.’ (Weatherzone)
Why is it that a certain media outlet seems to be so exited that an el nino may be coming, is that because we’ll have a drought, fires, and the warmest eva year on record?