People are waking up to the dark side of the Absolute Zero plan
The totalitarian wet dreams of a UK government consortium of academics are lighting up the internet. As Benny Peiser and Andrew Montford from NetZeroWatch say — people are starting to pay attention in a big way:
The realities of Net Zero are also hitting home for the general public. The threat that the project represents to livelihoods and liberties is becoming more evident by the day. Recently, the mathematician Norman Fenton tweeted an excerpt from a Government-funded report that set out what Net Zero U.K. might look like: no airports, no shipping, no beef and lamb to eat, and most food imports eliminated. Sounds grim, doesn’t it? Lots of people thought so, and the tweet went viral, garnering over three million views.
The Prof Norman Fenton thread that got 3.4 million views on Twitter is, would you believe, about a 2019 UK Government funded research report. Who knew the masses could get that excited about a 31 page prehistoric report on energy policy, but holy-cajoley: it’s a wake up call of just how savage the Absolute Zero plan aims to be. And this matters more than you might think. Without magical new technologies the current Net Zero targets can only be achieved with Absolute Zero emissions.
How much will the totalitarians end up getting — as much as we we let them
That report from the UK FIRES research programme is rather tamely called Absolute Zero: Delivering the UK’s climate change commitment with incremental changes to today’s technologies, as if we just need baby steps to get there.
But instead, as Fenton highlights, the key points are all mapped out in gruesome detail — just as if a well funded group of academic ideologues unleashed their fantasies with no constraints. The acceleration is breathtaking: all airports except Heathrow, Belfast & Glasgow need to close by 2030. There will be no flying at all by 2050. As far as cars go, there needs to be no new petrol/diesel cars by 2030; by 2050 road use is restricted to 60% of today’s level.
All the things you love like food, heating and energy will be restricted to 60% of today’s level by 2050. So life will be a lot colder and hungrier unless there’s a lot fewer people to share it with. And naturally the ’15 minute prisons‘, I mean ‘cities’ are key to all of this.
It is The Great Reset in glossy grand bureaucratic art:
Click to see the chart. Seriously…

Click to Enlarge “The Absolute Zero Plan”. Source: UK FIRES
It’s much closer to real policy than you might think
It’s only a research report, not an act of Parliament (yet), but as Norman Fenton points out, Net Zero is morphing into Absolute Zero, because Absolute Zero is what has to happen if the UK current Net Zero policy is going to achieve targets that are already set in legislation:
Fenton: And for those who still think the absolute zero agenda is not baked in to Govt thinking, note that it only differs from the official net zero agenda in its 2030 objectives (i.e. the speed at which it must happen). The 2050 objectives are the same.
… In other words, the inhumane FIRES project strategy is simply a realistic statement of what is required to meet the UK Govt’s insane net zero 2050 target as enshrined in the 2019 Climate Change Act amendment (which every political party supported but nobody voted for).
Net Zero has to morph to Absolute Zero
Julian Allwood is one of the authors and a Cambridge University Engineering Professor and he’s scathing about the reality of the current “Net Zero” plans which rely on future discoveries. He said all this in 2021:
The government’s roadmap is based on a “fantastically religious belief”, Allwood said, that fledgling, future technologies can deliver the 68 per cent cut in emissions that needs to be made in the next nine years to keep the country’s COP26 pledge.
“Net-zero doesn’t mean anything”
As a result, he argued that we should be aiming for “absolute zero” rather than net-zero by 2050.
This sentiment was echoed by prominent philosopher Timothy Morton… The tub represents the atmosphere and the water atmospheric carbon … You’ve still got the bath full of water,” he said. “That’s the problem. We have to actually get the bath down lower.” “Net-zero doesn’t mean anything,” Morton continued. “One of the translations of net-zero by 2050 is: I support mass extinction.”
Absolute zero requires giving up cement and air travel
“…there’s huge potential for innovation. But it’s not the innovation of magic beans fertilised by unicorn’s blood, which is all that’s in the political climate today. It’s new businesses that are truly compatible with zero emissions.”
The same guys that complain about the religious faith of Net Zero fantasies are the ones who have a religious faith that CO2 is a problem in the first place, O’ Believers of Holy Climate Models!
Fenton was interviewed by Laura Ingraham a few weeks ago:
This is the same Professor Norman Fenton readers here might remember from the Dec 2021 vaccine study in the UK which had those incendiary graphs of excess deaths in the UK following the peak of vaccination in every age group. His graphs of mortality in the UK are still my first choice to show that the link between excess deaths and vaccination in a cause and effect sense.
Spread the word.
Thank God that the UK Fires report, which makes explicit the sheer lunacy of the NetZero project, is finally receiving publicity. Given however that the NetZero target is enshrined in UK Law (unlike most other government targets), a huge political U-turn will be required if the country is not to be irretrievably impoverished.
Think of the positives. These moves will probably stop the flow of illegal immigrants and may even reverse the process. Why would anyone want to go to a cold wet island with food rationing when one could live in the south of France. Food will probably still be rationed but it will be warm enough to sleep out side. Some one better also advise all those North African countries about expats wanting to return home.
What is the current price of bread in Sudan?
Where will the next war be? (Hint. Where the price of bread is highest).
Those expats won’t return “home” until so many of those “at home” have died that those remaining can find a feed.
Modern production methods have dramatically reduced famine around the world. All that is being thrown away. The world has never yet produced more than a sufficiency of food. Production has already been cut, and supply lines disrupted, with worse to come.
There is a rael possibility that by this time next year we could be seeing a billion people starving. Nobody will fail to feel it one way or another.
Don’t worry, China will show us the way ahead.
Speaking of China.
Has CV19 affected their food production?
Net Zero population
Nice article Jo. What do the British public make of all this? I am not sure they are fully on board with net zero
To illustrate their reticence I was fortunate enough to bump into with Woke Green, leading British environmentalist and climate campaigner and am pleased to share a few of his thoughts on the British public attitude to net zero with your readers.
Woke practices what he preaches in order to avert the Climate Emergency and the end of the world, which he says is barely 18 months away and takes a dim view of his followers who campaign about planet damaging activities they often still indulge in themselves.
He sipped a glass of water and looked at it pensively. “Tap water is great. No one needs to buy bottled water in plastic bottles. I complain to the shop manager if they sell imported water in plastic bottles. Imported! No woke person should dream of doing that, but some still do despite the irrefutable computer fact that because of their actions global temperatures are now hotter than inside a volcano. We activists know everyone must change their lives completely in order to return to the climatic conditions of pre industrial times. Living in poverty, tilling the soil with rickets and dying at 35 of hypothermia may not be good for you, but it’s good for the planet.”
“Rickets?” I queried.
“It’s like a small plough”, he said vaguely
“If you are worried about warming….” he broke off and looked at me suspiciously, “you are aren’t you?”
“Every time I get my heating bill” I assured him.
“Then those middle class climate activists declaring Co2 related ‘climate emergencies’ in order to force fundamental changes to our lifestyles and achieve temperature reductions too small to be measured at vast cost, obviously need to practise what they preach. Have they got rid of their cars? Always walk, cycle, or use buses and trains? Given up flying, milk and cheese, environment destroying smart phones, cotton, coffee, and beef? Drink tap water rather than stuff in plastic bottles? Are vegan? Shop locally for local food in season? Minimised their use of energy guzzling /internet/social media/computers, permanently turned off their gas central heating and removed their gas cookers? Thrown out the tumble dryer? The list of things that ordinary people shouldn’t do is endless.”
He looked at his watch. “i need to go and catch my plane to Trieste for the climate conference. Come back after my speech there . I am collecting them all together to form a book, you could edit it. Its tentative title is “Putting out the fire”.
I nodded my thanks and left, pleased with my new job to edit his collected speeches which had to be done in such a way to keep the influential metropolitan middle class activists on message, but doing practical things to actually avert the climate emergency, instead of just talking about doing things to avert the climate emergency but in reality continuing with their bad old evil capitalist ways, whilst practically gorging on Co2. The stuff is all very well and may have helped raise humanity out of the dirty, unhealthy and poverty stricken gutter they had wallowed in for ever, but it has damaged the Earth.
Whilst they may not like the consequences, the planet would be practically purring when its removed. The stuff Woke had been suggesting his followers needed to do seemed to be low hanging fruit, on the whole. “The tough stuff that will hurt,” he had confided as we shook hands goodbye “will need much more drastic measures. Humanity is waging a war against our planet and the consumer is in the front line. There will be collateral damage.” His speech in Trieste promises to inspire millions more people to commit economic suicide. I will keep you informed of his fate. Be sure to go and spread the word amongst the doubters.
Tony – you may be thinking this is just satire. See where in Kenya people are starving themselves to death in order to get to heaven before the End Of The World (due pretty soon, if you believe them). Amazing what you can get people to believe….
Agreed. Some people are very gullible and just want to believe, or are too busy to check facts. Satire is often a good way to show them an alternative view. !984 and A brave new world and Animal Farm are quite scary in the manner they seem to be treated as blueprints for our future by our elite.
I would recommend “The Denial” By Ross Clark as the best satire I have read on ‘the Climate Crisis.’ A small novel around the size of Animal Farm
There’s so much on the report itself that is quite depressing.How can anyone fight this zealotry and ignorance?
They keep making references to the “trade-off between energy and labour”, which in context seems to imply that people should be used to do a lot of menial tasks that aren’t important enough to warrant being powered. Consider their vision to recycle steel from buildings on Page 35 – by removing all the structural elements and cleaning them individually…
Then there is this gem on page 44:
Can our politicians really be that ignorant that they don’t know the facts and figures.? Or does. Ideology trump everything?
Presumably our politicos believe the public are on board with all this nonsense. If the public start to turn against all the green nonsense then presumably our elite will start to withdraw from their holier than thou positions. Up until now the publc have often known less than our leaders on green matters, but if the penny has dropped then surely politicans will not want to be out of step with the voters
OK, I’ll ask a question that illustrates my deep education:
It is estimated that an overwhelming majority of goods, around 80 percent, are transported by ships.
UK Fires: All shipping declines to zero.
That’s the question.
Answers are easy, apparently, but here’s one teensy weensy problem – one of countless such problems:
Currently, wind components are transported using a variety of different
modes, including ship, rail and truck. For example, a 150 megawatt wind
farm can require as many as 650 truckloads, 140 railcars and eight ships to complete the transportation process
Achieving what Hitler’s U-boat packs couldn’t 80 years ago! I presume these are the new, revised “Happy Times”!
Who could forget the time that Günther Prien took his U-Boot into Scapa Flow to sink the aircraft carrier Royal Oak.
“They keep making references to the “trade-off between energy and labour”, which in context seems to imply that people should be used to do a lot of menial tasks that aren’t important enough to warrant being powered. Consider their vision to recycle steel from buildings on Page 35 – by removing all the structural elements and cleaning them individually…”
Makes the Lenin-Stalin years of killing the intellectuals seem quite a good idea really..
People won’t stand this, given a choice. People would need to be forced to comply.
The following would need to happen.
Control of the indvidual’s pocket book and limit what and how they can purchase.
Automatic payment systems.
Electronic banking.
Eliminate cash.
Institute Cyber Money.
Eliminate private ownership of precious metals.
Complete control of investments.
Make fossil fuels use too expensive.
Take control of the supply side of the economy.
Disarm the population.
Limit freedom of movement.
Tightly control transportation.
Eliminate the right to assembly.
Silence free speech.
Demonize dissent.
Cancel their votes.
Lock up protesters.
Ignore due proccess.
Seize their bank accounts.
Make them unemployable.
Silence their leaders.
Control and censor their communications.
Could you imagine all that starting happen? ..Oh wait….
You forgot brainwashing . .
And much of this has already stated, how are you going to stop it now . .
Private property rights restricted by social credit rating.
Also, expanding on some of those points
-Remove conservative and related voices from Lamestream and Social(ist) Media platforms.
-Routinely censor and remove from Social(ist) Media platforms regular person conservatives or anyone else the Left disagree with.
-Encourage extreme Leftist violence both in riots and against conservatives or anyone else the Left disagree with. Also doxing and hacking as just done to Matt Walsh, for example.
-Stop conservatives and fellow rational thinkers from speaking at public events.
What is being observed in the developed world is very high inflation because the supply chain has become completely reliant on China to make stuff.
There is a serious housing shortage in Australia. Builders are going bust because they have been caught in the inflation trap. Materials from China are simply not available at the rate required.
People will not be “forced”. They simply will not have the option. The only growing industry in Australia is homeless support. I expect UK and USA are in similar territory.
Who can afford a high speed golf buggy. Insurance costs prohibit most people from owning one. If there are only this type of vehicle then there will be a lot fewer of them.
German’s reduced their gas consumption by 30% in the last winter. Not entirely;y forced rather the cost so high it was unaffordable.
Australia is shutting down one of the few remaining coal fired power stations this week. There will have to be demand response to cope with this reduction. Consumers of all variety will be rewarded if they reduce load in a squeeze but average cost of power will go up and Australia gets a little more reliant on the Chinese supply chain for the wind turbines, solar panels and batteries needed to replace the coal fired station.
So compliance is being achieved through the hip pocket. Everything simply becomes unaffordable for the majority and that becomes the accepted norm.
I’ll start investing in tar-and-feathers futures!
If you think our politicians might not be sufficiently motivated or crazy to force this through?
This Absolute Zero Plan has NO CHANCE of happening by 2030 IMHO.
The Net Zero/Absolute Zero plans have NO CHANCE of meeting the publicly stated goals by 2030 nor by 2050.
The proponents privately-shared goals we can only infer.
And all this wasted energy over the latest version of the Purple People Eater;
Nett Zero is based on the same style of thinking as Sheb Wooleys contribution to humanity.
The PPE was an absurdity that was obviously meant as a bit of fun.
Why can’t we be as discerning in the matter of Nett Zero that’s based on the Hoaxist claims that atmospheric CO2 is involved in dangerous global warming.
CO2 cannot cause, initiate or accelerate atmospheric heating.
Basic physics, basic atmospheric thermodynamics and quantitative analysis absolutely deny this claim.
The only reason for the “CO2 is dangerous” theme is that it allows “Them” to dominate, control and Rob us while making our lives he’ll.
The proponents of this Nett Zero thing are simply Antihuman.
Thanks for posting those links to The Purple People Eater, Kalm Keith. It brought back wonderful childhood memories of singing it in Cub Scouts. I had never seen it on video before. Sheb Wooley composed the song in one hour.
Same here David, whenever I hear that song I’m taken back to the old scout hall.
In one hour, you say? It sounds so.
In 1958 there was no constant TV access or mobile phone screen time, so we were very verbal, so we appreciated the song.
‘CO2 cannot cause, initiate or accelerate atmospheric heating.’
Very nicely put, I’ll borrow it.
Just re-stating.. in bold. !
“CO2 cannot cause, initiate or accelerate atmospheric heating.”
In Australia, many of our politician’s loyalties lie with China. China’s encouragement of Net Zero policies for the West will certainly influence Australia in this direction. It will help destroy the West for China’s benefit.
He must have reckoned that rebuilding relations to Australian electors, the relations torched over the past three years, would be a wasted effort.
“Premier Mark McGowan has called for Australia’s National Cabinet to be held in China in an attempt to build relations between the two nations.”
GoFundme for one-way tickets!
It would be easier all round to [defund] the idiots promoting this rubbish.
It would also help to inform the general population that they have been lied to by experts for at least four decades. The first politicians brave enough to introduce truth will eventually be elected by a vast majority. The problem then is how to get the message out. It will not be via the MSM which will also follow the absolute zero path due to lies and censorship. Elon Musk may well become our saviour by establishing an alternative to the Google controlled web.
I have faith that we will ditch Net Zero when the reality strikes home. Blackouts and factory shut downs will ring the alarm bells. I just hope enough are listening.
[Edited! – J]
All this stuff may happen in the UK and the West, but the Chinese will not be stupid enough to let it happen . .
Which solves Sambar’s problems up at #2- The British will all emigrate to China & Russia so they can still live a 20century lifestyle powered by coal and oil.
I drive a 980kg car, considerably lighter than anything made after 1990, and if you electrify it there will be no boot or back seat from the space for batteries and the weight they add. Their 2030 cars will be tiny 2-seat town cars, top speed 70kph, although many SF authors have always reckoned on pedal-powered.
Have you not noticed that the CCP is encouraging Australia to commit economic suicide!
It is the boiling frog approach. It is hoped we won’t notice until it is too late.
It is the absolute lack of critical thinking that is at its most gobsmacking.
That this thinking comes out of Institutions of Higher Learning is most concerning, to the point of being laughable.
Ask people how much CO2 is in the atmosphere and the answers range from 20% to 70%, not the four tenths of one tenth of one percent.
So we are living inside a volcano, when this planet is the coolest it has been in the past 10.000 years, if we ignore the Little Ice-Age of the 1400-1700 era, which we thankfully recovered from.
Bring on the pain I say, let’s get this madness over with. Maybe Chris Bowen will end up saving us from himself.
Question for Leftists/warmists.
Who is the world’s largest CO2 emitter? (In case you are unfamiliar with the term, it’s what you erroneously call “carbon” (sic).)
And why are you silent about the massive emissions from that country?
In the following table, Australia barely rates a mention but you support destruction of the Australian economy over this, and the West in general?
And that country has nearly 2.3 times the CO2 emissions of the United States, the next biggest emitter.
(Not that CO2 emissions are harmful for the environment, they are beneficial. Do you know what gas plants use? Look it up.)
Country Share of CO₂ emissions
China 30.9%
United States 13.5%
India 7.3%
Russia 4.7%
Japan 2.9%
Iran 2%
Germany 1.8%
Saudi Arabia 1.8%
Indonesia 1.7%
South Korea 1.7%
Canada 1.5%
Brazil 1.3%
Turkey 1.2%
South Africa 1.2%
Mexico 1.1%
Australia 1.1%
United Kingdom 0.9%
Italy 0.9%
To put that into further context Nature itself puts out 97% of all Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere. David’s list is only 3 % of the rest. We will achieve nothing, nil, zip, zero, nada and absolutely stuff all by necking ourselves to save the climate :(. Bloody morons.
There’s 3 numbers that all politicians should know. 0.04%, 3% and 1% with regards to the delusion of man- made climate change and the role CO2 plays in it. Concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, mans share of total contribution to the atmosphere and Australia’s share of those human emissions. Unfortunately, very few of our politicians or indeed public servants know these basic facts. You could probably also ask them about the natural process of photosynthesis and they would be equally clueless.
Yes. They are silent. I can’t find anything anywhere where China’s emissions are mentioned.
To check facts, why not go to a fact-checker (I’ll answer that in a mo).
Fact check: Is China the main climate change culprit?
“Conclusion: It’s complicated
“I would say that China is not exclusively to blame for climate change,” concludes Raghav. But with China currently the world’s largest carbon emitter, she adds, Beijing now plays a critical role when it comes to taking responsibility in the fight against warming.
For CICERO researcher Robbie Andrew, the answer to responsibility for climate change cannot be based on statistics alone. “You have to ask the question: Could China have developed in any other way? And what would China look like now if, somehow, they had not used all of the coal they have access to? Is China to blame because it doesn’t have a wealth of hydropower resources?” Andrew questioned.
“The question of responsibility and blame is very complex,” he concluded. After all, China has set itself the climate goal of being carbon neutral by 2060. ”
So the checked facts are that China is not exclusively to blame [no-one said they were] and China has set itself the climate goal of being carbon neutral by 2060 [so has everyone else, only sooner]. Now try asking the ‘China’ questions of the west:
“You have to ask the question: Could the West have developed in any other way? And what would the West look like now if, somehow, they had not used all of the coal they have access to? Is the West to blame because it doesn’t have a wealth of hydropower resources?”
So that wasn’t a fact-check, it was propaganda.
The fact is that fact-checkers don’t check facts. That’s why it’s pointless going to a fact-checker.
“Facts”don’t mean what they used to mean,
but like “freedom” and “justice”(or genders
male and female,) have undergone a sea-change
rich and strange.
I’m starting to think that the only way we’ll see a retreat from this net zero lunacy is a loss of seats at elections across the OECD countries. In fact it must come ASAP.
The developing countries led by China and India will be building RELIABLE BASE-LOAD energy until at least 2050 and they’ll be much wealthier and healthier because of it.
In the UK both major parties have the same INSANE energy policies etc and a change to Labor would probably just wreck the country at a much faster rate.
But where are the genuine scientists and where are sizable numbers of data analysts, mathematicians, scientists etc challenging this WOKE, delusional nonsense?
Perhaps the latest election results in the Netherlands could be a start and help to allow us to be more optimistic?
But much more pain at the ballot box is the only way we’ll see genuine change and unfortunately we’ll just have to wait and see.
But until that time DATA and EVIDENCE seems to count for sweet FA.
“the only way we’ll see a retreat from this net zero lunacy is a loss of seats at elections across the OECD countries”
Nope! There is no party standing up & saying “We will return you to the era of cheap petrol from oil and cheap electricity from coal!”
They are all the same, democracy is a waste of time!
I didn’t see on that chart the year that Britain would adopt Chinese as their official language.
With honest accounting practices, it is a FACT that the more wind, solar and Big Batteries a country has, the more expensive electricity becomes.
In Australia’s case, electricity has gone from being among the world’s cheapest to among the world’s most expensive, an approximately tripling of price for the domestic consumer.
Who do you think benefits from the extra cost of electricity? Where does the money go?
It’s time for your seventh “jab”.
Agree with you. Trouble is most people with a reasonable amount of money/income are not really bothered by the increase cost of energy. They can afford it. Nor can they wait to get their first e-car. These people are all educated, brainwashed little climate alarmist with signs in their front garden ‘stop climate change now’.
Those same people are busy planning their next overseas trip. I know some of these people . .
In Germany there will be uprisings before 2030.
Struck me the Germans may have been smart shutting down their nuclear generators early on in this madness. As they proceed to shut down and (as the religion commands) demolish the coal and gas plants, when the SHTF and they start getting serious blackouts, at least they’ll be able to bring the nuclear plants back up to get back to a survival level. Even the Greens would balk at dynamiting a nuclear plant.
You would hope that, at that point, they’d abandon the shutdown of coal and gas plants, but who knows.
Yes, the Germans are revolting . .
Oh no!! Not again!
Came across confirmation that the best experts are idiots yesterday.
Us House Transportation Committee (busy, busy tackling global warming) were asked how much CO2 was in the atmosphere?
The answers are both hilarious and extremely disturbing…
These are their best and brightest!
I posted that here before but you saved me from reposting it, Debunker.
The cluelessness of these people is staggering.
And what’s worse, I was told these are not politicians being asked the question. We have come to expect that politicians are stupid, evil and clueless.
These are supposed “expert witnesses“. These clowns give advice to governments about climate policy.
“The cluelessness of these people is staggering.”
The local federal member for Indi was on the radio yet again, spruiking wind and solar as the only way to go, and, once again, the absolutely STUPID statement that Australia has so much sunshine we will never run out of power. She failed to mention the night bit. I rang the radio station and asked the presenter to ask her how King Island was fairing, 2000 people, roaring forties for wind and solar plus battery back up. Why does this very small community run on diesel approximately 90% of the time.
He promised to ask the question when he interviews her in 2 weeks ( I’ll remind him) I have an inkling I know what her answer will be, King Island just needs more wind mills and solar panels.
This parliamentarian is a Doctor of Vetinary Medicine no less and still apparently doesn’t know the role of carbon in its many forms, being the reaon for, and the maintenance of all life on this planet.
“These are their best and brightest!”
Dunning-Kruger Effect in full swing !
Latest from CFACT / Joe Bastardi. CO2 has nothing to do with climate.
“Ask yourself how man’s input to what is a tiny amount of energy vs the entire system, Is moving the system.
I’m amazed that not one of them lowered his/her head, or blushed!
I posted that here before but you saved me from reposting it.
The cluelessness of these people is staggering.
And what’s worse, I was told these are not politicians being asked the question. We have come to expect that politicians are stupid, evil and clueless.
These are supposed “expert witnesses“. These clowns give advice to governments about climate policy.
I deleted that post because it was in the wrong place, it was meant to be a reply to A happy little debunked at #18, but it has magically reappeared.
What will be the ultimate trigger for civil unrest/protest as a result of this successive move towards an ‘absolute zero’ Co2 nirvana? Perhaps physical effects on std of living such as sitting in the cold, dark & not being able to heat your vegan bug meal because your power has to be rationed to prevent grid collapse? Hey theres a few western world democracies that are close to this scenario now. Mandatory smart meters 2030 in all homes will eventually exacerbate this scenario. Is this what it will take for civil disobedience to ramp up? I’d say the pending cumulative effects of net zero legislation on agriculture and transportation & the ultimate demise of freight- supply distribution networks & food production will be a big wtf awareness hit & trigger for civil unrest. Mate i’ll be out in the street banging pots & pans screaming for an end to the tyranny & over throw of any local-state-federal pollies that don’t see the err of their ways eg. Sri Lanka
For some idea of how citizens’ protests might play out, just look back to how the various vaccine mandate, lockdown and freedom rallies went, especially the huge Canadian truckers’ protest and the protests here in Australia, most notably in Victoria.
None of the aforementioned were successful, nor did they advance demands for freedom. I’m afraid peaceful protests will achieve nothing.
The French and the Dutch have been protesting for years. To no effect. They even sometimes win elections but the EU bureaucrats and WEF agenda still prevail. Mr. WEF, Macron, remains in power.
As things are transpiring right now, I see very little difference to where society is heading today, and the dystopian future portrayed in Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty Four.
And did you see this short animated movie I posted here the other day? That’s exactly where we are headed if present trends continue. Many aspects of what is portrayed in this movie already exist in the more woke, more dumbed-down countries like Australia, fanatical followers of the anthropogenic global warming fraud and the covid “vaccine” and treatment frauds.
Outstanding video: Best watched on large screen.
The biggest concern is that 80% of the elite ruling class are mentally ill. Not just in regard to net-zero but in all other innate human instincts of survival, procreation and improvement.
I recall as a child thinking ‘why would you want to study topics like history and learn about the fall of the Roman Empire, or the French Revolution’ etc. My Dad, very much a working class man said “history repeats itself that’s why”. Here we are.
The elites need to go to hell in hand baskets.
Antisocial personality disorder
“Symptoms of antisocial personality disorder include repeatedly:
Ignoring right and wrong.
Telling lies to take advantage of others.
Not being sensitive to or respectful of others.
Using charm or wit to manipulate others for personal gain or pleasure.
Having a sense of superiority and being extremely opinionated.
Having problems with the law, including criminal behavior.
Being hostile, aggressive, violent or threatening to others.
Feeling no guilt about harming others.
Doing dangerous things with no regard for the safety of self or others.
Being irresponsible and failing to fulfill work or financial responsibilities.”
BTW, now they control the law, they no longer have a problem with it. Everything else fits.
A report like this would stop the Net Zero scam in its tracks – if citizens actually had any say in the matter.
They don’t have any say, but more importantly, most don’t have any clue.
The greatest scientific scam ever perpetrated on human kind by Green activists, the UN socialist agenda, rentseekers taken up by the dumbed down media and now empowered clueless politicians.
All we are now seeing is transgender/woke politics and in Australia, the Voice referendum.
All in the classical misdirection tactics whilst the rest of the brain dead population sleep walks into impoverishment and oblivion. .
It will not end well for the western civilisation which is exactly what the agenda 21 elites want
Just a reminder that Labor’s Tania Plibersek didn’t know the percentage of co2 in the atmosphere either.
So not just the USA House of Reps donkeys, but here in Australia as well.
OH and clueless Tania is now telling us we face a 6th mass extinction event unless we do SOMETHING. DUH?
Wouldn’t matter to Tania- she would get that smug look on her face and probably reply that she doesn’t need to know the science, because there’s a consensus on AGW. You know, the usual pack of lies.
Net Zero Plan -> “Then magic happens!” -> Utopia!
It’s a great plan…
No mention of the restrictions based on the many products that are derived from fossil fuels including among other things, all plastics.
Lubricating oils?
Synthetic cloth?
And no restrictions on the private jets favoured by the Elites to fly to climate crisis and WEF conferences.
It’s been obvious from the outset that RE would never come close to meeting our energy needs. This has always been an exercise in eliminating individualism and imposing collectivism on society and identity politics and CC are being used as weapons to force compliance. By 2030, it will be a case of “Welcome to the new dark ages” where the lords will do as they please, eating meat, driving FF vehicles and flying around the globe in a world of luxury, and the serfs will live in a tiny share apartment and do as they’re ordered to receive a daily minimal ration of cricket powder, provided their social credit score meets the criteria.
Net zero always meant Absolute Zero to me. Just like the UN/IPCC policy on emissions controls, sequestration of CO2 at its source has never been considered. No use talking about carbon sinks or local biosphere sequestration and arguing all that “sciency” stuff, it’s all about throttling all CO2 emissions. Our governments ( LNP and Labor/Greens ) are all in on it, because they have stupidly signed up to all the agreements going back to Kyoto. I recently saw a photo of Scott Morrison at a press conference holding a government issued policy statement that was titled ” Fastest way to achieve Net Zero”. We have a Uniparty on Climate policy and it’s all about politics and no real science is ever considered.
Very interesting comment from another site (not my words).
Western society is the most at risk and therefore the biggest target because we all rely on energy to survive a single week. Food is produced using fertiliser and farm machinery which requires energy. It gets sent for processing using even more energy and then gets transported and stored in a supermarket using more energy. We will then travel in our vehicles to go shopping, using more energy. Compare this to a 3rd world subsistence cultivation society, where all food is produced using human or animal labour and then carried or transported by animal to market.
When the big crunch occurs in the west it will be people who live on farms with animals that will survive. People in cities will starve en mass and attack each other for the last crumbs.
Serge, you are talking nonsense. All this banging on about farms and fertilisers and energy and transport, as if it had anything to do with food. Food is what you get at a restaurant, although some poorer people do I believe still have a room in their house called a “kitchen” and go to a “supermarket” for food (they obviously haven’t worked out yet how much easier a restaurant is). Houses are completely self-sufficent – sorry ‘sustainable’ is the word now – with all the electricity you need in the walls, water in the taps, internet in the air (I think that’s where it is but I can’t be bothered to look it up), etc, etc.
An excellent summation,but you did forget the /sarc tag
It’s a law of Physics. Absolute zero is impossible.
It’s a catchy idea, nett zero. Sounds like science. But it has zero basis in science. You may as well ban life on earth. It’s part of breathing. Even reducing CO2 would be catastrophic.
And the IPCC does not predict Armageddon any more. Only the UN politicians. It’s all over according to Dr. Judith Curry. Her original fame in connecting hurricane frequency to warming was wrong, but made her a darling of Climate Change, until she walked it back. Now it’s solar cycles and ocean currents, as it always was. The weather is what we get, an effect not a cause.
There is absolutely no need to change CO2 output, as China is proving every day. China’s explosive, exponential growth in CO2 has had no effect on CO2 let alone growth which is nearly a straight line.
Nor have 500,000 windmills, mostly made in China.
After all the point, the ONLY point of these trillions was to reduce CO2 (growth) and there is no evidence that anything we have done in 60 years has had any effect on CO2, even world wide car lockdowns for a year.
So Nett zero is like a runaway truck, demolishing the place while governments applaud and cannot wait to increase the damage.
And it is all so pointless, so anti factual, anti science, anti human existence. Climate Change is not just a religion, it is a death cult.
WWIII is being waged today by the UN. To universal applause by politicians. If I had to define politicians, I could define them as the opposite of scientists. Facts mean nothing.
I am so alarmed!
Certainly, the crazy “Net-Zero”, anti-CO2, anti-LIFE, totalitarian one-world government agenda is far more alarming than the tiny amount of solar and wind driven El Nino warming.
It will certainly make everyone’s lives a lot harder to live.
Wouldn’t you agree!
Or do you think pointless, worthless government jobs will continue to be your income?
Glad you think you will enjoy eating crickets and chemically grown foods as your staple diet!
I’ve given you a green tick for admitting that.
Yeah, it’s all about permissions and bluff. These totalitarians are extremely few in number but they strut about full of the bluff of mandates this and mandates that and they are successful because the majority, the sheeple, abrogate their autonomy for the promise of safety from worries and responsibility. Totalitarian regimes like the NAZIS used this knowledge effectively to control the masses and to destroy those they deemed undesirable. Yet all this control was organised through an incredibly small group of sociopaths aided with a gun and the bluff of the power that came out of the barrel of that gun. It would have been a different outcome if most of those people turned on the bad guys [snip]. We’re no different today when faced with totalitarian regimes like the WHO, UN, WEF and others. Are we going to rise up and stand over them and take away their perceived authority to rule over us and destroy our freedom or are we going to give them permission to mandate our autonomy and freedoms away for their sociopathic pleasures?
And while CO2 has gone up by from 330ppm to 420ppm, about 30% from 1975 to 2023 the world population has doubled from 4.0bn to 8.0bn.
Plus the amount of CO2 per person skyrocketed, from say 1 ton per capita to 7tons per capita in the world’s biggest country now generating more than half the world’s CO2.
# Country CO2 Emissions per capita (tons)
1 United States 15.52
2 China 7.38
3 India 1.91
So why is CO2 still a straight line? Oblivious to the massive growth in human CO2 output?
The nett change is 14:1 in China in CO2 output and CO2 growth is not changed. So they are disconnected.
CO2 is set by Henry’s Law, not the UN. And nett zero will have nett zero effect on CO2 while devastating Western Democracies, as expected. Especially coupled with UN promoted mass migration, again nothing to do with Climate Change, whatever and whereever that is.
The oceans are ‘sequestering’ a billion tons of CO2 a day. Why should we spend 10c doing it ourseles?
The very idea that mankind controls the levels of CO2 is borderline insane. It is so soluble and compressible that 98% of it is already in the vast oceans. Warming (the oceans) slightly increases CO2 slightly. That’s old, old chemistry. 200 years old. It took some power hungry ratbags to come up with this idea of man controlled CO2 and even madder ones to come up with Nett Zero. It’s not about the Climate.
It’s about creating an imaginary crisis and using it get power. Classic mass manipulations. Remember when the Polish threatened Germany and took over a radio station in 1939? Or when the communists burned down the Reichstag? Or the Chinese Army manufactured Wuhan flu virus at a Chinese army laboratory, with French and US assistance.
And to convince a population to shut down their industries, their food, their defences takes a man made crisis.
There is no Climate Change! Or can someone point me to it, after 35 years? How many lifetimes do we have to wait?
Why are they still blowing up working power stations? Our own government and organizations! There is no sane explanation.
These people are criminally insane psychopaths. There is no other explanation
They know that they are lying , we know they are lying , but still they lie . The complete lack of accountability and liability has enabled all this nonsense . Criminally insane psychopaths indeed.
Does anybody else realise what a wonderful advantage AI will be to all those morons that identify as woke warmistas!
Their propaganda is about to go into overdrive for the next 30 years!
No beef or lamb to eat,
For the ordinary Joe in the street.
But sugar and spice,
And all things nice,
For the net-zero privileged elite.
People often tell me to ring my local member and ask them why they support or accept climate change. I would argue that everyone should, armed with facts, be ringing media outlets like the ABC, The Guardian, ten , nine and seven and ask why they are pushing uncritically the CC narrative. Do the useful idiots in the media really believe they will not be affected by the net zero madness. Do they really think after the totalitarian fascist WEF government are in place that they would be allowed to have freedom of the press. Not be imprisoned for writing articles critical of the regime. I think the useful media idiots really need to wake up for self preservation very soon. Just look at the way they are fawning over Jacinta Arden taking her “leadership” role in Harvard’s online censorship project that is disguised as preventing some undefined online extremism. The former president of International Union of Socialist Youth is going to police online speech. That’s not scary at all is it?
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