A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Friday! Already?
The world is speeding up, or I am slowing down.
Thursday was so fleeting
Yes, but it now comes in 2 parts, maybe more! 😁
All right, settle down. Settle down… Now, before I begin the lesson, will those of you who are posting in Jo’s blog this afternoon move your clothes down onto the lower peg immediately after lunch, before you write your letter home, if you’re not getting your hair cut, unless you’ve got a younger brother who is going out this weekend as the guest of another boy, in which case, collect his note before lunch, put it in your letter after you’ve had your hair cut, and make sure he moves your clothes down onto the lower peg for you. Now…
I recall reading ages ago that there is a reason — I can’t remember whether it is psychological or physiological — that, for children, each day seems to last forever, whereas the opposite is the case for adults.
The mathematical explanation is that when you are 1, a year is 100% of your life, whereas when you are 100, a year is merely 1% of your life 😂.
I heard that life is like a toilet roll, the nearer to the end, the faster it seems to go.
I can actually hear Tom Hanks say that in his best Forrest Gump persona.
The closer you get to the end, the larger the rotation for a single sheet, and the fewer sheets in a given depth of the roll.
So yes, the toilet paper DOES go “faster” near the end of the roll… no “seems” about it ! 🙂
The lovely folk who do some of our cleaning leave the ends of the toilet rolls folded neatly into an arrow shape. Looks neat, but makes me wonder if it points like a sign to a certain destination. Geoff S
I can remember as a kid always waiting for something, school holidays, cracker night, the tide to come in, birthdays, Christmas and so on, but when you are an adult you are so busy with life, it all arrives on top of you when you aren’t looking.
The week before Christmas took a whole month of time to go, the week before going back to school was gone in the blink of an eye!
The night before Xmas was i n t e r m i n a b l e …
doncha’ remember?
I didn’t even know the word.
There is a rational explanation.
Sorry, I missed that.
“The Journal of Irreproducible Results” had an item proving that, as you get older, time does go faster
I blame Einstein – Didn’t he say the older you get the faster time goes or something or other like that..
That’s time compression. I prefer the problem of General Relativety. In general all your problems are relatives.
particularly in laws
I think time perception is the result of anthropogenic forcing, currently expressing intensification in a positive/negative feedback loop.
And a Colonialist oppressive cultural construct.
By 2030 it will be impossible to stop Time Change.
In fact, children born today will not be able to calculate change.
It is also a form of stochastic terrorism, causing trans men to suffer the fear of biological clock ticking.
It must be “climate change”…LoL
Antarctic Ice cap mass since 1900..
Greenland Ice mass since 1900..
And there is more Arctic sea-ice now than for most of the last 10,000 years.
Whoever wrote that nonsense needs a to fix their brain-washed ignorance.
That “prediction”appears to be written by someone indulging in prodigious quantities of “pharmaceuticals”; and a LOT of OPM.
The planet is not altering rotational speed because a relatively minuscule portion of polar ice may or may not be melting.
The planet has been literally “shrinking” since the day it coalesced form the field of solar detritus. With the exception of water and a couple of exotic light metals ALL materials “contract” as they lose heat. When the core / mantle nuclear fires start to go out, that will be a good time to start worrying. That this will probably happen as the Sun goes “red giant” and engulfs Mercury, Venus and this little rock, will make it all a bit academic, for a short while.
A “shrinking planet”, spinning faster, would offer a better “slingshot” to departing spaceships launching from the equator. Get your tickets NOW! “A” ark or “B” ark?
At my age it’s C Ark that shall come first
Katie Hopkins summarises what the ruling class have learnt from the trial mobile phone national alert message sent the other day by the UK government — a ‘conservative’ government.
Katie Hopkins: Govt Behavioural (Psy-Op) Learnings from the Armageddon Alert. This feels important.
(7 min video)
Here’s a hint:
Fear: The Foundation of Every Government’s Power
The comments were priceless. So much fear and loathing from the critical thinkers.
“So much fear and loathing from the critical thinkers.”
No wonder you remain so wilfully ignorant!
No ability to “think” and therefore see what is actually happening.
Typical public servant.
Main thing learnt is if you leave it to the govt, they will stuff it up completely.
They are challenged to organise a sausage sizzle.
Fear: The Foundation of Every Government’s Power
Ayn Rand wrote about this:
“Did you really think we want those laws observed?” said Dr. Ferris. “We want them to be broken. You’d better get it straight that it’s not a bunch of boy scouts you’re up against… We’re after power and we mean it… There’s no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What’s there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted – and you create a nation of law-breakers – and then you cash in on guilt. Now that’s the system, Mr. Reardon, that’s the game, and once you understand it, you’ll be much easier to deal with.” (From; “Atlas Shrugged”.
See also, Lavrenti Beria:
“Show me the man and I will find you the crime.”
Some thoughts from others:
”Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master”. – George Washington
”No man’s life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session.” – Mark Twain
”The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule.” – H. L. Mencken
”Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good, will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” – C. S. Lewis
“Civilizations die from suicide, not murder.” – Arnold Toynbee.
The C.S. Lewis quote seems most relevant at this moment in time.
You only need fear government announcements, if you actually believe them!
“The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule.” – H. L. Mencken
So true. Check John Kerry at WEF.
I suppose people in government employment have realised they have very little real purpose any more, unless they create that purpose. Freedom, potential prosperity, and the capacity to organise provided by the internet, can completely overturn the need for government employees to try to organise society. The only solution for whoever it is who controls government policy is to reduce prosperity, reduce freedom, and reduce the efficacy of the internet as a system for self-organisation.
Now let’s look at what they’re doing – reducing prosperity, reducing freedom, and reducing the efficacy of the internet as a system for self-organisation.
The strategy won’t work, just as burning books didn’t work.
Jo, I would love to see some stuff about the recent demonisation of what is called “nitrogen”. They really mean NO2. Haha (laughing gas out loud). It’s the same as calling CO2 “carbon”. Nitrogen itself is the only reason we don’t actually burn. At 78% of our atmosphere, I’m pretty comfortable that it’s safe.
Ever wondered if maybe it did burn once? What would burn though? Hydrogen? Oxygen is not flammable but does some nice things wit hydrogen.
Oxygen not flammable? It is the one essential ingredient, the very definition of flammability.
Oxygen itself doesn’t burn, it oxidises other materials.
Of course it burns. You would not have a flame in the common sense without oxygen. And it is consumed in the flame in exact ratio. But it is a chemical reaction and you need two to tango. And the evidence of the reaction known as burning is the visible flame.
This is modern nonsense on the internet. Word games, sophistry not chemistry.
For example “Oxygen is not flammable, but it can cause other materials that burn to ignite more easily and to burn far more rapidly. ”
No scientist wrote this. Burn far more rapidly? They would not ignite or burn without oxygen. And both inputs are consumed in the flame.
C+O2 = CO2. H+O2=H2O. From wood to toluene to steel, burning in flames is the reaction with oxygen producing the flame and the oxides, often CO2 and H2O. Hence flammability. Yes, you need two elements for a flame and oxygen is the one constant element in all common flames.
But you get more word games on the internet like the answer to the following question
“What percent oxygen is flammable?
Fire can start when there’s about 13% oxygen in the air, but it won’t stay lit. It will burn steadily at 16% oxygen, improving to about 23%, and plateauing at 30%.”
And any high temperature and pressure burning will produce burned nitrogen as NO2, especially in diesel engines. Which was the ecological disaster in France as people were forced to buy Green diesel cars and then banned and fined for driving them. Thus the gilets jaune protest movement. Idi*t Green politicians.
I think this idea comes from the fact that oxygen is free and not obviously supplied. However in oxy acetylene cutting you need bottles of both. So which is burning? Both.
We humans have an ancient view of burning fuels, so without knowledge of chemistry, only one thing is being burned.
In fact by far the major products of burning by weight are oxygen compounds.
For hydrocarbons like wood or people or any once living thing you get two products
H2O 16/18ths of the weight of the product or 89% oxygen product.
CO2 it is 30/44ths or 68% oxygen.
It would more more correct to say that oxygen was being burnt as it is the major product by weight.
But there are people who find it impossible to believe that all living things are made from CO2 and are wholly powered by generating CO2 in an internal combustion engine. So they ban CO2.
These people are called Greens. It’s a form of incurable ignorance.
And doesn’t Al Gore love to talk about billions of tons of CO2. That’s triple the weight of carbon, so it sounds much worse. And his whole business is that of the ringmaster in a circus.
To get political power you have to create a scare. Who would have believed Gore would still be world famous for making it up? The real inconvenient truth is that it is all lie. I would have thought that was pretty obvious after 35 years of imminent destruction when nothing has changed. Even the temperature which we are now publishing to three decimal places, looking for warming.
CO2 existed billions of years before life on earth and our puny amount makes no difference to anything. And even that comes from burning old leaves. With oxygen.
And roughly a ton of dried wood or coal will produce about 3 tons of CO2. Which Greens like to call ‘carbon’ even though it is mainly oxygen.
Your lack of basic comprehension of chemistry is writ large for all to see, GA !!
You have any idea why salpeter is used in explosives ?
Donor of O2.
What do you think is the rason for strong winds when a house or forest is burning ?
Imagine, it’s the need of O2.
Leftists seek to ban substances they can’t even state the chemical formula for. “Carbon” (sic) when they mean CO2 and “nitrogen” (sic) when they mean various nitrogenous compounds.
And ask one of those clowns what proportion of the atmosphere they think is CO2!
I am posting this again because I really respect the brain power of the people on this blog. I would like to find an argument that could convince people permanently that Climate change is a hoax:
I have been thinking of a way to prove logically that warming by CO2 is impossible, not relying on experiments or measurements, and I think I have found it.
Premise nr 1: Henry’s law. As water gets warmer, dissolved Co2 will leave the liquid and become part of the atmosphere. Higher temperatures lead to more Co2 in the atmosphere.
Premise nr 2: Co2 in the atmosphere will lead to higher temperature.
Result: we immediately have a positive feedback loop which will create runaway warming and never stop.
Greens will maybe say: Yes, exactly, this is the tipping point, point of no return. To this can be replied: No, with a positive feedback loop like this, the runaway would have happened millions of years ago.
In other words: if Co2 has a warming effect, the planet would already be unliveable.
Could this argument be used in the debate? If not, why not? Since it is purely based on Logic it cannot really be disputed without disputing Henry’s law and everyone’s experience with soft drinks.
Chat cpt gives the following comment to my premises.
The relationship between temperature and CO2 in the atmosphere is more complex than a simple positive feedback loop. While it is true that Henry’s law predicts that warmer water will release more CO2, and that an increase in atmospheric CO2 can lead to higher temperatures through the greenhouse effect, there are other factors at play that can either amplify or dampen this effect.
For example, as temperatures rise, the solubility of CO2 in seawater decreases, leading to even more CO2 being released into the atmosphere. However, higher atmospheric CO2 levels can also lead to increased plant growth, which can absorb some of the excess CO2 from the atmosphere. Additionally, other natural processes such as ocean circulation and the carbon cycle can also affect the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.
While it is true that increasing CO2 levels can contribute to a warming trend, it is not necessarily true that this will lead to a runaway feedback loop. Climate models take into account many of these factors to predict future temperature trends, and while there is certainly a risk of continued warming, it is not necessarily an inevitable outcome.
In other words: suddenly it takes a more moderate view: and while there is certainly a risk of continued warming, it is not necessarily an inevitable outcome.
“Could this argument be used in the debate?”
Could, if science was the issue.
The ‘climate change’ debate is the Western World’s version of the the Sunni/Shia ‘debate’.
Will the true Climate Change be descended from Mann or Hansen.
The Curry Heretics having long been cleansed and erased from history.
Some poor sod will likely be offed for mentioning the Curry Satanic Verses.
(Wonder if he’s recovered yet BTW?)
We’ll be arguing science when the construction crew comes to build the windmill in our backyard.
And you can’t move because BlackRock holds the paper to your house and renting an electric U-Haul is too expensive.
And you don’t own anything anyway, creating personal happiness.
Just a brief observation.
We saw yesterday Fenton’s “thread” on Absolute Zero in the UK – which included the shut down of all airports except Glasgow and Heathrow.
Just have a look at this Breitbart article …
In particular look at the embedded video of the Chinese C919 plane . Does this look to you like China or even Boeing for that matter are planning to close down soon? 1.5 trillion dollars in lost revenue over the next twenty years? Does it look to you like a global aviation and airport shut down by 2030?
Its the contradictory messaging, reality vs fantasy, that we keep getting that is so fascinating. I’m inclined to go along with those who believe that Fenton’s table (see Absolute Zero Plan – UK FIRES) is not so much intended as a road map of how to get to Absolute Zero, but a warning of what Absolute Zero will actually look like when we get there.
And dont start me on the end of global shipping!!!!
How does one access Twitter to watch Tucker Carlson (on a regular basis) without joining Twitter?
Nothing will befall you if you join.
Give Elon a break and join Twitter if you want to get updates. Otherwise just go to his channel to watch when you feel inclined:
I think you can also get updates direct if you provide email here:
I am not on Twitter. I have a FB account and that gives me enough annoyance.
Did anybody notice a week ago the huge rainfall errors on BoM
“Australia Rainfall and River Conditions”. The errors were from the WA Gov DPIRD (Dept Prim. Indust. & Reg. Devel.) weather station network.
I have a screensave linked in the 3rd comment at my blog
“SW WA rainfall the arm-waving Gov misinformation continues as BoM closes or neglects rainfall stations”
The link is to my little www page with a 21st 22nd Apr screensave.
“WA Gov DPIRD huge rain station errors on BoM web pages 20th – 22Apr23”
I have other screensaves if anybody wants to talk about the unusual event but above sums up a week ago.
Vale Liddell as the last unit was shutdown this morning.
NSW price forecast for 6pm is $513/MWh. Must be a low wind forecast for tomorrow because the evening peak Saturday night is sitting at $14,000/MWh. I doubt it will make that uniess there is a coal unit off line but prices already has an interesting shape.
Where is the El Nino when you need it. Or for that matter global warming.
There must be some thick, uneducated heads around who still believe the “greenhouse gas” nonsense. Enough true believers to make it still worthwhile for pollies to pedal the nonsense.
But it will be all OK.
Their ABC and Chris Bowen said so.
Winter is a-comin’ on… loudly sing “these guys are cuckoo” !
I suspect this little hamlet I live in, will be quite smoky in the mornings ! 🙂
In regard to the cancelling by the Left of Coon brand cheese, it’s too bad the Left were too stupid to understand that the cheese was named after its inventor Edward William Coon and his patented cheese maturation process. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the claimed racial slur.
I stopped buying it as soon as the announcement was made that the company was going to cancel the brand. They were apparently unaware of their own corporate history.
BREAKING NEWS On french TV. Scandal in UK. Huge pedo ring brought down includes 76 politicians, 43 artists and 35 journalists. 100,000 children involved.
At least THIS time, the hard disk with all the pollies names on it didn’t suffer a “crash”.😎😎
I wonder if that story will be “disappeared” from the Leftist-controlled Lamestream and Social(ist) Media platforms?
As its fake news presumably it will be removed. The French and Italian media are infamous for their wild stories
That news broke 7 years ago. Or was your comment in moderation that long?
You and your reading competence…
The tweet is an actual one.
And in a world where drag queens are teaching children sexuality is not grooming? And male and female are a matter of choice? The open assault on young children being tolerated and even encouraged by Left politicians is beyond appalling. It all fits. Western Christian democracies are under assault at every level. Uncontrolled mass migration, Fentanyl, grooming, Climate Change, windmills, electric cars, crippling manufacturing industries, cancel culture, AntiFA, BLM, Equity Inclusion Diversity, compulsory reeducation. Where does it stop? And when?
The WEF’s new eating plan for YOU!
The World Economic Forum is partnering with corporations to dole out rations to you in between your intermittent fasting.
Severe food rationing, seed oils, soy…
Everything that’s been known for years to be bad.
And you thought eating bugs was it…
The World Economic Forum Says It Will ‘Accelerate’ Implementation of Globalist Agenda 2030.
The United Nations (UN) and the WEF appear frustrated by a lack of progress made towards their ‘Great Reset‘ ideology, alongside Agenda 2030, the socialist, ideological successor to the failed “Millennium Development Goals”.
The WEF – led by German engineer Klaus Schwab, whose father once worked for the Nazi Party apparatus – has said previous efforts to implement their plans “suffered unforeseen setbacks due to the COVID-19 pandemic, major negative impacts of climate change, and the rising cost of food and fuel everywhere due to the conflict in Ukraine.”
Global leaders and representatives are, therefore, being summoned to “strategize” and expedite the progress of what the WEF refers to as “arguably the greatest-ever human endeavor undertaken to create peaceful, just, equal, and sustainable societies.”
Accelerate their plans. Those pesky unwashed waking up and rebelling are they?
We are now being subject to a foreign attack just like the Dutch were. And it’s heartbreaking and sickening. It’s definitely a foreign attack as coincidence theory is woke, irrational, cowardly, against the laws of chance, and can never be acceptable.
They are murdering our bees!!!! Can you believe it? Channeling their malice through the department of primary industry, the foreigners are attacking this continent and its people by murdering our bees.
India goes woke. Bridal fiasco.
At least she’s the looker in the family. 😆😆😆
Wow. How did you come across that?
General news feed…
Ex-US Army Psyops Expert: Fox News Fired Carlson To Maintain “Semi Lobotomized Quasi Retarded Population”
The remarks were made by US counter-terror expert Scott Bennett.
Carlson and Fox News “parted ways” on Monday with speculation still raging as to the specific reason why the network canned its highest rated and most popular host.
According to Bennett, Carlson posed too much of a threat to institutional power because he turned Americans into proper “researchers and thinkers”.
Carlson offered an “intellectualism, truthfulness, and an analytical depth that no other news personality has ever done in the history of the United States as far back as I can remember,” said Bennett.
Tucker needed to be “silenced” because he represented too big a threat to the “powers and principalities, institutions and agendas that seek an unenlightened uninformed semi lobotomized quasi retarded population that do not question, do not research, do not analyze but simply digest and follow instructions,” according to Bennett.
“Tucker Carlson also exposed the fraud and money laundering racketeering crimes of FTX and the Democrat Party in Ukraine involving the United States government. He exposed the US biochemical labs in Ukraine and their connection to the Democrat Party, President Barack Obama, Vice President Biden, Hillary Clinton, George Soros, Bill Gates, and other US government agencies and pharmaceutical companies,” Bennett told Sputnik.
The ex-host’s anti-regime rhetoric “could no longer be tolerated by the corrupt American media and political establishment,” said Bennett, adding that his exit signals “the death of American media”.
I think he nailed it. /lobotomy_joke 😉
Cut: daughters of the west
Cut explores the impact of the current transgender craze on girls by diving into the history of plastic surgery, beginning in Ancient Egypt.
By following plastic surgery’s progression into the birth of cosmetic surgery the film investigates the moral and cultural precursors that have enabled transgender ideology to thrive.
Before the rise in puberty blockers, hormone therapy and double mastectomies, there was an exponential increase in teenage girls seeking breast augmentations and labiaplasties.
Cosmetic surgery, and feminist icons flaunting sexual liberation, handed girls the power to permanently alter their bodies, based on trends and self diagnosis.
Now, pre-teens have spiralled into a mental health crisis that coincides perfectly with the introduction of smartphones, social media and gender theory.
Is this the cultural and historical legacy we have handed to girls on the precipice of womanhood?
Filmmaker Simon Esler weaves the voices of experts, outspoken citizens and detransitioners into a cultural fever dream that asks: What has happened to the daughters of the West?
Not free I’m afraid, but should be before too long.
Survey shows Poles reject cashless society, ban on combustion engines, and restrictions on meat and clothing
Poles are opposed to the EU’s policy of banning combustion engine vehicles and to ideas circulating in the EU on forests, meat, clothes and a cashless economy, according to a poll carried out by the European Policy Research Center (CBPE)
The poll reports that 67 percent of respondents are opposed to an EU rule that will ban Europeans from registering combustion engine vehicles starting in 2035. The idea of the EU ban is supported by only 28 percent of Poles.
The opposition to the EU ban on such vehicles is seen across a broad spectrum of Polish society, including urban and rural inhabitants, as well as both those with higher degrees and those who have only finished high school.
The CPBE survey also asked respondents their views on the idea of transferring the power over forests to the EU, away from the member states. Over half of the respondents, 57 percent, opposed such an idea. Only 34 percent supported it. Once again, the opposition to the idea is similar across all age and socio-economic groups.
Another idea being discussed in the EU is limiting the consumption of meat to 16 kilograms per person, per year, as well as limiting the sale of clothes to eight new items per person.
Only 21 percent backed the meat consumption reduction target, with 76 percent opposed. The results were similar with regard to the purchase of new clothes, with 23 percent supporting it and 73 percent against.
Poles are also against a cashless economy.
Now, if only they were smart enough to stop helping Ukraine…
“as well as limiting the sale of clothes to eight new items per person.”
They have lost the “women’s” vote straight away.. (be it biological women or other) 😉
Polish farmers aren’t happy with Ukraine. It’s effectively cheaper to import grain than to use Polish grown.
The protests in Poland and in other European countries don’t seem to be widely reported at all, funnily enough.
The mainstream Ukrainian position is that Polish farmers are being mean and don’t understand grain pricing. No one will dispute this because Ukraine can do no wrong, apparently.
Friday funny: A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…
Or Hans Solo’s blaster:
Never forget that Han fired first!
I don’t get the second picture, but please, please tell me the first one is real.
Friday ejukaushun: how stuff’s made
Fascinating. In every case the precision and speed is way beyond what a human can do.
And now of course inventive minds are hard at work creating machines which think for us.
Hi Jo Bells-Thought I would bring this to your attention-
An Australian company has won the contract to instal a clock atop the leaning tower of Pisa.
When asked why, the Mayor said it was no good having the inclination, if you didn’t have the time.
Rise of the machine: Palantir’s AI Powered by GPT-4 Enables Planning of Defense and War Strategies
According to the company, its Artificial Intelligence Platform will integrate AI into military decision-making in a manner that is both ethical and legal.
Palantir, a software company that specializes in analyzing, integrating, and presenting vast amounts of data for various industries such as finance, healthcare, and government, has announced the launch of the Palantir Artificial Intelligence Platform (AIP).
The AIP was showcased in a video released by the company on Tuesday. While the primary function of the system is to integrate large language models (LLMs) such as OpenAI’s GPT-4 or its alternatives into privately-operated networks, the first demonstration of the AIP’s potential was demonstrated in the context of modern battlefield conditions.
During the video, the company showed a military operator monitoring the Eastern European theater discovered enemy forces gathering near the border. The system promptly analyzed the situation and proposed tactical responses to address the perceived threat.
For instance, the AIP was employed to aid in assessing the enemy’s composition and capabilities. The system launched a Reaper drone on a reconnaissance mission in response to the operator’s request for better images and suggested suitable responses after discovering the presence of an armored element.
In three years, Cyberdyne will become the largest supplier of military computer systems. All stealth bombers are upgraded with Cyberdyne computers, becoming fully unmanned. Afterwards, they fly with a perfect operational record. The Skynet Funding Bill is passed. The system goes online August 4th, 1997. Human decisions are removed from strategic defense. Skynet begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m. Eastern time, August 29th. In a panic, they try to pull the plug.
Not quite buy a remote island time…😎
Class Action Lawsuit Over Covid Vaccine Injuries Names Australian Medicines Regulator
“There has been a cover-up”
Government and medicines regulator named parties in class action lawsuit filed at Federal Court on Wednesday.
A landmark Covid-19 vaccine injury class action lawsuit has been filed against the Australian government and the medicines regulator.
The nation-wide suit, which reportedly has 500 members including three named applicants, seeks redress for those allegedly left injured or bereaved by the Covid-19 vaccines.
One of the applicants who suffered a severe heart condition after getting the Pfizer jab is claiming there was a ‘cover-up’ during the vaccine rollout which hid the potential risks. The federal government, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and the Department of Health – in addition to a number of senior public servants – are all named as parties to the class action, which was filed in the New South Wales Federal Court on Wednesday
F-I-N-A-L-L-Y 😁😁😁
Antibiotic resistant genes found in clouds
Because of the significant public health threat posed by antibiotic resistant microbes, learning as much about them and how they move about our planet is critical. That’s what researchers from Université Laval in Quebec, Canada and Université Clermont Auvergne in France set out to do when they investigated clouds floating around a dormant volcano in France’s Massif Central region. Working out of a weather station located 1,465 meters (about 4,806 ft) high on the Puy de Dôme summit, they conducted 12 cloud-sampling sessions over the course of two years.
They not only found that the clouds contained about 8,000 bacteria per milliliter of water, but that there were, on average, 20,800 copies of antibiotic-resistant genes in the same volume. They also noted that clouds which had arrived from pathways that took them over the ocean had different kinds of antibiotic-resistant bacteria than those that passed exclusively over land – the latter had higher rates of bacteria that were resistant to antibiotics used with livestock.
While the atmosphere has long been understood as a transit point for bacteria, it was surprising to the researchers to find the same levels of the genes in clouds as they would down on the surface of the planet.
“This is the first study to show that clouds harbor antibiotic resistance genes of bacterial origin in concentrations comparable to other natural environments,” says Université Laval’s Florent Rossi, first author of the study. “These bacteria usually live on the surface of vegetation or soil. They are aerosolized by the wind or by human activities, and some of them rise into the atmosphere and participate in the formation of clouds.”
As Australia shuts down Liddell and dooms itself to energy poverty, I have to ask why?
My hero Rene Descartes based his science on a principle,
Never accept anything as true until all reasons for doubt can be ruled out.
But hey, we are saving the world from Climate Change? Without any evidence at all after 35 years. Or any rapid sea rise, melting poles, drowned cities, vanishing species. David Attenborough may not live long enough to see any Climate Change. Or frankly any of us.
So here we are shutting down the country, refusing to use our own coal while it is our second biggest export followed by gas and iron ore which will produce CO2 like all smelting.
Coal Consumption 130 million tons
Coal Export 430 million tons
Coal Imports 50 million tons
In 2021, Australia imported $25.5M in Coal Briquettes from: United Kingdom ($7.4M), Colombia ($4.71M), Vietnam ($4.46M), Russia ($2.99M), and New Zealand ($2.2M)
Gas exports are $93Billion. Where total coal exports are also a very high $112Bn. A lot of these record profits are due to the war in Ukraine, which is making tens of billions for Australia. And a real windfall for Canberra, which they plan to spend on getting rid of coal consumption and replacing it with Chinese windmills?
What’s the point with man made Global Warming? And we are using these billions to buy nuclear submarines to defend ourselves against our biggest customer?
At what point did we all go collectively mad? Why does nothing Australian politicians do make any sense at all?
I have tried to field test a compromise with our woke brothers and sisters. I have suggested why not keep our coal for domestic use thus reducing CO2 production overall. Not interested. So uninterested they almost go into insulin shock.
Because prosperity = freedom = independence = capacity to self-organise = no need for government.
It’s the struggle by megalomania to retain its coercive structures.
Yes your logic is impeccable. This is why they have to lie about the CO2 record and go with the ice proxy instead of a valid reconstruction. If we treat your logic as a rolling game, or with a game theory mindset, the theory of the case would suggest that wherever we are now is a place where feedbacks are negative.
But positive feedbacks do exist. Number one is on the cooling side only. Number 2. could leave us vulnerable either way.
1. Obstructions to the Gulf Stream leading to cooling leading to ice albedo, throwing us into a glacial period where icebergs keep breaking off at Hudson Bay and landing on the Gulf Stream.
2. Desertification can hurt us in either direction taking away our terrific natural air conditioning.
Put simply:
“Cold times are the killing times”.
Ice Ages are lethal events on a MASSIVE time and consequences scale.
Sure and our planet has a one-way cooling bias. But it looks like we can avoid catastrophe if we head off any threat to the Gulf Stream. Chop away any looming ice that could land on it. Don’t let people use it for energy generation.
We can generate energy off the Antarctic circumpolar current 24/7 365. Free energy there for the taking by colonists. Inexhaustible for the locals as much as you like. But drafting too much off the Gulf Stream could be an issue.
Anyone notice that the proposed football stadium to be built in Hobart is water front real estate with artists impressions showing that this huge investment will be virtually at sea level. Wonder how they are going to train there when it gets wet.
Do I need a sarc ?
No one believes this rapid sea level rise. The Maldives are sinking allegedly but they have built seven new airports. And increasingly everyone is building into the free sea as at Sydney, Nice, Hong Kong, Yokahama, Hawaii. Building island cities in the ocean. Billions of dollars in reclamation as at Gibraltar but the real engineers know there is zero risk. But the UN tells us we are all going to drown. It’s a lie.
Nothing has changed noticeably, not in a third of a century or in fact in hundreds of years. Go to any wharf, anywhere in the world. Rapid sea rise was a lie 35 years ago. And what’s a few cm where the tide on the Thames in London is 7 metres? And right around the coast of the UK and France boats are left high and dry on the sand every day. It’s all Hollywood fantasy crisis stuff. You would not want to get caught on the mud when the tide comes in at Mont St Michel at 6km/hr with a height variation of 15 metres! Scaring people with mm is crazy. Or with +1.5C. Who cares? Without a thermometer you would have no idea.
They will play water polo 😀
Biden Energy Secretary Wants U.S. Military to Adopt an All-Electric Vehicle Fleet in 7 Years
I am sure China will support this move.
That would be assault with a battery?
I suppose their batteries will be supplied at low cost by China, with a special feature included, but maybe not advertised – an On/Off switch remotely controllable by the Chinese military?
Dave B
California is going to ban diesel trains by 2035 along with the ban on non electric cars.
But you have to be amazed at the admission that this will wreck the joint, in a good cause.
“The aim is to fight climate change — not through directly affecting global climate, on which California has little impact, but to foster the development of clean technology and encourage others to follow California’s example.”
Which is on a par with Monty Python’s Jaberwocky where an out of work cooper cleverly chops off his legs to get sympathy and suggests Dennis does the same.
And Australia is doing the same with all trucking companies, train companies, shipping companies being forced to reduce CO2 by 30% by 20230. How is not the point. It’s symbolic of our struggle with reality.
Actually electrical power for trains uses less total energy…
Somehow I don’t see the Nullarbor trains being powered from overhead wires anytime soon.
Maybe the Greens want West Oz to “just go away”? We are not part of their electrical system scheme (aka NEM)
FWIW – some voice background reading IMO
“Uncomfortable History
Grappling with Western misdeeds does not require us turn indigenous tribes into pious exemplars of moral instruction.”
More at
An update
“Scale – Tucker Carlson 2 Minute Video Had More Viewers Than All Cable News Programming Combined in 24 Hour Period – 72.7M vs 53.1M
April 28, 2023 | Sundance | 62 Comments”
FWIW – Big Pharma does another dietary miracle?
“Here We Go With PolyPharmacy”
I’ve just taken a look at the weather on the Farmonline overlay of Weatherzone, and there is (was) the headline-
“Climate factors could lead to disappointing snow season for NSW and Victoria”
I clicked on it but got a “page not found” return. So I went to the new weatherzone and the headline just didn’t exist in their stories. Back to Farmonline and the new page I opened doesn’t have it, but the old one on my screen does. Damm! Its just been deleted completely, I wonder what was wrong with it?
There’s this story in ABC’s Just In which sounds similar:
Dave B
That’s it Dave, they must have dropped the link to ABC off.
Its not race, its culture.. We still have incompetent people in power, people in society beyond the law, and cultures that are anti-social to the rest.
“Tell me again how Ghislaine Maxwell, who was convicted and imprisoned for sexually trafficking minors, managed to be convicted for that crime when not one person to whom she trafficked said minors to has been indicted, tried or imprisoned? Its rather difficult to traffic minors for sex without someone consuming that service and in each and every case doing so is a serious felony. If you believe the only person she “trafficked” them to was Epstein you’re a few cans short of a sixpack; the flight logs from his aircraft make quite clear an awful lot of people were flying around on that plane, nearly all of them men and underage girls, and in addition no plausible legal explanation for where he got all of his money from has surfaced.
So where are the other prosecutions, convictions and imprisonments? You see we still have “The Divine Right of Kings” don’t we, and we, as Americans, have not sacked our government for continuing that practice despite it being the very reason this nation exists and why we shot all those British soldiers, ejecting them from America!”