A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Happy Easter all
Wishing a happy Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Day to all here for whom these are very important days.
Hoping for a relaxing weekend for all who need a break from the daily routine.
We had our Hot Cross Buns after returning home from church; very tasty, toasted and buttered and my other half added jam to his.
Happy Easter everyone and get stuck into the hot cross buns before they are canceled!
I have made my own in the past but the crosses are fiddly to do as I make a makeshift icing pipe.
Woolworths makes fruit buns all year. They put a cross on them after boxing day and call them hot cross buns
Afternoon all,
Wow, a journalist has discovered that Autumn is a time of transition from Summer (hot!) towards winter (cold!). And he’s even found numbers to support this revolutionary discovery!! (I may have got the pronoun right.)
” But there is evidence of it being hotter the earlier it comes in autumn….
…The record maximum for the Easter period in Melbourne came on 24 March, 1940, when it reached 34.9 degrees Celsius after an exceptionally hot March.
Conversely, the coldest day during Easter was on 20 April, 1924 when it struggled to reach 13.9C. ”
Cheers and enjoy
Dave B
According to the BoM March was the equal hottest on record, and I am sure it was, somewhere, in my area it was remarkable for its normalness.
Homoginization, that magic trick of forcing everything through the same orrifice and getting something “uniform” on the other side.
In the tropics summer was SO normal it was abnormal.
AND another summer passes without the hint of an E coast cyclone. What’s this crap about more storms? Yasi was 12 yrs ago and nothing since has registered enough to remember.
“without the hint of an E coast cyclone. ”
They mostly hit the East coast of NZ.
On the west coast of NZ , the further South you were , the dryer it was . It was just perfect where I am. The greenest la Nina summer ever.
Interesting how they seize on one month to elevate it to Global Warming. And ignore all the frozen time, a February which was nowhere near as hot as 20 years ago. We haven’t had a ‘heat wave’ in Melbourne for a decade. A few hot afternoons at best. It has rarely reached 37 and Sydney had three years below 32C.
According to the much more trustworthy and accurate UAH… (whole country instead of mal-adjusted URBAN heat and AIRPORT BoM nonsense fabrication…)
March 2023 was in =8th place. (out of 45)
Here is the graph of March UAH over Australia.
Looks like no-one born after 1995 would have experienced any warming at all…. pretty much zero trend.
(apart from warm March the year after the 2016 El Nino, followed 4 years later 2021 by coolest March in their lifetime)
Not many people born after 1995 live 2 km up in the troposphere.
Is that somewhere near the ‘hot spot’?
Don’t touch that hot spot; it’s hot!
Or perhaps, don’t touch the hot spot, you might get frostbite.
TOTALLY irrelevant, as there has been no measurable change in the lapse rate.
Yes, URBAN areas have warmed. Massive urban expansion and densification and air-conditioners and increased airport flights will do that.
But it is NOT global, it is only very localised…
… and measurements fabricated from totally inappropriate surface sites should NOT be used for real climate purposes.
(great for propaganda, though, which is what the WHOLE of the AGW scam is built on)
But you knew all that, didn’t you.
Even fewer live inside a Stevenson Screen.
The temperature lapse rate doesn’t much vary with altitude in the lowest 10 km of the troposphere and UAH provides a good estimate of mean surface temperatures. Moreover, the satellite measurements are not calibrated with or homogenised to global surface-based thermometer records.
We’re all in the lower troposphere right now Simon – it starts at the surface!
Yes we all know UAH LTT is not the same as the 2m surface temperature, it’s better.
March mean temp was the tenth equal highest on record.
Summer was 0.07C above average and came in 67th out of 113.
This will probably be ‘adjusted’. 2001 and 2011 were originally reported as having below average means, But this was adjusted so both these years are now average (2011) and above (2001).
‘The Australian area-averaged mean temperature in 2011 was 0.14 °C below the 1961 to 1990 average of 21.81 °C. This was the first time since 2001 (also a wet, La Niña year) that Australia’s mean annual temperature was below the 1961–90 average. ‘
And then this.
There is a direct link to the PDO.
Sambar;….My nearest BOM station shows the following for March 2023….Average low temp; 22.9. Average high temp: 32.2.
For March 2022 it was 23.8 low…33.0 high. The low MUCH higher last year, and the high a little higher last year.
The “story” is always a lie with those hucksters. ALWAYS..
Sambar we have had a mild year with above average rainfall and we are not that far north of you , first year the estate where I live hasn’t had to pump water and still all dams are just about full heading into winter .
The last I heard, Eildon is too full for the time of year, though I can’t remember the percentage atm. Our daughter is anxious about it; some of the paddocks where she lives were under water for 35 days. It did them no good whatsoever; the floods weren’t just short-lived river floods. They were very badly exacerbated by the ridiculous 35 meg release from Eildon at 0100 one morning, unheralded. Fortunately she and her boss had put the cattle on the hill, along with most of the hay and machinary. Even a long grassy paddock will only feed those cattle for so long.
Yes, an extremely pleasant summer where what would normally be ” summer brown “ has retained a green pick and allegedly the best Autumn break in memory. As Annie mentions the big lake upstream is still standing at 94% with Dartmouth at 96% and Hume at 88%. People are rightly concerned at these high storeage levels going into winter with memories of floods being front of mind. I could speculate that water levels are being maintained at what may be “risky” capacity to provide a bit of electricity on demand, you know, for when the sun don’t shine and the wind don’t blow. The hydro is quick response stuff which can be turned on to fill evening peaks and just as quickly turned down when people go to bed. Colour me cynical, but last winter every time there was an “environmental “ release it just seemed to coincide with low wind low sun periods.
“has retained a green pick and allegedly the best Autumn break in memory”
My main concern at the moment is how many more times I will have to mow the grass, before it settles down for the winter !
Rain, warmth => luscious strong grass !
“According to the BoM March was the equal hottest on record”.
I think you must be referring to Sydney..
Measured at the “new” site, apparently some 200m from the old Observatory Hill site.
Right in the middle of the Sydney Harbour traffic loop systems..
And with “mirror” assistance. 😉
note the text at the bottom of the link.
Sites as bad as this, are NO WAY to measure climate trends of any sort. !!!
And because the date of Easter varies by so much, (just look at the dates quoted in David’s comment at #2 – almost a month), we should hardly be surprised at the disparity in average Easter temperatures displayed.
But the Easter period , being the first Sunday after the first Full Moon after the Equinox can occur anywhere between say the 23 March and the end of April.
Anything can happen temperature-wise, anytime (depending on wind direction) of course but it’s usually colder at the end of April than around the last ten days of March.
An absolutely astounding discovery. Well done that reporter.
It was paid to tell us this.
Yes, and a Good Friday Fred. Gee Aye seems to be MIA today. Maybe he thinks it is still Thursday………lol
Not at “work”
I’m in canbra at the moment. I’ll have a look around and see if I can find him.
NOw you tell me
Mostly just walking around, talking to people, looking for an interesting performance.
I was overcome by buns
Trace amounts of CO2 increasing in our atmosphere does not cause warming. It is the complete opposite. Warming water releases CO2.
I use the following when discussing this…. CO2 has a negative solubility in water unlike sugar which is positive. This means that when you heat water the CO2 is released, not dissolved like sugar.
If you put a pot of cold water and heat it on the stove top you will soon observe small bubbles forming on the pot surface in the water. These are 100% CO2 gas leaving the water as it warms.
Most people can see this and it shows that warming the water releases CO2 into the air – not the other way around!
Yes and the process is bidirectional. CO2 goes into colder water, out from hotter water. This balance is summarized in Henry’s Law which at standard pressure is pretty obvious. Hot water releases CO2 and cold water absorbs it. It’s not as if CO2 can escape, so the only question is how fast it happens.
And the scientific answer documented in at least 18 papers since 1958 is 5 years on average for all CO2 to be cycled through the water. To get around this inconvenient truth, the IPCC announced without proof that the average was 80 years and is their standard for all ‘hot house’ gases. So they just made it up. Which was necessary because blind Freddy would ask how CO2 accumulated if it went straight into the ocean.
And a point about attack on farmers and cattle and methane.
Where we eat seeds/bread and generate CO2, cattle, horses, goats, camels, ruminating animals can digest cellulose. That produces CH4 or methane so the cattle have to go.
Firstly, there were always animals which ate the grass. Kangaroos, Wilderbeest, Buffalo, herbivores. We prefer cattle for milk, cheese, leather and they are domesticated unlike Wilderbeest, so nothing has changed. So the UN/EU want to get rid of cattle.
And we humans would waste 98% of the wheat if we didn’t use it as hay. Left to rot it would be a fire hazard and also rot into methane anyway, but what a waste of essential solar energy, biofuel for humans! But I forget that humans are evil, a cancer on the planet. Sorry.
So I do not follow the anti animal agenda of the IPCC. There is a symbiotic relationship between animals and humans where the animals get to eat the stalks and we get meat and the solar energy trapped in hay is not thrown away.
However the Green logic is cows fart and methane is a worse hothouse gas than CO2 (also unproven) so the cows have to go. Green genius. Destroy the world to save it? Now the animals have to go? Get rid of the horses because we don’t need them and racing is cruel. Get rid of the greyhounds, ditto. Now we need to get rid of the poor. And all those dogs and cats.
But the methane story is nonsense. The only change is domestication because the world has been happy with herbivores for a few billion years, even the dinosaurs. Now they are major polluters? It’s quite unbelievable zero level logic. Are these scientists or children?
‘Are these scientists or children?’
I’ll give you a clue. They are not Scientists.
In 1900 there were 60 million bison in the USA – all farting ruminating animals.
Now there are only 20 million cattle (with very few bison) in the USA and yet these cattle are being targeted for methane emissions.
Do bison farts have less methane than cattle farts?
Was there no methane problem in 1900?
It is the microbes in the ruminant’s stomach that produce methane. If there were no cattle or grazing animals the uneaten grass would die and the microbes in the rotting compost would produce methane. The only difference is the time frame.
My point exactly. And something completely overlooked. Blaming the cows and then blaming the farmers for Global Warming. As if that would be a bad thing anywhere.
The best, easiest & obvious means of stopping climate change dead in its tracks is to change to a government which operates on real science, common sense and which is disaffiliated from the UN, the secret agreements, the WEF with all its plans for the destruction of the western economies!
All the attempts to prove CC is a hoax will prove to be useless as the name changing from global warming to Climate Change to climate whatever is just a means to move the goalposts & perpetuate the BS in the hope that a point of “ no return “ will be reached!!
I write to leave a permanent record. In the hope that people see the sense, if they want to look.
The new methane scare has just been manufactured to attack farmers, as in the Nederlands.
Consider the Great Barrier Reef which is in perfect health, so our Environment minister stopped a coal mine 100km away. With no basis in science at all. We now have Judge activism and Minister activism based on nothing at all.
It’s as if Chicken Little was Law. The Sky is falling! Stop farming! We will import our food from China.
Put the bleme on Meme, boys, trala.
H/T Rita Hayworth.
Bubbling boiling water is NOT caused by escaping CO2.
Yes, cold water dissolves more CO2 than warm water, and CO2 is outgassed as the water temperature rises, all in accordance with Henry’s Law, but that has nothing to do with the violent agitation of boiling water.
That movement is caused by a combination of convection currents in the water, and the escaping water vapour as steam when it has acquired sufficient energy to go through phase change from liquid to gas.
Go back and read the post.
The bubbles appear in the “warming” water, long before boiling creates “steam” bubbles.
Something I’ve noticed about “steam”. I boil water in a whistling kettle on a gas stovetop. When the water boils, the kettle whistles. As you’d expect. I turn off the gas and pour the water into the teapot. Here’s the interesting part. If I rock the kettle back and forth it will whistle a bit more, in time to the movement. The water volume doesn’t change so there must be a little more steam released due to agitating the water. There must be some water close to boiling, and the movement provides that little bit of energy needed to boil it. It wouldn’t take much water to “boil”, steam takes up about 1700 times the volume.
I’ve done a bit more thinking and come up with a more likely theory. After making the tea some air has entered the kettle. This air warms up and expands, and is probably what makes the secondary whistles.
Tom, all I will say is this:
1) – Put a saucepan of cold water on the stove on a low heat setting.
2) – Observe
– A) – WHEN the bubbles start to form;
– B) – WHERE the bubbles start to form.
Ok, I’ll look next time I boil some eggs.
MV, Of course you are correct – water vapour/steam is formed as the water boils.
I’m talking about slow warming of cold water. If you want to show this it is quite simple.
Take a large pot with lid (say 5 litres).
Put 4 litres of cold water in said pot and measure temperature of the water. (Say 10 degs C).
Measure the CO2 content in the air above the water and put lid on the pot.
Very slowly warm the water on low heat to say 30 degrees C.
Measure the CO2 content in the air above the warmed water.
You will find that there is a measurable increase of carbon dioxide and this clearly shows the negative solubility of CO2 in warming water.
This is simple chemistry which should be used in mid school science classes.
Those small bubbles occur at water vapour nucleation sites.
The carbon dioxide in the kettle’s water would not be a saturated solution. As you heat the kettle, carbon dioxide would rapidly diffuse toward the surface and leave the solution.
This is weird. Wind and solar are generating 34% of AEMO demand only and Tas looks to have maxed out BassLink importing from Nth. Island but nowhere is the wholesale above $10/MWh and SA is -$108
This is no way to run a grid.
‘This is no way to run a grid.’
It is if you want to run it into the ground.
Yesterday I asked David Maddison to think about his ongoing use of “sheeple”. I’m hopeful that he will bear it in mind, but I think it’s worth a little more explanation for the moderate number of red-thumbers. The caravan moves on pretty quickly here, so I’ve hopped to Friday’s open. A few more reds today is ok. And be happy, I’ll not raise the topic again after this.
Thumbs don’t explain themselves, but I *guess* it was considered rude to describe David’s comments as “bleats”. I didn’t really do that, but if you thought that description rude, what do you think of describing people as “sheeple”?
IMO, climate politics divides us into just two groups: shysters (who nurture the argument for financial or political benefit), and ordinary people (the intended victims of the shysters).
*All* the ordinary people have a chance of being won over to the truth, even the ones who earnestly believe the cause for alarm (Dr Curry has moved quite a long way, for example).
Probably the largest number aren’t very engaged at all: each has his own life to lead, and climate is well down the list of things to worry about. These people go along to get along, but if we can just get them to take a critical look, I believe many would be up to seeing the shysters for what they are and becoming quite cross when they realise how much the net zero nonsense is already adding to the cost of living.
Tagging potential allies with an insulting name is not a winning strategy. Think Life of Brian: The only people we hate more than the Romans are the effing Judean People’s Front.
“. These people go along to get along, but if we can just get them to take a critical look, I believe many would be up to seeing the shysters for what they are and becoming quite cross when they realise ”
Absolutely right.
The Emperor’s New Clothes describes the phenomenon.
In the case of one’s lifelong friends, it has been necessary to bite one’s tongue , and make light of the deteriorating conversation , when discussing such things as AGW , false pandemics , and lately events in Ukraine.
The point surely is not to merely harden people’s resistance – to force them to double down on the denial.
It has taken a good ten years or so for some of my friends to raise the AGW question, as finally they begin to have doubts. The ‘pandemic ” is going to take a lot longer; some business people that I know , themselves unvaccinated , simply made it a company rule that “we don’t talk about it”.
At the end of the day, we all have to get along , but for the Jacindas and the Dan Andrews , there is no way back. They will be forever beyond the pale.
Check the viddy here – sometimes it’s good to let it all hang out – in the right place :-
Yes, I’ve gone for the gentle approach with some of my friends too, and had some success winning them across on climate *and* on COVID. Browbeating wouldn’t have got anywhere.
The thing is , for as long as “divide-and-rule ” is successfully employed, then we the people haven’t got a show of overturning the tyranny.
Mr Swan,
Please share your “gentle approach” method/technique.
I’ve found that these people are just not capable of thinking it out for themselves.
You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it think.
All their experience, from their parents in childhood, through school and university and beyond, nobody has taught critical thinking, asking awkward questions, interrogating assumptions, discrimination in accepting what we’re told, healthy scepticism, the foundations of reliable knowledge, any of it.
Everything in their life has been listen to what you’re told, and your merit will be measured by how well you can accept, memorise, and regurgitate it when required.
As Jonathon Swift wrote in 1721, (paraphrased here), ‘You can’t reason a person out of a position he didn’t reason himself into’.
Their arbiters of truth are argument from authority and/or ad populum.
They are suspicious of anything which didn’t come from what they consider an authoritative source, that is, the establishment, and of anything that isn’t accepted as gospel by the establishment spokesmen and women and the general public.
They have no idea what to believe and know no way of verifying or determining how to even go about it.
Nor do they care.
That is the legacy of having allowed our education system to be deliberately dumbed down and deliberately corrupted by ‘woke’.
Democracy relies on an educated , informed, and attentive electorate.
That’s mostly gone.
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.
That’s almost gone now too.
Only those of us who received a good education and a sound moral upbringing are left to do the work, and in a democracy where the majority are too dumb to see how they are led, we are outnumbered.
So please Robert, share your ‘dumb wokist’ whispering techniques and methods.
We need to learn from you.
Mr Swan,
You are the epitome of the perfect “ snowflake “!
Why thank you! It’s rare for me to rate the best of the best at anything, so I’ll take it. Snowflakes are noted for their uniqueness, a step above mere “sheeple”.
All the same, I think “pompous” is a better fit for me.
“a step above mere “sheeple”.”
One step forward…
… two steps back !
At some point people have to be responsible for their beliefs.
The popular support for the anthropogenic global warming fraud has and is causing enormous harm to Western society.
While it’s true that most sources of information are heavily dominated by the anti-science Left, it is still possible to discover the truth. These people do not HAVE to go along with the narrative.
I have zero respect for people who are not prepared to think or discover the truth for themselves.
I similarly have no respect for others who support different (but interconnected and inter-related) forms of evil such as National Socialism or International Socialism.
In any case, there is one form of language used for and by people here, who are mostly well educated and well informed, and another for people outside the group.
In fact, I was once invited to give a talk about “climate change” along with another person, also pro-science, to a group of retired teachers.
We both approached the matter completely impartially, scientifically and respectfully, and the amount of abuse directed toward us, such as interference with our talks and abusive remarks made during question time was incredible.
You’d think teachers would have an open mind but they didn’t WANT to learn or go away and check our facts.
They are responsible for the damage they do by holding and propagating these false beliefs.
How can you respect such people who won’t accept alternative viewpoints, no matter how well referenced the data is or how scientifically presented?
Didn’t see this comment when I wrote mine yesterday.
This is a public forum, and journalists are quite happy to clip out anything that suits their story.
Good for you taking the teachers head-on, even if it turned out more of an ambush. Perhaps a more mixed audience would have kept things civil.
Anyway, I don’t think those teachers rate as sheeple, do they? They’ve applied their minds and then closed them, presumably for political reasons.
You’re in favour of the “yellow vest” protests in France and the Netherlands aren’t you? And the trucker protests in Canada? A groundswell of working-class people who’ve decided they’ve had enough and it’s time to raise their voices (and manure sprayers, etc.). I’m glad to see it too. Before they got angry, wouldn’t they have fitted your definition of sheeple?
You quote Orwell quite a bit. Remember Winston writing in his diary “If there is hope, it lies in the proles”. O’Brien was sure that was a false hope, but I’m with Winston.
And I’ll let the subject rest at that.
“it lies in the proles”.
Because there is nothing else that gives any hope.
Thanks for responding.
Do sheeple believe? I got the idea they just followed along.
Most people think about something. I like them to be able to choose what they think about. Seems to me a lot of the problem of wokeness is valuing people on what they think about, and how they think about it. Let’s not adopt their methods. Nicer to value people on what they achieve. Yes?
Talking science to a religious congregation were you?? Never goes down well…
So you have no respect to 90% of the people not having time, capability or what ever “handicap” they have to be better better informed while having 2 or 3 jobs to survive.
Interesting view of your side, really.
I suggest that the “90%”, or 7/8, have been scared shirtless by the most facile array of propaganda and horror video ever assembled, on top of the (needless) fear that they would cause injury to Nana and Grandad .
And the fear of being different . . . of being out-of -step is very real for these people.
Those of us who have been non-conformist on AGW felt no such pressure.
They possessed no ability to critically analyse the garbage they were being fed , having had the education system downgraded to little more than a child-minding surface for many.
Doctors are a puzzle ; they should have known but having recent graduates from medical school in the family , I know that they were kept totally in the dark , and actively discouraged from even basic research into the immune status of their clients. Of course failure to comply meant deregistration.
“if we can just get them to take a critical look.”
Exactly. But how? There is plenty of information available. Plenty of people in the media dont believe in climate change.
In my experience, the working class is simply not interested in the topic at all, and you could light up the sky with a message, but I don’t think they’d bother to read it.
The middle to upper classes are very much interested though. They are the Teals.
We are outnumbered.
But I always take a little faith from Jo’s stories of the democratic bias to our side.
‘The middle to upper classes are very much interested though. They are the Teals.’
Also, all academia, bureaucrats, professional elite, medical profession, journalists and government. We are greatly outnumbered, but its nice to know I’m on the right side of history.
Judith Curry still believes CO2 causes global warming.
Of course she does. Atmospheric temperature is materially affected by the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. That’s scientific fact.
That is not to say that the greatest material effect on atmospheric temperature is the concentration of GHGs though , is it ?
And the the most abundant principal GHG is . . . .?
WRONG.. there is absolutely no scientific evidence to back up that baseless conjecture.
You have proven that time and time again.
The ONLY gas that can modify the lapse rate is H2O.
‘That’s scientific fact.’
The science is seriously flawed.
In the coming decade world temperature will fall because of a negative PDO and joined in a couple of years by a negative AMO. CO2 is powerless to prevent it.
Vostok data shows that when CO2 was at its highest, the planet was always cooling. !
That is because temperature controls CO2, NOT the other way around.
What is your best reference for that science? Would it satisfy Ian Plimer and Malcolm Roberts?
Link please.
Dave B
A particular one of the sheeple around here needs to take a teaspoon of cement and harden up.
“Sheeple” … harsh language.
We are definitely mean.
They are nice.
They call us, racists, misogynists, science deniers, phobes (that one has multiple prefixes, new ones every week).
Also, the people that want to silence ‘misinformation’ and mandate forced medical treatment …
call US ‘fascists’.
POTUS called me a “semi-fascist”, so I’m only half insulted, but I’m wholly a “threat to ‘Our Democracy’ ” because I dared to cast a democratic ‘vote’ against him.
How dare we name call.
“How dare you!”
(Of course, I know it’s different for Oz. All the Democrats here in America say that Oz is an enlightened country, like Europe, you ALL trust your government, and they will move there with Bruce Springsteen because Trump.)
There is no climate debate.
There is only one debate and you ain’t even on the fight card.
Wind mills are incoming.
They are already planning to take your land to erect them. (See previous Jo post.)
You took it from POC anyway. (For explanation see link.)
“Tagging potential allies with an insulting name is not a winning strategy.”
FFS … our behinds have been utterly kicked by this very ‘strategy’.
We might be able to regroup in Hell.
Well said, Honk.
Honk R Smith,
I think you’ve missed the definition of sheeple. The name-callers aren’t sheeple are they? I’m quite happy for you to return fire. Use whatever names you like for Gore, Flannery, etc. But sheeple are the “unthinking ovines” who just follow the crowd without engaging at all. They don’t call us names and the *are* potential allies if we can get them to engage their brains.
The followers are the sheeple.
The “name-callers” are those the sheeple perceive as alpha.
We have our high minded discussions about radiative physics that the sheeple can’t follow while the name-callers scare the cr@p out of them and offer protection.
The sheeple do not engage, they gravitate towards avoidance of not thinking the wrong thing.
And not getting beat up by the Bully.
That’s how you get Uber Alles 1940.
Some people not interested in debate class, put ‘names’ in the mouths of sheep.
And a nasty little man with derby hat and cigar has to show up to name call back and display no fear of the Bully.
In 2016 a new nasty “name-caller” showed up in an orange hair hat.
And the Bullies are losing their minds.
And crying like babies that somebody is punching back
Now we have a chance to win some “allies”.
I don’t like the word “sheeple” because it’s demeaning and lumps a whole lot of people, who don’t agree with the predominant view here, in one big pot. That’s what “progressives” do.
I understand that David M believes people should take responsibility for not knowing and generally I agree that we need to take responsibility for our actions, decisions and beliefs.
But there are people who don’t have the time or the energy to educate themselves. Some people in my family are flat out working, child rearing, doing housework and catching sleep when they can. If they have spare time, they may catchup with friends every so often.
I think that the “vast majority” represents over 90% of people. Most of these citizens are just getting on with busy day to day life such as work, family, bills etc. They do not read science sites. Most news would be a quick look on MSM which allows them to form a cursory opinion. As climate alarmism starts to directly impact on our lives there will be direct pushback. Also, thanks to growing non-mainstream media and social media the alarmism is being countered with more reasoned fact presented in an easy-to-understand non-technical format. The hub of the problem of course is political ideology, and this is starting to change but may take several more election cycles globally. Germany, the UK and US are the big ones to watch. I believe facts will always win, the only variable is time.
The term sheeple is derogatory but also represents, understandably, a level of frustration.
I see it as far more nuanced.
I know without any equivocation that CO2 cannot alter Earth’s surface temperature directly. Biomass produces from more CO2 is a significant factor in surface temperature. Generally moderating temperature range but lifting the average.
I am a pragmatist when it comes to intermittent electricity and put family first. Solar panels on my roof make economic sense for me. I also get value from battery storage in my particular circumstances. On the other hand some people refuse to join the rooftop solar scam/Ponzi on moral grounds to their financial detriment.
So I would at least add pragmatists and moralists to the list.
Of course the other good reason to add rooftop solar is that it hasten the inevitable grid collapse and those with rooftop solar are not far from being independent of the grid.
The term “sheeple” is degrading to people and could only be fostered by someone who sees themselves above the flock.
I was somewhat harsh on the idiot in Belgium who committed suicide after chatting with an AI-bot. But I waste time in some misguided effort to get ChatGPT to claim climate models are wrong because their predictions are wrong; just as stupid but not terminal in my case.
That reminds me – I’d better check CNN news so I can stay fully informed about everything.
Be back soon…😇
Friday fun: in Italy they leave this world in style
Nah that’s trashy . Check this out ; this is style :-
The BS just never ends.
Ah- going to concentrate the sunlight reflecting off the moon at night.. makes perfect sense..
Bird burner…..
Yes, there are videos showing Ivanpah, when it was running, doing exactly that.
How could it not?
Oh gawd. Never mind that CSP has completely failed everywhere it’s been tried. Never mind that lithium and other battery minerals are still increasing in cost, the CSIRO is still predicting that its cost will fall by 2050. Never mind that LCOE has been rejected as a viable costing method, it appears that CSIRO is still basing its models on LCOE costing.
Will look at their paper soon, but I’m guessing that it will be as bad as GenCost.
I love the whole discussion on batteries and energy storage …. Big hulking buildings connected by huge pylons of thick cables. And transformers to bolster the cable’s load after those same cables have drained a lot of the energy themselves.
And what does nature provide as batteries and storage devices …..trees. Beautiful trees offering shade and a home for birds and animals. And power- packed coal. Not so beautiful but just as free as the sun and wind and not limited by blowing winds and the time of the day.
Some rare good news.
It was mentioned in the earlier JP Morgan thread about how much money was spent on renewables and had that money been spent on ….. REAL power plants, we would be in energy surplus.
It was off topic for me to bring it up there, and I knew there would be an Unthreaded coming, so I’ll do it here, and again, it’s me writing what I always have, so I’m repeating myself as usual.
Keep in mind here that the coal fired plants here in Australia are now two to four levels of technology lower than the current builds for coal fired power where they are being constructed, and our fleet is aging considerably.
Average ages for State:
NSW – 40 years
Qld – 28 years
Vic – 39 years
The average age for all Australian coal fired plants is now 34 years, and that’s around 15 years older than the best case lifespan for those two renewables of choice.
However, back to the point of how much has been spent for what we have got from those renewables, and a comparison is always worth looking at.
So, here, I’ll compare the four renewables, their Nameplate and the actual generated power delivered to the grid from ancient coal fired plants to state of the art renewables, and this is recent, last full year, 2022.
Wind Plant power – Nameplate – 10277MW – Generated Power – 25940GWH
Solar Plant power – Nameplate – 8809MW – Generated Power – 11366GWH
Rooftop Solar power -Nameplate – 20000MW – Generated Power – 18599GWH
Hydro Plant power – Nameplate – 7937MW – Generated Power – 16644GWH
So the totals from these ….. FOUR renewables
Nameplate – 47000MW – Generated Power – 72549GWH
Coal Fired Power – 23000MW – Generated Power – 121300GWH
So ancient coal fired power has less than half the Nameplate and delivers 67% more power.
So, to deliver the same generated power we’ll now need to construct ….. what we have right now virtually all over again, so now we would have FOUR times the Nameplate.
However, those renewables only have half the lifespan, so that’s double again.
So to get the equivalent generated power from renewables as what ancient coal fired power is already delivering, we need to construct ….. EIGHT times what we already have in place.
That might be done with wind and solar power plants, but eight times the hydro we already have ….. not a chance.
And eight times the rooftops, also not a chance.
Now, all of this has to be achieved by the time the last coal fired plant coughs its last.
Also ….. NOT ….. A ….. CHANCE.
Wait till the people actually find this out, and see what might happen to the people who have been telling them all of this all along.
And now, now, last thing, try and even imagine what the cost might be.
And you wonder why I’m so confident that coal fired power has a long future.
Then, wait till the people find out that Developing Countries (referred to euphemistically as the Third World) have so much of a head start on us in coal fired power technology and utilisation, while we have very little power, and years to construct those ….. REAL power plants that were told we did not need.
There are suggestions that the bioavailability of quercertin is improved by up to 20 times when it is complexed with phospholipids, which some call phytosomes (but I think that is a marketing term).
The quercertin I take is combined with bromelain which is claimed to do the same thing.
You’re probably best off with a liquid form and using sublingual absorption.😉
Does such a formulation exist? I use the sort DM mentions.
sublingual normally means a lozenge, which is best for B12. Never heard of it for quercertin.
Tony, here in WA the coal stations down around Collie would have run out of coal is summer was any hotter. That comes off the dispatchable in my view because it is caused by bad policy not the unit itself.
Minister confirms 16,000 documents released online in Tasmanian data breach, helpline set up
Names, addresses and bank statements of Tasmanian parents and students have been released online in a data breach involving at least 16,000 documents.
Science and Technology Minister Madeleine Ogilvie said no ransom demand had been made and none would be paid
The documents were released by hackers as part of a cyber attack on a third-party transfer software used by the Tasmanian Department of Education, Children and Young People.
Science and Technology Minister Madeleine Ogilvie confirmed the documents, including invoices, bank statements, and names and addresses of people connected to the department, had been accessed by ransomware group Cl0p.
Many here are following Dr John Campbell on YouTube for neutral, factual reporting on Covid topics.
In case you missed it, he posted yesterday a report of 78 minutes, much longer than his usual 15 minutes or so.
The shorter reports give an impression of some concentrated study just before making the videos. This 78 minute report with two presenters under the banner of Triggernometry is a tour de force, showing Dr Campbell’s wide grasp of the topic, almost non – stop without notes.
Dr Campbell continues to be my primary source for a perspective on Covid. His frequent guest, Dr Robert Clancy, is an eminent researcher who tops my list of credible experts.
I do not often volunteer endorsements like this. Geoff S
Dr John Campbell is a very good source of truthful information
he has had a change of heart in ideas of late, and for the better
here is another report Dr John did that l found interesting
Thanks M,
17 mins, a must watch in my opinion.
But of what? Malfeasance? Communication failure? Incompetence? Treason? Murder?
Dave B
” The East is interesting, and to no one can it be more valuable and interesting than to anyone who comes from the West. I think we shall have to take the Chinese in hand and regulate them. I believe that as civilized nations become more powerful they will get more ruthless, and the time will come when the world will impatiently bear the existence of great barbaric nations who may at any time arm themselves and menace civilized nations. I believe in the ultimate partition of China—I mean ultimate. I hope we shall not have to do it in our day. The Aryan stock is bound to triumph.”
So, we’ve been planning to break up China since Winny Churchill said that in 1902! Seeing the Yanks are opening nine military bases in the Philippines, its pretty obvious they are aiming to break up China after they have finished breaking up Russia. Oh, wait.. Well, when they give up on Russia!
..and although they still can’t organise a retreat, never mind a rout, and although Biden was in charge as they fled Afganistan, it all Trump’s fault as usual!
I found a single chart that shows how China is winning:×0/filters:format(png):quality(70)/
Global invoicing is around CNY150tr so is still dominated by USD but China is growing fast with BRICS already trading directly in CNY and working on a new currency for the group. Other nations like the main oil trading nations are moving to CNY due to the sovereign risk associated with the USD. When the banker confiscates your funds, you quickly look for a new bank. China is the new kid on the block offering a sound alternative back by manufacturing dominance.
US embargoes are losing their teeth. The US administration is a bent as a nine bob note. China is fast growing as the global business promoter and statesman.
Not a great Easter weekend for us so far. Our 33yo daughter was hospitalised on Thursday with extreme abdominal pain. Initial scans etc said there wa s “something” on or adjacent to an ovary visible on the CT images, but they were unsure what it was. I was of course beside myself with worry, thinking the worst, especially as she is ‘partially’ vaccinated.
Subsequent analysis says it is an abscess. She’s still in there on nuclear-strength antibiotics. No sepsis so far, thank goodness, but she’s very unwell.
I will count this Easter as a good one when I have her back at home, getting better.
Sorry to hear that Steve, and I wish her well.
Suggest you ensure her blood tests include vitamin D and find out what her levels are. Get the numbers, and the unit used. Ask, demand if necessary, that her vitamin D blood level be brought up to a sufficient level (100 to 150 nmol/ litre would be my target).
Calcifidiol is the active form, can be administered intravenously and is immediately available to assist the immune system.
In our current environment a doctors’s “she’s fine”, without those numbers, is unreliable, and potentially dangerous.
I’m not a doctor, but that’s what I’d do if I were in your position.
Best wishes,
Dave B
Already done David, thanks. She’s been taking vit. D for a while now, she says. My wife and I hope to corner a doctor this morning, to ask what the plan is, because all they’ve done so far is dose her up on antibiotics and painkillers, yet she still has a fever and pain. I’m not going to let them just watch while she’s like that.
Gee that’s a worry for you and your daughter and the family. Hopefully things settle soon without lasting consequences.
If her temperature stays “elevated” and the pain continues, It’s worth getting regular (every couple of days) scans done to see if the antibiotics are working to decrease the size of the abscess I’d say.
Arctic up to 6ºC warmer than now during first half of Holocene, when CO2 levels were so much lower.
We a really are SO LUCKY for the very slight warming we have had out of the LIA…
.. even though it still leaves the planet significantly COOLER than for most of the last 10,000 years
Some extra warming from now… means NOTHING, and certainly would not cause any catastrophic effects for the planet.
G’day again Steve,
My reference for my position on vitamin D is:
and this section on page 32 may be useful in discussion with your doctors:
” If one is challenged with an acute scenario it may even be wise to use a very large initial dose. A randomized controlled trial (RCT) published in 2015 showed that after a single dose of 250,000 IU of vitamin D3 given to healthy volunteers between the ages of 18 and 65 years with baseline serum levels of <17 ng/ml, serum 25(OH)D concentrations at five days increased to an average of 41 ng/ml with no adverse effects.168 "
(The 168 at the end is the reference.)
The link is one I've provided before, so may be one you've seen.
Dave B
Sorry about that,
My mistake, but the above was meant to be another reply to Steve at #17 above.
Dave B
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is running for President! I’m SO excited!
Very good article here (and the first one I saw yesterday):
A recent speech he gave here:
Now we get to see how many so-called Democrats will be lining up on the Grassy Knoll with the ghost of LBJ. And how many MSM outlets should have their licenses revoked for publishing disinformation by labeling him “anti-vax.” Vanity Fair called him a “rabid anti-vaxxer” yesterday. There’s ZERO way to contact the publication and inform them that their reporter is either lying or making things up.
is robert f. kennedy jr. really “anti-vaccine”?
Nothing will change!
Bill Gates is a Creep
Experts say China’s EVs are “Exploding in Huge Numbers”
Vaccines Are Not Safely Tested 💉👎- Robert F. Kennedy
Ben Hur, full movie, 3 Hrs 33 mins.
The Dutch PM says he will obey Brussels, despite the overwhelming success of the farmer’s party. The farms have to go. Brussels says so.
Democracy is dead. Long live the bureaucrats.
As in Australia. And it has nothing to do with science. That is just a smoke screen as the globalist elites move to crippling the food supply, having pushed Western democracies and only Western democracies to destroy reliable power supplies, even blow them up.
It’s what worries me about the whole debate. There isn’t one. Because there was never any science. It’s a fascist joining of big government with big business to control society, a commonality of interests which is still very healthy after WWII. And AntiFA are their shock troops while the legacy media would make Goebbels proud. And Klaus Schwab is leading the rise of the world Nazis, born in 1938 to Nazi loyalists. Some ideas never die, they just go to university and emerge as fake science and socialism.
Brilliant summation of the world situation today.
Thank you TdeF.
Well come on MV , what the hell is a monarch to do?
King Charles III / Pharaoh/ Masters of the Universe are agreed that the EROEI has got ridiculously low – there are far too many slaves and they are fat and lazy.
Hence the dismal EROEI.
King Charles III privately admits that it is not really about climate – at the end of the day , he is talking EROEI .
What is wrong with a little efficiency ?
Some ideas never die, they just go to university and emerge as fake science and socialism. – Nice.
About the Dutch PM: It needs to be made clear that we are not talking about the newly-elected largest party in the Netherlands, the pro-farming party (BBB). The Dutch PM Mark Rutte is the same PM as before, and he is doubling down on the anti-farming policies ordered by the EU – the very policies that the BBB opposed and still oppose. There are suggestions that the Dutch PM’s grip on power is now so razor-thin that this could bring him down. Let’s hope so.
But now the big question is: even if they can bring down the Dutch PM, who can bring down the EU? The Dutch can have elections. The EU is an out-of-control unaccountable unelected bureaucracy. Will its member countries simply have to leave?
Antifa were really quite nice. Didn’t you watch them in operation during the BLM riots. The shouty types engaged the target. The straggly chap then came and smacked the target with a king hit. The nice Antifa cleaner then picked up the teeth, applied the compression and advised the victim that they should not have said what they said.
Fine upstanding citizens!
Here is another paper* claiming that Ivermectin is ineffective for treatment of covid.
When looking at these papers I look for two things.
1) Was zinc supplementation used as required for published protocols such as FLCCC or Zelenko
2) Were there any conflicts of interest?
1) No.
2) There is a very long statement of conflicts of interests for it but the first few sentences for the principal investigator are:
* This is the paper cited above:
February 20, 2023
“Effect of Higher-Dose Ivermectin for 6 Days vs Placebo on Time to Sustained Recovery in Outpatients With COVID-19A Randomized Clinical Trial”
The following paper is an analysis of ivermectin studies for treatment of covid showing effectiveness, or otherwise:
“Ivermectin for COVID-19: real-time meta analysis of 95 studies”
Here is a paper claiming no conflict of interest:
Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology
Volume 71, May 2022, 126954
“Zinc augments the antiviral potential of HCQ/CQ and ivermectin to reduce the risks of more serious outcomes from COVID-19 infection”
It is germane to ask how a zinc ionophore could be effective in the absence of sufficient zinc.
Zinc is one of the first minerals to be depleted under stress conditions.
My guess is that a quantity that is smaller than is normally necessary for medical “sufficiency” may be enough to counter an infection in its earliest stages, especially if the viral load is low.
But if you’re after a preventative effect make sure both are available and ready to go. With vitamin D of course.
Dave B
When invermectin acts as an anti-viral, the presence or absence of zinc is of no importance.
In such a trial, to judge if it is fake or honest, it must state if the ivermectin is given with or without food.
Sadly, a little insomnia enables me to hear the news and occasional program on BBC World Service. Frequently these include comments supporting the Climate Change Theory. The other day they concluded that because some ice shelf melting had occurred and been measured in Antarctica, it would imminently occur in the Arctic an we would all be ruined. Today, the warming atmosphere has caused a marked increase in the number of home runs being hit in baseball games to the detriment of the sport ( because home runs are boring). Truly, these people are taking the proverbial out of the audience. Laughing at absurdity seems to be the only possible response.
It always amazes me that people are concerned about ice shelves melting or ice sheets calving to produce icebergs.
That’s what they do!
There is a continuous production of ice so it has to go somewhere!
If ice shelves didn’t melt or calve then the ice sheets would just keep expanding to a great extent.
So, nothing to do with better baseball bats, better coaching and probably just better batters? Just climate change- that makes sense. ( sarc)
Reply to comment #15 on the Youtube of Dr John Campbell
Yes, he lead a lot of lemmings over the cliff he has since discovered.
The question remains was he a false flag? The expert, part of the ‘mass formation psychosis’ to recommend the vaccines.
Did he give credibility to a ‘pandemic’ when we did not have the deaths in 2020 even though people were testing positive to the SARS-Cov-2. Did he distract us from this discussion by the search for a miracle cure?
Is he now the ‘limited hang-out’ to admit some of the obvious and distract from whatever we should really be concerned about?
I admit I do not know nor possibly need to know the answer to these questions.
Good advice has always been, wash your hands before dinner and after your toilet, drink potable water and have good sanitary systems.
And! Do not take experimental medications!
The music has stopped and now rather than running around trying to grab a chair, you need to find partners for what is the next dance. Introduce yourself to your neighbours and do something in your community. Winston Churchill identified the existence of these local hubs as the most important ingredient of a strong civilization. They must be, as those in power are now doing everything they can to destroy these relationships.
I trust him.
Like many others he was mislead and actually believed that Government and Big Pharma could be trusted, which was more or less the traditional view of the medical profession and many others before covid.
Now most of the thinking community know for sure, especially in relation to medical matters including covid, you absolutely cannot trust Government, Big Pharma, or indeed, with a very few notable exceptions, a majority of the medical profession.
Thanks David,
I enjoy your comments and I celebrate the fact imperfections exist. I believe this is evolutionary and fortifies us against the forces of nature.
The concept there is perfection and we can achieve this with controlled gene therapies with engineered populations existing in harmony is fraught with danger. Monocultures seem to exist in a controlled environment and have problems with change.
Let us not be lead there by those in power.
Thanks Broadie.
Re your comments on Dr John Campbell and Prof Robert Clancy.
You express some uncertainty about taking them (or anyone, really) at face value. However, it was correct of you to question.
My fault. I should have made it clear that my comments were about the science reported by these people, not about the social affairs like whether all expert medicos gave good policy advice for Covid measures.
There have been many impoertant scientific advances since they began to be written up in formal papers. There is a commonality to the most important ones. It can be summarised as “The followed the Scientific Method”. The show a logical developoment of their theme, they show ingenious thought in testing propositions. Some of this commonality is discussed here:
I contrast this simplicity combined with logic and ingenuity with the approach so often seen inpapers today, such as “We downloaded some numbers from the Net and did statistical tests on them that showed with some probability that X and Y were correlated – so we projected to future years with policy recommendations. Copies to sponsors and advertising agents.”
These comments are a bit rough and extreme to drive home the point that the Scientific Method was and is a valuable direction for scientists to follow. (If they have any idea what it is).
I recommended the 78 minutes with Prof Robert Clancy because he gave several examples of the positive outcomes the world has gained from following the Method. It is important advancement for the future science of pandemics, not in the least because some of it was ignored. Chances are that it was ignored by some who are non-classical scientists, or what I call Scientists of the Third Type, with “Third” prounced the Irish way.
I hope that this clarification helps. Geoff S
NAC or N-Acetyl cysteine is claimed to have many beneficial properties for treatment or prophylaxis of covid as well as other conditions. It’s worth researching to see if it might be useful in your personal circumstances.
In Australia it can be purchased without a prescription as a dietary supplement.
It is not under patent so is relatively cheap but you won’t get any positive reports from government, Big Pharma, Lamestream media or their useful idiots of the Left.
In the US, the FDA tried to ban it:
David, maybe like me, you have been a long fan of – The website that came to being back in 2020 showing ( mostly) all the off patent drugs etc that could be used for either prevention or treatment of COVID. Obviously, IVM and HCQ are highlighted but there are so many more. I have always found it interesting that the worst performers are either ibuprofen or paracetamol ( listed as acetaminophen on the website). But what did our dummy health authorities do when Omicron arrived? Recommend Panadol and it lead to immediate shortages as people then panic purchased. Makes you wonder if in fact paracetamol makes COVID symptoms worse?
Here’s the IMF data/list for the top 25 wealthiest countries in the world.
This is comparing GDP per capita and Australia ranks 10, Canada 18 and NZ 25.
But Ireland seems to have had a stellar increase in wealth over the last 20 years and some other groups think it is now the wealthiest country.
Very hard to believe this is possible in such a short space of time. Who knows?
And here are the poorest countries:
Burundi $263.67
South Sudan $303.15
Malawi $399.10
Mozambique $455.01
Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) $456.89
Central African Republic $480.50
Afghanistan $499.44
Madagascar $514.85
Sierra Leone $518.47
Niger $535.83
BTW here’s the GDP per capita of the poorest 25 countries list and 22 of the poorest countries are in Africa.
Just imagine how much richer the most wealthiest countries would be if much of their wealth wasn’t being drained by the Anthropogenic Global Warming Fraud, especially the most fanatically committed countries such as Australia.
“Ireland seems to have had a stellar increase in wealth over the last 20 years”
You don’t think EU subsidy had anything to do with it?
Ireland is fairly agricultural.
Yes farmerbraun and that’s part of my argument about their so called climate crisis BS and FRAUD etc.
IOW even a country that relies on the climate for much of its income can become very wealthy in a very short time today.
So just more proof that our climate is much better today, even though the Irish also have subsidies paid to them by the other EU taxpayers.
And ditto for all the other EU farmers.
[Deleted per request of Author. – LVA]
There seems to be a bug in the edit function.
I deleted this post when the 5 min edit window was open, but it came back.
I deleted it because it was meant to be a reply to Neville, not a new post.
[Deleted as per implied request. “Bug” will be investigated. – LVA]
Jo, best wishes to you and your family from sunny Queensland and keep up your wonderful work
Most slaves can’t even cross a roadway without bowing to a phone lord and master.
The poorest country in the world is Burundi, but their life expectancy has increased from 38 years in 1950 to 62.7 years in 2022.
And not too far from the African average today of 64 years.
NEVER FORGET that the global average life expectancy in 1950 was just 45.5 years and 56.5 years in 1970 and 73 years today.
So what has been so terrible about our climate over the last 73 years? And when will they start to think about the data since 1950 and then start to wake up?
Inviting Darth Vader and his Stormtroopers to Germany’s opening of their Space Command was not exactly a smart move.
Have they know idea who inspired the Vader character, Storm Troopers and some of the uniforms, vaguely reminiscent of the Hugo Boss designs of the National Socialists?
Darth Vader’s appearance at German space command baffles
ByJorg Luyken
April 8, 2023 — 5.00am
No not know.
Just Hollywood-styled characters…
Just like Bill Gates, Klaus Swartz etc.
150+ million birds killed govt sacrifice: food supply sabotaged chicken massacre (avian flu excuse)!
They have to keep the panic going.
And given that chickens are an inexpensive and tasty form of meat, the Elites consider the continued existance of chickens incompatible with their plans to wean non-Elites off meat and get them eating insects as is already happening in 1000 Australian schools. (Ref: )
It’s only a matter of time before the Australian Government starts killing our chicken stocks.
But in any case, don’t worry, about human infection (extremely rare), there’s an mRNA “vaccine” for that, just waiting for the right level of panic to bring about forced injection in the more extreme Nanny States such as Australia.
In Once Great Britain they already require compulsory registration of small holdings of chickens so the government knows where to find them and kill them. (Ref: )
Great video, not one chicken died of the flu, killing millions of healthy birds to protect other birds?
One positive test and they can Nuke the entire site, will this happen to people or has it all ready happened?
Are Australians really any better than North Koreans? Look how Victoriastanis worship Daniel Andrews. The only difference is that North Koreans are forced to worship Kim Jong-Un, Victorians freely worship Comrade Dictator Dan and even keep voting for him.
I can’t wait until somebody tells me “people” are “too busy” to find out the truth about the disastrous Andrews regime…that’s why they keep voting for him…
Dan just hasn’t had the global profile that Jacinda achieved , in spite of taking the violent suppression to 11.
Where are the creatives who should be producing an entertaining expose , like this one for Jacinda ?
Everyone likes a good put-down .
Where is John Clarke when you need him?
Regardless , my crystal ball sees a stairwell in Dan’s future , and he ain’t going up.
There is a claim of an electric fire truck from about a year ago.
They call it electric but it’s actually a hybrid. NOT even Hollyweirdos would be stupid enough to use a full EV fire truck (I don’t think).
Puts out fires and starts fires all in one.
Marcia Langton is front page on The Australian threatening to withold the ‘welcome to country’ ceremony from those who do not agree with a change to the constitution to create an aboriginal House of Lords with legal oversight on defence, bank interest rates, everything.
But it raises a question.
How much do we have to pay to stop the Welcome to Country ceremonies as if we were unwelcome guests barely tolerated by less than 3% of the population?
And could we please have a Thank you to country instead? Or even a chorus of God Save the King, or is that too provocative now?
“aboriginal House of Lords”
This is the OZ playbook for “divide-and -rule”, that sees us all remain under the tyrants.
Maori in NZ are being played in the same way, although they do not yet see it that way.
When they (Maori) are consigned to useful idiot status , and thrown under the bus , enlightenment will come . . . too late.
Sydney hottest tempature on record
Link is empty, goes nowhere..
And temperatures measured at Observatory Hill are meaningless with regard to “climate”.
The site is the very epitome of an urban warming junk site.
The Truth about CBDC’s, Financial Collapse Imminent, Vaxx Deaths Explode❗ (Edward Dowd and Maria Zeee)