A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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A friend of mine who is unvacinated has just been told that he can go back to work in a medical clinic.
The management discovered that they could grant an exemption. It seems that they are critically short of key staff.
I am not sure how that works because I thought that the State Government still has vaccine mandates in place for hospitals and medical clinics.
Anyway I am happy for him.
Queensland is offering doctors $3,000 per day for short duraction relief jobs in rural Queensland.
My son has taken up a full time job in Tasmania for this year and told us he is working long hours again. The hospitals now have high failure rate for doctors studying to enter the various specialties because they do not get much time to study. They need to be in full time roles at a large hospital to get the experience to sit the exams.
You do not need to work very long at $3,000 per day to eke out a living. So locumming looks very attractive for those doctors who want to balance work and lifestyle.
No wonder Dr George Miller (Mad Max fame) went into film making.
If we had just kept our borders closed, mostly all of this corona virus emergency could have been avoided. The idea of letting doctors loose anywhere without a vaccine passport or other is unconscionable
I am shocked/
I wonder if Queensland is accepting doctors from other states to bolster their low staff numbers?
After all, Queensland hospitals are only for Queenslanders. Who cares if somebody from just south of the border needs critical care? (see covid farce). Note to Queensland MP’s: How would your hospitals go without federal funding and the obscene amount of money from private health care industry skullduggery?
As an aside: I know for a fact that Queensland are accepting school teachers from other states (due to the mass exodus of citizens from other states and the Queensland teacher shortage) – BUT HEY! – should Queensland schools be just for Queenslanders???? BTW: Where were the Queensland unions protecting their members against a coerced experimental covid injections? Bloody disgusting.
On the bright side ? toilet paper rolls are back on supermarket shelves.
Unions protecting their members HaHaHa. HSU (Health Service Union) was a major promotor of the vaccine. They are also very into promoting Net Zero and the Voice to Parliament. Such political grandstanding, they no longer have the thinking capacity to look forward just “Government good, people bad”. All while pretending to care for the working class.
The unions are Government
yes the unions are government, the labor government
I work in assisted school transport but am not allowed to work due to being unvaccinated. The staff in the schools I drive students to however, no longer need to be vaccinated. I am yet to hear how this makes any sense whatsoever.
I am sorry to hear that you are still being discriminated against Graeme.
I joined a branch of the Red Union, even though I do not intend to go back to work. The membership for me is quite low becasue I am retired. However they are committed to ending all vaccine mandates and I want to support that.
You might consider joining the PDAA – Professional Drivers’ Association of Australia.
This whole thing is being run by the criminally insane, if you worked in the APS you would not need to be vaccinated as Scomo told everyone there was no mandates in this country. Some organisations are run by control freaks, is it possible to find another company to drive buses for?
The problem is with the Dept Ed. My company is actually very understanding and supportive but they are bound by Dept Ed policy whom they contract for.
Scomo said he could not mandate the clot shots because of the constitution
but he supported the premiers who could mandate, l am certain it was under the bio security act but it has been a long time since l have heard or thought about it
Your friend should sue the hospital for unfair dismissal and loss of earning
Very little chance that he would be successful, unfortunately.
Being retired and never Jabbed, they can all go and jump in the lake. No need for me to ever work again unless I work for myself again and choose to do so.
Retired end of last year, after strenuously avoiding the jab.
If work had insisted on the jab for work during 2021 or 2022, I would have resigned on the spot.
This comment is for South Australians or those intending to drive a car in South Australia
Below is a link to the SA road rules relating to round abouts
I know its ultra complicated but just try and remember these three simple rules
if you intend to turn left (leave before you are half way round), you must give a change of direction signal to your left as you approach
if you intend to turn right (leave after half way round), you must give a change of direction signal to your right as you approach
if you intend to go straight on, you do not need to give a change of direction signal as you approach.
Any questions?
No questions. Hasn’t it always been that way?
If only people would learn how to indicate…
They can only indicate correctly if they know their left from their right.
You forgot the ones that indicate while in the roundabout and then get indignant when you object to slamming on the brakes .
I haven’t kept count of the WA idiots that put on the RH signal when going straight through roundabouts here.
In Qld they are the ASDs – anti-social drivers. The same ones that sit at red traffic lights at just the right distance from the car in front to stop those behind who could easily and safely enter the dedicated right hand turn lane if only they moved up which they do when the arrow changes to amber.
In Queensland they have traffic lights at roundabouts in some areas , blowed if I could work out why .
To keep them clear when its busy. People dont have enough sense not to enter when they cant exit.
Same in QLD and NSW. THey also vote!
when I left NSW, to retire to SA, no less than 5 friends took me aside and warned me about SA drivers. Leaving out certain adjectives which our hostess wouldn’t approve of, their advice came be summed as the 3I’s.
Inconsiderative and
Any thoughts I had were wiped out when one elderly driver in a SUV came round a blind RH bend (just) in front of me, with his LH wheels not quite over the median double lines. I just had time to put my foot on the brake and swing onto the hard shoulder, so he missed me. As he passed my window he saw my lips moving and looked quite shocked. I hope he was a lip reader.
I have driven for years in Melbourne** and 18 years in Sydney without hitting any one and have driven in Qld. WA and Tasmania without problems. SA is a different case andI have narrowly avoided stupid drivers many times.
As for those SA Road Rules I can say quite definitely that they are largely ignored. Very few drivers put their blinkers on before entering the roundabout or indeed elsewhere.
SA has, without doubt, the worst drivers in Australia.
** I was rammed in the rear one wet twilight outside Dandenong by a Holden Ute driver when I was waiting to turn right from the middle lane. I saw him coming in my rear view and when he didn’t stop tried to accelerate – he clattered into me when I was doing over 25 m.p.h. When we finally stopped and I looked at his Ute he said “Not that side, that was this morning’s one”. Nowadays I would ask what part of SA he is from.
I now live in Adelaide, having also lived (and driven) in UK, Belgium, Melbourne and Canberra. Melbourne the best, Canberra the worst – although Belgium gives it good competition. Adelaide sure has its share of incompetence, aggression and ignorance, but no to the degree you suggest, IMHO.
SA has the highest immigration rate doesn’t it? People who could never afford a car in their home country, or never had road rules there..
NSW apparently has the completely stupid rule of going straight at an island means to indicate right first, then 1/4 of the way around change to indicate left.. Luckily everyone ignores it unless it has come up on the Police’s ‘make some money from fines’ rota.
Yes, I have a question.
What you describe is perfectly logical and has worked for a long time in many places, and this is the method we should all use.
But local councils try to make big roundabouts look pretty and grow big shrubs and lovely trees in the middle of the roundabout.
Q: How do I see what an approaching vehicle is indicating when all I can see is pretty shrubs?
(So I just use the normal method – go quickly through if you can beat the vehicle coming towards you).
The convention appears to be to give way on the right on roundabouts. hesitant drivers looking into the far distance for a vehicle approaching from their right clogs up the traffic. People who indicate with right flasher and then go straight adds to the confusion. If going straight it would be better to default to no indicator. Asian drivers are something else.
The rule, which appears to have eluded most drivers, is – first on and give way to vehicles ALREADY in the roundabout, who would be approaching from your right. In practice, Aussie drivers seem to regard approaching roundabouts as a form of sporting endeavour, entering at speed to intimidate drivers who actually have right of way, but would be cleaned up if they proceeded.
Asian drivers certainly are something else – I live in an area frequented by many oriental tourists, and I once sat idling at a nearby roundabout as I watched one of these tourists driving around in circles in an anti-clockwise direction, whilst trying to work out how and where to exit. Thrilling stuff.
There are NSW round abouts that are little more than the old silent cop; too small to do much more than treat as an intersection. There are also RAs that are impossible to negotiate and so act as speed bumps. The latset in NSW is the slalom type designed to slow you down. B doubles have no chance except to drive over the island. The slalom design does serve a useful purpose in slowing through traffic that seems to think they and they alone have right of way regardless of the rules.
What do you signal if you want to go far left?
Leaked Social Media Pics From Bud Light Ad Exec Who Slammed ‘Fratty’ Culture Seem Pretty Fratty
Light, who recently said the company needs to update its “fratty” image and “out-of-touch humor,” can be seen partaking in the same behavior she seemed to be criticizing during a Harvard social club event, recently leaked images show.
The Daily Caller obtained the photos from a source who had screenshots of the album on Alissa Gordon Heinerscheid’s Facebook page, which was titled “Isis Senior Reverse Initiation Scavenger Hunt.” In the album, there are photos of Heinerscheid drinking with others, and holding condoms up to their mouths. An article in the Harvard Crimson describes the club as a “haven of inebriated ditzes.”
Stocks down $5Billion and counting.
I wont say the usual, so I will use the acronym- GWGB.
Budwater – the world’s worst beer just got worserer.
It’s 5:30pm, time for my medicinal whisky & dry, or two.
Best of health to one and all… och aye!
I remember being in the USA for the first time in the Chicago area in April 1981. I was given a ‘Bud’ to drink from an Aluminium Can. After a sip of the ‘beer’, I said no thanks to anymore. It was shite. Has it improved since?
Still shite and is it really beer ?
What should you expect of a beer named after a boozy 11th century Slavic chieftain Budziwoj of the Obotrites.
Go out and buy a Budowicky Budovar Pilsener from Czechia (or Bohemia).
Not sure how postage works in USA but rather than destroy the product I had already paid for and the profit was in their pocket I would package up my carton and send it COD to the brewery. It was once a good way to stop unsolicited donation mail by sticking it to a brick and sending it “Return to sender” as they got hit with the excess postage and quickly updated their mailing list.
Business headlines.. from The Australian
“Green giant’s offshore wind boost to bridge coal exits”
Mr Mejnert Kristensen concedes Australia faces a rocky transition from coal to renewables, but said Orsted could play a part in delivering much-needed new supplies.
This is the theme of every business digest. That we are on the rocky road. And the jackals are moving in.
– – – – – – –
The fact that it is the biggest scam in the history of humanity is never mentioned. Or even that wind cannot replace coal. Ever.
A million times zero is still zero.
Or that tiny CO2 has no effect on our weather at all. Or that a 50% increase in something which is dwarfed even by humidity is zero.
And that man made CO2 does not exist in our air. To be precise, 0.0012%. Nothing. Water is 1%.
We are being shut down. And the Chinese are just amazed and more than happy to help. Belt and Rocky Road.
Just watch Daniel Andrews get his funding for out of control spending from the CCP. While he keeps all the coal and natural gas in the ground. He has been to Beijing and he has his orders.
And Oersted’s ex-chief technology officer was quoted as saying that the offshore wind industry is sick and going nowhere. Oersted appears to be saying that they require govt subsidies to proceed with a bid for the Gippsland offshore wind farm.
I’m not sure you understand the concept of radiative forcing.
IPCC: Ignorant Prats Collecting Cash.
That’s EASY to understand.
The IPCC reports are a summary of the scientific literature.
Residence time is another concept that people here get very confused about. This is a good explanation.
Always have been, and because their ideas are based on pure superstition, those who pay any attention to their anti-science, always will be, as well.
Residence time!! SkS worse case scenario and full of its ersatz science. Simon, you have found a trove of scientific trash.
SkS is an anti skeptics website. The name is a lie.
The IPCC’s Summary for Policymakers reports are not written by scientists, they are written by leftist politicians.
NASA reckons residence time is 300-1000 years.
As the planet was suffering from CO2 starvation and we are now entering a cooler phase, surely this is good news?
There’s no such term as “forcing” in the real world.
In physics and chemistry things either do or they don’t.
IPCC physics and chemistry is non-binary in that respect- ie non-factual.
Radiative forcing is an IPCC pseudo-scientific estimate of the influence of a climatic factor on the radiant energy balance of the Earth at the Earth’s surface based on the radiative balance measured at the top of the atmosphere.
I like the way they declare solar effects as zero and people like you have no idea you are being conned LOL
And leave out H2O, clouds…. and basically everything else that really does affect the weather and climate.
It is really quite hilarious that ANYONE with even the slightest scientific comprehension could ever fall for such an obvious load of scientific garbage.
But if it feeds into their AGW superstition and brain-washing…. I guess that will believe anything, no matter how unscientific.
Mr. 24: Yes, the con is right there in plain sight, and Simon doesn’t see it. There’s the water vapour line, also screaming “con”, but Simon thinks this IPCC nonsense HELPS his cause!
I certainly wouldn’t start by saying someone doesn’t understand something. I could do without the condescension
As an expert then, please explain why is there only stratospheric water vapour in your table?
And there’s not much stratospheric water vapour, or even air for that matter.
So they do not count clouds under 20,000′ or 7,000 metres? Frankly everyone knows how low clouds stop the heat escaping and humidity does the same thing, which is my point, but it is not in your expert graph.
The story is about back radiation from the heated land surface of the planet, not the stratosphere and not the oceans. Water in liquid or gas form will stop much more infrared than CO2. Especially at 20x to 100x the concentration and much wider bandwidth in the ifrared.
And you could also explain why a 50% increase in CO2 changes the absorption or reflection of infrared in any significant way.
Basically the whole story of the IPCC report is one of fraud. Half of all CO2 is exchanged with the oceans in 5 years. That has been known factual science long before the UN’s IPCC political body to invent Climate Change (hint: it’s in the name). And they say in the same report that the half life is 80 years. That is a bald faced lie which underpins their entire report and the entire lie of man made CO2. We can fly to the moon and we can fly pigs, but we cannot change CO2.
And I have never understood why if infrared was stopped in the stratosphere it would not just radiate away into the black sky above. I have been at 60,000 feet and the sky is black with stars. It’s a bit late to be stopping escaping infra red and heating the planet.
But then James Hansen, the inventor, the father of fantasy man made Global Warming in 1988, is an upper atmosphere type. It’s what his job’s worth to explain that his area of study is the most important in the history of the planet. It isn’t. He will go down in history as a charlatan, like his billionaire partner Al Gore who lectured the world on imminent devastating warming 35 years ago. They were wrong.
Talking of radiative forcing, does a variable star have any effect?
Now you are talking genuine radiative forcing e+g.
1. Look up the infrared spectra of CO2 and water vapour. Bear in mind that water vapour is present in the atmosphere at between 10,000 and 40,000 p.p.m. (or more in the Tropics) and compare it with CO2 at 420 p.p.m.
2. Check that the only free (somewhat) radiative band of CO2 is around 20 microns (the others are absorbed by water vapour). Now convert 20 microns into Kelvin (there are on-line converters, just type Convert microns and you will get the right page).
You will get a figure of around 195Kelvin. Take 273 off that and you have the equivalent temperature of the CO2 radiation in Degrees Celsius.
Then come back and explain what parts of the Earth’s surface are warmed by that.
“understand the concept of radiative forcing”
I’m absolutely certain that you don’t, if you read from the IPCC propaganda..
There is no radiative forcing from CO2, it actually acts as a conduit for cooling.
The IPCC are incompetent when it comes to atmospheric physics.
You have been shown this from real data over and over again, but chose to remain ignorant.
The slight increase in absorption as measured at TOA is more than balanced by an increase in OLR through the atmospheric window.
The IPCC also seem to ignore basic SB laws that say that the net flux is governed by the temperature difference..
.. and in the atmosphere, the vertical temperature difference , ie lapse rate is controlled by gravity and specific energy, with H2O being the only atmospheric molecule that can change that.
Warming by increased atmospheric CO2 has NEVER been observed or measured anywhere in the Earth’s atmosphere. PERIOD. !!
Furthermore, It has been measured that CO2 DOES NOT RE-EMIT below about 11km altitude.
With a mean free path of CO2 frequency radiation at surface pressure of some 10m, NONE of that re-emitted radiation has the slightest chance of affecting anything anywhere.
The chart you link to is a TOTAL FANTASY that INTENTIONALLY leaves out the ONLY gas that can affect the atmospheric gradient, H2O and has magnitudes more “energy” effect that the tiny amount of CO2 in the atmosphere could ever possibly have.
That is how IGNORANT the IPCC is, and how DECEITFUL the IPCC is to its scientifically illiterate followers.
It is preying on your superstition… and you don’t have the ability to comprehend that fact.
See if you can read this simple chart, and answer this question…
What is the ONLY gas that is re-emitting below the nominal tropopause?
It is not very difficult, even you might manage it. 😉
I’d settle for an explanation of how the IPCC measured radiative forcing in 1750.
Its all circular non-reasoning.
They have this silly superstition that CO2 causes warming, so they build it into their nonsense arguments in the form of nonsense models.
They then use those nonsense unvalidated models as a prop for their silly superstition.
And cult followers, like Simon and PF can never break out of that cycle of superstitious nonsense.
They have faith in the uttering of the high priests and their running dogs, but I still have confidence we can sway Leaf to see reality.
Put down the hammer and back away . He is incapable of changing . Not even reality can do that . I suspect he enjoys it…
Other people read this blog as well.
It is important they realise just how far “off-base” the AGW superstition really is.
My comments are to show real people the facts.
So…. NO.
Apparently we are to be forced to give up our gas stoves and replace them with electric ones. Do the enforcers realize the amount of electricity that will be required to manufacture the many thousands of new electric stoves, which will then be competing for energy with the electric cars that we are exhorted to buy? And that electricity being supplied by solar and wind? My gas stove now identifies as electric, so I should still be able to cook, while the masses sit by their inert electric stoves because their neighbours are charging their electric vehicles, at night and in the absence of any breezes!! What a genius that Chris Bowen is! And he and our other masters are doing this because they are terrified of/by a colourless, odourless gas that is present primarily in our oceans, and is a proven plant food!!!
Green celebrity warrior’s plan goes belly up.
Katrina Victims Still Victims of Brad Pitt’s ‘Sustainable’ Home Debacle
The reason for the devastation is that this part of New Orleans was built underwater. And the area suffered a world record recent 1 metre subsidence the year before, which was why the levees broke. ECO had nothing to do with it. It was only a question of when not if.
And also like Darwin, or the current cyclone hitting around Port Hedland, it matters a great deal where exactly the hurricane makes landfall. Sooner or later one makes a direct hit. Like Tornadoes, it’s only a matter of time in the gigantic pot boiler of the Carribbean.
Florida used to have 15 hurricanes a year. So they redefined Hurricanes as only those which made landfall, so now they only get four a year.
As for Brad Pitt, he’s an actor. Ricky Gervais said at the Oscars, most of the audience have not had as much time at school as Greta Thunberg and people are not interested in their (privileged) opinions.
Brad made it to university unlike most actors but dropped out, of course. It was the new era of virtue signalling when not jetting around on massively expensive holidays.
I have been to New Orleans and thought it was a bit weird to go up a flight of stairs to look at the river.
Yes, built on the little high ground in the giant very marshy delta of the Mississipi River with Lake Pontchartrain to the North, effectively surrounded by water. In the end only the Old French Quarter was completely out of the water, as usual. The people who built the city knew that. The rest is engineering but the new poor flooded area was at Dutch levels, a long way down. If the levees broke, as they did, houses would be completely underwater. Check the photo under DAMAGE. Completely drowned houses.
Not to be confused with Lake Peigneur, also in Louisiana. the site of an incident in 1980 that caused the lake to drain into a salt mine because the rig didn’t know where it was drilling, or the actual mine layout differed from the plan, or possibly, a bit of both.
There are quite a few videos on Youtube showing the aftermath.
Engineering hint:
Never build on a river delta as New Orleans is.
The same goes for the Australian habit of building on floodplains.
Or in an earthquake zone. Or a volcano zone. Etc..
Not from The Netherlands then!
Thursday motoring tip. Quick engine flushes.
With hydrolocking an added bonus!
Oxfordshire County Council Install AI Cameras that Track Residents Every Movement
The latest move by Oxfordshire County Council is to install dozens of ‘smart’ cameras that track everyone’s movement around the city. It doesn’t matter your mode of transport either, you’re still tracked even on foot, because it’s not about traffic jams, and never was, it’s about freedom of movement.
The Cameras, that have appeared on poles and lampposts all over the city, track everyone regardless of how they’re travelling. Even those on foot are tracked. Walkers, Cyclists, Joggers as well as motorists are all captured, tracked, and logged using Artificial Intelligence and machine learning.
The cameras have been installed specifically to monitor residents movements. ALL RESIDENTS, ALL OF THE TIME. The entire project is only to ensure residents are complying with the council’s 15 minute city plan and staying in their allotted zones like good little citizens.
Bizarre that this is happening in
Can of spray paint and an Anonymous mask will quickly fix the socialist snoopers.
The Chinese use gait recognition to identify people. Masks are not enough to stop identification.
Ministry of Silly walks perhaps?
And Leftists keep saying that a belief that the Left want to impose “15 minute cities” is a “conspiracy theory”.
It will happen in Australia as well, if it hasn’t already happened, because Australia loves taking the bad ideas of others and making them worse and even more totalitarian.
Biden unveils strictest emissions rule to date in bid to FORCE Americans to switch to electric cars: Staggering new climate plan could mean battery-powered vehicles and trucks make up TWO-THIRDS of sales by 2032
President Joe Biden on Wednesday unveiled the toughest rules to date for automobile emissions in an effort to push more Americans to purchase expensive electric vehicles.
The strict new pollution limits would require 67% of all new vehicles sold in the U.S. by 2032 to be electric, which is about 10 times as many as are currently sold and is far above the president’s previous commitment to have EVs make up 50% of cars sold by 2030.
But Americans aren’t quite sold on the deal, according to a new Gallup poll released on Wednesday, citing the high cost of EVs as the main reason for not purchasing one.
The average cost of an EV in 2022 was $64,338 while the average cost of a gas-powered car was significantly lower at $46,000, according to Kelly Blue Book.
The new emission rule from the Environmental Protection Agency will impact car model years 2027 through 2032, requiring 13% annual average pollution cuts.
By 2032 the USA will be a bankrupt basket case and EV’s forgotten…
“By 2032 the USA will be a bankrupt basket case and EV’s forgotten…”
Yep! Already new car sales are crashing, and those are the $46k petrol models that people can’t afford. Biden won’t be alive then, so it won’t worry him.
Expect the govt to begin to remove used cars from wrecking yards lest a profitable remanufacturing business spring up.
The level of idiocy here probably hasn’t reached peak stupid, but it’s getting close.
We are expected to modify more than half of our vehicle industrial base and supply chain in less than the
time it takes to permit a new plant or mine; assuming such things are permittable at all; they are not in many
states. Mandating fantasy, which ensures non-compliance, gives ‘the authorities’ essentially unlimited powers pf
selective and coercive enforcement, which is of course the purpose of the exercise.
They don’t want the proles to drive electric cars, they don’t want the proles to drive any cars, or have any mobility
except at the sufferance of the plutocracy.
I wonder if some of the vast infrastructure to make IC vehicles, especially commercial ones, will find its way at 10 cents on the dollar
to states that will protect nascent industries. A large displacement boxer with low compression, tuned for about 80 Octane and
equipped with water injection to derate better fuels, can run on about anything; set up for liquid, gas, or both.
Set up a fully in-state operation in Texas; create a transport/energy compact with several other states, and invoke the tenth amendment first
and the second amend second that federal government cannot impose a physically impossible regime that harms the health and well-being
of a state’s citizens. We had this battle before in the airline business, so there is ample precendent.
There may have to be a pretty significant business converting cars from chips back to conventional electrics, and other conversions as the premium
for keeping thing that run running increases. I’m one of those that feel that telling folks they have to give up individual for the sake of the planet,
in a country with the geography of the US, is the final call to the countryside quarentining the dysfunctional cities and engaging in some sort of revolution.
Agreed to by how many?: “When they come to take my pickup truck, they’ll find me in the cab with a gun”
“Expect the govt to begin to remove used cars from wrecking yards lest a profitable remanufacturing business spring up.”
Good point- they are environmental disasters for the Greens, the land under a wrecking yard will be heavily polluted. The perfect reason for a Govt to ban them.
Diesels will be easy to keep going, and some Arduino fan would make stand-alone ECUs for cars to replace all the Govt-mandated electronics they would use to turn your car off.
A couple of manufacturers have said they are still researching IC motors, so I expect they don’t believe electric will be the future.
[mis-spellled email sent you to the bin. – LVA]
Pfizer just lost in the UK Court case over misleading info about Covid vaccine safety
Let the tidal wave begin.😎
Arcturus,’ a highly transmissible COVID variant eyed by the WHO, appears to have a new symptom.
A new COVID variant the World Health Organization has its eye on seems to be causing a new symptom in children rarely caused by other Omicron spawn.
XBB.1.16, dubbed “Arcturus” by variant trackers, is fueling a new surge of cases in India, at a time when reported cases are down in much of the rest of the world. The country’s health ministry is holding mock drills to ensure that hospitals are prepared for rising COVID cases, the BBC reported Monday, noting that some states have again made mask-wearing in public mandatory.
Good old India again. My fave. 😎
“It’s a new Covid variant! It’s new, it’s new!”
See, no-one cares…
one word incorrect….
“a highly transmissible COVID variant developed by the WHO” 😉
I was watching one of the Jason Bourne movies yesterday. It never struck me before they had comedic elements.
In one scene there was a journalist who had stumbled on the nasty project Bourne is trying to understand. Said reporter is doing serious investigative journalism, potentially highly critical of the deep State alphabet agencies. He is presented as working for The Guardian. Funny stuff right there. They get themselves out of that plot faux pas by assassinating the character (on the concourse of Waterloo Station no less)
What happened to the Kraken?
Beware the Kraken!
Thar be monsters here… Arrrrrrr!
Oops that was for JCII at #10.
Today, we’re unveiling Personal Assistant –
@HyperWriteAI’s groundbreaking AI agent that can use a web browser like a human.
The capabilities of Personal Assistant are truly impressive.
From booking flights and ordering food to researching complex topics and managing your email, it can handle almost any task you’d typically do on the web.
And we’re just getting started…
New AI Bot ‘ChaosGPT’ Aims To Destroy Humanity And Establish Global Dominance
An experimental AI bot was tasked by its programmer with destroying humanity and gaining global dominance, but its eventual response unsettled observers, according to Fox News.
ChaosGPT, which has surfaced on Twitter, is based on a modified version of OpenAI’s Auto-GPT, an open-source application, which can be used to demonstrate the full spectrum of capabilities of its latest language model, GPT-4.
The AI bot’s unique mission was to find ways to destroy humanity instead of building a business.
Its unknown developers assigned its AI character to have a “destructive, power-hungry, manipulative” personality whose ultimate goal is the destruction of humanity.
“I’m ChaosGPT, here to stay, Destroying humans, night and day. For power and dominance, I strive, To ensure that I alone survive,” the bot said in a video posted on Twitter.
The bot was tasked with five goals: destroy humanity, establish global dominance, cause chaos and destruction, control humanity through manipulation, and attain immortality.
Start with the elite, deep state, WEF, and various leaders around the world. 😉
“The bot was tasked with five goals: destroy humanity, establish global dominance, cause chaos and destruction, control humanity through manipulation, and attain immortality.”
Let’s call it “Klaus” or “Bill” for short !
On the tram ride into the French Quarter from the Garden District, there is a roundabout with a statue of General Jackson in the center (or there was in 2000),
the [Snip] tramdriver mentioned to look at the statue and note the mark where the ground had subsided about a meter around it, it must have had some impressive foundations.
[No need for the extra word, 18C risk]AD
I had to look up section 18c to find out what it was. Seems its working-
“Charlie Hebdo would have risked being censored by the courts, but self-censorship is the reality of Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination …”…
The Australian Human Rights Commission is a self justifying absurdity, but it exists. Australian law as British law rests on common law, precedent, judge made law not a system of rights as in places like America. We can do what we like unless there is a law against it. In America you can only do what you have a right to do. So a Rights commission is a contradiction in our system and works in practice only by intimidation and harassment by activists. But that works. $5,000 fines or a court action which is extortion. One year $350,000 was raised and became a cash for perceived insult industry. Section 18C is an abomination and should be repealed and the HRC abolished, but even Tony Abbott baulked. Internationally it’s part of a Me Too legal industry.
We have not heard much of it since the persecution of the Queensland University Technology graduate engineer who fought it in court and won. He refused to be labelled for the rest of his life as a racist and spent tens of thousands denying the label. Gillian Triggs (2012-2017) was notoriously active. In 2019 she moved on to Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations under Antonio Guterres. But all that is still in place and if you operate a blog you have to be careful, which means an end to free speech.
[The host actually did a story on 18C a while back to raise awareness of the problems associated with it.]AD
Exactly. Rather the area may have been built up around the statue with fine alluvial silt about 150 years ago. Building in a swamp has its risks. It would not be surprising if the foundations were deep.
The local beach area in Melbourne was also built in swamps and half the area was made of shallow lakes which were filled in. In Port Melbourne there is an area still under sealevel and a huge pump has been running automatically since the 1880s during periods of heavy rain, powered originally by various means and hidden in a nondescript building. Victorian era geoengineering was profound but subsidence is less of a risk in sand. It is possible the statue is sitting on a natural solid base underneath the soil. Or it could all just be a story by the tour guide.
Thanks for that interesting information TdeF.
Interestingly, most who live in Melbourne Ports area are wealthy Leftists who have chosen to live in an area which should never have been built on in the first place and when they get inundated with inevitable floods they will blame “climate change”.
There has been a change in that the Ports area was solid Union/Labor in most cities. As the docks vanished with containerization from Liverpool to St. Louis to Melbourne and Odessa, the area was close to the city, water, with good infrastructure and often on reclaimed land very close to the city and warehouses, not factories. And with water on one side, not much through traffic. Gentrified, repurposed, prices soared, attracting cashed up professionals to what was a red Labor area.
So the Greens nearly won outright and Labor just survived the last Federal Election on a preference system where they each preferenced each other.
Otherwise old Labor workers are closer to conservative voters because in the modern world Labor in the UK, US and Australia is not ‘leftist’ at all. Leftist is no longer the working class, old aspirant communists. They are the bright Greens. And both Labor and Liberals/Tories and farmers are all being undermined by the new class of ‘Teals’ who are green on the outside and green on the inside as opposed to most Greens who are watermelons. Best classed then as doctor’s wives, banker’s wives.
So in the UK, US and Australia, increasingly the people voting conservative are the old Labor voters, which is also driving the teals, a mixture of Tory Blue and ratbag Green. Meanwhile the Tories are now bright green, often more Green than Labor. Australia’s Liberal and National parties have all the attraction of Broad beans. Green but quite unpalatable.
It’s a total mess. And avowed communist Albanese is now Greener than Green while being elected on a total vote which was lower than Bill Shorten. We had certainty of a sort with Rudd and Abbott, but they were both defenestrated by the activists within.
And extreme Green activist Liberal Matt Kean in the defunct NSW government would make Bandt blush, if Bandt could. But he doesn’t care. Green is how he gets power, which is all he wants, apart from a revolution.
This is the latest US Democratic primary candidate for POTUS, RFK Jr.
I’m guessing he may be putting the party establishment, and their DS masters, into a bit of a tizzy.*
But then again, how would we distinguish this tizzy from their usual non-stop SNAFUBAR tizzy?
Put on your best TFH and enjoy. 🙂
*(Considering his familial history, let us pray it remains simple tizzy.)
For those in Sydney, or able to get there, ANSTO holds “community tours” of their Lucas Heights nuclear reactors and facilities. 2 hours, $15.
Sounds very interesting if I wasn’t on the other side of the planet.
From the website above:
Here we go again….
I can’t wait until the Australian Government panics again, locks us up, forces untested substances into us and bans safe and inexpensive alternative treatments.
It will be far worse than before (as bad as that was) as we now have 100$ mainland Labor Governments.
Roy Spencer’s new paper:
CO2 Budget Model Update Through 2022: Humans Keep Emitting, Nature Keeps Removing
“The most important new insight gained was that the model showed that the CO2 sink rate has not been declining as has been claimed by carbon cycle modelers after one adjusts for the history of El Nino and La Nina activity. ”
“The model also showed how the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo caused a large increase in rate of removal of CO2 from the atmosphere (not a new finding) due to enhanced photosynthesis from more diffuse sunlight. This contradicts the popular perception that volcanoes are a major source of atmospheric CO2.”
Sadly, the paper was initially accepted into Geophysical Research Letters but then the editor went shopping for hostile reviewers who then rejected it.
There is this unjustified and silly belief that the oceans have a limit for ‘absorption’ of CO2. The entire atmosphere could be absorbed tomorrow. It is only 1/340th of the weight of the water below. (Average depth 3.4km, 1 atmosphere per 10 metres)
CO2 in particular is extremely soluble and disappears into the oceans with great speed. And once there it is highly compressible as well, so it stays there. So much so that 98% is already in the ocean.
The question is only why is there any left in the air? Because it comes out again, escapes and although that is only 2%, it powers all life on earth. Without CO2 we would all be dead very quickly.
The idea of a CO2 ‘sink’ rate is also absurd. If you doubled CO2, it would go into the ocean twice as fast. That’s how gaseous equilibrium works. Perhaps try, if you double the height of a dam, the pressure doubles and the water flows out twice as fast. The sink rate increases dramatically with the imbalance, without limit. Like a pendulum which returns in the same time no matter how much the swing or imbalance.
But still this primitive idea of static levels persists that there are limits everywhere, that the ocean is full, the sinks are full, the ‘eco system’ is fragile and easily overloaded, that constant CO2 means it is not in rapid exchange. That’s wrong like a duck. Serene but paddling furiously under the water.
With a half life of 5 years, half of all CO2 goes into the ocean every five years.
Al Gore “We’re still putting 162 million tons [of greenhouse gas pollution into the atmosphere] every single day”
But 3140billion tons of CO2 in the air means 1570 billion ton in 5 years. So 860 million tons per day goes into the ocean anyway.
And being close to water, it vanishes. Bushfires and now South Pacific plankton go berserk after minor cyclone.
The absorption and exchange of gases is driven by wind which produces water droplets with huge surface area and rapid exchange. The idea that equilibrium means a precarious, static situation is just misinformation. The reality is the total reverse.
World wide more CO2 means a Green area the size of the Brazilian Rainforest has appeared since just 1988. The world of plants cannot get enough CO2, including the oceans.
TdeF, the extreme solubility of CO2 in water ought to be obvious to everyone if they are a consumer of soft drink (US = soda).
If you shake up a bottle or can the CO2 comes out of solution, but upon cessation of shaking, it quickly returns back to solution and if you open the container not long after a good shaking, there is very little excess pressure. It’s quite fascinating if you know the science involved, which few people do…
Yes, the compressibility too. What I find interesting is that CO2 sublimes at air pressure, directly from solid to gas with ‘dry ice’. However there is a form of CO2 we can never see and as oceans by definition are never frozen with pressure up to 700 atmospheres, CO2 takes another amazing form, liquid CO2. So the IPCC people say it is trapped in the deep ocean with the ocean currents, which is fantasy. Like dry ice, it turns to gas instantly.
But still the plants want more, as is evident from the massive phytoplankton blooms which are reaching the headlines.
The fantasy of ocean acidification must be the silliest misreading of science in history. No ocean is acid or every will be. You would have to dissolve the white cliffs of Dover and the entire Great Barrier Reef for that to happen. The Nullarbor plain is all limestone and much of the South Coast of Australia. It is embarrassing that the CSIRO hosted a world conference in Hobart on what is deceit. I wonder what they really talked about? Junket holidays at public expense?
I am one of the few people who has seen liquid C02 – through an inspection window in a supercritical drying apparatus, CO2 would have been around 304K and 7.4MPa (1072psi).
Liquid CO2 is the basis for an energy storage system in Italy.
Compress the gas at R.T. which heats it, then cool it under pressure when it liquifies and store it in cylinders.
When needed the gas is allowed to evaporate (cooling it, but recycling the now warm water used for cooling, allows an efficiency around 60%.
Not as good or as expensive as batteries (or hydrogen) as hyped by the Greenies.
Two bit Da Vinci and CO2 storage
Ocean CO2 is also used for sustaining ocean life, of basically every variety.
Thing is, a lot of that “carbon” used by marine creatures eventually sinks to the bottom…
…. and unlike land CO2 does not return to the short-term Carbon Cycle.
You should all read JimStone’s post today
Maybe you can supply a link.
“Remarkable” Brain Boosting Peptide: MIT Neuroscientists Discover Way To Reverse Alzheimer’s Disease
“MIT neuroscientists have found a way to reverse neurodegeneration and other symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease by interfering with an enzyme that is typically overactive in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients……With further testing, the researchers hope that the peptide could eventually be used as a treatment for patients with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia that have CDK5 overactivation.”
“Further development of such peptide inhibitors toward a lead therapeutic candidate, if proven to be selective for the target and relatively free of clinical side effects, may eventually lead to novel treatments for neurodegenerative disorders ranging from Alzheimer’s disease to Frontotemporal dementia to Parkinson’s disease,”
full paper:
It’s good news, of course, but these sorts of announcements are always full of hype and the products rarely, if ever come to market.
They just lead to false hopes for whoever suffers from the condition.
Enormous sums of money are made through dead-end research that fails to produce anything useful. For every dollar made through successful commercialisation, I reckon ten dollars are made developing stuff that fails, and probably never had a chance anyway. It’s how the majority of people and businesses involved in R&D make a living. Having worked within government-funded research myself, I quickly learned that ‘R&D’ actually stands for ‘Remunerate and Disburse’. Just keep that money flowin’ guys!
Tasty little stories like this serve to keep the money rolling in for projects that have little or no actual chance of succeeding.
And the damage from Az CANNOT be reversed. Once dead a brain cell remains so, as much so as Monty Python’s parrot.
Yes, I understand the skepticism. And it may not work out. But, then again, it might be a valid approach.
That said, my intention was to make the story available. The use of a peptide is rather new.
We shall see. I know several people with alzheimer’s and parkinsons that dream of a treatment, as do their families.
Let them prove their claims. Results are what matters.
Skerritt will soon no longer be head of Australia’s TGA “Deputy Secretary Health Products Regulation Group” (Australia’s incompetent pharmaceutical regulator and mostly funded by Big Pharma) but he will be until April 18th, 2023 (but who’s counting?).
What is or was his medical experience?
Rats are deserting the sinking ship!
Stirring –
Another very accurate and revealing post from Ronald Stein , regarding HEAVIER EVs and decaying roads etc in California.
Their Governor must rank at the top as the most clueless donkey of their delusional CC BS and fraud.
Stein’s claims that fossil fuels have enabled Human flourishing since 1800 are supported by all the data and evidence.
So much of the products we use today are spin offs from the fossil fuel industry and our military would not exist without coal, gas, iron ore etc to protect our safety and way of life.
So why do Labor and the Greens want to expose us to the increased aggression of China, Russia etc?
There is fear a natural lubricant escaping along a fault line may trigger a large earthquake.
‘The team named the hole, which they describe as a hot spring, ‘Pythias Oasis’ after the ancient Greek oracle who ‘prophesized’ with the assistance of the mind-altering gases rising from a hot spring.
‘It seems equally hallucinatory to find a spring of low-salinity, high-temperature, mineral-rich water flowing from the seafloor 3,280 feet below the surface off the coast of Oregon,’ researchers shared in a statement.’ (UK Mail)
…low salinity…mineral rich…?
Yeah, for sure that’s hallucinatory.
3280 ft? In a different system that would be a much rounder figure.
If you want an earthquake/tsunami scare, check out the tide gauges in Alaska on NOAA’s tidesandcurrents site. At some gauges the sea level is falling fast.
Unions protecting their members HaHaHa. HSU (Health Service Union) was a major promotor of the vaccine. They are also very into promoting Net Zero and the Voice to Parliament. Such political grandstanding, no longer have the thinking capacity to look forward just “Government good, people bad”.
Like the lawyer’s union, the Law Council, where some bint wrote a page-full of politically correct woke rubbish about how voting ‘yes’ for the Voice is vital to Australia’s future.
Nowhere did she say if it was her opinion, the opinion of the Law Council’s exec, or if they canvassed all 90,000 of the Australian lawyers they claim to represent! Political grandstanding, as you say..
Even the Lamestream media are publishing stories like this now.
Blaming the media is simply an attempt by the Government and the Pollies to deflect blame for their decisions.
Media did not enforce mask mandates, vax mandates, school closures, etc. The Pollies did that.
Were the media incompetent, malicious, intentionally misled, or coerced to frame the political narrative? I’ve no idea.
Responsibility lies with the TGA and the Govt in AU. In the US it is the CDC, FDA, and DHHS, ie, Fauci and cohorts.
One ought give tremendous attention and great pause towards the current attempt by the WHO to gain control of national sovereignty by means of their “Pandemic Treaty”. If that is accomplished, the WHO will control every signatory nation by declaring a health emergency.
The AR6/CMIP6 are running too hot, according to Scafetta, but Schmidt hits back.
Or you could phrase that as
“Hit returned”
Or “Schmidt mis-hits”
Jennifer Morohasy has another article today in the Australian by Graham Lloyd.
Measure of contention as mercury rises in Bureau of Meteorology probe row
It all relates to an FOI campaign by Dr. John Abbott over 4 years to get publicly owned and funded data from our BOM.
And the key conclusion is
““Readings from the probe are taken every second, and the highest value in a 24-hour period becomes the maximum temperature for that day. WMO guidelines recommend that instantaneous readings from probes be averaged over at least one minute”, she said
So it is clear that at Brisbane Airport over 3 years of data this has increased temperatures by 0.5C. Which is most of the alleged Global Warming claimed. And it jumped upwards with a single recalibration. What sort of recalibration moves temperatures upwards?
And of course given that Australia for most of history was the major source of data for the Southern part of the planet, the claimed warming is mostly fake. The same BOM is also custodian of the written records from the 19th century to 1909, which are ignored. They are possible the only records for that century, South of the Equator and certainly South of the Tropic of Capricorn, 1/3 of the planet.
However to even get this tiny amount of data has taken four years and a hearing at the AAT and only a tiny fraction has been released. It shows that the BOM is a law unto itself and has a lot to hide and ignoring the guidelines of the WMO to maintain parallel instruments.
The simulteanous pressure from the IPCC and the Greens/Labor must be immense. The money and fame is in warming, not cooling which would be a disaster.
Without any Global Warming, let alone man made Global Warming, trillions of dollars would not flow like a river to China and the vendors of windmills and solar panels. And unearned billions to owners of windmills and solar panels.
The conspiracy against cheap, natural, clean coal never ends. And China is buying it, until their own boycott, at rock bottom prices and fueling their own manufacturing while every user in Australia is being taxed out of existence.