A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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The Earth’s Green Future is Forked
Posted on April 3, 2023
By Planning Engineer (Russ Schussler)
The following link gives some good visual perspectives on where the nexus in CO2 emissions lies between all the nations of the world or, if you prefer, between ‘developed’ & ‘developing’ economies:
Laughable! The West has just off-shored its carbon emissions to the manufacturing countries of the world. Luckily they believe in reliable coal power so we can still buy the solar and wind generators to give us unreliable power.
The basic flaw is going along with the idea that co2 emissions need to be mitigated at all. Until we dump that bucket of bile of an idea overboard, the innumerate and the scientifically illiterate will continue to think that “netzero” is an imperative.
They are not happy at RenewEconomy…
Time for the Nats to support NSW Labor in minority on issues as important as this for the sake of those who live in the real world ie-Not Inner City.
Offshore gas will be politically tricky and Penny Sharpe is probably the best person to handle it.
Thursday open? 😉
Salt water and EV’s don’t mix
Has anyone considered places where they salt the roads (like a lot of northern states in the USSA) and it rusts out vehicle chassis in a few years.
Often thought about how these EV battery packs would cope with a Carrington Event. There was a near miss about three weeks ago when the far side of the sun burped and sent an EM pulse into the unknown.
“the far side of the sun burped”
Ignore the bright burning thing in the sky that goes away at night.
The whole sun causing emp thing is a complete myth. If you have a long cable hundreds of kilometers that spans from an area with high incident radiation to one with low, and it doesn’t have a leak through to a parallel neutral, then yes, you can get maybe a few hundred volts across it.
But an individual car with wiring of a few meters… nothing is going to happen. Computers will not get data wiped etc. These things are all just complete myths. A carrington style event would not impact computers or cars in the slightest, and it won’t impact power grids either.
The only real impact will be on satellite communications.
Thanks for the clarification Mundi.
This is Thursday’s battery. Wednesday produced excess Thursday so that it can be used tomorrow.
WA has daytime saving – move calendar forward one day.
No GA, grid batteries only last 15-20 minutes. !
Hard to imagine a less capable and potentially dangerous vehicle to operate in snow and ice zones. But people will sadly. Inconvenience can rapidly transition to a life threatening situation.
Farmers Will Be Forced To Feed Cows ‘Methane Suppressants’ To Stop Them Burping & F@rting
Ministers plan to order farmers to give their dairy cattle “compound feeds” that contain additives to reduce digestive gas.
The plan said the bovine supplements could be introduced ‘at pace’ from 2025 – or as ‘soon as practically possible’ – in efforts to reduce emissions by 20 per cent by 2030, as Britain’s commitment to the Global Methane Pledge requires.
Cows are a big contributor to climate change, with farm animals producing around 14 per cent of carbon emissions from human activity worldwide.
The plans are expected to add around 33p a year to the cost of milk for the average consumer but ministers could also choose to subsidise the superfood feed.
Cows aren’t a problem and that’s already been covered, along with other solutions.
The 9 most terrifying words in the English language:
I’m from the government and I’m here to help.
You start with the hysterical Malthusian logic that mankind is a cancer on the planet. Modern man eats meat like ancient man but the explosion in numbers started only with the discovery that we could grow our own grain. It is unlikely total animal numbers have changed much at all.
But somehow human farmed animals are a special cancer on the planet. Now Australia still has over 50 million kangaroos. Even a million introduced wild camels. Lot of sheep (wool, meat, cheese) and cattle (leather, meat, milk). The aborigines wiped out the megafauna they replaced, so the numbers are not new, just the species. America also used to have millions of bison where they now have cattle. We did not invent any animals, we just swapped species. It is all limited by vegetation, water and CO2 anyway, like all agriculture. And you can get kangaroo steaks in Australia. Very low fat.
So what is the difference in methane if a cow eats grass or a kangaroo or a camel or bison or auroch? Nothing. Methane is a simple product of decomposing cellulose, something we humans cannot digest. So meat eating is a way of we humans can harvest more efficiently rather than leaving it all to rot and turn into methane anyway. Hay is otherwise inedible waste. Letting it rot is letting that captured solar energy go to waste, literally.
This idea that animal farming is increasing methane, is nuts. And there is likely much more generated by termites, fungi and bacteria through the decomposition of cellulose.
The dinosaurs lived on the same ball of rock, a hot place covered in masses of vegetation and a place of incredible plenty. We are still powering our society on the remains of the rotted vegetation from that time of extraordinary plenty, not poverty. And it lasted for hundreds of millions of years.
Did the dinosaurs wreck the planet? No. It had limitless capacity to feed vast animals, far bigger than any animal today. Our inconsequential ancestors were scurrying around on all fours, scavenging.
But we are told that we have to keep carbon dioxide and methane down to save the planet. Why? The time of the dinosaurs was very Green. The planet was very happy and green and life was outrageously prolific for eons without the UN. The post meteor planet is still too cold in most places for our brand of hairless apes.
Consider our homo sapiens have been around for a tiny two hundred thousand years, maybe. But humans are the entire problem apparently. Who decided that? Species of dinosaurs came and went without governments to bother them, continuously evolving while earlier species went extinct. Now species selection is illegal. Nothing must change. Not temperature, sea level, CO2 level. Nothing. Why?
But we have to ban carbon. It’s the only way to stop the carbon cycle. And who really needs the 6th element of the Periodic table, which itself is probably a fabrication of lying scientists? Get rid of the humans and the animals and the planet will be saved. Why? What good is it?
Cows eat grass ,burp, n fart. Methane. Cows don’t, eat grass, grass dies and lies there until it rots. methane. Dammed if you do ,dammed if you don’t.
My point is that humans cannot eat grass, only seeds. So with animals we get milk, meat and a mowing service for free.
Otherwise the energy captured by photosynthesis into carbohydrates and turned into cellulose is just lost to fungus, bacteria and slow decay. And what good is that, 99% of the plant energy is lost?
In fact humans started their development by eating meat and graduated to eating seeds. You can see that in the canine teeth for ripping. But the mysterious appendix hints at a time when cellulose was on the diet.
Farmers need a rep body to repel this nonsense. The NFF sold out with its weak as policy on net zero.
Driving tractors down the highway enmass is useful but not the ultimate way to change the policy application.
If thhey can find a methane suppressant the farmers will cheerfully buy it off them and feed it to the cattle.
One of our major problems with cattle production is bloat, which sometimes results from feeding on legumes. The legumes fermenting in the first stomach generate a lot of gas and for some reason I don’t know they are unable to burp it up to relieve the pressure. in severe cases the stomach blows up like a balloon and crushes the lungs. The cattle then die of asphyxiation.
There are preventative measures that can be taken, but it all represents significant costs on production. Research might one day come up with a better solution.
The three main absorption peaks for methane at sea-level, are at wavelengths of 7.5 microns, 3.3 microns and 2.3 microns. The sum of the energy density within these three bands for an average Earth temperature of 288.5 deg.K is estimated via the Planck function to be 3.7 x 10^-7 Joules per cubic metre while that for the Sun at 5772 deg.K reduced by the square of the distance to the Earth is 4.3 x 10^-7 Joules per cubic metre. That is methane is cooling the Earth. Decreasing methane will increase the amount of radiation arriving at the Earth’s surface from the Sun thereby increasing the temperature of the Earth.
Banned Ozone-Destroying Chemicals Mysteriously Hit Record High
Despite a global ban in place since 2010, atmospheric concentrations of five ozone-depleting chemicals have reached a record high.
Chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs, are entirely man-made gasses used in a variety of applications, including refrigeration, air conditioning, or as chemical solvents. They have been increasingly regulated by a series of international treaties since the 1980s.
The 1987 Montreal protocol, which has been unanimously ratified, restricted the release of CFCs to the atmosphere where they contribute to the destruction of the ozone layer: a region high up in the stratosphere which absorbs harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation and protects life below.
This has worked well for many ozone-depleting substances, which is why the ozone layer is slowly recovering. And so the recent increase in atmospheric concentrations of five CFCs is quite surprising.
Our findings, while worrying, should be considered an early warning. The impact of all five CFCs on the recovery of the ozone layer is still small.
Damn hairdressers fault! 😁
Maybe we’re about to find out whether the critics were right. Do CFCs really have much effect on ozone?
Oh, hold on a sec – the paper says “Here we use measurements combined with an atmospheric transport model to show how atmospheric abundances and emissions of five CFCs increased between 2010 and 2020“. To my mind, there’s something funny(-peculiar) going on right there. If you want to know how much CFC there is over the Antarctic, you only need measurement, there is absolutely no need for a model.
So what is going on? I suspect that the answer to that is that they desperately need an explanation for why the ozone ‘hole’ has stopped recovering. To do that, they use a model to find out how much extra CFC there must be in order to explain the lack of progress. Add the circular-logic result of the model to the zero actual measurement, and bingo – increasing CFCs.
Why is the “Hole at the South Pole when 90% of the people supposedly causing it reside in the Northern Hemisphere?
My understanding is the Hole is due to the Polar Vortex. The elephant in the room is the thickening of ozone around the thinning measured in the ‘hole’.
Had lunch today with a bunch work colleagues from the 80s.
One is a true believer. “Science” saved us from the ozone hole, the acidic oceans are boiling, the poles are melting, the tundra is melting and releasing enough methane to choke the Universe, solar and wind are saving us and of course the GBR is about the disappear. Dont know how he gets through the day.
Wait for the coming heat-pump boom in Germany.
Second possibility may be, the will be prohibited as they use CFC that will be forbidden by EU 😀
The reason CFCs have nothing to do with it is obvious. 98% of people live above the tropic of Capricorn, 78% North of the equator.
But the hole is over the South Pole. If it was due to atmospheric pollution of any sort, the hole in the ozone layer would be much larger and over the North Pole.
The hemispheres differ greatly in temperature. And the continent of Antarctica, a continent the size of South America or two Australias is on average 3.4Km high (10,000′) and temperature drops 1C for every 100 metres, so it is understandably 34C colder than the North Pole which can reach 20C in summer. Antarctica, is -50C in winter and -25C in summer. And the endless frozen ice is much closer to the stratosphere. Mawson base is at 67 South, population 20 people. Murmansk in Russia at latitude 69 has a population closer to 300,000.
But ‘scientists’ have decided that has nothing to do with it. Must be CFCs. Except that, like so much 1970s environmental impulse science, it is likely rubbish.
And again it has pushed the price of refrigerants up and their efficiency down so it is cheaper to buy a new airconditioner from China than to regas one. And they use more power to operate. So who wins?
Like CFCs, rare earths went from $8 a kilo to $250 a kilo when the Greens forced the closure of most mines for rare earths.
Why is China always the immediate and massive cash beneficiary of all Green policies? Or should we just keep quiet and keep buying Chinese windmills and solar panels? Apparently if we buy enough, we will get steady free power.
Remember when we were told Replaceables were going to produce a drop in electricity costs because wind and sun were free?
When is that going to happen?
The list of Green lies is endless.
TdeF is on the ball tonight! I was about to look up the South Pole’s elevation, and there it is. Pretty near what I thought anyway.
So the bleeding obvious is that the first matter to consider is that there is 3 km less atmosphere at the south pole, and that 3 km is shaved off the bottom. This is the first time I have seen it mentioned.
However the conspiracy theorist in me can see a more sinister explanation. Somebody can make money out of this, and there is precious little data to be found at the South Pole.
They told us this was a new discovery, by satellite. But the satellite had only been up there for a handful of years. How did they know what was up there 10, 20, 50 years ago.
And was this fact or fiction? A lot of satellites don’t go near the poles.
They told us that three modern scientists had discovered it. I expect that when the truth comes out it will be that Gordon Dobson discovered it in 1957.
The Hole in the Ozone Layer should be bracketed wth CAGW and the CV19 management. All three may be giant scams founded in public ignorance of science.
Dont forget acid rain
Didn’t the late great Tim Ball tell a story about running into fellow scientists, employed by DuPont, at a Canuck government alarm fest about Ozone?
He walks up and says, “you guys know this is BS, right?”
They said, “yeah, but we have a new product.”
In the Middle Ages, the elites robbed and pillaged at sword point.
Now they just rob and pillage at pixel point.
And they don’t have to get on horse or leave their endangered beach front property.
Or ride through a forest where there might angry subjects waiting with pointy things.
They are no longer vulnerable to a spontaneous gathering of anti-science unvaccinated with pre-industrial night vision devices and manual pronged hay re-distribution implements.
They are even creating a new culture of obtuse indirect language. (see preceding sentence)
The poor new Prime Sinister of NZ.
He is having to form a committee to construct an new official government definition of ‘woman’.
I blame Climate Change.
Why was I told 25 years ago that you don’t accept letters of credit from mainland Chinese banks? There was a chance they will not honour the piece of paper and your goods would have left the dock. Tough!
So no problem helping in a deal of which you may be a beneficiary. Bad luck to those who believe there is a principle involved. There is substantial evidence the actual Chinese people are not beneficiaries of whatever is happening and it is their labour and hopes that have been used to destroy manufacturing in the west. They have been worked as slaves and will, when they can no longer contribute be forgotten. It is there awakening that may save the world from the fascist One world Government.
UAH satellite temperatures are out now for March.
The “Pause” continues, now 10 years and 11 months.
Geoff S
Even a hairdresser could understand that.
What about the blond ones?
The AGW cult PAY the blonde ones not to understand…
That’s how out of touch they are with reality! 😉
Bottle blonde?
The male ones, yes. On the bottle. They’re blond after all.
The female blondes, not so much. They’re already XX. So two more would make them Queensland blonde soaks.
Plant Fungus Infects Human in First Reported Case of Its Kind
Silver leaf disease is a curse for a variety of botanicals, from pears to roses to rhododendron. Infecting their leaves and branches, the fungus Chondrostereum purpureum can be fatal for the plant if not quickly treated.
Aside from the risk of losing the occasional rose bush, the fungal disease has never been considered a problem for humans. Until now.
In what researchers suggest is the first reported case of its kind, a 61-year-old Indian mycologist appears to have contracted a rather serious case of silver leaf disease in his own throat, providing a rare example of a pathogen seemingly making an enormous leap across entire kingdoms in the tree of life.
The fact the patient in this case study appeared to have a fully functioning immune system, with no indication of being on immunosuppressant drugs, or having HIV, diabetes, or any kind of chronic illness, makes it even more perplexing. If not a touch concerning.
“Cross-kingdom human pathogens, and their potential plant reservoirs, have important implications for the emergence of infectious diseases,” the authors of the study write in their report.
Attack of the killer fungi! 😎
“The fact the patient in this case study appeared to have a fully functioning immune system
Fully vaxxed?
Virgin Orbit files for bankruptcy
Launch company Virgin Orbit filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy April 4, having failed to achieve financial orbit after burning through more than $1 billion.
The company said it filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in the District of Delaware as part of efforts to sell the company, after failing to line up financing to sustain the company in recent weeks. That led the company to lay off about 85% of its 800-person workforce March 30.
“While we have taken great efforts to address our financial position and secure additional financing, we ultimately must do what is best for the business,” Dan Hart, chief executive of Virgin Orbit, said in a statement about the filing.
That involves, Virgin Orbit stated, a “swift conclusion to its sale process in order to provide clarity on the future of the Company to its customers, vendors, and employees.” That includes trying to find a buyer for the company rather than just selling off its assets.
What with Musk’s satellites in LEO and plans for many more, China’s plans to ramp up satellites to match, along with a few startup companies planning significant satellite deployments, LEO is going to be a very crowded place.
Vietnam: Chickenpox cases up more than 7,000% in Hanoi
According to the Hanoi CDC, in the past week, the city has recorded 166 cases of chickenpox, nearly doubling the number compared to the previous week. The cumulative total from the beginning of 2023 until now, Hanoi has recorded about 800 cases of chickenpox, a very strong increase compared to the same period in 2022 (only 11 cases). No deaths from chickenpox have been reported so far.
Although it is a mild and benign disease, there are still cases of chickenpox with complications, especially for children under 1 year of age, pregnant women, children with immunocompromised diseases, people infected with chickenpox. HIV AIDS.
The most common complications are skin infections, shingles. Particularly, pregnant women with chickenpox are prone to complications that cause birth defects for the fetus. In addition, the disease also causes dangerous complications such as hemorrhage, meningitis, sepsis, cellulitis, hepatitis, pneumonia,… Some cases of chickenpox can lead to death. death if the patient is not treated promptly.
…and we’re seeing a major uptick in cases worldwide…
ACCC warns sophisticated scammers are calling from numbers that appear to be from banks
Scammers can now disguise their number so it looks like your bank is calling.
Last year, Scamwatch had 14,603 reports about bank impersonation scams, totalling more than $20 million in losses.
In one case a victim was tricked into handing over up to $500,000, according to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.
Scammers are convincing victims they are representatives of banks by making their calls appear like they are coming from a bank’s legitimate phone number, or by sending a text that appears in the same conversation thread as genuine bank messages.
The caller will then panic the victim by saying their accounts are at risk and they urgently need to transfer funds to a different account.
They may appear professional and confident and will ask to identify you using bank procedures which appear legitimate.
“What’s equally worrying about this particular scam, is that it is emptying every last cent out of victims’ savings accounts, with losses averaging $22,000 and more than 90 reports of losses between $40,000 and $800,000. This causes both financial and emotional devastation.”
The calls or messages impersonate the big four banks, as well as other financial institutions.
In such cases, YOU call your financial institution and VERIFY it!!!
Who is responsible for the loss if you get scammed by someone imitating a bank?
The “ scammee “. How many warnings to be sceptical of of any internet communication involving funds, account details, in fact any personal detail of any type, need to be made.
Do individuals not have any sense of security when it comes to their personal details!
Some deserve to be scammed!!
A lot of people don’t know this but:
The SMS system is basically a ‘free for all’. You can send an SMS under the name of any company you want. There is no registration of the names and many of the SMS providers don’t care what you put in so long as you are paying for each SMS you send.
Basically: SMS is entirely unreliable for everything. There isn’t any way to tell who sent you *any* SMS you get.
I bothered to read the Trump indictment. it is repetitious beyond a ludicrous degree. Each related count is cut and paste of the one before and then edited to note that Something like a notation was made in the comment column of a general ledger entry. The next count is that an amount was entered in a different column. in other words every minor detail of making journal and ledger entries is a separate count and not a single one actually alleges a crime. A person could read the whole thing without figuring out what he is being charged with.
What a spectacle.
Any reasonable person recognises that President Trump’s crime is so serious that, even now, no former Hillary Clinton for President supporter can speak it.
That is the nature of the lawfare they are subjecting President Trump to. But each count has to be addressed wasting time and legal resources as well as money. Most people wouldn’t have the money to deal with it although Trump does.
If two counts are separate but the same in many ways the wording must be the same but for differences in detail. The law is prescriptive like that.
And the crime is mentioned where G A?
GA will have fun explaining what Trump has actually done, that is an indictable offense.
The pointless and meaningless blather in the written indictment has nothing of value in it.
The leftist pseudo-prosecutor sure hasn’t got a clue, either.
The crimes are mentioned clearly at the start. Each count is a list of them.
then they are listed. It is pretty clear language.
Several problems with that, GA.
1. The charges are NY State charges, for which any statute of limitations has expired. Ie, no basis.
2. All of the charges allege Trump exercised illegal financial actions from Feb 2017 – Dec 2017, except he didn’t, because he gave up all financial and organizational control of all of his 400 companies on 19 Jan 2017. Trump could not have exercised the actions Bragg claims.
3. NY State election laws do not apply to Federal elections.
Suggest you understand US Law a bit better.
1. Not expired.
2. The alterations occurred after payments. Altering those documents is illegal and the matter you raised is incidental.
3. It is a fraud case in NY.
Suggest if you know the law better you should tell someone that cares and can save him. Oh the humanity.
Gee Aye is just trying to point out the way the law works and this comment is neutral, either someone’s had a good day or has had a few frothies .
As I see it many of these charges are basically for the same thing it’s just the wording has changed to make it a separate charge , it’s all a witch hunt and politically motivated of course but now sets a precedent that the republican’s can take advantage of .
Look out Biden , Hillary etc etc .
Also of note a future president can pardon anyone for a federal crime but not a state crime so is this a way of trying to make Trump ineligible for becoming a President?
If I compare the language in the 2 Germanies before 1990 that was very different in wording and meaning. F.e. as religious words like Eastern and Christmas weren’t used in the Eastern part (GDR) they used very strong replacements instead no West German had an an idea about what they talked to you.
What a dilemma, our 18 year old grand daughter has wanted to be a nurse / mid wife as a career so, after finishing high school she won a place at a well known Victorian University. All fine until next semester where she will start to do some training in hospitals, only if she is triple vaccinated. If she doesn’t have proof of triple vaccination its simply pack your books and go home. No career for you young lady. How destructive to a smart young and very capable person. No avenues of appeal, its get em, or get out.
What do we do. If she gets out and changes to arts what a talent will be lost. The mental “damage” simply doesn’t matter and an area of acute shortage will miss a chance of boosting its pool of workers.
What do we recommend “shoot down your dreams and aspirations”? Take the risk, after all the odds are in your favour, not by much, but marginally in your favour of not having any unwanted side effects.
Would greatly appreciate any comments from some of the medically qualified bloggers here.
Our thoughts are “Novavax” if it has to happen but is this the best choice?
She probably already knows this, and I’m sure you do: if she decides to get vaxxed, she must at least demand that it is administered by a practitioner who understands it is supposed to be delivered IM – and is well versed on how to do that properly.
I saw merit in vaccination when severe strains of Covid were raging and not many Australians had suffered Covid so there was next to no acquired immunity. It was a risk worth taking for individuals to avoid clogging the hospital system. I suffered mild dizziness after the first AZ jab. My 40yo son suffered his first ever bout of shingles after first Pfizer jab. A 39yo niece spent a night in hospital the day after her first Pfizer jab. These jabs are potent and have side effects in a lot of people.
There is ample evidence that any benefit from any Covid vaccine for young people now is far outweighed by the risk of vaccine injury.
Despite already having the vaccine, I would strongly recommend against any young person having it for any reason. I would hope that any individual entering hospitals as part of nurse training is able to think for themselves. The best action is collective action. This topic should be raised with friends and with staff. If the entire class rebel against the insanity then that will carry weight.
As an aside my D-I-L started her dentistry career in Tasmania last year. She was trained in Victoria and gained added confidence with help from my son who is an experienced physician. She was asked by a more senior staff member , trained in South Africa, to do an extraction on an individual. After going through the patients list of medication she decided that an extraction would be high risk and should be performed at a hospital rather than a dental clinic. The boss of the clinic commended her for the decision despite the risk not being common knowledge in Tasmania.
I know it can be tough for a young person to buck the system but some things are a no-brainer. If she can only avoid doing something stupid by leaving the training institute then she will be better off in the long run. The Covid vaccine is playing Russian roulette for no clear benefit. Just two questions to put to anyone asking her to get vaccinated:
Does the c=vaccine cause harm? (clearly yes, literally millions of examples)
Does the vaccine provide immunity? (clearly no, temporary at best, I personally know dozens of “fully” vaccinated people who have had Covid)
That was my reasoning too.
Notwithstanding three jabs (two AZ and one Pfizer) they were fizzers. I caught Covid six months after my third jab.
HCQ, + Zn, + 4,000 IU of Vit D, + Vit C, daily for 7 days. I was over it by day three.
No more jabs for me.
40+ years in laboratory science was enough to persuade me not to risk the vax during the “panic”. I stopped worrying when I saw the age of death data from Italy.
🙂 🙂
What a dilemma for your family,but a common one . Forced immunization in order to engage in your chosen employment is draconian. Sad times we live in – made by authoritarian bureaucrats.
There’s been various spike protein antidotes touted, but mostly from overseas sources. The FLCC have an I-RECOVER protocol and most recently Peter Mc Cullough talked about nattokinase. Its an enzyme that has the ability to break down spike type proteins in the body and is produced by fermenting soybeans with bacteria Bacillus subtilis var. natto and has been available as an oral supplement. It degrades fibrinogen, factor VII, cytokines, and factor VIII and has been studied for its cardiovascular benefits. OTC in some countries. What a terrible dilemma, poor girl.
A friend of ours knows of a similar situation in nsw.
The way the world is at the moment so many young people are being abused with choices like this.
Maybe find a job, any job, for a couple of years until the situation rights itself.
To get VaXXed could be risking so much.
Clear message! You do not take experimental medications.
Professor Bhakdi stated from the beginning that we do not know what these vaccines will do. The possibilities terrified him. All I know is I have seen what it did to a 14 year old girl after she took the shot for Nan. Can you live with advising her to take an emergency use experimental medication when she does not have a life threatening illness?
I wonder how many people knew this.
India will soon overtake China as the most populous Country on the Planet. (1.46 Billion vs 1.43 Billion)
Yeah, I was also a little skeptical at first, so I went looking, and found this link. It’s live and updates while you watch.
Population Clock
I have it set to India, but there’s a tab where you can select any Country you want to. The data is pretty much endless really as you scroll down, but back to the live meter itself, because there’s one thing I wanted to point out to you.
The fourth line down is ….. Births year to date.
It’s only just ticked over into April, so just three Months gone and that total is already 7.5 Million plus.
No wonder it’s creeping up on China, where their birth rate is only one third that of India
Their population is expected to halve by the end of the century. Peter Zeihan has a lot to say about this.
Demography is destiny.
China is stuffed.
Zeihan also points out that China population is over counted.
Last week the BBC World Wide news service announced that China’s population would soon be matched by Nigeria’s.
That’s not a bad thing for them- their industries will be the most modern in the world, their use of robots far higher than anywhere else, so a falling population need not mean a collapsing economy. In the meanetime their use of coal will keep them as an energy powerhouse and drag the poor into the 21st century.
I assume they will go through the usual progression from poor labourers to middle-class to a mature service economy, like Japan and Korea, so the Chinese cheap products will end up being made in Africa eventually.
Li Fuxian a US based demographics researcher has concluded that China’s real population is closer to 1.3 billion based on looking at other proxies for birth rates like certain medicines administered to babies and baby goods as well as a large leak of data from Shanghai police – that they have been lying about birthrates for several decades. There are about 1/3rd as many 5 year olds as 50year olds. Their economy is going to struggle really badly under burden of elderly – unless the Emperor finds a way to kill them off. Li suggests a 25% drop in workforce from about 840million now to 620million in 20 years.
The CERES net radiation data available on the NASA NEO site now covers 16 years. So it is possible to observe what regions of the globe are absorbing heat and where it has been released over that time.
The linked image shows the net radiation uptake over the 16 years from Jan 2007 to Jan 2023 in the top plot:
Broadly, ocean and land between 37S and 37N were net absorbers while land and ocean at north and south latitudes higher than 37 degrees were net heat sinks. Sahara was a significant exception because it lies just north of the Equator but was a net heat sink. The regions of land with forests like the Amazon and Congo basins were net absorbers similar to the adjacent oceans.
The middle plot shows the temperature change over those 16 years globally using a 1X1 degree grid. Most of Arctic has warmed. Surprisingly, Siberia has cooled dramatically, as much as 15C in January 2023 compared with January 2007, and this was verified by the reports of record lows in Siberia this year. It was also a little surprising to see that the Tibetan plateau had warmed. Antarctica and the Southern Ocean have cooled. Most of the tropical oceans exhibit little or no change in temperature.
The bottom chart plots the change in temperature against the net heat uptake for the 64800 individual grid locations across the globe. The key point here is that these are uncorrelatied. That is, there is no correlation between the heat absorbed at any location and the temperature change. For regions that absorb heat, there is a slight negative correlation while the regions that release heat have a slight positive correlation but overall there is no correlation between heat uptake or loss and temperature change.
The significance of this observation cannot be overstated. If there was some magical means for CO2 to trap heat in the climate system, it is not going to have any bearing on the surface temperature because heat uptake or loss and temperature are uncorrelated. Any temperature change is a reflection of changes in heat advection from regions of high heat input to regions of high heat loss.
The corollary, any correlation between CO2 and surface temperature could not be a result of any heat trapping process because heat uptake/loss and Earth’s surface temperature are uncorrelated.
Rick, there seems to be a contradiction in terms in the paragraph beneath the link.
Maybe the New York State district attorney is presenting these facts as well!
So it’ll no doubt be something else to charge President Trump for!!
Poor wording indeed.
Equatorial regions were net absorbers of incoming radiation energy and higher latitudes were heat sinks for the internal heat transfer from the tropics to become the regions of radiative heat release out of the system. From an Earth system perspective, heat comes in to the tropical zone, transferred internally as latent and sensible heat to higher latitudes where it eventually radiates out to space.
The key point is that it is the internal heat transfer that sets the surface temperature, not the net radiation.
When it comes to the Left, of whom there are no shortage in the People’s Demokratik Republik of Vicdanistan, their extreme incompetence never ceases to amaze me although it rarely surprises me.
Take for example the one million tonnes of supposedly contaminated soil removed from the Westgate Tunnel project, a favourite project of Vicdanistan Premier Comrade Dictator Dan and specifically gifted to his beloved unions for the purpose of rorting and featherbedding. The soil was removed and then decontaminated at a special facility, only for it to be discovered it was never contaminated in the first place.
You’d think somewhere along the process of one million tonnes being removed, someone would have bothered to check contamination levels…
I suppose the person responsible for this incompetence got a promotion….
Better safe than sorry.
I think the correct PC thing to say is “stunning and brave”.
Remember, the Left can’t even tell you what a woman is, so what’s wrong with a bearded man claiming to be a woman?
Cognitive dissonance is a powerful force. Some modern ideas are so patently stupid they must cause people with multiple functioning brain cells to pause for thought. Given time this may prove to be an inflection point where the enlightenment resumes.
EV should be forced by law to drive near to the highway speed limits, I just completed a two week trip by road and thankfully there were not many but EVs being driven at 80 KMH in a 110 KMH speed zone are a menace, particularly for heavy transport and other vehicles towing long trailers.
my wife was grizzling about this the other day, she struck two of them last week on different days just driving to the local town. 80k in a 100k zone.
Also, I stayed at a caravan park in Tumut NSW for three days and there were four NSW Government EV chargers located near the office and not one was used during my stay.
“four NSW Government EV chargers located near the office ”
Did they have tyre air-compressors with them? How do these EV owners blow their tyres up? Surely they don’t go to a PETROL station?
You may have heard this music before but not know who the composer is or the name of the piece.
“Frolic” by Luciano Michelini.
While off topic in an open thread, I watched this film noir movie last night from 1949 with a young Yul Brunner when he still had hair, although already receding. Interesting.
What do you think of the following video?
“Kevin Kirchman: Challenging greenhouse gas theory”.
Way too complex.
Climate models are clear proof that CO2 does not do what is claimed.
All models show some part of the ocean surface eventually sustaining temperatures above 30C, which cannot happen on Earth without a large increase in atmospheric mass. Some of the earlier models actually show that should be already happening, which is obviously not.
This is one of the examples I asked CSIRO to explain:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhFG4cx21dMijUI3H?e=MyK7DP
Their response was that they no longer forecast beyond 2100.
No matter how absurd the model result, you will never get the modellers to acknowledge the model is wrong. They just claim the newer models are better.
The data to do these comparisons is freely available. The best single source is Climate Explorer:
Those “things” are Not models.
Aurochs are back in Europe!
Through backbreeding, an animal very close to the extinct aurochs has been created.
To return it to its original level of aggression and speed however, it might be necessary to have more top level predators like wolves or even reintroduce lions into Europe.
I suspect these examples probably still have genes from domestication such as those that confer non-aggressive behaviour.
They sure will. There is variation in the auroch that no longer exists (Park 2015) in any modern breed. And that is only from a small sample. There will be much more variation in the ancient populations than has been possible to detect plus there are unknown effects of epigenetics and other genomic/phenomic interactions.
Behavioural complexity is where a lot of this could play out. Consider the affects of pheromones which are complex mixtures with specific timed release detected by genetically complex receptors. Lots of ways lost variation could produce big differences between modern and ancient. Who knows what sexual and other competitive behaviours will be impossible to resurrect.
Some interesting concepts there which point to the problems inherent in the idea that some have brought up about human reproduction with artificial insemination and growing to full term literally in a test tube.
The developing baby needs that constant interaction with the mother.
Indeed. Reproducing environmental factors in silico would be (IMO) insurmountable.
Wolves were being reintroduced when we were there in the early 2000s. No idea if it was successful
The dumbest “reintroduction” is beavers to regions of England where fruit trees are grown. They love apple trees.
The Last Refuge
The Trump Indictment Is Even More Silly Than Anyone Imagined….
April 4, 2023 | Sundance
The indictment of Donald J. Trump IS HERE and the “statement of facts” IS HERE. The situation, as it is represented within the text, is even more laughable than we could have imagined. It is no wonder why the FEC, DOJ and Mueller Teams took a pass on the allegations. The entire legal construct collapses on its face.
There is NO Statute violation listed thus the whole shebang is empty.
Yes but beware…
Get the wrong judge with the wrong jury and they can and will convict on a null indictment. The null indictment has already progressed through the grand jury.
The same type of lawfare was used on the second democrat impeachment. There was no actual charge.
And by the time it has been through several levels of appellate courts the lawfare will have served its purpose.
This WHY America is dying it has no morals and decency in it to do the right action by following the law and evidence if any otherwise such lawsuits MUST be dismissed.
“This WHY America is dying it has no morals and decency in it to do the right action|”
Donald Trump has contributed massively to that
Trump isn’t breaking laws which must disappoint you.
I would like to point out something here about wind generation, and it’s the usual blah blah blah from Tony, and I know I repeat it all often, in different ways, but the message is still the same really, about how wind power does not do what it is supposed to do, deliver reliable large amounts of electrical power.
Take this link to the information for Macarthur Wind. Until recently, this was the largest wind plant in Australia with a Nameplate of 420MW. Okay, read the information at the top there, where it says that based on a Capacity Factor (CF) of 35%, the plant will be delivering 1250GWH of power each year.
It has never delivered that total for any year of its operation, and has been generating now since 2012, with its best year being 2013 when it operated at 29.4% CF, and total generated power has been steadily falling since 2019. The current long term CF for all its ten years is just 22.7%, with an average yearly generated power of 9400MW, so only three quarters of its projected yearly total power delivery.
When I mentioned this across at RenewEconomy, one response was that the plant was a bit of dud because they used 3MW turbines instead of the 2MW planned, and didn’t change the tower height or rotor diameter, hence automatically lowering the CF. (which went unexplained) Then there was the problem with wind wake effects, you know, turbines too close together in too small an area, and it’s not sited in an ideal place evidently ….. because of (of all things) the weather!!
I umm, wondered to myself why so many bad things were not considered in the first place, when the cost for the plant was more than ….. $1.1 Billion in 2012 dollars
A second comment was that CF is, umm, not actually important, and that …..
….. and that the problem of low CF (if it is low, because they don’t believe my figure of 30%, and I explained how that came about, to no avail) will be fixed by new large CF plants better sited with modern turbines. I also explained that the Maths for that doesn’t work even if you double the current Nameplate. (and incidentally, the long term CF for 235 weeks has fallen to 30.17%, and the CF for the most recent 12 Month year is now 29.76%, the lowest it has been for 89 weeks, and that makes it false that newer plants will increase the CF)
One example suggested was the proposed Golden Plains plant, with a final Nameplate of 1330MW, and a final total yearly proposed power delivery of 4000GWH. And, umm, this gives the plant a CF of 34%, less even than Macarthur.
Again, as I mentioned at an earlier comment there that all of these wind plants in SouthAus and Vic are in that area subject to large power losses when those huge High Pressure weather systems hover over that area so often, (another comment they would not believe) and that this Golden Plains plant is in that same area with what will be the same problem. And at a final cost for the Golden Plains plant of $3 Billion. (I thought they were supposed to be getting cheaper)
I have now a number of comments at the site, and also a number that have not been posted there as well, just vanishing into the ether.
I’m reticent to continue leaving comments there, because no one believes a word I write. The level of actual knowledge is not even as high as I gave them credit for, and there always seems to be an excuse, usually that I’m of the opposite opinion to them, to, err, put it more politely than they do.
I gave it a good shot, but truth be told is that they really do not want to hear about anything I write there.
That’s odd Tony. I look at windy many times a day and that part of the coast from C. Otway to Adelaide looks to be the sweet spot for on shore wind farms – it is in the roaring forties and the coast is inclined so that the prevailing wind crosses the coast.
If they can’t get good CFs there, they can’t get them anywhere.
Wind is only meeting 8% of demand now and has been poor for weeks. Why don’t people believe performance figures?
I gave it a shot too, Tony. It went OK for a while – some of their bloggers did respond and discuss, but in the end I was also cancelled because I put up monthly wind generation graphs from Aneroid such as this showing wind in SA and Vic for March. They could not cope with the truth, that it did not matter how many towers they built, no wind = no power.
Also in Vic on the 17th, wind went from 2,800 MW to zip in a couple of hours – equivalent to losing Eraring altogether. They did not like that.
Beyond the great reset, an animation.
Don’t get on the bus.
Hmmm, nightmarish, but….
Libs to oppose Albo’s “Voice” !!!
About Bl**DY TIME !
Unfortunately there are still quite a few LINO’s / Clayton’s Liberals that still want this RACIST monstrosity of a constitution change to go ahead.
Michael Smith has targeted one of them today; we’ll have weeks of the ABC airing the views of dissenters.
Funnily enough I have no recollection of mentions of voices during Labor’s election campaign a year ago and out of nowhere it became a principal political concern of the thirty-two percenters.
Encouraging in my view. I abhor racism. And the shambolic idea of putting something in the constitution for the vibe of the thing is just apalling.
More good news is that referenda have a very low success rate unless there is almost complete political support.
Some amusing cartoons, especially the one on ‘climate change’:
“How Climate Alarmism Killed Real Environmentalism
Many of the environmental problems confronting the planet have nothing to do with CO2 emissions and, in many cases, are worsened by misguided steps being taken to curb CO2 emissions.”
“Bill Ponton’s “Reality Check” On UK Wind Power: The Issue of Energy Storage”
It was interesting that lithium battery storage wasn’t costed. If not batteries as large-scale energy storage, then what else would be available?
“33 Years of History That Led Up to Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine that You Won’t See Taught in U.S. Schools”
Saxon Reef on the GBR is in pristine condition.
The Guardian will report this good news one day.
Its also worth knowing that Bumphead parrot fish feed on 5 tonnes of coral every year.