A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Its still Monday here in the UK and I still have some intact Chocolate eggs to scoff. Not forgetting the Choc Lindt rabbit. By closing my eyes apparently they are calorie free.. If you eat someone else’s they are also calorie free. Its scientific so it must be true.
I have already eaten my Gold Lindt Rabbit and it was yummy. Not worried about the calories as I have a metabolism that keeps me relatively ‘slimmish’ even at age 70 years. Long may it continue. Maybe it’s the red wine that helps as well.
Explains the name.
I’ve not seen eggs being sold off cheap after Easter in recent years, I wonder where they all go now?
The Woolies down the road (50klm) from us had them on sale for 20% off in the week leading into Easter. Sales not brisk apparently.
I didn’t buy so much as one Easter egg this year! It’s usually a very expensive way of buying chocolate and too many are also poor quality. I never ever have bought the rabbits; they always look so vapid and are a very similar shape to the equally vapid chocolate Santas ( post Christmas recycling, dare one ask?).
Mr GM, perhaps reverse recycling takes place too!
We did buy chocolate eggs in the past and I filled a bowl on the dining table with small foil-wrapped eggs, including Cadbury’s cream eggs. Not anymore though, too much sugar!
Albo probably purchased them to give away for race based division support.
My family often go “calorie free” on my eggs which in turn makes them calorie free for me.
Four years ago, we had a four day visit from our granddaughter from Rockhampton and I was the designated driver as she shopped ‘in the big city’. On the way home from one visit to the Gold Coast, she asked if we could visit Poppy’s, and when I asked, she told me it was recommended by a friend. And it’s right here in Beenleigh, where I live.
Poppys Chocolates is a chocolate retailer, and they have a viewing room, (well, two of them really) so you can watch as the chocolate is firstly made, and then made into the end product sweets.
I’m picky when it comes to chocolate so I was wary at first, but without a fraction of doubt, this is the bast chocolate I have ever eaten. They have won awards for their chocolate, and I don’t doubt it. It’s just beautiful chocolate really.
I visit there a couple of times a year.
This year, I sent off a gift hamper to our granddaughter in Rockhampton, and it was delivered in three days, despite the huge Easter rush they have. Our granddaughter is manager and senior hairdresser at a large franchise hairdressing salon, and the chocolate place made this special hamper, and I saw it and just knew Savannah would like it.
They send their packs Australia wide in cooler packages.
Agree. Poppys is great.
I sent the hairdressers Beauty Pack of chocolates to her workplace (Hairhouse) inside the vast Stockland Mall. I added another gift pack as well, 12 chocolate sweets inside a half shell egg. The idea was she would show her fellow hairdressers, they would all get a huge lift out of it all, and then share the chocolates around.
I was surprised by her text on the Thursday morning that they had arrived at around 9AM. (so, just three days from the order being placed online)
There were some back and forth texts about how all ‘the girls’ just loved the pack.
However, the very last text was ….. “and Poppy, these ones are going home with me!!!”
She’s 25 now, and still calls me Poppy. A year or so back, on one of her twice a year visits, I mentioned perhaps she would now prefer to call me Tony, and she said ….. Nahh! You’ll always be Poppy.
We did so much together. We moved to Rockhampton to watch her grow up, and it was the best thing we ever did.
I was the school ‘ride’ once or twice a week, the helper with homework, umm, especially maths, and I taught her to drive when her own Mother and Father said it was too nerve wracking. She wanted to learn on an Automatic (our Astra) but I also taught her on a Manual as well. She said she preferred to do it with me as she was always too nervous herself with her parents, and she said I was always so relaxed. Huh! Lucky she couldn’t see inside my head, where I was nowhere even close to relaxed. All went well, she got her license first time around and bought a new ….. Automatic!
On her 13th Birthday Party, first year as a teenager, and she, and all her friends as well were right into Glee and she had the videos and the CDs. She received the latest one for her Birthday. My wife and our daughter were upstairs and I was banished downstairs, where all these rowdy young girls were. They were all singing along to the latest CD, songs they already knew from the TV Series. I joined in on every second song, and the girls all looked at me like I was an alien or something. Savannah and one of her friends came up and asked me how I knew so many of the songs. I said that all of them were covers of hit songs from the 60s, 70s, and 80s, so I knew nearly all of them. Umm, all of a sudden, I went from being ….. the old guy to really kewl!
Now we get it all back with two visits a year and a phone call every so often.
It’s funny isn’t it. Your children sometimes are a cause for concern at times, and yet grandchildren are always just sooooo perfect, eh!
“yet grandchildren are always just sooooo perfect, eh!”
Isn’t that where you get your revenge on your children?
The grand kids are the reward for all the work and worry you put into the kids.
We have one great grand kid 19 months old and I am sure that she is the easiest kid to get on with that I have ever known. And there were some good ones.
Look for the ones made with “invert sugar”. Its molecular structure is the inverse of regular sugar, therefore (using mathematics) the calories are actually negative.
Same formula, different flavours.
“Invert sugar” is sucrose (cane or beet sugar) split into its components glucose and fructose.
Golden Syrup has been around for ? years.
Ooohh, I hate cane sugar being added to virtually everything.
Added to dried fruits is the worst, which I like a lot.
It’s tasty antioxidant laden fruit, negated by adding an oxidant like sugar. Aaaarrrrgggghhhh!!!
Manufacturers – stop doing it!
I watched the Millennium Trilogy on SBS On Demand over the Easter Break. Such Great Films based upon Great Books and it reminds me of the current situation of some of the People v Guv’ment/Media/Crony Capitalism/The Left/etc. We are not Mad. They are. I do believe that in the end, Good will win over Evil.
Two Charts Show the Utter Futility of This ‘Energy Transition’
So obvious! However our leaders are convinced the Emperor is fully dressed, the same as with vaccine side-effects and overall mortality.. Maybe they always hold the telescope up to their blind eye?
His reasons why the system we are using to ‘save’ our civilisation will kill it-
China uses more coal than all other nations on earth combined;
China’s coal usage is projected to continue rising for the foreseeable future;
Despite 30 years of pressure from Western leaders applied at UN meetings and global climate conferences, China has no “net-zero” goal until 2060;
China’s coal emissions overwhelm the comparatively paltry carbon reduction efforts by western nations and the relative handful of gullible developing nations participating in the economy-killing process;
Unless and until China becomes a real participant in carbon reduction efforts and adopts the same timeline as western governments, it is impossible to truly reduce atmospheric CO2
..and our Easter Island statues are in this part-
” In 2000, fossil fuels’ share of global primary energy consumption was roughly 80%. In 2022, according to BP, it fell to roughly 79%. So, we spent $6.6 trillion for a 1% reduction in fossil fuels’ share
If we get just a 1% reduction with $6.6 trillion, simple math implies the remaining 79% would cost us $521.4 trillion, or roughly 5 times the combined GDP of every nation on the face of the earth. “
And all that for zero effect on the world’s climate. Clever.
Died of covid, um, OK!
No one dies of COVID FFS, you might die because your heart stops or your liver fails but not from COVID. Unfortunately people like GA etc will lap this up like a cat drinking milk.
Pointman used to post here every now and then. I followed his link and found that I enjoyed reading his articles and his analysis of current affairs.
He has been hospitalised several timres over the past few years.
Now his webpage has not been updated for quite a few weeks.
I hope he is ok .
Same here PeterC.
I’ve added a few along the way to the current thread and they have cone out of moderation
Here’s a positive idea to balance my tut tutting on Friday: it might be good to make more use of dialogue form in this forum.
As an example, one of Jo’s recent postings was about the Climate Council recruiting hairdressers as propagandists for alarm. If one of these has you in the chair, rather than taking your business elsewhere, it might be that they’re ripe for turning to our side. There’s no need to dazzle them with science — they won’t have been coached on the adiabatic lapse rate or black body radiation — just help them see that their talking points don’t stand up.
I haven’t much experience with hairdressers, but here are some hypothetical conversations between Buzz (the barber) and Bob (the customer). The dialogue form is more or less a comic strip without the pictures.
Dialogue form has a few benefits:
It’s easy to follow, and to think about other ways the argument might go. Arguably it’s a “straw man”, but the whole argument is there, and our pet trolls can’t derail things part way through with distractions about “oil shills” or whatever. In any case it’s not a straw man if it puts a realistic opposing position; what else can we do if alarmists refuse to engage, and trolls are just here to troll.
It’s a warmup for real conversations when they come up (not very likely with my barber: sport, sport, sport).
Another plus: we sceptics like to pull on the mantle of Galileo now and then. He got in hot water over his famous Dialogue, partly because it put the Pope’s views in the mouth of Simplicio (the simpleton), but I suspect also because it was such an effective way of presenting his argument.
Didn’t hurt that he was right; we have that on our side too.
Some here may want to watch this when released:
This comment was supoposed to appear in : “The plague of mental illness in teenage girls”
The actual article is politically risky. Without asking “why?”, we start by assuming that there are two+ kinds of minds, and they operate differently. Finding further words gets trickier.
Liddell shuts down in 18 days taking 1200MW out of the NSW grid.
Currently NSW is generating approx. 6,500MW, black coal is generating 3,791MW or 61%, the 1200MW from LIDDELL equates to 18% of NSW generation and NSW are receiving an additional 170MW from QLD.
There are many people on this site who claim to be clever enough to understand how all this transition is going to work, perhaps they can explain where NSW will find almost 1500MW from over night?
No rush, take your time finding those supportive google links
from an ABC item a year ago
“Mr Brokhof said planning was well underway to ensure there would be no power shortage as a result of Liddell’s closure.
“We made this announcement early enough and we believe there will be no issue with Liddell’s retiring from service,” he said.”
See, no issues at all. I don’t know what you are worrying about. They are going to have a renewable hub! with batteries and everything!
“Mr Brokhof said..”
I’ll bet Mr Brokhof is nowhere to be found in 20days time!!
Nothing to worry about battery “generators” will solve it.
Ah, so this is why the women of my household have gone to South Africa for a month or two… A more reliable electricity supply!
This an interview with, I believe, US Afghan war veteran, and now journalist, Jacob Siegel.
About his article …
“A Guide to Understanding the Hoax of the Century … 13 ways of looking at disinformation”
Sobering look at US Deep State information warfare on its’ own citizens.
“Cat Among Pigeons Now – Swiss Stop mRNA Jab”
Volcano update: Massive eruption from Shiveluch, Russia
8cm of ash and counting. Ash cloud to 20km altitude (6-8km is typical for a major event)
Global cooling incoming.😉
AI can crack the average password in under a minute
If you think you have a strong password, it’s time to think again. A new study from Home Security Heroes(opens in new tab), a cybersecurity firm, shows how quickly and easily artificial intelligence (AI) can crack your password. Statistics show that 51% of common passwords can be cracked in less than a minute.
The security researchers used PassGAN, a password generator based on a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN). PassGAN and other password generators differ because the former doesn’t depend on manual password analysis. In contrast, the PassGAN model, as its name implies, leverages GAN to learn from real password leaks and generate realistic passwords that you may use. A GAN is a machine learning (ML) model that pitches two neural networks (generator and discriminator) against each other to improve the accuracy of the predictions.
Oh please! JC2 ain’t no “abc123” password type bunny.
My shortest password came in at 30,000 years for AI to crack and my longest at 96 trillion years. 🤣🤣🤣
Gee, 30,000 years for the shortest one?
If Moore’s Law continues, then in 19 years we’ll only need to wait 5 years. That’s without help from Quantum Computing but they might figure out how that can speed it up even quicker.
How’s that 30,000 years sounding now?
Liddell Power Station is set for closure on April 28.
What will be the impact?
First five days of April Liddell delivered a constant 636 MW with one unit down, next five days a constant 960 MW. Other coal stations have been varying output as solar forces cutbacks during daylights hours.
NSW demand varies from 6,000 MW to a peak of 8,000 MW.
KFC, Pizza Hut owner discloses data breach after ransomware attack
Yum! Brands, the brand owner of the KFC, Pizza Hut, and Taco Bell fast food chains, is now sending data breach notification letters to an undisclosed number of individuals whose personal information was stolen in a January 13 ransomware attack.
This comes after the company said that although some data was stolen from its network, it has no evidence that the attackers exfiltrated any customer information.
In the breach notification letters sent to affected people starting Thursday, Yum! Brands revealed that it has now found out the attackers stole some individuals’ personal information, including names, driver’s license numbers, and other ID card numbers.
Apparently the hackets don’t want money. They want food that actually looks like the pictures.🤣🤣
I got to hands a book about Chinese inventions and developpemts of the last 2k and more years written by Robert G. Temple.
One discovery sounds intetesting, the Chinese have a long history of sunspot documentation that seems to have a good precision.
So a Japanese scientist realised a possible sun cycle of ca. 975 years.
WUWT on Liddell closure
Lots of comments
My call to whale action on WUWT:
I think we have growing momentum.
Monash University goes heavily in to bat for Albanese’s Vanity Voice – and treats voters like idiots”
Marketing-Cookies must be accepted in order to view Plotly Charts ! from a Post I’ve just made on Talbnloke’s website – about CO2 and the alps etc etc etc.
Publishers suing “The Wayback Machine” organisation
First decision to TWMO, appeal underway
Dr Campbell on jab brain damage
“Senator Alex Antic magnificent on Albanese’s Vanity Voice”
A covid FWIW
“More Facts On Viral Screaming”
More grim reading
“The root of transgender fanaticism?”
FYI – that wonderful ephemeral energy
“The looming Dark Age”