A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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““We have tried Indigenous representative bodies, Indigenous advisory bodies, and Indigenous consulting bodies multiple times over the decades. None have lifted Indigenous people out of poverty. ”
Oh yes they dd! A stack of smart natives made a mint out of being involved in all those consulting bodies, and every one of them on those gravy trains got lifted out of poverty!
You’re three decades behind NZ. with its Maoris appointed to local Councils with veto powers, Maori ownership of National Parks, Maoris taking ownership of all lakes and rivers, taking all the commercial fishing rights, and now taking ownership of all beaches and the sea out to 12miles. The whole Health sector of NZ is now run by the Maoris, hospitals and all! Wait see how bad it gets here..
Excellent recommendation to go in exactly the opposite direction. Don’t they realise their word is tainted?
Get woke, go broke.
That’s what happens when you claim something is an historical documentary and you change the identify of the people involved.
That’s what happened with “Queen Cleopatra” on Netflix.
It was so bad that even rabidly Leftist, woke, professional critics gave it a poor rating. The audience rating was the worst ever.
Frankly, I’m surprised that the critics even knew the actual identity of Cleopatra.
I can’t wait until they similarly alter the identity of Martin Luther King.
JP Sears discusses.
It would be hilarious if they made the MLK story with an all white cast.
Well, they made a musical of Alexander Hamilton’s life with an entire black cast and no one mentioned racial appropriation ever? So I assume that portraying MLK as white would be perfectly fine.
Last week I was in Egypt and saw an approx 1-2000 BC image of Cleopatra cut in stone and still perfectly preserved. She looked decidedly Greek to me. Not black African at all.
Thats because she was – a descendent of Ptolemy, part of Alexander the Great’s all-conquering army. So arguably Macedonian I guess, which before the Slavic “Macedonia” of more recent history, meant “Greek” anyway.
And her daughter Selene II lived on as Queen of Mauritania after being taken to Rome with Augustus. Her husband was also Greek Egyptian brought to Rome by Ceasar. So Mauritainia prospered under their rule and was bilingual in Latin and Greek, positioned as a continuing Ptolemaic dynasty. There were seven Cleopatras in Egypt and the famous one was the seventh.
Apparently the original Cleopatra was the sister of Alexander the Great. The idea that this famous dynasty was not Greek or Egyptian is a denial of history, but post Modernism is about denying history and just making it up. It’s part of an attack on the history of the Greco-Roman cradle of modern civilization, softening people up for a world without history, as George Orwell predicted.
And there were many rich and famous black kingdoms, most notably the very rich kingdom centred on Timbuktu. “much of the gold in Europe in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries came from Timbuktu”. And more throughout Africa. They should tell their own stories, have their own histories and heroes, not have Hollywood activists steal the unrelated stories from European history. It’s a post modernist form of white face. I suppose Winston Churchill will soon be black.
These peoples could also be accountable for the huge slave trade in black people which was huge in Africa long before 18th and 19th century colonization. And the same in Eastern Europe to Asia where slavery of white people was so common, the name slave and Slav are connected.
And DNA of Egyptian mummies proves thet are mostly of European and Turkish ancestry, not sub-Saharan Africa as the post-modernists claim.
I am lucky enough to be in Port Douglas today, on a 10 day holiday. This morning at 6:00am the temperature was only 13.5°C, about 8° below average. This afternoon it is forecast to be about 28°C and it is heading that way now. An (almost) 15° increase in about 8 hours and the world is worrying about 1.5°C in 100 years. Give me a break!
PS, the swimming pool in this magnificent little complex we are in was warmer than the air at 8 this morning – luxury.
Enjoy your break up there Peter. It sounds lovely.
Our favourite winter retreat, Annie. The beauty about Australia is that one can just about find any climate you want at any time of year. And a trip from the Blue Mountains to FNQ at this time of year is an absolute luxury that we really appreciate.
If people are so worried about Climate Change of 1.5C, they only have to drive for a few hours to make it happen, either way. And from Broome to Hobart, no one is dying of Climate Change at any time of the year or day. Humans in fact would love it to be warmer in most of temperature climates. As Dr Patrick Moore wrote, at 20C a naked human would die of hypothermia. It’s borderline insane to be worried about tiny changes in average temperature. They are not even detectable except statistically.
Praying for your survival in those catastrophic conditions. Luckily Rubntug Albo and Let’sgo Brandon have signed a Climate Change Agreement today. With any luck in 100 years time Port Douglas will still exist. Fingers crossed, eh?
Get woke, go broke.
Glanced over my daughter’s shoulder as she looked through a gym wear catalogue a few minutes ago. Full of over-weight ugly black women, with one vaguely white woman of similar looks and stature.
It won’t make any men chase the women who aspire to look like them, no wonder the girl is over 30 and still single!
Didn’t you know that black is beautiful and that fat is fabulous. I have thought that fat young people are looking at short miserable lives and one compounds the other. Telling obese people they look good is probably abuse because it is unhealthy and probably unhygienic. Average arms can reach all the bits but I can’t see chubby arms getting around big bodies. Just an observation. I am also concerned at the number of very overweight health care workers, particularly nurses. Not a good look and a lousy example.
The Left are celebrating clinical morbid obesity via “The Fat Acceptance Movement” and the “Body Positivity Movement” and it’s being promoted by clinically morbidly obese “stars” like Lizzo.
Just another manifestation of the socialists’ DEATH CULTISM.
Lousy in both senses
Our household thinks the same. What an incredible reversal from the health advice of such recent times. Celebrating the morbidly obsess for there sake of “inclusion”. Insanity. And yet almost on one dares to point out the obvious.
If it’s a gym wear catalogue then perhaps it’s not what women aspire to look like but rather they’re looking at clothes for their physique to work out in to lose weight.
In Once Great Britain so many people are having cardiac arrests, they’re converting former payphone booths into defibrillator stations.
Dr Suneel Dhand discusses.
Record breaking positive SAM.
‘The SAM index has reached exceptionally high values over the past week, climbing as high as +4.2 on May 13, according to data from the U.S. Climate Prediction Center. This is the ninth highest daily SAM index value in records dating back to 1979, and the highest value observed since September 2018. It’s also the third highest daily SAM value for May on record, beaten only by +4.49 and +4.46 on May 21 and 20, 1989, respectively. (Weatherzone)
I am no fan of BoM, but their SAM information places it within normal boundaries (+ or – 0.4) now and in their medium term forecasting
Yes but there is a trend towards a positive SAM.
Kenneth Richard proves beyond reasonable doubt that CO2 does not cause global warming and the answer is to be found on the Tibetan Plateau
“it is well established that CO2 concentration changes follow temperature changes”
As everyone here knows, I post on simple science. Incredibly soluble CO2 is all dissolved in the ocean. What is in the air is called vapour pressure. Warm the water surface and more comes out. This is such simple, basic chemistry that it is obvious to anyone, the flat beer effect. We did not need paleoscience to discover this basic obvious fact.
But we are supposed to believe that not only does CO2 warm the water, but that more CO2 goes into the water, making it acid. (well technically they say acidification because no ocean is acid nor can be acid, so that is also deliberately deceitful).
So in the Herald Sun in Victoria today, the editorial begs the Daniel Andrews government not to cripple all of Victoria to try to reduce CO2 (emissions) just based on the nett benefit to Victorians. Huge crippling cost and no benefit at all.
All of the world wide rolling energy disaster which is ‘Nett Zero’, Climate Change, Carbon Taxes, Carbon Credits is made up and wrong.
And supposedly third world country China is now outputting more CO2 than all other countries combined and yet they get a free run from every politicians and commentator. No nett zero in China. So why did Daniel Andrews make a solo trip to China? No press and no explanation? Was he reporting in and getting further instructions?
And I repeat it here for the record, fossil fuel CO2 in 1958 was 2.0%. It is now 3.0%. What is the problem?
There was a link a few days ago to a paper on C14 analys and CO2 concentrations.
Way down at the end of that link were some comments which challenge the conclusions.
Could you comment or clarify the validity of this comment ..,_Its_14C.3.aspx
It is suggesting that a C14 analysis cannot be used to determine the proportion of anthropogenic CO2 in the atmosphere ?
This is about trying to complicate everything using fluxes and multiple sinks a la the Bern model. It’s argument by filibuster.
The reality is that C14 analysis is absolute, not debatable. The amount of C14 is a direct measure of the age of the CO2. And there is not enough old CO2 from fossil fuels, less than 3%. Game over.
Furthermore the rapid removal of CO2 was shown after 1965 by the doubling of CO2 radioactivity. All that excess is now gone with a half life of about 5 years. This confirms the fact that there is
1. one sink, the deep oceans
2. rapid absorption, which we already knew
3. a half 5 life of years, which was known in the 1950s.
So CO2 cannot build up in the atmosphere from human activity.
But that does raise the question of why CO2 has increased and the answer is warming. So instead of CO2 causing warming, the real solution is that warming causes an increase in CO2.
And how does this warming occur? Two sources. Firstly increased solar activity on the De Vries cycle with a cycle time of 260 years. The oceans contain 1400x the heat of the air, like a giant heat battery. So changes in ocean currents collectively called the AMO/PDO with a cycle time of 60 years have a huge effect. We see these as the Pacific Decadal Oscillation or La Nina/El Nino. Whenever predictions are wrong promoters of man made warming blame this effect for the failure of their predictions.
The 11 year cycle is so well known that the Egyptians who depend on the rains in Ethiopia have tracked them for 1600 years. Australia and California and Western South America also have cycles of droughts and flooding rains.
And what puzzles me is that if El Nino/La Nina are openly admitted as major cyclic forces in our climate, why don’t our fantastic climate models predict them? In practice when the models are wrong, El Nino/La Nina are blamed. So the climate models not only cannot predict the past, cannot predict El Nino/La Nina, so they cannot predict the future? What sort of models are they?
In short, you can measure fossil fuel CO2. It’s simple. Fossil fuel Co2 is not radioactive. And all modern CO2 is radioactive. The % which is radioactive is 97%, so fossil fuel CO2 is 3%. You could not be more certain that man made CO2 is rubbish. And therefore the very idea of controlling CO2 emissions and thus CO2 are both rubbish science.
The earliest Nilometer still going is around 600 A.D. but that followed previous structures. I think that the ancient Egyptians were well aware of the influence of climate on the Nile.
And for anecdotal evidence there is the description of Joseph who predicted the coming 7 year famine in Egypt around 1715 B.C.
Cyrus released the Jews from captivity in Bagdad in 539 B.C.
We know that several stories in the Bible were very similar to those being around before that in Babylonian times (or early as Moses in the bullrushes was citing before 2100 B.C, and the ark about Sumerian times before 3000 B.C.) so the story of Joseph would indicate a knowledge of the 7 year cycle of the Nile goes back at least 2,500 years,
Why do they have so many computer models?
Because not even one of their models is sound. If one was sound they wouldn’t need two.
Climate computer models are reverse engineered on a “best fit” basis. They try to “predict” the past. Until they can do that consistently they should not be used as management tools.
Writing another model does not reduce the average error. The errors compound.
My view on such models is that they generally assume the sun and the seas are a constant. Which is an incredible assumption if it turns out as likely that the sun and the seas are the two dominant forces in climate. As is now stated by Dr. Judith Curry in her interview with Jordan Petersen, after she resigned from the university and now has her own business supplying long term predictions. And her views are based entirely on the IPCC data.
Even more importantly any model must be able to be tested. It must be validated against known and indisputable data in the past for say the last 100 years, but no one seems to bother.
So you have untested unproven random collections of models which have not established they can predict the past. And all what was the unknown future in 1988 is now the distant past.
How many more decades are required to get these models right, let alone their predictions. And surely they can get the temperature right, the one thing on which all the massive destruction of Western Energy sources is based.
But the original paper concluded that the data analysis indicated 12% C14 CO2 in the atmosphere ? ……is that a false result ?
. And the comment argued that C14 CO2 simply mixes in with the normal carbon cycle being adsorbed in sinks (4-5 year cycle) , but in doing so prevents an equal amount of “normal” CO2 from being adsorbed, hence causing an overall increase of CO2 (mixed) in the atmosphere but with a lower than expected C14 % …..and the ballance of C14 being in the ocean sinks ?
…is that a valid theory, or just a distracting argument ?
Do you have a link to the original paper on which this comment is based, the paper of Skrable et al. 2022? I would love to see how they came up with 12%. I have seen various speculations, often arguing that half of the new CO2 is absorbed. Here I will explain why it is an absolutely undeniable 3%.
The original 1958 paper by G. J. Fergusson calculated a possible value of 14% in the air and found 2.0+/-0.15%. That was conclusive and accurate.
The atmospheric explosions of 1965-1970 confused the picture by doubling atmospheric C14.
My own fit after the bomb blasts of 1965 show an asymptote of 3.0%, very close to the 1958 level which is the equilibrium level.
And this comment uses the argument “but in doing so prevents an equal amount of “normal” CO2 from being absorbed”.
That’s not how gaseous equilibrium works, the idea that a solvent is ‘full’ of CO2. No one who has had lemonade or champagne would think so. It’s only a matter of temperature and pressure. Henry’s Law.
The weight of the oceans is 340x that of the entire atmosphere atmosphere and total CO2 is 2% of all gases, so the total amount of free CO2 is 1/50th of 340x or 1 in 1700. There are no such limits. Compared to the volume of the vast oceans, the entire atmosphere is tiny.
I note in all the diagrams that the proponents of limits have an underlying and wrong assumption that only the top 200 metres or so of the ocean is involved, leaving out the other 3200 metres to create a very small volume to absorb CO2.
Firstly there is no reason for this but an unproven conjecture that below this level CO2 is liquid and that it therefore sloshes around with the deep ocean currents for thousands of years, no longer a gas.
However the decay of the radioactive C14 from 1965 shows a single precise curve to the old value which proves that
1. the deep ocean is involved as the C14 is entirely gone. With a half life of 5740 years the C14 cannot just vanish from detection. Otherwise it will still be in rapid exchange with the atmosphere and the biosphere, the grasses and bushes and water. But it’s gone!
2. there is only one huge sink big enough, proving categorically that the Bern model of multiple small sinks is wrong.
3. the rate at which the newly radioactive C14 vanishes with a perfect single e-kt curve confirms the single sink and 5 year half life of CO2 in the air involves the entire ocean
Other corroborating data includes the age of CO2 at the bottom of the ocean. It is not thousands of years old but 350-500 years. Given that aerial CO2 is only 2% of all CO2, this means the half life is 350-500 /50 or 7-10 years to the bottom of the ocean.
The most recent paper I have seen on the subject is from Portugal, this year. The conclusions are
(1) The adjustment time is never larger than the residence time and is less than 5 years.
(2) The idea of the atmosphere being stable at 280 ppm in pre-industrial times is untenable.
(3) Nearly 90% of all anthropogenic carbon dioxide has already been removed from the atmosphere.
What happened in 1965-1970 when atmospheric bombs doubled radioactive carbon dioxide is an absolute proof. It was an entirely accidental experiment on a world scale which showed categorically that CO2 is absorbed by the deep oceans and very quickly. And that levels of radioactive CO2 have returned to the old equilibrium value. No one could have duplicated this in a laboratory. Where did all the new radioactive CO2 go in just 50 years? It has vanished from our surface world. This shows the sheer speed of absorption of CO2 and near impossibility of increasing overall CO2 above the equilibrium value set by ocean temperature. It means any increase in CO2 is a direct measure of warming. The idea that CO2 causes the warming is unnecessary. Increased solar activity and ocean currents do that.
Or put another way, that the excess of entirely new radioactive CO2 has been absorbed into the ocean as if it didn’t happen, on the equilibrium basis of 98:2. So even with all our industrial output. 97% of fossil fuel CO2 is in the oceans as determined by Henry’s Law. We could not increase CO2 substantially if we tried.
1. 2% of highly soluble CO2 is in the air, 98% in the water. CO2 in the air is 0.04% so total CO2 is 50x greater or 2%.
2. An atmosphere of air pressure is the weight of the atmosphere. Water pressure increases by 1 atmosphere per 10 metres. So with an average depth of 3.4km the worlds oceans which cover 72% of the planet weigh 340x as much as the atmosphere.
3. I wrote to the French Embassy during the 1965-1970 atmospheric tests and joined public protests at the time. This was well before the sinking of the Rainbow Warrior in 1985. I had not dreamed that the predicable massive aerial radioactive pollution from the bombs would prove once and for all the involvement of the entire ocean in the gaseous equilibrium of CO2 or that CO2 would be such a huge issue half a century later.
4. radioactive CO2 molecules are only one in a trillion. When doubled the value was 2 in a trillion. So what happens to the radioactive CO2 is proof of what happens to all CO2. It vanishes rapidly into the deep ocean or at least 98% of it. The universal story that only the ‘surface’ ocean is involved was busted in 1958 but is still incorporated in every diagram of CO2 distribution I can find.
Thanks for your reply,..
Whilst fully unconvinced by the AGW/CO2 theory, i am trying to get a better understanding of the physics involved.
This was the original paper that concluded the 12% figure for C14.,_Its_14C_Specific_Activity,.2.aspx
I hate to just post a youtube video, but sometimes you are left speechless.
The President of the United States of America on vaccination.
Posted at the time I recall. More up to date, Biden enjoying his Japan ‘trip’.
Gerry Joe. The Gerries are coming.
I feel sorry for Biden, a very old man in his rapidly declining years trying to pretend he is young and fit. It is comic tragic. But considering his long involvement in Ukraine, I am also so angry that so many young lives are being lost to cover up his family profiteering from the misery of ordinary Ukranians. I hold him personally responsible for all the deaths on both sides.
“it is well established that CO2 concentration changes follow temperature changes”
Some how I see faux POTUS Biden, and the faux climate crisis, as inextricably related.
Then there was a faux vaccine for (IMHO) a faux epidemiological crisis.
So, I consider your comments 7.1 and 8, as directly correlated, further evidence of the clarity and high quality of your thinking.
Faint praise from the likes of me.
But consider me a fan and keep it up. 🙂
Also very interested in your response to Chad.
The current state of science is sad to see, I imagine it even more painful for those like you that understand it.
I read that as President of the United States on VACATION. Turns out my optical slip was correct anyway. He cartainly wasnt there.
Australia: Thousands of cases of ‘horrendous’ flu strain emerge
The number of cases of a brutal flu strain are already 100 times higher than last year, with warnings of how tough winter will be.
Australians are warned that they could catch a brutal strain of the flu as cases of the disease reach 100 times higher than they were last year.
There have already been over 40,000 cases of laboratory-proven influenza so far in 2023, with more than 8173 cases diagnosed in the first half of May alone, according to the Australian Government’s National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System.
Aussie Pharma Direct managing director Daniel Seldon said that nearly everyone will be impacted by the illness this winter if people don’t get vaccinated.
100x – now what could possibly cause THAT!?
Be sure to get your flu vax. 😜
I wonder how long before influenza vaccines, and indeed all regular properly tested vaccines, are changed from traditional types to mRNA?
The Elites want all future vaccines to be of the mRNA type, not that I have a problem with that if they are properly tested, but they won’t be. Covid demonstrated that people (most present company excepted) will accept dangerous, untested vaccines and that the propaganda machine is powerful enough to cover up reports of harm and death.
Drs McCullough and Pierre Koury and RyanCole and Sukarit Bhakdi have all warned against mRNA vaccines.
The dose response is not easily assessed. At least with traditional vaccines a known amount of antigen is given. However when a cell is given instructions to produce the antigen the response could be highly variable.
On top of that the cell that expresses the protein gets attacked by the immune system and killed. That might not matter if only a few cells are affected but what if the cells are brain, heart or gonads. Those cells do not regenerate.
Finally the mRNA is delivered in micro lysosomes which are distributed widely and cross the blood brain barrier. Again that is not a good thing.
It is very hard at present to get actual data from our authorities but it will come out eventually. The true level of harm from the mRNA vaccines is being concealed.
Public confidence in vaccines is plummeting, which is a good thing.
Found this yesterday
Thanks Brenda.
Reinforces my gladness at not taking the jab.
Dave B
“I wonder how long before influenza vaccines, and indeed all regular properly tested vaccines, are changed from traditional types to mRNA?”
Five to ten years I’d say. Faster and easier to make, fully accepted by political bodies worldwide.. Plus they are already talking about mRNA vaccines in food so you won’t need an injection, they will make it compulsory to include it in a staple, like folic acid in bread. (in case we ALL get pregnant!) They are also on the way with mRNA vaccines for farmed animals, so there will be RNA contamination from your food. I don’t know how they plan to overcome the digestion issue, but I’m sure they are onto it.
Don’t forget the aerosol mRNA vaccines, they plan on putting them in the airconditioning of city buildings.
Thanks JC II,
I reckon this paragraph says it all:
” Australians are warned that they could catch a brutal strain of the flu as cases of the disease reach 100 times higher than they were last year. ”
Just pick the year with least number of flu cases and use that as your base and you’re bound to get a big number for your multiplier. Were any flu cases reported officially last year or were they all allocated to the “Covid” box?
Perhaps they need to boost the uptake of the flu vaxx as more people realise how they’ve been conned into having it in the past.
I’m one who’s decided to not go near it again, and am relying on my anti-covid approach to be equally effective against the flu. Confident? Yes. Certain? No. May find out over this winter.
Dave B
Me too – though I am more confident in my own immune system and good old sunshine to get me through any respiratory infections. I always used to take a flu shot – for the last 14 years or so. No more.
Whales are dying, but it’s not because of wind farms
Whales are washing up along the east coast of the US. Offshore wind opponents blame future wind farms. Experts see a different threat.
The victims have become posthumous poster children for opponents of offshore wind energy — despite a lack of any evidence that wind farms are to blame. That distracts from very real risks shipping vessels pose to whales navigating US shorelines, experts say.
“The data seems to be pointing overwhelmingly to ship strikes,” says Reidenberg, a comparative anatomist at the Icahn School of Medicine whose research focuses on marine mammals.
The leading cause of death nationally for right whales has been vessel strike, accounting for 12 of 23 cases for which a necropsy was able to determine a cause of death. And of the two deaths documented so far in 2023, the causes have been vessel strike or perinatal mortality (meaning a fetus died).
Seismic surveys have just begun to map out future wind farm sites, which is what offshore wind opponents say poses a risk to whales. Marine mammals that use echolocation to navigate might be disoriented by unnatural sounds. But Reidenberg, the comparative anatomist, doesn’t expect that to be a problem for humpback or right whales for one simple reason.
“The whales that are washing in are not echolocators. So that’s where a half-truth really unfairly biases the public against something,” she says.
A seismic survey for offshore wind development is much quieter than surveys for offshore oil and gas drilling since the sonar doesn’t have to travel as deep into the seafloor.
If the pod leader is injured by a ship and heads for shore, the pod follows…
So shipping has tripled in the past 12 months?
That is all the boats attached to off shore wind activities presumably?
Hi John Connor II
We also have to look at the effects of the magnetic pole shift and the drop in field strength. Our current understanding is that these migratory species use the Earth’s magnetic field to navigate. The evidence is that the pole shift is accelerating. The magnetic north pole is now in Siberia and the magnetic south pole is headed up past the west coast of Australia. Have a look at This short animation shows the growth of the South Atlantic magnetic anomaly. Whilst it does not show the movement of the magnetic poles, the pink areas indicate their current positions. Given that the indications are that the magnetic field is weakening at around 5% per decade (and accelerating), I think we will see an increasing number of strandings – whales, turtles etc as well as the increasing evidence of disruption to insect species, in particular honey bee pollination.
I remember a 1974 column in the Scientific American regarding the movement of the magnetic poles. The claim was that the south pole would be split into 3 and move towards Australia.
Always worth looking out for any real data or knowledge.
One of our local activists let the cat out of a bag by describing the strategy of writing an opinion pretending to be the opposition. An opinion that could easily dispelled and used to smear all the other well formed opinions.
My point was to wait on this ‘whale of a story’ as the whales are thought to have a use by date (life expectancy) coincidental with the time since the cessation of whaling. Greater numbers would equal more deaths and more boat strikes, hence more whales washed up on beaches.
This is not pro-wind turbine btw.
Recall the last post on whales and wind turbines where historical data going back hundreds of years showed mass beachings too.
Well before modern tech, NOT before large ships or magnetic field changes.
Occam’s razor – the simplest explanation is the most likely.
C40 bills itself as ” a global network of mayors of the world’s leading cities that are united in action to confront the climate crisis”.
Premised on a lie, C40 CITIES are the latest attempt to install Marxism in the west by the bypassing of it’s democracy altogether. Seizing cities at the municipal level enables Marxists to circumvent any nation’s democracy. Administrations elected to deliver municipal services are now using those elections to impose Communism by stealth.
The C40 City Network have so far seized power in 96 Cities, and boast they already control 20% of the global economy. Cities already ceased include: Hong Kong; Berlin; Los Angeles ; Mexico City, and London.
The entire raison d’être of the C40 City plan is to bring an end to Capitalism and install a Communistic regime. They are quite open about the fact that, In that regime, every aspect of your life will be controlled by them.
The 15 minute city agenda is just one aspect of the plan, a way of getting the public accustomed to what comes next.
Interestingly, the kcal/day per person is 2,500, so what it is now, and that’s 500g of tasty Jiminy Crickets.
Fun fact from Dr Sherri Tenpenny ;
It takes 4-5000 crickets to make 1 pound ( 0.45kg) of cricket flour and costs currently $67.50 per pound. ( US figures)
For Australia and NZ the following are C40 cities.
Sydney, Melbourne, Auckland.
Do you really think the elite luvlies in the Teal seats will put up with clothes rationing ?!
Or having their inner-suburban SUVs taken away from them ?
Which of the following would you call ‘intelligent’ (having the capacity for thought and reason especially to a high degree).
All of these things can be used intelligently but only one of them is essential to start to build a computer. Which one is it and does that make it and the computer more intelligent than multiples of any of the other things listed?
1. Smoke
2. Flag
3. Light
4. Sound
5. Word
6. Picture
7. Coin
8. On/off switch
Just a little exercise in reasoning sadly absent in so called ‘woke society’.
I’m voting FLAG, cause ‘Merica and I’m ‘Merican.
Human tech exists because of human tribal co-operation.
The collective became more powerful when individual power and expression began to be codified after the Reformation.
Producing the Enlightenment and the Great Machine Age.
Now being hijacked.
(The technical development of the Silk Road Islamic culture was stunted by a lack of a Reformation type movement.)
So nation state political structures unleashed collective individual creativity making the production of a computer possible.
The emerging new class of Great Lords are POed about this.
They are working hard to regain dominance and steal the wealth and knowledge produced by nation state culture …
by ending nation states and crushing individual freedom.
‘Global Democracy’ is an oxymoron.
Monoculture is no culture.
That’s why Klaus wants us to have nothing, including privacy, so we we will be unable to say we aren’t happy.
(Now I’m having education PTSD, ’cause I’m sure I’m about to be corrected.)
So sock it to me.
Smoke – Ever noticed how, when the smoke escapes from a device it stops working. And you can’t put it back in, so you can’t get the device working again. Computers can’t work once the smoke comes out. Obvious innit, just like CO2 causes global warming.
The answer is a binary number 1000
Broadie has it – the key is a binary condition, number or state and that needs an on/off switch to control it.
Smoke signals, semaphore, beacons, lighthouses, morse have all got coded states according to where and how they appear. Computers need lots of fast switches in order to calculate instructions contained in programs and do all the things they are capable of doing including going wrong.
Weather forecasters lost the battle for strict interference limits on 5G
Weather forecasters pushing for strict limits on 5G’s rapidly growing footprint were dealt a blow today (2019. JC2) by the World Radiocommunication Conference in Egypt. Delegates there voted to create a new international standard that places much looser limits on interference from 5G operating in a specific radio frequency that’s crucial to accurate weather forecasting. Meteorology experts worry that this decision could one day seriously impact their ability to forecast severe storms, leaving communities around the world vulnerable to extreme weather events.
Today’s decision is the culmination of a months-long turf battle between scientists and 5G proponents over the prized 24GHz radio frequency band. Telecommunications companies need to occupy higher frequencies, including that band, to reach the faster speeds 5G is supposed to offer. But by expanding their reach, they’re butting up against the frequency scientists use to study water vapor. Weather forecasters say there’s not much they can do to protect themselves if 5G winds up being a noisy neighbor since the water vapor molecules they track naturally emit a slight radio signal right around 24GHz.
Although the buildout of 5G is still in the works, once it replaces the current generation of mobile broadband, Allaix says, “We will not be able at that time to make the distinction between the observation of the earth and atmospheric radiation, and the interference coming from 5G.”
Not just terrestrial weather stations RFI issues..
Relevant to the Electromagnetic radar thread?
Probably not: One part of the radio spectrum has a high frequency range between 30 GHz and 300 GHz (part of the EHF band), and is often called the millimeter band (because its wavelengths range from 1-10 mm).
That’s orders of magnitude shorter than common radar.
Australian airports fret over 5G interference
Airport operators from across Australia have warned that 5G services in certain spectrum bands could interfere with radio altimeters in planes, putting passenger safety at risk.
The comments [zip file] were made to the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), which is consulting on the replanning (reuse) of 3.4GHz spectrum once sat with NBN Co, and 3.7GHz-4.2GHz spectrum to – among other things – support 5G services.
5G now means some flights won’t be able to land when pilots can’t see the runway
erizon and AT&T are hoping new swaths of C-band cellular radio spectrum will help make the 5G hype closer to reality, but the big mid-band 5G rollout may have a side effect. Airplanes rely on radio altimeters to tell how high they are above the ground to safely land when pilots can’t see, and the FAA is now instructing 6,834 of them to not do that at certain airports because of 5G interference.
Obviously an altimeter is not a thermometer and perhaps it isn’t relevant. But would anyone know whether it had an effect on electronic thermometers without quite a lot of testing? Is there an a priori particular sensitivity of altmeters that can’t apply to the AWS weather systems?
I was going to post it under the radar thread but decided it was more of a separate issue as it’s not temperature related but is addressing looming 5G interference with natural phenomena.
Just move observations away from cities. 5G is actually 4G once you get out of town (and even in town in 5G blackspots)
Tweet from Dr Naomi Wolf:
Go to link to see video.
Or see video at:
On Culture – From Whence Does It Spring?
19 MAY 2023
So, what is culture, exactly? From whence does it spring? There are many ‘experts’ who can expound on it with endless longueurs, citing historical sources, philosopher’s postulates, and all the rest. But I hereby radically propose that culture, at its essence, can be boiled down to just one word: Geography.
Culture is geography; or rather: environment.
It’s really that simple. Geography and environment are the wellsprings from which all ‘culture’ sprouts, and if you understand the fundamental mechanisms of an environ’s effects on a people, then you will grasp the founding principles of their culture, roots, ethos, etc.
The Times map of the tribes, peoples, & nations of modern Africa.
A book I got years ago which was lent and didn’t boomerang went into this. Thus I don’t have a reference.
Conclusion was that, from Ethiopia to the Cape of Good Hope, European interference had, in places, changed which tribe was now dominant.
But it has had little effect on which tribes hate each other’s guts.
More “ wisdom “ from the woke/ socialist dystopia that is not only Africa’s problem but the problems of the western governments bereft of commonsense:-
“ When you discover that you are riding a dead horse, the best strategy is to dismount, bury the horse and get a living horse. However, in Africa more advanced strategies are often employed, such as;
1. Buying a stronger whip
2. Appointing a committee to study the horse
3. Changing riders
4. Arranging to visit other countries to see how other cultures ride dead horses.
5. Lowering the standards so that the dead horse can be included.
6. Re-classifying the dead horse as “living impaired”.
7. Hiring outside contractors to ride the dead horse.
8. Harnessing several dead horses together to increase speed.
9. Providing additional funding to increase dead horse’s performance.
10. Rewriting the expected performance requirement for all horses.
11. Promoting the dead horse to supervisory position.
Nailed it 🎯.
Currently this applies, sadly, to the political norms in Australia today!!
And it’s not about skin colour.
The idea that skin colour is the only factor in human relations is utter rubbish, Post Modern Cultural Marxism.
Look at the history of any country at all. War has occurred at every level for all time and for many reasons, except in the modern world. From family to clan to tribe to state.
The new view that White Supremacy has driven all history is a convenient rationalization which excuses appalling social conduct. Take the Spanish Inquisition, the Huegenot slaughter, the Mongol invasions among many and the Romans, the Aztecs, the Egyptians all the empires except perhaps the British which was an empire based largely and uniquely on trade.
Slavery historically had no colour boundaries. It was universal. Booty and slaves and revenge were the currency of all preindustrial societies. But we are told that modern society was built on slaves. In fact it is likely the first society which was not built on slaves. As much as Christianity, the modern world order was built on the industrial revolution if only because machines were so much better than slaves, horses or oxen. From manufacturing to agriculture to household chores, slaves were too expensive to maintain, house and feed and too inefficient.
This is good news as we enter the Austral winter.
‘Embattled gas industry to launch charm offensive.
‘Tired of being cast as the villain in the climate wars, the gas industry is determined to win the hearts and minds of the Australian public.’ (The Oz)
Yes they said nothing when coal was the enemy. Now the Greenists are after the lot including the cows and sheep.
No more wool blankets, no gas fires
No more synthetic blankets, either, or Dacron doonas and parkas.
And it’s not so long ago that cotton was their pet hate.
They’ll issue charms which you rub vigorously to get warm?
Because having two sticks is illegal under Victorian law and rubbing them together to make fire is likely to be illegal too.
Beware, many a true word said in jest!
Only if you are white.
At the National film archives they have a series of B&W documentaries made I think in the 1960s on the last of the desert people, called POTAWD, people of the Australian western desert.
One of the articles shows a couple of blokes starting a fire.
I paid my money to download the series, because that would make one more copy that just might be safe from people who want to destroy original history. A number of articles have already been redacted as being “secret… business”.
What are your thoughts on NMN?
Nicotinamide mononucleotide has claimed anti-aging effects.
It’s has natural sources but not in the required therapeutic amounts.
Check this –
“Can NMN Nicotinamide MonoNucleotide Stop Grey Hair?”
I’m still working on buying Ca-AKG for the same benefit. The idea makes sense, although no-one discusses how well it gets through the stomach digestion before absorption without being broken down.
Common cellular components, but I feel that if a cell is like a mechanical watch with lots of interrelated gears all getting worn, replacing one or two gears won’t solve the problem.
Radioactive cloud from the destruction of a DU ammo store in Ukraine heads toward Europe, EU officials hide data:
The story was nonsense the first 3 times it was posted.
Debunked by the fact checkers
Ukraine has sought European advice about the selection of a deep geological repository for the storage of nuclear waste. One of the options was at Khmelnitsky.
The main storage was a surface storage facility at Zaporizhzhya, now controlled by Russia.
So where has the high level waste for the other nuclear power stations been stored?
Is it possible that the DU munitions supplied by the UK were stored in a facility at Khmelnitsky where high level waste for Ukraine’s nuclear power stations was also stored?
Yes, I wondered about that too. DU shouldnt be putting out that much gamma radiation, but its hard to know for sure without knowing how much DU was there and over what region it spread. So I have also wondered if something else wasnt stored there as well.
Various Uranium isotopes and their decay products are alpha and beta emitters.
Sounds an interesting book –
“Saturday Snippet: “Never get into any vehicle with a Kennedy” ”
The Left/Elites want non-Elites to eat crickets.
Dangerous and disgusting but the Chinese will have a recipe. According to writer Christopher Morely, son of Robert Morely, they eat everything on four legs except a table and everything on two legs except a waiter. Needs must. But currently they prefer Australian lobster.
How about:
“Sticky five spice cricket stir fry”
“If it has got four legs and it is not a chair, if it has got two wings and it flies but is not an aeroplane, and if it swims and it is not a submarine, the Cantonese will eat it.” (Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, at a 1986 World Wildlife Fund meeting)
Well, chickens’ll kill you with bugs if you eat them raw. A well sauteed garlic cricket would probably be fine.
Joking, only joking.
China has ambitions to be top dog after the humiliation at the hands of Western powers.
If wishes were horses beggars would ride.
Indeed, nevertheless they can easily forecast because they don’t have to contend with a democratic process.
But are despots fully informed, without fear nor favour?
Not sure about the humiliation aspects but China does have a way of catastrophically shooting themselves in the foot at regular intervals in there history. What unfolds next out of one child, environmental destruction and an over controlled population will be interesting. Not sure its the stuff of world domination, but at least they have a plan and play the long game , which is more than most western countries do.
Covid was a disaster and Xi lost face, but in the fullness of time he will regain it. He holds the mandate of heaven, what could go wrong?
Fun fact: jellyfish are plankton.
Often as with Portuguese Man of War, different species in a co-operative. How that evolved and is maintained is a puzzle.
Please consider;
It is well known that PM Albanese has a lifetime of far left political affiliations here and internationally, and is a follower of the late Russian Revolutionary Marxist Leon Trotsky.
Voice politics?
Please also consider –
Adam Bandt’s PhD is on Communism on the Victoria Docks and then straight into politics. He is an ardent follower of Lenin. Green ideology is a false flag, as is so often the case with ambitious communists or Watermelons.
For all the communists, especially in China, the Greens and Teals are useful idiots.
“We tell them what they want to hear and when we get power we do what we want” quoting Adam Bandt’s words to me before he became a Green.
Dr. Patrick Moore one of the founders of Greenpeace has exactly the same story after the collapse of the Soviet Union. They invaded Greenpeace and Greenpeace in his words are now the enemies of mankind.
Objection your honour, after Mao died the country slowly began to revitalise the free market.
History will show that it was the greatest economic revolution the world has ever seen and built on a capitalist base.
They now have a credible mixed economy, with state owned enterprises working alongside the free market, just like any Western country.
North Korea is a communist state, do you know of any others?
China has gone backwards in every respect in capitalism, freedoms, human rights, real growth since President Xi decided he was the reincarnation of Chairman Mao. Xi is President for Life and entrenching his power in every part of the country while eliminating his enemies, even publicly. And the military buildup is the greatest in history. Hitler did the same thing and then had to pay for it all by conquest. We live in very dangerous times.
They invented a hybrid model of capitalism, sending the SOE out into the world to build the belt and road.
I accept that Xi is more authoritarian than Mao, but unlike that ignoramus, Premier Xi won’t let his people starve to prove a political point.
The buildup of arms has been quite spectacular, but China still lags behind US military expenditure.
‘We live in very dangerous times.’
When has it ever been otherwise.
They will need to get on with it then , they are going to run short of capable cannon fodder as the benfits of one child are realized. I guess there is always cloning.
Research Canadian Billionaire Maurice Strong, now deceased.
A former UN Official and said to have been the architect of climate based global warming scare campaign and hidden redistribution of developed nation’s wealth, new world order, etc. His cousin was a girlfriend of Chairman Mao Zedong.
Strong was granted asylum in China when he was on the run from Canadian Environmental Protection Agency Officers who wanted him for allegedly illegally pumping and bottling water from an aquifer under a property in country Canada.
It is said that new world order capitalism would be the Chinese controlled and managed version or model if the globalists got what they plot to achieve.
This is the argument.
Looking elsewhere I discovered that National Socialism emerged in China during the 1930s, these fascists were known as the Blue Shirts.
Shows you the value of a PhD in whatever area Bandt got his.
In my experience, the more worthless the PhD (and the more worthless the individual), the louder they talk about having one (at least with the physicists and geochemists in my workplace).
Plus, if people did actually contribute to the sum of human knowledge via their PhD, then any legitimate research establishment would not want to suppress it…would they?
As for my lowly BSc Honours thesis – I am sure it is taking up valuable shelf space at the university, never to be read again, least of all by me.
Voice politics goes way back before the carefully managed Uluru Statement convention was arranged, the Voice+Treaty+Truth agenda was talked about by the 1960-1970s Aboriginal Activists, they were planning to use ATSIC but angry when that was abolished as an expensive failure and corrupt behaviour exposed and then the Native Title (Mabo decision) lobbying period that today has provided management of over 50 per cent of Australia by over 30 Aboriginal Land Councils. Recently activist Neil Pearson complained about how long it has taken so far.
This extract from the link should concern all Australians;
“Marcia Langton is a very prominent aboriginal activist and academic. So prominent, in fact, that when the Liberal Minister for Indigenous Australians Ken Wyatt was creating his senior advisory group to design an “Indigenous Voice” to Government, he made Marcia Langton co-chair.
This is interesting, since Marcia started her political career as a hard-core Communist and has never disavowed her past views. She wasn’t simply a naïve young activist, either. Langton was a member of the National Committee of the Communist League (CL), a Trotskyist group that campaigned for the violent overthrow of the Australian government and the implementation of a totalitarian socialist state.”
And why are Liberal Party MPs so naive?
“And why are Liberal Party MPs so naive?
Because they have no convictions. They will support disabled ab*riginal parents without partners (Barry Humphries) or Land Rights for Gay Whales if it gets them elected.
These are the new breed of professional politicians who believe in whatever gets them a high paying job, power and the best retirement package in Western society. Plus the ability to make a few bob on the side, like Joe Biden whose salary was never more than $140,000 a year but all his extended family are multi millionaires. Coincidence. Smart investing by the Big Guy and his family?
The others are derided as ‘conviction’ politicians. The majority should have convictions, but haven’t been caught yet.
Then you get the Clintons who are untouchable like Joe. It is now reported the FBI shut down 4 investigations into their alleged criminal behaviour and their Clinton Foundation, Whitewater, Email Server, Russiagate not counting hanky panky in the White house and their many individual trips to Jeffrey Epstein’s island or Hilary’s live in girlfriend for 25 years whose husband Weiner went to jail. Another yet another laptop spirited away by the FBI where the New York Police chief said he would put them all in jail.
We have a problem convicting politicians here, as well.
It’s pathetic watching politicians talk.
They are clueless, empty vessels and can only talk to the “facts” their minders have prepared them with.
In the extremely unlikely event that a “journalist” asks them a difficult question, they have no idea.
Example Minister Bowen asked recently about the intermittent operation of wind and solar installations and essential base load electricity supply, he responded that somewhere there will always be wind and solar input.
That’s what the hairdresser said the last time I had my hair cut. I will have to tell her she could be the Energy Minister.
A hairdresser is far more valuable to society than a politician.
In Australia you can be persecuted and prosecuted for telling a joke.
Chiefio’s look at the world might also get him noticed.
Worth reading IMO
“Macgregor Has Clue – USA, Ballots, Dumb Leaders”
Not what you’ll get from Their ABC, CNN or the rest of the YSM.
A sharp article-
“That, IMHO, is the problem we have today in The West. The Children of Power & Wealth are sent to Harvard, and Yale, and Cambridge and Stanford and meet all the right people… but they don’t have all the right life experience to make good decisions about real world issues …So you get folks like Turdoh in Canada and Ms. Bud Lite Marketer who simply do not understand how bad their decisions have been and certainly not why their big vision failed. It must be those dirty slovenly little people who crapped in my beer… or palace.”
and definitely a good rant-
“Ukraine is simply “dead man walking” as an economic enterprise and stable culture with a stable social structure. This, even before the Western Vultures descend on the carcass of it post war to pick off dead meat from the bones. (Blackrock, Monsanto, Pfizer, etc. etc.) Expect to see it “rise from the dead” but as a wholly owned new creation of the GEB Industries debt slave economy (at best). The CIA Color Revolutions leave behind them a large swath of devastated semi-functional countries… but I guess it does eliminate “The Competition” for The West… “
“What Would We Do Without Peer Review?”
Get fewer fakes?
In comments – FWIW
“Problems with Statistical Tests of Atmospheric Greenhouse Gas Concentration Data Derived from Ice Cores”
The ONLY argument that CO2 has jumped unusually is from ice cores. And we have to believe that they have good temporal resolution which is obviously impossible. Leakage between layers must happen and while ice cores are a great resoruce, their time resolution is critical.
So promoters of man made CO2 simply scale and join ice core measurements to modern laboratory measurements and claim they are the same thing. Just as Michael Mann joined his tree ring data to modern thermometer data. This is absolutely appalling without parallel checks, as with any changing technology and in particular moving from mercury to thermocouple temperature measurement. Parallel measurement MUST prove equivalence or provide a credible basis for joining.
This is especially true if you care about precision. You cannot just scale data up to fit and claim continuity? Especially if you are drawing warming conclusions to 0.001C as happens with world temperature.
It’s all a crock. Good people are having their data and hard work corrupted by opportunists pushing the man made Global Warming barrow. And as for warming being bad, who said? In human experience it is wonderful that the last ice age ended, even if the seas rose. Why would it now be bad?
And you would think that whatever ended the Little Ice Age cooling which stopped in 1870 after which temperature is returning to normal levels. According to ice cores, the little ice age was not caused by low CO2. So unless the people proposing man made CO2 warming can explain why it was so cold in the first place, CO2 is likely to be the wrong explanation for the warming since.
But who needs logic when you are just making it up in 1988 to get fame and fortune? Quite successfully too.
Why do we live under the misapprehension that “peer reviewed” papers are right, accurate, or trustworthy? There’s actually no reason why they should be considered this way. Ideally, junk papers should be published, and then refuted and ignored (if they are that bad). The problem lies in being unable to get refutations published, in any area associated with climate, and indeed, in other areas as well.
Prof. Avi Loeb published papers hypothesising that the inter-stellar asteroid “Oumuamua” could be an alien spacecraft. It caused discussions, and spawned various other publications as a result. It seems like the way things should work – to me, anyway.
“Unreliable Green Energy Has the World Running Back to Coal and Nuclear”
I guess that “El-Bowen” are the wrong side of Chiefio’s divide to get clue here?
But not in Australia.
I was on a car forum this afternoon and was in thread about burning EVs vs burning example of our old cars. The conversation drifted onto EV charging then energy supply. A guy from South Australia pipes up about how SA is 70% “renewable” and growing and how everything was just peachy. He got so efficiently mugged by other people I didnt say a word 🙂 and this is someone who has lived through a statewide blackout and black start. That kool aid is strong stuff.
Ford USA releases a rainbow Raptor truck (4WD utility/ute as it would be called in Australia).
Now trucks are LGBT as well.
And I was going to buy one as my next 4WD. (I assume the Raptor in Australia is the same as the US model.)
Not now.
Get woke, go broke.
Video: Officer Tatum discusses (trigger warning for Leftists).
Possibly just like at Disney, the creative people, the graphics people, the cartoonists, the ideas people are more likely to be gay than the normal community. Nothing wrong with that. But they are now using their dominance of advertising and films and cartoons to push their own agenda.
There is nothing wrong with homosexuality or cross dressing as long as it is not compulsory.
And the marketing people are using their position to push their own agenda, not that of Budweiser, Ford, Disney, Maybeline, Hollywood, directors. Even the army,navy and airforce recruitment. Plus the woke corporate bosses are all afraid to have a moral position on anything, so they let a few people wreck the joint. The backlash if you do not agree is violent with the overwhelming support of the media.
You can identify as anything you want. A chipmunk or a rabbit. But to tell everyone, especially children that it is normal or that being in a tiny minority is a good thing is misinformation.
And it is no different from the misinformation that the world is heating rapidly and spinning out of control towards Climate Extinction. None of this is true. But it is supported by teachers and politicians and journalists around the world.
You could cut quite a swathe down Oxford St or maybe St Kilda/Armadale in Melb (I am so out of touch living regionally)
In a Raptor painted in gay and lesbian colours, you could get laughter from both sides of the street.
Another stupid woke ad from a US beer company, Miller.
Video: Amala Ekpunobi discusses. (Trigger warning for Leftists.)
Germany now looking to ban wood heating…
Caring for their citizens… NOT !
Surely an insurrection coming soon !
I just went to comment on a Their ABC article on FB on a sherpa who has climbed Everest 27 times, and I got the message that Their ABC has “limited who can comment on this post”.
They are a taxpayer funded organisation and all taxpayers should be allowed to comment. I have no idea why I can’t comment as I have never posted anything rude or offensive on their stories, only possibly something of a non-Leftist orientation.
In any case, it was a non-political story, and I have actually been to Everest so I feel I had a worthy comment to make.
I and other conservatives were also blocked by VicPol for asking why they participated in LGBT events on actual work time, not on their own time (which would have been fine). (They were not doing official policing duties like crowd control etc..)
That’s how your socialist governments treat the few people who bother working and paying taxes to pay for all of this.
ObamaGate Much Bigger than WaterGate!
How John Durham Documented the Biggest Illegal Dirty Trick in U.S. History & Why No One Will Be Held Responsible
What did Mr. Durham know three days ago when he released his report, that he did not know prior to the November 8th, 2020 election?
19 MAY 2023
The most troubling aspect of Mr. Durham’s report is the simple question of timing. What did Mr. Durham know three days ago when he released his report, that he did not know prior to the November 8th 2020 election?
Why did Mr. Durham delay publication of his final report until he was certain that the 5-year statute of limitations under which Hillary Clinton and her aides, as well as the top intelligence and judiciary officials of the Obama and Trump Administration, could have been prosecuted for the crimes he documented?
Liberal or Labor, it doesn’t matter. The politicians are treacherous, disloyal, immoral and corrupt and have sold Australia out.
That’s an unfair generalisation.
For a sceptic’s site, deviation from the group think is strangely frowned upon.
“That’s an unfair generalisation.”
nah, you’re just wrong! Politicians ARE treacherous, disloyal, immoral and corrupt and have sold Australia out, but then again that’s what politicians do for a job. If they had any morality, principles or ethics they would get a real job!
If they had any morality, principles or ethics they would make tax voluntary, not tyrannical.
If they had any morality, principles or ethics they wouldn’t be pushing war with China.
If they had any morality, principles or ethics they wouldn’t have ruined everyone over Covid. That was the real face of politicians everywhere, and it showed the Police attitude to the public too. Tyranny is not there only if you are one-eyed enough not to see it.
Does the occasional exception prove this rule though?
That is a bit unfair, there must be at least one who isn’t brain dead.
I will gladly give you the majority of politicians are as you say
That’s almost a job description for politicians.
There certainly are some politicians who are not corrupt and are fighting the good fight but they haven’t been making much headway since the big money and the powerful influence is with those working for the international organised crime cartel who increasingly owns us all. The good ones just get publicly smeared and humiliated.
Fact: Since 1972, measured snow extent on Greenland has been INCREASING
Which uses data from Rutgers.
Dystopia is on the horizon and coming for you folks. Chairman Dan mandates it too!
Well, lets try it out on the politicians first, they will be keen to be identified, tagged, tracked and recorded! After all, apparently they’re not all treacherous, disloyal, immoral and corrupt and will have nothing to hide..
Everyone seen the ‘Utopia Australia’ episode about this?? It was very good, especially when they said they would do the politicians first and then suddenly the idea was dropped..
“Wagner Declares Full Capture Of Bakhmut After 224 Days Of Fighting”
Bakhmut was a meat grinder with both sides saying that it was the other that lost more troops than they could afford.
I have no idea. I suspect that Russia lost most but Ukraine lost most on a percentage of force basis.
Yes, one act of the puppet show over, I don’t expect it will have any great effect. I can’t see the Russians changing their slow and strong tactics, and I can’t see Ukraine making any headway with a giant counter-attack, so its a static war of attrition until the West is ground down enough for Zelensky to sign some sort of peace treaty.
There’s still time to try out any other new weapons people may have, and time to advance the missile/anti-missile missile war of electronic measures and counter-measures. Maybe NATO will throw in a few F-16s just to see how they go up against MIGs & Sukhois in real life.
F 16s are good, in spite of being American. 🙂
The pictures you see are the sheet metal. What counts is the driver and the RADAR/electronics package. Europe, who are providing the planes, will not give them to poorly trained pilots which may mean they never get there. By comparison Russia is losing jets in “controlled flight into terrain” accidents because of poor training.
Sounds like the Russian version is correct:
Dave B
The declaration is about Russian politics, not the still disputed situation on the ground. Wagner have had enough and are pulling out. Declaring victory, they can hand over to regular Russian troops to be slaughtered and blamed when the ruins are taken back by Ukraine.
Well, we’ve seen what it took for Wagner to push the Ukies out, what have the Ukies got left to drive out the Russians, apart from a population only a fraction of the size? A slow grinding fight for building after building won’t be helped by the Ukies already losing their best men, and most of the possible conscripts are already Ukrainian refugees in other countries.
The thousands of Zelensky fanboys who continually posted up “Bakhmut holds” must be eating crow tonight, reality just smacked them in the face.
Willis Eschenbach has found that Greenland has had an increasing snowfall trend since 1970.
I suppose increasing rainfall and snowfall isn’t a surprise with some warming in the NH over the last 40 years.
Remember that nearly all of the planet’s ice is found in Antarctica 89% + Greenland 10% = 99%.
Just proves we should be more careful and stop listening to Dr David Viner and the clueless Gore loony in the future. Or silly Mann or the Met office or the BOM or the Albo and Bowen donkeys.
But who cares about Aussies wasting endless TRILLIONs of $ for decades into the future and all for NOTHING?
Secondary Bacterial Pneumonia Drove Many COVID-19 Deaths
By Marla PaulMay 5, 2023
Machine learning finds no evidence of cytokine storm in critically ill patients with COVID-19
This starts to explain why the New York ambulance fleet was parked up in the height of the pandemic.
The people queued for a test and were admitted or were already in the Nursing Homes. They received the recommended treatment.
How to view Daily Mail without annoying Ads
Daily Mail often objects to Ad Blocker on Chrome (does not seem to block Ads)
The best way to view Daily Mail is in Safari, and close the Browsing window up so only the text centre appears
I use privacy badger.
Thanks John B works perfectly for Daily Mail on Chrome
Jennifer Marohasy on the state of the GBR.
South Africa on a slippery slope.
‘South Africa’s rand weakened on Friday ahead of a much-anticipated sovereign credit review by rating agency S&P Global.
‘At 1529 GMT, the rand traded at 19.4250 against the dollar , around 0.54% weaker than its previous close.
‘The S&P review is due later on Friday, against a backdrop of record power cuts in Africa’s most industrialised economy.’ (Reuters)
This only shows the last 10 years:
But the slippery slope started about 30 years ago. I can recall ZAR6=USD1 around the turn of the century. And I expect it will track a similar path to the abyss as the ZWD. Zimbabwe inflation hit an annualised rate of 8.97E22 back in 2008 and is heading that way again. Same trend with the ZAR but on a slightly longer time scale.
Once the lights go out permanently, the ZAR is cactus. It will buy nothing. Any wealthy South African will be holding offshore currency.
USA is manufacturing a currency crisis right now. That should remove another few blocks from the foundation of the current global currency.
Saturday tip: how to escape a slow moving threat
“We’ve tried nothing and we are all out of ideas”
Explains it perfectly..
French healthcare staff who refused Covid jab allowed back to work.
Dammit! 4am launch for Mr Musk’s little enterprise, a private trip to the ISS for John Shoffner & Peggy Whitson, the backup crew from the first private trip, and two Saudis.
Imagine NASA doing this… not a chance!
I was born too early and too poor!