A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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I win.
Amazing – no comments yet
The Stone Age a taboo subject re The Voice
I was just doing it!!
Hi Warwick,
Thanks for your observations. This Voice proposal, horribly vague, is really important but it is hard to convince the voter that it is a big con trick.
Relatedly, a must-read appeared today in Quadrant Online. Author Keith Windschuttle is Editor of Quadrant and an experienced historian. He examines the claims to be aboriginal of a number of people, some prominent. Wow. One wonders why fraud prosecutions have not been commenced long ago.
Geoff S
An interesting thing about the 1967 Referendum that is portrayed as finally recognising Aborigines as human. It did no such thing. The two things it did was recognise Aboriginal people in the census for constitutional reasons. The original Constitution punished WA and Queensland for not giving Aborigines the vote (those living as such rather than having a bit of Aboriginal heritage). These people were not counted for the purpose of allocating seats in Parliament, until they were given the vote in those states before the referendum.
It also allowed the Federal Government to create laws specifically for Aborigines. This has rarely been used.
One of the rare times that it was used was to stop the Gordon River dam, to appease greenies and very few of the people that the referendum was meant for would have given a s…
Further to your info, R.B.
All Aboriginal people could vote in a Federal election if they were registered for voting in their state elections (although many Aboriginal people had difficulty registering for the federal vote). QLD and WA were exceptions as these states did not allow Aboriginal people to vote in state elections.
In 1962, Menzies decreed that all Aboriginal people could vote in a Federal election effectively forcing QLD and WA to make a decision re state voting rights (WA in 1962 and QLD in 1965).
Most people I speak to claim the 1967 referendum gave voting rights to Aboriginal people. By then they already had them.
Ian george,
You are quite correct about voting.
We are now under a propaganda barrage that the purpose of the Voice is to finally give Constitutional recognition to aborigines. This is patently flase. The Consitiution has never recognised any group. That is not its purpose. It was created before 1901 to assign various duties between the States and the newly-forming Commonwealth. That task does not involve “recognising” people.
The whole edifice is full of errors. There is no “race” as in “Aboriginal race”. Humans are a “race” Aborigines have similar genetics to a few people in India. They might be a “tribe” or whatever the anthros think is a fashionable word.
There is no “First Nation”. A Nation inplies a community communicating with each other. Around 1780 there was a spread-out population of unknown numbers (some guess around 350,000) over a land mass so huge that few of their groups ever saw much of any other group. There were many languages or dialects, no written history and I would challenge that there was even a record of traditions for a group. There might have been favourite ways passed down on practical acts like how best to harvest food, but it seems likely that any traditions or legends and anything spiritual or philosophic or of value to other people were largely written by helpful early whiteys, particularly academic anthropologists beavering away in the 1950-70 era.
There simply was no “First Nation”.
(I spent years in libraries and in discussions with anthropologists because back then, we as an emerging mining company met these topics when the fiction of land rights was being developed. We needed to challenge this for the benefit of people who enjoy modern amenities, like goods made from minerals, which I suspect includes almost 100% of us). Geoff S
Quite true, Geoff, but this will never be discussed. The renunciation of Mungo man and the ‘pygmy aborigines’ was done to make it appear they were all one race and thus one nation.
Like the stolen generation – mainly mixed-heritage children were taken, given up by the mothers, as the elders did not allow the ‘yella fellas’/’yella bellies’ to participate in their rituals. There was no mention of a stolen generation in Dexter Daniel’s list of demands to the Fed Govt in the mid-60s.
For once, let’s hear the truth, the real truth.
Paleolithic but so far advanced in the sciences that their opinions are sought by the likes of the ABC and CSIRO. Indigenous astronomy shows up Copernicus and Galileo.
I would suggest having a look at the unattributed article on page 26 of the Sunday Herald Sun, where there is the usual beat up about climate change driven shifts in circulation of waters around Antartica being the cause of acceleration of Antarctic Ice melting The research is from CSIRO by Kathryn Gunn where she makes outlandish claims that “the impacts of climate change are running ahead of schedule” A look at one of her short articles indicates that it is all based on wind and seisimic data – absolutely no mention of considering volcanic heat sources. This needs follow up – but it all seems like wind and Pxss to me. See her at:
Antarctic ice melting? -50C in winter and -25C in summer. Nothing like the thin floating ice at the North Pole which averages 0C in summer.
But Antarctica is huge, not a glacier but a real continent 3400 km across and 1200 wide at the shortest point, twice the size of Australia and on average covered in ice 2.4km thick, although I have read 10,000’/3.4km as a total average. And it’s cold at that altitude even in summer.
Who cares about the nibbling around the edges of a vast continent at ice pushed over the edge. Nothing melts in Antarctica except at the edges and the ice is always pushing outwards from an iceblock as tall as the ocean is deep and the size of South America. Mt Vinson is 16,000’/5000 metres! This is not a little place. Mt Erebus hit by the Air New Zealand flight is a minnow at 12,500’/3800 metres. That’s twice Kosciousko in Australia.
So these currents eating away at the edges of the continent are the dreams of catastrophists trying to imagine a reason to worry. Humans only reached the tallest peak on earth in 1953 and now we control the planet. Really? What makes anyone think we now own the place? The total amount of CO2 released is not 1% of the total CO2 in the ocean.
As for Kathryn Gunn of the CSIRO.
“My general interests:
I’m from the UK, and moved to Hobart earlier this year. I enjoy travelling and exploring new places – Hobart being the latest. Before moving to Hobart, I lived in Miami for two years.
Outside of travel, I’m a keen reader, and mostly enjoy epic fantasy books.”
Of course.
There are two basic fantasies pushed by the UN’s IPCC
1. that man made CO2 stays in the air for thousands of years, which makes no sense. They also claim CO2 has a half life of 80 years in exchange with the ocean, without any proof. And it is obviously wrong. Every paper comes up with 5-7 years.
2. that tiny extra CO2 somehow warms the air by degrees by itself. And the best kept secret is that no scientist believes it. So a complex mechanism was proposed where CO2 heating alone (which is tiny) produces water evaporation and it’s this water in a hot spot over the equator which causes the heating. Except that there is no hot spot despite years of looking.
So there is really no reason to believe a word of it, no evidence. Apart from the fact that after 35 years, not a single prediction has come true and none of the infallible Climate models cannot predict El Nino/La Nina, the biggest single climate effect other than the sun itself. And used as an excuse when every prediction fails.
And finally that ocean surface heating is patently true and caused by varying ocean currents and solar intensity, as is the current view of the IPCC according to Dr. Judith Curry. And heating soda water releases CO2. CO2 does not cause heating. Even if it was man made which it isn’t.
Why then does the head of the UN claim we are on a highway to Climate Hell? Do they really need the cash? No need to answer that.
On the question of CO2, do you think carbon dioxide has the potential to cool the atmosphere?
The atmosphere regulates the temperature…
… its holds energy and lets it build up, removes energy when there is too much, all controlled by the gravity based thermal/density gradient.
CO2 is a small part of the atmosphere so plays a small part in that transfer of energy.
Using millions of sets of balloon data, the Connelly father/son duo showed that, outside of the influence of H2O, the energy lapse rate is basically linear.
That was my understanding also, but Renee Hannon suggests the NH cooled throughout the Holocene because of this trace gas.
CO2 in the stratosphere cools the planet
PS the original article was published in Nature Climate Change and is downloadable.
“where she makes outlandish claims that “the impacts of climate change are running ahead of schedule”
Schedule??, there’s a schedule ??, OMG.
Cl!mate Schedule® is the latest Fear Factor Bogeyman? From a woman who fled the UK for Tasmania? She’s doomed herself (apologies to all sane Taswegians).
The only ‘schedule’ I’ve read about, apart from Il Duce making the trains run on time, is sumpfink called Agenda 2030, and ‘carbon’ has nought to do with it – although it’s splattered all through their sales pitch. Doomsday cults are odd things.
It’s science Jim, but not as we know it. Or rather, there’s no intelligent life here. Beam me up Scotty.
IIRC there have been a few of those. Seems that they were all printed by “Repetitious Updating Pty Ltd”.
Video about bizarre things done in China such as painting dirt by the side of the road green and dead trees painted green and environmental destruction in China in general. (17 mins)
A bit of green paint on the dirty and dead stuff, cheer up the plebs on the cheap.
It’s an update from the topic months ago but shows China is just as silly, and the lies and deceit are just as bad.
Fluorescent paint coloured rivers and lakes fron the runoff as posted before. Being China they’re probably lead-based paints too.
And yet they’ll depose the USA as the financial capital by 2032, but bigger events will precede the financial ones. 😉
Looks like they have taken a leaf out of Alan Bond’s book – he was instrumental in painting the sand dunes at Yanchip Sun City in WA a pleasant green colour for the sales brochures.
Video from Dr Steve Turley about how two Leftist policies come into direct conflict with each other.
1) Promotion of LGBT issues.
2) Unrestricted immigration of groups opposed to LGBT issues.
Leftist heads explode as two protected groups clash. Which side should a Leftist choose? Decisions. Decisions. Under 9 mins.
Yesterday I read a disturbing article in The Epoch Times : “Transgender Movement Has Dangerous Hidden Motives says Former LGBT Activist”.
The activist interviewed in this article began working for a trans group in 2011. They were funded by the NYH ‘New York Health’ to go into schools and ostensibly combat bullying. However it was to encourage children to adopt LGBT identities, the more children who identified the more funding they got.
On the international level this program and others are supported by the Trans Humanist movement which promotes bio hacking.
“Transgenderism teaches the fundamental separation of body and soul. If a man’s soul or mind is female, then his body can be customised. This process makes it possible to sell intensive body modifications. Doctors are now planning their first human uterus transplant into a male”.
This is all part of the ‘Fourth Industrial revolution” which merges biology with technology thus creating endless possibilities for profit.
This new integrated technology will allow governments to take control over reproduction and population control.
They believe it will all take place in the labs – no humans required.
Who is behind all this ? WEF, UN and BSR – Business for Social Responsibility a network of 300 influential companies dedicated to social justice. Companies who lose money now promoting LGBT have been promised they will be supported by BSR.
LGBTQI – Let’s Go Broke Through Queer Indulgence
(c) 2023 JC2 😁
Well I just adopt a zero tolerance on the matter. Why not as the movement constitutes a subversive and bullying ideology. A little humility on their part.
This rubbish was piloted in Victoria by Roz Ward’s Safe Schools program seven years ago.
I just got a copy of Dinesh D’Souza’s “The Big Lie” about the not so surprising origins of the American Left.
I am looking forward to reading it.
Preview at:
Aloha! Its not credible unless he mentions the Fabian Society as part of our current woke academia agenda. Orwell added 100 years to the Fabian Society founding date of 1884!
APRIL 2023: Ken Paxton Texas A-G opens investigation into COVID-19 vaccines.
MAY 2023: Paxton impeached.
The UN/IPCC is at the forefront of the man made CO2 scam. So why does it need the money
“The UN’s regular and peacekeeping budgets are approved by the UN General Assembly.
For 2022, the regular budget totals $3.12 billion, approximately 20 percent of which is for special political missions alone.”
That should be enough.
“The United States remains the largest donor to the United Nations.
It contributed more than $12 billion in 2021, accounting for just under one-fifth of funding for the body’s collective budget.”
Whoa! Now it’s > $US65 Billion?
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
International Labor Organization (ILO)
International Maritime Organization (IMO)
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
Joint UN Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)
UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
World Health Organization (WHO)
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
International Organization for Migration (IOM)
International Trade Center (ITC)
Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO)
UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
UN Development Program (UNDP)
UN Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women)
UN Environment Program (UNEP)
UN Population Fund (UNFPA)
UN Regular Budget
UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)
World Food Program (WFP)
World Trade Organization (WTO)
Department of Peace Operations (UN-DPO)
UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
The World Meteorological Association has a long history.
It started in 1873 as International Meteorological Organization (IMO). And became part of the UN in 1951.
And in the same year 1988 as James Hansen and Al Gore announced man made rapid tipping point CO2 driven Global Warming the IPCC was formed. Which was fast work. The UN to the rescue on Al Gore’s scientifically factually certain man made Climate Change. It was an ‘inconvenient Truth’, not that Al Gore was any sort of scientist.
On 12 December 1988 the resolution to establish the IPCC the General Assembly announcement was
“Concerned that certain human activities could change global climate patterns, threatening present and future generations with potentially severe economic and social consequences,
Noting with concern that the emerging evidence indicates that continued growth in atmospheric concentrations of “greenhouse” gases COULD produce global warming with an eventual rise in sea levels, the effects of which could be disastrous for mankind if timely steps are not taken at all levels”
Brilliant. And 72 years later what has that word COULD cost the world? Tens of $trillions at currently $1.5Trillion a year. And 340,000 giant windmills. Blowing up power stations. Crippling the planet. And growing economic devastation of member countries.
So what have they achieved in controlling these ‘greenhouse gases’ which COULD produce global warming and rising sea levels?
Absolutely nothing. But they are anxious to shut down all Western democratic countries. To continue their great work.
And Australia is happy to help with massive carbon taxes on fossil fuel and now legislation to shut down all factories, mines, transport by 5% a year until we do not output any CO2. Or buy UN sanctioned ‘carbon credits’ at a cost comparable to our GDP. It’s hard to know how to express our gratitude to the UN.
And I will not start on the World Health Organization whose one task was to prevent world wide pandemics.
And you would have to ask yourself if the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change actually concluded that man made Climate Change did not exist, whether they would tell anyone? Or double down on the highway to hell?
It’s duh new religion, doncha know ($).
I might note that the UN was searching for Climate Change as an idea before 1988.
“3. Reaffirms its resolution 42/184 of 11 December 1987, in which, inter alia, it agreed with the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme that the Programme should attach importance to the problem of global climate change and that the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme should ensure that the Programme co-operates closely with the World Meteorological Organization and the International Council of Scientific Unions and maintains an active, influential role in the World Climate Programme”
Also there might be a bob in it.
And I might point out that Al Gore had a lot going on in 1988.
“The 1988 presidential campaign of Al Gore, U.S. Senator of Tennessee and former House Representative began on April 11, 1987. He campaigned for President of the United States as a Democratic candidate in the 1988 presidential election, against Democratic candidates Joe Biden, Dick Gephardt, Paul Simon, Jesse Jackson, and Michael Dukakis (who eventually won the Democratic nomination).”
Fear is a powerful weapon in elections
“Understanding fear tactics
Fear can sway opinions, but knowing the deliberate and strategic ways in which our fears are exploited can help lessen its effects.
For example, fear can be used to drive votes toward a particular candidate or party—a method that relies on our natural instinct to find safety in numbers. And, a meta-analysis conducted by Albarracin and her colleagues found that messages with fear are nearly twice as effective as messages without fear (Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 141, No. 6, 2015).”
So when Al Gore and James Hansen announced the coming Climate disaster on 30th June 1988 to Congress where they previously climbed into the roof to open all the windows and defeat the air conditioning, there may have been more than science at work.
We all knew this, but the ignorant masses have no clue.
Meanwhile, Australia continues to shut down its power plants.
And how many know that China is BY FAR, the world’s biggest CO2 producer, present company excepted? (Not that it matters but the Official Narrative says it does.)
And how many coal plants will they build in 2023?
And they are building windfarms in the desert on a why not basis. It is seized on by their enablers as proof of good intentions.
Afternoon all,
Perhaps I’m jumping to conclusions here, but…
ABC’s “Just In” has these three stories today.
UK – collapse
Oz, NSW, Sydney – collapse, released from hospital
Oz, Vic, country – died
” Police said the exact circumstances of his death were yet to be determined but it was not being treated as suspicious. ”
Sad news. Common cause?
Dave B
David – also see with a “sudden” cancer diagnosis and death very soon afterwards.
There’s of course a chance we’re just noticing these things more, rather than them happening more often, but the death rate still is higher than the previous 5-year average. However, in 5 years’ time, that statistic will naturally equalise, and the higher death-rate will become “normal”…. Nothing to see here, move on.
Just posted and tweeted
Canberra equal record cold morning from 24 years ago
Tuggeranong (Isabella Plains) AWS Number: 70339 just recorded minus 6.1 degrees equal to 18th May 1999.
And against the growing Canberra urban heat island UHI. etc etc
FWIW – Ukraine
“Latest Headlines Digest – The West’s Tone Drastically Shifts”
Note where the headlines are now coming from
Need more popcorn, this could take some time.
Mind you, the projections don’t show Ukraine taking its territory back, no matter what the NATO fanboys say. So another 100k dead guys and billions more of taxpayer dollars wasted before someone does what they should do right now and sits down around a table to talk.
The point about using old T64 tanks was interesting, you don’t send them out at the front, you use them as fire support for advancing troops, and the contrast of the Russian soldiers getting greeted by loved ones with the Marine going home to find someone cut off his son’s dick so he could be a girl.. I think that’s probably the future of war right there.
Hanrahan, don’t read it, it would not be good for you!
“Trial By Ordeal”
” I’ll tell you why: because we are living in a very badly-ordered society these days, a society in which anything goes and nothing matters, which is a poor principle for civilization. It’s the same principle that has people shitting all over the sidewalks of San Francisco, looting Walgreens stores in broad daylight, pushing ineffective and unsafe vaccines (and lying about it), and arresting people for thought crimes. It’s a degenerate society. Morally bankrupt. Wicked.
You might ask, how did it get that way? The concise answer is that a broken business model for daily life and a collapsing economy have so disordered millions of minds that values are seen as having no value. The scaffold for truth, beauty, honor, dignity, courage, prudence generosity, etc., folded some time ago, in slow-motion, so we didn’t notice.”
More at*-nation/trial-by-ordeal/
..and concludes-
“What we might be seeing is the convergence of a world-beating political scandal with an economy-killing financial crisis that will destroy the entire post-WW2 armature of money and credit. That event would usher in a period of appalling turbulence in our everyday life, severing supply chains, killing businesses, and disturbing every imaginable social arrangement as well as public order.
If that comes to pass, and it’s looking likely, then that will be the last we hear about personal pronouns and trans influencers for a thousand years.”
Which might wipe out the large amount of Govt interference in our lives, drain the all-pervasive Socialism and make people more self-reliant, more self-responsible and more able to succeed, rather than living their lives in the narrow constraints of an Uncle Govt who is here to help, and to make sure you don’t do anything you shouldn’t!
Microbiologist Kevin McKernan discovered concerning levels of DNA contamination in Pfizer and Moderna vials, including Simian Virus 40 (SV40) promoters tied to cancer development in humans
“The Pfizer vaccine has a staggering problem. I have made an amazing finding. This figure is an enlarged view of Pfizer’s vaccine sequence. As you can see, the Pfizer vaccine sequence contains part of the SV40 sequence here. This sequence is known as a promoter. Roughly speaking, the promoter causes increased expression of the gene. The problem is that the sequence is present in a well-known carcinogenic virus.
The question is why such a sequence that is derived from a cancer virus is present in Pfizer’s vaccine. There should be absolutely no need for such a carcinogenic virus sequence in the vaccine. This sequence is totally unnecessary for producing the mRNA vaccine. It is a problem that such a sequence is solidly contained in the vaccine. This is not the only problem. If a sequence like this is present in the DNA, the DNA is easily migrated to the nucleus.
So it means that the DNA can easily enter the genome. This is such an alarming problem. It is essential to remove the sequence. However, Pfizer produced the vaccine without removing the sequence. That is outrageously malicious. This kind of promoter sequence is completely unnecessary for the production of the mRNA vaccine. In fact, SV40 is a promoter of cancer viruses.”
Fakevax ™ is so much more than just a vaccine, once you discard the distraction factors such as Graphene…
…and more on the topic:
Let’s return to McKernan and take a closer look at what he found. In addition to the expected mRNA, he also found mRNA fragments, other pieces of RNA, and two forms of DNA: linearised and circular. The significance of the circular – or plasmid – DNA is important. The plasmid DNA is the ‘complete recipe’ used to program bacterial cells to mass produce the mRNA. This DNA should not be there. Further investigation by McKernan showed the plasmid DNA contained in the vaccines was indeed viable and capable of transformation in bacterial cells.
So, the Pfizer and Moderna vials of bivalent vaccine that McKernan tested were contaminated with DNA. DNA encoding the spike gene and potentially capable of inserting into the genome of an organism.
The question is, does this DNA have the potential to become part of the genome of a human organism and if so what might be the consequences? This would have required looking at ‘genotoxicity,’ something Australia’s TGA says the (Pfizer) injections were not tested for, and the TGA did not ask for.
If McKernan’s findings are verified, the implications are serious. Widespread DNA contamination would bring into question the quality of the entire mRNA injection manufacturing process, safety systems, and regulatory oversight. In addition, DNA might not be the only contaminant.
This contamination discovery begs a question. What does Australia’s Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) know about the safety of these mRNA injections? And what discussions have occurred between the TGA and the OGTR regarding the safety of these injections?
The clock’s ticking…for the vaxxed and gubermint puppets…
SV40 was the contaminant in early polio vaccines that led to concerns about possible increased incidence of cancers such as mesothelioma. It was estimated that some 50 million people were vaccinated with SV40 contaminated vaccines.
Newish news, in Victoria Premier Andrews announced a further $200 million (total now $875+ million) compensation payout using your money and mine to donate to forestry workers who will be without jobs because the premier has declared Victoria’s forest industry finished.
Think about this. Andrews decides people cannot work any more in their present jobs, so he sacks them without asking them. He taxes tax money from general reserves to give to them, without asking you or me if this is ok. He appears not to have discussed this plan, or any better or alternative plan, with anyone of importance. Sounds like acts of a Dictator to me.
But, think further.
Dan Andrews does not own the trees. His government does not own the trees. The trees are not something the government purchased, or acquired by some transaction or decree. There are general decrees that governments own everything in their country from the centre of the earth to the outer reaches of space. But trees? If you declare you own all trees from a certain date, who owns new trees that grow from seed? Trees are transient, not like coal deposits that can be described and stay the same from century to century, more or less.
Truth is, the people own the trees. The Premier has absolutely no authority to propose that trees can or cannot be logged. People have used trees since historic records began, long before governments were invented.
Where are the thoughtful lawyers among us with the foresight and the guts to take this clown on and show the suffering public that justice is still a living word with living meaning?
Geoff S
There is a row of forestry machines parked by the highway with a protest sign near us. I wonder if any of this largesse extends to business owners?
We get our firewood from a mill near Samaria in NE VIC. Its run by a young couple. They have been told they have to wind up shop and are only getting the $300k they paid for their timber lease. Nothing for the mill, machinery, income forgone, distress etc They are lawyering up.
In the mid 2000s a gun shop/shooting range/gun parts making business in northern Melbourne got paid to go out of business as the Police and Govt (are they separate things?) The owner received a very generous payment (multiple millions was the word) to shut it all down and never return to the industry. Such precedents dont seem to apply to forestry.
Its the numbers game, Yarpos. Where are the votes, Melbourne. Where are the non thinking people, Melbourne. If every country victorian voted against the government it would still retain power because the “dont think it through “ crowd live in Melbourne. Close down a firearms business, no worries, so many people in Melbourne would tell you this is a good idea and it would reduce crime. All wrong of course but the numbers in Melbourne over rule all rural votes every time. Close down the timber industry, no worries, think of all the little furry animals it will save. By the way it wont cause any problems because people in Melbourne know that timber comes from Bunnings, not trees.
Where we live the forest is all regrowth much of it into its third harvest cycle, twice in my lifetime and yet the trees are still magnificent. People refuse to acknowledge that a/ trees grow back. b/ the environment today is very different today from what it was and it will be different again tomorrow. c/ While large timber harvesting will ceratinly affect some species of plants and animals it also provides many opportunities for different plants and animals ( think diversity )d/ Dont harvest it and without doubt, it will burn.
Look at the “total destruction” of the last big fire in 2009. Just the latest in the 20 year or so fire cycle, and if you didn’t know it was burnt 14 years ago it all appears as “virgin” bush.
And then, of course, we have a Labour government, you know, the government of the ‘battlers” who cares what happens to a few thousand votes in the country, those country folk are are just disposable. I wonder what the pay out will be to the big mill in Heyfield. That bastion of union run businesses that was paid $30 odd million to keep operating while our own local mill was forced into closure
In Queensland mulga has been used as drought fodder since about 1875. Leads to the description
“About as pristine as a recycled virginity”
Properly managed forests thrive, but another point is that timber is being imported from parts of Asia where logging is not properly regulated and there is no guarantee that unwanted bugs are not being imported with it.
Apparently our local newsagent and stationer has recently had difficulty sourcing copying paper which in future will have to be imported.
I cannot comprehend the willful ignorance and stupidity the Victorian governing cabal. Think of the damage that the state is seeking to impose by planting windmills in granite, not to mention the associated access roads and cable trenches.
Pictures of people with facial tattoos that rendered themselves unemployable in most jobs.
David maddison,
On the topic of unfortunate tattoos, here is an entry. I hope. for Top Ten class. Geoff S
“A Lawyer’s Filing “Is Replete with Citations to Non-Existent Cases”—Thanks, ChatGPT?”
Caught in slips
Speaking of lawyers I sometimes watch Lehto’s Law blog where he slams unjust state laws and police practices, and with 50 states it is fertile ground.
Today he discussed a SCOTUS 9:0 decision against states [and there are a few] which seize property against unpaid taxes and then pocket the whole proceeds. Selling a $100,000 property against a small debt is routine, it seems. Well no more. Trump’s SCOTUS killed the practice.
The only question is: How did these laws exist at all?
They go along with asset forfeiture, proceeds of crime and seizing cash under suspicion, then making it extremely expensive and difficult to get any of it back if you are innocent. Same with bank safety deposit boxes, they get raided, emptied and then you have to prove that what was in your box was yours and gained legally.
No longer are you assumed innocent until arrested and tried, its just a shakedown by the King’s praetorian guards, or the thugs in any tyranny.
Sanctions against Russia have just promoted this to inter-government level – part of the flight to BRICS
KP – tyranny and tranny: so close, so similar, distinguishable only by the ‘Y’ chromosome*.
Another case of the consonant* ‘Y’ becoming a vowel, as in one of my all-time favourite words, syzygy.
“I screw, therefore I am” ”
Texas cattle feeding Ponzi scheme exposed
and until then you’ve been believing , or putting up with, the repercussions of this.
There have been a few of these IIRC
1. Calif. snow survey finds 241% of average
2. What we’ve already always known as none – city fowk: Weather, the ultimate yield-influencer
3. and heading off in another direction: Decoding electrochemical signals of soil health
“Safe and Effective®” –
“Michael P Senger- The Great COVID Ventilator Death Cover-up
This practice of prolonged intubation was apparently consistent with guidance from China. As Zeynep Tufekci had put it, “Chinese scientists” advised “many COVID-19 patients need to stay on mechanical ventilators as long as four weeks.”
The New Yorker featured a harrowing account of one early victim’s final moments before he was put on a ventilator and died—even though he didn’t even “feel sick” at the time he was intubated.
A study in JAMA later revealed a 97.2% mortality rate among those over age 65 put on mechanical ventilators. Patients over age 65 were more than 26 times as likely to survive if they were NOT placed on mechanical ventilators.”
“STUDY: ‘Global warming can cause headaches’ through ‘stress of…changes in weather patterns’ – Makes Parkinson’s, ‘stroke, MS, migraines, & dementia worse’ ”
Is bad luck also included?
Re US politics – an interesting take –
“The Pyrrhic Victory of the Arizona Cartel”
But “the science is settled”
“Unfollow the Science: 300 COVID Articles Pulled, Many Over Lack of Ethical Standards”
A Clarkson review
Unsettled science?
This just in from SEPP. Happer talk at Princeton sabotaged:
“Sabotage: On May 27, the Conservative Princeton Association sponsored a hard-hitting panel discussion on “Why Climate Change is NOT an Emergency.” Dr. Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace, Dr. Bruce Everett, climate economist, and Princeton physicist William Happer were scheduled to present data and analysis to show that adding CO2 in the atmosphere will be beneficial, that the atmospheric temperature is relatively insensitive to addition of CO2 and decarbonization is unnecessary, undesirable, impossible and not happening.
The event was live streamed from Media Central Live, at Princeton University. There were difficulties with the broadcast of the presentation by Patrick Moore. Then, as William Happer began to talk, someone else took control of the media presentation. Several cartoons were drawn on the slides, then an obscene, juvenile one. Just before the video went dead, Happer politely said: “You can see what we are up against.”
Certainly, this was a deliberate effort. One hopes it does not reflect the quality of education at Princeton and the juvenile cartoons are not examples of what is considered mature, critical thinking.”
A timely review of a short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne regarding activism, cancellation of things, and the human heart.
“Earth’s Holocaust” is a short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864) that delivers enough déjà vu to make one say loudly “what else is new”?